AIAS Newsletter Spring 2014 Voor Op Site.Indd 1 16-4-2014 14:29:04 Amsterdam Institute AIAS for Advanced Labour Studies

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AIAS Newsletter Spring 2014 Voor Op Site.Indd 1 16-4-2014 14:29:04 Amsterdam Institute AIAS for Advanced Labour Studies AIAS Spring 2014 NNewsletterewsletter How do salaried medical specialists deal with shift work? Doctor of Letters award to Jan Cremers Labour market behaviour of Dutch mothers Amsterdam Institute for Advanced labour Studies AIAS AIAS newsletter Spring 2014 voor op site.indd 1 16-4-2014 14:29:04 Amsterdam Institute AIAS for Advanced labour Studies UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM What can we offer you? AIAS is an institute for multidisciplinary research and teaching at the University of Amsterdam. Founded in 1998, it brings together the University’s expertise in labour studies from the Faculties of Law, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Economics and Business, and Medicine. AIAS’ mission is to strengthen its position as a leading academic centre in the fi eld of labour studies in the Netherlands and abroad, foster- ing its acclaim as an attractive partner for international cooperation in research and teaching. Our threefold task is to perform and facilitate research aimed at developing, empirically testing and applying theories that can explain the working of labour markets, labour relations and organisations, and social and labour policies in an internationally comparative perspective. We maintain and further develop multidisciplinary teaching programmes concerning these issues and provide expertise to society by supplying analytical tools, results and data to enlighten policy making in the fi eld of labour and to contribute to the intellectual and public debate on labour, employment and social policies. Research Teaching Social involvement AIAS research focuses on the analysis of AIAS offers various forms of education: Annually AIAS organies conferences about labour markets, social security and govern- Various in-company courses ongoing research and current trends. ur- ance. It combines various disciplinary ap- Training of Ph students, e.g. in the thermore, several lunch seminars and proaches along three perspectives: Societal EDUWORKS project workshops take place during the year, of- regulations & coordination of markets, In- fering interesting opportunities for the dividual transactions in markets and Societal exchange and deliberation of research on and individual effects. Some of our research labour issues from all over the world. AIAS programmes we are involved in: has a major collection of academic socio- ● GINI Growing Inequalities’ Impacts economic data in the fi eld of labour rela- Solidarity in the 21st Century tions, labour organiations, employment and lex Work esearch Centre working conditions in the Netherlands and WageIndicator abroad. AIAS and its staff contribute to soci- ree Choice in Pensions ety on many subjects, for different audiences and in varying formats articles, books, re- ports, interviews, presentations etc.... The AIAS Working Paper, the Labour markets and industrial relations in the Netherlands’ and the GINI iscussion Paper series also addresses a great variety of topics. CONTENTS COLOPHON What can we offer you? 2 This is a publication of the Amsterdam Institute for Editorial 3 Advanced labour Studies, PO Box 94025, 1090 GA News 4 AIAS Conferences 5 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Keynotes 9 Focus on Research 10 Subscriptions / address changes Focus on Justine Ruitenberg 12 [email protected] or +31 20 525 4199 Working Papers 15 AIAS Series ‘Labour markets & industrial relations in NL’ 18 (Final) editing Newsletters 19 Paul de Beer, Jan Cremers and Angelique Lieberton WageIndicator 23 Design / photo’s Onderwijs/Teaching 24 Publications Academic 25 Creative Es & Angelique Lieberton Publications Professional 33 Cover istockphoto/wibs24 Data 39 Other photos: © Jordi Huisman, Sean Stevenson, istockphoto Overview research projects 40 Research 42 Print run / edition People at AIAS 45 Print run: 2300 / © Spring 2014 AIAS AIAS in the media 46 Printer: GVO drukkers & vormgevers B.V. | Ponsen & Looijen Announcements 47 AIAS newsletter Spring 2014 voor op site.indd 2 16-4-2014 14:29:53 From the The crisis is not over, yet cover Editorial Now that the European economies are gradually recovering, the labour markets are still suffering from the consequences of the deep economic crisis. Unemployment rates have Doctor of Letters reached record highs and the real incomes of a large share of the population have declined over the past years. At the same time, income disparities are growing. While the majority of award to Jan the population suffers from the crisis, a small minority at the top has succeeded in improv- Cremers ing its position. While the topic of income inequality was not en vogue among economists for a long time, it has suddenly appeared on top of the research agenda. Currently, many Page 4 economists acknowledge that the widening income gap might not only have undesirable social consequences, but might also be among the causes of the global economic crisis. The Amsterdam Institute for Advanced labour Studies is proud