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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

10-15-1909 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-15-1909 Journal Publishing Company

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Single Copies, R centa.Tty Mali, 6(K't. Month; ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1909, Ity Carrier. O renin juoniu. THIRTFIRST YEflR, Vol. CXXIV., No. 15. A 11New MexicoHer elcome President ALBUQUERQUE DAY PACKS FAIR CHANGE IN SCHEDULE CAUSES GROUNDS WITH RECORD DISAPPOINTMENT KEEK fo ouTTL o . oí cdwki I - 1 STATE J BREAKING IHRONG IN ALBUQUERQUE r iiv',';-

BIGGEST DAY IN HISTORY LATEST ARRANGEMENTS BRING OF THE FAIR ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT HERE AT FOUR O'CLOCK Especially Attractive Program Meets Enthusiastic Reception; Events This Afternoon Promise nepeimon 01 lubiumaya Mexico Reception Committee to Greet President at An- -' New Attendance; Management Will Keep People Advised of zona Line and Strong Effort Will Be Made to Bring Train in M4 1 1 v A I Movements of President's Train. Here in Time for Carrying Out Original Program; Stop at lyHSh V' Laguna Pueblo Responsible for Disappointment Here. With the big grand stand packed , of the down tow n streets n tt was one or T vn r PJl to its .apueitv and with the pcnpln whole rv the biggest days tip' Albuquerque fair Nptcial DNiiatrh t tlw Morilla Journal will not be serious and that the pres- lined up live deep along the stretch has i had. V day filled with rualt M- Í9 will Albuquerque, not west, things look, d like vr Gallup, N. - " H !' ident reach from cast to and hurry and blir crowds: n real 4 ri;iie ' Taft'B train Is now sched- later than o'clock. the good old days at the .lljia,m In everybody elosud up President jesterday afternoon. holiday which The special trail) carrying the New fair grounds i went, to tho uled to make a stop of nn hour at business and out Join Mexico reception committee reached Things looked, In fact rather bet Another Mich day ami Laguna to enabli' the president tn nicrrv makers Gallup at 6 o'clock sharp and Is now ter than unv thing the old (lays have the fair could not help being a success witness an Indian dance b:' the La- sidetracked awaiting the coming of ever been able to show, for it was the financially and every other way. guna Indians. the presidential train, which will biggest crowd In the history of. the According to the estimates of the. 10 o'clock tomorrow barling none from man-ancme- This step, which ha? only been de- reach here at fair ussoclalloti and lair management the atreví far the Uianageim nt it a po- morning. the standpoint of and evoiw one else in it termined nn tmhiy. "ill of necessity is no ' was fo satisfactory that there sition to Judge, crowd lit the delay the arrival of the presidential find, which Is going some. was, largest ever cimvi on iuxoiui : I I fault to the fair grounds thu cm r;iu;TiT . train In Albuquerque, but just how M k : In the whole grand stand and inside hrou.jht together. That it was well W villi ILL. OltKKT lKKSIIi:T I I eutltut-l;i.-ti- c ,mV-.-M t In re was not a proven by long deify 11 be cannot be ascer- disap- i the whole enclosure entertained is the f tl this very keenest vLiJL - morning. Although the ri, single pas during the afternoon. It approval of th'- crowd at th" tained until tomorrow yesterday pointment was expressed v as Albuquerque and ev erv body grounds and on the streets last tilgbl. In the New Mexico it that up the meantime afternoon when became known paid. I'ri slih-n- l Tight man lied of big features or yesterday'M bonded by (lov-ern- sched- une the reception committer, a change had been made ill he paid his half a dollar and so did "tie which will be re- Curry Spitz of so as to and progiam and and President ule of the presidential train Secretary MeMiinus. A little later lu big program Saturday club, is keeping 'be see pealed the the Commercial allow the president to the Indian both of them paid their money to get aft, moon, was the fire drill by the and Wins-lo- w still Is irire hot between Gallup dance at Laguna, the prospect into the grand stand. Absolutely the soldiers, the cavalrymen leiipinK their In un to so. arrange to- greatest assemblage of Un- endeavor that the only people who i;ot into the fair hoiMS over a f'amlntr hiirdie. It vu morrow' itinerary that the people of people ever gathered together in New proves grounds free yesterday were the ticket A magnificent spectacle and it assem- br- grounds Albuquerque the visitors Mexico will on the around takers and the boys who sold pro again that Fiuio Sam's horremen are bled will not disappointed. and Santa Fl- n there be the Alvarado hotel the grams, cushions n,l lee cream ruma. the best laud most .larinii riuei in Th Is satisfied tonight greet Tuft this otation to President As a icsult It was a day which in tic the world. tl .. 'dent's train will reach afternoon. Tin- - lirsl announcement of gate receipts made the Program for This Afternoon. nn or the changed matter The A i.k: within hour yesterday afternoon of the of the management vciy glad Is a mighty good prospect rrivkig by the Morn- the heart There time announced schedule was to the effect that and it went a long ways toward that this altcriuion's program will li ing Journal on Wednesday morning, arriving time would he 5:03, or about a success. ess scored placed miikipB the fair financial a repetition of tile unci when the time of arrival was the time first scheduled. Later Although the choline In tho They are very con- U was an enthusiastic crowd, at 2:ó5 o'clock. hnwmer, indicated that the reply to ,give III pividici.t'K :,cil"dub I;.'." p'.iidevJilH Ar- when he 4 to be amuac.l uii.l fident that President Toft train would arrive about o'clock and Miicccc'iiiiK fea- uncertain, th" program at Urn -- I Joyful hand to each rival U InfoiM. ufjoc ILuuicui" lue plans It ts hoped, from advices received I I of the big program olIYrcd. From grounds will be pulled ff hi" after- for his reception and entertainment. from WinMovv ami Gallup hist, nightj ture to - at summit baseball, which furnished abun- noon as tisusl. tho change the 111 cordially with the v. ill he correct. tin- records d .itcd the the that this arriving time excitement, to the Koinaii race, morning having been ubatplonc.l. The committee's efforts to get lilm Into In view of the change In the of the niounla ill. dant every care to n state-3-eall- j which was olio of the best exhibitions inanusemeilt will take Albuquerque tit the earliest possible schedule, however, the proposed drive Ueferriiig to swor ROBBER! are kept fully who CDOK PLANÍED "I of horsemanship over seen here; from see that the crowds moment. No one seems to know through the city his been abandoned. ineiil Dr. fool; said: I'iiiiii'it - pres- tin Albuqm-rqti- Derby I" me pusn- d of the movements of the arranged f,,r the diversion at laguna The president will ."peak from the iiider;t;md why D.irrill should li;'e n will n- -- hi II game, it was a great program ident's train and nnotincement or when it was arranged. That it was of the made sudi a statemeiil as the u oC platform at the north front which fair manage- he made at the stand of the time. afterth'uiíht find was not consid- 'inuieolalely upon his papers , if h ii iv a, ting and one of the tin hotel reroduci ,, of time a say that ment has Just can.--- to be extremely arrival of the train in plenty ered v.ntil today was disclosed l.v arrival, and will go to hi rooms in moler nol'llliil motives must every to get to the Mr. un- W e were ;iiwa.vs in uu ANGELES proud. to allow olio IfleRvnm that was delivered to the hotel 'following the address, it surprises m". LOS re-- c. r- grounds to join In the big RECORDS 01 I knew of tlu to finish Spit?, at this afternoon. To less some change should be made In friendly terms, fntil Taken from xliirt president. say commit- bring which tliis all, ged day on.- of tin- biggest (lavs too ptioti to the that the members of the the schedule today which will icnditions. under w.ts Is mad,- 1 ill no ha-- i ever had. ,ie program for the afternoon tee were keenly disappointed must be him here considerably curlier- than is ifl'id.ii it was make NcWr Mexico fair The M c.f i he inorn-vva- s or strongest of the week. In a mild description of their feeling, now expected. Automobiles will be pecille reply to it. v account Mi trades display parade in the one the pre- - alísfy til to the stunts by the cavalry bictju.ti1 they foresaw possible disap- held in readiness and in case the ar- trip has been unlillslied. For the lilt long enough to addition 111, LAWYER rel,i racing, pace, pointment for tin' people of New Mex- time should be advanced the OF nt it is l,ald .slateuiciit id mi" mos! cxa.Cng ami the streets all and the the riving pncl.ed J1.1UU stake Is ico v!io are gathered at Albuquerque drive through the city may be made an againsi uiiollur. nlong the line of mar. h were for which the SUH It w a good pa- offered, will b- - pulled off. This fur- to greet the president. After as announced by the reception com- any expedition of experienced with spec tutors. is - "If In it 11 he particularly Inter- ther telegraphic correspondence, how- Wdenesday morning, viten the tlo- rout, I rade, with Just enough laugh mittee cum. lincees will f.dl. - - Tlo- parade ause of the that the ever, thy have reached tlo- gratify- news came that the president had ;ok and will .o to Hie top of the to make It worth while fad when the pro- Albuquerque driving club pas offered ing conclusión that the threatened milt tin I t limbed tie y ill tiiol THIS IS BELIEF OF was hardly finished I. I.) - lie- grounds. It a of $IOo to any horse that delay v the arrival of the president (t'eiitliiueil in Vaste Column LEY tie re roords that I d. posited, on nt- gram started at fair reward DETECTIVES IN CHICAGO cnt. rialuni' lit will lower the track leeord for pac- iniio--' the summit of the mountain was an all afternoon my book. shadows were fall ng when ing horses, which Is ".:FJ. made b.v the m ininr described in nod the great horno, was He- began to tip. grand Stranyer when that Ti Die top of continent the people t No .me show, d any dlspici-:i,,- n owned and raced by Joseph Harm-I- of have always had the iiiyM com- Man Who Committed Suicide) slatid. paiilculav-l- v - i before. Albuquerque. The offer Is Explorer Professes Astonish- plete confidence ill ll.'urill and can-n- to have likely After Holding Up Bank, Par-- 1 about the because tt Is to i hy be should have Things Hlarte.l lown town -- Aftlrl-iv- i onipn bend lie Tin-r- are several great; ,t nf iFnníidi closed claimed. IIIUI1L- - a I vji wicii"! su,,rn to a statement. The lad of time the fair ground's program ninuavii such tially Identified as Member Carni- entered In the fact! this after- l N proprietor of and no to midnight last night horses Guide Who Declares Top was -! I noon, tracks is very fant and one' .';:;;- throws a light on the California Family. val plaza was pmk.-- us Well as all the appar Prominent Lester, Who Will Intro- never neucuuu. affair which was not previously Mayor ent. 1 shall se" r.arrill. I hope, when I not know kit duce the President, and the reach No a Voile, but do I fly Mornin Jonrniil filas Wlrel hen or where. Chicago, Met. I ie The Chicagolul po- - EXPEDITION 9 T of Commer- ANOTHER ,o v.e- - Officers the "It appears mo that there lice were satlslied tonight that tile money behind his lb w a s cial Club who Conduct- MAY END C0NTR0VERSEY man who robbed the bank of I ' p. i baps annoyed ihnt he bad n.e J"'AX'.. company Highland V Í v1: Peen oaid his wage, but that wa net and ai ed the Arrangements III.. Wednesday and committed toy fault, and I remedied tip- matter polk. Public in Newspa- pole." -- uicide when run down by the author- His Recep- Story Made as soon as gol pack from the - for was A. llallis, of l.os An- Hub- 1 r. Cook said lie would his ities per Owned by General roirv f e. tion Here, further comment until the lime when S ' ' Club Suggest- he could be assured that the aliened l.ute tonight Ma I birrington. a bard of Peary . affidavit is genuine and also hs to cir va.i.h-vill- e actr.v appear.itK her. it. ob- i" ed as Explanation of Motives cumstances under which as told the p. .ii. email sin nut Mains i tained from lt.irriil. r ou AiiltI,.. and that h bad Outbreak, a -w of Barrill Dr. Cook biter said: look-- d her up in Chicago .lavs Friday, October 15th. never even knew l'.anill kept a ago. Sh. la-- i s.i.v him Friday. hen j "I . diarv. I never saw it. ly 1 she took dinner with him. She said IBr Mornlns Jvuroul fpil I rnrd Wlre could not have aked him to alter she first met lian In l.os Aiqrelos i TAFT DAY. New York. Oct. 14. The Globe this anything what. ver. The only thinf- - I August. When be found her litre If j nt Photo by AValtoiu prints a copy of the affi- ever saw him do was to take, sketches. entertain-.- ! her b vi hi' and so j Makes Ascensions all Day at Corner afternoon , Captive Balloon - Stamm Any of hi.s affidavit t lint mone- freely. When Miss Harrington by lid win N. Barrill, who statements I t'KiJx ii. i.i;sti:vw davit made Friday he told her Central Ave. Cook suggested the changing of datis and saw Harris last If Sixth Street and of AllMiquerqiU". accompanied Dr. Frederick A. i prob.ihlv Mur altitude is a lie. was going awuv and Open. reach- ' M. Grounds and Exhibition Halls at the time he announced his w out. not .s. e h. r again. 9:00 A. Fair MoKinley. ing the summit of Mount ri:o.M i iii: s The police box been r. q lle.- -t eil b M. at the Plaza: Free Acts. was a no- 10:00 A. Carnival 4 The affidavit made before i:.titsIHXIIY TO DIM HI KIT MK Harris in l.os Antfehtf j Oc- relatives of 1 tary public at Tacoma, Wash.. Now York. o.-t- 14. üarrill in his for a full description of tb" GROUNDS. AFTERNOON. FAIR ha-- ju.-- ! n rec-ive- th.- - 1 tober 4, and s t statement published in (lobo thii s tun ra live of le r born in Miss Han Icgi'.u to Grounds. in New York. afternoon says that he was i ago was U Cavalry March from Camp Fair - niceling w ith Harris in im S. 3rd etfeyt now- li v. s at Dar- - liarrill'a uftidavit states in Hutfalo in Dit and by Flunk l.cir'h'on. an a. person present by, lb- - says la- is the conlirme.l M. Pace; $1.000. that lie was the only Mont. that I w lo, no t Han 1:00 P. 2:12 to Martille, or tor now in St. ..els. with Dr. Cook on the date when he man referred as -. in Chicago er- - in l.o.- Angeles and also M. Ball. XT in Cook's book 1:30 P. Base claims to have reached the summit Hani!!, I'r. . k. having been h bim Ho y not, I Too of the Continent. of Mount McKinley. that did tille.l 'To h.. m- 5-- I dinner on eral P. M. 8 Mile Dash: Purse $100. In fact, reach tlv smmit and the bearing upon the expedition to Mount " 2:00 . meeting point t' the summit reached McKinl.-y- lie details his first xpiis to P. M. 6 2 Furlong Dash: Purse $125. nt u 2:20 U ;1 Cook at Missoula, where the ioi in at least fourt.eo miles with Ilr. ivody from the summit of that mountain, latter was accompanied by Professor ii i: iDi:Tinr.i. P. M. 1 Mile Handicap: Purse $150. 1 1 r Will A 240 the elevHtiim at no time exceeding Parker of Columbia unlvnsitj, K. W. ,.. Aug.! . and Cavalry ami moth .mar .'larri-- 'If P. M. U. S. 3rd Cavalry Dress Parade lO.OOO feet. Porter others. Harris, - 3:00 I, -- vii-P- - te.l of P. al.-- ques- The organization of the Mount 1,.- - Am."' ''s The affidavit briiiBS Into r- - Kinh-y expedition is given a- - consist- p, g tie- lo in robbed tin- urn Charge. tion a number of the photographs y -- 11.1:1 land HI Hotel. Cook' lia given un repr. -- ing of Fred liintz. a guide; kilo- Hank o Park. M. President Taft: Address Alvarado J which Dr. IV P. arti-- naturalist of I,,, kil'.d h;ni-.i- r h. n 5:30 sentina tiie summit in.) other high an t and and Miller, photographer he . aptured. tonight altitndc-- i of Mount McKinley. Taeoma: Walter itoont t. DOWNTOWN. NIGHT. of Seattle: Samuel Heech.r. who act- Eraldo-- t tioh oe ii. an i Th- - perty v a III- - Acts High V - 'it and louir 7-0- Plaza; Three Free OOK MAINTAINS 1 V.T ed un cok. and F.arrill. II. of Kall- P. M. Carnival at sailed from Settle .May 17. 1'"iR. frh n.l Hit' - at i.l'l,' to Chi- Acrobats; Madam 'I- - I n Brothers, was of .i lli t.i:i .vim: i:mk.t F.arrill re,.,uo( that at tho start cLi-- and rinine if t' .lead Diving Dogs, Zerado ii' . ?t Atle.nil; City. Oct. H. ilxi'refsing the trip he pie, lied to keep an xa is bull ir llai l Kd-wn- .1 tie- for Life. astonishment at tl.c statement of ilia rv . Ton. Kb' M - He" ,S Htl ed th Bcno's Slide -- c'ook today main-teine- d ief. rre.l fo by Karrill as -- ) - h oi tl oi l I; r on anf j Hotel. t.- - I, Ir. Tiie diarv last wold Ball at Alvarado - IM.ot.. - Ph"tn J WaPelU In- I. ; P. M. Montezuma ..lien. that bid the affidavit U now in t vv - k- - c co and ' at th" tier 10:00 f attached to the i I -- of Mount M Kinby and said NeW York Olobe. ,t lileM ' - O til at Ob'cago- A II. SPITZ. M IU I S V. KIJ I.Y. uirni.t possession of Hie I... t. P. M. Final Free ct. if nny xeditb.n will foi- - 10:30 ,it .rf inl I lull. mi of tb- - 'iniiieri1l vl"'. further u "i'a-J- - 2. oluoi'l I.) ( ontioucil on lUge i ..mnier. 4 the route he t,.v.,it they t firel tCoiilinueti i THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1909.

One of the slum l"lm-'- . "f lt11n411erqoc. mi It m away. Thm drmting of (JUete--r NURSING MOTHERS I'oint ami Mount Mi Kmlf) Hhuwn In NAVAJO BLANKETS mv diary on thf fourth am fifth thow the beneficial effects of LAWER'S VOTE Wholesale and Retail. The Largest Assortment hAVAJO r,ig of thf Hki-teh- f thiifhi nml rt blankets nt loniliilonii a tin y npin-art-- The Lowest Prices c.hrt riiKt-- am ihsplay or cutios. mm h:k mt- - I to on iho ground. r. Cook wan TRADING POST by my ;df wht-- I wan making the-kft- i 1 1 WRIGHTS r W. Inn, tod i his inMiiiitn iits for Bennett's, 5 Central Av IU GOIJ). OVES tVKMXGS COR. and fu. imrpoüf of taklnx ti nipt r.itarf , in a very short time. It not - rtr. V- rtniMlnf.1 In up, but en- ' after I nan photojrr.iphf d on only builds her - In our nf the entries, liicw.-r- Kid. ), .Ids the im udlrig the 1Mb as ttrltt.n point hour. In bb-- evening th" for half an riches the mother's milk and world's record on a half mile ti.Mk tamp returning on the tlnif I nkflehfd im above Hated and H ol I solely under child. muí han a retold of ; 07 mi lio. mh and written Iir Coot; ufit-- bin IrmtruiUftitH properly nourishes the Hi." ilii iHtion of I'niik Krom and mile. lr. "Wli'-- I - S- - 1 In mm.- down from llo po'nt who K "lit- of Including ptemhi r down th Nearly all mothers The lilt' will be and hand.d Iir In olilitom STEWART 9 thf thf 1h- - ml i ml of iho iliiny on Not ember Ih fin deciding of the seto to I Mmi-- oth-i- r children should i m rfoM tlnn-l- nr.- my own. They what uhotf. he ma.h nurse their takt ii as a whole the pim-ra- urn - it remarka and I hen- ttaii inufí or food-tonic- , h It he to Illl" rnlrr Hit' ;i Mill falls and re mil take this splendid whi. tlll hard . Ies tHlkfiiK tlorjf, tthii-- 1 lo not now The Saturday program at the fair, ill' (ni. .1 hy un) on.-- - but nt ami keep up their WOULD DO ANYTHING - r lirst told mi- to Flop tfiall, whether that time not only to ground pronus. s lit lit- strotijier i i'ii"k - pt r 12 tt In n pl.i.e or lhftMft.r ami btltt.-.- th' HEATERS t V . .O.-c- my ili:irv on mb tli.. tl...t ..ftft-f.- iv nil. l 11. .oil own strength but to properly TO GET HIM OFF BENCH I nnd 16th of month my at ' r" l;ih the ttlnn ' In Addition - the ur. ""' n' fllui-- rociar I. i - tvag t i fit the children. LIKE STEWART RANGES are ,. given yesterday after-- . gl". r ...! ut ..r ar thr- point Inch ittfi.iied nourish their the flrr ,.ui.t In order lo prove tliiw point I Iir. Cook an Ihf lop of Mount that DRff-GlST- noon by rtivwliy mil repeated - FOR SALE I1V ALL KIND. th. M' Kin Till point a ttitMn tta.i th.- top hf Hated to un- a fol- This is Opinion of Mr, Ivens as THE BEST OF THEIR and liif Marathon rio will be pulled it. eit(lit of u t Ihf tluif. Cook iitat-- i io ofT. Thin i .ii i' may 1 1 u t lio' alien-ti- . It Kir., of "' i Rn4 nun Expressed at Meeting of .l lh.-- thai Ihf itm ori.liltoni" " point a coo, I f.irlat 1 lold . Skrtfk B . 'ii of the poiiing vi oil.. Kit- - of Thai would nmke ..,, Itenk tli'-rt- ilnl i on top of Mount a Oo"i Li"" " I In- cht'-ri-- Ihf lop for Mount M.KInley. It look Itrh back vmuiu in New Indians In thin rnec have - Hearst Adherents .M Kin I' y ami ilii.-il.'- l no- to mop SL. New York training for month, running .hi"! about like the GunKlKht peak SCOTT Si BOWNE. 409 Perl my iliary (urtln-- r orili-- At Thcv nr.- the until Honid look iu Mount MeKlnlf y.' Yoik City, our mountain trails. IIm.- hi- haiJ b n ibr top oí Hi' lhl lo whiih tve had In en lookini; nt from Look for It Is a Guaran- ha mnni in the noild nml . In- if Ho- point laliio il tío- ib. a t ill- H . 1b t"r oldif . ."i.OUO fiittt-t- Il not nt all Impossible - hould not tx.-ei- ;.'i'oi, an the tin. top of thf mountain ami thf iloi (By Joumid fiperl-i- l Marathon n-- In half an hour tin . S to Moraine Itawd nir) This Trademark. tee of Quality, tlmt the world's orl nut lor IukI tukt-- a photograph ,f th. alter feet eamil Was st a l.ilshed from Ii. lirokt-- flu- pieiiir.- wan fixed up New York, 11. Two candi-dute- a mi trick point tflth mi' Htiiii'lliiK on top Ho taken, v.f our fi hour after my was so taken. o.t loni'i-io- w pn k. nboui II aMfrnoon. of ulth Ihf Aim ih an tlai? In mv ham!. and at J'':3J or The drawinar shitu opposite .nKi for mayor uf itreater New. York effort );i in i n in. oi m in he r down nd men- tamest Thf .liot"trra ph to w hi. h I 1" S',t. li tie 204 of Or. Cook's book above kept u th,. UKilation of the cani- - lit- of Imi iiiwo. I.ltl'.ll . on tin- pl.ti,. on .. Ihf officers the 11 opp.-Klt,- iiiojn.l dfiimiat'd tion, il is entirely false as never l.l'i'.' p.lltf "Ji of thf bool. spe.-- i s pro-gca- exhibit p. doi palsn by hi in Manhattan and In itiriiiiK.' un iiri.iiif it To tlo lop of Do- C.iniln. nf as nun thf tor built a snow house on th" trip, ur- .it ma- lo- go f..r liini"rri'. Tlif I., fon- - il iiiarks K.tlnx that ttant'd to around the iliary as lUetated by the Brooklyn tonight THEY ARE MADE BY THE OLDEST MANUFACTURERS - Thf J.ikk' come to Al- -- In lo t. upon jority of Ihf tiMt'ii" who ou tha iipi-- of Ihf mii'ii in that ii there order f further iloetor sa so. nor tii'l e shake William J. liaynof. democratic - r today to assist In Do- Wfl- tro- - lo fp-- t a AND BACK-E- lUUUTUt" atol who!! friun thf bottom of main Kt.n ui itood hands or have any similar i erf monies nominee, made hln fust apliearanoe OF STOVES IN THE UNITED STATES ARE D umir In 1'imi.liMi Tuft, will remain Hit tun- - up to thf Kraulti p k tl. vt of thf port In-- ml rldite I. adlnir up a stated in the ilia! y. in Manhattan, otto T. liannard, re- - hot until tomorrow to no- - tin- - fair. formiiiK tlo top of tlo- point tiro mt to ih Biimmii of .Mount M. Kinb y, im "Th.. iliawinii shown opposite pane nominee, made a series of BY THEIR GUARANTEE. SEE OUR DISPLAY. lor aiM on- - s To provide iimi'lf entertainment fooitnarks anil thosi of I ir. c....k. as lo ertnln If that ildne tta i the book Is also falsi. We Mpecchrs in urooKiyn. ttiinam it. them- - tvill I..- nmhltton of polid llo- top moun- utecp Ihf "My In r'i oil." tl'iim ol thin an ttilli of the iiff-- r i llmlif, iinstbins half as Hiurst, independent, did not speak, those ) i u n r th' program In hargr. ait folloita tain no that It would hut ' an appear- - as tlo r.. shown and never established, although a mass meeting In his sup- nml It Is evp'-cle- Ihut inoif out of Tir Cook ami I w. nt to th.- tot. oT ani" similar to the lo any eamp or si. W a Ho re shown. port tjis nt Cooper - held I'nion. piuplf III lo- pi. mill S.ilur.l;!) thl,. point t.uf. lh. r ami hf 'HV ttoiil-- have to Kit-.- In Ilia ttritiiiKX. A W,. slept every niiht uion compara- The preatest ccntereil th-- interest ttas tluiii mi) ilav :ii!iiK v III a Ih" do. the ex--- MAUGER iifliruooii uo ilovtn ami R"t tor wen mountain RAABE & link iihtuif tively level spots. In fSaynnr'a upiieni unce in the ' I fk. ilnl from nil o punir and this pliot-icrapl- p.llit- f of ttil f not takf our Iiurs x.'f hi, "Til" oppoMlf pci tation mat would answer in notan 115-11- 7 NORTH 1ST STREET. tin- a priMioHt-.- with iih lo th" top of point, tint it thf side where hf to in the ibMtor's book ttititle.l 'In the Ho- eharKi-- nuginxt him. th.- must COOK PLANTED RECORDS ON ina hit tlnin ilown in the Maibllf im that he had i limbed it. hf sibnt slory and snowy of the serious of which Is the Insinuation ubHf tin Kho h r. Wt- lio n both Itftlt le-- I to know the nature of lh upper world. 1'.. taken two that he favored the race track ele- - n point to In n- our - SUMMIT OF M'KINLEY iloit from th rolK- tfuilliiK np to thf oi of the or three hours before "the iakin of nient and attempted to frustrate th? hii-- l In i n Tin- - dm l it., il ban tor look mountain no hf rould it about my piftiire with the flax, and was nfoi'.-em.-ri- legislation desi).'nfd tn - of th.- Arm rh all llaar out of on.- of tht lis It i.pp' an d taken in the (imp r about a heck luttini;. Ills hearers were dis I ) ami hamlfil it to nnd l ( i.iillniii'tl from I'uirr I. nliiinn bax inf In lining thin took in thf bal- mile north. a.m. i !y of tio- point where appointed for he did not reply to the Inn k tlf I This fellow looks out upon the world and smiles no to Ihf top of thf point ami Ho- w pIloti.Kr:: d '' s 1 111- - II UK ee ol thi lith and all llth it an so ph' hiirip-- nt length but declnifil that lt till po. inls P. Id to hold li II.' r. on Hit '.ti l if ni" and l .ib of .t. ml. ei- end at thf his record must be the answer tn his I h w t .i i ol thf ..', hli h did i i uied by Fo- IIm- - AflliliMil. iirh'h lamp on mln-- 1". I r. Fall folds are klt btractors. ilo.-to- hi.-- . 1 if ol III In r S, 'Tlo- Hon lib iinoia 'imk mad.- his ol.s at Ion of the ley's Honey and Tar. the real throat At the Hearst meeting William M '(Ill Ihf ftllllllK f - on-tai- loilui-- ..ppiolt.. pan" The r. nuin- I fook mill I Klallirl lll.'llf fililí thf fhiiuii liilue. Wf In ii turned hit. k from and Inn tina, repuhllt an, yet a supporter of 1, lr '111 lib h pi. tur.- lh.-n- if.iiiifil nu ilrui;. J H. tilth thf hnpf of t xplorlnii Mount lili eauip tte had both f ilien harmful Hearst, was one of the principal tlo- of M. Kui!- . , II'- - ii mo Hurl-l- n .it Miiiimit s i. coiT-eitl- vtatfil It had been predicted Inforiiu , - throuxn iis. spfakcrs. thai Hi Ii if I" tlo- lop of tlo Coii- . hi pul-po- tta to (im! n viuy In Ihf diary ..nsob r. d it too that . r and he would make additional chati;cs - ri ti Th. troth that On .1 for iti-- nillitR vln inounlairi h lo- anil hup rum to pro. fed further itouth flaynor but he confined him- of Mmmt MiK'iiil.-- wan " aeainst I'rolt-isto.- r 1'nrki r lnti iiil. il tu i llmii ntiimlt with Miimv lehiifH. as the do.-to- self to reviewing (iaynor's record In mili.-- . I lit In air Inn- from llo- MEXiGAN ARRESTED the mountain thf follow Inn ymr obtained h Kood view of thf riiliif, ireneni I. potnl it- n;t pi' tur.- ,u "A ülioivn l my iliary vtf tool, tlo .akfn! was all wanted. . si. on ... roí In- tthiell hf "I nil ko"p oin? through his - H r .iins to t!o f...i" ..Il 1'i.i'k'!. - tin- P on ptfiiilo-- Kiimi nml I i day f ttas ttlth Ur. Cook on! after day.'' said It ins. - map p.iiíis .i ao'l In. .nilón tin- fill it. n n anil lo nml mpt-Ini- i I T.;: ( i t iy day in the time hf wan "until hf has reached the flnil liour 11 in llo- k. atti Hie Hill of nil" r l INSULTING I th.-- to nset-ni- thf mountain in Hi" FOR which precedes his political funeral. no-- , am. doitii with ihf fl.ijj rllliiK In my rilar y M- r- t'f but Tin-r- an- - I w year IJtiifi. and nearest point to tli at least S.i.nul mcmhi rs of dirt-rtio- I., n h. ir Cook M"' utaiiiliiiK ith tli. rf iiiKi.' uii'l'-- r thf of e Hi., tt ho won!,) lr IlK t ra iio.l tin- r. suinmit of Mount M. Kinby whii h bar vote for Caynor '"i.oh. I ftlivo rlwiriBi-i- l ilati-- ilur-Iria- r mo llla.l" mark thf h.-i- M ...-k- nob-- im lit fourteen tnlP for mayor, for no other reason on Ii Ik I tlo iRht on tlo- oth.-- I'll" tlnif iiinliT in i 1 I i - no did FLAG i xi ept to t 4:1m off - 1 lili, r.- pboto- fniin Ihf summit, and at lime THE arth the bench. II 1U- Cook illn ! no- tinn h.ul I tt f fill elftatloll of JU.'HlO feel lb- is an intellectual freak." to dtiip h. my ill.iry inn jr.ip..i n.oil.l. probilhl) lout ill h" pi. - i I h- n the dm tor told m,. tte tv r. William A. Dcfoid told of n con- m(ii tlor.-l- blank I r.uino! tai. and h" that bad taki ttlnn thf (.la tthi-r'- mt as ization with lludolph Block, a now tin l il.ili of th. .ii !ui. at moll an nuulf that at Ihf for mi peak ttoiil, Hot Jilimt. t.ik-- tt f in n- not over mer Hearst employ., ami an adherent vi hli h I luivf In mv dim y In fon lio.., i."' ii hi. h I f.-- are I. , t lilKlt. I lo n'e, ti l to slate that Fellow Countryman at Roswell of fl.niior. In which lliock is nuotcd I no ilir-ii- i il i Do but 'The lo i. ttiin lo loiuitf in. I b-- by no- pi on Ih.. ir s. and on as kh villi': nor expects to 1 bal no .'k't' li'd mt di.ny and .ire lth Gon- "Jude Oat know thf ;...ailon iin 1 Arrest of Pancho I s lo.t,i.-l-f. nini; of September ti. ir. Cook Causes In- ele. ti .1 presi-d- . Hfplfml"-- I wim not to matk.d lo and are R.nernor and then i.ppt iim i - I li In pan.- pn-eed- im- If was ttllltiiK sl it with nt of ol nnd I think It twin " hiii hint diary ..ti Illl t" zales for Swearing at the the I'nltcd states and he Because he buys Office La- !.) I I 11 1 h a .. a i IiilT ( i ay Si p- -' Said '"-.- tt lo said, Will Ir-- ll'K .bit" thf in bull ' he wants to take the nomination for I I ' to-a- in'1 i 'i on p i see t (loillK mayor 111 Saving Devices r an i.-- K' eXt.'r rum Tammany from V. ( it It tiny fiirih.-- u'liuipt tin f.olott inn that toll (! Stars and Stripes. hall order bor us. 'j' Uli.el- J ' j SO.' to i mliim tin- mountain. S. , work out this ambition." Lisise lA t Itljicrs. fciicvinl Hilled Jtccoriln. 1 lubber Stamps, ' 'i'lloMi p 11 ( ptl 171 l 1&. ami to lb" boat, i. Ilk ttele so skrlllied lilldj 'Thf la I'liposlte ..l" Two unusual incidents disiuiin-i- rfltirnfil .1 - In no- tt I llo-lo- t book mention.. Moraine si:k is. thkx vox' ii it.moliin- liium h iiiiiifil llolnhof. nun. nil l.t Ion was in I'r. Cooks abut,, Imperial f t.rr.e0lfnr la Jonraal the Hearst and (lnynnr meelinird. At bi:tti:i: w I tin-iv- earn, ru 14 th- - WII.Ii S.MII.i: AXD UK tthb h lay in thf uitti-- al I In- foot ot Hinpi opposite Hum. hen- eoiild and named as tin: X. M. mt. I'aneho former Icfotd begun denuncia- HAPPY TOO. tin- til.i.l. r run hi il Ihf Iniini h hilt- a nil- tow .'t tlo fll Th. eanii.s lifts of Mount M. Kinhy ale not sin h was a i today on tion of Stat,. I'atrlck H. - lomi'.ts idIm r 1!, Iiutliiit tiatflfil I'ti A hile I o Slot, hid the pe.lks life . litis, hut an- a part of the peaks a territorial warrant in widen he Is w ho Is PI. H w as liott i t - - lio- ntioio-i- by me In AmiTi-u- inll. on tin- lop of tin- Khti-t'-- from .a'wps marked upon nit draw Imi above tin and drawn a.iuseil of itisultmir the interi'Uiitfd dramalieully with the ex- H. i C h. i li my utt.ielied to. Th-- issu.-- S. It nut diary her. tt upon is LITHGOW pUif ii il illiiililHH the liaic. tvairant as clamation, "MiCairen dead." An thf ' in Si IH. v. In n at llrM smlh i . . I ehllllii ellllJ.H When tte were Th" photograph opposite pace of Castro Juan ,. w ho al-- f immediate hush l over thf assemt riione 924; Journal Itldg. iitiop r. uuniiin from ih.- iil.n r I K illl lip til U.a. i. l 1:1 Or. c,,s booh was taken the i. s that c.on ib s euese.l and ap- blajie and Dcfoid apologized with the iloi lori tl nml t tin- 'W IO II tt" U . re III tl- Kiddle III '.If etetllllK of the sallo day thai h" took plied vile r.aoos lo both Ho- Am. ri.en explanation that he was atta. kiim I I w i a eel-e- n It. r. it from himI Im lu.lluir i titftu-b- i tin- point ttlo re :i. photographed pie ttlth th" flax at what hf lalms and f'acs at the McCarr.-- principien and not McCar-re- Mi I I was Imb-p- M'M''M r ilon anil Im liollni; pti mad.- a dt.iwiiiK of what num..! Ihf too of Mount MtKiubt. and .tii-.- of Mexican rob lice the mall. ( ' i DEAD ROBBER IS Tlifüf n win- mail'-ti- illa. r I'ottil At the same IIm, and lak. u at amp k'x. shown on attuehed her.- S. .. lll..f 1'. and Pi. Ionízales I: was a militant sufTraiiette who PROFESSIONAL CARDS .It r thf orilim ot In- Cook 1'iotu point I mail.- a iliawinii of Mouiil M.- - . xhibit C and I Tin- .ip In this was aiiaiüiied in justice court Ibis disturbed the líayuor Catherine. Hay-no- r - LOS ANGELES LAWYER Ihi- l.'th to iho Itiih hh wrllt. n at KlIlJ. a.S I eoliid i." tile op of .blUI" is noted thereon ti be ."..tin" Miornina. pbailfd to. I Kuilty and pave had barely got under way when .. the ftml ritiirnitiK on ihf nlitii Mount M.KIniey off the n.othttisi P i t This l.eini; tn Ho- point whore bond for his aplicaran. " al a prelini-Inar- t i woman rose in the audlenc.. and ASSAY Hits. I ol Ihf IKtli nml Irmn Ihf 1Mb lo and amiI I should sat, at lit ellt) my pie! in i was lak n with the tlaK Satin day Juarez was one calb d. "Hotv about woman sufTi-.le-- W. trial (Continued I'uac I. d ".) JEXKS of tlo- men iu chalí,..- of 111" She was Miss' Maud Malone. a famil- fniin Assayer. (eh hr.ition. iar IlKiire al iolitlcal KiiHn riiiKS. Mining and Metallurgical Engineer, Sh,. i fit.-i'- d lo state what t tit "The imestion which you ask me is 609 West Fruit Avenue. ;. tclits il 111" letter tv Mr. F. Km., uneonla, X. Y.. not pertinent to this nieellnt.'," said PostofTice Tiox 173. or at office of F. write. My little Kill was greatly 'latum, showitii; some embarrass- Thai Harris was in desp' rat.- strait. H. Kent, 112 South Third treet ben. flit, d l.t takliiK Foley's orino ment, "and I shall ask you in order for money wa - indicated in ' tt. rs r ljivatite. and 1 think it is the best to prevent any further Interruption to lit his young wife here some AITOKNKYS. remedy for constipation In which In- wrote and liver ir.i first and consult my wife." weeks her It. W. D. HUYAN trouble." Foley's orino I .native- is Still Miss Malone refused to be from New York that he must have Attorney V ' at Law. mild, pleasant and effective, and cures s. and after eonsnltini,' w ith money at any cost. - !. Office In First Build- rt oii"tiputinn. J. H o'l;te!y atj.. was 8u ol age. National Bank habitual H.riinan Kidder. who presided as Harris about yiars Ing, A lbuquerrine, N. M. V l ele- Co. i liairman. a policeman escoi ied cultured, well educated and of Jpo. W. W'TTsi7iil Jno. A. Vbiui tin- tot 11. gant and an oiator of n puto. & 1 is Will A. a .roiiiin-en- t WILSON WHITE, - Catnor's speech was u pb'a for father. Harri. t-- fy A r.- Attorneys at Law. ..'.'y:--- tt "personal liberty" and a "liberal con- altoriny of this city, who ditd - -- RANCHER ARRESTED suddenly a few ago. was a V r a . .V. struction particularly of the Sabbath months T. " Rooms 9. observ.-iiiC- f and Cromwell Bulldin. laws." II.. attacked l'o-lic- o confederate veteran ore of th" Commissioner llineluini.' who is most distinguished orators of tin- Cali- now campaigning- - anainst C.aynor. as fornia bar. EDWARD A. MANN "strut-about.- young.-- Harris was possessed Attorney Law. 10 FACE CHARGE n " "a head butler front The at th" White House. brouKht over of a brilliant mind and charming per- Ilooni 2, N. T. Armijo llldg. Fhons 2!l here sonality. on., the heads of 5,0(11) belter mull than he. At of the universities in Albuquerque, N. M. who introduced Mississippi he was a social f.uoiito militarism, which gratuat.-- OF inter would be tolerated In Uussia." nnd with Inch honors. IP While visiting the fair do not forget that we are here with a large general stock of house MURDER always, howcttr. was of ext rata p't in- In discussing the cleaning up of the MIMXO Kt)I.OGIST. lily paid a - habits, and .s tendencies. furnishing goods and will be pleased to have you call and look through our stock while in h" tribute lo former I'r.s- Examination and deological Iteportl nt Roosevelt end his work while on Mining Properties Specialty. municipal oftlcer in a the city. We have a fine assortment of Axminster. Body Wilton Rugs in Xow York. Correspondence stilieited. Brussels and the Nester Bustos of Rociada, San liannard in his speech avoided per-- j along, Address in attacks as he has done all ELKS THEATRE W. U. latest designs and colorings the Oriental and Floral patterns. Our stock of Linoleum Miguel County, Accused of t TIGHT. ut severely i ritici.sed Tammany hall Albuquerque, new Meilca is especially strong and the patterns are the latest and prices are right. We also have Stabbi:1? to Death Maicelii.o in general Tuesday, Oct. 19. a full line of Furniture. Stoves. Ranges and Heaters, Cooking Utcnsels galore, an elegant Ai chuleta at Dance, CANADIAN LINER STRIKES ii:xtist 1H. J. EKIl.KT ROCKS IN ST. LAWRENCE 1 1...... i i- . assortment of China and Porcelain ware, a fine line of Bedding Supplies of all kinds. Win- j Oil, e on. sprtlHl Hispan h ! th l.rnla( Jonrniil Rooms Parnett hnilding. PhotH dow Shades. Lace Curtains. Poitiers and Couch Covers, in short everything useful or or- I. is . ua. X. M. i i. t. 11 i : SOUSA 14. Appointments made by mail .! putv h. r,ft ...i Montreal. Oil H. A message was a.i. San AM) Kt.HONS. namental around the home. Do not miss this of looking New Mex- M.Ktiel to. lav Xestor received at Hit Canadian Purine I'HISK'IWs St opportunity through ari.teil offices A. G. SHOltTLE. M. D. itustos. nt i in. litiian. on tonight from Captain Forst. r of 'a Practice Limited to ico's largest home furnishing establishment: we will be more than pleased to make your lio li ,.i hatini: iriiiur.b-r- d Mar- - the compant steamer . Kmpri-- of inbound Tuberculosis. e'tii.. r. lull. 1. 1. Complaint Ireland from AND HIS Liverpool to tju. . stating that Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4. ncnjaintance and show you through our made lo be ts m tin- An hul. ta the establishment. steamer h id n Rooms state Natl. Bank Bldf faniilv. i:,--i..- was art.-ste- tthlie-ttotkiii- struck submerged rock n Ch.itte and Matane. He re- U. L. - en bis Ii n- ar Ko. iatia llt'ÍT uii. ported that a hole had stove in Physician and llia.o- ri . esist.llt. e lier and Surgeon. hotts and that she was making some Rooms Bullá-- I.i was r!io'"tu':l injuiid and 8. N. T. Armijo Ardnii. al water. fBAND tng. Alliuquernue, N. .1 .Un. e t l: . ia.1.1 on St pi. Si. . A but r dispat. h from Kiniouski re- í aa-- it I th. w ounds tt . iOLOMoX L. PI RTON. b is thai ported that the steamer took .n her dm P. d.i till lists the duuK' r bt - Physician and Surgeon, pilot there and roceed. d to ijuebec u ! t .toliii iu-- - - luí: s. d llustos. Tile llMIti r Was w Philip t omh,, ,,r. t, iiarneii riUIUIlUK. here she Is due tomorrow at i a. nt. 101 kt 4UI-1, t Ar-- i .fi'.lcil li Office phont 17 Res. pt b. llU th"ioiht that In or this fact tl fti. iais phone titt I . . . m, h ,,i. 'a tt oitld recot I. i mi. t llott pruno frontil.'r.pie, V. M. it "leve that thf to the slfam-t- r Mis.- - The - i . Mejo-s-oprai- ii Futrdle Furniture I vhi,I l ean Ho. miuir i.. is not serious. : li I birt ni-- U.H niv.M at the t ripll 1j! iltsallt Tin Kmpress of Ireland van led Hard' man iidmi-- 4 kti:i:iakv . Mr. Hi-H- . . d atti laini. d audi. lo That tit...ut l.lrt'i pass ng. rs. n lark, c..riicli-- i i t, a I. rm. I i. si. b ut ..f s,mt.i Fe W. J. HYDE. V. S Tli.o. r i n in lio- asylum f.-- i New Sousa March and Suite Graduate Veterinary-Phon- - SENATOR PAT Ooll- - t In- la st p o t . ai s. McCARREN 71. 305 West UNDERGOES OPERATION; Curtain at 8:45 VritM, l and lle-tor- In l.ntry. COMPANY Washington. Hit 1 4 The intelior Prices 75c, R. L. SI.00. SI. 50. GÜT.W. d"pHit!.o nt h ui restort-- subp tt t New Y'oTk. (Vt. 14 State Senator Painter and Decorator. siltletmnt and entry lu st Ft bruarv. Patri. k H. McCarren. dt nnvratie Phone 1133. ITS 4 40 .ut, f public land which lead, r of who umi. rwintan Seat Sale Opens formerly u k ithdraun lor tertaln operation for npp- - ndicitui last night, ns-l.- i ui.tiion projeft tn Wnshinifton. late At Matson's, Saturday lonlght appvand t. h.lve the Uf. i ARTHUR E. WALKER West End Viaduct llifornit and Arl.m. The land I r hard His condition is still seri- Mr m.-t- In. IjV ' .or. s in thr ous, and fiit-n.l- s and political usto- - Oct. 15th at 8 a. m. Invnninr. fevmarv Mntnl AsKH-lalloi- . l liv ii. x. Am Uitirkt. MP arc txtrtiii'lj uiixicus. Building I "hour I Uii!, Wit Central Ae. é THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL; FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1909.

