State Budget 2009–10


As a part of the global economy, injections of funding for roads, ports, 6WDWHZLGH+LJKOLJKWV Queensland has felt the effects of the schools, transport and other vital global financial and economic crisis. infrastructure. The 2009-10 Budget will support The worst set of global economic Frontline service delivery is our focus and create jobs by continuing the circumstances in more than 75 years with commitments for police, hospitals Government’s capital works program has resulted in falling and healthcare, for roads, schools and hospitals as well revenues and rising ambulance services and delivering new job creation programs unemployment. teachers – the things and initiatives to expand Queensland’s That’s why the we need to keep our skills base. centrepiece of the communities healthy, tCJMMJPOGPSCFUUFSBOETBGFS 2009-10 State Budget safe and growing. roads is jobs – creating The Government is and sustaining jobs, tNJMMJPOPONBKPSIPTQJUBM determined to cushion assisting business and developments Queenslanders from industry, and positioning our economy the full impact of the global recession. tNJMMJPOUPCVJMEBOESFOFX for future growth. That means acting now to support the school facilities through the State Specific investments in education, economy and making the long term Schools of Tomorrow program employment and training, business decisions needed for the future. tNJMMJPOGPSUIF4LJMMJOH and vital industries such as tourism Queensland’s prosperity and growth Queenslanders for Work initiative will help create and support jobs for is built on the strength of our regions. tOFXQPMJDFPGmDFST Queenslanders. This document puts on record the tOFXBNCVMBODFPGmDFST The is Government’s commitment to the tOFXUFBDIFSTBOEUFBDIFSBJEFT investing $18 billion in its jobs- people and economy of the Western generating building program, with Queensland region. tOFXEPDUPST OVSTFTBOEBMMJFE health professionals tNJMMJPOGPSUIF4VQQPSU0VS Heroes package to support emergency service volunteers and prepare communities for natural disasters tNJMMJPOPWFSUISFFZFBSTGPSOFX Anna Bligh MP Andrew Fraser MP tourism campaigns 3UHPLHU 7UHDVXUHUDQG0LQLVWHUIRU(PSOR\PHQW DQG0LQLVWHUIRUWKH$UWV DQG(FRQRPLF'HYHORSPHQW tNJMMJPOPWFSmWFZFBSTGPSOFX climate change initiatives tNJMMJPOPWFSTJYZFBSTGPSUIF Great Barrier Reef Protection Package.


Normanton Burketown

Camooweal Cloncurry Mount Richmond Isa Julia Creek Hughenden Dajarra Winton Boulia Longreach Barcaldine Bedourie Blackall Windorah Birdsville Augathella Quilpie Charleville Roma Cunnamulla St George Thargomindah

Mount Isa Photograph supplied courtesy of Tourism Queensland Tourism of supplied courtesy Photograph Protecting jobs in Western Queensland As the global economic crisis takes hold and Queensland’s economic growth rate slows, the Government is committed to protecting the jobs of today and creating the jobs of tomorrow. The Government’s job programs are more important than ever before and will play a crucial role in supporting Queensland workers through these uncertain economic times. The Government will implement a host of initiatives that will create new jobs and equip our workforce with the skills needed for future recovery.

3URGXFWLYLW\ 3ODFHV 3URJUDP "  NJMMJPO JOEVTUSZCBTFE QSPHSBN JODMVEJOH  NJMMJPO JO "VTUSBMJBO (PWFSONFOU GVOEJOH UP EFMJWFS BMNPTU   OFX USBJOJOH places over four years. 7RXULVP %OXHSULQW WR 3URWHFW -REV "  NJMMJPO QSPHSBN UP DSFBUF   OFX KPCT GPS OFX SFHJPOBMMZ focussed tourism market and product development campaigns, and to support the ‘drive travel’ market. 6XVWDLQDEOH 5HVRXUFH &RPPXQLWLHV "  NJMMJPO QSPHSBN UP DSFBUF  OFX KPCT PWFS UIF OFYU  NPOUIT CZ boosting employment in regional areas affected by the mining downturn.



