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September 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984

9-13-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 13, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1984 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1984 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Bid muddles convention center plans My Bob Tila Simon. said Wednesday that FmHA 5 rcc-c.,s . of 60 da~ s. Monty said. The cIty IS a lso S l a rf\\' rit~r africa Is in Champaign have indica ted Federa l tax legisla tion passed in wailing for a tt.."lsibility report on the that they would approve continued August also affects the plans submitted center to be released later this month. The Carbondale convention center is support for the convention cent er. He by lhe National GroupofCompanies. in a familia r place again - li mbo, Monty said the city will not be actively said an extension of support from The Nationa.l Group of Companies ha s involved in working out an agreement City Council members expressed FmHA officials in Washington is still offered to buIld the conventIOn center in terest in an offer to build the con· between Stan Hoye and the Nalional pending. without financial guarantees irom the League of Companies. He said. however. \,ention center by the National Group of However. the FmHA is powerless to city and the FmHA. as long as the city Compani es Monday. Howe\'er. Bill tl1a t the city would consider such an ext end its guarant ee on the bonds issues industrial bonds. agreement , Dixon. city manager. said several issues requested by Hoye. since federa l tax Members of Fields. Goldman and mu t be cleared up before a decision can legisla tion passed by Congress in ~1agee a rchlt~tual and .engmeerIng be made on the new offer. August prohibits the FmHA from firm , re pr ~e ntmg the Nat lO~al Group Gus Dixon sa id the citv has a lready na med gua ranteeing the tax·free bonds. of , told the counc il Monday Stan Hoye as deveioper of the projrct. Carle said prohi biting the FmHA from that a decision must be reached by early CJJode The city's continued support of Hoy€, gua ranteeing the bonds was an over· October. . . depends in pa rt on the abilit y to acquire s ight in the bill. He ,airl a technical The new tax law puts a celh n ~.on l.he the neces!-;a ry funding for lh{' project. corrections bill dealing with the August a mount of tax·free bonds a mUnicipality Hoye has reQ uested that S) 4 mill ion in lax law is now being considered by the can issue. said. Don l\'lonty, community bonds be guaranteed by the cit y a nd the House Wa'. s a nd l\'Ieans Committee. development director. If the bonds 3 1'P Farmer 's Home Administration. The Simon has rpquested tha t a provis:on be issued before Jan. 1. 1985. the Nati city has agreed to guaranteed S4. .55 added that rein states the FmHA's Group of Companies wiil be a ble to million provided the FmHA guarantees ab ili'. ~ 10 guarantee tax·free bonds. secure the necessary a mount of tax free Gus says some people would lik e to see S9 .45, million, He ' said Congress will \'ole on thl~ bonds fro:" Ihe city, he said. .. the convention center pul somepl ace Da\'id Car le. an aide to .5 . Rep Pa ul technical correcti ons bill before the 0..:.t. Prepanng the bonds takes a minimum olher than limbo, Hurricane drifts near 'Daily ~gyptian N. Carolina WILMINGTON. N.C. (AP I - Hurricane Diana in tensified Thursday. September 13. 198". Vo l. 70. No 19 Southern Illinois University Wednesday as it drifted "with no sense of direction" just off the coast. and thousands of peopi ~ were warned to stay in shelt ers bec:tuse it could still wa nder ashore with 115 mph Mediator to assess wind a lld giant storm tides. Damage from the storm's first approach to the coast wa limited mostJ v to downed tree police-city problem lim bs. sign a nd power hnes. uprooted trees and a broken th- J ohn f\ rul..o"·!' ki people a re ta lking at each other fis hing pier. with some street Siafr Hl'llOrter rather than with each other." floodi ng from heavy rain. ~ o Several members of the serious injuries were reported . audience stated that the 24 Members of the Ca rbondale Gov. Jim Hunt ~airl Wed· chapter of the ~at io nal ailegations brought against the nesdav after inspecting the Associat ion for the Ad · police department by black \Vilmington a rea he didn't know vancement of Colored Peoplr re ide nt s a nd r ecen tl y if the slate would seek disa ter met with a represent2tivp o ( lhe dismissed by the Board of aid. "It·s questi onable now," he U .S, Department of Justice Police and F ire Commissioners said. "The important thing IS to Tuesday to determine what role need to be pursued further. keep watch on It." the Carbondale community ca n They questioned the role Glenn play in improving community· might pla~' in pursuing the The storm's eve had ap­ police relations. a ll egations and the manner in proached to within a few miles Pat Glenn, a mediator (rom which they were in vestigated. of Ca pe Fear late Tuesday. but the Co mmunity Rela tions " I'm not here to investi gate at mid·day Wednesday It was Service of the Department of the 24 a Hegations." Glenn said, drifting erratically from.;O to 50 Justice. had been cailed in by "What I'm going to do is assess miles east ·sou t heast of Ci ty Manager Bill Dixon . to the s it uation here ~md get some Wil mington. In the city. the assess the police-community of your thoughts on what should wi nd blew at 29 mph with gusts rela tions sit ua tion in Car· be done." toaround-lOmph. bondale. Glenn's a rrival comes " If the community is Hea\·y thunderslorms and in the wake oi a ll egati ons filed di ssatis fied wit h the' in· showers poured rai n on eastern against the police uepartment vesti gation of the a llegations North Carolina a nd extended which acc:us ~ rertain officers of then it's up to the community to out over the ocean for 125 miles. improper conn ut::i , do something about it:' she 'The prob:em this morning is Gl enn had suggested that the a id. we have a hurrica ne with no NAA CP hoid the meeting as a Glenn said that community sense of direction:' aid ~eil way to get the Car bondale members need to look for Frank, director of the National communit y' reaction to the " underlying" causes for what Hurricane Center in Coral situation and recommend steps the city terms a problem of Gables. Fla . that might be taken to aileviate ·'perceptions. " "Without st rong steering it. Aft er listening to residents currents, it's like a leaf fall ing She told the predominantl y· express their opi nions and off a tree. Any slight breeze will black group of about 20 people questions about the issue, Glenn blow it in a O\' direction:' said that her goal was to improve recommended that the com· forecaster J fm Gross at the communication between the muni ty consider taking several center. warning " it could Car bondale police department steps such as establishing a strengthen." a nd city government a nd police·community r ela tions Sta ff P hoto by :\eville Lober g members of the Ca rbondale committee and lookinr into Ole The National Weather Service Signing community. way oUicers are trained. said the storm was expected to Don Fehrenpa ker of Johnston City replaced the old sign at " What I want to do is set up a " You should look into the in· eventua lly resume a northerly trac.k. which would aim it at )'Iurdale Shopping Center 0 11 Wednesday aHernoon. dialogue so that both of you can service training of the police. F ehrenpaker. who did the job in 9O-ciegree heat, works for the be Sitting together and working and review such things as their Onslow and Carteret counties :\'eon Sign Co. located in Herrin. out your problems:' Glenn said. di sciplinary and firearms and to the Outer Banks chain of " What's happening now is that procedures." Glenn said. islands. 1nis Committee to check Ferraro's records 8 ,)' The Associated Press Mondale's lax·increase plans government's " Reagancharge would put a "bail and cha;n Card." GMorning President Reagan a nd around America 's neck." Back in Was hington. the Warm, humid : Democratic challenger Wa lter Mondale. on the other hand. House ethics committee added chan("r or storms F . Mondale traded new giiJes said in Iowa that Reagan another element to the cam· and accusations on taxes Vi ce President George Hush himself would likely raise taxes paign by announcing it would Wedn esda y. while a talking about a rms control and more than $500 a year for start a " preliminary inquiry" DIner nears congressional committee said it Ferrar o returning to the con· midrlJe-income fa milies making into allegations concerning would forma ll y invest igate tinuing topiC of her religion, 525.000. Ferraro's disclosure records. 200th field a llegations concerning financial while Reagan and Mondale In other rhetorical nourishes Ferraro. in a statement disclosure statement!' filed by concentrated on budgets. taxes Reagan cailed Monda l", released through an aide. said, hockey ~vin Mondale's ru nni~ mate. Rep. and the nation's economy. deficit·reduction plan a " fairy " I have made th. most com· Geraldine Ferraro. Reagan escalated his recent ta le ," and Mondale said plete and thorough disclosure of -8ports20 All four major candidates criticism with a contention in a American families had gone any candidate for national office were on the campaign tr:.J i!. with Buffalo. N.V" speech that deep into debt because of the in American history. SOFT CaNT ACT LENSES the Varsity Sport 01 the Mind S,..;'I '98,SG GJVewswrap Includes: Exa m l enses & Fitting nation/ world FR EE Co ld Core Kif w ll h this ad if purchased before 6-30-84 DR _ SAMUEL ROWELL GM Corp. 'dragging its fee' O p tome tris t Rf. 148 So. of Energy in talks, U ..\ W president says DETROI T I AP I - 'nited Auto Workers Pr esi~'nl Owen Bieber '1lBfr decJ.~ r ed W~n esda y lhal General Motors Corp. WaS "dragging It s feet a nd said he sees cont ract talks " heading for the ditch" unless HAS A FEW GM's orrers cha nge by midnight Friday, In his most healed statem c:nts in s~ ven weeks of ba ~ gaining. Bieber said the company has dehvered little that the union wa nts on job securit \' fo r it s QUESTIONS 350 ,000. members at G 'l. Bieber said GM a lso had railed 10 deli\'er ~ I S re \ll s ~ wage proposa l. J ob security - keeping a ut omotive lobs FOR YOU. In the l'ml ro SIM es - is thC' union's No . I issue in these talks . Woman contact8 parenl8 of 81aying victilTl8 applications due INDIANAPOLI S (AP , - Fa milies or at least 24 young male thurs. sept 20 victims of sex·rclated s layings in the ~ J i d west must sha re Iheir 1984 a t the grief. says the mother of an Indianapolis man who was killed l

Agreement made on flight rescheduling plan WASH INGTON (AP) - The nation's airlines and the Federal Avia tion Adm inistra tion reached aCLord Wednesday night on a massive rescheduling or rIights in a move designed to reduce THE WELLNESS CENTER deJa ys for air travelers at the na ti on's six busiest airports. The agreement. reached after a week of negotia tions. came when the FAA agreed to airli ne proposa ls capping the num ber or nights A Port of the slue Student Healt h Program a llowed in a nd out of the a irport at Newa rk. N.J . - state I/J Wtm ~@X!jr:M} Nuclear commission to study IN NEWTRITION faults at Clinton power plant

Ti re d of hea ring how e verylhing GLE =" ELL),:\, (AP) - The Nu clear Regulatory Commission Learn the Basics Ihal losles good is "bod" lor you? says it is a waiting further information before deciding wha t action to ta ke concerning a metal problem a t the Clinton nuclear power of Permanent W eight Th is workshop will g ive praclica l, pl a nt in central IlIi nois.An IRe spokesman at the federal com· Loss in this Su pportive econom ical lips o n how 10 eol mission"s Midwest office said agency officials a re expecting further belle r a nd e njoy illao, reports on the recently disco\'ered faults from the owner of the long­ Group Setting delayed plant. Ill inois Power Co. of Decatur . 5 week group to begin ~ Wa8te Ma nagement agree8 to 8eU paru of SeA MON. SEPT, 24 6:30-8:30PM This one night w o rkshop m eets OAK BROOK lAP) - Waste ~I a n age m ent Inc .. the world's You must rc ~ i s tc r by la rgest waste handler. headed off a Justice Depa rtment an t it~ u s t MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 171h TU ESDAY, SEP TEM BE R 18 cha llenge Wednesday by agreeing to ell orr pa rts or SCA Sern ces Call 536-444 1 7-9PM Inc. before compl eting a merger with the Boston·based company. The Just ice Depa rtment said earlier Wednesday in a fi li ng in U:5. Illinois Room. Student Center District Court tha t Waste Ma nagement's proposed merger Wi th 5CI\. the nz. tion·s third-biggest w a$t~d is posa l company. woul d Hea lthy snacks will be served ha ve substa ntiall y lessened competition in several metropolitan a reas. Lotter y enticing thou8and8 to teflt video game OVERCOMING CHICAG O l AP ) - The lI i: nois lottery is e nticing thousands of wagers in its Lest of video lott ery ga mes. but no ne compa res wit h T echniques to ~~i~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ . t~~~ I~.!~·t ~;~:f~ ~!~~h~~ :;;~~ ~ n~o~h i ef:~~~~I~:! offi cer . says ihe company 's la test video venture could become a ACK PAIN Relieve & Prevent toehold on an importa nt new industry. Mulla ne provided the 51 5 lMRff-WSIOll ClASS SHINS Common Ailments mill ion system free of cha rge. The system. the fi rst of its kind in tht:' na ti on . includes a central computer that tiE'l: together 300 \'ideo Emphasis will be o n lottery games a t various locations a round th£' slate THURSDAY, sm. 27 alleviating running injuries. J : JO-S:JO~ 1 his OI, e-lcUglhl workshop 11l

P:l)!(·:!. Da lly Egyplian. September 13, 1984 Pope says end unemployment, give people priority over money

FLATHUL'K. ~ew l o und land " Thank vou. Holv Father," a island economy. ha ., IH:en ' AP) - Pope J ohn Pa ul II representa"ti vc of the fishermen especially hard·h·it. blessed the ha rd· presscd smpl o~·menl. " so tha t uf a Canadian lour. chose to contraception and di vorce. human needs be put before emphasize economic and family Newfoundland has the lowest mere financial gain '" the pontiff issues in this island province. divorce rate in Canada - 109 a told several thousand peop!e wher!;! centuries of isolation year per 100.000 popula tion. less hudd led in this tiny, winds"'ept have made "?\ewfi es" a poor tha n ha lf the level of a ny other vi ll age. He criticized govern­ and dose-knit community. province. ment ow nership of the fishing The unemployment rate is industry, taking the fis hermen's Canada 's hi ghest. us ually At least 80.000 people attended side in a battle wi th the federal double the national average. at a site near the pi cturesque gover nm e nt over their which is now 11 percent. The fi shing commun ity of Quidi Vidi economic future. fishing industry. keystone of the in a corner of St. J ohn·s. World economy rebound clouded

