Further Additions and Corrections to Enumeratio Coleopterorum Fenno- Scandiae, Daniae Et Baltiae Hans Silfuerberg Silfrerberg, H

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Further Additions and Corrections to Enumeratio Coleopterorum Fenno- Scandiae, Daniae Et Baltiae Hans Silfuerberg Silfrerberg, H @ Sahlbergia Vol. 7: 67-95, 2002 67 Further additions and corrections to Enumeratio Coleopterorum Fenno- scandiae, Daniae et Baltiae Hans Silfuerberg Silfrerberg, H. 2002: Further additions and corrections to Enumeratio Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae, Daniae et Baltiae. - Sahlbergi a 1 :67 -9 5. Helsinki, Finland. ISSN 1237-3273. The latest checklist of North European Coleoptera was published in 1992, additions and corrections to it in 1997 , and they are now updated with information on new distributional records for the different countries, and with taxonomic and nomenclatural changes. All these additions and cor- rections are based on published papers. Hans Silfrerberg, Finnish Museum of Natural History Zoological Mu- seum, P.O.Box 17, FIN-00014 Helsingfors. The latest checklist of North European 19951, [PM97] : [Pileckis & Monseviðius Coleoptera (Silfrerberg 1992) was published 19971,ls97l: [Siltuerberg 1997a], [T97] : some years ago, and one list of additions and [Telnov & al. 19971,lØL00]: lØdegaard & corrections a few years later (Silfverberg Ligaard 20001 1997a). The study ofthese insects has contin- p. I ued, and a considerable number of additions Trachypachus zetterstedtü (Gyll.) - add A has already been reported. In a few cases re- [BarSevskis 1999, B0la] add cent work has also made it necessary to change Leistus rufomarginatusDuft. AI [B01a] Carabus problematicus gallicus- Géh. delete some of the names hitherto used. - SND 1999] This paper lists only such additions or fBiezina Carabus problematicus relictus Hellén and that have been published, except for changes Carabus problematicus wockei Bom syno- some minor corrections, which primarily con- nymize with Carabus problematicus- muel- cern printing errors. References to such publi- verstedtiReitte¡ 1896 and add D fBÍezina 1999] cations are given in square brackets, so as to Diacheila polira (Fald.) - add N [H97] make them immediately distinguishable from p.2 any species authors. Dyschirius nigricomis Motsch. - delete A [Bar- In a study of Estonian Scolytidae Voolma ðevskis 2002,cf.5971 & al. (199S) suggested that a number ofspe- Dyschirius melancholicus Putz. - add A [Bar- cies should be deleted from the Estonian list, Sevskis 20021 Dyschirius laeviusculus Putz. add I since the records were considered doubtful. In [PM95] Dyschirius rufipes (Dej.) delete- A a later work (Voolma & aL.2000) they have [Bar5evskis 2002, cf. S97l - accepted some of them as Estonian, and that Asaphidion curtum (Heyd.) add A [Bar5evskis opinion is followed here. 20021 - In order to save space, the following ab- obtusum (Serv.) add N AI Bembidion - [G93, breviations are used: [897] : [Bar5evskis Hansen &. al. 1999, Barðevskis 20021 19971, : 2001a], [C0l] : [B01a] [Barðevskis: p.3 fCibulskis 2001], [G93] [Gaidienè 1993], Bembidion andreae (F.) - change to B. cruciatum tH97l : fHanssen & al.l997l, [J99] = fJansson Dejean, l83l (andreae auct. nec F.) fl-ucht & 19991, [PM95] : fPileckis & Monseviðius Klausnitzer 