BQQSFOUJDFT BOE USBJOFFT *O BEEJUJPO UP UIF QBZSPMM UBY FYFNQUJPO $ provided for apprentice and trainee wages, businesses will also receive a  SFCBUF PO QBZSPMM UBY GPS PUIFS FRVJWBMFOU FNQMPZFFT JO  4XHHQVODQG *UHHQ $UP\ "  NJMMJPO QSPHSBN UP DSFBUF   OFX KPCT PWFS UISFF ZFBST CZ putting an army of unemployed Queenslanders to work to improve our waterways, beaches, national parks and green spaces. Green Army participants will work on projects of strategic importance to enhance and protect Queensland’s natural assets, strengthen the tourism industry and promote increased environmental awareness around the State. *U XJMM DSFBUF   KPCT UISPVHI XPSL QMBDFNFOUT PG VQ UP TJY NPOUIT BOE  ZFBSMPOH (SFFO Traineeship positions for young, unemployed Queenslanders. For more information about the Green Army, visit &DPOPNJD %FWFMPQNFOU BOE *OOPWBUJPO 1IPUPHSBQI TVQQMJFE DPVSUFTZ PG UIF %FQBSUNFOU PG &NQMPZNFOU Covering just over 1 million square kilometres or 57.8 per cent of the State, Western Queensland is by far the largest Queensland region – and also our least populous. Home to 1.7 per cent of Queensland’s total population, more than 70,0001 Queenslanders call Western Queensland home. Renowned as an agricultural centre, Western Queensland plays host to a wide range of agricultural production, with beef, wool and grain strongholds for the region. Western Queensland’s robust coal mining industry, and oil and gas production also contribute significantly to its economic position. The Queensland Government recognises the valuable contribution Western Queensland makes to the State’s economic and social development. This Regional Budget Statement highlights the Government’s commitment to get on with the job of supporting the region and its people.


'HOLYHULQJ MREV IRU 4XHHQVODQG By developing the skills base of Queensland workers, supporting emerging industries, Jobs are the Government’s number one building on traditional strengths, and priority. Faced with challenging global attracting investment and innovation, economic conditions, the Government Queensland will be well positioned to lead will create and protect jobs to help keep through the period of recovery and Queensland strong and secure our economic beyond. foundations. In 2009-10, other job-generating In 2009-10, the Government will drive investments in the Western Queensland Queensland’s $18 billion building region include infrastructure program to stimulate growth, create and protect jobs and meet the t  NJMMJPO GPS WPDBUJPOBM FEVDBUJPO BOE infrastructure needs of our rapidly growing training activities population. t  NJMMJPO UP DSFBUF  KPCT GPS young people and those disadvantaged Key building projects in Western Queensland in the labour market through the Skilling include: Queenslanders for Work initiative, which t  NJMMJPO UP FYQBOE BOE JNQSPWF includes Queensland’s Green Army TPDJBM IPVTJOH JODMVEJOH CVJMEJOH  OFX t   GPS NBSLFUJOH UIF 8BOQBSEB rental units in Indigenous communities. .BUJMEB 0VUCBDL &EVDBUJPO $FOUSF BOE 5IJT JT QBSU PG UIF (PWFSONFOUT  providing landholder support services to CJMMJPO QSPHSBN UP FYQBOE BOE JNQSPWF build economic capacity and opportunities social housing across the State in the region t  NJMMJPO UP JNQSPWF UIF .JDB $SFFL t   GPS SVSBM TFSWJDF BDDFTT Power Station initiatives in towns including t  NJMMJPO UP SFJOGPSDF UIF FMFDUSJDJUZ CVML "SBNBD .VUUBCVSSB /PSNBOUPO BOE supply point at Roma Thargomindah. t  NJMMJPO UP DPNQMFUF UIF VQHSBEF BOE SFQMBDFNFOU PG UIF -BLF .PPOEBSSB UP ,QYHVWLQJ LQ RXU KHDOWK .PVOU *TB 5FSNJOBM 3FTFSWPJS QJQFMJOF To make Queenslanders Australia’s As well as protecting jobs now, the healthiest people the Government is Government is preparing for the future. investing in healthy lifestyles, hospitals and :HVWHUQ 4XHHQVODQG 5HJLRQDO %XGJHW 6WDWHPHQW

