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TOPOGRAPHY of ^Vtat Mvitain, OR, BRITISH TRAVELLER's POCKET DIRECTORY; THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES : TOPOGRAPHY OF ^vtat Mvitain, OR, BRITISH TRAVELLER'S POCKET DIRECTORY; BEING AN ACCURATE AND COUPBEBENSIVE TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OP ALL THE COUNTIES IN WITH THE ADJACENT ISLANDS: II.LUSTRATE0 WITH MAPS OF THE COUNTIES, WHICH FORM A COMPLETE BRITISH ATLAS. BY G. A. COOKE, ESQ. VOL. XIV. CONTAINING MONMOUTHSHIRE AND SOUTH WALES. Uontron Printed^ hjf Alignment from the Executors of the late C. Cooke, FOR SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES, PATERNOSTER-ROW ; AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. : A TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH; Containing an Account of its Situation, i Mines, Canats, Extent, Fisheries, Cariosities, I Towns, Manufactures. Antiquities, I Roads, Commerce, iJiography, I Rivers, - 1 Agriculture, History, Civil and Ecclesiastical Jurisdictions, &c. To which arc prefixed, The Direct and Principal Cross Roads^ Distances ofStages, Jnnsy and Nollemen and Gentlemen's Seats, ALSO, ^ %i^t of tl)t Markets ant< dTair^; AND AN INP/EX TABLE, Eithibiting at one View, the Distances of all the Towns from London, and of Towns from each other With an Account of the Wye Tour. THE WHOLE FORMING A COMPLETE COU^TY ITINERARY. BY G. A. COOKE, ESQ. Illustrated with A MAP OF THE COUNTY, VIEWS, fltc. SECOND EDITION. ILonaon: Printed, by Assignment from the Executors of the late C. Cooke, FOR SHERWOOD, JONES, AND CO. PATERNOSTER-ROW; AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. B. M'Millao, Printer, B*w-Strcct, Cov«nt-Garden. (3) 2 (4) C CO rt r Cli .—I s: en O C > ROADS IN MONMOUTHSHIRE. On R. a T. R. to Tkmme-purk, Miss Wick- Thame. ham, R. Inn : Flvme of Feathers. Tetsworth 411 Inns : Royal Oak, Swan. The Three Pigeons H 43i Great Hastey, — Blackall, On R a T. R. to esq. L.; Ricot-park, Earl Thnme; on L. to of Abingdon; and half a Wallingford. mile beyond the Three Pigeons, at Waterstock, W. H. Ashurst, esq. Wheatley-bi:idge • • H Holton-park, Elisha liiscoe, Cross the Thame, esq. R. R. Inn: Crown. Wheatley 471 Cuddesden-palace, Bishop of Over Siwtever'hilli Oxford, R. ; one mile be- on L. a T, R. to yond Wheatley, on L. Oxford; three quar- Shotover' house, . George ters of a mile far- Schutz, esq. thery on R. to Islik. Headington 31 51 Sir Joseph Lock ; Edw. La- On L. a T. R. to timer, esq. ; and the Rei\ Wheatley, by Shot- T. Horwood, R. croer, Inn : Catherine Wheel. St. Clement's Turn- pike 521 On L. a T. R. to Henley. Cross the Ch^rwellf R. Oxford 53 Inns : Angel, King^s Arms, Cross the Isis, R. Mitre, Roe-Buck, Star. Botley-hill, Berks 54| Beyond, seeWytham Abbey, On R. a T. R. to Earl of Abingdon. Farringdon. Eynsham-bridge • • 31 58 Cross the Isis, R. Eynsham, Oxford 58| Eynsham-hall, J. Buxton, Newland Turnpike 631 esq. On R. a T. R. to Woodstock. Cross the Windrush, R 10 ITINERARY OF THK Witney 64J Staple-hall Inn. On L. two r. r:s to Bump ton. BuilFORD 7 P. The