TUESDAY, JULY 26. 1967 Open p a g e f o u r t e e n in District 18 (Waddell-Y) 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. ■A .LA U0 W. Oaater 8 t Rnsr. Bte- Bolton Avenge Dafljr Net Pren Rni phen Piioe of St. UMy** Sfiis- ^ 23 D ea d ; Vincefis Vice Principal TB Te$t Mandatory For The Week Ended. The Weather O b itu ary oopsi Ctainch oltlotaited. Burial A nding tint makes man­ 5 J u ly 1967 Clear and cool tonight low was in the Veterans Section ol n, datory tubMeifl£n"€eSltog In Alternatives Urged by Panel 55-60; continued fair, warm Beat Cemetery. i H u g e A rea s At Illing Junior High thb ' Manchester prtbllc € u m Mrs. A . Knehtoiiald Beoren were Anthony Pe- and pleasant tomorrow, high to schoote was paased lart lira/ Antoinette KuctaienaM, tricoa, Dandd Morrison, Thom­ Andrew P, ^cens vrns ap­ 14,729 mid 80s. 7», of 228 Oak St." died mat ^ «wrn, W ip e d O u t night by the Board of Sklu- For Addition to High l^hool as Brown, \Stelren Brown, pointed vice principal of Illing Manchester—-A. City of Village Charm nl(bt at her home after a Ion* ^nd Rodney csttcnl The subcommittee of the MUk Bid AwnriM (Oonttnued from P age One) Junior EDgh School by the Under Wie new' ruling, iDait’s Dairy, sole bidder on UlnesB. Petrv. Board of Education charged ;YOL. LXXXVL NO. 251 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1967 tied Advertising on Page Mrs. Kuchlenakl was bom In Board of Education last night which takea effect la Sep­ milk, wan awarded the bid to PRICE SEVEN CENTS Ing with roof-top and doorway with looking into-a revised adt^ ecutive session. ^ Polish N a tio n a l Catholic Z^O U r CyJTflSllC'S veterans ot Vietnam, system must present evi­ meeting Harold Ponsheron sug- Monroe Intematlo^ of Just Routine Church. The other applicants were not dence of\a tubercuUn test. rolled Into the city on buses and named, but were Identified by gested that the board moot as Kfartford was aiworded a neiv _ DeGaulle to Leave Survivors Include a daughter, One will also become part of armored trucks, their lights School Superintendent William soon as possible to discuss tha vice ^ m a i n t r a ^ LOS ANGELES (AP) — Mrs. John KonarsW of Man­ tile routine phySMals given addition and to acquaint the on «»»e® Everett Gardner and Ms Investigated dimmed in combat readiness. Curtis as the top candidates chester; two sons, Frank T. all 7th graders. new school superintendent and machines a t | 2 1 A T ^ oompany wife know an about bur- yance Predicts More Deaths Kuchlenskl of Manchester and .PoU ce reported tour multi- “This sniper fire won’t bother emong seven from the Man­ TMs peat spring, the palpal with the system’s ^ ilnfuriated Canada gtew- Walter A. Smith of Rocky Hill, oar accldmts yesterday, us,” said one youngish looking Chester system applying tor the testing was Started on a ’Hielr restaurant to Los and three granddaughters. T w o motorcycltots Were itak- corporal. "M o t of us have been position. -•’^ MONTREAL (AP)'—Gen. Chfirles de Gaulle is re- voluntary basis at the kin- By rammon conkent the board ed 1 Angeles was burglarized The funeral will be held to- en to BockviUe Genital Itoe- in Vietnam. These guys here Vlncens, who has been serv- deigarton and Ttii grade lev- I!!;!5tuming ’to PVance, skipping a face-to-face meeting with three times and hdd up morrow at 8:16 a.m. from the pdiai sifter a car-cyrie coUdstoi start sniping at us, and they’re i»g as coordinator of Illing 9th decided to S £ d ^ S eIvSd a rarvto. e ii after permlaalon was ^:;;^is rebuker, Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson. eight times before they de­ Holmes Funeral Home, 400 altout 3 pm. on Rt. 30. They going to get one hell of a smr- grade pupils at MancheatoS nought hy Dr. Sylvia Hel- Sura toSrief his tS ? replace- . - A government source reported ^ ^ ------cided to go to a quiet place St., with a Mass of re­ are Ronald DesJardins, 29 of prise.” High School, replaces 'William frtck, the school phyrirtan. Before Detroit Rioting Ends ments ra the p r o b le m s ,^ to the diplomatic crista culml- and start over. quiem at St- John’s Church at Hartford, operator, and his pas- Some units relieved beleagu- OaMweu, vice principal at R- “ attng to Pearson’s rebuke rad In Hemet, CaUf., iahoirtly_ 9. Burial will be in St. John’s seniger Frank Bitotche, 33, o f ered Guardsmen on the East ling Since 1961. ’The appolnt- vacations of »ome ot Ito compony,^a oont of 126 earii. .^French prerident a pkrty. ue Gaulle’s decision to go after their restaurant open-" Cemetery. East Hartford. Side, with the rest deployed ment is effective Sept. 1. hers. It was felt that toe bidder ra malntananoe ® h®™®- H is” Long Uve Qife- two yeora ago, a burglar Friends,may call at the fu­ Neither was seriously in- within striking distance of key Chldwell resigned in June to Septem ber could not meet tefore Ito**^ ^ typewrftera ..^ ^ g h t >>®i^ *’*/®*!^m* ^ GauUe beej.. was too close to homo for used a crowbar to break neral home tonight from 7 to jured, poMce said. ~ trouble spots. join the faculty at the Univer- regular meeting Aug. 14. was Yale ’Typewriter Service « f Andrew P. Vtooens to ^ v e in Ottawa tor a Canadians since li has down the door. W est Side 9. ’There will be a Prayer Serv­ A car driven by Louis Btren- As the second night of vlo- sity of Hartford, The subcommittee, constating j^ jg ^ o s te r. which Wd eodi- “ ®®*? ^ raUytag cry for those Since then, their place has ice at the funeral home tonight baum, ■ 46, o f Brooklyn, N .Y . lencq, ended, however, the chsa-- In adtUtlon to serving as H- K ey M onth, of Conlra, Porcherra, and D ^ sjnce this da toe secitod year tral Connecticut State College In "■’*>1^ ^ otool^. It wra Jiut French-speaking Canadians—by been burglarized five times. at 8. crossed Rit. 30 to enter the actef of rioting appeared to ling administrator at MHS Hanson, said in Its report that the typewritera, toe board 1953., hours after Pearson had Is- every yardstick a small mlnori- Each time the kitchen door Is Scene o f Howard Johnson Restaurant have changed. Arson and loot- since 1963, Vlncens became dl- He also holds a master’s in Says N H R R It is felt that "if toe town Is to forego service and J^rjBued a statement r e b ^ g the t y _ who want ra independent Oustave A. Wederstrom presented with two comparative the $714. was broken down. and the motorcycle, police ing, set « ^as predicted necessary sic Center, Manchester, and in the Swedish liutheran Ceme­ A New Britain native, he John Tirkot, Hartford. Be­ ithe wrong foot from the start. weapons as the city’s third nig^t No one was injured. Two minor car accidents The Canadian govermnent Drain Gold Supply of racial terror ended. tery, Portland. earned his B.S. degree in in­ Chester and Connecticut Educa- mUllon which area o f the