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$ :> := QSPHSBN  NJMMJPO UP FYUFOE UIF 3VSBM : !3%12%&9#)%.#8).)3)!3)5%!.$ :  NJMMJPO PO FOFSHZ DPOTFSWBUJPO BOE : $%-!.$-!.!'%-%.3).)3)!3)5%2  = > ? @ A    (%/5%1.-%.36),,!,2/#1%!3%.%6'1%%.     =       >   ?   @   A B B     */"2"8).5%23).').%-%1').').$4231)%2!.$ Year ending 30 June 1%.%6!",%%.%1'801/*%#3224#(!23(%/,!1 /41#%  %')/.!,/04,!3)/.1/63( 4231!,)!!.$%6 %!,!.$ $BU OP  /3 !3%11/'1!-()201/'1!-6),,01/5)$% 403/4%%.2,!.$(/-%26)3(2/,!1 W Queensland State Budget 2009–10

be on the essentials of literacy, numeracy and science, as well as major infrastructure 3DUWLFLSDWLRQ LQ SRVW VHFRQGDU\ HGXFDWLRQ 0RXQW ,VD +HDOWK &DPSXV $SSUHQWLFHVKLSV DQG WUDLQHHVKLSV  WR  UHGHYHORSPHQW investment to provide first-rate teaching The Queensland Government is and learning environments, and generate 1,400 committed to making Queenslanders Apprenticeships Traineeships Average employment opportunities. 1,200 Australia’s healthiest people by investing in healthcare, health In 2009-10, the Queensland Government 1,000 services and hospitals. In 2009-10, the XJMM QSPWJEF  NJMMJPO UP DPOUJOVF UIF 800 Government will invest $25.4 million towards the $65.2 million Mount State Schools of Tomorrow program to 600

Isa Health Campus redevelopment Persons improve and build new facilities in some of 400 (pictured). Queensland’s oldest schools. 200 As part of the Government’s commitment to 0 universal access to a quality early childhood

