

THE ISI RIOAI or PBINHriN« AND EN- THE CAPITAL, Fstddle-taddle. Anent the Hoat ltace. We want the Jenkins who does up the society news GRAVING: Wj-: thank, through Manager Ford, the Madrlgar , PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY i A swift of hews Interest dashed across the How The doubts anent the true inwardness of the Court- Boys for their serenade or last toight. They sing re- for the San Francisco Post He is a genius. The Jen- ney-Hanlari race recall to us an incident that oc- kins of Washington exhausted himself and the ad- of thè Bohemians last week, when the startling an- markably well, and bejng pt tholold siaye race render THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY holindement was issued that -Russell Errett, the sub- curred, lo ! these many years ago in the neighborhood by their vocalism the dead pleasant memories ot the jectives of the English and French languages long of Biehmoiid." A certain colonel—a weil-kriown gen- past; 927 D street, Washington, 0. «. since. Here is a pen-driver possessed of boundless lime-looking Boss Tweed of Wèstern Pennsylvania, was in process of being boosted by Don, the son of tleman, esteemed for hfs fine | qualities as a man and There is a vast pathos and a Strangely beautiful originality. Mark his illumination of a Miss Blanche. renowned ior his judgment of whisky and horse-flesh- DONN PIATT EDITOK. He tells us that— Simon of the tribe ot Camcrons, Into the vacancy made romance associated with the old slave muslo that wo had entered his mare ip a race where the best stock of the TERMS: $3,50; by MoPherson's resignation. °t South «an never forget—that tfcéyof the North Per year, (Including postage,) six "Miss Blanche Hinchman, the daughter of Charles the country was engaged. Hfs animal was ackndwl-, months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents—lnadvance. —• Hinchman, the widely known commission mer- It 'seemed a perfect Pennsjlvania scheme to carry can never know. It was muele—wag that old slave chant, is a dem-i-blonde. She is a finished scholar and out the apportionment of Government spoils, with the edged as the finest trotter in all that section— as. one" ^song>-and muslo alone—fierce, wild and glad j with the Single copies, 5 cents. a well beloyed associate—j of the finest trotters, in fact, in the entire'country at CLUBS No wonder her cheek, ia its tinting tritnsienden t, usual leaning to the Keystone State. The two Penn. Wizard touch to play with the heart at will. We wish : Ten copies to one address, $30 In advance that time when Rarys wa's an unknown bird—and a't. with one copy l're'e. Twenty copied to one address, $35 Exfcelleth the beauty of others by fUr ; " sylvania pilgrims—Harry White of the ICisklmeta, we could hear it agai$—with- tho Soulh as it was and No wonder her eye is so richly resplendent— the meeting the bets'ran bigh betweep the assembled la advance, with one copy free. Her heart is a rose, and her soul Is a star." and Thompson of Butler—journeyed hither, advance .the,singers not slave's^fct. tUat giusic. Büt them free,Í agents of the Cameron show, and looked around for a sporting men—planters, lawyers and merchants of but happy, men and women,, , " Does not that " lay over,".an bad boys Bay,-our Jen- chance to'slip Errett in. It was natural.that this Virginia, Nortli Carolina and Tennessee. There Is death, and dwkna?», ¡¿nd wait between tho SOCIAL GOSSIP. kins ? Have we a J. who could make any approach should be done, ior Erreit's congressional career will . The c'olonel was ev,ef a heavy better, and • had ^ld;djays and t£ese, but the »negro songs as we hear to suoh fringe-work 1 Think of a demi-bionde I We' be bùt' for one term. He succeeded Negley; in Con- pledged himself to the extent of twenty-five thousand then^ blend the ptcsant wlth tire past—bringing back Mrs. Sherman. have heard of a demi-monde, but a demi-blonde, with dollars qn his more. The morning of the race his the past to us:-5""- ' r,i - " ' - Few events have created so wide a distress and a heart of a rose and" the soul of a star! We would gress, for that Negiey was too crooked even for Penn. sylvania Republicans, and, what'was more obnoxious, jockey came to him with a blanched face and a cau- genuine anxiety as the sickness of Mrs. Sherman. This well wish to see a woman whose anatomical structure tious Whispering tone of voice: ' THEY evidently need a reconstruction of the magis- excellent lady has not only the respect of the com- had a rose for a blood-pump, and whose psychological was dlscoveredlnhiscrookedity. Errett was put in by the Oamerons ; bat now, through the National party's • "Colonel --—, for God's sake hedge whlJe you.have trate! system ire Alexandria. Yesterday morning one munity and the love of friends, but the gratitude of a get-up was of- an astronomical character. " Begad, time ; I break my word with my friends tq tell you, 'of the ihlniw lights of thet bar in that section—a wider parish of poor than oftenfalls to the lot of any slr^rem*rkable woman, sir. srtop my vitals but she new Btrength in Pennsylvania ,'and'by reason of the solid phalanxlng of the Democracy, and his own but I will tell you—our mare cannot.win the race !" , luminary 1-n fact—wis call«d up at daylight to defend- one. She is honored in more heartfelt love, genuine is a wonder, sir." : The colonel's face turned to an^onester white than a clie'nt .in a magistrate's case, the magistrate having admiration and grateful prayer than any woman in rapidly growing unpopularity, he will lose In his ré But hear him when he photographs Miss Dottie, cent renomlnatlon. his jockey's, but a.wlcked smile came over his lips- decided the night previous to try it at 8 o'clook In the the land. female product of a real-estate operator. Here's Miss thin then and compressed—and his voice, though even morning.,It would have been better tor him to have It Is reported—a report to be taken, of course, with So, on the plan of " Tommy, make room for your in utterance, was cracked as he caught the jockey by tried a.cooktail at that hour, as any decent christian Dottie: uncle," Errett was to have been solidified into the due allowance—that Mrs. Sherman has consented to Miss Dottle Sargent, daughter of Bailey Sargenti the throat with one hand, and with the,other drew a woiild have done, and let the poor yeoman of the law give up her work for the church and her charitable real-estate operator, with gold-tinted tresses soft and Treasury, and the Oamerons were,arranging to catch derlnger from ids fob pocket. go two or three houfs later. warm. Has stolen the fragrance and sweets of our semi up some other straw to run in his place for Congress. labors In behalf of the poor. We cannot believe this. tropical luxurianoes. Highly cultured, bounding her _ My mare is the best blood on the course, and can To do so would be giving up life Itself and all that life by the sacred impulses ot a pure and woman- But their efforts to locate the venerable Plttsburger win the race," he said, " I have staked all that I A Model Health Oflicer. makes life precious, and the loss would be greater'to hood, she represents one ol'California's most endeared within the Corinthian front of thè Treasury were with- and my family have on the trot. If you don't win this Mb. EifiTon.: On Wednesday last, about 8 o'clook a productions." out avail. Elegant Harry W hite appealed, and bluft m., a gentleman by the name of Oonnatv, residing on society than to even those who are nearer and dearer race ! will bespatter the track with your brains, and Second street-northeast, between 1 and'K streets shot to the good lady. It is so seldom that we find a wo- This is choice: This Is rare, rich and delioious. It John Thompson—who is now .onoe more a Cameron if you have brain's you can know that'I won't be a valuable dog at the instance of Offioer Dunnigan man at the head ot society who is willing to abandon is a little obscure, however. One is in doubt whether man—explained, and the entire forcq of the Oamerons jockeyed!" (whose horse happened to be annoyed by the dog > the frivolous pursuits of fashionable life for such duties it is Miss Dottie or her paternal creator who has gold was brought tó bear, but the President was solidly an- and the carcass has laid on the spot ever since not- tagonistic. " He didn't drop to it," says White. The colonel's mare came in ahead in every heat. withstanding the health officer has been notified by as a care for the poor and a sensible regard for the tinted tresses soft and warm, and has stolen the If this system was adopted toward the general run the-police ; and on this day (Saturday evening) I was higher needs ol society. fragrance and sweets ot our semi-tropical luxuriances.. The western quota being not yet filled, Mr. Irish or obliged to pay a couple of young men to bufar the dog Nebraska was appointed chler, and " a man from or our sporting people the results might be equally as as the smell was'so offehslve that the neighbors livinir What a stupidity and a wickedness is the life of a We don't care, however, whether it is old Sargent or honest. in the vicinity had to keep their doors and windows: fashionable woman, especially at the national capital. little Dottie, it Is right good. We don't know what Ohio," Mr. Wilson, assistant. The Pennsylvania pil- shut to save themselves from sickness whioh would Its devotion to the shallow, senseless pursuits of such semi—why not demi!—tropical luxuriance he refers grims departed, ruminating the cud of defeat and Mow Are You « Ivtl-Scrvlco Reform ? result from the negligence of the health officer. an existence Is alike offensive to God and man. It to, but, let it be what it may, we stand by It in the old wondering how greatly and still.how small the Came- Ndthing is so well, I think, as love. The well water SWFFÉÜEIt. Is to the last extent heaftless, selflsh and degrading. S. or the Uttle D. True, we are puzzled somewhat to ron tribe has fallen. It is said the President has is »ot so delicate to drink. This was well seen o I me An Old Acquaintance. know the endeared production the little Dottle—G-od never forgotten someremarks.anent "renegades," etc., One qf;tho old, familiar faoes, of whioh gentle, port- The brain never gets above toot-horns tor a dance, or and her! So sang the politico-poet- until he read the loving Charles. Lamb has rhythmically written the feathers and furbelows of dress, while all that God bless her—represents. California has such abundance made In his respect by Errett and endorsed by the rules anent civil-service reform, and then he withdrew dawned upon us the other day through the columns was crucified for to make live lies dead and rotten in of endeared production that we are at a loss whether Dauphin set. his former ideas of sweetness, and said that the latter ot a New Hampshire newspaper. To be sure this face Dottie—dear little Dot.—represents fruit or vegetable, were the best. never appeared to us, in any moro materialized form the heart. Daring the season the days are given to a than type,yet it has long been familiar. It belongs distribution of patte-board visits, and the nights to coral or metal. We would Jenkins of California were THE GLASGOW BALLOON. But now, alas! they grow to bedelusionsahd snares. to that protnfslng youth who Is periodically discovered the wildest dissipation, found in late hours, heavy more particular. Still, something must be left to the The bursted balloon of the Glasgow bank demon- The keen-toothed shark of the Carribees is not a more under a circus tent by his long-fost parents. Here in imagination. Ta, ta, Dottle : sail on, delicious little strates the risk of sueli gaseous inflation, and the the New Hampshire paper we read that he ran away drinking and abominable Indigestion. Out of the careless buccaneer with the legs and bodies of niggah a' 'he unripe age of ten years, joined a season the fashionable few find refuge in noted re- Dot., heavenly product of the paternal real-estate expose reveals the history of a set of money adven- children than the authorities of the Admlnlstrdti on circus, and, alter many, many months, came square sorts, where they board In a ball-room and sleep In operator! turers getting sway over the concern and running it with the promissory note of civil-service reform. upon his married sister, who recognized him, and fell to ruin. weeping on his neck. Now we have known that boy pens where their partitions destroy ail the sacred Our readers must not suppose our Jenkins of Cali- In the face of all the promises and high-lauded id eas for full twenty years. He has been discovered under privacy of home life. fornia is exhausted. Not much. He follows little The books, it seems, are falsified, as a few months of departmental prohibition of interference with poli- various circumstances and by 'different members orhis We say this is worse at Washington than elsewhere; Dot, with tunes. Look at this and weep: ago they showed only $9,000,(too In acceptances' tic«, the employes of tho departments from the West ramuy—but always under a circus tent^at least fit-tv for the controlling element with us changes so rapidly whereas now it appears that there were $15,0 00,000. times within our recollection. - We submit that he ' Alexander Or. Abell, the efficient Grand Secretary here, since the recent tidal-wave, swinging from the ought to be considered, iainlliar. He persists in fur- that the good influences of a fixed society is In great Ovf th—e: Grand Lodge,, F' .• and'Aauii -v.. M..1 k., ,ha uasa twtwoo estimablesi e Some houses, known to be unsound, had unlimited i.nirhf.Arfi—llicair

WINE. "The Fropah Capah, Dear Boy." the discovery had not been in flagrante nothing could CLOTHING. be done. The police, however, told the committee fi'rom the Vineyard.] According to the Dramttic News the eminent ama- teur manager and gentleman, Profeuah Daunoey that both Guagul and Belliard were known to be V BT MAUIH LB BARON. Maskell, having failed as a father-in-law, owing to his swindlers, and that for the benefit of the Englishmen Laura's fondness for divorce, undertook a venture, In full information of them and ot their confederates had When thou wert born the dayB reeled down earth's ray; been sent to Scotland-Yard. The club, finding that The hours blew purple bubbles Into neotared spray; the confidence line of business, with a young swell of Some of our Leading Characteristics. corpulent person and purse named French, whom he it was Impossible to prosecute them, Instantly ex- The sun, more amorous in his slow decline, pelled them. Poured fiercest kisses on thy ftaltlul vine; undertook to teach English at forty dollarB a day. And earth, halt naked on her gaudy bed, French was ambitious to be English, after the manner Bluebeard Outdone. Drowsed In thy juices dripped lrom overhead. of the idiotic imitation Briton who shines the exem. That was a fine dramatic picture and better than plar of style in the American ball-room. The Pro- the best scene In Barbe Bleu, when Becorder Hacket t The bubbles round and fill. fessah, after the failure of his Taylor investment, had Bound and fill; addressed Hoffman, the many-wived German, who gently but earnestly resumed his mlssionaiy labors has victimized widows by the dozen, and broken vir- Draughts ol nectar new distill, In the free-lunch establishments of America, but with And gods are working In earth's mill. gin female hearts enough to make him a second Brig- EXCELLENCE, Indifferent success, and was one day masticating a ham Young. Sing, bare-armed maids, amid the vine, pine tooth-pick, in the hopetul endeavor to persuade the Broadway lounger that he had dined at the hotel, There 4at nine wives, Weeping In chorus, and three IN" POUSTT OF QT3T.AX.ITY Amid the vine; pretty maidens to whom the prisoner had been en- Tendrils through thy bright looks twine; when the unsuspecting French dropped into his Our stock, having been selected with extraordinary care, and speciil reference to its clutches. gaged and was to have married, while documentary Thy glances pour into red wine. evidence gave token of a dozen or so more wlveB heard adaptation to the wants and tastes of our customers, will be found to be very supario? Dinners at Delmonloo's, opera, drive, promenade, Press out the Juioe of crimsonhue. from. The Becorder said: and desirable in quality. small loans, &c., until the noble Dauncey said, as he "You have pleaded guilty to two indictments tor Of crimson hue; chambered the thirteenth cocktail: , bigamy founded upon the complaints of three ot your hit burning blushes, breaking through, " Deah boy, the propah capah; in fact, the very viotlms. Six other women that you have wronged, I Dissolve, and wanton ware luibue. understand, have been heard from, making nine in Ium turn, by Jauve, is to have a iaw'n hand, and tool all. 1 never knew of anything so extensive in this Press out, press out the hidden fire, out in the country in the real demnitlen, awfully lum- line. On the first indictment 1 sentence you to State SUPERIORITY. tum style; fact, pon my word." prison, at hard labor, for four years, and when that The hidden fire; term shall have expired you shall begin a second term Beyond its heat its flames aspire " But 1 'aven't got hany 'orses," protested French. at hard labor tor an additional four years." In 3?oint of* Workmanship, And leap athwart my quivering-lyre. " Psh I deah boy! ' 'Aven't! 'orses!' That's Beth- The injured women in the box gave free vent to nal Green, deah boy! That's Spitalflelds, deah boy! their feelings in1 German as the prisoner passed them. Controlling the manufacture in every particular of our garments, and shrinking all goods MEN, WOMEN AND THOUGHTS. That's not the real lum-tum, you know. Besides, if Those who had made complaints against him said before cut, we can justly claim to offer the best finished Ready-Made Clothing in the Dis- you haven't got horses, you must get 'em! You must, they regretted that the law did not allow him to be [From TH2 CAPITAL'S Standpoint.] Indeed, deah boy! Every Pell Mell toff tools a drag, sentenced twenty years instead of eight, while their trict. deah boy i" more forgiving sisters thought he had been amply The Colored Tournament In Virginia. Scorning the proffered assistance of an hostler, the It is most gratiiying to those who foster the improve- punished for his offenBes. Some of them lingered Professor undertook to hitch up the more or less reoal- around the corridor until he was led out by the officers ment and development of the colored race, and view cltrant steeds, after a strikingly original manner. 