Hanrl|Rbtrr Hrralb
J 24 — IHANCHESTER HERALD. Tues.. May 25, 1982 Race begins Crossroads mm- NU planning unofficially out o f schools rate request . page 3 . page 4 . page 10 Clear tonight; Manchester, Conn. sunny Thursday Wednesday, May 26, 1982 Single copy 25<i — See page 2 Hanrl|rBtrr Hrralb Nuclear Argentines j protest 2 sink fourth spreads 6 By Peter Costa British ship DPI Senior Editor NEW YORK - They hate the bomb. By United Preset International quoted unidentified reports of Old and young, liberal and conser British patrols advancing near the vative, preppie and proletarian, the Waves of Argentine bombers sunk Falklands capital of Port Stanley members of the anti-nuclear move a fourth British warship in the but the Defense Ministry said it had ment agree that nuclear bombs Falklands war — the destroyer no confirmation. must die for civilization to live. Coventry — and a “back-door” The Argentine military said its The 50,000 nuclear warheads Exocet missile attack forced the Aground troops attacked the British around the world atop rockets in crew of a merchant vessel to aban beachhead. A British reporter said concrete-hardened silos, under the don ship, Britain said today. British troops fought off Argentine sea in silent submarines or held "HMS Coventry, a destroyer, was troops that attacked Monday at aloft by wide-winged bombers pose hit and has been lost. The Atlantic nightfall. the greatest threat to life as we Conveyor, a merchant ship, Diplomatic maneuvering con know it. The total explosive strength requisitioned to support the fleet, tinued at the United Nations which of the worldwide nuclear arsenal, was also hit and has had to be aban- produced a watered-down Security according to a United Nations study, doned,” Defense Ministry Council resolution calling only for a is equivalent to about 1 million spokesman Ian McDonald said of new U.N.
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