Speyerer Forschungsberichte, Bd

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Speyerer Forschungsberichte, Bd '·' ' -; Klaus König/R. Scott Fosler (Hrsg.) REGIONALIZATION BELOW STATE-LEVEL IN GERMANY AND THE UNITED STATES 1 . · .-REGIONALISIERUNG UNTERHALB DER LANDESEBENE ~ . .t IN DEUTSCHLAND UND DEN VEREINIGTEN STAATEN " .·.' ·.' .~ ·~. .•,; SPEYER ER • • l 9 7 FORSCHUNGSBERICHTE Klaus König IR. Scott Fosler (Hrsg.) Regionalization below State-Level in Germany and the United States Regionalisierung unterhalb der Landesebene in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten Speyerer Forschungsberichte 197 Klaus König / R. Scott Fosler (Hrsg.) REGIONALIZATION BELOW STATE„LEVEL IN GERMANY AND THE UNITED STATES REGIONALISIERUNG UNTERHALB DER LANDESEBENE IN DEUTSCHLAND UND DEN VEREINIGTEN STAATEN Forschungssymposium/Workshop vom 30. März bis 3. April 1998 FORSCHUNGSINSTITUT FÜR ÖFFENTLICHE VERWALTUNG BEI DER DEUTSCHEN HOCHSCHULE FÜR VERWALTUNGSWISSENSCHAFTEN SPEYER l999 Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Regionalization below state level in Germany and the United States: Forschungssymposium/Workshop vom 30. März bis 3. April 1998 =Regionalisierung unterhalb der Landesebene in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten I Forschungs­ institut für öffentliche Verwaltung bei der Deutschen Hochschule für Verwaltungs­ wissenschaften Speyer. Klaus König/R. Scott Fosler (Hrsg.). - Speyer: Forschungs­ inst. für öffentliche Verwaltung, 1999 (Speyerer Forschungsberichte; 197) ISBN 3-932112-35-0 Herstellung: FORSCHUNGSINSTITUT FÜR ÖFFENTLICHE VERWALTUNG bei der Deutschen Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer Alle Rechte vorbehalten U msch!ag entwurt: © 8/97 TRIFTY ART Grafik Design• 67550 Worms• Hauptstr. 32 ·Tel.: 0 62 41/95 15 38 V Acknowledgement As the executive director of the Research Institute for Public Administration at the German Post-Graduate School of Administrative Sciences and host of the workshop „Regionalization below State-level in Germany and the United States" I would like to thank the President of the National Academy for Public Administration, R. Scott Fosler, for the fine and intensive coopera­ tion which was the precondition for the good atmosphere and the fruitful scientific exchange during the conference. I also want to thank the Regional Planning Association Rhein-Neckar, INFOBEST Kehl/Strasbourg and the Badische Stahlwerke AG - as destina­ tions and hosts of our excursions they contributed to very useful insights. 1 am furthermore obliged to the Investitions- and Strukturbank Rheinland­ Pfalz GmbH on whose invitation we were able to make our American guests familiar with the Pfälzer whine and cooking as well as to Mr. and Mrs. Siedentopf whose amiable reception at Godramstein was another highlight of our social activities. Finally, 1 would like to express my gratitude to Ann Mladinov and Natascha Füchtner. Their close trans-atlantic preparatory management, their organizational work and assistance to the participants guaranteed the smooth and successful proceeding of the conference. Speyer, December 1998 Klaus König VI VII Inhaltsverzeichnis Klaus König Opening Address 1 R. Scott Fosler Regional Governance in the United States: An Introduction ................ 5 Arthur Benz Rel!ionalization..., in the Federal Reoublic„ of Germanv- . 19 Curtis Johnson Regionalism in the United States „ ..... „ .... „ „ ........... „ „ „ „. „ .. „..... 35 Gisela Färber Regional Economic Promotion . 45 Janis Purdy Regional Economic Development in the United States „ „ ........ „„ ... „. 71 Wolfgang Patschke Public Transit in the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Area . .. ............... 89 Thomas D. Larson U.S. Transportation Programs and Policies: Evolution and Movement toward a greater Regional Role . 99 Klaus Mandel Administrative Reorganization of Agglomerations . 117 VIII Jonathan Howes State-Crossing Regions . 131 Joachim Beck Cross-border Cooperation in Europe - The example of the upper rhine - 137 Mark Pisano Transnational Regions in North America ..................................... 167 Eberhard Bohne Regional Environmental Protection in Germany . 177 DeWitt John The Place of Regions in Governance of the Environment and Natural Resources in the U nited States . „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ .. „ „ „ . „ „ „ . „ 201 Heinrich Siedentopf Administrative Reorganization of Regions .................................... 