W{A B M i ® m ' J s j l ii / iH 1 1 1 1 S 3 l J i 5 F f S » ft THE LKHT OF TRUTH.

( ■ K B AT* A . . t —X’

ngpa has z t t t t a l , ,V M my. the o) SS THE PflOGBESS OP t h u wtbm r> WM r>in Janet and Ptan da F ran ce* . a t A M ra s ae tke Britiuh A w d n i n t v of tnllua Iibm -la America) OKI striktafij (Unseated the cna; so which patient etpenaaafiot can By Sir B so 2>&|______|______rccoe sailiatral processes, aad m thus kan the .assess of alternating without the ifiaij a t the reorganised personalities, and abnormal states. Light L ata, gim the tdowtag organs of sense—that kaowhdse nv -T is cfear that ctr diesse at Sir Wffltaa Crookes' y e a enter the human mind without keiij of snb-cqnscioes mentation is still tc tatU l sidres ho the British MBom- eonaaiatef in any hitherto known be develop t d. we mns: beware of rash­ t t a at Primal before a targe sad dt$- ly assuming that all variations Bum Itagiished udlesce. The portion at Although the inquiry has elicited im­ the normal waking condition are neces­ the a d i r e s here p m bears s p a a s a b - portant tans with reference to the nlii it aot yet i curbed the scien­ sarily morbid. The human race has jsttt of rperril interest. Tn SptritasL- reached no fixed or changeless ideal: tau eiHjehere. Professor Crookes tific stage of certainty which would entitle it to be usefully brought before in every direction there is evolution as well as disintegration. It would be she has beta a»d as pnftaq vac These, th et are near of the subjects one of our sections. I will therefore hard to find instances of more rapid •eighty s a d far-reaching. w s h x h confine to passisng out the di­ she yec shall be. TeQ altar ui a rection in which scientific investiga­ progress, moral and physical, than in have lifted, aad her face pws ant ay ova stteirtia has heea chiety coa- certain important cases of cure by sug­ c aliatei Upoa oae other iaterest I tion legitimately advance. If tel­ benuxiftaL angnst aad waatafaL «h epathy take place we have two visible gestion—again to cite a few names out every barrier that is vtifcm hare aot js toarhed—to ae the of many—by IXwult Bemheim. the "weightiest sad the farthest-reaching facts—the physical change in the brain of A. the suggester. and the analogous late Auguste Toisia. Derilkut tin a t an. France). Sehrmck-Notiiag (in Ger- EA R TH 'S COSMIC A

operator who coaid no longer receive which we read from time to timi ...... after his line spontaneous catalepsy sad aoaa m m wmb c a t bulism. and cases of the spostsasee Further, is e case appearance of secondary and sheraau ity, the intensity of the impression or personalities. Tnr’7TT1|- r , nH the power of the operator The information thus gradually ac­ w k m are proportionate to the strength of cumulating with regard to the phys­ ' - r w i ' the current suppli ied. The stronger iology of subconscious states * '1 Wf3*S > the nervous circui t the clearer and throw some light on the pcnsihOky more precise will be the phenomena of psycho-therapeutic treatment at of consciousness, The diminution of hysteria, with its mani ibeaam- nerve force strict l jr coincides with a CD&, many of which, while sppesrtsz THE PHYSIOUOGY o r SLEEP wires, and the grey sensor centers as diminution in the definiteness of sen- spontaneously, are identical wfth States. receiving instruments; the nervous sitive perception,|_and volitional mo- those induced artificially by nega­ energy as the electric current. tor impulses. tion during hypnosis. Among that Q. V., in Light Under stress of work the cere­ Further light is thrown on this ques­ may- be included: ecstatic trance, stig­ brum requires more force than is sup­ tion in a recent article by Dr. Andrew mata, simultaneous fund inning Dr. Encansse has published a vain-1 plied to it from the cerebellum.. It Wilson in .“Harper's Magazine,” on subconsciousness over waking con­ able article in the ‘Initiation" (Cham- then draws on the reserve stored in brain functioning, in which he identi­ sciousness. normal predominance of uel, Paris) on the physiology of dif­ the ganglions and plexi of the sympa­ fies sleep activity, dreams. day­ subconsciousness or waking con­ ferent sleep states. Man, he says, is thetic. When that reserve is exhaust­ dreams, somnambulism and hypnotic sciousness. alternate personalities, dis- a veritable manufactory for the pro­ ed. then weariness and fatigue mani­ sleep with the central ganglia of the creted memory chains, transference of duction a t electro-nervous force. This fest themselves. Best and sleep must cerebrum, i. e., the corpus striatum sensibility, obsession by fixed ideas. production is effected by the concur­ follow. and optic thalamus. In somnambulism Many of these phenomena again re­ rent co-operation of three works. The The main current of nervous foree the upper brain is switched off and semble those induced in mediums by digestive' apparatus may be said to is then transmitted through the in­ inhibited. The central ganglia then suggestion from invisible operators - be a works for the production of chyle, ferior peduncle of the cerebellum, take control. The same process exists All these Variodh classes of phenom­ the transformation of food. . The through the upper part of the spinal in the case of sleep-working as in ena will have to be concurrently con­ lungs hgain are works for the dynam- cord, to the sympathetic and its gan­ sleep-walking. Things that have been sidered in order to arrive at a clear ization of; the blood by oxygen ab­ glions, which are the great storage learned by heart or become automatic comprehension of the distinction be­ sorbed from the air. The brain may be condensers and reserves of the nervous by habit, such as walking, spelling, tween the effects of the diseased stim­ feaid to be* an electric works. But no force of the organism. reading, writing, playing dance music, ulus entailed by deranged neuro-psy­ part of tlrfs mechanism would work The functioning .of the subconscious etc., are performed by the central chic circulation, leading to morbid but for the nervous force distilled in system then predominates in its ac­ ganglia, which serve as secretaries, auto-suggestion, as compared with the oerebAum from the output of the tivity, as compared with the cerebrum amanuensis, and perform duties of the effects entailed by the stimulus of two lower works, and distributed and sensor-motor system pertaining routine without appealing to the sen­ suggestion and magnetization, whether along the -electric wires, 60 to say, of to self-consciousness, which rests. sorium and upper brain for guidance, in therapeutic or in psychological phe­ the sympathetic, with powerful stor­ Only the surplus vitality not used by except when at a loss; or when a man nomena. The phenomena of magic also age reserves in its ganglions, united the sympathetic is transmitted to the carries on a conversation while auto­ throw light on the effects of apparent­ in plexi In the center of each of its cerebrum. When the storage reser­ matically playing the piano. Post­ ly volitional auto-suggestion. three Wolfes, and presiding over the voirs of the sympathetic are fully re­ hypnotic realization of suggestion, he Whole of the machine by means of the charged, then the nervous force begins compares to the realization of an au­ HOW DOGMAS GREW—HOW THE? dilating ami constricting vaso-motor again to flow to the cerebrum, and to-suggestion to awaken at a given WILL DIE—THE SOUL-SPIR­ nerves. man awakens. The awakened state time in the morning. ITUALISM CONSTRUCTIVE. This nervous force is extracted in is characterized by the predominance He divides the brain into three sec­ the cerebellum, as Dr. Luys taught, of the cerebrum over the sympathetic; tions: upper, central and lower. The The dogmas of theology may some- from the blobd corpuscles, as they cir- and sleep-states by the predominance! lower consists of the cerebellum, the ties be traced back to some fact or fcUlate through it, having been primar­ of the sympathetic over the cerebrum. medulla and the pons varolii, a broad law of man or nature, which they rec­ ily absorbed by them in the lungs It is not to blood circulation that bridge across the medulla and con­ ognize in a misuse or strange perver­ fro® the vital atmosphere. The circu­ we must turn for explanation of the necting the chief parts of the brain to­ sion, as though these framers of old lation of the blood is effected by the physiology of sleep, as is at present gether. It gives off two peduncles; creeds were groping through darkness action ~ of the heart, which is the done; but to the nervous system which one into each lobe of the cerebrum. toward some light by which their dim mainspring, therefore, of the whole controls the blood circulation. These peduncles are bunches of nerves eyes were dazed. Yet in this groping machine. Yet the heart does not, like Dealing with artificially induced bringing the messages and sensations search is a touching significance, and all Other organs of the body, function sleep-states, Dr. Encausse says that from the body to the brain, and car­ it is not for ns to be harshly severe under the stimulus and direction of chloroform entails insensibility by rying back the orders for executive on these weak and childish concep­ the nervous energy of the sympathet­ cutting off the influx of nervous force functioning and mechanical actions of tions of truth. What we are to stout­ ic. It beats iu the embryo even be^ from the brain. Hypnotic sleep fol­ the organism. They pass into the ly protest against is the demand that fore it is in connection with the rudi­ lows on sudden or brusque action, in­ central ganglia, which he describes as the man shall wear the child’s coat- K mentary nervous system. volving the pushing back of the nerv­ intermediary go-betweens, ’twist body think the thoughts of the past or be In a conversation with the writer, ous energy from the sensorium to the and brain. They consist in the corpus anathematized by sectarian bigots. Dr. Encausse said the heart stood to center of the brain, thus entailing the striatum and optic thalamus, carrying Look at the doctrine of the Trinity, our vitality or life as the brain does loss of the control of his organism by connection with the sensor-motor may we not trace that back to some to our thinking. It is the receiver the subject lobes above and the pons below. They analogy to the triune being of man?— and distributor of astral vitality and Magnetization is more progressive are receiving and assorting houses— body, soul, spirit—the outward form Ideas; but it is also the organ of sen­ in its action, and centres the nervous a junction station on the incoming which death dissolves; the inner and timent, feeling, love. The heart may energy round the cardiac and solar and outgoing wires. The optic thala­ spiritual body which death releases be said to breathe astral vitality as centers of the sympathetic, inducing mus is the receiving house of the in­ but does not dissolve; the innermost the lungs breathe oxygen (astral is a retroversion of the nervous circula­ coming messages, and is charged with immortal spirit, to be clothed upon in here used in a universal sense as re­ tion and consequent lethargy, followed etherializing the impressions ere the higher life by that spiritual body ferring to transcendent influx). The by a gradual reflux of the nervous handing them on to the authority of or soul. These three are one, a mys­ astral principle, thus interiorizing, force to the centers of consciousness. conscious reactions and judgments. tic trinity, from which sprang the uses the nervous force to command The hypnotic process is more violent The corpus striatum is the clearing­ thought of the Holy Trinity tor deny­ the body with. and entails greater disturbance and house for the outgoing messages, for ing which good men have died at the Under the stimulus of this precon­ subjection of the subject’s will, while the materializing of energy into mus­ stake. Predestination and foreordina­ ditional and precedential energy, act­ he retains his tempermental tenden­ cular movement. These central gan­ tion are dogmas cast in iron mould, ing in and through the heart, the cir­ cies, the power of choice and will, ip glia stand as secretaries or sub-man­ yet growing out of some conception culating blood corpuscles absorb and the magnetic process. agers, charged with the direction of of the All-Knowing One, to whom carry to the cerebellum the force Under magnetization the nervous acquired routine, in their relation to past and future are open, as is the which, extracted there, constitutes our energy tends to exteriorize. This may the upper cerebrum or central author­ present, and whose mind and law fore­ nervous energy, our sensibility, mo- occur through three centers; from the ity. Unconscious cerebration, sleep cast all that is to be. Election comes, to he a dogma in like way; for must tricity and vitality; the force which solar plexus; through the spleen, en­ activity and artificially induced som­ not infinite knowledge foresee who keeps the whole machine going; which tailing passive mediumistic phenom­ nambulism are associated with the are to he saved in heaven? Heaven builds up and replaces what is used; ena, apports, materializations; and functioning of these organs. and hell, eternal bliss and eternal tor­ which constitutes our power of mov­ through the cerebrum and pineal gland, This appears to agree with the clas­ ment, came from the feeling that ing, of feeling and of thinking. to magnetic phenomena, control; and sification attributed by Dr. Encausse, righteousness must dwell in the light, The cerebellum, as taught by Dr. through the cerebium and pineal gland, while it adds the central ganglia as Luys, who was Dr. Enc&usse’s master, giving rise to lucidity and theurgic organs pertaining to the subconscious­ and wickedness in despair. Before men came to see and feel that good transmits the nervous energy by its phenomena. ness, to the attribution as made by must conquer evil, despair was made superior peduncle to the cerebrum, If the supply to the organism of Dr. Dumontpallier, who included the to last forever and hope was banished. through the red nucleus of Stilling nervous force is interrupted, then all medulla, bulb, and pons varolii. The To enlarge knowledge and gain wis­ during!awakened life; thus supplying functioning stops. The* self loses Ms switching off of the upper sensor and dom Is good, but the efforts ot these the telegraphic current by means of power of action, just as would occur motor centers during artificially in­ to a telegraphist sitting opposite his old creedmakers to measure infinity which the telegraphist, or the self, can duced sleep certainly coincides with transmitting and receiving apparatus ■were of sm all use. They wrought in receive and transmit sensations and and explains the insensibility and and his line, if he had no electric cur­ days far unlike ours. They had too movements through the wires or lethargy or catalepsy which accompa­ nerves of the sensor-motor system. rent at his command. nies that state. The same procesa small part in the dally work ot this The | motor centers stand as v Similarly, it a nerve Is cut, the self probably accompanies normal sleep, world, and therefore too much "other- transmitting instruments, the white loses control of thp disconnected or* as w ell as those cases of abnormal worldllness.” "We need not quarrel filaments and nerves as conducting gan, as would occur to & telegraphic lethargy, lfujting over months, o t yrtth them, tor {hey had q THE LIGHT OF TRUTH. 