TUESDAY, JULY 26. 1967 Open in District 18 (Waddell-Y) 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. p a g e f o u r t e e n ■A .LA U0 W. Oaater 8 t Rnsr. Bte- Avenge Dafljr Net Pren Rni Bolton For The Week Ended. The Weather phen Piioe of St. UMy** Sfiis- ^ 23 D ea d ; Vincefis Vice Principal TB Te$t Mandatory O b itu ary oopsi Ctainch oltlotaited. Burial A nding tint makes man­ 5 J u ly 1967 Clear and cool tonight low was in the Veterans Section ol n, datory tubMeifl£n"€eSltog In Alternatives Urged by Panel 55-60; continued fair, warm Beat Cemetery. i H u g e A rea s At Illing Junior High thb ' Manchester prtbllc € u m Mrs. A . Knehtoiiald Beoren were Anthony Pe- and pleasant tomorrow, high to schoote was paased lart lira/ Antoinette KuctaienaM, tricoa, Dandd Morrison, Thom­ Andrew P, ^cens vrns ap­ 14,729 mid 80s. 7», of 228 Oak St." died mat ^ «wrn, W ip e d O u t night by the Board of Sklu- For Addition to High l^hool as Brown, \Stelren Brown, pointed vice principal of Illing Manchester—-A. City of Village Charm nl(bt at her home after a Ion* ^nd Rodney csttcnl The subcommittee of the MUk Bid AwnriM (Oonttnued from P age One) Junior EDgh School by the Under Wie new' ruling, iDait’s Dairy, sole bidder on UlnesB. Petrv. Board of Education charged ;YOL. LXXXVL NO. 251 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1967 tied Advertising on Page Mrs. Kuchlenakl was bom In Board of Education last night which takea effect la Sep­ milk, wan awarded the bid to PRICE SEVEN CENTS Ing with roof-top and doorway with looking into-a revised ad<U- Poland and lived In Manchester after It renew ed the creden­ tember, an pupOs ratering tlon to the high school has un- supply It at .0647 a half'pint, tor more than 60 years. She Vern on snipers. achooil for the fiw t time and which is .0047 above tiiln yearin tials of tree candidates in ex­ officlaUy reported. was a member of St. John’s I ^ TheXUQ WlUAQIlSgsoldiers, BV40 potpSr cent USo( those transferring Into the At last night’s brief board milk, also supplied by Da>t^ ecutive session. ^ Polish N a tio n a l Catholic Z^O U r CyJTflSllC'S veterans ot Vietnam, system must present evi­ meeting Harold Ponsheron sug- Monroe Intematlo^ of Just Routine Church. The other applicants were not dence of\a tubercuUn test. rolled Into the city on buses and named, but were Identified by gested that the board moot as Kfartford was aiworded a neiv _ DeGaulle to Leave Survivors Include a daughter, One will also become part of armored trucks, their lights School Superintendent William soon as possible to discuss tha vice ^ m a i n t r a ^ LOS ANGELES (AP) — Mrs. John KonarsW of Man­ tile routine phySMals given addition and to acquaint the on «»»e® Everett Gardner and Ms Investigated dimmed in combat readiness. Curtis as the top candidates chester; two sons, Frank T. all 7th graders. new school superintendent and machines a t | 2 1 A T ^ oompany wife know an about bur- yance Predicts More Deaths Kuchlenskl of Manchester and .PoU ce reported tour multi- “This sniper fire won’t bother emong seven from the Man­ TMs peat spring, the palpal with the system’s ^ ilnfuriated Canada gtew- Walter A. Smith of Rocky Hill, oar accldmts yesterday, us,” said one youngish looking Chester system applying tor the testing was Started on a ’Hielr restaurant to Los and three granddaughters. T w o motorcycltots Were itak- corporal. "M o t of us have been position. -•’^ MONTREAL (AP)'—Gen. Chfirles de Gaulle is re- voluntary basis at the kin- By rammon conkent the board ed 1 Angeles was burglarized The funeral will be held to- en to BockviUe Genital Itoe- in Vietnam. These guys here Vlncens, who has been serv- deigarton and Ttii grade lev- I!!;!5tuming ’to PVance, skipping a face-to-face meeting with three times and hdd up morrow at 8:16 a.m. from the pdiai sifter a car-cyrie coUdstoi start sniping at us, and they’re i»g as coordinator of Illing 9th decided to S £ d ^ S eIvSd a rarvto. e ii after permlaalon was ^:;;^is rebuker, Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson. eight times before they de­ Holmes Funeral Home, 400 altout 3 pm. on Rt. 30. They going to get one hell of a smr- grade pupils at MancheatoS nought hy Dr. Sylvia Hel- Sura toSrief his tS ? replace- . - A government source reported ^ ^ --------------------------------------- cided to go to a quiet place Main St., with a Mass of re­ are Ronald DesJardins, 29 of prise.” High School, replaces 'William frtck, the school phyrirtan. Before Detroit Rioting Ends ments ra the p r o b le m s ,^ to the diplomatic crista culml- and start over. quiem at St- John’s Church at Hartford, operator, and his pas- Some units relieved beleagu- OaMweu, vice principal at R- “ attng to Pearson’s rebuke rad In Hemet, CaUf., iahoirtly_ 9. Burial will be in St. John’s seniger Frank Bitotche, 33, o f ered Guardsmen on the East ling Since 1961. ’The appolnt- vacations of »ome ot Ito compony,^a oont of 126 earii. .