tw o additions cause different makes of in­ About 10 a.m. two oars were reported ^ a y by South Friends may call at the fu­ dustrial arts education at Cen- tion Associations. /Ranted him to come to Ottawa Cyrus Vance, a special assist­ .backed into each other when IVlndsor police. Both are un­ we are contributing, and the wpuld be almost equal, occord- struments are In v o lv ^ toe of maintaining the price of sil­ neral home tonight from 7 to 9. ' first, as a token ot respect for WASHINGTON (AP) The ant to the Defense Department leaving driveways, on 'Windsor der investigation. f 1.5 mUllon Connecticut Is giving to suboomm'ittee reckoning. band director will be asked his ver at $1.29 ra ounce. The family suggests that Ijhe national government rad bride walking down the aisle and President Johnson’s deputy Ave. just east o f‘Burger Rd. will keep toe commuter service The combination plan contains opinion before toe Wd ta award- Tne lack of French conversion those wishing to do so may A two-car cUltaion occurred then go on to Montreal and Que- rad the rocket Soaring into on the scene, said there had As John Shanahan, 18, of from New Haven to New York 10,500 sq. ft. The altemaite ed. , of any dollars into gold since make memorial contributions about 2:40 p.m. yesterday on ,bec. Instead De Gaulle insisted space are helping drain more been a "substantied reduction to Sadda M ills Rd., EUingteii No Action Taken In operation until Dec. 81,” Ro- plan, w ith the six classrooms. The Instruments are a bari- last September and the absence to the Unitarian Church, 50 Oakland Rd. near toe Wapplng on landtag from a French cruls- - Treasurv stocks this the incident, rate” ta the past backed out of a di1vewa.y on nan said. would contain 10,900 sq. ft. tone horn, a 'beriltooa aaxo- of ray other large international Bloomfield Ave., Hartford. Shopping Center. ..> ter at Quebec rad then going Treasury stocks this few hours but that more people ■the north side of toe avenue, "The metropoUtan authority There was no discussion o f phone and a piccolo. Carousel’s gold transactions this yera fo­ PoUce said toe car drivers bn th Montreal, the largest y®®v than are foreign govem- would die before ■violence ended. police said his car collided with has been engsiged In negotia- (tije aubcoannmlttee report. ’The total bid Is $746; Lane’s, $800, cused attention on domestic George BuiUor On Milk Contract ■French-speaktog c ity to the ments. “I can’t predict how long we were Herbert R. Tschumml of a car driven by Karen Jolm- , .1. 1 „-ii tlons aimed at our taking over main purpose of toe meeting and Tirkot’s $678.10 or $638.90, consumption. ,, George Bucior, 78, of Wetli- Broad Brook, arid Gloria R. Action______on awarding„ ___ next ,year s school m ilk con’^ c t commuter operation___ on-. a the awarding of Wds. depending on toe make. jijvorld outside Paris. The sched- Use of gold is rising to every- can expect further sniper inci­ drow of Mountain St., Elling­ Treasury officials say over-all ersfield, brother of Mrs. Pauline Gozdz of 287 Oakland St, Man- permanent basis,” he said. ule he approved then caUed for thing from wedding rings to so- dents,” 'Vknee told newsmen. ton, 'backing across toe street. tabled under len ^h y discussion. The board took no domestic gold consumption last Dziadus of Manchester, died - . .Wm to go to Ottawa by train, {toisticated rad complex elec- “You have to dig them out.” Minor damage was reported Chester. action after member Leonard Seader suggested,that year hit a whopping $212 million Sunday at Hartford Hospital. jarrivtag late today for a state tronlc .rad electrical circuits Vance said there were stiU no but no injuries. Another two-car collision oc- Douglas Pierce, business manager for the board, dis- PVC Reserves Decision compared ■with $97 mUlion five Survivors also include 2 sons, dinner rad other ceremonial used in the defense and space Shanahan was given a writ­ curred ten minutes later on Rt. ^yas with George Dart, owner years earlier. plans to move Arm y paratroop­ a daughter and 11 grandchll- without notice early last , functions. programs. ten warning tor improper back­ 5. A bou t T ow n The department satisfied $141 ers from the now apparently dreni ' ' of Dart’s Dairy, "ways to get March. Under the revised plans, De During the first htdf of the secured East Side to replace ing-end Miss Johndrow, unsafe Police said the drivers were David B. DoU, son„ o f Mr. In Water Rate Hike Bid million of that demand from its ’The funeral will be held to­ the best available negotiated Upon the cancellation, Dart’s .GauUe ta returning home direct- year, the United States would beleaguered National Ouards- movement from a parked posi­ Betx>it Rodrigue, 29, of East and Mrs. Walter DoU Jr. of The District now payx approxi­ stocks. The remainder came morrow a t 8:15 a.m. from the agreed to furnish the schools The State Public UtiUties Jy from Montreal without a visit have accumulated gold, the tra- tion. Hartford, and Ira M. Davison price.” 720 Spring Sit; and Richard mately $22,000 a year fo r ■water from domestic production rad J” ®" ®" West Side, scene of Talarski Funeral Home, 380 milk for the remainder of the Commission (PUC) reserved to the national capital. ditional monetary metal, had it At 11 am. three cars col­ of West Hartford. Dart’s, an E. Center St. J. Sullivan, sra o f Mr. and rad main charges. It would pay imports. Domestic production hoursdong pitched ^battles that Three women and a youngster visit the charred their possessions in the fires. Left to right: Mrs. Maple Ave., Hartford, with n year at the o^gin ti Mrs. Joseph W . SuIUvan o f 27 its decision yesterday on a .. Montreal poUce disclosed to- "® f been for more than $60 mil- claimed 10 more lives during lided at Union and Prospect No injuries were reported in ^ Sealteat Foods, about $26,600 annually if toe last year reached $63 million, up ruins of what was their home in the 12th Street Mass of requiem at Corpus either accident price and the later vot- ^ ^ day that a buUet might have hon in sales by the Treasury to the night. Willie Moore; Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, holding son, StB. whira has a branch ra Summit ManCheeter Water Co. request increase Is approved. from $59 million of 1966 and $62 area o f Detroit burned out by fire bombs. The Christl Church, Wethersfield lit been fired at about the time De private industry. Heavy in- Thomas, 3, and Mrs. Louella Underwood. (AP A westbound car driven by S t, were the only milk sup­ the to ^ “St at Trinity for a 21 per cent ocros»4he- A tty. John LaBelle, counsel million in each of the prior two "This makes for a simpler 9. Burial will be in Rose Hill would like to see him-get the ^ gaulle was speaking outside the dustrial use of silver already group is typical of many innocents who lost all Photofax) John Hoffman, 67, of 149 Union pliers seeking the contract. contract fin recognition of his ^ohege, Hartford. board rate increase for ilte ap­ for the district, declared as op­ years. command structure,” he said. Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. Caty HaU here Monday night, has resulted in a minor crisis St., came to a stop on Unidn Only local suppliers were eligi­ proximately 3,000 customem. posed but did not speak. This year the Treasury ex­ The 10 persons were killed by Boy’s Glasses se^ce to toe system. youMi FeUowahlp Group They found a buUet hole to the but officials foresee none for Friends may call at the fu­ St. as the car driven by Nor­ ble under revised board rules. The PUC decision wUl be an­ Sherwood G. Bowers o f 76 pects to sell more than $1(X) mil­ gunfire, some apparently by neral home tonight frrai 7 to 9. Figures submitted last iright ^ M ^ o d ls t waU of a a t y HaU office but gold. accident, raising the toll of dead man KabatzniUc, 44, of Mid­ Stolen at Pool Aooording to figures rabmlt- by Pierce showed that East ^ - nounced after it re'views sup­ Demtog St, a customer, rad lion to gold to domestic industry New Riots Replace Old ChurCh and Emanuel Lutheran #aid they had found no evidence Treasury poUcy Is to seU gold to two days and three nights to Sniper Kills dletown etruUc the Hoffman ted by Bierce, Sealtet* quoted Hartford and Glastonbury are plementary financial state­ former Manchester mayor, ask­ for the third straight year. Natale Fonio Church wUl meet tomorrow ait '■ tiiat the shot was fired during at $36 ra ounce to any foreign 33. car in the rear. Clothes and glasses, all volu- a unfit price fo r half-pinits o f paying substantially less than ments, to be ^ submitted by the ed the PUC to consider a Officials give these reasons Natale Porzio, 85, of Glaston- 7 pjTL at the campus of Souto Jthe general’s speech. government wishing to cash in StatfWoUtdh A third car driven by Ernest ed at $40, were reported stol- milk o f .0642 cents, followed the price quoted either by privately owned water com­ change to regulatiras cracem- for the heavy demahd: Vance said Lt. ’ Gen. John bury, father of Mrs. John Gado gahner, 55, of 139 Union St. en yesterday from a nine-year- by Dart’s quote of .0644. Ohunch. Tlioae attending are pany. It was at City HaU that De dollars. The Treasury earlier —^The increased population, Throckmorton, commander of Sealtest or Dart, and toe board ing main installations. The cost O A K D A L E (A P ) — Mrs. of 126 Spruce St., died yester­ reminded to bring records tor wjsauUe started the furor that led this month abandoned its policy with an ever-rising number of the paratroopers, and < J h » then struck the Kabatznlck car old boy while he was at Globe j f accepted by the board, queried Dart, who was present, Under the requested water- of water-mato tostallatiras Is Helen Hall of Oakdale, Ohot W eaving day at Hartford Hospital. playing and diacuasloa. Re­ brides who demand wedding federalized Guardsmen, esti­ police said. Kabatznlck and Hollow Swimming Pool, police seaKeat’s price, based on 1,- as to the reason. rate hike, an average home- now shared by the water com­ to death by a sniper’s bullet Survivors also include his freshments win be served. rings. mated there were no more than Zahner were each given a writ- reported. 571, 36O half-piiiits yearly would Dart said he understood that owner customer, i>aying about pany rad developers. Bowers in Detroit rioting, was in wife, another daughter, a brot -'’“^Affluence o f’ th r population, 100 snipers left in the city. ten warning for following to The *>0 / 3 father, John J. cog^ 5314.27 leas than Dart’s in Glastonbury’s case the sup­ $63.50 a year for consuming 70, asked for a change which would that city on a business trip wife, another daughtef^ a The Newcomers dub of toe “ A t this point, it is our conclu­ closely. Walsh of 3 Preston Dr., told ^ ^ total cratraot price of plier saved money because 000 gaUons of water, would require a develcq)er to pay the \^3^52s Hit North Vietnam which is increasing the demand for her employers. Midsummer’s Nightmare brother, three grandchildren, Manchester YWCA will have for Jewelry. sion that this is not a highly Or­ Christopher Wilcox, 23, of police tiie theft was discovered jioo,881. board rules permitted making pay approximately $66 P®*" full cost. The change, he said, and two great-grandchildren. a i>oitluck and bridge' tomor­ ganized thing,” he added. The mother o f tw o sons Charest Trailer Court was wheri he went to pick up his Regardless of 'which com­ night-time deliveries from a year. would directly e«ect water-use —Rising industrial use, espe- NEW YO R K (A P )—The nation’s including Saginaw, which has a Pontiac, where two Negroes The funeral will be held row at 6:30 p.m. at toe home cledly in the space and defense and a daughter, Mrs. Hall charged with passing a stop son at the pool, pany was chosen, Pierce said, single truck. Manchester Water Co. presi­ charges rad might eliminate Two city policemen and possi­ midsummer nightmare ot str- Negro mayor, were killed a day earlier by Thtuaday at 8:16 a.m. from of Mrs. Ray Gardner, Hebron programs. An official said few and three other employes of sign early last night at Skin- Taken were a towel, shower the price to pupils next year He said that in Manchester dent Ernest Morse, to Introduc­ the need for a rote Increase. bly five guardsmen were eet violence continued today At least five persons were gunfire, cooled off Tuesday. toe Sullivan Funeral Home, 50 Rd., Andover. Members plan- Saturation Raid the Thomas Q. Faria Corp. ner Rd. and Edith Dr., police shoes, and glasses, police said, wounded In pitched battles, fre­ with fresh out-breaks occurring wounded to Saginaw after the Would have to be raised to four11 deliveries must be made dur- . ^ j j * ing the need for the rate In­ The Town of Manchester rad (See Page Thirteen) o f UncaaVille, went to De­ Police arrested 45 persons In the Naubuck Ave., Glastonbimy, quently sparked by the single said. Police are still spot check- cents, and toe government re- ing daylight hours at s^cltied t^hortL*^ for reaer- crease, told the PUC members the 8to Utilities District have troit July 16. as rapidly as other disturbances mayor had rejected demands of city of 82,000, only 26 miles at 9. Burial will be In St. Au­ times. and that additional o«»tact the hostess tor reser report of a small weapon or the were put fiown. The presence Ing the area for traffic viola­ imbursement would come to that it would increase revenue shown interest ta purchasing The company, which man­ a civil rights group. northwest of Detroit. But most gustine's Cemetery, South vations and