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Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, September 1917" (1917). Special Libraries, 1917. Book 7. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1917/7

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Minutes of the Special Libraries Association Louisville, Kentucky, June 25 and 20, 1917.

FIRST SESSION Ethel &I. Jol~nson, 1ibr:~ri:uri of tlic WCII~CII'A Eclucationnl nntl Incluslrinl Union, 13osl011. June 25, 1917, A.M.

Thc ninth nnnuiil rncc!t.ing of thts Spccial THIRD SESSION Librnrics Association was callctl to ordrr by tllc lJrcsidcnt, Dr. C. C. lVill~:unson,on the tcntll June 26, 1917, P.M. floor of tlic Bcclb:wli, :it 9.30 A.M. (1, 7 I hc BO-callcd libral MI'S ~.td~SOVIIIC~'~ by Mntlhc\v Srusli, Prrsitlent 01 thc 13oston Elc- valccl 12niJwny was rc:d hy Mr. Lcc of . Dr. Paul T-I. Nysl.ro111 ol the 1ntrrn:~l.ionnl M:~gaxii~cCornpnny prrsentc!tl nn unusu:d con- tributm~ of spcci:d 1ihr:n.y 11l.cmturc In 111s iultlr~s"Tllc busincss library :IS :un inwstment, " 'I'licn lollowcd the prcsulontid ~ltldrrsshy Dr W~ll~i~~nson,printed in this ISBI~Oof SPECIAL Lma~itrm. Mr. J. E. Fitegcmltl, cliicf of thc cr1ilori:il division of the l3ureau ol E'orcign and Domcatic Co~n~ncrccspolcc of "A ~ovrrnmcntsystr~r~ ol fling commcrcinl informntton. Mr. E.J3. Judtl, :ulm ol thc Durc~~uof Forr~gn :ind Domcdc Commcrcc?, r:ullrrl nltcntiorl to the csliibiis of intcrest to 111:11111f;~cturcrswho cnp:lgc in csport trade. FOURTH SESSION June 25, 1917, P.M. SECOND SESSION Thr fourth scssion al~nounc:cvl :IS :I Imsincwi June 26, 1917, A.M. mcctmg, ti~lrclo Lo :~~~nounoctl,wus 1114tl I)(,- txcrn thfirst :ud sc!cnontl hrss~o~is.IL is to I)c The ~)rcsidmtcnlled the mrrting to ordcr in thc Rrd Room !rl thc Sccllxtch The gc~ntwl toplc for tl~scuss~onwas "Qi~?~iticsand trl~mir~g nccessuy lor busmcss librurl~u~s.'~ The first pnper on "L~brtuyscllool courscs a3 trnining for busincss 11br:urinns" ~ns cad by hhss ,J~~~j)hlll~A. R:tthbonr, Vice-Director of thc I'latt 1nht1i.utc ~~choolol Lihrary Scicncc. MI. Ralph L. Powr ol' Lhc Collcge of Busi- ness Arlmln~sl,~:ltionof Fhston [Jnivcrsily ans the ncst speaker who t.001; :M 111s s~ibjcct"Busl- jless rducnt~o~lFor busi~~rssl~l~rariiuin." RIrs. Cora Hlnlr~nsParrar, Honsc Librnsinn of S(3:u.s ant1 Rocbuck, spokc of "'l'l~c personal qu:il~fic:nlions of the business librarisn." A dlh~ll~~lonwas then opened led hy Miss 100 SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Presidential Address of Dr. C. C. Williamson Louisville, Kentut:Icy, June 25, 1917 The Spccial Libraries Association llus hcgun file with the Cl~nirmtlnof th Comlnittec nlld th~smorning ~tsNint.11 Annunl Confcrcnct:. In ttn- nre frequcntly consulted by employers. Co~n- otllcr yotw we shall bc cclebrnt~ngour tenth anni- mittccs are also at work on n union list of ~crinls versary. The mcrc faol that, tlic ~lssoc~:~t~onIn the financ~nl dlslrict and on a duplicate will have ro~nclccl out an cven decncle of cxchnnge system. cx~strnccinevitably suggt~stsa rwmv of what I wish it were possible to prcscnl n list of Lhc 11ns been ~cco~nplishc!d:lnd a serious con~iclcrn- specin1 libraries org:mizcd during tl~c ~PILI'. t,ion of the futuic ust~fulnrssof tlw Associntion. A fcw of them linvc been reportecl in SPECIAL ,,Loo many ussoc~at~onslong ooll~oetheir usc- LIBR.~IEYbut many morc fnilcd t,o rccoivc fulness. Aftcr nc:co~riplihngsorne tlefinitc and mcrit~ori. One of tlic no st significant ol' the llcw worth whilc objcct, tlicy Imger on bccausc that business 1ibr:uics is tlltit st,artccl in F'C~I~~IIL~Y is the line of lcusl rcsibti~ncct I take it that thc by the Unilcrl States Rubbey Corrq~:my. Th~s or~g~nalobjcct oi the Spccwl Lihrnrics Asso- company lmv~ngclcciclcd to eslnl~lisli:L research cbiat~nnwas to cml)has~xetlw cssent~nlclillcrcnccs md gencrnl 1)usincss library ~)roarcdctlupon thc between spcc~nland gcwernl li\)rnrics, to cstah- correct theory that tlic most ilnp?rtn~?tthing, I~shtt definitc statns for this ncw typo of li- ~f not t,hc only rcnlly important thing, 1s to hrsry, nntl grnc~r~:tlly,In tlic 1:mguagc of its con- t.lic right kmcl ol n librar~nn, It is n p1c:~snrc to st~tutmn"to prolnote tho intcrtnsts of tho com- rccord that uftcr a t,hoyo~~ghc:nlvnss or wnilul)lc ~ncrcinl, ~ndu~trinl,tcc11111c:~l, c~vic, nlunicipnl ctlncldntes, Miss Snrnll B. 13nll, of tho Newlnlc :mcl 1cgisl:rtivc rcfcrrncc l~hrsr~es,thc speed Br~slncssUrnnch, ans clioscn. Siilcc tlic middlc dclx~rtmcnts of pulh: l~brarics, un~vew~t~cs,of Pcbrunry, Miss Ball hns bccn cngagcd in tl~c mclEarc a~~ocintions:tntl 1)usincss orgnr~~x:ltlon~."inspiring tnsk of producing :L lihrnry flmn th As your Prcsdc~itfor tlic 1nrgc.r pnrt of the l~cgmning, unli~~n~~erccl11y n inass of ele:~cl plst. ycnr, 1 1i:~vecmdm~wccl 111 suvh ways ns ~natrrialand inheritctl ~nctlioclsnnd traditions. ~vcr~open to lnr to promoto tlic? intcrcsts of You will prcscntly hc:w Crom thr! library of tllc thcse 11brnu~s. S~niplc11on(~st,y ~0111~)cls ~iic to Unitcd Stites Itubbcs Co~npany. :~ctmit,honrvrr, that it is ilificult to point to A noteuvorthy cvcnt in 111r spccinl 11brury dcfiiiitc results nchicvcrl. IJcrhnps I.ho mcre ~vorltlws the uppointment, of :L Committee on fact that sur.11 an nssoc~nt~onexists m:~y hnva Libraries oE illc Arnericnn El~ctric: Rldwny bccm of SIJmC Y:L~~c. Association. OF this Conmittcc Mr. 1,. A. Reports from vnrious Dirtrict hIcrnbcrs will Arinistcnd L~brurinu of the BosLon El~v&tcd be prcsc.~it,rd at the! busnms scbsion Tlicw -Itnilwuy, 'is Chnirmnn. :1 clcnring housc of rcports wdl show n grat~fvingp~~ogrcss in some mnt.cri:d of spccinl inlcrcst to clccl,r~cr:~ilwitys locnlitios :tnd complclc 1:wk ol :~ctivit.y111 ot11c1.s. llns bccn orgnn~zcd. Two copies or dl pul)li- A sucrcssful conlcrcmre of thr Ncm Eng1:mtl cntions iss~cclby cnch aorrlp:my or by its :~t- sl)cc~:rl11hrnri:utis w:ts hclcl in Kern Ilnven lnst torneys are to bc forwartled to Ihc sccrc!lnry Dcermber, when strps mcrc txkcn to form EL and cnch mcmbcr 1s compiling for ih Com- !owl organizntion siniilnr to that which has been mittee a list of pamplilet.~,nrticlcs, rcports, cbc., 111 c-%tcncc 111 New Yorlc for the pnst two yenrs. hnving to clo wth his own cornpany. Vcry few The Kcw York Special L~hmnrics Assocint~on electric rnihy concerns linvc :is yrlt estnblishcd now has :t lncwhcrsl~ipof nhout oiic hunclrcc~ librnrlcs of their own, but this action on llic tlnrs-pyin~~iiembcrs, or about tw~ccns many pnrt of the Associntion will most lilrcly lcncl in a i11dividu:~l111cmbers1111)s :1s this rls~ocintio~lit- short ti!nc to a lib~wyclepartn~cnt in 1111 Iwge hclf Iins. Somc 300 of our 360 ine~nbcrs:Lppcnr conilxlnres. to be lilxxrics, bus~ncss concorns, nncl othcr Our progrnm for today and tomorrow con- instiLutions, which, of cou~sc,furnish lint~ricinl ccXntrnlcsour :~t,t,cnt~onupon thc org:miantion sul)port, but in most instanws ncld n!)tlung to and problcms of busincss librnrics. This con- th~)rrsonnl resourtw of our org:unisnt~on. Thc wntrntion upon onc clnss of spccinl libr~ri-~cs New To14c .hsociatlon holds four rcguli~rmect- seem cntirely justifcd, for two rcnsons. By lrigs a yew, w1i1c.h hnrc brru vcry \vcll nttenclccl. far the lnrgcr nulnbcr of individual mcnibcrs l'hc prngr:r~nsof inforni:ll cl~scussior~of topics nrc cng:tgetl in buslncss librnry work, nntl, of special ~r~terustto certain dibt~rictgroups of secondly, for soinc reason thc dcveloprncnl, of l~hrn~icsII:LVC iist~ally bccn nrrornpnnicd by business librnrics has rcccivcd n trcmnltlous c~l~ilxtbof the spco~:tl ~nclhodsand nctiv~t~esirnpctus cluri~~gI.hc pnst yc:u0. The reitson for of the libraries in surh gl.oups. Thcso exhibits ths incrcasc of interest inrLy bc nccount,ctl for arc now on file in u vr~~trnllocallnn wlicro they In pnrt by the! sprencl ol tho gospcl of cllicicncy nrc frequcntly colis~!ltccl by thosc n.1111 arc which rcquirrs, of course, :in efficicni, ~nforlnation orgmizing new Iibi :inrs and by pcrsons fitting servlcc Undoubtedly, nlso, the war 11ns hut1 thcmselveu lor spct:i:tl librnry work. n~uclito do with ~t.Busincss lii\s lxcn con- Our Ncw York ..\ssor~nt~onhas n Conl1n1t.t~~fro~~tcd with nc!w concl~tiotlsand nc\r prol~lcms on Ernploy~nentwhich h:ts prmtctl n c:~rcfull~ to bc solvccl for which cspctrlcnce nntl thc usunl drvisctl registratinn blnnlc lor Iwsons idlo wisl~ sowccs of ~nforn~nt.ionhavc provcd to bc in- to takc ull specid liI)r:uy work or :we ~villing ndequntc. Thiness men hnvc Ixcn forced to t,o 111:~licu chnngc. 'Hicsc rcg~sLr:ttionsnrc 011 study, to inrcstigntc, to ecarcl~for clntn which SPECIAL LIBRARIES can be found, if nt all, only in widcly scattered librarians arc inLcrcstccl. In the coursc of :I year relatidy inaccessible forms of printcd inntter. hundreds of Items and articles appear in trade Thc nccd for a speci~listin the collecting and and technical papcrs which would interest handllllg of this litcrnturc hts created an un- members of the Association if it were possible to usual dcmnnd for business librnrians. This reprint them or nb~t~rnctthem in the columns conclitio~lwill continuc for an indefinite period of SPECIALLIBRARIES. Spcaial librarinns of all and I confidently mticipnte tlmt thc numbcr of klnrls are also interested in Itnowing wlml Lhcir special libraries will increase more rapidly than fellow workcrs nrc doing-cl~a~ige of pos~tions, cver in the next fcw years. ncw hbrarics started, important cievelopmcnts Any comprehensive revicw of the events of and. person:~litems of all kinds. More of Lhis the year in thc spccial librnry world should not kind of muterid would mt~lieus dl look foiwnrd fnil to molltlon tho ~naugnrntionof so importrint cngerly to ench monlh's issuc. a publicntion 11s the Business Digest, a weekly 1 rccorcl t,hese xuggcstions wrth no littlq hcsi- cumulative rewew and suznlnnry of x widc tation, for I rcnlixe tlmt it is niiich easrcr to range of information which will he of great poinl out whnt is cl~srrut~lcthan iL is to tio it. assrstancc Lo librnr~ans2nd nlso, of cnursc, to Under pr~scntconditwls thc work of cdlting business man who arc withoul s library service. the journd 1s largcly n hbor of low nncl anyom I bclicve buslncss lil~miinnsndl also agree with who is coinpetenL to fill thc position of cditor is me thnt n notexorthy cmnt mas the publicnt~on nlrcndy fully ovcupicrl with other impcrativc of n "business libmry" number of thc Lxbrar,y dutics. It would seem, howcver, that the work Jozcrnal. I will confess lhnt ns I send that rn~glltbc so distributccl among tho mcmbrrd~ip zxccllent issuc, 1 felt sorne disnppolritmc~itthat. of thc Associntion that t,he hurtlcn of each mould this Associ:~tionhad not been sufficicntly alivc to not be grcat. The prcscnt Edilor hns valinntly busincss library intcrcsts to have p~~blishedthis shoulderetl tllc entire r~s~~onsrhility.I ventura rnaterinl in ~tsown officinl organ rnther than to to suggcst thnt cvcry member \vho h:~sidcns ns hnvc left it to a gcncrnl libmry publication. ;o ways in ml~icllllc would ltlie to scc the journal Two rcgular nctivitics and two only aiac dcvelopccl should be prcparrd Lo mnkc thrrn carried on by this Afisocintion, namcly, t.he holrl- known to the 13xccutive Boa~~cl.If it, wcrc pos- ing of thc Annual Conference In conjunction siblc to sclcct, un Esccutirc Bonrcl with dBc~~nt. with the A. L. A. and tlic publication of the respect for geographical consiclerntions tn nlnlcc official organ cntitlecl SPECIALLrunmr~s. possible a conference at least five or six limcs a The lloldmg of sonw kind of an annual con- ycar, I lccl confide~ittho rcsults ~~oultlbe very vention seem? to hc esser~t~ialto trhe cx~stencc gratifying to nll conccmed. It IS not 11y any of any organrmtron of this cliarncter. I have Incans an casy mntkcr to scoure thc kind of co- notcd with somc surprisc that lcncling mcinl~crs opcrrttion I hnve in mind, The bulk of the wodc of thc Association question the advis,zhdity of ndl lnll in :my case upon a few indivicl~ialsbut holding the ani~unl~nocting at thc snme tinlc evmyonc slioulcl be given a chnnce to contri- tmd place as t.hc A. 1,. A. In arranging ths butchis "bit." ear's mccting, n mnjorlty of the Executive Aftcr I was elccted by the Exccut.~vcCom- 5oartl considcrcd it aclv~sablc,howevcr, for one mittee to fill thc sncnncy cnusrcl hy the in- renson or mother, to contmue for thc prcscnt nbility of Mr. Morton, to srrve ns Frcsdcnt, I thc custom of rriccting w~ththc pareni nsso- concc~vcdthe idcs of finding out, whnt thc con- cintion. But there sccnls to bc n feeling thnt sLitution provides in r~gnrdto. the orgnnixntion we ought to hrcak away nnd tuscrt cornplctc and management of the ~lssoc~nttlon,our linnn- independence RS soon as posstble. Horn widc- cinl status, and whnL comnliltees arc In csis- sprcnd that fcclrng is I (lo not know, nor are Lhc tonee and supposcd to be at work. ndvantngcs to hc gnined by such a course at all Beginning on thc const~tut~on,alter con- clear to inc. I relcr to thc ~nntterhcrc in orclcr stdcrnble scurch I found in onc of tlic cnrly t11;~t ~nembcrsmay Ibc thinking about it and issucs of SPECIALLrnnan~ns \\-hat I supposcd to bc prepnrcd to cxprcss t.heirb views later. It be the original document. Not 11:~viug ncccss may bc rernmkcd in pnssing that at least one to all minutcs since it was acloptccl, I wrote to of our most active and ~nflucntinl members 1,hc Secretary fo~an up-lo-clnte const~tution ~vishesto see a scparalc organization given up contining nll an~cnclrnents. As I ncver 11~:~id cnt.irely, our intcrcsts bcing merged oncc more from him, I infer tlint hr. 1s no brttrr off than with the A. L. A. I am. I rccommcnd, therefore, thnt thc officers A llurnber of suggestions have been ~narlefor to be elected this ycm should makc an el'iort improving, or nt all events for clmnging, thc to codify pnst legdntion :md co~~sl~tul~onn~ character of our monthly journal, SPECIAL ~rnendments iund hi~vctho rcsult printd in L~RARIESI belicvc the fccling is fairly gcn- SPECIALLIURAI~IBS. I nm surc it would bc of ern1 that the journal might he niuch more vital use to the officcrs 2nd might also bc of iutcrcst in our everyday ~vorlc. Hy far tlic larger part to tllf: lilcmbership nt l?~gc. of tile individual membership of tlic Associatlan The origmnl con~tllulionwhich I dug up is among business librarinns nnd future growt-h scclncd to providc seven standing comm~ttrcs of mcmbersliip must npparcntly be looked for and rn atlclition to theuc scvcn I happonc!d to chicfly in this field. It mould, thcrcforc, seem hnve heard of othcrs, RXVIII~no other st~urcc desirable that thc official oigan should in a very of infornlation, I appenlcd to tllc Secrct:~ry's rcal sense bccome the professional journal of oiGce for n list of connnitt.ccs supposccl to bc in the business librttrinns, a mcdmm for thc inter- exislcnce. To this question no answer wus change of ide:is and a clearmg house for n widc seccivccl so thnt I xgam inferred that the Srcrc- rttngc of topics in which business and other tary is as much in the dmli as t,hc P~CPI(IPII~. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