HMcrlflce hit. Clarke; t, Wn bases. ler. Hush, O. Jones; play, ROMAN RAG E BRINGS IRE Hymn to Ahsluln. Sch mblt to hush, Schmidt to Morlarity: left ou bases, Boxing Detroit fl, Pittsburg 5: bases on balls. Racing off Mullin I. my Willis 4. off Ciiiunltx 1 : FEET hit by plieh-- r, by W 11:1s (Bush); GRAND STAND 10 ITS Athletics Mtrilck out. hy Mullin 5. by Willis 1. I Baseball by Fhilllppc 1 Time, ;1.1)0. I'mpires, EOT F.vntis, Klein, Johnston, atol o'LoukIi- - P Hit. Soldiers Furnish Most Exciting Event on Yesterday's Racing

s Mag- lovett Snce--cd- I ( h i ri niiiii . Program: Miss Prisom Wins Albuquerque Derby. New York. Oct. 14 Jnd, Hobert nificent Racing Card Today. Ill' tills the National coniini.-sb- S. Loved was el cted a diicctor md $l.2lfi.T5. mid 'lull club owner member of the , ceutive committee Holds $5, 32. ST. Tills brings the mlal atten- of the Baltimore A: nido Ballroad Thursday's tm-lni- piogiam proved three In five ( unfinished I Flora Socorro DETROIT WIHS dance for til'- series up to I27.KS2 for company at a nice ling of the dliei tors Ibe sti gest of the fair meeting. Not Cotice won second and I bird teals games. Tills Is nit average of more here today to lill the vacancy made only was the Albiuiucniue Derby ml Time. 2:11 2:11 Meadow . by Hie death of i: II. Ha re i n ii exciting ev.-ut- relay race was won Time. 2:11 ütsnsr than 2 1.000 each game ami a record in but the Brook ili'si beat. Ranless s- g..o, rin-- Beauty won Time, of the wol Id championship -i les. The end the Itoiuan wlih live WilUes tourtli biul. - $ us ti troni the 1'nlted cav- The orator. Hilda 11. total receipts ai,- 25. fm. Bear Admiral Milligiiu Dead. cutties Stales í:14 Haltt. The ame was played willi ther- alry troops, was one of the most (ins B, Mabel C mid Hcllie P.oRers the Annapolis, i I 4. Exciting Innings Md.. et. Hear hoise-manshl- p THRILLING 4 degrees thrilllnu inhibitions of .hiring also started mometer near above zero, nilral llobeit w and Willi a chilling southwest wind leliied, ever seen here. Second race, the West. ni altes,. died tonight, age, I i'5 years, 3 . . lie was 2.211 3 .V Su la ziii', b . sweeping' the field. The sun. however, The Derby was won h.v Miss Prisom. $2,iuui. hiss, iroltiiig, In ,. chief engineer o the battleship me. won l.unii, if warmed the atmospiiei and it was a two to on,- favorite, vv ho galloped Margin straight heats. Tim. goii when sh,. i,,-- le ller U.lllie Do tJlawil, If . . . really the best has- ball ,.day Detroit I'cllial away with the $4iia purse without 2.1" 2:14 Mu IS run from the pur il'i. coast to RUBE WADDELL Xt'wmycr, p . . has had for the scries. Although It S.iml. difllculty from a Held at one time CONTEST ago, Culta, during lb,- war. that Hidalg-o- p was n Ions way from being good base- promised to give her a run for the It. soil, in l.liionlu. Hans Wagner pbiy.-- a money. B. Si- ball weather. Dick was second and I.iitoitlu. Oct. 4. - First race, C fur- Totals 31 O 4 211 10 marvelous Rami- in the field, but made beria third. longs Au-t!- n Sturtevant woli; IN only one hit In tour up. In NVINGIBLE times Joe Wells Woll the and Olle- - second: Kins; Ferdinand, Siiiiiinnry. lie was everywhere JOHNSON 10 CARRY lour the field and did liair furlongs Cd B. In a driving 1:14. Score. n. HONORS EVEN IN BATTLE stop from third Time. it. k. Ills best to the Detroit team from 5 - 1 finish, wlih Dandy Dancer third. Seeond furlongs (.'iibish Socorro . . .101 002 31 12 2 scoring. He covered third, retiring De- lace The 2;Jil trot was won by w II,, 15., . . . (1(10 0110 0 4 3 FOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Harod on; Mai tin second; Carlton Clays 000 players twice hy i rowding Byrne PINCHES troit In straight heals, with ( i. lib .. set ond Time, Two base him, Powell :i; Waddell, out of the way and taking tile play THE FIGHT TO third. 1:0. and 11 v lu id (I Salazar; 3 base hits, Powell, liase on inning third Third race, furlongs Short Order himself. In the fourth he raced won; Temper, balls, off Waddell; 3 off Newmyer 4; Yesterday's Ga,me Marked by over to third base took Miller's assist l.uiu Hurst took the 2:25 pace Hatchle Coon, second: New-rayi- Time, 1:15 struck out hy Waddell. 16, by T on Moriarity's hit and Dele- - without difficulty from Nancy ('.. third. retired ii - - Id; by .Hidalgo 1. who wa.s up lo nee Fourth uní , furlongs Tom Hol- LOCALS TO struck out Rough Work; Players Carried hanty. , hid her pel lornia HOLDS left on bases, 3; 6: KETCHEL of Tmsihiy, wh.-- she one land won. Billy Bodebier, second; Socorro drays De-ti- Again ill the si.vtli session lr cover- furnished from Field Unconscious; oit Many Colors, third. Time, 1:13 FOUR SCATTERED HITS double plays, Cochran to Ambo to ed third and took Cainnitx's assist, re- of the most exciting races of the week Pott us. Cochran to l'etttis; sacrifice tiring Schmidt. with Miss Ivlgur. Kohort S, an Albu-(Uer.ii- e Fifth race. 7 furlongs Ludbyana Goes Baseball Mad, ; hits, Curry, fly stol- horse owned by W. L. Trim- won: Anne Mitlee, secund Keumore sacrifice Curry: Mulin. ScliiiiliZ, Crawford and Bush, en bases. Toner, Cochran, Pctl'us 2. ble, look money in race and Queen, third Time. l:2l Pitching by Saint were the bright stars lor Detroit. Bifi Black Announces Intention third ibis Magnificent Hits off Newmyer .0 in innings. Miss Kdgar fourth. Sixth race, l mlb Molczy won: 14 Mullin's wonderful pitching uftei he Hidalgo 3 In 2 3 Innings. Detroit, Miih., Oct. Detroit The Shanghraiin, second; ('repp Celebrity, Coupled With Hits off had been namni'-ie- In of Going After Opponent from The Ford suing, which took Hist Louis Time 2:03. kept ill the great world's baseball unmercifully Beckham, third. Time, 1:41. inliiiiM, was a money In the lace on Wednesday, I'mpile, (Ideating- Pittsburg the fiist revelation to First Tap of Gong; Both Men Heavy Hitting Wins Hotly Derrick. championship by tiie spectators. Four hits were made wound up in third place yesterday, 5 4 a battle, of to today ill full off his delivery In rapid session Mai garbo plal. io coming In an easy Pacing Besalis at .luiuah'ii. Game for Gem City thrilling plays, and to- at the Nervous. Contested COAST LEAGUE. and opening of the game, Imt between the first and t. O. Paisano second. The Jamaica. V., M. 14. llivi r. night 111,- - two nre lied with teams first and ninth Inning be only race was as haul ridden as on Wednes ridden by Nl. lass, at 20 to 1, piove.J Team, three each. The seventh and deciding allowed two one sack hits. I Br Morning day, but the Ford string was not up a big surprise when site won tin) game will he played Saturday. A Journal (i-cl- I .rd Wlrt :1; I.r.s 1. hete to the running furnished by his speedy Southampton here today. Wise Mil-so- n Sacramento Anecies in nth InniiiB The ninth opened willi three sack San Francisco, net. 14 Jack fear Instilling rally the conipetiiorM. made the running' to Uie far I rf.n'c an Immense croud of fans at Log Angeles, Oct. 14. Sacramento w one run hits in session by Pitshurg, but nuiilri Johnson and Stanley Ketchel, princi turlt. by Pittsburg as stopped after H.r,. May who had been faili- yesterday defeated I,os Angeles 3 to 1 today. players Mullin stopped his hard bitting oppon- pals In Saturday's inntch for the The Kuinaii race, aside from the Itlv.r, tin) luir uruunds afternoon. was scored, but lince Detroit ng, began to muve up and. taking tint wore y Score: a, J1. R. ents before they could reap any ad- heavyweight championship. spent u Derby, wan th,. feature of the after- till' AlliiKHieiiie Clays were injured in stemming the rush lead on turn, nnd won whitewashed by the Socorro Los Angeles i 7 2 of Pittsburg runs. vantage from his short lapse. strenuous day in their respective noon. Five entries started, each rid- the stretch a easily by 2 lengths. liiiscbiill the final score hem Sacramento . . , 3 8 3 base- one of the most sensational plays training camps. Neitlur needed any er riding two horses with foot oil Tom Jones, the Detroit first 1 -- .Kiulyniioit ; of p.ume was a double play by work, for both In horse. It was one of most First nice, miles i 0 of City Batteries: Tozer Orendnrff the additional are the either ibe ui in favor the fast dm and man wa.s the must seriously hurt. His It. v. Fnultlei-s- , pitching by Whalen and La Lorige. Schmidt and Bush in the sixth. With pink ot condition, hut they worked spectacular races ever made here and won. mini! second; afrRi'cgatiun. Masterful neck spine were Injured in a col- :,ri and Miller on first Abstcin lifted a high furiously although it went tor only a mil. third. Time, "Huh." Waddell, undoubtedly won lision with Wilson at lirst base, and under the command of the half Waddell was foul, which Schmidt caught with bis moviiir picture operator, who spent it was the big event of the afternoon Second race. furlongs Sir John the game for Socorro. in Pittsburg scoring, its I Oakland 5: Son IVancisoo 1. this resulted back to the field. Miller for the greater part th,. day Daisey won the ra e Johnson won;' Dreamer, second; tose at ii.!)oliilely invincible In the pinches, run of session. Cnarles Schmidt, started of taking the Trooper Jo.. - that ond, v. Queen, third. Time, 1:13 the holding- tile locals to four scattered San Francisco, Oct. 14. Oakland gash- boi after the mull, but a wonder- picture!! which iil be used as an Willi Then Lee second and Truinpetei catcher, hud hi.s right leg badly (i Or- em iv San toda to 1. fully last whip by Schmidt and a great tioii to the f pic- - Donnelly Third tine, furluiiRH Short hits. Sixteen Ofays succumbed defeated Francisco ed ill blocking Ahfitciii off the plate introdiu Ulit third. delivery. Score: I! H. K. on- handed catch and sweep back- t tires. der won; Hatt hle Coon, second; Tem- it bin mighty The Socorro in i lie linat inning. 5 14 1 wards by Bush cauglit .Miller off sec- per, third. Time, 1:15 -5. ft! bunch hail their fighting clothes fill Oakland - Ketchel has sin prised the pligilistlc TOHXY'S IBIM.UWI Tilt: 1 The uImv íleo I'inishc.l the Ihleateli- d Hol- played an aggressive San Francisco I ond after the Pittsburg man had made by Fourth race, rurlongs Tom yesterday and Imr leMgiic chain-- ! world announcing that h,. will not s i a is or Tin: i :i .k ma- Hatteries: and Lewis; Stcvv- - rahv of the National a desperate slide. Schmidt played a land won; Billy Bodemcr, second: game throughout, fielding with Dank carry the fight lo bis opponent, as i,v pions, resulted in the injury of George wonderfully fine game all way Todav's racing propicia fur and Manv Colors, third. Time, 1:111 0 chine like precision and battingr like 'art, Durham and Beery. the has bien his custom In all of his pre- - Morality, when he caught W ilson try- tin ouch and saved Mullin two three away the lust of the vv.ek. First on Fifth race. 7 furlongs- - Luhbiua fiends. A vlous matches lie declares that Is pace Notwilhstandinjr fact the ing to steal third an hbaticchi's wild pilches by ins calches. tin program the great 2:12 won; Anne second; Kenmorn the that Cuhs Ko.w Alor-riarty'- .s Johnson as the champion must do th IleloiH the strike out. In tile same inning ft appeared for Mullin De- for which the fab- management has Jueen, third. Time, l:2(i score was lopsided, the exhibition was dark and leadin.r and says i tut t In- will not tea Chicago, Oct. 14. The Chk'.iRo left knee was badly hurl when troit in the first Itiulng Byrne sing- offered a pulse of $I.UH'l There are Sixtli nice, t mile Molcwy won" a baseball contest from the first to Into tin- big lellow miles. the latter National league team defeated the Wilson slid in to the base. Tom Jones to as a i.turter, to six starters In this r.'ce and one d Shu second; Creeps Xieh-hum- . last and there were cnonnh spcctaoii-la- r led left nid went shoves unexpected weakness from the The ugliiuii, pull- Chicago American league club here was .so badly hurt that be was carried third on a bad bounding hit along the them. Brewer's Kid. a favorite. Is tin thlid Time, 1:41. plays and hair raising stunts re- start. today 2 to 1 game from the lick! unconscious. He by .sing- re. for the ed ell to satisfy the most critical fan in the fourth of first has,, line Leach. Clarke holder of the world's onl city ' covered In club houae. He was (in Iho other hand Johnson's man Kid Iiiih a mile in the grandstand. the championship series. The the led to left, scoring- Byrne, and nendinif half mile. Brewer's PHYSIclAÑlÍRRESTEb home ill an ambulance and agei- asserts his man will go after in to New inyer, the little southpaw, paid attendance was S,!U7. Gross re taken it Leach to third. Wagner shot ti hot that record of 2:07 and order practically lie will not bo Keteh'-- I sound of gong shirte.l to work for the Oruys. und ceipts, today were $1,312, divided as is certain double to the left field and Leuch after the the encourage the tilers this aftei noon th. FOR DEATH OF GIRL able to play Schmidt, it is to score When A w;is touched for nine hits in the six follows: National commission, $531.- - Saturday. aim i iurKe scored easily. .Mullen then an early knockout. Ibiid iieripic Driving association has utile play tin- privilegi tin- - d 20: players, $2,Nt;s.4S; club, thought, will be lo and there was easy ri minded that picture a purse of Simi to horse and one-thir- inniiiss that he pitched. each steadied and Miller an out. offered di- is no doi.iit .Morlari:y will be In might if early x ol XeUMiyer had everything; there was $;i5ii.lii. The total amount ty lie tnat Delehanty and 'loin joins, Wagner suffer an knockout that will lower the track record Dell. ill, l Id. 14. III'. OeOI'RV A. to ,b-- i 1. hut the heavy on the Socorro vided among the players is $23.11 0.6". the battle. The injury Jones going to third. Absp In stru k out and isted, Manager Little lured that 2:13 h"ld by Stranger The trai k Frltch. of Ibis city, wns tonight ivar-r- . hitters Cinw-for- U team managed to pick out right Score: . Ii. II. K. shiltina of tlorliird the inning ua over v. lien W w cut even the prospect of this loss would is fast this year and It Is not improb- sted In connection w ith dentil the to the ones willi staithng regularity and six Americans ....100 000 000 1 fl 2 to lirsi base, 1. Jones center out Mullin to Tom Join s. not prevent the chcmpion pulling Ills able that the mark may come dovVn. or Miss Maybe!!,. Mtlliui. of Ann Ar- up hi; Nationals 101 000 4 2 and Mclntyrc to bit. Detroit inicie no run in the first. opponent down for the count in the bor, body was runs were piled during the time 0002 The 2 12 Mire 's enough barncsi-racin- whose dismembered re- away D. .1. lined round if possible. ti.-- occuped the rubber. New myer was Batteries: Walsh and Sullivan. The Pittsburg team gol ill llie After lo Miller Hush liisl for one afternoon and la tin found In sacks In Kcoik cr ek. lived In the latter part of the seventh Payne; Overall and Archer. lead by sniasliing- out those tour hits walked and Cobl struck out. Ci a vv Betting on the big mad h showed only rue,, to !u bur day. Dr. Krii. h was. iirrcjitcd in Inning. ford n on scheduled hy Hidalgo, who was hit three times on Mallín the 1st Alter continued third the throw an incienso today but the odds re The following running events will soon utter the finding of the body and two-thir- to plate. 4 in two and innngs. The Pon land. 2: Vernon, 0. .cluiliii was iiivineirile umil the sixth, the main 1" to witli the champion un be pulled off. an attempt was made to prove that a nuifniifi-ren- t 1 when ho enough to (jet into Allniipieiipic boys Portland. Oct. 4. Portland was weakineii Detroit tied the score in the fourth. the t!R "lid. Mile purse $1 ."il Nnme the girl had died after an operation a Handicap, ame in the field and if they victorious over Vernon today through dangerous situaiiun oniy to extricate Crawford drew a l.ase on balls, as a no change ill odd In the doctor's office. by Although the of horse. Bird of Passage; owrie''. liad been shoe. s ful in garnering' hits ragged playing by liimscil another cxbioltion of of Delc-hanly- 's After holding the physician under the visitors. starter and went to third on It is believed at pool colors, I, ,v - i i occurred. the Frank Martin: lack wlih Waddoll's ones, score . piti lung. score, run In the $10.(100 some case frntn hid the Score. 5. p Detroit single lo light center, Morla- rooms that the flow of short end dots; weight. 10(1. ball for time the might have been a ti 2 inning batted Willis nlf the was allowed to drop little different. The Vernon 0 lirst and rity singled to right and Craw ford money which gan today will soon Andrew Mill. r. while until yesterday, I) by Sweetheart, last butter;' (ln the Grays, however, 2 5 1 tlu scoring iwo runs in tne lourth Coii-bcill- when police Judge resumed Portland .scored, but Delehanty was caught try- cause a shortening of the prive g with orange and blue mi stein fanni'il the three times in succes- Wlllott Car- ami another in tne tilth by territic ing of the tragedy. Batteries and Brown; to rea eh third, Miller to Wagner. siderablc iiinikv Is wagered (ill hack. IflH. sion many times. Titile and again son batting. Oumnitz succeeded Willis and Join-- Joseph W Leach, an automobile and Fisher. T. singled past Byrne and the even proposition that K tclicl will I.ndy Oakland, Charles Closson, red sot rimnírs us far as third Detroit batted him hard i iiough to gm . driver, who Ih said to have been fre-i- Clarke t the grounder get away from stay for fifteen against the with hite star. HP). and r.everal times n on second another run in the sixili. I'aninils'. ti- - lilly hired by Dr. Frltch. is believed lljyiii NEW YORK GIANTS him, .Morlarity scoring tin- lug run. cha nipii n. Ito. K. !. Winters, lead wlih gray and third. Wa.hb TJi however. had way withdrawn when lljalt butted for T. Jones going to .second, to be the plihclpnl W itllCKI Upon Schmidt palpably poll.n dots. 2. been in piuehi.s similar to those thous- LOOSE E0UR STRAIGHT him In the seventh and tile veteran walked bin th,. inning ended with Botli of tlie fighters are whom the police rely In their resump- on eve tin- tind Coppers, i!. W, Adams. Scotch ands el times before, ami knew just Phillippl stoppeil tin Detroit xcorinK. both Mullin ami D. Jones Hied lo mrvoiis the of battle tion of the case. what to do. He .struck out the next The ninth inning raily of Pittsburg of the two Ketchel seems to show th paid red cap. lull. Clarke. Pete Dungs, blue will) red, hatters, leaving on was tense greater weighed to Siberia. 4 the runners dead 4. fraught witli moments and Detroit took lead in strain. Johnson TWO M Sl'l .TS New York. Oct. The Postoii the the fifth while a ml bine . a p. 112. mt.i;i the basis. dramatic incidents. The one tie, by scoring one mor,- run. Bush opened dav and tipped tin- beam ai Pj6 in i. mvrn it phi it nj: The feature of was Americans wound up the post season the probable Winning of or lighter h Beaullfiil Night. C. K. Dean, red the same the meant the with a single to center and Cobb was pounds, two pounds than Fall Itlver, Mass.. Od. 14. The po-lic- e 11. with sunflower on back, blue cap. hittins: lev Powt first baseman for scries with the New York Nationals championship by Pittsburg, as u sin- out to Abstcin, unassisted. Bush going expects to be when he climbs through announced tonight that they alii Soeorro, w ho of two I (id. hit four times out here this by winning gle would have tied the score and to second. Crawford shot a hot liner the ropes Saturday. Ketchel niains holding "ProfcxMir" Frank .11111, an five afternoon their J Lady Andrew Miller, timeH up, making three two base nagger perhaps, put Pittsburg in the Un- drop-p- :,i weight of Palatine. r, to Wagni r, which atter i his announced herb doctors, and Will Thlheaiill, u hits and one hugger fourth straight victory, to 4. Only to- white, orange and blue, luí). poof for a three l'au. d, but he coveted it in to i nds. This In- declares to his i In with I'micH time throw Vlgibiito. Cameron i Co., HID. haulfeiir. eoiiiietb.n the always managed to have one! 7n0 fans braved the cold weather to Pittsburg went to lint with the score Crawford out at lust, Bush advancing natural weight and the point at which death of the woman whose dismemb- or two nun on bases he pulled Six and f furlongs; purse, when witness the contest The locals put 5 to 3 in il n c . Miller start- to Deblianty bit a two bag- lie feels St longest. ered, body was found tne hut third. 12 5: at Tiverton, and "ff IPs little .stunt and several runs w up a poor game. Speaker again ed with a tingle to rignt, and Abstcin ger along th,. b it field foul line, Mee- ilotn they believe to be Miss Amelia were the result qf his swalfests. Otic j ting c. .1. Cox. P SI Ire, unknown, lrnl. put unother in the same place, sending Bush. Moriarity walked, but By- i SI. John of ibis city. "f high j starred for Boston, hatting in lirsl i mi n i ih;i w i :n Dl.-- B. M. gray, the lights of the exhibition win the Miller lo second. Wilson placed u rne ended the inning by making a insAt.Hi P., Wstklns. blue the a pop. j mi s i k.ii'I bars, cap. II!), sensational capture of foul three runs scored. bunt in front of tne plate, and Schmbli spectacular catch of T. Jones In a high ,h:opi:ii,i.s shoulder blue by jvttns, for lo- -j 14. - As a re- Ito. K. Winters, lead, polka friscoInterests iht baseman the The total receipts for the five fielded it to first, but the collision twisting fly that he got near the pitch-cr'- s San Francisco, Oct. d. giay to e is. who sprinted, hurdled and took of a disagreement between tin dot. 112. was $ 1 Willi Wilson caused Jones to lose the slab. Detroit got another run In sult katy hiKh dive Karnes 2fi2.5. Of this amount i control road in fielding: a foul quite ball, Miller scoring and Abstcin mov- the sixth. Schmidt opened with a two piinclpals over the status of Hie for- Strilght Line, ('hurles Olosson, cd rom l the Boston team $ l.0uii.7.'!. to nsiiiiife ie first huso de received ing to third. bagger to right, but was caught at feit money of $m,00n It looked for a witli white star. inn. liiu be divided Ketcbel-Johnsoi- between twenty players, third on Mullins grounder time tonight as though the i Lady Palatine, Andrew .Miller The scon the manager, and secretary The delay occasioned by Jones' In- to Camniu, orange New York. net. 14. Following trainer gave Wagner covering the base. 1'. Jones fight would not lake place white wlih and blue swastika upon Sei-o- l The get jury Mullin a hard earned oppor- quickly the annuinii eiuent ma.lo ro. Xnv York players as their Ahsb-ii- , 1). manager, slated on back. tunity lo forced Miller, to Wagner. Willis Brltt, Ketchel'M yesterday In chiinge In con- AI!. 1!. PH. P.O. A. K. share of the receipts $2,071.11). recover his Pa.ance. Gibson Martin, black with the the suc- Jones stole second, and Bush drew an- later that an agreement bad been Maxnall. Frank TVuv. ss 1 I grounded to Crawford, who had trol of the .Missouri. Kansas Texas, .... . 2 2 2 Score: ;. K. however, that vellow dots. I Hi -- T. other ba.sf on balls. Ty Cobb hit one reached, and declined . 1 , ceeded Jones the first base and a melting of the eotnmUtciv ionny,in 2 1 a 0 Boston i at on Five-eighth- s mile, purse. executive .4 a with a crack thai could be heard fir the battle would be fought Satur- $liiii: Khcliiimii. . .". 1 the star fielder made great atop and of the board of directors was held In cf 0 0 New York 4 10 2 s- It. 15. purple 10 throw to plate. outside the grouni.H, and it went far day according to hedole. Snakevvoo.l. Hinton New Powell, lb . . .". 2 4 7 (I 0 the Abstein was out Yolk, at which changes were Batteries: Wolther. Mathews, Hall into the crowd, for a home The lirst word of the eont i ovi-rs.- ineket. bhe'l, sleeve, led hoops and Toller, i 1 when Schmidt blocked him the certain made III line policy f . : 2 a 0 0 and Carrigan: Crnndall Schlel. oft w CU. with the of the and run. had it not been ground i ame Promoter Coflroth. ho red cap, I plate and tagged him, De- lor the from new management. Whittle. 2, 0 2 3 0 but the I!. .4 tubs, cut it to a r. I). that unless be brought liuile, I! (llivtoll, purple l.leket. c 1 li oil catcher was badly spiked. which announced Edmund, . lfi 2 0 He Ildwin Hawley. It. F. Ynakuin. FINNS ORDERED T0 Jones scored and Bush went to third to U rms theie was little ame as above, pel Iirry. . . continued gamely, however, and few Johnson p 3rd .41 on would Joe Wells. M. W.itkhis giav. blue II. ins Wlntei feldl, Frank A. Viinder-li- W.ldllell, , in the crowd knew that he been the hit, but the inning ended when prospect that the light ooeui .200100 SWELL CZAR'S WAR FUND had cap. :. and Frank Trumbull were elected injured. Crawford filed to Leach. Tlicr,- was no He hastened to the negro's training shoulder bar. blue .401120 more scoring until immediately altervvatd The Viv.iiiit. c. K li.aii. red Willi sun directors, in place of Adrian H. Jo-I- I T..t .1. . . H Manager Clarke sent Abbaticchio lt the ninth. iiuarteis .35 2 a I It. W. Miiguire Henry W. Poor. 1227 to The core: money was posted several flower on back. lit'. bat for philippl. With Wilson on , forfeit C, Hell-oil- & . J. Met, alt and Charles C. Hedge Helsingfors, Oct. 14. An Imperial second Gibso.i on u tut by A It. K. II pi I. A. E. months ago. Johnson placing Ids Dan. er. I'anieron Co un Í.IM.V4. and lirst, . Wlnter-f- . waa published H. 5 1 I) n weight Messrs Hawlev. Yoakum. manifesto here today Abbaticchio meant a tie score nt leafel. Jones, If. &rf.. 2 d $5,11110 in the hands or sh in known .dors and A P. P.. PH. P.O. A. E ontribu-tlo- n ldt, and Wal- -- ordering that the military Hush, km 2 1 2 '.i I Van.hrlip. Tliimbull A ni huí, i, to 2 and the ollor entrusting 0 0 2 3 II Mullin aiosc the occasion and made stakeholder coni-milte- of $4.0011,000 he Cobb, 4 o 1 1 0 Ii lace now compose the cxei ulive Cochran, .3 shall taken from lib .11 rf to William Naught ui. a local ss 0 1 II 3 1 himself another lie tile Detroit his RAIN HALTS HARNESS Hum the Finnish treasury over . & 3 1 1 1 1 u Mr by was ele ted Ihierly. e .4 and turned hall faun-- He Crawford, cl. Ih. sporting writer ll was understood . 3 0 0 12 0 1 de- baseball of performed A. A. Allen, to Russia. The Finns have not a Delehanty, n,. ... 4 o 2 (I 4 II was to be placed as RACING AT LEXINGTON chairman and tnrmer I'eitus. Ih II 1 11 (1 0 feature that nearly equalled his that this mohev manager, Wee,j,i .4 cided upon any definite line of resist- Morlarüy. 3 b 3 1 1 I 3 (I vl. e piesideut and general tf . 3 II 0 0 0 (I great peiformane,- ,f striking out a side bet ance anil disorders .are not immedi- T. 3 o 0 was elected president In place of Mr W Adriatic-ehi- o Jones, lb 113 0 p., lav that Mo f'laiv.i, ir . l n n o o fi Clark and agner Tuesday. Johnson demanded ately probable. o n o l Jolliie, who will continue as general wa.s Melntyre, If 0 gathered Into one man's Xlllgloll. K . Oct. 11 Atlel a stubborn butter, and it re. money be I. ' c 3 0 1 7 4 0 K-- - conns. th, company. quired nearly everything Mullin had Schmidt, hands BOB and Ind deniutied. Margin, tin- favorite, had i asi'v wml f"i' Mullin, p 4 0 2 II to strike him out. 2 as the odds are three p. one again! the West stale's III straight heals ami Miiiltur Mini J On the third strike Wilson tried to III. in today and they disliked to pho lour heats had li"li decidid III Ibe I'foocrr lleml. 111 27 17 , - 4 ileal third base, but was caught Totals their money at even odds Johnson 12 pacing even!, a i.iin no, s- Monterey. Cal. Oct. - Word was Pittsburg. A I!. p( . .," t A GOOD JUDGE Schmidt to Moriarily. ending the game II A. insisted and ('offroih dashed (,, lb." "I post (i. ill. lllelil of lie I.I. os at i. ieiv. ,1 here today from St.n lumi Byrne, 3h 2 3 Ho (I. ...lor Of lino key W ill with a victory for Detroit. The crowd front lo patch up an mob linn the Breeders' It, ok tins i.H.rnuon deiili of 'liarle Thorn li. Pronounce Leach, i f 3 ll litlv-on- c rushed in the field and the player. It Is said that Nanghtoi! has Summary tor ye, .is prominent In Clarke, lr bul ll purse Í mol. . Ir. b s In C I'lfornia inri M oil in wire jostled aboui the mob in cheer- Wagner, the money In bis bands .';12 class, pa, big. ing Detroit supporters anxsous to s. possible I, mi ii w ho the new clasp Miller, ill. nut to HUNTER their h amis and i oiijtraluiatc them. stakeholder is In vi,' "' l!li"',' Abstein. lh. . v. The injured Morir.ity was sun oumb d ,ic, 1. Is room to hi.timoi:i: Wilson, rf nation there hy a crowd of sympathizers and an at- II - .l, e.e,l to Johnson s (ihson, v III;,! Ketchel tempt was made In carry Geo. Mullin dellllllicls. but there is SÜII II feeling Albuquerque Foundry & Machine Works , Willis, p oft tin- - li'-ld- but the big pitch- - r evad- tainty In l 'l spooinu ii - RYE Oa in n it x, ji. ot uiicei ed his admirers. 'Hyatt i'f.iti kit ri:wn t'r or tih; Today's gano- - iias set Detroit base- Phlllippe. p. . . 0 SI II. I,. ItWAlSi: WHISKI, v -- ball again. The in 4 - ,ie.iiiicd. mad interest the 1 Meiiey's nmliilai- Hi; Abbatticchlo Iron Castings Brass Castings NT MOIIi: ltKFII.l.Y serbs was beginning fcan( some- is, ... in t. II - Frituis .1 - San 1 A - I th,- long - MI)K. Atil PI what of drawn out 1 today as the PI TotaLs 34 4 24 !' llenev- was sustained All Kinds of Machinery fight and the decisive victory of Pitts- i f.M Sold at all cías Untied for Citiitiiiz In seventh. candidal.' for th. .b ino, .itie party flist cafe burg y stenlay, but tonight conditions v tin- muni- ' In atloiie a! ."mini! hiuI lv Johhem. a hntigcd. Kvciyoiie Baited for Phiilippu ninth. district Repaired iv in the city be. Score by lnnincs: cipal election when Hie re.ouiit de- Will. IjtnaliHii li.ves Detroit will b- - th,. Soiw. Itahiinotv, Ml. next work' I t 1 ii 0 1 1 0 by Chillies Kb kert. republi- , . roll : 'i manded . h unpi-iiis- t Tilt.f. MinMSH T).. Pl'lshiirir 3 0 l) 1 fl ii (i '5- 4 can and union labor nominee for h Inc.. Gcncr! for w Mexico mid Art- - Tie- v Siu waning interest in tlP Is Summary Two Ixisp hits. Wagnir, same olfi. c and Ib te s ..,.p... "IM. Albuoiicrnnc. i ally shown by e... lel.i tne fact Ihat only Crawford. De!. Iniitv , Sctmiilt. Cobij. was (ompbt'd. ''be Vole Albuquerque Foundry & Machine Works 1 5 - "J H.53 persons tin- . i 1 khv Mallín: hits, off Willis 7 In 5. off Chiii-ni- t suited ill a gain of vot.s I tor day were l the ', 41 7.50. 2 In t. off Phlllippe 1 in I inning; reducing II.'im j nuvjooty FRIDAY. OCTOBER 15,1909. A THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL,