tranaportaitlra. whine of a bullet. of federal troops failed to pre­ tions. M any stop sign,violation .032 cents or .034 cents, de­ trucks and personnel are need­ by about $60,000 a year. He the Manchester Water Co. The ufactures tachometete and Riots and disturbances, hop- arrests were for curfew viola­ Glastonbury. O p en F o ru m On Gun Positions vent new rioting in Detroit. arrests have been made there pending on toe i>rice paid. ed.' said that it is needed to meet company’s directors, at their A National Guard tank rum­ scotching among almost every tions. Looting, fire bombing and Friends may call at toe fu- , ^ M. Sgt. Douglas rad Mrs. Arms Aid Policy g-auges for sports cars, had It was also recommended A t that point, the board added costs of labor, mater­ ^ SAIGON (AP) — Waves of north of the demilitarized zone bled over cars drawn across a As the killing, burning and major Michig;an community aft­ sniping had hit the heavily in­ neral home tomorrow from 3 during the last Anderson of Grand Fork, N.D. annual meeting, voted not to acquired the Rochester ”Sometiiiie8 Astounding'’ tabled toe matter. Implying ials, taxes rad interest charges -okigh-altitude B52 bombers made dividing Vietnam and about 14 street In one area and poured looting continued in the nation’s er first erupting in Detroit, also dustrialized city the night be­ that the price to adults and rad their chUdren, Lynn and consider a sale at this time. Defense Given Gauge Division o f the to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m To toe Editor, Dart would get the contract if and still g^iarantee a six per miles inland—the area where burst of .50-caliber machine-gun fifth largest city, the death toll hit Grand Rapids, Pontiac, fore. college students be raised from Mark, are spending two Wreeks The 8th District directors >M#ne of their rare invasions of American Standards Control Police Arrests On July 26, the voters In .4.s- he and P’lerce could -work out cent annual di'vidend to stock­ the 341st Division is posted and bullets into the darkness for Jumped to 33 and property dam­ Flint, Muskegon, Benton Harbor In Flint, 60 miles north of 7 cents to 10 cents. Based on at the home of Anderson’s par­ asked its electors to approve TrtSkorth Vietnam today for a sat- By McNamara Corp. Four employes, In­ - sembly Dtotrict 18 will have a amounts sold last year, the lat- a cost saving toy streamlining holders. from which hea'vy Communist more than half an hour after age was more than $160 million. and Mount Clemens. Detroit, officials tried to head I Funerals I ents, Mr. rad Mrs. WiUiam M. a $4,000 appropriation for coats cluding Mrs. Hall, went io * - Harold J. HaU, 17, of West chance to ter increase would produce ad- toe delivery procedures. ’^iratinn raid on gun emplace- guns have for weeks fired dead­ scattered shots struck its side. Gunfire rattled through the The five were injured when off violence with a unique plan. Anderson of 40 Hemlock St. Matt Moriarty, ■vice president leading to possible condemna- WASHINGTON (AP) — Sec­ Detroit to check Inventories Hartford was issued a re-arrest honor, revenue of $1,396, During toe dlscuarion, Piterce **^ i ents and dug-in bunkers of the ly barrages on U.S. Marines dug Several blocks away a single night. Saginaw police battled snipers Prosecutor Robert Leonard of Clarence H. Wells The sergerat is stationed at rad chief stockholder, explain­ tion of the water company hold- retary of Defense Robert S. Mc­ o f the newly acquired plant. ____ -warrant today charging him integrity rad capability. pierce noted. had also noted that two other 7 !^ o rth Vietnamese 341st Dl'vlslon ta about seven miles to the shot from a small-caliber rifle Through the streets of New In the midst of a Jeering crowd Genesee County won approval Grand Fork Air Force Base. ed that the rate hike would per inga The request 'was turned Namara defended U.S. military Mrs. Hall was shot as she **Just above the 17th Parallel south. halted another tank, and within York’s Spanish Harlem, priests In the city of 98,000. Saginaw is to release 110 persons arrested H^WellTotV 'ch^^ -with breach of peace toy assault. I have known Tom Conran recently voted to local firms, Dari-Mafid and mit a pension, plan for company down. aid policies today as a Senate stood In the fourth floor -•Jrontier. Although ground action was minutes 20 police cars, each and nuns led a ' candlelight 100 miles northwest of Detroit. the night before, on condition held^tomoirrar^Uam The warrant was ordered by for many ye^. rad have ^brado“ toe prratice of award- Kelah’s Dairy, had been invit- Members of Manchester employes. Moriarty has opetfly invited committee considered cutbacks window at the Harlan 7^* The U.S. Command said the scattered and inconclusive, carrying four men, pulled up at procession singing the "A ve Officers arrested 64 persons in the arrested persons go into Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Mato tog the mUk contract to the low tf’dTso'^'"' WATES will meet tonight at Robert- McNiff, assistant the town to work toward ac­ in the program. House, a motel to midtown >~H5lg bombers came in waves two there were these other develop- the sceiie. Detroit. Maria” and for the first time in the outbreak that came after troubled areas and try to talk rT v C ^n^d W U ^ a^ter HaU failed to appear projejte . both dvlc rad fro- rad rotoro ^ the John F. Tierney Funeral treasurer, submitted rad ex­ quiring the hokUnga, euid sev­ He met Jn private with the The board abandoned toe bid apart and saturated an ments in the war; three nights the neighborhood the city’s Negro mayor, Henry their friends out of more vio- associate minister at Serond ^ hta ^otiated price” system tormer- Home, 219 W. Center St., to plained the company’s flnan- eral Informal meetings ha've Senate Foreign Relations Com­ Fusillades from a light ma­ Mrs. Hall’s husband, Don­ ■ « v e a almost two miles long and was nearly calm. G. Marsh, had turned down de­ ly followed for many years. procedure only iifter getting an pay respects to Mrs. Marshall c W data.