11 the darkey in the pure christian spirit of that phi- to be taken to the Tombs, and heaped Imprecations PERFECTION. his theory really prevails In England, the crupper in lanthropy which flowed from Plymouth Book, at the on him until he was out of hearing. They then that country is Invariably adjusted to the horse's separated and went to their respective homes. touoh of the Pilgrim-, to learn that not only neck, the martingale takes the place of the saddle- nsr POIISTT OF FIT, have religion and education kept pace with politics in But two lawyers swore that there was more than girth as used here, and traces are mere useless ap- one wife in that crowd who would like to see her By reason of recent very extensive improvement in our facilities for cutting and getting the enfran chlsement of the dark but rapidly enlight- pendages, the wagon being simply attached to the ening race, but the spirit of ohivalry, the whilom civii- numerous husband free from all restraint exoept her up gentlemen's clothing, we can insure as perfect fitting and good setting garments as collar by a clever combination of check-reins and own. izer of the barbarian, has also come to exert its soft- surcingles. could possibly be made to order. ening influences. It is true that the strictly American animals on LADIES' GOODS. The oolored tournament at Danville, Virginia, is to whom the Professor attempted to impose these inno- the thoughtful mind of the American philanthropist vations resented them with violent kicking and an event fraught with the most happy auguries, whilo plunging, one bright sorrel going so far as to bring BEAUTY. to the politician it is Indicative or a portentous change his heels in collision with the epigastric region of the 719 FALL STiLES 719 In the character of the once oppressed negro, and to Professor. In fact, after eSBaylng to carry out his Idea _A_T DAVIS', In IPoint of Style, society denotes a phase of development as remarkable of the uses and properties of harness, the Professor as it is beautiful. abandoned the business in dlsgust^to the more con- •719 Market Space, New patterns, unique and handsome designs, skillful cutting, fine finish, the best trim- Corner of Eighth street. In a city noted once for its tobacoo, its slavery, its ventional experience of the hostler. mings, &c., all combine to make our goods remarkable for beauty and general attractive- wealth and itB bull whips, where the boasted chivalry Then the corpulent French, a la English, gathered E ABE RECEIVING- EVEBY DAY ADDI- ness. of the P. F. V. was nursed in the lap of the ancient the bundle of reins, and the admiring promenaders W tions to our already laree and elegant stock of planter aristocracy of the South, we behold to-day the FANCY and MILLINEBY GOODS and NOTIONS. and grinning hostlers beheld a wild dash up the Novelties of all kinds received as soon as they appear former Blave, enfranchised by the philanthropy of street, and heard many "whoas" from the Professah in the Northern Markets, at DAVIS'. New England, couching his lanoe, knight-like, as a and his pupil. In vain the ambitious oharioteer be- freeman and a gentleman; while surrounding the lists ELT AND STBAW HATS AND BONNETS, sought Dauncey to take the ribbons. Dauncey didn't In all the new shapes and desirable colors; ele- the fair of various Bhades, from ooal black to delloate " tool" any better than his pupil. As the wild and Fgant FRENCH FLOWERS, handsome OSTRICH Fall Stock, New Goods, Tasteful Selections, « buif," smile on his deeds, and with bright eyes in- vagr ant canine conveys the tin attached to his and FANCY FEATHERS, at DAVIS'. spire his prowess. tall, so the team took that drag In what the Professah OR ALL KINDS OF FANCY AND MILLI- While every county in the old Dominion ha« had its called his "demnltlon propah capah, lum-tum." NERY GOODS, FRINGES, TRIMMINGS, tournament this summer, it may be said, without ex- FBRAIDS, BUTTONS, &c., of the most desirable Unobjectionable Prices. People yelled and fled, the whole street cried styles and at the lowest market prices, go to aggeration , that no "gentle passage of arms" com- " Whoa," and the more they did the more the wild pares in Importance with the oolored tournament at na gs ran with their "demnltlon propah capah," &o. DAVIS', Danville. In his charge to the knights a distin- » Mr. Maskell," says the trembling J ehu, " there's a guished colored orator of the occasion said: ( 719 Market Space, six-horse mall wagon bearing down " . The re- se29 3t8 Corner Eighth street. " Not only does it behoof you, Surknlghts, to see mainder of the sentence was lost In a craBh, which re- dat, as gentlemen, you maintains de honah, Bah, ob de sounded over the thunder of the elevated railroad, oolored chibalry, but, sah,'dat you upholts d.e honah and then, amidst wheels, splinters, horses and things, ob de iar; not only to keep de high privilege ob de FALL Al WINTER OPENING the spectators saw the Professor sailing through the OF oolored ballot, but to stop dese here owdaclous poor air In one direction and his pupil in another, with white trash—white men—from Insulting ob our wives, their "demnltlon propah capah, lum-tum," &c. sisters and darters, and from lnvadln' dero sacred Imported Millinery. The doctor paused to inquire if the pupil would pay chambers and dlsfranchisin' dem ob dere virtue. MADAME HUNT, having just returned from Though, sah, no oolored Brian de Boy Gullburt puts both bills and then went to work. , will exhibit her selection of his lance ob oppression on de oouch; though, sah, no The Mazy Dance by Gaslight—The Thieves' French Bonnets and Bound Hats, Arthur, nor Lancelot, is nominated, sah, In de con- Demi-Monde. vention ob de , yet, sah, It is now, as ob On TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, October S In a seemingly lonely street of Toledo the wander- and 9, to which the ladies of Washington and vicinity old, de duty ob chibalry to defend de weak. To de- ing Arab of the press, like a desert Bedouin roaming fend de week, sah; and, sah, Sunday, too, ef dey was are respectfully invited. around for plunder, heard, mingling with the olang- oc7-lyl Ifos. 691 and 693 V •treat If. W. to try to make you wuk on dat day." lng midnight chimes, a wild voloe and a squeaking Tailors and Clothiers, These words breathe the lolty spirit of chivalry, fiddle: • which demonstrates, according to the poet laureate, To the Ladies. that sentiment makes the gentleman; though Sir " Fourth oouple skip to the right and baiancey." " Swing corners." "Allemande left." " Promenade AN INDISPENSABLE TOILET ARTICLE, Northwest Corner Seventh and D streets Northwest. Peter Teazle, after his screen scene, is known to have sep29-3mos6 " damned sentiment" as the worst betrayer. all," &c. And then the measured tramp in cadence to a quadrille, the shaking of a rickety house hard by, MADAME LEWENBERG'S PASTILLES DE Bliss Dinah Crow was crowned Queen of Love and FLORENCE t WHITE a. ROSEES) are unlike any and the smell of whisky, told that a dance-house was other prepar» tlon. Used in the place of soap for the Beauty. She is a Madonna-like brunette, stylish and near. The wandering reporter stared up a stair and face thev remove TAN, SUNBURN, etc., and ail IM- elegant, and the belle of the most fashionable oolored saw a red, lurid light, then put his hand on his pistol PURITY ami GREASY appearance of the skin, im- society of Danville. Among the maids of honor were parting a fresh, clear and very natural COMPLEX- to defend his aggressive right to find an Item, and ION. As an ABSORBING POWDER they oannot Miss D. White, Miss L. Snow, and other piqxumte and boldly ascended to the temple of Terpsichore. A po- be equaled in quality and purity. beautiful brunettes, who are the acknowledged belles liceman tended the door, and another man called for N. B.—Ln lies troubled with paleness or sallowness ol the most recherche colored soolety. After dancing will find M ME. LEWENBERG'S ROSE POWDER a dollar, while a third man, more black than green, invaluable. Price, 60 cents, at Druggists and Per- until" The wee sma' hours anent the twal" the ball got in for fifty cents. fumers. mh31-tf4 broke up, leaving on the minds of all who were present an impression of never-to-be-forgotten pleasure and a "The boys and girls are tripping the light iantas- Entire New Stock of Clothing! sense of admiration of colored chivalry. tic," said the policeman. " Go in, it's all right; only Madame B. Yan Reuth, stand near me and there's no danger." *' The Branded Hand." The orchestra consisted of three darkies, fiddle, FOR MEN, In the days of Southern slave tyranny there was a banjo and tamborine. A motley crowd thronged the class of men who stole the black slaves from Southern room—over fifty men and women crowded Into a space PREMIER MODISTE. plantations, under the promise of freedom, and sold perhaps eighteen by thirty or thirty-five ieet. At the FOR YOUTHS, the poor wretches to a worse slavery in Cuba. It was moment they had been " to the bar," and were trying a worse crime by far than the piratical slave trade in BEST SELECTION FROM EARLY IMPORTA- which the honored ship May Flower engaged, for to form again Into sets. The " bar" consisted of a TION OF FALL STYLES. there was a diabolism in using the fair promise of free- Doard across one corner ot the room, supported by dry FOR BOYS, dom as a trap. Many are the stories that haunt the goods boxes set up on end. The " equipments" in islands along the southern coast of such buccaneer sight were a long-necked black bottle or two, a few NEWEST STYLES IN WEDDING TROSSEAUS, smugglers; and the Southern slave master, pro- glasses and a beer keg with a wooden faucet, the latter MORNING DRESSES and WALKING SUITS. FOR CHILDREN. nounced so wicked a man by New England phi- between two sticks of wood on the floor. There was a sep8-ly8 lanthropy, was good enough to pursue such malefac- box of Btrong-smelling cigars and a paper of matches. tors tor their punishment as well as for the recovery of the slave. Captain Jonathan Walker, convicted of The reporter asked " big Bur.," who w as the afore- Md'me De Courcey White, stealing seven darkles and branded in the hand, was said policeman, where the people came from, to which said at the South to belong more to this class than to the burly Dogberry answered, as he puffed hfs cigar: (LATE OF LORD & TAYLOR'!?, NEW YORK,) OVERCOATS, ULSTERS AND ULSTERETTS, the John Brown school. Certain it is that his name Well, pretty much all around town. That set was glorified for party purposes, while the martyr him- there" (pointing to the " head")'• contains eight as self was allowed to starve; but now after his death a notorious people as this town aflords. That head FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER, IIV ENDLESS VARIETIES. Greek preacher gives him a monument, and the phi- couple is Tom Gorman's old pal and Buster Kelley's lanthropic howlers run and make a cheap, but loud Nos. 621 and 623 D Street S. W., over Din. Hunt's. hullaballoo—the very ones who had left the martyr girl. Buster, you know, went over the road last sep22-ly7 year." The female indicated had once been fair, but and his family to starve. RS. S. J. MESSER, The San Francisco Examiner comments thus: was now quite a wreck. As she "floated in the " At the time that Walker was branded on the hand mazy" she held a vile smelling cigar in her mouth. M Dressmaking from Latest Parisian Styles. sailors in the Amerfoan navy were barbarously flogged CUTTING AND FITTING A SPECIALTY. That lady waltzing now with that dry goods clerk," S. T. Taylor's Patterns, System of Cutting, and with the cruel cat-o'-nlne-talls, lor no more grave Bur. went on," was a companion of Jessie Stockton, Journals, (Le Bon Ton, Le Mode Elegante and Revue offense than an Inconsiderable breach of duty, and the in Bolen's place, when Altenbaugh killed her." This de la Mode,) for sale. humanitarian, Bergh, now president it the Society for mhl7-ti3 1213 Pennsylvania avenne the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, who has had female whom Bur. designated as " lady" was per- men sent to prison for killing cats, and even rats, ad- haps twenty years of age and had once been fair look- EDUCATIONAL. KATZENSTEIN, vocated the punishment of the lash in the sea and ing. Her dress was a faded calico, made from scant land service tor sailors and soldiers. He and similar pattern, and bore a suspicious appearance of being ADAME LECOURT, A LADY FROM philanthropists of the abolition school never raised 810 SEVENTH Sel5-4t3 about all the clothing she had on. It was trimmed at M Paris, who has much experience In teaching their voice against that most intolerable torture in the the sleeves with fancy colored ribbon, and turned In her language grammatically, and also ln conversing case ol white men in the army and navy, much and at the neck to give it a low neck appearance. with the elegance and ease of the highest French so- vehemently as they bowled and shrieked over the ap- ciety, is desirous of obtalnng pupils ln private families plication of ' the plantation whip' upon the negroes And this was a sort ot dancing, " bousing ken," and schools. in the South. And equally hypocritical and dema where thieves of both sexes have a good time, just like She has many letters of commendation from persons gogical was the tierce indignation they expressed over other people, only varying the style and morality. well known in soolety, and hopes to compass her de sires in the beautiful city of Washington. OF the branding of Walker just after he was subjected to The reporter had gotten out his note book when he She will also iorm classes for ladles and gentlemen, the infliction, and when Wbittler oomposed his sen- heard an , and then bang, bang, bang went young ladies and children. sational, high-wrought poem on the ocsasion." several pistol shots, and women and men fled wildly, Address, 1714 L street northwest, South Corner of Connecticut Avenue. se22-3t*2 This sensational radical sentiment never gave while the orchestra skedaddled, as only a colored ARTISTIC TAILORING. orchestra can under a panic. AFTERNOON CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH Walker either bread while living, or a stone when CLASSES, dead, but, on the generosity of the Greek preacher, Gentlemen Card-Sharpers. (NO. ENGLISH TO BE SPOKEN,) Artist Tailoring brought down to the lowest point in makes a howling political speculation. The cry is as For Ladies, Young Ladles, Misses and Little Boys, hypocritical as their pretended championship of the Guangul and Belliard have been long known on the Continent aB swells of the most elegant and dashing TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS. people, when their party stands the exemplar of op- Rate, per month, $3, and (5, price, as introduced in this city by J. M. KEELER, who pressive ailjtcoracy. style. They were lately honored guests of a certain London club which invites only distinguished people; Prof, LUCIEN E. O. COLL1ERE, A. M. Oourse opens September 24,26 and 28, at 2:30 o'clock, Father Byan. but it has been discovered that they played the Count sept8-tt6 mates a specialty of Cutting, Making and Trimming fine The death of the poet-priest at Chattanooga will de Grammont with great success, but less credit, since bring grief to thousands of people who felt the genius the noble Count is no longer the toast In society that Custom Garments, at prices which reduce the cost one- and goodness of the full-hearted scholar far beyond he was In the days of the Stuarts. the pale ot the ohurch which now gathers the dust of These gentlemen were presented at the Cercle THE ARCHER INSTITUTE, BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL third the ordinary price of the same elsewhere, on the one of the noblest men in all her mighty circle. He Malesherbes, and for some evenings played together For Young Ladies and Children. possessed In a singularly hfgh degree both lmaglna at beslque. They brought their own cards, which Mrs. Archer, late principal of " Patapsco Female tlon and passion, as any one will feel who reads the they played with, and carried away the cards of the Institute," near Baltimore, has-removed her school to old system. wild lyric lament of the Lost Cause, entitled " The 1401 Massachusetts avenue, Washington city. club, that they paid for. These latter they opened Sohool duties resumed September 26,1878. Conquered Banner." "The sentiments which he when at home, and having manipulated them, re- For circulars, address Large folds of eoods to select from, representing the different cloth and wove Into verse of rare music and deep feeling will be sealed them In their envelopes. Having thus pro- jy21-3mS Mrs. M. B. ARCHER, Washington, D. O. cherished by the faithful and admired by the fastid vided themselves with the implements of their trade, ADEMOISELLE BBUN HAS RESUMED dry goods houses in this city, New York, Philadelphia and Europe. ions while valor and poesy have shrines among man- they nndertook to play at ecarte against all comers, kind," says one of his eulogists. changing always the cards furnished by the club for M her Instructions in the French lauguage, and By reference to book of information and prices, which is sent to any given address, will Insure satisfaction to those who entrust them- A few days before his death, as if already under the one of these manipulated packs. In this way they selves to her method ot teaching. dark shadow, he wrote a poem of ominous augury on won about eight thousand pounds without any doubts Pronunciation and conversation being the points the advantages will be fully explained. the plague, entitled "De ProfVindls." The inspira- being excited. But on receiving certain news from most dlffloult to acquire, Mademoiselle Brun will de- vote special attention to them. 1803 H street north- tion of christian heroism had hardly fallen from his England they suddenly decamped. west, corner Eighteenth street. sepl6-10t6» holy lips "when, at his post, like a faithful soldier of The suspicions of the club committee were aroused, O EOBO-ETOWN COLLEGE.—The next session JOHN I. KEELER, Artist Tailor, God; the^ood priest (ell. the oards with which they had played were examined, rj wm begin on Thursday, September 5. Exami- nations ior admission on Monday, September 2, and To the_ Southerner» his memory Is a dear treasure and it was found that all the queens and'the knaves thereafter. The F-street oars run within two blocks 1111 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. to the worli at large liU character a grand testimony ol spades and diamonds were marked. The commit- ¿f the College. P. F. HEALY, S J., seplS-W of christian virtue and nobility. tee applied to the police, who informed them that as sepl-8t7 President. 3: THE CAPITAL: OCTOBER 6, Lò78

and with her glossy hair bound with golden filletsan d he oomes on with that elephantine tread, and by no " SAPHIR'S " NEW YORK LETTEE. dressed a la Brecque, Miss Maud Morgan, a modest means elegant swagger, generally smile, MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. and blushing young girl, who plays that instrument Autumn Sports—The Bacini? Contest—"A Had Pas- but they are none the less enthusiastic In their greet- exquisitely. The amiable Mr. Maurloe StrakoBcb ing. Among other things Brlgnoli sang sulllvan's ITH sion for Gambling "—Wilhelmj's Concerts—The who seems to purr sweetly as he plays, furnished some ballad, " Love Onoe Again," and; I assure you that w B. HARRIS & CO., Great V iolì n ist's Methods—Suggestions of his Style— of the accompaniments, and nothing marred the occa- it any gentle lady were asked to love onoe again in SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED A Galaxy of Beauty—Moie. Modjeska's Clothes and sion save a little, mean-looking tonor named Slgnor tones of so muoh vigor she would probably show the L&zzaranl, (why not Lazzaroni ?) who tried to sing petitioner the door. This pleasing effort was some- Camllle—The Revival of the School for Scandal— You oan buy a whole "Salve DImora." The sweetly Teutonio blonde who thing as follows: M'lle Marco (Kate Smith)—A Reminiscence of Her sat In front of us, with her hair fallen In a flaxen Brlgnoli, ferlUsimo. Late Father—Mme. Rose and Signor Brignoli In mass, stared in amazement at the apparition of this Luf onoe again! (with a shudder) Luf onoe again .' DUCAL BRUNSWICK GQY'T BOND Parisian Diamonds. little barber, whom we variously put down as being (with a terrible contortion, evidently In distress.) Concert—H'IIe de Murska—Hermann's Turnout— Old luf Is waking (planting his foot lorward.) Shall It Which bonds are issued and secured by the Govern- cook at one of the lashionable clubs or a waiter at wake In fain ? ment, and are redeemed in drawings "The Water Is Still Lumpy "—Grand Finale. Martlnelll's; and a fierce Indignation flashed from M'lle De Murska Is as young as ever—at least she Novelties in Solid Gold and (Regular Correspondence of THB CAPITAL.) her pale blue eyes as he prooeeded to murder the looks so. You should see with what bloom of youth FOUR TIMES ANNUALLY NEW YORK, Ootober 3, 1878. Faust apostrophe which Capoul used to give with such she decks the stage, and how the roses with which she Until each and every bond Is drawn with a larger Gold-filled Jewelry. Ha ring recovered from a severe attack of "first subdued and yet exotic expression. She had wept adorns her white and azure robe pale by contrast with smaller Premium. EVBRY bond MUST draw! nights " at the theaters, the men about town of the over Wilhemj's playing, but under the Influence of her cheeks. Her hair Is as blonde, her silver belt (for Prize, as there are no BLANKS. No. 435 Seventh street North- THE THREE Highest Prizes AMOUNT TO metropolis are now having a shy at the concert-room ; Lazzarlni; she forgot those ldlo tears — those tears luok!) as bright, her voice as elastic as ever. Slgnor west, but I fancy that attention is largely attracted from all whleh, as 1 gazed upon this Gretchen, this sweet 240,000 Keichsmark Gold. De Vivo—the illustrious De Vivo—Is in raptures over WASHINGTON, D. O. this by various outside events of a " sporting " char- vergeissmichnicht-er, made me think of that touching her reeeptlon. She only sings on Sundays at present. 