7 light to work by, but when sectarian EVOLUTION OP THE GOD-IDEA. pharisees try to push back the nine­ T H E M O D E R N teenth century into the seventeenth, By Dr. Dean Clarke. rebuke or ridicule come into good The God-Idea Is vastly old— play, although it is sometimes quite More ancient far than e’er was told; Could we Its earliest dawning scan as well simply to ignore them, and so •Twere found In prehistoric man. let them fail. Succeed they can not. Happily the sway of authority over A superstition Is this thought. Believed today because long taught. d SMS the soul is passing away—not gone Then why so common Is it found CAKE but going, and that soul is greater than Among mankind the world around? book or creed. Makes an old Stove as OR Nay! *tls an instinct that we find The best words are often the last In almost every class of mind; bright as new in a minute. UQUID to be emphasized. That New Testa­ *Tls intuition’s common law k J.L.PRESCO TT &. CO. R.K- ment word, “Why judge ye not even That wakes devotion, love and awe. of yourselves what is right?” has Man’s reason too doth God demand waited eighteen hundred years for a That Nature he may understand. If God Is only Nature's “Soul,” overcome those only who are the most He’s not the “One Stupendous Whole,” susceptible to their influence. Avoid­ fair hearing, but now that hearing is She must have had a “Great First Cause” In logic, as with “All” Pope starts. at hand. Evolving life, and form, and laws. His “Whole” must take In all the parts. ance of unnecessary excitement, keep­ ing cool as possible and occupying the Man stands No Atheist good reason gives Why matter dead takes form that lives. If Infinite then, as God must be, mind with the more pleasant thoughts "Just on the boundaries of the spirit H e’s all that fills immensity; Hence thinkers wise the cause assign Henoe sure, if God is all that Is, and scenes of life may help as a pre­ land/* To Life Eternal and Divine. Then Nature’s body must he his. ventive of that depression which The God-idea has been expressed comes over many during the atypical Light and life from both worlds, and Hence, seen today in Truth's clear light, in his own soul inspire him to larger According to the light possessed; dog-days, when the thermometer by When man was but a savage rude The Pantheist seems nearest right. no means completely indicates tne con­ freedom and wiser daily life. His thought of God was low and crude. So we agree with wise St. Paul, T hat God, in fact, is “All-ln-AU.” ditions which have to be endured. 'CONSTRUCTIVE SPIRITUALISM. Man worshipped first what most he feared, B. F. UNDERWUuU. Things horrid, awful, wild and' weird; So we view God at Nature’s shrine, One great matter for Spiritualists to The monsters of the sea and land For Nature is his form divine; Impress on their own minds, and then Were first his homage to command. Her forces are hU life and soul, to stamp strongly on the minds of in­ Whose boundless being is The Whole. When these aroused less awe and fear quirers, is that our aim and effort is And he grew wiser year by year, not merely to demonstrate the truth Then earth, and water, air and fire. DOG-DAYS AND SUICIDES AND and reality of certain alleged spirit His blind devotion did inspire. MURDERS. phenomena, and then stop. These When these in turn less awe inspired phenomena are of exceeding value, as And of their worship he grew tired, . Suicides and murders were very nu­ means to a great end. They not only The orbs on high his homage won— merous during the last weeks of sum­ lift the veil between this and a. higher Then he adored the blazing sun. mer. Reports of acts of violence to stage of immortal existence, but they At length there dawned upon his thought self or to others appeared in every pa­ point to a new Philosophy of Life; to A higher truth than he had caught, per one took’up. That hack of matter is a Force And this is usually the case during a comprehension of our spiritual fac­ Which is of Nature cause and source. ulties here, as well as to the great ■dog-day weather. Why crimes of vio­ hereafter; tQ a finer knowledge of the But still too gross to comprehend lence should be so common under the A Power that has no shape nor end, meteorological conditions that prevail psychological laws by which we. influ­ Some outward form must symbolize ence and control each other, for good The unseen God before his eyes. with more or less intensity from July or ill, every hour, to the keeping a 25 to September 5, sometimes overlap­ due balance between the outer and The fetich and the Idol then ping or anticipating that season by a Revealed a God to savage men. inner life—the culture of all faculties And long through forms of wood and few days, sciencd has not undertaken and powers of body, mind and spirit; stone to explain. We only know that under to the natural, free and harmonious The “heathen”' worshiped gods unknown. these conditions tragedies increase in use of reason,- judgment and intuition But idols were too gross and real number and generally in the horrors in the discovery of truth—a Harmo- To make complete man’s God-ideal, of the circumstances. nial Philosophy; to the wonderful His higher thought then found supply On the same day that Corbett of San power of will, guided by wisdom and By placing one above the sky. Francisco, naturaly a kind and pleas­ vitalized by love, in making the rough A Titan Being, formed like man, ant man, well advanced in years, places smooth and opening an upward Whose hands grasped all things in their killed his wife and then took A. W. FRANKENBURG, span. Of Columbus, O., who vouches for the genuine path; to the blessed ministrations of Whose feet, were they on earth to stand his own life, a St. Louis broker ended ness of the psyohic picture. healthful magnetism, in healing the Could quickly stride both sea and land. his life upon the grave of his children, sick and giving surcease of pain to the two women left this world from the .’Twixt Jew and Gentile there appears AN ANNOUNCEMENT. suffering; to the wonders of clairvoy­ No contrast great in God-idens; deck of a Philadelphia ferry boat, a ance—our own spiritual sight; to the Jehovah, Jove and other gods Chicago clergyman, so his wife has great truth that we are built to last, In word and deed show little odds. testified, gave her the choice of dying In reply to many inquiries concern­ ing my candidacy for re-election to the our^personality to endure and to be Their gods were persons like themselves, by chloroform or a revolver, and then still more distinct beyond the grave; Though spirits, like to Fays and Elves, went to the church and preached two office of president of the National Spir­ to the death of all superstition, mirac­ In traits and passions very human, sermons, a young woman was myster­ itualists’ Association, I wish to say ulous supernaturalism and dwarfing And prone to err, like man and woman. iously murdered in New York city, and that, owing to existing circumstances,, well known to all friends of the or­ dogmatism; to hopeful effort for right­ Like earthly tyrants, priests and kings, from every point of the compass and eous living, understanding righteous They oft required rich offerings from almost all uie larger and from ganization, I am constrained to again ness to mean being right, and wise To win their favor, or assuage many of the smaller cities the chan­ permit the use of my name as a candi­ enough to live rightly. The dire inflictions of their rage.A date for the high and responsible office nels of communication brought stories I have held for five years. I feel that The world must understand that A ^holocaust would please them i\fell. of self-murder or of the murder of For smoking flesh ~they loved to smell, no other honorable course is open to Spiritualism—in this high and inclu­ B ut most propitious, kind and good wife, son, husband, child, father, moth­ me, in view of the sharp criticism to sive sense—is a revolutionary move­ Were they when offered human blood! er or*other relatives or neighbors. which the national body has of late ment; not through blood or violence; Many of the murders committed these The God of Moses * was a Jew— been subjected. To retreat under fire not by brute force or bigoted persecu­ Who hated many—loved a few,. days are without rational motive,and of any kind, when duty calls to action, tion; but by giving deeper insight and A changeful, wrathful, “jealous God,” indicate loss of mental balance. would be nothing less than cowardice. calling our whole being into harmo­ Who cursed all creatures on theJ sod. The heat and humidity of the dog- If I am re-elected, I shall endeavor to nious life and liberty, giving us some­ < No one can love a God like him— day kind somehow seem to affect the prove that I have given careful atten­ thing better than the outworn dogmas Not even a saint, or seraphim; nerves, impair the reason and to par­ tion to the welfare of the National As­ and unphiloeophical errors that the Tf we with him in heaven must dwell. alyze the moral sense. They seem also sociation, and loyally protected its in­ world is leaving behind. We’ll be excused and go to—Sheol! to stimulate and intensify whatever terests. If the delegates see fit to se­ GILES B. STEBBINS. But Gods like him are out of date, there is weak or evil in many individ­ lect another standard bearer, I shall Of things outgrown they share the fate, uals, and to their malign influence not be disgruntled, nor shall I with­ They're nightmare goblins of the past Which from all creeds will Soon be cast! many a halting brother or sister in the hold my support from the National So­ BIRDS MAY BE HYPTONIZED. world’s great struggle yield in tragedy ciety. I believe in organization, and A God that’s finite—errs like man. and ruin. shall loyally defend principle on ev­ Who makes mistakes, and changes plan, It is said to be quite simple to mes­ Is but an idol formed in mind The teacher and the preacher will ery occasion, in so far as I see and merize a chicken. The directions are To Nature and to Reason blind. tell us that these people should exer­ know the truth. In this spirit I re­ cise self-control. Certainly they should spectfully make known the fact of my as follows: Plqpe a hen flat on the The triune God of Christian sects. floor, with its tail towards you, and Like idols all, has bad defects; if possible, hut what if some persons candidacy. then draw a chalk line from the point Though God, and ghost, and man combine are naturally deficient in will-power HARRISON D. BARRETT. of its beak for a yard outwards. With­ He’s far more human than divine. ' and self-control? What if they have in a second or two the bird’s eyes will Though Jew and Christian still may only enough to keep them from acts of The General—I have stood unmoved have concentrated on the line, and it cling unreason and folly eveq under usual when shells were bursting around me. will see nothing else. It will remain To their Idea of “God-the-King,” conditions? A man with deficient self- No king nor person now is sought Could you? Romeo Barnstormer— absolutely oblivious to its surround­ To represent our modern thought. control can not summon it in an emer­ Well, that would depend a great deal ings, although you push it about as gency. The man who possesses it in upon the age of the eggs.—Life. much as you like. Canaries and other Pope’s grand idea, though incomplete. a full measure does not kill wife, child Our thought of God more near doth meet, •mall birds c§n be mesmerised tg t&ls pr himself. “All are but parts of one great whole Where faith begin*, QQience ends. i S S i Whose fojijj la Nature—God the soul.’1 The physical ponflftjpne of dog-day^ T H E L IG H T OF T R U T H . lOBRHOHd €0 tdfe* HR CSMNMMMlNMi. (HR ItawiHOMI HNtihHHR > n r HT Vo WKMM l R O W AMD COMMENTS CNl* tarh MU rhh MM V m M toot hi •hi hWs m l Wtootactas* to A Hr. # h if m i l O P HOpHHi M l affairs ■mffm, m l h m HRRMf. (H Ii mM1A . T ? « Light of Truth s HOOHMK* HBHM t OM kRRMhMHMRlMM most ha Sswtffz :-----*■* toMr k ■ •N M w pi hhh ObO Ovooioi 00 "ig IMVID in a r MIVttAT Mr misftsm of the s i w m i ssmmvi « m i mO #00 Mo ctrhu MM ssw. Now m i pwtfw rsaffv sxs fW light of Troth N lh b h | Go aMmooOooooi ho M< tatoem* fww know. sm4 h feactHM H1 M i )i 0$ 0 joy IMwta, 9m Sc. fftoMtos* Otoe. r v m p - Mm h JMOo i h to to way. Ml Msmbsl wMsa tto HHliR HHrR *S0to VIULAIS J. M U , • . • • M U M M Dr RMfto Ooh I rh fcMVHt HIMB mHB ! • w s m . Has to (Ms ssi iw fttorik 1L lo \ f H L XJUfl , OCT. I. M L M L Iff. HE*! Romi fto tH—, rwoL to# f T # ttWBk rt ■ ** r m r IrI | if#, BHM |to MpH# Rf HR m *•"• TW LRrH* rf Trot# HM HR# (Mi ohOt# mh fa** ROHR IhO ’(Mp#*?