I reco~nmcnd, thcrrforr, that t,he constitution rccomnrnd tliut the officcrs to elcr:t~tl thi~ be amen~l~xlto provitlc that thc lifr of all conl- year prowrrl :~tonce to forr~lulniosome stantl:nd ~uitteess1l:tll tcrminntc :lt the close of the :znrlu:ll gmctire ant1 then follow it. I confident meeting, unlcss thcy arc spc.r~firallyrcnppointcd. tl~creis n lnrgc firlcl of uscf~~lnc~~for this Asso- C'onl~r~ittees\\ hosc jrorli 1s not finislled antl c~ationif n way cnn I)c round to util~xcthe which show n d~sposit~onto be active can, nncl, pc~bond rcsourcc3s of its rntlmbcrst~ip more of course, will be reappointed. IJersonally, I fully. IL swms to me not unrc:lsonnl>le Lo as- do not believe that thc +ssoc~dion can take sume that a g~oupof nt lcnst one hunched per- clficicnt action in :1ny tl~rcction ulrcn 1o:ulcrl sons r3n I)(% lnatl(. up who arc botll :~ldrant1 down by nulnrrous conl~nittccsthat are cloing willing to share the burdcn of rcsponsihlIitiw nothing and do not Itnow tllcmsrlres whcther for c:mying on thc proprr tlctivit,ies of thc they nrc clrntl or allve. Assor~:~tionwithont, thouglil of c.oI~~pens,ztion. In thc matter of finnncrs I nssu~r~rrlfrom some KO onc undcrslnntls Iwttc~than specid nnd knon.letlge of the usu:d priicl~cein org:mzstions business lil~ri~i-i:~nsthc iniportttli(~Cof proinpt that thc Escivtivc I3o:wcl would 11tn-e some rr- ntlcntion to I~ueincssaflairs and the: nrcessity sponsilxlity in the nlatler of incnrring fir~nncial or co-operntion antl icxrn work No 11sciu1 oldigntions nntl espml~ngthc funtls OF the :lchvily can Ix cnr~ictlon by iln :~ssoc:i:~l~on Associntion. It seems tl~iltIn illis rcspcct too, whow mcrnl~c~salc cont(~ntto hit Lack antl I Imvc tnltcn my clutirs too sc~iously. Thc only nllow OIIP or two n~c~nt~c~sto (lo cvcr.yll~ing, informntion I 11:n.e been ihle to ~ccurclrom ihc p:lrtic.ul:~rly .r\llcn those willing pc-rsons a1.e Sccrctnry-trcnst~rcr's offiril scwris lo ~ntlicatc :llwndy too nmc2h cngrosqctl with ot11t:r matters that thc Associntion is in the h:lnrls of ihc to give their personnl attrntlon. Sccrctnry-trmsurcr sctmg :IS rccbrlvc.r for an Let mr in closing csprcss the carncst hope insolvent concern and hoping to show :L snlall that nothing I luitre snit1 I)y nay of criticisln or s~uplnsnt tl~ccnd of llic yew. suggestion ahall IIC ~nisinl(~rpretcd. 1 Imve Uelicviug, ns 1 do, thtlt no organixnt~onrnn simply fdl it to br my duLy to point aut 111 thnvc without full pthlic~tywith reg:~rtl to ~tspurdy irnpc~wnnlw:~y somr contl~l.innswl~ich alT:~irs find uithout lollo\vipg wh~t~11 ex- srcn~lo rrlc lo call for serious com~dcratiorrby pclli!nCC bhns to hc sound I~usincssmcll~oda, I our cntirc n~rmbcrship.

