Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984 9-13-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 13, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1984 Volume 70, Issue 19 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 13, 1984." (Sep 1984). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1984 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1984 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Bid muddles convention center plans My Bob Tila Simon. said Wednesday that FmHA 5 rcc-c.,s . of 60 da~ s. Monty said. The cIty IS a lso S l a rf\\' rit~r africa Is in Champaign have indica ted Federa l tax legisla tion passed in wailing for a tt.."lsibility report on the that they would approve continued August also affects the plans submitted center to be released later this month. The Carbondale convention center is support for the convention cent er. He by lhe National GroupofCompanies. in a familia r place again - li mbo, Monty said the city will not be actively said an extension of support from The Nationa.l Group of Companies ha s involved in working out an agreement City Council members expressed FmHA officials in Washington is still offered to buIld the conventIOn center in terest in an offer to build the con· between Stan Hoye and the Nalional pending. without financial guarantees irom the League of Companies. He said. however. \,ention center by the National Group of However. the FmHA is powerless to city and the FmHA. as long as the city Compani es Monday. Howe\'er. Bill tl1a t the city would consider such an ext end its guarant ee on the bonds issues industrial bonds. agreement , Dixon. city manager. said several issues requested by Hoye. since federa l tax Members of Fields. Goldman and mu t be cleared up before a decision can legisla tion passed by Congress in ~1agee a rchlt~tual and .engmeerIng be made on the new offer. August prohibits the FmHA from firm , re pr ~e ntmg the Nat lO~al Group Gus Dixon sa id the citv has a lready na med gua ranteeing the tax·free bonds. of Compa~l.es , told the counc il Monday Stan Hoye as deveioper of the projrct. Carle said prohi biting the FmHA from that a decision must be reached by early CJJode The city's continued support of Hoy€, gua ranteeing the bonds was an over· October. depends in pa rt on the abilit y to acquire s ight in the bill. He ,airl a technical The new tax law puts a celh n ~.on l.he the neces!-;a ry funding for lh{' project. corrections bill dealing with the August a mount of tax·free bonds a mUnicipality Hoye has reQ uested that S) 4 mill ion in lax law is now being considered by the can issue. said. Don l\'lonty, community bonds be guaranteed by the cit y a nd the House Wa'. s a nd l\'Ieans Committee. development director. If the bonds 3 1'P Farmer 's Home Administration. The Simon has rpquested tha t a provis:on be issued before Jan. 1. 1985. the Nati or.al city has agreed to guaranteed S4. .55 added that rein states the FmHA's Group of Companies wiil be a ble to million provided the FmHA guarantees ab ili'. ~ 10 guarantee tax·free bonds. secure the necessary a mount of tax free Gus says some people would lik e to see S9 .45, million, He ' said Congress will \'ole on thl~ bonds fro:" Ihe city, he said. .. the convention center pul somepl ace Da\'id Car le. an aide to .5 . Rep Pa ul technical correcti ons bill before the 0..:.t. Prepanng the bonds takes a minimum olher than limbo, Hurricane drifts near 'Daily ~gyptian N. Carolina WILMINGTON. N.C. (AP I - Hurricane Diana in tensified Thursday. September 13. 198". Vo l. 70. No 19 Southern Illinois University Wednesday as it drifted "with no sense of direction" just off the coast. and thousands of peopi ~ were warned to stay in shelt ers bec:tuse it could still wa nder ashore with 115 mph Mediator to assess wind a lld giant storm tides. Damage from the storm's first approach to the coast wa limited mostJ v to downed tree police-city problem lim bs. sign a nd power hnes. uprooted trees and a broken th- J ohn f\ rul..o"·!' ki people a re ta lking at each other fis hing pier. with some street Siafr Hl'llOrter rather than with each other." floodi ng from heavy rain. ~ o Several members of the serious injuries were reported . audience stated that the 24 Members of the Ca rbondale Gov. Jim Hunt ~airl Wed· chapter of the ~at io nal ailegations brought against the nesdav after inspecting the Associat ion for the Ad · police department by