1 October – December 2009 NEWSLETTER XXVII:1- 4 Published quarterly by the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, Inc. Interim Editor: Karen Sue Rolph, Stanford University, Menlo Park, California 94025 (e-mail:
[email protected]; web: www.ssila.org). ISSN 1046-4476. Copyright © 2009, SSILA. An Information Service for SSILA Members Interim Editor - Karen Sue Rolph (
[email protected]) Executive Secretary - Ivy Doak (
[email protected]) -- >> -- Correspondence should be directed to the Editor -- <<-- Volume 27, Numbers 1-4 CONTENTS SSILA BUSINESS . 1 CORRESPONDENCE . 5 OBITUARY . 7 NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS . 8 MEDIA WATCH . 14 RECENT PUBLICATIONS . 15 GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS . 17 NEWS FROM REGIONAL GROUPS . 21 MESSAGE TO OUR READERS Newsletter XXVII:1-4 is the first quarterly newsletter published under the editorship of Karen Sue Rolph. Our last quarterly newsletter, Volume 26, was published in 2007; it is available online at www.ssila.org. SSILA BUSINESS The SSILA Annual Meeting in Baltimore Maryland, January 7-10, 2010 The 2009-10 winter meeting of the SSILA will be held jointly with the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America in Baltimore, Maryland, at the Hilton Baltimore, January 7-10, 2010. Hotel information is available at www.ssila.org. If you find errors in the following schedule, please contact Ivy Doak. 2 SSILA Annual Meeting, Preliminary Schedule Thursday, January 7th Evening Spatial frames of reference in languages of Mesoamerica 5:00 Juergen Bohnemeyer University at Buffalo Spatial frames