The nnnuul rrport of thc Puldic Lib~arics n~atcrialrclating to morncn :utcl cliilrlrcm of tllv C:on~m~ttccof Sottiuglia~n, Engl:intl, htatrs wo~lcl111 war, worncn in itulustry, child lahor tht during tl~cplst yc:~a fcaturr has been superi~riposctl 11y war ronclilions, ctc. bliss n~nrlcof lmoks to i~hh~ht~nc~c:~ntilc :mtl nlanr:- 1d:~AI. Tarl)ell, :L co~ulnittec mcmbcr, is 111 fsiaturing intcrcsts ~n cnplunng Gcrman tratlc. chargc. Works 11:wc I~ccncollcc*tcd tlwling spcvihcally with aftcbr w:Lr colnmrlrt! :111(1 in(lustrics- The 1'~~iblisher.~~Sl'cckly for July 14 contains tcxtllcs, glns3, Icatlic~,p:qx3r, tlyc!ing, chernic:ds, nn cvcellent article on bus~ncssbooks. It givcs industrial sc~crlcc,n1ct:d trntlrs and so forth. n brief r6snm6 of "l)usincss in print" since 1900, n fcw worcls about business librarics, vcry inter- A Iwge incrensc in funds cnablcs the? esting accounts ot buslncas boolc puhlishcrs, and Pul~licLibrnry to g~catlyincrmsc its :tctix-itirs. a lisL of up~vardsol a hundrcd business books. It. is planncd to abso~bthe Alurnrtpal Rcfercncc Lihrnry ns pat of thc! Pubhe L~brnryin thc "The I3usmcss PII:ul's Librnry" is the LiLIc of an City IInII. Tllcrc will be a down town busincss nmotntcd 31-page list of I~usincsshooks published lihrnry specialuing in the industrial and conl- Ly ll~c13roolilyu Pul)l~cLtblar y. The? titles are mercinl pursulls of the rity. 13ulletins, n Imsincss t~rrmgetl by suhcl~w~onsof thc ~c~lcrixltrrln mm's info1111:~tion11ro:ulsiclc and various lists business nntl as will rc~atlilyhe srcn, it is evident will be issued. that the list is cornposcd of "representat,ive tit.les selected froin thc collrction of business books in The Scw \Yolk ITnivrrsity Prcss has rc- the Brooklyn Public Library." ccntly issued n hooklet of 2-1 pngcs, cnllccl Sclccl Business Books. \VIIIIPtllr list 1s noL csllnuslive The Kationnl Sccurity League, 31 Pine Street, it lnny bc 1c11norl 1% r:lt:rlogue of tllc bcst books Nw Yorlt, has issued "English-Prc~~chhnndbook on busincss. Books 11set1In thc c1assc.s of the for usc of U. 8, solclicrs." The pamphlct fits School of Con~mercr of thc LT111\w..;ity are thc poclict md nluy bc obi,nined in lots of onc stnrrecl. li~mtlrcclnl, forty ccnLs thc set. The Ii~dustrixl llanngemcnt Council of Rochester hns cstnhlisl~edn libmry lo specialize f'lnforn~atiun concerning the lllnking and on labor rclntions, fire and accltlcnt preveni~on, d~stnl)utionof picturcs thnt show tllc activities etc. Mr. Lcwis 13. Ermerling is d~rectorc~f ihc or thc Army :tnd Nnvy" is :L pnmphlct, containing council and AIlss G. I). Ail~cnhe:~d,1ibmn:ln lnatt~it~lfor thosc who pul)lish or . dislribute photograpl~s,nwtlon pictu~csor drawings. Free copies rn:~y be ot:rined from Lhc ConlrniLtw on The Corlnril of Nntionnl Dcfcnsc through its Public Information, Division of Pictures, Wash- mo~rlnn'scomrrlittec is establishing a 1iI)riry or ington, D. C. SPECIAL LIBRARIES 103

List of Recent References on Railroads in War

of citixmship. New York, hlcGraw-Hill book couqxng, 191G. 187 p. UG145 I34 1. I3urcau of llailwny Eronomics, TTTnshzngton, Sce index under Rnilrods. n. C:. Ldmz~y. List of relcrcnccs on mil- 9. nonncr, Francis A. Thc Nort.liern rnilmny ronds In n-:~r.Octoher 10. 1014. Snceinl of in war titnc. (IN Rnilway librnnes, N~V.1014, v. b: 134-1-i3. 111)rary,1815. Calicago, 1910. p. 71-74,) Z671 S'il, v. 6 11E28.5l.IC2, 1915 Extended to hg. 2, 191.5, in mimoo- Tmnslntcd horn Journal des trans- gmph form, 34 p. 20724. R2139 pork. 2. Thc Internntionnl rrillitarv di~osl,nnnwl: 10. nand, Paul S., md M. J i\lcDonougli. R rwiw of the curriit i~t~~l.urcoi Techniql~cof modern tncilcs; n slucly mi1it:~ry soicnce for 1015-1916 Kcw of troop lend in^ ~riclhoclsin the opcm- Yorlc C~l~y,Cun~ulati~c digest corporn- tlons of clctncliin~ntsof n11 anns. 3cl ed., tion, 1016-17. 2 v. El. 15 rrv. iiI(~nnslin, Wis., Grorgc Bnntn L'l~:~~lro:~tls":V. 1, p 319-321; v. 2, pu1)lishing co., 193 6 440 13 511-516. U16.5. B7, 1916 "Supply md trnnsporl:~tion": v. 1, Src! section on S~rpply. 11. 351-353; V. 2, p. 562-563. 11. Brcnt, Joseph L. bIobll~rablcfortificntions 3. Intcrnniional military dl~est. hlonthly 2nd ll~circontrolling inlluencc in Ynr. rc:vlcw ol thc current litrraturc of mill- 2cl ed. U:dtimore, Wdlinms $ 'ATilkins twy science, Jmr, 1015-dntr. Xcm Yolk compmy, 1916. 143 p. [Thr Cuiuulntlve digest ro~por:~t.lnn, "Tlic systcnl of fortifying nncl de- 1915-dalc.] 1'1 14 f~nilingmilwny linca": p 75-99; Src c:~cli issur untlcr Rnilroads "I-Iow cnn :LI~ cnemy altnclc or cnrry 4. Pr:~tt,Etlwin A. Thc ~iscof m1-powr in thc lortifirtl rnilwny line?" p 100- war :tnd conqucst, 1833-1014, wi t11 R 120. UC407. B75 bibliography. , P. S. liing $ 12. i3rilish -r:ul\rays. (In Rmlwny librnry, son, 1915. 405 p. 13il~li0~1npl1y:p 1918. Chicngo, 1910. p. 75-78.) 376-397 KC310 1'7 Proin Tl~cStc~.t~sl. ITE2751. E2, 1915 5. TJ. S. Generd sla,f. V'IU collegt: (lit'mo~~ 13. Connor, W~llinm D hlilitary railways. Monlllly list of nul~lnry infortn:~tion Rev. cd., 1916. Rrvicwed and npprovecl carclccl from boolis, perlotllcnls :~ndotllcr by tlic Board of englnecr troops. Wnsh- ~OU~L'CS.. . . Fort L~a~'~nwort11,Iinn., inglon, Govt,. print.. off.,1016. 192 p. Press of thc Army scrvlrc school:, [l9l5- Profcssionnl papcrs, Corps of engineers, tl:~tc]. ZG723. Lr4 U. S Army, no. 32 ) UC345 CG, 1916 Scc cnch i.qsuc unrlrr ltnilroncls in wnr. Tar dept Doc, no t30. 14. *Elmer, iYillinm. Trmsportt~tion and nre~:~~crlness.hcldreus bcfore tlic Citi- ;ens co~nlnitterof 100 on prcparctlncss (3. An~cricnn rnll~rny iissoclation. Speczul of Bi~ffalu,Apr. 5, 1918 [II. p. 19161 16 p. CO~L~WCon i~~~lzonul d~gct~se. Circulnrs, 15. Dixon, Gcorye D. l'rcpr~redness and our no. 1-6, 1017. [Wi~slungton,19171 5 nos. railrosds (lit Railwciy librmy, 1915. KO. 1. IIow the r:ulro:~dswill be opcr- Chicngo, 1910 p. 100-IOG ) ntecl tlurmg thta wr. 8 p. IIE275.1, R2, 1915 KO.2. How much railroad equipment Also in Railwsy ngc gwrttc, Dec. 10, is nccdcd lo inovc nn nrrny'l 4 p. 1915, v. 59: 1084-1088. No. 3. R~~ilroacls,in interest of thc TP1. R2, v. 59 nntion, to give pr elcrrccl movc~ncnt Railway zyrcvicw, Dcc. 11,~191~,'v.57; to shipnlcnts of iron and strel. 4 p. 751-754. TF1. R4,V. 57 No. 4. Thc rnilroads' supreme pa- 1G. Fabian society, London Rcsanrch dcpl. A triotic duly to the nation. 7 p. ~uldicse~vicc or ra11wa.v & canal tmns- No. 5. Railzyonds' I\'nr Bonrtl tnlccs id: n study lmparca in the Fnbinn steps to conserve lucl supply 4 p. rrsearch dep~~~tnicntS17cstminster, The 7. Dellingcr, John U. Use of clcctric railways Fnl~iansociety, 191ti, 50 p. 13E3017.!3 in 61ic milit:rry servlce. [Schcnrctatly, This stucly was publishcd 111 N. Y.,The AInqun co.] 1916. 9 p. July, 1916, in the volumy, erltitlcd UC313 U4 "How to pax for the war. Also in Electric railway journal, July HJ1023 P3 1, 1916, v. 48: IS;?!: 17. Fr:mce, Lnlils, stnlules, ctc., 1913-(Poiti- 1P 101.S65, v. 45 cnre) G~~crredc 1914; documents S. Bond, Pnul S. Thc enginccr in wtr, with oficrels, testes Iegislntifs el raglcmen- spccinl rrfrrrncc to tli~training of tlic engincer to rr~cctthe rn~litneyobligt~tlons *Not in the Library of Congrrss SPECIAL LIBRARIES

