Socio.Demog Its Tributaries
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE ONCHOCERCIASIS CONTROL PROGRAMME IN WEST AFRICA PROGRAMME DE LUTTE CONTRE L'ONCHOCERCOSE EN AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST EXPERT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ad hoc Session Ouaeadougou. ll - 15 March 2002 I EAC.AD.9 Original : French August-September 2001 SOCIO.DEMOG HIC STUDY IN THE OTI BASIN ITS TRIBUTARIES (K6ran, Kara; r + 2 CHAPTER I _ BACKGROUND 1. Background to onchocerciasi s control in the Kara reqton. OCP started its activities in Togo in 1977, by treating the Oti basin and its tributaries (Kara, Keran, Mo). This area is called the "initial zote". The activities were mainly vector control (insecticide spraying). In 1986, another zone was demarcated and named the "southern extension zone". This is found in the southern part of the country, in two groups of basins: the Mono basin (with its tributaries: Anie, Amou, Amoutchou, Ogou, Chra), and the YotolZio and Haho basin, to which the great rivers of Gban-Houo, Wawa and Asukawkaw are added. In 1988, ivermectin distribution started in some areas of the Kara region. This second/new method of treatment was conducted by an OCP team, including some national health workers (health assistants, nurses) and doctors. In 1989, the National team was put in place to assist members of OCP. This collaboration was to enable mass treatment in the villages to be carried out. But this phase ended in 1996, after the training of nurses involved in implementing CDTI in the region of Kara. These nurses, in tum, were to train community treatment agents, selected by the communities themselves.
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