219 James H. Svara Issues Concerning Regional Structure in the United States „ „ ... „ „ „ „ „ 229 Natascha Füchtner Regionalization below State-Level in Germany and the United States - Similarities and Differences „ „. „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „. 241 Appendix Documentation: The Association of Subregional Planning Authorities +,..,. ... 4-ho. Dh;.,...o. 1'.T o.,.. l.r.,.„ A .-a... 1 A '7 lV.l L.l•\.r ..L'-J.••J...l\.r-..L""4V~J'\.Q.L I"'lr.__l"'"'Q. ••••••„•••••••••••••••••••• ... ••••••••••••~··••••••••••• ""-'~/ List of Participants ................................................................ 259 1 Opening Address by Klaus Konig, Speyer Dear President Scott Posier, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Colleagues! As the executive director of the Research Institute for Public Admini­ stration at the German Post-Graduate School of Administrative Sciences (the Deutsche Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer), I wish to welcome you very warmly to Speyer. We are holding this meeting in the assembly hall of our school's senate. On the wall, you can see a picture of our late colleague Fritz Morstein-Marx, who was a unique representative of both the American and the German administrative world. He worked as a oractitioner.... in the Hambunz....... administrative authorities., and as an emi!!rant."""" „ he rose tobe a member of the White House staff. He was professor at re- nowned American universities, among them Princeton, and he spent the last years of bis professional life here at the Speyer Post-Graduate School. In the USA he became well-known, above all, for editing the first textbook on public administration after the Second World War. In Germany, he later on became the pioneer of comparative administrative science. Those who have known him personally or have studied bis works, will feel deep respect for him. P"'T""l11 • „ „„ „ „ 'II •• t t• • ·~1 • • 1 ms nau nas aJreaay wnnesseo many 01scuss10ns w1m numerous Amen- can colleagues, since a great number of American professors have worked at the Research Institute as visiting researchers or attended specific events on their own. Y et this is the first time that we are collaborating as an institution with an institution in the U nited States. Now, I would like to present the Research Institute to you in brief: For many years, the institute was a component part of the Speyer Post-Graduate School. In 1976, it was given independence. Although it uses the Post­ Graduate School' s services, above all its library, it is a separate organization which is supported and funded by the Federal government and the 16 state governments. From the academic viewpoint, the Institute is a member of the Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz. This scientific community unites about 80 non-universitary research institutions in Ger­ many, among them renowned economic research institutes. The Institute' s mission is doing research in the field of administrative sciences with particular attention to the requirements of public administra- 2 tion in practice ..i\.ccordingly, our research ranges from basic research proj- ects to projects of practice-oriented research. Most projects unite both as­ pects even to the point of consultancy in administrative practice. Members of the Institute are the more then 20 professors of the Post-Graduate School and also more than 25 junior researchers with füll-time posts. lt is in accordance with the German and also the Continental European tradition that the most varied disciplines relevant to public administration are allowed for within the scope of administrative sciences. These include public law, the various economic sciences, in particular fiscal economics, as well as sociology, political science, psychology and history, but also computer science with specific orientation to public administration. Besides these, there is also administrative science in the singular which - similar to Public Administration in the U nited States - endeavours to integrate all the varied findings. Yet the Research Institute is not onJy multi-disciplinary and inter­ disciplinary. lt tries to improve the status and profile of research through cross-sectional perspectives and focusses of research. One of the cross­ sectional perspectives is the modernization of public administration; more­ over, the Research Institute' s