taires . . . Pnris. D~OZ[1914-19151 Abstract. Railmny revicm, June 3, 4 v. D505. FG, 1914 1916, v. 58: 790-791. TP1. R4, v. 58 See indcs of rnch vol, under Prntt, Edmin A. Thc riso of rail-power ill Chcmins dc frr. wnr rand conqucst, 1833-1914 London, ifi. Frenrh r:ulwi~ysin wr. (In Rnilwny li- Y. S. King & son, 1915. 405 p. t)~arg,1914. Chicago, 1015 p. 225-230 ) UC310. P7 IIE2751 1x2, 1914 Prussian stt~terltilway mnnngcmcnt (In Prom tho Itailmny ~r~acttc. lti~ilwt~ylihrnry, 1914. Chicago, 1916. 19. &rm:my. Lnu~,stnfuics, elc., 1888-(Tfil- 11. 238-241 ) HE2751 R2, 1914 llnrrl II) UIC Uriegs-notgesetxe ~iebst From tlic Sprtngjiclrl Rcpubliccm. den ,lusfuhr~ingabcstinllnungendes Bun- *R:dlway ncws. ltccortl of railway intcr- (Ipsrttis und dcs prcussischen FIandcls- ests in the war. [British] London, n~inislcrs. Drrhn, C. Heymnnn, 1914- Railway news, 1915, 2 v. 16. Hft 1-12, 20. DG35.3G3 Thc Railway year Imolc for 1916. London, 20. Gcr~nanrilways In thc war. (In Railway Tllc Railway publishing compnny, 1916. qnn -. lil)rwy, 1915. Chlrngo, 1916. p. 79-83 ) 3Ld I). HE2751. R2, 1915 Issues mcrc nlso published for 1914 Tr~nslntion of statement ~ssuedIly and 1915. tho Gcrnlan General staff, See cspccinlly "British railways ant1 21. GL, nrit Lnm, stnhtles, elc., 1910- the war" : p. 21-22; "Ambulnncr (Gclnge V). Mnnuel of emergency legis- trains for war service1'. 11. 23. Intion, conlpsisinp ell the acts of Parlin- IT~3014:It15, 19lo mcnt, j)roc.latnations, ordcrs, kc., pnsscd Riscns, Louis and Louis Marchant. Re- and nixie in consequcnce of ibe war to quis~lionsrnilitnircs. , L. ll'ournicl*, 8cptenher 30, 1914. Ed. by Alexmtlcr 1916 423 p. UC15. R5. Pulling. London, Dnrling & son, 1914. "Dcs r6quisitions rclntives aux cheni- 572 p.- ins de-fcrl': p 197-203. -Su~)plemmts . 1914-1915. Lon- Rose, William H. Rnilway t,ransportation don, Darling ii. son, 1914-1915 4 v. required for a pioneer hnttnlion, U. S. 11A505. G77, 1914 Army. (In Professional mcmolrs, Corps Sce index of each volume unclcr Rnil- of cngincers, U. S. Amy, and Enginccr roads. dcpnrtme~it-at-lnrgc. Wtlshingl on, 1911, 22. - - Mnnunls of emcrgcncy Icgis- v. 3, p. 013-617.) TA1. P85, V. 3 Intion. Defence of thc rcnlln regulations lt~~clclin,R6n6. Lcs r8quisitions militnircn. nladc to Mny 23d, 1016, rcprotiucrd in Palls, Rousscau k me, 1915. 264 p. c~onsol~clntedfonn. . . . with notes, table TT(115---.> 127-., of rcgulations, and orders made undcr Themins de fer": p.. 150-158. tho rcgulations. 2d ctl. Ed by Alex- Smith, H. G. The railways in tme of wnr. anclcr lJulling. London, Darling & son, (In lia~lwaylibrary, 1914 Chicago, 1916 102 p. D505 G79, 1916b 1915, p. 221-227.) HEW5l. 112, 1914 Scc indcx under Rnilrond~. lleprintcd from thc Railway nws. 23. Thc Great War . . . Philadclphin, G. Snyder, George D. Thc railroads nntl Bwne's sons [1915-161 3 v. D521 07 nt~tionnldefense. (Tn *New Yorlc mll- See index v 2 under Railways, im- rod club. Procccdings, Nov. 19, 1016, portance of in mar. 0. 4108-4130.) 24. Hiatt, Wt~ltcr 8. Prance smcd by hcr Sdss rulwnys in war timc. (In Railway rnilroad men. (In Rnilway library, library, 1915. Chicngo, 1916. p. 1914. Cl~icngo, 1915. p. 231-235.) 84-87.) HE2751 R2, 1915 Correspondence of tlic Rdlw:~venxctto HE2751.1E2, 1914 " - 25. Hornin~an,Roy. How to mnkc tlic railwnyy London. pny for the wttr; or, Thc transport Thcry, M. Edward. The R.ailways of prol~lcmsolvetl. London, G. Itoutledge . (In lidway librnry, 1014. $ sons, 19lG. 348 p. HE243.27L5 Cliict~go,1915. p. 244-251.) EIE2751. R2, 1914 26. In Gcrrnany to-thy, by n neu trd. London, From Railway age gazctte, July 31, illclhuen $ co. [1915] 120 p D. G4O.I6 ----.1 C-114. "Tho railways nnJ the war": p. 89-95. U. S. Conpess. Senate. Proposed rnilroatl 27. Ilalian railways in thc wnr. (In ~hil~n~ legislnt~on. Debate in the Senate, Feb. hbrary, 1914. Cli~cngo,1915. 11. 243.) 10, 1917, on the bill (S 8201) providing HE2751. R2, 1014 for an amendment of the medintion and In the Chicago T~L~ILTLC,July 4, 1015. co~lcilintion act authorizing thc Prcsi- 28. Pnrli, William L. Rnilwnys as ti pnrt of n dent. . . . to. tnlic possession ol thc systeln of national dcfcnse. [Chicago? common carriers. , . in t.ime of war.

19ltil~ ~~ - ,--1~ 16 n Congressional rccord, 64th Cong., 2tl Also in Railway hbrary, 1916. Clli- sess., v. 54, no. 54 (current file): 3360- cago, 1916. p. 88-99 3361. HE2751. R2, 1915 U S.-L~WS, sLatttles, ctc. Compilation of rlbsltnrt. Railwy tigc gazette, hIay lams (leviscd statutes and statutes at 26, 1916, Y. 60: 1131-1134. -large) rclaiing to tlic Qusrtecmnstcr TF1 R2, V. 60 *Not in tile Lhrary of Congress. corps. Washington, Govt. print, on., 54. Prussian state railways nnd the war. 1914. 199 11. En~ineering (London) Apr. 16, 1915, "In time of wnr or threntened war v. 99: 413. TAl E55, v. 99 prcfcrmce ml prececlc~~ccsllall, upon 55 Jennings, E-I. J. Home railways during thc tlemnnrl of the Prcsidcnt of tllc IJnited war. Nineteenth century ancl after, States, be givcn, omr rill othcr traffic, hpr. 1915, V. 77: 920-933. to tl~ctmnsporlntion of troops arltl 1lP4.N7, v. 77 ~naterialsol wnr, and cnrriers shnll 56. Smit,li, H. G. The valuo of railways in nciopt cvcry nieans within their con- time of war Railway news, hky 15, tlol to fticihtale and cxpcdite the 1915, v. 103: 793-794. TF1. R65, v. 103 itry trac Act of Junc 29 57. Railway prepnredness for war. A survey 1906 (34 Slat., 587) p. 134. ancl study suggested. llailway revicw, UC3I. 5. A3, 1914 July 10, 1915,-v. 57: 48-40. 42. - War dapt Transportntion of troops TF1. R4, v. 67 lo IbIcxicun bortlcr. Lctter from thc 5s. Eshil)ition of nmbulance train vehicles at Sccrcl:lry of mar, transmitting. . . In- Euston station: London and north- formation regarding the trnnsportation western railway, Railwtv news, July of troops to thc Mesicuri bordcr. Jdy 24, 1915, 17. 104: 191-195. 29, 1916. [Wnshin ton, Ctovt. print. off., TP1. R65, v 104 19161 16 p. (64th &ong., 1st scus. House 69. Thrce big rallmnys joining Wa~saw to do(:. 1311.) UC313.85, lYlG Itussia, objcctivc of Teuton drive. hTcw 43. Van Antwerp, TI(. C. Thc war mlcl Wnll York Sun, hug. 3, 1915, 1). 2, col. 34. ~trcet,and, incidcntnlly thc railways 60 IIialt, Walter S Turning Pre~lclifreight (In Rnilwiiy I~br:iry, 1914. Ch~cago, cars mto I~ospitals. Knilway age gaxettr:, 1915. u. 2G2-2801. IlK285l. R2. 1914 Aug. 20, 1015, v 59: 329-330 An idcircss bef'orc thi City-ciuh of TF1. R2, v 50 IZochcstcr, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1914 61. Exhibition of ambulance train at Psclcling- ton Grei~twestern railway. Railway ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS nows, hg.29, 1913, v. 104: 3G1-362 TF1. RG5, v. 104 02. I-hnrln, Mntth~wI<. The first yenr of thc p1nn.s. lportnigllds rcvicw, Fcb. 1914, war. IZcvlcw ol ouerations in all V, 95: 306-314. AP4. P7, v 95 th~atrrsoC war. Sckntlfic Amrricnn, Living ago, Scpt. 19, 1914, v. 282: Aug 17, 1915, v. 113: 110-111,125-127. 707-713. AP2. LG5, V. 282 T1.85, v 113 "The extrnsion of Gcrnlnn riilw,zys, How stmtcgir, railways snvecl Ger- possibly with :I view to their usc in thc many : . 126-127. next grcat Europcan war." Thc strntegira? m~lmny. Pncsltn to Knl- 45. Archrr, TI. C;. Rnilways in war. *West- fontein. *South Aflicnn rnilwavs and minster gnxcltc, Oct. 21, 1914. lmbours magazine, ~ug.1915," v. 9: 4G. Clnudy, C 1-1 ltnilw~~yson the firing line. 704-708. How troop tram mnrlc viclorics of wnr 64. The South Mricnn m~lwnysand the war. possible by rushing vast armies to lhc Eng~neering (London). Scpt. 3, 1915, flont., nonrl~havc grent sbratcgic Y:~IIC. v. 100: 248. TAI. E55, v. 100 ltailrontl man's magazine, Nov. 1914, 65. Thc C11angcllu1l:lciri railway nncl its v. 25: 553-559. AP2 1118, V. 25 str,zt.eg~cmcmng. Fnr Eastern review, 47. 1915. UTar nnd the rnilway. 'Grcnt rasL Scpt. 1915, v. 12: 165-15'3 crn railwny rn:lgaeine, 1916 xncl 1916, HC411 P2. v. 12 17. 5-s. 66. Ceptwe of Vi111n. 11idcpenclc.nt. Sci>t. 27, Swws of nrticles. 1915, v. 83: 410. AP~'I$~,v. 83 48. Thc Pruss~anstate railwys and thc war. Part playcd- - by tlm rnilrouds. Ellginre1ing (London). Jan. 22, 1915, 67. hIcCorrnick, liohc& R. U'nl map nqw v. 99: 116. TA1. E55, v. 99 being usccl by Gonnan invaders 111 49. Thc German lailwnys nncl the war. En- Russia I'roblem of thc Tcuton stratv- ginecring (London), Pel>. 19, 1915, v. 99: glsts v:dy tliffcrent from I'iapoleonJs 225-226. TM.E55, V. 99 owing to network of rnilwnys. New 50. The war and milwny nat~onalization. Rnil- York Sun, Scyl. 19, 1915, p. 4, col. 4. way agc gazcltc, Feb. 12, 1915, V. 55: 256. TF1, R2, v. 58 "Mihtnry control argument flgainst government ownership." 68. Hnines Cllarles 0 Our ra~lroacls and 51. Thc rmlwnys and thc war Lrafiic. Engin- nat'ibnxl dcfcnse North Brncricrm rc- ecring (London) hlnr. 19, 1915, v 99: v~cw,Scpt. 1915, v. 202. 385-394. 327-328. Trll. E5Fjhv 99 AP? N7, v 302 52. Tlic Swiss railways nnd the war. Lngin- 69. Jlrilc, Prctleric Grcnt uc.liicvc~ncnts01 cering (London) Apr. 16, 1915, v. DO: Gcrmtm slatc rallroncl lines. limI\v~y 435. TAl,F55, v. 99 i~~cgr~xettc, Sept. 3, 1915, v. 59: 426- 23. Tho French railways in war tme. ]ih- 430. TP1.112, v. 59 gmccring (Lontlon), Apr l(i, 1915, v. 09: 439-440. TM.1C56, V. 99 Kol in thc Librnry nf Cnilsrcss 106 SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Hiat.t,, W.S: French railroad excursions 88. Snyder, Georgc D. The country's milroads in war tlme. Rnilwny ngc gazette, and national defcnse Railway agc Sept. 10, 1915, v. 59: 468-469. gazcttc, Nov. 26, 1915, v. 59: 1017- TF1. R2, 4. 59 1018. TF1. R2. v. 59 The Culedoninn railway company's ambu- Abstmct: Railwny rcvicm, N&. 27, lance train iu Eclinhurgh. Railway 1915, v. 57: 685-686. news, Sept. 11, 1915, v. 104: 435. TF1. R4, v. 57 TF1. R65, v. 104 89. Ambulance trains for servicc on thc Con- German r~ilways:%nil war. Rnilway news, tinent. Itnilway news, Nov. G, 1915, Scpt. 25, 1915, v. 104 498-500. v. 104: 606-697. TF1. R65, v. 104 TF1. It65, v. 104 90. Pcscliaud, Marcel. Lcs chernins clc fcr do Hiatt, W.S. ITOWFrench hospital trains la Grande-Rretagnc et la guerre. Revue help to save thc wounded. American politique et pnrlementnire, Nov. 10,1915, society of nicchanicnl engineers, Joumid, V. 85. 173-191. I-13. R4, V. 85 July, 1916, v. 38: 599-600. [.4bstmct]. 91. Rancroft, TV~llinmA. Electric lincs dong TJ1. AT2, v. 38 shore useful in moving troops and sup- Ruilway agc gszctJtc, Oct. 8, 1916, v. 59: lics. Electric railwng journal, Dec. 4, 039-642. TE'1 112. V. 59 1915, v. 46: 1125. TF701 565, v. 46 74. Frnser, G. D. Tlie railway in war. '*ccn- Our ruilways and thc wnr. [Gt Brit.] trnl Brgentinc milwny nmngaxinc, Oct. Engineering (London), Dcc. 17, 1916, 1915, v. 5: .761-762. v. 100. 818-GlY. TA1. E55, v. 100 75. Tlic Brcnch rnllways in war timr. Numlw French railmny traffic nncl thc war. En- of trains nnrl- amounts trnnsportecl. gineering (Lontlon), Drc. 24, 1915, v. Engineering (London) Oct. 22, 1915, 100: 646-647 Thl. E55, V. 100 v 100. 426. TAl.E55, v. 100 hlarliham, Churles 13. Reql~ircmentsof 76. Hi:~l,t,W. S. Frcncli railroads and the our rnilwnys in a systcm of national hnttle of thc Mnrne. Engineering defcnsc. Rnilaag age gazetlc, Drc. 31, n~agazine,Oct 1915, v. 50: 108-109. 1915, v. 59: 1229-1231. TFl . R2, v. 59 TAl E59, v. 50 l'cschnud, Marcel. Vrom Lho standpoinl 77. [Elcven du~yaafter the crptnre of W:irsnw of an ally. *ltt~ilwnygamttc, Dec 17, n t.hroug11 train WHY running from Lille 1915. v. 23: 60G. to Warsaw.] Ncw York Titnes currcnl U6cs oE British raulw~ysin thc prcscnt history, Oct. 1915, Y. 3: 59. war DSOl. N5, v. 3 96, Rnil influenrc in wlrfnrc. Rnilwny ncws, 78. Acmortli, W.&I, Acliicvcmcnts ol tlic state Dcc. 4, 1915, v. 104: 836-837. TFI. It05, v. 104 milwnv lincs of Gcrmnnv. Railwav nee- ~ gazette, Oct. 22, 1916, $. 59: 725: 97. Railways and tlic war. Tnncs 111sIory:mcl TF1.112, v .59 cncyclopacclia of the war, Dec. 21, 1915, Comment on Mr. Wilc's article relnt~vc v. 6, pt. 70: 161-200. to movement of t~oopson German D522.T5, v. G, pt. 70 rn~lways Contcn1s:-Importnncc of ~nllwnys 79. Frcnch ppassenger service. Railway agc In war. The South Al'rican war. gazette, Oct. 20, 1915, v. 59: 798. Gcl~nnn strategic lincs. Tho in- TF1. R2, v, 59 vasion of Uclgmn. Thc Frcnch SO. Hintt W. S Railroad soldier at tlic front. railmny systcm, Russian and Ital- ~zhva~age gnzettc, Oct. 29, 1915, v. 59: ian systems. Thc l3:~llcnns. I3ritish 811-812. TF1 R2, V. 59 rnilmng csccul~veconnni1,tcc. Tllc 81. Pescliaud, Marcel. Frcnch railways and cxpctlitionary form scnt lo lhnco. the war. Rnilwny news, Ocl. 16, 1915, Tllc rnllwt~ytransport olliccr. Am- v. 104: 603-604. TPl. R54 v. 104 bulance trains. 82. War pcrformance of 13rilisl1 r;ilw,zys. lin~lwayrcvlcw, Oct. 9, 1915, v. 57. 452. 1916 TP1. R4, v. 57 98. Williams, Tt~lcot,t. Can Golmany go to 83. Pcsclleutl, Marcel. Les chcmins dc fcr Indin? bmt~icnn rcvicw of rcvicws, fla~igaistle 1% guerre Revue politicpe Jan, 1916, v. 53. 67-70, AP'.R4, v. 53 ct parlumentairc, Oct. 10, 1915, v. 85: The B.zgliclnc1 railway and ~tsmilitnrv 28-49. HS.R4, v. 85 impoftance. 84. WISP, Frecleric W. German state lailroad 99. Ri~fldovich,Arthur. Les chemins dc fcr lines. Scient,ific American supplement, en Allemagnc. lkonomlstc frnn~ais, Oct.2,1915,v.80: 218-219. TI. S52,v. 80 Jan. 8, 1016, v. 44: 39-41. 85. Bell, Louis. Preparcdncss in transportx- I-1133. E3, v. 44 tion. Electric rnilwny journnl, Nov. 27, 100. Bradford, Edward A. Rclntion of rmlwnv 1915, v. 46: 1086. TP701.SG5, v. 46 systems to prepnrcclncss. Ncw York 86. Paris inter-urban traffic and the war. En- Times magazine, Jnn. 16, 1916, p. 12-13. gineering (London) Nov. 5, 1915, v. COO: 101. Hamcs, Charles 0. Our railrnn.rl~.. . .. - nnd--.- - 474475. TA1. E55, v. 100 national defense. ltt~~I\vayage gnzcttc, 87. Coombs, Willimn J. ltailroads and n7nr. Jan 14, 1916, v. GO: 55-,k~. The filst stcp or preparation shoulcl bc to malce thorn cficient. New Pork *Not in tho Lhrnrv of Conmvss Timcs, Xov. 22, 1915, p. 14, col. 8. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