# RHr t Rs* HhHHSR* omP fef g jgf,|, Hn&er* i rohMooh Dr. M M H tot* * * *■* HRory i rjohI-Jri V p 1Ih hhhr HHd RHOMB HOBO f RsHY HRB# HHH omhhRdHl SpHMH HIMl I M Hm m D r HhMhwhh ti it E f iL I HdMl • *atoto # t hfi fco hoh4H Iljhw o t Rhi l' tL * feiHitfatlf in BRBHBf (RE tS£HHpHH pHBHHOH HPB fpr***1: ifflitf RtfifltMt IllftB I IkO pOBt ta w or I vr ycorr. orrtHd with [■ ms** " Htotofk, HhrrrHi HHH mothrreL TI Tort at*, H*>*v*to Ok CHHHH lotiH Spirt tUAiUm with R tnln dird lo full ff taliIk ft* w rraiiy 1 H r t f / u d for IM ta.s!c propooi fl and bor irelative irou cHH mrHPH tlons of iI i phlitMophy. Hh hud tror see ner again If you will. Ws extend ended his attitude io- MMMJH THE SARATOGA CONFERENCE staff in thH iRj HIiff Hod Hbhw Oriental to the bereaved family oar heartfelt research, was one a Ths Saratoga conference for promo- lam as are11 HH i#i koow Mh hhoqIh. Hi sympathies in your loss, while ws i8«*«t h knew the Uai uniformity of legislation upon ! roUfftido of Mh Chrlrt. Hi know it la heaven’s galr t h o olTore ii to tor world bohm (hr gto* togrrtage and divorce dean not aaam to had met many races, many people weeks ago. The occasion was the an. <*sth*” was a scholar, linguist, teacher aj hare a Sac tad any Important part of N<)V sad then isomething oo nual meeting of that famous associa­ | to** M student. And he came Into the mighty rs In tion and the man Sir William Crook*, ite pttrpoae. And thta was to hare Mh (U|jteriencos of mortals that hC i : work and brought his wealth with him stands the honored president of that body. y lffto been expected. Ware the United States out In bold relief and mocks at. ths and surely wherever his voice has been It were enough to expect that the great W ill b * contracted to the dimensions of Switz­ ordl:nary rules ot explanation. Sup- erland there might he some hope of heard and his presence felt there has POHH1 a run to be scientist might dilate upon theprograi cto *w come Into the lives of the people a ■toted thus—and let of physical science, but the addreig to t o n uniform marriage and divorce law. It lx> premised that the esse Is a rich and rare tonic. Such men live on fact. proved to contain some striking allu­ regard! But as It la, this, like other Inane no­ nainHHand places being withheId the peaks. Ofttlmee misunderstood, only sions to one of the fundamental* of out. th tions which control people here and because It is not a wholly completed suit Of there, must go the way of all abortive some times maligned, but they never Spiritualism, given, tco, with the pro­ case. Here Is the situation. A lady, found assurance that the speaker had jegyptt* attempts to legislate a cosmopolitan swerve. (Iration a medium, by the way, Is located tem­ not retreated from those conclusions and mighty nation Into some set way Dr. Hicks Is now and has been for porarily In a certain city In Indiana. habit ( several years located In Toronto, Ont., of bygone years which made him a of doing a certain thing. She has a sick and crippled son who Spiritualist, and had nothing to .re­ the trei The marriage and divorce Jaws of where he has a large and Influential Is located some two hundred miles ntachln church; purely ethical In its scope and tract. adding his only regret that iom when I some states are scandalous, of course, cast in Ohio. She Is a stranger to all crudities abounded In his former ex­ especially those of New York, where teachings. her surroundings and to the people. their di periments which later leaaoni would H I the the conference was held. There can A spirit appears to her clairvoyant have obviated. Strangely enough the be but little difference In the ethics THE LATEST CORPORATION MAS­ vision, gives his name and tells her old as t British empire did not tip over Into and thi of ths case as between New York and SACRE. that he knows of a healer in a certain the Irish sea when it became known Oklahoma. It Is no worse certainly town, naming It, who can and will liv e b* An express train running at high what had been done and said. Of nation 1 to grant divorces on the flimsy pre­ cure her son; tells her to have her son course Prof. CrookeB spoke tentatively texts resorted to In Oklahoma than It speed crashed Into an electric car load­ brought there and to go with him, and the ed with a happy crowd of people re­ on strictly Spiritual phenomena, but toms Is to withhold or forbid them on any directs her to write to his—the spirit’s nobody was led astray by that Ha other score than adultery In New turning from a Labor Day picnic in —wife, who resides In the town named, Truth e Cohoes, N, Y„ and mangled and butch­ even sallied forth far enough to an­ gresslvt York. And let It be remembered, too, regarding the matter. The lady ob­ nounce to the august body that lie that the restrictions placed on divorce* ered 28 of them In the twinkling of an jects doing that as the parties are all and pro was also the president of the Society to tlio In New York and other states using eye. You see it was an illustration of strangers and she might not be under­ for Psychical Research, a body dis­ the "one ground" law, have bred the the cost between the grade crossing stood. The spirit then says, "I will tinctly committed to the investigation lax conditions in Oklahoma and other and flesh and blood, and of course the bring her here." Two dayB subse­ of ghosts, hallucinations, hypos, ab­ T1 portions of the country agalnBt latter Is the cheapest. With a proper quently some people called, among normalities, dopplegangers, and other Wo h which so much criticism 1b aimed. grade crossing, that Is to say, the them the widow of the spirit who had things which such great men as the case bcl Clearly It Is hopeless to endeavor to trackB of one corporation passing be­ talked to her about her son. Before British Association have always rele­ ntlon o get the states to agree on a uniform low or over the tracks of the other the company parted the widow volun­ gated to the BhadeB of human demen­ Rnglanc divorce law, or what shall constitute corporation, murders of this kind teered to take the medium and her son tia. Surely the world is moving. the rig! the cause or causes upon which abso­ could not occur, and until such meas­ to her home, defraying all expenses. * • • rights v ures as will insure a decent safety to The healer designated. It was learned, lute divorces may be granted. South One of those striking contrasts most t h Carolina has no divorce law at all. life and limb are taken by railroad was an old friend of the communicat­ lernnee corporations, calamities of this na­ ing spirit. This spirit was formerly which reveal the frigid peaks of life Here Is the extremity of the case. It in their most grotesque nature was against may be that climatic, food and soil ture will rlgntly be termed murders, a prominent business man, a banker, .when th and the corporations guilty of them. his widow the president of the W. C. presented by the public reception of conditions In South Carolina are con­ the Seventeenth regiment, U. S. I., usages ducive to such harmonious relations There Is no law to reach the assosslus, T. U. of her town, and all utter stran­ other pi gers to the medium. The widow Is a and the funeral of Its commander, the Jree between married people that no di­ either. The miserable anarchist *who General Haskell, In this city last week. plunged a stiletto Into the heart of the Spiritualist, but her husband used to posed o vorce law 1b needed, if such be the Never in the history of Columbus was case that state would be a good spot Austrian empress the other day was oppose her In every way, but tells her Britain, now that he Is trying to make amends there such an outpouring of people on ough's | for sqine nineteenth cfentury Milton to no whit more an assassin than are the a like occasion, and never was there designate as Paradise. If, on the other anarchist officials of those railroadB for past blunders. The mother will loua Is i take her son to the healer, and there­ a more glorious occasion. The Sev­ with utt hand, social conditions are the same at Cohoes by wuose criminally negli­ enteenth had been at Santiago. Their gent Instrumentality 28 Innocent be­ by hangs the denouement of this tale. self. H in South Carolina as they are, let us ranks, decimated by disease and bul­ which, ( say In New York, then hades’ kitchen ings were hurled Into eternity. And If the cure Is effected It will form an interesting chapter in the long history lets, told the people what they had and prui ought to be located In South Carolina. yet the whole world rings with ven­ done at Santiago. They were best geance against the degenerate whp of spirit interpbsition and beneficence. on the o It 1b all very queer, this shuffling of known here, although the world knew for the i the social and domestic millstones. took the life of an empress, while in­ Query to the skeptic: What Induced thnt widow to leave her home, take a their prowess and the name of the the free We agree, however, that there Is dignation at the Cohoes slaughter regiment was on every tongue when vents Itself against the employes of railroad ride of a hundred miles to room and an urgent demand for re­ see an utter stranger, and invite her El Caney was the toptc. It was fitting, Worry form in marriage and divorce laws In the railroads. But the real murderers then, that such a reception should be are laughing in their sleeves and fig­ and her sick boy to her home? The the lend some of the states. It is and must Spiritualist says it was that spirit who extended to them, and they nor the Temple, remain for a long time to come purely uring how they can bribe the surviv­ throng who witnessed It can ever ors of their victims and stave off a said to the poor, aching mother, I will this con .a state matter. The limits of a big bring her here.” If you have a forget it. But death lurked there, the autl -state are as far as the tension of di­ lawsuit, their flrBt concern being the and amidst all the accla’lm and Inspi­ extent of the damage to “property." better say, say It. If not, hold your consider! verse views on this question will tongue-and think. ration of the hour his mark was ovoldSibli reach. Failure will surely mark all Property first, then human life, hu­ on the gallant leader, whose wounds man hopes, promises, hearts. • * * logical r efforts to create a national divorce were still unhealed, and who rode In work; ai law. Marriage Is a civil contract. It In viewing the portentlous grind of a carriage at the head of his troops. treat of Is so regarded by the different states. The difference between France’s big the world’s politico-economic drift, At five o’clock that memorable day ho by faith That being so, dlvbrce ‘ must be a scandal and that of a lot of Boston and the shockingly picturesque posi­ expired without warning and in the mercenar breaking of that contract on grounds oyster women is one of degree. It tions into which events are sometimes twinkling of an eye. Then all that the work agreed upon by the state In which pro-i doubtful if the civilized world ever Bhuffled, the lines of De Tocqueville, had been pomp, noise, glory and honor ner deck ceedlngs are Instituted. witnessed a more odoriferous mess in | which he apostrophized the petri­ became gloom and sorrow. The whole and beat —— ■ ■■■ 9 ' ■ — ■- —■ ■ ms than that stirrqd up by tbp preyfus faction of intellect as never man did city was ^hocked and stunned. Three pay, but kook oyar our pggk list. page, htin, come to mlatL Ho sgid; gays afterward General Haa^H'g tih I

THE LIGHT OF TRUTH. •m l cortege passed along the same AS TO MISSIONARIES. SHORT STOPS. n ir iM Y. Fleming. Ik* young route and between solid masses of hu­ trooper whose funeral obsequies were manity. bnt there was not a sound Her* are a few facts with reference Do yoo kaov the b i s to tfc* dump*? held in the Spiritualist church of Co­ art the maffled drum and the dirge to the missionary fraud, one of the Send him the Light of Troth lumbus on the 11th tu t. enjoyed the of _e great band. And the Seven­ biggest hnmbugs that the American The Spanish orators fume and distinction of having two funerals, the teenth was there. It is in these tre­ people ewer delighted in. China has storm, but both houses of the cortes first one being held to a Baptist mendous contrasts that we learn the 1,000.000 villages in which the gospel "adopt” the protocol. church at Huntsrllie. Ala., where bo great lessons of life; how uncertain has never been proclaimed. As to Af­ Sam Small’s daughter has gone on passed away. It is and how certain its cessation is rica, the Bible has been translated the stage. Non-believers in heredity into only about 70 of its Ml languages Having hatched them, the govern­ to cause these contrasts. How little will please take notice. and dialects. As to Japan, there are ments of Germany. France and Italy we really know! How like puppets we now propose to kick the stabbing, 185 times as many heathen temples as Grover Cleveland, ex-president and •re toned about on a sea of dementia, philanthropist, will open a boys’ train­ bomb-throwing anarchists out. This strife noise and froth. All at once the there are Protestant Christian work­ ers; while in one province of India, ing farm near Princeton, N. J. looks like parental inversion. By the bottom goes out—and the play goes on. containing 24,000,000 people, there are A man died In Missouri the other way. where will they kick them to? only six missionaries of any Chris­ day while hoeing potatoes. Well, any Even England is talking seriously of A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. tian society. man who will hoe potatoes in Septem­ them down and “arresting” ber ought to die. them. The Indiana state board of health The whole history of missionary ef­ fort has created scarcely a ripple on The man who won’t support the A. F. Melchers has severed his edi­ has recommended cremation, giving as torial connection with the Light of a reason that the earth is not a disin­ the waters of Oriental, Chinese and Spiritualist press to the extent of a African evolution. Chinese will be yearly subscription Is undeserving the Truth And in the last issue says “Good­ fectant, and that malignant diseases bye.” This was occasioned by his fath­ have sprang from graves. This an­ Chinese as long as Christians are name of Spiritualist. er’s failing health and desire for his nouncement, following 60 closely on Christians. Some elements of Chris­ We judge from the volume of drivel tian civilization may of course be In­ and rot which poor Mrs. Colby Luther son to return home and take charge of a bit of writing in the Light of Truth his business. The best wishes of all a week ago calling attention to the jected into those countries, such, as has to mother these days, that It must for instance, rum, whiskey and shot­ be a terrible thing to die. his associates go with him.