to have contributed to the recent resurgence of the academic debate on income inequality. The GINI project, in which the AIAS and the Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies (AMCIS) cooperated with a large number of foreign research institutes, has made a thorough analysis of the trends and the How do salaried impacts of growing inequalities. The project was recently completed with the publication of two voluminous editions by Oxford University Press (see medical specialists articles/home). deal with shift The effects of the crisis on labour markets and industrial relations are at the core of the work? research of the AIAS. This Newsletter reports on a number of articles and books, written or edited by AIAS staff, which have recently been published. Moreover, the AIAS is the coordina- Page 10 tor or a partner of a number of international research projects funded by the European Un- ion on, e.g., collective bargaining for social rights (BARSORIS), youth and unions (YOUNION) and the integration of data on inclusive growth (INGRID). Now that the debates on jobless growth and increasing inequalities attract a lot of public and academic attention, the AIAS strives for a well-balanced interdisciplinary approach to these and related issues by combining and integrating the insights from various disciplines. We believe that these societal issues cannot be adequately analysed from a single, e.g. economic Labour market or sociological, perspective, but are best studied by research teams composed of economists, sociologists, political scientists, legal schol- behaviour of Dutch ars et cetera. mothers Since the beginning of this year, our insti- Page 12 tute is located at a new site on the Roeter- seiland, quite close to our old building. We welcome you to visit our new offi ce either to attend one of our regular lunch seminars on Thursday or to discuss joint research in- terests with our staff. Paul de Beer Editor AIAS newsletter co-director AIAS [email protected] 3 AIAS newsletter Spring 2014 voor op site.indd 3 16-4-2014 14:29:55 NEWS Doctor of Letters award to Jan Cremers The University of Westminster in London has awarded a honorary degree of Doctor of Letters (D.Litt.) to Jan Cremers, associated senior-researcher at the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS) from the University of Amsterdam. The Doctor of Letters recognition is usually awarded to individuals in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and India, following a long period of extensive research and many publications in scholarly and academic journals. Recipients of the D.Litt. have all contributed to knowledge in the humanities, have published scholarly articles and journals, and their ideas have progressed human understanding in some profound way. The presentation of the award was on Tuesday 12 November during a Presentation Ceremony at the Royal Festival Hall. Jan Cremers became member of the executive of the European developing policy, writing about and campaigning for improvement Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) for the building trades in the (…), as well as building networks across Europe’. 1980s and was closely involved in the development of the European social policy legislation in the fi eld of the free movement of work- ers, health and safety at the workplace and workers’ participation. Later on, as he became associated to AIAS, he broadened up the scope of his research to issues related to company law and, notably, the workers voice in corporate governance. He published and (co-) authored a series of books, for instance on undeclared labour in construction (‘Shifting employment’) and on the bypass of national labour standards for workers (‘In search of cheap labour in Eu- rope’). In spring 2013 he published two books, on the experiences with the introduction of the European Company Statute (‘A decade of experience with the European Company’) and on the long ju- ridical way to a ban on the use of asbestos (‘The long and winding road to an asbestos free workplace’). Cremers, inter alia member of the European Parliament for the Dutch social-democratic party in the past, received the award of Doctor of Letters in recognition of his services to the European Social Policy. Literally it was stated in the grant address: ‘he has spent the last three decades researching, AIAS has moved offi ce AIAS has moved offi ce per 1 January 2014 from one university building to another. All phone numbers, emails etc. remained the same. Our general phone number is + 31 20 525 4199 and email [email protected]. See our website for the direct numbers of all AIAS employees; Our new address is: New visiting address New postal address Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130 PO Box 94025 1018 VZ Amsterdam 1090 GA Amsterdam The Netherlands The Netherlands 4 AIAS newsletter Spring 2014 voor op site.indd 4 16-4-2014 14:29:55 AIAS CONFERENCES Kick Off meetings BARSORIS project ‘Intergenerational kick-off meeting Bargaining’ Bargaining for Social Rights at Sectoral Level (INGENBAR) and Nuria Ramos We are coordinating the new international research ‘Union for Youth’ project BARSORIS: Bargaining for Social Rights at Sectoral Level.
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