RAAC/14-WP/09 International Civil Aviation Organization 20/10/15
RAAC/14-WP/09 International Civil Aviation Organization 20/10/15 ICAO South American Regional Office Fourteenth Meeting of the Civil Aviation Authorities of the SAM Region (RAAC/14) (Santiago, Chile, 27, 28 and 30 October 2015) Agenda Item 4: Follow up on Bogotá Declaration PROGRESS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SAFETY OVERSIGHT IMPROVEMENT (Presented by the Secretariat) SUMMARY This working paper (WP) presents updated information on the follow up of the goals related to safety established in the Declaration of Bogota, regarding the following areas: Safety oversight; accidents; runway excursions; aerodromes certifications; and implementation of the state safety programme (SSP) and of the safety management system (SMS) References: - Global coordination meeting (GCM) of the Planning and implementation regional groups (PIRG) and Regional aviation safety groups (RASG) (Montreal 19 March 2013) - Report of the First Meeting of SAM Air Navigation and Safety Directors (Lima, Peru, 21-22 October 2013) - Report of the Second Meeting of SAM Air Navigation and Safety Directors (Lima, Peru, 14-16 September 2015) - First edition of the ICAO Global aviation safety plan (GASP), revised version, (Doc 10004, 2013) - A38-2 Resolution –ICAO global planning for safety and air navigation - ICAO Strategic A - Safety Objectives: Introduction 1.1 ICAO continues incorporating in all its processes performance measuring methods for its different strategic objectives, through the establishment of a group of indicators and metrics, as well as through performance dashboards for each region. 1.2 In this regard, and under the principle of transparency in the use of shared information, RAAC/14-WP/09 - 2 - ICAO is leading the creation of the safety performance dashboard in the web page of each ICAO Regional Office in order to measure performance of the following safety areas: Safety oversight; accidents and serious incidents; runway excursions and incursions; aerodromes certification; and State safety programme (SSP) and safety management system (SMS) implementation.
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