Timeline / 1800 to 1860 / ROMANIA

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Timeline / 1800 to 1860 / ROMANIA Timeline / 1800 to 1860 / ROMANIA Date Country Theme 1812 Romania Political Context After the Russian–Ottoman war of 1806–12 Russia annexes the eastern part of Moldavia (Bessarabia). 1813 Romania Fine And Applied Arts Gheorghe Asachi teaches a class of drawing and history of art at the School for Surveying Engineers (Moldavia). 1817 Romania Travelling August–September: Habsburg Emperor Francis I and his wife Carolina visit the cities of Transylvania and are very well received by the population. 1821 - 1822 Romania Political Context January 1821–July 1822: revolution in Moldavia and Wallachia against the Phanariotes (Greek rulers imposed by the Ottoman Empire since the beginning of the 18th century) and for social and economic measures to improve the lives of the people. After the suppression of the revolution the Empire appoints Romanian rulers in Moldavia (Ioni## Sandu Sturdza) and Walachia (Grigore Dimitrie Ghica). 1824 Romania Cities And Urban Spaces During the reign of Prince Grigore IV Ghica, the major streets in Bucharest, which used to be covered with wooden planks, are covered with cobblestones. 1829 Romania Political Context The peace Treaty of Edirne institutes the Russian protectorate over Moldavia and Wallachia, which lasts until 1856. The Romanian countries remain under Russian occupation until 1834. Under the supervision of the Russian authorities in 1830– 31 the Organic Regulations, considered to be the first Romanian constitutions, are drawn up and adopted. 1829 Romania Economy And Trade 14 September: the Treaty of Edirne annuls the Ottoman monopoly on Wallachia and Moldavia’s commerce. 1830 Romania Migrations The beginning of Greek immigration into Br#ila. Many Greeks emigrate to Wallachia and settle in the Romanian ports on the Danube after the liberalisation of commerce on the Danube and Black Sea (1828). 1832 Romania Fine And Applied Arts Date Country Theme Gheorghe Asachi founds in Ia#i a lithographic printing press called Institutul Albinei (The Bee Institute). 1833 Romania Cities And Urban Spaces Copou, one of the first public gardens in Romania, is laid out in Ia#i, Moldavia, at the initiative of Prince Mihail Sturdza. 1837 Romania Rediscovering The Past Two peasants find a Gothic hoard (4th–5th centuries AD) – the Pietroasa Treasure – near a village from Buz#u county (Wallachia). Unfortunately, only 12 of the 22 golden pieces – jewellery and vases – were preserved. 1837 Romania Reforms And Social Changes Based on the Organic Regulations adopted in 1831, the National Assembly of Wallachia includes for the first time, apart from its traditional categories (the clergy and the aristocracy), representatives of the middle classes. 1840 Romania Economy And Trade Austrian engineers Karol and Rafael Hoffmann and Carol Maderspach initiate the extraction of coal in the Jiu Valley (south Transylvania), which was and still is the main coal-mining region of Romania. 1840 Romania Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion Top hats begin to be worn in the United Principalities, where they were called joben, from the name of Jobin, the French merchant who first sold them in Bucharest. 1843 Romania Fine And Applied Arts Carol Popp de Szathmari, the most important Romanian photographer of the 19th century (born in Cluj, Transylvania), moves to Bucharest, where he opens a photo studio. 1846 Romania Economy And Trade The rulers of Moldavia and Wallachia, Mihail Sturdza and Gheorghe Bibescu, sign a convention that stipulates the abolishment of the customs between the two countries. The convention becomes effective in January 1847. 1847 Romania Great Inventions Of The 19th Century The construction of a road to link Wallachia and Transylvania, crossing through the Predeal Pass in the Southern Carpathians, is begun during the reign of Prince Gheorghe Bibescu. 1848 - 1849 Romania Political Context Date Country Theme Revolution in the Romanian countries: in Wallachia and Moldavia revolutionaries demand their countries’ right to self-determination, while in Transylvania Romanians want equal rights to those of the Hungarians and Germans. 1848 Romania Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion The premiere at the National Theatre in Ia#i of the first Romanian operetta, Baba Hârca, with a script by poet Matei Millo and music composed by Alexandru Flechtenmacher. 1850 Romania Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion January: the birth of Mihai Eminescu, who is considered to be the most important Romanian poet of the 19th century. 1851 Romania International Exhibitions Wallachia and Moldavia participate in the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations, organised at the Crystal Palace in London. Their products are exhibited in the Ottoman pavilion. 1853 Romania Great Inventions Of The 19th Century 14 February: installation of the first electric telegraph lines in the Romanian territories, connecting Ia#i with Cern#u#i. 1854 Romania Great Inventions Of The 19th Century 20 August: inauguration of the first railway of Romania, linking Bazia# to Oravi#a (in Banat). Used at first to transport coal, it was opened for passenger transportation in 1856. In the United Principalities, the first railway line, built by the British company J.T. Barkley and J. Staniforth, was inaugurated 31 October 1869. 1855 - 1856 Romania Reforms And Social Changes In Moldavia (22 December 1855) and then in Wallachia (20 February 1856) a law for the emancipation of the gypsy slaves of private owners is passed. Gypsies belonging to the church and to the state had already been liberated. 1856 Romania Political Context At the Congress of Paris peace conference, Wallachia and Moldavia are put under the collective guarantee of the Great Powers (Austria, Russia, Prussia, Piedmont, the UK and France), while remaining under Ottoman sovereignty. The Russian protectorate over the Romanian countries is ended. Moldavia receives the southeast of Bessarabia. 1856 Romania Economy And Trade The internationalisation of the Danube through the Treaty of Paris has a positive influence on the development of Romanian commerce. 1857 Romania Economy And Trade Date Country Theme March: the first oil refinery in Romania is built by Teodor Mehedin#eanu at Râfov, Prahova. 1858 Romania Political Context 19 August: the Ottoman Empire, Austria, Russia, Prussia, Piedmont, the UK and France sign the Paris Convention marking the creation of the United Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia, with separate rulers, legislative and executive powers, and only two institutions in common (Supreme Court of Appeals and central legislative commission). The convention replaces the Organic Regulations, becoming the new constitution of the United Principalities. 1858 Romania Reforms And Social Changes Through the Paris Convention signed in August 1858 by Russia, the UK, France, Piedmont, Prussia, Austria and the Ottoman Empire the privileges and ranks of the Romanian aristocracy in Moldavia and Wallachia are abolished. 1860 Romania Fine And Applied Arts 7 November: on the initiative of painter Gheorghe Panaitescu-Bardasare, a School of Fine Arts and an art gallery are founded in Ia#i..
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