WASHI NGTON lAP ) - The billions of dollars in debts a3 annual meetings of the IMF and pace of the world economy has they struggle to regain their the World Bank later this pi cked up consIderably O\'er Ihe economic balance. month. past year but the long-awaited The IMF urged the Uniled Moreover . the report said. the rebound is clouded by r iSi ng States a nd ot her industrialized pickup in interest rates earlier interest rates and the soar ing countries to work to reduce in Ihe year could - if it per· value of Ihe dollar. the In­ deficits. which it blamed for s isted - " jeopardize the ternational Monetary Fun d said high interest rates and partly economic re\"i\'a l of heavil\" Wednesday. for the dollar's r ising strength. indebted countries." . The 147- mem ber organization " The recovery in the in­ cdutioned that stubbornly hi gh dustrial world remains uneven. Reagan admini stration of­ Taking ad\'antage of the lasl of the grilling season. Doug interest rates. particularly in and could be undermined by the ficia ls br istle at criticism of Hurley. senior in marketing. cooked chee!'(>burgers for lunch the nited States. a nd a strong ne-wed upward movement of U.S. budgel deficits for their Tuesda\' at Freeman Ball. dollar will make it harder for 'erest ra tes," sa id the report. effect o~ interest rates and the poorer count ries to repay I "ased in advance of the value of the dollar. Court orders toxic waste dump cleanup BENTON lAP) - A U.S. Government estirnales of the ckanup cost McDonnell ·Douglas was not company and gO\'e rnment District Court judge approved a included because it had been resume next week. consent decree Wednesday that of the site, listed ... (J8 the worst in awa it ing a court decision on its " We have always been in ­ cleared the way for cleanup of request to be dropped from the terested in negotiating with Ill inois' worst toxic waste Illinois, have ranged from $2 million to suit . McDonnell -Douglas." assistant dump. " While we were waiting, they U.5. Attorney Bruce Heppert Judge James Foreman also settled:' he said. " We would said. " We're glad that they' \" e ordered separate negoti ations more than $ 7 million. have been in the consenting now decided to come to the tablf" Iwtween the Justice Depart­ a llowed to join four other group. had the ti ming been a nd negotiate. ment ar,d McDonnell· Douglas companies in the consent A ~~~ ~f~j ~~,e~ ~ttr:::~h ~~~~ different. .. "We believe that thf" set­ Corp. for payment of its share in agreement. company went out of business. Wedn esday's h ea r ing tlement decree is clearly in the cleaning up the defunct A and F " We're willing to pay our fair It then sued six A and F clients. recessed for about two hours at public interest and. in par­ Materials Inc . s ite near share:' Heyman said . " But including the bankrupt AM Foreman's order so the Justice licula r. the interest of thf" Greenup. we're not willing to pay tribute Internationa l. which was not a Department a nd McDonnell ­ residents of Greenup. We're Governm ent estimates or the .. . to pay 500 to 1.000 times our party to the decree, for reim­ Douglas could negotiate a very pleased .. ' cleanup cost at the s ite, listed by fai r sha re." bursement for cleanup costs. separa te settl ement. Work began in April in an· the .5 . Environm e ntal Under the decree. the com· ALCOA of Pittsburgh. Nor· A court source sa id the ticipation of the decree's ap­ Protection Agency as the worst panies agreet.! to remove wastes thern Petrochemica l of Omaha. company offered to pay $85.000 pro\'al. and surface cleanup is in Illinois. have ranged from 52 including the toxic chemical Neb .. KAM -O H of Indianapolis toward the cleanup. while the targeled for completion by Dec. mill ion to more than S7 million. PCB from the three·acre A and and Petro Lite Corp. of St. Louis govern me nt d e m a nded a 15. McDonnell-Douglas lawyer F site. loeated a long the Em· agreed in ~1 a r ch to pay for the S2:15.000 payment. Hichard Heyman had a rgued barrass River in central Illinois. cleanup. based on the sha re of Wh en no agreement was The companies a lso "'ill Ix· that the St. Louis-based com­ More than seven million gall ons contammants they cont ributed reached. Foreman signed the responsible for orf·site disposal pany was being fo rced to pay too of wastes were stored in tanks lo thesit e. decree under the stipulation of the wastes and monitonng much fo r cleanup and should be a nd a lagoon there from 1977-80. However. Hey man s aid that ba rga inin ~ bel ween the groundwater for pollution.

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a pm-4 am Carry 0.. Dr Dell"ery Hwy. 51 N., DeS oto 457-' 303 51. 5. IlIInol. Ave.-Carbondale 867-31 31 " Ii-' l )all~ E ~y Ptlilll . September 1:1, l~4 P a~\ 'J ~ditorial-- SIgned orficl.,. including lellerl. Viewpoints a nd o lhe' commenlOflln. l.tlMI Ihe opInI ons of , a uthors only, Unligned editorio l, repr.,enl 0 COn,e "1UI of Ih" DO I' Y Egyptlon Ed ltorlol (ommil h'., whote members o r. th" sludeni editor.,".chi"f the ed,lorlol poge ed,tor. 0 "eW1o I loff member , Ih. loculty ma noglng editor a nd a Journal"m School focu lly member LeUe , s 10f w tol'e '" Q • • lhotlhip (onnOI be ".rified will no! be publI shed Studen l' lubmilting lener' mull idar'lli'y ,hem, . lv", by cion and mojor. loculty membe" by ro nk and deportment non·o cademic 110ft by pOl it ion ond depor tment , otn." by , •• id.nliol or bUlmeu oddr.". AIII."er, o r. subject 10 editing a nd w ill b. limIted 10 500 words, lene', of 'SO word, or fewer w,1I b" g ive" pre fer.",. for publiCO100" A comple 'e "ole me"1 of ed llorio l o"d le " e r polk,., opproved by Ine Do ,ly Egyploo n Pol,cy o"d Re Vie w Boo rd ;, o vo il oble In Commu",(ol;On, 1 ']. , . Deficit reduction plan W.\LTER MONDALE pUI his cards on Ihe lable Monday wi th his deficit reduclion plan. Mondales plan would cuI Ih e projecled Congressional Budgel deficit by SI 77 billion by 1989. A large part of Mondale's proposal is raising taxes. There are gi mmicks and unanswered questions in Mondale's plan. Wh ile il is no differenl in that respecl than any other proposal. at least it is a plan that gives some insight as to where Mondale stands. By 1989. according 10 Ihe Mondale plan, S8S billion in new revenues will be crealed. A large parI of that plan is thaI Mondale wa nts to delay indexing taxes, which protects wage earners from inflation. Inflation raises net taxes because pay increases put people in higher tax brackets, While their real buying power slays the same or rises only slightly. This assures the government a bonus for debasing the currency as the government generally ---~ewpoint--­ profits from ri sing inflation. It also hits middle and lower income individuals and families the hardesl because wealthy peopl a re already in th e highest tax brackel and are less affecled by Ihe in· nation rate. Society needs people lilee Craft

WITH THIS proposal Monda le runs the risk that a spi raling in· uemocracy suffers when i:t Nikki Cran is doing much Rena issance. Yet. it took nation rate can have a devastating effect on the middle and lower sociely habilually swallows more tha n "showing com­ outrageous groups of suf· classes. A similar circumstance contributed to President Ca rter's whole any concepts offered 10 it. mendable distaste for por­ fragettes, more Ihan 300 years downfall. Nikki Cran did nol offer nography." She has thoroughly later, marching in the streets Mondale also proposed some spending cuts. Bul there are many herself as a role model 10 be examined the issue of violence and chaining themselves to questions as to whether th e cuts will effectively lower the deficits. Ihoughtlessly emulaled and against women. She has seen fen ces to compe l thei r For instance. Mondale wants to cancel the B·l Bomber. but has no admired. Her "eye-grabbing the causes and the effects. And governments to gIve women Ule plan to replace it. BOlh Republicans and Democrats agree Ihe aging grandstand technique" is not. she now employs the courage of right 10 vote. B'52 bombers need 10 be replaced. so a new plan would be needed to unlik e o ur venerat ed her convic tb ns to " grandstand" Martin Luther King Jr .. now "Hollvwood aura". designed 10 our attentio.1, so that we too would be forced to revered as a courageous and ~~~I~~~ g;,':n~~s~\hl~~:s:~~i~~;J~:J'~IOts Oy compell us into unquestioning may open our eyes. noble man, was jailed fo r his In additi on, Mondale proposes 10 cut $4 billion from agri cullura l consumption of a new product. As for a llegations thaI Cra n challenges of Ihe norms. Kmg programs, but he doesn't say how those cuts will affect farmers. fad, fa shion or fitness. fighl s with por­ would have gone down in hi story The same is true of his $12 million cut in health care costs. It is Nikk i Cra fl stages her nography, I can only point out, merely as an insurgent if the C'ommendable to advocate spending cuts, but it's important to know "outrageous" events in order to as lI;ikki Cran did repeatedly. more radical proclamatio ns of ex actly what will be cut. But thi s is an election year. and a bring to our a ttention ideals lhat she is not against healthy Malcolm X hadn'l skewed the poli ticia n can't be too specific' without alienating voters. Mondrale whi ch have been ingested by our nudity or sexuality. She stands popul;tr perception of what was may already have scared some \'oters with hi s bold call to raise socie ty a nd a re now so opposed to violence against trul\' radical. lending a taxes. thoroughly int egrated into c.Jr women. deserved a ura of legiti macy to svstem that we are nearlv Our sociely needs people who King's civil disobedience. TH E fil·OGET defi cits have ballooned under the Reagan ad· ohlivious of th ei r now -subtle, are not afraid to challenge our Nikki Craft and other radical ministration a nd so far the only proposal Reagan is offering is that but pernicious poison. norms. However, it is ext remely challengers of our unquestioned a thriving economy will lower the deficits. However, in 1984 the Vi olence against women, as difficult to wrest the poj>ula r norms serve to keep our society deficits declined by oll ly S1 5 billion from the original projected advocated bv Busti er and psyche from the insidious from swallowing whole any ~· m ou nt. Th at still leaves a SI73 billion deficit. This \'car the perpetuated by any agency manipulations of Hollywood and concepts offered us. Those who economy has thrived but the decline wa s only enough to put a dent portraying women as beauti fu l !\ladison Avenue. Even the a ppear to be too radical actually in the deficit. or ugl y " things," is one of these status quo alone can stymie sen'e to pave the way for causes A more effective way to handle th e growing defi cits woul d be to issues. Sociology has made us progress . R a dica ls are similar in kind, if not degree. repeal lax loophole la",s. Furthermore, Culling spending, bolh aware of the fact tha t hu man!' necessan ', Today, we might even ask SOCial and defen e, should co me before an\' tax hikes are con· a I'€' far more li kely to perpetrate Queen' Elizabeth I. an un· whether Boy George sen 'es to s,dered. . a ('rime against ~i \'icti m per­ ma rried woman reigning In a legitimize Rona ld Reagan's l\1 ~n.dale ' s plan may ha ve many holes and unanswered queslions. C'c iw>c as a "thing" rather than man's world, gover ned England rouged cheek a nd dyed hair - hut It IS a proposal. It lets the public know where he sland~. and as as an individ ual. This mind-set throughout the most peaceful. or if it's the other wa\' around. hp says, " All my cards are on the table. face up ," . 'ow it is up to the I!) kno\\'n to be int egral to prosperous era it had known, - (; wen Orufv, Gradual£' voters 10 decide whether thcy like tlie hand that Mondale has dealt . murder. 'park ing I he Engli s h Studenl. Hi J;!; hrr Education , Dorms look better after apartment search Ih R('linda Edl11ond!ooClll - a nd the fo ur men behind her l"tafrW..-itf>r A F IU E:>:n, fed ·up wi lh dorm We complain about dorms so mucb we - caught sighl of a \\'oman's life and n 'ad\' to " branch out :' naked leg before Ihe occupant They say ever ything is recently " 'ent a partmcnt forget the hassle and misery they save us lei out a shrill scream. relative: by comparing a D' ra le hunt ing . She didn't ha\'e mu ch paper With an F-rate paper. u'e time or much mone\', so when TilE :>: EXT bedroom was former assumes the appearance she spoiled an ad 'for rented men and one for women, wi th much better. Each room con· empty. The occupant obviously Ilf excellence. Similarlv. bv rooms goi ng at ~J 30 a month. all six resident s in each quart t:' r, He lamed ~ cot - the mattresses had not known al1\'one was comparing on e mossy, s'qualid uti lities included and just a took the group to the men's were about two inches thick - going 10 lake a guided lour of hol e to one mossier a nd even stones th row from campus, she qua rters first. whi ch had a and one tiny chest of drawers, her room that da\', fo r there more squa lid, the former takes jumped at the opportunily 10 gel kit chen. one bathroom and six " Yeah ihev're small. but were several undergarments on the a ugust dimensions of one. She phoned Ihe landlord, bedrooms. According to one great for peOple who want to strewn around the roo m. Buckingham Pa lace. who said he would give her a potentia l rent er , when the sludy," replied Ihe ever-ready To cut a long story short. my The squalid hole in queslion is tour ofthe place. landlord lurned on the lighl in la ndl ord. " It's s pecia ll y friend did not take the room: the campus dormitory - or a t When she and four olher the kitchen a million roaches designed for sludious people - she found anolher apartment. least the popular perception of students turned up al Ihe al>­ ra n for cover in the oven. The can't get distracted in here, And However, a lot of other broke. the campus dormilory. Almost pointed place, the landlord took bathroom had neither lighl nor just keep in mind, $130 a month! apartment -crazy, dorm-hating every student has at one time or them to vicw the r()Oms . Before windows, and a door that You can't beal Ihat. Why, when sludents did, the tragedy of another lived in a dorm, and they started he warned them 10 couldn'l be locked. I wa s in college, fO'lr of us which calls for a few morals: a lmost the same number " remember the rent and the The bathroom cont ... ined two shared a room this size. but first. you gel whal you pay for : complain of the noise, the lack location" before they made an" basins. one shower and one since you peopie want it so ni ce second, freed cm has i ls price . of privacy, the restrictions. the judgements about the place. ' loilet - all 10 be shared by six nowa days I'm giving you a and Ihird, don'l knock Ihe dorms food and especiaUy the price. First they toured the lourge, men. My friend asked the whole one each." until you've lived off campus So what do they do' Move off where they saw a color landlord why there was only one Highly suspiciQUS of whal the first. campus, where they live with television set which wouldn't toilet since the ad had said Ihere women's rooms looked like, my noise (those paper·thin wa lls in turn on when the landlord tried were two in each bathroom. He friend asked 10 see Ihem before We complain about dorms so those cheap apartments), lack it. The lounge also featured a replied that Ihe ad meant the she made a decision. The Ian· much we oft en forget all the of privacy (sharing a house with pay phone - a prelly luxurious bathrooms had two sinks. not dlord took the other sludenl s to hassle and mi ser" th e ~' save us. six people whose fri ends like 10 item, according to the landlord, Iwo toilets, and repealed thaI the worn cal 's quarters. When And if all " 1.5 mi'serables" visit at 2 a .m,), restrictions (no who pointed out Ihat " all in­ she should consider Ihe renl and they got to Ihe firsl bedroom currently residing on campus pets, no room-mates) and no coming caUs are free." the location before she com· door he banged on it and shouted are howling "Balonev !" al this food , since all their money goes plained about anything. " Landlord coming!" and point , they should iry aparl· 10 pay the exorbitanl rent and TIlE BUILDING was divided barged in. The astonished ment-hunting themselves. utilities, into living quarters: one for THE BEDRoolllS weren't apartment hunters. one woman 50metime. Page 4, Daily Egyptian. September 13. 1984 ------SLetrers------­ Nikki Craft's presentation focused on alternatives We are writing in response to control of their own bodies is not politica l and religious decisions. "Choice" impli es a n begin to understand thaI. as the editorial titled ·'Anti·porn pornographic. The culture that Thi s system and its main· awareness of alternatives. Sonia Johnson has said. we are acti\'i sm" appearing in the tries to deny women this right (a tenance is dependent upon the Mainstream education, media, the leaders of the world - we Sept. 7 issue of the Daily right men freely express) is. corresponding "powerlessness" JX,llitics and religion do not in· who dare to chaUenge the Egyptian. As Craft made clear of women. form us of the alternatives. It is existing structures in a spirit of Increasing awareness of the numerous limes during her Rape. inccst. pornography. In the 's best in· Jove . ,'i olence against women ad­ presentation. nudity and traditionally.practiced religion, terests for us not to know. "Positions of power" are seen vocated by such magazines as sexuality are not pornography: male standards of " beauty"' and The power of Nikki Craf!"s for what they are - shaky Hust Jer does not create objeclirication of women's the corres ponding en· message is that we begin to see struclures fueled by a " power publicity for the magazine. bodies and violence against couragement by corporations of alternatives. We begin to see over" philosophy that must Indeed Nikki Craft's actions in women designed to maintain the consumerism are all tools of the that we can control our own surely crumble if we and our the Santa Cruz area resulted in partriarchal dh.order is por· patriarchy to keep women in a bodies: we begin to see that planet are to survive, It is this the magazine being removed nography. I wo~ld ask men to subordinate role. Women who " power" as defined by the understanding. this tran· from many stores where it had consider their feelings were "choose" to participate in patriarchy is irrelevant : we sftlrming world view that guides previously been sold. they prohibited from taking orr beauty pageants are guilty of begin to see that the power we Nikki Craft in her actions. I Awareness resuits in action: their shirts on a hot summer nothing more than mte rnalizing hold within ourselves is tran· challenge everyone reading this it is too easy for us to pretend day. Shirts versus no shirts is the messages we've all been sforming and that the "power" to consider wbat role they can that this violence does n't exist. not the issue. "Power" versus taught by the patriarchy since we try to hold over others is play in saving all of us. men and None of us enjoyed seeing "powerlessness" is. birth - that to be considered of ultimately destructive to all of women alike. from the examples of this material ; We live in a partiarchal world. worth as a women, one must be us . . . destructive ness o f the many of us felt inspired to do Men control aU of the major blond . thin. white. heterosexual. We begin to learn that self patriarchy. - Sandy L. Colbs. something about it. institutions. the vast majority of upper middle class and willing defense is not "unfeminine" but Graduate Student. Psychology The " baring of breasts" by the economy and nearly all of to forfeit the experience of is instead a radical statement of and Sarah B. Hansel. Gradualf women who choose t'? take the "power" to make ethical. anger. our self worth as women. We Student. Psychology. Editorial missed Craft's point of re-educating the misinformed , ApparenUy . 'no 'matter how is not the same as creating articulate. well-substantiated, publicity for those publications. and carefull y delivered a Ms. Craft showed those slides NOWWEVE presentation may be. some with the intention of educating. people still won 't understand it. People who do not read such The author of last Friday's publi cations may likely be editorial "Anti ·porn activism" unaware of how serious the seems to have missed every problem of pornography is. I point made by Nikki Craft in her would guess that her reason for lecture on pornography and the showing so many s lides was an !. objectification of women. attempt to arouse whatever MOM .. Perhaps he was assigned to remnant of conscience might attend the event and slept exist in the less sensitive through it : perhaps he is simply viewer. a strategy clearly dense. wasted on the writer. The writer unfairly compares In her discussion of beaut y CraWs advocacy of the right of pageants. Craft emphaSized women to go topless with the that as long as women do not violent and misogynous ob-­ have the same economic op­ seenily of Hustler magazine, portunities as men they cannot accusing Craft of "countering be considered to be freely pornog raphy with por­ exercising a choice, yet your nography." This vacuous ac· writer insists th at beauty cusation comes from one who contests are not exploitive. presumably witnessed I:rarts' I want to commend STU-e for Clearly and otten stated position inViting Craft to speak. It is that nudity-sexuality and disheartening to witness a pornography are not the same journalist so unwilling to listen. thing. Clearly , he came w ith Her advocacy of topless ness preconceptions and left with his Tactics don't promote pornography was part of a much larger issue ignorance intact. It is con· I would like to address the these that Craft, who repeatedly sexual organ rated in a contest­ regarding the objectification of ceivable that last Friday's "Anti·Porn activism" com· espoused her anti -war like s ituation. women by corporations that editorial could have been mentary which ran in Friday's background, offered the idea of . I understand that a certain profit from that practice. and it written by someone who did not edition in which the civil women arming themselves as amount of leeway is necessary was not merely the "eye­ attend the lecture. disobedience tactics of social one possible solution. as students are forming grabbing grandstand Nikki Craft is a woman of activist Nikki Craft were Your theory that Craft is opinions and learning a craft. ~echl:ique " he mistook it to be. enormous courage and con· discussed. "countering pornography with In another paragraph, the viction who devotes a lot of Your opinion regarding the pornography" by advocating However. this allowance does writ e r accuses CraB of energy to the effort of re­ Craft presentation strongly that women should be able to go not excuse blatant ignorance " creating publicity for educating the misinfomed. It is indicates that you possibly did topless sadly confirms that you and I do not commend an magazines such as Hustler." sad to see evidence of that not entirely grasp or feel the failed to understand the con· editorial faculty that would Apparently the distinction dedication lost on someone so crimes sufficiently to contend cept. By considering the notion permit such an opinion to l . tween e ducating and obviously needy as the writer of that the responsive tactics absurd, you exemplify how publicizing is too subtle for him. that slovenly. irresponsible overrode the message. Perhaps indelibly ingrained the image is ~~ue.,s:t~ " th;;:'~nt sugfo~~~!!. Calling the public's attention to if your tiUe had included the to that which is deemed taboo. Cynthia Cox. Graduate Student. a problem with the hope of editorial. _ Janell Pierce, word "violent", you would have Women's chests are thereby Art. stimulating appropriate action Junior. English. addressed the offenses in a defined in a sexual context only more complete manner. and can therefore be eaSily used Do you really consider in a capitalistic manner. reactions such as writing on Craft's message was inspirational sidewalks with chalk and I wonder how much. if any. destroying violent pornographic profit·making pornography Last Friday's editorial. .•Anti­ men continue to rapt and Worse, winners of such magazines too much a exists in the African Yorba or porn activism" serious ly murder wumen every day. pageants are obliged to promote retaliation for actions like the Nupe cultures where both sexes misrepresents and mis in· The editorialist clearly did not sponsors' products in such a images of a naked woman being are traditionally !lJIClad from terprets Nikki Craft ' s grasp CraWs argument about way that they themselves come fed into a meat grinder, or a ~ :';is~~y~ e~IU!:: pres