List of References on Hat Manufacture and Trade Compiled by Library of Congress 1-1. H. B. MEYER, Chief Bibliographer

A~nclicnnhalter, 1892-d~tc. Ncw Vorlc, dyeing rind finishing of nlcnJs, ladies' 1892-date. TS2180.85. and childmu's hats. [Brooklyn, N. Y., The Amcrican hatter directory of llie mnno- 18871 48 p. TS2185 F66. facturing arid jobbing hnt trade and [Gonter, illrs. Anne C I. A short trent~se nllicd bmncllcs. Uugcrs' pockct cd. on he;d wcnr, ancient nnd motlem. Nrw York, Thc Hat Trsdc Publislung [Ncm Yorli, Loclcwood press, 188.5) 32 p. (20.. 1911-16. 3 v. TS21X2.Aa55. TS2190 G67. Amerikn hattir trnde diicctoiy [Ed, do C;orling, Frcclcriiclc W. hItl~?a~i(Pnnnma) luxc] 1900-17. Ncm York, 1900-17. hat, Pan Amaricnn unlon. Bullet~n, 10 v. TS2l82. AG. Xov. 1014, v. 39: 685-693. Ansiaux, M:turicc. L'induslria du trcs- F1403. B955, v. 39. age 'de la p:dle clc In rallec tlu Grcr Hat. (In Encyclopscdin Britnnnnicn, 11th (pro\.~nccs dc Liegg ct du Lirnbourg). ctl., v. 13. Mew York, 1010, p. 60-61). [fin~xclles,J. Lcbeguc ct cie, 19001 82 p. AE5 E36, v. 13. {. Officc (111 tr:rvail. Les IIaL mnnufaoturers' difticultlcs inelease. industries S domicilc m Rclgique, v. 2, h n~illion:~iid 3 half army hnts niuke no. 2) I?D233G 13-ih3 v. 2, NO. 2. scrious inroads on the small remnining "Le trnvt~ilB domicile dms l'industric fur sloclc. Highcr prircs the only de In fnbric:~tionrlcs chapeaux dc pnillc:" icnmly. Arncrican I~:ittc!r, Riny, 1917, p. 76-79, v. 46: G7. TFW30.85, v. 46. Bnlcc~,Moses PIT., aitd G. L. Hunter. Hat. Hat rcvir\v, 1873-1912 New l'ork, 1573- (T~LNew internntionnl encyrlopacdia 1912. 22 v. TS2lSO. 1-18.

2d cd, v. 10 New York, 1915. p. H:~ts.- ~ (In Stmns' encvclonncdia of the 766-768) "Hat mnnufncturc:" p. 767- inclust'rid Gts, manuiactilcs and com- 768. AE5.N553. 1914, v. 10. mercial prodilcts, v. 3. New Pork, Bcnjnmin, George H. Hnt-making mn- 1882, p 1102-1127). T9. S7G1 Y. 3. chincry. (In Applcton's cyclopaedia Hnt,ters who have rnisetl pdccs-and some of npplird mecl~anics, rcv. allcl inlpr. ~110havon't. Aine~ican hattcr, AIny, v. 2. Nrw Pork, 1893. p. 39-60). 1917. v. 46: 72. TSalSO.A5, v. 46. T9.rlG6, v. 2. Hnttcd gnectte, 1881-1912. hidon, Big aclvnnce in strmv h:tt prices for 1918. 1881-1912. -33p. TSSlSO H4. A~ncrican hattcr, Apr. 1917, v. 4G: FIcrrmsnn, El~se. Anslcsc untl Anpassr~ng 53-54. TS218O.A5, v. 46. dcr rlrl~c~tcrscl~nfttlcr gcscM(~ssen~u Boyrr, ,T. Story of :L 'silk hat. Scientific Grossind~rsLrie. hlunchen und Lcipzig, Amcncan, LIar. 23, 1907, v. OG: 253- Dunckcr & T-luml)lot, 1012 63 p. 254. TI.S5, v. 96. (Scl~~iflcntlcs Vcrcins fur Soz~alpolitik. 135. 13d 4 t. Vntcrsuchunpen ubcr l3~itLcrworth,,i. A. How thry snved thc Auslcsc uncl Anpassung (Bcrnfssclhlis~~l day in Los Angelcs. Four big fitores 13crnfsscliicksal) drr Xrbeitrr in dcn make a co-operative drive on strnw hats. verschictlenon Zn.rigc.n dcr Clrosuin- Amcrican llattw, July, 1917, Y. 46: dustrje. 3. 13L: 4.1). RU5. V4 135.Ud.,+.T. 111-112. TYal80.1I5, v. 4G. IIoirncs, Rohcrt JV, V, The prnctiml Chain store hnttcrs mcct rismg costs in scicnrc mlcl secrets of clcnning, l~lcach- various ways. Ilighor priers nnrl bct,ter ing, dyeing, trimmmg, rcshsping, re- gradcs founcl in popul:~rpncc hot slorcs blocking, rnalcing ovcr old lints ncm. this spring. Aincricnn hatter, Mar. 1917, San Marcos, Tes., R. I-Iolmrs Pul~.Co., v. 46: 59-60, TS2180 85, v. 46. 1912. TS2193. Hi'. Chincsc h:~ts for Anicricans. Litcrary How felt hats are inadc. Scientific Ameri- digest, June 24, 191G, v. 52: 1840-1841. can supplement, Nov. 4,1916, v. 82: 303. APS.L5S, v. 52. TI 852, v. 8". Dircctory of thc wholesale lint trncle, 1912. Hubbnrd, Elbcrt LitLlc journcys to thc New York, 1912. 1 v. TS2lS2. DG. liolncs of great ~mciica11u.-Glst Au- Elcctricily in hat manufacturing. Elcc- rorn, N. Y., The Roycrofters, 1911. tried rcvicw tmtl wcstern electrician, 2 v. in 1. (His Littlr joulneys, v. 28-39). hIar. 28, 1914, v. 64. 613-GIG. "John U. Stetson:" v 29: no. 4. TIC1 E45, v. 64. CTlUl HS, V. 28-9. [Flnnncrg, Dcnnis]. The arL and ~nystery John I3. Stctson Cornpmy. '~lootlv's of fur hat m:mufncture in mising and ~nngaeinc,Fch. 1914, v. 17" 105-106. mnkmg, dso, nlI inanncr of st~ffcning, HGl. AfS5, v. 17. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