education, joint Queensland and Australian 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 (PWFSONFOU GVOEJOH PG  NJMMJPO Year ending 30 June VOEFS UIF &BSMZ $IJMEIPPE 3FGPSN /BUJPOBM 4PVSDF %&5 "QQSFOUJDFTIJQT BOE USBJOFFTIJQT VOQVCMJTIFE EBUB Partnership will be provided in 2009-10 *NBHFT TVQQMJFE DPVSUFTZ PG 1SPKFDU 4FSWJDF /PSUI 2VFFOTMBOE for the establishment of kindergarten JOGSBTUSVDUVSF PO  4UBUF TDIPPM TJUFT XJUI t  NJMMJPO  NJMMJPO PWFS hot water or heat pump systems at a fraction  OFX PS FYUSB LJOEFSHBSUFO TFSWJDFT UP CF GPVS ZFBST UP JODSFBTF TBGFUZ GPS SVSBM of the normal price. running by 2014. firefighters under the $12.98 million 0UIFS JOJUJBUJWFT BJNFE BU QSPNPUJOH The Government will further invest in 4VQQPSU PVS )FSPFT QBDLBHF renewable energy and protecting Western Western Queensland with the following t  NJMMJPO  NJMMJPO PWFS mWF Queensland’s natural environment include: initiatives aimed at promoting education and ZFBST GPS WFIJDMFT nPPE CPBUT BOE USBJMFST t  NJMMJPO GPS B OFX HFPUIFSNBM QMBOU BU early childhood development: GPS UIF 4UBUF &NFSHFODZ 4FSWJDF VOEFS Birdsville UIF  NJMMJPO 4VQQPSU PVS )FSPFT t SFGVSCJTINFOU PG FYJTUJOH GBDJMJUJFT BU package. t  NJMMJPO GPS UIF #PPEKBNVMMB %PPNBEHFF BOE .PSOJOHUPO *TMBOE BT QBSU .BOBHFNFOU #BTF SFEFWFMPQNFOU BU PG UIF  NJMMJPO #PVOE GPS 4VDDFTT Western Queensland will also benefit from #PPEKBNVMMB -BXO )JMM /BUJPOBM 1BSL pre-prep capital works program  NJMMJPO UP DPNQMFUF UIF SFGVSCJTINFOU PG UIF $IBSMFWJMMF 8BUDIIPVTF 5IJT JT QBSU t   UP DPNQMFUF UIF %JBNBOUJOB t  NJMMJPO JO "VTUSBMJBO (PWFSONFOU of a $6 million project which included the )PNFTUFBE $PNQMFY VQHSBEF JO UIF funding to begin constructing a SFQMBDFNFOU PG UIF $IBSMFWJMMF 1PMJDF 4UBUJPO %JBNBOUJOB /BUJPOBM 1BSL  NJMMJPO USBEF USBJOJOH DFOUSF BU UIF t   UP VQHSBEF CPVOEBSZ GFODJOH JO 4FOJPS $BNQVT PG 4QJOJGFY 4UBUF $PMMFHF JO UIF *EBMJB /BUJPOBM 1BSL .PVOU *TB t  NJMMJPO JO "VTUSBMJBO (PWFSONFOU funding to begin constructing a %HWWHU DQG VDIHU URDGV $2.8 million trade training centre at 5IF (PWFSONFOUT  CJMMJPO SPBE -POHSFBDI 4UBUF )JHI 4DIPPM building program plans for growth by t  NJMMJPO JO "VTUSBMJBO (PWFSONFOU creating and sustaining Queensland jobs, funding to begin constructing a $2 million improving road safety and quality, reducing USBEF USBJOJOH DFOUSF BU $IBSMFWJMMF 4UBUF congestion, and continuing to connect )JHI 4DIPPM people and places around the State. In 2009-10, the Government’s commitment to improve road quality and safety in ,PSURYLQJ HPHUJHQF\ VHUYLFHV Western Queensland will include: During the past year, Queensland has t  NJMMJPO UP DPNQMFUF UIF  NJMMJPO FYQFSJFODFE EFWBTUBUJOH nPPET DZDMPOFT paving and sealing of sections of the and torrential storms. The Government’s Roma-Taroom Road, north-east of Roma investment in emergency services will help t  NJMMJPO UP VQHSBEF UIF #PY $SFFL BOE make Queensland communities safer, )PMZ +PF $SFFL nPPEXBZT PO UIF 'MJOEFST provide quality emergency relief services, )JHIXBZ and create and sustain jobs. t  NJMMJPO UP DPNQMFUF UIF  NJMMJPO In 2009-10, individuals and families across TFBMJOH PG UIF "SBNBD5PSSFOT $SFFL 3PBE Queensland will benefit from: TPVUI PG 5PSSFOT $SFFL t  NJMMJPO GPS OFX BOE VQHSBEFE t  NJMMJPO UP QBWF BOE TFBM B police stations and facilities Get on board with Q150 celebrations LJMPNFUSF TFDUJPO PG UIF 8JMMT t  NJMMJPO GPS OJOF OFX PS JNQSPWFE Queensland has come a long way since its birth as a Developmental Road, north of Gregory separate colony 150 years ago. To celebrate this milestone, urban fire and rescue stations, and the Government is bringing Queenslanders together to t  NJMMJPO UP DPNQMFUF  NJMMJPO PG improvements to emergency service honour the importance of our people, places and stories in XPSLT PO UIF 'MJOEFST )JHIXBZ BU +BSEJOF facilities shaping our great State. 7BMMFZ XFTU PG $IBSUFST 5PXFST With more than 480 community events and 91 social, t  NJMMJPO GPS  OFX BNCVMBODF historic and community legacy infrastructure projects vehicles, including 140 replacement happening around the State, there’s something vehicles and 10 additional vehicles for everyone to enjoy – including the historic 3URPRWLQJ HGXFDWLRQ DQG HDUO\ Q150 Steam Train and travelling Q150 Shed. FKLOGKRRG GHYHORSPHQW t  NJMMJPO GPS  OFX PS SFEFWFMPQFE To find out more about Q150 celebrations ambulance facilities in the Western Queensland region and The Queensland Government is focussed on across Queensland, visit the Q150 ensuring every Queensland child has access t  NJMMJPO GPS  OFX PS SFQMBDFNFOU website at to high-quality education. The emphasis will urban and rural fire and rescue appliances Queensland State Budget Highlights 2009–10

