Special Libraries, May 1915 Special Libraries Association

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Special Libraries, May 1915 Special Libraries Association San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1915 Special Libraries, 1910s 5-1-1915 Special Libraries, May 1915 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1915 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, May 1915" (1915). Special Libraries, 1915. Book 5. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1915/5 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1910s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1915 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Libraries VOL 6 MAYl 1015 NO. 6 PUBLISHED BY THE EXECUTIVE BOARD SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION President. Vme-President, Secretary-Treasurer. Monthly except July and August. Clarence B Lester, Wisconsin Legislative Ref- Editorial and Publication OfRce, Indiana Bureau of Legislative Information, Incllanapolis, Ind. erence Library ; Marian R. Glenn. American Bankers' Assoclat~on,New York City. Sobscr~ptions.1101 Tremont Bldg., Boslon, Mass. Entered at the Postofiice at lndlanapolis. Ind., Manaping Edltor of Special Llbrarles --John A. as second-class matter. Lapp, Bureau of Legislative Information, In- cllanapolls, Ind. Subscription.. ....$2.00 a year (10 numbers) Single copies .25 cents Assistant Eclltor, Ethel Cleland, Bureau of Leg- .................... islatlve Informat~on,Indianapolis, Ind. President ....................I<. H Johnston Bureau of Railway Economics, TVnsl~ington, CONTRIBUTING EDITORS T) I-? ~1;-Gesident ...........Elizabeth V. Dobbins I?. N Morton, Unlted Gas Improvement Co., American Telephone and Telegraph Co., New Phlladelph~a. Yorlc..... Cltv.---". Secretary-Treasurer. ............Guy E. Marion R. H. B. Mcyer, Llbrary of Congress. 1101 Tremont Bldg.. Boston, Mass. D. N. I-I~nrly,Insurance Library Association. Program for the Annual Meeting of the Special Libraries Association BERKELEY,CAL. June 7-8, 191 5 FIRST SESSION. SECOND SESSION. Monday Evening, June 7. Tuesdav Mornina,-. June 8. Specialization: its advantages and disad- Presiding officer, R. E. Crandall, Librarian, vantages-Richard Holland Johnston, Li- Municipal league of Los Angeles. brarian, Bureau of railway econo~nics,Wash- ington. Forestry and lumbering in the North- Administrative problems of the special li- west, from the librarian's point of vlem- brarian-Andrew Linn Bostwick, Librarian Mrs. Georgene L. Miller, District librarian, Municipal reference hbrary, St. Louis. U. S. Fo'orcst Service, Portland, Ore. Special training for the special librarian The library as an efficiency tool-D. C. -Clarence B. Lester, Chief, Department of Buell, Director, Railway educational bureau, legislative instruction, Wisconsin free li- Omaha. brary commission, Madison. Municipal information and research in the Suggestions as to making business library Pacific Nortl~west-Dr I-Ierman G. A. Brau- practical, Walter S. Gifford, Statistician, er, Director, Bureau of munic~palresenrch, American telephone and telegraph co., New University of Washington, Seattle. York. The opportunities of a special librarian- Memorandum on the Directory of sources C. B. Fairchild, jr., Executive assistant, of information in the District of Columbia- Philadelphia rapid transit company, Phila- H. H. B. Meyer, Chief bibliographer, Library delphia. of Congress, Washington. Report of Committee on classification- Municipal muslc, housing and flnancial John Christian Bay, Chief classifier, John conditions of Portland, Ore.-Mrs. Caroline Crerar library, Chicago. L. B. Kelliher, Municipal reference librar- Report on "National center for munici- ian, Portland. pal information1'-Clinton Rogers Wood- Progress report of Committee on clippings ruff, Secretary, National municipal league, -Jesse Cunningham, Librarian, School of Philadelphia. mines and metallurgy, Rolla, Mo. 80 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Programs for the Annual Meetings of the American Library Association, The National Association of State Libraries, The League of Library Commissions and the American As- sociation of Law Libraries BERKELEY, CAL. June 3-9, 191 5 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Fifth Session, Wednesday, June 9, 10 a. m. General Sessions. How far should the library aid tho peace movement and similar propaganda-George (General sessions, except the second, will E'. Rowerman, librarian, Public library of probably be held in the University of Cali- District of Columbia, Washington. fornia building, known as the Chemistry Thc theory of reference work-William W Annex.) Bishop, Superintendent of reading room, Li- F~rstSession, Thursday, June 3, 2:30 p. m. brary of Congress. Call