black \Vilmington a rea he didn't know vancement of Colored Peoplr re ide nt s a nd r ecen tl y if the slate would seek disa ter met with a represent2tivp o ( lhe dismissed by the Board of aid. "It·s questi onable now," he U .S, Department of Justice Police and F ire Commissioners said. "The important thing IS to Tuesday to determine what role need to be pursued further. keep watch on It." the Carbondale community ca n They questioned the role Glenn play in improving community· might pla~' in pursuing the The storm's eve had ap­ police relations. a ll egations and the manner in proached to within a few miles Pat Glenn, a mediator (rom which they were in vestigated. of Ca pe Fear late Tuesday. but the Co mmunity Rela tions " I'm not here to investi gate at mid·day Wednesday It was Service of the Department of the 24 a Hegations." Glenn said, drifting erratically from.;O to 50 Justice. had been cailed in by "What I'm going to do is assess miles east ·sou t heast of Ci ty Manager Bill Dixon . to the s it uation here ~md get some Wil mington. In the city. the assess the police-community of your thoughts on what should wi nd blew at 29 mph with gusts rela tions sit ua tion in Car· be done." toaround-lOmph. bondale. Glenn's a rrival comes " If the community is Hea\·y thunderslorms and in the wake oi a ll egati ons filed di ssatis fied wit h the' in· showers poured rai n on eastern against the police uepartment vesti gation of the a llegations North Carolina a nd extended which acc:us ~ rertain officers of then it's up to the community to out over the ocean for 125 miles. improper conn ut::i , do something about it:' she 'The prob:em this morning is Gl enn had suggested that the a id. we have a hurrica ne with no NAA CP hoid the meeting as a Glenn said that community sense of direction:' aid ~eil way to get the Car bondale members need to look for Frank, director of the National communit y' reaction to the " underlying" causes for what Hurricane Center in Coral situation and recommend steps the city terms a problem of Gables. Fla . that might be taken to aileviate ·'perceptions. " "Without st rong steering it. Aft er listening to residents currents, it's like a leaf fall ing She told the predominantl y· express their opi nions and off a tree. Any slight breeze will black group of about 20 people questions about the issue, Glenn blow it in a O\' direction:' said that her goal was to improve recommended that the com· forecaster J fm Gross at the communication between the muni ty consider taking several center. warning " it could Car bondale police department steps such as establishing a strengthen." a nd city government a nd police·community r ela tions Sta ff P hoto by :\eville Lober g members of the Ca rbondale committee and lookinr into Ole The National Weather Service Signing community. way oUicers are trained. said the storm was expected to Don Fehrenpa ker of Johnston City replaced the old sign at " What I want to do is set up a " You should look into the in· eventua lly resume a northerly trac.k. which would aim it at )'Iurdale Shopping Center 0 11 Wednesday aHernoon. dialogue so that both of you can service training of the police. F ehrenpaker. who did the job in 9O-ciegree heat, works for the be Sitting together and working and review such things as their Onslow and Carteret counties :\'eon Sign Co. located in Herrin. out your problems:' Glenn said. di sciplinary and firearms and to the Outer Banks chain of " What's happening now is that procedures." Glenn said. islands. 1nis Committee to check Ferraro's records 8 ,)' The Associated Press Mondale's lax·increase plans government's " Reagancharge would put a "bail and cha;n Card." GMorning President Reagan a nd around America 's neck." Back in Was hington. the Warm, humid : Democratic challenger Wa lter Mondale. on the other hand. House ethics committee added chan("r or storms F . Mondale traded new giiJes said in Iowa that Reagan another element to the cam· and accusations on taxes Vi ce President George Hush himself would likely raise taxes paign by announcing it would Wedn esda y. while a talking about a rms control and more than $500 a year for start a " preliminary inquiry" DIner nears congressional committee said it Ferrar o returning to the con· midrlJe-income fa milies making into allegations concerning would forma ll y invest igate tinuing topiC of her religion, 525.000.
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