■■■.. ' • / ••T.-• / WEDNESDAY, KAY IS, IMO V. . / Average ;Dnily Cireubtion 4 Un^wtnr Ewntiqt 3Und& For the MeOth of April, 1040 / The Weather ^ 3 9 3 rereeaat of C. 8. WaaUwr I Our Eiitim Stock of Member of the AndR Bnreaa of Clrcolatlona Oecaaleaal eboweni tenigkt aad \ Spring, Coats . K aarly FHdayi somewhat eestar. JBUBg,fJ$l»69, 9 ( ^ 1 0 6 ...... $1.49 Manchet^r^A CUy oj Village Charm ____$1.39 DraBUcally Reduced Regi |fl.59y 81x108 ...... V O L .L IX „N O . 194 (daesMed AdvertMag no Page 12) R^. $1.49, 81x99 ...... $1.29 Reg. $10.98 ...... f . Now $8.00 M ANCH ^ER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 16. 1940 (FOURTEEN PA(;ES) PRICE THREE Cl ✓ R eg. $1.49, .72x108 ..... ^ ...... $1.29^ Reg. $16.98 ...... Now $14.00 ^ Reg. $1.39, 72x99 ...... $ 1 ^ 1 9 Reg. $19.75 ...... Now $17.00 R e g . $1.29, 63x99 ...... ___ $1.09 Reg. $25.00 ...... Now $20.00 Lady Pcppcrell Regular $3.98 Rayon Silk Pillow Cases D r o s s e s 110-Mile 42x36,45x36 ...... 3 for 99c All new atyles In light and <(ark prints. Bemberg and Crepe ntoterlals. inneraprinc or Beaatjrretit $ 2 . 9 8 \ Maginot “ Break" Clainietl, Denied Mattress ^ Covers Mato Floor—Rear. \ AdvocatC/S Spadal! R cf. 11.19 \ les $1.00 V-- (niildren’s $1^98 Children’s IBRUSSELS Km m your new mettreea liew—mnkea your old mattraM naw. Sunsuita VDress^ ■ '• Made of good quality unMeached totton with rubber buttona and GEMBLOUX iff*? with aaama all bound Seersucker or Shantung,-- In printed ' b^adcloth, Colors: Red, yellow, aqua, rayon spun and silk crepe or 50,000 Planes Fleet; navy. Sizes 2 to 6. taffeta. Sizqa 3 to 6x. bNAMUR* In Antwerp Region; Regular 25e aeary Cannon Hand and Face Size ; $1*69 \ I 8 E i f l . Turkish Towels • . w r* ___ ^ You'wUl-' waht plenty of theae handy aire towela. Xxcep- ChiMren’a $1.19 Children’ s V ^ Asks $1,182,000,000 tional ralue. Extra heavy weight with colored bordera In blue, ■ ■* malae,xpeach. jgreiin and Thursday, Friday, Polo Shirts ^ Dresses , Tanks Clasl Assorted plain colors or Prints, imprints,' hhecka, O bjeeti^ Still P&ce at FiMherwoman Is Scarfd J ea. fo r stri|>ea in navy, yellow, g^reen strl{>e8. Colors: Rose, pink, I U niirecpileitred Buttle o f | 1 9 c and brown.. Sizes 4 to 7 blue, i>each. Slzea 3 to 6. HdiH(& \and Abroad, R^Appearance of Bear' Asserts Dru«r 8toop8 to Get Nickel; High Command Also! Limited Quantity! Regular 39c 16”x34” years. M o v e m e n t o n jVft>ul4t^ Shot By Own Revolver Rernlar 29c 22”a44” Heavy Presidenl^eills Tense, Bcckct,. Mass., May 16.—(>P) ports Foes Giving Millinery Specials 9 4 c Front J'otiuy Involves Pure Irish Linen Dish Towek \ 5 4 ® Solemn Joiht Session ; —Mrs. Peter P. Sheridan swore Fraud Center at. Louis. May 16.—(/P)— tie Along Dyle Cannon Bath Towels -\ f o r Day S off fishing at Colebrook In Mid- : diefleld today Situation So/j Serious John (,>natlem|)6;/. 28-year-old ea. / “ Easy-on” 25e Ankle O f Senate ann\Hoiise; j SEDAt« private watchman, eto^F^ to fense Line and Sc 29c A Woliderful Assortment Of Hearing noise, she looked In Bridgeport And ConfiiMed High 4 9 5 ® We can get no more of these Irish linen towela. Fine absorb­ Carriage Nets Socks War|»lane P r o g r ^ Put up from h^T line ex|>ecting to pick up a nikel last night and Through Central ent quality thnt^'wllt wear for years. Colored borderi Jn blue, was wounded fatally. His re­ Cannon quality bath towela, aoft and abaOrbent. In a]|/White AU made and ea$y«to slip Pastel and dark colors. sec her husband, who accom- Coiiiniand WithlioldHj volver fell from Its holster and with colored bordera In blue, malae, peach and greed. Buy gold, green and red. Spring Hats Forward by Executive panled/her, but found a black glum to Namnr; on. Sizes 4 to 8. Assistant Federal Attor­ All Rut Barest D^ ‘ discharged as he reached for plenty at thia low price. / Regularly $1.95 to $2.95 \As Long Range GoaL | bear/lhree times os big as a the coin—which another man mored Units o f Regular |9c 50^% Linen 2 p r - 2 5 c \ Newfoundland dog. ney Says Vastness o f F R tails o f General Me|^e.; accidentally drop|>ed on the RcffuUr 39e 22” s44” Solid ( ^ r 2 5 c Darting for a garage nearby, floor. ^ Forces Are Deft • $ 1.79 \ Washington, May 16.— ' le pulled the door from Its McKesson System Is J O 10 Dish Toweling Baby Shop. hinges and barricaded herself Paris, Mhy 16.— ( A P ) _ , Featuring Straws and Felts in all the new shades. Large (AP)—An air armada of 50,- MILES Turkish Bath Towels and medium brims — also a fine selection of matrons' mod^. J unUl\n»scued by her husband. Not Germane to Case. Balktinl 5 75 \ 000 warplanes was advocat^ ThodRanda of warplanes and I Berlin, May 16,—(i yds- ® \ by President Roosevelt tod^ New York, May 16—()p)— A Geman "ources asserted the Maginot line, eastern defense eyetem tanks clashed ifl a n / unprece­ The Geratan preaa rt; Beautiful quality toweling, 50% linen, that will leave no lint Another Lot Of . Basement Specials 'in a personally delivered mes- in France, had been "pleiccd" by attacking Nazi troope In the Sedan dented battle of / movement | Britisnmers and will diy plenty of dishes. Colored borders. government prosecutor told s Fed­ ■mart paatal eolorn with allKwar check daaign. Colon: w ge to Congressasking a $1,- sector near the arrow (4). French denied the claim, and aosertednalf along the Meuse/front today, tonight tha CScraua .Malaa, graan, orchid, peach and blue. Samson Cardd Tables eral Jury that fraud in F. Donald the heavy German forces which hed crossed the Meuse river hs< waved from the citadaT Straw Hats Stslnproof, washable tops and double braced tegs.I Choice 182,000,000 em erg^cy na­ Must Almndon .Reg. 89c, $1.00 and $1.09, 42” x l2” , 50"x50’* and 52"x52” Coster-Musipa’a McKesson and .UMH .ic., „ . . v , rJ l Unleash Hard Longwy, Franea, and tlw ^ In all the new Spring shades. of pat- tional defense pro^^m. "Our to Gembloux (2), south to Dinant ----- the 16 Only! Reirnlar |SJ;9 72” x90" Iland Made Robbins drug empire “was cen sector. (3) and thence into thq Sedan had l^a«i occnplad-"■bat tarns ... $1.98 “ *$2.98 ideaU our objective is still Plan to Slash tered In the Bridge|>ort office of \ high command withheld all Novelty Lunch Cloths ^ To Close-Out A t ..... isoeesessess the com{>any,. Bomb Attack waa no conBrmathm Lace Table Cloths 94c peace— peace home and but the barest details. A gen­ $1.98 Table Lamps peaceNabroad'^Mr. Roosevelt "The vastneas of the McKesson eral meiee ensued from Na­ eSarman hefadqaartara. Decorated pottery with shades Relief Funds system has nothing to do with wy la in tha aorthc 79® told a t)(ense^And solemn joint this case,” aaaertM». Asaistant mur south to Sedan in north­ t o m a t c h ee,eaaeeeeaeeaeo*«es.eeeeeeeeeeeei $ 1 .5 9 Royal Air Force Throws nar of Fraaeo noar tha «»*“' $1.99 X Close-outs .of regular higher priced claths In all types and pat­ Slip-on and Cardigan Sweaters session \pf the Senate and United States ■ Attorney Howard Greet^e Pours Troojps ern France—scene of the Buy thaaa for glfta and for your own table. Hand made lace terns. Rayon damaaka, hand embroidered cloths, linen crashes, Corcoran. ■ “The government Power Into Fighting in wharp tha Praach, ' etc. Not all colors In each pattern. House. '^Nevertheless,” we Cannon Asserts Worici flercest German attacks— with the popular dairy pattern. Will launder beautifully. Short sleeve models. Sizes 34 to 40. Bridge Lamps stand ready not only to spend grants the defense contention that and Ltuamboorg Ifo Ironlhg. While thay laat at this price. • * Wrought iron flnlah, colonial m e O f i ^ C O C Q And Doi&estic Condi McKesson was a far-flung nation­ with armored units from Belgium; Communica­ coma tagathar, a b ^ 4f i Limited Quantity! Regular 89c Plaid Regularly $1.98^^ Sale Price— style, easy adjustment ...... S I • t f O e O e f millions fd!: defense but to wide system, but that U merely Into Frontier Region either side cutting loose from tions Lines Tcrget. $ 1.69 give our sei^ices and even tions So Unsettled wlndbw-dressing.” their infantry and plunging alrlina soathaaat of ouh lives for the maintenance CoTO)ran made his-assertion ai boldly forward to strike the Tha citadd is at tha i Summer Wash Fabrics Seersucker Lunch Cloths $1;00 O^Cedar Oil Mops Aid Must Continue. he bikxil' summing up the gov lAndon, May 16.—(O—Great end of the amin Magiaat 1 6 Reg. $1.19 (Zotton Dresses Triangular shape. The mop that , cleans of our Ameriwn liberties.” Reinforcements Sent to enemy, from the rear. Britain's Royal Air Fore* haa un' A t Greatly Radncad Pricaa for Eniployeea* Daysl Require No Ironing! The huge warplane program was emment's case in the mall fraud which in thia xejpm i aa it poliahea...... ai a a * a « 7 9 c United States A War Ministry spokesman said put forward by thAChlef Executive Washington, May 16.—OP) — and conspiracy trial of three men Border Facing Italian- leashed Itt greateet bombing at hi ^ who were aasociated with the late the Germans were meeting pow­ way to the *4lttlo $ as a long range gokl. Hla more Representative Cannon (D-Mo) as. 59e Span Rayon Shanray 69® 1.00 Coater-Muslca'a drug companies Occupied Albania at erful resistance as they pushed line” facing Bcigiam Excellent for house dresses and shopping, In youthful styles. $1.00 O^Odar No Rubbing Cream Polish immediate recommmdationa, Mh, aerted to the House today that for 10 years. Citizens Told deeper into Belgium St three dlf many eaot of tha Rhine and haa A real practical lunch cloth. Bright plaids In red, gold, green with adft knit Polish aoth. R Q j* Roosevdt said, were designed to Entrance of Adriatic. and blue. ^.Just the thing for Summer use. SIzee 12-52. ' world and domestic conditions were The, defendants afe Horace B ferent {x>tnta oiT the weet bank of I thrown |U power Into the Belgian Berlin, May 16.