WP Mileposts Oct 1949 No. 3
WESTERN PACIFIC J1,[~~p'~Sls In response to many queries re Pacific m ileposts the present editor's garding the pictures of Western P a worries would some day be over. cific's mileposts which have ap He was stumped, however, when peared in the first and second issues he recall ed that the first three mile of MILEPOSTS' masthead, we offer posts on the main line are out in San Vol. I OCTOBER , 1949 No . 3 this explanation. Francisco Bay. Inasmuch as our Department of Public Relation s, 526 Mi ss ion Street, San Francisco Much thought and consideration photographer did not have in his Lee Sherwood, Ed itor Arthur Lloyd , Jr., Associat. Editor was given to choosing a name for possession, or know how to use, a this little magazine, which first ap diving suit, the idea of coming up CORRESPONDENTS peared in August. From a long list Ruth Crane, Sacramento Northern . Hal.el Petersen, <?akland from the bottom of the bay with a Frank Lind ee, Tidewater Southern Bill McGrath, Ch,cago of many names submitted by all good snappy negative was aban Nevada Michelson, Elko • Gene Trace, S~o ckton concern ed , MILE POSTS seemed to doned. Neither did the editor want Jim Mills, Molly Fagan, Rita Connolly, San FrancISco stand out like a clear block in the to confuse his readers by publishing H . A . Q ' Rullian , Irene Burton, Sacramento dark. a first issue numbered 31,6, the mile ~ 7 It seemed appropriate, also, to in post at Oakland Pier. Then he re Page clude a picture of the Western P a membered the San J ose branch line.
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