VOLUME VILI. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., OCTOBER 63 1« NUMBER 32. THE ISI RIOAI or PBINHriN« AND EN- THE CAPITAL, Fstddle-taddle. Anent the Hoat ltace. We want the Jenkins who does up the society news GRAVING: Wj-: thank, through Manager Ford, the Madrlgar , PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY i A swift flash of hews Interest dashed across the How The doubts anent the true inwardness of the Court- Boys for their serenade or last toight. They sing re- for the San Francisco Post He is a genius. The Jen- ney-Hanlari race recall to us an incident that oc- kins of Washington exhausted himself and the ad- of thè Bohemians last week, when the startling an- markably well, and bejng pt tholold siaye race render THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY holindement was issued that -Russell Errett, the sub- curred, lo ! these many years ago in the neighborhood by their vocalism the dead pleasant memories ot the jectives of the English and French languages long of Biehmoiid." A certain colonel—a weil-kriown gen- past; 927 D street, Washington, 0. «. since. Here is a pen-driver possessed of boundless lime-looking Boss Tweed of Wèstern Pennsylvania, was in process of being boosted by Don, the son of tleman, esteemed for hfs fine | qualities as a man and There is a vast pathos and a Strangely beautiful originality. Mark his illumination of a Miss Blanche. renowned ior his judgment of whisky and horse-flesh- DONN PIATT EDITOK. He tells us that— Simon of the tribe ot Camcrons, Into the vacancy made romance associated with the old slave muslo that wo had entered his mare ip a race where the best stock of the TERMS: $3,50; by MoPherson's resignation. °t South «an never forget—that tfcéyof the North Per year, (Including postage,) six "Miss Blanche Hinchman, the daughter of Charles the country was engaged. Hfs animal was ackndwl-, months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents—lnadvance. —• Hinchman, the widely known commission mer- It 'seemed a perfect Pennsjlvania scheme to carry can never know. It was muele—wag that old slave chant, is a dem-i-blonde. She is a finished scholar and out the apportionment of Government spoils, with the edged as the finest trotter in all that section— as. one" ^song>-and muslo alone—fierce, wild and glad j with the Single copies, 5 cents. a well beloyed associate—j of the finest trotters, in fact, in the entire'country at CLUBS No wonder her cheek, ia its tinting tritnsienden t, usual leaning to the Keystone State. The two Penn. Wizard touch to play with the heart at will. We wish : Ten copies to one address, $30 In advance that time when Rarys wa's an unknown bird—and a't. with one copy l're'e. Twenty copied to one address, $35 Exfcelleth the beauty of others by fUr ; " sylvania pilgrims—Harry White of the ICisklmeta, we could hear it agai$—with- tho Soulh as it was and No wonder her eye is so richly resplendent— the meeting the bets'ran bigh betweep the assembled la advance, with one copy free. Her heart is a rose, and her soul Is a star." and Thompson of Butler—journeyed hither, advance .the,singers not slave's^fct. tUat giusic. Büt them free,Í agents of the Cameron show, and looked around for a sporting men—planters, lawyers and merchants of but happy, men and women,, , " Does not that " lay over,".an bad boys Bay,-our Jen- chance to'slip Errett in. It was natural.that this Virginia, Nortli Carolina and Tennessee. There Is death, and dwkna?», ¡¿nd wait between tho SOCIAL GOSSIP. kins ? Have we a J. who could make any approach should be done, ior Erreit's congressional career will . The c'olonel was ev,ef a heavy better, and • had ^ld;djays and t£ese, but the »negro songs as we hear to suoh fringe-work 1 Think of a demi-bionde I We' be bùt' for one term. He succeeded Negley; in Con- pledged himself to the extent of twenty-five thousand then^ blend the ptcsant wlth tire past—bringing back Mrs. Sherman. have heard of a demi-monde, but a demi-blonde, with dollars qn his more. The morning of the race his the past to us:-5""- ' r,i - " ' - Few events have created so wide a distress and a heart of a rose and" the soul of a star! We would gress, for that Negiey was too crooked even for Penn. sylvania Republicans, and, what'was more obnoxious, jockey came to him with a blanched face and a cau- genuine anxiety as the sickness of Mrs. Sherman. This well wish to see a woman whose anatomical structure