27. Jungmnnn, A. M. YUur Panama hat : from *Smith, Watson. Chcrnistty of hnt manu- thc tropical jungles of South Amcrlcu iactr~rina New York, D. Van Nostrancl to the Anier~canhat store. Scientific Company 1906. American, May 15, 1915, v. 112: 456. Stainshy, l$illiam. Discnscs nncl disease TI. S5, v. 112. tcndencics of occupation. Thc g1as.q 28. Ihox, Edward M. The story of t.hc hat. industry and t.11c: hntt~ng industry. New York, The Bcll Publish~ngCom- Trcnton, N.J. [MncCrclli~h~k Quiglcy], pany, 1000. 147 p. TS2185 K74. 1901. 55 0. HD7262. '2587. 29. h/lJClure, W. I?, Manufacture of straw Summer, 19i7--~he first no-cut scnsonl hats. Scientific American, June 4, 1904, Conclltions the track has never lcnown v. 90. 440-441. TI. S5, V. 90. before, make opportunity for complrtr 30. M~lkingof a felt hat. Scientific Amcrican, price muintcnnncc. American hattcr, Sept. 30, 1905, v. 93: 260-262. July, 1917, v. 40: 81-82. TI 55. v. 93. TS2180 A5, v. 46. 31. Manavi, or Pnnamn hat. Scientific Am&- Thomson, John, hallcr, -4 treatise on lint- can supplcmont, Sept. 29, 1900, v. 50. making and felting, including a full 20693. T!. 552, v 50 exposition of the singular propcrtics of 32. Many union felt llnt factories suspend fur, wool, and hnir. Philnrlelphia, oneration. Unrcnsonablc dcmancls of I-I. C. Baird, 1865. 6S p. TS2186.T4S. the union officers forcc shut-down of Thc trade: u, r8sumd of the current situn- factories. American haLter, July, 1917, v. 46: 77-78, 102. TS2180.45, V. 4G. July, 1917, v. 46: 95-90. Millcr, IIugo 13. Phil~ppinehats. Manila, TS2180. AS, v. 46. Burcau of printing, 1010. 61 p. (Bul- 1Jnitc4 hnttrrs of North Alnel lctin no. 33-1910. Philippine Isltmds, vention, 1911. [Ncw Pork, 2 Bureau of cclucation). TS2190. M5. Mills, David C. The twcntietll century lint Unitccl hnltcrs of . Journd, f:ictory. Dnnbury, Conn., The Lee- 1901-1002 Danhury, Conn., 1901- RIcLt~cl~lanCoinpnng, 1910-1011. 122 p. 1902. 1 v. HD635O. I-I31T5. TS2185 ILIG. U. S. Uzlrenu oJ the consz~s. Tliirlccnlh Ncw Jerscy. Dcpt, oj labor. Rnnitnry census of the Unitcd St~~t~s:1010. stt~nchrtlsfor the felt hatt.ing industry. Bulletin. Munufact,urcrs: l!l09. Statis- Depwtmmt of labor, Ncw Jcrscy tics for the fur-fcll, hat mrlristry . [W~~sli- [Trenton] 1915. 94 p. ington, Govt, printI-ID9948 ofh , U6115,19131. 1013.8 1). IID72G9 FI4N4. Panamn hat pdm. Scientific Amrricnn, llTar intcrcsts llclp sell lnclics' sport hut. June 1, 1912, v. 106: 494. TI. S5, v. 106 Ainer~can I~attcr, May, 1917, v. 46: Panama hnts. Scient~ficAmerican, Sept. 95-96. TSa180 A5, V. 46. 29. 1900. r. 83: 198. Tl.S5. v. 83. War's clfcct on contrncts for thc sdc of ~anuknlla'ts. Sc~cntificAmcricnn 'sup&- inerc*hand~se. Arncricnn hatter, July, incnt, July 26, 1902, v. 54: 22217. 1917, v. 46: 115-116. T82180.A5, v. 4;. T1 852, 3. 54. Woodrom, C:. 13. How to hnncllc hats. 1Eobinsoi1, C;l~arles B. Phihpplne hats An up-to-dnte book ~ivinginformation Reprlntcd from thc Philippme journ:d rcgnrcling thc hnndlin~, rcmmnting, of science, v. 6, no. 2. Section C. 13otnnv. sclling, talking, clenning, sh:y)ing, iron- , ~ TS2.iF)0 nB: 1911: 53-131 p. ing and bloclcing hats. New Yorlc, C:. C:. H. Woorlrom $ Compnny, [1005]. [Schorcst&nc, Snlv;~tor].Chnpr~llcri~ IRnp- 02 p TS2180. WSS. port. . .I Pnris, Iinpr, nationah, 1894, 45 p. TS2181.54. Not In Ld~rrrry01 Congress.

War Service Honor List in Special Libraries* Mr. T. V. Bnrb of tlic library of tllc Rureuu library of the Collegc of 33usiricss Aclrn~nis- of Rallway Economics, and lo~igintcrcsi,ccl in tration, Boston Univers~ty,hns enlistcd in thc the District of Columbia Milit~rt,aftcr tritining First Corps Cadets-eiiginccrs-rcccntly mus- at Port, klprr, hns sccurcrl his coin~niss~onas tercd into Fcclernl Scrvicc. scconcl lieutenant of infantry in thc Officers' h/Ir. Ehncr Monroc, formcrly with thc librnry 1Xeserve Corps of tho Bulcau of ltailwny Economics but lnter L. Qrah:un Ilu~hcs,forincrly connecterl with transferred to the Statist,ical Department of the library of thc 13urcau of ltailwny Econornlcs, that Bureau, is now scrving with t,l~cI-Tospild after tminlng st Plnttsburg, has been commis- Unit of the Engmeers' Rn~lwayCorps in Prance. sioned sccond lieutenant of artillery in the regular Nine other ine~nbersof the Stntist,ictd Depart- nrmy and has been ordered to Syracuse, N. Y. nlent of the Bureau arc? now servmg with the Mr. B. S. Johnson, fornicrly nssistant in the colors in France. Mr. S. R. White has left the service of thc *Itcrnfi for this scctlon yhould bc reccivcd rrt thc Edl- tonal Office not lnter t11a11 thc 25th of the prcccdlnp Burcau of Railway Ecotlomlcs Librnry to cnlist month 01 pubhcnt~on. 111 the Naval Keservc Corps SPECIAL IJRRARIES

position. In March, 1910, ihe first number Special Libraries untlrr Lnpp's innrl:1gcrncnt was issued. For PITBI~ISIIEIIn~ THE mole ll~nnsewn ycars t11c cdito7i:~lcontrol con- SPECIAL T,InllAILIPS ASSOCIATION tmu(4 unchnngctl. Thus Mr. L:~pp's period Monthly cxrcpt July nnd Anfiurt. of st.r\.lcr 3s t!clitnr of ~tsoffirid publiration Editorin1 Ofivc, I3ovton Unircruity, 62; T3oyIyton Slrret, coinritlrx :almost cwctly with the period of tllc Ijodon, Rlnss Assori:~tion'scxistmw. p~~blirationOffiw, I'lclltirc-ITtrll, Inc , 70 3711fl1 AVP~IIP, One n~r~stgo hwli to tht, condition which thctl New Yollc C~ty ot)t:dncd to npprecintc. what, hnu bwn nccom- S~I~SCII~~IOIIR(10 cupiob) $3 00 n ycnr plislled s1nc.e. Thc :hsoci:~tlon hacl not formctl . . . itself. C!ompnr:itircly few special librnries S~nplccopics. . 22 wnts . . existed, hImy of them wcrc styled informntion dcpnrtmrnts. In technique they rescrnblctl the office rather than the library. There was on the part of busincss llouscs a distrust of lil~ra~mlsand librnry ~netl~odsand Mr. Lnpp hir~~sclfmas attachccl to a state librnry. HIS intcrcsl wns in Ihc field of state lcg~slntior~. UuL slalr: lcg~slationwns concerning itself in- EXECUTIVE nOdRD vrrnsir~gly with cronomic ni~cl com~ncrcinl~111)- Prcuitlcnt, lirr-PIrsirlcnl. Scr.~cla~y-Tl.cns~~~cr,Cu E 1~c.ls. Iknin this ficlcl tllcrc wns n frcling that hhrion, 27 Stntr Stlwt, Ihton, ~rntl ~llidalrrlf;V $11io liI)l.nry scrvicc hncl fallcn short of effi- Dobh~r~li,Alncrwnn Tclcpl~onctu~d Trlrgrnph COIII~ILII~,cwnrag. Ncvv York. Tlic t~csun~iing spccinl librnrinns st thc oul- set were ltlrgdy ncgativc. Thcy wcro (11s- sntisfird with tlw A. L,A,, but il must bc. ntl- mitted ihnt thcy had liiilc that wus construc:t~ye to oflrr 111 its plncc. Thcrc was a not,iccnldr l~wkof lihrwi~st11:~t wcrc cssciltinlly "specl;~ll1 It was quite ihr thinq to ask "U'hnt IS a specid lihiary?" And cvcn ~norcpnlronizing mas the cl~~cry"l\'hcl*r trrc yollr specinl Ilbr:uirs?" JOHN A. LAPP, Editor* Mr I,nppls first tnsk was to crc:rtc esprit-rlc- corps. Spxial lihrarics nlusl untlcrsiatld tllcn1- srlvrs antl thrir work. In placc of tlic prcv?lent 1wsil:mt:y nntl confusion musl cornv dtw views nlit~ltl,con\-iclion and courage. To ihis tnsk 11c 1,rooght his own caonvict~ons,rc~nfitlmco antl rnil~u~it~sm.Ile l~oughtv:llualdc n.;soriations If one mcw ablwtl lo summnnrlec 111 n pnm- :~utlilic prcst~geof nn I~onorcclposilion nt the gmph w11:it Mr. L:~ppIml achicvctl :LS Editor or cnpitol of :L g~cntstate. These he pl:~c~lun- Siwc~~u,Jminmms 11c might nol, find iL cnsy to rcsrrwclly :~tthc Association's srrvict?. do so. Specid Lh~.:~rics:mcl the ~l~ovt~inrrlt,for Lapp's conccl>tion of n spc!cinl lil~~arymas n which it st~~ntlssrcm n si~rlplcnx~tirr. So si~nplc, placc wl~crcinformation is rnoldixrrl. By this in fnct, thnt ihry st::~rcrly mrril dignifying by he rncwlt nssc~nblcd for instan1 stwiac: Thc thc tcrin nchiri~c~mcnt. sprclnl 11brwy consistctl in a lil)~-aritn-hi~n- Ycl to us who I~rivc followccl tlle Spcci:il self an c.xpc~t in his sul~jcvt-:mtl in m:ttcrinls Librams movcmcnt frmn its inccpl~on it is of his oollcc41ng. Hot11 werc nt thc scrvicc of clear that it rcprcsmis somcilling funtla~~i~ntnl,thc infomation scckcr. In the forcgrounrl of nlinost cntircly new and rssrnt,inllg c:wntivc. this conception wns spccific srrwcc. Kot a Whcthcr \?iclvcd as nn extension of a(tiv~tirs scrrice rcmotc, tlilfuscd or g~nernl-hut con- alrcndy Sorccnstccl by the Americxn Lihry crete. Snch a librnry did not \\,:lit for puh- ~lssoriniion,or ns nil csccution of pl:~ns ron- lis11c~'sI,ook lists: it could not wnit ewn for :tn ccivcd wllolly by spccinl lihmrinns or by public n It must, continunllg srm iis own lhmlinrl~nit11 spccid lillrnry lcanings, the fnrt firltl, forccnstmg nrcns of int~nsive intcrrst. rcrnam Lliat Spccial L~hrnricsdssocintion 1111s Tllesc it ~iulstc:ull~vntr, utiliain~ cvcry promw hrought the lhrt~rylo govcnlmcnt, business, ing sourcc of slipply in asscml~linginformallon cornrrlcrce :md all tllc 11scfulark ah it had ncvrr sgninst t.1~h~ne whcn cnch cultivated :ma Iwen brought hefole. V~c\~cclIn this light. them would becomtl a Imrvcsting ground for thc in- has Ixen abuntlanl nrhicvcmcnl-nncl to nonc qulrer. This inquirer might be n Icgislalor with \*:as it given to h:we s 1:ugcr sharc in it than to the $1 bill in Congrrss to favor or oppose, :I,IILISIIICPB editor of Smcrar, T,rnn.ilzr~s. cxccutive with a problem of nclininistralion lo Special Idhrtwies Associnhon was organized 1x clccidcd by rxpcnencc, or n lrcllnicnl enp~rl in 1909. In January, 1910, it issucd t!le first, chargccl with for~nultlt~nfindvicc based on n~ic- number of its official publication. In Fchruary quatc dntn-I~ut whocvcr hc might, he, hv would of the samc year, 111~Escrntivc Con~nlittcr 11c prcsscd For time, impatient. of dck~y,cagcr voted to put the pul~lic.:~tionin tl~cl~antls of a fol tangible results and thorougldy apprct:~at,lve hIannging Editor, choosing Mr. Lnpp for the of intclligmt srrvicc. *This wns wr~ttcnby MI. Iinndy on rcrluo5t m~tlxri: Such 3 lilxary must mnlte its opportunities arc glad to 11nw ~tnpp-car In SPEUIILLIBRIRII:A. It must initiat.~mcnns of irnprcssmg its value 110 SPECIAL LIBRARIES

