Bolivian Ram Mikrogeophagus Altispinosus 1 106 YEARS of E DUCATING a QUARISTS AQUATICA VOL

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Bolivian Ram Mikrogeophagus Altispinosus 1 106 YEARS of E DUCATING a QUARISTS AQUATICA VOL AQUATICA T H E O N - L I N E J O U R N A L O F T H E B R O O K L Y N A Q U A R I U M S O C I E T Y VOL. 31 NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 No. 2 Bolivian Ram Mikrogeophagus altispinosus 1 106 YEARS OF E DUCATING A QUARISTS AQUATICA VOL. 31 NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 NO. 2 C ONTENTS PAGE 2 THE AQUATICA STAFF. PAGE 21 WHITE WORMS. How to set up and breed white worns as food for your fish. PAGE 3 CALENDAR OF EVENTS. JOHN TODARO -BAS BAS Events for the years 2017 - 2018 PAGE 22 MEET THE STONY CORALS: PAGE 4 UNDERSTANDING POTENTIAL PART 5. PLATE CORAL/DISK CORAL FUNGIA HYDROGEN (pH). An easy to scale understand ex- SPECIES. Keeping plate corals plation of the pH in the aquarium. TONY KROEGER -BAS RYAN CURTIS - BAS PAGE 26 COKE BOTTLE USED AS KILLIE FISH PAGE 5 BREEDING MICROGEOPHAGUS HATCHERY. How to use plastic Coke soda bottles as ALTISPINOSA, THE BOLIVIAN RAM. This artilce hatchies for killiefish. outlines the breeding of the Bolivian Ram in detail. LARRY FELTS - NHAS EDWARD D. BURRESS -PVAS PAGE 28 BAS TAKES A DAY TRIP TO PAGE 10 CICHLISOMA FESTAE - THE RED ABSOLUTELY FISH. Our trip to Absolutely fish TERROR. The breeding of this big cichlid. and a special trip to their marine breeding facility. JOSEPH GRAFFAGNINO CHARLEY GRIMES -YATFS -BAS PAGE 32 CORYDORAS NAPOENSIS. PAGE 12 CORAL CONSERVATION EFFORTS A report on the breeding of this medium. size AIDED BY COMPUTER SIMULATION. Computer cory from northeastern Ecuador. simulation allows us to answer questions about coral DAN SIMANEK -GPAS biology that can not be answered in the field. PENN STATE UNIVERSITY PAGE 35 GET TO KNOW OUR SPONSORS. PAGE 14 A POCKETFUL OF PENCILS. An PAGE 37 SPONSORS ADS. overview of some popular pencilfish. TONY KROEGER -BAS PAGE 40 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION. PAGE 18 JUST “BUY” A NOSE; PETER’S ELEPHANT NOSE. The life style of the Gnathonemus petersii, the elephant nose. TONY KROEGER -BAS 2 A QUATICA STAFF <W]`^\2bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbJohn Todaro ?