— (i B o t h t o r eeee**e*es.*ee**»ee.eeeeeeseseeeeawa• ••••.••••eeeeesseeeeawaeeee give the nation a nuxlem, well- Meuse where. they erbeeed - 2 yJ«- $ 1 .0 0 equip(>ed Army and industrial-mili­ 80 unsettled that Congress must Merwln, president of the Rridge- . fighting with extensive attacka on German forces attacked 1 A Special Purchase of Spun Rayon and Rayon Crepe jmrt a ty Trust Company; Rowley Athens, May 16.— (A P )— I To Quit Italy m lOrarih. waahatate, and win not pull at saams. A beau* The New tary resources capableXof leading abandon original plans to slash re­ I FIghtlag General oa Two Llnee Nasi troop ooncentratlona and ily today along a lU IM naga of pattama and also plain oolora. $1.00 O'Cedar Dusting Mops ,the defense of the vfresum' hemi­ lief appropriations and provide W. PhUli|>a, Waterbury, \inve Greece poured trbop rein-! Dresses ment banker, and John lEx Mc- Fighting was general after a communication Haas. front from Antwerp to I Triangular shape. Chemically treated for use on 7 0 ^ sphere in a world of IlghCning war. enough money U help the same forcements today Into her' week’a o|>eratlona on twp great Practical Front Corset In addition to his goal qf 50,000 Gloon, former McKesson oontr^l- “Many ton* of bombs” were re­ in the seventh day tlM)l Spe waxed floors...... s a 2 C number of unemployed tlmt have ler. mountainous frontier region Qrcular Sent AuM^can 1 lines. One, running roughly from leased la "attacks that at An 39c Snnuner Wash Fabrics airplanes in readiness fon action, been aided this year. tabled drive whidi $ 1.98 ^ Mr. Roosevelt also held out \p Con­ Merwln and PhUllpa were Mcs fMing Italian-occupied Alba­ Residents in Rome Ad- ^ "®* throughout the night,” the Air 0|>enlng debate on a $975,000.- Louvain and to , rm tad DaMed Swlaa. or If you’.re stout' or thin, or If you have a weak or prominent Wa,shable O'Cedar oil m op s...... 2 1 c at least 50,000 planes a year. traordinary defense message. Can-, ^rpctratlng a $21,000,000 swindle ince of Zooland, half of -' abdomen, thIa corset will lift and support you comfortably. TeDs of *H>mliiona Days” by means of comiwny transac­ o f the Italiaai boot. / Earliest Possible Time. The second line runs from Sedan sive against the enemy's rood s«<1 non said: through Montmedy, Longwy and giam and a imali secHon;' The President and commander- "Here Is the situation. Under tions. (Api>hrently the Otoeks were rail eommunlcatlona which ar* White Handbags 85c O'Cedar No Rubbing Wax In-chlef s{>oke gloomily of “ominc^ Tries to Ooafnse Jnry. feeling, the |>lnch of AUled and Bulletin! along the Franco-German border supporting hla forces in their to Franca. The high ar* Prfatad and itripad I 1-quart can$. Limited 7 Q ^ our present scheduled of $1,-500,. to the Voagoes. In this area, the days’ 'abroad—"days whose 000,000, we are employing 2,000,000 Corcoran asserted that the de- Italian rivalry for strategic posi­ Waahlagtoa. May IS—(g v vaslon ot the low countries and reported the AlliM ye Q U A U t l t y ee***eee«#e»sees*e*a«eas#sese«eesas«##*** * 4^ mP fighting was characterised prin­ Rayon Gowns and and shocking developments forci men. If we curtail the program, we fenw had attempt^ during the tion In the Mstem Mediterranean. The White Hooee said today Luxembourg.”- “ accepted the i^ h t” ' fa. An 29c Summer Wash Fabrics 87c every neutral nation to look to its trtal "to make an essentially sim­ However,^liiMurtty of communlca- cipally by artillery duels between Flres broke out and heavy Smartly designed Bags from one of America’s leading manu- can employ only 1,300,000 men. In that Preeldeat Roosevelt ha opposing fortifications. Antwerp fortifleations .f $2.25 Ironing defenses In the light of new fac­ other words, . we would have to ple fraud Incomprehensible" to the tiona from Athens, by way of sent another oofnmnalcatloa plosions resulted. It was said, 89c factureio. All copies of better bags. Simulated leathers In calf tors.” Jury. BudapMt, the chahhel of^thls dls, In the Sedan region Itself, the PMb Botag Stowed Down east of Bruasela and i Cool non-run material. Satin strlpea or florat prints. Slzea and lizard grains. Employees' Day Special! qrop 700,000 workers in America. to. Premier MneeoHal of Italy French claimed the Germans were 4 y«i»- $1.00 ^ $1.49 Step Ladders BofU'ds Speciflcally “for the |>ermanent Tiwnsltlon Would Be DIsastrdns "This conspiracy,” he said, “la ratch, and perha|>a Greek censor la aa egort to preveat the Allied war Communiques de­ Dyie defense lino from 16 and 1'7, Regularly J1.29. ^ record,” Mr. Roosevelt asked that ^^something you And In a story, -wilp obscur^ the full meaning oi blocked In an attempt to Heepeo a Sa^ Bhaatawg Broadcloth, Handy house­ with electric extension ySo radical a transition would be spread of the Barogwaa war. clared that Oemutoy** big |Mish south through Ontral Handy house- 2 9 cord and {dug, full size 54” Congress “not take any action most disastrous.” W was not aomethhig the troop movements. . pocket they drove Into northern through the low countrlea was be­ as* PrMedlMnBlllea. hold s)se, 5 f t .. which would in any way hamper or Stephen Early, WMto Hooee France yesterday. gium to Namur. South* SS” PiwShtwah iawaaL Porto Rico board with nnon plMded with the mem­ hatched in a dank" cellar in (The telephone connMtlon from. preae secretary, toM reporters ing slowed down by-the atlffentog 25c Gordon Anklets cover ..a ...... $ 1 .9 8 delay the delivery of American- Athens to Buda{>eat was broken In Sheet Dow* Soeatlag Pfaiwee resistance of land and air forcea. Namur, 60 mites from Si* Hahi Oahardlafc______. bers \to agree to President Roose- that "this commoolcatleo that In the Parle area French pur velt’s\recei|t request that hi. be (txmtlnaeff Oa Pagq^giigbt) ' the middle of the dispatch.) want oot waa eae of a Serlee* British Tommies thrown Into the high command said Handmade Gowns X (OODtlmied Ob Page Bight) — X '. . Brttohi. Fiwaabig Greece the sagging Belglnn line were said ■A $1.49 Ironing Boards spend the $075,000,000 aad was aot Srtthia Itaelf a«y (tJeatlaMd On Pag*"Two) R ^. 19c Plain Plisse Crepa 3 p"- 5 0 c ***% months, If necessary. In It was re|>orted anew, without new, separsto appeal.* by a headquarUi* communique to (Oaottaase Oa Page nghC) 69c Rag-a-muffln, 4-ply ingrain mercerized cotton with Lastex tope. ^ With pe4 end cover. ^ 1 1 Q hie bud^t message laat year, Mr. confirmation, that Great Britain have “succeaitfully held back aeri< Here la an anklet that wears like iron. Stock up at this special fri8 Boefd see«eeseses^eeesesea**aa**aaaa**agsas A # 6hF Roosevelt ■ recommended that Spending Plan was pressing Greece for {lermls- Rome, May 16--7ff)—American oua German attneka” to hard Fine quality material, neatly trimmed with embroidery and price. » 1 5 c yd. , eontraating piping. Pull cut. amount Yor the full 13-month slon to establish Naval. boMs on diplomatic, autborltlM today ad­ lighting. Tha Ideal fabric for Summer gowna and pajamas. No Iron. Good Asaortment of Colon. $ 1 .^ Oirtain Dryers F la sh es! period, starting July i. Greek Islands. Nazis Attack Waves of Allied planaa The British-French battle fleet vised United States citizens to W orld Clonflh lug. All colon. Folding frame with easel back, ruatleaa plna m m (lAte Bulletins of tha OP) Wire) "I doubt\that there has been a Itit by Saxon leave Italy aa soon as (Msslble. said to have broken up mechan­ 79c Lion Brand Rfaiglessi First QuSBty Chiffon one Inch a{>art ...... 9 A • • O period In hutory when conditions based at Alexandria, Enmt, tout ized forces massed ty the Ger­ changed aa kiuch put to sea for "scheduled maneu­ Hie United States coasulato Merfey Units Children’s Spring Cbats sent the following circular., to mans to n drive to capture Bru*^ WarOuti X , For Employees* Dsy Or Service Weight Firemen ReactM Oirl (budget) oanMn aSST Finance Commissioner vers” and this caused new uneasi­ •els and turn tha flank of French ^ SALESMAN’S SAMPLE ‘ All Wool Shetlanda, Gabardines, Twills and Tweeds. Sizes $1.25 Soft Hair Floor Brushes, __ Fall River, Maos., May 16—MV— "War abroad ness among the Greeks. Ameflcan residents In the Italian fortified lines. 7 to-16. Colors: Navy, rose, aqua, pastel tweeds. capital: Silk Hosiery Thlrteea-year. old LOuiu gardla ployment. There Is**'~* no market “^ left " Comra.te Stale Sy.t.m Colonel Pa|>ademaa, undersecre American Ambulance A British headquarters commu- 14" size ...... $ 1 .0 0 was reacned by firemen . today tary of war and outranked only by . “ The consulate has been direct­ Rugsians See Flf^t. Chenille Bedspreads Regularlyly $5.98 to $10.98. Reduced To This la one of our beat selling hose. Reinforced at heels and With Federal Program. ed by the embessy" to call the at D pIvww la Hflatalnn declared that stooe the atart after aho was trap|>ed by flames (tkintinawl < ^ Pas* Eight) Premier Gen. John. Metaxaa " as i m v e r i s ™ * »w n g of the lowlands offensive the AIt tween United 20% To 40% Off Reguler Prices! toes for extra wear. AU new Spring shades. Buy severs! Kitchen Step Stools ...... $1.49 oa the aocond floor, of her borne. head of Greece’s armed forces, ar­ tmtlon of American cltisens re­ Ona of a kind—aome alightly aoUed on the hacks. Exceptional pairs at thU special price during Employees' Days. siding In tbs Rome] consulate dis­ Afti^r Artillery Action. «« British Expedi: Half f^Hce! Folding. type'-wlt^hreejte£a^^^^^_ Awakened by smoke the girl « W -«h-t)r. rived at the frontier re^on of ^ I tlonsry Force has destroyed at And Japan in Pac Talua. Alao a few from our regular atock, mostly one of a kind. crawled ont a window to a roof trict the advice of returning to the O. Glenn Saxon, atate finance com- Yanina to take [tersoo cbaige of United States at the earliest |x>S' I least 124 German planes, whUe 23 4 0 n ly — $9.98 Beautiful Chenille Spreads ...... $ 6 . 