CEB Vehicle and IT Replacement Schedultes

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CEB Vehicle and IT Replacement Schedultes PUBLI C WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE REPLACEMENT SCHEDU LE VEHICLE NO. DESCRIPTION YEAR 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 CODE PW1 MECHANIC SERVICE VEHICLE 2007 110-6047-S12-8006 PW2 F250 4X2 SERVICE BODY 2013 510-6057-502-8006 PW3 LOADER/BACKHOE 2005 120,000 510-6052-501-8007 PW4 F450 PLATFORM TRUCK 2003 60,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW5 F250 4X2 SERVICE BODY 2012 so,ooo 510-60S2-S02-8006 PW6 STERLING DUMP TRUCK 2001 165,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW7 AERIAL BUCKET TRUCK 1999 240,000 110-6043-434-8006 PW8 F450 4X DUMP TRUCK 2008 79,000 110-6044-43 5-8006 PW9 STERLING DUMP TRUCK 2004 165,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW10 RESERVED 110-6044-435-8007 PW11 RESERVED 110-6041-432-8007 PW 12 F350 DUMP TRUCK 2000 79,000 110-6043-434-8006 PW 13 TRACTOR W/ElJCKET 200S 70,000 510-6057-502-8007 PW14 AERIAL BUCKET TRUCK 2002 150,000 110-6043-434-8006 ~ PW15 F650 DUMP TRUCK 2005 165,000 110-6041-432-8006 10 PW 16 RESERVED 110-6043-434-8006 !-> PW 17 FS50 SERVICE BODY With TRUCK CRANE 2015 510-6057-502-8006 E5 PW 18 STANDBY GEN. 2000 110-6041-432-8007 PW18T UTILITY TRAILER 2009 110-6041-432-8007 PW19 6 WHEEL DUMP TRUCK 2009 165,000 510-6052-501-8006 PW20 F150 4X PICK-UP 2013 110-6043-434-8006 PW21 SKID STEER/LOADER 2009 50,000 110-6043-434-8007 PW21T UTILITY TRAILER 2008 110-6043-434-8007 PW22 LOADER/BACKHOE 2001 85,000 510-6052-501-8007 PW23 STRINGTRIMMER 1997 110-6043-434-8007 PW24 11/2 TON CREWCABVAN 2015 510-6052-501-8006 PW25 TRACKLESS W /BROOM 2015 110-6042-433-8007 PW26 F450 DUMP TRUCK 2008 100,000 110-6043-434-8006 PW 27 F2SO 4X PICK-UP 2007 45,000 510-6057-501-8006 PW28 F750 MUNI DUMP TRUCK 2008 150,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW29 F750 MUNI DUMP TRUCK 2008 150,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW30 STRINGTRIMMER 1997 110-6041-432-8007 PW31 LOADER/BACKHOE 2012 110-6041-432-8007 PW32 CRANE PLATFORM TRUCK 2015 110-6044-43S-8006 PW33 F750 MUNI DUMP TRUCK 2008 150,000 110-6043-434-8006 PW34 F750 MUNI DUMP TRUCK 2001 165,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW 35 TRAILER MOUNTED JETTER 2012 510-6056-502-8007 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE VEHICLE NO DESCRIPTION YEAR 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 CODE PW36 E2SO CARGO VAN 2007 2S,OOO 510-6052-501-8006 PW37 CH IPPER 2006 60,000 110-6043-434-8007 PW38 STERLING DUMP TRUCK 2001 165,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW39 F450 DUMP TRUCK 2004 79,000 110-6043-434-8006 PW40 F250 SERVICE BODY 2006 42,000 510-6052-501-8006 PW41 SKID STEER/ LOADER 2004 50,000 510-6056-502-8007 PW41T UTILITY TRAILER 2004 18,500 