^[`\]NU`][Q *\]`a\Z2 FZZ^V]_`ab%aZ]Q[a\2 Ginny Cahill Sy Angelicus Penn State University ?^RPb<W]`^\2bbbbbbbbbbbbbb Kay Martin Edward Burress Dan Simanek 9\aZXO_`a\b@X\]SRb<W]`^\2 Ryan Curtis Ryan Curtis Greg Steeves :_\][ab<W]`^\2bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbOpen Larry Felts John Todaro >Y_[`b<W]`^\2bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIzzy Zwerin Joseph Graffagnino Don Weger ?_`T]ZXb<W]`^\2b Sy Angelicus Charley Grimes Izzy Zwerin IYYUZ`\_`]^[Z2bb Norman Doughty Tony P. Kroeger Chris Giam Julia Noonan Shelly Sacks FYY _\`]VYaZb][bAquatica _\ab`Xab^R][]^[b_[WbaBRa\]a[VaZb^T `Xab_U`X^\b^\b_U`X^\ZLb_[WbW^b[^`b[aVaZZ_\]YPb\aR\aZa[` John Todaro `Xab^R][]^[Zb^Tb`XabaW]`^\Zb^\bZ`_TTb^TbAquatica ^\b`Xa <BVX_[Qab<W]`^\2b Open ;\^^JYP[bFEU_\]USb@^V]a`PbI[VM Note: The Editor takes full responsibility for misspellings and punctuation errors. AQUATICA ]ZbRUNY]ZXaWb^[bY][abN]HS^[`XYPb7aBVaR`bUYP.FUQUZ`8bNPb;F@MbOriginal articles S_PbNab\aR\][`aW NPb^`Xa\ [^[HR\^T]`b^\Q_[]H =_`]^[ZLbR\^K]WaWbR\^Ra\bV\aW]`b]ZbQ]Ka[b`^b`Xab_U`X^\b_[WbAQUATICALb_[Wb`O^bV^R]aZb_\abZa[`b`^b`Xa <BVX_[Qab<W]`^\MbG\_[ZV\]R`]^[Zb^T YaV`U\aZbS_Pb[^`bNab\aR\][`aWbO]`X^U`bO\]``a[bRa\S]ZZ]^[b^TbN^`Xb<W]`^\b_[Wb`Xab@Ra_Ja\MbFb[^`]Vab^TbOXa\ab^\]Q][_YbAQUATICA _\`]VYaZ X_KabNaa[bRUNY]ZXaWbZX^UYWbNabZa[`b`^b`XabBAS Exchange Editor; Tomasz Lis, >M,Mb;^BbA(D/CDLb;JYP[Lb4 bCCAA(HDCCC AQUATICA O]YYbaBVX_[QabRUNY]V_`]^[ZbO]`Xb_YYb][`a\aZ`aWbZ^V]a`]aZMbITbOabW^b[^`b\aVa]KabP^U\bRUNY]V_`]^[ZbT^\b`X\aa V^[ZaVU`]Ka S^[`XZLbOabO]YYb_ZZUSabP^Ub[^bY^[Qa\bO]ZXb`^baBVX_[Qab_[WbP^U\bVYUNbS_PbNabb\aS^KaWbT\^Sb^U\bS_]Y][QbY]Z`M ALL CORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING THIS PUBLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO: b<W]`^\2bJohn Todaro, 247 Middletown Road, South Londonderry VT, 05155 - Phone: 802 824-3743 Fax: Same. You can submit articles to the Editor by mail, fax, or E-mail to: [email protected]. GXabBrooklyn Aquarium Society Inc. ]Zb_b[^[HR\^T]`b^\Q_[]=_`]^[b6DC7V8b708bT^\bRa^RYa ][`a\aZ`aWb][b`Xab_EU_\]US X^NNPb_[Wb`XabZ`UWPb^T _EU_`]VbY]TaMbGXab@^V]a`PbSaa`Z `XabA[Wb9\]W_Pb^Tba_VXbS^[`XbaBVaR`bUYPb_[WbFUQUZ`b_`b`Xab<WUV_`]^[b5_YYb^Tb`Xab4aOb ^\JbFEU_\]USb_` ?