, u;.-i.,.- -- r ,:u; t; r Irruí.. T'u SflUMI BALLOON SUCCESSFULLY ;.t,M, . s 5'i " II'. r.-- l -. V- l ..r.'.. I. t A ' ni-- i Company s i.;.. rrJ : tir The New York Suit & Cloak AERONAUTS MAKE ASCENTS t !.n ''n' INFLATED; . i ,i ih. ji s..i , i.: i". of Local Aviators Has Its Reward: Thousands i'í, fti n ' 'n Perseverance .. " ".'.. ! Big Bag Make Two First Ascents With Stamm id ii.'. : See Gas ir.ví hi " 1. ij.,ii. T;. ls and Blondín and Many Will Take Advantage .of .Chance .it T;t. u'ciw. k I'jrrv 1 Week Í t I a l r tft !ri-- Offerings fair . for Trip in a Captive Balioon Today. i.i"i Bargain for t.Mt .K i;:,!'..'.-- - wflo.-.m- tn . ' :i.''f .f 'in '.'Ii-nr- i.t ! ;l" Tlr an ;i r -.. 'x . h..J t ! ! il nt '""'r I'i. .(: . r.ii by H : tr- - ... i. A H. A. lüo'j.Mn smS li-- v A. s i.V;;i JirT' 1',,' T t'.ntru. J.'J: J,cph ii . f l - S'-- f i r i - "; - r m-i- t mi tn-- t i .'" j )., i.- Viii! rnj 11 N. M.irr. n r I ii ! nl-'- . t.i:, ' v... i ft.'tmm ..ii si lb. ' tu.! j. irtii.i! ..ic IM.I r TH. - '' - ' IV I f . l...l.--- ALMOST I rM Vfl,U- Til ..: ti -, p. M..-- t 1 '1 A' SK.KTS T..K Mth T'1 i l'" e ( Hi?. I'l TV..OKHI tMI I..:iK .T llI.IVl - XX"V i in", . !;;.-- i. lini.SK M.K T 1 U cewun- t.l ni. - j i:." .. - I. TI . 15 KG l AKKTIli: UH.U T"" " liirtl4 . ..- ,(.., r. sill THKU-K- IX T sTM T1IIM ; v l Iv t! tu" HIST Till' t- ! ! ' r. V at fTl:i:ll.'. r itt - t. M (. tu j - :ittih'-..-- i -- in, uin v, I I TIMT- - t ? ir.l ..r TO THK OI KV' Ol! KIM. ftrM XIf -, pn.l ..: j i i i I.llr r.,s.-- - f'v ul...'. r i "til i .Mr. r.? u..:k- . lrf ytJiiitii Ttf . i) : ii c.. vn ni!'! J twr.nl5-1.s- r ; :,.( ..r t!v r..l tlr-- 'It - v ?!,- t.t (rain I t . r. - i ! t hiiíjr .r I ii.'li ! .fl'. .i i. ' i" tlu' .n'.-.'í'- it ail :!-: Mr -l it .1 ''" ft all of latest shades and colors, M that U III T.l!ti t.. "' tailored suits come in the .!.. t. Our .W J ?l na up rK m- ri f.f i j is UÍ It tt I its t ?n.í it'.' ,. .. ! . r,: i t.-- r ; !. ! 1.4 .. ; j !. ." ot wariu ! I - j': tailored and made to fit. We are all our ;..-.- - hand . ! a n i n Me J. t-- t m- - i !U 'i : - 1 u mí n 'xi-'- - J ' V v. M- ! only "I U- - ' and - - suits at n.-- r. r ; 518 $20 1 $16, 2.50 ha.f-- I i ,i'K'h'r I! s(';''r.i i...r n i: !.t li:'- yrt $ t- - . "''! ! 'v- I. t ga -i f .il j!iiltv i n,av ' .I.S if. - - 1. t a ' J - I. 1'.- jSIm ' li'.n--' l.l- ' ( J and 'ii i' go ' to r.t.-- , M ; t i. of $22, $25 and $27.50 Suits ..j-i- r4 "'.' ..i in i ' Our handsome assortment tiii : ' ' - p 11. a: vw M. v.. .. I'. r.l.'.i i. (.r..ij At 1 ! i '- - 1 .i - H.- ri I. I I. Tri.r-t..- I'll- i.x J low price of only : the - at 6.50 :?.. ' 1 " i 1 H ! ' $ id h Í.4- 4 M. " in HWH. I. í I ' ;r . ! f t i - E m.-r.- ..-- - í ' . - i . ; . -; ! Th.- t i.m. rl. Th- U.iH.-i- is ;!!' ftil .I' .rr.'-- "..r: of Dresses be found in the city. 1 selection to - . v . . We have the best I h U) 11. !)! .fr U ill r iw..iti.m Il. j.u! 'v1 '"' hi. S.-i'- r.r - - r.t " ..: t- . .. ri'- T IT t.i i ni ! j ; .1 .' .i. Jersey . . Silk i .. ! U include the fashionable "Mary Jane" ! .. .. Í These t T ' V'-- t;,f. ' : (. NV H . ! .. i;r!; in j rt..i. (, j '"' 1: " U' ir.n - trf'i 'il . . rr..-- ..f í ''' :.. thr i - and I 1 4 1""" ? r r.ainr.n marked in plain figures at $25.00 Cfi iMm.rt !v !.. W U An.srca Dresses. They ar: 1 íj(fj 1 . j Tft-- '. - n r K'.- - t r-- 1 i- - ; 11 . v !.ii '! J. .: Irf. ! k i'ii i - - tfF ir ft I.)'t I; "' ' ...tí. i jii rt.... $30.00, to be sold at only I j -r' to in i?, ..ri r;.i.". f.oKi ,'!í f. i" t ii.! - . - 't . .. . . r..-:- : T ''n-- u'- Th wn ..., r m I H;. .''r Sui ' fr: , . '!.' I 1 t la ; .v M.. ...1-- I r ! i. ;N r ... ;..;'f..i-...- .: been marked down to only . .'ii - .'.i " ! 11 '.' AH our handsome $5.00 and $6.00 skirts have $3.25

V- Ml'lltl : x , m 01 n,.r. w r. u mi Ml M 7!IU' .1! l MUI uw.mkst to unuvr.-- u.i. it.i i: '' Change in Schedule ur.uvnniuura hi 1:1 .: iv ... i: m..i:i: 11 Mini: ton i:w mhut -. '.. i:mt ihivshutwi: i .t- u'tm - Mv niroí m,u i i iiai. xi ist km; ; Causes Keen Disap- , to int: o i: k i.ih un. i kv vit t to V,' tv . ii vt xvr a miiijt vaii. xtm 1 vr. ii vol ; d 1 in. pnM.nuns no.. mim onrn: m:hu N- - ' Hr v,o -- pkmkv r akk ; pointmeni t k n. ikom. ami thi: thi ik UM."x- ii. NoTo.a.iN iiii..tvh rmni in t m i am. " i ' aki. imn: iiitv i iit.iii: miü.iivm iv iiu: iiv vv mm. tiii m.u. omi: mi. ni. 1 I "". 11 1 I1! t 1(1 Ml 1'IIK .MIK. lfilllll. (r.t l'otr I. I . In.iin J AMIXK Tilt: 1.11 Till: I'KH KIM K. To 11 til' errtt ' i 5.1 ""! tin..- v . " - . h-- rs Store South Second St. Between Siver and Lead 1fl fri. Kt.l.-.- ..r,-- 4 The Great Branch 315 h ' su-- - ' ' ' !S ! ; . t '. "f. TH' i.'fv I...,,:"..;..: . si ii - i ; . t. : M n.t 1 i 'v -. t.-- t v.l .;.n'.iy v.. .. ' iri ..,1. hang. tK nrtl t ! (' w t r j I. Hi I f'-'- ' . 'f Jl l 'I' C ' Ti;o- - t i ";.! . i' ir r.vt' :i. '!'.. lH - ' n tMKKVT rhr frv- tvt fi. T.'.i:tT .r.--. J'.-t- J ': . n 1. ' ' .'.' - - ' ' í l.l- i t- -' ', t I . . ' 11 iil ' ! p., ..-- ( i'.'" I '" ti- - ! iíiií-Im- f ! ...... '..! . J i. r mm . mm ' - 1 1 ( T : ' mSif ' ' " ! "Mm T r. '. .1! ' . I - ' I'lllMWM ItiJILUII .MX ;,ll.,. : "i' v ' H' ." nMo tr.r 0 t !! f IT j 4 1. . ia.' ti...... 4.i. .ii.,..i u 'ii' ' Ir.j . krc"-k-aou- t or a dr-- full. ni'. j U-- ?-:- it", Too can war c'o:hr All al.ra th foUowirr !' Rir-.- - - nn'r:.' and Quit ifrf-- . r:-.- :. Htt.tT.r.:. i'-.'- , i iar,. "r vj':r:i ixort híy rtret f:! I.v ow'.es aixe.-tise- d rtorta aaj botcU ui b. rumiacxj jrosf.-- at t.--.e iivrr..r- - Journal oifJc. t r v r 3 m rxxtoocoooocococornooco:co Byron Hot Springs i ii- ..'... r en t 2 .I'jaranu rd to cure rhinmallc fout THE ANGELUS an4 :a...3 where no other orgaol Los Angeles. Cal. j.s, ?!. 2 hours from Saa "sup Ftj-- , .5 .. i: y t: ki ts and check (1 I "AX .AX ) . f I'.Ol'I tnt-i-i..- t tr Ca!. D- - C.inlof í: : tj. cf : " í.-'.- ! "'- - . í.. Jirr'-ts,- C. C. i'l - t T. r i,. . ..n l ;. Xlantr, rr-j-r..- Aür.'s JiAi.i'.Y r CaL. 1' J :r i 'i : i Hotel P. O.. cxxx)ccc)OccocccoDOCOccorxcc .i WITH rn i 'r -- t f CLOTHES' n :h r.r.bii'it. r critical, Ji'.iifJJ;i.ff V V f rr " e:t r. tirr r. Iir f ' r C3:aj-.i- - -. .ic Outing Suits Wc tn.'v,- hew to ;.- c th'se ati the !??; Han-btirrr-- r ,.' r.uil.üiif;. '' vr : y tv cí iirlc.i'n f rcful, Jiuriminzt-P?- J los ArirrW. -. rl ilrís'cr dtar.Js. sr. j cotissi'í nee oí fiiii f ccfliü".l ui íí.'y, AJ'er Coi:a el : .c re vkT3 bf t'ne most rr - ' .. i .MCE CREAM CONE STAD 1 yt am .i nti j SL Maiy's BY i DESTROYED FiRE Sanitorium Baths .".it yOm thit Curqtiil'.tT and i: dec de Jlx-- aKre X.r-- K! I"wrt PUEBLO, COLORADO. itinJirJ - í nillil . XI I t i- l u I i: IUM I. (rnlml A !. um rimx n r. iiMMmt i UNDER THE D:RECT;C OF THE SISTERS OF CHARITY. ' ae. No (It. mu aarl taMi iturt rtr ; uiatter I j' J r- - i ;T? v. "-- -- t rrt. til. !nt'.tatJon X$: J' . :; r c- - --ir '-;- ff tia h a t.. zn tsirrt. avi.'.4 to th. 'i t U , - -- ' ". Ky'i-TD'- f v - v.r- H.i raí t.OX'T KHAKI, . ;: o Th.-'!.- !... T 'iirajr Es:h. ar.J to- -' AX VAS -- v.. -- , t Sj.i I '. t.L f.r l (ir..ri'.J f-- !, fT hfiUh and fie Califor " .'. Cnl a" W .1 n a? tf.'t nia. New Meik?o, "r? ...... :r"X V-- .. , or whrrrxer jom ir caa Bet r fr--- tut Ctiicr A." i-- ut i s tk.! trfatTr.r.T an er:r-"- (!! lííl íet - nva) wsndcr. r- - "' . rr. ; wa-.'.i'- í;. V CiVíhít lLi we re Í rt l ..!; lf.t J r ' i r sr. E.!rrf jl ! H Art.iTi-if-.i.: r,d i It l t:riegja!:el write rs. ii it f;:.rt'. Aut:'a. pro The Aatuma I'-.- .- - t' f tk. ? :t f ;:rt aal . .1 c:ii::ior. ani ail dia- CO. -J cT Ll-.- : . h THE WH. H. HOEGEE . ..- U .o'..r íivh:cn$ ía uwi tie K.irtjf. f.irt 1 ItKWiioratetl. !. j pj t1 are tr.rira'r i'tswwí;) Mal NctfclH 1JS-Í0-I- 2 S. Lma Aatr'' - -- Maiu r.ow a shewn by the c tar. t t lívanrif n j cflrr.frt of th. ' tf h i t hvm ;a hil f.t'.-- i i.r tc 1 ri. i e arl nr.í.ia tí. rt-a.- oí a.1. fi c t irn;i. ivrrtstsUtiTc f Wrt-- er; :r fsrtfcír rulara, .te. Ad ? .xiiter in all carts oi 1 xrt Try a Morning Journal Want - í PiKe raníe i r :'C: :co:xo:xxxc;x-occoc- o x $15.00 X X .x X X The Texas Company 10 X X X HIGH GRADES ONLY X X S40.00 X X Kerosene, Gasoline and En- gine Naptha . Texaco Roofi- X X ng, the Roof without a Leak. X

X 4 It . v. . 1. .r- - ;x Davul Aiiier &Sons Clothing Co. X j x The X Texas Company j V-.- ; CKiMUcra. MILWAUKEE 5 I Albuquerque, N. M. p.;.- - Phone 255

- . I -; I v í Try a M:rr:- Jcurna! Want Adjournal Want Ads. Get Rcsultsfry a Morning Journal Want Ad. TT IT TtXT? ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL TWO. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, SECTION OCTOBER 15, 1909. PAGES 9 TO 12.