Delivering for Budget summary Queensland In 2009-10, the Internationally Australia is a standout Government will provide performer; Queensland to remain ahead NJMMJPOGPSJOUFOTJWF of the nation UFBDIJOHPG:FBSBOE t2VFFOTMBOETFDPOPNZJTFYQFDUFEUPFYQBOECZãJO  5 students who are not compared with no growth in the Australian economy. meeting national literacy t5IF4UBUFFDPOPNZJTGPSFDBTUUPFYQFSJFODFBTMJHIUMZNJMEFS and numeracy standards. contraction than the national average in 2009-10. The Budget will also t:FBSBWFSBHFFNQMPZNFOUHSPXUIJTGPSFDBTUUPCFäJO provide for an additional  DPNQBSFEXJUIãPWFSUIFZFBSUP+VOFRVBSUFS UFBDIFSTBOEUFBDIFS for Australia as a whole. aides to meet enrolment t2VFFOTMBOETZFBSBWFSBHFVOFNQMPZNFOUSBUFJTGPSFDBTUUPQFBL growth. BUäJO DPNQBSFEXJUIBQFBLJOUIFOBUJPOBMSBUFPG ãJO+VOFRVBSUFS Queensland Health’s CVEHFUXJMMHSPXUP Challenging fiscal environment billion in 2009-10, an 8.2% increase on the t"EFUFSJPSBUJOHHMPCBMBOEEPNFTUJDFDPOPNJDFOWJSPONFOUIBT significantly impacted Queensland’s finances. previous year. t4JODFUIF#VEHFU CJMMJPOPWFSZFBSTIBTCFFO "OBEEJUJPOBMNJMMJPO knocked off the State’s key revenue sources (GST, taxes and will be provided for royalties). Surgery Connect to provide t"TBSFTVMU 2VFFOTMBOEJTGPSFDBTUJOHB(FOFSBM(PWFSONFOU treatment opportunities for operating deficit in 2009-10 and across the forward estimates. patients currently waiting longer for surgery than is t5IF(PWFSONFOUJTDPNNJUUFEUPSFUVSOJOHUIF#VEHFUUPTVSQMVT BOEMPXFSJOHUIF4UBUFTEFCUMFWFMTBOE DPOTFRVFOUMZ IBT clinically recommended. JNQMFNFOUFEBSPVOECJMMJPOXPSUI PWFSGPVSZFBST PG The 2009-10 Budget will measures aimed at improving Queensland’s fiscal position. see funding provided t5IF(PWFSONFOUIBTVOEFSUBLFOTUFQTUPSFQBJSUIF4UBUFT for an additional 50 finances for the longer term, charting a course back to surplus by ambulance officers, 150  new ambulances, 20 new Investing in infrastructure to sustain jobs or redeveloped ambulance facilities, nine new or t5IF(PWFSONFOUTLFZPCKFDUJWFJTUPDPOUJOVFUPJOWFTUJO improved urban fire and infrastructure to sustain jobs while the current economic circumstances prevail. SFTDVFTUBUJPOT OFX or replacement urban fire t5IFDBQJUBMQSPHSBNJTGPSFDBTUUPCFCJMMJPOXIJDI and rescue appliances and is expected to support 127,000 full-time jobs. OFXPSSFQMBDFNFOU t*OUIFSFXJMMCFDBQJUBMPVUMBZTPGCJMMJPOGPS rural fire appliances. USBOTQPSUBOENBJOSPBET CJMMJPOGPSIPVTJOHBOE IPNFMFTTOFTTTFSWJDFT CJMMJPOGPSFEVDBUJPOBOEUSBJOJOH  CJMMJPOGPSIFBMUI BOECJMMJPOGPSXBUFS Government services in Western Queensland

