The Nuernberg City Council As a Patron of the Fine Arts, 1500-1550
This dissertation has been 65-9343 microfilmed exactly as received CHRISTENSEN, Carl Chris, 1935- THE NUERNBERG CITY COUNCIL AS A PATRON OF THE FINE ARTS, 1500-1550 The Ohio State University, Ph. D ., 1965 History, modern University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan THE NUERNBERG CITY COUNCIL AS A PATRON OF THE FINE ARTS, 1500-1550 • DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University by Carl Chris Christensen, B.A», M.A* ******* The Ohio State University 1965 Approved by A dfiviser Department of History I ACKNOWLEDGMENTS X am grateful to the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation for the award of a Dissertation Fellowship, without which it would have been difficult for me to complete the research upon which this study is based. I also would like to acknowledge my appreciation to the staffs of the Nuernberg City Library, the Nuernberg City Archives, and the Bavarian State Archives in Nuernberg. Dr. Fritz Schnelbogl, Director of the latter institution, is especially deserving of gratitude for the friendly advice and multitude of services rendered. Finally, X am deeply indebted to my adviser, Professor Harold J. Grimm, who has been a continuous source of inspiration and assistance to me. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS..................................... ii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . .......... ............... iv INTRODUCTION ........ 1 Chapter I THE POLITICAL STRUCTURE, SOCIAL COMPLEXION, AND CULTURAL POLICIES OF THE NUERNBERG CITY G O V E R N M E N T ......................... II THE NUERNBERG GUILD AND COPYRIGHT LAWS; THEIR EFFECT UPON THE ARTIST AND HIS WORK .
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