19981 68 S ilfverberg: Additions & conections Bembidion azuÍescens (D T.) add F [Westman Ophonus signaticomis (Duft.) add I [Tamutis & al. 20001 - 19991 - Bembidion fitmigatum (Duft.) add N A [H97, After Harpalus smaragdinus (Duft.) add H. cas- Bar5evskis 20021 - pius (Steven, 1806) (roubali Schauberger,- 1928) Bembidion quadripustulatum Serv. - add D [Han- r [PMes] sen & al. 19991 After Harpalus autumnalis - add, H. atratus Lat- Bembidion lunulahtm (Geoffr.) - delete N [Vik reille, 1804 I [G93] 19931 Harpalus solitaris Dej.- add I [G93, PM95] Bembidion aeneum Genn. - add A [Savich 1998] Harpalus modestus Dej.- delete A [Barðevskis After Bembidion guttul a (F.) - add B. neresheimeri 2002, cf. S97l Müller, 1929 Al [PM95, Barðevskis 2002] p.6 Tachys bistriatus (Duft.) add I [PM95] Harpalus picipenrus (Duft.) add E [B0la] Pterostichus adstrictus Eschz.- delete - A [Bar- Harpalus pumilus Sturm add I [801a] Sevskis 2002, cf. S97l - - Anisodactylus signatus (Panz.) add I [G93] Pterostichus quadrifoveolatus Letzn. - - add I Bradycellus ponderosusLindr. delete as an ob- [801a] viously mislabelled specimen- of Psychristus Pterostichus rhaeticus Heer add E a, Ii- I [B0l discretus Andrewes, 1930 [Jaeger 1999] varinen 200lbl - Bradycellus verbasci (Dlft ) add N fHansen & p.4 aI.19991 - After genus Synuchus Gyll - add Plafydenrs Step- Acupalpus exiguusDej. - add E I [PM95, B01a] hens, 1828, with P. ruÍicolls (Marsham, 1802) Acupalpus interstitialis Rtt. - add A [897] N [Skartveit & al. 2000] Demetrias imperialis (Germ.) add N E I - [Sag- Agonum consimile (Gyll.) - delete A fBarðevskis volden & Hansen 1996,G93, PM95, B0lal 2002, cf. S97l Dromius linearis (O1.) - add N E [ØL00, Miländer Agonum munsfen(Hellén) - add A [Savich 1 998] 1999, B0lal Agonum hypocrita Apf . - add S D A [Ljungberg p.7 1996, Hansen 1998, cf. S97l Haliplus wehnckei Gerh. synonymize with 1L Agonum duftschmidiSchm. add D - AI [Ljung- sibiricusMotsch. [Lundmark &. al. 20011 berg 1996, Hansen 1998, B0la,- cf. S97l Bidessus grossepunctatus Vorbr. add I [B0l a] Agonum holdhausi (Apfelbeck, 1 904) [cf. S97] Hydroglyphus pusillusF. change- to H. geminus change to A. longicome Chaudoir, 1846 (hold-- - (Fabricius, 17 92) Qtusillus(Fabricius, I 78 1 ) nec hausi (Apf.) & Klausnitzer 1998] [Lucht (Müller, 1776)) [Nilsson 2001] After Amara plebeja (Gyll.) add A. concinna - Hydroglyphus hamulatus (Gyll.) add I [PM95] Zimmermann, 1832 | [PM95] Hydroporinae Erichson, 1837, and- Hydroporini Amara convexior Steph. add I [PM95] Erichson, 1 837 change author to Aubé, 1 836 Amara anthobiaY. & V. - add A - - [T97] [Nilsson & Roughley 1997] Amara erratica(Duft.) add A 2002] - fBar5evskis Hydroporus picicomls J.Sahlb. - transfer to Hyd- p.5 luicolus as H. saúlbergr Nilsson, 200 1 (7t i c i c o m i s (J.Sahlberg, 1875) nec (Chevrolat, (p. Amara crenata Dej. - change ? to I [PM95] 1863)) 8) Amara gebleri Dej.- add N E I [Sagvolden & [Nilsson 2001] Hansen 1996, B0lal Hydroporus glabriusculus Aubé add A [Bar- ðevskis 19991 - Belore Chlaenius tristis (Schall.) - add C. spo- 1iaúus(Rossi, 1790) I [PM95] p.E Oodes gracilis Villa & Villa add I Hydroporus submuticusThoms. add - [B0la] K fNilsson Badister meridio¡a,lrs Puel add I & Holmen 19951 - - [B0la] Badister sodalis (Duft.) add N [H97, Hansen Hydroporus notatus Sturm add A [801a] &, al.19991 - After Hydropo¡us Clairv.