Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements Event Western Thunderstorms 21 - 30 December 2020

The Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) is a jointly funded program between the Australian Government and state and territory (state) governments, through which the Australian Government provides financial assistance to support state governments with disaster recovery costs.

In response to the disaster, assistance has been activated for the area formally defined as: “Communities within affected by Severe Thunderstorms, 21 – 30 December 2020”.

DRFA assistance measures (as activated by the )  Counter Disaster Operations  Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets

Areas activated

Reconstruction of Local Government Counter Disaster Essential Public Area Operations Assets   Barcaldine Regional Council Activated 07/01/21 Activated 07/01/21   Barcoo Shire Council Activated 16/02/21 Activated 16/02/21   Blackall-Tambo Regional Council Activated 07/01/21 Activated 07/01/21   Longreach Regional Council Activated 07/01/21 Activated 07/01/21   Winton Shire Council Activated 07/01/21 Activated 07/01/21

Further information: Ph: 1800 110 841 Version 2 Email: [email protected] Current as at 17 February 2021 Website: www.qra.qld.gov.au Cook Shire Inset 3 Inset 1 Legend Regional DRFA Activated Area Torres Strait Noosa Arafura Sea Shire Local Government Areas Torres Strait Island Regional Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire

Northern Peninsula Torres Shire Douglas Sunshine Coast Area Regional Shire Regional

Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Somerset Inset 4 Napranum Regional Aboriginal Shire Coral Regional Lockhart River Weipa Town Aboriginal Shire Gulf See Inset 4 Aurukun Sea Shire of City

Redland City Carpentaria Lockyer Valley Cook Shire Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Regional Ipswich City Shire Hope Vale Kowanyama Aboriginal Aboriginal Shire Shire Gold Coast See Inset 3 City Douglas Regional Shire Mornington Shire Yarrabah Carpentaria Mareeba Shire Aboriginal Shire Shire Regional Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Tablelands Regional Burke Shire Croydon Etheridge Shire Shire See Inset 2 Inset 2 Cassowary Coast Regional

Townsville City Burdekin Pacific Ocean N Shire City Charters Towers Palm Island o Hinchinbrook

r Regional Shire Aboriginal t McKinlay Richmond Shire h Shire Shire Whitsunday

e Cloncurry Regional

r Shire Flinders n Shire Mackay

Regional Charters Towers T Regional City e r r i t o

r Isaac y Regional Boulia Winton Shire Shire Livingstone Barcaldine Shire Regional Longreach Regional Regional Central Highlands Woorabinda Regional Aboriginal Gladstone Shire Regional

Diamantina Shire Blackall Tambo Banana Regional Shire Regional Barcoo Shire North Burnett Regional Fraser Coast Regional

Cherbourg Aboriginal Murweh Gympie Shire Regional Quilpie Shire Maranoa South Burnett Shire Regional Regional Western Downs Regional See Inset 1 S o u th Regional A u s t r alia Bulloo Paroo Shire Shire Goondiwindi Balonne Regional Southern Downs Shire Regional

N e w S o u t h Wales

0 50 100 150 200 250 DRFA Activation Summary (V2) Kilometres º Scale - 1:9,416,531 (at A4) Disclaimer: While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of Western Queensland Thunderstorms, 21 - 30 December this data, the Queensland Reconstruction Authority and/or contributors to this publication, makes no representations or 2020 warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation,


Assistance for state and local governments:

Counter Disaster Operations To assist local governments and state agencies to undertake activities that alleviate personal hardship and distress, address the immediate needs of individuals and protect the general public, immediately prior to, during or immediately after an eligible disaster.

Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets (including Emergency Works and Immediate Reconstruction Works)  Emergency Works To assist local and state governments to undertake urgent activities necessary following an eligible disaster to temporarily restore an eligible essential public asset to enable it to operate/be operated at an acceptable level of efficiency to support the immediate recovery of a community.

 Immediate Reconstruction Works To assist local and state governments to immediately and permanently reconstruct damaged essential public assets to pre-disaster function immediately after the eligible disaster.

 Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets To assist local and state governments to reconstruct damaged essential public assets to predisaster function.

Contact Queensland Reconstruction Authority on 1800 110 841 or www.qra.qld.gov.au

Further information: Ph: 1800 110 841 Version 2 Email: [email protected] Current as at 17 February 2021 Website: www.qra.qld.gov.au