on those who used it. It might not rest, rontrntj xith a mcrc nrgntive utilit,y. Always nntl evcly- wllcre its points of contnct with thosr who sup- ported it wcre so spccificnlly liclplul, v:iluablc and vital. It was this conception of n spccinl lilmry ilmt Lapp, tlirough crlilorials nncl through articlcs rontr~butetlby othcrs, hamn~crotlmto 111s rcarlcrs MUC aftel ~~SIIC'Prewntly rrnc no longer noctlrd lo ask, "11'11st 29 :L spcvd 111)- mry'?" IL ivas s~iffic~cntlyappnrclnt. hIor r- over tlic tl~stinciiorl1)etwrrn the spwinl :tnd Llir gener:d lil)mry w:ts seen to lw real Ench had ~tsfirltl. Therr w:ls no Iongrr any question nrnong tl~sce~ningI~hr~rinns of pnl~liclilhmrics rcntlering tl~cservice of special lilirnrics. Tllcsr (listinciions wcrc ipport nnt and mre ncccssnl y ns cle:ulng the wxy lor n coniplctc under- stnrirling of the scopc and ohjcct of spcclal lihr:uies nctirit.y. At tl~rsnlne time Lnpp ivns csplo~ing tllc spccwl lihrnry field. \Vith lhc coopcrr~tlonnntl nssistnnce of officers and mcw~l~ers,wcro dc- velopc~lme:ms of discovcrina and c~lco~~txging hithcrto unlcnomn lilmrics. 111 Lhc 1:~rgercities specinl librar~nnswcrc m:dc :wln:u~itrd with one nnothcr. l'licy cam iogrll~erin confcr- enccs. Through tlic oIIlclnl org:ln, JJnpp mndc much of ihcsc confcrcnws. IIr printed tlic~r procccthnga. Tl~cscrcvonld to spcrial lih- rnri:tns t11~11ibel~t~ha ~n~~ltitl~dr of 11ns1ispe~1etI npplicstions of tho spctbinl lil)r:~ry itlm, licrc was fount1 ILI~int'o~~n:llion clrpnrtment nrountl which cthntcml the rcsc>:ncshwork of n cllcrnit~irl labo~,irtory,tllrro one whir+ niolxlizcd tl:rta for nn enh~ntwin:: rorpomtion. Chic s~~pplc~nrnletl the i~cliv~tm of :I govcrnm~'ntt~1(lcpart~~~(~r~t Another Fo~rnctltlit: tlynnmic ccnlcr of Llle wel- fare work of grtvbt depnrtment store. Spc~rinl 11l)rnricb wntx stvn to I)? the nnclci~of vwtly pract~csl rott:~tionaltraining syslc~ns: :mtl in all cases thr cwdi~lcnt nllp of I~us~~icw,!om- merce and industry ns ~\,cllns of fhc pldrss~ons. Thrn followrrl descriptions of ihcw lihrnncs. Each drscriptive account nhich 1,app prinictl brought others. Prcscnllg sprcial lil~rarinns themselves w1.e :~stonishctl :rt the sropc and vnrjrty of spccinl 11bmry scb~vire Bnnlicrs, cnglnrrrs, rhemisis, rallroacl opcrato~.s, hnan- ciers, tclrphone ~.rntI tclcgr~lpli op~~ntors,in- sllrancc nicn, ~n~ners,go~crnrnmtal dcparl- ments, l~on~cls2111~1 ~U~C~US\vtvc found 10 he developing speci,al collcciionv in cl~nlgc of special lil,mlinns. C'onipnrison of mrlliods sugg~5te~ltl~c neeel of n bcttcr f.rcllniqnc M:my thmgs werc tlonc News Notes The Intcrstat~Commerce Conimisbion Lib- cdge of the contents of this i~nportnnt col- rary hns ~noveclw~lh the Coninlission into its lec tion. 11cw bulltllng t~t18th Street 2nd I'cnnsylrania Avcnue, Wash~ngton,wl~ere it lms m~clilnrpcr and Inore rornmoclions quarf:rs thnn it hns cn- joycti nncc its beginning. llie L~t)r:~ri:rn,Mr. "Bosfon's Sprthial JJ~brnrics"1s ilic titlc of n L. S. Uoyd, ia insl:~lling n colnpl(de tlirtio~inr~ ncm book w~lt~tcwI)y 1:nlpll L. I'owcr to be cat~~logut~,the work of tl~clilmry Iie~n~liitl~crlo pul~lislicd ewly in Oclolm by I'raiticc-llnll, dcpcnclcnt on his rcmnrlcnblc personal howl- Inc., of hrcw Yolk City. SPECIAL LIBRARIES 111

The Library of the Pcnnsylwtnin 1i1m West att~lisiicsare ncwssnry, that hc 111:iv 1)c RIIIC io has in preparal.ion, and will sholtly print, "A learn of the past nntl of tho prr& netlorls of Guide to the Gcnornl Oflice Library of thc Penn- otlicr men, and in so doing hr alilc LO look ~uto sylv~lliakcs Wcst of Pittskurgh." C'opics the fuiurc. . . . Thcse toola and cquipn~cnt of tlus will not bo generally availnldc but can consist, of tlic lelnnmg campil~din books t11:it hc obttuncd by thosc ~lloscinterest is easily arc to be lint[ from the loi~rcorricbls of tl~cP:IPLII, rccognixed. The Guicle is not a cntaloguc in in moclcrn systerris Ihut our husinc~may I,c luly scnse of thc term, but as a cliecl-list, finding- l~a~icllcdcxpcditio~~sly, in thr tl~ou+nntls of list and clnssificd indic~ltlonof contcnts ouaht ot,lwr things tlmt ihc ingcn~ity oi man hns to prove not only of ualuc to thc officcrs of tlic placed nt his I~rothw'sdlsposnl so tht n minute Pennsylvani~Linctr I~utalso n vcry scrviccalilc. now 1s worth an hour of tl~cpnsl " inthcat~onof thr litcrnture of ~dlrondtmns- IT7,A. CAPERTOXin l'ranlers' Ink. portation in the statcs covcred by tl~cPcnri- 8ylvnnia Lincs. -- Two nwlibr:1rics 11avt: sprung up in TS'nsh- The Executive noard of the Associ:ll,ion n?et ington in ronnertion with thc incrrnwtl attit ity in New Yorlc, July 28. It was voted to pubhsh of tlic governmrrit in wrr matters the libntsy SPECI~,LIJ~R.~RIE~ thtough n pnblishing housc, of thc Supply Division of tli~O~(lnance L)c- if satisfnctory arrangcrncnts could be mad(:. partmcnt in ch:trgo of 1\Iiss $1 P Gill, 13:N The Editor-in-Chkf and Associate Editors P St., nnd thc lil)r:tq7of thr liood Atll~iinihtri~tioll were elected for the pcriod for om ycnr. in chnrgc of hliss 1'. A, Dicltcg, 16th imtl 11 Sts.

Union Pacific Rnilroad Colnpnny has pub- The Baltimore and Ohio liailro:i~l I'ompnny lished a military lnnp of the TI, S. A. ~liowin:: 11:~~ies11td a rnlmeogr:q~licd L~stof Htn1111:~rtl ?vherc our forccss arc training, In x lolclvr 18x32 Roolts on liaillond Triiliic Sulljcrts, 6 p, so, In., copics of which can bc oltdncd Ily litm- copics of wliich ran ha nbtnincd from thr oflicc rians from any of tllc rcprcsrntt~tivcs of the of Supcrvisoi of Trnffic: Statistics, Bnlt~lnorc,hld. Union Pacific Systcm.

