South Dakota Soil Classification Key D

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South Dakota Soil Classification Key D South Dakota State University Open PRAIRIE: Open Public Research Access Institutional Repository and Information Exchange Technical Bulletins SDSU Agricultural Experiment Station 2003 South Dakota Soil Classification Key D. D. Malo Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Malo, D. D., "South Dakota Soil Classification Key" (2003). Technical Bulletins. Paper 9. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the SDSU Agricultural Experiment Station at Open PRAIRIE: Open Public Research Access Institutional Repository and Information Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Technical Bulletins by an authorized administrator of Open PRAIRIE: Open Public Research Access Institutional Repository and Information Exchange. For more information, please contact South Dakota Soil Classification Key Agricultural Experiment Station South Dakota State University USDA TB 96 South Dakota Soil Classification Key Plant Science Department South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station South Dakota State University Brookings, SD 57007–2141 In Cooperation with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA CONTENTS Introduction . .1 Soil classification . .1 Soil classification nomenclature . .2 Soil survey status in South Dakota . .2 Summary . .2 Literature cited . .2 Appendix: Classification of soil series used in South Dakota . .33 Tables 1. Approximate equivalents in soil taxonomy and the revised 1938 Yearbook Systems of Soil Classification for Soils in South Dakota . .4 2. List of soil orders, suborders, great groups, subgroups, families, and soil series (in bold) used in South Dakota . .6 ALFISOLS . .6 ARIDISOLS . .7 ENTISOLS . .8 INCEPTISOLS . .11 MOLLISOLS . .12 VERTISOLS . .21 3. Distribution of soil taxons in South Dakota . .22 4. Soil orders found in South Dakota: the names and their meanings . .23 5. Suborder formative elements and their connotations for South Dakota soils . .24 6. Great group formative elements and their connotations for South Dakota soils . .25 7. Adjectives used in the names of extragrade and intergrade subgroups and their meaning for South Dakota soils . .26 8. Soil family modifiers – particle-size classes for South Dakota soils . .28 9. Soil family modifiers – strongly contrasting particle-size classes for South Dakota soils . .29 10. Soil family modifiers – soil moisture and profile depth classes for South Dakota soils . .29 11. Soil family modifiers – mineralogy, cation exchange, and reaction classes for South Dakota soils . .30 Figures 1. Status of soil surveys in South Dakota . .31 2. Status of digitization of South Dakota soil surveys . .32 Access at Published in accordance with an act passed in 1881 by the 14th Legislative Assembly, Dakota Territory, establishing the Dakota Agricultural College and with the act of re-organization passed in 1887 by the 17th Legislative Assembly, which established the Agricultural Experiment Station at South Dakota State University. Educational programs and materials offered without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, handicap, or national origin. An Equal Opportunity Employer. TB 96 (revised): PDF September 2003 Soil Classification Key for South Dakota Soils1 D. D. Malo2 Introduction features that are characteristic of the kinds and South Dakota has many different kinds of soils. intensities of soil forming processes and con- To k eep the characteristics and qualities of these trasting climates. All soils fit into one of 12 soil soils in mind, grouping them systematically into orders. In South Dakota six soil orders are pres- a classification scheme is necessary. The classifi- ent (Table 3). cation of soils: (1) aids in remembering characteristics of Suborders within a soil order are differentiated individual soils, on the basis of important soil properties that (2) clarifies relationships between soils, influence genesis and plant growth. There are at (3) aids in discovering new facts, least 64 suborders presently recognized with 23 (4) clarifies relationships between soils and in South Dakota. The large number of suborders their environment, and is a result of differences in soil moisture, soil (5) aids in a person's ability to predict properties temperature, climatic and vegetative influences of unknown soil based on similar, known soils. on soil genesis, and mineralogy. Soil classification At the great group level the entire soil profile, the The system of soil classification adopted in the horizonation present, and the most significant United States is called Soil Taxonomy (Soil features of the entire profile are considered. Soil Survey Staff, 1999). Soil Taxonomy has replaced great groups are