Systems Thinking

Systems Thinking Assembled by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD | Applies to nonprofits and for-profits unless noted Leaders Circles peer-training/coaching groups (nonprofits) | Authenticity Circles peer-training/coaching (for-profits) First-timers | Library home page | Library index of topics | Contact us

Categories of information include (listed in the order of the five disciplines presented in Senge's "Fifth Discipline") 1. Systems Thinking 2. Personal Mastery 3. Mental Models 4. Building Shared Vision 5. Team Learning

Some Applications of Inquiry and Advocacy Links to Additional Resources Related Library Links On-Line Discussion Groups

Introduction Very basically, systems thinking is a way of helping a person to view the world, including its organizations, from a broad perspective that includes structures, patterns and events, rather than just the events themselves. This broad view helps one to identify the real causes of issues and know where to work to address them. There are certain principles of systems thinking that guide one to see this broad view. There is also an increasing amount of information and tools in this regard. Systems thinking is the basis for the approach to developing the learning organization. Peter Senge's book, The Fifth Discipline (Doubleday, 1990), and its companion, The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook (Doubleday, 1994), are seminal works about systems thinking and its application to organizations. Senge identifies five "component technologies" that are the basis for building learning organizations (and systems thinking in individuals). The following links are organized according to the five disciplines, e.g., Personal Mastery, Mental Models, etc.

Systems Thinking The reader should first read the following several links about systems thinking to get a basic understanding of the approach. This understanding may help the reader to integrate the information in subsequent categories, e.g., Personal Mastery, Mental Models, etc. Note that information at the links presented under each category may not be complete and in accordance with what Senge would describe for that component technology, e.g., as Personal Mastery, Mental Models, etc. However, his categories were quite broad and the links' information will certainly contribute to the reader's efforts in learning each "component technology" if desired. Systems Thinking: A Requirement for all Employees Introduction to Systems Thinking Overview of Systems Thinking Systems Thinking About Thinking (1 of 3) [2/3/2002 4:29:56 PM] Systems Thinking

Business Organizations as Systems Learning Organization (includes broad, useful overview of systems thinking) Tour of Organizational Learning and Systems Thinking Concepts Language of Systems Thinking: "Links" and "Loops" Systems Thinking and Organizations -- An Initial Inquiry into the Subject

Personal Mastery Senge describes personal mastery as "continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, of focusing our energies, of developing patience, and of seeing reality objectively" (The Fifth Discipline, Doubleday, 1990, p. 7). Overview of Personal Mastery Personal Wellness Personal Development

Mental Models Senge explains "Mental models are deeply ingrained assumptions, generalizations, or even pictures or images that influence how we understand the world and how we take action" (p. 8). Inquiry and Advocacy are two primary techniques to identify and reframe mental models Mental Models Mental Model Musings Overview of Mental Models Operationalizing Mental Models Valuing Diversity

Building Shared Vision Senge notes "If any one idea about leadership has inspired organizations for thousands of years, it's the capacity to hold a shared picture of the future we seek to create" (p. 9). Overview of Shared Vision Developing a Vision Overview of a Shared Vision

Also see Appreciative Inquiry Dialoguing Feedback Interviews (exit interviews, by media, for a job, selecting job candidate and research method) Listening Planning (planning that is carried out well goes a long way toward shared vision) Presenting Non-Verbal Communications Questioning

Team Learning Senge asks "How can a team of committed managers with individual IQs above 120 have a collective IQ of 63?" (p. 9.).He adds "Team learning is vital because teams, not individuals, are the fundamental learning unit in modern organizations" (p. 10). Overview of Teams from Systems Perspective (2 of 3) [2/3/2002 4:29:56 PM] Systems Thinking

Dialoguing Team Building Group Performance Management

Some Applications of Systems Theory Systems Thinking and Management Behavior Systems Dynamics in Education Management and Leadership: A Systemic Perspective Victims of the or Systems of the Victim

Links to On-Line Resources Systems Thinking Resources (includes basics and extensive glossary) Systems Thinking Practice (extensive map with links to systems thinking resources) Link to Numerous Articles

Related Library Links Basic Research Methods Chaos Theory Continuous Learning Critical Thinking Creativity and Innovation Inquiry and Advocacy Organizational Learning

On-Line Discussion Groups ODNET about and change HRNET about human resources TRDEV about training and development

Used by The Management Assistance Program for Nonprofits 2233 University Avenue West, Suite 360 St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 (651) 647-1216 With permission from Carter McNamara, PhD, Copyright 1999 Library and its contents are not to be used to generate profits [MAP Home Page] [Library Home Page] Reprint permission (3 of 3) [2/3/2002 4:29:56 PM]