Thursday with poetry _Aoute13West~'NC. _.IL' . 993-2183 529--1161 Poet Rodney Jones. lecturer lhelf work. in the English Department. wi ll J ones has had two books of open the Creative Writing poems published . The first. Reading Series at 8 p.m. " The Story They Told of Light." Thursday in Quigley Loungp. won fhp A~$f)('iated WritiQg Tonight The reading, sponsored by tile Program Poetry Award. fffs English Department, willl!e the second book , " The Unborn." 7&9pm first in a series of fi \'e that will wa s nominated for the Lamont $1.00 be he ld throughout the Award. given each year for the semester. outstanding second book 01 Jones wi ll be joined by poems by an American author. 4th Floor Video Katherine Baker Eldridge. from Jones. a new member of the Lounge Benton, and Brenda Parks. Engli sh Department. laught from Chicago. Both women are previously at Virginia In · students and will read some of termont.

C · UNIlERSITl 4. " " •

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Tonight Rosemary's Baby $1 .50 7 & 9:30 R.E.M. October 5, 8p.m. "Ray Charles is the oll/Y Shryock Auditorium genius in our profession .., Frank Sinatra Tickets on sale Now entering his 39th year as a perfonner, Ray Cha rles has left an indelible ma rk on every facet ./ Now of popula r music_ Be it rhythm & Friday &Saturday blues. gospel. country/ westA!m . jazz. or rock; he has dra wn from each of $2.00 7 & 9p.m. $10 & $12 these musical streams a nd created a river which he alone can na vigate. Poil; at HUli~Rtd Student Center Ticket OHlce Thursday, September 27, 8:00 p.m. ~ $12.00, $11.00 an SPC Consorts Shryock Auditorium Celebrity Series = e !loOa uHoa'OfIrn Mund. )' lhto.. lthYndaY I I.IOam !.O f! p m Matl " nrl Presentation 8 II ~»m~ ~r(: " rd phol)l' o"",nac:a'IJU'd "' eH-cu.)' . 830 &.nI w600 p m Page 6. Daily Egyptia n. September 13. 1984 Student work is newest penalty for cheating

H\ Tit., .\ ,.:-ul"ia tt'ct Pn's:-; t r('~lImcnl cllllics a nd c.1mpus fenses makes traditiona l "Let's put it this way: a " Tea chers think they ' II he ':\ L'T1I ye rSlt \' 0 1 Or('gol hhrane:;: or in chool buildings, penalt ies '!lore meaningf!.: 1 by minor it y of faculty members sued if they report cheating and frcshman caught plagi.lrizing s\\ cC!pmg UI> a fter fellow driving home the point that arc wil li ng to report cheating," the student is innocent." two Engl~sh papers la st spnng students, cheating is a n affront to the he said , ", tudents regularly got the expected "r " gr ade fOl " It 's a great. creati\' C! way 10 communit\', And thev a lso complain that faculty ignore On some campuses, students cheal in,:! . along with a morc deal \\' ith the problem." said contend lhat first offenders plagiarism, Students in the themselves are pressin g for unusual penally - 15 hours 01 Julie Da n s, president of th£' hardly ('\'er repeal. The ra re large lecture classes tell me tougher sanctions and more janitoria l sen'ice ill Ih(' student L:niYersity of Oregon student oncs that doare expelled, that chea ting is very common, fa.cult y cooperation in catching union body, " II gi\'cs people a chance .. , would sav that over ha lf of that thev see it all the time, ru.lprits, AI the L'ni\'crsit\' of Ca lifornia to pause and reflecl on wha: the students ' cheat on even ' a t B('r ·ciey. a jUllIor caught they'\'£, done . ..\ nd it keeps the {';l1npus, I think it 's a na ti onal plagiarizing a sociology paper penalty within the em'ironment problem: ' said Charles R, last spnng suffered a similar that the infracti on was com· i\liddleton, associate dean of the fa tc ' a letter of censure in his lil itted .. College ot Arts a nd Science a t Tired of the same IX'r lll a nl'nt record. an " F'" in :\0 on'2' claims tha t foreee! the Uni versity of Colorado at old thing? U. the course and ';0 hours of work ~t udent "'ork drtails ha \'e Boulder, " Wha t do Ame ricans in the schooJ libnlry, stamped out chf'3 ting, Oregon expect when cheating is on the Oregon, Berkeley, a nd the and tah report no drop in their risc in society as a whole" Cnh'ersity of L'tah are a mong a dozen or so cheating Ci.1SCS i..I Try Bil! Daddy· s -=' =- few colleges that now force \'ear. while Berkeley con\'icted Garv Pavela. hea d of the student r heaters to do penance i I students last year, up from Cni\'(ir s ity of Ma ryland's in Herrin with forced campus or com, dght the previous year. judicial buard said the problem Your hosts. Muriel and Dick Peterson offer: munity sen'ice - putting in But these campusC$ belie\'e b almost certainh' worse than Delicious breakfasts time at da~ ' core centers. druJ! that f('l rced work for first of, those numbers Sho\\', Chick,n·n·Dumplings Spaghetti and Ravioli II!I.I!!I.... ---- .. Big Daddy's Famous RIBS CONTRAST AT DUMAROC and much more! ------$1.00 off any Rib Dinner (limit one coupon per person)

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Daily Egyptian, September 13. 1984. PaJ?,<' i Police persist ACROSS 50 Roman - 52 CompOSlllon 1 Soft lob 54 Back in campaign 5 UK nallves 551n - - 10 Vaccmes cl'ude Todays against DUIs 14lakell easy 59 Tire paIlS 15CUS10m 63 SkIP ovel 16 Mld·lel m . Uv .John K r uko\\ ski 64 Favol 09 66 Swamp s ian Wrilrf ;7 SI18nge 67 ChoIce wOlds Puzzle 19 Menllon 68 Correct State pohee will continue their 20 Use logIC 69~ed 21 Ova lions I · .. · .,..... ·C·.. ·Q.· invoh'cment in the Remove 70 Lodgmgs ""4'· ··_' ·0 .... __• ' • ., ~ . 0' .... ' o w .. ~ . Puzzle anllwerll ._,. .. S" ."o$" ... . w " Alcohol Impa ired Drivers 23 Welghl 71 Wllhered ...... 1 . .." ...... VO ' ... _~ ...... , . r_ ,. (R.A.J.D.) program during the allowance ,_ I C. ..~ ... "~c."j . _ \ ..... 25 On -- DOWN are on Page 11. •·•· ...... 11··.···.·..... , month of September. !::qual • ...... · _ · . .. 1 ..... , . . ~I_ I· ... II ...... ' Th e program will cent er on 26 Soothes llnsull 11"" ._ .... 1."JI

five Southern Illinois counties 30 OUlc~ly 2 Zilch ~ .. , . 0; .., •• including J ackson County. said 34 Knave 3 COde 101 " A 24 Leao alloy 47 Checks Melvin Kersten. state police J5 1mpoille 4 Stucco 26 Periormld 49 Chnlcal coun· public informa tion offi cer. 37 Cargo vessel 5 EmIts lIght 27 DelecHve - sellorsorg 38 GratUIty 6 Stale. abbr Vance 51 Length UOIIS " We have directed our at· 39 Transmlllels 7 ()t>,alh notIce 28 Learner 53 Onyx. e g tention 10 areas where we have 42 Fnghten 8 Headdress 29 Whele 5~ E.~ploslve found a greater potential for 43 Fllst Olym. 9 EllOtlC Khartoum IS 56 IslamIC intOXicated dri \'ers to be ptCSslle dance, 31 - Flow ofhclal found. " Kersten said. "Car· 45 Canadlens 01 10 Gels 320ryol! 57lerrtble Yanlo.ees 1 I Thealel SI gn 58 Fmales bondale is one a rea of a 33 Debtols I MILE NORTH ON ( AMBItIA TUR r40Ff F' ROM NEVI it T 11 46 News 12 Class 36 Object 60 UK flvel TURN RIGHT (eO\I) AT l AKESIOf NURSERY G O ' , M ll[ prod u cer for in toxicat ed medIum 13 Iowa cIty 40 Old nahan 61 Gloomy motorists." 48 Monelary 18 EthiCS 41 Weapons 62 Ouk 01 old Kersten said that RA I. D. Unit 22 Ellclude 44 Grooved 65 Bedstead W<1.-i cr eated s hortly after President Reagan proclai med ··:IIational Drunk and Drugged Drinng Week " in Oc tober of 1982 It i' a federallv-funded pro~ram thaI invoh;es law TBE ' tOLD nfurccmcnt departments of many levels througho\Jt the country. MIlE· R.A.J.D. utilizes off-


1';JIl{' R. O:uly Egyptian. Sepl emtu r t3. 1984 Writer says politicians linked to Mafia

