Good day Rino

Hope all is well.

The South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Limited, (SANRAL) comments are as follows:

a) No structure shall be erected closer than 30 metres from the national road reserve fence and 500 metres from any point of intersection.

b) The proclaimed national road reserve shall not form part of the development. The developer should determine the exact position of the road reserve fence in conjunction with SANRAL’s Regional Manager beforehand, or should the road reserve be proclaimed on co-ordinates he should act accordingly.

c) If access is required from the national road R336 is required, then an application must be sent to SANRAL for consideration.

d) The developer has to submit proof of ownership of the property concerned and that the zoning and subdivision of the property has been approved.

e) Concerning drainage, section 47(2) of the above mentioned Act specifies that the developer shall receive and dispose of the storm-water discharged or diverted from the national road, and SANRAL will not be liable for any damage caused in the development by the storm- water. In cases where the development drains towards the national road, the developer shall submit a drainage scheme to SANRAL for approval, simultaneously with the submission of the scheme to the relevant local authority. The developer shall also furnish the 1:50 year expected storm-water discharge from the finally developed and the capacity of the drainage structures underneath the national road which fall within the catchment-area of the township. Should SANRAL be of the opinion that the drainage structures underneath the national road are not sufficient to accommodate the expected storm-water flow, the developer would be required to install additional structures at his own cost or to take such steps as may be prescribed by SANRAL.

f) The Applicant/Developer shall, at his own cost and in accordance with SANRAL’s stipulations, establish a permanent 2 metre high brick wall/security fence/palisade fence on the common boundary of the relevant property and the national road reserve. Detail plans of the proposed wall/security fence/palisade fence must be submitted to SANRAL for approval.

g) No free standing advertising signs will be allowed. Signage shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on Advertising on or visible from the National Road as published in Government Gazette no 6968 dated 22 December 2000, the South African Road Traffic Signs Manual and Act 7 of 1998.

h) Approval of the Environmental Impact Assessment must also be submitted with the application to SANRAL.

Have a blessed day.

Kind regards Chumisa

Chumisa Njingana (SR) Statutory Control Administrator

20 Shoreward Drive, Baywest, , , 6025, D: 041 398 3251 | M: [email protected] | Fraud Hotline Number - 0800 204 558

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