(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/0037303 A1 Waller Et Al

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(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/0037303 A1 Waller Et Al US 20170037303A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/0037303 A1 Waller et al. (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 9, 2017 (54) COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR E2IB 43/267 (2006.01) DELAYED CROSSLINKING IN HYDRAULC C09K 8/90 (2006.01) FRACTURING FLUIDS E2IB 37/06 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. (71) Applicant: Ecolab USA Inc., St. Paul, MN (US) CPC ................. C09K 8/685 (2013.01); C09K 8/68 (2013.01); C09K 8/90 (2013.01); C09K 8/887 (72) Inventors: Christopher Waller, Houston, TX (2013.01); E2IB 37/06 (2013.01); E2IB 43/26 (US); Kirk E. Wells, Sugar Land, TX (2013.01); E2IB 43/267 (2013.01); E2IB (US); Brian Mueller, Missouri City, 33/138 (2013.01) TX (US); Trinh Tran, Manrel, TX (US); Pablo Munoz, Katy, TX (US) (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 15/225,879 Disclosed herein are compositions and methods for delaying (22) Filed: Aug. 2, 2016 crosslinking in injectable compositions for hydraulic frac turing and related applications. The compositions and meth Related U.S. Application Data ods are effective in injectable compositions comprising or Substantially excluding dissolved reactive species. The com (60) Provisional application No. 62/200,172, filed on Aug. positions and methods provide delayed crosslinking at high 3, 2015, provisional application No. 62/362.691, filed temperatures and pressures, such as those encountered by on Jul. 15, 2016. hydraulic fracturing compositions injected into Subterranean O O environments. Compositions include injectable solutions Publication Classification comprising a competing agent that is the reaction product of (51) Int. Cl. a dialdehyde having 2 to 4 carbon atoms with a non C09K 8/68 (2006.01) polymeric cis-hydroxyl compound. Also provided are meth C09K 8/88 (2006.01) ods of making and using delayed-crosslinking compositions E2IB 33/38 (2006.01) comprising crosslinker compositions containing Zirconium E2IB 43/26 (2006.01) complexes and the competing agents. 300 you. soooooooo. Exaple 3 poss Exaspies so so see . Exarge 5 250 in 200 50 100 50 - 0:00:00O 0:00:43 0:01:26 0:02:10 0:02:53 0:03:36 0:04:19 :/SS Patent Application Publication Feb. 9, 2017. Sheet 1 of 3 US 2017/0037303 A1 Wiscosity cp at 0 sec Patent Application Publication Feb. 9, 2017. Sheet 2 of 3 US 2017/0037303 A1 Eenperature F. oszá (re Wiscosity cp G 100 sec Patent Application Publication Feb. 9, 2017. Sheet 3 of 3 US 2017/0037303 A1 Serinerature {F} O·······················································********************************************************%>~~~~~~~~~~~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••***•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••?~~~~~~~~~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~~~~~~~~~~~ {}{}}} 4009 No.Goz ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------£6001Wiscosity c 610 sec US 2017/0037303 A1 Feb. 9, 2017 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR turing fluid compositions are manufactured and delivered as DELAYED CROSSLINKING IN HYDRAULC the dry components thereof or as concentrates of greater FRACTURING FLUIDS than 1 wt % total solids, for example at least about 20 wt % Solids and often higher, for dilution at the work site using TECHNICAL FIELD standard dilution equipment. In some embodiments, due to lack of space in the field or for economic efficiency, the 0001. The present invention relates to compositions and polymers and crosslinkers are provided in dry form and are methods for delaying crosslinking of polymers effected by a added to water in the field just prior to injection. variety of complexes in water. 0006. In order to carry the proppant particles used to keep the cracks in the Subsurface formation open once they are BACKGROUND fractured, fracturing fluids need to be able to carry these 0002 Hydraulic fracturing is a well-stimulation tech particles all the way down and into these cracks. One way nique in which Subterranean rock is fractured by a hydrau of doing this is to increase the Viscosity of the fracturing lically pressurized fracturing fluid typically made by com fluid. Crosslinking provides one means by which the vis bining water or an aqueous liquid, a hydraulic fracturing cosity of fracturing fluids can be increased. proppant (conventionally sand or aluminum oxide), and 0007. A problem encountered during hydraulic fracturing additive chemicals that modify subterranean flow, subterra is the loss of fluid injectivity in areas of relatively low nean interfacial tension, and/or provide other effects. A permeability due to preferential flow of the fracturing fluid hydraulic fracture is formed by pumping the fracturing fluid into higher permeability areas, sometimes known as “chan into a wellbore