120,000 « " acter which enchain the thoughts and " pools " of the verse, (adapted to the exigencies of the oocaslon:) Besides De Murska, there is Mme. Alhalza, who used 48,000 « (( -»-PRACTICAL OPTICIANS. sepl-ly8 community to a rather nnusual extent. And what " She sot and hove and hove and sot to sing here In opera boufie, and is " awfully fasci- And bonds not drawing one of the above prizes must draw a premlun of not less than 68 MARK GOLD. weather this is for out-of-door contests ! There Is a And high her chignon flung, nating, don't you know." She i^Ill presently appear The next drawing takes plaoe 0. R. WIXOM & CO., mellowness in the atmosphere characteristic of an- And every time she hove and sot in concert. »«<•• a*, nr. -wmrm tumn, and the nights, though without the frosty tinge A wusser leak she sprung." On the drive at Central Park no equipage is more which is usual, are clear and full of a oalm which is At the theaters there have been no startling novel- 1st of NOVEMBER, 1878, THE BEST FAMILY FLOUR conspicuous just now than that of Hermann, the pres- easily recognized. The occasionai gardens and tho ties, and there is. not much reason to expect anything And every bond bought of us on or before the 1st of tidigítate«, who is up to his old tricks at the Aqua- NOVEMBER is entitled to the whole premium IN THE CITY, fiower beds in the park and in front of the " swell more than revivals for some little time to come. Mme, rium. He has a stylish turnout, and on the seat beside that may be drawn thereon on that date. At $1.60 per Quarter Barrel, $6.40 per Barrel. hotels and restaurants show their most vivid colors, Modjeska has been revived at the Fifth Avenue Out-of-town orders sent In REGISTERED LETTERS him Is his wife, modestly and becomingly attired in a the streets are filled wtth strangers ; and, in short, the Theater as Camllle—a personation with which you are and Inclosing OLD GOVERNMENT JATA, drab suit and a round hat. In this charming little days have eome which may be the saddest of the year doubtless almost as familiar as the original Armafid SO Centt Per Pound. woman the passer-by recognizes " M'lle Addle," Her- elsewhere, but are by no means melancholy in town. of Dumas was with the chaste Marguerite Gauthier— $s, mann's assistant In his performances, and who dons will secure one of these bonds for the next drawing. All Staple and Fancy Groceries at Everything looks promising for the opening of the but there is nothing new In the performance to For orders, circulars, or any other Information, male attire on suoh oooaslons for greater convenience. fall meeting at Jerome Park on Saturday, when there chronicle, save that her gayety and costume, designed address: WIXOM'S, On the seat behind Is the negro, who aots as waiter, will undoubtedly be as brilliant an attendance as ever by Bopps, a Belgian artist, are very line In the flrst in the same livery every evening and at the matinees, INTERNATIONAL BANKING CO., B04: Jiy2rar graced a Jockey club festival. Just now, however, no act; that her transitions and white Canton crape robe api4 tis STREET. and who is quite as black as the ace of spades with 185 Chatham Square Bank Building, New York city. one can think of anything but the great rowing match, in the second act, designed—not the act, the crape—by ESTABLISHED SINOE 1874. whioh Hermann performs suoh mysteries In JIEL: IIX DESFOSSE'S and the excitement has been intensified by rumors Godebskl, could scarcely be better; that nothing more N. B.—The bonds wo oiler for sale must not be FRENCH BAKERY. with the other cards In the pack. The prestldlglta- classed or oonfounded with the so-called Lottery that the race has been " sold." This fever of uncer- exquisite than her pathos and turquoise blue foulard (Established I860.) teur Is said to be worth about $50,000. There Is an Tickets, as the sale of these bonds does not in any way tainty is raging very hot indeed, and, as a conse- has been seen; that a ball oostume, designed by 18 YEARS OP INCREASING SUCCESS. original Hermann, whom Mr. Maurice Grau thought conflict with the laws of the V. !>., as lately decided bv FELIX DESFOSSE, quence, attempts are being made to cry wagers off. Zechy, fills the stage in the fourth act; and that If the 17. 8. Courts. ot bringing over, but hethas changed his mind. The well known and only real French Baker In Wash- The pool-rooms are so many pandemoniums, and a her personation falls oil In the death episode it is be- writing to us please state that you saw this in ington, is now at No. 2012 H street N. W„ where he has party who has just come in from one presents as dis- cause all she wears Is a simple wrapper of white dotted The reader may not appreciate the difficulties under THE WASHINGTON CAPITAL. sep29-lmo4 neater laoilitles than before for the manufacture of which the above was written; but I can assure him the best French and Amerioan bread. beveled an appearance as though he had gone Swiss. There will shortly be a change of bill and FRENCH BREAD A SPECIALTY. through a mob. This "party" is a small one in the toilettes. Seriously, Mme. Mo^jeska's appearance as that any sort ol composition Is attended with disad- \V B.—Frenoh Bread Is recommended for persons 01 shape-of an office-boy, and he has staked his little all. Peg Wofllngton is awaited with considerable Interest vantages during the progress oi a racing contest, delicate health, especially fer those suffering irom On the result depends having, or going without, his It was in this role that Miss Kate Field came out— which a stock indicator brings to one's doors. They dyspepsia. Beware of imitations. have long sinoe ceased to shout " The water still Depot at S. Velati's, No. 618 Ninth street, opposite luncheon for a week to come. No wonder he has a and went In again—at Booth's Theater. Patent Office. sep8-lys wild and startled look, which seems to say, a la the The School for Scandal is still being played at Wal lumpy"—hooray! there Is a yell," Hanlon won I" and inimitable impersonator of Colonel Sellers, "Why lack's Theater, but will presently be withdrawn in Courtney and the boy who staked his lunch money SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A R. O.DBMONTREVILLE, DENTIST, No. 1222 was X born with this mad passion for gambling ?" favor of The Road to Ruin. Sheridan's comedy is are simultaneously discomflted. SAPHIK. FORTUNE. TENTH GRAND DISTRIBU- D F Street northwest, between Twelfth and Thir- ATION, 1878, at New Orleans, Tuesday, October 8th. 'eenth streets, (same house with Dr. O. O. Cox ) acted In a manner whioh has won a great deal of Wllhelmj ha« just given his third concert at Stein- Offloe hours dally 9 to6 . Sundays 2 to 4 D. m praise. It Is generally conceded that Miss Rose By Universal Accord, LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COM'Y WASHINGTON CITY. way Hall before such an audience, and to such a de- Thirty years experience. Celluloid, Gold, Platlna Ooghlan's Lady Teazle Is by far the best performance ATBR'S CATHARTIC PILLS are the best of all purga- This institution was regularly incorporated by the gree of enthusiasm, as any artist might well be proud and continuou f nt 48611s Gu1 anm Work. Platinized Gold Fill- of the part seen here for a long time. It has a whole Legislature of the State for Educational and Char- iS i2 artistic specialty. REFERENCES: of. When he made his entrance on this second even- tives for family use. They are the product of long, itable purposes In 1868, with a oapital of $1,900,000, to some flavor of rusticity, and a ripe, tantalizing, physi- Ool. W. K. Rogers, Private Secretary toth e President: ing occasion—one of the concerts was a matinee—he laborious and successful chemical Investigation, and which it has since added a reserve fund of $350,000. »en. Wm. G. LeDuo, Commissioner of Agriculture; cal exuberance that Is effectively contrasted with the their extensive use, by Physicians in their practice ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBU- was greeted with several rounds of applause of a TION will take plaoe monthly on the second Tuesday. John J. Knox, Comptroller of Ourrenoy: Sena- sentiment of the screen scene, acted with quiet dignity. tor MoMlllan, Gov. Alex. Ramsey, Gov. O. K. Davla peculiarly oordlal character, and, indeed, of a suffi- and by all civilized nations, proves them the best and It never scales or postpones. Look at the following As for Mr. Ooghlan's Charles, It has re-asserted its distribution: and others. 0028-ly8 ciently demonstrative sort to fittingly serve as a wel- most effectual purgative Pill that medical science can former charm, and, coming alter his Lovelace, was re- Capital prize, $30,000. 100,000 tickets at $2 each. come for a distinguished artist on the occasion of his devise. Being purely vegetable no harm can arise Half tickets, $l. ceived with acclamations. He has improved it by debut. The iact is that no periormer of late years has from their use. In intrinsic value and curative pow- LIST OF PRIZES. Dr. James B. Hodgkin, somewhat more volatile manner, which glosses, while so quickly established himself in the public affections ers no other Pills canj be compared with them, and 1 Oapital Prize. $30,000 It does not disguise, the integrity of the character at every person, knowing their virtues, will employ them, 1 Capital Prize 10,000 and esteem as Wllhelmj, and this for the best oi rea- 1 Oapital Prize 6 000 DBnrxxax, heart. Mr. Barron, while generally too meio-dramatic sons—he is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the most when needed. Th.ey keep the system in perfect order, 2 Prizes ol $2500...... 5,000 and studied, nevertheless makes Joseph fairly effec- eminent of the violinists of the day, and his gifts and and maintain in healthy action the whole machinery 6 Prizes of 1000 6,000 tive In the great act; and Mr. Gilbert, always in his 20 Prizes of 600 10,000 No. 93S Pa. awe., Washington, D. C. accomplishments are so convincing as to immediately of life. Mild, searching and elleotual, they are spe- element as ; Mr. John Brougham, 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 impress the hearer with the truth ot this assertion. cially adapted to the needs of the digestive appa- 200 Prizes ol 60 10 000 who Is a Sir Oliver of acknowledged merit; Mr. Professor of Dental Mechanism and Metallurgy, Hal ti - In these letters Wilhelmj's personal appearance has ratus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, 600 Prizes of 20 10,000 more College of Dental Surgery. marl7-lyl Floyd, who plays Sir Benjamin Backbite cleverly; 1000 Prizes of 10.... 10 000 already been fully described, but I may add that he if timely taken. They are the best and safest physio Mme. Ponisl, who makes an excellent Mrs. Candour, APPROXIMATION PRIZES: is one of those men who show to better advantage be- to employ for children and weakened constitutions, 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 2,700 0. TAYLOR H0LTZCLAW, and Miss Boniface, whose Maria Is the best thing she fore the footlights than oil' the stage. His large frame where a mild, but eiieetual, cathartic is required. 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 has done, are particularly worthy of praise. Mr. Gil- 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 ». 900 and broad features-light up well, and, as he stands be- FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. bert had quite an ovation on the first night. BUILDER, fore the public with no indication of unusual care 1867 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 At the Broadway Rose Eytinge, after a fortnight' Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all about his plain evening dress, his personality strikes Waiting for a Woman to "Get Beady." representations of A Woman oi the People, is about prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation one as as unassuming and massive as his style as an Are you a man? If so, you have probably had the will be paid. Application for rates to clubs should Ohio Avenue, bet. Twelfth St Thirteenth Streets N. W. to appear as Nancy in the version of Oliver Twist, in pleasure oi waiting for a woman to " get ready " tog o artist. Besides, there Is the unquestionable advan- only be made to the Home Office In New Orleans. which she acted in London. somewhere. Getting ready Is a mighty operation for Write, clearly stating full address, for further Infor- tage of being in his element. Ofl the stage Wllhelmj a woman to perform. It has always been so; but in The Florences are very successful at the Grand mation, or send orders to WASHINGTON, D. O. febü-lyí may not be interesting to the casual observer, but the these days oi complicated costumes, and innumerable , where The Mighty Dollar is being appendages of the toilet, It is a stupendous undertak- M. A. DAUPHIN, moment he steps on to the platform he seems to say, ing. You are inlatuated with Miss B. You invite laughed over by great multitudes. Their persona- P. O. Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana. snap at ristown Herald's comment on this Is : " P. S.—He magnitude, thanks largely to " Carmen;" M'lle Litta, the shrubbery In a vicious way, and assure vou | J. L. SMITHMEYER & CO., equinely that they had just as soon not wait for a ARCHITECTS, played on a fiddle." Now I should very muoh like to whose distinguished, although petite figure, Is posted woman to get ready. First-Class see the gai) lard oomlque of the Norristown Herald I NO. 70S FIFTEENTH STREET, BETWEEN O about town ; Miss Kellogg and Miss Caiy, who will You think at firstyo u won't hitch them, for surely AND NEW YORK AYENUE. suhjected to the influence of Wilhemj's playing, and shortly appear in concert at Stelnway Hall; M'lle she Is ready, but remembering lormer experiences Staple, Fancy, Commercial feblg-tfB I should Infinitely like to read what he would say with those of her sex, you change your mind and give Marco, (Kate Smith,) and several others. a small boy ten cents to have an eye to them. You "VTTANTED—To purchase OOPPER CENTS 11798. about it. Possibly he might not approve after the Apropos oi M'lle Marco, the daughter of tho late ring the bell and are admitted, and the small boy en- and Bankers' Stationery. YY 179», 1796, 1799, 1804, 1809, 1811, 1818. HAL? fashion of a Western critlo, who said that a certain gages In marble playing with another small boy, and CENTS 1793,1794,1795,1796, 1802. NICKEL CENT Mark Smith, the actor, the announcement of her ap- 1866. Will make the highest offer possible on ex- •comedian did not supply " the Toledo Idea of an Eng- trusts the horses toProvidence . . My facilities for supplying orders entrusted to me pearance In conjunction with Miss Kellogg recalls an Is Miss B. ready ?" you blandly ask the maid ser- are the very best, and prices will be the lowest that amining the pleoes. Address, with stamp, Old Curi- lish swell," but I trow me that the bright Heralder of episode of the great olub reception given at Weber & •ant. suoh goods oan be sold for in any of tho Northern osity Shop, 611 D Street N. W., Washington D. O. cities. My experience of twenty-five years in this Norristown would "gush" as much as the rest of this Gumey's combined rooms on Fifth avenue five or six She doesn't know, she'll Inquire. You stand first sepSO-lyi ordinarily cold world. For Wilhelmj's playing Is such on one foot and then on the other, and stare at the line of trade will enable me tomak e the most suitable years ago. The afialr brought together, under the in- hat-tree, and pull up your new style collar, which selections for this market. that it satisfies all classes ot hearers—the educated fluence of the seoeders from the Lotos Club, an extra- ought tostan d up, but which has developed an obsti- LIVERY STABLES. amateur and the oasual attendant at the concert. It nate tendenoy tolo p down, and you wonder where on WEDDING, ordinary galaxy of prlme-donne. Madame, then earth that servant has gone to inquire, and you run RECEPTION and has such ease that no matter what difficulty seems Madamoiselle Nilsson, slighted the occasion, but Miss A. B. KBYB8. J. L. SMITH. out to see your horses, and administer some sharp VISITING CARD PLATE | accomplished spontaneously, and It refieots every Kellogg and lesser lights were there, and so was the words toyou r small delinquent groom, and he thumbs his nose at >ou the minute your back Is turned. mood of the dlHerent oomposers with a fidelity that late Mme. Parepa-Rosa, draped In a damask shawl, shows not only the wide range of the artist's tech- By the time you get into the house again Miss B ENGRAVING AND PRINTING and the soul of good nature. I remember how amia- is coming down the stairs in a toilet made In evident nique, but the exquisitejustness;ofhisintentlons. His bly she listened to Mr. Mark Smith's glowing accounts haste. She is cordial, and Invites you Into the parlor will be a specialty. A call and a portion of your pa- KEYES db Co. bowing is so barren oi effort as to be a pleasure to the of his daughter's progress—they made a floridan d and says Maria will be down in a moment, and she is' tronage is respectfully solicited. eye, and as he plays his figure sways very slightly to so sorry tohav e kept you waiting. weighty pair as they stood there, 1 assure you—but From above stairs you can hear the sound ol the and fro, in contradistinction to tho exaggeration of Miss Kellogg did not seem to be enthusiastic, or even notes oi preparation. Much treading back and iorth, RICHARD B. MOHUN, COACHES, more demenstrative performers. The seleotlon whioh gracious. That, however, is a defect of manner, pos- opening of oloset doors, shutting of drawers, scolding ol the maid, in suppressed tones, and liveliness gene- lingers most in the memory, and one which he gave sibly not of heart. Mme. Parepa-Rosa, who never 1433 Penn. Ave., as an encore at both oonoerts, is the slow movement rally. did things by halves—lrom singing " The Star Span- If you could look Into Marie's ohamber you would OPEN BRETTS, from Bach's Suite in D, which he plays in a manner gled Banner " to eating a supper which might have be In despair. Her "orinips" are not taken down, CORCORAN BUILDING. je80-tf8 of which it would be quite impossible to oonvey an done for an entire family—may not have'meant any her boots unbuttoned, her pull-baok's elastlo cords adequate idea, so rich and full Is the tone, so broad are out of gear, and the maid is fixing them ; she more, but she had the faculty of making people be- can't find her bracelets; one cuff pin Is missing; she and comprehensive the bowing, so full of sustained lieve she did. The next time I heard of Mark Smith's has put arnica on her handkerohief by mistake, think- COLUMBIAN LIGHT WAGONS, power the notes, that seem like the wail of a human ing it Jockey Olub; there Is a button off her basque daughter was on the oocaslon of her debut In the last from hurried buttoning, and oh, dear! dear I where Is voice. The violin surges forth a plaint of Ineffable aot of Ernani, at the Union League Theater. She her lemon kids, and her parasol, and her laoe scarf, sadness, and the listener who is not moved by It Is and that coral neck chain, and a shawl, and a white was then a tall, slender girl, with a voice that seemed lace veil, and a dozen other necessary articles, t SADDLE HORSES, very iar indeed from being impressionable. At the to indicate rare promise; but so, too, did that of the BANK NOTE COMPANY, first ooncert, besides this gem, he gave a movement She has hurried so that her face Is all In a blaze, Ernani of the occasion, the handsome Harry Stan- and she Is sure she looks like a washerwoman, and she •01 Paganini's concerto In D, a work so difficult that it seizes the powder put! and dabs a little chalk on her field, who came back here and came very near making DOUBLE and SINGLE BUGGIES has taxed the execution of his most showy predeces- a fiasco by persistently singing flat. M'lle Marco Is lorehead, and hopes It won't be seen, as she is going sors ; but Wllhelmj made light of the demands on out to ride with a man, and not with a woman. OOS Pennsylvania Avenue, preoeded by flattering accounts, however, and every Women always see such things, and speak about his teohnique, and performed the seleotlon with the one who knew Mark Smith will hope that she may de- them toothe r women, and put on an air of righteous- skill of an absolute master. One is not more sure of serve them: ness and Innocence, and wonder how christian ladles and all other vehicles promptly furnished. a tried machine than| over his triumph over no mat- can powder their laces. But the corner apothecary " For he was a jolly good fellow 1" oould, If he chose, untold a tale of small boys or girls ter what passage—all that Is implied with him—and coming In after sunset to get a box of Illy white "For a WASHINGTON, D. C. It is equally certain that his Interpretation will bring Mme. Marie Rose Mapleson and Mile, de Murska, woman as sent for It." to light the remotest beauties of the composition. He (she Is still announoed as Mile.,) have both been sing- " Oh, consistency I" Orders left at the Arlington Hotel or at the ing in conoert, the former Steinway Hall, the lat All unconsoious of the trials which beset your charm- brought his first concert to a olose by a brilliant treat- ing Marie, you are striving to do the agreeable to We are prepared, with every facility, for ment of the Hungarian airs of Ernst, and at his sec- ter at Booth's Theater, where she gave " The Sweet Mrs. B., with the sound ol your horses pawing up that ond a rendering of his own transcription of a Chopin Bye and Bye," out of deferenoe to its being Sunday sidewalk In your ears, and you know the old man Is Stable, day or night, will receive prompt attention. evening. Mme. Rote's entree was provided with all particular about his grounds; and directly you hear romanoe and nocturne deeply exolted the house and something snap, and rush out to find that one of your brought enthusiasm to a olimax. tho plotorial adjunots that, become, a