510-6056-502-8007 PW42T UTILITY TRAILER 1998 510-6056-502-8007 PW43 FLOOR SCRUBBER 1998 110-6046-418-8007 PW44 F450 4X DUMP TRUCK 2005 79,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW4S TROMMEL SCREENER 80,000 110-6043-434-8007 PW46 WALK BEHIND SNOW BLOWER 1991 110-6042-433-8007 PW47 SMALL PICK UP 2013 110-6046-418-8006 PW48 SMALL ROLLER 2006 110-6041-432-8007 ~ PW48T UTILITY TRAILER 2006 110-6041-432-8007 p PW 49 F450 4X DUMP TRUCK 2008 79,000 110-6044-435-8006 _. PW SO AERIAL BUCKET TRUCK 2014 110-6043-434-8006 ~. PW 51 6 WHEEL DUMP TRUCK 2002 165,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW 52 STERLING DUMP TRUCK 2001 165,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW 53 FLUSHER TRUCK 2013 510-6056-SOZ-8007 PW 54 F250 SERVICE BODY 2012 510-6056-502-8006 PW 55 HEDGE SHEARS 1997 110-6041-432-8007 PW 56T WATER PUMP TRAILER 2008 110-6041-432-8007 PW 57 SEALCOAT SPRAYER 2000 110-6041-432-8007 PW 58 F350 4X PICK-UP 2005 45,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW 59 SIDEWALK VAC 1998 PW60 TRACTOR W /BUCKET 1996 75,000 110-6043-434-8007 PW61 WALK-IN STEP VAN 2014 S10-6052-S01-8006 PW62 ROTARY TILLER 1996 110-6043-434-8007 PW63 TRACTOR (WITH MOWER) 1994 110-6043-434-8007 PW64 STERLING DUMP TRU CK 2004 165,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW6S F2SO 4X PICKUP TRUCK 2007 45, 000 110-6043-434-8006 PW66 F2SO 4X PICKUP TRUCK 2007 45, 000 110-6046-418-8006 PW67 BRICK SCRUBBER 1999 110-6041-432-8007 PW68 RE SERVED PW 69 ASPHALT HOT BOX 2012 25,000 110-6041-432-8007 PW70 F3SO 2X DUMP TRUCK 1999 79,000 110-6043-434-8006 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE VEHICLE NO DESCRIPTION YEAR 2.016 2.017 2.018 2.019 2.02.0 2.02.1 2.02.2. 2.02.3 2.02.4 2.02.5 CODE PW71 F350 4X DUMP TRUCK 2.001 79,000 110-6043-434-8006 PW72 E2.50 CARGO VAN 2.007 25,000 110-6046-418-8006 PW73 F2.SO 4X PICKUP TRUCK 2.007 48,000 110-6044-435-8006 PW74 END LOADER 2014 110-6041-432.-8007 PW75 SNO-GO SNOW BLOWER 2.006 110-6042.-432.-8007 PW76 TRACKLESS W/AITACHMENT 2.003 75,000 110-6041-432.-8007 PW77 F350 4X DUMP TRUCK 2.013 110-6041-432.-8006 PW78 F2.50 4X PICK-UP 2.004 45,000 110-6041-432.-8006 PW79 F250 SERVICE BODY 2.012. 50,000 510-6056-502.-8006 PW80 TREE STUMPER 2013 110-6043-434-8007 PW81 F650 DUMP/CHIPPER BOX 2.002. 100,000 110-6043-434-8006 PW82. CHIPPER 2008 60,000 110-6043-434-8007 PW83 F2.50 4X PICK-UP 2.015 45,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW84 F150 4X PICK-UP 2.013 110-6043-434-8006 b PW85 MOBILE BORING MACHINE 201S 110-6044-435-8007 ~ PW8ST UTILITY TRAILER BORING MACHINE 2.01S 110-6044-435-8007 pPWSSAT CONDUIT REEL TRAILER 199S 18,000 110-6044-435-8007 ~ PW86 F2.SO 4X PICK-UP 2.01S S10-6052.-501-8006 PW87 F3SO TRUCK 4x DUMP 201S 110-6041-432.-8006 PW88 TRUCK W/LOG LOADER 2.010 110-6043-434-8006 PW89 SIX WHEEL DUMP 2.008 165,000 S10-6052.