tious Whispering tone of voice: ' THEY evidently need a reconstruction of the magis- excellent lady has not only the respect of the com- had a rose for a blood-pump, and whose psychological was dlscoveredlnhiscrookedity. Errett was put in by the Oamerons ; bat now, through the National party's • "Colonel --—, for God's sake hedge whlJe you.have trate! system ire Alexandria. Yesterday morning one munity and the love of friends, but the gratitude of a get-up was of- an astronomical character. " Begad, time ; I break my word with my friends tq tell you, 'of the ihlniw lights of thet bar in that section—a wider parish of poor than oftenfalls to the lot of any slr^rem*rkable woman, sir. srtop my vitals but she new Btrength in Pennsylvania ,'and'by reason of the solid phalanxlng of the Democracy, and his own but I will tell you—our mare cannot.win the race !" , luminary 1-n fact—wis call«d up at daylight to defend- one. She is honored in more heartfelt love, genuine is a wonder, sir." : The colonel's face turned to an^onester white than a clie'nt .in a magistrate's case, the magistrate having admiration and grateful prayer than any woman in rapidly growing unpopularity, he will lose In his ré But hear him when he photographs Miss Dottie, cent renomlnatlon. his jockey's, but a.wlcked smile came over his lips- decided the night previous to try it at 8 o'clook In the the land. female product of a real-estate operator. Here's Miss thin then and compressed—and his voice, though even morning.,It would have been better tor him to have It Is reported—a report to be taken, of course, with So, on the plan of " Tommy, make room for your in utterance, was cracked as he caught the jockey by tried a.cooktail at that hour, as any decent christian Dottie: uncle," Errett was to have been solidified into the due allowance—that Mrs. Sherman has consented to Miss Dottle Sargent, daughter of Bailey Sargenti the throat with one hand, and with the,other drew a woiild have done, and let the poor yeoman of the law give up her work for the church and her charitable real-estate operator, with gold-tinted tresses soft and Treasury, and the Oamerons were,arranging to catch derlnger from ids fob pocket. go two or three houfs later. warm. Has stolen the fragrance and sweets of our semi up some other straw to run in his place for Congress. labors In behalf of the poor. We cannot believe this. tropical luxurianoes. Highly cultured, bounding her _ My mare is the best blood on the course, and can To do so would be giving up life Itself and all that life by the sacred impulses ot a pure and noble woman- But their efforts to locate the venerable Plttsburger win the race," he said, " I have staked all that I A Model Health Oflicer. makes life precious, and the loss would be greater'to hood, she represents one ol'California's most endeared within the Corinthian front of thè Treasury were with- and my family have on the trot. If you don't win this Mb. EifiTon.: On Wednesday last, about 8 o'clook a productions." out avail. Elegant Harry W hite appealed, and bluft m., a gentleman by the name of Oonnatv, residing on society than to even those who are nearer and dearer race ! will bespatter the track with your brains, and Second street-northeast, between 1 and'K streets shot to the good lady. It is so seldom that we find a wo- This is choice: This Is rare, rich and delioious. It John Thompson—who is now .onoe more a Cameron if you have brain's you can know that'I won't be a valuable dog at the instance of Offioer Dunnigan man at the head ot society who is willing to abandon is a little obscure, however. One is in doubt whether man—explained, and the entire forcq of the Oamerons jockeyed!" (whose horse happened to be annoyed by the dog > the frivolous pursuits of fashionable life for such duties it is Miss Dottie or her paternal creator who has gold was brought tó bear, but the President was solidly an- and the carcass has laid on the spot ever since not- tagonistic. " He didn't drop to it," says White. The colonel's mare came in ahead in every heat. withstanding the health officer has been notified by as a care for the poor and a sensible regard for the tinted tresses soft and warm, and has stolen the If this system was adopted toward the general run the-police ; and on this day (Saturday evening) I was higher needs ol society. fragrance and sweets ot our semi-tropical luxuriances.
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