subdivisions of suborders and the 1938 Yearbook System of Soil Classification there are at least 315 great groups currently rec- (Baldwin, Kellogg, and Thorp, 1938; Kellogg, ognized (Soil Survey Staff, 1999); 54 are found in 1941). South Dakota. The great group category com- bines soils that have close profile similarities in To assist in using the current system, a list of the kinds of horizons, the arrangement of hori- approximate 1938 equivalents for South Dakota zons, the degree of expression of horizons, soil Soils is presented in Table 1. The soils of South moisture regimes, soil temperature regimes, Dakota as recognized by the USDA-NRCS (Soil base saturation status, calcium content, iron con- Survey Staff, 2003) have been classified based on tent, gypsum content, and other salt content. Soil Taxonomy (Appendix). There are six cate- gories in Soil Taxonomy and they are (in decreas- Each great group is divided into three kinds of ing rank or increasing number): order, suborder, subgroups. These are: (1) the central concept of great group, subgroup, family, and series. Using the great group (Typic); (2) soil properties which this information a classification key has been intergrade to or are transitional toward other prepared (Table 2). orders, suborders, or great groups; and (3) sub- groups with properties that are not representa- The highest category of the soil classification tive of any other order, suborder, or great group system is order. Orders differentiate soils by the (extragrades). There are at least 2,450 known presence or absence of diagnostic horizons or subgroups with 158 in South Dakota. 1This publication is a contribution from the Plant Science Department and the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University, Brookings 57007-2141. Project Number H-111. This key is an adaptation from and an expanded revision of Soil Classification Key for South Dakota Soils, TB 96, 1994, and contains revised material from Soils of South Dakota, Bulletin 656, 1978. 2 Distinguished Professor, Plant Science Department, South Dakota State University, Brookings 57007-2141. 1 The next lower category is the soil family. Soil Soil survey status in South Dakota families are separated within a subgroup on the The status of soil surveys in South Dakota is basis of similar physical and chemical properties shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows the status of that influence plant growth, land management digitization of soil survey maps. All counties in decisions, and engineering purposes. Soil prop- the state have either a published survey or have erties such as texture, mineralogy, soil reaction, activities planned to complete and publish a soil temperature regime, thickness of soil pene- survey. trable by roots, thickness of horizons, and the area's precipitation pattern are used as criteria Summary to differentiate soil families. In the United States, This publication presents a soil classification key at least 7,000 soil families are recognized, with for soils found in South Dakota. Descriptions of 432 in South Dakota. the meanings of the various soil classification terms and an alphabetical listing of the South At the lowest level is the soil series. Soil series Dakota soil series are also presented (Appendix). contain the least variation in soil properties while soil orders contain the most. The soils included Literature cited in an individual soil series are nearly homoge- Baldwin, M., C.E. Kellogg, and J. Thorp. 1938. Soil neous, their range of properties is limited, and Classification. In Soils and Men, p 979-1001, they have similar interpretations. Soil series are Yearbook of Ag. USDA, U.S. Government separated and rated on the basis of observable Printing Office, Washington, D.C. and mappable soil properties such as color, Kellogg, C.E. 1941. Climate and Soil. In Climate texture, structure, horizon arrangement and and Men, p 276-277,Yearbook of Ag. USDA, thickness, mineralogy, moisture and temperature U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, regimes, consistence, and horizon presence and D.C. expression. There are at least 19,000 established Malo, D.D. 1994. Soil Classification key for South and tentative soil series recognized in the United Dakota Soils. SDAES TB 96. South Dakota States with 610 in South Dakota. In addition, State University, Brookings 57007-2141. there are 16 inactive (not currently used in field Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil Taxonomy. Second mapping) soil series in South Dakota. Edition. Agriculture Handbook No. 436. USDA-Natural Resources Conservation The higher the category (e.g., order and subor- Service. Soil Conservation Service. US der) of classification, the fewer precise state- Government Printing Office,
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