9 8 where she was reached by fire­ general pre]>aredneaa measures. Parts, Msy 16.—(O—A)i Ameri­ ■ Bowl Cover Sets Test of Bomb ■0*1 Tale economics au- sible momeny Moscow, May 16.—(ff)—^Tha j 1 2 '0 »IX :^ 7 .9 8 Beautiful Chenille Spreads ...... $5.98 69c pf- men. thority, sharply qrlUclzed New The Yanina district on the Greek can ambulance driver, Lawrence A. Children's School Dresses In plain, In flfured, and In colors. Six coven to set. 4 q It wsp understood that other (Contteoed On Pag* IWo) erament newspaper Isveotto 10 Only— $5.98^and $6.98 Beautiful Chenille Spreads . . . lyendlng poUdee today and Jump of (Seameadowa) Nantucket, Striped Chambraya, floral patterns on broadcloth. Very ^ Set I e e # • eeee.eSee.e •'••ee*.e.'...eeeeeeeeese»eee A wA Five Oamee Post|Mmed •aid th*t contUiuatioa of thoM (CeirtiBMd O* Pag* rwo) aerto the Euro{>ean war la to ...... $4.98 Is Post^ned (Ceoflaoed O* Page Tiro) Who was attached* to the pretty styles, flared skirts. Sizes 7 to 14. - 39c Tailored Rayons New York, May IS— —Rala mean the ultimate into a world conflict which 6 Only— 4.98 BeautffilLCIicnille Spreads ...... $.3.98 32 Piece Dinner Set washed out five major league Sodalintlon or Oommunlsation of French Army, was re(>orted miss- Fast.Bomber soon envelop the Uediter 6 Only— Reg. $4.29 NautioB-Gb^lle Spreads, 4 Single. Regular Sanice for six {lersana. In floral jmttems, also in gold line games today, aa follows: Nattonal, Barlow Declines to Give the mUre country with all of the tog today after German artillery area and the Balkans and decorations. Pittsburgh at New York aad SL toWItarUn and dicUtorahlp con- bombarded the ambulance he was 1 Douhle ...... a $3.29 ■ $1.19 . . . . 94c S ' ! ! $ 1.69 29® driving." the United 8totee and Japan to i Set a.a....aa.aa...... Louis at Philadelphia; American, 6 Only— Reg. $3.29 Nautical Chenille Spfwads, Single.. Pencil stripe light weight garments in Vests. Psnties, Briefs. $2.98, $3.98 Demonstration; Says p j j .. **>®y neceaearlly Im- Disorganized Rout Forces Best Weapon Pacific. New'York at Chicago,. Washing­ Oirtcls] French reimrts to the ‘The lmi>erialistlc war begta* l I • a e a • a a ...... Tea roee color.^ Slzea 34 to 46. Employees' Day*— a •'•'6^29- Regular $i:98 Children’s ton at Cleveland and Philadelphia Oxygen Evaporated. _ 8|>eaklng at a hmeheon of the American Volunteer* ^ Ambulance- demand mlllionr of vtctiinai*^ <" China Tea Pots • at Detroit." OoMectlcut League of Women organisation ' In Parle said the • • • Quick End o f War Games Military Experts See Old !>a|>«r a*ya today. "One bUUon, 1 Extra Special! Employeea’ Day Only! All Wool Skirts ^ $1.25 Wuhnble Table Cut ^ In the poptilar "Hall China.” A variety of e 1 ri.Q Aberdeen, Md.,.May 16.—(F?-A Votei* during the organization's ambulance waa heavily shelled dur­ liundred and fifty million i shapes and colors trimmed with gold lines...... ' 9 Swiae Fire on Bomber. teet of the death-dealing powers mennlal three-day convention hers, ing a local action In the Sarregue- Heary Planes Headed over one-half of mankind, Regular $1.39 Fine Quality Pussywillow Dot Pastel-^Colors. Pleated" and flared models — soma with sep­ Sfdiaaiiaosni, Switzerlaad, May Saxon contrasted the sUte’s three- m — .... - I wutammlnes secioreector orof the western front are drawn Into the orbit of ' arate suspenders. Slzea 7 to 14. Doeskin Gloves of Inventor Lester P. Barlow's With the Texas Red Army, May»ment, suddenly burst on Leesvllle m north and south, spilt the I Another American ambulaiice Izvestla Bsserta that postponed to^ y until next week dlers rested today after the war Red forces and chased them to­ was wrecked and three others bit $ 1 . 0 0 pf- better line. Each ...... M a fC ing plane which dived oat at low- and unchecked condition of Feder­ ward Texas. London, May 16—(O — A fast, between the BrlUah-Francb $ 1.69 bangiag .clouds aad drded post and the lives of a herd of goaU al expenditures.” maneuvers’ weirdest scramble i>y shells, Cdl. James 8{>arks, bead Italy In the Medltorrahean aad I 9 4 « p f Fins quality skin. Table cut for perfect fit Slip-on styles. Oa Wroag Flaalc of the volunteer unit, announced. lightweight bomber, Jack-of-alL Sizes 6 to 7H. office s|t$ nUlrood station at an were at least tem^rarlly spared. During the past seven years, he Ibraugbt a halt to the dlxzy battle war tra^s, for {nirsutt, attack or Near East have reached a state < Cream and Ecni. Beautiful quality puaeywillow dot In Pris­ Little Girla* Fancy Waste Baskets attltade of only abont 800 feet. The inventor declined’ to go seeerted, the Federal government The Seventh Mechanixed, it de­ IJaH Bombed" Repeatedly "extreme ecutoneas.” cilla etyle, for every room in the house. Exceptional value. In metal with hand {uUnted o t LeesvlUe, La. veloped. was on the wrong flank At the same time Mies Anns bombing—is said by miUtary ex- The {lUot sped bock Into the through with the. test today be- ‘ 4 ■IW't in Umpirea said rules had been {lerts to be likely to emerge from Contradlcttoas Aggravaioff (Curtain Dept., Sad Flawr.) Party Dresses decorationa ...... $ 1.00 donds. The plane was not Identl- cauae, he said, he was ordered to the flixt 127 years of lU existence. and got to the scene toe late to Morgan’s Friends of France Oom- violated and the situation was utilise Its vast power. mlttee which has been removing the present combat as the most ef­ *Tk>ntradictlons betwaen tho.^ $1.00 Ladies’ Neckwear * Bed. Its wings were nmrked brina out a 1,000-pound oack of Peiate to Moonttog ‘Taxes United States and Ja|>aB bav* Plain and flowered paltema. Rayon taffeta material. Rer- such that It was wiper to halt the The 20th Combat team—artil­ clvUiane from the Frencn Arden­ fective sir war wea|>on. I lUarly »3.98. Reduced to— Metal Chairs with a blade press on a white hie "Glmlte” 20 minutes before the Such ex|>endlturea have burden­ affair, rest the men and get a freata The old heavy bombers are head, sharply aggravated,” it mjm, *1ai 8c Notion Sale For lawn or porch, in color O f i f i f i O f i Sdd. scheduled time and much of the ed American* with aerioualy lery and Infantry—raced 125 miles nes department, re|>orted to Its lOc Clinton Safety P la t...... - • • • start on a new problem Monday. in A sweepingf ctirvfi rtArtine I f “«*eatedly in $ 2.98 Barlow, obviously upaet. left the |>otetlng out that 'In 1938, the istice was effective 16 hour* before northern France. been studying . air flgbtliv since tance’ In Asia. 10c Common Ptaa ...... lace, organdie and lace combination. Round and V necka. Em­ scene before some of the oongres- average employed person was tog the city from the south. 10c Safety P laa ...... —— ——— .— 'Junior bept. * Folding Yacht Chairs ...... 98c*$1.25 New Yerfc. Blay IS^—(g v schedule. Miss Morgan said" its 10 am­ the war opened argued that it U AU arguments about ISTii fiilii— ; see 0 .0 a a a a a e ployeea' Dajrs Spaciall ___ _ - ' , Stoeks— Higher, President's slonal committeemen and military working three months of the year A feUow group of tanka dashed or unlawfutoeaa In the treatoMak^ 10c SbM Lacan...... authorlUes for whom the demon­ The Blue. forces, 45,000 strong, to and achieved one of war’s rarl- bulances and 20. cars were forced to becoming more and more obvious speech buoys alrcmftn, steels. to support Federal, state and lo­ routed the Reds, driving them from cover to the woods to eaca(>e Oer- from the ewiftnese of the cam­ of email countries can appear ( 10c Bias Tapaa ...... ••••aaeaaaaa stration was arranged had arrived. cal favemmenU.” Gw—^gtore_of a general ■ ^ 10c Bobby Plaa 50c Window Screens Bonds Firm; eorpomtee mlly: DeeavUIe toward the Sebtoe-rlveri I n ^ idanes. They returned to a paign in Norway and the low naive when the great lmperlall8tA[»| -- Candy Dept* Special ' RardwooiL frame with flns mesh coppered wire fbflHgnn nt A6W lows. . He returned Jater and said there Advoratlhg a'Federal Intern of Kenyon Joyce powers wage a life and death*war.**]) Ite DeLeag Hoaka mid Eyes. Flknnel and Tweed Skirts had been "aome mistake.” after tank fighting up and down W unfortunate victim, bilt he end village In the. Aisne , department I countries that the emphasis must 10c Sewlag Needles...... screen. 22” high, opens 33” ...... 4 5 c Foreign Exchange — Mixed: rigid budgetary control similar to the city streets. when the Nazi aerial attacka made ®" •!>««>• The Communist party Pleated and flared models. Colors; Grey, beige, blue, black. derllng, Swiss fmae recover. To Get Aaetker Chaaoe Connecticut’s the commissioner his staff, who were surprised in Pravda, aaya editorially that Ac WUUmaatie Thread...... I Sires Sirea 24 to 38. Senator Morris 8hep|>ard (D- T>ark8 said It had not { armament, or ability to carry 5e Daralag Oattaaa, Silks aad Woato .. .2 for So 1.69 $2.98 .... 50e Special Prophylaetie Tooth Broshes Sagar—BOxed; nervous eaver- ‘The only -way in which our and Belgium Into the war ag ' I ."'S '*' $ aanctionsd the use of goats In to spits of warning signs, and tbs j n p f t 'nowigh CHy atreeto been determined whether Jump bomba for troop strafing. 5c Shoe Laeea ....