pretty woman spirited nags has broken off a fenoe picket, and is try- Engraving and Printing and enhanoe her sucoess. There was a row of tropl- ing his best on another, by way of dessert. Olose Carriages for wedding oalls and reoeptlons. At his first ooncert there was a full orchestra, led by oal plants In pots at either side of the stage, conceal- Will she ever get ready 1 Dr. Damrosch, with whom Wllhelmj would occasion- You go baok to tell Mrs. B. that your horses are so BANK NOTES, BONDS AND COMMERCIAL | ing the awkward spaoe whioh the artistes have to restive you must stand by them, and you retire to the ally shake hands, jnst to show the best of feeling was traverse before reaching the center of the platform sidewalk, painfully conscious that across the street, in aroused by his reception ; but since then a pianoforte from the door, and the argent dusters of the chande- that big tenement house, half a dozen children and WORK OF EVERY KIND, Ao. accompaniment has been made to serve Instead Wil- young people, and as many more Idle loafers, are Boarding and Livery Stables lier globes had a delicate, pendant tracery of green watching you and laughing at your predicament, and helmj is too great to suffer muoh by the deprivation : vines. Berore Mme. Rose oame on there was a telling each other that that Is the chap "that is trying WM. H. PHILIP, President. hut it would have been a pleasure to have heard thè "wait" and a great stir among the musicians and the to court Marie B., and she's had nine fellers already and every one of 'em went baok on her." GEO. T. JONES, Vloe President. AT WILLARD'S HOTEL STABLES, Mendelssohn concert given as It was originally wrlt- assistants, and a harp was brought on and had to be You consult your watch, 6 o'clock 1 You feel in- JOHN W. WATERS, Secretary. ten—with a lull orchestra, as well as a matchless vlo adjusted. Then there was a false alarm, and the clined to swear a little, but early piety forbids, and I Corner Fourteenth and D streets, Washington, D. O Hnist. There have been two planistes, Mme Julia modest Miss Elizabeth Sloman was led in, and took you try toposses s your soul In patlenee. Rive-King, whose method is well known to be admir- her seat at the harp in an apologetlo manner, for she The door opens. She comes, radiant and smiling, Greatly Reduced Rates. able, and Mme. Carreno-Sauret, who play« as well as in the loveliest of new costumes, pinned baok so tight ESTABLISHED IN 1844. seemed to recognize the fact that the murmur of ap- that she creeps toward you like a snail, and vou men- ever, with a brilliant touch and great precision, and plause was air the gorgeous Roze, and declined to tally wonder now she Is ever going toste p high enough Orkney Springs, Virginia !j who made a charming appearanoe In a black velvet to get into the carriage; and her hat is so becoming, misappropriate It. Then there was a stir, afad the and her black lace scarf lnoreases the whiteness ol BOARD—Daily, $1.50; Weekly, $8: and by the robe, with soarlet flowers in her dark hair. Mme prima donna, looking as beautiful as the Helen of old, her neck so much, and she tells you so sweetly that month, $26. ' 1 Oarreno-Sauret's essay as a singer was not successful who bewltohed Paris, in her close-fitting dress of white you feel infinitely obliged tohe r fordoing it, and feel SEASON CLOSES OOTOBER 16. ANDREW J. JOYCE, enough to induce her to continue, but Bhe is deoidedly for the moment as if the highest and most supreme satin, with white mits, and a profusion of diamonds, delight ol existence could be found only In waiting The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company will issue popular as a pianist. The fact was there was quite a was led forward by Mr. Carlberg. The grand orches- for her to"ge t ready. "—Kate Thorn in the New York ROUND-TRIP TICKETS, galaxy of beauties at the ooncert, and the heroio- tra burst igrth, the harp's strings were swept, and the Weekly. Good until November 1, se7 tI2 looking, though slightly overgrown Wllhelmj, seemed singer burst into the Princess'aria, » Robert, ah, toi CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER! like one of those Wagnerian heroes who are exposed to que? aimel" No wonder that it was effective, all this. "WHOA, EM"—Bang! went the officer's revolver and the guttersnipe rolled over In the dust and clawed the fascinations of the "Bhine daughters." Besides Presently the platform was lined with banks of tea- the ground In his mortal agony. Next day the offloer 412, 414 and 416 Fourteenth St the ripe brunette, Mme. Carreno, there was Miss roses and floral devices of all descriptions. Besides was elevated toth e rank ot sergeant. Gentle reader, Kate L. James, very sumptuous-looking indeed, in a Messrs. Carleton, Dulcken and Blumenburg, Slgnor this happened In Utopia. National Portrait Gallery «eoiiete robe oi ruby velvet and white lace-so Brlgnoli sang with that purity of voice and that In- THE CHARACTER of AUtumn, as he made his appear- anoe in 1878, oould not be more compendiously or Particular Attention Called to Stock of Carriage« (sumptuous that it was easy to forgive her vocal defi- creasing exaggeration of method which distinguish graphically presented than It is In this odd little sen- 625 Penn. Are., bet. Sixth and Seventh Sts., His Own Manufacture. oiencies; and there sat at the harp, in classic attire his more recent efforts. Is hefunny-Brignoll?-when tence lrom the Philadelphia Evening Star: "Pensive Repairing a Specialty. Autumn, in a linen duster, perspires on the threshold.'' Washington, I>, C. Agent lor Brewster k Oo. of Btoo»» Street, 11« augll-tl4 York. iifMa 5 4: THE CAPITAL: OCTOBER 6, Lò78

they are considered out of the line of our the pathetic voice, that comes up in sobs like ing, and we intend, please God and the WHEN A MAN'S HEAD is cut off the ques- ordinary experience, and are called sensa- bubbles from a drowning man ? One looks courts, to fight it out to the bitter end.. The tion as to who was the headsman seems to be tional, as if the word affordedan objection beyond the woman to the hopeless woe she yenerable Josiah can talk to the marines, if of as little interest as the axe itself. Such, how- ever, is not the fact, and much speculation has WASHINGTON CITY. to them. The real objection lies in the fact faces, that seems to face and crowd her down they will listen, or, failing in that, let him in unspeakable agony, and when she call around the Bald-headed Young Men's been expended in attempting to identify the exe- that they are coarser than the expression of cutioners. In hi! history ol his life and times Lilly, stretches out her arms she catches at a ges- Christian Association and address the S UNI) Aï MOBMAO OCTOBEK 6,1878. passion through the words of a great poet. the famousEngllsh astrologer of the seventeenth cen- They are to art what scene painting is to the ture suggestive of the deepest agony taught Throne of Grace. Any stuff is considered tury, when examined before the first parliament of ost patient possible unde"r the old system, when pas- How long, oh, Lord, how long ?, belief that his conviction mainly arose out of a deter- l mination to fasten the guilt somewhere. through the use of a -yvord or phrase that man on • earth cannot be

rorTna CAPITAL. "Madame La Comptesse Modjeska's costumes will BB0KEES, REAL ESTATE AG'TS. ET0 THE PEAIRIES. appear at tho National to night—accomplished dum PERSONAL. MUSIO. mles being employed to exhibit them to the best ad- In billows spread of mottled green, vantage." The tail grass waves with fieoks between ; We suspect the clothes would draw better wltnout —A flirt—Sol a and no father. FOR SALE. Of starry flowers, like flocks of gold, the artist; especially in the case of that antique —When Is a returning-board to return Mr. Tllden's WHAT GREAT MUSICIANS SAY Countess de Grabble, nee Ward. lost aooount book? Or silver bright, with gems untold; By the bye, the tbeatrical circles of New York are Of dewy diamonds—pearls nnstrang, agitated over the fact that Madame Modjeska and her —A beau—If a girl kiss you never kiss her back, That glisten while the day Is young. husband receive letters from their native land, ad- but turn the other cheek. dressed to plain Mr. and Mrs. Can it be that the —Lord Beaconsfleld's will provides that he shall be A SPLENDID RESIDENCE. On stony slope or barren brake, title is of American origin ? This iact, 11 known, were Where grass nor rootlets give nor take, fatal to the Modjeska. burled in the Jewish cemetcry. •Verbenas oluster lar and wide —Chinese Must Go Is thought by a London paper .A. [Rare Chance. Jn pinkest wave, or blood-red tide, WE WPY the following from 'Mahlsteck" of the to be tho name ol an Indian chief. Louisville Courier-Journal : And, where the moisture gains below, —Milton Sayler could not sail on Silver Lake be- A splendid, nearly new, thirteen-room private resi- Tifa PLAY, ENGAGIED.—The English and Sootch do cause he won't speak plainly on finance. Wild fennel stays the useless flow not harmonize. Each thinks the other an interior ani- dence ln the center of the beautiful northwest section, In fragrant feathery emerald beds; —The iact that It IS wicked and dangerous to bathe on the finest avenue in the olty. This property will be mal. There is no more love between the races now sold at a POSITIVE SAOBincB. Price, $16,600. Parties While here and there the seeding heads than there was when Longshanks overran all Scot- la the river keeps many small boys clean. meaning business will be shown the property, and get land, burning, plundering and slaying, or when Bruce —Patterson, South Carolina's political prodigal son, Lilt bright above. The careless eye oovered the Held of Bannockburn with the bodies of particulars by applying to my agent, brothers! Leaves many a hidden treasure by; slaughtered Englishmen. The Englishman's con- to reported as junketing with some saints at Salt Lake J. V. N. HUYCK, i'or on the crest of yonder swell, tempt for his northern neighbor is hereditary. His City. Office No. 1605 Pennsylvania avenue, GRAND, SQUARE and UP- anoeBtors thought, and he now thinks, that the Scotch —An Irish bull—A flower would be as sweet by any (Arlington Insurance Building.) And long before they reach the dell, man is a poor, mean, avaricious and penurious crea- Or Address P. O. Lock Box 428. sep22-ti8 •She sunbeams slant; strong grasses grow, ture. Sawney, on the other hand, who will drive 8 other name, as the lady said when she kissed the RIGHT PIANOS: oowsllp. HÇJEWELBY STOKE, 819 PENNSYLVANIA Dwarf willows nod their plumes of snow tight bargain, and is constitutionally "near," is a more avenue, removed to this plaoe. S. B. MILLS, THEODORE THOMAS, WM. MA- To crimson floxes bright and warm; manly fellow than the Southron, and disdains the —A man may always walk ereot, though unfor T SON. latter's thousand-and-one ways of soliciting alms. "They are in every respect superior instruments. And bore the rabbit has his form. The Englishman, however, ln his sublime self-con- tunate, for he Is naturally straightened by circum- Their tone is pure, rloh, brilliant, very distinct and of And vines stretch far, and root again celt, considers his own acts as hedged with divine au- stances. S. GOLDSTEIN & CO., an entirely musical character. Their workmanship is thority, because they are the acts of an Englishman. —"What is the Democratic party?" asked an ex- of the very beet." In secret life, and quiet gain That is reason enough for him. The author of the Their milk white flowers and leaves all gloss, play. Engaged, a Jobn Bull to the core, has satirized cited orator; and John Kelly arose modestly and G. KUHN, Braided and stitched with satin floss. the Sootch by enlarging what he considers a national said " I." 407 Tenth Street, SOLE A!) EXT, This lowly vine, that hides Its woalth peculiarity to the utmost extent. It must be admitted, Loan and Commission Brokers, however, that he has been quite unsparing of attacks —May Croly, who plays the part of Jane de la Tour Also for the matchless BDBD1T r 01161 AN. 'Neath blooming grass, and lives by stealth on his own countrymen also. All the characters in ln the company supporting Clara Morris, Is a daugh sepl5-3mos8 •On gentle dews, waits timid 'till the play are as hollow, selfish and detestable as if ter of Jennie June. Northeast Corner of Tenth and D Streets, The strawberry has had its will, they had been drawn by that mocking satirist, Vol- taire. There Is one exception, however, ln the case of —New and true: A coquette Is a rose bush, from ELLIS & CO., .And bloomed and ripened on Its stem the star part, which Is the portrait of an absolute jack- which each beau plucks a flower,an d the thorns are PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON TENTH STREET. Upright as In a garden trim. . ass, played ln the most natural manner by Mr. George left for the husband. The plover knows this, and his nest Honey, whom the Londoners seem to think an ex- 937 Pennsylvania Avonue, tremely funny fellow. This actor's idea of humor —When a oat puts up her back and snarls at a plate Liberal advances made on valuable Personal Prop- Is In the shadow of the crest; seems to be an exact imitation of the writhing, twist- of sausage It Is safe to conclude that the Bausage The daintiest nest on all the ground, erty to any amount and for any time desired, on very Sole Agents for ing and squirming of Uriah Heep, which aotlons are maker's friend is a dog-catcher. easonable terms. Of leaves and twigs and grasses brown, accompanied with contortions of the face which ex —Lovely mountain's peak is ln the advertisement Four mottled eggs of brown and grey, press silliness mixed with a whining prayer for ap A large stock of fine goods for sale. plause. If it were not tor the sprightly dialogues and of a watering-place, and yet ln the lace of that warn- The oldest and largest business ln the city. mhly7 And large as golden plums are they; oonceits of the play, and the brazen ettrontery ol the ing the beaux and belles make love there. THE FAMOUS WEBER, And on that twig just out of sight, other characters, who utterly throw aside every con- ventional mask, Mr. Honey would have been as de- —Commissioner Baum will go to Illinois and make •Compact, and air and water tight, structive to the play as the bull ln the china shop In a political speeches. He enters into the spirit of the FOR SALE, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. The thresher, tended by her mate, not less Incongruous position. thing, and Is one of the best men you revenue. Covers two eggs with solemn state, The peculiarity of Mr. G-eorge Honey in this play A Desirable Home Yery Cheap. is that he tails in love and proposes marriage to —In the filth district of Massachusetts the Republi- Nearly all the great singers and artists of the world fte bee here garners luscious hoard, every woman he meets. He is engaged when he cans, ln making a run on their Banks, proved that A corner lot, 70x98, streets parked and paved, beau- give them the preference over all others. Also agents A hidden treasure safely stored leaves London on a trip to Scotland. There he meets their former favorite had not the same credit as he once tllul sbade trees surrounding the entire property for the celebrated In cave or tree; one of the grand a pretty Sootch girl ln humble life. He proposes to which fronts on the finest GOVERNMENT BESEB- her instantly. She tells him that she loves him at had. VATION ln the city. Old oaks that bound this garden land; once, as he is a gentleman of means, and the Sootch -Latin, mathematics, rhetoric, logic, taught ln The residence is a very fine one, of modern construc- Srjght garden of the wilderness! character Instantly gravitates towards money; but as classes or privately. Class lessons from $1.50 to $5 tion, though much better built than usual, the walls Smith American Organs. Fair field unbarvested, nor less she has plighted her troth to a youth in her own rank being 14,18 and 22 Inches ln thickness; plate glass in of life, even if her heart breaks, she must keep her per month. S. W. Flynn, A M., 1227 L street north- front windows. The interior^».-fitted up with all the Grand and sublime, that skill of man word. The lover, who has overheard the proposition, west. modern conveniences, exoeptrurnace. There are 14 WEABING APPABEL. Hath had no share In all thy plan! here comes in and clasps his betrothed to his heart. —Gladstone predicts that England will decline and rooms and 2 bath-rooms, marble mantels, latrobe Boll on, green waves, while yet ye stay, He then turns' furiously upon the wealthy aspirant stoveB, range, hot and oold water, gas, &e. and reproaches him for trying to sever two loving America rise until London will be like Genoa to New Two-story briok stable on the lot. Lift crest on crest i'rom buds of May, York. Then there Is hope even with Kearney on the The above property will be sold for $13,500, on EASY suie p hearts. George scratches his nose thoughtfully for a er» £ ££ g Through blossoming June and August's blaze, moment, and then proposes to buy the young fellow rampage. TERMS. Apply to - PEO O- ^ J. V. N. HUYCK, O» ® D 60 ^ ® ¿September's calm, October's haze, off, offering him the munificent sum of thirty shillings. —When the " Bucket Shop " operators of New York 2 M ^ When, strong In stom through summer's glow, Donald is furious. " What! thirty shillings for the REAL ESTATE AGENT, , P.FD O love of my puir-hearted lassie?" "Oh, no." said had the telegraph shut off they were as much hurt as | NO. 1505 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Ö The golden rod and asters snow George. " Nothing could buy so priceless a treasure. •ARLINGTON INSURANCE BUILDING. FFP^t © &d If they had been struck ;by lightning. Instead of de- P. O. LOCK BOX 428. sel6-t«~ Mark pathways through thy virgin fields, I merely offered it as a temporary solace, and I don't prived of It. H Rich with the harvest nature yields. mind going as high as two pounds." " Twa puns!" r §J»B w 7o exclaims Donald more furious than ever. "Think •The venerable Peter Cooper says that ln the year HO» «g? sc Boll on, lor soon the ploughshare's hacte over It," retorts the loving donkey, " while I take a Hg * oo B£ e> oc he was born New York city had only 27,000 inhabi- g° £ s Will lay thy gentle beauties waste, stroll in the garden." He goes out, and the pulr- tants. The old man calls Emmerson and Longfellow And need and greed of man prevail hearted lassie commences to reason with her lover in $30,000 oc the boys." "To make of thee a by-gone tale. NEA. the following prudent manner: " Do you think you were quite wise now, Donald, to refuse the gentle- —" The Daughter of Dervarghal" is the title of a - <5 g>gg.H ta" H man's offer? Twa pun Is twa pun, and it's a deal of To Loan, in Sums to Suit, R< d gt-osg eng HH money to throw over your shoulder." Donald reflects new idyl which Tennyson is writing. 11 It is half as for a moment, and, on the return of George, hands bad as his two last poems w« wish Dervarghal a ON PS over the lassie to him, receives the "twa pun," and childless parent. H «GEEEN-ROOM GOSSIP. goes away, as he says, " to hide his breaking heart." g © V 5 8» o S. oc In fltteen minutes after this transaction George saves —Gladstone attempts to show "what hinders Bltu- a runaway girl by announcing to the furious father, ralists from becoming Catholics." Beaconsfleld, his WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, Etc, It§¡§ f? THE BOZB-MArLBSON CONCERT.