* in support of the re- ^een held by town ofBicdals rad 1. The U.S. Command an­ mittee, which Is working on chine gun, rifles and shotguns ald resides in St. Petersburg, lence. miles wide with a lethal There were at least eight per­ The policy reversal was spur­ opinion from toe town coun­ - quest. Norman Bampton, the waiter company dfireotors to ­ nounced that th e . Forrestal, President Johnson’s foreign aid drew occasional shots, but again Fla. Her 13-year-old son mands of a federation of civil Whether that was the reason Tyrell, sister of Mrs. Pascal ■^^rioln of bombs. sons shot and wounded In Sag­ S te-’ to Erai ra^r^Sr^^TfS SJeTesu^ TS atS t ra- red by ra out-of-town supplier’s sel that a negotiated proced­ company's consulting engineer, America’s third largest aircraft bill, the sniper or snipers got away. George currently is In Rock­ rights groups. United Power, to or not, calm returned Tuesday Cemetery. Mastrragelo, a member of the ward that eYenltuaJlty. ^ The number of bombers was inaw, Mich., and another three weeks ago at George for compUSh are sometimes as- craceUation of milk deliveries. ure was legal. introduced rad explained the N o diecfisions have been carrier, has joined the 7th-Fleet . Several members of that com­ Two Negroes were gunned ford, ill., visiting his mar­ be heard In a meeting between night to the industrial city of • There will be no calling hours. club. ';;^ot disclosed but the size of the in Grand Rapids. In the South­ Marsh rad some business lead­ Teens on Tolland Tpke. toundtog—much of toe time, proposed, new rate schedule. reaiclwid but the aentlmeot operating against North Viet- tmittee including Chairman J.W. down in their car by Guardsmen ried Bister, Mrs. Sharon 197,000. Richard S. Neff,. 22, of 31 this Is done with a minimum of *larget area indicated a far west, Phoenix, Artz., police con­ ers on civil rights. Members of St. Bridget Ros­ Atty. Hugh Joseloff, company among _ town dtoectens Is fo r ec- nam from the Tonkin Gulf. The Fulbright, D-Ark., have. called at a roadblock near a Fire De­ Peterson. Half a dozen persons were Mrs. Thomas Praclera Earl S t, RockvlUe was charged help from Others, „JJ;reater than average strike. fronted Negro youths amid in­ Grand Rapids, the state’s sec­ ary Society w ill meet tonight counsel, coor^nated the pres- quirfng toe holdtogs. Australian destroyer Hobart for cutbacks in the supnly of partment command post. A fire arrested after groups threw Funeral 'services for Mrs. at 9:15 p.m. yesterday ■with He has proven his ablltty to -r.-The big bombers probably,, un- termittent rifle fire. ond largest city with 200,000 res­ at 8 at the John F. Tierney entation. Mbrlarty, to urging the towh also rejoined the fleet bombard­ U.S. arms to other countries. captain told Guardsmen to open rocks and bottles Tuesday night Thomas 'V. Praciera of 84 overcrowding ra operator. ua, let’s show Tom we have '!!|^|Ioaded hundreds of thousands of Here is a city-by-city break­ idents, seethed after three Ne- Disorders in N. Y. Funeral______Home, 219 W. Center The w ater com pra/s largest take artion,explailined that he ing North Vietnam. The Defense, State and Treas­ up .when one of them leaned in Muskegon, a Lake Michigan Hackmatack St. were held yes­ ■^rounds of bombs on the North down of totest riot developments g^oea had been shot and slightly PoUce said he •was riding ta faith that he can do a good Job St., to pay respects to the late customer, the 8th Utilities Dls- ^vorried lest the water ooan- "2. Two American Jets were ury departments appealed to from a window With a pistol." port city of 46,500 about 190 terday afternoon at toe Holmea l^ilyietnamese emplacements. SNGC Leader across the nation: wounded while trying to urge an a 1967 MG on Main St. ■with in the legislature for all of Mrs. Mnrflhftll TyreU, a mem- trict, went on record before the j ^ y artl acme o f its open apace downed over North. Vietnam the Senate Banking and Curren­ With the new deaths, Detroit’s miles from Detroit. Funeral Home, 400 Main St. two other persons. The foreign us. I urge you to vote for Tom The target area was Just rk . • • M * !-• angry crowd to calm down ber. PUC as opposed to the increase. hokUngB to industrial develop- Tuesday. They brought an- cy Committee Tuesday to allow riots were two short of being the At Benton Harbor, a city of The Rev. Kenneth Steere^ of sports car, however, is built to Conran Jr. on Wednesday, July Outstate Michigan Tuesday. Houses were burned, Cross over River ------— ------era. H e instats towt it would be Arrested for 19,000 in southeastern Lower (See Page Thirty-One) (See Page Sixteen) (See Page Sixteen) SAGINAW, Mich. (AP) — Ra- and snipers fired sporadically in a ^ im n o d a te only tw o persons, 26. to toe ■town’s edvenitage to ac­ Officiated. W alter Grzyb was Sincerely, (Oonttooed from Fage^One) cial violence flared In eight the city 160 miles northwest of Michigan, groups of Negro teen­ oiganirt. Burial was to East ^ scheduled to appear Raymond Zemraek Bolton quire new waiter sources which , Contest T onight Aiding Riot Michigan cities Tuesday night, Detroit. agers looted a grocery store and The second successive night wouSd esse ito supply problem damaged four other business Cemetery. Manchester Circuit Court 12 IW WWker St., of disorder was pint-sized com­ Bearers were Henry Panel- Manchester, Conn. Som e Q a im j oq and, alt toe same time, to make 3pi^s" No, T Cat WASHINGTON (AP) — FBI places. Police arrested four. Aug. 7. pared with the racial riot that era, Anthony Praciera, Rosa oertafin toait the open spaces agents arrested H. Rap Brown A fire bomb police said was began three years ago Monday. Cut in Tax democrat Primary Aug. Jo Hurst, Joseph Sanitin, Chaiies remain so, fo r recreational use. tossed froni' a group of Negro Tha; riot claimed five lives and 3 Of the Nation today on Maryland charges of Mitchell and George 'Winzler. romplicity ta a Negro riot at youths caused $100,000 damage resulted ta nearly a million dol­ Chesterton to Get $13^,245 On Education Board Seats ^ MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Cambridge. Lawmakers Haggle Tuesday night to an apartment lars ta property damage. Drivers Warned ' ^ames 'Vennard Wisest Move he alley cats, fat cats rad run- building under construction at Several hundred Negroes Two Democratic aspirants Aheam to a major In the Army F B I Director J. Edgar Hoover Funeral services for James Mount Clemens, 21 miles north As Director of Projects went on rampages Monday are definitely planning to chal- Reserves, and has Juat seroed In Two Crashes ng cats have been sorted. The said Brown was taken into cus­ ■Vennard o f 21 Server St. were (Continued from Page One) two weeks of duty at Fort of Detroit. Another fire caused Two drivers were warned to ewel-studded tiara is being p^- i r tody at Washington National As U.S. Cities Biirri lenge caucus^endorsed cradlT $20,000 damage to a race-track .held yesterday afternoon at toe recommendaitlon hy toe was ra attempt to make up for "‘8ht jn^toe^ on“ tlther begin IS have this effect. Mean- Leavenworth, Kansas. two. of three car accidents in­ Airport about 10 a.m. dates for their seats on the •^jjjjihed. Either George, Pepper, WASHINGTON (AP) — Lead- Carl^ tXlbert of Oklahoma £ garage at the city of 21,000. John F. Tierney F^erai Home, superintendent of schools to lart yeart overri^. . side of the downtown business wl^e, the deficit for the current The school is designed to vestigated yesterday by