—R. P. menace of the graveyard, is more than Journal. a co-incidence, and is an encourage­ guns, but the social qualities of the The political orators are preparing ment to all who desire to see this ur­ hordes of people will remain, and as to saw the air and tell how it was all Grant Allen, George Jacob Holyoake. gent reform Instituted. Amongst the their religious concepts are integrally done. The recent war will be “work­ . Robert Buch­ Catholics the idea of cremation will part and parcel of their race, the id­ ed” until It is no longer recognised. anan, G. W. Foote, Dr. Helen Dens- bare Its strongest opposition because iotic missionary craze is to be seen at more, Frank Pod more, Frank Harris, a glance. “The world for Christ” is Somebody has written a new book editor Saturday Review, and Oswald of their peculiar fetich regarding the on “Love and Marriage.” If the author physical resurrection, but in time this a good slogan, but if the Master were Dawson, appear among the names of to have any say as to ways and means has taken up both sides of the ques­ those who have joined the free press will be broken down. Not less than tion the book ought to be interesting. the opposition of the Catholic church touching that consummation we ven­ defense committee in behalf of George ture the opinion that the missionaries We suggeet to Uncle Sam the fol­ Bedborough. is the prejudice of Protestant sects lowing form of advertisement when regarding incineration. As pointed would be set to work on the heathen The army chaplains continue their here at home. the next war breaks out: Wanted—A mouthing criticisms on the conduct of out, this prejudice Is largely the re­ wet nurse for each individual volun­ mit of habit and custom. Born of teer. the war. Rev. Carstensen of Indian­ Egyptian civilisation, when mummi­ A FEELER. apolis, who was chaplain1 of the Fif­ The “sacredness of property" is the teenth Indiana regiment, has been or­ fication was a part of religion, the A Denver preacher told his aston­ last and worst dogma in the path of dered by the war department to ac- habit of the graveyard has followed ished congregation the other evening human progress. It must be removed • count for a statement made by him the trend of exoteric Christianity, the that Moses was enabled in the first four before any general advance can be to the effect that the general-In-chief machinery of dogma and doctrine. But books of the Old Testament to accu­ made. of the medical department was noth­ when Egyptians were mummifying rately record events that occurred If you have an honest thought utter ing more than a horse-doctor. their dead Oriental nations were burn­ 1,700 years before he was born because ing their dead, hence one form is as it No matter who it hits, nor where; This from John Morley Is always the universal ether holds a perpetual r utter it, speak i t Let the winds have old as the other, while modern science picture in the size, tones and colors apropos when a truthteller is let loose and the higher interests of mankind i t Be sure it will find lodgment some­ upon the world: One reason why so of life, which picture can be objectified where. hare begun to Bet the seal of condem­ to the senses of a percipient, “just as many persons are really shocked and nation on the graveyard, the cemetery the phonograph turns off sounds.” If there are kings in the industrial pained by the avowal of heretical and the extravagance of funereal cus­ Carlyle is attributed with this pun­ world, the American workingman is opinions is the very fact that such toms and equipage. The Light of gent statement: "On the hardest ada­ king of them all.—Columbus Dispatch. avowal is uncommon. If unbelievers Truth earnestly hopes that other pro­ mant some footprint of us is stamped True enough. And uneasy lie the and doubters were more courageous, gressive states will emulate Indiana in; the last rear of the host will read heads who wear the crowns. believers would be less timorous. It and press the idea of cremation home traces of the earliest van.” And Pro­ Like father, like son, doesn’t always is because they live In an enervating to the people. fessor Babbage saw something which work out that Way. Witness young fool’s paradise of seeming assent and the Denver preacher has caught, evi­ Blaine, whose only title to distinction conformity, that the breath of an hon­ THE BEDBOROUGH CASE. dently, for he said: “The air is -one is being the son of a father, and that est and outspoken word strikes bo vast library on whose pages are for­ distinction he has outraged. eager and nipping on their sensibili­ We hare alluded to the Bedborough ties. case before. It is simply a transplant­ ever written all that man has said or With the nation in bankruptcy to ation of American Comstockism in woman whispered.” Surely this rever­ the tune of $40,000,000,000 and repudi­ England. It is a vile onslaught upon end man has been studying deeply, and ation staring it in the face, a little THE NUMBER OF SPIRITUALISTS the rights of man, those inalienable it is encouraging to read such bits of dab of $200,000,000 reserve in the treas­ IN THIS COUNTRY. rights which include as first and fore­ thought. Psychometry, to which all ury doesn’t cut much of a figure. most the ,right of free thought and ut­ this belongs, is, or will he, a leading It is pretty certain that a goodly HOW TO FIND OUT. factor in that fourth condition of mat- terance when such ran not inveigh number of our soldiers have died from against the same right in others, and r*»r. or world stuff, which Professor neglect and privation, but uo to date This could readily be acomplished urooxes denominates the radiant rays. .when they are not inimical to the best there Is no record of any anny chap­ if all readers of this paper were to lain’s having died from th-se causes. usages of society. We print on an­ send us the names of those whom they An English exchange has this pun­ other page the statement and plea of A NEW PREMIUM. ' know positively to be Spiritualists in the tree press defense committee com­ We have received a supply of Mr. gent expression: “The only instance posed of the ablest minds in Great Arthur Groom’s popular patriotic war recorded in Scripture of praying to a their city, town or village. Britain. What makes, Mr. Bedbor- song entitled “Freedom’s Battle Cry,” saint is that of the rich man who was If one postal card will not hold.all ough’s persecution particularly obnox­ words and music by Arthur Groom. in hell. His request was not granted.” the names, send two. If it takes more ious is the fact that he is not charged We offer this rare piece of music Is the confidence of the Christian than this, use a letter sheei and in­ with uttering obscene (?) things him­ among our premiums. See another church in the conquest of the world close it in an envelope with a 2-cent self. He has merely .sold a book page. for Christ declining?—Congregation­ which, on the one hand, flunky snobs al ist. stamp on it. and prudes stigmatize as obscene, and The big Columbus Buggy company Yes, dear, it is. This is a small sacrifice and may on the other hand is used as a pretext toots quitting time a!t 4 p. m. these The Ralston Club of Topeka, Kan., lead to much good. Begin at once, for the ulterior purpose of breaking up halcyon days of prosperity. Early composed of women, has decided not and we will publish the results. the free thought press of the world. last summer they were advertising in to allow the Woman’s Bible a place Let those who receive a sample copy the daily sheets the number of hours on its book shelves. This is about as Worry and its cure is the subject of they worked their men. This concern good an advertisement as the book of this paper also be included in this the leading article in the September has about as much stability as a punc­ could get. gathering of statistics. Temple. After picturing the nature of tured pneumatic tire. It waB blowed The Spiritualist who smiles over the Address Census Editor, Light of this complaint and its consequences, up with the filched earnings of a dead Truth, Columbus,O . the author gives cogent reasons for man whose widow was robbed in the fairy stories of the sweet subsequent considering it an entirely needless, process. It will shut down again and and scowls when the horrors of the avoidable and curable affliction. The throw its couple of hundred voting submerged .majority here are dilated Persons desirous of obtaining copies logical remedy for worry is found in kings out of employment, but not be­ upon is a mighty poor Spiritualist— of Delpha Pearl Hughes’ beautiful work; and this leads to a vivid con­ fore they have hurrahed their votes and the woods are full of them. book. “Wedding Chimes,” edn be sup­ trast of the effects of work animated into the maw of the goi'gon which Somebody is mean enough. to Bay plied at this office. Price, $1.00 The hy faith with that which is merely munches them for their pains. that the fact that the salary of the book is a tasty and appropriate wed­ mercenary In motive and purpose. “All archbishop of Santiago has been cut ding souvenir, containing marriage the work that is well done,” Mr. Ty­ In this kissing business the line from $18,000 to $6,000 a year will be certificate, marriage ceremony, etc., ner declares: , “all the honest, noble should be-drawn at the married offi­ apt to cause him to subscribe to views and choice matter In prose and poetry. and beautiful work, is done not for cers.—New York Sun. on war as expressed by General Sher­ It Is specially designated for Spirit­ pay. hut In spite of it.’' Why should it, you cuckold t man, ualists. THE LIGHT OF TRUTH. saivcrsal ss4 special Tto aM ranat en*tt*vabfle tra^efluscy. ttoswe* end a* isgstt* life, fee so isspsesotaaJ. toos- •rwsffiy to tike Spaniards In OMW MM £ miscellaneous ; aMmsaoa sod s sls o slte sweeny. Tbs •iaewfcer* are the effects to stifle tiM solvers*! life M tstOUlguwc*, Bert got First Genoa All M setflfT eoooos ars lairiligcat; only ffis wsBBOSasdL that •asoM orr sequence* of fltio Drst WBci m nnn or w wcwm )url f-cowne lows M k In nr enw ho twtoi- gays Bro. 11 . Without (tie postulate REVIEWED gwsoA Idts la dost also ta that It la- aff a (Metis* tiogosseo Power ond eooto* rladm sutler aad spirit. There to to all moral action and spirit ua« a* t, v ¥ io t . J ff. Lov*i*od the** o a to to Ms where either to tty, MtifaoJ aad reOffkeri* growth tease |s sheens. The ohaawn* to wow would to lafeM M s* Instead to (tile IlM Light O TWO *w toL 3rd ffirffydgldf Mftft tJftto I tf A lMftAftM y Bro. Bathgate ; *** r After quoting from my article u 4 Is to dead universe. Ho universe was alley. Mill left nsrsMftrtly Implies rs« fitting climax to his s|wMiA * I I •*• ' commenting on Ito sddm, Bra it re­ bora sr orlglanted from something, or latlon. snd fftlftlioft Is IfftPosslbto Vir 11 n ssntr*>#w* to **y position u,, I # f M marks. "Drte f lMl. to*ir*r, not to somebody which la not the universe. slmph unitf — ftiftfti he deal w h ole five columns of trmi!,, N j leave no to Ito despair to • ‘upland 1<1 Evolution Is not something from noth­ This IIsiftr pSFBOftfttilf, ftMallies alofte It lli ’ That Ood Is both khfntfti u ‘ J ing, or something from another some­ to to te a .' ito pro faMor mvmh to our before ffsUkftt could fteft be a m*'Hft! unknowable, personal and Inn* t i * t o n m * vNk • H to iu te in tto form thing utterly unlike Itaelf. Material lielng- IlisfS w it nothing to which\ be gj." And this la bis j josnr to '* universal «nergy' irtlM automat* worlds were not made to a spiritual eoald bs fslwtftd my dilemma. Now, n , , ' r"» trail y in abedlewco to 'iM ioribte child* Ood. or -a view leas nothing. What la. Bet. to fto bftrlt to oftQ ss the revs- your ' refuge Is s frail oa« *1^ ? «B ki fata.' * Tbia la rarulily one to tto was and will to forever. Thor# Is no lator (yf Ood* Hft III HI Oft t 1imp hat It I# 00 r*'fug*. n> all, for yom u most remarkable tpotspr— to setting to •* beginning or end to the primordial so, on1 this theory of • firestive (lod. yourself upon on* horn of the i i ^ « k to to a “man to straw" I hare ever saea substance to the coensoe. Nature's He Is ft direct ftllst ion lb*irtoronn. and run. and thus confess that tkers i( * Th* la a professed lx serious review. Who­ laws are not otatutee enacted by some a perfect lningc thereto. Behold! V'our third proposition. You aseum* ik « • * ever will recur to my article to May personal Deity, but tto modes la God!! Not at his highest aspect. but fullest sense personality, and K 1, 21 will see that Instead to to o lo f to which tbs Inherent tendencies of In­ Id ell bis aspects. Not only as a Ckirlsf. very hrme attempt to dodge Ufa ij,,* more any one's “rescue'' or _ presenting a finite life, embracing matter and spir­ on the cross, but also a "Borgia or a enre to anthropomorphism to n fifa die** “substitute" la tto form to a “univer­ it, manifest themselves In untiring Catalloe." Humboldt or Washington, be "reaches beyond Die limits of to , soldi' sal snargr/' I vw simply stating tto evolution. on this theory, represents God no mote thought." His* or limit has nothin* J, etoB necessary, logical deduction to be There is no "whim" or "caprice” In fully In certain phases than the tree do With the quoetlon. |* j* |()(. UUllft graal drawn from tto assumption to an these manifestations: no repenting Inhabiting negro of Africa. And the the character of the being ws era lie than “Impersonal God." Hut my good Bro., God. sorry that bs had made the unutterable crimes to the Borglss cuselog. not bln blgnese; eel fifa rto®1 Instead to relieving himself of tto di­ world, but the ever-acting. Immutable were Just ss positive manifestations every thslsl, you arc compelled to fa. fiord lemma thus Imposed, p m on to principles to being. Life and Intsllt- of this personal Deity as the philan­ mlt anthropomorphism <. men Oto - tbld gravely argue tto difficulty of his own genca are subject to the great law of thropic lives to Howard and Florence In the completes! sense of the Una the srsat Ion, and to Impoes on me tbs ne­ evolution. Belf-conocloua Intelligence Nightingale. !o tbs lost analysis of Your God Is s "father." he I# lend cessity of defending what I have never la just as really an organized entity Theism every action of mind and nefleent," he |a loving. Very well, u with affirmed. But to make tto point more aa a tree. From the homogeneous. In­ eoal every motion of matter has proceeded Is the father, so are tbs children, ssl list* clear, and show the utter baselessness finite life, all finite forma are evolved directly by successive causation from vice versa. Any being which c#a \,nt to tto position to attempts to argue, by the ceaseless process to differential- must necessarily hate that whkb i» oflhe God. From these deductions there |g thin I will make one more quotation of tlon. And It Is no "mechanical" work no possible escape. The various sub­ unlike Itself. Hence, If all things, far utter misrepresentation to my posi­ of a "dead Ood/' but the active work terfuge# of tempting devils opposing sons and actions are not like Ood, sr* are tions. Commencing at the bottom of of eternal life. Life necessitates mo­ kind gods, or the creation of laws, and let­ not, »n harmony with his supreme to* are second column bs says: "This Su­ tion, and