Ih U('lind:1 Edmond!' oll conne<"t ion, and not because of brother's project to wipe out the g,uys bitching about how the ·· Professional football is Siaff Wrill'r Waterga te. :\'loldca said that Mafia, was a lso murdered by government violates their civil ~lafia through and through. Halg told :"Jlxon he would cover th(' l''l ;sfia. a nd that Sirhan rights:· Games get fixed. points get Th· ]{('agan administration's for him in t he Wa tergate Sirhan was lIsed by them as a In addition to corrupting the shaved:· he said. adding that cl'1 l1llnal In"e~tlgation scandal only if Nixon rt."Signed co,'cr . political system . Moldea says "almost every major Mafia organization~ are "a facade .. · from office 10 avoid an even The Mafia is flourishing under the Mafia has infiltrated family has llS own football and some of the nallon·s leading larger scandal. the present government, said professional football . learn.·' public figures in the past and Sen. l ....1 xa It has a lso been J\·loldea. who estima ted the pres('nt ha \·c been l:onnC'ctrd :inancerl b,· the :\1 afia in some of l\la fia's annual earnings at Sl 50 with Ih(> Mafia. sa \" s Dan hIS prl\"illC business ventures. billion. " more than what all the !\'loldea. investigative'l ejJOrter Moldea says. and has openl y oil companies ea rn p ut Striegel Animal Hospital and self-proc laimed "goon admittl'd to being friendly with togethe r .. · squad cxpert.·· a promlllcnt Mafia boss. " The go" crnment's not in­ Announces Monday Evening Hours i\"loJdea, a former reporter for teres te d an\' m or c,·· ,aid Effective Monday Sept. 10, 1984 The Detroit Free Press. The ~I\lI.OE .~ SA ID that the CIA Moldea. adding Ihat the Reagan London b ervC'r and T he cooperated with the l\lafia in administ ration turns:.l blind eye Monday 8:00am·12:00pm;2:00pm·8:00pm Wa shll1gton Post. gave a lect ure 1961 10 tr\" to assassinate Cuban on Mafia dealings berause it Tucsda\" night in the Student leader F idel Castro. According appro\'cs of Mafia operations as Tues·Fri 8:00am·12:00pm; 2:00pm·6:00pm Center' on go\"ernment links to him. former Cuban leader "capitalism at its purist." and Sat 8:00am· 2:00pm with the Mafia . t itled Batisla was hand-in·glove wi th beca u se the l\'lafi a is "Organized Crime in America," Mafia bosses. and ha d invested vehement ly right·wing in Phone 457·4133 Molde. painted a sordid huge sums of money in drug, ideology, picture of political chicanery. gambling and on sex and violence in the up­ the island. ~J()!'J) EA s peculated that p<'rmosl rungs of American Moldea said that after the behind the go\'ernment's con­ society. Among the people revolut ion, Castro wiped oultlw c('rn over Latin American ~Iold ea said had Mafia can· {'ntire j\·tafia operation on the politics is Ma fi a concern about nections were former President island, c;uning the ha tred of the security of its massive drug Richard :'\ixon a~d Republican America's most powerful crime operations 10 the hemisphere. . en. Paul Laxalt of Nevada. bosses. These ~·I afia leaders " If Honald H(,(lgan is re·elected . who is the current head of the went 10 Ihe Cl:\. WhiCh, worried I may as well quit my job Heagan-Bush re-election about Ih e threat of Communism because the ;'\Iob will become campaign, l\loldea also ascribed in the Western hemisphere. w a~ institutionalizcd" ·l\loldea !"aid. Your Direct Source for Jewelry the deaths of former President planning an invasion of Cuba The ;'\lafia has a CUriOUS mix Kenned\' and his brother Robert The two joined forces and of dogma . said ~ 'I o l dea - right· to their \\·ork against the Mafia. together engineered the Bay of wing politics combined with 14K Pinky Rings Pigs invasion. st rident support of civil liber­ Pearl & Diamond $15 .\IOLUEA TOLD the small According to M oldea . ties. However. he said. there is a Rings a udience that i\ixon had a President Kennedv found out good reason for it. Right-wing From $90 career-long relationship ·,,1ith about the CIA 's connection with positions arc generally in line 14K Hoops the !\lafia. saying that Nb.on·s the Mafia and ordered a con· with J\l a fia interests, while $9·$12 per pair 1968 presidential campJign centrated in\'estigation into support for ci vil liberties Ruby & Sapphire received 51 million in con· Mafia acth'ities, Moldea said legislation ensures protection 14K earri ngs u'ibutions from 1\lafla sources. that this mo,"e led to Kennedy"s against judicial snooping into $24 50% OFF :\ccording to :\1 0Idl~a. ~ixon assasination. and sa\'s that hi S Mafia affairs. made a fortune from Mafia­ killer. Lee Han·e,· Oswald. had All Gold Chains financed drug op<'ralions in the ~Iafia ties. and ·that Oswald·s ·· BA SIC \!.L\". the Mafia is ·· Golden Triangle"· of Asia. killer . Jack Ruby. was a Mafia playing one party against ~lold ea said that l\ixon·s assassin, a nother"· he said. The l\-lafia is All New $100,000 Inventory resigned because then Chief of verv concerned about civil Staff Alexander Haig ~IOI.DEA S,\ \" S that Robert libfirties. Moldea said. ··1 have 717 S. l!Jinois 457·8533 discovered I\ixon·s Mafia Kennedy. who picked up hi s sat for hours listening to ;\1afia Across fonn Bleyers . ext to University Cleaners

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Gift Certificate Available Open 7 days a week

\TS GOTTf-lE WANTED: HEAT! ANDTHE SQUAilE DANCERS BEAT! FOR C·'·'{Cl-r t+ SALUKI SWINGERS ~p: ;imf?: SQUARE DANCE CLUB .50¢ DRAFTS If you con, and want to 1.00 SHOTS square dance, ··· ., ··· ·· FREE········ come to our dance, Sept. 16 SHOT OF A BLUE at tpm in the Student Center. FLY WtTH DRINK '! For information call Bonnie at 453-5664 or Hal or Russ at 549-5595

Daily Egyptian. Septembt!r 13, 19M, Pa g<.> 9 ---Campus~rre~------newly remodeled authentic Me xican reslaurnn' Highway 13. 5 min. ea.t of Carbond.. ie TlIl:HSIlA \' ) 1t::ETl r\GS : 1-101 WHlnut St. in i\'1urphysboro Lillie ~lstcr Hush I"arly at H Talkie" Fellowship. 3-5 p.m .. Times for the evcnl are: 6:30- 9 p 111 . Friday, Special Sluc1rnl Center A Clinlv Koom p.m Thursday. noon -5 p.m. '17 price oH any H. Association for omputer Frida y, and 9 a .l11 . until :J p.m. T il E UEP,llt n I E :\T of l\i Llchinery. 4 pill. F ':lncr 1135 . Saturday. English will sponsor readings Mexican lunch or dinner Il··C Fellowship of Christian by poets Rodney ,Jones a nd w ith this ad , no lim it of number :\lhl('l C~ . 7 pm. SI\'denl Center TilE l ' :\ITEIl 11',\ Y Training Ka ther ine Baker Elridge a nd Ohio Boom. Shawnee Moun­ Session for Coordinators and of persons per coupon, steaks fiction wriler Brenda Pa rks, at 8 and 010 corte orders excluded. tain('{'r!;. 7 p.m.. Recreation 'nitcd Way Representatives p.m. ThUi sday in the Quigley Cenler Climbing Wall : Student will be from 8 to 9: 30 a .m . Lounge. Offer Good Mon-Thun Environmental Center. i p.m .. l\'10nday in the Student Cenler coupon must be redeemed prior SEC office. 3rd floor Student Old Main Hoom . TE"~ t 1l0STEilS FOil In· Center: American l\'1arkeling tramural men's a nd wo men's to ordering. Association. i p.m ._ Lawson 221 : CAHEEH I'I.A:\:\I:\(; and fl ag footba ll tournaments are Coupon bplr.. Oct. 11. SIU Phoenix Bike Ra cmg Team. Placement Center will ho ld a ;l \'a il able a t the Recreation 7:30 p.m .. Student Ccntt:.' workshop, " Making Ca reer Day Cente r Information Des k . Your hosts Wayne and Illinois Room : Ma r ine Biology Work For You," from 10 10 11 !losters must be returned bv Kathy Qualls welcome you. Society. i :: ~O p.m. Life Science 3 .m . Thursda\" and 11 a .l11 . unlil Oct. I. . Mastercard and V isa 11 Room 4:;(}: Students for noon and 2-3' p.m . l\londay in accepted . ..\0111 (>51\' IptcrnaliJnal. 7:45 Quigle) Lounge. T ilE l:SCI WiLl . hold a Voter p m .. ~:udenl Center Ohio Registrar Training ession at 4 Open Man-Sat Room: outh e rn Illinois ,\I.P II A TAL' O~ I E( : . I p.m . F riday in the Student from 110m Collegla ,e Sailing Club. 9 p.m .. Fraternity will be hosting a Center Ohio Hoolll. ph: 4S1-2442 La \~ son 201 .

\ \\'IIOLE II OC; barbec ~ lI:" will be h('ld al Bald Knob e r os!' near AlI o I aS5 Irom 11 a ,m . until 8 Volunteers Needed p.m . aturday Food and drink will b(' provici<'d . Donations of Gary McClure p i('~ a nd cakrs would be a p­ pn'('131('d For m'J re in­ For State Senate Campaign fo r mation call R93-21iO.

(" \H EEH ('n (":\"~EJ.I:'\"( ; will C lass C redit Available conduct a "'orks hop titled " What To Do With Your Problem Class" from II a.m . Deadline Tomorrow Call 529-2354 until noon Thursday in Woody llaIlB·H2. All majors welcome. TIl E . I.\ C K ~O:\ COn;TY Put your education to practical use! HistOrical ()Clet \' will hold an open house ciuring Apple Committee. F'csII\'al Da\'s. The open house Paid fo r by the McClure for State Senate • Completely Remodeled \\ ill be at the Old Post Office. • New Dance Floor Best in Live Entertainment .------GOOD FOR ONE .. • Carbondale's Best FREE ADMISSION Sound System FRI. OR SAT. NIGHT Top Quality Drinks se rved Sept, 7·Se pl . 8 Quickly and Courteously 14 Professional Billiard Ta Deluxe Sandwiches New Pinball and V ideo games I .(II)'), t-. u... II" f VIDEO AND um & Coke 85c' COCKTAIL LOUNGE . \I " I T It .~OO .~ U. •J ~IIO\\' SO l E. Wa lnUI Carbondal• .t- -_-----_. ------.... -.

Tonite Lee Murdock Crosstown Rivals folk Clultarlst 9pm- lam Tonight. 7 p.m. BILLIA.IBS PAILOUI Tarl.yPark SPECIAL Fre. Admlilion $~ A&.a. aa:r a IfnW I "oln Location: 0111 Moln R"m , ~ ~ .-) Gordons I s,...... , SPC .... tIM c...... hit! Ol.trtcl LI ______. ___ _ iJJ t , Uodka " Collins highlight . ~~l!J~~~ 'J ~ TJ!~ e_,,:.,!.~'! ~' .. ~ ~ ~ ~~~ and as a flash r JJ~~ 'J ~ck LUNCH SPEC[AL I1Ei7:4R more thanjust a highlighter Ilot I'og~ ;15e Switch from hig hlig hting to joHing noles wilhou1 chonging pens. Textor VIENNA ALL BEEF comes in six bright fluorescent colors. each with 0 b lue ballpoint pen. lO am·2pm 1.1 II 11 A.aIL

Available now at your college store.

Page 10, Daily Egyptian, Seplember 13, 1984 f Campus CJ3riefs

IH·;t .... \IIH·. H .,,{\l1t \'''. :''- 111 Ag n l'ulluf(' ShHlUd "nmpl£'lt~ apphl';tllnn fUfl11 :-- If J)1;IIUl1l1~ In JT11{'rQ('\\ \\ IIh (;rtm 11l31"k 1)11:-­ Thanksgiving Break Christmas Break r~111 Ft\rm:o:: :l rC' ;H'all ~l ble at CarN'r l 'lannllll:!. and PJal'{'nl('nl rC"("('ptltln dt':-k l)('adhn(' for In in ~ Ubmll tlflp. apphl'atlOn:-- IS Sept 2 j "ew York City ~Springs Colorado TIlE .I \ C K~II" I"III' ''TY \":\IC:\ 1:-- afft.'nng a 2·(or-1 mcmbcr:-.Illp ~alc through o.. : t. TRlP lNClUDES: 1. For Information on 3\'ailabl(' o Round trip C harter MotorCoach transportation. TRIP INCLUDES: ~ mrmhcr!"hl ps and prices. •07 night s accommodations at the W illiam • 7 nights accomodationo at the Thunderhead Cnn!;!l'l thr \";\IC:\ at ;:)49·53:i9 Sloane H o" cP YMCA. Lodge Condominiums Gan 5. 11) TIlE C \IOIO"II.\I.E Park • Extensive I-d .. "et of information regarding sights 05 out of 6 day lift tickets at Steamboat District I!" offering di!'cOUlll C'd & acrivities in the New York area. Salukl footbail tlckCI!' . The S7 • Parties with live music, cheese and refreshments tl ckel S will be offered lor 5 for • Other ski week activities Homr gam e'S. and will be !'Oold COST: • Discount coupon book dunnJ! tht' \\ ft'k pr (>('·Nhn~ each • $199/person on or before October 19, 1984 ~~ :~i'1 ~hle \~i k ~,t(~ l ~~ ':t~~nd~l~ plus $10 refundable damage deposit. COST Park DI~tncl f)((IC(" 1I 1" kory LodgC'.1115 W Sycamon'$t • $229/person on or before October 12, 1984 SlGN UP lNFORMATlON: plus $20 refundable damage deposit. Til E ~Il IIFFII"E or In· At the SPC Office, Third Floor Student o OPTlONAL BUS TRANSPORTA nON t('rnallnnal l\ gncuhurc will Center, 536-3393. $75 deposit required upon sign-up spon!'or 1'"Ie 19f'4 World Food Da\ ('on(('renl'e. (rolll 11 .un 10 2 p'm {kl 16 In • tudent ('{'nler For more information or to sig n up for th~ t1 ip. contact the Ballroom B. Fur inform311on on Stude nt Programming Coucil. Third Floor. Srudent Center. In e\'C'nl. participating til(' ~ 36·3393 . contact Howard Olson at -4 5:\· 2310

