San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1917 Special Libraries, 1910s 9-1-1917 Special Libraries, September 1917 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1917 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, September 1917" (1917). Special Libraries, 1917. Book 7. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1917/7 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1910s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1917 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Libraries - -- Vol. 8 SEPTEMBER, 1917 No. 7 - -- - .. - --. - - -- -- - Minutes of the Special Libraries Association Louisville, Kentucky, June 25 and 20, 1917. FIRST SESSION Ethel &I. Jol~nson, 1ibr:~ri:uri of tlic WCII~CII'A Eclucationnl nntl Incluslrinl Union, 13osl011. June 25, 1917, A.M. Thc ninth nnnuiil rncc!t.ing of thts Spccial THIRD SESSION Librnrics Association was callctl to ordrr by tllc lJrcsidcnt, Dr. C. C. lVill~:unson,on the tcntll June 26, 1917, P.M. floor of tlic Bcclb:wli, :it 9.30 A.M. (1, 7 I hc BO-callcd libral MI'S ~.td~SOVIIIC~'~ by Mntlhc\v Srusli, Prrsitlent 01 thc 13oston Elc- valccl 12niJwny was rc:d hy Mr. Lcc of Boston. Dr. Paul T-I. Nysl.ro111 ol the 1ntrrn:~l.ionnl M:~gaxii~cCornpnny prrsentc!tl nn unusu:d con- tributm~ of spcci:d 1ihr:n.y 11l.cmturc In 111s iultlr~s"Tllc busincss library :IS :un inwstment, " 'I'licn lollowcd the prcsulontid ~ltldrrsshy Dr W~ll~i~~nson,printed in this ISBI~Oof SPECIAL Lma~itrm. Mr. J. E. Fitegcmltl, cliicf of thc cr1ilori:il division of the l3ureau ol E'orcign and Domcatic Co~n~ncrccspolcc of "A ~ovrrnmcntsystr~r~ ol fling commcrcinl informntton. Mr. E.J3. Judtl, :ulm ol thc Durc~~uof Forr~gn :ind Domcdc Commcrcc?, r:ullrrl nltcntiorl to the csliibiis of intcrest to 111:11111f;~cturcrswho cnp:lgc in csport trade. FOURTH SESSION June 25, 1917, P.M. SECOND SESSION Thr fourth scssion al~nounc:cvl :IS :I Imsincwi June 26, 1917, A.M. mcctmg, ti~lrclo Lo :~~~nounoctl,wus 1114tl I)(,- txcrn thfirst :ud sc!cnontl hrss~o~is.IL is to I)c The ~)rcsidmtcnlled the mrrting to ordcr in thc Rrd Room !rl thc Sccllxtch The gc~ntwl toplc for tl~scuss~onwas "Qi~?~iticsand trl~mir~g nccessuy lor busmcss librurl~u~s.'~ The first pnper on "L~brtuyscllool courscs a3 trnining for busincss 11br:urinns" ~ns cad by hhss ,J~~~j)hlll~A. R:tthbonr, Vice-Director of thc I'latt 1nht1i.utc ~~choolol Lihrary Scicncc. MI. Ralph L. Powr ol' Lhc Collcge of Busi- ness Arlmln~sl,~:ltionof Fhston [Jnivcrsily ans the ncst speaker who t.001; :M 111s s~ibjcct"Busl- jless rducnt~o~lFor busi~~rssl~l~rariiuin." RIrs. Cora Hlnlr~nsParrar, Honsc Librnsinn of S(3:u.s ant1 Rocbuck, spokc of "'l'l~c personal qu:il~fic:nlions of the business librarisn." A dlh~ll~~lonwas then opened led hy Miss 100 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Presidential Address of Dr. C. C. Williamson Louisville, Kentut:Icy, June 25, 1917 The Spccial Libraries Association llus hcgun