—Mr. Henry Ma- who comes in with two pistols, that he has made the rival, ought to tell us now what hinders Jews from be- AT SS. Issis i pleson, the well known impressario, will give a grand young lady his wife. So behold him engaged to two fMS-FgJä 3 -concert at Lincoln Hall on Wednesday evening next. women and married to a third, for the simple declara- coming christians. Mme. Marie Boze, Brignoli and Oarleton are cele- tion ln Scotland is a matrimonial rivet. There is a —The journalist generally uses a pencil, but those 1?. "Wallace's, brated as among the finest lyric artists known In this considerable mist wrapped around the last situation who take our paragraphs without giving credit have E. HORGAN, country, and under the able management of Mr. by a doubt as to the locality, the house and grounds steal pens, with whloh they do write ln one sense, but Mapleson the public may expect an entertainment ol being on the border, and so the unfortunate George is LOAN BROKER AND JEWELER, MERCHANT TAILOR, the highest order. obliged to get geographical informatloiglt Anally ap wrong in another. . learing that the house is in England and the garden —Important: Those contemplating suicide, whose 1417 Pennsylvania Avenue. No. 885 SEVENTH STREET, Mr. Blumenberg, tho celebrated violoncello player, n Scotland. Among the other characters in the play myl2-ly4 and Mr. Fred Dulcken, the pianist and composer, are lives are insured, can go ahead. Another decision In Calls the special attention of gentlemen to his new artists of high repute, and will add to the attractions are the thoroughly depraved old father of the first of the programme. engaged lady, who is willing to sell his daughter to New Jersey declares that the policy will not be viti- FOR SALE, and fine assortment of fall goods. Satan for an annuity of a few hundreds, and the ated by even strychnine. daughter herself, who is as perfectly willing to many A Substantial House. Cheviot Suits...... $20 and $32 CHANDOS FULTON was a thorough critio, and could that dark gentleman for the consideration of a suitable —Gilmore is mad about the newspapers saying that Situated near the Arlington Hotel, a new and supe- nov4-l y 6 do it in all the lines ol the business at a rapid rate. establishment—a most dreadful little wretch, with a he failed ln Europe. rior constructed three-story brick residence, contain- He Is said to have kept blank printed lorms like this : heart of flint and maxims of such cynical, worldly Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild echoes flying- ing about twelve rooms, besides convenient closets, wisdom that one wonders at the courage of the author, storerooms, &o., &c. BE. HEIL, " On night last a performance of was given and finds Becky Sharp a loving and ingenious child Answer echoes, lying, lying, lying. Every modern improvement has been provided, and »•*»•» « Xniioi at Theater to a audience. Mr. gave a very by oomparlson. The play Is dreadful rubbish as a —The last man hung ln Indiana loft a legacy of hate rendition of the part of and was heartily ed. all of the latest and most approved kinds. NO. 322 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. play, but is most amusing, and provokes hearty laugh- in the hearts of the reporters. He made no valedic- It 18 a charming home, and can be purchased for ap28-ly3 The part of——was undertaken by Mr. and he ter by its thoroughly original humor and its unex- $11,000. Terms—Small cash payment, balance on played it Messrs. and were each in their pected incongruities and ridiculous situations. tory remarks, but only bowed to the sheriff and said, long time, at seven per cent, interest. Apply to several roles. Miss was a ; Miss never " I'll see you later," and skipped into eternity. looked more In her life, and the other ladles In the Mr. Sothem will play the piece in Amerioa, and J. V. N. HUYCK, SECOND CLOTHING cast were all The management deserves—-for will bring with him the actress who played the Scotch —The man who would be Tycoon ef Japan if it Real Estate Agent, The onlvplaoe In the city to dispose ol Seoond-hand the it showed in getting up the piece, and busi- lassie, who is olever beyond all power of description. hadn't been for a revolution lives in Paris, as a quiet No. 1505 Pennsylvania avenue, Clothing, Watches, Guns, Pistols, &o., at a fair cash ness wat-—•." He will undoubtedly file and prune here and there (Arlington Insurance Building.) price, is at the Original HERZOG'S, 308 Ninth street, when he commences the rehearsals, and twist the student, and gives his $200,000 a year to his country- P. O. Lock Box 428. sep!5-tl8 near Pennsylvania avenue. By calling at or address- Fulton would fill up the blanks and then oonslder principal character into better iorm, bringing the cur- men who were impoverished by following him. ing the above number, orders promptly attended to that he had done a hard day's work. tain down on the finale with more skillj£an the author ap!4-tiB One day a comic actor and a tragedian were prals has done, for that gentleman, evidently fatigued with —Chapman Freeman spent Saturday at the capi- ing Fulton's notices, when they discovered that the quips and oranks, brought his lun to a denouement as tal.— Philadelphia Times. The above is a base slander. LARGE DISCOUNT SAVED names of the actors and charaoters were the only clumsy as it was unsatisfactory: We never saw Chapman Freeman, but are informed 0IGABS AND T0BA000. points of difference. he is a page at the House of Bepresentatives. MONTAGUE'S BETKOTHBD.—Oliver IN THE PAYMENT OF TRY THE BOUCICAULT'S new Irish play has been one of the Logan writes to threats under which the public has winced ever since the San Francisco Call: The death of the young actor, —Mrs. Partington says she is much dlBlnlected with Mann, whose stage name was Montague, who ex- her new residence, oaparlsoned with her old one, which they became convinced by Clarissa Harlowe that poor pired suddenly in San Francisco a short time ago, has Special Improvement Taxes. old Dion Is on his last legs : that is, If stolen limbs oan caused another heart in England to ache besides that was on the road to a populous symmetry, where she P. O. D. 5-Cent Cigar be called his. This new Irish play (new In irony) Is of his doting mother. It has often been the cause of WARRANTED ALT. HAVANA FILLER, a rehash of an old something or other, of course, and was enlivened sometimes by seeing a dozen funerals wonderment, particularly among the bewitching ln a day. Board of Audit Certificates,(for old material or per- AT is as certain to fail as that the author has lost In old belles ol New York, why " Monty" never married, or mit work,) Tax Lien Certificates and " Drawbacks" age the Inspiration which ever animated such a noble even why, without marriage, he neser allowed himself —It is said that a woman is not a good railroad con- purchased at highest market rates. pen burglar. As the applause dies away Dion sits In to drill into the entanglement dVa passionate love duotress because she won't allow people to get on her FRANK LOUGHRAN'S, the prompt box like a sick pirate over his lost prize affair. A few persons here know what caused him to wrecked on a sand beach. The public, no longer wear the coat of mail ol indifference which made him train; and the same authority belleveB that a man S. E. cor. Ninth and Fats. N. W. novlg-lyl amused by him, begin to be angry with him and bulletproof against the rattling lusiladeof laughing may swallow a little London porter without being a WILLIAM DICKSON, themselves for so long tolerating him ; and everybody eyes ln America. At his very earliest appearance begins to find out that the Shaughraun was a clean he was seen and loved by a charming 'English girl. Cannibal. steal irom O'Callagan and Injected with the Offloler The opportunity for a meeting was found as «jBickly —Lord Dufferin's proposition to the governor of MEAL ESTATE AGENT,, de Fortune. London Assurance, Colleen Bawn, Arrah bv her as by her love cralty predecessor in the tale of New York, for the State and the Dominion of Canada na Pogue and The Octoroon are all clean steals from Verona. But there were greater impediments in the 332 Four-and-a-half Street, W. S. Roose various sources. Brougham and Miss Edgeworth are way of marriage between this new Borneo and this to nnlte and purchase the surroundings of Niagara the real authors of London Assurance ; Cora, a new Juliet than a mere family dispute. Montague for a park, Is an Indication of taste ln landscape sepl-tfS Above the Columbia Building. French novel, Is The Octoroon; Elly O'Conner is was not only poor ln purse, but his social standing- gardening. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Oolleen Bawn, and so on with the rest, except that no well, he was on the stage; with some people that Is Wholesale antiquary happens yet to have discovered whence enough. The lady, on the other hand, was rich and —The Post-Offlce Department adjudges that a hus- FOR SALE, 1233 noble, the daughter of one ol the proudest earls that band has no control over the correspondence ol his dealer in impor- Dion stole Love in a Maze and Old Heads and Young treads ancestral acres in England. To broach the ted and manufac- Hearts. subject of marriage to her haughty parents her young wile, from which it may be safely inferred that here- A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE Pennsylvania Avenue. turer of the Cactus, ladyship knew would be madness. So, sadly, but not after the American wife will .lose her love for surrep- La Manola, La Roose, despairingly, the lovers concluded to separate, titious letters. AT A POSITIVE SACRIFICE. and Stockton Cigars. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN.—At the National this week "Monty " to go fill his engagements In America until In the northwest section a nearly new twelve-room Agent for the Ambrosia Uncle Tom will be presented by John T. Ford's regu- —In Iowa the alliance between the Greenbackers lar company, with Denham in the title role and Mrs. such time as he required to amass a certain amount BKICK RESIDENCE, occupying a large corner lot, Fine Cut. The trade sup- Blanche Ford as Topsy. This dramatization of one of money, when he was to return to England, ostensi- and Democrats looks dangerous to that solid Bspubll- and fronting on a small triangular park, with horse plied direct from the factory at bly only to see his ipother, and after his visit termi- can State; but nobody knows exactly whether the cars within 300 feet. the very lowest New York and of the most remarkable novels in the range of Amerl nated a oertain person would be found at Liverpool This house was built under the personal supervision Baltimore prices. can literature has been established as a melo-drama waiting for him, and they were to return to America Greenbackers swallowed the Democrats or the Demo- of the owner, who now oocuples it, and Is well built. of considerable power, and popular by reason of Its together. crats gulped the Greenbackers. The lot Is nearly sixty feet front and 100 deep. Retail branches at Wlllard's, Metro- •characterizations and historical bearings. Of late It - —The widow of a snoring man married a quiet Reason for selling, owner going to leave the city. politan, Arlington and Imperial Hotels. has been one of the scenic and singing shows, and is Several suitors have presented themselves during Price only $10,000. oct8-tf mounted well and adapted tor songs, dances, choruses, the time Montague was in America, but as the lady is sleeper, and missed her usual lullaby so that she could Apply to J. V. N. HUYCK, •&o., to delineate with full and grand effects the typl- still "o'er young to marry ye," her refusal of their not sleep; but necessity Is the mother of invention, No. 1505 Pennsylvania avenue, DANIEL LOÜGHBAN, oal "old plantation" ol the slave regime, as por- offers has not excited much surprise; but the other Bepl5-tf7 (Arlington Insurance Building.) trayed in Mrs. Stowe's novel. The steamboat race day at a country house, when a large company had and she hired the wood-sawyer to do his work in her gathered ln the drawing room waiting to go in to din- room, and afterwards slumbered ln p&ce. JOBBER OF and a real waterfall by moonlight, are among the ner, an officer of the Coldstream guard, who had ar- SIMON WOLF, scenes In which the painter and the carpenter display rived from London In the afternoon, told the party he CIGARS AND TOBACCO, their talents ; and among the musical leatures of the had heard at the clubs the night before that young —The highest court of Virginia liijs decided that great show are the colored Madrigal Boys from the Montague—who used to play £he lovers at the Prince black men who run off with the fair white daughters NO. 1408 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, OPPO- Maryland house of reformation, a chorus of boys from of Wales, you know— Wis dead. A blanched cheek, a of the anolent mamma of Presidents, and come to the ten to fourteen years of age, trained In choral singing, low moan, a girl fainting in the arms of the hostess, Attorney-at-Law & Justice of the Peac SITE WILLABDS' HOTEL. and the grand chorus ol jubilee singers, some fiftyo r who entered tie door just in time to oatoh her beiore District of Columbia and get married, are guilty of fi"? in number. The old plantation scene Is given she fell, told the story of love and hope deferred, now violating the anti-miscegenation statutes of the Com- LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENCI, mar26-ly6 with a hundred or more people on the stage, and with nevermore to be rekindled. monwealth. a careful rendition by specialty artists of all the fea- mlnBtr —A Mexioan gentleman tells the Graphic that his 617 SEVENTH STREET, 00AL AND WOOD. playing el8y—singing, dancing, banjo BOB, MoCullough's dresser, asked his master to jy21-3mosl country Is a paradise compared to the United States; H. A. CLABKB. JOHN T. GIVBH give him holiday. that a Mexican editor Is so shocked >t the record of JjVilt SALE. AT THE NATIONAL, Owens closed his engagement on "•V^here are you going?" inquired McCullough, as crime ln a single New York daily that he dares not do Saturday night, having given most of the plays of a preliminary. his repertory during the week with average success " Going out with my girl, sir." more than oasually refer to the moral depravity of Cheapest Lot in the City. Coal and Wood. •considering the warm weather, which at this season " H'm!" quoted genial John. " Going out with those who live under the best government the world A FINE LOT, 33x148 feet and 11 Inches, with side militates against the comfort and pleasure of the your girl, eh ? I thought si. Where sire you going ever saw. alley, 16 feet, and rear alley, 30 feet wide. Located on theater. The most creditable performances were Our with your girl?" K street northwest, between Sixteenth and Seven- Boys and Dot In the former Owens plays the Dart of "Going to see her grandfather, sir," said Bob, —The acquittal of the flagman charged with caus- teenth; fronts south; concrete pavement and parking CLARKE & GIVEN, the good-natured, comical old bourgeois, Perkyn Mid. readily enough. " She goes to see her grandfather ing, by his negligence, the fatal accident at the cross- paid for. dlewyck, in his own natural and forolble style, thouirh every Sunday." ing of Broad street and the Germantown road, Phila- Contains 4848 square feet. Price, $1.10 per foot. the exaggeration Is sometimes beyond the general " Where does the old fellow live ? Inquired Mc- Terms, small cash payment; balanoe 7 per oent. inter- warrant of the situations and characters, as the Dlav is Cullough, absently. delphia, is just. Negligence was not clearly proved, est. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN remarkable for its homelike truth to nature. Mrs "He doesn't live anywhere, sir," rejoined Bob. and 11 It had been there were others equally as blame- TITLE PERFECT. Blanche Ford, Mrs. Germon and Miss Don filled thè "He's a skeleton in Wood's Museum at Bellevue WOOD AND COAI. . female roles well. The male characters were not so Hospital." worthy. The disposition to make a scapegoat of a Apply to hard-worked subordinate, to bear the sins of corporate J. V. N. HUYCK, well taken In any respect. This beautiful little Real Estate Agent, IN THE Boston Tramp—beg pardon, Traveler—v. e authorities should never be encouraged. No. 1606 Pennsylvania avenue, "Sf/'ViL11, k«ePs lts hold In the affections of the find that a " New York journalist" says that our (Arlington Insurance Building.) Dally arriving, cargoes of select ANTHRACITE public, both in England and America, by reason of Its raoy correspondent, "Saphir," writes slush, and tho —Gerome, the great painter, has made himself P. O. Lock-Box 428. Bel6-ttl and BITUMINOUS COAL, for families, steam and genial and pure tone, as well as by its dramatic merit Tramp-Traveler says he Is a mere advertiser, and is famous as a sculptor. His "Gladiators," a plastic manufacturing use. Owens gives an improved edition of Solon Shingle incapable of writing a readable letter. These severe work in bronze, occupies a prominent place ln the KINDLING AND COBD WOOD. and In his other impersonations seemed as good as oritlolsms came from the pen of some fourth-class Trocadero, and Is highly complimented by artists and usual, though the public feel the want of something tabooed penny-a-liner who, writing from New York, FOR SALE. new from John, especially as John Is said to be rloh could not obtain publication of his rot in any other crltlcB. The group Is reproduced from his famous COAL STANDARD—TON 2,240 lbs. and able to Invest money as-well as talent. picture of the same subject, sometimes called " Police ATTRACTIVE HOME Caleb Pluminer, in Dot, is perhaps the best of his paper than the T. T. It is unnecessary for us to take Best Quality, Fair Prloes and Fair Dealing. characters at present, being a good dramatic picture note of the T. T.'s abuse ; our readers have " Saphir" Verso," meaning the signal of the thumb reversed, With the New Feature of a beiore them, and lor themseives oan judge ol his given by the populace for the death of the fallen ! No. 424 TENTH STREET WEST, of Dickens' pathetio but comical old toy man. standing. WE LEARN from New York that arrangements have Gladiator. Side Lot Between D and E streets north. Of Even Width of the House Lot, all neatly Sodded BRANCH YARD, oornor Twelfth and O streets tieen made ol an Ingenious sort by whloh the stunning MARY ANDBBSON, it is sorrowful to note, is much —The Blchmond Stale, noted for sound opinions on and Adorned with Flowers, Shrubbery, &o. costumes of Ward and Modj eska, being their principal handicapped by Fiske's management and by a cer- politics and finance, especially the Virginia debt, has The House Is a New and Neat Structure containing northwest. attraction, may be utilized. The plan originated In tain relative, who Is a good soul, but as green as the been reading about the Sun of (New) York and the about Nine Rooms with all the Modern Improve- DEPOT at Potomac Bridge, corner Maryland ave- an accident. The Modjeska, being unable to appear, grass ol his native Kentucky. Alas! Mary, the mis- clouds that lowered *on our White House, and per- ments. Street Parked, Paved and Paid For. nue and Thirteen-and-a-half street. sep5tf8 as advertised not teng sinoe, owing to indisposition lortunes of genius cannot be carried by mere talent. PRICE ONLY $6,600; WELL LOCATED; TERMS ffifi^iM^0?' ¡IIP the disappointed ticket forms thus: EASY.fifogf holders that Madame La Oomptesse, being unable to The President, (after vainly looking through his Tho above Is a good chance. fM New York mall lor Dana's dally.) Who saw the Sun Apply to J. V HUYCK. COKE DOWN TO 4 CENTS. 3ar0ii M»«* dresses 'would be put on A MISSISSIPPI boatman with Immense feet stop- to-day? REAL ESTATE AGENT, Hi bouse wa8 crowded, and the en- ping at a public house on the levee, asked the porter were ln for a boot-jack to pull off his boots. The oolored gentle- Secretary. Mr. President, the Sun has not shone to- No. 1505 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. 40 BUSHELS DELIVERED FOR (2.10. i^H^ tS ca ab HI0 a en t their applause, day at the White House. (ARLINGTON INSURANCE BUILDING.) are to havAthfi l® P !> * acted ; and now we man, alter examining the stranger's leet, broke out President. The Sun not shine to-day ? But what's P. O, Lock Box 428. eepl&-t!6 J2L;?«J I , J! stunning dresses of Ward and Mod- as follows: "No jack here big null for demfeets. that to me more than to Tllden ? The sell-same Sun GAS-LIGHT OFFICE, wire devtidaeWent 011116 aotres88s for whom ttey Jackass couldn't pull 'em off, massa, widout fracturing were devised. We may expect here, for exanmia. a ,d e leg. Yuse better go back about tree miles to de that frowns on me looks lowering upon the Jockey of èe f., AJlAalier day at home. Samples worth $6 free. uotioe something like the following : p ' a I forks in de road an' pull 'em off dar." New York. Catesby, my beaver; and bring lorth '+>« W Address ETIHBOH & Co., Portland. Maine. White Surry for the field. (Exeunt Omncs.) >pi2i-irfl til and 418 Tenth street. THE CAPITAL: OCTOBER6,1878. 7