FIlEE ~ 1 (\TOIll"\T I.E courses will be offered by the Safe!\' ('erlter beginning Sept. 17. Course ;>\ 0 . 26 will meet from 4 to R p.m. l\lcnday, Wednesday and Fnday from Sept. 1i to 28. Course:'\o ':.7 will meet 4-8 p.m. Tu esdav a nd Thurs-da v and 9 a m to' I p III Saturday. from Sign'UP Now for Campus Interyiews <'pt. 18 to 2~ For rrglstratlon. contact the Offi ce of Contll1ulllg Education at 536·7751. G08pel rock band to pIa y in Marion TAKE THE Ch ristia n rock performers I Leslie Phill ips and White Heart will play at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the i\larion Civic Center. Ti ckets are S5 in advance at local go pel bookstores a nd S6 al I I the door. Phill ips receolly recorded her firsl album . " Bevond Saturday :,\ight: ' on the Myrrh·Word label. The 21·vear-old nati,·p or OUT OF Los Angeles said she became a Christian 11 years ago through contemporarv Christian music . .. , feel ven : at home in front of a n audience'of student s. Maybe It 's because of my age. but I seem to under ta nd a 101 of the day-to,day struggles tha t students go through in com· mitting their Ih'cs totally to J esus. , address these issues and call for change in ways tha t students understa nd ., Phillips als o recentl y recorded" duel with Paul Smilh on Ihe Imperial" album . "Side .' Join Em~ Elect:ric - by Side:' _ J _= - ' White Heart. also on the )'1vrrh recording label. is a six, A career with Emerson Electric's Govern­ Make YOLJr iirst career decision the right one. member ba nd whkh debuted its ment & Defense Group is the choice of many Join Emerson Electric. We'" be on campus fir t a lbum release in February Thursday, October To arrange your 1983 . It calls its music con· talented technical professio'1als. For diverse 4, 1984. lemporary pop. rhythm and projects. High visibility. Advancement interview. contact the COllege Placement blues and rock wilh a rresh opportunity. Office. Or, if an interview is i ncoovenien~ sound that is inspirational and write to: s piritu ~l. The Government & Defense Group is leading For in formation about tickets. the industry in designing and manufacturing Robert Hiles call ;49-4734. ~r write P.O. Box high technology armament and electronic Manager. College Relations 676. Ca rbondale. systems, includiog radar, EVtI, and automatic Emerson Electric Co. test equipment And our involvement in these Government & Defense Group Pu:ule an,wer, areas has created many challenging career 8100 W. Florissan~ Station 2218 ors SERA opportunities. St L(Jt;is, MO 63136 II AB I T E X AM I l I ARC I T E Our people experience all the amenities that We are an equal opportunity employer in N T R I BU TES our leadership position affords: excellent every respect U.S. citizenship is required. RAP A R PE ES PRESTO compensation and benefits. tuition reim­ R l RUDE S:OW bursemen~ in-house and professional IP ENDERS seminars. aod a superior work environment IS TEAM PAPER where our projects themselves are an l L'"' R NUM ERALS ~ EMERSON ELECTRIC CO. pus RE AR education in specialized electronics. I_ Government & Defense Group sre TREADS IT ONCESS I ON ~IR NDOR TRUE L NES IS SERE Daily Egyptian. September 13. 1984. Page 11 IBHE resolution called strict hut good H" Jdf ('uri have to be longer and elect i,'cs go to community colleges or Sfa rf Writer but for th r work field as well. would have to be dropped to attend summer school c l a~ses to Both said one of the major Directory make room for those standa rds, make up requirements. he said. Three local ('ducalors say that problems they sec in students He said his high school now has "Crit ics of public school lea\'i ng hi gh school is a the tough('r unh'e:-sity ad· five academic periods a nd an i';ucation have forgotton about miss lnn standard:.: requested 10 defiCiency in \.. ' r iting kills, hour (or lunch. and the blC freedom of choice." he said . Four years of required English a resolulion b,r the Illinois academic periods are already " They' re taking a \l.·ay a Auto Board of Higher Education might change Ihis, they said. limited because of requirements studenl 's option 10 decide later Port. & Serwlc•• would better prepare high such a health. drh'er education in hig h school that they want to Don Beggs. dean of SIU·Cs 5Ochool students for ('ollege, but and physical education. Motorcycl •• attend a four year college. and College of Education. agreed. Hom.'. gh'e them fewcroptions as well. " The da\'s of the consolida ted I'm not so sure that's good." but a lso said that stronger MoblleHome. The resolution. disclIssed at high school a rc going to be a Dale Smith. principa I of college admission standards recent IBHE meetings. urges all thing o( the pa st. " said Bowers. Ca rbondale enl ral Hig h limit the freedom high school MIKe-naneou. public universities to request St ronge r back · to·basic SchooL said more positive than students have in choosing Electronics that by 1990. admitting students curriculums wi ll (orce students negati \'e results would a rise out classes. Pet. & Suppll •• ha,'c ~ou r years of English: with other inter ests. like of stricter coll ege admission Blcycl .. ti •. 5294 t6t TOUCH Of T.n tkru nin.I •• n dOY1.33 c.nls pel NATURE ENV tR ONMENTAL CENITR & tI'oTRAMURi'.L RE-=:. SPORTS line . per da y. " Evervcne is entitled to their Twenty or more days':'- cenls per apprehensions. but we really lin• . per day . don't want to scare people when it's not necessary," he said. "This was a tame pet. fed and A ll Clo,,=fied Advertising must be pelLed by thousands of kids over processed bo!or. 12:00 noon 10 the years. And a pet s:lake is a ppear .n ~e.1 day ' ~ publication. Anylhing process.d ofl.r 12 :00 like' a pet kittycat or a pet THE noon will go in the follOwing day's anything else ..... publ.calicon. Penny di sapPP'a red more than T h~ Do ily Egyption cannOI b" a week ago (rom Animal 1::n· lesF"c.nsibt. for more than one counters tnc .. a non·profit group BIG doy' s incarr.ct ins.rhan. that brings animal exhibits to Adv.rtis e n a re respon,ible fo r the nation's schools. Despite ch.cking adv.rti,.ments for J ames' offer of a $50 reward, e rron . Errors not th. fault of the there were no reported sightings odverti,er which l.u.n tl-l ....a lue of t l-l e od ... . r t is m.nt wIll b. of Penny during her absence. SPLASH adjust.d . If your a d o pp. a rs " We've received a number of Inco rrectly . o r if '1'0 ;.1 wisl-110 co nc.1 different call s. mostly from your ad. ca ll 536·3311 before 12:00 parents and mothers that were noon for ca ncellation in the n.", t afraid to let thei r children go out doy's iuu• . to play:' said Ol ney police CONTEST ------1 Any c.. ' which II ca ncelled belor. di spatcher Rob Akes. • • pirotion will be chorced c S2 .OO " We had some kids call in that s.rvico I.e. Any .. efund und.r Children, individuals, student groups, and organizations S2.OO will be forf.ited. it was out in a tree e:lting No ods will be mis ,dossified squirrels and another that it are invited to join in the fun to make the biggest splash Classifi. d adv.rtb ing musl be was attacking a dog:' Akes paid in advo nc ••• for those said. "Neither of them was in Carbondale. Friday, September 14, 8.9p.m., Recreation occounts with . stablished credit. true Center Pool. J ames said he'd heard some threats to kill the snake on sight . but many people were sym­ Register day of event 7· 7:30p.m. in the Pool Office. (, ...----h,J 1o, looIIl",forolo"'1 pathetic. I IItr:lmUr31 ___ C...... t ... "We've gotten a lot of sad H,,<,rf':\I'(':ml j, letters and phone ca lls from Sro, t ... D.I. people really concerned:' he t-----Make A Splash!--- ''ll· ~ C!... fl .... ~...... ;;;.._~ __I said . " Folks you 'd never " u~ Page 12, Daily f-:gyptiar:, September 13. J~ V :lily'Egyptian 536-3311 Classifieds

198.1 CHEvErrE. EX CELI.ENT 1976 i50 BONDA motorcycle. ~ooo 1974 \" W Bl'G. good condit ion. condition. 5"000. or best offer . 687· cond ition. $950 or best offe :-. Call JENN Y'S ANTIQUES AKD used Call f.R4 -4340 902r: \ 320 r 3264 . 8349Aa20 r>R:\ ·2005 . 91 Z9Ac20 furniture. Buy & sell . Old Rt. 13 W. . turn soulh at Midl and Inn 1976 n ODGE 1 ~ pick-up w - ('a p~ 6 '77 BLACK CAM /.HO. po y" er c\') . 3 spN'd Must scll . B-O :)49- ~~~ ~·i~ ~~A\th~J ~Sx~~s. \' ill'o~~ . Tavern. go 3 miles 549-497~ 9Af32 1~'l8 ~: :ro:\ a20 ~~~~~~~~:~~r~~~ :J~r ake~{~ ~ 0:\47 9151A c19 \ -W BEI-: TLE m llst sell. Gr at n. 19i4 YA P.,AHA 500. gre a t con· shape $900. 4 :'7 - 2953a fl crg l~~\ a I 9 ~:~{i;c l ~ r~ ~cP~ {"bi~ a~~~ n~~'gi'~~ and bod\' in excellent conditIOn . 1 : : ~o~'1 ~~~ ~2.f,~ · $450 fi r~~8~~1119 ~~~o~ ~r~!~ 5f~~~~~~~ . b . o . Call 19RO !lONDA 125CB. New baltery ~~~6d n l~~: ~~\~7~:A~ . \~Ct8~K::ro 9161Aa 21 & rear tire. 53..=;0 .00 Call a nytime f)8; ·322.'l . 9170Ac 19 )980 VOLV O GLE Au turnalic, MGI! CONV ERTIBLE . WIRF; ~unroor. air. lea ther seals. l...oaded ..... heels. loY.' miles excellent con· '82 KAWASAKI 55(). good cond & in excellent condition. 549-:11 5. dition. call-157-5037 after 7~~ Aa 20 Low miles. runs great. 511 00. Don GITANE 27" 10- Grand Sports dc 9183A321 549·3fi.03 E\'en. 91GiA c20 Loux('. \ 'ista Carrera 10·5. weight set. 2·i5W speakers. 45i-4985. 1973 rlIE \ 'EI.Lf<': -I dr., 8,';.000 1977 J E EP RE i\' E GADE. Soft 1972 CB350 HON DA . luggage 9165Af20 011 • runs well. S700 or best offer. top.lock out hubs. casso stereo. Phone 549-Ji34 9174A a20 GOod co:.dition. S2500 . o.b.o. 549· ~~~~ . h~I~~~ fcn~er~rb~~~~u~Ou:: !)ANBY MIl'\I -F" RIG IS H " X 22 5792 . 9238Aa20 !A50 Call 549'6075. C\'enin\i20AC26 \\ ... X21 !)" excellent condi tion 570 'i9 BU ICK HEGAL V-B. cruise. lilt. 549·8559. 9186M23 a-c, red w' \'inyl lOp. Excellent 197 1 OLDS Cl'TLA SS. Kew t i ~ condition J53-173 1 91;;A320 RI K ..\ WASA KI : CSR650 e xtra ~l~g. ~:x, . ~~:!~o~err:~~: ~ ~ g clean. su p{" r (asl. lOIS of e xtra!i 0226:\a22 SEA SWI NGE R SA ILBOAT . 197i r HE Y)" :'\' O\'A - must s ell ' must sell . 52!l·3281 92 14.'\ c22 We're talklOg fun here! 529·2483 Runs well. S550 or bes t o((er 529· 92C II PHE· 1960·s ~~!~~a r~~ . ~w,s~r ~t Foi : e;a;:9 : 'ij F o n D I.TD. 4 DR . . PS. PB. 1~74 HOKDA 350-4. ex(,ellent ~~()~i r~~. F~r~~a ~~ ~i~l~i.O~ :\~i ~ AC. " ruise. new battery & tires !\ l E~'S a nd women·s clothing 100 H37. 9142Aa21 condH ion. 11.000 miles. headers. F: .Jackson Tue·Sat. 12·5. Look (or maOu EX'!:ellent condition. must sell. 5-1 9· ~ r~o Ba fas~~§.~ri°n~I~~n 'i6 F OHD ELITE (H.OOO Inlles :,18.8 92 44 .\327 ~~~ ~ s~~ir~~ ·~ .~~~~fi~~~ie5 orange-broy,'n awning. 8921 Af36 ('\"enmgs I. 9160Aa2O SI200. '77 P into Squire Stn. w~g pin 892iAc22 S1500. '78 Che·.ette . a utomatic. ·75 PO:>lT I,\ C ASTR E. ' ·speed. SNA PPER rOMET HID I:"1 G Jawn 1973 Bl'IC' K LESABHF:. body fai r 39 000 m iles SI800. '79 Datsun 210 KA WASA KI 1'7..650. 1979. Excell mower In good condition Ca 1l 549· conditIOn. {"ngme runs good $450 S1950. AA A Auto Sales 614 E . ~:-arf:r . c~u~g_I~ ~e \~s~e~~L . e4g~~~: ;;703 after 5' 00 pm 9063Ar22 abo. 457·7321. 902.')Aa23 Main. 549-1331. 9038Aa19 brakcs. new master cvli nder . food ~~d~a r~~9~i.t~29~~~~ ln~2f:l~t G E ELECTHI C DRYEr: 0" 1971 CHEVY I';! ton V-8. 3, sJ>C(.-d. ~~a ~~ li~s. ~i ~\~~~: i~ ~h ~~ ~~r cell ent condition $200 firm. {"ars 1973 VW BUS. Perfect mechanical 40 pint dehumidifi er. l.'xcellent $&00 or best oHer 457 -MiS condition. Looks good. f l900 or best Beetle engine. ask for Sl000. Ca ll ~~ II~~i~Os~· n~~~R ~(' . ~~~ K ~ r b::; 9199Aa2O offer . 1-893-4088. 8512.\a23 Charles al night at 453-3250 or 453- offer. Call 985-81 87. 925 1Ac21 condition. $200 firm. 457·2622 lea\'e 3585. 911 5Aa 19 number 9Z.;3M20 19i6 FORD PI:\TO. Low miles. 1966 MUSTA NG COUPE. 289 V-8 1~75 400 YAMAHA Enduro. S375 .00 S7:!5 :\('w ti r es & excellent con­ a utomatic transm i::;sion. new in­ 1980 !)ATSUN 200S X. a Ul omatic. o b.o. 529 -4880. 9248A c28 dition 549·1258 91 94 :\a20 t er ior . ne w ~ a ;n t. complete ly a-c. Great school car . 53.400. 98.'1. Electronic. 3330. 92..;3Aa23 7? \tCSTAi':C ;\tACH I. V·8. auto .. d6 ~! gr~~~ l~ii~~~ : $4 000 Mobile Home. stereo $750 or best offer. Call 457- 1982 ME RCr; RY CAPHI RS. C RB78 after 7 pm . 9198Aa2O loaded. turbo hood. Ka mei a ir Oeor Custom e r' 1976 12x52 ALL e lectriC central a ir. So meone who kno w s yo u 19i1 n\' SL"PEHBEETLF: & 196ft ~: ;:{ p ~~ ~C kt~ ~e~ u~~r i ~~'s t~~~ call 457·21;9 weekdays. 8324:\e020 GLOBAM-ttb wheels. black over re d . call 529· k nows n ..... and ha s leorned ~~~n~~smf.{:S (\~~71 . P~ltr~:.ii~lenl 1329. leave message 9255Aa24 that Stereo a nd Televis io n 9195A a20 12x611 W·AIR. 6 ties. wood burner. ts Re poirs n e ed not b e e"pe n - l ·i-~ ~. I IMPORT~I~S . Marion ~~f. i ~~t. r~ For l il~O ~~ . 'S,,~;~ 1973 C Hl'~ V Y 1:.0 ton V·S. auto. 5.175 __ Carbondale. IL ~fI and Service. neg 529-95f~ til 2 pm. 457-2745 a ft er or best ofli'r 45H187S . 9200 ..\ a2O 8 pm. lW 26Ae20 ~~ken~; p~~sef~~ I ~~ ~i~?ie: FrXlBIJN f'iIR PAm so m e day service . o nd o ff e r 19i9 I:';'X7 . .",JR . s u nr oof. tape USED TIRES. LOW prices also SHAL IMAR. 1972. F RO;\lT and free esti m ates w ith 0 90 deck. Extra clean. S65OO. 45i-7946. II."' ..... on new and recaps. Gator Texaco. rear bedrooms. new furniture. new day w arrantee. Li ke t ho t 9058:\0'136 529· 1644 5~·2302 . 1501 W Main. R52iAb26 s o meo ne you k n ow. ( a ll ~!fh.\~ r~~~d~ka~. 4~e lJf~·~I~ Allen's T. V. a nd Sa ve . 1973 PQ:'\TiAC GRA:\D Ville a lso Country 501 9·5596. R.'59Ae31 1976 Pont Le Mans, hoth with ai r & ~9 · 5936 All en ne ..... t ires. ;\l ust ell. 549-1258. AUTOWORKS VERY (, 1.E A ~ 12x50 at Hoxanne 4103 S. G raham !H9iAa20 Foreign & domestic ;\l obil e Homes. S3700. 549·8026. ; 1 DODG E COROl'ET runs good . Body and Mechonical 9117A(> 19 $450 00 OBO. call 529-4395. 9216Aa20 Repair . SPA CIOUS 12x65. 2 bdr. Central CARL IIICK 549·5991 TR 6·7f; · C AR ~lI i\E exterior. Ian PREOWNED CARS f~ ~n . ~·S5!& ~~:b~~~k J:IIMPII11JI EXTEIIPIII5E5 IOlCr ior. deluxe s tecnn" w heel. RATE A+ BECAUSE: CA HBOl'\ DAI .. E 12x55 e leona 2 Author"'" Epoon o-I.r ~~M;Fs~ i:~~~?~ ~1~ tl~~~0·. 1 ~~~f~~~ Motorcycle. ok. dash uriginal owner. excelle nt ~~ :~;di ti~~~;~.n~._ ~~~ All Epson Products have 9140Ae20 condition. S39OO. 349-2189 or S49· - They a re preselected a full one yeorwarranty ! ! 4364 . 92 19Aa23 to mee t Beck s tandords SUZ' KI GS IOOO L '79 Excell ent CAR BONDALE. 10x50 fu ll y COMPUTEIS condition. Low mileage. lots of remodeled, h lrnished. shady lot. CA ~lARO 1974. 3·speed. air shocks. chro m e . head e rs . (' ra s h ba rs . wide-back t ires i'\o rust $1750 or P leasant Hill Trailer Park. Must EPSON a X- Io S2588 -Th ey are e x t ra clean c r uise. s iss\' ba r . custom seat. see 529·3019. 91G6Ae21 w / desk and p rintor best offer . :'29·5304 a ft el 5~fA~20 and quality inspected. ~~~i ~~~ &. more. Call rz:~2~i In: MODEI.ED TH I SUMM ER EPSON GENEVA S995 OWN A PiEC1-: of Ca rbondale wl:h 10x12 st udio a ddition with MK Notebook Computer -90% of Beck pre- 'i5 YAl\l AHA XS 650 Excelle nt <; kylights. Wood sto\·e. micro ..... a \'e. EP)ON left historv. Das Boat. was a 1973 F ord condit ion. Ma n\' ext ras. Low HX ·20, 2 $399 $;~0~~9-~~1~ cO""e rtib l e~sl~~ owned cars qualify miles. $750 OBO 536·iill ext. 246: air. All a ppliances. Landscaped IBM PC boCK $1970 for the Beck 12-month 457-6489. 9110Ac32 ~~ ~h s~~d~~npc~~t~ ~ : ~~i.~ SANYO S50 $849 or 12,000 m ile warranty. or ";-4 ;89. 9028Ael9 FRANKLIN ACE 1000 S799 i~~P~~~l~~~~IYCa~i?~95ri ~~ : INSURANCE WANT TO SELL your trailer w / drive & software ~II anylime. 329·5 18{1 9262Aa21 -Up to .. 2-month Low Motorcycle Rot •• A DE classitied financing is a va ilable . ~i~~~ ? ~J~ PIIINTIRSAU Alao EPSON RX·80· Special S299 Auto. Home. Mabile Home 19n HALLMARK 12x60 m obile EPS" • RX · BOF/ T $399 -The re is a w ell­ horne. w·tip oot. Good condition · I HoaIth...... orGrcqlo balanced se lection ~~2 S68Qt) Call after 5:30 !N~A~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~OO ::: of mok e s and models a t affordable p ri ces . A Y ALA INSURANCE BOil'! I EPSON LQ 1500 SU95 457·4123 ~hr oug h ~ ul . t ~~~~ r a l e:; r . cS5~ggA I COMREX CRII $599 includes move. 529-4()3:t 8907Ae21 I (daisy wheel) SEE fOR YOURSELf 2 BO RM. 10x55. New Furnace a nd I COLOR MONITOR 5250 Q ~:~gri;b~e~ ~~u S~~n~')4~~·3 .$2 ·500 (Soka ta '3") SUPPlIES Single Sid ed Disks $15.95 Soles e Service eLeasing TIX'LE I. MllCellan_u. I. Double Sided Disks $29.95 '-19-7S-I-IO-' D-A-M-'O-'T-O-R-C-Y-C -L F::". -,;o-. ,~ 3.. E. Main l ~O E . Ma i n Prle...... up to 35 " Car bon do le . Illinois c\'lindcr $350. Ben fo~ ra nkli n wood Carbondale.IL 'I, loMe Sau1h allhe """'" siovo 575. 684·60113 a ft or 6 P~'MI~ 529-4050 529·1000 _I