police. Bfown, national chairman of ers are haggling over the politi­ cused Republican leaders of At Saginaw, a member of place Allan Oieaterton, director Chesterton wUl have char^ , ’ ^ Board of Education. train outstanding rtaff officers JJJjjtaspuUn or Omar Khayyam the Student Nonviolent Coordi­ area. No injuries were reported. “ playing politics" in issuing a United Power, a gross-roots civ- Personal Notices ^ ^ ^ The“ troublemaKei-s' were . teen- year likely would sweu. Mrs. Virginia Butterfield of In both the active and reserve A written warning for follow­ '111 become Am erica’s top tab- nating Committee, has been cal blame for big city rioting aa Republican Policy Coordinating H rights group, declared. •The, at maximum to Claas H of toe $250,000 annually and wdU a\^ mMtiriS o7l» ta^ta ttitiray tocrow^ Vernon Rd. rad Robert Thorp- forcce. For reaervWte, the ing too closely was issued at ty tonight. charged with unlawful flight to Congress moved ponderously to administrative salary schedule ervlse more tiira 16 persons, ton of Converse Rd. are chal- course covero a five-year pw - Committee statement saying police said. probably taka effect' Jan. 1 6:50 p.m. yesterday to Raymond .. J But before he, or she, gets the avoid prosecution, based on a set up the machinery to inves- (See Page Sixteen) was accepted by the Board of Curtla said. Johnson had failed to cope with In Memoriam "It is the children roaming ^pen the fiscal year ta half lengtag Harold Porcheron rad lod. The commandtog general F, Day, 32, of Kelly Rd., Ver­ ^29|rown as the All-American local Maryland warrant which tlgate violence to the streets. In lovfiitf memory of George C. Education after lengtoy discus- Of toe total cost of Chestor- Dana Hanson. The primary of Fort Leavenworth presented the problem of civil disorders. the area with the adult popula- over. Thus Its impact on the non, as a result of a rear-end |Iamour kitty of 1967, there will charged Brown with inciting While committees discussed Bcabert who paased away July 26, eion last night. ton’s’ salary, all tmt $1,100 will dlptomaa to theSlSoffloers'who Amid an eruption of charges 1909. tion controlling Itself rad not current budget might be ^ess will be held Aug. 28. crash on Hilliard St., police re- such strong points of com- arson at Cambridge. hearings rad action on ratiriot- The 7-1 afflnnatlve ■vote be paid for by terms of toe gathered from aU 6ver the and counter charges, Johnson Always a silent heartache. getting involved,” said acting than orgtoally anticipated. Mrs. Butterfield rad Thorn­ etitiOQ as mouse chasing, The F B I said Brown would be ing rad inquiry meeisures, Dem- raises Chesterton from $10,656 state rad federal grants, Cur- ton have secured the necessary country for their final two P®"™ met with Senate Republican Mlmy a sSeiX tear. caty Mgr. Robert A. Feldman. ------— Police said the car he waa )aper bag investigation, climb- arraigned by a U.S. commis­ ocrats and Republicans accused Leader Everett M. Dirksen, dls- But alanays a t>eautUul metnoiry to $13,245 annually for ten tis noted, signatures on their petitions, weeks of staff ■work- 'Of one we loved so dear. He said to the early morning driving struck another operated “ d ball rolling. sioner ta Alexandria, Va., im- each other of trying to reap po cussed "every angle" of multi­ months’ work. Several of toe Republicans vriiich are due at the town in oivUlan life Major Aheam B ulletin hours, ‘"Ihe situation ta to V e m o n by Theodore P. Cadman, 18, ot toedlately.' Utical advratage out of the ple-city rioting and gave no In­ Wife sod Children Chesterton served last year on toe board ta recent hand.’’ The announcement came clerk’s office tor verification ta ra English teacher at Bast *!*• Nowhere to the rules does it 30 Valley Falls Rd., Vemon. Brown spoke to a Crowd of 4- bloody destruction to Detroit dication of whether he favors a In MemnHnm M director Of Projects I and have oonsistentiy questioned Aug. 2. Hartford IBgh School ancOIw- w 3 a y the new glamour kitty has as police reported 86 persons A written warning for failure F.MHtT 00 in Cambridge for 46 minutes rad other urban aresM. SOLO SIOOP SOUGHT In tovto C. HI, which provide remedial he^i the wisdom of getting tiro ta- Ellington Bic^ak Porcheron ta seeking hta cheater Ckmunuirify College. ‘”*i> have a family line any longer congressional Investigation. had been arrested. to grantee right of way at an Monday night. About an hour Controversy boiled up TUes< BostMrt wtu peasM away Jidy X, reading ra d math fo r dtaad- ■volved to to e goirernment pro- third term. Hanson ta seeking During Wo«M War H he wwRian its whiskers. Any and all This' was Dirksen’s report as NEW YORK (AP) — TWo later 1,000 Negroes rioted for ®''®*‘, whether President , ■vantoged children, apd Curtis grams, and this was brought B r U lg S A rrO S t fUat fuU term, having gone servdd/as ra tofianltiy sergeant intersection was issued at 3:60 >’^H|omers. so long as they.had an he offered a resolution to set up Coast Guard cutters searched — 'ro______. ^ .TnhnBillnJohnson a/iftaHacted quickly enough 4tom It to Just one y ^ r that W have recently announced <3hesterton up again laCt n igh t b y Phekm p.m. yesterday td Mary L. Wil­ «««wner to tew, were welcomed J i two hours, rad a fire spread a Senate-House committee of 10 the Atlantic today for the A 24-yeay-old man who lives qq the board to fill a vacancy, to Italy. H e' was on active sending federfd troops into De­ and*nlSncny. We would a lso-ta k e over adminis- and chairman John Rottner. Rail Strike ta Ellington, charged with JKrs'. ■ Butterfield and Thom- duty during the Korean War liams of Rt. 31, North Coventry, ^yfcr the competition. along two blocks of Pine Street, to inquire into the root causes of skipper of a sloop attempting destroying about a dozen build­ troit’s stricken areas and WIN aeiver forget you or your good- tratlon o f the Head S tart pro- R ottn er questioned, to par- breaking rad entering with ton challenged the. tocumbehta as a signal offloer. A t present after the car she was driving hit Four finalists, chosen from civil disorder and to reconi- a solo sail to Engloiul who ings. whether Republictins were play­ san and Undoeu. gram next year. ticuler, whether toe board crimtoal intent rad larceny, another at E. Center and Park­ UrSational entries, are to the fun- mend congressional action te reported ftodtog the shark- M ed iators who were tpwn-committee-en- he Is an arttitaiy officer and a ing politics to iiccuslng Johnson *Ihrough ra oversight, CSieat- should agree to contribute to had a bond of $1,0(X) set to er Sts., poUce said. S lln g for the title now held by Brown was named Tuesday ta curb further outbreaks. ■ eaten remains of a body dorsed, at the caucus, but lost, ^eclaltat