• g far So •■g- our personal hsndlong rush of the Blues Uu«w Germany. $1.00 2-Qoart FooBtain Sjrringes'...... Mftsis Qalet; trade bojiag la testing the destructive pro|>erties Ubsrtlea, and frea enterinise .sys­ Reds and Bluet, using tanks, '*'*» wounded or token prl- Heavy. weU-armed tombars, on Supports -OoimBa i3alm 5c Bobby Plaa ...... •'.,2 for 8a - '“7'' 33® ^^* of the explosive, toM Barlow be the problem out o f kilter. ■oner. His ambulance was In! the other band, are too easy |>rsy -—' 5c Halrplaa ...... 2 for So 3.49 $1.50 Larrex Moth Spray ...... ropiicr fataiee. tem can be maintained is for the fought through t ^ city streets, Izveatia too, aupporto tha , ^ '• '. . $ could arrange a demonstration for "We don't shoot real bulleta.” anti-tank wrs|M>n8 spitting as flames when it was last aeen by a for horoe-baoed fighters and are too Wool Tops Higher; trade aad state and local government’s to one Army observer said, "and so French officer. man claim that Great" Britain aaff. Ladies* Dressing CoBibs ...... B|ieealatlve covering. next week, with the Inventor to set balance their budgets, live within crowds ga|>ed from the sidewalks. alow for modem dir warfare. * France had been {wc|>artog an of/'J the day. allowpiiccs must be made for cer­ 80 ShraiNwl Ilolra to Car Coaceptlaa of AfferU^-eMtaa Mea’s Dressing Combs...... their Inrnwiss^ and prepare to take tain situations.” Down dusty roads the Reds fled, An ambutonce driven by Charles tensive acroos' Holland and Tioga Colinet Yam . herd of goats brought to the over from' the Federal government ■ome of their units becoming dis­ One toUclan aaid the new con­ glum and that Germaiyr baotad I 50c WDUams* Shaving C r e s n ...... Tressary Balsiice Army's proving grounds here wUl Red troops, were forced back WlUen (Of New York city waa re­ A Summer drees yam of oottoo aad rayon—In Bummar ahadaa: moae funcUotij which prior to the organised to the rush. ception of on effective air force la Alliee by taking "her own < 75c Bayer’s Aspirin...... be used In the teat next week. ■Moff * line generally north of Brlg--Gen. Jonathan M. Wain- ported wrecked. Wlllen said helUkely to be this: measurea.” Goral, maria blue, citron glace, radlanes rOd. ate. ^ 1 4 Washington, May 16.—(F)— The Barlow oontsBda his bomb Is oeprtmaUm were atate and local L«**vllle yesterday morning. The counted more than 50 ihrapnel I Fighter* will be Green SUm position of„the Treasury May 14: funcUetia.” wrlgbt. whoa# alcknaroe is ''Skin­ ^ . regarded aa a The editorial aaid: 500-Shect Kleenex ...... ca|>sble of kllUng every living famed Seventh Mechantoad Cav- I to the car. defanee weapon-a kind of lorig- “The war of the BriUzh-l Q X yaym W k Receipts, $7JtS3,212A8; expendi­ Flaaaelal Syateoe Dtolded ny" bad a close calL He was at a Ambulaiicea driven by "Paul lOO-Ystd Skdii 1 5 c The CORR •Oc Alka Seltzer...... thing within a 1.000-foot radius. •Iry brigade, a big tank and ffUtog station when Blue tanka nange aMl-alreraft “artillery.” military bloc agatoat OennaBy I JW.HAU tures, $19,707,917.31: net balance, Barlow aeld officials of the Coonectlcut'e flimticial eyetem, ■riaored car outfit, was oot on the WOlto' of Albuquerque, N. l8_ $1.00 Hind’s Honey Afanond Cream...... suddenly appeared. The general Heavy bomber* will be looked entered a new stage. It KaitUng Dspi, 2nd Floor. Sides 32.253.936.901.aSi- customs.receipts he explained, le divided Into three southeast. Tbomoa Xlaten of Stought^ M ANCHiSTiR :COMH* ' (Antograph Special!) for month. $11,816,537.85^ stood quietly behind a station upon os long range "heavy arUI- ocope and dimenatooe (t Ob rage rwe| Haas., and Jack Calhoun, an Am- l« y " for mopping up and work . r "’V ■ ■' .w Ob rag* Tw*)' In many reapeeta tha first: i Oa rag* xw«) i .4 "T'* \ ‘ i n. ‘


the Near East In a dither o f vary­ closed in behind the lines to an- MAICCHESTPER E\'EXfNG HERALD. MANCHESTER CONN. THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1949 U n i t e d S t a t e s ing degree since the Europesn whr 500 E x p e c t e d gaga those of the enemy that bad I British Fliers TWtsAA^iot’s W ill ftarted last September. broken through. J to those already won by her In AbandoBs Previous Ptaa ‘ I ► cal Grange Observes Recently the greatest concern former prraimtations and the ear- The decision of the French high “ M y Son, M y Son,** Film Trium ph lup, he atressed the "urgent wife at the beflagged has been over the possibility that Unleash Hard Filed^ut^Cpiirl O ver 700 A re Present nestnes^wiich she carries out her C it iz e n s T o l d At Unveiling Edison Urges ®*^^^tor national defense funds station and waa met by Italy would drop her non-belliger­ commend to fight speed with '"duties to the c’omnumity is deserv­ speed meant that It bed abandon- | with W(e comment; Alexander Von Doernberg, ent or “ prc-beUlgerent" etatua and ing o f praise because of the results Its 55th Anniversary ed, at least for the moment, any ! "W e anqln no ten-cent ante Hitler’s chief of protocol, Join Germany. 40,000 in Bequests a^ieved aa shown last night. game: weYkjMt play this game T o Quit Italy , An Alexandria dispatch said Many Form er Teachers plan to fight a war of position In { Bom b Attack § At School^’ Concert ^ ‘B i g M o n e y ’ group of Foreign Office' the line of concrete pill boxes' with blue " A black-uniformed unit of that thousands o f Italians In To Be Present at the Disclosed; Her Cotn* (Oeatbiaed From Page One) Egypt were starting to liquidate built on the Belgian frontier as { (Continued From Page One) Changing ^ (en a e Plane Berlin Foaciat group waa di rilan4 St^ and Po-'jriS.SS'______' m.qibm, — . Edison said ''froriFahe lessons their households and buslnesaes a northwesterly extenaion of { panion Gets 320.000. more asked from them, but they Nav}N^eenes raked Ger- which has been filed with Judge of V High School Hall."" . Bird,” Ambrose: "Evening Prayer" been laying plans, e.stimating " W e have never had a sister for livered a mesaage from President tendent of Schools, Fred A. Ver­ ! man lines converging on the Probate William S. Hyde, A niece, (From Hansel and Gretel) by East Orange^ N; J., May 16—(A") costs of the program and only yes­ Yugoalavt Review Plana was heard calling by radio on the ! Hartford—Motor Vehicles Com­ HeacheeUr Qrang., P- of H.-, at a master but have been Inspected Roosevelt to Italian authorities planck, la expected to be present Mrs. Eleanor CAse Belden, of. West Humperdinck; "Maj’ Time" a terday were we clear," fCrecim Deodorai "forts of Lelge” to "resist to the 1; Meuse at Sedan yesterday and missioner Michael A. Connor, an­ — Secretary of thk Navy Charles to TtT-^“ - f last night Ih th. main hj two Slater, who trere Deputies. yesterday for trailsmiaalon to Pre­ For Mobilization St the unveiling tomorrow after­ utmost for the Fatherland.’’ I their bombing and machine gun- Hartford, receives 110.000 and each '-By JatroM B. Hutchinson PoliSh>^;olk song; and "Sing when namely SUter Mary Woodward, mier Mussolini, It waa learn t. noon in High school hall. nouncing that miJre than one bkllson expressed thi-^hopc yester­ haU of the Masonic Temple, Belgrade, Yugoalfvia, May 16.— The Belgians told of several in- Ii ning halted the German advance of Mrs. Bclden's two small children you are Happy” by O'Hara. The Italian Eni'py Renehea Berlin and Sister Estella Barnes. The embassy declined to add -An estimated attendance of 700 quarter, of the state's 500J)00 reg­ day that Congreas wduld provide (S*>—The Yugoslav cabinet met to­ The guests, which it Is expected fantry engagements which check- l and allowed the French to ooun- receives 85,000 outright. Mrs. Bcl- lilting theme o f the first song as Stops^rspiratiol wiebiated lU 5Sth annlvermry, Splendid Showing anything to the Washington an­ I people at the High school were istered automobiles were In.speclcd sufficient funds foP a national de­ day to review the War Ministry's will exceed 600, will be welcomed ed German attempts to advance, I den Is the daughter of the late rendered was appeiiting, and "Eve­ Berlin; May 16- (A^-DIno Al- ’Wttb a large number of members “ Some yeara ago, some unwrit­ nouncement that the mesaage was I ter-attack. .during’ the first five weeks ofrihe fense program. and adde^ plans for general mobillsatloh.. by Superintendent Arthur H. III- of demolitions which hampered | Raymond Cose, who was a brother present st the'-*econd annual con­ ning Prayer’’ In parUOwhy was fierl, new Itollan ambassador to ten work was cxempllfled or some sent In an effort to prevent the Ing. Henry Miller, president of the The loss of 35 French and Brit­ current inspeetjoh perlml. said mean hig money— to-defend MMSnt, also the following officers Although the Army now la 700,- seriously the movements of the of Mrs. Vlot. Miss Anna C. Samp­ cert of the Elementary schools. well sung, and being so well Iciluwn "1 German, arrived today with his Grange rule or procedure ^ waa war from spreading. i Teachers' Club of Manchester, ish planes In the stealing operation ‘‘this is a very satisfying indtea- what We have." \ 7t national, state and Pomona 000 men strong, additional reserv- Relchwehr, and of stiff and "effec­ son, who had been a companion of Those taking part the fifth It had particular appeal. given at each meeting with the < which has arranged for the paint- was called "not excessive." -thm that car owners are anxious Addre.ssing a.citizens' Inn^eon 3rangea: Mrs. Edgar Tucker, . *re being called up dally by tive’’ defenae against German war­ Mrs. Vlot’s Is bequeathed 820,000 and sixth grade choiro^ and the Time" was -sung in the spirit usual- result that many of our members I ing and the program tomorrow af- to >'oo^rate in the highway safely toalrman of the Home Elcohomlcs tect British a ^ , Individual notice. .S planes. Repercussions from the gunfire by the document. Hollister First