Kouthw extern company has also done revolver, about two feet, om;, ,,nd of well this year. lh'ctidiiouiilil calilo-e- Now Mexico Irrigated bm, is cotn-In- tf Ill KHp.lllol.i oil IcMUe GREATEST IRRIGATION Irrigated more Into tin- lime UkIu ami is oe,!,.,,.,!! PIUTE Modern Farming is bad fie m to proviiiK to ho n profitable investment. a home while .my lipids ale burniuK in Mam i. Con-Kc- r I "itiT the methods adopted i,y ibis stic tried to live up to th,. besi tr.'.M-tioiu- s company l'.irniijiir lure w.ll re-- u hiimr of Kspa inda wliil,. iu !t i. New Y.ok. PROJECT IN NEW MEXICO IS Takes Hold in Central but llttef , we.-- ,. in g.lll to wobble. The HkIUs id' Uroadway pr,ye, ,,n lu. ESPAÑOLA CGWPUNCHER mind, am) last night, about t o'elo.-- TRIES TO SHOOT OUT femeinl.rre.i that when anv ,.,.(,.. brator in Kspamda ,oes pu,. a Incorporated Rio Grande Valley Ihibt he pots it on;. at quarter million LIGHTS OF GOTHAM t.'elilVeil b.V this liappv tluillgol. lie took a station in trout of the ,. ) Piiia-lya- buiblimr. and beuan a since, Irrigation, IVsllvc Ham liman t i i i, Southwestern Land and Power Company Putting Four Thousand to snutf out the ban, hid thous.iml el- Otero Heads Company Which Will Complete the llmNon-- l uim i Celemí put Willi ectric laiii,s wbieh luí,, l.'itth aAeniie, Great Urton . , Lake Project Si ,. i , in the Pecos Valley and Reclaim Acres Under Cultivation With Most Modern Methods and Up to Date Ma- Should' Willi I'd niiiili sti a n, i ', nir K sulis; Whin. Way Won'i be AV'est. i rom the Washington Ar.i, p, , 71,000 Acres of Fertile Land; Construction Work Alone Will Result Getting Enterprise I'Uli .s chinery. A Which Means Much For Develop- KvlitUiiil-hc- d. sti.ei. aim was not ot the best, however, and his t.ugeis w. to v, Cost Two Million Dollars. He ,, - ment of the Valley. hisll. tlee.i lot pe.'ieoful de- t í The intcrestiiiK and ihhi!inK spec- I'tedalioiis, bur did not ring the bell on any lamps. I'l;i,v. riom vvlpih it n ,, A i rem.. it ,ui water storage and in th,- - H.1,1 ling n tacle of New Mexi, cow puncher the lnttv irri.-.atio- n and modern In turned tinder every day and beiniv was iniiossib,. t,, sec avcuin; at Modern endeavoring' seriously to all rigatiull pK'jeel ,l'o!,al,v n,.,.., ind doing oip.or prohulnury work. (1 shunt out all Jumped Instantly to a premium ni li have at length taken prepared fur the ill crop. Ir is a Huil.-ou-- or Tin- I,n 'ti. the of the u lion cele- IM - work wid done under direction lUhts yon, anv demanded ,v the im-- t soul- lon.s eve, aUeUipled bj pllv.He- "firm li'il'i i Jllrv (rumie bijf irrigation ritiht at 's ,.',. il ,,( of the territorial engiinw-- r in bration edified the Holiialll less spectators last we, k. eapilal ill N ew Mexico Is about p, of .suc- i.i following will) the (;. ,''alila.f loll .service rX: V'iili-- iiini a new era farinins lias door, ami its certain recently, ueeordinur tlic stilt'-- in Ubi- IV, os vadey. io cost is by cess in from New .Mexico Its. ie.m 1s for'HWHI ,inl).-IO'- " npeiird her' Thin shown the mean miict cncouraKliiK the lleiald: at least tvvii millions of dollar.- - and -- í ;- .- ATTENTION G. A. R. will be Issued a l .. ilgcillctlls up. rations i f the Southwestern Inl- tip' development of the. valley. The 'tí T ' K.spanola. Itio Airiba. New Mexico, r t" reclaim TI.ihiii ol land Willi tb. ades having la. ii made In i ho east for the pillen, laiiil and umi'i' company, an company has had little to say of its is a live town, but the lights out w a i serv i no .iter from olr oi n ing ik a ly I. i w i enter-owiiin- ii it.s un. ning of bonds. i urporalioii anil mi work ami plan thus far, lull it lias there some tunc every nu:bl. They jiiii.iiimi aero ,,f n the .llllllUTlU.' ( ;, feet vva!, r i.,k, "rom 4 no n All members of K. W an post, A prising acres of filie already spent much thin ami more have Hot none out In New York for a the I'd os ri v IT, dm I'sion dam feet hi.gll, lllld v - í I ".-(- il money In all comrades and i'ni ine;- 'il- ".ii loiiu he til Irrigable mini straiKhteiiliiR and deepening lonir while, but Herbert (. Cornier, luis un ni und, a la k ng is the fe.t will built the Pe ow prop-- , leveling fifty-tw- o ion or Confederate solob i are re- cos- 1'iom da-.- l, a anil rills ainmiK' otlier ditches, the lands and KOttinn yenrs old, ra neb man, of toil ..I l(, plop, t. lol mor v , tal ted rivet. this extend t 11 rtt.-- t In- old in succet.s-fu- l quested lo meet at odd Kellov.s' tile Wide, dlV.I'sioll ill t O fiimoux lliininii raneli tilings shape for rapid and did not know that. He was had by the I'.eclai nation s, j, ,. ot' t he gov- II on S id Mieet, tliis, Frni.iy world, sixty Ic.-- In vv ;jlt,',i 17 mi,) the li rights of the HuniiiK operntion. born on Hudson be after- t t, and miles the and vvrtu to '1 ernment and relinquish,.,! at A noon at ;íi sharp to m a . ranal from which leas taken feature of this years production a cow march v . vv ( asaba .Melons ííi'oHn Tills Veiir. boy wln n lie i(s a lad. the Cai ,rl board. Tlii.-- e, v hi id v in I'll1.-- . melon, to the Alvar. ido bole! to In ai I'l-to- n anal leads P I'.ir this .vim's irrixiitiiin is an imported Italian known Way off In New I,,, nearrt the Salda the l.aKe Land ami the Cftnll lakt! .liic, address of 'resident Cv bed. v(beic ill,, vv i With Ha- aim of ifcttinir the entire as thu Casaba. Xut over a quarter of Tail. onler of ca i i i'rs. he stored. that thine w r,. to be things In J I'. WaPr coiu,.iny hzcl at cultivation n.s k y Un acre was Casaban; cadi. The comiany'.s f:i,r exhibit i I'.. Stewart, post commander J. The capacity of the w .,,.ivige under planted to an Hudson-.'nito- n I'ib'd Incorporation in lake lü,0t'tl New York for the cel- Coldw i ll iai.eis the mine passible lie- company ha.s taken acre quarters being- planted 'partially made uji of tb melon and adqutant. ;,i .1. le le t. as and three ebration and decided t o pay ibis city of be P ri itoi secjclai Th,- com- lislit hold of t hi- most modern meth-nd- to Korky Fords, und other melons. sliow.s quality of the melon. This pany Is beaded l,v ex gov Two m ,in uiit'ri ,'onal.s will extend the his first visit ill thirty vear.s. Conger nieni-lie- crúor and company mi- Ilowe-yer- Visitors to the fair should r. r from the ink,, to Hi,- irrl-gu- t. The lias recently none of the other melons n a T. rritori Jlimii'l A ro lauda to be melon is used when it can be secured arrived without rifle or lariat and lo Hie I L' L .in. II quar- call at Albright Studio. d. The lled tu Its eiplipiliellt power produced as did the Casaba, the - as ral'ul alone will oC saw no necessity for ilispcusitig - president; l.loe, sigler of Sah .alt,. u.-r- in quantities oil the dining- cars the with north Third street; fur holiday cost Ira, lion limine and separator which ter yielding; between two hundred City, 1'lah, secretary, I. Mel- appioximately a. million dollars. 'ChicaKo-Californi- a his hip pocket furniture one and it. limited trains and of Col: photographs. Solid i te I Is was used In thresliiiiH this year's cro)! and two hundred and fifty cood mar- ville of In ruer, secretary. These .of- inicía and to be u.scd all alone, the Santa. Fo voad in the '"tli-e- in Hi.- hulUJl'ig ami will' the traction rnyin,., friwn ketable melons, weighing all the way ficers Will also eoip-tinil,- hr boat,! of uf the. lUims lie- - Harvey eating liousse and lioiels fdim.s ,,., twenty to thirty acres of land are from seven and a half to twenty lbs. dlr.'ctors. 'I'll.- n. w lompanv will take where only the meals are served H T. I ron, btt over at on.e ami pic li to completion lender president of (he at fancy price. n lei-o- n Kngi ii. i.i tin- Crien .Lake irrig ilion propel be- c'ng company, of Ulllanyo. , "In Arizona at the present time," gun by the government in Unci Colo,. vvll.J be oriKllllillM en- but . says representative of company, i gineer in eliaigi-- ,,r a the abandon,., to reason ,,f th, I n K of the work. r. a a" H "these melons are brlnghiK dollar 'j J . A funds. The reclamation servio,, com ndersoii hum the milium dollar bi'uthe each and find a ready market." pleted iiiivevs. plaited the laud and .(loui, anna pio,p:i in the Monie.unui . Kront vail, ... dol-l-'- it' The follow ins varieties: were raised po.-ii- h cly dole, mined the tonsihilily of Colorado, the (wo million jiresi Ily-bar- plant id th, tl thi year: J. M. Hybard, J. M. d. the pioieet. Th,. innv , omp.'iny under tima.s river eonipauy es of at Hu ang... i preferred; the (Juldeii Seal. The tile prov islons of he i 'a rev- a, I, re- the Alnbania Northern (Ine.iMpi Speckled Heauly. The Santa Cluus ceñí y made a ppli. a Id, lo he i, rallioad. the Ignacio project and the Winter Casaba. The Caiaba has made its formal application "' the I liiver valley and many r big ( rpri:- - u-- . i.s all excellent .siiipin;.', melon and lo leía 'burial engineer i.. otlo nt. eiti..n Sid - Lloyd r, y u. the Winter Casaba is noted fur its In. hi, who now has it un,), r consider, v ,,!' the rolll-"a- keeping' qualities. This melon can be lion. Is president ol th,. Anietiiait Cidoai.-'- t stored until Christinas day and, in Hv means of a huge .torage lake and Trust, conipariv of Inm-ve- r and Salt Luke.. fact is a much better and more deli- lilld Mippleutenlar" nam is the s..Melu cious melon then than when taken will from the lie is iniei ,sijl in iho Ireen Liver tak.n, ol from ine in t hi? fall. I'e. os to the lands, w ily rich. (hi'e U'.!il)0 acre the hleli pai Ii, p.- are ing reclainr. 'd . In Tile corn by company in Chave?, and pan In C.idalupe Hie 'alisado raised the this pi'o.l", i v in Mlniiii!,,, the pr- - year was exceptionally good, the pro- "opt ni the viein it v of '",.i t Sum- Iki,',,co P Wll'lc lie lili.ilglil. J . ner. la e 111 il, colou- - duction beinjf sixty-fiv- e bushels to Ilo.e lids ha been lied - f ft p. ud the liuid I'var or- - i over ihi- P'i'riiory .uul in accord-í- i harusii ears are '.. -- iiiv The sound and larne. -- 1 ( tiwwM m ;-- ,. o ,,, : pr.ivl.-i- a lai'Ke acreage be put .--j j vfr;, e with lie n.s ,,f the Crev ,.ie, 1,(. larg. That should in c-- t tii K ;. t t act, t j each orchard in h" u urhl. the apidication seeks to have corn in this valley is shown by the fact the I r H. M' K ill. i he tro that a large part of the corn locally lands segregated, '''he eonipn in has .surer ,,f thn new eo'.npanv , i.s bead of (he hiyv Is pi' p.iied a bond in the i iini of ;0,imiu firm consumed shipped in. of M. lvllle, s.i, to tin n ,.. r to lac tcriitoi'v in ease l..i .and 'n Heft of ricii--- r. It is difficult to say which is the Me is a member ,,t Hie -- v "j4H-- , to th.- application is approved. There is Western : ; t ,i: Í if v. 1 most profitable in the- valley, wheat .li no.; X V F' little doubt of an eai ly fa (ora id.' re- Jrr'gali i.'.douiit compuny of or a fil fa. At present js brinn-in- s alfalfa port li'oui the engineer. iifuvir, (vli'cli coiip,. uy has ex't.'tislve from Íl::..",u per ton In ear lli-ii- o - w I r i'. Sillo llo- ch tiirj, (ni lite il Hiieiii' ivaiieit, ii mi ir.'U'tloii .Winn is un) ini. :s of I'uiii' sun. s; a man of erres t (diiut (orii Crown on the l ands of the .Soiihvtclern oinpunv - load lots'. The crop this received cork alfalfa of the giue ami t , ( Seiiiiiator. bu a' om . The company nuvv has oiniiiiii'il on l.'ng,. , I ( J.) I i C"H"!"!I!"I!!t ...... V 11 Tt rf t t t IT4 I Í V TheBñtaHttañc memic rz v The One Pavement That Is Durable, Sanitary, Noiseless, Dustless, Mudless and Resilient T $ , It Is Durable Because: It Is Mudless Because: r It Is constructed of n beted hard crushed stone of varying sizes, producing a maximum ielice has d Ill ' II " . thai (lie I i of Inherent stability, und a minimum of Mtlnlitliu 'a ( eii.eii! cut he k p! tree fiom Í T voidunre with absolute uniformity through- mud and HPIl as cheaply a- - any other out the entire sjurface. f. ii ni of r I, hi ing i, on i,e,'c. Tlir. T ñtulitKic li alp li ie !'acin,n! cai'iP-- tu,, re i he eown than an .ala i' no ni ..f r. al, and ,1 tlua It Is r, .con i an be chain. wnh I s labor than Sanitary Because: a II ' ol ,. r pa u. nl V It is absolutely and excludes by PAVEM all water und other filth reason uf tile idiifci beltiK perfectly filled with 11 vat bitumen. It Is Resilient Because: Is now in use in upwards of two hundred cities of the United States The pav.-lini- h.'Kllg ll.hcl'.'M ..I a hi y p. , and Canada, covering more than 850 miles of thirty-foo- t roadways. nor- -' Hie ii- -, ..f a soft bunion, .mil v, th 5, It Is Noiseless Because: H;,'I:Ic I'oi.s'lien, sulfa... ini ., 1.,. I This development p. r c t . hi.: ,rv Each particle of mineral ani:ro(ate is en- has been accomplished in eight years, beginning '."!i rmii iilcn.'t The gn ai to I ' ,. ,. cased in a film ,f bitumen, Hnd the parti- o. h b so in., ot hci a n- o a n in a in 1901, in I..- the i cles liejiij; from one inch down In size, pre- face of the organized opposition of both the "brick" i""( im-- nr. .1, bet in In .,.- . he annoy vents tlm ing resonance emanutlm; t,ul.-- , when lent li' o J,.i', i,,. i,C from other form of roads, being cquHlly and "asphalt" trusts, and ,1 , be a.-- can due to but one cause the absolute c. re . in Hie ti o - ol I,,,, i IP. silent as a dirt or macadam road. . ' . i s- ie,- i . .. i .i- . w i a ,,,' r iir s' a i. MERIT of the PA VEMENT itself. .il I fie mm. Ih- - The r,,f ,,,. ll I. e .,(, !' Iiull I ': in n' p ( Ill, nr. .1 dollar--- . I.e. on. - Ml per- - f ill appall, V í It Is , i , ,. d l jo, w t Dustless Because: As a representative of the Bitulithic Pavement in Texas, wc do not ask you to ini in h K,a ie a ol X acccpi ' h- -- l V ' In- liil e . lie hoi V ill The application of the flush coat stone Itl.ili i our statements, but you t lv fa Hi.. . - i 111. p., ' Melt roughen ihr surface and holds the fine refer to any citizen or official of lie Texas HIP "i y f- s i, pa t hv. t II. ' i ! !. u, dust, which i.s one of the annoy- I.'ltll Kfeatest cities where we have , ' l 111! v operated, namely El Paso, Dallas, a u .i. d a. d, ..a Í ances from other lasses ot roads. lilt' St.llel Fort Worth, Paris and Marshall. i.eavv trav,I. X t TEXAS BITULITHIC COMP, Y X El Paso Fort Worth Dadlas Houston r I OCTOBER 15, 1909. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY. 10 'mm9mmtK9SaniplPii Uie A ivw 2 A MU SAl.K ON llargniii Counter I mnnttm (Hi'l in not xpvl",l to will be ' un. two rurf. Cups and buueeri or hne.l. - In lro-rn- t A. XT 25c Cfce Jfllbttqierqte - iiny lh Inter ih- entire mutt'-- III suiunii- IU .m.T APP Plates miKK-'-Ht.-- by lUtAL - It Ii im iltoUnl ter) In The Hum).- fourt form. tru. HeB. DOc and 75c Cups and i t, liuiiK", Hinl "onip rflil"nt of 31c - rl.-ni- Id n ..luminous nn MALOY'S Saucers Th- Am. y Impufl-- nt fov.-rn- Reg. journal . Alni-- mu I." of Cups and Saucers, morning .loriiim-n- t of about''.'. primeo )'ik Kee's Five í - nt I p. I'y a Sam now 8e .1 . i "r- ni-- far .IIkIhiu contfrci BE ESTABLISHED nrlce 75c. and It Includes fill the Si:OM STIXEKT- Ncwsp.iper of New Mexico - ninny oihir iiffalr 215 SOITII . Official rcspoiuleni treaties, ii' in. u ml H tfiiiu- prpocfiipl.-- wilii J" .....UMIIIUMMIMII rli-n- I It Im not tlmt thl condition I'liMUbcd I Hie ttnllK "f iK'lll KOVITIIIIII tits. In' lint I"1 Iniprovril hy turning ov-- to irntlnn (nl.iiniil. which "ill !. wniilil PUBLISHING CO. t !"' tonit- - In ttiíí n"lKhDortioo.i AT ALAM0G0RD0 JOURNAL of f Iv,. tvi:t a frnnll B. PUTNEY posed member. rml iontrol of all TO VISITORS & L 4. in 10. I.. ii.hMo nf lln; l"Kllallv.- B. H. BRIGüü W The liable mi - MrpHKR.OS "r;'1 thi! territory from Ilrlt- ESTABLISHED 18Í3. I A. " PrlinlIiitll-- W" l"l"" 'l DRUGGISTS . W. H ( thn Instead . lll'HI.K City KdHut i.f Us ' Th" i.lnmliiii to Anil.'. i, iirot-pp- Iloiir, Feed anil JAME." IU.ACK... arirum'nts In support - ti i... sale A.l If,,-- MiKK-u- tt "IiP'liil '"I- HOTEL We will be Dleased to have It. o. WKItfllT ii r- due t " V I" pr.shl.iit BEAUTIFUL of . Sni,., Airont for Mltrlicll Wasons. Issue involved " Iv Proiirletorit ... an-i- i, Wimlilnirlon. which woulil .. i MO!" - - NEW MEXICO iM int. in .in.l iik r.iiu In COLONY look over I'hari.lHI'V."- - - Ql KIMH H u,.r, to the l COTTAGE in and Ali nrnti, tr. M ill r .1 tt riii.Wí offl.-in- In AND you come ,r.4 .. o..M ri... I. "I r i.ortM from local rnarmac, v Und'r u- i.f provisions ..f mil. Fist" Highland Mn.ffle I AH U.IU. iqn. ihc conrn-- In wm ...... ,,f UhII'II 5. 1'- Alaska anil prwnt to our gooas. we CVntral and Bniailw the I' "f 11l" S,x'" "I"''1"' East - i form the COMPANY submHtc.! r.T altHtlii- mm ntniK-i- anil vliforous Ac- rhpprfuilv vou Drices THE WM...FARR. Hie IM-- I. Pittsburg Man Decides to aive s. ,1 ii"'i)h of tin- & CO. SN tl.'.ri. l u TRIMBLE HUM Hill V." i oiiM In- iifKik'ti.-.- to for will take W. L. dealers in M . IN.. TIIKl'rH ''.H I, iflsliilloti cept Presidency of School on Groceries and Wholesale and retail "aÍ I 1 1 Ave. TU K I. and COPPER -- nuil Salt Me ta. Sausage a nf TMIi Kl r'.nimllon. ST. Yí li AMI Til" WH A yi vkki.'I roll mihivmiim: Will Charge nn an uruuis -- ..M- -. and hogg the hV.M Í'ABT AI.K Blind and Assume pains to u""r.E?ii nil Mieelnlly. .For cattle t'i AN 1HU ItcHsonal.l. prices ar puld 11 Look us Ttirnonts Ht l.atPJ. biggest market BIUHT. , mm to Tin: town. Once, satisfactorily. flaw zx A II. r f'om AHali'a. !' mi:ws at 3. . North Second il, o. , . k. k;hh. "M-in- t m iw KirrioN. Mo ml iv "i H Al-p- go home. TMWi of - - of ".ni ni for up before you b mi iivnili ' Th- In H ftaltr. cirrlfT. in i,,,i,,ir.-- N -- f of tmiiy. by mml. ""'"" that - hav" ha.l in a Ionic I..I to Moraine Journull mml.- of orii, run.' !,, rirrimltfre i.m... niljiiitm'-n- of lis 1: I) nt Urn- - Ih Ih" r"portP.l A l.i in .ni. N. M., Oct nr W;IS iuntloii-- .l off l.v ti'" Cen- mm rlrrulallun lhn '"' I"'' iliffl, uliii s I. y th" New Mexico hi'lbb-r- has "' tin- .li rnl Lull Une t'"l'V Warm., k, architect and t. Muir. Hi ""I"' ..YI,.:,1., al hy II will CO - company, which for the & " K nt the plans KELLY MUI'- I"" "T ''"J ,..I,.kKv v.:t in tral rallny ial. "id comiditi'd GROSS, ri, opcratl-ii- In will a 11 1 l . ,,. w airen which .. ,, ,, ,. i .... n ... u II iiiiilr.'.lH of he a 1I" to active h..i"i and th" c.ilt ( I ,, c .. l " ' ,;. ,l oil - for" II way of cniiHtrni-tlvi- ' work In n p,, , i. ,1- -. and put in readiness mim i., mi, ml. ,1 tin- an. lion mol the Ik mlln - II. I.a r n, II- - ,,; in M laasoll. .,iiht In AllMHiurmin. oilir .. I. Koim tu very Fhort tini". Tin- ill,,- nina "f S I .... l.i ,.,..,il i.i . Dealers in lw." 1 Ainirliaa ii'l""' i. - 'sail-- , vp" rt iiKiiii'-r- has Maloy Merchants and if Ir . ,e, Hi 'l UP liy varloiiH ni A. J. Wholesale nnnpr lim-u,r- nit-- for f I a R'iHoii. v of ih'- town ami IniHt, ami have ,,. P tin sin Pelts , , . i" fo,. it li.HK Urn" thorn - Wool, Hides and :, i lililí-- for also mad- the Ii Ma. n ii.nv mill has in hli-k- y lm-- ni.-ui- r"p"ttK i.r resumption Central Avenue potatoes ' oi n ra lln blK Ink". 214 Chili and un .ni- tiotiK'i lo Mine for lilankets. Pifb-- Nuts. ,i nf work, which have all failcl II one of Ih" four avaio 11 !, rolill.ilioii Herril Fisher, mill III" t Phone 72 m Products. Kii-a- Native -- ni'-n n many peolilo s said g Oilier -- IHI'iil. poll, that ..unei-- ,.i Ih" i'ioperiy, ,p S. In would , - i r h.'ol lost faith th" ulumale actual '..list met I'm - ' Tiii i;:iu at'l, K all-- (I,.- orín almost that Ih" . SI.: Xloii'iu' 'il1"'- ,,( I l.,. I'ollll -- li I i fcc I si :! - Vuit the few I, é', n. " d at th.- al Ilnv at Tfiiii.lail, Co'o. N'-- ,""t . -- -. it nolll- of the line. nn SI., (in,- "f M'"l'"'" I..-- i i" Ixn construction - N. ami Iiul lo lr pi . . d mm- N. SI. . IlllVi- licv. T ,,l ,iu,l.llv aill-- t" ,. SI.: I'ccos, l.ian. . f !"tl,-- l..ttN-r- ! i, a .1ÍHK on ,!.,. i.n the "Inslilc" ..,,i.i .l-ni.- 1. iioii I'1'" l ho- - lion Inu;. for tin aui 111 tin- eonstl-ucllol- of the ihlB lln- ml- - final outcome. Ii"inuse. p'elii'll In roiiRrcwi l Sim the Will fr.l.-ia- li money , ,1M, the otlaK. s no b tall fi .l. nil JiHlm- "f ,"r!" . nin- nu n re- they milil, bo much ha.l tin- - enli- n.l B.iw nl of prolill'lHoii which could add to iU:o, - f.illi.wliiK Rn-- . tinK nd n nio"n- - l en InviHtcil in the enti rprise m n.U tin- port ii ir. In. ven, cue- - and comfort of th" musts. tin-tou- t could not af- . to t Tnft, on " th" of the utock town tln-r- will be elec- There . . ii u ihc culm- N""w M"1'-"- It I" itr t unprof-Huhl- " WANT QUALITY Ubt of lh" I ' ford lo tric I. ubis ;,t a cheap rat". '''' f'",n IF YOU W-. "f and it really looks i ,,- - hvdr.i-elec- ll ie poW"l' Sir. I'r.lili fil (.III AT IS I MM .. ,'onillllon mile t t g- r- th-- juilnm.-ii- of the 1. a There Is 11 lr ss mil" distant. INT-KO- tin- ol.l.Hl i.r II..' now Ihoimh plum than TE ROOFING (hi. w RFX FI h- "I i - Then - a sysl. m ki-- i many "ntrli nitunllon had cornet. .,1m, perfect iii: Th-r- c nr.- i iiI sanitary con- - least, a reasonable which will Insure Sl- ' n In an n.i- lo be. at - niill!-..- Unit In oi. l' tl. H of nnil feeins w and We thinKs have now been ditions The hotel III have hot i 11 Hip coriKpi. proliiiblllty that liimfompany t bo on- - of most The Albuquerque frlcli-- l whim- - Kr.-i.- liifliii ti' Inx wild piped Into every room Inl.-- 0 an to insure the nrl old water tli- - CI1I.11K0 ocran nrranRerl b,- and three, Style ,H.-- one. two 111 - ,,nK f e..lam-- will III" li""-i'K- "f "i"r c.nipl-tlo- n of lln- line to th, lh,lt room, and possibly a f.-- four room, ml. W i. Hmliiat" to AlliU.iui m kly.l nniilnr "Hnvlnp .In I"l to ' coal fields ami r'.ie. with fine sprltiK al-- r piped our Fall and Winter Shoes K nit in ,l"lt nli:-'l.r- tho licrs.-ha- k ridinK yini nttrT mi to. of from Alr.-M.l- trail for women and Children, - fur nun, Valley Ranch. yrnm (Aunimi in" pulil'i- 11 'ruii'ul have been laid of America The clithth urail" of Ihc M., journals have and roads for drlvlnn TheI Switzerland I.i-- .i of the quality has 7,000 IIHI'.ll l l"'ii ''' l'rivi nt ;.l in is while none altitude of feet. lllT t" l,r nillllollll. Immediately in ,,, no- In th" rec-- aei,uitl l Tb" new - ..ii.) rioudcr-'ft- appear- of Un- rnit-- .l "!" about for a Han. Un. ho kil'ii! hi i.. been sacrificed for by m onil-ii- i harm- had M look of Kiliiiond .1 by surrounded nt"'"9 r th- complot lberP hunting. Grouse and out.-- ...iilin. of mi'ln li sh" ,.11 i.rohablv be about wear just ns of the Hllit.ll.l" al her i"'U"St 'c.iiise . sake. They - "f substitute. tt'iv sen-am- .uní ill ance's 15lh. All pleat,- nliil portion ..r Un """"" "n Tin- verdict Hi- - opening of next Bame "Aft'-- itlviiiK lb" matter full .v a bop. less Invalid. ininiunl- - th.-- look. - t Tl.nt tn - well as Htnt"- of i i, nt tin- new in uuick u fono lln- snpcrinli-ml- nt h- met with heart-- Tpprov.v In- on- rilloii, jury AlanioMordo and carefully to OVOrgreat expense offers home our .nnlillnn lift - Imif"' been cation with We fit them '"Thi' VaUw Ranch building remodeled at hnvr h.-- aKii-i-- that. M th- popula"", had combined !" nty-thrr- c .ml .onimlil' " ir - The best of meals r - rioudcroft and the tourist. or hc "llu-- of ."iiKi. V.I.UKI of tl," sure perfect ease. comforts the hunter t. or.Iy Ih" (.lv of 'I''"- "o- "e t pt liif.irmed .d th" pror.-'-- The l'Uildln .'f this fin.' r.soii win Jin. Horseback riding tennis playing dancing, unit I'.'tli hoim.'H - 'i. . i. ;.. ( i. .n H Val-le- y tl.'r very thinK- And study fhi- I evinced a d. lute:, si lis tlv.. null i i' II I lili t J. F. Miller. Mgr.. tlm. -- - onf'T-,.n.- - th" rim li Men's Dress Shoes Itch nUm..cd0pampn,et and all information. Hi" cnlrn.liir r in - ,.- tn fall on ÜI If lb" "'u- bll-litl- ul Ida.-.- from the to $5.00 of nu"' tin- pupl's ..lilconie. lo es.Hi $3.00 I tux tin- even iImukIi Ranch. N.Mel. inoiieti t" Ii s to n" i n n Milley iiinl plain. t. II nil" t.ik" th" heal of by ' I - W" ou lo III I. r..i'i not In restored Men's Work Shoes s. i.iiiiioi in. s i.r nil. I . biftK-- nt cla the .i,.,, -- lit an. lml pni.H, ii""i $2.00 to Sl.00 ii i, illy i. 1' f.irni-i.-- í x t season . i,- U li. CANYON luí" en. ".lililí that Ih"'" r ri1" in rcpub made iii mi- - SPRINGS IN COYOTE fiin-i- oi i AV'1 I"'1"! '' H.iperuip ONE MINERAL '" e i. i. ii,,ii assistant IS BUT our pn.i!t sludled in " THERE Kr.-a- Ihlni; - b" y today b'i: High Top Shoes UilK nmny .. anil lin .'f , West. Ill Men's r l lo "0"lln I nt of the tit th, f""l' evidently of . " s oth- -' n- - S.1.7S $3.00 li tlii-l.-- schools, arc in-- anil Hon d by the .. in mo ni, im.l Ih" public 'ids. iiiiioinoli. l'.ünd insiitul- - at I'illsbiirii. win and tlmt Is enntrollcd n th" f tins" ... 1... , 11 h ii free band. H. relary iii-I- i Io the opinion that urente! lo inuis"a " ,nv no ninn nv f - tuiu Alamocorilo High Shoes fr(. . IT niiislib-- H. Arl- ! tm- Women's Ih riil'-aK"- Hut. an mlht .son, of 1:.. pnrlnieiit i . pt siiperint-nil-ne.- N " COMPANY ONLY. .., . 1 h.M- II 1" on. rlKlit to Ih" $1.05 lo $3.00 ALVARADO BOTTLING suun-stlo- n, . 1 Mr l, to make a ,, i.r", la n tin- oth Instituí.- for th" tío- "I l' I"' l"ll'" Mexico - .in"iiB a '11 kll'-'- I" Alaino- - l)"lon woul, it not b" a K""il Id" I" ulve W'iv. folks in cad 'bi t'o lT.iii. on his pr. lions visit Women's fiow Shoes nn Original Coyote Sl"i"K- Mineral Water. ll,i- million thai of rlKlit í - Insist o., ; I y 1.11 to com'- i" " lo $100 to i:ioilish. urMininar. 11 X .11 h lli'is- tl p., was uilMlb- $1.03 - .1. Inn lH! nil on i:.t 1 ,p. Hop.- I' loi , ,. "1 '"- t'"l ' Km.'-list- V lb raid. incut nil th"' h"ai 'l -' "f cw-- In ChlciKo To know th" llll, "Ml imbiiictoti of Slippers ii- - in Ho ,, th- - business pulley Women's House ' Know II well, b mm tal i - 'l' mi noii-"-ll- lanEUiii;", im.l $1.10 to $2.00 rieiit .muni tu of (hi- institution- r. il d I" "' a. eompllshlliellt The rec nt mortality "f rovernors Canyon 111 Kill .;,l horn, Mr roic ," SPRINGS in Coyote '" fruit Girls There arc TWO MINERAL ,., f 1I1. 01 id. If not In s baa been rtrlkliiir wiinni om- - point in Il- Shoes for Hoys and I ...its stati Mr from yoni "II. nil. oi. an. Hu.niKh Mm Wi'lllumr $1.00 to $3.00 Wf rail nr t ; . John A .l. of Hire, dais- careful ill, in-.-n- Chi.'i.uo linois, that aff ynu Holt "f Ml,, nail. to I.Hl'-y- ! onnec-ill- ; ui The Harsch Bottling Works I. , .n of propositi. m lioTír oiiHi.l, rain the irr-.- Hi To . i c-- i it pi'.ur. th" ii" n i iti- -l (i. foMirovc, of WashiiiK- be. c ii ii .hut m 1111 itiv i. Hiimu- lie had .on" tlmt Comes from Thcir's .. onr ...... 1 . W. st- the Famous Water ,.n. niiml.-- r ..f .pl". to Mil' v w.-l-- .' SlliU'd t' Control and Pottle ton, an, I John sp.irns. ..r Iheil- plans I" tl' Wi-- , li- y, l.ll.l our S.,11 . :i i v. hi. h - as li"t l,f I.ii.iU With a pi.nPlinu have pnssey awnv TIiIh Is it ti j em ..minimis, v :th - way tutl- tin. aii'l 1" Hi" "ur ,, mo-- ii.l.-.i- i . .... - ra millar ,,, ah tin- l ale and v r, t.iiri nuinoir "i uní".".- I'liuis-d.i- l.tlH.I Un mol a-'''l- tavliiK di.' i' Iv ii . ui bis arrival to ;, ,,1 I....U ..I 11 rv In Ih' ib Inim. ""li-- , in.. ilhs m t with n ' l Mr i" lv. for Ho pioinin-i- il li.ibsab-:,n,- I' .nri I'iii.'-- Stales. ei.t-- in -- ni.-- I at - f ui"'11 'he III, i'.;. - iir viit off- -r and "i" I. i!' shoillv - - . faeulty . 1. ill men hauls linn- mm. ui assembling th" llllniltal-l- i -- In panlur.-- What tier..- th" work of Co onr loor. p. lie- s a liv as Prescriptions? Williams Drug o Ir mi.lov. llo in this world and make such "lb. r arr.iiim'iiienis i cm I. niiio-1-i- toal I' have aina lmil.iT, a"'' . m I'1 " ,,l' t ....-- inent to enlist f"f t whit.- flour, they will m necessary to th" accurate, -i an. I to our If ti Drug Co. has come to stand for wililc Irrigation pn..l- t". m-- w be "P'-- The name Williams' j... of r.illfot 1.1 is- Si ll""! ill sse II V.ilU.nal Ciiaul tl. li. If they eat l.rea.l, l,,.p"d that th" courteous service. 117 ;,Kt n ti. I n t" our ,ipp. iti: painstaking dispensing and promjit, fio.k " n.- bv N'jvembci Tli.- propos-i- "i11 '"' "" v ill i!' t p. u - It's a Little further Plume 789. illaK-K- im llama: i it n "'I ut-r- o Advertiser Is un- Central. t" ,inn-,,,-n- in poor- - I'l.imn !. n .. . or. ., ni in iiilnií proM.liii.f fsteuk. thev will ml Ihc '.- oiii alt. inn, to .nil. p.i. !í t ll a .Pin. or iin... fu,- lio and e. I ln ilc.n those .iiilst hou-- itcr.ii.i. as al iv as p-- a. . iul i al l l"l I' nn. ''I'M I, will be Install"-.- I'tiV. , Willi ate roiull'd to S'H Mr l:us.piildlsher.thr.-at-,.,.- iim i i ,,ssil,. But It Pays 111 "Iielh-- r I1'-- .Inlv tb" .National tinai.l. I -- Iim- - since to Insiall otic TloT -- I ... - n. llopi- "ll'l f. ' nine TRUST COMPANY . . th-- n - MONTEZUMA op-,.- In iiiHin i or in 'ir bines, and tak- th" j.p.lfl" ptolli- l- "f tin- p. all. .no doni. I" CERTAIN OF ..I' these mu. It It tnr-m- f ' ARIZONA oft" oiintry correspondents -- vli' n a ii In nib Ins ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO , "il f 'i"l".l i l i,. niakin k ins le e n.-- - "I p,,. It .i .itit-i'i- that ii. ,ii,s i., -- pi. II, I funic rmo I" I'lel r. 11 you I i -- nt. A walk i.f two l'loeks Capital and Surplus $100,000. 00 v d i rmlit-- d to alten, th- - .1 ,.. " ill P"t l" sbi.ul.l be kel .1 '' i I!. M" 'ainion casbi-- r and tb many dollar.-- . liciug local. a little H "I I ll, . b. s ,1.. l,-.,- oil. n ..lele,l ill ni.ineiiv.-t- an. pi.i. Kl l as., ft si. HER ADMISSION IK- ,,1 at lie sounnv s.s ven- ON SAVINGS t v main l.uiti. ALLOWED DEPOSITS l,.i,,l v foi Hi" s.ipta-i- "' '"" Ii i.' In o Th'- a , farther fioin the INTEREST nii.l moil, h.oil ni,., stall. II. iciv-- I, "lav l"l unió ,.1,1 n Hi-- ' I my own liuililinn, enahles me I, boles and IlisIltiHI "Us Ib il n hi. h IH t..- t" miardsmen vacation, whl, h lo will spell. In Illi- ter, in il , II N- - anil lower w ill n. lib. r bo skimp, d n i ileim I" HI l.e in n .1.1 ion to that bl. ll the nois'. I'elinsv Iv ama and elk His to (tive "" ''flti r Roods v re. clie from th. slat" W lih lid ,1. k will I." till, d Monroe. .rices. THIS WINTER W". Mavis n- c I,,,s l.e-- n r.licMin-- - J Window i nr coii'bl. n. " is In. r when ilnul'!'' i omp. - .tioli lli. l.l I" who Special for this week on all We carry the Largest Stock of Polished Plates, .ii"i a i s. l .1 r ial - inanam and end link V .' th" In ad of til. n.iiion p.lnc. on a b. it. finan- i.ii- than reaily-to-vvci- garments for men, -- . in New Mexico, When in neei I.,, l,:i I. 11 sie ll a lil. n.l I" ii, ..rie-r,!- mii.I men of Ih" and Fancy Glasses i,,.. W eill, n and vlnl. lien. ,ih. r .' p. o.!- " ' - an. I then f""' " firnn R - I Rolioos That of Glass write or call on us for prices. Unit Ho ii. ii I ' " to man. Peltate t. el ui. Tailored Sails. . . .$12.S0 Neg-ank- ii' i'l' l nl V ' .. v 111 'II niaii'.in Opposition is TROOPERS AREGONE; pi . a Tailored Suits. . $15. till ll.l III ll" 1 As- - I H Imiiilc: o.. ait's ;.l ,t ur i i AND MILL COMPANY !r.k b aml.ition. t'T la di' -' Tailored Suits, the SUPERIOR LUMBER - it: 1,1 u- II 0 .1,1 ,,l to I,. ollic ,1 Nl:ie, sisumce, Vet Ial. t and most up-lo- - I, u . loel, oil .ill lit-1 h i.ti.l lio pr. ARE CHICKENS date .922.50 . . 50 . í ll e I .1 h.-- P. tt r el K "' III. nt t" th e ii form : :, o ,.inl $ I nil III .1- s.-- a Korean l.UH .runout of moiu- m.ii.t lion .loare .$ 111 I.IJ .iir-.l.l- x.' v ,m.. ...y I -, II I. P- K I :i mi.- v '...,'i.iiiu;. J rum. nt - vv - cm ii s Suit.--, th. eelehrat.'.l e. !..! 'll ., III KHt - i.'i II jjo si. lis pl I, i 1.... f ,r IV to lie O'' .1 linlian Pokeinan nt Lacuna I'.n I.I .Marks ions, latest Albuquerque s- - " f- - i n ill Iiniti. t" Mat. The Bank of Commerce of n h- i, S n ",. lie i.-- l rv m.iiiii'-- vvitli r al ' SI I..VI VI ' . ies - h ,,l Hie I" i" "t .'Iiul Feath-im- s - - . tlo- rit-.- vl."l Handful of .- - ,. . . i- . - K.ilii'lta fin - lir f. Hi il lei vv . It Left With i. ns .tt-ij- !...,..- .,.,...... ,....,...... I - , ,1 .1 III. .Ill ll. nit ' I'.Aieillls l.i iirim-in- i " I M'W-lu- V III III, ll New SI. VI. o ev $I.VI.HM.(lll. IH' MM Ifl K ,ts ot' 'lit, loll All.. " ll"' Gloomy Capital, hli.ov'l !iv.l. Is Piry to I " -- 111 . I Solomon nn il, l'resiilent; W." S. Strlckler. ' t en Hi. "1 ' e III V' f"l Officers anil Directum: '.'Il.' " l.'ppll.V Unlit-- -' Sweaters nt : v f " I'oal . .1. (asliU-r- t i I K-v- I I'-'- l l and Casliier: W. .lolinso n. Assistant William iiii al" oit lit ll' f I. ,N ,t.,v- - II, I" "t I'"' IvCliits-i- rroiilcnt lo-- h, (iiHirge Arnot, J. t". Ilal.lri.lne, A. SI. Illaeknell, O. E. IToinwell. , I lie li ne. It - true lhat i in..-- ..'! I.ot. I. men-- - I n l"-- . n orn l.v li- I. ,,, iv to Ih.- I, S- pt. ! - 1 .11. iv ,,..i.i. .lie J . !. t III, 1.11 I lo .le ro'l ih..-I- Momlnt r ,r n tl,, nt ivty v I" nolle- t .l..o JorlMar- I. f ir. - . l i a t N M . I'.dio inn .vi r ... I..1 a.- tli.- S' "ii. nn uumi t'et IV 1.1 I .i.n., I ul if our iiM.-- of E. MAHARAM w v . I i 111 e mini, is .leploriiiK th. , I lllll-l- .'' coil-- tin hull. poli, HERTZOG ' LEON Hi lt t ni.itli r "! n.' al.tim e C - 'I ' ll i! UP t". S 1.1 .P lovvl. o l i i Mr i "1 ..,s "I nil..- well vel.'l'ed Wholesale and Retail - ,tii,, tl. Hit 'aiii.i 1, 1. -- ;1V t vv. 1 It I nl - l.ome ti. -- ...i 1. 1...... il filled t hi. k. n hous, - , ollt,. I. I.I t ll. t ill- i ih. house p,lH- n. 516WcstCcntral Avenue I ov--- - ; on. ' Product .inc. I'll. ;t. SVe l.'UK .ITIV 'tiaiiK- , .! vv h i,. wli. Hay and Grain, and All Kinds of Naüve . lei- - hi. and ,he, l. S I'll pr. and .mpiv rhs. , ii-l v pull"! ,,1 " f i it. Hut it " thai 1" "111, in the was Ih. liv 11 eackle of the and lo. rln ..ii tlo leudar 501-50- 3 A' ' -. ,h--- N. St. Mrqnetw . of hol.l Cor. 11,1. .11.1 prr-- l I. Pt "I i w it' 'i an' fu-- l ui-,- i' th,- .rowing Ptioae S. First I.- e , I, muni of the ;, . il- i o, v 1. v of I hi I I' C.pi" hou-- 10 'tfi el ll'IIMlll the $68.70 ni.t I o ' no la m ontli - . ... ,,. I po Ihle stopover "t th. Hooper- of the Third I. r I -' .n loute ALBUQUERQUE I t ', Mom I'l'i'l Winnal' 1 r - ,1 un 'vn I . i was is i He a .1. I. . it t,. Mluepi. sinistei W most in.porfant l..,e. - to , "lupll-h.-- III llilppv .'"11- a, P. .1 a. .l the otlee 1:1.111. - -- I I 11 V'-- cereal um'vI as toovl tvir .1,1 . 111. I lie lllll- A l li HI l Th a,lliu--- l O ll' S "I - kCtl llOUSe PITTSBURG. PA. Costs No I It More -- .l vv. ..pell ' e . 1, ' l.lelll .i.s an door re hrok.n " k- - on ii went to husehi. anil return, act. .nn! of Tl.. nlv in' ,.llv H..I HI win Mn mi triil t w pfrollle.I I ! - . li tl m muí: h as li 1.. ll.l- d a'lv 'li .. Centennial Celeb ra tie a ., , ' a li.lill'-r- Tracks Headquarters n p. Iv. .1 .1 ill ;i a. at ii PRICE'S , ,v ; s ,,Mipani.., mal DISCIPLES OF CHRIST. ! t W Ih, houlil I" -- I I ! purs l umil'lv spill. WHERE YOU ARE SURE OF ALL YOU WANT ! I .,- 11 ... It i tr'v FINDING livrt. int Sli-- - WHEAT FLAKE CELERY v .,;l" l.v Mallín, wh" I - ' I i'l iv 3 f - e ' .. l ,.f a r IN THE DRUG AND DRUG LINE. ni.l.i-tr- i .1 ti ail' SUNDRIES - 1,11. M'.i Wll'l the n ii ... , 11, 1. .1 it Tin- ,l, i ' YOUR . : .1 ,1 vv Is n ltd at EVERYTHING FRESH AND PURE. SEND US iv- 11... a - h. . a pita!' d t" I , 111 ta!.- .1 1" T," ui i . i mate ..nd li. n i". , PRESCRIPTIONS AND ARÉ GETTING M to-- - d FEEL SURE YOU ,n - i tot Tlo s,l .. Mr .1 mi!' i?vyM ' hti . -- Ul-:- C"-'- 11. ! I v Id- . ' l'.V .1 t! e id' 1 K n of no i r v im. it i. - THE BEST. Not always the cheapest but always the best. I . . Celerv. v :1 ,i .nr.-- tlv tow .,rd th,- ami' Thi" . in th. is iiij.lí Wlua: an. ,,i. ll.. I" av a K 'I ' Th. tr.. t" 111 s,;h-.Tanc- I IP-- v II is suspe. te1 o.- - .1,-- I, ,. v . .. p. d ,.f iv all Mart ti f" N MMt-Teiiir- or otlur hrous'i - s th. tar. in. Put ha 1. c. on !i .ui,t land.- ni .k. draw 1.1.' :1 c s- tit-ar- sromavh oi. .l I.' "ill. -t to sour ...illus-lM- li .muñí, tit o; n'v nil. s .... .1 ail - I iek.-l- le H. I n i t t ', mi J. O'Rielly Co. smu- I v . h.'.s d" p I'a'a'alile, m. ..ii.-r.l,l- all. I nt tors the 1 -. t,, t i it- ivd consripation. I - It th- - - . V .r i., oph- f Ijiuuna in hi t.! , K. m..k n ..f in.- October 13 and 14. !. v - f nA i a n nt viiuevrton. J t h .p mt.-r- The Rexall M tl fU tntious anJ . I., It is said Store. cim W .1 I "Kill. Ih. illtlioV ', ni.i 2Nili. I .1. Willi final return liiinl. II.I . i w l!i , . ., rv partllli nt "f tl t" Th. It.K'l. C l.v I. ,i i , va minis:. Ficluive Member of the Ture AsNoctatlon of Aniric. . v h- n t soldi. r t. IriiR lral...ri. nli.l.-- the r l ... I. Ill ll- '.'a- . t 1.1 v.,1, M.BALFOUR, nil!' "i.n -i , 'ii- I .. i nM. ..nn..i he f tr. jtv ' A pr' I. IV' Ii 'ul "t.U. by If am n t - V pa .Veill. : Tor le a Grocer Hi- ' jjelU!..!. I i' ' of . i .. ' n:c t in. I