Priori/, W. J. Lenthall, On It. a T. R. to esq. R. ; two miles atid Chipping Norton Sf a half' distant, on L. Stoic ; on L. to Far- at Bradwell, Bradwell- ringdou and to Ci- grove house, W. Hervey, rencester. esq. Little Barrington, Inns : Bull, and George. Gloucestershire H 731 Barrington -park. Lord Dt/nevor, R. ; beyond Little Barrington, on L. are Dutton-lodge, unoc- fupied, and Barrington' grove, E. Greenwuy, esq. North LEAca •••• 80^ Beyond, see Stowell-park, On R. a T. R, to Mrs. Humbridge. Stow; on L. the Inns: King*$ Head, Sher- footway tQ Cirences- borne Arms, ter. Frogmill Tjin • • • • ^ 87^ See from the hill a fine On R, a T. R. to prospect over the rich Gloucester^ through Vale of Evesham, Chel- Whitcombe; on R. tenham, Tewkesbury, and to Stozv. Woixester, bounded by the Malvern'hil/s, Frog- mill Inji. Dowdeswell • • • • 89^ Sandywcll-park, Miss Tim' brell, R. Charlton Kings • • 9H Charlton-iiark, Mrs. Pritin, Cadnall 9 R. On L. a T. R. to Stroud. Cheltenham • 93,^ Georginna-housc,F.B.Lind, esq. R. ; S^-on tin: hill Hew- IcLs, James Agg, esq. fniis: Fleece, George Ho- tel, Lamb, London Ho- tel, Plough Hotel. UOADS iN MONMOU IHSHlllE. 11 Bedlam 12 ITINERARY OF THE Good rich-cross 1 Old Forge Cross the river Guran. Whitchurch Ganarew Enter Monmouth' shire. Dixton Monmouth •••• ^; ROADS IN MONMOUTHSHIRE. 13 Llangattock • • • • 12 A mile and a half beyond A mile before, TJangattockf on L. a Abergavenny, L. to farm-house, in form of a PontypoolyNezcport, cast le ; two milesfurther and TJsk, Colebrookrhouse, J. Han- bury Williams, esq, ; half a milefrom Llangattock^ Pempergzoin-house, Rev. J. Lewis. Inns: Angel, Greyhound, Abergavenny 16 On R. of Abergavenny, Hill' house, Thos. Mor- gan, esq.; on L. Llan" foist'house, F. Chambre, esq, MONMOUTH TO ABERGAVENNY; THROtJGH LLANDILO CRESSENY. Monmouth to Rockfield Two milesfrom, on R. Per- thyr, J. Powel Lorymer, esq, Llandilo Cresseny 51 n Llandilo-house, R, Lewis, esq.; on L. BrynDerry, Rev. Dr. Nicholas; and about one mile, on R. Llanvapley • • • White-castle, Kevenaendagar About half a mile, on R. of Wernddu, Ambrose God- dard, esq. Abergavenny H 13 One mile from, on R. is Twydee, Thos. Ellis, esq. north of Abergavenny is Llantony-^tbbey, W. S. Llandee, esq. 14 ITINERARY OF THE ABERGAVENNY TO NEWPORT. Abergavenny to On R. of Abergavenny is On R. a T. R. Llanfoist-house, Major to Crickhowell ; on Chambre; one milefrom L. to Monmouth; Abergavenny, on L.Cole- bei/ond, on L. to brooke-house and park, Monmouth and Usk. F. Williams, esq. Croas the Usk, R. Llanellen About 1 mileSf a halfbeyond On L. a r. n. to Llanove-n-house, Benja- Usk. Cross the Bre- min Waddington, esq.; con canal. beyond which, Pant-y- Mamhilade goytre, W. V. Bary, esq. One mile beyond, onL.aT.R.toUsk. Llanvihangel • • • • n 8| Llanvihangel-court, Hugh Cross the Bre- Powel, esq.; and Ponty- con canal. One mile pool-park, C. H. Leigh, beyond, on R. a esq. R. T. R. to Pontypool. Cross the Brecon canal. Paiiteague 101: Inn: The New Inn. Cross-y-Ceilog • • H 12 Half a mile be- yond, on Li. a T. R. to Caerleon. Cross the Avon Llywd, R. Llantarnani 14 Near, on L.ris Llantarnam- abbty andpark, Edward Blewitt, esq. Malpas 15 Near, on R. is Malpas- Cross the Mon- home, Sir J. A. Kemeys; mouth canal, to and half a mile beyond is Crynda-lodge, — Hodg- kinson, esq. Newport l&l Inn : The Kingh Head, ; ROADS IN MONMOUTHSHIRE. 