Da ily Egyptian. Septem ber 13. 1984. Page 13 COAI Pl' TEH TER MIK AL . USED I;' RK ITl,; HE &: Antiques. ~ll CnO - T('rm Inc Mime-2A . Inc Low prices. Huy & sell. Maka nda. C Al ~ TF.H \ · ILLE . 2 BD H un . YOl' H nw~ FIHEPLAC F: . modem, ,f,O 549--1 336 9158,\ g2.0 Phone 549·03;;3. 853I Am46 furlllshed a p!. newlv huill .,.,.·drvcr I \\asher. dryer & large dining hook·up near hcacti al Ca rtervil le room 4 or :; bcrlroom .. on .1:lrnps 5t ('O i\·tPlITEH FOR SALE i\ CCCSS SOFA S. ('1-1 AI RS. LAMPS and Call (,'0 11 (>('1 R33-3000. 83:t5Baio Priced arfordable for 1 or more Illusk from home Fa~ter res~nse tabl es. Whatever il mG Al'>D A·nV KEYBOAHD with \'C power f'OL'R BDRi\l HOM E fo r rent. 3 dining room . In e xcellent con· 7151. 111. A... 4S7.7OOt supp.)\, . }\lmost new. Amplifier \TS. old. 32 acres w- 4 acre lake. dit ion Gas heal. nice va rd Free a\'allable. Besl orfer. GRi ...H 99 or 13ui h in sauna . large outsid·; deck 549·2793 9Oii.-\n2:1 & baskelball court. J ust I!; min. r~~~ ~~~R9~~f{7 6 1 ;~~:ti~~m o . 549· South of Ca rbonda le. S600 a mo. . I1884Rb20 STEREO .lay. 98.') -6466. 8929Bb3; C.L f-: A~ AND WE LL kept. 2 SABIN AUDIO i·] ·'-O', CLEA :'\" :J BDRM. house. large bedroom house for rent. Fur· We'lI beat a ny price in town ~·t~ · Close to campus. ~:JJ B9~:~ C~~r~~7 - ¥:~ : air condi lI 0~1 '2:~t~ TDK SA .a $2.00 MAXELL UDXLII.a '2.00 Apartmenta MAXELL UDXLIIS.a $2.75 AFFOHDAIlI.E EFFICIEl'> CY & Mobile Home. one bedroom. furniture. utilities TEAC METAL .a 14.00 HlIGF: TWO BD HM apartment in 2 included. in Carbondale. No dogs. \'r Illd 4·apt. ,,:,!;..ju:ti on old !3 45i-2948 9208Ba36 Naw AR Turntabl •• I. a uml.y ar"'a. extremely well ­ i~i~ ~~t hS~ ~~~~T~r~~e~~~9 : CONTACT In Stock In sulated. central air . 5oJ 9·3973. F:n- IC IDi('Y APARTM E:-;TS Pets and kids ok. S300 mo. 529-2128 ALL (0 AUD IO DI SK S AND mornings be!'t R92f1Ba27 F OR rent. Lincoln Village Apts. or 549·5535. 9069Bb23 ROYAL RENTALS Clo!'c to camlcus. Furnished. qUi et. MASTER ALBUMS fOR CANaU.ATIONS IN :'\"ICE BASt-: ~ tE~T APr\RT· ~~ ~~~~~8.')~ tph~~~c;s-&~~ed . Fall NAD 512 each SONY API$. .. MOBIU HOMES ~~~i ' ~~~~e~d~~~l~·s ~~rd 9171Ba36 HA'UI ACOUSTIC IISIAKH lown on U('\'Cridge St.. ~?()() per !{eosonably priced , furn . YAMAHA DUAlP.I . AUDIO month . 5200 deposit 549-7139. a/ c, cleon. good locations. H .... MAN / KAaDON SPICA 9225 Ba23 NAKAMICH' HADO NO FETS AND M ... NY OTHI.UANDI FREE lITILITIES S17.') mo. Shan ' oJ bdrm. house near rcc. cent e r . 457-4422 OPEN EVERYDAY 8om-llpm 529·2121\ or 5-'9-5535. 9070B a2..1 1313 South St. ··1'·. Ct\ RTE R VIL Lf-:: EF C Y ~~,II. r\ P /\ HTME:'\"TS . furnished. all 1) You "",o nt quoll ty hou. ing 6M-37TI utilities rt)a id. Immediat(' oc­ 2) You li k. centro I oir cond itioning 3) You hoi. high pric .. t. 13 ~i&rncy C rossroa~:64IB~~i . )You lov. wO'~rt I d ry. ,. 'et.and Supplle& .\ ·.THIN •• ONE BEDROOM SI 0 Woodruff Mobil. Hom. 61Wen t ot c om~t i t l v . ro l • • 'RE!'\T A!':D THA IN \'our own FURNISHED APARTMENTS LAHGE 2ND FLOOR 2 bdrm .. ClOSE TO CAMPUS 5265 includes e lect. and waler . 7) 111.,,1 ot Soulh.,n. N.llon. o r Moli bu cO\l M. ~~~i~·r!2Tn~l~d~i, I ~7~~.J~~~~u~ ( Imperial M ecca Apartments Prh'atc a rea. north side of C d:-Ie. trails 2 horses a\'aiiable. 2 and 3 Will furnish ir needed. 549·i381 or 8) R.nt "",hil ••e lK lion 1011. ' 08 S. Wall 10· 1 457--1221 after 6 p.m. 89188 a36 Hj ~O~~ ~:.~~~~ . horse b ' en~~2.1~21 M.· ..l0 Sl ·BI.EASE . BA YI.E EF· ~~i CO" DQG OBED IENCE CI.ASS ES. """""", ,",w .. 45'·UU ~ l ur ph ys b o r o P a rk District. t!nl~~R\r\V1·n~.O~5l:740f~~ ~~ : 7'\o\'ice and advanced. Call 687· LUX~:~~~~~~NTS 3i'38. · - 906.')Ba20 Now RentIng For Fall Pwfact for PI .ula NEWS 1098. 8756Ah1 9 of_ ~a-toCampw 900 sq. ft . plus 2 bedrooms, One "nil. Mc*U. MOfMI Apt. _____H_o_u_._e_& ______Newly Remodeled BIcycle. air. carpet, patio or ~ ~ e Ve ry Clean ond q ule l balcony, lighted off·sl reet Furnished or Unfurnished eGreal for g rod . • tuden'. parking, separate lockable 3 :1 BDR. CLOSE 10 Ree. Cent er. Bigger 113 Forest e Two m Ue. ea.t on N.w Rt. 13 10 SP EED ~1 E "s Schwinn Letour storage and cable TV. S390 mo. 50-1 S. Washington. 529- e $1 20-11 50 per month 1539. 9032Bb33 $65. Call 529-37oJ9 . 9076Ai2O located behind Carbondale 4 Bedroom 402 W. Oak e Sorry no pets _.l:Iink 4J7· U21 ('LOSE TO CA MPUS. Exira nice. -ALSO· cleaned 2. 3. & 4 bedroom houses 609N. Allyn Camera. AVAILABLE and a pt Furnished. insulated. 549· 503 Hayes $125 per month I ' 4808. 90238b34 Country l iving Home . FALL 511 Hayes 2 Bdrm. Mobil. Hom • • NICE 3 Bf-:DROOM house. Kit· 308 W. Cherry Good Hunting o nd Fi.hing ~~:;U;~ETE DA RKHOO~9fji~ SlOW. Walnut cnen. dining room. Ih'ing room. 205 W. Cherry I mile po.t Crob O rcho rd I r~i;~i~h~m ~u f:,range~ ' ~C~ ~~~~~~ Splllwoy. Ve ry Ctean. Bedroom available now. 5-I9-39fo. 529- 1218. 3 No pets plea ••. Wote r RH. VehIcle. I: A.~~~~;:;:;~:~~E Burk. 903iBb20 and smaller ond tro.h pickup included. 2. MI EAST of C' dale 2 bdrm . 202 N. Poplar 5.9·6612 Days or BASS TRACKEH . 15 foot. 98 • 05 E. (allege .• 57·5422 unfurnished. 5240' 010 Appliances. 504 Ash 549·3002 clter 5pm. Mercun' Like new 521 00. 529-2088 . 500 E. (allege.529.3929 K mo. lease ;;29-3581. 9050Bb19 . 9().I0A II 9 609N. Allyn Ask for Bill or "nlnll R_I btat. 2 BEDHt'/ll. 1 HOUSE 1 mile ALUMINml CAMPER TOP 550. 2D5E.Maln 408 \I, E. Hester F iberglass l Op for Luv or small 457·2134 ~orh~~Ll p~·~';? P~ ~goN~b~e . ne~~ : fREE Swlmmlnll pick-up. SI7.'). Exc cond. Ca ll 45i- Kein.529·1798. R90 IBb20 52'·1012 or 54'-3375 8878 after 7 pm 9202AI2() INDOOR 19iO VW CA MPEH.VAN am-flO POOL l CARBONDALE AREA TOP casselle. excellent condition. Wcst ,,1\ Coming Soon Vienna . 657·2388 e\'enings. 9064A I25 DUN N APARTMENTS CARBONDALE One Bdrm Furnished Apt LOCATIONS FurnIture , ..,. Two Bdrm Furnished Apt FREE BUI to S.I.U. 2 Bdrm Furnished Apt. 7 TripI Dolly BUY &. SELL used rurniture and One Apts. Two Bdrm Furnished House antiques. S. on Old 51 . 54~~m36 Three Bdrm Furnished House 3 Bdrm Furnished House Four Bdrm Furnished House SMALL AREA RUG $3. $40. K:,· Furnished ~ Bdrm Furnished House ~i~. t~~I_~o .o ne cha ir . ~A~M. J Swimming Pool Absolutely No Pets Loundry Facilities WAT E R BEDS . D E M O 5 Bdrm Furnished House l\1 ATRESSES from $20 ; heaters Tennis Court 2 miles west of {{r~~~ Jh~~~ 's:J~~~cs , The Convenient Location Carbondale Ramada Inn 9073Am38 an Old RI. 13 Wes' Absolutely No Pets MUST SELL; EARTH lone couch 250 South Lewl. Lane CALL ~nc~~f~f~~~~~~ ~~h ~ ~~~t\'~~ S2t·M72 CALL top new $4 5. 549·5038. 9268Am 20 614-4145 614-4145 Page H. Daily Egypt ian. September 13. 19tH ONE HALF TIME Child Oul ­ pali(' nt Counselor. One year T HE HANDYMA N - CAR · ~~~h~r~? &~~ . I ~:rc::.13~\I ~r~ FRO T MOBILE HOME Park t'ont ra.::1. Dulies includ{' indh'idual A\'ailable now and fall. 2 and 3 Roommat•• ship 12 credits ~r course from and fam ily cou nseli ng with 3-17 P!1 ~~~i · · e l;~;\~~1 1 ~,7rd~~~f : Loyola 1I . ) Will be Cbven .al bedroom. ~~tural gas, a-c , y{'ar olds Outreach and pdrcnt· ~auhng . brUSh clearmg : all jobs la undry l3(, lhll('s. s t1 a rty Jots. teacher training. Ma sters degrt'e large or s mall . Quantv work ~rewC~I~n ~~~'Ith~:a~(,r/orn~' ~ 57 -8924 7i26Bc020 reasonable rales. 457-7026: 8?24E22· clean. TWO ·S CO MPA~Y ROOMMATE in human services field prefcfred Findin,F 'crvice Need a p':lace to and one year clinical experience. ~~d.~~ ~:~ . SJTth . 5, Regis~~~n20 Fon RENT 2 bedroom mobile Send resume and references by 9- PE nMANANT HAIR REMOVAL homes. $165 and up. 529-430 1. ~~~rict ~ 's{' a~a~ ~v~ar~~~~~~eg · for f ~f__ e and brJdy utilizing the ooly· EXPERIENCE HEAVEN IN this 88228c27 r3"t bondale. -I 5i ·87M. . M54Beio ~~~~i!i;.l\iL~ ;ioo~E~O .C~I.lege. life. Explore the worlds of spiri t. !I(W'C19 Cd~I~.a~lfi~~tgfg~he ~n'3ee~~d5~ FRONT AND REAR bedrt'Oms. 1l00MMATES BY COMPUTER 14n or 45"'1-2612. S487E22 ~ka~k~;.c~~~~e s sag~·I~~ ne\!" fUrniture. new ca r ~cl. new Send for questionnaire. Stacy I NEED A tutor in German. (I26A1 PAINTING AREA EX· IF YOU CAN square dance join ~~f.e~O . r:9m,.oO~~~e£ ~~nt 'I"\~~ ~9~ ~n~d~!~~ : 121 7 W. H i~~~~ ~~u~.e:J:~ : Will pay S59~lC~9 '1'-'TERIOR. 10 yrs. experience 5596. 884.Bc29 to ~ea~JU:~Si~i ~~~l~~~~ f;~~:i : COMMUN I TY WORKER · ~~~es~1~'irt~. .~b sm':,!hl~i. AT NELSON PARK . 714 E . I ROOMMATE NEEDED 10 share For info call 549·5595 or 4$3·5664 . 3 bdr. home in the country with 1 COUNSELOR. Duties inC'ludc 9175.120 & ol~er . Greal location near Oevil's v.r~NgJJ 1\'9E35~~.FICE . ~~~~~~~,n ~~:~ KI.lchen Lake. located bv s mall :~~rt~~~~~~~:~~~~~ ,,~~~n::i~~ :'s.'i30 THE MEN OF the Aloha Tau mobile homes. Central ai r. natural control ani:l run away youths and gas. washer-dner. anchorcd ~\'i~h~~~ear~~~5 ~~ a;-': 1~~.t;~4 . MOONLIGHT HAYRIDES AT O!,"~a ,Fraternity will be b osting a cable. furnisheD. Ca ll Woodruft }~~:wf~;~~l~CIT:nt~r:~~d:d!'~::~ Wolf Creek Farms. Bonfire Weenie inT:r"Sid Services. 457·3321. 90208c3O 9128Be25 roast eel. Group rates. 964· 1680. ~ttl~ 1~I~t~~ :~us:.~~~n for them in the courts or with other la~es arc welcome ! Please Colli for agencies .. ~elp supen'ise the 9018E21 LOW AND AVERAGE cost ROOMMATE WANTED: FOR a 2 To rides. 453·5781. 9247J20 housi ng. Our prices start at $125. bedroo~1. very close to SIU . ~r~~rer·~rldl:g~e;~(~::.~ .tcO~e STOR - N • LOK Mini Wa rehouses (or a 2 bedroom. Call 529-4444 (or Ca ll 529- . 7·i :30a.m . 0~1~!20 year t'Xperlencc with troubled .07 E. College St .. Carbondale: Butler results. 8847Bc22 youth required. Send resume and self. s tora~e units. many sizes Service Group LOCATED IN SMALL quiet park. ROOMMATE NEEDED TO share ~:~!ai~}~:. g:i'l ~~'ril. ra~OEf~{ 14x60 .mobile home. Furnished . ~erE:cCo~r~:~~4~ r~~~~~'H& Teet.... ' ,...,,1...... ,.... 2 mi cast of C'dale. Sha~~: clean 62901 . EOE. 89 isC l9 very nice! St40 mo. & ' -.: utilities. WORD PROCESSING - WIl.SON·S our~wlll .. Oft t~I~~;'~:2~ r ~~~ .i r8.~tiBd~~ . ~"d~~~l~~?'S water. M~~~20 ANTI -VIOLENCE VOLUN · 1)t~ Service. On grad school ~Sep, . ,..ttheIiU c.,..... o.y, Our COMpefty II EXTRA r\ICE 2 bdr .. 2 bath ~~~r~~~e~u~s:;.r;:l~ . I~fihn~~~~i ~~sirme~~t~'r~sfeit~~~~ sm~~fi~~ aooIIl"II for ,..... ," ..... fu rnisht'd. car p<'lcd. a·(,. cable TV: Ilsls. Very experienced. 529·2722 . .a.ctronla, COMpUt...-~ , ~t~~~:~r~'sh{;3re~'eco~~ ltl:S~ ' n:~' Coa litIOn On TV Vioit'nce and 91 16E53 ~ I (>( park I mile from campus, carpe t. & hardwood floors . $150 I~t e rll alio n a l Coalition Against lrephlc: Mf. _f'Mf tlrwffh.. fI.W.. to choose from VI~ l enl Entertainment. non 'profil tt you ...... _n "uwtlonel 5-I;~;: ~~-I~% mo .. 45i-6538 or 549-0 138. 8910Be.25 t. ..~IM DESIGN Studio. Ga rments designed. consln · -: ted and altered ...... rouM or ••p.HI...ce tn THREE PEOPLE NEED one ~~~er~h . ~rfl~f~' o rk~ 1 tn~i\?::S1f,: en., of ...... ~ , F ALL EXTRA :\ICE 2 bedroom . of lIIinoi!' I 1. 17-384·1920. 8.'i78Ci7 Open 7 days. 5. 'Iqgs. 8846E33 ,1..-'" more. Chamber like bedroom with MIre'o .. t op r.,. efMI ...... lock. $112 .50 all utilities incl uded ~~~~r~ul~rO~a~9~~g90:i~c!~ -1 57-4 334. 9055Be26 PI-: RSON.-\L CARE A'M'ENOANT RESPONSIBLE PERSON TO ~~~~?~i~n%.~~~ ~~~~~t:lr~~i~ 2 BOR M. 611 W. Walnut. $180.' share nice 3. '?' competauve s~l rnrnmg desired. 8913E36 ret-rrg~n!ta~:: ~~~~r ~9~~ remodeled. rurnished, close t'O share 3 dbrrn house on Pecan SI. after 6p,m. or before8a.m. Rent & one-third u ilities. Call 529· GCM PAINT & Body Shop. Painl 9222M22 campus. No pets. 549-0272 or 549- .;;230 or 549-()253 . 9245Be2O ~~I;;~l~ss~r:;:lrl~o~e~c~onth . 0823 . 9054Bc25 Contact John Gadbois. 536·5;;.(;6 or JObs. $175 and up. Ca ll -1 57-8878 after -I pm . 920IE2i ROOMMATE FOR 3 bdr. fur- leave name at Women's Athlr·tic·s OJ\""E BD Rl\l , 12x52. Cenl.ral air. Davies Gym by September Ib ~ , FREEBIES reasonable rent. -I 57-2 1i9. IA.·eek· 8931C21 NEE.D !-IELP . )N Algebra or days. 89158c21 gl!~e~~:~ . ~~~v t~e~~e~~ ' Enghsh compoSition? Experienced Call 529-4680. . 92:)4Be23 FREE PUPPIES. CALL 687·1937 12x60. 2 OR , bdr .. carpeted. air. ~fr~:e tfi~hs~~~~get, ~r: ~~. after 5. C909N22 furn or unCurn . anctlored. un · ~:rPin ned . No peLS 549-2938ooUJ;:O Dupl.".. WORD PRO C E SS ING =:=J ~~~~m~;.Rl~ · lcFtt~rS·mt~fl~i DESOTO. IOX50 MOBILE home. MAHtO 1; PART-TIME . tern . hsts. legal. editing. Mon.' at . 9-4: 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE air i -IO. St;Jcey Enterprise. :;29' 1292. ~~li1~A RIDt:·! Use a class ed ~ grn~7 _~~her & drye r. ~5-M~~i coO(~ .. unfurnished. water & trash ~~~~~~t ionAI~~~l i ~i~'nn ;;~t~~~ 9059E53 f,!rnlshed: Energy effi cient. 549- resea.rch proJcct with adolescents. 2 BDH )\'"EAH campus. nice)v 6598 evemngs. 84iOBf23 ~ho::~n~ JO hg~{ w~e~ ~~':; . ~~~~ ~~~fi; ·::J!~d6t.1. ~~~~ ~~1~\' 2 BEDROO M dUPI~' t~i~ Bache'ors Degree in education or ril------'1 hu .ma~ st;rvice fi eld. demonstrated CABBONDALE. VERY ~ICE 1 skills 10 mterpersonal and written ~ - I and dean. Front·rear bed. 2 full 3.BEDROOl\lS. ALL new interior. 11arI --- mce yard. $300 mo. Call 867·225.1 commun ications. unlimited access ~aa~~ di-;~'a ~k~d g ~~nt~ ~~e~~ m~~;; <~ ~ SOFT FROZEN YOGURT belore Doug Bair snuf!ed out the hander Charlie Leibrandt, 9·7. :.... ,_:).3 in a cup or cone rally. Willie Hernandez pitched Twins 5, Royals I The Twins scored the lirst run All the fun of ice cream- plus the good things of yogurt the ninth lor Detroit. in the third when Teufel doubled High in taste. 1eM' in fat. Natural fruit flavors The Tigers ha