at a rate sufficient to increase pressure at the neling. Oil bearing strata are usually heterogeneous, some target depth to exceed that of the fracture gradient (pressure parts of them being more permeable than others. As a gradient) of the rock. When the hydraulic pressure is consequence, channeling can occur so that the driving fluid removed from the well, the hydraulic fracturing proppants flows preferentially through permeable Zone depleted of oil lodge within the cracks to hold the fractures open. Hydro (so-called “thief Zones”) rather than through those parts of carbon compounds such as natural gas and petroleum are the strata that contain sufficient oil to make oil-recovery recovered via the cracks in the hydrocarbon-containing operations profitable. Difficulties in oil recovery due to high deep-rock formations. Hydraulic fracturing techniques can permeability of Zones may be corrected by injecting an be used to form a new well and can also be used to extend aqueous solution of an organic polymer and a crosslinking the life of an existing conventional oil well. agent into certain subterranean formations where the poly 0003. In recent years the hydraulic fracturing industry has mer will be crosslinked to produce a gel, thus reducing the turned to recycling the water that flows back from the permeability of Such subterranean formations to driving Subterranean formations after release of hydraulic pressure fluid (gas, water, etc.). thereto. Such water is referred to as “produced water.” 0008 Crosslinked fluids or gels are now being used in Produced water is often characterized as having high total wells under a variety of temperature and pH conditions. dissolved solids, such as at least about 1 wt % total dissolved Polysaccharide or partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide solids and as much as about 35 wt % total dissolved solids, based fluids crosslinked with certain aluminum, titanium, in addition to any residual fracturing fluid chemicals flowing Zirconium, and boron-based compounds are used in back from the injection thereof. Stated differently, the dis enhanced oil recovery operations. Such fracturing fluids can solved solids in produced water are derived principally from encounter a variety of conditions of high temperature and the Subterranean reservoir itself. In most cases, a Substantial pressure in Subterranean formations. portion of the dissolved solids are ionic (one or more salts). 0009. A disadvantage with many of the known cross Rather than treat the produced water to remove dissolved linkers is that they can cause an immediate and excessive Solids, it is economically more practical to simply use the increase in viscosity of the fracturing fluids to which they are produced water with no further treatment prior to use as a added. Excessive viscosity increase before the fracturing fracturing liquid. fluid has sufficiently penetrated the subterranean formation 0004 Chemical additives including surfactants and poly increases strain on pumping equipment and/or requires mers have been added to fracturing fluids in hydraulic greater energy consumption to pump the fracturing fluids fracturing processes to increase recovery of hydrocarbon into the subterranean formations. Excessive fracturing fluid compounds from Subterranean hydrocarbon-containing for Viscosity can also increase shear in the pumping equipment, mations by controlling interfacial energy of the fluid with the causing degradation of components within the fracturing Subterranean features Such as various rock types, to control fluid and leading to degradation in fracturing fluid perfor friction caused by the fracturing fluid as it flows within the aCC. Subterranean formation and through narrow tubulars, to 0010. A further issue encountered is that produced waters control viscosity of the fracturing fluid, or two or more can contain dissolved reactive species such as boric acid thereof. For example, the use of polysaccharides such as and/or borate oxyanions, which can function as crosslinkers guar gum, coupled with boron-containing compounds as for polysaccharides and cause premature crosslinking of crosslinking agents therefor is a well-known art for control hydraulic fracturing fluids comprising polysaccharides and ling viscosity as described, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. produced waters. When the fracturing fluid concentrate 3,058,909. contains a polysaccharide and a crosslinking compound 0005. As injected into a subterranean formation, fractur intended for providing a crosslinked polysaccharide, it is ing fluids typically contain less than about 1 wt % total normally desirable to prevent extraneous boron compounds added materials such as polymers, crosslinkers, Surfactants, from inclusion in the fracturing fluid during and after the and the like. But manufacturing, transporting, and storing a injection into a Subterranean formation. The Viscosity of the
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