15 CAERLEON TO MONMOUTH; THROUGH USK. Monmouth to Wonastow Ra^Iand 6 On R. a T. R. to Abergavenny; onh. to Chepstow, USK Cross the Usk, R. und on R. a T. R, to Ahergav^nny. Llanbadon Llangibby Llanhenock Cross the Torvaen, R. Carleon • 16 ITINERARY OF TfiE Chepstow y on L. is Tierce- field, ike seat ofN. WeUs, esq.; about three miles, on R. Ittou'courtj W. Currieyesq.; three miles, on R. of Chepstow, is St, Pierre, Charles Lewis, esq. Inns : Beaufort Arms, and Three Crowns, THE NEW PASSAGE TO NEWPORT. New Passage to Cross the Severn, R. to • Black-Rock Inn • Inn : The Black-Rock Inn, On R. a T. R. to Chepstow. Portes-cauet • • • • Crick-house, N. M. Pley- Crick dell, esq. ; nearmhich are On R. a T. R. to Barnsvilla,Sir H. Cosby; Monmouth, and Grandra, JohnProC' Caenvent tor, esq. On R. a T. R. to Usk. Penhowe 10 Wentwood-lodge, Duke of Beaufort, R. ; Fencoyd- castle. Sir M, Wood, bart. L. Cat's Ash lU Near, on L. is Llanwerne, Half a mile for- Sir T. V. Salusbury, bart. ward, on R. a T. R. to Caerleon. Christchurcli • • • • 15 Between Christchurch and Beyond, on R. a Newport, on L. are Bel- T. R. to Usk. mont, Q. Hall, esq., and Mount St. Albun's, Jas. Thomas, esq. ; five miles . KOADS IK MONMOUTSUIRE. 17 beyond b WiUton-house, Win. Phillips, esq. Newport One mile beforCy on L. Maindee, G. Jones, esq. CHEPSTOW TO RUMNEY; THROUGH CURISTCHURC5H AJJD NEWPORT. Chepstow to St. Pierte .-.•... Crick Crick-house, N. M. Pley- On R. a T. R. dell, esq.; near which are to Monmouth. , Barnsvilla, Sir H, Cosby; Caerwent and Grandra, John ProC" On R. a T. R. to tor, esq. Usk. Penhowe ......... Wentwood^lodge, Duke of Cat's Ash Beaufort, R,; Pencoyd- Half a mile, on castle, Sir M. Wood, R. a T. R. to Caer- bart, L.; near, on L. is lean, Llantcerne, Sir T. V. Salushury, bart. Christchurch • » . ^1. 14 Between Christchurch and Beyond, on R. a Newport, on L. Belmont, T. R. to Usk. Cross G. Hall, esq.; 4" Mount the Usk, R. St. Alban's, James Tho- ?nas, esq. Five miles be- yond is Wilston-house, Wm. Phillips, esq. Newport • • • • 2| 161- One mile before Newport, On R. a T. R. to on L. see Maindee, G, Pontypool Sf Caer- Jones, esq.; one mile be- philly. Cross the yond Newport, on L. are Monmouth canal, a- Belle Vue, Mrs. Huntley; bout one mile from and Friars, Thos. PrO' Newport. Cross the theroe, esq. iron rail-way. Caer-bridge • • . • n m Beyond, on L. Tredegar, Cross the Sotwy, Sir Chas. Morgan, bart. K. C3 18 ITINERARY OF THE ROADS IN MONMUUTUSIIIRE. Castle Town .... 3 n} St. Mellon's • • • . 2 23| Three miles, on R. Rup- pera'house, C. Morgarif esq.; a quarter of a mile furtherJ on R. Cqfn Ma- bley, J. H. Tynte, esq. Inn: The Blue Bell. Rumney • \\ 24|: Llanrumney, David Bi- chardSf esq. R. END OF THE ITINERARY.
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