Richard K. Jefferson, DVM is opening a Veterinary Mobile Practice Limited to Horses Appointments begin at 9AM The American Tap Monday·Saturday phone 529·2521 HappvHour "IIiliiiiI;;;;~~= HIRAM WALKER IMPORTER and Thunday",lal ltalitn Beef w/Me4iulll CANADIAN CLUB KICKOFF SALUKI DEFENDING Soft Drink t2.99 lAA NATIONAL CHAMPI Dally Lunch ",Ial HOME OPENER 11-11:30 ...... GIVEAWAYS Sill, of the DIY with S.It~ *T-Sh'rt., Hat., MJrrors,* &Me4iuM Soft Drink t2.19 Video Disk Player ..I ....AS! Subspeclal It Pltchen 11." CANADIAN CLUB 70, DRAFTS 40. ~

Page 16. Oaily Egyptian, Sept ember 13.1 J984 HECHT'S lllhnl"it~ ' fa ll Cn rhundnl, '

..r ' Clinique has a ~f.' gift/or you!


Yours at no c ha rge w hatever with a ny Cl inique purchase of 7.50 or :tlore . When it comes to good looks, C linique gives you all the Quick m assi;tance you want-with chcse fa st.working beauty· helpers ('hat put skin in top conditioH, ready for CliniQue makeup. Ail, in convenient smatlsizes 50 good fOIi travel-and only available at Clinique bonus time. Exfoliating Scrub. Non­ grcasy. rinses off with only water. De.flakes, de­ ages. Clarifying Lotion 2. Essential stop to fresher skin, in Cliniquc's 3·step ~V5tem . Dramatically Different Moi5tur ~Ii n g Lotion. Famous "drin k" all skins need. Twilighl Mauve o Glaze Lip Gloss. More romance-to wear alone or as over.gleam for lipstick .

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Daily Egyptian. September 13, 1984. Pag€' 17 Olympic ticket sales net millions in profits

B~ ' Hichard De Ally Harry Us her. the LAOOC Ucberroth said at the crowded or th t" Associated Press generai manager. said the huge news confer ence that the increase in revenu es i'arose in d LAOOC was investig.1 ling LOS ANGELES lAP) - The remarkable a nd very recent giving some of the r~l'-~ \Ie funds Games of the lOW I Olympiad fashion." • to Third World nallons that were a ".-;~tac uI3r financial Usher sa id the enthusiasm participated in the Games. ORIENTEERING CLUB success." uringing in a $150 which surrounded the torch which ran from July 28·Aug. 12. million surplus that officials relay across the MEETING Tuesday attr ibuted mainly to combined with the spectacul ar He said the "Olym pIC huge ticket sales a nd full opening ceremonies pu shed solidaritv funds" would be used payment on a television con· ticket sales beyond a ll ex· to speCifica ll y " help those Thursday, Sept. 13 tract with ABC·TV. pectations. nations that did come to these " There was the largest sale of Television ratings were so Games," tickets for sporting events in the high that the ABC network paid STUDENT CENTER SALINE ROOM history of mankind, by a the full broadcast contracl to " U we o')o 't answer much bunch." Los Ange.les Olympic the LAOOC. despite the Soviet about this today." he said. "it's 7:00p.m. Or ganizing Co mm ittee nion·led boycott. which could because we have just been President Peter V. Ueberroth have permitted ABC to have discussing it for the past one or sa id at a news confer ence an­ paid less under ilS contract. two days." New Member Night nouncing the surplus. Under the LAOOC's charter. The amount is S131.75 million the organization will disperse Ueberroth said the funds will Don't Miss It more than the surplus projected the funds as foll ows: 575 million leave a .. tremendous legacy" to last spring. to the Uni ted States Olympic a thletes in Southern Ca lifornia "A skillful use of mind and body" Officials had promised tax· Committee: $50 million to a and the nation. If payers from the outset that the newlv establis hed LAOOC you "ke to run, Games would take place without Amateur Athletic Foundation: " There are youngsters born log. hike, or the greot any financial aid from the and a n LAOOC reserve fund of now tha t will feel the glow of o utdoors , you'" like us, public. S2;; million. these Games." he said. ~ Sox defeat Oakland, MINI.. COURSES remain alive in race Fall, 1984 Session I OAKLAND. Calif. lAP) - Chicago left·hander Britt Burns Registration Ends Friday gave up only four hits in !::cvcn Wedne8day game innings a n ~ Ron Kittle hit his Beginning Conversational Chinese Thirty Minute Workout Aerobitone 29t h homer of the year to give hit his 14th homer with a two.-oul T.Th.: ...7 :Hpm M, T. W. Th ,:30-,:" pm M,W.F ':00·7:00 pm the White Sox a 4-2 victory o\'er blast in the eighth off Gene ..... 51." the Oakiand A's Wednesday. .... Nelson for the A's second run. Burns. 3-11. won his fi rst Oa kland secona oaseman Shaitsu Massage Contradance ga me since May 13. breaking a Tony Phillips dropped Greg Th7:.... : Hpm IO-game los ing s treak . E nglish as a Second Language T.F 7:"" :" pm Luzinski's pop fl y leading off the M.W ,:.. , :. pm Sat 2:30-4:00 pm Reliever s Gene Nelson and Ron Chicago second a nd Kittle ..... Reed pitched the fin al two in· (oHowed with a two-run homer .... n ." nings. with Reed recording his logive theWhiteSox a 2-1 lead. Conversationa l Sign 1 lOth save. The Whit e Sox added two Blues Harmonica T,Th ' :"-4:. pm Beginning Ballet Three of the White Sox runs unea rned runs in the fifth when T , :.... : ./Sat 3:"-4:. pm n .• T.Th.: ...7 :Hpm were unearned off Oa kland Oa kla nd shortstop Steve Ki efer n .• Sat. Sun 11 :"1:" pm starler Tim Conroy. Hi, who misplayed Jerry Dubzinski's Ba rtending ..... gave up only fi\re hits. grounder for a n error after J oel Gourmet Vegetarian Cooking M, ~7 : Hpm/7 : "' : ""m Bill Almon hit Burns' first Skinn er had Singled with one Sat.1t:"'12:.noon 51 •• pitch of the ga me for hi s sixth out. Scott Fletcher then singled Reg ister at homer of the year to give the A's to drive in one run and Tom 35mm Ca mera a Hl lead. But the A's ma naged Paciorek followea with a theSPCo/fice. only three hits over the nex t she sacrifice fl y for a 4· 1 Chicago M • • : ....: .pm Jrd /loor. Student innings before Carney Lansford lead. Sign up ..... Center . Classes begin Sept. 15 in the SPC Office 3rd floor Student Center