In Nuclear Weapons of f£iiUng to de£d adequately Nuce ttmew erton received no salary In- tiie director’s salary. Rockville Circuit Court 12 to- All four names will be llsM employment, ’They said her car hit one iwAnoball, a frisky all-white feline state w£irrrats charging him .. Dirksen supported the GOP with a bullet wound to the with inciting a riot rad "cqun- head. Clifton Tatro, 44, a crease last year, but the board, ^ ,^ent along B e g in W o r k day. on the voting , machine to Au- PTA Sels Movie o p ^ t e d by ^tose M. Acelto of vned by Mr. ra d Mrs. John C^rdinattog Committee state- | , | , O rd Of Thanks ______roitog rad procuring the burn- Sen. ”Robert ’ ' "P. Grlffto, R- ' Massapequa, N.Y., EngUsll ’The man, Patrick Benway, gust, with the two receiving the The F T A w ill sponsor its sec- South St., Coventry. rimoff of Mt. Ratoier; Md^ ment Monday but said it wasn’t ^ ' J s r **21 ■^hiStfek ** T wWh toe favonAle vote, and _(Continued______tram Page_ Opel 3 of the Pine Street Elemen- Mich., told the Senate there had teacher, left Long blond was arrested yesterday mom- most votes the wtoners. ond movie of the season tomor- A street sign was stmek at JJ5 The four, are George, Pepper, discussed in his meeting with ; ' ' tiSsPke to tiMir dear frimjto; reto- ^ ® surplus in the pij^ion cost toe lone negative voluntary settlement until Oct. tery Schools.” been an /Unfortunate delay” Monday in an attempt to sail tog at 7 to connection with a re- These two are automatically yrow afternoon from 2 to 4 ta 8:80 a.m. yesterday on Mato St ' Miiusputin rad Omar Kayyam.' thq President. aS5..!i°*.“agS2y fa M. Ktws faU., th« board’. Military Honors Accorded McNaughton ■-i ifwo civil rijg^ta leadeia from between the time federal troops to Plymouth, Englrad. The cent break to Ellington. ' on the board in the fall, since, the high school ’There wUl by a car driver who ”froM” a^ ■H* Q«w>rge is a one-year-old fe- Despite disavowals, there was nosBel^WSSfiw was a^unced last night, come advised after .toe vote wage recommendatuons wUl be- Baltimore £ire touring the rtof arrived ui. Michigan emd when Coast Guard, imable to learn Benwsy was unable today to according to mtoorlty repre- be eight Abbot and (fosteUo the wheel, according to poUce. Niwale owned by Mary Jane The flag-draped (tasket of John T. McNaughton is Borne to an Arlington obvious backstage maneuvering they were ordered lijto the his e.vaet location, sent out : . defended toe 25‘per ®<«~® ““-“oor- “featurettes” and carUxms. Ad- PoUce quoted the driver, Mar- !!Z^chard8on of Statesville, N.C. National Cemetery grave by horse-drawn caisson today for burial with area te (^tacuss the situation between Democrats rad Repub­ ATOSTHsurti and csiiidren o e i e i ^ xne ro ^ phUosophy o f » i f out members had retained Po«t the bond rad was sent to sentation, they cannot be op- with Gen. George H . Gelston, ®teeets. He said to that period the cutter Point Wells from mission ta 36 cents, and candy eta A. (Julver of 181 Vemon St, "'"'Pepper ta a "mostly alley’.’ highest military honors. McNaughton, designated to be secretary of the Navy; licans to shift the onus for street cent increase he suggested for ^ federal involvement their right to strike, like other ToUrad State Jail until hta next posed by RepubUcans. commander of Maryland’s Na- adr .;,v MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1967 PA G E TH R E E fA G tt TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANOIESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1967 hAiWOHO^S - were on tour with another show, ■XCLUMVf CONN. aH O W N O ^ Ottawa Reception Uncertain Straw Hat Toppers - — will be appearing together again iVia. I OHOWS 7:00 0IWOOM the /Sheinwold on Bridge CINEMA! MATO. WID.-0AT.-0MN,«ni next, week at Atlanta, Oa., in ■-j.in: 1 ;; Bii “ Quys and Dolte." News I? Pearson Rebukes DeGaulle ^ Pre-Season Sale Audiences Almost Ruined O ia ilip d /Vcw. -niAIN'.YOimTRAIN T01IB SON southSouth dealer .ELIZABETH .RICHARD Problem Solved rar BIOBT HABITS Both sides vulnerable T a y l o r B u r t o n JH TWl YNMt MIWItilTm ODD DYE LOTS iSHirASHIkCTOKf IWASHIKCTONI By ALFRED SHEINWOLD NORTH COiitt_^TWE fO SUHWNDlH-UNCONOfTIOHlAUyi For Separatist Speeches ^ Betty Whitens Performance At last,^ oAe of the summer ♦ 9 3 tent theaters seems to have What riiould you aay when A762 OTTAWA (AP) — An uncer­ ceived in Quebec and that Cana­ overcome most of the acoustics T h e T a m in g DISGONTIMIED YARNS BOSTON (AP)—T(^per« from Ludden played the tycoon and your 16-year-old eon stands on 0 KQ 10 tain reception awaited Presi­ dians “ attach the greatest im­ the New Hhigland straw hat she played his wife, but audi­ problem that has plagued its ♦ QJ95 O f T he S hrew dent Charles de Gaulle in Cana­ portance to our friendship with . ences “ resisted so strongly” presentations of Broadway mus­ one foot and asks haltingly how circuit:- W EST E A ST liM wono da’s capital today following a the French people.” TABLECLOTHS - PILLOWCASES any implication that Alien might icals. t to get along in the outside rebuke from Prime Minister “ It has been, and remeilns, New England tans of televi­ A 10862 A KJ74 H T M^SNEIFTKYEMrS be cheating on Betty that it The first real test %t the aug­ world? ’This is no time for fairy C? 8 <5 K5 Lester B. Pearson and mounting the strong purpose of the gov­ sion personality Betty White “ took the fun out of doing the mented sound system at the tales about the birds and the O A873 O J9542 protests over his support for ernment of Caitada to foster CREWEL - NEEDLEPOINT who flocked to see her in “Any show,” she said. Warwick, R.I., Musical ’Theater AP Neiwsfestnrw A 763 2 A 84 Quebec separatists. that friendship,'.’ he said. came last week with “ On a bees. Give it to him straight: Wednesday” at playhouses in Although she found the wife’s B y e x n KROiNffiH SOU TH De Gaulle was scheduled to “ I hope that my discussions part a “ delightful role to do,” d e a r Day You Can See For­ George Washington la first “Son, don’t form any good SIEVE Skoadiegan and Kennebunkport, A A Q 5 MdigEEl arrive by train late today for a later this week with Gen. de she said she hadn’t planned to ever,” its first musical presen­ habits.” Savings in war, finft In peace and fitvt ^ Q J 10943 round of banquets and recep­ Gaulle Will demonstrate that Katoe, and Dennis, Mass., al­ play it any more and was per­ tation this season. Eni.i;Nni(ni.[n. t:ii) in the numtier o f complelnits Opening lead —^two of spades MTI, Oa.-UT.-HI. M in i tions concluding his controver­ this purpose is one which he most didn’t get the chance. suaded to make the New Eng­ John Raitt, with his booming O 6 concerning hia portrait on a When today’s hand was play­ A AK 10 Ul lUTI lEKIItl sial five-day tour that ends shares." Earlier this year she appeared land tour adien Franklin Cover, voice, and Marcia Rodd, aided piN« u t iin n iu uuPTEi U.S. atamp. ed, East was a 50-year