into each one a dose sufficient to give It a mild case of bla.-- " t would surprise you This Is easily and quickly d'Mie, the having ton yearlings know how many writer vaccinated i The I. X. FORG! In a day with three mens' aid. L. SHOEING E of f re They can, of nurse, lie thrown and I New Mexico Is so Í C. FRANK, Among use Ivory Soap doctored, but the chute much J. Proprietor easier and quicker thai It should al- I to give a finishing touch ways be used. 315 W. COPPER AVE. PHONE 781 in ; beauty to the things Having lllled your chute as closely Herds on Earnest of Its you can crowd them, get right WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK they make. astride of the chute over the animals found in animals over three years of and lean down and take up the loose The worth of a good horse is in its feet. In this high altitude and dry air, scientific shoel age, and fully SO per cent from eight This is the recipe: skin just back of the shoulder or in to twelve months old. I'mlcr eight on blade with your ing is absolutely necessary. BAD SHOEING MEANS BAD HOOFS. GOOD SHOEINS one-four- th of front the shoulder CATTLEBOARDWORKS months, the cases are very rare. The Dissolve small n lie left band. Force the MEANS A WEAR AND TEAR. disease is in practically all eases, abso- a cake of Ivory Soap in Into and through the skin. Insert the HORSE THAT WILL STAND THE lutely Add a pail needle Into the syringe and force The symptoms are few, the animal boiling water. down the piston of the syringe to the HARD TO WIPE OUT showing little sign of sickness unlil of warm water, in which stop, which allows one dose to enter It !s ranges far developed. un the two tablespoonfula of the wound. n lameness In the forefeet and legs put Work backwards over them until is generally the first symptom noticed. kerosene. Stir thorough- all are doetun-d- bob their tails for a The animal will probably be dead In ly. Wash furniture with tally mark and get another luineh In DREAD DISEASE twenty-fou- r hours. It is easy to tell and repeat the process, llave a man an animal that has died of black leg a soft cloth. Dry with within reach with the bottle of Muid Is 5 for, owing to the Immense amount of another soft cloth. matter so you can quickly refill the : v gas found in the body, both before syringe, which holds live doses. Inspectors in Campaign to Aid and after death, the body Is distended How lo tie! Vaccine Miilter. !; to a remarkable degree, the legs be-in- You can buy cither of the paten LJ4 Stockmen in Eradicating the wltlelv distended and siekinir out Soap ;J I from the body very differently from a Ivory remedies, iiaiiidl above, but aasSS . Plague Which Is Reaching a death by any other disease. I'nele Sain will furnish any one who ( n pressing the skin on the r, 994ioo Per Cent. Pure applies for it all you need, tree gratis Threatening Proportions, sharp cracking sound will All von have to do is to' sil down he heard, due to the pressure of gas and write a letter to the lion. S. i iv. I ui'deinealh the skin, while if a knife tnry of Agriculture at Washington and Mm- th- - must Important nuuters ask to be furnished with so m.uiv 'f is driven into it a dark frothy lhiuiil effect, when . Sani-- their hides without but doses of black leg vaccine (iir w .Mexico l will lliiw very slowly. - S7Wv lx. loii- the Si Cattle tin- a small cut was made in animals' L'O per more doses ut A of bacilli fam- about cent than i ! s In finall member the Hoard during its sessions rubbing both v ily. These bacilli are in the soil, left hides and the repiatid. you want, too. for on are bound I" rquc week s tin- progress died. H i this tin i e by the death of .some blackleg spill seme of Send this letter to :i ur: t against df the campaign in uti animal. How long they will live in If our experimental station would tieiegate V. II. Andrews and request Hi.- blackleg among pingue of V" the soil Is not known, but it is cer- do some work along mese lines they him to forward il to Washington with .Mexico cattle. Tin.' board I doing ev-- cr He cheerfully tainly many years. 1 his approval. will do .spread informa- for would tind a fine lb Id. should like thing possible to The disease is not contagious, that so and, in two weeks you will get Ule and its me- to see them bury three animals that tion regarding disease i by ani- a little tin box from Washington con of aiTied contact from one died with the disease and alter a thod nf treatment and the force 1ml is which taining a lot of neat little etiveb es- mal to another, infectious year dig down and take some of soil eighteen field inspectors arc taking a plainly .stamped, and a set of printed Í1 means that one single animal in It on a yearling pecial care to lacutc infecled ani- and rub in a wound how thousand may have it and not an- keep this up Instructions telling you Just to ma Is. and note the results and .Meant you have other animal die from it. years to, determine Just use it. line should Territorial (.'attic Inspector K. K; for several got your druggist to order you a The gentleman who gives his dis- how long the bacellli will live, and lose A Van Horn, recently returned from the hypodermic syringe for black leg use; covery to the world quotis the fact none of his death-de- a ling powers. reserve, where he found the a n too. I'eios that In Texas of two herds on opposite- lias been tried with order half dozen extra lbs. disease had broken out among the This experiment ;j -sides of a wire fence, one lost very closely akin while you are at It. for they have Closson. Arnold and other herds. Jio. anthrax, a disease faculty of dropping- out of your many, animals, by the disease, while lo black Ice- and the bacellli w I re happy kiliid finite a number of cuttle and none. Kasily explain clumsy fingers into the corral dust carcasses burned, the latter the other lost found to be alive and deadly ten had their able by the fact that one pasture was was and are lost forever. being one of tin? most years after the animal buried. you $.". proceedings infected with black leg while the This out tit won't cost over v Vfcvft, important pointr in stamping out the I'opnlar Theories. cost Jit.r.O, any JXk. rteg other was not. man, when black leg breaks and should not but and trouble. éle will receive a shipment One with intelligence enough to read How (Id (.'411110 (.el lilnck leg.. out In bis herd, gets after them with man of vaccine in a few days from Wash- English and brand a calf ecu make a whip a horse and runs them ington and return to the Pecos range (Inly In one way through the skin and the medicine and use the syring to all the cattle grazing and Into the blood. A calf lies down for two hours. vaccinate immediately moves them ' When lo Vaccinate. there. Forest rangers are instructed in a spot Infected with the bacilli of Another pe to a new pasture. The time to vaccinate is when your eellent for their svsieui, be copperas querque. The ceremony was to in campaiii. blutklog left there possibly years ago ( the eight of age. and saltpetre will clean mil the formed by the l;ev. J. '. Kollllisat l'.lackUs is practically ineurahlc.and by some animal that died of the dis- A third rowles them in the shoulder calves are over months of we be- worms that affect cattle and horses PROMINENT LAWYER p. m. at the residence of the bt'olhi lie- only resource is to ease. A cut made by wire, or a gore with a rag soaked in garlic. However, most us wait till cattleman's at of year and I believe of the bride. Chester I.. Front from a place In each case, when no more (lie. gin to find them dead on the ranges that time the at once vaccinate all the infected born offers a for the " Hie presence of lo Sixili street In the prese system. ,l t they claim system a sin cess. and then we "run for the doctor the sulphur tends J: South herds. disease to enter the The their carth-k- of H ly we he drop off. which In of a group of the relatives (nice become infected with bacilli gets All authorities are perl'-et- agreed If you will do this (and all dot. make small an animal affected the minute to Itslf is a most excellent thing. Km eotilrai ting parties. Mr. and Mi germ multiplies in wound so Into the blood, that an animal Infected with black better have your outfit all ready IS WEDDED with the the latter the and or even prevent black leg.' Medb-- for a It bacilli, except purposely use at any rate, for the vaccine mat- cure, left at midnight bou, Into millions. Mnee it is found and the animal is infected. Or leg where , the a not lose Never! according to the best authori- moon trip to Kl I'aso and Mexico. an Is the only gets it through lii king the ground for Inoculated as a preventive, never or ter will keep long time anil that animal affected any ties in the world Mr. Medler Is one of the leading a method to prevent the disease salt or alkali, the animal having a seldom recovers. Its strength a year at rate and sale you il. you have And any way. as I've said, is noth- of New .Mexico bar nl from spreading Is to kill the animal cut or sore on either the tongue or The disease is extremóle prevalnt then when do want toinevs the It ready to stop ing new after all, having been used Edward L. Medler and Miss well and prominently know burn the carcass, hide and all, tie- mouth. This leads many in France and Switzerland, and It right al hand use and has been and dying. yearly on ranges and ranches for six in for many years, Tl on spot killed. cattle men. posted on the disease, to was three French veterinarians who. any more from Quiet- Albuquerque the where a thing on years past to my own knowledge, here Lilian Stewait Thomas comes of a well known Oh The this year has become' feed salt only in boxes or troughs. In 1S8.1. discovered that by Inoculation However, if it is regular bride diseases you big money In New Mexico. is a of .Mrs. Fretn so owing to richness The Oklahoma experimental station animals could he made Immune am? your range will make ly Manied Last Night in This family and sister prevalent the once a ell of range, rich feeding causing has done some very excellent work later on Kitt, a Cernían scientist, per- domg it regularly, at least and Mr. lilaine Thomas of this the the year. made her residence f tin- cattle to get overly fat, thus in- in black ley investigation and their fected llielr plan. Foley's Honey and Tar clears the City, where she has viting; tile blackleg germ. bulletin on the subject is extremely low to I'rcvcnl lilack 1a'. The purpose of this bulletin Is not air passages, slops the Irritation In about ,a year and during which tir There Is bul one way and that to quarrel with the learned druggist, Ihe throat, sooth, s the inflamed she has b une extremely popular ' The following valuable information interesting. to AVhilo It was a qUed aflalr Ihe wed- Is by secretary Two calves were placed side by side very simple and easy. Vaccinate their! who so kindly gave his new remedy no mbraneos, and the most obstinate Alhuouerque. iSL'Lli being disseminated the cat- night .Mr. as vaccine ill against it the sanie as you vaccinal the cattlemen, hut to prevent the cough disappears. Sore and inflamed ding in tills city last of of the t'attle and Horse drawers' and fed matter without being sociation among the XeW Mexico effects. Then a slight cut was made yourself against smallpox. tle owners in the territory from ungs are healed and strengthened, I.. Medler and Miss l.illian Stew, hen In .iliii(iieriue for the I'll by crowding the ani- misled by bis satements. ( old Is expelled tin- s.vs-te- i nlge. I IK - V. S stockmen : in one's tongue and both fed vaccine This is done and the from art Thomas of ( al llpolis. oblo, was an slop al Hotel a ten remedy Is an excellent thing to any but genuine t lean I lull is Hied, I.egV again. The one died and the other mals into small chute, ora Ills liefuse the re- ver Ave. and llo peclalile. anyhow. The 11. Keil-l- y ( vent. Ihe news of which will be Hlaekleg is affecting young did not. Then earth mixed with the dozen at a time, and by means of a feed cattle in the spring, in the yellow packages. J. O rsl in tile city. Hull's alwii is ex- - ceived with great Interest in Albu cattle, not over per cent being vaccine matter was rubbed all over small hvperdei-ml- syringe injeciiiig sail they all need, the sulphur & Co. reasoiniliie. Conic t r t xf ? t X ? t X ? t X r ? X ? TheMan ThatCanAccumulate X ? X ?t ? X ? V X ? ? Musiness X y? f $10,000 in Legitimate X ? yT ? t is X ? Starting with nothing, is not easily headed in a financial way, and his second ten thousand not X ? t from cornfield, with X ? t much of a problem. f The town that grows to 20,000 population a no mining X X t f or other booms, no railroad competition, located in a sparsely settled and undeveloped territory, muát X f ? X have had a reason for its growth. ( How much greater today is the reason why Albuquerque X t assured, capitalists investigating X t r should make a large city. ! The territory is fast settling up, statehood X t our undeveloped resources, the Albuquerque Eastern in sight, and the well known fact that the big t t Xf ? snowball is never eclipsed in its onward course by the little fellows, makes it morally certain that X X t X t T ALBUQUERQUE WILL REACH 50,000 IN THE NEXT TEN YEARS X t X X X Use judgment. Look city t X Judicious investment in Albuquerque real estate will prove both safe and profitable. at a map. X those beautiful slopes will be solidly X l: X NOTE THE LOCATION OF THE TERRACE ADDITION. In ten ears from now X Y t X his money. FIFTY LOTS LEFT ON Y t X built to the University of New Mexico and the present investor will have quadrupled X Y ? X SILVER AVENUE. They are jusl as good as those that have been sold, and for the reason that I have more lots than money X Y X 1 'X Y f X I will discount my former selling prices on these lots 20 per cent. Ten per cent down and 0 per cent a month for nine months X v ? X without interest, or an additional 5 per cent discount for cash. X ? X Yf t X Y ? X X V ? X X y X X I T t i X I Po 4 Xt I X STAMMi i t M I X V

. V - t 4. i . t T l v Y:


CHILDREN .W. HICKOX COMPANY GREAT CROWDS SEE SCHOOL ALL THE t H'wlfilaSD0 2 Arm IiAroe-s- íicwrci.RY tiouhk in new mcxjoo MEN f frrtMTH. AIAVAYH tMIMCTB AND NEW YOUNG MD Of TOD It WATCH IsM, WKXli fUCI'AIll TliKM MUST VACCINATE II K. KectMMl rr4 AlhuurrM )W. M. TRADE PAGEANT IN THIS TOWN SEB VOITLL BE SURPRISED TO Are golnir to want th UOW YOUNG YOU IOK WHEN clutlu-- s wo have here TO SAYS MR. CLARK frne YESTERDAY YOUR HAia IS RESTORED this season; special styles ITS NATURAL COLOR. deslirni'd for yotins men; TKere 09 excu for uiuightljr vory snappy, smart mod- iSCENT HARDWARE CO. Udrá hir. Il mk you look oldffwhenf l els. uniighily na rmbrrMing. In- fié PARADE IS you'i not-- il'i Territorial Superintendent liona FwntehlM Omli. Caller aad Ttxli. tmm INDUSTRIAL ÍUy'. Hcallh will bting back the nam-a- l Kmm Hair to Deny Ad- HART VHtfm mml Pitting, numbing, Untune. Tta and Oopimr Work. BRILLIANI SPECTACLE color nd bfauiy, anH mate your hail structs Teachers If v 'Wfi WI Ocatial At. fomm 111. lililí!, luxunanl and lull ol youthful vitality, vege- - mittance to Pupils Who fe .topi dandiuS and UHing out. Hurely SCHAFFNLR harmlfin-n- ol a dye. Virus, Line Route .tlsond Haven't Received the Checiing Throng 1 AND Snr. MOTTI VS. AT ORUCCISTS. " - & MARX 1)9 Ilny imrnna r.,np ," . of Procession; Piizcs Award ...m, UI.UH--- ! ha.ia,, ai,l.i!l,-n- ..iia-- a1 Uin Ian ami na". ' ilt'ií'ta. Tin- - folloii lnff i IreulHr latter to Have made for us some RIMROSE BUTTER I tr,-- Hia " , use Steam for clean- in Line, .r !. iU. ' I'lu LJJ Issued dy lar- styles the crit- ed for Clever Floats t tb H jl ' e, unity MiiperlnleiuleiitH special for t .Inme-- fel- I'hilo liny f-- N. J ri!, , nil sedool ical, drossy young ing all dairy utensils, and roimíd, nidi, inter-ru- t you don't see At 35c per lb. J. II. O'ltll J.I.V CO. Clurk will of lows; and If lo tlie public: yourself in them you'll handle the milk in a san see nearly all the other ( lent I, men - M : i:ih i in Ilia i! ." 'I'd,' V". fellows. , and 7 nd.i:s .u Kami "Sania all Hl3 t.lliv of 1HIKI itary way. Give me a vim s vni; Ua- It' ul I'daptaf "f td" They're exceptionally tie i,,iilali,,l, n- - rK - c. 'I' .1'. flo.ll IT uf Ida Lull's of 1II0I. pi per- ti',iil''íi ,IN,biy, Mai- i i . liapter wool, IIihI HH 11 ti Htld' fine goods; all l.lia," laaiililal i Mi ugr. ill trial. ww J',". - l,a tdal all hlldl'CII of liool Better iCIAL KANSAS EGGS Ih, I'.ilrv, .. , lr, , ill Il lit- la I,., an mri- fectly tailored. II il.-- i iJ d tlie territory ndall de to- M,t I,, a ul ullv orii w ,,r' "ri'",l roimlv "f have a look at them OILS Mlad'H ,lrnip IHK " I"1'' Htiinllpox. An oc- - I Hillml, lli'iil. Siuilii. Maxi, o. .1,1- - in filiated amiinst i, "Nan .. day. V. GUSTAFSON, IV.IKOII lollo, ilil ifculty him urlHen pi b5c per doz. inlhMii. " .. Th- - K - WaMidinn ,si,,tial in on diirfo. Ion nnd '"-,r- ,i ',,n,J S'. ('. "V. v., ,1 o ih,. Inteipretiit Phone 1097. ., hail ., I, t a " allll.v ::,. a.p.ll l'"l,t in, nl of Idas.- laws, 11.1 nuin Suits $20 to $35 V o? la I. mi"-- . MiKlit l.'i'li'i , 1,11,1 dalail tda fo!lonlnR ,V,,Kt ,,lli,' l,ll!'l,',ll i ,n am MidmllliiiK dail a na a l'aai,h, ' "onion II,,., I. Hill, I, h' la Limit . ni, t i .1 laiion. I. I, I. ink' "";,',," "" Overcoats $18 to rlKliI selloul II, U. lia Ii "'mi1'" '' 'I n""'U Ian II lo t' of Ida puldle 4 ilia,-- town, t lty, sliall dc- - loralih- aid i " rural. "r $30. , ,1 IK i 111" seduill tu lili Our entire stock of r , ompany had .1 11. il III I" I r . I'd.. Vim ii, an l.auila Tl,,- allium) lal ri'nl Tr vina inateil. i ixtaan win. in,' ii"' I ,1,1- - i, an, ,ii a, ;, ma an inn dildraii bv ScharTncr & Mir Is home Picture frames and Wall f V ,.ll'l, Til.'I.V III' Cjpvrifht looo Hirt This store the DAY , ,r si IV, t ill Kv.-r- i led to tlie seluiul '.OSED ALL , Im t'-- f,.,, í 1iill adinil iiiH 111 Id 1.1 ih kimw 1,'ilK' ,i pine li'" of Hurt ychiiftner ft , ,1111! 1,,,'ul,! slllte- - , i'liilii,i-ii,-.111- ,1 i, ,a al 1" no- la ,Uira,l t'l 1'raselit paper to be closed out at ,ll-.- ,,f 111,' ni,,Mt ill, mi, uatainilll!. llr. a- - Marx cluthei. f, ( ,,f lunil','1 iioiirii a n piiiiimi' pnisieia.i M', , la, llilll- pi ,i,'Hi,,ll-- ml i.:ri inint flOIII 1 llir 111 Ml'' t ,MT ll'y "I factory pi ice. Our mixed A l,l,lll'-,IU'- . HO IKIII " llsad lo piaaliae THURSDAY !.,, I III Till' lil'Hlll, ,,,,,,, OTld M VI,',, i It VI II H mill sua, an,l r, ,i','.'- - ul ii in "I I,, al Tin- Muddy rainpnti New v paint at only $1.00 per m,i u l, d dy liintioii, mil Ii, ,n. Hi it ' ,inii.-iflHil.-- i Imp. rial a u l all Id. 'If iViluollH ,, rlv r- ! I,,, f ,1, , T m Ii S,,,1 erllfa-al- speeiuaail, :ount Albuquerque Day. gallon while it lasts, We and Hi,.' r'O', .nil ii l ii,,. i, t: li "lal, "I. ml-- i, n , 1,1,1 llild lalft da. elleeuvelj .Hid an, 'im- on dia.u d an a ,l a luiki' tlie h pi ououm au oing , i HI T ' l. Ua- dln.lcry. a, i in, il"d Hi ini; well arc to move soon, 'I'll,' T..U,lx I,' Kill', rtiainii l.iiliKon yenrs :', I 11' ' I a of live STERN I, II ' " ,.,, Mitliln an, y 'l 'l" I' "!' tilli.ll 'I'll,. I la, 1,1, l.lla o SIMON lllal lllll'alll , e C. A. HUDSON, 118 North ,r,-- UK' dato of nlraiu up'iii r, a ul Itl , ' ,1 I, dais lo Halt,, tin "an Jam ,iu,li' pan, w .. I pi M ill, l an ilntlK'llB'' M -- Hint Ii ' ,ail h"" ill 111, iImWII ,,MI illflliit lit! II lina il liatiaial I,,. s, hool or ""' Second Street. ,JV', onip iii, ni. i.irriinK u or n ildoiit , ,. , ., t . v i illi if i ,i - i. ii ii at In l!,,, .1. ami M v.i, inaletl eitder Man.m.i II. u llialli. mi of Ii, ,t .ss,,n II- -. effeet. n illiiii l"'i Avenue Clothier ard's Store inyaii park. i la Ilia ,, tin aorp.-- ,,r ItU a no n. Tin uonounaad The Central , ,l. 111,111111." previous to elllerillk' I. a, k t llollliiiK ii'Ukn da,l il flout in Waive I ' I, i mi,! valia, i - II. Ward, Mgr. hi ailillllatl Ilia limn iik ad w ll id,- merit of i'uyott lie st lloal. llomir ,,r III, , opltl- - t lili, K.ani'.ai. Inii fl"al Mineral natal' Tliu I'l'oiin Kumitura V l; Is tlie of l ÜU W. lli.i.l,- in, I, ,,1 I 'iv Ilia npillii alal Aldert r dint elaiar ,,n ,, phisi, tans m tin' ' niuo irbl rinmr ibmilrj Ka 1,1,11,1, ru- ( u Ai. In tlie nvcnt thM yi Hot all,, ii al Ui" Calila laa furniture riñan-- . nn- of tin- iihiM l,at all iffat'lile val'l tin t HI proti'lls cool mornings r fit it ikjr ' Your Blood to Circulating these "r ar,! an, l.liali IIimI un, wanui "I'll a I'iK of 1.1 u Nothing Starts j.huncri IHiSTAI. TKI.KUHAPHtiT iiiarin float Ilia lii inainst .smallpox tor i"'' l',,,,k'.M I, an, I, Nal linw' 11 KlvHitflt your na inn arid aitilroM tni)1; tlia Miiiideivs Ji'inry luiiry. 'iit.vIiih l.v.l ,,f at least five veals. American Block Coal fire. We have N n1 th tmpfT will tin (lltvfrn1 br a tain, I. In, linn fi luml luiml; Kenilitle eovl lllilkeil dy td( year like a good ! real Al tda lifgjiinlnt,' of tda sellool itfttni Tit llrphuna I M Hi,. - um- iiicnjr, TroiipH an, of Tliinl ii- In ut tlia I .'is ,N... 3 r meidauiaiil niilker uní times lieraa fu r ,, nuil, w oil al sitad otdar RONG BROTHERS .V0. Tlir lull ,a, k train fla f dairy; a dm iee flout, full, u aeii- - - rieam It may de deemed ailvisaiile tne Th i ttr.l Hill Id an, I .u'lVf-iit-- i, h; lily In,' ,l,,iii'l- or Id,- r ft. tin I, y id,- milk w.iituiiH coiiii!iny. r, port to td.. eoiinO American Block Coal muí nr- - -. I r sliall make The f..r mii'Kt of San- tin ronvtitlnn lili tour aM,,ii.- an, Dio H, ., al.-a- I 1 illcplny. tra. It. it. iv i ii hi, ugh ttt thm nitiit m.'k s ,lali da, of VÍnir Ua' uu rn U'Jlinn mitr ,1 l, 11 itpel Intend, lit sellouts PHONE 251 r llf (Wr- - ia I'',' ilapllllllli'llt ,', ,',!, po-iu- FUEL CO. I iiuhnltni-- M'TTiiiní j.íiHiuíl from tht rila S,l'inii'i'. Id, man r.h , m AZTEC hanii-Mim- ,- r o en no mi,' i rw k a niiiiilu niiui IK Copper a ad r I't ,,iiiik liulv ail luir, ultll I, Jit.--l il liaurinx lllni. "r. wj uii of aUaiition n.'S"" - d a year and Ida ItXAU priJMHHINÍl CO. 1 . ' einat- Mitliin IKX'Ollll, I I Mill . I JOl tail dunlin- Santa puslida II" unail i" td'1 i:u ,rc- - tdu miimmotli t wlio i k. inunde!- of liililien dale inn at Tra, li, 111 patk. Tda f, 11ml etlet'- - I tlt",l lite eal'lifyinn to 'I'll,' plan wn la, l, y Un- rlty Id,- I w eerliilt A. lompany. 'leiirvl, a ,,, Mil-In- VII, iniltlolt HIIIU 'I lot. ,,i,, a ,i pat tini iil lindar i'lil.'f M li iiry ,,,r. l, e Cteani tullí-- Strong llie fi.-.- .aaru tiuretder W'itll list "f DECORATION PRIZES LAU NÜRY Marrlial .l.ivfw,r, liiitiMiil, iilnl , 1111,1 dar, tda W'lilt- - r.fotliai.'-- lílusfi , or fail It. nfl'lcaro. mimes itt iranís Mil" refuse LOCAL HEMS OF INTEREST Adío Writlil; Ida fair 111 1 loiupiiui. Jirll'.i r.i'oiaiv iiitiipuny m i tu lull e lla ll' 1'dlldl'ell 'lleein:ited. nnniir un, a lilaitnati in i lia k ' " mnl .). Karl,, r an, rampiiny. ami I ,, - It til,' sdl'I'IfT or tin- 'I'dinl iiivalrv Hindi' ami oile rs all liml 1 le'li de, allies tile lllltl of Ti,,, . l.iind imiiin. nmy Maro-- U'hC U10UO . , whom Ida BY - I ri.ninninil nf Tapt. ilifplai-- in, mistadle AWARDED WHITE Insure In tin- O. ('Mental If, ,, tub'" or ta, I pall, a l 1111111111,1 of ('api. ar- to arrest sited paranls in Td, ulrln of tlie Seeuml Wuid Ri huol leslirnala WAGONS 48!. il, ,ff, Ji niii. I!,i-in,- :m,l upon eonvlelioti tin luink tllotlita Hirr. I'liono íliriitf.i mular sin riff iln.-s-, ,1 !, guardians Claud Hutto IS - in ulula made dll cIiiríiik twenty- - in, n lni man. tta- sliall de lined not less than .1 W. Víii if K .iii.i I', is til tin lia, tin. national uiitlieni in tlia pr i,.n if lariia I, t l.'í--, 1111,1 Nat It. !(.' ll,,ll' $ '.:,) dollars nor inore than oil'1 ,,l Ih, tail' The ('il ia llllplavatll, ill variety ill.--' file JUDGES rllv in lina mind- Ilia pura, la all dolíais or lie impris h.1,1 oil, al tila pltttii'l-- l features of liundred Stenographer VA l M, lev. I'l oinitont citizen lltlllll.lily lallK 1111,1 pll't lll'aMjll oned as providedti) dy law. ll',l tlw .1 lina "f dttle atlrln. M t U i,iru.e; ,.f Mill tll.l f. dele tol II"' ffuir. , violation of 'i!. ,lr..v-e- ,l II 11 lula en, li In llflm; tlia The fine idle, ted for Notary Public I.I, SI, tail Hu wlvlli and ,t.,iii I!, . I,, I. llf .("'i" Idc'cr nlaiiain lllll ptapoPa.l for til Idis at t shall dccoinr n par of the C.u-al- ,'umilu. tlia flollar EE'S , Tr M ,,r Tliir,l i 111, d I'.,-!- a- itli Ida i , ..un ..ti ,! 11. - ti' f,,r the i,.,, slllt., o' Nail M.'Xieo. s, do,, fund lu tda disli let In Nash Electrical Company Gets Hell 1-- 2 Gold i il.i lived. 117 W. Bag of Fee's j lit li st, llu- most ,'ffe, Moat,' mis tlie offender lice Hit. I Initio. (.in, of lll Award for Business , i - u par i 11 d "ti of First A S, n i n, r.,1 ni, mil "f 111 uppi oprlatoly il. oiat- Tlie enmity I'll I'.ii.l., il w oil 1,1 la lniaMlila la l ila- tlie autoinodil" Cracker Jack, N M Hi'- - u ji il Is to enforce the law Has sh niih,,l In rli ''" ill II Ml V iiuriiiiK numder "f td' sehotds reunited Houses; J, 6, Caldwell - lilll all tila idalt.i. Slllllia lo , , 1.1 Phone 898. I In ll iv I,- - Hi,' li.ill tlx- 'I'- of Ma, t alli es Mrs. Anna ton, lutiir th, va, illation of I' t, i,l. l.isl that tll, la Kollall UP itl Kl ' al tda ( a, Is House, 111,1 Holli ne, lai ritorlal ouiiiiaind Mrs iitlonditiK the rural sell, under his Best Decorated cms. I. '"'r' in Imnalil v 1,11,1 11 ,1 .it, ,1110 l II. I:,,,:!, ""'I l''' I, Mas., 11 ami , S.irali Cooilrl, d. Mrs. la supi'i i Isioti. M. tul, f,,i il- Mi I Ilia Kl aillast l a, lit on Ida I,, i ill 'from i,,i tan' w Ii i, - Miiclk'f m iu, it Wll'le r.aoil 11 li. Ide i, it ,.,.,., ,, Hi,- All, II li,,- dii.Nln.. man. Tda Sania railr,,u,l Jlrj, In in, orpoi'itK',1 lowns ,,ti,. i,.,.' a mas, at. r, to with! , III I.,K,I.I, II. I. hail a In,.- ol I'll, Ma In, II. in wain, u In liad hoards of ediiaation are ,iili"il Tho Nash Kleeli leal company, 1111,1 full MailK'-i- mr, nor llaalje furry ll.llaral " Ilia law. j DRUG STORE I - paa train lolal nlor olo, lea on TON'S .1 MrT.H Nil. I .islll, ,,1 In' M UK- lia- - its his trical del Illa It. (lililí, I. til, la- - i.' i, i'l. .a,,.,., aomtnamler ,,f td, l.a-- of Hi, 111 llalli llall uilll Se, td, n .. Chapt, r .1,1. II. i ImllU I, f II I'l til, ll lili Ilil ted lelt, lid. "Adlll pf, 11,11 t iii nl of Id, Colora, I,, 1'. P. A. avenue puní, i t'ol id, s a penalti f .. t',ntn Í '" I ,1 I, II, . iiikI tlrst a. ilia ,l. i, lal, I'.tlle,!, of no ol a a Stiif to Ide Kins." wiih uli'ii V for the failure am :.' kar-M- , II. All, 111 a II e, td - Id i TiivImIi ioinp.ui. wan lleleuate lis. lei of lUion " a '. un'y pt'l'.e In the dlisllless IllUlSe deeot'il- VI i:ST y Hoard TIIK ItY , i a i ii Main! on , y. B. Braicvich's Stationery lal.inic in Id,- iyliu x. oiii Sllpei intend, lit to la- " t l tioli "litest dy tlie Judges y, si tda - li il o. ,V INwtof- ; . . I Cutral al, t'ollislet, who ollieVCill otm Hture (oiitt SHOES J. I', Spai,l ol Ill, IllXjal 'u, , inal aui m:t de " rfoinud dy PerRUSSoll FOR SALE SCHOOL .- llial'.-dal- ;p. - t,i--t I ,, I 1,1,1 o n f"l - with ihapod n b f. mint tlit- lrnlnrl lor, all, oil,' Ilia Tda ilnisloii ale Imp,, sad under or I,y virtu- ,,l no law. u t'oney Island effeet t of inlirtf, ,. I" t rrli-i'- ol Hi,. liolu, any pillars nuil liclils i'l front their n mill la ll, ntv t ti" I.i-f- ,'lll,,l. lilaila-- low: id, a.aituy health oll'lear or dy I our rine illiiel- - and cuinhlna-tio- liiiiiii-'Maii- , ii n i In i I, .lliiii Ilia nl.iinl ,ii-lo- ll .lay Mil''1.-- , store, ivef- second prize. for u". lafl nltdl nil, nil. reputadle In used pdisieiatl. ki, one Slielhlllll Hmi-m'jlln- it la-l- eonipany. liol'sH's. Also ,. Mr SIMPIR-CLAH- K Illai'UllHü ol Ida aud i' .v., ,,n, V. li. II 'I' evpense a I, I tin oil of ehll- - The W'nitn.r Hardwai" - ni,' The of iiml-- r tin- i, spelled pony. 'ut criitinul v. i ii- - may de mat which has Ihe nanie 'Taft" . Now an,! .i.,iin ;i I 1. A Ma. ilr.n in Indigent families , m t 1,1 pll- - vmli ty of IiihiI riwlofflivt". , I in stovepipe, a, tunpa nied t NUKe Nil! Nmili of tli' 1,11, II , US So, ,. ill I". d:ipt"- H'S out l"ir flld. 11,11 llla ol olio, I 111 ' .! M I. S, I ft (is l ad In Seen. A IIMK.AIN TODAY. rill lh,tl , n as a close third init tM , ,.- (l.l Iriotin decorations, iv. l a ill I II" III ,'f , ami Lllll" 1,11,1 (laOlKe II. iakdaill. In contest. 1,,, i t ,rro II sup, l ara Iterehy the im im.i Ian an da So, da . ' Count, iiitendenis I - 1! M"-- Kil t d ii i isd n Nat ,11- - Allium; id,- resiliences. tlie first Wright's Riding School. I,., ,a mi I'l, unim- a i'.'i Id licuar, ilu lire, ,1 In make spa, ial ffort Itl the lil I'- .1, (1. illli . t, K . , , on,-- i - prize well! to CaldllcHs . Hiieial, Major tit ,,f la ,is nlnit iae- - U lnlili-nl- t'. Hv'l Tn. V M. i.l l l',u'. f,.i iio ihe avenue, :((.- v. si I nr. I"'!'". .1.' 'il''" slllallpoN and lo llsit at :'IT West Siller tde I'd, llu,: of Ho l;,,,.'il Ind ll W". lilll, aillalian lllt.llllSl 1 ' , s "i , ill llilli- - tlet ot itiotl seta tne deiut; all artistic ,. , 'I'll,- Ill, 'lit "I Id" a.d'l the l.llialis IS llllit'll ie" t i d,i. I,, li danced lll.lllai;. II. Altala. kill, for, e ti I of :iiiiin, Hu nt of Iks and dunlin;. I , 1...... ,a, 111,1111" Veil III Ida ell lile I,, in. ,,a, i lal ui l 1, id i of I'anll.ll lllll alis.s ant :! ! L COMPANY i Tin- at North WASHBURN , , t ,1 t 11" 1, l a u II l ' a S. Sellers residence , Ml a ll ttlement L .a mould In id,- ndl 'hoi dail l la, an, ,l, ol ill' tills liltll to II, re, nurse Kil'th Street, received see. ill, prize. II A X K , :' ,aa- - slallil far Hie plll.ula ,,l sia d ,lii nlii. - willioiit In, ,.r,al al 'ai p. in Uih ,' I'laiil. The eoiniinti,. of liiil"," ua- - com- . I.- - - 'I 111 .1 1,1 lo til Hits M' pose,! of Captain Md'oy of the Third . ,, , ,, KN Yours rasju .', . TO TIIO HO TI veri PORTER & NEFF .1. t . Captain ('I'd and Captain 1 MAV K. .ivalri Men and Boys ,., a., ., .,,., i I, ,,, .. llil.l.MtS OIK ft:ine, for a', i mplctc Outfitters i aid,- cuera Tilomas 1 1 iiitzot, i" 4 .A MM I'l W l ot int, ndi tu I'ui, II,' Hciclop anil Pi int Vmir I ins and K I .a, Hi. ,. anl- - ad HAUItV HI . Tai ii ial Supet oi-iu.- , : ,11. .Ht ,, ... Tin-- I'l iti i t TioN ln-- ll ia II. Ul. 1', ft. "I lain, III, l'lntcs Superior Work .tlie t you want a choice lutlld'uiff hit in ioi-- I'", t. If i in i ,,i ,ie ti,. aa-- niMixmr. CIIUH Sal,!., N.ll II. Sculo of i,i.,.,i :i.u M-.I'- any part of the city, at oriniiuil plat Standaril I'rlcee , i I MTIII-.H- TIIK N... ., ... lr- - m ,i ", TI IM AM III1'1. -. ,i, ai, ll. ui price an,! on easy terms, impure for i;f.- w. i,, ,1,, .a idi, I ll: M U' IASV nil'KltlAL I'lioM, a gold Appearance ,,i.,i,t '. K. It Sellers, ow nor Personal 1 IN. (1, 11, 1.W9. Your ,,l .,,, I. a, la !,.,,! l( ., I'HONK led. al'lad mal f f,t tila I, lit. Hon .1. i: i ' itk, mm: op :' I 11. I n.--l ' ii.-- i i.,11, i: iiwiy r tin:: - íÍm's:..! lu'tler than , ' s- - Tar Slip! of I'ui, PRIVATE i I. Ill-1- 1" ...III, s Il d I THOROUGHBRED RAM i M I I 111 ITS. GREATEST . , P , No iv isiii l Memo. t :. i,l. ,ii,,i a i I, la ol n, hoiaa Sinta i s iii k op.di it. r. ;. p.-a- - i'iiom; IRRIGATION PROJECT . Id- i -- BY Sir:- - v.-.i- i,:S t'.i-A- ill d nu il i "I Nan TO BE AUCTIONED v .. s. M if i t i;, U Sun for the ado r to riivrr sr. U, ya o ' La ,11, la a t !'. Is a san. Y.a,r eiliiliat letter addressed 'l oi Me,. ',,,.! s, piium: 4. IN NEW MEXICO , , -- 1., , superintend, ,,f lands on il ,1 - le K in , i la a lot BENEVOLENT SOCIETY I'.ninit tits Stein-Bloc- (t;.-'- ti Co. !M.,krs mu I, I ,il.. , t of v.,, , and Ih,- law ii. th ! . p.-- 1, d t" 'III, ,t,il,l th. matian pal I, ,. III. apple aid,- til. let... meets Willi the ap- POSTOFFICE NOTES OF 111,:), to al "li 1,1,. ( . ,11 aU onthiiicil from pnc 9. column 7). ., ' a m,k, l , ' III d, l in, l t no: i ell' plet, all, o! lilis olfl, e. lil.ltteis Ithch ( a-i- ".;! tM f Td, THE TERRITORIES a .Uf 'Mll iipp.-.irln- i) iaa ictt , la.-.,- ' II,, pi i tannin; id, t, la to be at I' ,'.--!, k ,,,i at td, l.iir 'd" fill!, -- I fot til. "l l respectfully. ahility who statins. hiKhly in the , , , II- 11 t.r!, 1.1 MIO"-- ulil, i t la '11 li 11 It. Cl.ANi Y wot l.l, Ciy Jt FEATURE 11 nr. 1 NOVEL WINDOW I 1, It .1 K. mil, an Mainiliir Journal an. , '. a 'I nidi. Attorney llenera'. Kx-- t ;,u rtioi- M A. in, !',,., for nine i". l.l Munse, liuildiiu:. r i ,!u il at sou,, i'l ''v years of New Mex- AT DRY GOODS SHOPj un a'u' i 4. the chief executive SmIc ItTe-lnnwns- ff W.isdiniit in. Ii. C . d t. .- I ... .1 afl Ida oro, ,,.K I" u,. la tie For louring ico, i- known to every on,- in tlie ter-n- t, -- f.dlon imr have ill Dress Sluts. Lined Full Dress Shuts N !.. u H la i ' ' " nl ", Ii o oar; a hargalii. JO W. OntraJ. The i.ostmasters .rv. The fact that lie has heen I, t ill Neil M' Ni. - i, , Td,- t I, 'a ,1 ell eallliuissloned 'i. . r , li.u "' animal chosen us president of the new com- i.l M. .Horiis at ItUnd: .Vrüinr 11 d i M e. im, ll a John pany, succt-iis- !, , ii ia, '!,, ,i .niiaii-- well lor its $45 and $50. SI. 75. $2 and $2.50 d'.Ilt lal. i I, : Henry hill , . a. , !a !! Ilunn at illusion rhiiri II", ta ,. a. ,,.,.,ail ...1 !' Th, 1, mil con, i any pro- I : P. Haiti, iihieh the ,, - I II 11 ',1 "1! ap a isel S O OPEN at 1'iittei ileoiiie ll.iair ai dn a- - -" POSTOFHCE M. Thompson poses to IrriRiite Hill he available fur -- and - Id- I ', k o rui no .omit,: Minnie Sk-tso- ill l.aiiu la. I'al.. settlement purposes immediately upon Ties, VVIi'tc Gimes aad Full Dress Shoes, j i-.- ' u t h at Optimo. Mora counti hite ' ,,,, tu - l ' l. 'I ' in 'it Mi. líale ' 'ilia, "iv s Wet e "ml'd tion of the onipa tiy's pniject. . ! I "TaK 1'av The Hi," list named , a .o It (, ,, Ida ur "I'd tie !: , Id, si tiler can then uhtiiin the luiin Silk Opera : , tun, re ml, eslaldishcl. Yotiman's or Hats. $8.00. i n. l ii" u,.,la. :, utas ti' ni, uaie THIS MGRNING at a o.,.--t of filly re an acre, which Tn.- l : nl. ,,, . ... , a. aal ,i,H i A he , st il, nion.i t,i iii,. territory, and l.y 1 It . X - st,,r mail sen lee will ;,. - .,t al ,lai ted tlmt il,,- líala,!,.' d on tit'1,,1,1 r 13 I meen 1'..--, u I'P' t to pal his prorata share of I, - i t mí in ..i 1" i d 1' lish. Tlie ,l. p'al all! , ,,.--t , , 'a and Tu, son. Art . with a servio ltd, of otisiriictinii the project. ,i ..! I, i ...Ill,,, ll'l ,tl. ,, a Thomas vdich iiill irriKale the lj,n,l Tliis wa- Houis fiim Tt'ii io Eleven six I'm.s ii.eK r . Jam, - of Tu. son ii. s aii,,i,le, ter richt ov-t- however, will not he lurid, payadle ni a lump sum. hut the. . M,: Money Will Be at Oideis t?'" ''.ir. -- ILFELD It'ar will he Kivrn ten years st least, HARLES CO. Today , in which nym. reml- - Cashed But Not Issued The spe. ial mail Service t., k"i. 'o make the nts. i rnur the an . pp. ty. Atl."l!a tram C.isa-ttratid- odli.ttion easv une. cut Mr. . i:l he th, last Siuh-- f teur. that the laipl ! uiel.r Ida project will in fu- Wholesalers ot Everything I the lo li,, of l!,e t'l.' ,l.iy ,,f the month. the near rl-- e a.. .,1 past, ÜU' e Will !' op. II til. ture to n v.due of $J"i to JlHOO an ALIUQUERQUE SANTA R0SXj tiiotnuiK tram 1'' I" 11 . I,' k .1, - 'liro.'uiinoor" is td,. n.,m of the sen. VEGAS From I mm ,,:!! p,,. Past m .1st r I; ll.'pkll!" stih-- of rx, ,u-- iv t ,,ni it Is .otilllli t" new i Ami , . vpe, ii id ohuiiz,- - no, i I t'l- ,,f Ihe ,!a, fii't--a,r- e I'ni.'-.d- tol the pi ,jei t. and and ',1 d,aii,s, r .all - ti..- -. I 1 u,. rs ..ii I.. ill ,.r I., r- - lsall of 11 la US a l,lldSV, irr-ga- ,,tdv - s the ii. 1. the l.til for nn'. iiorih of t I - -- f' 'K, tu- ast-r- n In th" main, lie i.l id-- ' r nt.,1 til till. S.e 1 K. It Sell, ra for tipe tor which MAMONDS WATCHES Fall Stock .u-t- t j New Til l I.. i ll" ne ea nil and ri.uth, ru Mexi--- is líeme, oriels pri. terms .. .u ' . . -' )..- i uur an,! Mi.'Mi.t .Ihs ' 4. lut-t- :i iii,mi p.i-- i rfr. 1 .'i. ( - bimul.l ri.til anil Ail liltta. Just Received nl- IT f ml I, t- se',,.- - A A T It r l s.-- t 'io...r ',.,,.! TIXXER OR FLOfREn ,v."oe. AlhoqtKruna. r CAM. I MliTiltW lloWILUinM Cilil lai.nti. Is Tie in,!.,i. ,,.,i'ii 'ii; . t I Cltl SÍK.N T IIM'.llWAKK U cj IL jut :. ". i l : s COMPANY. Í15. J EVERITT'S (Vulral .i'uur. IIIIIIIIIIHTTTTTTTf T f:r. '1 TIIOXE


- A. A vvwv a'aa'ja'' ' mm m m mm mm mm mm im w.w.ww.vv wwwwwwwwwwwwwww TAESE SANTA FE FOR THE: Y f THE rf 1 320-aor- c ftaestacll land ail Yes, Mew Ifaic t7 Yf X 7 X 41 WELLS, 29 TO IOS FEET DEEP 7 7 7t X7 7 you hear so much talk about is being COME TO YESO, New Mexico, because it is the best land and the 7 T THE" BOOMING NEW TOWN 7 T handled bv a corporation, and they will spare neither money nor (Of best country, and you can get first choice. Fourteen square miles 7 Cut-oi- settlement. tight T time to make YESO the best town on the Blen l. Gentle- open to Good sandy land or mesquite land, just as 7 you like. One to sixteen miles from the best railroad in the United t men! For a short time only we are going to sell these lots at the fol- J States. Ninety miles west of Clovis, on the Belén Cut-oi- T. The Santa lots, 7 t lowing prices: Residence lots, $25 to $40; Business $50 Fe being the shortest line from Chicago to California, all throughtiains go over this 7 Y to 7 Y to $60. We make this remarkable price for a short time to induce capital line. The Santa Fe is the leading railroad to a prosperous country. Tlie peo- Y assist in building this city. First class lots for a song! Buy a few of these ple are not afraid to go with a good railroad. YESO is located twenty miles T west of the Pecos river, miles north of Yeso creek and ten miles south of lots and watch yourself grow rich, for YESO is going to be a city, as she will eiht 7 Y Sello, with running water, making it a sure country for rain. We have the crops y best farming belt of New Mexico. Eastern 7 stand with pride surrounded by the to show you, and wells to show you good water. We have crops that were 7 they spin over the Santa Fe, will look with pride and wonder at for railroad. com- 7 t tourists, as raised last year and we don't have to wait a We have one T this beautiful country. Gentlemen, she is going to make a city. Help us to pleted. We have all kinds of deeded land in New Mexico. Now is the time to Y t if It is all and where get f make her a larger one, and while you do this we will make you rich. RE- come you want the best. about gone, then can you a 7 free home? We have an altitude of 4000 feet just right for good health and t MEMBER, Chicago time like YESO-- in her infancy; others did 7 y was at one Gentlemen, I all a hundred by two hundred saloons, warm winters. traveled over 7 t there what we are making you do here get rich. YESO cannot have miles and saw these crops raised before 1 filed. Don't you think 1 tried to get 7 for any wishing to I 7 t the charter forbids it. There are paying propositions man the best? filed one year ago; have bought 240 acres of deeded land, town lots 7 go into business in YESO. Public wells with everlasting flowing water in YESO and a section of school land, and that is enough to show you what 7 t 1 t confidence I have in YESO. After have invested $15,000 don't you think 7 T you can afford to get a free home of 320 acres. Come direct to YESO, New 7 ? For further information call on C. Z. Spurlock, Traveling Manager, Mexico. I have better conveyances to show land from there. Will file you on ' 7 X YESO, X plains land or in the Pecos Valley. All lands are surveyed. Write me at 7 7 New, Mexico, my postoffice address. We guarantee all our work. Give us a call. 7 7 7 Tt YESO TOWNSITE COMPANY RICARDO LAND & LOCATING COMPANY 7 t 7 f 7 I and ? G. A. Ryan, President W. E. Steward, Vice President D. J. Jones. Treasurer C. Z. SPURLOCK, Manager. am also manager of the Yeso Telephone Company, 7 T the Patterson Townsite Company. Patterson is 19 miles south of Yeso, in the center of 7 E. C. Smith, Secretary C. A. Lucas, Assistant Secretary the Gama Valley, the largest valley in New Mexico. Come and look at the Plains land, 7 ? - C. Z. Spurlock, Business Manager where you can see mountains that are ninety miles away, and plenty of antelope on the plains 7 7f X i

adjutant- SO I no attorney, Col decree grunted some time ago be and a son, Grahmo Frost. For the residence in New Mexico: was campaigns against emtio rustlers am. shares: John A. linker, shares. railroad, through his Marry W. 7 IN) G W. Pilchard, (lied a petition inodllled and that her former hus- past nine months Colonel Frost's con- -general for several terms and for renegade Indians, principal!) in San Garbmson, shares: John i;e 1 HO u for band, Juan Velarde, be punished for VETERAN EDITOR OF dition been critical and his life years was secretary of the bureau of Juan county. W. Thompson, shares. th First plstrlet court asking has n a to cause, win- a receiver contempt of court, not having paid hanging by a sev- immigration, where he did a great n.wsiiia-lio- n Declared ItanUrnpl. rule show lias been thread for in ISS1. just before the appointed for New the alimony provided In the decree. eral weeks. His death was expected. deal of work in advertising the terri- of Fre.'ideiit Garfield the latter In the matter of the petition of the shall not be the I n it oil Hank and Trn.-- com- Mexico Central railroad, which Ijih In of tory. appointed Colonel Ki'oq register of the Stales l Standing high the councils pany. S. & Co. II It alleges owes him buck Hnlary amount- ' ong ( land office at Fe, 1'residenl Ar- Jl. Kauiie and DR, WU DISGUSTER NEW MEXICAN New Mexico Masonry, a past grand l mid Vailed art'er. Santa ,1'artw right ürotlu r to declare the ing to $:'S.ino. Law further alleges master of the New Mexico grnnd in Xew thur conl inning the appointment. This Colonel Max Frost was born Tubnr-Vog- t company of Glorieta, that the road is insolvent. WITH SPRITUALISM lodge a of thirly-Ihir- d necessitated Colonel Frost's resigna- and member the Orleans on New Year's day in 15.'. Fe county, a bankrupt, .lodge degree of rile, the a tion to adjutant general of the terri- Santa Seek li Injunction. the Scottish His parents died while lie was boy K. .Me Fie today declared ami funeral, which will place .Sunday tory, but he retained the cobuiehy of .John A petition been tiled in Hie dis- IS DEAD take his father being killed in battle at the adjudged the company a ibiinkriipl has 3 ,"i the First regiment of infantry of the 1 Mm afternoon at o'clock, will be under age of ami his mother living when matter to referee trict i ourt by the following as plain- Washing) c). So far ns of Masonic fratern- National Guard until lKMi. Change of and referred the the direction the she was 4X years old. In bankruptcy, A. Johnson of tiffs: Leandro l.ovato. Apolonio spirit woilil Is concerned, It will have ity. Grand Secretary A. A. Keen of administrations, resulted in the retire- There were three brothers and three Santa Fe. rígida the New Mexico grand lodge at Albu-iicriU- c ment of Colonel Frost from the 1'nited Antonio l.ovato, l.ovato. to worry along hereafter without rec- sisters. Asks Admisión. Mallas Prioste, A. II. Hinchan and Col, Max Away today issued a call for a In lSTfi Colonel Frost arrived in States land office. Since then he has Insurance Company ognition or assistance from Dr. Wu Frost Passes at 11. PUaval, asking an injunction meeting of the grand lodge at Santa a position as luid no federal office but for more The Southland Life insurance com- J. Santa Fe and secured again.-- t following defendants: Ting Fang, Chinese minister to the Santa Fe After Long Struggle Fe Sunday to atlend the funeral. signal of the Minn twelve yearr van secretary of the pany of Dallas. Texas, which began the chief clerk in the tervice David Al. White, I'nlted States. The diplomat was dis Colonel Frost was one of the most I'niled Slates army, supervising the territorial bureau of immigration. business on March L'O, with a Lucia Masons Will .1 J. W. Itaynobls, superintendent of the of Territory Have of a telegraph line through a Colonel Frost whs member of the capitalizan f $0(i,(M10, lias applied couraged by the publicity given his remarkable characters in the public building New Mexico penitentiary, and others. country Infected with Indians, in what territorial central committee of the to lnsiiratice Commissioner Jai olio recent investigation of tin- occult and Charge of Funeral, life of the west. Interested in the party The petition seeks to have the parties New Mexican political is now I'lilon, Quay and Guadalupe republican for more than twenty Chaves for permission to do husillos the account ii,' his experienca Santa Fe and fleo years secretary fur twelve en I, lined from removing clay from detailed affairs In the territory for almost a counties. Colonel Frost com red every and its in New Mexico. with a medium Wedneiday night years, He also served for years al- properties of the plaintiffs, known as fspotliil Morning quarter of a century, for the past ten foot of the line also from Santa Fe ( iiplain 'f Company I'. j alleged sprits of his mother )Uialli to tha Journal most continuously on city and county i:icctcil the eluy bank. when the .Santa Fe, .. M., o,t. 14. Col. Max years he has been blind and deprived to Kl Paso, and to Phoenix, Arizona. of Internal It' v, nue H. P. j and President McKlnlcy talked to - republican Served as Collector Judge .Mol'ie has issued nn order Krnst, tin- veteran editor of the .Santa ,f the use of bis lower limbs by a After serving for a few years as clerk committees. to accept a was given out at the Chinese county commissioner, school director Ilardshar has consented on the defendants that they show him. It Fe Xi iv Mrxiiun and tor many years partial paralysis. Yet up to within in the office of the 1'nlted States sur- as captain of Company F. legation that I r. Wu had discontinue d a and in numcrour minor political and commission onus,, by Member Í0 why an Injunc- 'prominent figuro in New Mexico the past few" months he has retained veyor general, and as deputy surveyor regiment of Infantry of the Na- his ilumines into spiritualism Into public b official capacities. First tion should not he granted. affairs, passed away at hif not only nn active grasp and complete he was appointed adjutant general Guard, stationed at Santa wlili h lie had been led, It was intí- home As a newspaper man Colonel Frost tional hero last at 10:30 o'clock direction of the affairs of the news- Acting Governor William G. Kiteh and Wants leoroe Modilied. I. tin- shown In it nisht began l aw l iles Petition. male, by Interest ufter an illness extending over the paper which he made, but a very reappointed later to the same office us correspondent for the Santa T. Stead spe- .Mrs. Josefa Herrera Velarde has by such men as William and past ten years and which he considerable influence in the affairs by Governor I,ew Wallace. tie was Fe New Mexican, becoming later This morning PoleTt Law, former llli-- a petition asking that the divorce Professor William James. has made a most rcmnrkablo struggle. of the territory. Colonel Frost held a retained in office by Governor. Lionel cial contributor and editorial wilier. president of the New Mexico Central V.lonel Frost is survived by his wife number of public offices during his Sheldon after active and .successful He bought the company in l'.s:l. am' nssumed editorial control, which lie retained with the exception ot three years until the present year. fore Highest Grade Motto Steins 1SS?. he was associated with W. II. Ilallhache In tii,. publication id' ;h m. m Rev iew in A JOHN M. Will it; .i i) ii o o i: i; Kvening Ibtmui r,ce. GI OHGI. I . P.IIOOKS Mgr. Chimayo Pillow Tops To Close Out which was merged with the .V legal lepl. V. Pics. ,i Mi xican In Mr. Frost became a nnoter Mafnn Close Woven SOc Grade at the linii.. of the formation of the Gland Lodge of New .Mexico in 177. II" took decree after degree Ho;idily and held nunn reus offices in the lllio MOO RE REALTY COMPANY 85Each 25c I.od;(e, and the Grand Lodge, and fin- JOHN M. Each ally attained his go;il of :::ird decree and inspector general for jurisdic- the I 20.01)0.01 locorpolnleil 1110:1 tion Of NOW Mexico. jl I :sHilblislll'il IHKIi. ll r CIPITAI.. j Colonel Frost was an odd Fellow and passed through the chairs. lb was a member of the Hoard of Trade & INSURANCE and tool; an active interest in REAL ESTATE of ,,f Women t- Hold of Trade, it being due to his efforts that SIMO LOANS AND ABSTRACTING were gathered towards the election of public library. 1 the He was treasurer Oi l H i: 219 WIM'CDI !) AVI.M C. i.i piiom: n. ti;x of the New Mexico .Histoi b al society for year and save much ol his tilló- lo lis work overseeing personally tie" publication of its many historical hul-l'-ti- He belonged to the An i: AITS Tl TVe have IIKAL KST.VIi: of all description Alisl OP ll.i:. society and other rimilar or- the only full, complete and ganizations. bought, sold and ex. bunged upon Tnciily-llire- c jears M t of Abstrae) Files in Albu-iuerii- i,' Colon, I was main,-- I nriy in or easy pajui' iit terms. Rll Artistic Itiirnt Art Frost cash of liiisiue and pitnalillo County ttnd L Iff the !iijs to Miss I .yd la H 1. who clie lumber Divert to p, of III died Moon after the birth of a son. I:i:MS )!. 1.1X1 II and entlr In Albiiipienpie mid are prepared furnish Abstracts G ra hum Frost. His se, olid marriage chaise taken of propet Hi vi and en- the liandliii; of Title within a few hours' notice, was i existí, with Mlis Maud Pain of Kansas lates. millions f dollars where no special duplication City, who survives him. our patrons have nn additional ad- - clients wlllioti AMI IMM'.MMTY IVSlll- for vantage n Is I'llti: or one Hut this mi Institution HERMIT MINING COMPANY ame of all kinds. Hie lost of l.uite financial responsibility, giv- , e n ii y lo an dis- AMIIMC.W Silt I TV CDMI'.WVS ing its certificate to an abstract a IS INCORPORATED Ponds Issued without ib Uy. tinct, avail. ilde value. LOW en approved MOr.V 'IO NOTAirV I'l lil.IC In our offices. (Sm bil C'arreailfiDdrnr to Mursiug leal estate Security III of not Jural less than $"(1.110. General conveyancing. Sania F , X. Al.. Oct. M. Papers f incorporation have been lib-- in IVVi:sll.l for clients in a I'KGPI'UTirs IXtl! I5P.XT In all Mi:V ,1 man- New of Territorial Secretary Nathan gnat ante, saf". conservativo of the city. 500 The Shop of Jaffa by the Hermit Alining and ner upon AltKiieiii real estate. sections company of F.ast l'is Ve- Navajo Rugs gas, wiih capitalization of -- '"MlMO. The Indian Horse divided Into 20. non share nod paid up capital of fin un. The Incorporator J Mexican Drawnwork Central & 1st St. and dir-clo- rs are rll of Fast lj and Vegas, i'ü follows: John K. Alartin THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 15. 1909. Prominent Odd Fellows Attending Grand fiHIIJi WEIMIfJR ti , . r... r jUllllin IILUUIilU IU;X 1 r.n. I Kiainerings or uraer in Kuy mis Week nnrnnJiTrn Alfalfa ULLLUNMLU .J Beans rn t.: i i; ..r. íf jr i ,r i .,- r l.'j-t"- : i .?.; ! .A h :ívi, r. ii' . Corn : : STAY ' - .. ; - j- '.r- I .n-v 000 FELLOW r.sf"'''''' Tr. T. Mf. and Mrs. jch ; S. Beavei,' Maize !í' ,u r t-- a.a. Enterlaia ir, H cf the!Y , ' y Millet i', i I, ' a .' rj,tii r, f T - r., . . N. j. r- - jfri Melons 10 SEE . - it , ...,! f, .., I r i" a .;. tl - -.- ,,1 .it;. I r t - r I i. i . ,:: .'.'-'í'j.- : f r ' V U - : i I. z v ' - OF FAIR fur ,: ,,f " Mr., j.,., I .. ' 1 I !..,( o.- - : ,. a:- - t f. , V . . -, ... ;r rt , 7 :t; : v . r . . ;- mnrri. :if. .,r. .e. ' : tR- - t--" ...... ,? H ... 4 .ir.-- ..k. LA. ' ' . V . r- - ,, t Co-"- ::-- : s oí Get f PrV - t . ... y I; Vs- - ... . i ... i ' . j . . ; ... ti ... ..--. i t h - j r r? i r.. i..',r .r- - "r "( t r r i J í writ.. vit- - . r- -; j r-í- i . t.!.' I ?