Aramac Blackall Injune Normanton Windorah 4*$3 4*$3 4*$3 4*$3 4*$3 Gordon Street Shamrock Street Hutton Street Haig Street Police Station #MBDLBMM2-% "SBNBD2-% *OKVOF2-% /PSNBOUPO2-% Victoria Street 5FMFQIPOF 5FMFQIPOF 5FMFQIPOF 5FMFQIPOF 8JOEPSBI2-% 'BDTJNJMF 'BDTJNJMF 'BDTJNJMF 'BDTJNJMF 5FMFQIPOF 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ to Friday – 9am to to Friday – 9am to 'BDTJNJMF to Friday – 9am to 1pm QN UP'SJEBZoBN QN 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ  UIFOQNUPQN to 12pm then 1pm to Boulia QN Quilpie Wednesday – 8am to Augathella 11am; Tuesday, Thursday 4*$3 4*$3 – 2pm to 5pm; Friday – Police Station Isisford 4*$3 Court House 8am to 12pm Augathella Visitors Centre Herbert Street 4*$3 Buln Buln Street 98 Main Street #PVMJB2-% Isisford Police Station 2VJMQJF2-% Winton 5FMFQIPOF "VHBUIFMMB2-% St Mary Street 5FMFQIPOF 'BDTJNJMF 4*$3 5FMFQIPOF *TJTGPSE2-% 'BDTJNJMF 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ  Winton Courthouse 5FMFQIPOF 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ 'BDTJNJMF Tuesday, Thursday, 59 Vindex Street Friday – 9am to 1pm; 'BDTJNJMF UP'SJEBZoBNUP 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ QN 8JOUPO2-% UP5IVSTEBZoBNUP Wednesday closed 0QFOJOHIPVST Wednesday, Thursday – 5FMFQIPOF QN'SJEBZoBN Camooweal Richmond UPQN 8am to 12pm then 1pm 'BDTJNJMF 4*$3 to 5pm 4*$3 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ Goldring Street Barcaldine Barkly Street UP'SJEBZoBNUP Julia Creek 3JDINPOE2-% 4*$3 $BNPPXFBM2-% QN 5FMFQIPOF 5FMFQIPOF Barcaldine Court House 4*$3 'BDTJNJMF #VSLF4USFFU 'BDTJNJMF Ash Street 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ +VMJB$SFFL2-% 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ #BSDBMEJOF2-% to Friday – 9am to 5pm; to Friday – 9am to 5FMFQIPOF Other services 5FMFQIPOF Saturday – 9am to 12pm QNUIFOQNUP 'BDTJNJMF QN 'BDTJNJMF 6PDUW6HUYLFH Cunnamulla 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ 4XHHQVODQG to Friday – 9am to 12pm St George to Friday – 9am to 4*$3 For information on 5 Stockyard Street UIFOQNUPQN all other Government QN 4*$3 $VOOBNVMMB2-% The Terrace TFSWJDFTDBMM Jundah PSWJTJUXXXRMEHPWBV Bedourie 5FMFQIPOF 4U(FPSHF2-% 4*$3 'BDTJNJMF 4*$3 5FMFQIPOF 6WDWH(PHUJHQF\ 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ Police Station 'BDTJNJMF Police Station 6HUYLFH to Friday – 9am to Dickson Street 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ 5FMFQIPOF Merri Street QN to Friday – 9am to +VOEBI2-% #FEPVSJF2-% QN +HDOWK Dirranbandi 5FMFQIPOF Telephone: 5FMFQIPOF 4*$3 'BDTJNJMF Surat  'BDTJNJMF 3BJMXBZ4USFFU 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ  0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ  4*$3 *UHHQ$UP\ %JSSBOCBOEJ2-% Wednesday – 9am to #VSSPXFT4USFFU Find out more or 'SJEBZoBNUP 5FMFQIPOF QN'SJEBZoBN 4VSBU2-% register your QNUIFOQNUP UPQNUIFOQNUP interest in joining 'BDTJNJMF 5FMFQIPOF 5pm QN the Green Army by 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ 'BDTJNJMF DBMMJOH to Friday – 10am to Birdsville Mitchell 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ (Monday to Friday – QNUIFOQN BNUPQN PSPOMJOF UPQN to Friday – 9am to 4*$3 4*$3 QN BUXXXHSFFOBSNZRME Police Station Hughenden Cnr Mary and Dublin MacDonald Street Thargomindah 4*$3 Streets 5DSLG5HVSRQVH #JSETWJMMF2-% #SPEJF4USFFU .JUDIFMM2-% 4*$3 7HDP Police Station 5FMFQIPOF )VHIFOEFO2-% 5FMFQIPOF A hotline   'BDTJNJMF 5FMFQIPOF 'BDTJNJMF Dowling Street 5IBSHPNJOEBI2-% is available for 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ  'BDTJNJMF 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ retrenched workers Wednesday, Thursday, 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ to Friday – 9am to 5FMFQIPOF XIPSFRVJSF Friday – 9am to 1pm; UP'SJEBZoBNUP QNUIFOQNUP 'BDTJNJMF information about Tuesday closed QN QN 0QFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ Federal and State Phone will be answered to Thursday – 8am to Government assistance from 8am 12pm ZZZEXGJHWTOGJRYDX