file with the Cl~nirmtlnof th Comlnittec nlld th~smorning ~tsNint.11 Annunl Confcrcnct:. In ttn- nre frequcntly consulted by employers. Co~n- otllcr yotw we shall bc cclebrnt~ngour tenth anni- mittccs are also at work on n union list of ~crinls versary. The mcrc faol that, tlic ~lssoc~:~t~onIn the financ~nl dlslrict and on a duplicate will have ro~nclccl out an cven decncle of cxchnnge system. cx~strnccinevitably suggt~stsa rwmv of what I wish it were possible to prcscnl n list of Lhc 11ns been ~cco~nplishc!d:lnd a serious con~iclcrn- specin1 libraries org:mizcd during tl~c ~PILI'. t,ion of the futuic ust~fulnrssof tlw Associntion. A fcw of them linvc been reportecl in SPECIAL ,,Loo many ussoc~at~onslong ooll~oetheir usc- LIBR.~IEYbut many morc fnilcd t,o rccoivc fulness. Aftcr nc:co~riplihngsorne tlefinitc and mcrit~ori. One of tlic no st significant ol' the llcw worth whilc objcct, tlicy Imger on bccausc that business 1ibr:uics is tlltit st,artccl in F'C~I~~IIL~Y is the line of lcusl rcsibti~ncct I take it that thc by the Unilcrl States Rubbey Corrq~:my. Th~s or~g~nalobjcct oi the Spccwl Lihrnrics Asso- company lmv~ngclcciclcd to eslnl~lisli:L research cbiat~nnwas to cml)has~xetlw cssent~nlclillcrcnccs md gencrnl 1)usincss library ~)roarcdctlupon thc between spcc~nland gcwernl li\)rnrics, to cstah- correct theory that tlic most ilnp?rtn~?tthing, I~shtt definitc statns for this ncw typo of li- ~f not t,hc only rcnlly important thing, 1s to hrsry, nntl grnc~r~:tlly,In tlic 1:mguagc of its con- t.lic right kmcl ol n librar~nn, It is n p1c:~snrc to st~tutmn"to prolnote tho intcrtnsts of tho com- rccord that uftcr a t,hoyo~~ghc:nlvnss or wnilul)lc ~ncrcinl, ~ndu~trinl,tcc11111c:~l, c~vic, nlunicipnl ctlncldntes, Miss Snrnll B. 13nll, of tho Newlnlc :mcl 1cgisl:rtivc rcfcrrncc l~hrsr~es,thc speed Br~slncssUrnnch, ans clioscn. Siilcc tlic middlc dclx~rtmcnts of pulh: l~brarics, un~vew~t~cs,of Pcbrunry, Miss Ball hns bccn cngagcd in tl~c mclEarc a~~ocintions:tntl 1)usincss orgnr~~x:ltlon~."inspiring tnsk of producing :L lihrnry flmn th As your Prcsdc~itfor tlic 1nrgc.r pnrt of the l~cgmning, unli~~n~~erccl11y n inass of ele:~cl plst. ycnr, 1 1i:~vecmdm~wccl 111 suvh ways ns ~natrrialand inheritctl ~nctlioclsnnd traditions. ~vcr~open to lnr to promoto tlic? intcrcsts of You will prcscntly hc:w Crom thr! library of tllc thcse 11brnu~s. S~niplc11on(~st,y ~0111~)cls ~iic to Unitcd Stites Itubbcs Co~npany. :~ctmit,honrvrr, that it is ilificult to point to A noteuvorthy cvcnt in 111r spccinl 11brury dcfiiiitc results nchicvcrl. IJcrhnps I.ho mcre ~vorltlws the uppointment, of :L Committee on fact that sur.11 an nssoc~nt~onexists m:~y hnva Libraries oE illc Arnericnn El~ctric: Rldwny bccm of SIJmC Y:L~~c. Association. OF this Conmittcc Mr. 1,. A. Reports from vnrious Dirtrict hIcrnbcrs will Arinistcnd L~brurinu of the BosLon El~v&tcd be prcsc.