that motion must be along ting the creation alone to run Itself, to love, be must hate them. On tks preme Energy Is therefore, tto real the lines of Its own Innate, Immutable are are miserable failures Die responsi­ other hand. If all things, beings ssf thor causality—the heart of the universe - potencies. And one fact In this con­ bility for all being and all action rests persons are like him, in harmony wKB throbbing with vitality, and sending tlon nection must never be .overlooked, as on God, the primal source and author. him, I hen we have a God to everlsst- grai Its Ilfs currents throughout Nature’s It furnishes the explanation of much Hut to go back to the law of causa­ fng contradictions. boundless Immensity, and transcend­ min of the seemingly mysterious In evolu­ tion, Cause and effect can not be sop • Iliil again, this personal Ood Is sst- has) ing In Its nature, scops and character­ tion. The old philosophies and the mated.' The effeM Is the cause modi­ Isfled or dissatisfied with things, per­ esn istics tbs mechanical, automatic, ‘uni­ old theologies are forever prating fied or carried forward. And In that sons and actions, ns they are lodsf. whe versal energy/ as postulated by Pro­ about causation, and a "Great First. modification there are surprising If dissatisfied, he must he unhappy, fa that fessor Loveland, which utterly fsl's Cause.'' Nothing could he more ab­ changes. In evolution the effect seem­ must bate them. If he Is dissatisfied, the] In accounting for the dally miracle* surd than the groundless assumption ingly lianscends Immensely the eaus- why don't he change them? Is he un­ etui disclosed In cosmic phenomena and of a "first cause" of that, which had atlng agents. Evolution Is the produc­ able, or unwilling? If he is satlsfad. the spiritual life. That something comes no beginning. It. has no place except tion of new properties or functions; then everything Is right, and being to, Spot out of nothing Is unthinkable." I have. In the "mechanical" theory, which and functions or tendencies evolve or­ what right have we to complain? If of I In the past, hod quite a number of Bro. II. has wrongfully attempted to gans. Oxygen and hydrogen combined It Is all right It Is wrong to change or to c newspaper controversies, but I have no Impose on me. It Is really hfs own, constitute water. Chlorine and soda seek to change It; and we are flghflsg pull recollection of such an outrageous that which assumes a beginning a constitute common salt. Phosphorus against God when we try to

B TXT TO V 1 pp. Bfc WtaHagSa Mdr 9 n » •Star Bam, 3fe* VITA PAT1IV

DR. J. SWANSON psycopa twist. sa t g s a a s Uaod m e a l B M M rM M M i Ml M M hr—MM MfficT BMBMMBMMtoBB M to rr ffiMMi M M m m b ton MMHB totaffita BP ygmy f | ffiffiB i P W>to^taMB|MMh BPB BPBMmB Jf IBffiB ffifih MM! BffiMdaffiffiBBHh tor fM^BBM R B M B 1TM UMMB MM■MBMB 1MB DR. J. S LOUCKS. C m w in t< Is cb* MtoM ta4 m b m h m M %m r b i ritt «« hew tVir traces cot oe.; BftBf M* RBHGGMB SLU •IMBMB 9MM a t tkc «arU tat am tk bbfbM m . MB 9MMMOMI mmrmbm m m of its fcahalatasts. S t M B BPB r U I BH BH VM b BB BiMA IBM BMBB Tkc war ended sore suddenly tfcai PML iMfc of M l M l 6 MB to IM M l i Ml> AM BB toBRtof BPM0MHB CMB ■ m U have hoped; tat war. lik ■aek a t a deaaorcac vifM M tt BMt t£7 IlfeMB &. ft i diseases, has its wnrarrir doing this verr ri aad »-»^ tk B m s haetf. The condition a t o s ■Mbs ta camp aad hospital is a awl That it will he a iliffit all aad daa- mchsty aad shameful *•— of ; Btroai business tor aa la aost tree bBC epoch ia catioaal history. Tha A BCTC V T XM'xite praaiblfiiks at aa- hi aaeh exaggeration is then tioaal deterioration the career to bo doubt. tree*; —^ tk wfairB v* are ^outitted. But let least rsc papa partisan seal raichV aa ifies no man say i it is impossible I Premium Offer ■a is norritde. I wish that am not going |a d w h that a varinm Spiritualists it he who iadclfci in such tk>- which is as strowg as own has proven USSKHB FOR dtajitg those ia aathority o be is incompetent for these v tt being rohherc and murderers. high sks of civilisation. The lead papers, to leave papers la Renewals and new Subscriber! Bwe abroad a little while aad strength displayed in trolleys, waiting rooms Mhrarta to the Light of Truth. t to the comments of those ia ly moral strength. What is most il­ aad that sow the seed and aa kali who would be glad to lustrious in the tnadm i of the war thinking The only way far las B S reO of as. “If tix*P charges is the moral elevation of the plane on Spiritualises to keep ia touch wl For Six W eelca Only wn k true.” they aatnraly say. “what which it has been waged. Nothing will give every person re­ tiai «f earermoeat hare yon? If they like it has been known ia history. And new ing their subscription a» aat true. what kind of a people I say that a nation which exhibits caa begin to realise the rapid spread for one yrnr by sending as job?" Doubtless there Is need of these high qualities is morally strong of the truth an over the world aad he investigation of thsse eondi- enough to perform these great tasks $1 26 th e follow ing bnoica encouraged thereby. With all good bound in paper aad it will probably reveal Two thing are necessary. First, we wishes for your success aad the la- gens h fati in our methods of ad- must cleanse our polities. I oult r than creased usefulness of the Light of FR EED O M ’S BATTLE CEL,"* and show oe that the thunder, more ominous than the earth­ Truth under your able direction. I ass A Punecir Wee Saeu- of managing a great army quake. is this mandate to the people heartily aad sincerely yours. l y Arthur Groom. aa aot wisely be committed to men of the United States. To undertake K. W. WALLIS. •hear chief title to appointment is such work as th a t now before us with WHAT IS SPIRITUALISM. tu t they are sons of fathers, or that such instruments as we have been P. &—One day while ta Toronto we B,Hm dson Tuttle. they hare done partisan ser vice on the using, with such methods as have accidentally dropped into the Metho­ nap or in the caucus. The crime of given us our present shameful condi­ PSYCHIC WORLD. tions in camp and hospital, is sheer dist conference aad were amused to tie eeotary is the perpetuation of the find a body of learned men discussing fry th e A u th o r o f ‘“Hig h e r B e aimn . pads system, and it is the principle insanity. Unless we can purge our d the woQi system—the bestowment politics of the briber and the boss, the matters of such importance as wheth­ doSteoa those who have a political career on which we have entered will er the decisions of the conference SMOKE STACKS AND Nl shkh is responsible for much be one of disaster and ruin. should be summarized by a committee STEEPLES, d the inefficiency that is costing ns The other necessary thing is that and printed or whether they should fry WiUard J. HuU. warn so heavily. we should comprehend the truth that be referred to some other body. "Leg­ islation.*' “courts of appeal** and other AM « M Mm Lm w o r Ti w tor *bL_____ We ind ourselves at the end o f the a nation can not live unto itself. “A tor o n imc.I«B «tP rTTWTT - fT T I w i the possessors of Porto Rico, with state.” says Bunsen, “which pursues phrases were so frequently used that ■as responsibility for Cuba, and with none but egoistic aims, has no divine one might have thought they were ia a political or legal assembly. One eqtus Ill-defined relations to the right to continued existence. Each in­ v » n Wtonda The Hawaiian Is- dividual and each nation ought to be reverend brother came near swearing I have also come under our power representative of humanity, but at the —he talked of there being “so con­ L m o u daring this period. So far as the same time ought to love her. set her founded much human nature about!” u ASTROLOGY Spanish possessions are concerned oar above itself, recognize her to be its I see too that these big-wigs have been impossibility for them has been ac- aim and end.” This is the meaning trying to make card-playing, theater­ ± *T v a l e . pdred not through purposes of con- of national life. Like all moral life, going and dancing illegal- Well, they qaat, hut simply as the consequence it is subject to the moral law—the law may legislate and prohibit a s much as- of love. “The tropics can only be gov­ they please, but they can not ston A a o k compiled especially far Ik* Sta- of our determination to put an end I Scat aad those interested ia the M atj et to Spanish misrule in our neighbor­ erned.” says Mr. Benjamin Kidd, “as them. What they will do is. they will j Astrology. hood. That is. what we have done, a trust for civilization, and with a full drive the young peop’e away, or make o o o lad it is bow urged that we are bound sense of the responsibility which the hypocrites of their members. A Mr. trust involves.” DXaiCUXB XV is honor to retire and leave these peo­ Gurney spoke out sensibly when he J. WRICK SOX of St. to o ls . Wo. ple to their own destruction. With re- Such is the responsibility which we said, “I could name yon men of high ipeet to Cabs, it is said that we are have taken upon ourselves. We are position in Toronto, members of the J ) J pledged to refrain from appropriating responsible to the poor people of these Methodist body, who violate this rule Price 25 Cts., Postage Pirid. tar territory; that to set up our power islands, to the people of the whole (against dancing) openly and persist­ there would be an set of perfidy. Con- world, who have their rights in this ently.: . . . Ton don't interfere with Light of Truth Publishing Co. did. indeed, make some such heritage, and to the God above, who my kitchen arrangements. a"d whai R hot congress now knows that is Lord of nations and Father of alL right have you to dictate to me what |T D S St ^ ^ H ~ X | the smsrsaces on which the promise It is a great and solemn trust; we I must teach my children?’’ He de­ •u tawed were gross misrepresenta­ must neither evade it nor abuse it It clared that the absurd restrictions TRACT xo. r tions; aad that the republic which it demands of this people such conscien­ were driving great numbers of people K*-r. II. F. Ham's Sermon on SpirllaU- tried so hard to recognise is not there. tiousness. such firmness and courage, from their church, and affirmed that Lsm and testimony of Rev. Dr. Itaxyea of The promise which was founded on such Justice and kindness, as they If a Mr. Mqore “really believed what Brooklyn on Medlmnsblp. (nmdataBt representations If not bind- have not always associated with na­ he said about hell and damnation for Price, per 100, fU O ; 50c 25. $1; ■ ■ m i . — tional affairs. It ia such a call to dancers and card players he was a ■lapi*. K Skua aala IS THE LIGHT OF TRUTH %%%%%%%%%%%%% ' The First Society of Roalcrudans. funeral of William H. Lewis of Brad- brought J. C. F. Grumblne speaker, opens to­ dock, Pa., last week. Miss Virginia U«d. I ! CORRESPONDENCE morrow at 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m., Wooster assisting with beautiful songs. ^ Peebles & Burroughs moral 3 in their conference room, 8.- Masonic The Pittsburg Dispatch had a long POSITIVELY CURE . Truth, i E Temple building. Chicago. account of the funeral, and of Miss friends CHRONIC DISEASES hours c THE FIELD AT A GLANCE. Kansas Spiritualists held a series of Gaule’s remarks said: "As a specimen meetings on the state fair grounds at of obsequlant oratory the little address ask for was superb." The remains of Mr. thought Dr. N. P. Ravlin is now in Chicago. Topeka, continuing from Sept 11 to to 26. D. W. Hull, James Madison Al­ Lewis were cremated. Mrs. R. S. Lillie's address is 305 len and others were there. The First Spiritual Union of Nor­ MRS Larkin street, San Francisco. Cal. Dr. Nellie C. Mosier is in Logansport, wich, Conn., will open Sunday services Mrs. Mary C. Lyman is now at San Ind.; next week in Crown Point, Ind.; tomorrow. Mr. E. W. Wallis, editor Diego, Cal., for rest and recreation. the month of October in Indianapolis,* of “The Two Worlds,” Manchester, Rdttc F. Cordon Wune will exercise his and November in Muncie, Ind. She is England, has- been secured for the mornlu medlumshlp in Buffalo during October. meeting with grand success. Sundays of October. Prof. W. M. Lock- Hendei wood, Miss Lizzie Harlow, Mrs. Carrie passed Will C. Hodge has been speaking Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wallis of Eng­ been w for the Lake View Spiritual Union of land will probably visit Cleveland, De­ E. S. Irving, Oscar A. Edgerly, Nettie Hoit-Harding, Dr. George A. Fuller a detoi Chicago. troit. Battle Creek, Mich., and Chicago held bi within the next few weeks. They and others will speak during the sea­ Mrs. M. J. Crilly, medium, may be son. until s addressed at 24 Balkan street, Alle­ speak in Boston during November. teavlni gheny, Pa. The Lily Dale, N. Y., Union (Y. P. A Dallas, Tex., dispatch to the New many York Sun, under date of Sept. 18, says: Allen F. Brown and John W. Ring S. U.) will hold regular meetings this anUcii winter. They have had a successful Thousands of persons were present at dearly spoke Aceptably at the Texas camp the eighth day meeting of the State at Oak Cliff grove. season and formulated plans for next DR. J . M. PEEBLES. most Bummer which will be .heard of later. Spiritualist campmeeting in the Oak ABSOLUTELY and d< Jay Chaapel will attend the Maine Cllffe* park. A permanent campmeet­ CORRECT their state convention of Spiritualists at Au­ Mr. Ernest Stephens, one of Colum­ ing association was formed to insure DIAGNOSIS FREE. bus’ sterling trumpet mediums, is in ■ Let us send yog know, gusta Oct 5 and 6. the holding of annual meetings here­ know Geo. H. Brooks has been re-engaged Wheeling, W. Va.. for about three after. The growth of this Spiritualist ■ • the PRO OP. I weeks. He will also work in Wash­ j t ^ saUsfl as chairman at Lily Dale camp for association and the interest manifest­ so mi the season of 1899. ington, Pa. He expects to be away for ed in its state meeting this year is one Give NAM E, AGE, SEX and a a month or six weeks. LEAD IN G SYMPTOM. for, v Mrs. R. S. Lillie resumed her minis­ of the surprises of Texas. ablllt: The College of Psychical Sciences, The election of officers of the Min­ j t j t j t trations at Occidental Hall, San Fran­ TTT E have ju st issued a beautiful er graving we fe cisco, on the 18th ult- Chicago, begins its fall work by spe­ nesota State Spiritualist association ▼ w of the H rdesvilie t ottage, printed on the U cial course of teachings at 3 and 8 p. heavy paper, suitable for framing, wh ch w* George C. Day and Emma N. Nutt resulted in the