CMU DSP The Carnegie Mellon Synthesizable Digital Signal Processor Core Alpha Version Documentation 1.12 1999/06/10 Chris Inacio The CMU DSP Team
[email protected] June 10, 1999 CONTENTS CONTENTS Contents 1 Introduction 3 1.1 Getting and Installing the Distribution . ................ 4 2 Architecture 5 2.1Overview................................ 5 2.2ArithmeticandDataLogicUnit.................... 6 2.3AddressGenerationUnit........................ 6 2.4OtherUnits............................... 7 2.4.1 Bus Switch ........................... 7 2.4.2 ProgramControlUnit..................... 7 2.5MemoryandExternalInterface..................... 7 3 File Repository 9 3.1 Availability ............................... 9 3.2VerilogSourceFiles........................... 9 3.3Documentation............................. 10 3.4TestScriptsandFiles.......................... 11 3.5MiscellaneousFiles........................... 11 4 Scripts and Tools 13 4.1 Introduction ............................... 13 4.2 Verilog PreProcessor ..................... 13 4.3 reformat ............................... 14 4.4 coff_text_dump .......................... 14 4.5 run-test ............................... 14 4.6 cp2build ............................... 16 4.7BuildingtheTools............................ 16 5 CMU DSP Testing 17 5.1 Introduction ............................... 17 5.2 Writing a new functional test . ................ 17 5.2.1 Overview............................ 17 5.2.2 Writing a new program . ................ 18 5.2.3 Motorola Simulation Traces . ...............