For THK CAPITAL. girls," who have been in society for five years and yet WON® CHIN FOO. LOVE-LIES-BLESDING. fall to meet one of its polite requirements—only in HOTELS AND RESTAURANTE HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. For weeks I've watched her, my say, sweet neighbor, duce them to put themselves under her tutelage, and He Turns Up In Memphis with an Infalli- ble Specific for Yellow Fever. Among her flowers like a honey-bee; either be finished off utterly and entirely, or have [From a Letter to the Chicago Tribune.] She always sings at her loving labor— their Ignorance enlightened, the Washington world Speaking of physicians, 1 met a singular character 1 wonder if she would sine for me. would owe her a lasting debt of gratitude. from Chicago yesterday, in the person of Wong Chin To-day she sits In the vine- reading— For small boys—and what a neglected set they are— Foo, who claims his ability to cure yellow fever with- WASHINGTON the Misses Forrest have a select school on Twentieth out the loss of a single case. What long, dark lashes on cheeks so clear— "What did you come down here lor?" I asked And Idly plays with that" Love-lies-bleeding ;" street, near H. The number is limited to twenty. The him. She does not know ^at I watch her here. prioes are very low, and they are most oompetent in "Tomake money," he replied. structors. Their little boys are carefully taught the "How do you succeed?" Behind the vines of my south veranda, " 1 don't meet with any success at all." rudiments, and tenderly watched over during the "In what way did you anticipate realizing ?" That overlooks her retreat below, study hours. Of course in a hurried article such as " By curing the disease." The greatest artist could not have planned a " well, what prevents you from practicing ? Are Club Restaurant, this there are a score of schools, each excellent In Its More perfect background and pose 1 know; you a physician ?" way, that we have overlooked. In starting our pen ''No, I ain't a physician, but 1 can cure the disease How fair she is, as she sits there reading, on its theme we did not purpose writing up educational 11 they'd give me a show." Her soft, white dress 'gainst the vines' dark green ; Institutions, but intended. crying them down. But "Why won't they give you a show ?" The red hearts glow on the " Ijove-Iles-bleedlng;" "Because they don't have any confidence In my as oar thoughts ran on the necessity for some educa system:" and then he went on and furnished an out- NO. 1409 NEW YORK AVENUE, A sunbeam glances the leaves between, tlon forced Itself upon us, and from our memory we line ot his " system," which was smoking opium. He maintained that the fever was a poisoning of the hu- And gladly crowns, with an aureole glory, took such establishments as had impressed themselves man agencies that could only be eliminated by the The golden hair In its waving bands; on our mind by reason of some speolal excellence: absorption of a more powerful poisonous agency than Professor Young's, Madame Burr's and Mrs. Archer's that which affected the patient This poison he Her little book—is it song or story 1 claimed to be opium, and If he could be granted an O, happy book, in those two white hands ; notably. audience he was sure he would justify his promise. The incredulous public, however, would have none of 3STOW OPEN. COX. NINTH ST. AND PENNA. AVE. If I went down, would she stop her reading ?• him, and so he concluded he would vacate the camp Sel6-ly3 Be kind or cruel ? I hope and fear; or his obtuse opposers, return to Chicago and prepare I wish she had not that" Love-lies-bleeding ;" GOSSIP BY ROBERTS. to lecture. O, dare 1 venture it now and here ? I am only going to talk a little with you this week, Court Scene In the Black Hills. She turns a page, and she twists the flower; my friends. I am a martyr to neuralgia, and if any "Mr. Moody, do you swear that you saw that stake BEST HAVANA CIGARS, I rise; X feel that my heart beats fast, of you suffer with that you can sympathize with me. driven In 1852 ? Remember, sir, that you are on your oath." And 1 will know, ere another hour, Well, Irish is appointed chief of the bureau of en- Mr. Moody—Yes, I do. If life is hope, or if hope is past ? graving and printing. For twenty-four hours John Mr. Graham—Could you not be mistaken ? Think So 1 went down, and she stopped her reading ; Sherman tried to do what was right—the ring had too sir, was It not some other stake ? CHOICE OLDf WINES. Be this day ever a day apart; - firm a grip on John and he did not dare to go back on Moody—No, sir, it wasn't. Mr. Graham (his hand gliding round to the back of You've lost you name now, my " Love-lies-bleeding,' it. The lormer coachman, Craves, has a sworn state his belt)—Do you swear, sir, you could not be mis- For she has placed you upon her heart. ment before the congressional oommittee of the House taken ? au4-ly KICK WASHINGTON. of Representatives that when it was known that Moedy—Well, 1—1 am pretty sure. Mr. Graham (firmly, as his hand grasped something Best Caterer in the Citv, and a Cuisine | an investigation was to be held, he, Graves, was given at his back, which answered withaclick, click)—Don't books to carry out of the department. He was stopped you know It to be a fact that you never saw any stake that Defies Competition, MILES HOUSE, SCHOOLS. by the watchman at the door, and went back and got In any place driven into anything by anybody ? No. 913 F Street Northwest. Opposing counsel calmly draws a navy six, and ex- an order in Colonel Irish's own writing to carry the School! The word Is the arch fiend used to torment amines it contemplatively. bocks away. They were taken to Sullivan's house; The Court—1 will state to the opposin' counsel that Strictly first class in every particular. Meals 25- children. Its birth dates in the early days at Sep- cents each; $3.90 per week; $15 per month : twenty- for what purpose or what was done 1 cannot say, but there shan't be no shootln' done in this court, an' for tember, just when the country has grown beautiful drawln' a shootln' Iron, which that is contempt of one meal tickets for $5. they were kept three weeks. John Sherman knew this Board and room $1 per day. when the russet of the oak fs deepened by the scarlet court, the opposin' counsel stands committed until last week before he appointed Irish. We are told by further notice. E. S. RANDALL, glow of the maple; when the flaming orlmson of the SPECIAI.TY, angas-tra General Manager. the Post and the Star that the employees of the bureau Mr. Graham—A righteous sentenee. sumach and Virginia creeper glows like torches in the Opposing counsel (slowly rising)—If your honor shook hands and congratulated the new chief, meadows, or flames like a beacon-light from amid the please, It is a well-established point of law, as laid TO TRAVELERS. know just what that meant. The employees cried out do.wn by) that eminent jurist. Chief Justice Storage Kentucky Blue Grass Mutton, still, green foliage of the chestnut; when the fields are to heaven against the appointment, but if the old ot Texas, that it is the right or a counsel In a suitat glowful by the about the stalks of the golden bar to see that the learned counsel on the opposite side "BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. fellow himself from below was put into an offloial posi- does not get the drop on his witness. Your Honor SWEETEST, TENDEREST, JUICIEST öl UTTUM rod and gay with the bloom of asters and thistles tion the " employees" would congratulate him; they may have heard the ominous cooking by my learned rhe great double track. when the entire country goes higher and higher on the brother of a deadly weapon known and described as a IN THE WORLD. NATIONAL ROUTE AND SHORT LINE have to do it. grades of glory and beauty, and holds «ut attractions six-shooter. I submit to your Honor that If I stand TO THB committed he should be sent with me. North, Northwest, West and Southwest. to young and old. At this, so alluring a time, school I have in my possession plenty of matter to make it The Court—Yes; it Is so ordered. TO TAK^BBTBCTT bears the young people from the charm of these pas. lively for that engraving bureau and Colonel Irish. As the nearest jail was sixty miles distant, as Caliph's BLUE POINT OYSTERS SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1878, at 4:46 p. m. teral scenes, and transports them, unwilling prisoners I am only waiting to see if the committee make judicial acquirements did not include a knowledge or report In December. John Sherman will find that, in how to dratt a commitment, and as the constable was and Leave Washington: to the narrow confines of a " hall," where their ener- himself " one of the boys" and perfectly understood +5:16 a. m.—NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA and' doing as he did last week, he has killed himself. In the matter, these occasional interruptions of a trial gies are fretted by constant study of things " they LITTLE NECK CLAMS BOSTON EXPRESS. Ellicott City, except Sun- putting Irish there he put a rivet in a ring that he amounted to no more than a temporary adjournment, days. On Sundays to Baltimore only. Stops at know not oi," and their hearts worn sick by the fetters during which the constable and the bar, and a few SMpley's,Laurel, Annapolis Junction, Jessup's, Han- placed upon the will. How much better for schools to himself cannot break; and he did it knowingly, that inside friends, had a convivial game or draw- FROM NEW YORK over and Elk Ridge. I can vouch for; and we will make It lively for him, defer opening until October, so that teachers and DEVILED CRABS, TERRAPIN, fcO. 6:50 a. m.—Baltimore, Annapolis and Way Stations. and Irish too, when Congress meets. (Cranberry, Strasburg, Winchester, Hagerstown and scholars could enjoy the delicious tonic to be found In Way via Relay.) As I told you, I cannot gossip much with you all Advertising and Dramming. the bracing air of the first autumnal days—those 17:40 a. m.—BALTIMORE AND LAUREL EX- choice vacation days "—when pleasure is not a pun- this week—human nature will not stand everything, [From the St. Louis Journal of Commerce.] - A Chloago wholesale grocery house, which a few PRESS. ishment, and wlien the enervating heat of summer and I give out once in a while. I want to say a word yeajs ago carried sixteen drummers at an expense of 8:10 a. m.—Point of Rooks, Cranberry, Strasburg or two for the penny lunch. Wo are getting along Winchester, Hagerstown and Waj Stations. has given place to the crisp atmosphere of approach 940,000 per annum, and did an almost profitless busi- ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN 8:30 a. m.—New Yo-k, Philadelphia, Boston and- better new than we have done; still it is up-hill work. ness, has abandoned the drummer system, spends one- ing frost. Boys and girls would learn more during fourth their oost annually In newspaper advertising, Baltimore Express. PARLOR CAR to New York and their rambles through September In woods and glen, Mr. Quntonof the Washington bank sent me a check Philadelphia. Stops at Annapolis Junction. dividing the balance among customers. As a natural f8:35 a. m.—St. Louis, Chicago, Columbus and Pitts- up the mountains, or down over the valleys, than Tor ten dollars. He has always, since the lunch started, result, their trade has increased ten-fold, and the net wofits to the house In 1877 were $130,000. This year burg Express. Hagerstown and Valley Branch ex- could be taught them from books in a school-room by come to its rescue in its darkest hours voluntarily. *hey will do still better. DINNER PARTIES cept Sunday. Through car to Staunton. Pullman- the most energetic and competent teachers. A gentleman connected with the German-American cars to Cincinnati daily. Grafton to Sandusky, dally, except Saturday. Children are either tortured nowadays by conscien- bank gave me five dollars ; but would not give his 9:00 a. m.—On Sunday only. Baltimore, Annapolis- "PA," said a little 4-yearold, "there's apoor man out1 AT THE CLUB OR PRIVATE HOUSES. tious teachers, whose whole idea of instruction lies in name. Others have come in ; but now that the win- there that would give anything to see you." "Who is and Way Stations. ter is coming on some organized movement must be it, my son ?" " It Is a blind man." 10:00 a. m.—BALTIMORE EXPRE.5S. Stops at the word cramming, or, are neglected by those to Bladensburg, Beltsville, Laurel, Annapolis Junotlon, whose care they are committed by parents who have made. I am willing to give my time, but 1 oannot Jessup's and Hanover. been attracted by the glitter and glare of " flaming do all myself. ROBERTS. 12:10 p. m.—Baltimore, Ellicott City, Annapolis- Elegant Private Rooms for and Way Stations. prospeotus " and » list of fashionable patrons. The FALL OPENING. fl:30 p. m.—New York, Philadelphia and Boston- public schools have quite lost the purpose for which FAMINE SCENES IN CHINA. Express. On Sundays to Baltimore only, stopping at- they were created, i. e., the education of youth whose Parties. all stations. Stops at Laurel. 4:30 p. m.—Baltimore, Bladensburg and Laurel Ex- parents qoould not afford the cost of private schools. Husbands Eating Tbetr Wives and Fa- press. via Relay. Stops at Annapolis thers Butchering- Their Children for We are now show! ng the LARGEST and RICHEST Their expense ha; become enormous, and their advan- Food—A Gloomy Prospect. Junotlon. tages so superior to those of average academies and stock of LADIES' IMPORTED +4:36 p. m.—Point of Rocks, Frederick, Hagerstown, [Shanghai Correspondence of the New York World.] This house, elegantly finished and iumlshed, pro. institutes that people of wealth send their sons and Again Shantung is heard from, and if the province Winchester and Way Stations. On Sunday to Point ever needed help it would seem to be now. On April vlded with the best service, is under the immediate of Rocks and Way Stations only. daughters to be eduoated at tie public expense; thus 4 we read " that famine increased dally ; no rain has VELVET, SILK AND CLOTH CLOAKS supervision of +4:40 p. m.—Baltimore, Annapolis and Way Sta- in many cases crowding out the class tor whose spe fallen and the ground Is as dry as a bone. The dis- tions. clal benefit they were created. tracted mothers, unable to still the hopeless, unan- Ever exhibited SOUTH or NEW YORK. +6:30 p. m.—Philadelphia, Norfolk and Baltimore swered cries of their children, expend their last eflorts Express. Norfolk exoept Sunday. Norfolk passen- Members of Congress, senators and a score of resi- in burying .them alive to stop their moaning and end gers taken in the oars direct to boat at Canton. Stop» dents, but non-taxpayers, are every year adding their their miseries.". Many villages present the same Seal Sacqnes, Extra Lengths; Silk Fnr-Linetl at Bladensburg and Laurel. appearance as if a rebel horde had devastated them. Circulars, Real India 's Hair t«:5Q p. m.—Baltimore and Way Stations. quota of children to the school* list, without putting a John Chamberlin. +7:15 P. m.—Chicago and Coltunbus Expressi. As a Chinaman remarked, " Where only a short time Shawls. Shawls in Great cent into the city treasury. The standard of educa ago one heard, In passing along, the barking of dogs mh!24-tfs SLEEPING CAR to Chloago. tlon at these schools is too high. The eons of me- and the singing of children at play, now all Is hushed Yarietj. +8:10 p. m,—BALTIMORE EXPRESS. chanics and laboring men are educated above their and stlll"—the dogs eaten and the people too weak to "CP 7CT T< /^k XT I , t9:25 p. m.—St. Louis, Cincinnati, Pittsburg and laugh and sing, or to do aught but pray for food or M position; grow ashamed of their parents; are un- -111 _LN JL K^J _L>| 9 J Louisville Espress. Pittsburg, except Sunday" Pul- speedy death. Here fs what one of the distributors man cars. - fitted for trades; can find no room in the professions, Ladies' Made-Up Underwear (SOUTH OF FKANCE,) +9:30 p. m.—New York, Philadelphia and Balti- writes of the condition : " Up to the present time the more Express. SLEEPING OAR to New York and» and are left without a career. The daughters go far people contented themselves with eating those who Also, the Latest Novelties in SPECIAL SLEEPING CAR to Philadelphia. beyond the mothers. Their lntelleot is developed, or had died, but now they kill the living in order to have them for food. Husbands eat their wives', parents eat HOTEL NATIONAL. tDally. All other trains daily, exoept Sunday. at least awakened, and the humble home with the All trains stop at Relay Station. their sons, and daughters and sons eat their parents " Paris, Lyons and English Dress Goods This new hotel, one oi the handsomest at this cele- All through trains will stop at St. John's Run for endless round of lowly duties becomes distasteful. Women and girls are sold at less than $2 a piece, brated resort, is constructed with all the modern Im- passengers to and from Berkeley Springs, and at Deer They are dissatisfied ; they cannot all become teach and human flesh is offered for sale In the markets. Writes another: "A mother, alter having with her BLACK and COLORED SILKS a specialty, provements, has a superb position, commanding Park and Oakland Hotels during the season. ers, and their ending heaven only knows. Of course Samples cheerfully furnished. For further information apply at ticket offices at de- husband eaten their little boy, 6 years old, whem they beautiful view ol the city, the sea and the Alps. It pot corner New Jersey avenue and C street, 485, 601 we are now generalizing, and Inconsistently, from had themselves killed, prepared also to out the throat has a hundred eleicantlv-mrnlsbed bed-rooms and and 603 Penns\ ivanla avenue, and 613 Fifteenth street two particulars which we have in our mind of the sad of their little daughter, 8 years old. The little girl northwest, Wusuington, and Masonic Temple, High began to weep at thé sight of the fatal knife, and the twerHy-tive parlors. Its dln'ng-room Is light, airy and fate of two "medal scholars" from the "public HAMILTON EASTER & SONS, street, Georgetown, where tickets can be procured neighbors who heard arrived just in time to save her." beautltal. It has a restaurant, reading-rooms, with and orders will be taken for baggage to be checked school" in Baltimore. (Note by Pere Aymèrl—"Sometimes parents, so they and received at any point In the city. may not be themselves horrible exeoutioners of their Baltimore. library, billiard-rooms, and hot and cold baths Washington has every grade and variety of private every floor ; also, a first-class elevator. L. M. COLE, W. M. CLEMENTS, children, agree with other parents—I will kill his Gen'l Tloket Agt, Mast. Trans'n. school. First and foremost—for boys—Is the Emmer- child for him and he shall kill mine.") It is the same This hotel is the property and under the Immediate story of all the provinces, and bodies of men combine GEO. S. KOONTZ, General Agent. son Institute, founded by Prof. Charles B. Young. control of M. Schlrrer.so long and so favorably known It is possibly the most flourishing of its kind in the to attack the smaller hamlets, not to rob them of treas- ure or seek revenge for wrongs Inflicted. Literally DOUGLASS', as the landlord of Hotel Méditerranée. je9-tfl GREAT city. Special attention is paid to boys intended for and truly they go about as wolves "seeking whom 1878. PENNSYLVANIA 1878. they may devour." 