re-election of the old will Band free on application, iddm i: stand m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur­ board with three exceptions. The fol­ lpg s of Philadelphia have been laboring for days, at 3960 Langley avenue, flat 3. the cause at Reading, Pa. lowing constitute the new board: Pres­ Peeb!es & Burroughs, until J. C. F. Grumblne conducts the classes life ii ident, J. S. Maxwell, St. Paul; vice BATTLE GREBE, MICH. D. B. Jimerson desires to acquaint and lectures-to them. president, C. D. Pruden, Minneapolis; derso his friends of his present whereabouts, On a recent occasion Carrie F. secretary, Newton C. Westerfield, St. has 35 E. Main St, Columbus, O. Weatherford told the women inmates Paul; treasurer, H. E. Lepperi Minne­ FRED P. EVANS, been Mrs. A. E. Cunningham, business of the Columbus workhouse of the in­ apolis; trustees, 0. J. Johnson, Thomas THE NOTED MEDIUM I OR uted and test medium of Boston, has been centives to right living which a B. Farmer, Frank Shaft, J. S. Fritzen, Independent Slate - Writing, I tc. impr doing good work in Keene, N. H. knowledge of life eternal and the min­ C. M. E. Ridge and OH. A. Maas, all of Gives Seances Daily from 10a. m. to4p m grou: k~r If.vans has opened in connection with Mi If D. F. Webber, wljo writes from istry of spirits gave to them. The ad­ Minneapolis Mediumahip a well stocked Orcult Book btore, pecui Charlotte, will designate the state, his and will be pleased to supply his friends and the ing t dress produced a deep impression. Mrs. Loe F. Prior writes from Seat­ Public with Spiritual, Metaphysical,Theoiopki* communication may see the light The First Society of Spiritualists of tle, Wash.: I find Spiritualism very cal and Occult Literature. Catalogues mailed oq sprei applicatiou A 11 books not listed can be procured G. W. Kates will attend the N. S. A. Syracuse, N. Y„ has elected these of­ much on the advance in this state, and at abort notice Mail orders filled promptly. onde convention, representing the Roches­ ficers: President, E. G. Reilly; vice have heart} from many societies which FRED. P. EVANS.he Occult Book Store. help* 103 W. 42d bt„ New LrkCitj, ter, N. Y., First Spiruual church. president, Mrs. A. Underhill; treasu­ are anxious for lecturers. Wish I. of t theii The Maine State Spiritualist Associ­ rer and secretary. Miss A. M. Arm­ could stay here longer. In this city ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦‘♦♦j ation wll hold its annual convention strong: trustees, Mrs. L. M. Amey, there are four different societies, each sytn at City hall, Augusta, Oct. 5 and 6. Mrs. Maggie Hatpin, A. Underhill-and doing a good and lasting work. One THE LAST MIRACLEl will I. J. Chippinfield. society has chartered under the N. S. Wonder of the Nineteenth Century 1 f I Wl Prof. W. M. Lockwood will speak in U elrd. Marvelous, Authentic I I tune Boston, at Berkeley hall, for two The forty-third annual meeting of A. since t have been here, and I find Obtained through Spirit Power and genu a others in this state anxious to. I will ine Mediumahip Every medium and thoie a gavt months, beginning with December.' the Friends of Human Progress was developing should write for particulars. A sola held at North Collins, N. Y., the fore be in San Diego, Cal., for the next P. L. O. A. Keeler, the eminent psy- three months, thence to Atlanta, Ga., H. F. MERRILL, West Gardiner *» affo cographist, will spend most of the part of September. This society and 1 X where I resume my work. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ofte coming winter in Washington, D. C. the First Association of Spiritualists eart E. J. Boutell can be addressed for of Philadelphia are the two oldest in­ The Franklin (Neb.) camp held its one: third annual session Aug. 25 to Sept. engagements during the season of 1898 corporated associations of Spiritualists in the United States. 12. Principal speakers, J. Madison College of Fine Forces. and 1899 at 3 Linn street, Ithaca, N. Y. (Form erly New York College of Magnetic*), Allen, M. Theresa Allen, J. Dunton, L. The students of this college represent fourcoa* Mr. John Slater, the celebrated me­ The following have been elected to tfnents, and h alf of them are physicians, medicil NO’ serve as directors at Lake Brady for Mcody, Mrs. Ferris, Mr. Simpson, professors, or clergymen. Hudson Tnttls, the dium, is in Washington, D. C., located Chnrles Davis, Mr. Babcock. Test well-known author, oalls this oollsge “An insti* the year 1899: Messrs. A. Butler, A. lute of refined thorapeutios, which is fait bloom* T for a time at 600 Pennsylvania avenue readings by Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Mrs. lng of world-wide fame, and attracting stadenu S. E. Kellogg. C. Wilkerson, N. Merrell, A. from m any countries. I t builds on exact science, Tru K. Skeels, Mesdames N. Clark. C. C. Ferris, Mr. Barows and others. Heal­ and include a the m agnetio. electric, chemidl. if Mrs. E. J. Demorest has been labor­ ing by Lewis Dunton, Mrs. Moody, lar, and spiritual forces which underlie every ciat Bacon, M. Mower, Lena Dieboldt. The thing. Ita course can be taken at home, end I gr& ing in Oil City, Pa. She can be reached Mrs. Ferris and others (including the diploma conferring the title of D. M (Doctor of president, vice president, secretary and Magnotloa) granted. Dr. Babbitt it author of iit* nou at Exchange Hotel, Oil City, for en­ treasurer will be elected later on. remarkable cure of a child who had oral books on the subject. gagements. T he oolloge ia chartered, and couferathe title of Ject Hans Mettke writes frffm Demopo- been given up by physicians, by Mrs. D.M on a handsome diploma Send stamp for olr- all E. W. Sprague and wife are serviug Ferris). Music by the Repves Family onlar to B D. B a b b i t t , M D., LL P., Peso, tt lis, Ala.: I would like to help a worthy Booth B roadw ay, Loe Angeles Cali forme Sec the First Society of Spiritualists of young lady to a place in a girl's semi­ orchestra (four ladies and two gentle­ con Lansing, Mich. They will remain men), also songs and violin solos by nary. There is one needed here who j* O f Interest to Spiritualists whi there during October. can teach guitar, mandolin and banjo, J. M. Allen. Chairman of camp, J. the Dunton. The attendance was large, Anyone who Is sick and failed to And re­ Lyman C. Howe speaks in Toronto and can also assist as a piano teacher. lief should send their names and address B this and in Pittsburg next month. He Please let me know of some young perfect harmony prevailed, the spirit (with stamp for reply) to Dn. J. CRAIG, 600 is yet free for winter months: Ad­ was free, and the camp a decided suc­ Sacriflnento, Cal,, and I will (through spirit ladies that would like to go south and power) send Vou the cause and condition 1 dress Fredonla, N. Y. teach these instruments. cess. Except the closing days the weather was fine.—*J. M. A. of your trouble; and after I give you u cor­ Mrs. Mary Ellen Lease, the noted Mrs. A. Sands, a prominent and rect diagnosis. If you wish help, I will B Kansas orator, has been engaged for wealthy Spiritualist of Bangor, Me., Mrfc. Georgia Gladys Cooley writes: make any terms within yonr reach. ■ A the next Spiritualist campmeeting to After a trip of almost three months N. B.—The above advertisement Is for the A entertained a select party of friends in benefit of suffering humanity, and If you B be held at Chesterfield, Ind. her artistic and spacious parlors the I am once more in Chicago and will know of anyone who Is sick, and Is skep­ C Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lease of Kan­ 18th ult. Mrs. Maud Gould was the resume work for the First Spiritual tical, show them the above ad. and I may C society of South Side, 77 31st street, convince them of the truth of spirit return. A sas is open to engagements for 1899. medium, who gave many Instructive, A For dates and terms address Charles telling tests, preceded by a 20-mlnute on Oct. 2d. as they have re-engaged me for another year. I visited Cassa- A WONDERFUL SPECTACLE. A H. Lease, .710 Union avenue, New*York logical and practical speech upon the Restore loot vls*on. W rite for I llua^rated Cir- A city. philosophy of life here and hereafter. daga camp. Island Lake. Lake Brady. oulara showing style* and prices and photo of A Clinton and Marshalltown camps while Spirit ' a n n a who dev«iepe*i tt'ii • lairvryant A Robert Hayden of Madison, Me., was The second annual conference con­ power in u e. I can acju»t my Melted Psbbl* A away, and found excellent work being Spectacle* aa r erfectly to your eye* in yonr own A elected president of the Somerset Spir­ venes at Dallas, Tex., Oct. 8th to 16th, done at all. At every place the hand home a* »f you w e r* »n my office, a« thoniAnn itual campmeeting for1 the ensuing 1898, at the First Spiritualist church. can testify cend s ta m p for p h o to B, F, pools, A of fellowship was\extended to me and Clinton, Iowa. f IS A year at Lakewood, and A. Baker of There will be a large number of speak­ congratulations are still pouring in ) A Bingham, secretary. ers and mediums present, and all pub­ RS. JKNNIK CROSSE, » years a pnblio *h. from all directions, in behalf of my M medium. Life reading *1 02 six question* A The Spiritualists of Dryden, N. Y.. lic work will be free. Board and lodg­ 58 ota. Send date of birth Disease a specialty. success in my long persecution. I have A ddress 71 Irv in g PI a*'* Rrook'yo. N r J are grading the highway which leads ing can he engaged in advance. Ad­ taken up my residence in Chicago, . A dress all communications tq the sec­ to the auditorium, and are building a having just completed furnishing a SYCHOMETRIC READINGS. Send25cend I A walk, setting out trees and making retary, Rev. R. C. Travers, Dallas, Tex. P to-stamp with date of birth and lock of heir A home, and Intend to remain right here and receive trial reading. MR8.JC.MA0ALLFW. A other improvements. QwaasQ, Mich , bog 93, IH Miss1 ,T Margaret ■ I vGaule :» * ,officiated • i |>.. at< the , , until the damage suit, which l have THE LIGHT OF TRUTH. *s «pj»« flrfn en tcn . Is act- iL ita w I have {be ejmptikj and drunkenness CURED m h I avpart of aB M ow n oC • •» w w ao m a m «* a« f amm CHOICE LITERATURE. tM . and vbfc te fbeatr m j a a / LIGHT OF TRUTH PUBLISHING C©„ - COLUMBUS, OHIO. ftM i for their IM teea to ae la * wtuPKiA** or s im n a i bo ok ****** asoco ratfoS T sM ban at trivia and Ii M i H h , a t * u n p m t r . a cuaenun fi MB—Sy Mrs. a tb ri aaOnaioD '/ thdr goo i T. Mag g eaaas. can cw iS Ta.raii « aii. tv— a s A MMX fcETOLl n W ■ My Lads T dv Ite* •aaba k ar taaat for Jatfw. Ml*r 15 7 Bh< SflCMtfgr cIM lttt fom^m • o n IMMSHi lil CkUBLUM AffTTHLUbC MOMM MT LOgM -gy Late W teteaaateBc. 1 am aa. of Bnuxm-kf M. s ■BS HATTTE EESDEBSOH A lffA X tU U Jl OP Ml! KiWCdT M> P te carrcHFi£_: feaaar Jvha TynfirS. dM aaaaa. HUM OF MCJEACE TO TME PKK- A TALK O F A HA1X» CTTteaT rv u d .—by JW IrtA W U f« By Faadaame M. Mmgaa A. labotvas. Mb aaaaa. ■ ar U^ht at Trath: Oa th* ALL ABOCT D flU A — My Mam B ri. u r n t o r a t . D E m u m a o o m - » n r» at iap at flat, Mn. n«o. D-, E t „ f—rtT^in. la* It ia a»tare*t lav aat ve are HBUE MTOMJEM Sa 1 -B p Tiara BL A. XL, JL D , nnd L O. HriL 3k eems afiBi vhea oae p in n a a n y Tseng. 90 stats; postage 1 eente. THE IW lL U Ilt WORD AXED HOW CHBiarusiiT a picnox-pp Dr j. TO USE IT—By W. A te to t Ik rram sa aafe nendrd. with ao anaeh to live m j o a x a . h a t t o k . HL MeehateM . Sb cents. THE CfCOSS AXD THE STEEPLE— Their fac. v tt aa great a deeare. aad aaca Them is a ease h r drmtooaeaa that kss I COSIEST OF TH* PACKED HKAKT— Origin and MgMSiaait Bj H im Ta­ rtttty to do far a t Meat other a. thea rtrt e sdfcate lota thsassads sf bdtherte I Hndatn Tattle. 9k cents. l k B ran ts diteitetc fci Sji a It decs 5x« wmfc **l ve feet it ia oot weB, aad ve loag for CHEIMTIA* THBOMOFHT—O r J. a THBKK FLAKS OF SALTATIOX—IS can dtedjr aad «awiy tksA wkBe the deost- I Dewey. A handbook af Sew Testament THE IXPtC P C a OF FOOD OX GHAS- Be Base vhea ve B all better mx’Ssr- rtv lh . Maser or iaep te teaks so, ffcel Oeoddm. Prior *2. ACTBB By S e rin Decay. Ik ceatn.* garni there hoffiee, “teap le of the liv- dreukard ia raditetA era andaat Ids I CHKIMT. THE MOCIAL1MT—Sy the awliw T H E XEW U U /tk By Xbaaaan T ele. Ik hg aaaL" aad he able to hold them and wtthaar Ms kaaaM ec «r caspeea- af “PM g M tptft Mcheme." Arena arise. cents. _____ The d*i*KM> «f this grand mem I a a cent s . 387 p ao te. TWO LBCTCMW By I. HL a~*«a g a d the: fall aBattoa of the earthly •if. Dc. lister«. wai send a aaspir af ctel OOTTKim Of 8ITEIT LIFE AXD BE- ee n tn W e h iw w ajliflirf. X n. C. H_ Hes- rm iily free te ag s is wfll wette far ft. 'ENT EXPERIESCBS OF MAMCEL THE ESTET FAMILY—By Bush K. H u deram, the amt her of Mrs. C ritB td t, Atessgk «f «ke wmidy Is walled free to ISOVUB—By Caxrie K. S. Taring. 3p up. Price SI 25 dhnv la a r t t tm naed te tea. eager «r fand cents; p atty , 3 mam THE DHT1L AXED THE ADTK9TXSTS— feae a cottage at Lily Date; aad fay aad that It ag ease the dnraird m DEflCX ABCOOST FALLACIES — By By Meeee HaH 5 «■■■« beea eae of thoee aho have eoatrfh- gristly aod psvma nenify. Edttar ef the Trath Sector, i s ce n ts. THOMAS PAIXE*S V1XD1CATIOX — By aal gmeraaslr to the aphaOdlag aad M is Jsba ML Hatt**, a laflj T1 n PinJ7 ;u u n a u i n x c c o s e e i r-npfi«nm af Hebert QL IngmnaH. 35 leteaaa. O-. aaed the ru n Ij as deaeribed Spiritaal 1 1 rim* a A valonfcte bask, 48S THE XEW TB0TAMEVT OCCULTSSM— bapmliL of the flmniil l§ i «■»!» above anil her experience laid la her own pages. Price (L By J. H. Dtntj, H D pt tract 4 vtthoat expectation of either wards, afll pdte MMy tel in *t aU wssa^u F1EMT PUXOPUB OF FMTCHOME- TH I WAIXEKA VtiXDBK — A Gass af je e m tr r r rev irf or pover. oaly aeek- deeply. Mol Ifsftaa says: Tex. I aaed Gdiaa SpeetSe v im any baahaad's YET—How ta I*rrpart and. Desetep a Deakte Canariananean Ik eentn hgthovd being of the place aad the Faychmuapu By JL CL E. TrnM n THOMAS FAIXE—WAS HE JCH CS- kaowlrdgr aad completely e n d H a. Price 2P cents . By W. H. B at Price Ik eentn aroC of trath. aad ia this was eee- Be was a hard delator, a good a n THE BBTTKK WAT—An O ccri Stecy. by mBd >y her daaghter. who was also a when saber. kst Aar years I Herd in dear HEAVES BETIMED—A Xanattse af Ex­ perience After Death. Mrs BL B. D rttp. HL Met, Shrphaid WsML 25 eentn Mpg aad promoter of the inferrate i 'd In**!, d a m aad despair; pa tarty aad THOUGHT FBOM TBK (PUUT WOULD donee. Bow shall I tdl other wsaaen 18 cen ts. —By Mrs. Tcntmaa Smith. 