Young Indonesian Musicians
Young Indonesian Musicians: Making the Transition to Adulthood through Entrepreneurial Activities and Mobility Oki Rahadianto Sutopo, Magister of Sains (M.Sci) Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy University of Newcastle, March 2016 Declarations Statement of Originality The thesis contains no material which has been accepted for award of any other degree or diploma in any university or other tertiary institution and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference has been made in the text. I give consent to the final version of my thesis being made available worldwide when deposited in the University’s Digital Repository, subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. Signed: Dated: ii Acknowledgements I would like to say thank you to my supervisor, Pam Nilan who has been very supportive, patient and helpful at every stage of my PhD journey. Matur nuwun sanget, Ibu Pam. Steve Threadgold as a co-supervisor also has been supportive especially in sharing his passion for sociological theory. Thank you to Terry Leahy who has been very supportive as a best friend during the ups and downs of my life in Newcastle. I must also thank Michelle Mansfield, Lena Rodriguez and all the staff in the School of Humanities and Social Science for their kindness. There are many friends from Newcastle who have been very kind to me during my study: Diane Lenham and family, Susannah Jack, Robert Martin, Lilian, Tillie, Carlin, Ross Brown, Max, Hamish, Zana, Glam Slam band (Dave, Josh, Helena and Jason), Nell, Lisa, Effen, Jojo and Said, Saichu and Pauline.
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