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1'.I)!l· IH . n : lIl~ E )!Yl>lIan. Scpll'mi>cr 13. 1984 Sandberg deserves applause., home run beats Montreal 11-6 FERTILITY Ih Edmund O. U l\\ 1('1' leams " But I will say the Cubs '_ W~RENESS. ; Or tht' . h ~()(' i aH· ct P n ' :.s as a te;lm are h ~\\' i n g an MVP Cubs m.agic yea r ," Fanni ngsaid. ( /, The \'iclon' reduced the Cubs' _ i } CHICAGO I AP I - Although num.ber is 10 hc's nea r l\' ('\'("f" o n (' s choice ltl magic nuniber to to. Any . . combination of 10 ClI b \'iclOries ~ Wrigley Fir ld' ( ('I f the l\ 'l o ~ t Learn to use this method of pred icting a Valuable Pla\'cr . R\'l1e Sand­ " I gOI a pi tch where 1 \\·.lIll(>d or lew York 1\,1 et los cs will it and hit it ha rd." Sandborg c li nch thr i'\ ational League wo man's fe rtile times. These classes will berg had not been il1\'hcd by Ih e cove r in depth the applica tion of Fe r tility fans 10 take a curtain call this said. EastC'rn Divis ion championship season. Th(> shot. aided b\' a 15 mil e­ lor ChI cago, Awareness fo r use a s a method of birth That was until Wednesday. per-hour wind, clc:ired the left E xpos star ter Bryn Smith. II · control. Sandberg reluct antly stepped field wa ll a nd la nded in the 12, who was loll owed by three out of the dugout to take a bow -treel oUlside the par k. . relief pitchers in the Cubs' sixt h. This 2 week class begins after his sixth·inning home run " When the wind blows oul like took the loss. put th e Cubs ahead 10 stay in that. ir s nice to come to the Ron Cel' singled to lead off the Wednesday , Sept. 193·5PM their 11 -6 win over the J\'lontrea l par k as a hitter: ' sixt h. moved to third on Jody To registe r ca ll 536·4441 Expos. BU l the w!O d did not fa \'or the Davis' single and scored on Tom " The players kind of pushed Expos' defens . Vervzer's grounrlllut 10 lie the me out thrre." said Sandberg of " We missed orne fly ball s score 2-2 . Bob Dernier later the three·run bla!'t. his 19th of a nd tlwt hurt u ." said Expos singled home the go-ahead run. the sea on. " It 's a grea t feeling. 1\'1a nag<,r Jim Fanning. " The and Sandberg fo ll owed \\'i th his hut \'OU don ', want 10 show up ba ll s played some rea l tricks in 19th homer 10 give the Cubs a 6·2 th('othertcam .. Ihis pa rk. You can', say no. no, leod. Sa nd 1cr g . who' s bee n no, on a n\' ball hit here." And re Dawson's 16th homer , a showing up opposing teams all When asked to assess and · three-run shot off relie\'cr r:-WELCOME-, yea r \\ilh his hitting a nd berg's cha nceF- fo r the Nati onal George Frazier. made it 6·5 in fieldtng. sdid he was just looking League's MVP. Fanning said he the seventh. But the Cubs added forward 10 a pitch he could docsn't know enough about three more in the bottom of the lJ911ULl.er1~J drive. indi\'idual ballplayers on other sevent h . Stlrf fhs Foothill Gooden becomes rookie whiff king SUlln fhil S'tur",y Jh .John :\'dson fell last Friday night as Gooden in his second season. Fernando Or th(' :\ssociau'd P I"{' S ~ threw a one-hit ter l\I beat the Va len7.U ela of Los Angeles is wifh Chicago Cubs 10-11 . striking out second to Gooden in the majors :\EW YORK (AP I - D\\'ight tl. wi th 212 str ikeout s. Ii,y (J,/,ng Gooden of the l'\ ew '\' oik Met s Gooden. a t 19 the youngest In addition to breaking the beca me baseba ll's a ll ·t im e player in the ma jors. came into rookie strikeout mark. Gooden /"., c..,. 14111, fl,,) set a club record by striking out rookie str ikeout king Wed· Wednesda y night 's ga mc Sttp ~tiIe lIW.... nesday ni ght. breaking Her b needing 10 strikeouts to tic the 10 or more batters in his 14t h core 's 29 -yea r -old s ingle­ record and 11 to break it. He was game. Tom Seaver had 10 or truck II tile N.rtIi season record. averaging 10.96 strikeout s per more strikeouts in 13 games in eM ef 140\l1li,.. SfI4l11., Gooden. \\' ho br oke the nine innings, a major-league 19i1 with the Mets. r\ational League mark in hi s sin gle-season record pac€'. The pre\'iou OUI ing. passed SCQ re all·lime record for strikeout Gooden tted the ma rk \\'lten C.n Rey.1III fIIIII lit with his 11th str ikeout of the ratio i!i' 10.71 per nine innings toy opposing pitch r J ohn Tudor whrt "...eII, .. Met., .l1li game a gains t P itts bu rgh . Sa m ~l cD o \\' e li of Cle\'eland in took a called third strike on a 2·2 .... III U gett ing hIan 'e ll Wynne on a 2-2 1965. counl. and then Wynne came to ",I.,..' OIft.. Y"' fastba ll in the sixth inn ing. That Besides having a shot at the bal. The count once again \\'ent willi ••_..,.1l1li1 gave him 246 for the season. ol1 e r ecord for s trikeout ralio, to 2·2, and Gooden registered ~ A9 4790 more Iha n Score achi e\'ed in his Gooden also could become the lhe hi story-making " K" when 7-r - rookie vea r , 19:'5. with the rirst rookie leen-ager 10 lead Ihe lhe Pittsburgh center fi eld er Cleveland Indians. majors in strikeouts. Bob Feller s\\'ung ,'ainll' at a hi gh fastba ll. U-tc LbWENSRAu Ck.iIfr!' The NL mark of 227 . set by of the Indians led the majors The game stopped brieOy as _ 'l'~ Gro\'er Cle\'cla nd Al exander of with 240 strik<---o uts in 1938, when Gooden' teammates ca me 10 "" ...... r! _:JA:.... (g. r.';;, the PhIladelphia Phillics in 1911. he was 19 years old . but he was the mound to shake hi hand . - .IJ ~~ ' ,tl;r. ...;;~~~ Tj~ WOMEN fOR YOUR EYES ONLY IN OUR LARGE BAR MALE DANCE REUUE COLOR TV SALEI 9:00-11 :30 ONLY WOMEN ADMITTED TO THE LARGE BAR -$1'68.00- 9:00-10:00 FREE CHAMPAGNE FOR THE LADIES All sets are DRAWINGS ALL NIGHT LONG in excellent condition FOR: BOTTLES OF CHAMPAGNE and carry a warranty. f.... ·.. ·8~fo .. .. ·.. [ PASSES & MORE!!' MasterCard, Visa, Cash welcome ~.?~¢ . P.~.~fT~,~ ALL NIGHT LONG THURSDA Y-SATURDA Y 8St BOTTLES Of Sept. 13th, 14th, 15th MICHELOB • MICHELOB LIGHT /T1\ 8:30a.m.-7:30p.m. 504 Shots of MOTEL TV & ELECTRO"ICS Wltermelons, Kaml-Kazl's & Chocolate SchnlPPs Holiday Inn Carbondale. II. lT315 Si\. lI1inois

Daily E&,"pl1an. September 13. 198.;. PaJ!c 19 Nebraska on top SJ20rts in AP grid rankings 8vTom Vint Miami. The Wolver ines had Ohhe Associated Press three first·pJ ace votes. Carr makes the best Texas. which opens its eason LI NCOLN, Neb, (AP ) Saturday against Auburn. was UniverSity of Nebraska Coach No. 4. followed by Iowa (HI) and Tom Osborne said Tuesday he Mia mi (2-1) in a fifth-place tie. fully expects his Cornhuskers, UCLA ( I-{» was seventh, wit h of starting opportunity who moved to the top of The Brigham Young 12-o!. Ohio A ~~ oc iat ed Press coll ege State 0-0) and Boston College By ;\1ike Fre\' football rankings, to weath er (2-0 ) rounding out the Top 10. SiarrWriler ' the storm of media attention Iowa a nd UC LA received two that will follow . first-place votes. while Texas, Frank Carr. a s ta rting Osborne and the Cornhuskers Miami and BY U received one linebacker for the SIU-C football learned last year the unsettl ing each. team. is a man who has paid his effect t.hat media attpntion can Following th e Huskers 42-7 dues. have on a No. I-ranked team. thrashing of Wyoming in season During Carr's first two years Nebraska carried the AP's No . I opener last weekend. Osborne at SIU-C, he played second ranking throughout the season admitted the NO . 1 ranking was fiddle to a pair of talented - until the Orange Bowl upset something that couldn't be pl ayers. Granville Butler and at the hands of NO. 2-ranked ducked. Fabra), Colli ns. But with Butler Miami - and had to schedule " I gUesE we're pleased people graduated earr has been given regular weekly news con­ have that much confidence in a chance to step into a starting ferences for star players and us." he said. " But llhink there's rol e, and the former All-State the coach. ~5 or 20 learns out there who pl ayer from Glenbard East " There 's a little more have a shot at No. 1. We have a High School has made the best distraction that goes a long with good team. a mature team and of the opportunity. it." Osborne said. "A lot of we've got some ta lent. I guess Carr has a lready recorded a people want interviews because the onl y real negative thing team-leading 2i tackl es, in­ of the No , I ra ting, not so much about being NO. 1 is that other cluding eight solos. in games at because of an interest in learns are going to give you a Tulsa a nd Illinois State. The Nebraska." tremendous effort. People point amount is triple the number of Nebraska had been rated No . a~ yo~ . a little more when you 're tackles he had during the entire 2 in the AP's preseason poll , NO . 1. 1983 season. behind Auburn. But Auburn lost The Huskers will face Min­ " It 's good to be playing." to Miami in the Kickoff Classic. nesota here Saturday. The Carr said . '" knew I didn't ha ve and the Hurricanes held down Golden Gophers received the much of a chance to play when I the top spot until lOSi ng to worst drubbing of a ny ~ eam. 84- firs t came here. because Michigan last weekend. 13, from the nigh-scor ing 1983 Granvilleand Fabray were such Clemson, now 2-{). moved to Cornhuskers. great linebackers. I took the No . 2 in this week's ratings. .. , think our piayers a lso time to learn the system a nd get gather ing 15 first-place votes to realize it doesn't mean much at used to playing linebacker in 35 for . Tebraska . Michigan this stage of the season." college." jumped from No. 14 last week to Osborne said, " although it ~uts Carr said he expected to play NO . 3 following its 22-14 upset of a little more heat on." well once he broke into the starting lineup. but he didn't expect to perform as well as he Rooftop fans file lawsuit has in the Sa luk is' opening pair of games, " I hoped that I would pl ay to see Cubs in pla yoffs well. but I didn't expect to do Starr Photo b~ ' Stephen f\ e nn ed~ ' anything spectacular:' Carr Junior linebacker Frank Ca rr is making his presence r('1t as a CHI CAGO (AP ) - Two the tenants who brought the said. "But our defen i\'c plan is starting in side linebacker ror the Salukis artcr Iwo years or waitinl! Chi cago Cubs fans who endured s uit. "We've been up there all designed for the linebackers to behind Granville Huller and Fabray Collins. the thin times from their rooftop a long, and now we're inrormed make a lot of tackl es. The perch next to Wrigley Field our access up there is not ~ defen sive line does a great job. want to make sure they remain contractual right (that comes They keep the linemen off of us. "But he works verv hard and whIch naa Pittsburgh Steelers' in the thi ck of their team's first with renting a n apa rtm ~ nt L " and that makes our job casy." realty is a solid fooiball player. linebacker J ack Lambert as an National Le ague pl ayoff Carr said the trio of Sterling He is a good one-on-one instructor. Carr said he looked Showi ng in 39 years. Wrig ley Field is situated on I-I a\·\\·ood . Mike Brascia and tackler." upon Lambert as a role r: . .xIel. So they are suing their lan­ the North Side of Chicago in the Garv Carter are known as "the This season wi ll be the last for and has tried to de-velor.. his dlord, alieging in a lawsuit fil ed mi dst of a residentia l neigh· Smurfs" becau e thev are s tarting linebackers Coll ins and aggressive s tyle of play. Tuesday in Circuit Court that he borhood, Two-a nd th ree-flat relati velv s mall fo r li nemen. Ashl ey Sledge, players who " He is a great player. a lready has rented or pl ans to apartment buildings: ring the Ca r r a iso had praise for fellow have registered 19 and 16 probably my favorite." Carr rent the roof to a business for ballpark on three sides and the inside lillebacker Fa brav tackles respectively so far this said of Lambert. " I got a lot 55,000 during the pl ayoffs. rooft ops provide an excellent Collins, a three-vear starter a't season. Carr said the pair wi ll from the camps where he " We basically think it's un­ vantage point for wa t(, ~;i1g the SIU-C. Carr sai'd that Collins' be missed, but the Salukis have worked :' fair: ' said Jon Duncan, one of games. experience has helped him in some very taJented linebackers Ca rr .sa id he could possibl y game situa tions . waiting in the wings. He said attend law school once he earns Jordan signs seven-year pact with Bull.s "Fabray is a great linebacker junior Tony Wrenn. a teammate a bachelor's degree from SI U-C who has the benefit of ex­ at Glenbard East, and freshman in business admini stration. He CHICAGO (AP) - Michael Jordan, of Wil mington. N,C " It perience:' Carr said. " He's Alonzo Bailey have the potent ial said that his experience in J ordan signed a seven-year feels great to be with the BU li ~ always telling me what to look to become outstanding sta rting football will help in pursuing hi s contract with the Chicago Bulls because Chicago is 2 tremen­ for. He has a great knowledge linebackers in 1985. career goal. on Wednesday that reportedly dous sports ci ty. forthe game." " Both J re very good players," makes him the third-highest Saluki Coach Ray Dorr said Ca rr said. "I played football " A lot of work goes into paid rookie in Na tiona l " I'll do whatever !_he coac h ~ he didn't expect Ca rr to pl ayas with Tony in high school and football. and that's the way it is Basketball Association history. want of me." said Jordan. well as he has so far this season. he's a good hilter, a very good in the professiona l world:' Carr " I'm happy to come to College Basketba ll's P layer of lie said that hard work has paid hitter." said, " Football teaches you agreement with the B·.lls," the Year last season. " 1 just oferer Carr. Carr said as a youngster good work ha b;ts and discipline, Jordan said at a news con- ' want to be a member of the " I've been suprised by how growing up in Lombard, he and that's what it takes to get ference, accompanied by his t ('~r. 1 and do whatever it takes to well he has played," Dorr said. attended severa'l tootball camps through law school. " parents, J a mes a nd Delores become a winr,er." Illner shoots for 200th career victory

l3y Ste\'e Koulos double header. Ironl ca tl y , worked out well between us. second ha ir of the season. going school, she puts school before StarfWriter Miami is Blner's a lma mater. because I've handled the offense HH in the final eight games to hockey," Simpson said. " She "To see her (IIlner) get the and she's handled the defense." finish 9-12-3 overall. understands if you have family It's 199 down a nd one to go for milestone and knowing we're Wetmore said one of the "We were hoping for it last problems. The :--00 victories is SIU-C field hockey coach Julee going to be part of it is a high:' things she also has learned from year it's one of the first not only good for J .I. , it's im- . !liner. said second-year assistant IlIner is to practice until you get things we've been thinking portant to the whole team." IIIner. who has coached at coach Cindy Wetmore. " I know it right, but to do it in a positive about this year," she said. " We At least one player on the SIU-C fo r 16 years, has a 199-83- it would mean more to her to get way. decided to take each game this team said she is training :15 career record and will have a it against Miami. so I hope we " I've played around more year as it comes. and the 200 vigorously for the Miami game. good chance of getting her 200th win the first ga me out there." structured programs out East, victories is part of the plan." " I have been doing some victory this weekend at Nor­ Wetmore, who used to play but one thing J .1. does is keep Leidy said III ner is a special extra running before practice thern Illinois University. fi eld hockey for Rhode Island, the players loose, to Welmore coach who treats all the players this week," said right wing The alukis, who defeated the said she was an offense-oriented said. "She's good at gelling with respect. She said IIIner Jennifer Bartley, who has also University of the South 3-1 in player in college and the biggest everybody in a good mood." makes the practi ce sessions played four years for IIIner. their season-opener, plays three thing she's learned from IIIner Left wing Sharon Leidy, who hard, but they still have fun. ' 'I'm going to give 110 percent games this weekend, facing is how to coach defense. has played four years for !liner. Right inner Nadine Simpson in the fi rst game," she said." 1f Miami of Ohio on Saturday and "Everything I learned about said it 'Nas disappointing the agreed with Leidy, saying IIIner we could get the milestone the ni versity of Toronto and defense bas come from J .I.," Salukis didn't get the milestone is more than just a coach. against her alma mater. it Northern on Sunday in a Wetmore said. " ~ I think it has last year, They struggled in the " If you have problems with would really be special. " Palte 20. Daily Egyptian, September t3, 1984