Grade '' Rhythm ;iy associated with the title. "Sing became very proficient In Grange I temoon, will present the portrait. at the great .battle in progress in .effort-" .The insi>ecU(m period sommlttee ot the NaUonal Grange; In Itome against P ^ ' « . ' General mobilization could, be Cling To New Positions Residue Of Estate Band and the Hollister First Grade i when yoii are Happy" was sung as work. In 1822 our ladles' degree Strattons. None mater|suzed. ' George E. Keith, chairman of the ; Belgium shook houses at Deal on clows Aug.'St,. - - MIM Edith Lane. lecturer; Ira , made effective In a few hours if Today the French Infantry^ ilung The will mentions the • South choirs. Other school choirs pa>t_l- ; though the ‘singers were determin- WUcox, gatekeeper, Mrs. Boaa M. team exemplified the fourth degree •The guards were ^vlthdrawn Town School board, will accept the IF NOSE I the war extended to aoutbeaatern the, southeast coast of England Methodist church, but nothing Is ripating were: Nathan Hale;- 'ed to set forth just what was Hartford Th^ Hfjnard/*Club HELP Johnson, Ceres; Mrs. Mary Emer- at the -State Grange session In from the Yugoslav legation. gift. Music wul oe furnlsnea by a ' Europe, it was said. All reserve 60 miles from the! continental bequeathed to that church. T h e South, Highland Park, Lincoln, jmeant in this composition. This of Con'nectlcut hnnol-m^d the aon, lady, asslatant steward and Hartford. Not long ago when there coast. Inhabitants recalled that ;wnis a nice .choir, with good tqne .award of its 1940-ia« 'schrtlar- 8. Does not rot dresses, does waa a contest of degree teams In officera,'regardless of age. already I ^ck a"o« I5,e^r?;« residue of the estate Is lefM o Mrs. \Manchestcr Green, Hollister street, ■dgar L. Tticker, past master of cannonading In Flanders’ fields a Maytie Case Ch-owell to K e used !and ibi^- balance. .-hip to John C. L. Hflllev, a senior KIDNEYS PASS “ FILLS UP" not irtiiste skin. the state, our degree team of the Americatu Are Wam^d^ hava report^. and 'Washington. tbs Stats Grange, honored the Many former teachers and prtn- j lo'nS^^apLr^into'Fren^^ generation ago similarly rattled for charitable purposes V t Mrs. at Loomis .Scho^4n tVind.Mor. Windsor. *nd 8. Nowsiiingtod^ Canbeosed |y«»i Grange with their presence younger sisters and brothers made , Copies of the Voelkischer Beo- cipala in Mancheater acbools have I *!li The selections presented were 27 I Feature ot Evening right after shavtog. to Leave Switzerland Mchter, Adolf HlUcr'a newspaper, windows and doors.' Crowliirs discretion. Mrs. Crowellwell In number and were selected with .son of the secpfid secretary of the last night, together with the fol­ a splendid showing against a team been Invited and are expected for ; Sedan day before Wounded from fighting zones I As on year's program It 8. Insuntljr stops petapirstioo ' which arrived here attacked the yesterday. Is a sLster of the deceased. ..^8 view ttr keep within the Ilmlta- American embassy at Paris 3 PINTS A DAY lowing Pomona Grange officers; from Norwich Grange. Thus we Geneva, Swltzesland.' May 18.— tba event. It la to be regretted began arriving In England. Be­ ! might be saidNhat the feature of James M-'Grove of New Haven Horton •R^.ymir roniRlo IS c4 iT NIGHT for I to Sdays Rem ovcio^ (g>)—The American consulate here Yugdajav press for siuq>ectlng this Uie FYench War Ministry ac­ The Phoenix State Bank M t ^ u s of the young singers, whose Master Leonard Bragg, Steward could go on telling of many Inci­ that Mlaa Harriet D. Oondon, for tween 200 and 300 British casual­ the evening, six y’e^r old bovs and was ejected president of the club, tiny tuhn or Wlrn uhirh b#lA to purify th« front penpitatioo. ■Haworth Oovcll. SecreUry Mrs. dents of the past, when the faith­ sent a warning today to all Anler-.' countiy^a German minority of many yeara art teacher at the knowledged that Gertnaoa crossing Trust Company, of Hartford, KB were from 6 years, to 1 1 years, I girls of the Holllste'r First Grade Wood flinit. Rffep btalthy. KMoBn rotnovB !• Succflstfiri W ay 4. Apute.white,gretseless,stsia>' the Meuae between Namur and ties, half of them stcftcher cases, adminlstrat(>r of the estate and rjew- Haven —Prof. Ray B. Wes- poUonma wM.tR from your Laura Loomis, Gatekeeper Keeney ful borMB took us to nearby Icail .citizens who are "not pre­ •'fifth-column’-’ .activltlea. High school under Former Super- , „ , j ^ j # they appeared on the platform 'Rhythm Band, dresseTln Scottish MtHMi. Tbry help moiit^pAopU p«M »boiit S pinU ikomti Rflilfff less vinisbing cream. arrived a t Liverpool’-early today details are M n g handled for the the several groups made a pleasing jeffield of Yale was" elected presl- Mutchlnson. Ceres, Mrs. Rosa Granges for degree work or neigh­ pared to remain In Switzerland in Intendent Verplanck. will be un- from France and Norway. I caps and plaids of tarton, arid their •• Artid has been swarded dw Italians Leaving Turkey is five miles trust company'Sjy Ray L. Makin. appearance, and reflected credit on Ylcnt of the Connecticut Building B r i ^ A f i ^ e and IxmJ.s Hayward. « r flimically speaking, father wten diaoidor •4 UiWz IwmUm M ata ----- ; •;— Fok a lot ol troo- Johnson; Pomona; Isabelle Wilder; bors’ nights, of-the slelghrldea and the event this country Is Involved.! able to corne from Ipswich. Mass. P**^*l*°^' M**'**’** •fomipies wounded in the first leader Marion Strimike lh- foil and pdn In EifW.i^d Small's dramatic .screen production of Howard polronoua niRttrr to renutiA in your bio^, li Approval Seal ol the Amaticio' Grange socials, of the time when In war" to leave the country "as I Istanbul,,May 16. An exo­ inside France vice prseldent andxMsoclate trust parents and teachers alike. and Loan Leagtie at the 28th an­ fills .up, maket breathing Institute of Lsunderiog fog' flora, Mary A. Hills; execuUve .She baa written him a .note re­ engageoaenta In tba low countries i dress kilts and tunic. Their’’ip - "-My, Son. My Son!" which will be seen at the ntRy CRUM) URgginB bRckurb'li^ rheURiRtio pRtna, dlmeult, spoils sleepAJuat put a few we Journeyed to Wapping and put speedily as possible." dus of Italian nationals from Tur­ Again a War Office apokesroan officer. " Their director Miss Viva Barton I pearance on the platform wa's th^ nual conference here. Irg pRint, IniU of prp und cutting up being hormteM to bbtiA committee, Ira Wilcox. gretting her Inability to be pres­ remarked grimly;. \ State theater here Ntoilay, Friday and Saturday niilitB, •wflling, puflinfM umUr tM cyn. bemd" drops of Va-tro-nol up ^aefa noetrU. rast Btasten’ Jewels on the program and also furnished key la under way. Italian employes ent at hu "hanging," but > con­ characterized the situation aa must be congratulated on the suc­ occasion for a loud biir^ o f ap­ -.J Mystic—Norman SImonill, 9. 28 MILLION Jan of Antd The cnnsiilste advised Ameri­ "W e've got something (p beat.” Rchn Rnd diiBinnfl. Frotiuriit nr BCRtity dm- As a part of the celebration five the refreshments. Of the slelgh- in factories and on ships gave no­ gratulating him upon being "hung "serious but not >cri.Gckl.’’ cess of the function, and it Was plause. The numbers plaved were was, reacue’d from ilrownlng In •RgWi with RmRrting Rnd burning toin«tftn«« MSUiTS m e 80 surt>riaih|dy good be- have been told. Try a Jatto^fl cans that If they planned to leave A Belgian communique'declared eauae Va-tro-nol is ezpnnfiy derigned past masters of the Grange arere rlde to bolton where j1 brother tice of their Immediate departure. Yor hU g o ^ deeds." All told, there were some 20 di­ evident she must have spent much March from "Normh” by Bellini, Wlllfatn's cove by Hubert Watson *liowi fhrr« ia BufuBthing wrong with your they should go Immediately to the visions, or about 306,000 men on that the Liege forts (some of Wins First Prize ki«n«.vfl dr blRtldrr. to relieve distreee in the wom and tseognlsed and will receive past tried to pitch us all out In the snow Bordeaux area of southwestern i ------:-----^ - Mlaa Hasel Lutz, art teacher in time and a large degree of patience and "Amaryllis” by Ghys. As a and Roy Shea,' who themselves Mirmountnble to one who does not Hnn-t WRitt Aak vout drugebt for l>onn*B each aide, engaged Ih the develop­ which Germany claims to have Finns*’ ProlTIt *1118 ■ I upper throat, Where tranelent congee- inestera’ Jewels In the near future. bank and nearly, succeeded. There France. The warning said the local'achoola la general chair­ to achieve the results shown. In recording of tp6se numbers were nearly sii(>cumbed to the cold wa­ know the iitaminH nnd enorffy of PilU, u m I RucfWMlully by mininna for ovtr 40 JIRRID ing Battle of the Meuse. taken) "continue to resist" in the I I I Poster Contest comparison with last year's pres­ ter before all,, three were hauled *1 bry givB happy nlial and will bdp th« tion hindere free breathing. Enjoy the ■They svere Keeney B. Loomis who have been times that looked most united States government was 1 E J W I I llf man oT-the program and tea from played on phonograph, led by our nation." IS niiM of Kidney tuiwa fliuih out pniaobouB edmfort Vicki Var-tro-noT b rin m ... was Master of the Grange In 1896; discouraging and had It not been ! 