3k eentn f Bdf apoL Here they have apeat wthost ft? Is t t n y /i a vendexfof tMag Uf£ALA—A Bomenee af IdeaBam. Chutes THE IXOOMIXG AXD OCTGOIXG Bdr aam en far aaaax years. Tb> that a woman can take waiters ia her a n Orissra Price S e a n te CHUECH—By Maaea h o i Trow Price hands aad stamp vat this iw aiftf cane 5 renta gapathr of "maar loving oaea here to the home? I aa* (fcd yaa ate fiiny to JESCM CH BI8T A FICnOX-E Farady. gd be extended to the aorrowing oae. 9k cen ts . TEX TEST m r r e o m OB T in t l a w OF pkkdhh my tip ih a cc. Car then I know it JAMBS & BLAISE OX THE MOXET OOXDITIOXS—By James L. Daw. Price I t h called apoa to oBdate at the •M reash bavin fa sf other paw vialr ftCBBHOX-S emmtm SL E n a service, aad the spirit Miaflu sad they MB ease ttofr hashsads Jaat aa THE OOXTKAST—P~aap liil*n and Spfr- I rand mhae. t am so pattM Car the LIFE AED HEALXX6 A SEGMENT OF paethe Bcht the trath. aad aach eoa- itnsBtm camynnedL By Maaea Hall. 90 man ilasa changes that have came Into my MPUUTOXOMY—By Helmcs W. Merten. c e n ts.__ atiadoa aa oaly spirit nriatetratton eaa Mfe that I feel Hto J vsvdd do anything S c e n ts. THE LIVING TEMPLE OK THE HOUSE d v i Ve oaly ask that die aay to let erevy ath and m e ther know what L.YBIC OF LIFE—Pbfteaephy te thyme. WE LTTE IX—By Dr. CL X. H. Benten. B o part the veil that ohocares the * Meaadag IT aides Ppiridr ia. I hamatly ky le n t A. Saadi1 ill a Ynntm Price g . I k ee n tn toheve It wig VEiSPKCS free trial pveksge of tfce remedy ta yea. PBIMITITB CHBIMTIAXITT AXD MOD- WOMAX. A LECTURE DELIVERED TO A daria janrmy T t U P . t n . secanty sealed, fa a plained aiappii. alas ERX SPIBITUALdDf—CrovdL Price fL l.ATUKK OXLT—By Wro. Dr. H nhart. I friSaft l*y» Ramey—I U. S. aril*. faO dlwcltoaa bw to aae It, bosks, tcart- Poetage, 18 cents. 3k een tn BmM*Ps art-U te l (anriy). •aaaiala from baadnda Wbs have beea O n Itlitev 93 kite* teedy). caved, and everytfcdag needed ta aid yaa ^ B f la lH l laches labaap la saving those near aad dear ta yaa fn a A h p f t h w i l l t lack. a life sf degdvdatioa and oltimate poverty —=-TH*—-- A Asb) of d iu *2% env aad dlvgrvta Mrs. J. J. W hitney, A Baftrt d jrtM ta . Mead for a free trial today. It wHl Marriage Supper of the. Lamtv A talent af i fiu tu ita t brightea tfce feat sf year life By B- F. FKEXCH. A latest «f arte B1.W . MEDIUM, A pin vf dter-U ccata. T nrir-. C*aua*a*caac Fryaaltina af U9 ANNA E. THOMAS, the Saak of Be Mlalinaa aad Pacta A p*mb—®S4 se e ls. f It U daetsa Avn, - - gywpavt, Ky. aflbawiri aad Maatbew. a t m - n i s h a WMglvs advice spas saaaviaaa yarnataf va P a st Paid. medical Clairvopt I fcaaer fas dry aeaaerd-l 1-0 b e n * . bsstasss. vwial aad te rite i affairs. Tbam • fcaaer las Bartd maaoa**p—170 gallons Gtviag name kcartliag bat Treats all diamaen with aad i ptata Wagnatered CavcrisaaO al- iTraCbtsI Aspects te PilntartiiM M Revealed BaaaiHw. Bead As epek «r bath—7 gill ms sad 4 plats. am laam T g sgsatir ad yaper «w atnnq> tor Dtegnoate, atafaog A Ms-i nrttea a d 0 pints. 4*v*lvpmaa« aad brai«agpsrpvaaa.M l» W a s Liffct of Troth P aM ish isc Co. age, sex, and one ItniHwg A Adds—1 plats. •cad Fssaralv. peritem Meriteeae. IocVsrs aad ayaaMom. Sealed letters Aa m as 8 B r in goo Teats aad Trampav Saoaeas for I answered, (3.00. A eefc 1 d a l* . rTRRLARTDIO GOSPEL—Campilattea af nplrllml Lecture*. A rateable bock. 488 232 Stockton Bt., —Don't f orget th e Light of Troth. pagan rriea, $ L B an F n a ria n n , CbL Answer.—No. bat the conditions o n m n c A T i were not right for poor friend to glee TION NATI the test. He wanted to give by which DR. PEEBLES AflflOCLA'I l yon could not mistake him. Cool' > j t j t j t C , OCT. Iffi heeded spirits ere very careful about WHO ARE THESE SPIRITUALISTS? Identifying themselves, and prefer to A pamphlet of D?*iio.onisis rslatice to Mpiriufl try your patience than sacrifice their Owtlficato aim or actuary. Lawyers particularly IMMORTALITY -OUR IMPLOYMENT HEREAFTER, What tlx* apinta say of the other life. Postage I tic. Paper, ap to date as q u e s t io n s o r a s p ir it u a l x a - are built that way, and should be a Now Engl* TT'BE OR THOSE APPERTAINING TO test In itself. A fraud would have THREE JOURNEYS AROUND THE WORLD. tor Main*, Iffi Ar « CAUSE ARK ANSWERED UNDER manifested ere this. THIS HEAD BRIEFLY AND OX SHORT Dr, Peebles’ latest nork. What he report* of h ,. Maseaebtwett NOTICE. QUESTIONS SHOULD BE countries. A large volume. Only %\ 0O, Fo-iaye 2*e SUL CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. CHRISIAN SCIENCE AH A HAIR Trunk Lin RESTORER. LIGHT OF TRUTH PUBLISHING COMPANY York, Penns Quest lop.—Does each individual aware, Wsat carry oat the purpose of bis existence If the lobster can develop a new Central 1- or can anyone live otherwise than be claw by mere force of will, much more, Obfo. Indian does under the conditions that sur­ then, ought a bold man to be able to to Canada, round him?—A. H. N. GILES B. STEBB1NS* WORKS. flottiheaxb grow a fine bead of hair, merely by tor Vlrgfnl Answer.—It is said we cannot escape believing that be can do ao, or by dis­ Poems of the Life Beyond and Within*— (forth and oar destiny. If that be true your ques­ believing that be is bald, on Christian Alabama, l l Science principles. Probably "hair re­ Voices From Many Lands and Centuries, saying, "Man, try* tion Is answered in the affirmative. never die. Fourth edition. Price Postage 11 tU Fisas* ret But It is also asserted that we must storers" owe their efficacy, if any, to kept on sals live out the cause upon on—that Is. suggestion, but It would be a crucial The Spiritual Body Real, territory, b aeording to the habits, passions, de­ experiment to make hair grow without V ie w s of Paul, Wesley and Other Valuable Testimonies of M,, nearly all U sires, tastes and needs Inherited. a patent hair restorer. Clairvoyants, 10 ct*. ttflrut* tick Some are guided to prevent certain Unluckily, men suffer most from Man and the Microcosm.— days and a baldness, and men are seldom Chris­ habits. Of coarse, this guidance Is ab­ His Infinite and Divine Relation*—fntuition*-—■’The U fhtW dL ji the openin solute so far aa the guide can carry it tian Scientists. . . , Cheap metaphys­ It is atta out. But mortals often get away from ics have a beneficent result in the Light of Truth Publishing Company. dneed rate their guardians, and go astray. This minds of ladles whose education baa trip unUsH Is not destiny. It Is incident. Destiny not included a course of Hegel and ticket whe is voluntary. We feel certain desires Aristotle, Fichte and Plato. It Is im­ f.AJHM . H 7 Jj /, the count/ oc needs to make us content, and we probable that Christian Science would Arriving make endeavors to carry them out. heal a malady of the Master of Ballot. your tick* —Andrew Lang, in Westminster Ga­ HAIR ON THE FACE Spiritualists’ Hymnal Bailey W In this we generally succeed—provided •Ml toww iBKnttttn fe«v Ia ftaor*Ituallr * again there is no spoke put in our zette. m4 e!Sf/tmXiy ertfot/nt «* Iwmiwnu. NO. 9 who will i wheel by a guide; for some of our In­ Mrs. U.U. FEAST, A /8 Be* W. OakPwfc.M» A CHOICE COLLECTION Of H i iffieats M< home for clinations are detrimental to health or NOT CIVILIZED YET. AND OHIO INAL SONUA A»I>#rtj,| tkkai r.u vv.r.r. Tickets w happiness, and must be prevented. rw.ursr Li.fcr.ij (WORD* AND MUSIC.) 29 asd to Then again the guide may or may not An exchange aays: Every year in witt Vwtte.4 kttm succeed In carrying oat his design; Manila has 129 holidays. Two hours «liw. H**« (*r«l of the era DROPSY ma iT t t m m i « iw meres** m ocm u s * Head'll are taken for luncheon. Besides the IrttilrM UM xnijMKi r> for mortals are sometimes very head­ Mltr liMMMr.tU tt t«* !»;• m y u t t« t one year out of seven that all foreign ■ iru wf • If (graiytsra* ».« terarr/t/l. fcfK/K vf Spiritual Uu’ Meet in yz, Washing* strong—know too much for their own I t w u l W w ***** wwt vr.t.r.. bftt How good. They do not listen to the voice employes of the great mercantile IS Days Ir^UirwtrrM tfr* l/t M.M houses represented. la Manila have ttM fjrl *>»•. kje.s(*(>, JTU»U. Us. Lyceum*, Seances ard aecured. of the spirit, whether their ova, that Parson of another, or the spirit of nature, given to them aa "home leave," there The Home Cwt I fa a month’s vacation each year, a reg­ DEAP— Has can I which Is intuition. Through the lat­ “ istfla. sutfl a. *-m fa. jo aatdasaw Vpa rw able prle ter all can be guided right for .heir ular holiday each month, and all the ■PMwOeM bv ISTR.IL LA WKEBCE, N. », saint's days, and Spanish, French, . *// KfjfM*i IHUE can be f i s best good. To find this path through HTf— <*# CHlMOSl SwsO*, *MMH per dozen, raageiw yon for your special guidance. She and Sundays, there are 129 days In PUBLISHED BY of one 4 makes no mistake, and whatever each year when the people do not d Light ef Troth Tisct Me, C. # atonal 1 inf nil km teQs you under these cir­ work. J Sermon on Spiritualism # LIGHT OF TRUTH PUL0.1 The 1 cumstances is right for you. however This win all he changed when the By Rcw. M rtaa f , K**, > COLUMBUS, OHIO. devote/ wrong you may think it tor the tin t great American per cent.—get there # p T«m # The 1 being or consequent upon following EM—and the devil take the hindmost # ------SNS — — # ______Brans, mature* impression. The end will system becomes operative. ? Testimonial to Mcdiumship # CMMU prove her right. She in your mother . . Sy Rcw. Dr Jm_. O i Psrym.mi # doctor, guide and love moves her in your be­ • c t f e b e u wnm e indiokotton 0

,a,t. # S PSYCHOPQM? their z half. That is God. Try MfMm Dto w ssTOuu .ssmsy am ss # FKICK S CrwTfl, # ■sAOMOgw s j I/ stsm uSm sittsO Ess ------vo n vna work. OttkMtUBMrn t(r. »lw;SI ■ Um smiss* i n u M M tC i, Detcv m l M X * Queslinu.—In own of last October is c o v e r y and ' numbers of tbo Light of Truth there far s copy of T1IK VELOPMEM •! appeared thin question: If the flesh COMING LIGHT D is i w w ti constantly, why don't sears, MEW SEND*:CNifonsO new sSns- tattoos or birth marks Anally disap­ fisted muDnsa; p r Ip ts iw ; oat ana fc»- pear? Tonr reply was, that they do Hymn Sheets. tascs; corf* sf oea- Ezery Fatally Should hem disappear where the change is rapid, > > > Oat for the lJ*rys*t hnt the average c h a p is too slow to o f Testing the JftAassbi A new Hymn t i n t with a ll the tafboien usowpamsd. remove them Spiritual1 development old r o p and a number of new l"'refert o f its MzmKen being needed to change the nature of I onoo added jest puMMfcod by the iv L ia % w taOWmftit w v w > the flesh and cams a rapid growth, I Laghdof Truth Pahliahiag Co. %% which wfB shtticrato them 1 now re­ This new hymn shoot contains 1 R A A V I and a hand- A N E S S A Y nns k Mttt, »»*»■«. m w ar « { fer to tan oss Do ywn think that some o<* >m»flr« mmsf mtntm . . Dll flo p would asafist, 16 Pages some and ap­ — ow — with flplrllusl mfsllmrsf? The propriate title pageJ f giving of information on this subject M E D I U n S H I P # UGlfT OP TH.TI PUUSMCk! wuufd he greatly apprvrlatid—W. B. T. # f -Tea. hut fhs remedy would IJ Prices t S t S«SU « M M I M U >»*♦♦»»»»♦ so n j the car*, and caavirt n fW io 40 cants per 149 and PROF. J. S. LOVELAND. ♦ # LIGHT OF TBDTN TRACT flflf ta»l oci into am wgty, parries* J proportionately. # Thu Sutler wffil than come under \ Express ehniflm vary scour ding Price, 26 cts. Postage Paid. # ■was laws for total oMNamtiou r to dtoianee. the caoa in paint shore stated # This ia a new work, written n . a Psychic Problems d Light of Truth Publishing Co. ri p re a siy fo r the Light of Truth g Library. It needs no farther g L IL IA N WHITING. commendation than the an- d PSYCHIC WORLD; tbot'i anme. # 1 For Sale a t Th s Office * toen.nutDri Pass Paso. m TSOI* PUMJMRM CO. ; uflut o r TBETB 999999 99999 THE LIGHT OF TRUTH. CERTIFICATE RATES TO CONVEN­ TION NATIONAL SPIRITUALISTS’ ASSOCIATION, WASHINGTON, D. DR. MANSFIELD’S CL, OCT. 18TH, 19TH, 20TH, 21ST, 1898. HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES Are Compounded Clairvoyantly For Each Patient, s 8 :: :: X OF TRUTH M M Certificate rates have been granted END name, age, sex, leading symp­ ip to date aa follows: S toms for FREE DIAGNOSIS and ‘‘Methods of On re ” H. D. Barrett, Preet. New England Passenger association, X. S. A , E.W. Sprague, Lyman C. Howe for Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont; and Moses Hull RECOMMEND THIS WORK OF ART Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecti­ W A. MANSFIELD, M. D., cut 176 Iu IM Are., Cleveland, Ohio. CONTAINS OVER 200 PHOTOGRAPHS OF Trunk Line Association, for New ♦ OUR MOST PROMINENT WORKERS York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Del­ T AThTFC Monthly Kara la tor. Never fail* send 4cte for Woman's B a n O eann : aware, West Virginia, and Maryland.| Wilcox Bed. Co., Dept. 162, Philadelphia, Pa. Central Passenger Association, for Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and !♦ in Canada, Toronto, Hamilton, etc. ♦ Southeastern Passenger Association, GOATS, POXES and CONIES** It is Bound in Cloth With Embossed PRICE, $1.00, for Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, OR T H I Cover Handsomely Figured : : : POSTAGE 25 CTS. North and South Carolina, Georgia, COMING ARMAGEDDON Alabama, Mississippi and Florida. Please remember certificates are not A DREAM L ig h t o f T r u t h P u b l is h in g C o m p a n y , C o l u m b u s, O h io . kept on sale at all stations in this great territory, but they can be procured at By John Runyan, Jr. i nearly all large towns and cities. Cer­ jk tificate tickets can be secured three Together W ith days and sometimes four days before the opening of the convention. SIR JOHN FRANKLIN WORKS OF E. D. BABBITT, M. D. LL.D. * It is utterly impossible to secure re­ jk jk j 6 duced rates for you on your return THE MYSTERIOUS trip unless you procure a certificate Revelations of the Child THE PRINCIPLES OF LIGHT AND COLOR. Superbly issued, royal 8vo, with over 200 engravings and colored plates. ticket when you leave the section of BY A. O. HOYT, the country in which you live. Price $ 3 or $ 5 .3 2 with postage or expressage. Price in massive half-Rusaia Arriving in Washington, deposit binding. 75 cents extra Rules for Holding Spiritual Circles. “An imposing volume of nearly 6oo pages. Shows a great amount of re­ your ticket with Secretary Francis search on the part of the author. Will prove a great acquisition to Scientific B&iley Woodbury, Masonic Temple, Jk Libraries.”—N. Y. H erald. who will Issue to you an endorsed cer­ PRICE. 