^[aPbIZY_[WLb@U\TbFKa[Ua _`b*aZ`b1`Xb@`MLb_`b320Db>:Mb:aa`][QZb_\ab^Ra[b`^bK]Z]`^\ZMb)aT\aZXSa[`Zb_\abZa\KaWMb:aSNa\ZX]Rb]ZbA6bRa\bPa_\ T_S]YP.ADb][W]K]WU_Y.C6bT^\bZ`UWa[`Z U[Wa\bC1M @a[Wb][EU]\]aZb^\bSaSNa\ZX]RbVXaVJZbR_P_NYab`^2 Brooklyn Aquarium Society, V.^b:aSNa\ZX]Rb?X_]\Ra\Z^[Lb>M,Mb;^BbA(D/CDLb;\^^JYP[Lb4 bCCAA(HDDCCM BROOKLYN AQUARIUM SOCIETY BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS <BVX_[Qab<W]`^\2b BOARD MEMBERS Open >\aZ]Wa[`2b Bill Amely Steve Matassa :aSNa\ZX]Rb?X_]\Ra\Z^[2b David Manuel Marty Karfinkel CZ`b]Vab>\aZ]Wa[`2b Leon Perry Gennady (Gene) Kogan @a\Qa_[`H_`HF\SZ2 Lita Goldberg Michael Roman A[Wb]Vab>\aZ]Wa[`2b Vito Sacchieri Marie Licciardello )aV^\W][Qb@aV\a`_\P2 Kay Martin Wayne Sinckler G\a_ZU\a\2b Bob Strazzulla Alfred Turrisi *aNb:_Z`a\2b Larry Whitfield ?^\\aZR^[W][Qb@aV\a`_\P2b Bernard Deren Ronald Wiesenfield Dan Smith <W]`^\2b John Todaro 3 B R O O K LY N A Q UA R I U M S O C I E TY CALENDAR OF EVENTS ~ 2017 -2018 2017 NOV 10 Joe Yaiullo - Marine ~ :_\][abT]ZXL _EU_HVUY`U\aWbV^\_YZL T\aZXO_`a\bT]ZXLbRY_[`Z #bW\PbQ^^WZb_UV`]^[M DEC 8 Holiday Party ~ Members, their families and friends • 9]ZXb;][Q^b#b>\]=aZbb;F@b_O_\WZbR\aZa[`_`]^[ZM 2018 JAN 12 Joe Uaru - King of DYI ~ :_\][abT]ZXL _EU_HVUY`U\aWbV^\_YZL T\aZXO_`a\bT]ZXLbRY_[`Zb#bW\PbQ^^WZ _UV`]^[M FEB 9 John Coppolino - Building my dream system - 1300-gallon SPS display ~ :_\][abT]ZXL _EU_HVUY`U\aWbV^\_YZL T\aZXO_`a\bT]ZXLbRY_[`Zb#bW\PbQ^^WZb_UV`]^[M MAR 9 TBA Freshwater ~ :_\][abT]ZXL _EU_HVUY`U\aWbV^\_YZL T\aZXO_`a\bT]ZXLbRY_[`Zb#bW\PbQ^^WZb_UV`]^[M APR 13 Sanjay Joshi - Reef Lighting ~ :_\][abT]ZXL _EU_HVUY`U\aW V^\_YZL T\aZXO_`a\bT]ZXLbRY_[`Z #bW\P Q^^WZb_UV`]^[M MAY 11 Giant Spring Auction ~ 9\aZXO_`a\bT]ZXLbRY_[`ZLbS_\][a T]ZXLb_EU_HVUY`U\aWbV^\_YZb#bW\PbQ^^WZL ][VYUW][Qb_bN\_[Wb[aOb66HQ_YY^[b`_[Jb#bZ`_[WM JUN 8 TBA ~ :_\][abT]ZXL _EU_HVUY`U\aWbV^\_YZL T\aZXO_`a\bT]ZXLbRY_[`Z #bW\PbQ^^WZb_UV`]^[M NO MEETING JULY & AUGUST SEPT 14 TBA ~ :_\][abT]ZXL _EU_HVUY`U\aWbV^\_YZL T\aZXO_`a\bT]ZXLbRY_[`Z #bW\PbQ^^WZb_UV`]^[ OCT 12 Giant Fall Auction ~ 9\aZXO_`a\bT]ZXLbRY_[`ZLbS_\][abT]ZXL _EU_HVUY`U\aW V^\_YZb#bW\PbQ^^WZLb][VYUW][Qb_ N\_[Wb[aO 66HQ_YY^[b`_[J #bZ`_[WM NOV 9 TBA ~ :_\][abT]ZXL _EU_HVUY`U\aWbV^\_YZL T\aZXO_`a\bT]ZXLbRY_[`Z #bW\PbQ^^WZb_UV`]^[M DEC 14 Holiday Party ~ Members, their families and friends • 9]ZXb;][Q^b#b>\]=aZbb;F@b_O_\WZbR\aZa[`_`]^[Z 4 Ryan Curtis - BAS From New Shrimp Keepers Must Reads, Water Parameters - January 9, 2017 Understanding Potential Hydrogen (pH) R5b][b`Xab_EU_\]US `_[JZbO]`XbX]QXbR5 X^NNPb]Zb_bJaPb_[WbK]`_Y V_[bNabX_\STUYMbG^ T_V`^\b^[b_YYb`X][QZbT\^S Wa`a\S][a ]Tb]`b]ZbY^O T]ZXb_[WbRY_[`Zb`^bZX\]SRM ^\bX]QXbT^\bP^U\ <_VXbZRaV]aZbX_Zb]`Z ZX\]SRLbP^UbO]YY \aV^SSa[WaWbYaKaYb^T [aaW `^bW^bZ^Sab\aH R5b`^bNabJaR`MbaaR][Q Za_\VX ^[b`Xa]\ P^U\bZRaV]aZb][b`X]Z N\aaW][QbR_\_Sa`a\ZM \aV^SSa[WaWbYaKaYbO]YY *X]Yab`XabR5 _YY^Ob]`b`^b`X\]KaM S]QX`bNabY^ObT^\ R5b]Zb_b[USa\]VbZV_YabUZaWb`^bZRaV]TPb`Xa Z^SabZX\]SRLb]`bO^[-`bNabT^\b^`Xa\ZLbZ^bW^][Q _V]W]`Pb^\b_YJ_Y][]`Pb^Tb_[b_EUa^UZbZ^YU`]^[M \aZa_\VXb]ZbJaPM @^YU`]^[ZbO]`Xb_bR5bYaZZb`X_[b3b_\ab_V]W]Vb_[W I[b_bX^Sab_EU_\]USLb`XabNaZ`bO_Pb`^bV^[`\^Y Z^YU`]^[ZbO]`Xb_bR5bQ\a_`a\b`X_[b3b_\ab_YJ_Y][ab^\ P^UbR5b]ZbO]`XbZUNZ`\_`aZb`X_`b_\abWaZ]Q[aWbT^\ N_Z]VMb>U\abO_`a\bX_Zb_bR5b^Tb3b_[Wb]Zb[aU`\_YLNa][Q ZX\]SRbJaaR][Qb_[WbX^YW][QbR5b_`bVa\`_][bYaKaYZM [a]`Xa\b_V]Wb^\b_YJ_Y][aMb?^[`\_\Pb`^bR^RUY_\bNaY]aTL ^U\b[aB`bNaZ`b^R`]^[LbX^OaKa\b[^`bT^\ NaQ][[a\ZL `XabR5bK_YUabV_[bNabYaZZb`X_[bDb^\bQ\a_`a\b`X_[bC+ ]Zb`^bUZab?,A `^bV^[`\^YbR5b][bP^U\b_EU_\]USM T^\bKa\PbZ`\^[Qb_V]WZb_[Wb_YJ_Y][aZb\aZRaV`]KaYPM :^Z`bY]JaYPbOXa[bUZ][Qb?,Ab`^bV^[`\^YbR5LbP^U 5^OaKa\Lb`XaZabaB`\aSaZb_\abW]TT]VUY`b`^bSa_ZU\a O]YYb[aaWb_b?,A S^[]`^\bV^[`\^YYa\b`^bXaYRbS_][`_][ R\aV]ZaYPMbR5b]ZbSa_ZU\aWb_[WbUZU_YYPbT_YYZbNa`Oaa[ ]`b_`bP^U\bWaZ]\aWbYaKaYM /M6H1MDb][bS^Z`bX^Sab_EU_\]USZM IbRa\Z^[_YYPbUZabF>IbGaZ`bGUNab]`Zb`^ R5b][bP^U\b_EU_\]USbO]YYb_TTaV`bX^ObP^U\ Sa_ZU\abR5bYaKaYZb_ZbIbT][Wb`XaSb`^bNab`XabS^Z` ZX\]SRbN\aaWLbTaaWLb_[Wb`Xa]\b^Ka\_YYbXa_Y`XMbGXa _VVU\_`ab^[b`XabS_\Ja`MbGaZ`][Qb^[VabaKa\Pb`O^ Q^_Yb`^bS_[PbZX\]SRbJaaRa\Zb]ZbN\aaW][QMbG^bNab_NYa OaaJZb`^bS^[]`^\bP^U\b_EU_\]USbZX^UYWbNabQ^^W `^bW^b`X]Zb\aQUY_\YPb_[WbaTTaV`]KaYPbP^Ub[aaWb`^ a[^UQXMb X_KabP^U\bZX\]SRb][b`Xab\aV^SSa[WaWb\_[QabT^\ Keep on Shrimpin$ N\aaW][QMb@X\]SRb`_[JZbO]`XbKa\PbY^ObR5bV_[ @][Va\aYPLbFSa\]V_!Zb9_K^\]`ab@X\]SRbUP Z`U[`b`XabQ\^O`Xb^TbP^U\bZX\]SRLbOX]YabZX\]SR Ryan 5 Edward D.
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