Lesson 6 (pp. 29-34) Horatius & Mucius the Left-Handed (509 B.C.) Facts to Know

Publius Valerius Roman ruler called Publicola; people’s friend

Sublician Bridge only bridge that led into

Lars Porsena king of of ; fought Romans

Horatius Cocles defended the Sublician Bridge against invasion

Spurius Lartius helped Horatius defend the bridge

Titus Herminius helped Horatius defend the bridge

Caius Mucius burnt his right hand to prove loyalty to Rome

Mucian Meadows land on the given as reward to Mucius

“Give me two good men to help me, and I will hold the bridge...” Horatius

“Behold how little we Romans care for pain when it is to defend our country.” Mucius

See excerpts from “Horatius at the Bridge” in the Appendix.


1*. It was so called from the word sublicae… ______wooden pilings

2. …stout, able fighters… ______resolute; firm

3. …javelins were hurled at him… ______light throwing spear

4. Horatius plunged [plunge] into the Tiber… ______to dive in and submerge

5. …honor and patriotism of the ancient Romans. ______devotion to one’s own country

6. …he resolved [resolve] to make war on the Romans… ______decided; planned; made up his mind 7*. Mucius himself was given the name “Scaevola”… ______Latin: left-handed

26 Horatius & Mucius the Left-Handed (509 B.C.) Comprehension Questions 1. What were people from Etruria called? Where is Etruria? The people of Etruria were called Etruscans. Etruria is on the plain north of Rome between the Arno and Tiber Rivers. 2. What Etruscan king gathered a large army to help Tarquin recapture Rome? The Etruscan king supported Tarquin by attacking Rome.

3. Who held back the Etruscan army while the Romans cut down the Sublician Bridge? held back the Etruscans with the help of and Titus Herminius.

4. Explain why the acts of Horatius, Spurius, and Lartius were so courageous. Three men held a bridge against a force of thousands, a bridge that was being torn down under them by the Romans. Their actions showed that they cared more for Rome than for their own safety.

5. How did Mucius prove his bravery to Porsena? When threatened by Porsena, Mucius thrust his right hand into the flame of fire and exclaimed, “Behold how little we Romans care for pain when it is to defend our country.”

6. How did Porsena react to Mucius’ noble display? Porsena so much admired the courage and patriotism of Mucius that he ordered the guards to set him free.

7. How did the actions of Mucius affect Rome’s relationship with Porsena? Porsena was so terrified on hearing that Mucius was only first in a string of attacks against him that he quickly made peace with Rome.

Activities 1. G.K. Chesterton said, “Men did not love Rome because she was great, she was great because they loved her.” Explain how the stories in this lesson illustrate this saying. A city or institution becomes great because men love it enough to sacrifice greatly as Mucius and Horatius did. It is always loved before it becomes great.

2*. Read Thomas Macauley’s poem, “Horatius at the Bridge.” Memorize the first two stanzas and stanza 27.

3. Identify the Mediterranean islands on your map of Modern Europe in the Appendix: Corsica Sardinia Sicily Crete Cyprus

The full text of “Horatius at the Bridge” and a detailed study guide is available from Memoria Press. Visit the Memoria Press website at www.memoriapress.com for more information. 27