s ' r. l, . WW t V i i.e.- h - i rvt hill" Mt '..r,.- - . Sumner.on-the-Peco- t Vé s ..' ,.r f.f ort

r: r.V - !',! . :n... t . i -- : t f An IrrigaiedToim New Mexico .. in V...T r - . J l.'H I 'it. !.! . fr. r. it f - y a r f in ll.o I'iiiw Il. v. " : i .rvty , ' ' r. - . J..,r fill !h- - it. u I'l ..1 1' i.r ' .'! . t h t :n.i r . r: Fort Sumner Has III.' l lii n. J '.jM.ka V 4 M; H.r.- Fort Sumner Needs -ai 1 !:jil-.i:- ...... ' T l;i tit:.: --- "il . n i .'in i l Ih' ni:vl. a Kirt "if - . y"""" J liif thr'm-J- i . (ran.i.. f'l'.r.-- . Hi ry f.;.'. I,;- - ! :.r...... ,,, '" ! ... . titi.-ni;i- m:r-r-- . t v. i It '' 1:!i.k. r. !ir.? w.'.tk". v.-r.r- : r.uit.. . : ü.f! M .. . V ii'i it:.; ry Rrrs S'.r .i,..It , M. . ! ' .ü : . Miiirt I l.j in t. no i: ...... U .. .. - . ...'.''. v. ':r. i.. ;..i-;.- Mr. Ami M". J. M : :r. . j mi r. f. ', : ii i.r fniil fruit - 1. ; r . r ...... n Mr i . (Mil "-- ''' f.r..i püfiorHcr. J. r üiml. a:i -- ' I '!; t. f.. M I '. .')) V. t:.. :. ks ;! k . nrivfrttr r.i"-j- (!;'.', f ! ' i "'- - n. ' ! K-- - ..r..- í.iv t . .r.'ni.ii '.;.ii... .if ' n..-1'.- '; Mr. nri.; .!. I'. K.:.- I t '' hii:.!ir rw.irif. 'umplM li vm. in-I- ii t-.-- t! '? .'n.I M- - h iii fa; ' .if:-'- , limr. n. - J!,!í- - . !.- - i "n- ' '.-- :- I .Mr. I'.'.i't ..j i Mr A. "! I in. I. i t ,... i;i rv ..'Sir f.. ry. t.- - r an.) .. J I r : n 1 ! I, ! ;, . I -- i un. ;i :ii:?i. .' Jri:j.-- ii .( íj-.- .- ; - hfi ,ij Í .';! !) i - F"! i ;- ,- -- j f .. i I;. : Í . r.--- 'j. f. r M. 11(1 .!.!!. ii.rnj. rm sü üi 11 I II A lt i . .'.! r. !r- -. M A lilllfltf lint i. ... . i i m :. k i - f Mr :in,) Mr. i! r.r..h:--ni- t... r..l. in. 'Wiilualb li ...! mi.-- r, ,: Cf, .,.. r n VO.-- a-- - n't:iz V t : T.. ' ;:. r 1'iirt Süi.i-nc- r' ..f tii.- mu, i:..rrh '.!:t!i ; m ;: . Mr. J i r .X. . ' iticrti l'Hhiy ii-- nt - ,r- - ! ' ' : .Mr. H jl .,! Mr i( 2 f " - . I t I t . Knlihi tin- Ihi- I'll ' f 3 !V :is; t.. i. Í i ; i-- ' ' Iki (i.iiiiry in. Mr. T J '' " : . . ! " '- ' W.s h. Mr. K- - ! I.". M J..liii -' " '"' - hc umiii.. sir. v; r nir.r.. ..f the ..un,- ( It A FOR YOUR HAIR v FORT SUMNER COMMERCIAL CLUB !fr.- an- - l a.-- i Hi- - Umil n to lrup L. C. Van Ilecke. Secretary t Our iij-- k. Fort Sumner. New Mexico

' . r I.. .. ii . il. f . . r T i..,' ! W .(! :! ..! .r,. - .1 1! i "ur-.- - I - ... .(. t. .1 rh..; .:. r. ,,-- ...... v i- . - .. . ,,.,:r r. s,i-M,.r- ...... i i... i.r.m.l U i,.. . n - . (S. ' ' I. Ü t..i Apricots l.m.t.l I r.l 1. i... ..I x.íu- - (.r.i.i.1 :,.!.,!-- , .i ' i I i riff.t H ,ll t. O O J', I i. j i r ü r . tlI ...r.j.ui i.l !. li. o. . Apples : ' il t . .... r. .' . -i- t Grapes "It -- J- --. ' - '. - ,-- y-v - !" -- Peaches , .. i i T - - V- a i. : J i.. ' T- -t .15! ?v Pears 4 i.' ' Plums - - V i r - . i: " ;f - '. X

..I ..' :,l j ( .. I.' ( - ' H r '1 í 'A w 4' ' ." '

I ! Willllli II... i;.-.i- i I J ? n..r I.' I

T- a - i í IT illfllT air r rt r y i .

e f. 4 ... Hi I U i :. . i:..x. IILAI L LI II U it li .., T... mtVJfm "rrr .mm. . . . EmmS . it.- v.iv , us.- t ií - - i... r s -,- it r !r t ,. .. . '. - UntnALullo f, ' ... :: v.- - . - - ' ! ill .1 IT. ' i 1 r.t- ..,--'. Tí- i H I i ; .": AT RflSWFI ? - LAND SCRIP , . I' III IIUUMLUL Ton i. .;..!! ci.n vcure title ti n. n.mineral lanj by the No rtviJ-nocr..,-.- U CROSSES CONTINENT Writ- - , .ta-I-- ir ill. .mi H...1 .11 .1 I for artiailan I.r il., Il .,L ,1 f I li ii.. . . .i .....I I ;. j, J. A, .f ;,h Mahr.rry el... vu to - .vo. .!Ua:..l am! hew m.,.-- I ,1 .. .r.i.., I .,( In a i "Hi I a t h.i !y. V;Ü : Uff-.:'a- t. a ,.r, ' i I I; ... . Rostir fe: E vnú'sz ;, nifiE TIM ES Ca.'ue.-,t:j:- ; Year, Aiíj-.-ü'r.i- in si:iu:i:í;, llalon, X. M. .. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. i ' s i

;xVs Tc-..:.- s Ccr.-R- - a .f!-- r - .....TI.- mi .. i:o A C .ryrisi t..,i rat.-nlar- I ..... a I ; on r.. p..t G.3t.::-s- ' : ' sh.t. carl sir. rovrrin,? ;d cf '' r t r i... .i i., T.--5- !'''"' :''' ' ..f v ..fti. . m I v. ' - i I , .. J . '.! ':.,.;. m:" .1 MJ.-I.l- , - 71 th. i . .IV. . litl-- ll f t .. v- r- JT;. i ij,f ii II : ' na i,it,rlirt uraoniTI. ' " N'. '. ... As-.- ., l.iii.. a .ii i ' i ' !'. j r..'.-- . I..I. ..: an, I K.'i'. t... r". I . .!..'... ' - 1. :...... i ...... ,. - ..t-m- .i 1T1 " r .. J. ; , ' V.' .ui, in... !'.:.-- COLLEGE ITEMS, ... . I Ml ' t " .. e .i.:-- .' r !'.. i .in.- A :v .1 ti.- - ... ..! . r ..rf. f.... i - s l'i lit .1 V ?! : - - :u. a;-- - í 'i - i. I. ' ! r ...... ( " V. iP- .,.,,r. J 1 BEN BOLT IS - , ,;lr. ,1 ),, '.. i ,. . ..).ij . , r '!"'- I.'. s. r. ' h. r T';- - ti'.., . ,,... r. Y V .! -- ... .. !i..rV. i ;,, r -- ..' - í I'l- i:y 1,1.,- jjl,!,, t'.i- j.r. i i 1, y 7.;,..; ' ' '1 .I ' 1. ; ! , , ' nvtMt-,- t- - s y. ,r. 11 -. - "r '"'I .trons..r i,.- IN ' . THE CITY "''" !:..''-- ' 1: v ri.i' .! rru .... y. - A'-..- " man.ia- ' St; ..r.i.- t ."'- --?! í r t I.i. I..U! ,...,, ha, .,,1,., r ..Ill 71 ,1 j' " SI.. aS n ,i. ,,tS ,,,r ,,;S ,, ;,- , X!r. M.,h..... v. w !... Is, , . ... m ' '.i- t...... ii- -s ... - k!1-- tl.o n 1:1 - i"----'-- ' Boar Mi -- --' . .'afp SjHi 1 r. ''- - S... .r;. ...,v. r- .f.;; ..'!"' . I...... 1 r r-- ' 1, ,) , ... - nr lh1S ..,. t..,l..r v i. ..i.,.; me 1.vie tci;!sr-- : - "- .- . ' 1 t ... ' - n ..t .r , - . T - . ( I I f ni S ri l' !'! h. h.. s!...imi 11 is. in ..Í .;;. ' .r .: I I . . ,1 ; . , Ik vi . j t'; t t f... ; !; t, tro of Oinimcnt. f,.r amm. -- r.v. ..):. f .. '' r: r - :...-; .... iiii ' - . ... ' n' m n. v. i i f - - T .tt r. , KTi.l 11... iarf '.y ,..s;r.y l'i ...n ! ' s' !l ('.i-.-,..-.'- .;.-- i; ; , r,;. . 1, i ...... ami .j,:c t:: . ; . '' . r.'.i,. l - . . M y?. ui,,.,, i. 1'.. V ... . I!... . , u v , gr. i.;, s - . f r .vr.. ,i f.M,ri.:J i' li.. i' :i..i t.". '1 . '" ,.;.. surf... . II :. r... .,,1 7; .'.ki ;.v 11 iri t . t . r ,,.1 M fu. - ' , , nr.: s?... :'i Vt r ...,,( rx ..- r: ),,r ! ,,r n i r. s. r, , .,, ,,: ..... i r i - Mr H '.. t I. :... a a k l,s. !,..' t!l- .! ortii-.- . (),. - j:, ,i . t ' ' "' tr.. ;"; .'" -- i' e i ' a . an ; '- T :.-.!- f M.- - ! .. 1:1 1 - "i "l. .! .: ' ;i.J 'T : Illiil . r m..";.';";:. cor;soLiDATED ' " t::r. J l.y K i."!.. ;,. . r liquor co.' i" i.- .. ..' J . -- ' ' . v .1 w . i ;". r t a n .it c . . - - .in rrr ..' ... i . ' ' ' ; ,. ' ' ...i - ' 'i.' "r:;a;;y. a. r. I tin,,,'. ri.-- I".. K: !t- . , I:..- ; 'iris i- . - .... i i r , : ,. - : I. .. 1' - . I s 1 ir v.- - I r;h h.. .,- - ,.' , ...... I :r;:';: wines, liquors & cigars' A . , ;:í:r;:-? - li t..-r.- t ..,.-.- r .1 - rf l W- - h ...... : ' I v F. J. 1! . a- ' !. Sl. " I r r . i , ', "r I. not W'.;.. ..r i uTra: .1 r r i r r- - '..,! f.. .,.,' ' ' l rrrir. th...... J. li. O'- - r lis:. t., ...,u '' N rKf;.''1 r::Ki!s-t- Tri.o. 7".ct-- ' ; . , 1 . .i t .5 t ..v J- 1. ' c - j 131 Trphn A ' ... .. ;'.',." " r.!' f..r THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1909.

Wabash 1S V4 LEGAL NOTICES. Wabash pfd 4 8 '. Western Maryland 21 KOTici-- ; Ari'i.H ATiox. Westlnghous. S5i or Klectrle (010(102) SOMETHING Western Union 78 '.4 THAT SHOULD COME TO THE Wheeling & Lake Kile !) United States Land Office. Wisconsin tvmrnl 52 Vi Santa Fe, N. M., Sept. 15, 1909. Total sales, 0,464 shares. Notice of application of K. Weyman Wud-de- ll ADVERTISER Serce liónos were heavy. Total sales, par Stróther and Minna sirother WHO WAITS, IS A STRONG PUSH value, $3,(.i2.'i00. United Slates bonds for a United States putent to unchanged on call. Hie Abajo Placer, building stone, mining claim. ; ISOSTOX STOCKS AX D IUIMIS Notice is hereby given that in pur- ( losing Prlwu. suance of Chapter ti. of Title 32 of the revised statutes of the United AVALL STREET loans . r. u States, that K. Weyman Strother, of 14. The upturn of V Annapolis, M,l PROPERTY LOANS eu York, Oct. Timo loans . 4 U and Minna Strother PERSONAL STORAGE FOR SALE Real Estate. TO LOAN prices of mocks continued todiiy in a Bonds Waddell of Columbus, Georgia, are MONEY TO lOAV WANTKD 1'ianos, goods,' .liininishing volume of buslneu, but claiming and are about to mako ap- Organ, W-o- n household Atchison Adjustable 4s. . . . . 91 On Furniture, Plano, llora, etc., MOXEV TO JA)A!. ixiuindiiig in buoyant upshoot In the plication, through their attorney, and other Chattel; aim. un Halarle ant) stored safely at reasonable 4s , . . Dio Short time loans on jrood was a considerable Atchison Richard H. of Ke, New Warehouav Kerrlpt. a low a (10 00 a rates. Advances made. 1'hone 540 Foil S. I.K A business lot on W. collateiml lat hour. There Hannu. Santa $160.00. bean are quickly mad or perooiial security. 110 an in- Itullrouds Mexico, blah aa Thu Security Warehouse and Improve- Central ave., it's worth JJOoii, but 80. ind demand from uncovered short for a United suitea patent lrlctly private. Time one month street; phone 612. . . I - and ment Co. 3 money, L. M. Drown. terest., Atchison i h ior twenty acres of placer mining one year given. uooii to remain in yrur office, rooms and 4, the owner needs the and we do pfd . Vj noaaeaalon. Our are rcannc'.le. ITa'l Grant llloi k, Third street Cen- it at $15110. Nothing else oliVrcd Their buying to cover seemed to be .101 land containing building stone and rte and oiler Boston & Albany being and aee ua before borrowing. Kteamahlp tral avenue. in the p. iuhliorhood. Lloyd lluusakcr, oted. to a large extent, by the ..231 the N. of N. K. U of N. W. ticket to and from all part or the world. FOR RENT Rooms. t . 205 W. Hold. perception that the rise in the Rsink Hoslon Maine' .Kill of section 22,. township 10 N, TUB HOl'SEIIOI.O l.OAX COMPANY, , . 130 range 0 11. í ü 4, KOR KENT 'i'ho of Kngland discount rate was of snmli Boston Elevatej r.. of N. M. I. M., sit ateoni and Unint 1114c. EMPLOYMENT. inont tanitary anil N. X. & H PH1VATK OKFICKS, rooms effect on securities markets, owing to Y.. II. ..1701 uated in the Sandia mountain, Tijeras 500 IN l'ltl.KS frnu; seo window at the Klo Qrande, on, OPBN liVKMNOML ColOurn &. Gardner. 2 10 W. Silver 619 Vet Union Paciljc .201 can) mining district in the county X Central. the clearness with which it had been l He Central Avena. Ave., III W (oíd. in the action of the pri- .Mi.HCCllltlH'OllS of Bernalillo and territory of New 1'hone 354 FOR HKÑT FurnlMiea foreshadowed LOOK! : In new roomi and udvuncu in - Mexico and known as the Abajo WANTKD Bridge carpenters Lois Railroad rooms for light vate discount rate. The Amn.- Arge. Chemical pfd .101 111 bouekeeplnj. STRAYED. Bills t ,mI tutt II Not Texas. Cheap. Kasy lit the Knglinh hunk rate of a half per Amu. 8 V-- Placer mining claim, a plat of the Peltier hers, barber, Went Lead. I'lleu. Tube stern; terina. l'arlici.lars. Nle. Killer, Slate a week aso was regarded as no 1 same being herewith posted. colored unili and ten l.i cent Amn. Sugar 307 STKAVKD OI! STol.KN Tijeras Can- A 11 i MoUli UN rooms ctaa boardü The of said of said Agent, limn it ui. ami first more than a normal rellection of the Amn. Tel. & Tel .14: notice location yon ranch: Miuycd; bay marc Denver Hotel, Second , Abajo claim is of in the Silva's and Coal. hardening tendencies of fall money Amn. 'Woolen 38 Placer record face feet: blank. Bar It., HELP WANTED Male. FOR SA I.K Town lots. $5 down and whit' and 5 1'oR UFNT Kuriiishcti rooms foi The (iiick consequence of a i J 0 3 office of the recorder of Bernalillo J a toot tli. w, V. Futre! le. Room markets. do pfd hit flank. Reward; K. W. Roberts, light housekee,log. 724 y. 1 per bringi- county, at Albuquerque, New Mexico, M1CN 1 S, Second. further rise of a full cent, Dominion Iron & Steel oK Federal building. LEARN barber trade Short Hotel leaver. ng to 4 per cent, must be in Book "J," folio 633. time required: Folt KIC.NT Two room completely the rate Edison Klectrle Ilium I braToled graduates earn $12 3 accepted as evidence of The said mining premises hereby STUAVKI) iron Gray pany. to $30 FOB SAI.K acre farm, mile and furnished for light housekeeping. 'abnormal General Klectrle IfiüSi .1 week. Moler Barber College, sought to bo patented is hounded as B. Reward for return to 510 K. half south of city. (ood house; 415 North 6th. conditions. Massachusetts Kloctrie 17 Ave. Los Angeles. 'i to-w- Coal laundry room; barn; carrol; chicken -, follows, On east housu-iiisuit- ""Today there were further large pfd 80 north and $500 IN PK1ZKS e For BKN'T rwn "inis lor o, do by vacant, unoccupied public land, on STRAyKD or stolen, two year old sor- free. window: hoiee; windmill. AddiefS 11. 1!. & keciing. single withdrawals of gold, making it doubt- (ins 6'J .1 114 W. Gold. or modern. Massachusetts tho west by patented land, known as rel colt: white hind legs, brand II F It., this office. 3 20 s. K.lith st ful whether even the present rate will United Fruit 1(10 C, connected. Reward. 1'lnuie 222. W A NTKD Chore bo) Whitcomb, on thu south by unpat apply FOR SAI.K 3 to t room on Foil RK.T- - Two unfurnished rooms he sufficient lor the protection of the United Shoe Much I over otises, ented mining claim Rex. Bronson. Walton Drug st, easy payments. W. V. cheap. Apply Wright, London gold supply. do pfd 30 LOST Futidle, Morning Any and all persons claiming ad WANTKD 2u good i m! i eniers" at top Room IS. Hotel He over. .fotirna I. Advices from London today pointed 17. S. Steel !l wages. versely the mining ground, premises No booze lighters ue, d - Five-roo- KOI! KNT- Fin 118 to the possibility of an early addit- do Jifd 12 7 :i LOST Autl(Ue It"! e Gold Belt Bin: See S. M. Bryan, Belén. X FOR M.K- - modern, also nished room, or any portion thereof so described, 1. West Ijobl ; etuie. ional advance. .Minin;; plaited and applied for are hereby Kgyptian design, Amethyst setting. four-- r 10111 house. Br. Bui ton. Previous liquidation evidently had Return to this nffio Reward. 'II l;lT."l Three la ree loiiin.s; Adventure notified that unless their adverse HELP WANTED Female. Fi'R SALK.-oh- n e .Mill, corner lot, 0111 e f, served to relieve money mar-k- it L enieiu i bou sckeeping. 7 ti: the local Al'ouoü 58 lalins are duly "iled as according to 1ST Purse containing e' and '.j block Iron Fuiiersity. Wati I 'eniral. so far that room was left for thn Amalgamated ,so law, and the regulations thereunder, valuable papers; return t. .lotirnn WANTKD -- A girl for looking and close. Also lot ill South Highland recovery In prices. l"nlted Lai-.,- ., Mutes Arizona t'onimcrci.i 43 1. within the time prescribed by law, office and receive reward. general house work; 103 South Inquire ot owner. at Hublis LnuiK.I 11 Foil l;i:.T furnished loom Steel especially was 122 for vigorously strong Atlantic H with the register of the United Stales MIST Dun hip pock, ibook. c illtaili- - A rno. South Second St. housekeeping, if desired; prívale and the aggressive manner in which house: i.ioil. ru. 7"H West Roma. Bulto Coalition 24 Vi land office at Santa Ke. in the county ing New York draft, payabl to J. WANTKIl (ierinati gen- SAI.K Nice home, rooms, It was up re- woman tor Foil absorbed and hid has a !) B - inoVus ?n & of Fe, territory of New Mexico, T. Miller, and sixty or seventy .lollars nt plumbing, In For Tin ce ui assuring effect on linnet Arizona Santa eral housework. Must be eompc--c- bath, lined hot iv.ilcr at i:'r sentiment toward In t i - j for lh;ht hoiisekeepiint. 4 20 W. - Calumet Heela 035 they will be barred in virtue of the money. Reward for return Mor- and come well recommended; cleiirie f. . cellar, big barn, San- the whole market. la Fe. Cenli liuial 3814 provisions of said statute. ling Journa'. .tumi wages. Address Mrs. W. 1. tree!, fetiees. In la, t i ver thing first The announcement of the absorpt- sseaBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmxmm Cupper Any ami all persons claiming ad mi iiiim 4 4 4 and If interested ad UK.NT or ion of the control of the Missouri, Range 79 Sanders, Box Magdalena, N. M. claf. coii'i'b l,. coi; One tu furnished Daly West S versely the lands described, or desir- dress, P. o. box 3 1!'. ronins for lit; hi ping, Kansas & Texas in LEGAL NOTICES. WANTL'D A woman to w.i.-d-i or Albiniueiitir houseki cheap the interest of the ing any iron; N. .M. ow n, Trail by 9.' to object for reason to the 2)1 141h 1'eal with r. - 20ii Norlh Waller St., Mrs. E. ,. llimley and Rock Island parties st. Tol, "J roe tie Cañonea 10 Vi ntry thereof by applicant should NOTICE OK APPLICATION. ill. opened ni) a substantial extension oí W. ÑTKD Competent servant, w iille tule Royale file their affidavits of protest in this I - the ambitious railroad project of for- (OlOliill) woman for family of two; apply FOR SALE Miscellaneous For ik XT Large sunny room; pii- - Mass. . 0 office en or before the 13th day of ; mer Interest and suggested some re- Mining 2 3;! an close m; phone r.iiii. December, 1 909. United States Land Office, North High. alignment of the railroad affiliations. MiehUun 2.,u STOVK '; ciieap: casli FOR "317 W A N T IC I) fining room" g 17 a 'lli:.T room S. The various elections to till Mohawk 591'. MANUEL 15. OTRRO, Santa Fe, N. M., Sept. 15, 1H09. 1222 payinents. 114 W. Cold. st vacancies West Silver t Fourth reel phone 1127. left by K. Register. avenue. the death of H. Harriman Montana Coal and Coke 20 Notice of application of K. Weyman llrst-elas- I i v house-wor- FOR SALIC tientlemans nlso directed attention to subject Xevada 23 Minna Wad- U'AN'TKl i iT o r general the $1110,000 BBIIK.U, BONDS. Strother and Strother ticket to New Orleans; a barguln if FOR RENT Dwellings. of railroad alliances and pointed to North Butte fi! dell for u United States patent to Mrs. Bronson, 411s N. 11th st. Sealed proposals will be received at ' Í' i -h taken at once. Address Ticket, care the dissolution of some of pro- Old Dominion 51 V . N k I ) tor light- oliseworkT FOR the the office of the Clerk of the Board of Rex Placer, building stone, mining office. RENT Brick house, live room. jects to 1 Apply 312 W. Journal attributed the late financier. Osceola i . . 5 0 U ('ounty Commisisoners of Bernalillo claim. Central Ac at 310 West Santa Fe avenue, at Western Union enjoyed the benefit 30 - WANTKD Sl $12 00 per Parrot County, at the Court Mouse ill Albu- Notice Is hereby given, that In pur-uian- wonien run seeing FOR SAI.K Brand new Studebakir month. Inquire at Mann of NT. 111.11 - the good annual report. Closing Qiilney M , up to 10 o'clock in fi liin cs at once, t' 37 Barnett surrey, Box- 97. Saddlery Co., 215 West Copper Ave, ,ueriue, of Chapter of Titl" 32 of the ivldg f'heao. stocks: ihannon 15 the forenoon of Mond.iv, letober Revised. Statutes of the I'nlted States, 2 5 0 STOVKS; eh. h U K CAN rent you a destraillo house Allis Chalmers pfd . 52Vr Tamarack 6 5 ith. 1909. and opened at that lime. WANTKD Ho, 1,1 young nl for for of $100, OoO so that E. Weyman Strother of Annap- pa 1 t Id. furnished or South- Amalgamated Copper . 80 Trinity 11 the purchase for el a hnusetvork; $20 a month, liooil ynients. (0 unfurnished. much thereof, as may be necessary olis, Md., and Minna Strother Waddell western Realty Co., 201 E. Central: American Agricultural . 4514 Copper 4 3 Vi position for right party, only three SALK--TI- 1 City, United of Bridge Bonds of said Bernalillo of Columbus, Georgia, are claiming Foil ket to Mexico ve. American lleet Sugar . 47 grown people, in fainllv. Applv P. o. i United States Mining County, for the purpose of construct- and are about to make application cheap, if taken at once. Address . box. 171. American Car pfd 82 United States oil 3 7 ing two bridges across the Rio M. J , care this oflU e. FOR Nicely new Foundry". Grande through their attorney, RUhurd II. RENT furnished American Car At . .70 Utah i:; in said county. Said bonds are to be cottage Manna, of Santa Fe, New Mexico, for FOR SALE Aut uuobllo runabout with sleeping porch. American Cotton Oil . 74 Victoria '(sued In net ordaii'-- uhii an act of WANTED Positions. Apply 1015 S. Congress, (it li, 1 L'nited States pat:nt twenty with extra seat. P. O. Box 129. Walter. American Hide & Leather pfd . . 47 Winona approved February for 1 909. icrea of placer mining land contain- I MIO IN PRIZKS- free; nee window; American lee Securities . 2 4', Wolverine .116 TWO reliable wonien want worn, (.'tie 250 STOVES; or easy i 11V ORDKI! OF T H K BOARD OF ing building stone being S. t cheap cash 114 W. Cold. American Linseed . 16 and the as cook for mine or ranch, other payments. 114 W. ,ol,l 'OUXTV tM.MMISSli iXFBS. K. U I' il . V, of N. '4 of N. W. of section 22. houae work. western New .Mex- RENT room houses furnish- American Locomotive 59 Cliicao Live Stiwk. A. F. AV.M.KFB, Chrk. Prefer oil 10 5 ico or Arizona. Apply Woman, cure ES--W- c ed W. V. American Smelting & . 5T township N, range R. of N. M. LADIES' and KNTS" W.vl'CM or unfurnished. Futrelle, Refining t. 1 a October Mil, 1909. nicago. Oct. t following & Journal. a do pfd . 1 1 1 Vi P. B. M., Bituated in the Sandia "ill trust you for $7.50 gold Boom is. Hotel Denver. ,veak '"' oiiening wheat advanced sharp WANTKD -- Position as housekeeper us $1 Oil wllli or- American Tel & Tel 1 12 H ly mountain, Tijeras canyon, mining dis- medal watch. Send For if Ri HJM brick.7 bálhT" ehitrici today, I'rovisioiis movent up frcini in or out of city. Address M. R., pay fino n paid American Tobacco pfd.. .100 5 trict. In the county of Bernalillo and der and month until lights, coiner Soventli and Lead. to 20c oil the recuper.tion from Journal office. is fully guaranteed. American Woolen 36 yesterday's CipT&i territory of New Mexico and known for. Each watch k.ow rent. The Lemler, 311 W. Cen- break. We IruM everybody anywhere. .1. B. Anneonda Mining Co 41 closed strong. as the Rex Placer mining claim, a tral The wheat market WANTED Miscellaneous. 11, Broii Jeweler, 23d and Stout street, I 1T1T Atchison 121 V net far from the high point. plat of same being herewith posted. Foil RENT OR HA . N im Ten t do pfd !. liver, Colo. . ..104 The corn market closed with De The notice of locution of said Rex WANTKD Plumbing to repair. W. to any one who will take care of ex-- 1 SAlTlTTiaiTaiut bui-Ili- T Atlantic Coast Line ...... 134 cember at 5S '4 c. Placer claim is of record in the office A. Coff & Co., phone (68. FOR Home lise client ranch home. For sale It horses lialtimore At Ohio . 1 fi V A I condition; cheap; 023 N. ciieap; ... The oats market closed with De of the recorder of Bernalillo county FIloT CLASS UresaiiiakliiK. 416 w. furinliire. Sulner's old ranch. do pld . Second .street. .. 94 Vr cember at 3 9 c. at Albuquerque, New Mexico, In Book Roma. Addi' hs J .V. McCiinnell. (ien. Del. Hethleheni Steel . .. 33 V-- "M," 32 2. S.M.i;--- . ticket to Kl Folio 2.i0 Foil return FOR RENT I,,, id room modern Brooklyn Rapid V. STOVKS; cheap; cash or easy Ad, ss. Transit .'. 78 The Metals. , The said mlnlnri Paso. In M. It., Join nal. house Willi range; premises hereby payments. 1 4 J20; good Canadian l'aeille , . . . 1.S6 V W. fluid. New York, Oct. The market sought to be patented Is bounded as Vi i f S A I I'.- '-- FI st c lass sa lei Tiri" room modern 17; 3 room Central Leather . . . 4 S VÍ WANTKD To 1 for Standard copper on follows, t: On by un- lurnish everybody die 112 N. house close in $ 0. Lloyd do pfd the New York north the and blanket: Walter. ilunsakcr. Vi -n who owns horses, our 5A horse 2 nr. ...109 metal exchange was dull, with spot J' patented mining claim Abajo, east i'ViR"SAI.K Alfalfa good Alfal- W. (..1,1. and Central of New . .'9 5IÍ 31 I 1 blankets and lap robes. Jersey. Í md October closing at $ 2.25'n. 2.50; and south by vacan, pub- Direct from FOR ."limiern thri-- ( unoccupied fa pasture, for rent. Call at 702 BKXT room Chesapi :ik,. iliio . . . . S K i factory. Thus. F. Keleher. November, $12.25112.60: December lic land, on west by brli k ; ; Chlr At the patented land .Marble, evenings. oltag, screened porch fmiil Alton . .. liSV 1 2.25 '11 2. 0; January, DANOK Ml'sii', i0I1n and piaiTíe I Chicago $12.25i known as Whitcomb. SA Li; and tear; water paid, Í12..MI. inquire Great . . . . 14 12. SO; & Foil Two first class Western. no sales reported. Any persons ad- Crowe, at Leariianl Liudemaiin's (Uto In. kin. m r Mrs. Tlltoii, A and all claiming, Ala., I III Claud Cliiea'o . . . 1 big tickets to Mobile. Northwestern SS The London market was firm, a versely, the mining ground, store. Central Hotel. Chicago, Mil. At premises Kansas City, St. Louis and Binning. St. Paul. . . .153 tie spot You Don't Want to Forget WA To good higher, with closinir at ir any portion thereof so described, N'I'KD bii a poll); call ham, A I'., C, C St. . . . . expiring October 2"lh. sn.i Louis pounds, 12 s, OiJ 5S 023 Kasl Copper. 'Murado and futures we platted and applied for are hereby if at once. Address K. R. 11. FOR RENT Fuel At Iron . 61I. That bake the finest nies. cakes taken Offices. pounds, 12s. Sales in the London FOR yl'íi'K express seriiee, call ( 1. Cnlorailo AV. Southern. itnd bread in the city. The more vou notified .that unless their udverse cate Journal office. 500 toon spot ; 7 FOR KENT South- ilo 1st market included ami claims nre duly filed as according to Met 'rea phone 05. ' Nice office room. pfd . it of them the better you'll like Fi Ut HA . 79 1,000 futures. Local dealers quote western Really Co., 201 E. Central. ih 2nd you law and the regulations 'of M issD!ria 4 17. pfd . . H V them. If are tired of doing your thereunder, rugs; S. Hieh St, Phone 1110 'like $13. 001 13.25: electrolytic, - Censoli'dnt,., at own baking, try goods within the time prescribed by law, Harris, teacher. J. F. Stubbs, (iraiid l'Xfí: :'i4rhi-- ñiüit (bis . ours our will 171 ... ..142 V $12.60 (n 2. S5, and casting at $ 12.50 fr Cent ral hotel. 1'OR SAI.K -- Two l'as,i-- t 'hlcago In the Coninieri lal building. Cain Products win your favor for ever. They'll ivith the register of the I'nlted States Alor club .12.75. I I tickets. .Address "T" inrc of "clii ware Ar you. land office, WANTKD Tent ly smnili r tluin Apply to nwreliiry. Hudson . never disappoint They simply ut Santa Fe, In the county 11 11 g ..1ST Lead was t and steady with 1 feet square. Tent, Journal. Denver At oui' can't because the process of Santa Fe, territory New Address can FOR RENT Ol flee Rio Grande . . V, $ V. of their of Mexico, loom, lurnished. II spot 1.30 'if 4.37 New York, Journal. FIRST CLASS and 1 Pfd and making is mechanical un they will be saddle. btidlu Room S, 1 hotel. . . St $4.20(i( and hence barred in virtue of the leaver DísMIUts 4.27 Vi Fast St. Louis. London WANTKD ne or H10 ladies tickets blanket; 12 North Walter. . . varying. provisions of said statute. Securities . . 3 5 i.i unchanged. 13 pounds, 5s. to i:i Paso. Address J of., care i.. ... Any fi lid persons ad- 1. SAL- E- Two tickets lo Huilla. Fe FOR RENT . . 31 Spelter closed ipiiet, with spot at nil claiming Jon run For Miscellaneous. i .1. ,M , 1st 4.X versely hea p. Journal. ,.r,i .. Vi $6.00iii 6.10 New York, and $5.S5r,,. thn lands closcrl bed, or desir- io 2nd pfd ing any - pif- (H NS To RENT- W. A. (JoH & Co., . . 40 0.9.1 St. to object for reason to the PERSONAL. For SALE Bullan "goods iz; Berieral i'.ast Lotus. London un PIONEER BAKERY phone fiOS, Klectrle ..163 Vi changed, 23 pounds, Vs. entry thereof by applicant should file ióte tops, couch covers, snow shoes 'real Northern pfd . . 151 H 107 their affidavits of protest In this of SEE Southwestern Realty Co., before war clubs, eti. f,22 S. High street. Bical St. li.llis Wool. South First Sirte. Northern Ore Clfs. . . S2 lice on or (lefore the 12lh day of - you buy real estate. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. Illinois St. Louis, Oct. 14. Wool tinner; It For SAI.K Ticket P A.tee, N Al. 1 i 190'J. Central . . 50 cember, for sale, F. W., J 11 r 1111 1. interliorough medium grades combing und clothing, care iR SAL..' Bull pupeies. 1101 uugli-l- a. Met. .. 23(ii'30c; U SANTA MANUEL It. OTERO. no ,f,l 164 light fine, 23 in 27 c; heavy FE TIME TABLE. AUCTION For SA LK-- - onia u's non-ilese- i ip bic Mi;', North Third street. . . 4 9 Register. tine, llfii 22c; tub washed. 2ti';(37c. 2 - '"ter Marveste liie ticket, good to tul. La Jim or SALE- Thiirouchbi cd blaTk . . 95 A I TI oN SALE- Notice Is hereby to City points -r I Kansas and lona La m;sha 111 m k el els, fr Soul ll Wa pfd .. . . 2 3 V. Chicago l SOt-k- , SIIERII 's SALE. I Biterniitioniil ive given that will sell at public sale 'heap Addi'iss In, ll Journal Paper . . 17 Chicago, -- ( at pul, lie sale to highest for H. I.K- - Intern, itiop;, II., o.t. attic rrltory of New M xico, the bidder Foil High grade davenport H HALi; 7 .. Pump . . 4M Scotch O'WO X,000 steady . Beeves, cash the following personal properly, cheap, also iron beds, and niattress-- - V head: County of Line, la. Oolüe puns. Apply Sad- . . 2 S I I al Alanu $4.1 5 S.75 ; Hi One hay eight South Third St. ", ( Kansas city Soutl'o in a Texas steers. $4.IMI horse, jenrs l!i .' W. 'upper A vi .. 4 4 ,i.l.; western steers, $4.25Cr'7.25: IN TIIK DISTRICT ' ;T old, oiin bay mare nine .ears old; out 'I" I'fd . . . Col . . 71V-..15- tockers and feeders, $3. 10 'a 5.25; gray mare eight years old; one inaii FOR SALE Livestock. & Xa h h vi lié ! FOR EXCHANGE J cows und heifers. $2. 5. Ml; IniiiCH II. Iluopcr. i t ul. Plaintiffs. horse eliM-- years old; one dark bay inneapoiis l.j eulves CKITeeliio Jumi HALL- - O I & Ft . . vs. Foil sized Shetland M LÍH iiiH $7.00fu 9.50. bol se ten jears old; one lop buggy: 'OR - m: n . St. p A M l'ront the Knit Arrlvr. Ilrpnrt. pony; gentle, or drive. b" i:Xi'HANiiE-- rown ots "l e. . . :s,. 1. lilt underbill (.obi Miiiln Coiiipaoy, : ride Call oll 149. ; h',uiht.n I'ul, Kxiirem (me buggy; one open buggy; Hogs Receipts, 15,00(1 l 1 into horse and buggy, or W. U'woiiri head weak 1 1. I 't ill.. seen mornings ut 1114 H I automobile. Pacific . . 67 tiiooiniii mole, .1: '0 p 1 on p lelendaiils. M-- Central r MIxKotll to 5c lower. Light, $6.SOüi7.60: mix- ,. three stanhope buggies; light of Futrelle. Room Id. Hotel Denver. i. & N.irili. 'I. J'ost MhII. iii l"i avenue. Kansas Texas.. . .45 . M, x. har-tii- o ed. $7.15'u 7. MB heavy, $7 7. SO: City Kxp.ll p 12 20 CIVIL ACTION D! 2 single harness; one set of double AN ill-- g iifd lo I I a No. I 11 1 CM 'I'ii o burin . 76 ' rum he IVcl saddles; brjilles. HI HA o a J. rsey hen. nil N'ition:l rough, $7.101 7.30; good heavy. I'ln.-ii.- blatikels; Mile 11 it choice v,. rust Mull Where'as b an orib r of Issued ! stoi e h iva n for small i Biscuit . 1 3 8:0i a ers ehi a p (ibekl r s a nil. N H $7. 30W 7. MB pigs, $5.50 or (be t halt, is, tthins, oflice furniture and I !l ( 1. ti, in,,! Lead 6.S5; bulk of liliHun l.llliu,.,! .'0 p out Sixth Judicial Dletrb coll t ove; West cut r. . 7H N" t. I'M a Kimi rlty Kxp. 15 p in 111 me wagon. lie- se Vat I. IIvk 1,1' sales, $7.30ii 7.80. end for said l.ineoin eonnti til" mountain the above For SALI dril ing hoi r....i.... 1st . t 1 w'i pfd. ,"W N"'. noun-el- l above eutltleii cause, of date' August lesi illed property la ing the prop-- cent el sab- for; ( Slieep Receipts, 25,000 MI. Aimirill.,. and Itle Inri; . . . head; -- nti al a. lfiiR, I as 1. On I V 11 "- - .13r.iv. i.'iirmiiifl a onimandeil to make Iv used owned by W. Ad. In ss Aim Vork, teady. Native. $2.40'ii 4.25; western, No. fr,,m i:20 and J. an Ontario & Western . 1 it'. CrlsliaU. It,,. sale of the .American Lode Mining '4 $ 1 4 wMI i Patterson as a li try stock. Sale at lug Journal. "Tin x, .. $2.63ff4.75: yearlings. 0 ti 5.40 : un.) Amai . . 11:55 p claim. In Nogal Mining FOR SALE . 96 1 mm hp Nihi h District. Lin :!!:, lambs, $ 7. 10 ; , No lll.'l und West Silver ave Fi ii ad, II b "til Aiiierl...... native. 4.25 'a western, i-- ,., coln County. No iv Mexico, to sat 1st y a rns.'i.F. . 7S lo, raí. a it. e r..ii - N". Judgment nue, Albuquerque, N. AL, on Saturday, ill el ;i :t Mh-er- 'ruieri, 1 elMc $4.2jii 7.15. ,',,tiiit., u at l.umv Willi hrn,.k .'1- - and decree in said court, eooil il West .151 for ! the I lit li day of HiOO, ij-.- Santa ami atoii ul all local render, d on the 12th day of March. October. sale In New Mexico. t,ini. Foil" SALÉ TBÁ DK Ii, kÜÍ i.-- HIOS, against claim, to couiniciu-- at lu o'clock a. 111.; oil ''' ii'isylvanifi' WILLIAM said mining the said J, rsey cow Inquire Wright's 'IT. 147&; liKJYMtE n.ACIX YOt lt OlíOfCltó BAI.FOCa Atent. propertv ot ine iieieiimnit. The - property to be sold to satisfy cost and ' o! ' s ho; Post, collier Third and liobl. i;. .115' ixm roc it coaií skk cs. tE derbllt liobl Mining Company, in f.uoi ilnlebli dness described in chattel Business Property ('i'tsl)urK. c' Ar wii.Tj mi of St. Louis. . 95' Mvi: roen the folloniii,. i,, rsons. to etifurce mortgage on the above tb scribed last thi-i- respei (lie li ens against said . 4 WINTEIfS PICK K ($7.50) iv. FOR SALE ''iillman 7'. ing claim, tin following sloi said mortgage made execul Furniture. Palace . UK)K SICK. VK for Car 1S9 HAVE t.o-- : and (ii'linTcd by W. J It Patterson and WANTED To furnish h nise en ''' Ste. Spr;,.,, 46' THE QUALITY. Mis. Clara 1!. in jour e ."olinj James II. Ho r . $::.( 10 Pall. favor e;uy paymf iitff: (hcapest house . 163 is 3 i I 7 S Isidor SandoNal Whit Andel sou and John .. lo S"c oiid-ban- 'l'Ul.lle si I Albuitueruue. . 47 Direct Line Coal Yard James Cn)Hi 1'IV I mil dated April i. 1:01:1. and n corded City Lots, Houses do pfd . furniture bought, told and ex, batuo il . 1"6 L. Richard . 211)1 in Plume at. Hllt the probat" clerk's and a, I I:'"'k Island Co. WBlnughby 27 1.4 Full Moon Furniture Storage Co., . 3 7 7. Arthur 11 eot r s olfbe of Birnalillo county '1" Pfd Amos L. 2 r i. Kd Le Hi el on & Co.. Props., 115 V Ranches, Loans . (iavlold toil .1 N. A!., on tile 71b of April, 'in l -. 1 ; 1 Louis K- s,.n l.- fflSSl John Moore i 7 Cold Ave. I'liune i 5 7 ; St md pfd. ti 7 k of ti Alel li'.lg. pug ,Hitl ... Ifenrv Peterson 3 2.1o; WAN TED Fin nil are to repair. W 6S William F. Paul 2 !i 2 0 7 Investments W,N., & J EL A Cuff l'o . phone Iron . . . 9 ';. To PASO and I together J. Al Si .1.1.1 E. ut hern Pacido with nit, rest oil eai h of said ""herí, 130 I, nniountj, from the 17th day if D A III t loneer. Railway Return eetnber. A. Ii. I'oi;. until i.l BUSINESS CHANCES ""hern Railway pfd A. Now. . nolo , llll.-Ke- 6x The T. K S. I'. I5y will sell ,pp,', i Kivf-- I II. on Hi,, IMS. lu!Ullt',-- 31 rouml trip tickets Albuquerque Hint ti'ih day of II .j l'ER UvHtD Mi 'va" Pacific November, lsn:e at the hour of one FBERCK FEM1LC d In 38 leading papers in A. FLEISCHER 3 5 C to El Im ami return nt $10.00 o i -- "leil.i, St. Li nis West. clnrlt in the of aid day Send f..r list. The Dike Advertialng ni.-- ,. pfd. for iIh riiuoil trip Mi P.n-P!- 6Si Hifount at the shaft house on the said Ameri- FILLS. Agency, 427 South Main mreet, I.o 204 or Hie T iikh-iIii- ,,ffnl mmwi . "i IT can I.od Mining claim. In 4 ot.ik Hr Hum do (,r,i . a. f Int. A ng '? I Real Estate, llZ ' ' les. and 105 Tlrkrlx oil . Mining Distru t Lincoln 'o n,iv. KNOWN t f AIL. ' ' 8l" IT (' ílet. f5t fft T . '" "i'"d States I il' o-- t fi lift f,0r SA -- a 11 eDe-lain- y Realty New o. 0, Vi W ,M No LE At ba T h S2 1. teluro limit Mexl. r fur sale at ft jr lo. awi.if n ttiti 1 id i 'af i ill i """11 Stat,. ftubhi public lion, l highest Cafe; l.--t Insurance r 4 7'4 furilier iiiforiuaiiou ,a :uii and fi the tiansi'nt Hand In n't'.l State 1 : . bidder for rash, the s.,d ntioiiig laioi the city. See owner, 221 ,1r St. ?IH 011 or write m uxitii m r mi u cc. o u m South First P'd . . . M, The iKnief .it.- amount bieli iil be meet. ' ,h opprr 127 ltLIttK. due on ald execution on the dav of S. Se, und street jiii, c.,r. 47 Ajoot. ile v ill be f :.. u ! full SALE Fui nitor atock. Payiii.t j ilia c! e . -- :'. - Teleph me Itiivul 4 ; in CHAS A I'VCN's. Sheriff of In Albnqarrqne if busln" Fay term. Full rr- Lint viu C'juutj, .N. .M. f. II. O'ilii U Ct. tl.ul-us- . I'vrt o'e !! Co., I'lO W. UoM THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1909.