^French prerident a pkrty. ue Gaulle’s decision to go after their restaurant open-" Cemetery. East Hartford. Side, with the rest deployed ment is effective Sept. 1. hers. It was felt that toe bidder ra malntananoe ® h®™®- H is” Long Uve free Qife- two yeora ago, a burglar Friends,may call at the fu­ Neither was seriously in- within striking distance of key Chldwell resigned in June to Septem ber could not meet tefore Ito**^ ^ typewrftera ..^ ^ g h t >>®i^ *’*/®*!^m* ^ GauUe beej.. was too close to homo for used a crowbar to break neral home tonight from 7 to jured, poMce said. ~ trouble spots. join the faculty at the Univer- regular meeting Aug. 14. was Yale ’Typewriter Service « f Andrew P. Vtooens to ^ v e in Ottawa tor a Canadians since li has down the door. W est Side 9. ’There will be a Prayer Serv­ A car driven by Louis Btren- As the second night of vlo- sity of Hartford, The subcommittee, constating j^ jg ^ o s te r. which Wd eodi- “ ®®*? ^ raUytag cry for those Since then, their place has ice at the funeral home tonight baum, ■ 46, o f Brooklyn, N .Y . lencq, ended, however, the chsa-- In adtUtlon to serving as H- K ey M onth, of Conlra, Porcherra, and D ^ sjnce this da toe secitod year tral Connecticut State College In "■’*>1^ ^ otool^. It wra Jiut French-speaking Canadians—by been burglarized five times. at 8. crossed Rit. 30 to enter the actef of rioting appeared to ling administrator at MHS Hanson, said in Its report that the typewritera, toe board 1953., hours after Pearson had Is- every yardstick a small mlnori- Each time the kitchen door Is Scene o f Howard Johnson Restaurant have changed. Arson and loot- since 1963, Vlncens became dl- He also holds a master’s in Says N H R R It is felt that "if toe town Is to forego service and J^rjBued a statement r e b ^ g the t y _ who want ra independent Oustave A. Wederstrom presented with two comparative the $714. was broken down. and hit the motorcycle, police ing, set <rff by Negroes esirly rector of the Manchester Sum- guidance and a 6th year advanc­ . ^ e n e ^ tor his ”^ n g Uve Quebec, separate from the. nine ANDOVER — Gustave A. alternatives a choice may be jj^via and Nye was awarded ’The Gardners have a new Sniper Fire 2 said. Birenbaum was given a Sunday and later Joined by mer School last summer, a Job ed certificate in administration, (Continued from Page One) ,;;yrro Quebec, at ^ntreal. other provinces, which are Wederstrom, 81, of Bast Hart­ written warning by Officer whites, dropped sharply.' he holds again this year. made.” the bid for- funUiture fo r the Sign on the door Whiich says: both earned at the University statements by^ largely English speaking. please. ford, father o f Clifford G. John Bundy for failure to giant Sniper Are Increased, with Before entering admlnlStra- The New Haven, which en- Consequently, toe subcoinmit- imaged classrooms at $2,220.60. GauUe “ are unacceptable to — r DETROIT (AP) — Na­ The report of a bullet hole at “Kllchen Window is opep. Wederstrom of Andover, died right of way. most <rf It concentrated on tion. he was Instructor In elec ° * M ^ e d * and the father of tered bankruptcy In 1961 and has tee w ou ld ^ ve toe town a chol^^^ The company supplied toe -.Hthe Canadian people rad its tional Guardsmen and po­ yesterday at Hartford Hospital. tronics In the MHS Industrial high school “Thanks a bunch.” A t about 2 p.m., a perked car police and guardsmen. three sons, Vlncens lives at 46 not shown a profit for 10 years, between toe plan for cete- tumiture for toe * ’ ..government. ” ■ (See Page Sixteen) lice raked buildings and Survivors also include his arts department. H e Joined the and was over-all low .Udder, with a ten year-dd boy in- -------------------- Sherwood Circle. ^ Today a spokesman for the rubble-strewn streets with wife, a daughter, and four Manchester system In Septem­ also serves 6,000 commuters In twice last year, and an Bids were opened last week side began rolling IVeat ra He Is a pMt secretary, vice French Foreign Office, who ac- machine-gun fire today as grandcihlldren.
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