'It would be possible, were it re- ROUTE Annapolis and West Point, and It Is a fact worthy of NINTH AND F STREETS, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, Tu THE NORTH, WEST AND SOUTHWEST. note that none oi Professor Young's boys have ever quisite, to continue the chapter of horrors existing in these five provinoes almost indefinitely, for only a half failed in an examination at these Academies. Mr. is told, and that half H weak and tame as compared Doable Track, Steel Balls, Splendid White has also an admirable school, though not on to the actual facts, bus the particulars of the latest Scenery, lHaKnlflcent Equipment. JUHK 10, 1878. so large a scale, for boys. Professor and Mrs. Rich- reports are so revolting that It is inexpedient to further b •a TOWNSEND HOUSE. Trains leave Washington, from Depot, Corner of their publloity. The wildest Imagination never pic- % 0 ards have opened, on Q street, a novel institution for tured atrocities or suffering equal to the scenes so com- Sixth and B streets, aB follows : children. It is not a Kindergarten, and yet has mon now throughout tho famine region, and what the foi Pittsburg and the West, 10:10 a. m. dally, with id Parlor Car to Pittsburg, and Sleeping Cars to Pitts- many characteristics of this German nursery-sohool. future has in store for < tiem, who can say ? These are not reminiscences of t'iepast, but faithful statements burg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Chloago; 7:40 Few books are used; everything is taught brally or by oi what is and what must be the condition of China | m. dally with Palace Oar to Chicago. - object. For example, geography is acquired by means for months to come, l»r a brighter immediate future < FIRST-CLASPS HOTEL. • ALTIMORE AND POTOMAC RAILROAD. is not to be looked for. A full year must elapse before X For Canandaigua, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara of a tub of water and a mound of dirt, (one suggestive • Falls and the North, at 7:40 p. m. dally, except Satur- the natural iruits of tin earth or government and pri- 0 H of croup, the other of a contention iwith the laun- vate supplies, with t « best of management, will be day, with Palace Oar to Watklns. For Willlamsport, dress.) From these are fashioned mountains, penin- able to cope with the lu juirements, and in the interval A id Lock Haven and Elmira, 10:10 a. m. dally, except China will be décima i -d. To expect the foreign com- H Sunday. sulas, isthmuses, islands and continents. Among the 0 Most DeUghtrul Resort in the West for Tourtsu. [For New York and the East, 1:45 a. m. and 9:30 p. munity to continue to any great extent their liberal ® 0 Best Commercial Simple Rooms in the.Clty. patrons of this newj school are Private "Secretary contributions of the pn4 is, in the face of the universal m. daily, with Palaoe Oars attaohed; Limited Ex- Rogers and Mr. LeDuc. stagnation ol trade, mreasonable, and lor the future S WM. H. HOOPER, press of Pulman Parlor Cars, 9:20 a. m. dally, except I Sunday. For young ladies Madame Burr's Frenoh school It must devolve on me benevolently disposed of all WM. JENNINGS, nations to alleviate, •. far as may be, the sorrows and [For New York and the East, 1:30 p.m. dally, except heads the list; its claim to priority resting!on its sufferings of Cathay. To leave the victims to the Jel6-4m2* Owners and Proprietor». ^Sunday, with Sleeping Cars from Washington length ol' existence ahd its unrivaled excellence. It mercy or enterprise ..f their rulers is to leave them to to Boston. For Brooklyn, New York, all through THE trains connectât Jersey City with boats, Brooklyn has seen the rise and fall, the birth and death, of a perish, ior the centrai government is too utterly effete GREAT and bankrupt, and 1 is subordinate offlolals too given EBBITT HOUSE, and Annex, affording direct transfer to Fulton score of rivals; each coming Into existence with a to speculation and self-aggrandizement, to give us street, avoiding double ferriage and journey across blare of trumpets, and each dytng after a struggle for hope that necessity may stimulate them to efficient ac- HEADQUARTERS ARMY AND NAVY, • New York city. life. It has made slight pretensions, for it stood firmly tion. So iar the aid from thfs source has been shame- CURATIVE CORSET. For Philadelphia, 1:80 p. m. dally, except Sunday, fully inadequate and Intermittent, consisting very WASHINGTON, D. O. L and 1:45 a. m., and 6:30 and 9:30 p. m. daily. on its record, whloh marks as graduates ten-score largely in the remission or postponement of taxes they Limited Express, 9:20 a. m. dally, exeept Sunday. names of gifted women, recognized as leaders in the Accommodation for Baltimore, 6:56 and 8:30 a. m. and would have found ft Impossible to ooiiect Even such 7) FOUR IROS FIRE ESCAPES. social and artistic ciroles of Washington, New York, material aid as was extended was unavailable through u 4:20 p. m. dally, except Sunday. lack of means to transport it, and 1 know of no sadder For 's Creek Line, 6:65 a. m. and 4:20 p. m. dally, Philadelphia and Baltimore. For Frenoh and Eng- satire on the exoluslve policy of China than her gov- I0RIARTY, C. C. WILLABD, Proprietor. exoept Sunday. lish the aoademy stands second to none. French is ernment stores of mouldering grain, starving millions For Annapolis, 6:66 a. m. and 4:20 p. m. daily, except the language of the school, and under the capable scarce two hundred miles away, and the rusting rails Merchant Tailor, Sunday. and moss grown road-bed of the Woosung railroad as IMPERIAL HOTEL, ALEXANDRIA AND FREDERICKSBURG teaching of Madame Burr, herself a Parisian, even a monument against her. In closing 1 may state that 612 I> street northwest, near corner of RAILWAY AND ALEXANDRIA AND WASH- (FIRST CLASS,) WASHINGTON, D. O. INGTON RAILROAD. the youngest pupils learn In a few months to speak the total foreign aid so far amounts to 130,1«8.70 taels, Seventh, with facility this the polite tongue of the civilized of which America has contributed a paltry 200 taels Room and Board per month, $50 ; per week, $17.60 ) For Alexandria, 6, 7, 8, 9:10, 10,11 a.m.; 1, 8, 4:20, 6, 6:20 and 7 p.m. On Sunday at 9:10 a. m and land t world. The number of pupils Is limited, and applica- I have done, and If my story diverts a single doll ar from Where is displayed a neat stock of FRENCH ENG- per day, $2.50 to $3. the thousand channels of sporadic charity, if I can LISH and AMERICAN goods, ALL NEW, seleoted p. m. tions exceed this restriction every season; for there convince people that just now a pound of rice Is worth with great care from the best wholesale houses in the To meet the wants of the traveling public this flftt- For Richmond and the South, 2:46,9:00 a.m. daily and are few parents who do not count It a speolal privilege a ton oi tracts, 6r that the prayer ol gratitude Irom a country, and will be sold at low prices comparative olass Hotel has reduced its prioes from $4 to $2.60 and 6:36 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Trains leave Alexandria for Washington, 6,7,8:00,9:10, to be allowed to plaoe their daughters under the com- poor wretch saved from death Is sweeter than fulsome to his light expense, together with being saved the j 3 per day. Table board $25 per month. eulogies from wealthy corporations, then shall I be anoyance of returing garments te be altered. Gene- 10,11 a. m., 1,3,4:20, 6, 6:20 and 7 p.m. On Sunday at petent prudence of this thoroughly accomplished what now 1 am not. ral satisfaction is guaranteed. mhl7-ly4 jeS-tlS JAS. S. PEIKCE, Prop'r. 8:00 and 10 a. m. and 6:20 p. m. woman, who watches untiringly over the mental and Tickets, Information, Sleeping and Parlor Oar ac- commodations can be prooured at the offices : North- moral progress of those entrusted to her care, and BAZAS* Double Barrel Breech-loading ' Central-fire Shot Gun! English AMERICAN HOUSE, east corner Thirteenth street and Pennsylvania ave- whose academy rejoices in the prestige of an always Mull leu Cures Consumption. Laminated Steel barrels 1 Lefaa- nue, northeast eorner Sixth street and Pennsylvania assured success. A correspondent or the Lexington Press writes as cheux double-grip lever action I avenue, and at the Depot, where orders can be left for follows about the flower of a well-Known plant: I have Stronger and better workmanship Corner Pennsylvania Ave. ana Seventh St.i the checking ol baggage to destination from hotels The Misses Burgess are also well and favorably discovered a remedy'lor consumption. It has cured a than the Remlngtou or Parker! Trial given and warranted to and residences. known. Their home-school is under the name ol the number of oases after they had commenced bleeding L. P. FARMER. at the lungs and the hectto flush was already on the shoottvel 1-or money refunded! " Plnkney Institute," and the patronage of the Epis- Gun, with Pocketbook Cleaner— TABLE BOABD, $20 PEB MONTH, Gen'l "Passenger Agent. cheek. After trying this remedy to my own satisfao- 1 doze-C nT, loader ntdl shells-Loader, FRANK THOMPSON, copal Church. tlon I have thought philanthropy required that I should *h*rK e £by expresse " bo. *O . tenD. (seeint anyg- Gen'l Manager. Miss Lipscomb, for many years established in let it be known to the world. It is common mullien It before paying)for $25. Formn steeped strongly and sweetened with collee sugar, and 605 FIFTEENTH ST., mvaun SCHOmtB * PUFFY. Proprietors. Georgetown, has taken thS old Smith House, on H prtc« fS5. fiend for clrenlan. drank freely. Young or old plants are good dried in O Usarais Gun Bazaar, Ayena M* ETK»KJEt>« street, and will no doubt meet with that marked suc- the shade and kept in clean bags. The medicine Washington, D. C. HENRY M. C. DANAÏÏEK, cess granted the excellent. must be continued irom three to six months, according to the nature of the disease. It is very good for the CONSTABLE AlfB GENERAL AGENT, Mrs. Archer, formerly of Patapsco Institute, an- Dinin^-H ooms, blood vessels also. It strengthens and builds up the J. AMBLER SMITH, nounces that she has opened at Highland Place a system instead of taking away the strength: It makes 1008 and 1010 P St. Northwest. 333 Four-and-a-half Street. select academy for young ladies and children. She good blood, and takes inflammation away from the taw Offices I and 8. 823 Fonr-aml-n-Half street If. W., lungs. It is the wish or tbe writer that every period- XL Washington, D. ft ' for many years directed affairs at the flourishing ical in the United States, Canada and Europe should Claims against United States promptly collected. 25 Cents Per Meal, $16 Per Month, I school above Ellicott's Mills, and made for it an en- publish this recipe forth e benefit or tbe human ramlly Refers to Hons. G. W. MeCrary, Sec. of War; J. A. Prompt attention given to all business. aul8-ly3 Lay this by and keep It In the house ready foruse . $4 Per Week. viable reputation. She has announced a " flnishing- Williamson. Com. Land Offloe; Kenneth Hayner. Solicitor of Treasury. sepSB-lmol off department," where young ladies are fitted for 21 TICKETS FOR ®5. G. D O UQ L AS, THB COOL, bracing air of autumn, weighed down »ATTORN EY-A T-Xj A. W,-®» society. with subtle periume of languishing flowers, is .very This place is the cleanest and best conduoted of lti No woman could be more capable of teaohlng what nice and cheering in its way, but, at the same time ,AKTIFICIAL EYES. kind In the citv. Five different kinds of vegetables CAPITAL Offloe, Washington, D. o. two different kinds or roast meats, and two different All Oases except Patents Attended'to. deSO-tfit she promises than this cultured lady, and if she could it isn't a circumstance to the zephyr that meanders Irom the culinary department to one's bed-room just H. 11. HE9IPLEB. Optician, desserts every day. Attentive and polite waiters. only persuade three or lour or five of our "rudest before breakiast. J. C. BUBGKK, (jigga weekM i n your own town. Terms and $5 onta sep-29-ly7 463 Pa. ave., cor. Four-and-a-hali st Address H. HAIXBTT & Co., Portland, Mo »pJi-iyo Proprietor. aprzi-lyf 8: THE CAPITAL: OCTOBER 6, Lò78

RECORD OF THE WEEK. MR. JACKSON H. RALSTON, by his lecture THE CAPITAL. at Legion Hall, did honor to himself and upheld the LADIES' GOODS. standing fact of the brainy power evidenced and In- MBS. CRITTENDEN, Fifteen-and-a-half fluenced by the printers of this country. His lecture street and the Avenue, has the best looated rooms in embraced his views as deduced from his European ex- SONDAI MORNING OCTOBER 6,1878. perience as the representative of the Printers' Unions the city. of the United States at the Parisian exposition. The lecture proved a perfect success In all senses, and was SPORTING MATTERS. LOWEST PRICE marked in plain figures largely attended. To a graceful delivery Mr. Ralston and no deviation. George F. Tlmms & Co., clothiers adds the Intellectual and practical blending ot brains and oommon sense. Bowing. and tailors, 319, southeast corner Seventh and D streets j OF THE SINCE the details of the Hanlan-Conrtney raoe In this connection we take occasion to call the atten- Save been published there Is more ground than be- WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY.—The store tion of our readers to the fact that if wiser judgment fore for a belief that It was "crooked." Hanlan won of C. Baum, 408 Seventh street, will boclosed on Mon- had been displayed by those In power, in their ap by a half a boat's length ; but during the race Hanlan pointments ol commissioners to Paris, and they had averaged twenty-eight and a half strokes to the min- day, and reopen Tuesday with a lot of novelties in appointed such practical men as Mr. Ralston, Instead ute and Courtney from thirty-two to thirty-nine. ladies' and gent's furnishings. of political favorites, this country would not have the Whenever Courtney chose to spurt up to thirty-nine need of shame it now feels for its Parisian representa- lie passed Hanlan with ease, and would then drop " 'ERE'S RICHNESS."—A skeleton fall over- tive Ignorance. back again. There Is no doubt of Courtney being the sack, taped with silk, and made of genuine Scotch superior man ol the two, and able to win If In good overcoatings, at the low figure of twelve dollars. A. A FRAUD.—There is nothiog we despise condition. . „ ,, so much as a fraud, and one of the meanest kind cf The following statement by Edward B. Rankin, Saks & Co., 316 Seventh street. frauds we know of is a gentleman who promenades the 1117 Pennsylvania Ave., cor. 12th Street, judge for Courtney In the race, is rather significant : street, turning up his nose at everything American, " Only with a view to see fair play for the public MRS. BLANCHE FORD won fresh laurels and taking every opportunity to Inform his acqu tin- and for the flag under which Mr. Courtney rowed, 1 last week in all the roles she acted during Owens' en- tancesthat Paris Is the only place in the world. The venture the judgment that Mr. Courtney Is the better gagement. This week she appears as Topsv in Uncle finest artists, sculptors and painters are always to ba WASHINGTON, 3>. C. and more enduring sculler of the two ; that despite Tom's Cabin, and with the assurance of making a hit. tound at Paris. You can purchase a suit of clothes for the roughness of the water he succeeded whenever he half the money that you pay a tailor here. Look at made the effort in closing with Mr. Hanlan, and at this fall overcoat and this suit ot clothes, purchased the finish he rowed the Toronto man down and lost MISS EVA MILLS will be tendered a bene- in that city; examine the quality of the goods, &c., the race by ceasing to pull at a critical moment when fit by her many friends in Washington previous to her &c. Upon inquiry we found the fraud had pur- We take pleasure in announcing that on nearing the goal. Had he continued rowing, and departure for New York, where she will appear in chased the suit, overcoat and all, ot Katzenstlsn. hauled#ninto the oourse, Instead of resting on his concert, and later in opera, under the management' of Now we know our friend I£. can get up a suit equal to oars, the raoe was his ¿>wn. It seems incredible that Max Maretzek. a man of Courtney's intelligence should be so far lost any French tailor, but we feel that he should be en to the pride of his country and the interest of friends titled to credit for the same. Wednesday, October 0, 1878, as to lose the race Intentionally, and until something OUR FINAL IMPORTATION.—The last of definite In the nature ol prool of unfairness is de- our European purchases arrived yesterday. They are veloped, it Is only just to hope and believe the raoe beauties, and bargains will be ofiered. Suits to order G£NUL JOHN. We will exhibit the Choicest and Latest Novelties, especially Imported for this occasion. was lost through an error of judgment. On that at thirty dollars. Under no circumstances will any- McCnllouffti's life and Adventures as Our stock will consist of goods which will by far surpass anything ever offered in point, however, the average American will be able to thing but perfect-fitting garments be allowed to leave this market. judge by this presentation of the matter from a disin- Narrated by Himself. our establishment. A. Saks & Co., 316 Seventh [From an Interview with a Chicago Tribune Corres- terested standpoint" street. ' Our departments being so numerous, we will only mention a few of the leading articles. Wilkes' Spirit of the Timet, in an editorial article, pondent.] expresses very emphatically the opinion that the " I was born in '37, almost 41 years ago, in the town Courtney-Hanlan race, which should have been the THE LARGEST BASS.—Mr. George B. Hart- of Coleraine, Londonderry, Ireland. My parents greatest sculling matoh of the country and should well brought the king of the bass tribe to our office last were farmers In the limited fashion usual In the old have formed an epoch in aquatic history, was sold out, evening. The bass weighed five and a quarterpounds, country, and I spent the first 16 years of my life partly but calls attention to the great odds of one hundred and measured twenty-one and a half fnches. As we in the potato patch and partly In gaining what educa- Jewelry of Every Description, to thirty and one hundred to twenty-five against weighed and measured the fish, we know ot what we tion could be collectod In the public schools of that Courtney In betting, and says that "if ever two men speak. This fish was caught a half mile below Chain time and place. At about the end of my 16th year SUCH AS made a match where betting should have been even, emigration to America was fully as wldespree4 this was the race." It reproduces dispatches from men bridge. among tne people of my country as the big gold Garnet and Whitby Jet, Ruby and Blue Garnets, Silver Filligree, Shell In Montreal to friends In New York urging them to rush of '49 was popular in the eastern portion of the bet on Hanlan and declaring; that It was all over with OUR OLD friend Charley Riner is, without United States. The fever struck me just as it struck Jewelry and Combs, Courtney. exception, the boss mixer of fancy drinks in this city. almost everybody else, and I firmly determined to turn my steps toward the new El Dorado. My capital THE annual fall regatta of the Potomac Boat Club He is now engaged at Holmes' establishment, 602 B was limited to confidence and courage, together with will take place at Georgetown on Tuesday at 4:30 p. street northwest, opposite the Baltimore and Potomac a very few shillings over and above the amount neoes* m. There will be single, double and tour-oared shell railroad depot, where he 1B always delighted to have sary to barely pay my passage. And, although I FANS IN ENDLESS VARIETY, races by the best amateur oarsmen In the District. knew that an uncle of mine had preceded me by a few The regatta will be followed by a hop at the club- his many friends and old acquaintances call and see him. years, 1 had no means ot telling where he lived or house, and ye ancient cemetery of Georgetown will be anything about him, and 1 didn't have the remotest alive with mirth and beauty on Tuesday evening. By the way, Charley, don't forget to send an Invita- tion around before the happy event takes place. expectation of ever seeing him again. YELYET SATCHELS WITH BELTS TO MATCH. Wrestling. Major J. H. McLaughlin of Detroit writes to the "Well, I arrived In New York in due time, and I Chicago Times as follows In regard to John McMahon'e THE PUBLIC at large are under obliga- found what a good many others have found before and challenge for a wrestling match lor from $500 to $1,500 tions to the officers of the Chariot Company for the since—that the rosy hue of my previous imaginative A COMPLETE LINE OF energy and enterprise which they have shown in hav- picture was not a fast color, and wouldn't stand cold a side. McLaughlin talks as he acts—straightfor- water. The place was overstocked already, and there ward—and our humble opinion Is, from what we have ing their popular conveyances at all prominent con- wasn't a particle of show for a change. So, without seen ot the two men, that McMahon has about as much certs. The Chariot Company richly deserve the suc- delay, 1 pushed ahead for the city of Philadelphia. I show with McLaughlin In a ialr wrestle as a stump- cess they have obtained, and under its present man- believe 1 possessed at that time about three shillings. Lace Goods, Linen Handkerchiefs, tailed Durham male bovine has In flytim e : agement has become a financial and permanent suc- As soon as I reached my destination I began to travel To thé editor of the Timet. about the streets, looking for employment. As I was cess. PLAIN AND FANCY. DETROIT, MICH., September 26.—With your permis- going slowly along on the sidewalk, looking up at the buildings, my eyes fell suddenly upon the name of sion 1 acknowledge the receipt ot Mr. McMahon's CU STOMERS TREATED with civility, and second challenge within one week. 1 had determined McCuIlough, painted in big letters over a door. Then not to pay any attention whatever to him, but the not importuned to buy. Fine clothing at one price. I looked in at the window, and there I saw a face re- George F. Tlmms & Co., 319, southeast corner Seventh sembling my father's countenance so strongly that I pressure Is such that it now becomes my duty to de- felt emboldened to step inside and inquire if the per- The Celebrated clare mysell one way or another. This Is about the and D streets. son referred to didn't have relatives in Ireland. The fifth challenge 1 have received from that gentleman subsequent conversation revealed the tact that I was within frve years. On one occasion, it will be remem- THE residents of the northern portion of talking with the son of my uncle Alec, who had come bered, I was obliged to pay forfeit to him on account our city will learn with pleasure that our much- hero before me. 1 was made welcome at once, and In of lameness. Since that time 1 have paid no atten- the course of a few days 1 was engaged as an appren- tion to the business, and am entirely out of proper esteemed friend, Mr. George Bentley, (late of the 'amous Ebbltt House pharmacy and drug store,) has tice In the fancy turnlture manufactory owned and PALAIS ROYAL KID GLOVES,. condition. 