Transvaal Provincial Gazette Vol 233 No 4674 Dated 18 April 1990
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= MENIKOtri DIE PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL HE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL ilDffistrit, Rotrant , , WiLakilf Official iia3ette (As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer) % (Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper) it. r..... PRYS: S.A. 75c Plus .9c A.V.B. OORSEE: 95c PRICES: S.A. 75c Plus G.S.T. OVERSEAS: 95c 18 APRIL1990 4674 Vol. 233 PRETORIA 18 APRIL OPENBARE VAKANSIEDAE PUBLIC HOLIDAYS BELANGRIKE AANKONDIGING IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT SLUITINGSDATUM VAN ADMINISTRATEURSKEN- CLOSING TIME FOR ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICES, NISGEWINGS, ENSOVOORTS ETC. Aangesien 1, 24 en 31 Mei 1990 Openbare Vakansiedae is, As 1, 24 and 31 May 1990 are Public Holidays the closing sal die sluitingstyd vir die aanname van kennisgewings soos time for acceptance of notices will be as follows: volg wees: 10:00 op Maandag, 23 April 1990 vir die uitgawe van die Pro- 10:00 on Monday, 23 April 1990, for the issue of the Provin- vinsiale Koerant van Woensdag, 2 Mei 1990. cial Gazette on Wednesday, 2 May 1990. 10:00 op Maandag, 30 April 1990, vir die uitgawe van die 10:00 on Monday, 30 April 1990 for the issue of the Provin- Provinsiale Koerant van Woensdag, 9 Mei 1990. cial Gazette on Wednesday, 9 May 1990. 10:00 op Maandag, 21 Mei 1990 vir die uitgawe van die Pro- 10:00 on Monday, 21 May 1990, for the issue of the Provin- vinsiale Koerant van Woensdag, 30 Mei 1990. cial Gazette on Wednesday 30 May 1990. 10:00 op Maandag, 28 Mei 1990, vir die uitgawe van die Pro- 10:00 on Monday 28 May 1990, for the issue of the Provincial vinsiale Kodrant van Woensdag, 6 Junie 1990. Gazette on Wednesday, 6 June 1990. C.G.D. GROVE C.G.D. GROVE nms Direkteur-generaal for Director-General OFFISIELE KOERANT VAN DIE TRANSVAAL OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE TRANSVAAL (Verskyn elke Woensdag) (Published every Wednesday) Alle korrespondensie, advertensies, ens, moet aan die Di- All correspondence, advertisements, etc. must be ad- rekteur-generaal, Transvaalse Provinsiale Administrasie, dressed to the Director- General, Transvaal Provincial Ad- Privaatsak X64, Pretoria, geadresseer word en indien per- ministration, Private Bag X64, Pretoria, and if deliverted by hand afgelewer, moet dit op die le Vloer, Kamer 106, Van hand, must be handed in on the First Floor, Room 106, Van der Stelgebou, Pretoriusstraat, ingedien word. Gratis eksem- der Stel Building, Pretorius Street. Free copies of the Provin- plare van die Offisiele Koerant of uitknipsels van adverten- cial Gazette or cuttings of advertisements are not supplied. sies word nie verskaf nie. Intekengeld (vooruitbetaalbaar) met ingang 1 Januarie 1989 Subscription Rates (payable in advance) as from 1 January 1989. - Transvaalse Offisiele Koerant (met inbegrip van alle Bui- Transvaal Official Gazette (including all Extraordinary Ga tengewone Koerante) is soos volg: zettes) are as follows: Jaarliks (posvry) — R40,00 plus AVB. Yearly (post free) — R40,00 plus GST. Zimbambre en Oorsee (posvry) — 85c elk plus AVB. Zimbabwe and Overseas (post free) — 85c each plus GST. Prys per eksemplaar (posvry)— 75c elk plus AVB. Price per single copy (post free) — 75c each plus GST. Verkrygbaar by le Vloer, Kamer 106. Van der Stelgebou Obtainable at First Floor, Room 106, Van der Stel Build- Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria 0002. ing, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, 0002. 1506 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 18 APRIL 1990 Sluitingstyd vir Aannarne van Advertensies Closing Timefor Acceptance ofAdvertisements advertensies moet die Beampte belas met die Offisiele All advertisements must reach the Officer in Charge of th Koerant bereik nie later nie as 10:00 op Dinsdag 'n week Provincial Gazette not later than 10:00 on the Tuesday voordat die Koerant uitgegee word. Advertensies wat n6 week before the Gazette is published. Advertisements re daardie tyd ontvang word, word oorgehou vir publikasie in ceived after that time will be held over for publication in the die uitgawe van die volgende week. issue of the following week. Advertensietariewe met ingang van 1 Jan:lane 1989 Advertisements Rates as from 1 January 1989 Kennisgewing wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant ge- Notices required by Law to be inserted in the Official Ga- plaas moet word: zette: Dubbelkolom — R5,00 per sentimeter of deel daarvan. Double column — R5,00 per centimetre or portion there- Herhaling — R4,00. of. Repeats — R4,00. Enkelkolom — R4,50 per sentimeter. Herhaling— R3,00. Single column — R4,50 per centimetre. Repeats — R3,00. - Intekengelde is vooruitbetaalbaar aan die Direkteur-gene- Subscriptions are payable in advance to the Director raal, Privaatsak X64, Pretoria 0001. General, Private Bag X64, Pretoria 0001. C G D G D GROVE nms DirekteurGROVEC-generaal for Director-Gener • K5-7-2- 1 Proklamasies Proclamations PROKLAMASIE PROCLAMATION DEUR DIE ADMINISTRATEUR VAN DIE PROVINSIE BY THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL TRANSVAAL Kragtens die bevoegdhede aan my verleen