r ed that his office collected 99.5 lected; Dog License Fimd, $13,- my’s weakness. Clubs are nleiit presented by WlHlam Per­ schools enrolled in ninth grade stroy her unity,” Pearson de­ States, drew an enthusiastic re­ thorities attribute the grizzly 000 estimated, $14,879 collected; weaker than diamonds, so ry, aslrtamt superintendent of Latin, Spanish and leaving the per cent of estimated property clared.” Then he pointedly re­ ception when it was offered by face on the 1966 stamp to and Special Downtown Taxing East returns a club — and hools, to the board o f educa- town system to attend East taxes. Interest and lien fees for ferred to De Gaulle’s statement the Merry - Go - Round ’Theater “complications in the engra'vlng District Fund, $25,500 estimated, South makes the slam. >n Tasit night khows a total of Catholic High School in Man- the fiscal year ending Jime 30. that his reception In Montreal compsiny that sets up summers process.” ’Therefore, Washing­ 3 $25,932 collected. niore than 400 applications to Chester total 46 students for both gave him the same feeling he in Town Hall at, Sturbridge, ton will be given a dean shave Your son and mine would Of $7,679,539 estimated from tfach In the town school sys- schools. had during the liberation of Mass. and a facial uplifting on the work it out. South has four that source, all but $36,898 was t|m. France. “ Usually the mysteries don’t new Stamp to be printed in the cards in the minor suits. If he The total number of students by the end of the year, he re- Road Is Still Usable The Clark’s liPerry 8ald more than 190 in toe ninth grade language ported. “ Canadians do not need to be draw that well,” said actress - same blue as the condemned has a losing club, he cannot 28 North St. • Tel. 423-9001 manager Elaine BuUis - Orms, get rid of it by taking his max­ « PAKULA "MULLIGAN soductoi lAlters of Inquiry have been re- program with no eighth grade The Appian Way, built be­ liberated,” said Pearson. “ In­ one. Revenue to the 1966-67 Gen- fore 303 B.C. from Rome deed, many thousands of Cana­ “ but our attendance for this It might be noted that the imum of three diamond tricks. WILLIMANTIC b a c k ^ u n d from“ airsources w7s southward to the sea, was eo dians gave their lives in two show was very good and people Bureau of Eng^ravlng and But if South has a ' losing dla- 1|0 teachers have visited the show 17 in the Spanish classes, 99.6 per cent of estimates. were talking about it all over Always on Sunday . . . din­ b apminUtratlon offices and seven in Latin classes and five durably constructed that to­ world wars In the liberation of Printing, not wishing to waste ner at ’The Clark’s is a In categories other than prop­ town.” ti|ur0d the town schools. in 'French clase. day, more than 2,000 years la­ Finance and other European money or “ lose face” will con­ memorable experience . . . erty taxes, he reported the fol­ ter. it can s fll be used for countries.’’ FREE in-car HEATERS •During toe recrultn\ent pro- Teacher recommendations for tinue to supply the original s tradition among^a number lowing : heavy traffic. Pearson tempered his rebuke Demanding Role version o f the stamp until its of knowledgeable diners for g|am headed by Perry, more the 78 students in the eighth Fines, Licenses and Permits than 40 colleges and univer- grade French program at toe by saying he was sure Canadi­ Julie Harris, who first came stocks are exhausted. 19 years. —$83,500 estimated, $85,100 col- IVIEADOWS“i‘ Sj^es were visited with cor- Wapping School indicate 33 rec- jected JAILED IN SHOOTING ans were pleased at the warm to fame as a lonely 12-year-old First-day ceremonies for the How time 'files! And here s i a i s HARTFORD (AP) — A 28- welcome De Gaulle had re- raspondence entered Into with ommended for French I, 19 for new stamp will be held Nov. comes a fresh new Sunday. Current Services—$102,200 es­ girl in “ Member of the Wed­ Dick Van Dyke 1 ^ colleges and universities. French 1.5 and 4 for French H. year-old father of four was ding,” is tackling one of the 17 dn New York City In con­ Shall we save you a table? timated, $100,128 collected. Debbie Reynolds addition to numeixius tele- Some 22 students were not rec- jailed Tuesday for six months theater's most demanding roles nection with the American — In Color — State of Connecticut Assist­ for shooting another man. Stamp Dealers Association Na­ OPEN EVERY DAY lione conversations with ap- ommended for French in Grade ance for Welfare, Libraries and in a summer tour as Blanche "DIVORCE acants, colleges and refer- nine. • Superior Court Judge Leo Dubois in Tennessee Williams' tional Postage Stamp Show. “Fare with a Flair” Street Lighting—$24,020 estimat­ GHAROE YOUR The year's#! pD best seller picks you up and never lets you dovm. Ices, some 700 brochures on The figures for toe Ellsworth Parskey sentenced Willie S. “A Streetcar Named Desire.” Collectors desiring first-day AH4ERICAN ed, $15,608 collected. t^ South Windsor school .sys- teacher recommendations are Campbell, 28, of Hartford to one J IndSaw rOay- cancellations are reminded to Other Agencies—$52,643 esti­ The Falmouth, Mass., Play­ STYLE" tyn have been distributed to not available at this time due year on counts of aggravated as­ PRESCRIPTION mark their calendars now so Plus In Color mated, $45,413 collected. house, presenting the show this cfcdldates for teaching posts to vacation schedules. sault and carrying a dangerous week in an exclusive New Eng­ that they may send addressed “Night of the Generals” Starring Academy Award Winner Other Revenues, including wcapo -, Ecntencc: to be sus­ envelopes, together with- remit­ In +iio ova l^rd approved blH s^ Miscellaneous. Investment land engagement, reports that HMswHMR pended after six months. tance to cover the cost of the HSRIfORD SPRINCflilD UPRESSWAV cictM soootu wot Earnings and Sale of Town- New York producers arc urging RIS.5A i 91 North - HARTFORD juM were Invitea to Soutn for axibnlnlstratlve costs; $5,372 ® Police said Campbell used a Miss Harris to bring "Street­ stamps to be affixed, to the SANDYDENNIS HECKART- WHITE • STAPLETON ■ BOOKE • POOLE Owned Land—$289,609 estimat­ Wtleom* Har* mocm:io6t e«ecc»tc#» ______. l^ d so r on June 17 to familiar- for toe elementary schools, and shotgun on Willie Rogers, 30, of car” back to Broadway as a Postmaster, New York, N. Y. Children Under 12 Free! BELKAUFMAN TAD MOSEL-ALAN J.PAKULA-ROBERT MULLIGAN TEC H IIC IU N r ed, $227,423 collected. HartTord May 17 because of 10001, prior to Nov. 17. ’The en­ 1 » themselves with the town $3,914 for toe high school. winter revival. E lvis 8:50 |S3T