3;30 to 6 tomorrow afternoon. Parisian newspapers, devoting Maastricht sector where the Ger­ entation, It can be said that her their “ talonted” director’ the chil­ to safety ,by a rope tossed- them Seen T reniendous wR8t« from your Mood, (let Hoan’fl'rilU. /‘contemplating sending United columns to the combat in Belgium mans broke through. ,1. X tonightl t ” \ Arthur Loomis 1906-7; 1610-11-12; for the Keeney and l^ m iU I .qtates ships to that area to re- pupils showed a great advance and dren kept time on their several by persons on ahope. The boy Is Postpoiiecl and France, also gave Page On at­ Reuters, British news agency, Charles Warren, 1001; Frederick Hea. who pMd the dues to the SU(e : ^^^^late Americana at thelr th own irehe Matchett, 14-year-old pupil the congratulations offered her by musipal Instruments. The second fell into the water'w hll^ fishing R. Manning, 101S-14-lft; Joseph Grange out of their, own pockets ! ------.N tention to reports of Switzerland's reported that the Belgian govern­ In the Nathan Hale school, w;on parents and friends after the.con­ number calling for strict attention from>a highway bridge'/' Intensive defense preparations. ment had decided to remain in Baltimore, May 16 (/p)_ Fin­ ______...... : ■ . ' ■ ■■ ' . \ ■abrend. 1924-1025. (tkintlnued from Page One) Planes ami Tanks hrst prize In this year's poppy cert were fully deserved. to Intricate passages, was led by Hartford—.State poKce >eported I The letter concluded with the Brussels despite the threat broad­ land’s tremendous problems of re­ It was also announced that Mrs. would not be celebrating thji 65th g,j.h United States ^ t c r contest, conducted annually Sixth Grade Chorus their young director In a manner to Governor Baldwin that 'with construction after the bitter Rus-, ItuM Bunce and Mrs. Mary War­ proving ground directed him to set Clash in Battle cast by the Germans that the city by the American Legion auxiliary. The combined 6th grade choirs befitting a veteran. The sustained 175.000 cars rcgis.tered at the Tonl^J^?'therefore iu i. fltUng “ I* own d c l- Reynaud Saya Franee would be devastated if military so-Finnlsh war and conviction ren Sr, were entitled to 26-year up hts bomb at about a:A0 a. m.. Irene is an eighth grade pupil. ssng two groups, the numbel-s be­ applause which greeted their num­ Merritt Parkway toll gates during that "in the end. right will con­ ■srtlflcates. application for which that we pause In g r a t ^ l memory Sinn. ( operations continued there. ' ber's evidenced how they were ap­ 'iO minutes before the scheduled Will Be Victorioua Valeria Albert, 13 year old, eighth ing; “ The House In the ’Wood" by April, there were only 14 minor quer" were described today lh a to those of our number who have (Onntlnued from Page One) In the low country fighting Brit­ Mehul, "Stars of the Summer preciated. As n choir they also has been made. time for the demonstration. grader In the Hollister street accidents during the niopth. letter from Paul T. Thorwall. of Orange Congratulated gone on to that Great Grange League o f N,ationa Third of Power Lost Paris, May 16.—(A^— Premier ish land, forces were reportea rest­ Night” by Hermes, “ O Country sang four simple ditties "Ducky Paul Reynaud told the cheering school was awarded second honors; HelslnW,^ second vice-president of The visiting officers congratu- Above to meet the Great Master While It hung on a pole, drench­ suit planes shot down one of a ing their left flank on Zeeland, and Glorlda Dandurand. same age, Great and Glorious” by Scbtimafin, Duddle." "Jumping Rope," "A Lit­ Double Dose of Trouble C3iamber of Deputies today France the Dutch province, and Antwerp, Rotary IhternatlonnI. lated Manchester Grange for Its of.jita all. We oWe them a debt Will Ijeave Palace ed by a pouring rain; the oxygen group of enemy reconnaissance grade and school received honor­ "Largo’’ by Handel. "Forth to the tle Boy,” and "Big Bear, Little would be victorious against a Ger­ in Belgium. Their ^hes were Received by J Milton Patter­ a w spirit of determination to which we can never repay. Our Geneva, Switzerland,. May 16.— In the gunny skek gave off white planes this morning. able mention. Meadows” ^ Schubert, "N ow the Bear." These were sung with a de-' ' BIsmap/k, N. D.— (An— A. F. forge ^ e a d and follow In the hiatory Is a t>lcture made beauti­ (/P>—TOe entire staff of the League vapors, plainly visible to the spec­ Premier Reynaud, - meanwhile, many ^zPhlch was throwing her all said to cover Brusselz. Day Is Over'/ by Barnby, and aa a grec of earnestness that waa son, Mar>-land'!» state welfare di­ Into one desperate push to the The Judges . were Miss Hope Andersoh firmly believes If It Isn't rector and a perSnpnl friend of a t m o f its pioneers. ful by both daughter, work and yea, of Nations was Informed today- tators gathered on a platform' 2 ,- conferred with heads of the Sen­ A south British coast port got Henderson, art teacher In the High fitting finale, "<3od Bless America" pleasant to witness. west. one thing, it's something else. A Thorwall, the lettef ^plct■ured the Under the direction of Lecturer tears and heartaches too. Let us that. In the event of an InvaaJOn .Kk) feet away. Barlow estimated ate and Chamber of D^putjea. A a scare early today from a heavy school; Miss Clara Charles and by Berlin. The Manchester Green sixth tornpilo blew down his barn. The Mrs. Beatrice Foeter the following therefore treasure up the lessons meeting of the chamber was "When all can seem lost," Rey­ burst of gunfire. ’ A plane flying Finn nation as detcrnlltjcd to be ^ F 0 R C fl 5 H iTT C R E D IT w one third of the bomb'a power was The contrasts In these offerings grade choir offered 'JIaland of My of Switaerland, It would, be "'^re­ naud declared, “ the world, will see Mra. Jane E. Dolsen. Their Job was ncjpt day a-fire de.stroyed the porch "sound nnd slrdng again'' despite program was presented; Songs by we have .learned, plan wisely at^d duced Sharply and leave Its palace lost in this manner. scheduled for later In the day. at great height turned away from a difficult one as so many fine pos­ were varied sufficient to challenge Desire” .a Filipino Folk song, and apd pantry o f his home. what France Is capable oi." a barrage- of ahells. No air raid difficulties which "would .sce'm In- all asMmbled Granges, sketches by hopefully for the future and strive' on the shores of Lake Leman for A t S:.^ when Only a few mem A French War Office spokesman ters were entered by the students. the abilities of the young singers "In Spring" a Swablah Folk song. ■r------tores neighboring Oranges, Cov- to make our Grange aa Urell aa our acknowledged that the German He recalled that Germany had warning wa* given and no bombs and allowing for the age limita­ DHL ,.|CheiRie8lyTffaltd "a safe placp," hers of the congresalanal party, declared she was going to win the Mrs. Katheleen Sweet waa chalr- In numbers these singers, were a en t^, Wapping and Blast Hairt- Uvea as harmoniously beautiful and n.ylng from' Washington in three Army, following iip advantages were droppl^d. " Ihah of the poppy committee of {he tions, their work was most credit­ smaller group than otherii, but The ne«j-headquarters would be war in two months. A t hpme. Lord Woolton, food lAK/iW Affl F M k G S I M ; eele^ons by a mixed quar­ bountiful aa are the works of na- In VlchyT France,-.officials said. pianca—had arrived, Barlow left gained after crossing the Meuse unit, and was ably assists by Mra. able. In the lighter themes their what was lacking In numbers was .••••? •■•••tk ,**r* tet from the local Orange, Mrs. ture'a God." between Sedan and Namur, con­ Reynaud addressed the cham­ minister, announced reductions in jjip# wlili BNlra largBiMf The present staff or-360 would be the scene In an automobile assertf Marjorie Bradley, the president. singing of "Forth to the Meadows” balanced by the charm of their \ CLOTH Hon rqp. ■dlto Parson, accompanist; m m , The gathering then adjourned to ber at a session ending a parlia­ sugar, bacon and butter rations c iity U t a skeleton ere Ing ha was "bein g made a juckcr tinued to push forw itd In the face was delightful. In the "Largo” singing. In their two selections y u m i t u e o *The Guardian Angel,"' Mrs. Doro­ the banquet hall where coffee, of strong allied opposition. mentary recess which began April blit he added this reassuring state­ they had a composition calling for p ...... Records Sent to before the whole nation." ment: they set out a fine rendition and in SINGLE thy Thompson. cake and lea cream were served by North of Namur, along the Bel­ 28- skill expected from choirs more expressive qualities were excep­ H M ory of Grange c o m m u te ^ Many league record! Abo\it a mile away, hr met a car "L ife counts for nothing," the . "Whatever happens, you shall Z io F U & 3 9 ^ the Home Economics rnntaining Senator Sheppard and gian defense line, he said the msture but they sang this number tional. In particular should be set n . ' closing number on the pro- of which xMrs. Carl Hllding/la i have been sent to France. premier said. have ifood." French bad thrown back numer­ equally well. The .final selection, out the "In Spring." . T h is was syam was a condensed, history of chalrman.X league employes have reslgm other committee members. They "One thing only counts aMd that' ent Into a huddle In which Barlow ous NaM'attacks. . and also Uie concluding number of sung In a Joyous and melodious SET op3 tte local Orange, prepared and and gone to their homelands. OMntor-Attack Stolli Nazis Is to maintain France." the program was "God Bless read by M ra Laura G. Loomis, as Remaining employes are to be appeased and next week's Must Forge New Spirit Belgian Fortreaaea manner and a well sustained pitch. In/tbe region of Sedan, a French f I M I l America.’’ The combined group.s In all a nice choir/ folloara; divided Into three groups; the first dem'bqstratlon agreed upon. Referring to the great need of SfJH Holding Out Spending ►, Representative May cqhnter-attack stalled an attempt were Joined In this by the singers VANrrV MIRROR “Manchester Orange was or- to go to Vichy: the aecond, con­ action in a modern battle of ’ TODAY. . F R l. and SAT . f o f all ages, and all present were HolUst*^ Street ID.. K y.rx^alrm nn of-the House ■fy the Germans to make a fur­ Lopdon, May 16,—(A^—The great ______'Sanlaed In what la known as the sisting mainly of a few gardenere. ther advance In the "pocket" thpy movement, he declared "It Is thrilled at the spirit In which the The Hollister'street choir sang Da w * WRE6igim)N;/^ m Bohba school houM on 19th day of ; Hit^by Saxon librarians and archivists, to re­ Military /^oirs Committee, M necessary immediately to forge a Belgian fortresses of Liege and choiia sang this number. "Joys of Spring," and "The Daffo­ / Cleans and polishes the group on the spectators’ nMt have pushed Into northern France. Namur, although .apparently Iso­ fAlOVITMAMSlI. { yoer car In one easy May, 1885. by National Deputy main in Geneva; t'he third and by The W ar Office described the situ new sprit.’’ Nathan Hale, South, and High­ dils” and Was heard to advantage Miannan Kimberly with twenty-' far the largest group to choose form'that Barlow should be held In He also told the chamber that lated, still are holding out, a Brit­ HASNIVfISiKt In particular In Its second num­ appllrsllon (('ontlhued from Page Ooe) atlon there as unchanged. ^ f land Park choirs sang "C^ntempla- > leaving a Sevan members. These charter between cancelling their contracts contempt for leaving without the "we will be called to take .mea­ ish military commentator said to­ > tlon" from the opera "II Trova- ber. There are.some good voices He said the enemy, fllnpng day. (Germans have announced t>* amilna. al'i fSMiei'"’ f. lasting SSSIIiHst* have all left us now but and getting three months' salary committee's permission. / sures which In other timee would tore" by Verdi, and " i ^ , Maiden, authbritlea; The Budget DivMon. armored ohpek troops far ahead of the capture of the Liege citadel ' wij W* ISO, ►ka't'oas'W’'"' 8 In the parts, and a fine balance in iUunea are as follows; James or "suspending" their contracts. Barlow said there i^uld have have teemed ^revolutlonal^." Spin” by Fischer. The first openeq the parts, was evident. S finish. the Personnel Division, and the the main body in the 50-mile re­ and other forts at Lic^e and a lava «vii artsBtHivajl^ y itiif Full to«h loott, Mrs. Emily Olcott, Aftork Fears Heightened been no evaporation-'nad the ex­ The lower house adjourned with­ with a subdued theme, with nice Purchasing Division. These . three gion between Sedan and Namur, Namur.) IrntmOi aSiar...l)ltir'leMrla>UgU't'’ The Washington choir had for . . s w HIUs, Mra. Isabelle Hills, Fears of a Nazi attack were plosive been encased In metal. A out a vote after It.s president. Ed­ shading and well sustained phras­ its presentation two offerings, divisions keep careful check upon sack waa used Instead, he exp'ain- was striking st the rear of the The Dutch are still fighting in alsiaar»a« waotan, v*ese kssaty I C. Keiah, Mrs. CSirlatlna heightened last nlgh'f'swheh Ger­ French forces In an effort to cut ouard Herriot, followed Reynaud ing, while the aecond number "Lullnby" from Jocelyn by (3od- the available funds, the amount rd, to avoid the danger of flying Zeeland, the little southwestern aaaJ kfwHs Um a swaolt^ - JCstah, ChariM El. Bunce, Mrs. Ina expended upon workere, an.d ' the man artillery rolled Into place be­ them off.. with an address. ’ "Spin, Malden" was well presented; ard, and "U ft Thine Eyes" from 'Bunoa, John Loomis, Mrs. Kate hind motorized divisiona .op the fragments. corner of their country, he-assert­ A nice group and it sang well. * DISCOUNT amounts spent for material, t The A great battle la progressing He told' the premier that the the oratorio "Elijah" by Mendels­ Loomis, Edwin J. Vail M.D., Mra. German side of the Rhine" river ed. They destroyed practically all ijnooln Choir CORNELL flret department draws tip / the and the situation is "serious." he chamber showed by Its applause the fuel oU at Amsterdam and V sohn. These were ambitious selec­ C ^ th la Vail. Frank N. Buckland, from Basel to Schaffhausen.- The Lincoln choir sang "To A biennial budget, which la later said. "the confidence It haa In you." Rotterdam before capitulating, he tions and one wondered If per­ FROM LIST l u a Ida H. Buckland, Joseph 8 , Countering the German prepar­ Robin” by Mofafr, and the well Super Service 4-ply passed upon hy the governor and However, the French remained The chamber adjourned sine die said, to keep it from tolling Into haps the choir was not being ask­ Cushman, Mrs. Carrie B. Cush­ ations, -France poised a strong after granting Herriot’e request known Elgar humber "SprOig ed for too much, but they acquit­ man, Charles H. Owen, Mrs. E. D. the General Assembly, and upon confident of their ability to restore German hands. ^ . acceptance of a final fiscal plan, force a t h4r Swiss frontier. control of a situation which at tbf' that the date of the next session ^41ght.” The first li-umber was a ted themselves In a highly cred- PRICE Owen, J. W. Atherton, Mra Flora war Oiitcoiiie This Is hfai picture of today's brief one of the Nursery Rhyme makes monthly checks upon ex­ Meanwhile, the mobilized Swiss moment Is admittedly "vtry^ coi>‘ be left to him. war situation in the low countries Itble manner and were accorded Atherton, James E. Vail, Ella M - type, and In that mood It waa well r'. ^ penditures In all departments of Army tolled to perfect fortifica­ fused." ^ / and northern France: hearty applause for their excel­ Ortawold, Walter Scott Vail, Hat-' tions of the Winkleried line, while sung. The aecond Song was “ Spring the state. (Continued fzOm Page One) ■ Heavy Artillery Fire / The Germans are held on the lence. \ i , i -/.v . sey ' t .95 tie Griswold, Walter W. Cowles, The Personnel DivMon Is res­ thousands of, women, boys and The French reported heavy ar­ Belgian Capital eastern side of the "dent" made N ight" and here the cholrstera had Miss Barton added fresh laurels M. Elsie Griswold, Harry E. Ol- aged men volunteered for "home e o tt ponsible for a running analysis of alist war. It^Weeps developing ac­ tillery fire east of Sedan, along the at Sedan yesterday. ' ^ S17F peraonnal costa and haa for Ita guard’’ duty. They received rifles cording to Ita own logic, which Is French-Luxembourg frontier, ' as . Serious, But Not Critical “ James B. Olcott was elected the and 40 bullets each. Optimistic,, Calm ^ ^ m ^ 4 5 0 2 l Bret Master and served for five major objective the enforcement of stronger and more real than every well as farther eaat In the Vosges The situation la serious, but not years. It la also Interesting to note the merit act. The centralised other logic. mountain sector. critical, although It la difficult to that ha was also the first Lecturer Purchasing Department bak done "England and France, had been Anti-Aircraft batteries around London. May 16—(A^—The Bnis- say exactly what la happening. away with haphaaard purchaaea by preparing an offensive against Paris , went into action again this Heavy fighting Is retried In the Of the OonnecUcut State Grange, Greek Troops (»o sels radio broadcast today .that t)ie ■ heUg electyd to that office at the department heads and placed In a Germany across Dutch and Bel­ morning, but .there were no air Belgian capital waa optimistic and vicinity of Walcheren and Bever- r / eeganlaation of the present State single department all authority for To Frontier Zone gian territortes. Germany this raid alarms and no Immediate re­ calm and that the public had con­ tand, in the north of Zeeland, un-. ry H iese For Flavor ^12 PUU MONTHS RIU MONTHS RIU MONTHS Orange, June 24th, 1885. Md-letting and the purchase of lime ngaln took her own countcr- ports of any incidents. (Here font fidence In "the field army, the de­ surrendered Dutch province, but is First Anniversary government materiala. messiircs, getting ahead of the words were deleted by the Frenclr fenders of Liege and the Allies." no definite . results are available. i W iltt the end of the fiscal year," Allies. Censor.) East of Antwerp to ChaflerpI 4. 4M 1 ■ 4MW WkMa "The Grange celebrate(T4U first (Continued froro Page One). The military command was re­ 170-10 645-16 040-17 6 u|imR msntysrsary with an all-day meet­ Saxon stated. "Connecticut will 'Th e British-French command' The battle of the Meuse broke and Louvain, southward toward ported convinced that "the new Mezieres and from Sedan to 4 . 4 9 4 . 9 5 I j r i o ing and a dinner at the town hall. have a sizeable surplus over and mainland 1s flanked at sea by the again lost the Initiative and time. out Into mechanized open warfare phase of events’’ would result in 5 “ 7 ’" 6. 60. 1T The 'first several meetings were above the leglalative appropria­ Greek island of Corfu, at the neck Change Strategic Situation today along all of the 50-inile front- Lengwy. aporadtc fighting la in MS Allied victory. • . . progress, that In the vicinity of 4. 70-19 OAO-io held at the home of the Worthy tions. This will be the first real of Ui6 Adriatic, the Otranto Strait. •The positions won by the Ger­ from Namur, Belgium, to Sedan, 6.00-19 040-19 040-16 6. 00-16 9.80 10.50 ' Master but In March,-1886, the surplus that tlje state has had in Troopa at Ptraeua, near Athena, man troops In Belgium and Hol­ France, with such tremendoua Im­ Dinant being the most serious. Ihe Liege and Namur fortresses m i n t 4 . 