by artikels 114(2) Under the powers vested in me by section 114(2) and 153 of en 153 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939 (Or- the Local Government Ordinance, 1939 (Ordinance 17 of donnansie 17 van 1939), proklameer ek hierby dat — 1939), I do hereby proclaim that — (a) die Gesondheidskomitee van Devon op 30 Junie 1990 (a) on 30 June 1990, the Devon Health Committee shall ophou om te bestaan; cease to exist; (b) daar op 1 Julie 1990 'n dorpsraad, die Dorpsraad van (b) on 1 July 1990, there shall be constituted a village cou Devon genoem te word, in plaas van genoemde Komi- cil instead of the said Committee, to be styled the V' tee ingestel word met regsbevoegdheid oor die gebied lage Council of Devon, with jurisdiction over the area van genoemde Komitee; of the said Committee; (c) ek die ondervermelde persone as raadslede van die (c) I have nominated and appointed the undermentioned Dorpsraad van Devon, met ampstermyn vanaf 1 Julie persons as councillors of the Village Council of Devon 1990 tot en met die dag wat die eerste verkiesing van with term of office from 1 July 1990, up to and includ- raadslede voorafgaan, genomineer en benoem het: ing the day preceding the first election: Mnr• P.J. de Clercq Mr P.J. de Clercq Mnr. C.J.C. Muller Mr C.J.C. Muller Mnr. M.A.F. Kruger Mr M.A.F. Kruger Mnr. A.P. Jacobs Mr A.P. Jacobs Mnr. G.P. Rossouw Mr G.P. Rossouw Mnr. T.J. Swart Mr T.J. Swart Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria op hede die 2e dag van Given under my Hand at Pretoria on this 2nd day of April April Eenduisend Negehonderd en Negentig. One thousand Nine hundred and Ninety. DJHOUGH DJHOUGH Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal Administrator of the Province of Transvaal PB 3-6-5-2-81 PB 3-6-5-2-81 0019k 0020k No. 4 (Administrator's), 1990 inr A PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 18 APRIL 1990 1507 Administrateurskennisgevvings Administrator's Notices Administrateurskennisgewing 172 18 Apri11990 Administrator's Notice 172 18 April 1990 KEMPTONPARK-WYSIGINGSKEMA KEMPTON PARK AMENDMENT SCHEME Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van Artikel 89(1) It is hereby notified in terms of Section 89(1) of the Town- van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965, planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the Adminis- bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedkeuring verleen trator has approved of the amendment of Kempton Park het om Kemptonpark-dorpsaanlegskema No, te wysig, om Town-planning Scheme No, to conform with the conditions ooreen te stem met die stigtingsvoorwaardes en die algemene of establishment and the general plan of Birch Acres Exten- plan van die dorp Birch Acres Uitbreiding 21. sion 21 Township. Kaart No. 3 en die Skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map No 3 and the Scheme Clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be- are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria stuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 13, Kemptonpark and the Town Clerk, PO Box 13 Kempton Park and are open en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. for inspection at all reasonable times. Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Kemptonpark-wysigingske- This amendment is known as Kempton Park Amendment ma No. Scheme No. PB 4-9-2- 16- PB 4-9-2-16- Administrateurskennisgewing 1990 Administrator's Notice 1990 VERKLARING VAN GOEDGEKEURDE DORP DECLARATION OF APPROVED TOWNSHIP Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan- In terms of section 69 of the Town-planning and Townships ning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), verklaar die Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), the Administrator Administrateur hierby die dorp Birch Acres Uitbreiding 21 hereby declares Birch Acres Extension 21 Township to be an ,tot 'n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan die voorwaardes approved township subject to the conditions set out in the uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae. Schedule hereto. PB 4-2-2-8161 PB 4-2-2-8161 BYLAE SCHEDULE VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE- CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION DOEN DEUR BANKORP EIENDOMSDIENSTE (EIEN- MADE BY BANKORP PROPERTY SERVICES (PROP- DOMS) BEPERK INGEVOLGE DIE BEPALINGS VAN ERTY) LIMITED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN TOWN-PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, DORPE, 1965, OM TOESTEMMING OM 'N DORP TE 1965 FOR PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP STIG OP GEDEELTE 111 ('N GEDEELTE VAN GE- ON PORTION 111 (A PORTION OF PORTION 9) OF DEELTE 9) VAN DIE PLAAS MOOIFONTEIN 14IR, THE FARM MOOIFONTEIN 14IR DISTRICT KEMP- DISTRIK KEMPTONPARK, TOEGESTAAN IS. TON PARK, WAS GRANTED. 1. STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES 1. CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT 10(1) NAAM (1) NAME Die naam van die dorp is Birch Acres Uitbreiding 21. The name of the township is Birch Acres Extension 21. (2) ONTWERP VAN DIE DORP (2) DESIGN OF TOWNSHIP Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate soos aangedui op The township consist of erven and street as indicated on Algemene Plan L.