REV. DR W. W. HICKS, I W{A B M i ® m ' J s j l ii / iH 1 1 1 1 S 3 l J i 5 F f S » ft THE LKHT OF TRUTH. ( ■ K B AT* A . t —X’ ngpa has z t t t t a l , ,V M my. the o) SS THE PflOGBESS OP t h u wtbm r> WM r>in Janet and Ptan da F ran ce* . a t A M ra s ae tke Britiuh A w d n i n t v of tnllua Iibm -la America) OKI striktafij (Unseated the cna; so which patient etpenaaafiot can By Sir B so 2>&|_____________|___________ rccoe sailiatral processes, aad m thus kan the .assess of alternating without the ifiaij a t the reorganised personalities, and abnormal states. Light L ata, gim the tdowtag organs of sense—that kaowhdse nv -T is cfear that ctr diesse at Sir Wffltaa Crookes' y e a enter the human mind without keiij of snb-cqnscioes mentation is still tc tatU l sidres ho the British MBom- eonaaiatef in any hitherto known be develop t d. we mns: beware of rash­ t t a at Primal before a targe sad dt$- ly assuming that all variations Bum Itagiished udlesce. The portion at Although the inquiry has elicited im­ the normal waking condition are neces­ the a d i r e s here p m bears s p a a s a b - portant tans with reference to the nlii it aot yet i curbed the scien­ sarily morbid. The human race has jsttt of rperril interest. Tn SptritasL- reached no fixed or changeless ideal: tau eiHjehere. Professor Crookes tific stage of certainty which would entitle it to be usefully brought before in every direction there is evolution as well as disintegration. It would be she has beta a»d as pnftaq vac These, th et are near of the subjects one of our sections. I will therefore hard to find instances of more rapid •eighty s a d far-reaching. w s h x h confine to passisng out the di­ she yec shall be. TeQ altar ui a rection in which scientific investiga­ progress, moral and physical, than in have lifted, aad her face pws ant ay ova stteirtia has heea chiety coa- certain important cases of cure by sug­ c aliatei Upoa oae other iaterest I tion legitimately advance. If tel­ benuxiftaL angnst aad waatafaL «h epathy take place we have two visible gestion—again to cite a few names out every barrier that is vtifcm hare aot js toarhed—to ae the of many—by IXwult Bemheim. the "weightiest sad the farthest-reaching facts—the physical change in the brain of A. the suggester. and the analogous late Auguste Toisia. Derilkut tin a t an. France). Sehrmck-Notiiag (in Ger- EA R TH 'S COSMIC A<X*fiT?GKi So iad ta t ia my soeutific career physical change in the brain of B. the recipient of the suggestion. Between many), ForeL | land). Van is more widely known ihaa the part I Eeden tin Holland). Wetterstrand tip Recent researches have $iw Vr t » took many years ago ia certain psychic these two physical events there must thought, to justify the tsetu t exist a train of physical causes. When­ Sweden). Milne-Bramwell and Lloyd researches. Thirty years hare passed Tuekey tin England). This is not the XordenskjoML and others that a kp f r ee I published an accooBE at ex­ ever the connecting sequence of inter­ portion of the earth's rcnsimss mediate causes begins to be revealed place for details, but the vis medica- periments tending to show that outside trix thus evoked, as it were, from the may be of cosmic origin—that, h ate oar srsenmk: knowledge there eri«m^ the inquiry will then come within the words, in the coarse of ages fit cs- a Force exercised by intelligence differ­ range of one of the sections of the depths of the organism, is of good otnen for the upward evolution of man­ tant stars and other hsavedy hata ing tram the ordinary intelligence com­ British association. Such a sequence may have contributed of chair an- mon to mortals. This fact in my life can only occur through an intervening kind. A formidable range of phenomena stance to thicken the a® «f nr is. of coarse, well understood by those medium. All the phenomena of the world. In evidence of this is cs«i h who honored me with the invitation universe are presumably in some way must be scientifically sifted before we effectually grasp a faculty so strange. fact that, at various times aad 2 nr- to become your president. Perhaps continuous, and it is unscientific to ons places, there has been eaBuni among my audience some may feel call in the aid of mysterious agencies so bewildering and for ages so in­ scrutable. as the direct action of mind from the snow a black povtar at­ curious as to whether. I shall speak when with every fresh advance in taining metallic Iron, aad ia sane n- oat or be silent. I elect to speak, al­ knowledge it is shown that ether vi­ on mind. This delicate task needs