DIRECTORY.) :MON~lOUTHSHIRE. PO.l\Tl POOL. 197 Baker Thomas, shopkeeper Kerry Richard, beer retailer Thomas William, Snatchwood inn Gwilym John, shopkeeper Peake Ernest, shopkeeper Watkins Charles, greengrocer Holcombe F. J. & Son, blacksmiths Small Harry, coach builder f Watkins Lewis, shopkeeper PONTl!' MISTER & PONTYWAIN, see Risca. PONTYMOILE, see Panteg. PONTYPOOL (a name corrupted from Pont-ap-Howell) sE-at soo persons: attached is a presbytery. The i.s a town, and under the provisions of the "Local Presbyterian church, Os borne road, erected in 1905, is a Government Act, 1894," was constituted a civil parish, building of stone. Trosnant Baptist chapel, Lower from the ancient parish of Trevethin; it is 149 miles from Bridge street, erected in 1776, was rebuilt in 182o, and London by road and 161 by rail, 18 south-west from renovated in I885, and has 68o sittings. The Congre­ Monmonth, 8 north from Newport, 9! south from Aber- gational chapel, Hanbury road, preded in 1903-4 at a gavenny and 15 from Caerphilly, in the Northern division cost of £7,000, is a fine building of stone, in the Early of the county, hundred, and is the head of Decorated Gothic style, with 700 sittings; attached is a a petty sessional division, poor law union and also of a Sunday school with 400 sittings. The Primitive Metho­ connty court district, rural deanery of , dist chapel, Park terrace, a stone building in the Gothic archdeaconry of Monmouth and diocese of Llandaff: it is style, was erer:ted in 1877, at a cost of £2,200. The seated on the acclivities

larged in 1894, at a total cost, including new sidings &c. 1 a total cost, including site &c. of £27,ooo, is a structure of upwards of £xo,ooo; considerable alterations have in the Tudor style, opened Dec. xst, 1894. 'l'he market also been made at Clarence Street station. days a1•e Wednesdays and Saturdays, and fairs are held The town was governed by a Local Board from July on April 2nd and 22nd, Julv sth and October 10th, for 0 •

17, 1863. until the "Local Government Act, 1894" (st 1 for pleasure, horses, cattlP, sheep and cheese. The & 57 Vict. c. 73) established the present Urban Di~trict Cattle Market, in Park road, constructed in 1899, at a Council of eighteen members. cC'st of £2,8oo, has an area of 3~ acres, and pens for The town is paved and lighted and supplieil with both 259 cattle, 3,<;oo shPep and 200 piqs; the land was ~iven gas and water by the Pontypool Gas and Water Corn- by J. C. Hanbury esq. pany, established in IBso, incorporated in 1871; there 1. St. Jamps' Hall, a building- of stoni', standing- on a are four reservoirs. having a total capacity of about 15 ' site near to St. Jami's' church, was built in 1910 -at a million gallons, including one at Cwm-Avon, holding cost of £2,5oo. The g-round floor contains a recreation about 10 million gallons, and pumping plant was also room. kitchPn and lavatori~s, and on thP seC'ond floor is erected at Cwm-Avon in 1894 for supplying the higher 1 a hnll to seat soo pi>rsons. portion of the district: there are eight springs, two at The Hanbury Assembly Room and Arc:.1de, in the Cwm-Avon, two at Cwmyravon, one at Nantymailor, I O~borne road, were opened April, 1893, at a cost of one at and two at the Folly, supplying £6,ooo; the former will seat 850 persons, and contains Pontypool, Abersychan, Talywain, Garndiffaith, , a platform or stagP, cloak rooms &c. Griffithstown, Sebastopol and New Inn. The Gas Worl\s The Constitutional Club, Osborne road, built in 189~. supply Pontypool, Griffithstown, Sebastopol and ~ew at a cost of £I,6oo, contains an assembly room holdiug Inn. 250 persons, and reading, billiard and committee rooms &c The PontypoJl and District Electric Lighting Power The Catholic Club, in Catholic lane, was built in 1904 <.:o. Limited, formed in 1893, has works in Park road, for the Catholic Men's .Association. and several of thf> streets and shops are now supplied The Carnegie Free Library, erected in 1909 at a cost with the electric light. •Jf £1,889, from dPsigns by Messrs. Spiers and Bevan, The police duties are discharged by the :Momnonth- architects, of Cardiff, contains a reading room, rl'ferPnce shire constabulary, and the superintendent has an office and lending libraries, ladies' reading room, committee at the Police Station adjoining the Town Hall. rnnm and a small lPcture hall. The church of St. James is a buildinl! of stone, in the The Fire Brigade, instituted in :March, 1BBI. consists Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, north, south of a captain, lieutenant, and 14 firemen. At Pontypool and centre aisles, south-west and -wPst porches and a is stationed the 2nd Territorial Force Battalion Mon­ western belfry containing one bell: it was restored in mouthshire Regiment, and the A, B and C Companies. 1877, at a cost of about £2,500, and has 700 sittings. of the regiment. The headquarters are at Osborne road. Ioo being frPe. The living is a vicarage, net incomP There are numerous forges and iron mills within a short /)47• derived from the endowment and pew rents, with distance of the town, for the manufacture of the heaviest r_esidence, in the gift of the vicar of Llanover, and held iron work and for the making of tin plates. The chi~>£ onnce 1900 by the Rev. Goronwy Go-u-er, of Jesus College, at·tic:es of trade are coal and iron of every quality anrl Ox!or_d. St. John's 1\Iissio~ Church, at Tranch, is a rle~cription, with which the neighbouring hills abound; bmldmg of stone, and wdl seat 28o pei som. St. ample facility of conveyance is afforded both bv the <::adoc's Mission Church. on the Osborne road. will numerous railways and by the MonmouthshirP canal t I seat Ioo. St. John the Divine Mission Church, at Wain- the docks at Newport. telin, is a building of stone, and will seat 530 persons; The New Recreation Ground, Catholic lane, opened in all are served by the clergy of Trevethin. St. x·893, is available for sports of all kinds, and includP" Ma~t~ew's M_ission Church, yictoria road, an iron an excellent cycling track. bmldmg seatmg 300 persons. Is serT"ed by the clergy ThP area of thP parish and Urban District is 231 of Panteg:. St. Alban's Catholic church, George street, acres ; rateable valuP, £25,903 ; the population in 1911 ~rected m 183_8, was restored and enlarged ~nd . a wn~ 6, 452 • The population for the "hole town district gallery addPd m I88I-z at a cost of £6oo: It wtll in DPcember, rgn, was l2 • .J.S8. I OFFICIAL ESTABLISHMENTS, LOC.\L INSTITUTIONS &c. Post, M. 0., T .. Telephonic Express Delivery & Tele­ don, South Wales & general & BlaenaT"on, 1.40 p.m. & phone Call Office. Postmaster, William Hy. Richards. London, South WalPs & general, 5.30 p.m. ; mail ... road. Letters arrive from London, South dispatched to Blaenavon, 4·55 a.m.! Abersychan, Wales, general & North of England, delivered at 7 & Garndiffaith, Pontnewynydd, Talywam & Varte~, from London, South Wales & general, g.15 a.m.; Lon- *Panteg and Penpellenny, 6 a.m. ; to *Newpm-~