to order by President Wellman. Pioneering in Utah-Mary E. Uowney, Li- Address-The book-Henry W. Kent, Sec- brary secretary and Organizer, Department retary, Metropolitan museum of art, New of public instruction, Salt Lake City, Utah. York. Unfinished business. Bulletins and library printing-Everett R. Report of resolutions committee. Perry, Librarian, Los Angeles, (Cal.) public Report of tellers of election. library. Adjournment. The fine art of printing-T. M. Cleland, New Yorlr. (Probably illustrated by the Council. stereopticon.) Second Session, Thursday, June 3, 8:30 p. m. There will be a meeting of the Council (Hearst Hall, the Women's Gymnasium.) on Friday morning, June 4, following the Address of welcome. general session and another meeting on President's addrcss-Hiller C. Wellman, Wednesday morning, June 9, after adjouru- Librarian, Springfield, (Mass.) city library. ment of the conference, provided there is An informal reception will follow adjourn- business to be brought before the Council. ment, when it is hoped all will have oppor- Both sessions will be only for consideration tunity Lo become acquainted. of reports and whatever business there may Third Session, Friday, June 4, 10 a. m. be. Reports of officers and committees. The changing literary taste and the grow- Agricultural College Libraries Section. ing appeal of poetry-May Massee, Editor, Friday Evening, June 4. A. L, A Boolrlist, Chicago. Address-Per contra-Rerbert Putman, Li- The relation between the agricultural col- brarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. lege library and t.he extension work of our Educational opportunity of libraries in counlry as clevcloping under the Smith-Lever bringing children and books together-Willis bill. H. Xerr, Librarian, Kansas state normal How shall we induce our faculty and stud- school, Emporia. ents to more general cultural reading-Eliza- Fourth Session, Monday, June 7, 10 a. m. bet11 Forrest, Libmrlan, Montana state col- Business. lege. The pruvmce of the public library-If2ch- The relation of the agricultural college and ard Rogers Bowker, Editor, Library journal, experiment station libraries to the library of New York. the federal Department of agriculture-Clari- General discussion. be1 R. Barnett, Librarian, U. S. Uept, of agri- New features in library architecture- culture library, Washington. Chalmers FIadley, Librarian, Denver public An index for agricultural periodicals-Vinn library. (Illustrated by the stereopticon.) Elethe Clark, Librarian, Iowa state college. SPECIAL LIBRARIES Round table discussion of the following Symposium on School library activities: topics : N. E. A.-Library department, Harriet A. Cataloging state station publications. Wood, Portland; High school committee, Continuations, where shall we flnd in- Mary E. Hall, Brooklyn; Normal school com- formation concerning those being pub- mittee; Elemenlary school committee, Efle lished ? L. Power, Pittsburgh; National council of teachers of English, Willis H. Kerr, Em- Catalog Section. poria; Mississippi Valley historical associa- Saturday Morning, June 5. tion, Florence Hopkins, Detroit; Vocational guidance association, Fanny Ball, Grand 1. Proposed manual on the arrangement Ray~ds. of cards in a dictionary cahlog-C. H. Hast- Discussion. ings, Library of Congress. Reports of committees: Library instruc. 2. Code for classifiers-W S. Merrill, tion in normal schools, Lucy E. Fay, Knox- Newberry library. Miss L. N. Gosman, ville ; School library administration ; Train- Princeton university library; Julia Pettee, ing for school librarians in library schools, Union theological seminary. F. K. Walter, Albany. 3. Classiflcation of fcderal documents- Election of officers. Mary A. Hartwell, Public documents office, Washington, D. C. Trustees' Section. 4. Cataloging and classification of music -Bessie Goldberg, Chicago public library. There mill probably be a session on mi- 5. Round-table discussion: Training for day evening, June 4. Deflnite announce- cataloging work-Amy Allen, West Virginia ment will be made in the official program. university library; .Toseph Daniels, Riverside library, California; Alice M. Dougan, Purdue Government Documents Round Table. university library; Lucia Hnley, Seattle Round table on Friday evening, June 4. public library; Marletta FIunt, Portland li- Program announced later. bary association; Esther A. Smith, Michigan university library; Helen Sutliff, Leland Stanford university library; Sula Wagner, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE St. Louis public library. LiBRARIES.1 Eighteenth Annual Meeting. College and Reference Section. Tuesday Morning, June 8. First Sesslon. A program for one session is being ar- (Probably Monday evening,
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