Southern Rnilwty Sjstem issr~cd a n.nll- List of Portlnntl Crmcnt Association Pldili- mnp 16x27 ins., shorv~rlg thc cnntonrncnts, cations a~dill~lcAugust 1, 1017. RInilrtl frcc camps and training st:ltlons in the Southcast. upon rcqucst 1'11~first ediiion was early cx11:wstcd l~utt~ ncw nooltloL edltion is in process of p~parat~ionmd c-ogics - ...... - can be had from thc ~cprcsentatircs of tlic 21 Concrctc Silos. Southern Ralway Systcm. 32 Portland Canrcnt Sturru. Concretc in tl~cCormlry. Pumers' IIandl~ook on C'orwrctr Con- The Patriotic Xtlucation Society, B. 13. Price, struction. Director, has cstnhl~sl~ccla libmry at ihe Wash- Concrrtc Swimming ant1 JVruling Pools. ington office in charge of Miss E. T. \\'ceks, nt Concreto Linmgs for higation C'ai~als. 806 17th Strect, Telephone Mainc 0358. That dllry of Yours. Concrete Houscs anll Why to Uuiltl Tllrm. During thc past six months thcrc have bccn Fnndnmentnlu of lhnforr~d C'o1m14c two new spccinl litrrnrirs organized In T3oston. Design. The Textile Department of the Mcrchants' Tenih Annud Report of JVi~yno C'o11nt.y National Bank 115s establishctl a lihmly rr- Commissionas hting to the tcstilc industry. The clcpnrtmcnt How-- ~ to Maintain Concwtc: Roads :11111 is one of service and cooperation for tcstilc nnd ~~rcets. allied industries in t.hc United Stntcs. Erncst Thc Concrete Road (Spcrch by Edward L. Little, Secretary of tllc Dcpnrtrncnt 1s in N. Hincs). chargc of the libmry, The Enston-Allcntow~~Hod lieooinmontled Spccificntions for Hein- The Nnlionxl industrial Conference Board, forced Concrctc Pksign an aesociatlon composcrl of rcprcscntt~lives of Suggested Spcclficat~ons for Concrctc vanous industrial associrttions, has forlncd a Floors. libmry. Thc llhrarian is J. IT. Friedel and mdcrixl relating to hhor will be the primury U'hy Bll~lclFireproof? aim of the rlepartment Intogrnl Curb lor Concrete Pal-cment. Ccmcnt Stnm Silos. The Free Public Library of Pl~ilt~clelphiu,is Conolcte Tile for Lnnil Drainage.- lnnlcing a specla1 collection of nll the litertdmc Protecting C'oncruic III W:II~Weathcr. issued by the railways dealing with the lood con- Concrcte Cr:h Rlns iind El(wtorh. servation problem. - ... - . .. Concrete Ships. Rcport or Conimttci~on Edison Firc. ''1 wnnt my salcmannger to equip himself lhctoiies and W:lrchouses of Concrctr. with all the tools tllnt the modern world offers, The Concrcte Hwsc ancl Its ronstlurtion. that he may be prcparcd to give facts wllere (Price 51, postpn~d). SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Facts Everyone Should Know About which clescri1)es in n vcry bricf wny so~neof thc Concrctc Roads. librnry fnci1iiic:e of Wnbhinglon, D. C. Standard Snec~ficntions and Tests for - Portland dement, The Insurance Library Association of Boston Manual Trainine Course in Concrcte was estnblisl~eclthirty ycnrs nao ll~xtDccc~.nl)cr. (Price 25c1 posrpaid). The April n~unhcror I~SI3ullelin contnm a Specifications for Concrete Roads, Stmets short list ol rending refcrc~lccs011 figcncy and and Alleys with Recom~nendeclPractice. agency organlention. Concreting in Cold Wenther. Sim~leForms for Concrcte. Concrete School Houscs. The Burcnu of Etlucnlion Bullclin, 1917, Reprint of Editorinl liom Dululh NEIL'S. No. 14, by I?. E. ~roorlwa~dl"Gr:~pliia surrcy Build tlic Main1,ennncc iiit,o thc Road. of book pul,lication, 1800-1010" cont.~iintlvd- Tennis Every Day on Concretc Courts. d11c st:ttisticnl chtn rcgnrdi~gtl~c publihing Equipment foi Concrclc Road Con- of books. struction Concrcte Sept~c.. Cloncrctc l'cnce Posts Thc War 1,il)mry l3ullrt in, first nu~nl~cr, Snlnll Concrct,~Garitgrs. Allgust, 1017, is issucd by thc A. L. A., ns n Concrctc Fnct.s About Concrctc Iloads. means of pul~licity lor thcir nu1,ional worlc in Concrctc Becchng Floors, Barnyard Pave- the fielcl of camp Ilt~rtirics. Incuts and Convretc \'iTnlks. Spccificntions for Concretc Pavements I3ook Talks lor August isrsucd by Lllc 13nnlcrrs Bct\vren Street Car Tracks. Mngaxinc lists nboul fillcc~lncw boolts of in- Milwnulcce County Solvcs the Highway terrst to 11:inkmg incn. lJroblem. Proportioning Concrctc Mixturcs and Mising and Placing Concrctc. The Collegc of Buh~ness Atlminisl~ration ol Concretc Found,ztlons. 13oston UnivrrsiLy is 1110 first, institut,ic~nin ihc Concrctc Trougl~s,Tnnlcs, Hog Wallo~vs, count.ry to c!stnl)lisll a course c!spccklly for ihc Mimure Pits and Cisterns t,rnining of \~usincssll\,ruri~os. I1 will \W~~;III Concrete Scwcrs. the 1nt.cr part of Scptcml~rr :~nd continuc throughout the school yrnr. Thc worlc will IIC in cliargc! of t,hc librnrian oE !lie, Collcgc nnd The following references to bil)ljogrspliies piinlcd c~rcularslinvc bccn cl~stnbutctl. Tllc and refcrcnccs hare hren fulmishccl by thc program in full will 1)c printcd in an cnlly issuc 11br:try of thc U. S. Department of Agriculture: of SPEC~ALLrnn~nrss. Adams, Franlc Dawson. Discovery of pllosplintc of lime in thc Rocky Mountains, by Franlc The Editorinl Officc of Sr~cra~LIBRARIES re- D. Aclanls, nnd W. J. Dick, Otlnma, 1015. ceivcd v~sitsclur~ng tllc 1:dtor part of August maps. 25 30 p. IX pl., I11 cm. (At hcnd f~omihc lollowing people 111 lilxary work: of covcr-title: Cornmission of conscrvatlon, R. H. Johnstqn, lil~rnryof the Burrnu of R:d- Cnnnde.) "Lencling references on wcstern way Econornm; W N. Sravcr, b'lnniripnl phospliatc ~1eposit.s.~'p. 31. Reference Lil~mry,Nrw Yorlc; A. R. Nicliols, Carleton, Mark Alfrccl. The small glnlns. Providence Puldic LiJm~ry;I<. C. Wnllccr, Ncw New Yorlc, 191G. 699 11. ~llus. 1955 em. Jersey Zinc Co. Library and Mrs. C. 1-1. Pawar, (The rural textbook scrics, cd, by L. EI. Sears and Roebuclc Lil~rnry. Ba~ley.) Bibliogmphy: p. 639-685. Illinois-University, Urbana. Agricultural college extension. Form 29. Peb 1916. S ecial librnrinns 'n Ncw Pork City will l)c Urhnna, 191G. Contents.-L~st of boolis for glncl)to wdco~ncbacL in tllcir Pdd Miss hl. L. the farmer's library. Comp. by the Extcn- Erwn, formerly conncctccl wL11 the Hnrvc~y sion Service, Collcgc of agriculture. 2tl ccl. FisB Statistical Lil~rary, ~iowbuildirlg lip 8 Ries, Hcinrich. Englncerlng geology, by Hcin- silnilar scrvice for Ihc Uunlccrs Trust Co~npnny. rich Rles, nncl Thomas 1,. Wat.son. 2d erl. New Yorlc, 1915. 722 p ~llus.,maps. 23% cm. Rclcrences at end of chapters. Miss Helen Eslcy of thc Lco~niriste~(i\Inss.) Weed, Clnrencc Moorcs. Birds in their rcla- Tibrnry is now libraric~nof the Mnss~ehusrtts tions to man. By Clarence hl. \I1eccl and Bureau of Statistics Library in the Statc Housc, Ncd Dearborn. 2d ecl., rev. Pliiladclph~a Boston. nncl London, 1916. YO0 p, front., ~llus., plates. 21 em. "A pnrtinl b~bliography of 1hIiss Karolync IClager has bcen appo~ntccl the e;;onomic relations of North American librarian of the Burcnu of Labor Statisiics in blrds. p. 331-383. place of Miss M. Allcc Matthews, who is now 1ihrari:~n of tllc Institute of Government Re- ser~chin Washington. The Gtinrnnhj News for August contnins an nrticle "Our inlorrnntion clearmg housc," de- scribing the file work of the Chamnty Trust Mr. 1Cennet.h C. Walker, formerly of t,he Nrw Company, Thc anme issue Hnvcn Public Library and more recently with conlnins "Libra~ies of the national capital" tlic Cnrnegie Library of Pittsburgh has recently SPECIAL LIBRAKIES 113

1)ct.n :lppoinltvl 1il)rnri:m of the Nclv Jcrs.scy Areorwtion Co~nmltccnrld reach special C~BSS~~ Zinc: C'trlnpa~iy,SPW York Cily. out of the scope of thc httcr comnl~ttee. 3. That tlx. S~~ct:~tllLibr:irrcs ..\ssoci:~t~~n Co~nlnitlcessslsl and cltlxjsc the rornnuttrtr on Pllis3s Marg:arrt T,oclcc! of tlic Mnnchester book selection of thc Amcricnn L~l~raryAsso- (N. 13.) Pul~licLibrary and formerly libr~lrinn cint~onwth refrrentse to tho choice of books on of Cllil~nnrkivns nppointctl Sqwkml~cr 1st ns terlmical nncl speci:llize~I subjects and class nssist:inif Ii11r:~rianof t.he Chll~gcof Uubiucss pcriodlcnls to kc instxllecl In cantonments nnd iitlruinialrr~tion Lil~raryat Boston Uniwrsit.y. in camp Iib~wics. 4. That thc! Spccinl Lib~nries Xssocintio~i Committee pscpnre n ~rnall dcscript~vepmn- R:ilph L.Powcr, cditor of SIWIII. LIURwas, phlct or circn1:tr calling attention of soltlicrs to has hen clectctl cd~torof the Alplln I

ccr tnin 11ic1ustri:il subjects tl~:~tarc not lntlrs~cl. Tl~is rne:uls tlut tl~c. Crmmt X~soti:il~on Lil)mrg is ;~I)lcto do bctter rtfcrcnw nork on their snbjcct than can the oldinnry public librnry. This bnngs up inotllcr pllahc of the work- thn~with otlicr llh~.:wit~~.'The 11brnl.y furnishrs libraries with rcfertwces on VILS~OUSph:lhPb of cnncrrtc construction. In Inmy c:iscs thy 5d clippings ns tluplicntc pcr~ocliculss~c clipptd :~nd filcd by the ~nngnzinr:name mtl dnte. Tl~c Lil~rargof Congress publishes cnrtls for niwt of the Associntion pl~blic~ations31ld they fu~nisl~ one of thcse c:.rrds for cnnch pa~~lphletto ally Ilbrrtry tl~ntrequcsts thrm. The librarian is hliss El~eubethH. Cass. The Il~risionof Intrll~gcnce :~nd Pihl~cily of Colunhi:~V~iivcrsity 1s isswng n scric*s of pnmplllcts on tht, tlutic?s ol Arncr~cancitlzcils in tlic prcacnt crisib.

. .- .. - _ -- _ __ .. - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING - - -. ------SITUATIONS OPEN ------. - - LIBRiilEE' BSR1SrI'hN'L', Salary $50 to $100. LIBRARY CLERX, 540. to YliO n month. Open to non-rcsidalts of Illinois. Positions to Opcn to ciiixcns of Illinois over 19. Hidl bc fillccl nt SL:dc Library at Springfield and School gruluation :~ml rcwhng ho\\.lcd~cof University ol Illinois Librwy :~i urban^. Thc Frcnch nnd Gcmni:un rcquircd. csnininatioll will Ijr ~mnsserablctlnnd mill cover Esnmillalion will be held nt vnrious lllinols only training and npcricnce. pointa on October 20. For fi~rthc~cictnils a~idapplication hlanlcs nddrcss STAT& CIVIL SERVlCE COAl&lISSIOK, Sprhgfield, Illinois.