
62  Le tendenze e modelli di sviluppo della ricerсhe scientifici  Tomo 2 . DOI 10.36074/13.03.2020.v2.19


Щелкунова Любовь Ивановна доцент Харьковский национальный университет строительства и архитектуры


Introductions. The problem of the mismatch of the content of the mathematical education of student architects with the requirements of modern architectural design is considered and approaches to its elimination are proposed. Aim. The aim of this work is to study the area of interaction of mathematical methods of fractal geometry and architecture as a component of an integrative learning system (in the context of the application of mathematical methods and models in architectural and urban planning practice). Materials and methods. The following methods were used in the work: collection, systematization, classification and generalization of information regarding the problem posed a comparative analysis of different pedagogical approaches, synthesis and analysis of the results of one's own pedagogical integrative activity. Results and discussion. Search and implementation of integrative technologies in the educational process is one of the leading trends in recent years. This trend is due to the increasing role of interdisciplinary knowledge in the content of modern education [1]. Over the years, the authors have been searching for approaches to incorporating new mathematical knowledge into the training system for architects. The solution to this problem is carried out by developing elective courses designed for masters and senior students. Such special courses contain integration units of mathematical, computer and architectural knowledge [2]. A feature of this approach is the emphasis on the applied orientation of the content of educational material. In addition to the mathematical foundations of the corresponding theory, the thematic plan of the special course necessarily contains the main directions of the practical application of mathematical methods in architectural and urban planning practice. The use of computer technology in shaping has led to the concept of digital architecture creating computational architectural objects. Ddifferent approaches to the description and systematization of computer modeling methods in nonlinear architecture are present in modern scientific literature. So, they distinguish such widely used methods in modern architectural practice as computer parametric, fractal, algorithmic, geometric modeling and their combinations. The applications of these methods often overlap due to the coincidence of the principles on which they are based. It is important to note that fractal geometry methods are not included in the standards of modern education, despite their high relevance in modern architectural design.

13 marzo 2020 • Roma, Italia  63 . To solve this problem, the authors developed an integrated special course for senior students and undergraduates "Fractal geometry and architectural design". The structure and content of the author’s program of the special course reflect the search for opportunities for students to acquire fractal construction skills using software tools. The authors expect that as a result of such work, future specialists will gain experience in modern types of activities and expand their capabilities in the field of creating various mathematical models in architectural design. The thematic plan of the special course includes blocks of knowledge from fractal geometry, computer, in particular, fractal graphics, and the practice of architectural design. The problem of choosing integrative educational forms is associated with building a model for establishing, first of all, intersubject communications [3]. The creation of software and methodological support (integrated universal environments, manuals, presentations) is a feature of the construction of this course. For example, to expand on the topic “Algorithms for constructing fractals”, presentations were prepared on the topics “Building fractals using L-systems”, “Building fractals on the complex plane”, “Building fractals using affine transformations”. When using L-systems, the “turtle-graphics” are used as output subsystems. It should be noted that much attention in such integrative activities is paid to applied issues. The authors studied works related to the analysis of the use of fractal structures in architectural design. According to the prevailing opinion among experts, there are two ways for applying fractal structures in architectural design practice. The first path involves the use of well-known fractal models, for example, Sierpinski napkins, Meger sponge, Kanter set, Koch curve, etc. For example, fractal structures in the form of a napkin and Sierpinski triangle can be found in real design practice: the work of Norman Foster (Hearst Tower), (Fuji TV Headquarters Building on Island) and others. The second way is connected with the use of the algorithm of natural systems in the created architectural project. This path requires computer software to detect the fractal algorithm in natural objects using computer analysis and application of the algorithm in design. Thus, the following results can be indicated: 1. The field of application of fractal geometry methods in modern architecture is identified and the basic principles of fractal modeling of architectural objects are determined. 2. The discrepancy between the content of the mathematical education of architects and the requirements of modern design is indicated, and the possibilities of introducing new relevant knowledge into the educational process are investigated. 3. The approaches aimed at the acquisition of interdisciplinary knowledge by future designers through the organization of scientific work in the framework of student scientific societies, as well as the introduction of specialized courses of applied orientation based on integrative technologies, are proposed. Conclusions. Bringing the contents of the mathematical education of architects in accordance with the requirements of modern design requires a review of educational programs and the implementation of multidisciplinary teaching technologies.

64  Le tendenze e modelli di sviluppo della ricerсhe scientifici  Tomo 2 . One of the possible directions of introducing new knowledge into the educational process of students of architectural specialties is work in student scientific societies. And the experience of such activities demonstrates a positive result. Students, having first become acquainted with the principles of fractal geometry, say that this new knowledge changes their whole understanding of the world. Also, according to the authors, it is advisable to carry out such work in advanced courses.

Список использованных источников: 1. Щелкунова, Л.І. & Шульгина, С.С. Про підходи до вдосконалення змісту навчальної дисципліни «Вища математика» для студентів архітектурних спеціальностей/ Теорія та методика навчання математики, фізики, інформатики. Кривий Ріг: Вид. відділ НМетАУ, 2011. Вип. IX. С. 212-215. 2. Щелкунова, Л.И. Дифференциальная геометрия и фрактальный анализ в архитектурном проектировании/ Научно-исследовательские публикации. Международная научно- практическая конференция «Наука в ХХІ веке: Проблемы и перспективы развития» (г. Воронеж, 20-22 февраля, 2017). Воронеж, 2017. №2(40). С. 63-69. 3. Щелкунова, Л.И.& Емец, М.С. (2019). Математические методы и нелинейная архитектура в системе интегративного обучения. Фізико-математична освіта. Випуск 3(21). – с.163-169. DOI: 10.31110/2413-1571-2019-021-3-024.

DOI 10.36074/13.03.2020.v2.20


Yuliia Olizko Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of English for Engineering № 1 Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute


Arts integration should be an essential part of teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) for chemists. In this task art is used, first of all, to extend content knowledge and develop creative thinking and communication skills. Visuals become stimuli to encourage verbal responses and focus student’s attention. To choose appropriate arts, teachers are supposed to take into account specific curriculum goals and needs of their students. This short abstract gives an idea of arts usage for the lesson on topic Chemical laboratories. Ideally a projector and computer is needed for the task but it is possible to complete it using only mobile phones too. Here are the instructions for the teachers. Split your group into small groups. Give students time to search for the picture of a perfect laboratory, taking notes of some interesting details, reading the description if available. Give them time to discuss the pictures found in pairs, then let students vote in their teams and choose the picture they will show as a perfect lab from their team.