i M C.irr, Solomon stirtH with Mack tag. fhoutlns, tin- - Alviiriidn hud will truindorni-- Hopewell, Clark I' . "Dr-atl- i Alfonso, to alloim will Luna. Luu.-m- M. VV. Flournoy, W to drntli the d Into ii hull room. Uitoi STOLE SEVEN GENTS popo." by maple beautiful 8. .trlokhr, VV. (1. TlKlit. F. McKeP. MONTEZUMA BALL lipiur 'I"' hy dii-ord- - S. . I.oiils llfeld. 'I'hi. dumiinstratlnns murkoil Utile- - court liiiM been teady for several Tin i.ilnn- Wimbiy. Jr 'I'. V. FIur-iau- contlnui-i- l tlirounliout the tiffiht. as 'i ii nun miiiIi'. I'i rli rt mii"l' J A. Weinman. I'lilliiik. i1iis Kl Tin- - in dirootion THE S advaiu'i'il tin' RICHELIEU will mhl in llii' pleasure of tin ifiiiu rs An.: Jumes riotrrk y. I " miiiff. tin; Spanish coiiNUlati' but. Itlnl llnllilllK has hit milium-miik- I'Iikii, Txa, J. A. .Mili MAY SERVE TEN of h'inK hun , BRILLIANT : kw.-ll- X. M . ri'pulsi-- TO BE - by marcliod Un- dame this jear a ' "' X. M "". V MliH I'.fitmi. the jioliii', i X. .M : thi- - ill every detail. V. C. forti-- liilil. Silver Cltv. llirouiíh town hrakliiK windows. : . - I I X M Col Oucix will enter Un- hull hy If. . Ilumuin, Socorro. .Morn than fifty wcr arrenn-d- Grocery & Market Vi-- vv han K. 'I'M lli ln ll. X. .f west i lltranee, li I'll an uaiiImk YEARS Hi t Shlrli-- liily, dun-nix- . 1. t K. )l ON In-- i ll erected, mid Un- tti'i-- parlor nf Chi WOTIIKH IIOMII Tllf.K X'. M : A Hi, hiiii'l III lw- 1'inii'il In roche M'arrull. CInvN, Ailliur .VITK.MITKI) AT IIAIU At.: II. CiTlii-ii'- , Prop tin in .unta t'i: X. .l ':i Kra li (ii.'t 14. Anolhuf Frank Trot ters Cloak "ml iln MMf Huillín hiivi Kiimwih "It v. Mu Jnlni Sli arn. I. homh wax found in JiarcHnna thlu Vi-- Al. VS'. A Jii;n'B, Red-Hand- l.i en provided mi Un' Hi'inii'1 llnur nriil ii. X Fiiinlnif Burglar Caught ed afternoon, dirnilar to tho (list, it was . Juf-iil- Hiih-W- - 116 - (.'luii-ii- X. M : i l I nhf-n-i- t Gold Giand Match to Bedn at 9:30 Hi.- nrriiinti-iiii-iil- fmiwitltt. o ha had .an Jafr.i. placed in a spi-cia- hu- waon Telephone 235 Avenue - IIiimikIiI fur Hi n "I tin- affair ll. X Al : J. P. Ah T.i'. tell. Mandil- in Chicago Bemoans Tough without doinit any harm. Will Biing Out DistiiiEuishe X Al wlm-- 1.1 make fur tin- 'nmiori mi j Icnu, Judging from the ennteuts of the I In- piii-ni- lliKir oiiiinltu'f. Luck When Court Pronounc- Visitors ai'd Beautiful Gowns diimiK ni nl I bombs connliii'iahle Janiapi- would Follow Inn ni"'' Il mimlli'-- i ' 1 i:. J AlK' r. i h.'ilrinan. i'luis. vVlild". have been done. If they hrtU ixpluded A. l. Ilinii-- 1 es His Doom i . Galore. .Im rg- - ll.iriy lr. Smnrt. In the strir-els-- The cinaorsliin at iiur-i'i'loii- ,i .t ml, T. I nuia hay. Ill lija mil) .laffa. VirilllKi llli lll lllllllillri . luis bi en ledouhleil. TlK' body'n iii.1 fn. Mi'lJindrPHH. L. (.'. i II ' of Ffrror wiia buried today in the civil i: J. AIhi lialnn.iii J. !.. 1 Morning FpM-l- l Wire ir i. r; . (Itr Journal He m "II Iiniiii il. Uan r u tiKf ' il laiwl" luil VVHH tin Illl!'"ft tiikci I" II. 1. 1. Chl.iiKiij II Kf.hirt Ki'lh'l'. cemetery. nllililv, Iir. IIvIi-m- l'hiix X. CnUnii, fialliiii: on. m ! m l.i-- i un I t.i un Hi 'li' lOiifuMfifd k!:i'', wan today rrord mid with imbuíalo Si hm itvis. i id ro, I'i-- tun wii. Maim. i (I I "I-l- 4 in ru:i:i(i.v ItlIUreUlllll limn have Iri'll i H'i nriil mu i.iiiiniltee, to nn Inili'flnli" thf aíimhti r ii:n:rs I ' .Ji Ii i hi I'm i a vii ii Htati' (leiilU'litlary iiiu-- l"iiiK fmiinl iox i i.itiu i: d before IiiiiIkIU h Montezuma lliiii'ii" i:Ktn of nvti .V M i (, i LOUIS lll.-- I n t ii t. 4. Manuel Allen de - i. 'I'm!' ii. Jnlin I.' FLIGHT FROM ST. Kllllty of ct.'lililiu M'I1 ri Alatlnil. CHICKENS !)) (live every m.iil lull iiimh Hiirunl. . i inter-vi- ki-- .1 J rv -'t r 24, K i' i d a Salazar. minlster. In .in i In Hi'- most hrllll.nil in ."inlilii iiti'iiihi when riiti fnieinn ni b. RICHMOND - limine i iflllllllf trr. TO WINS CUP liousi- in I'liii.auii ami wan hiii'Ih'IkciI u iniiiL'ht, lisi-nle- tho i (lit ii nil, Tin- ( ii i". Hi' out of lnutlllM IMUF of H'-- phinth-- Hi- SED - iZ'iK. i hull man I:. " hy a .nlhi. hiM snh- abruad. deelnred that Fer- Mu- I'i nt mid other coliiJIIIiiriB I. ..lid- !! iilainlM .i ml aii'-- m'iih ii h.'ihy'n toy not for his In rue unlabel "f peo- Hni.i hank rer hail hein have hmtiuht " Ni V.. i k 1, A i. II l(..llaml r.'titM, Thi- was informi-- oplnioim a- tin- oipanizi-i- of A r. ii nil putt" "f li. limit hut the ple lo mi nun- fri.ui . .. - . i I'i.iI.i j.i M.l.1,1 tin- In In- lie- puny III l i .Ill III f I .iiIIiik Ann fori' lii lnii Hi man that hail revolt in Dari'i iona. Spanish public the nnd tl'. , nl rl. Mljn n I . .1 i A a '. n i Chili Ann a. hi. l.alini a Im. ami had v was In- In- - n d "Hi-- 'I ll'- plan II Kiili i . ha li ma ii ,mliiv i.j.lnlori. he said, hivh better telephone us for Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, Oy- ' 7:11 - Just iiiiniiuth A I Hi' h' makhiH a lllihi n! rii'l. a li in n York Un- i nl Hi'1 Kii'M" Huípil ' Il ii hi. I. nil X'iw iiiison. formed on condition of the cuse. for tlic iitiTlHlmiM "f i j in ki i. mi 'ii 'a.. ii "M in In' In jail nre llllmMli" Immediately follow llij. ti II. 1' II A. I! AI.C.ill.v l:i''hil.ilnl. tnijRh to for the t. sters, and Fresh Meats. They will be delivered promptly. . t 11 I'll U I'I " I I . ia.ii.k-- U. H Vwh t'.nii:lii iiiiiyhi' .N'.'iir-i,- salil "'hiti dinner hour I"' iiiii'nc n.i'iii M.ur.iii. il. ' lili' "i "ill-- j l I. " I Mir lll ally sai. All t;ut i hi ly Hcvi-- in every ' Your order fiiied just as desired detail. We I". .1 hi k. a- - a ll il Kl'i r.'l.l. M.iiH-n- t LI H.'IH. In.u int. i .un- Lallai-- : OKLAHOMA BANK STILL RATON MAN VICTIM want your business. We are entitled to it because we a ml v. h.'h w . lii'li.) l.i janir ii din .1 . ,. ui mi ii II rti.zi n h o ljli .il, IN CHOATIC CONDITION handle only the very best goods in the city, our prices it lli ii llll a Imih.ii r. inr ill i k K . iiklahomn city, i ikla . Hi t. Il.-X- 'o liter Itiizi-- tu... Pal i:, tit in and our service unexcelled that's the thi' sun m xt das ilellnile wta'.enii nl nl the affairs of the OF BRAWL WITH are rock bottom Im YOU " i la i. I'lilimililn liank Trust innipaiiy mh'il at I: Iiiiiuml. ni Isl "v Im; Il Im- i..i!k aud IhlnkiiiK available. The have been reason. . li i.f It re i I'm. l.i in- ueuui." paid inirlhiii tlndr lalnis. has hein runioreil that some (date off lela Im well a members the banking Nl-- I Id, ill of llai'llmiolh. ;h EM hoard of the tute ' .stork holderi1 l.'ill'IM I X. H . in I. 14 - The most in the bank it ml vv ere im heavv' bur- - demolished lislilli.Mll- lie, ; I. lane Hanover of windows were hrnken, ivas and holf tlte tatlt- han rmvei'M. Hundreds F, i 11 I on uie grounds were wrecked. WO el el hull nil ia immt Ii ei .Hi ki- chimnevs were blown down, trees ULD E, C, and Ihe m u henil id Hie hist, irle in-t- Police Profess to Believe and houses unroofed. The ui Inn tndaj vvt-- . ii In-- Km. m property loss is estimated at I'UOPF.ItTY IAMA;KI AM) XI- vv Richards was Member of hniM im nía nú lira a.s liart-ti- n ANGRY Oii.iiOU. There were no casualties. CHOI'S 111 IX Kl AltOlM) ItOMt) i li s. i , SOCIALISTS ni i. lili, pt-- Hidenl. Jim-- than Criminal Band and Slain foi Itome. Oa., Oct. 14. A terrific rain, i un i'i ti i oil, i.i a. Aiiierli aii and ;i: o hi aioi wind and hall storm late today smash; vm re axist isiifu n presentí d. In his in Turning Traitor, AT III XTSVIIJ.K. FA I It t.KOFM) ed thousands of windows, tore roolt a d aiiKiual addresi ir. Xlehnls pprovi .Vashvillc. Tciin.,-Oct- . 14. A storm from buildings and practically ruine! of mitne-llilii- " alhbtliK and that AT EXECUTION aniountintf almost to a tornado passed crops In this section. , EN In- JO ninsl done uilh the eurricu-Iuii- i (Df Morning Bseclat Wire Journal over sections of Tennessee tonight. vv hh and the idle student. San Franeisro, Oct. 11. The mys- Albert I arns. n prominent citizen of Jap Trailn Envoy in cw Vork. Denmark, was killed and Mrs. Harris New York, Oct. 14. The honorary A VI HV tery surrounding the death of n man I.ITTI.i: MOXF.Y WILL OF FERRER badly hurt. Their home wa wrecked. roniniorcial commissioners of Japan Your food more if it is served in pretty china. Your cof- .O A I.OM WAV WITH I S believed to be John Frederick of AND Thomas Helm was killed in Lincoln were quests of honor today at a upe. (tf ALSO. COMI-- ; Hilton, X. M., was partially cleared up AMI F.XAMINE county, near Mulberry, and Homer clal meeting of the chamber of com. or tea would taste better in a dainty, real china cup Wi ll STOCK. today when F. I'. Richards reported fee F. ti. Pratt rO Ashby and wile w.-r- severely hurt. mercc. -- s. m: to police Meen a II st. riioMii m. the that he had liííht Caster Arnold, returning home from oi between dead man H and saucer than in common crockery. Why not get the Police Platoons Required to the and four school Wart race, was Snn Monday niKht which ended in at caught in Fiaiiclsco I'actory Burned. the .stnriii and not been San y most enjoyment out of your food and beverage by having Protect Spanish Embassies the ib ath of Frederick. has heard Francisco, Oct. II. The REBELS The body was found Tucmlay with Hum. factory and wcrehnuse of the OVERCOME Many residences were wrecked. Friedman company, located them served in dainty handpaintcd china? We are sell- in France and Austria From the throat cut and the police llrst be- Furniture The Krandstand at the Tennessee on Uranium street, was destroyed by Mol), lieved It to be a ease of suicide. valley grounds, ing month only) all our imported Fury of After they had heard Klchnrds' fair where the fair lire tonluht. Loss estimated, ut 1130. (for this Japanese is in progress, near Huntsvllle, 00(1. story the arrest of Marry Movie and AUu 1- GOVERMENT ARM! decorated china at a big reduction, about 33 -3 per JoHcph Lane, two crlp,h s llvinir ni ne Hy Mornlns Jixtrasl Bpcclal LhhI Wlr the scene of tho murder, followed. cent off the regular price. If you're wise, you'll avail I'arl.s, Oct. 14.- - The demonstration!! The police say both nien were fellow In proletit .'IK'1 Inst tin- execution of meniherH with Frederick ot a nana: of IN NICARAGUA of yctf?men Ihe yourself this opportunity. I'raiii i were marked and that dead ninn iliroimh Kraiiie today. From reports turned traitor to the panp,. A Representative Line of the World s tmilKht Ihey sill! eolitinue. 'J'he Latin nuarter hen- b- fa ethlnff, Famous Makes of Pianos Nineteen Soldiers Slajn in hut times a stronu folio of po- llen srattered, Hie luanifeHtantM. Herl-o- uk STORM CUTS SWATH can be seen at Bloody Battle at Gieytown; distiii haiieef in I'lirreil at Sam Kee's Curio Store while tlHuisautin of workmen, soelal-i't- s Pn'ncipal Seaport in Hands and anal, lusts paraded. 'I hex Souvenirs, Oriental goods, of InsLirantvS, broke w indows of tin- re.u Donary THROUGH newspaper olliee.s and fouirht the po- lice. Mexican Drawn work. Several iii, eoiiinllji bave ailoph-- I Mr Motnlni Journal New' Rprlni Mexico's imt4 trir reM.lutliins o:' piolest aalnit the ex- - DIXIE I '"lell, I' n.lllla K I I, - A ili- - 1'iKeli re l ived hy vi from lllin--ll- i ''i'lif uiaviip' nl Clierboui'H: has tip- - .'d- - to Spanish embassy, the ln- 215 South Second Street. Near Xle.i una, Kiijj t'lia-inoii- Largest Music Postoffice. loneral MiK'iil.i of (he order nl Isal.elhi. th a nliei iiiareli.-- on t atholie, presented to him by Klnsr h'hiee Lives Lost, Buildinu .l ev tuivn and alia, k.-- ,,nd I Alfonso. i lie ,..i i am, ni t nine n Wrecked and Growing Crops i I A Store k i: it o FX AIOU X Kill. 'I ien, '., Is , , rui ri t'..l p,i led III AT ON IT ro Beaten Down by Terrific I 'i I'' ai. ' li In- - ,,,. i;,(l lK Sl'l.. as X'leiiua. iiii. 14. Ferrer Gale in Southland, SCRIBNER'S DANCING SCHOOL vi lo i I V h s.i n il to- ,i nip. nt i a I inns oecuiTed last niht. , Tiler, 'I "Hi " le. e P. e ,,,, nil ,,1. ,, ,ip. wen- tin;rv cri. asain.--l the Spanl- b kirn and Km el liineiit. The (Hy MnrnlnK a.nimiil íixii..i t.causl Wlrr 1.1. II. e w el-.- nliüifid In t in- before the Elk's Building, s i Cor. pan h tl: Memphis. n . 14. Fifth and Gold '.llll lull inassei' wi le ilispeised. The Spaninli Ten un, Al leas The Farrand Cecilian a I- and the R. S. Howard l'n ll.l.i- bee,, vil planned eiuhassv is jrtrniiK three persons were killed and several - under xnard. 'll. I.I. sin- a tl, ml.-il- nil the iii.lur.-- in a destructive windstorm Interior Player Pianos will interest J DANCE Fa. Ml aii.l Ml M.ll, i ... si i '.n you. The into. 1 HIM- F III MUM II I 1 It KI I! i i which swept west III. l la. I '11 ell lie I'aeiii, ,,;,M nvir and middle sVll.TIII.l- its M h Tennessee uní rn Chickering Bros., Bush & Lane, Victor, Estey, arauna He li v - north. Alabama Tonight mis i.f i i. t. 14 Hi,. ,i 3!inllp, .1 .!.. P'-l- s .. vv vv "I Ii,, ih w Im ,.(i.-,ii,i- d iI.",,i1ci'm Schiller, French tndav It was lejmit.-i- l late timijílit that Jesse and many other makes., ham III,. W ! l rill 'IU'e.l ere al d In the illees M li- - Ti-n- 11,1-- Henmark. . had been Is if .1 le s V p. Mil , wrecked fj Victor Talking Machines ADMISSION FltfE 5 CENTS A DANCC ii'.d .lis,.,', i, i In M'lan and hy and Edison Phonographs. J ll ' a w the wind am! was huriiini;. It wa iv s n.-.- lias d."l Finí', ni.d-- aUemple l i r.-- t tn In Hinniark that tin two w.-r- killed. "'ami- h pulHi il lends lierri'-aii- which uliv d.'strnv.-- by T'-- siiipb tel. phone : t , ami wires an I "i ''s i:hjIii .Many e vv 'he vvi unruled. down and only incomplete reports oi tr ml, - i in the llamares have bent received from a- In a ramiii' U Sll.l Mltllti lis HV nmiiei ñus small towns In tin- b pes. path of I'.slra.l.i iiown wiim mri: m, ki(. tile HtlTIII. Special Mention Given to STOVE REPAIRS inv An, a h, i Tri. si. ustri.i. ivi. 14. stopti,ii;e & -i .1 Learnard Hi- , lie- "I I'M 111.- ' l - I Lindemann t work was .l.- I! XII OF W IM 4 K VMi I.e (M ,i I.. able elaini .mi, i v.n-'i- allllnsi unlv. isally HAIN AIIOI Ml MI AM I ' n l Hv P' une cv ap- THE SQUARE MUSIC "id link eliinn paper AtlanlH, Oa . i let. 4 A vv !nd DEALERS NATIONAL FOUNDRY COMPANY ' Mi. I. alls t peared, iml 'ne.irh' ali simps, . ,,f,. storm which was almost a tornado Established 1900. li..,. '" lie,, t. v, , ;,.s, , 206 West ell llalli and ere struck Atlanta this rnonn and b it Gold Avenue .i j alt. uaiiiiaBnBHBBii'' Th, invalids .d strikers pa:'., led the a trail ol wreik and ruin behind it L I iH,4VVVV,HmXMHK

t X Y? yV JUL A MOVAL! V EMOVAL2 y? CI Stern, Schloss & Co., V Albuquerque's Leading Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies, Wines, Liquors and y CiRars, have moved from their former location 313-31- 5 111 y at West Central Avenue to the new Luna & y btnckler Building, 115-11- 7 at West Copper Avenue, where we are now ready to serve our friends rom a better and more ? assorted stock of goods than ever before. We are the exclusive dealers of the famous Clcarview Whiskey and y Val Blatz Milwaukee Beer. Visitors to the fair are extended a cordial weicome to make their headquarters here.

4 y & y Stem, Schloss Comrapaimy y 115-11- 7 West Copper Avenue Albuquerque, New Mexico V?

rXlt -- .