~it,rd at the! busnms scbsion Tlicw -Itnilwuy, 'is Chnirmnn. :1 clcnring housc of rcports wdl show n grat~fvingp~~ogrcss in some mnt.cri:d of spccinl inlcrcst to clccl,r~cr:~ilwitys locnlitios :tnd complclc 1:wk ol :~ctivit.y111 ot11c1.s. llns bccn orgnn~zcd. Two copies or dl pul)li- A sucrcssful conlcrcmre of thr Ncm Eng1:mtl cntions iss~cclby cnch aorrlp:my or by its :~t- sl)cc~:rl11hrnri:utis w:ts hclcl in Kern Ilnven lnst torneys are to bc forwartled to Ihc sccrc!lnry Dcermber, when strps mcrc txkcn to form EL and cnch mcmbcr 1s compiling for ih Com- !owl organizntion siniilnr to that which has been mittee a list of pamplilet.~,nrticlcs, rcports, cbc., 111 c-%tcncc 111 New Yorlc for the pnst two yenrs. hnving to clo wth his own cornpany. Vcry few The Kcw York Special L~hmnrics Assocint~on electric rnihy concerns linvc :is yrlt estnblishcd now has :t lncwhcrsl~ipof nhout oiic hunclrcc~ librnrlcs of their own, but this action on llic tlnrs-pyin~~iiembcrs, or about tw~ccns many pnrt of the Associntion will most lilrcly lcncl in a i11dividu:~l111cmbers1111)s :1s this rls~ocintio~lit- short ti!nc to a lib~wyclepartn~cnt in 1111 Iwge hclf Iins. Somc 300 of our 360 ine~nbcrs:Lppcnr conilxlnres. to be lilxxrics, bus~ncss concorns, nncl othcr Our progrnm for today and tomorrow con- instiLutions, which, of cou~sc,furnish lint~ricinl ccXntrnlcsour :~t,t,cnt~onupon thc org:miantion sul)port, but in most instanws ncld n!)tlung to and problcms of busincss librnrics. This con- th~)rrsonnl resourtw of our org:unisnt~on. Thc wntrntion upon onc clnss of spccinl libr~ri-~cs New To14c .hsociatlon holds four rcguli~rmect- seem cntirely justifcd, for two rcnsons. By lrigs a yew, w1i1c.h hnrc brru vcry \vcll nttenclccl. far the lnrgcr nulnbcr of individual mcnibcrs l'hc prngr:r~nsof inforni:ll cl~scussior~of topics nrc cng:tgetl in buslncss librnry work, nntl, of special ~r~terustto certain dibt~rictgroups of secondly, for soinc reason thc dcveloprncnl, of l~hrn~icsII:LVC iist~ally bccn nrrornpnnicd by business librnrics has rcccivcd n trcmnltlous c~l~ilxtbof the spco~:tl ~nclhodsand nctiv~t~esirnpctus cluri~~gI.hc pnst yc:u0. The reitson for of the libraries in surh gl.oups. Thcso exhibits ths incrcasc of interest inrLy bc nccount,ctl for arc now on file in u vr~~trnllocallnn wlicro they In pnrt by the! sprencl ol tho gospcl of cllicicncy nrc frequcntly colis~!ltccl by thosc n.1111 arc which rcquirrs, of course, :in efficicni, ~nforlnation orgmizing new Iibi :inrs and by pcrsons fitting servlcc Undoubtedly, nlso, the war 11ns hut1 thcmselveu lor spct:i:tl librnry work. n~uclito do with ~t.Busincss lii\s lxcn con- Our Ncw York ..\ssor~nt~onhas n Conl1n1t.t~~fro~~tcd with nc!w concl~tiotlsand nc\r prol~lcms on Ernploy~nentwhich h:ts prmtctl n c:~rcfull~ to bc solvccl for which cspctrlcnce nntl thc usunl drvisctl registratinn blnnlc lor Iwsons idlo wisl~ sowccs of ~nforn~nt.ionhavc provcd to bc in- to takc ull specid liI)r:uy work or :we ~villing ndequntc.
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