Social Studies Education in New Brunswick, 1991-2000
!"#$%& An overview of Social Studies in New Brunswick Schools from 1990-1999 (School days museum) & '()*#+%,",& & !"#$%&'()*$%+,-(#.$',//(',*,0.$&1$+"#$23456.$7#')0#$)$+"(89$&1$+"#$:).+$ ;(+"$+&+)*$/#1&/0$1&/$+"#$',//(',*,0.$&1$+"#$23356.<$!"(.$'")89#$*#-$+&$)$;"&*#$ 8#;$;)=$&1$+#)'"(89$)8-$*&&>(89$)+$.&'()*$.+,-(#.$#-,')+(&8$(8$?#;$@/,8.;('><$ A(+"$+"#$B/&;+"$&1$+#'"8&*&9=$)8-$)$0&/#$/):(-*=$'")89(89$;&/*-C$+"#$.&'()*$ .+,-(#.$'*)../&&0.$)8-$',//(',*,0.$8&;$.+/,99*#$+&$>##:$,:<$$ -",./,,"*0&*1&2*/3.%,& Primary Sources New Brunswick Department of Education, (1997) History 10 - History Curriculum including rationale, Program Design and Components, Outcomes, Assessment and Resources. New Brunswick Department of Education, (1992) History 112 - Ancient Medieval History curriculum including rationale, key concepts and resources New Brunswick Department of Education, (1994) Political Science 120 - Political Science curriculum including rationale, key questions and resources. New Brunswick Department of Education, (1998) Canadian History 1998 - Canadian History curriculum including rationale, key questions and resources. New Brunswick Department of Education, (1993) Canadian Geography 120 - Canadian Geography: Portraits of a Nation curriculum including rationale, key questions and resources. New Brunswick Department of Education, (1993) History 120 - World Issues curriculum including rationale, key questions and resources. Secondary Sources Crewe, James. (1998). Atlantic Canada In The Global Community, Breakwater Books. Walker, R.J. (1997). Prologue to the Present Don Mills, Ontario Oxford University Press -Textbook published for use in Grade Ten Ancient Medieval History in the late nineties. Multiple Authors, (1992). Ideologies: Second Edition Canada McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited -Textbook used for Grade Twelve Political Science in the nineties. Evans A. S. & Martinello, (1988) Canada’s Century: Second Edition Canada, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited -Textbook used for Grade Twelve Modern Canadian Studies in the nineties. Clark, P.
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