P H A N Ê S JOURNAL FOR JUNG HISTORY Vol 3 • 2020 Mission Statement Phanês: Journal for Jung History (ISSN 2631-6463, online; ISSN 2631-6455, printed) is an annual, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, dedicated to publishing high quality, scholarly articles related to the life and work of C.G. Jung and the wider history of analytical or complex psychology. Phanês publishes original articles that address these topics from a critical perspective. Contributions are accepted in English, French, German and Italian. Editorial Board Ernst Falzeder (University College London), Martin Liebscher (University College London), Christine Maillard (University of Strasbourg), Sonu Shamdasani (University College London). Editorial Team Managing Editor: Gaia Domenici (University College London). Editors: Alessio De Fiori (University of Strasbourg), Matei Iagher (University College London), Armelle Line Peltier (University of Strasbourg—University of Lorraine), Tommaso Priviero (University College London), Florent Serina (University of Strasbourg, Institut des Humanités en Médecine—CHUV, University of Lausanne), Christopher Wagner (University College London), Dangwei Zhou (University College London). Manuscript Submission Information The journal only accepts original, completed manuscripts that are not under review by any other journal or publication. All submissions must be sent electronically to
[email protected]. Manuscripts should be submitted as ‘.doc’ files, double spaced and no longer than 10,000 words including references. An abstract of no more than 150 words must be included with the submission. As submissions are blind reviewed, the author’s name, institutional affiliation, word count and the title of the paper should be included on a separate title page. The editors will aim to communicate a decision to the authors as quickly as possible, within three months of submission.