work focusses its attention on processes of in­ tegration like the unification of Germany, the European Union and globali­ zation. The focusses of our research are (1) citizens, state and public re­ sponsibilities, (2) civil service and organization (3) planning and decision­ making (4) public finance and economic policy, and (5) legislation and judi­ cia! po!icy. !t may be considered as a measure of the Institute' s productivity that more than 400 books and innumerable articles and papers have been published during the past two decades. The Research Institute for Public Administration is unique in Germany both within and outwith the universities. Accordingly, we are endeavouring to be the prime interlocutor for international cooperation in the public ad­ ministration field. We admit foreign visiting researchers, hold international seminars and cooperate on an institutional level with comparable institutions abroad. lt is a particularly great pleasure for us that we
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    PRESENTS Live Love Guitars BERLIN OCT 8+9 2016 C4 C3 C2 C1 DEMO CONCERTS SHOW OFFICE SOUND CABINS SOUND CABINS EXHIBITOR SERVICES 5 Cabins: 5 Cabins: Restricted access Testing electric Testing electric guitars & basses guitars, basses & acoustic guitars STAGE SOUND CABINS 4 Cabins: Testing acoustic guitars FOYER ESTREL HALL Exhibitors Exhibitors 66-137 1-65 Bathrooms Show Entrance & Exit Restaurant PASSAGE area Ticket Counter Wardrobe Smoking Area Reception ROOM PARIS ROOM LYON ROOM STRAßBURG Entrance Estrel PUBLIC LOUNGE DEMO CONCERTS LECTURES TAXI Ziegrastraße THE HOLY GRAIL GUITAR SHOW 2016 October 8 & 9, 2016 Estrel Berlin Sonnenallee 225 12057 Berlin ► PUBLIC HOURS: ► DEMO CONCERTS & LECTURES: Saturday, October 8, 2016 • 10:00 - 18:00 First-come, first-served; once all seats are taken doors will close. Sunday, October 9, 2016 • 10:00 - 17:00 Doors will remain closed during concerts and lectures. The schedule is subject to change without notice. ► TICKETS*: Free of ChArge for TiCkeT hOlDerS 1-day ticket € 20 Weekend ticket € 30 ► DISCOUNTED 1-DAY ticKETS*: Disabled persons, seniors ( 65 and older), students € 12 Child (ages 6-14) free * All prices include 19 % VAT The Holy Grail Guitar Show is organized by the European Guitar Builders e.V. (EGB). An important part of the EGB’s mission is the promotion of the luthier-built guitar among the guitar playing public. 3 i n today’s connected have large budgets to advertise widely, or pay endorsers to world we can browse create this ‘mimetic desire’ that drives most of the market. On WELCOME TO the internet and find the face of it we are at a distinct disadvantage compared to the out about builders all large companies, which are able to generate it in spades.
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    ‘Bastard Urbanism’? Past Forms of Cities in the Alpine Area of Tyrol-Trentino* by HANNES OBERMAIR, Bozen/Bolzano In this paper, I would like to link a regional historical examination with several con- ceptual considerations that lead into the topic of the formation of cities in the High and Late Middle Ages. In this regard, the subject of the historical work is the city always also being a ‘product of a process of construction’, that is, not merely as a scene of the past, but rather likewise as a place of projections and aporia, of wandering paths of thinking and interpretation. Historians are supposed to always be conscious of the manifold attributions that have been discovered and the influence of their perspective – common images continue to inevitably be included in the working process as a ‘film of perception’.1 As a methodical point of departure, first of all I would like to consider the very incon- sistent state of the regional discussion, on the other hand forging a link to a lively, thoroughly uncompleted, and extremely exciting debate with regard to the manifesta- tions of the development of European cities in the Middle Ages that were so varied, so polymorphous, and in many cases, so paradoxical.2 Secondly, my remarks will deal with matters of abstract concepts, and then thirdly, with some clarifications of the subjects which, out of necessity, must remain very cur- sory. In a fourth step, I will link these with the discussion of two central questions of research: the debates surrounding path dependency and those on public space.
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