-S01-8006 PW90 AERIAL BUCKET TRUCK 2.002. 1SO,OOO 110-6043-434-8006 PW91 STREET SWEEPER 2.012. 110-6041-432.-8007 PW92. CHIPPER 2.013 110-6043-434-8007 PW93 CONCRETE SAW (LARGE) 1996 110-6041-432.-8007 PW94 ENDLOADER/BACKHOE 2.012 12.0,000 S10-60S2.-501-8007 PW95 F2.SO 4X PICK-UP 2.013 4S,OOO 510-6052-501-8006 PW 96 F3SO 4X DUMP TRUCK 2.00S 79,000 110-6043-434-8006 PW97 AERIAL BUCKET TRUCK 2014 110-6044-435-8006 PW98 TELESPECTION UNIT 2.007 170,000 510-60S6-502.-8006 PW99 SNOW BROOM 1999 PW 100 HOT BOX 2.010 2. S, OOO 110-6041-432. -8007 PW 101 SNOW MELTER 390,000 110-6042.-432. -8007 PW102. MORBARK 2.400 CHIPPER 2.00 5 76,000 110-6043-434-8007 PW104 PRESSURE WASHER 1999 110-6047-SU -8007 PW lOS F2SO 4X4 PICK-UP 2002. 110--6044-43S-8006 PW 106 VACUMN TRUCK CATCH I?ASIN 2009 37S, OOO 110-6041-432-8006 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE VEHICLE NO DESCR IPTION YEAR 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 CODE PW 107 AIR COMPRESSOR 2007 510-6052-501-8007 PW108 F450 4X DUMP TRUCK 2000 79,000 110-6043-434-8006 PW 109 VACUMN TRAILER 2009 65,000 510-6056-502-8006 PW110 STREET SWEEPER 1997 220,000 110-6041-432-8007 PW 111 F250 4 X PICK-UP 2005 45,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW 112 F450 4X DUMP TRUCK 2005 79,000 79,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW113 F450 4X DUMP TRUCK 2005 78,000 110-6041-432-8006 PW 114 TAMPER 1995 510-6052-501-8007 PW115 FRIGHTLINER 2009 165,000 510-6057-502-8006 PW 116 6 WHEEL DUMP TRUCK 2002 510-6052-501-8006 PW117 F550 AERIAL PLATFORM TRUCK 2015 110-6044-435-8007 PW118 SKID STEER/LOADER 2015 110-6044-435-8007 PW118T MACHINE TRAILER SKID STEER 2000 110-6044-435-8007 PW119 F450 4x DUMP TRUCK 2005 79,000 110-6043-434-8006 bPW 120 BLOWER 1987 110-6044-435-8007 p:lpw 121 F250 4X PICK-UP 2009 48,000 510-6056-502-8006 ., 122 MOWER 1995 510-6057-502-8007 ~PW 123 RESERVED 510-6056-502-8007 PW124 UTILITY TRAILER 1979 510-6052-501-8007 PW 125 PRESSURE WASHING TRAILER 1980 110-6046-418-8007 PW126T ENCLOSED SHORING TRAILER 2007 110-6044-435-8007 PW 127 LEAF LOADER 2000 110-6043-434-8098 PW 128 CONCRETE SAW 2006 110-6041-432-8007 PW128T CONCRETE SAW TRAILER 2006 110-6041-432-8007 PW129 FORK LIFT TRUCK 2013 110-6047-512-8007 PW 130 TAMPER 1999 110-6041-432-8007 PW 131 TAMPER 1995 510-6052-501-8007 PW132 TAMPER 1980 110-6041-432-8007 PW 133 RESERVED PW 134 MOWER 1995 510-6057-502-8007 PW 135 RESERVED PW135T UTILITY TILT DUMP TRAILER 2009 110-6041-432-8007 PW 136 F450 CREW CAB WITH HIGH CU BE BODY 2007 120,000 510-6056-502-8006 PW 137 PRESSURE WASHER AND TRAILER 2002 110-6046-418-8007 PW 138 3" PUMP 1987 510-6056-502-8007 PW 139 AIR COMPRESSOR 1988 110-6041-432-8007 PW 140 POWER UNIT GENERATOR 1980 S10-6057-S02-8007 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE VEHICLE NO.
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