- add Hydrocolus Badister collaÍis Motsch. add I Roughley & Larson, 2000,- with species ¡{. - [B01a] . S ilÍverberg: Additions & conections 69 saålbergr Nilsson (cf. p. 7). Helophorus obscurus Muls. - delete FK, add N Nebrioporus assimilis (Payk.) add I [PM95] [Valtonen 2001, Hansen & al. 19991 Agabus didymus (O1.) add I- Hydrochus elongatus (Schall.) add A [B0la] - [G93] - Agabus biguttulus (Thoms.) add I [G93] Hydrochus carinatus Germ. change to H. cre- - (carinatus- Germar, 1824) Agabus levanderiHellén - change to A. discolor natus (Fabriciu s, 17 92) (Hanis, 1828) (levanderiHellén, I 929) [Nilsson [Hansen 1999] angustatus Germ. add A 20011 Hydrochus - [801a] Agabus melanocomisZtmm. change to A. mon- Berosus signaticollis (Charp.) - add F, change N fanus (Stephens, 1828) (melanocomis- Zimm.) to ? fRassi 2001, Vik 1993] change year to 1954 fl-ucht & Klausnitzer 1998] Laccobiini Bertrand, 1967 - Agabus wasastjernai (Sahlb.), opacus Aubé, [Hansen 1999, cf. S97] chalconatus (Panz.), montanus (Steph.), neglec- Laccobius biguttatus Gerh. - change to L' colon tusEf., subtilis Er. and erichsoni Gemm. & H. (Stephens, 1829) (biguttafus Gerh.); add N transfer to Ilybius [Nilsson 2001 ] [Lucht & Klausnitzer 7998,Ødegaard 1994] - frtscipennis (Thoms.) add I p.9 Enochrus - [G93] Ilybius angustior (Gyll.) add I [B0la] p.ll - piceus (L.) add A Ilybius sim¡7¡s Thoms. add I [G93] Hydrophilus - [T97] After Råantus bistriatus- (Bergstr.) add R. cons- Cercyon obsoletus (Gyll.) add I [G93] - K.dst.- add N putus(Sturm, 1834) I [PM95] Cercyon bifenestratus - [Sagvolden Rhantus incognifus Scholz - add A [B0 I a, cf S97] & Hansen 20011 Rhantus latitans Sharp add I [801a] Cercyon atricapi llus (Marsh.) (nrþriceps (Marsh.)) - (atricapillus Khantus fennicus Huldén add K [Rutanen & - change to C. nigriceps (Marsh.) Kashevarov 19971 - (Marsh.)); add A [Hansen 1999,T911 Laccophilus ponticus Sharp change to L. poe- Cercyon convexiusculus Steph. add A [J99] - (Sharp) add- A crTus Klug, 1834 QtonticusSharp, 1882) [Nils- Cercyon stemalis - [J99] son 20011 Megastemum obscurum (Marsh.) - change to M. Cybister lateralimarginalis(DeG.) add I [G93, concinnum (Marsham, I 802) (obscuzm (Mars- PM9sl - ham, 1802)) [Hansen 1999] opacus Sahlb. add E I Cryptopleurum crenatum(Panz.) add A [801a] Gyrinus - [801a] - aeratus Steph. add I B0la] Sphaeridium marginatumF. add N | fØdegaard Gyinus - [PM95, - Gyrinus pullatusZaifz. add I [801a] 2001, Balðiauskas & al. 19981 - with After Gyrinus subsfnatus Steph. - add G. urinator Ochthebius rugalosus Woll. - delete and replace Illiger, 1807 I [PM95] O. alpinus (Ieniçtea, 1979) FKSN and O' hunga- 1967 FK E 1998] G¡,rinus casprus Mén. - add AI [PM95, Bar5evs- ncusEndrödy-Younga, [Jäch kis 1999, B0lal Af\er Ochthebius nilssoni Heb. - add O. metal- p.l0 lescens Rosenhauer, 1847 I, and O. pusillus Microsporidae Reichardt, 1976 change to Stephens, 1835 I [PM95] - Limnebius papposus Muls. add I Sphaeriusidae Erichson, I 845 (Microsporidae - [PM95] Limnebius nitidus (Marsh.) add I [PM95] Crotch, 1873) [Opinion 1957] - Microsporus Kolenati, 1846 change to Sphae- p.12 nus Waltl, 1838 (Microsponrs- Kolenati, 1846) Ptenidium turgidum Thoms. add A [J99] pusillum (Gyll.) - add A [Opinion 1957] Ptenidium - fBar5evskis
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