a rigorous employment of the method stances cobalt and nkkeL vhh cm th though briefly. To enter at length on brations have powers and attributes inland ice which covers Gnohai a a still debatable subject would be un­ abundantly equal to any demand—even of exclusion—a constant setting aside of irrelevant phenomena that could be peculiar mineral ponder. kac*n as duly to insist on a topic which—as to the transmission of thought. It is kryokonite. mixed with grains ci » Wallace. Lodge and Barrett have al­ supposed by some physiologists that explained by known causes, including those far too familiar causes, con­ tallic iron, has been detected, ft a ready shown—though not unfitted for the essential cells of naves do not ae- • from this and similar data that Sir- discussion at these meetings, does not. tually touch, but are separated by a scious and unconscious fraud. The in­ quiry unites the difficulties inherent in denskjold ventures oa the assnua yet enlist the interest of the majority narrow gap. which widens in sleep, that not improbably, if this fast tah of my scientific brethren. To ignore while it narrows almost to extinction all experimentation connected with mind, with tangled human tempera­ in an equal amount all over the jtat the subject would be an act* of cow­ during mental activity. This condition —and though the snow enables i b ardice—an act of cowardice I feel no is so singularly like that of Branly or ments and with observations dependent less on automatic record than on per­ be detected more easily than oa with temptation to commit. Lodge coherer as to suggest a further there is no reason for supposing the To stop short in my research that analogy. The structure of brain and sonal testimony. But difficulties are things to be overcome even in the it does not—something Hke half a na­ bids fair to widen the gates of knowl­ nerve being similar, it is conceivable tion tons drop from the cekssA edge. to recoil from fear of difficulty there may be present masses of such elusory branch of research known as Experimental Psychology- It has been spaces in the course of a year. TV or adverse criticism, is to bring re­ nerve coherers in the brain whose spe­ shooting stars must, it is sappostc proach on science. There is nothing cial function it may be to receive im­ characteristic of the leaders among the group of inquirers constituting the discharge an immense quantity «f h- for the investigator to do but to go pulses brought from without through minous particles. straight on. “to explore up and down, the connecting sequence of ether waves Society for Psychical Research to com­ inch by inch, with the taper his rea­ of appropriate order of magnitude. bine critical and negative work with son;” to follow the light wherever it Roentgen has familiarized ns with an work leading to possitive discovery. THE X-RAY SAVES LIFE. may lead, even should it at times re­ order of vibrations of extreme minute­ To the penetration and scrupulous semble a will-o'-the-wisp. I have noth­ ness compared with the smallest waves fair-mindedness of Professor Henry Little Francis Nelson, oae aad (be­ ing to retract. I adhere to my already with which we have hitherto been ac­ Sidgwick and of the late Edmund half years old. daughter of 0, XeAu. published statements. Indeed, I might quainted, and of dimensions compara­ Gurney is largely due the establish­ a merchant of SehlessingerviUe. Vs. add much thereto. I regret only a ble with the distances between the cen­ ment of canons of evidence in psychi­ while playing with a hat-pin six aai certain crudity in those early exposi­ ters of atoms of which the material cal research, which strengthen while one-half inches long a few days a$a tions which, no doubt justly, militated universe is built up; and there is no they narow the path of subsequent ex­ in some manner managed to stilh against their acceptance by the scien­ reason to suppose that we have here plorers. To the detective genius of it. The child was taken to Chkaju. tific world. My own knowledge at that reached the limit of frequency. It is Dr. Richard Hodgson we owe a con­ where prominent physicians gate it *$ time scarcely extended beyond the fact known that the action of thought is vincing demonstration of the narrow their opinion that it was an impossi­ that certain phenomena new to science accompanied by certain molecular limits of human continuous observa­ bility for such a small child to seal- had assuredly occurred, and were at­ movements in the brain, and here we tion.
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