15 Cte, Postage Paid, tificate entitling you to return to your d* HUMAN CULTURE AND CURE. home for one-third the regular fare. I In six parts, four parts being already issued. Pr.ce for each, postpaid, 75 c e n ts . Tickets will he good to return on Oct Light of Truth Publishing Co. i PART I. The Philosophy of Cure, including Methods and Instruments. 20 and for three days after the close “The ‘Principles of Light and Color’ is in every respect masterly, and ‘Hu­ of the convention. man Culture and Cure’ appears to be no less remarkable.” —Dr. Pascal, 12 Headquarters of the delegates in Rue Picot, Toulon, France. Washington will be the celebrated Eb------NEW ------f PART H. Marriage, Sexual Development and Social Upbuilding. bitt House; special rates have been “The usual heavy volumes issued by medical authors do not contain a tithe secured. of the practical information that is included in Dr. Babbitt’s work.”—J. O. Persons desiring with private fami­ Premium Offer Underhill, Chicago. lies can be accommodated at a reason­ PART 111 aud IV in one volume; postpaid at $ 1 .5 0 . able price. Also good accommodations -FOR- Covers wonderful ground, including Mental Science, Phreno-Physiognomy, can be found for table board. MONTHS' Psychometry, Hypnotism, (explained for the first time;, Clairvoyance, Nerv­ Ebbett House is situated within five SIX SUBSCRIBERS. ous Force, Insanity, etc. minutes walk of the White House, jk HEALTH AND POWER. treasury department and other points “Worth its weight in diamonds.” P ric e 2 3 cents. of Interest For 50 C e n ts we will send the Every delegate should make ar­ rangements also to Bpend at least halt i! E ight of ' Religion as Revealed by the Material and Spiritual Universe. of one day in the magnificent Congres­ AND' 378 pp„ illustrated; postpaid,cloth, $1 IO; paper, 6 0 cents. sional library. “ It proclaims a most beautiful and glorious gospel If all could be lead to The last day of the session will be j I rPhe Marriage Supper believe in such a gospel, the world would be almost infinitely better than now devoted to the young people entirely. 11 JL of The Lamb, —Dr. O. O. Sroddard, Philadelphia. The Young People’s Union, I. C. I. By B. F. FRENCH, A LIGHT OF TRUTH PUBLISHING COMPANY. Evans, Pres., and the National Ly­ For SIX MONTHS to any Address in ceum Union, J. B. Hatch, Jr., con­ the United States, Canada and Mexico. ductor, will be given time to develop , Send in your Subscriptions now. their respective branches of Important s work. J I ADDBK8S FRANCIS BAILEY WOODBURY. |) Light of Truth Publishing Co., WHAT YOU NEED MOST. Secy. N. S. A. A COLUMBUS, OHIO. A Knowledge of HOW TO CURE Disease by Suggestion. How A SOLDER'S FUNERAL. to TREAT patients: What to DO; What to S4K: What cures ♦♦♦ to EXPECT: What diseases do NOT yield to mental treatment. ALL THESE THINGS are TAUGHT in the Passed to spirit life at Huntsville, LIGHT OF TRUTH TRACT NO. 3 Ala., September 7, C. W. Fleming of n JOURNAL OF SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS, the First Ohio volunteer cavalry. The body was shipped to Columbus for In- THE USES Endorsed by Scientific men everywhere. A handsome Monthly torment, and the final services were — O F — Magazine; full of good things; and valuable to possess. Not a held at the First Spiritualists’ church, WOMAN’S BEAUTY. Spiritualist paper, but most useful to Spiritualists and mediums September 11, Carrie F. Weatherford everywhere on account of its practical teaching. officiating. Mr. Fleming was a devoted jk We take subscriptions for this Journal, which is published in lyceum member. 81x young men from An Address Delivered Before the Chicago, and by special arrangements with the publisher we send battery H acted aa pall bearers, and the Manhattan Liberal Club of 21 JOURNAL OF SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS number of young ladlea from the New York City. lyeeum were honorary assistants, One year and the premium book “A Study in Hypnotism," 194 pp., franklin lodge, I. O. Q. T., attended In jk to any address in the U. S. and Canada for ONE DOLLAR ($!•)> a body, aa did also his fellow work­ By Miles Menander Dawson. or with the LIGHT OF TRUTH—one year—both for $ 1 .7 5 . men. The church was crowded to Its ADDRESS * Begin your year With J one Number. almost capacity by dtlsena and mem­ PRIORS: The Light of Truth Publishing Company. bers o^the various army corps station­ Single Copy, Bo.; SB, O l; BO. 01.50'; ed hare. Pally 1,000 people viewed the lOO, O8.6O. body. jLIGHT OF TRUTH PUBL'lNG CO. 666 *♦< The last act In the drama of democ­ racy la aboat to be presented. First THE NEW TIME * ECHOES FROM jt j» jk came freedom of conscience or democ­ RELKUO-PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL AND THE WORLD OF SONG, jk racy of thought; them came equality m m t h «::: LIGHT OF TRUTH By C. Payaon Longley. LIGHT OP TRUTH A handsomely bound volume of music beta* the law, or political democracy; Are Now to bo Had #< CA PER that should be in ov.ry home. : t 1 I aad bow may he heard the approach­ at a Club Bata of * YEAR. Clubbed »» $1.75 Year P R IC E , S I , I S CTS. FOSTAOX. es taew pe of equality of opportu­ V B o ad you Babecriptleas to thla office. LIGHT OF TRUTH PUBLISHING CO. nity. or Industrial democracy.. Seed year BobecrpUona to thla Office. i6 THE LIGHT OF TRUTH. The emperor of China has addressed TRACT NO. 1. • long explanation of bis new policy, Light of Truth. PBTCHIC PROBLEMS — By Lilian Whit­ declaring that In many respects west­ ing. A write of Spiritual t u a / i on sab- C o l u m b u s , O hio, - Oct i , ern civilization Is superior to that of jade f-otnpatlbie with tbe philosophy of bis dominions, and announcing bis In- life. Price, 10 cents; 26, 91.76; 60, 92.60; I TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! tiopoa to adopt Its good features and 100, 66. # Otti fCBf .$1-00 discard tbs bed ones. | *059 MARKPT st Club i»f (# • <* rctpf to tit tat gutting * Business failures for toe first week IMMORTALITY -A NKW MAGAZINE ftp tb# till #•»•••••••••#•#a•••••••# i.flo J. r . Y. Uruinblnr, editor. A quarterly Single copl** ,t§ of September were In amount of lia­ atagaalnv devoted to the u priori philoso­ 5 SAN FRANCISCO.rij j ligliM of Cvropt ...... 183 bilities $1,111,693. manufacturing phy and the Roslcrudano, or the Order of India Of Ao«tr»Ui #•••••••••#•.•#»»«« 101 $221,COS. and trading $703,901. Fall- the White Rose. Each number la an ex­ REMIT by l'oatoflb*a M otrf Onl#r, Rag haustive hook of whatever II t re fits. Reg­ urea for the web have been 164 In the ular contributors, Annie Besanl, W. J. i lotofod Let Iff of Iififl ta ('aIi b Ihm of j t Consultation by Letter f i l l R oV York. It fN lI tH OF flflHR o tti to United States against 216 last year, Colville, Swauil Harudundo, Hwninl Abhu- Send postage etamp lor raft*. gof fltfli oo hail boob# mb#H. oo do not and 16 In Canada against 36 last year. danando, Cora L. V. Richmond. All arti­ i aood (been. Postage itaopt not trctpl' cles written under Illumination. Second id In pip Host of nbafftpt loss. Koblman Rosenthal, an English­ number devoted to "Clairvoyance.” Special a <£ Correspondence invited; no ' , Wbon tho puctfdlri •ddroao of gtjbwrtb man, and Dr. Von Komorkl, a Berlin features arc “The Academy" and “The Ed­ " hair or loading symptom" require^! »fi to to bo rboitgod, our pstrooa sboold chemist, declare that they have In­ itor's Tripod." Subscription, $1. Single g iro fta t v s wroka* pFVfWMtf SotlOO. Slid copies, 25c, Address J, 0. P\ (Irunihlne, j M j M \ not osilt to atsto tbotr proooot so woll •» vented a match that will strike any­ many accorded this gifted medioqj 11,(MO,000 Fifth Avenue Presbyterian tero Rios, chairman; Senor Abarzusa, FRANK N. FOSTER, I i and educated gentleman. J ehureh In New York, has passed away. General Cerrero, Senor Villa Urrutia, 305 Tompkins Avenue, i The American flag was formally un­ Senor Garnlca. The commission repre­ sents the political, military and diplo­ B r o o k l y n , n . y . furled over the headquarters of the COLLEGE OP PSYCHICAL SCIENCE American peace commission In Ha­ matic elements of the country. To lnaure satisfactory. permsnsntarfoUa^ In Psychom etry. Clairvoyance,Psjchopilh;,|v| vana on the morning of Sept. 20. Commodore Philip has sent a unique splration. Illumination, lend a itamptd, y souvenir to the governor of Texas as dressed envelope for booklet,tsrnii,ptrcttii* The approximate cost of the war to HRS. MAGGIE WAITE. of M edial and Spiritual gifts to J.t'K Otunblgi the United States has been: Expend­ a testimony of the loyalty and effici­ Hitting* by d> I A A four cents lo 8000 L angley Ave ."T h e Mexicans,"'BUlion jj ency of the battleship which was mall. ... . 1 i UI/ j stam ps. Chicago. “ Clairvoyance, Its Nature andl.twj itures for the army, (78,600,000; ex­ 1*21 Buhl Block, - DETROIT, MICH. U nfoldm ent” ; a work that tesches how toPlug christened after that state. He had th e V e il o f S e m e , to *ee spirit* and nofolduia penditures for the navy, $36,000,000. ship. Price 88 60. Address the suthor IN la Total, $114,600,000. taken one of the armor plates which turer as above. j. C . F . GKUMBUg, The steamer Coptic from Yokohama was pierced by a six-inch projectile via Honolulu, brings Information that from the guns of the Vizcaya, and has MINIATUREM ■ m ■ a m ote* LIHIIAII S P IR IT U A L SCRAPS. the "Territory of Hawaii” is the name framed It in handsome style, to be An illustratedjbook of Experien esby the no$ hung as a memento In tne statenouse em inent S cientists of Europe and America;aim which the annexation committee has PRACTICAL INFORMATION! n a tte rs pertaining to the Spiritual Philosophy, decided to recommend to congress. at Austin. Questions and Answers, etc. —J*— President McKinley made a personal Price, 25 Cts., Post Paid. Inspection of the army hospital at A MATTER OF RETROSPECTION. NUMBER 1 . LIGHT OP TRUTH PUBLISHING CO. Fort Myer, Vu., last week, and went Questions and Answers from cot to cot extending a personal The eloquent clergyman exclaimed: —ON— THE SPEAKING DIAL. greeting to each of the four hundred "My friends, were the average man to Spiritual Subjects. < > A Wonderful Spiritual Inrenlloi, patients. turn and look himself squarely In the Gives names, dates snd circumstance Mpeiki —J— (» In various languages, answers mental quo Rev. James Lester Hudson, Metho­ eyeB and ask himself what he really (ions. Convincing the most skeptical, D$> needed most, what would be the first PRICE 6 CENTS. ' I 1 velops all phates of mediumship. Magnetized dist, of Detroit, not having obtained br a powerful spirit band. Dials tor sale bjf his wife’s consent to clandestine rela­ reply suggested to his mind?" "A rub­ Light of Troth Publishing Co. ^ the inventor, only P. J. DEMPW5Y, ber neck I" shouted the precocious ur­ 1402 V in e P lace, riinne* polls, HIdb, tions with another woman, Mrs. Hud­ Enclose stam p for reply. son proceeds to have a divorce. All chin In the rear of the room; and, in pious people. the confusion which followed, the good man loBt his place In his manu­ THE RELIGION Bridgeport, Conn., has a first-class script and began over again.—Puck. —OF— murder mystery. Recently some boys MODERN SPIRITUALISM ASTONISHINQI found the dismembered body of a AMD IT S young woman In a mill pond, the Money Is the most tempting bait to PHENOMENA. DOCTOR fl. B. DOBSOH head, legs and trunk being tied up In part with honor, but truly honorable COUPABBD WITH S till Heals the Sick Through separate bundles. No clew. Is he who can withstand Its tempta­ the Mediumship of An Imperial edict issued Sept. 22 tion. THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION AND definitely announces that the emperor • ITS MIRACLES. Mrs. Dr. D0 BS0 N*BARKER of China has resigned his power to the HOW A LADY MADE $300.00. A large 400-page book with red and gold bind­ dowager empress, who has ordered A correspondent u r i : I hid no means of Sup­ ing by If You W ish As s porting my faml ly ana began ten weeke ago to soil DB. WM. CLEVELAND. | Good H e a l t h S i> lrlt’l Hsalsr the ministers to deliver to her In fu­ Non-Alcoholic Flavoring Extracts for tho U 8. | You Should Ap- She Has ns ture their official reports. Fruit Co , Ht Louie, Mo. I have oloared over $100, This elegant book—a fine library edition— | p ly to H e r Equal TheRxtraote a-e In powdered form and meet with was printed by tho Light of Truth Co. of Major Esterhazy of the French unlvereal demand. All housekeepers prefer them Cincinnati, but left unfinished In the hands beoauee they are perfootly pure and stronger of the binders, and the burden thrown on us. army, tired of bearing hlB load of than the liquid extraoti. My brothor has taken To liquidate this debt we will sell anumbsr up the work with me and Is very successful The of these books at a very low figure. It has wickedness, from his hidden retreat In u , 8 Fruit Oo. will start any of your readers. therefore been reduced to W ith ller Magnetized England has confessed his unparal­ Why be Idle when you osn make 480.00 per weekT I g ive my experience for the benefit of other poor 86 Cents, Postage 14 Cants. Herbs All Diseases lelled infamy. He says that most of people. the thousand letters used In the Drey­ That Flesh is Heir to fus trial were forgeries. A R E C U R E D . Bishop J. C. Keener, aluded to by an J. C F. GRUMBINE’S WORKS. exchange ob one of the greatest and purest men American Methodism has Send three 2-ceot stamps, age, CLAIRVOYANCE t sex, lock of hair and one leading proclaimed, strenuously objects to the A System of Philosophy, Concerning its Law, Nature and Unfoldmontt symptom, with full name and return by the Methodist Church South It is a system of inspired teachings concerning Divinity, especially how to plain address, and be convinced to ttye government the $288,000 recent­ unfold the Clairvoyant vision, to pierce tha veil of sense, see and converse with of the wonders of spirit power by ly paid over to it on an old war claim. spirits, enter at will into the spirit world and become a seer and an adept in having her Rev. J. 0. Hull, who attempted to mystical science. To the student it will prove to be of priceless value. $ 3 .8 0 . Diagnose Your Case Free. poison his wife in S t Paul, Minn., PSYCHOMETRY: some time ago, and was sent to the Its Science and Law of Unfoldmenti A D D R ESS A L L MAIL TO state prison for six years, has been ad­ • The student of Occult, Mysticism, Spiritualism and Theosophy will receive judged hopelesly Insane and will be a scientific exposition of the Science of Psychometry. Price 60 cents. Mrs. Dr. D0 B50N»BflRKER transferred to the state Insane asylum Box 132, SAN JOSE, California. at Rochester. LIGHT OF TRUTH x-UBLISHING OO. %