1 have no desire to engage in the business operated by my uncle and cousin. further. Should 1, it would be to lorfelt my situation opened a perfect establishment in the drug line at the on the road, (Canada Southern.) It is a duty that ! corner of Fourteenth and Corcoran streets, to which he "I kept at the hard, humdrum business for a consid- In 2, 3, 4 and 6 Buttons, Street and Evening Shades. owe my family and friends that I again respectfully will devote his entire time. erable length of time before 1 became stagestruck. decline to accept his challenge—not from a sense of In addition to his qualifications as one of the lead- An»i the way it all came about was this: Of course I fear, but from a sense of duty. In conclusion, I would ing druggists of Washington, Mr. Bentley adds those met a good many young fellows of about my own age, say to Mr. McMahon that I have a man, once a pupil of a pleasant gentleman. from time to time. Among these was the son of a bar- We call especial attention to the addition of the most complete and finest stock of of mine, who will not weigh over 160 pounds, that 1 room keeper named Burke. He was a lad a year or will back against him for reasonable odds—say $500 two ulf senior, and he belonged to a dramatic club. to $250—strictly to rule, the match to take place at AUTUMN SONG.— Burke's was the worst case of actor complaint I ever ' Detroit any time suitable to both parties, alter Octo- The oyster openeth his mouth. saw. He had Shakspeare on tho brain to an extent Ladies' tfc diildren's Hosiery, ber 1 ; and should he defeat my man and still thirst And the restaurant man his bill; unparalleled in all the annals of the amateut stage. for Michigan blood, 1 will harness him myself. The ortolan flies to the South, Why, I can remember to this day," continued She tra- J. H. MCLAUGHLIN. And the song ot the reed bird Is still. gedian, with a hearty laugh, " the way he used to re- Which we wiil offer below Sew York Prices. cite the dagger scene In Macbeth, using an old pop- Reducing the Record. But love keeps watch with the moon, bottle for the dagger. And then he made me learn Wfth all the controversy that has grown out of the lines of Richmond, and we used to have a regular Hoping you will give us the pleasure to attend our opening on the above-mentioned, the trotting ol Rarus at Buffalo, it is well to keep That shines in the Babcock Lake ; ciicus around the back room, fencing with a couple of In mind the essential fact that, whether the While mosquitoes are served in the "spoon-" clubs, casting eternal defiance at each other, and day, we remain, speedy gelding is fairly entitled to a record of That the girl and her young man take. sometimes getting hard raps on the knuckles in our Respectfully Yours, 2:13)4 or not, his performance has demonstrated attempts at artistic sham battles. afresh the wonderful progress made by the THE REPORT SO widely circulated that American trotting horse. The older readers of the Brad. Adams Is dead is utterly false. He is not even "The end of it was that I became almost as crazy on Clipper cannot have forgotten the enthusiasm which sonstruck—being a bachelor. In addition to his the subjeot of acting as he was, and he introduced me perfectly appointed establishment he will have next to the club of amateurs to which he belonged. There was awakened all over the country when, nineteen 1 played two or three parts, becoming more and more GEO. LISNER & BRO. years ago, Flora Temple shaved off one and three- Wednesday five thousand copies of the famous speech stagestruck at every attempt, and finally made up quarter seconds from the then fastéBt recorded time, of Secretary Schurz, which has been tabooed by the my mind that the drama was just where I ought to be, reducing the figures to 2:19%. That seemed an aston- Republican Congressional Campaign Committee on and just where I would be beipre I got through. Sol ishing, as it was an unparalleled, performance In those the grounds that It was too liberal. Brad, has also went to studying with all my'might, and at the open- BOOTS AND SHOES. days. Flora's fame compassed the earth, and for the advance copies of the latest issues of Bradl'augh ing of the i ext season 1 got a chance to do small years she was the undisputed queen of the turf. But and Mrs. Besant, which were suppressed in Eng- parts at the Arch Street Theater. And, l»y the way, while she rested in seeming safety upon her laurels land. the house was under the management of William THE*" GREAT BOSTON SHOE AUCTION HOUSE, other horses were training for even sharper work. In Wheatley, who afterward became lessee of Niblo's 1867 Dexter made his mile at Buffalo in 2:17J4. Four Garden In ihis city, and still later owned a hotel on years later Goldsmith Maid won a record ot 2:17 at DRIVING COATS.—Sedan tweeds—A nice, Coney Island, where George Vandenhoff and a num THE GREAT BOSTON SHOE AUCTION HOUSE, Milwaukee. This she gradually reduced until her pleasant overcoat for driving purposes; price, $3.50. ber ot old-ti me actors used to spend their summers.' famous heat in Boston brought the time down to 2:14. • A. SAKS & Co., 316 Seventh street. "Igotal ing pretty well for "a beginner, and two THE GREAT BOSTON SHOE AUCTION HOUSE,. Meantime a score of horses had come to the surface years latei I was playing good parts at the Walnut fast enough to put the mature Flora Temple com- Street Tbi ater, which was managed by Mrs. Garret- pletely in the > nade, and some to rob Dexter, who BRIGHTWOOD HALL I PROTEST A called son. It wns during the early part of that season that nad been retired from the turf, of all his laurels. The meeting of the patrons of "Brightwood school was had I first met Edwin Forrest. 1 was calling one after- 491 Pennsylvania Avenue, Maid's record of 2:14 was looked upon by many as the October 1, (Tuesday,) when the question before the noon at tie house of Mr. Wayne Olwyne, when For- limit of speed to be attained by any trotter. We never meeting was the propriety of leasing the original rest cam* in. I was introduced, and we chatted 491 Pennsylvania Avenue, shared In that belief, for the simple reason that the sohool-house and engaging the hall for school pur- pleasantly (or a few • minutes, but nothing was said Maid hersell could have beaten It. Nobedy who has poses, the present occupancy being in all respects com- which «oi- id give me a hint of my future with him. It 491 Pennsylvania Avenue, kept himself tolerably Informed as to trotting events fortable and ample. The hall being so situated as to was a fori ..ight alter that, I reckon, when I met him can doubt that the little mare might have surpassed again on Walnut street. He stopped me, and we her own best time. Apart from that, however, it Is render it entirely unfit for school purposes. miked for a moment on general topics, when, all of a seen that within the last twenty years the trotting There were present about twenty-five patrons of the sudden, he exclaimed : " How would you like to go to horse has woraed down from 2:20 to 2:13Ji ; and when school, as also Trustee W, H. Rhees, Esq. After a Boston next week and act there with me?" Although SIGN OF THE RED FLAG, it is remembered that a record does not always show full and free discussion the vote was had lor or against 1 was completely tajfen aback by the entirely unex- a racer's fastest time, this shaving off of 6% seconds the hall for school purposes with the iollowlng result: pected otter, and could hardly believe that my good SIGN OF THE RED FLAG, Is to be taken as a most encouraging Indication. It All present against, except one for it. lortune was real, I had enough presence of mind left roves the possibilities in the way of breeding fast to tell him 1 was engaged for the season at the Walnut gorses, and it knocks the bottom outof the predictions THE ALEXANDRIA FAIR.—We visited the Street. Theater, and couldn't very well get away. SIGN OF THE RED FLAG, of chronic croakers, who proless to believe that the Alexandria fair and examined the stock. We use the '"Never mind that, boy,' said Forrest, 'I'll get you best of everything has already been accomplished.— word stock because everything from a chicken to a relieved. Only say you'll go with me, and I'll attend New York Clipper. Durham bull was olassed as stock. We visited the to the rest.' Of course 1 consented gladly. He went • Ball Votes. church they said George Washington attended, and to my manageress, told her he wanted me, and added LEOPOLD RICHOLD, PROPRIETOR. AFTER THE HORN.—In 1866 a grand base-ball tourna examined all the novelties in the way of modern im- that if she would let me off he would play for her ment was held at Kockford, Illinois, where the first provements that Alexandria has made famous, but benefit subsequentfy. She consented to the proposi- LEOPOLD RICHOLD, PROPRIETOR. prize was a gold ball, and there were other premiums, we failed to obtain a good cigar. An enthusiastic tion, which he afterwards fulfilled, and I went East the last being a huge tin hom, to the little end of friend remarked that it was a d—n shame that a fel- with him for double the salary I had been receiving LEOPOLD RICHOLD, PROPRIETOR. which was tied a diminutive black porcelain baby. low could not secure one of Frank Loughran's P. O. up to that time. 1 was twenty-two years old then, This trophy was designed for the worst nine. It was D. cigars, which were better worth 25 cents than the and that was the opening of my good prospects. 1 mixture that they sell In that town for 10 cents. We played second to Mr. Forrest tor five years, acting late In the day when the Detroit Club and a team Macdutt, Richmond, la«o, Pythias and similar parts. from Pecatonica, Illinois, entered the lists. The agreed with ¡him. We will take this opportunity to In the early months of 1866 we went to California to- Pecatonica organization was the pride and joy of the mention that Mr. Loughran has enlarged his store, gether, opening at Maguire's Opera House on the 4th Pecatonicans, who backed it warmly, one enthusiasts and will, In the future as fn the past, have the finest of May in the play of Richelieu, Forrest acting the in particular venturing, as an'exact chronicler has stock of cigars in the city, - part ofthe old Cardinal and 1 De Mauprat. Come and Examine the Great SM of Fall and Winter Goods, 25 Per Cent.. recorded, the proceeds ol the sale of three loads of hay and a yearling calf. Having put his fortune to '•The old gentleman was at that time begl nnlng to the touch, the son of Pecatonica sat himself down WE WISH it distinctly understood that think of retiring from the- stage, and when he left for Cheaper than any Honse this Side of Boston, Goods Received Daily from the upon a tence and prepared to register by notches upon we are not advertising for credit customers. We want the east he was uncertain as to what he should do In a stick the runs made by either party. His counte- cash trade, and offer our goods at prices that cannot the future. Therefore, we both thought it useless for Best Manufacturers in the Country. Particular Inducements given to Country nance was at first exultant, then It became T>land fail to prove saving. A. SAKS & Co., me to come with him. It happened, too, that the merely, then it assumed a look of patient resignation management of Maguire's house made me a favorable Wholesale Buyers, ap21-tf commingled with wild surprise, the latter predominat- 316 Seventh street. offer to remain behind, and I parted with my best ing. The play of his fellow-townsmen had been friend then and there. In the two succeeding seasons utterly unaccountable; but presently his counte- BOY s AND CHILDREN'S clothing, in com- 1 acted at Maguire's, playing at different times the nance brightened, and after he had counted up Bixty- plete variety, at manufacturers' prices, marked in characters which I had seen so magnificently performed two notches on the Detroit side and one (unearned) Pjain figures and sold only at prices marked. Geo. by Mr. Forrest. And here 1 may add that during the F. Timms & Co., 319, southeast corner Seventh and D whole of my connection with that famous star he was notch on the Pecatonica side, he said, with a sott, low invariably kind, courteous and thoughtful of my wel- $15,000 for $1.W . R. SPEARE, whistle of one upon whom the truth has suddenly streets. fare. People have said he was constitutionally ugly dawned, "Why, the goldarned fools are alter the to his associates, selfish arid abusive/ I never saw any OF THE horn !" THE following are the entries for the of it. To me he was always the same whole-souled, UNDERTAKER, UNIQUE means something nnequaled, unmatched, racing at Frederick fair, on the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th- liberal and entirely just companion and friend. And KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY, and Is the name of the base-ball club of our I cannot forget, If 1 live to be a hundred, that it is to 04O F Street; northwest. colored brethren in Washington. The Uniques have lnstant: those qualities ot his I owe my present position." literally sat down on all their brethren In the base- Second day.—Purse $300—Entries—Maud, by Mil- [FORMERLY WITH R. F. HARVEY. J ball line ; but they took a tumble on Monday whon ton Shultzback; Joe White, by Hanson Wllllson- GUt Mr. McCuIlough paused a moment and gave him- they tackled the Nationals. The black and buff self up to the memories thus brought back. Then re- WHICH DRAWS OCTOBER 15 Edge, by Charles M.Lamb; Little Dick, by E O calling his thoughts, be continued: turned out fn force to witness their " champs" van-1 Sanderson; Trump, by John Eggleston; Patapsco Burial Caskets of all (Jrades and Styles.. quish the "Reds;" but the usually prominent white Maid, by Charles R. Thompson; Careless Boy bv P " At the end of my second season with Magulre the DON'T OVERLOOK THE OPPORTUNITY. Ivories were hidden behind the liver-lips of the de- California Theater was completed, and, In company B. Pollard. ' Some one must be the lucky winner, and why not you! jected " mokes" when Inning alter inning, and the with Lawrence Barrett, I leased the house. We wire BODIES EMBALMED AND PREPARED entire game, was played without a run for the "coons." Third day.—Purse $500—Maud, by Milton Schultz- very successful, but Mr. Barrett's ambition lay In Thirteen to nothinur, and several not counted, was the back; Grey Eagle, by P. Pollard; Gilt Edge, by Charles another channel, and he withdrew from the firm after SCHEME: score. The poor Uniques crawled quietly Into their M. Lamb; Patapsco Maid, by Charles R. Thompson- awhile. I still continued, however, with fine mone- 1 Prize of $15,000 IS FOR TRANSPORTATION. omnibus, picked out the street paved with the most Eastern Shore Boy, F. M. Draney. tary success, until the inflated period of temporary 1 Prize of pliable asphaltandstole silently away. Oh, Uniques Third day.—Purse $100—2d trial—Entries—Archie wealth, which struck 'Frisco a few years ago, caused 1 Prize of 5,000 is. LOTS AND GRAVES FURNISHED IN ANY' where am you ? Tom, by c. H. Steifler; Ellen, by Jacob Gillen- two or three of our heaviest capitalists to invest In 2 Prizes of ... 6,000 Charon, by Dr. B. W. Wood ; Readwood, by Burg- theatrical enterprises. The city can support two first- 2 Prizes ot ... 2,000 CEMETERY. KEYSTONE signifies something more substantial dort & Bro.; Big Fellow, by F. M. Draney; Elk class theaters and enable them to produce plays In 10 Prizes of ... 6,000 thanlinique. The"buff"club—the Keystone of the Ridge, by J. F. Carter. elaborate style. But when five immense playhouses 60 Prizes of ... 5,000 EXPERIENCED LADY ATTENDANTS AT ' arch—essayed on Wednesday to show the Nationals Fourth day.—Purse $160—Archie Tom, bv C. H enter into competition the one backed by the longest 100 Prizes ot ... 5,000 SHORT NOTICE. that they could not be " shut out" of a run, as was the Steifler, Ellen, by Jacob Gillen; Joe White, by puree Is going to win. That was why I began losing 200 Prizes of .., 6.000 case with the Uniques. " We git a run—see uf we Hanson Wllllson; Little Dick, by E. O. Sanderson; money there, and why the California Theater became 600 Prizes ot ... 6,000 don't ! Oan't skunk us dat dere way ! Hi golly, boot- Readwood, by Burgdorf & Bro.; Big Fellow, by F an elephant on my hands. I finally succeeded in dis- 5 are ... 6,000 EVERYTHING STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS,. blacks. newsboys make one run !" These and similar M. Draney : Elk Ridge, by J. F. Carter. posing of it, though, and I begin this season with the 1,000 Prizes ot were the < remarks of the heelere of the Keystones. knowledge that whatever 1 may earn will not be eaten 27 Approximation Prizes amounting to.. ., . 2,926 And on the most reasonable terms. dec9-tl The score at the end ot the game Btood seventeen to AMONG the many evidences of advance- up by a disastrous and losing enterprise." nothing in favor of the Nationals. The Keystones 1,894 prizes amounting to didn't have an omnibus, as the Uniques did, but ment in Washington oity, especially as regards its WHOLE TICKETS, $1.' being the center of art, taste and fashion, are the im- crawled out through the knot holes in the fence and Columbia Hotel. Address all Orders to our General Eastern Agents, vanished. Oh, whar am dey gone to? provements in our stores and their contentB. Ladies The headquarters far steamed oysters Is the old FALL AND WHITER OPEMHG and gentlemen of culture and refinement do not any Columbia Hotel, 325 Pennsylvania avenue. All the WILLIAMSON & CO., 699 Broadway, New York. ov THE following reliable Items are gleaned fromex - more send to New York or to Paris for novelties, as luxuries that the market affords ean be found at this PATTERN" HATS changes a8 to the destination of players next season : well-known popular restaurant. The Kentucky State Lottery has, during Its exist- AND Charley Snyder goes to Buffalo, Boston and Wash- the moBt fastidious can be supplied at establishments ence, paid more money In prizes than any lottery, do- ington. growing up In our midst. mestic or foreign, whose tickets are sold in this coun- BONNETS, Davy Force to Boston, Buffalo and Washington. Especially do these remarks apply to the Palais Oysters. try. No drawings have ever been , and Ferguson to Buffalo, Pittsburg and ProTidenee. Royal, Messrs. George Ltsner & Bro., 1117 Pennsyl- The finest and largest variety ot oysters can always Prizes have always been cashed, without deduction, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, Oct. 8 and 9. Harbridge to Buffalo and Washington. vania avenue, a visit to whose establishment, and an be found at DeAtley's. It there Is any one who should on presentation. We also desire to call particular at- You are oordially invited to attend. Bradley to Indianapolis, New Bedford, New York inspection ofthe tasteful and splendid assortment of be considered authority on the question of oysters, It tention to the tact that all correspondence with our Miss Bettle Tomlinson, and Philadelphia. novelties, has inspired our remarks. No detailed de- should be Matthew DeAtley. At his establishment firm Is strictly private and confidential, and that we Itg 1140 Seventh street northwest. Hines to Providence and Washington. scriptions can be made of the very elegant display of the llnest and most delicious bivalves can be found, will not, under any circumstances, publish the names Dlckerson to Boston and Cincinnati. recherche articles on exhibition, among which are and families should leave their orders and have the of persons drawing Capital Prizes for the purpose of Burke to Cleveland and Cincinnati. jewelry and articles de vertu in silver filligree, Whitby same delivered, tree of oost, to any portion of the city drawing custom to our lottery. WANTED, Gore to Cincinnati and New Bedford. jet, ruby and blue garnets, shell, &o., tans of every 49-The drawings take place every IS days. And more to hear from. description, confections for the neck, lace goods, and Sr. George S. Walker It3 SIMMONS & DICKINSON, Managers. the celebrated Palais Royal kid gloves, in 2, 3,4 and Of Staunton, Virginia, says ot Durang's Rheumatic A YOUNG MAN, AS OR WE UNDERSTAND that all that is left of the Eagle 6 buttons. Especial attention must bo called to the Remedy: "It affords me great pleasure to state that MANAGER club—they of the new base ball park—is the empty line of ladies' and children's hosiery displayed at the HE CHEAPEST AND BEST COOKING AND unilorms—In the hands ot the washerwoman—Main-' it gives splendid satisfaction. It Is the only remedy I —- af HEATING STOVES Palais Royal, consisting of all grades at prices which recommend in my. practice for rheumatism." The T OF A LARGE STORE ON THE AVENUE. my White. The A6toria and Eagle should " pool must command the market. Cards of invitation to the of the latest Improved styles at low prices at their issues" and auction off their unilorms. or send semi-annual opening ot Messrs. George Llsner & Bro., real fact of the matter Is, 11 will oure when everything DEVINE STOVE EXCHANGE, A splendid chance for a young man with $2,000 to them to the yellow lever sufferers. Palais Royal, are Issued for Wednesday, October». else tails. Sold by every reliable druggist in the 632 and 634 D street, near Seventh northwest. $3,000 capital. land. sep29 4tS Address "Company," Critic office. oc6-tf