9 8 5 * 8 0 meetings were held in the vestry a number of years." , began embarking and disembark­ land again radically changed the pact aa to cause the French high All Rogfls Close<1 G ” 6JS -16 ioso 12.80 o f toe old Methodist church at the The first round table diacuaalon' strategle situation to Germany's command, in a cryptic morning jippeSr to be isolated, but Are still 8 * ing exerclaes wlt)i Infantry, cav­ holding out. 0.0040 ' 040-lV south end of the town, for a short of the convention, on the subject alry, artiltery aviation aiid engin­ Bovantsge. The German army out­ communique, to withhold all de­ V-H - 040-17 "TXSTT 040-19 ojo-ie 11.05 13.45 time. The Grange then made ar­ "The Price of Democracy." will be flanked the Maginot line. ■ tails “ for the sake of the higher tn- As Troops Move eering units participating. Similar Prisoners Brought To London - 5 * 8 5 rangements to hold their meetings conducted tonight by Dr. Raymond exerclsea were to be conducted at . "Seizure of the Dutch" coast tetcata'' of the operations. 5 * 8 9 T. OO-10 12.45 In the Masonic Hall which stood L. Buell of Fortune Magazine.. The comintihique said only that London. May 1 6 ^ (^ —Between 6 " 8 " other ports. leaves a distance of only aboqt 300 3U and 40 wounded (German pris­ O-DO-lV nearly on the same site as this Participating will be Dr, Max Ler- kllometera (185 miles) between the battle along the Meuse' s e ^ s ta k London. May 16— ((P)—The Ger- T B A - B K a S 040-18 " n r s u man-controlle^ Amsterdam radio oners were brought to London to­ t J t - U 7. 00-10 i 53?r pfssent hiU ner, well-known liberal e(lltar, and ' HoMa Promise of Aid German aviation bases and Lon-1 Ing on the characteristics o f open station. In a broadcast heard In day. “On September 7th. 1887,* a Paul^CorhrlUeducator and .prom­ Gfeece, with Rumania and Tur­ don;"High-speed bombers cover ! w’arfare, with participation on both - R 6 ^ 5 9 - « 5 J TtSJT -ondon today, announced; 5 6 7 . 9 5 7 0-16 •pecial meeting of Manchester inent Connecticut Republican. key, holds a promise of eld from this distance In half an hour. , sides of motorized units and avia 4 Orange waa cajled for the purpose also poaaekalng the' Danish tlon.\ "From 11:45 a. m. (6:25 a. m. LBO-IB 6. 00-17 640-16 KAZndni QUALITY Britain and France In case Inde­ eat.) until 7:30 p.° m. today an un­ o f organizing a Pomona Grange, pendence la threatened. and Norwegian coasts,Germany •These.hlgher Interests of the 2nd H it! “DOUBLE ALIBI” ' MAZOIUM COST and the account of that memorable British Arrest acquires domination of the North conduct M operations," the com­ interrupted column of German WBrd E. Krause 9 - 9 0 e . 9 5 I gHtss bwlode rear aM i Corfu, back of which the Greeke mechanised troops will pass For Your Holiday Trip I 9 - 7 5 meeting is quite familiar to many laid their frontier defenses, . baa Sea. German aviation ties down munique iul<|le<|, “ compel US'not to Inatractor 9 ^ o f our Grange members. In De­ through the city, coming from SUNDAY - MONDAY ' SevenU Maltese been the object of Italian ambi- the. great British Navy, depriving give at the pifesent mojment any CLARINET AND -BING CROSBY in cember a t 1888, that portion m our tiona becaiue .0^ Rs ." dominating it of the posalbllity of successful precise InformkUoo as to the ac- Haarlem and going on to Utrecht." SAXOPHONE jurisdiction Jmow-n as the Hllls^ position— virtually-*-cork for the oaenalve ac'tlnna. Sis waa— pmved-!-tlonj now, takljflg The announcement warned that ..B M Ioi _ 87 WalniiL-Street “IF I HAD MY WAY” Srtool District was, M,,, l 8^^;^The arrefl- Adriatic if fortified strongly by the experience of the naval Meanwhile German air raids on all roads ' in tne affected areas TeL 6888 TODAY'S BIG BUY! UNcewemowAt l o w c ^ T i a M cuAitaw Tiis j^ e n to the newly organized HllU- | „,,eral Maltese n^onallsts bv enough. war In Scandinavia." .N’ancy. south of Sedan and 40 would be" closed. town Road, fu r sou ^ boundry. British authorities at Malta was Reports that Britain was press miles Inatide the French-German How—«Bd alwfly»—T U F L I Z itO lM Polky Ooaraataaa biffM t atviap on FIBIT LO Il. IM t O p p o i^ lty I reported through Uall*n govern­ Ing for bases on Corfu and other frontier,. killed and wounded an FIRIT QUALITY TIBIB. Here'a the m08t 8peetaeular tire aaviB gaei^l D o bH bt fooled " In . February of -1889; a com- •TODAY . FRlDAT ment channels today; Greek Islands had been circulated Fast Bomber undisclosed number of. persons and by eatcli pbrasoo oad mWoadhif diaeoante iN m podded list prlo88. I V n Y O O B H SLLTIU Bilttce from our Grange with a They Included a lawyer, a writ- prevloualy, some attributed to Ger- ! caused nine air raid alarms few from other Granges appeared n OUARAITTEKD UK00VDlft0irAU.T eovering anyOiiBf Quit n lilit render tiree ! er, joumallat and a director of fine’.Jnan sources. Best Weapon j Blx alarms were sounded during CIRCLE before the Legislature to ask for arts, all membtra of the National Ini-ftotloa To War I the night In the region of Ltlle, v B fit fo r fu rth tr aonriflo.— W h ere tla t h ot TBIPUK Z ST0BH aaeh tire Valnea ‘ a generous appropriation for the lit party, the report said. In 1030 the .British got wind o { ' -■ _ _ _ Just Inside the French border 60 PrlM’llla Ware To Ltaflea! "Storrs Agricultural School. In Malta Is a British island 'imssea- reports that Italy was about to (t'-oatlnned from Page Oae) miles west of Bniaaela, and two June of this aame ya^V;* commlt- occupy (\>rfu to safeguard her In the area of La Havre, French STANDARD TIRES taa waa authorized to purchase a Sion and Naval, base In the Medi­ adriattc dank.'i They served notice where speed la not too essential.! channel port, this motnlng. It waa :OS6AM building lot at Manchester Onter, terranean. on Premier Mussolini that su(;h a The Ilgbtwelgbt, Jack-;Of-alI-1 not dlacloaed Immediately whether but this committee, did not do ao. , _ » , _ H e r e ’S the biggest tire n o c YOUR s m a t n m i move would be an Invitalton to trade! planes would be a kind of | any bombs were dropped. news of the year! Just imagine 0IUVIN6 I f they bad, who knows but what i I X a z i H war. such a hall aa we are using tonight new model "cavalry." They would It became apparent - that Ger­ ^ ^ Italian warahipa shelled (^rfu have extreme mobility, the ability many's'Army,- slowed by fierce ““ the famous Firestone nlght have been ouF own. Quite .\LSO: '"EARL OF CHICAGO" Suodard Tire, badeed b* a tow pgiees U6HTS sum of money had been raised R f ' l f V l l l t i i I iiis s fi to occupy the Island for a nibnth to attack and feint and the cap­ counter-attacks at Sedan, . was New DiaU'laH i s n p , n i i i i I . . I I H B ,n J923.. in profeaaed retaliation acity to convoy aerial troop trans­ crashing headlong into Allied war­ With ROBT. MONTOOMERr for this purpose. In 1892. R. O. writtem lifetime guarantee, at HIT YOU M Y arevMl Safety ______I! tor aaaaasinatton of an Italian of- ports and harm** communications, fare of the' Nasla' owrn atylc In a s i z e Cheney, Sr., was appointed to cor- 25^ discount from list price. M IC f OHIY Ughto with renond with the weather bureau ■ London, Mav 16-^fyPi A broad- tor which she held G w k supply lines and moving troops. great battle of movemeat. Geneiae Q. R. In this .third field military 'ex-'' PIctnre O f Conflict You get *x$rm protection at Washington which reauited In cast oh the Wavelength of the: r e s p ^ b le The Ital- AH Okie her- sguost blowouu because tbe_ $7.70 $ 5 .5 8 the establishment of a code blown Bruaspli radio station said t^ s y perts seo the biggest strides.- ---^ That waa the picture of the con­ •jUiftBIB DODOE UDtUNY UMa -aMllcalty~eeal. on the Oieney Mill whistle to an- that German mechanized columns i BcBulort Pro\-lag Effective flict to be pieced together in Paris. suTETomnnir d n body is made of pmitnttd 4.n/M8-«____ 7.95 5 .7 8 cd Bake w n had w c tr a le d the Allied lines In ' »2 *®® ®®®> todemnlty. . Thf new British Beaufort, which Germany's vaunted war of apeed Firestone Gpm-Dipped cords. efee yea 8S« m m n Bounoe weather probabilities. HARTPOkO ■pitT Wih tin y o a flw ttili AM/4.7i/M8-It 8.60 Belgium at several points "to Greece, along with other coun­ is said to be proving piarticularly and flexibility which blltskrieged 4.21 Hfbt ea *re 1840 cate. "One of the largest undertakings tries In ‘southaaatern Europe, was J magnificent new Dodgel And the to u ^ i^nt, long- for the purpose of raising money conatdersble depth" but that the' effective in the low countries cam­ Poland waa adopted by the French U 8-D 10.65 7 .7 7 ranflekeUri^ laetaU a pair « ■ yemr reported on May 2 to have been paign. Is la Uhe with the trend to­ to meet thrusta of Nasi t^nke o'n Yoa won't believe that aoch a wearing treadgiTcs you longer etedyae our aad eajay' 1840 has bean the Grange Fairs, several thruats were unsupported by in-1 Ut/Lmi______draMak flfsak* fantry. , assured by both Italian aind Ger­ ward the. use of the middleweight the SO-jmila front' from Sedan to big, baantifal car can coat ao mileage with non-skid safety. 9.75 7 .0 8 Hgktiag. Geaiplete ef which have n etM over two hun­ man diplomats that she need not | plane. ‘ ’ mSriaatoi.fall Namur, Belgium. ' little! Yoa alao get the advan- UI/UK 1I ______wHh wtra aad ewtkk. dred dollars each. The sisters have .German’ infantry was said to be fear an Axis invasloo. However, 9.20 4 .7 5 M ai • done their Ut in many ways and "closely held " by the Allies. , It Is heavily armed, with good When German troops were halt- tag# of Dodge Engineering viaii ten classes of Arm y Reserve of­ range; fast and designed especial- e'd In the Sedan sector by French ; ^ 0 LIES LR/UKtl____ _ 11.50 Cady Ttaapt***^ the newing clubs end other means 8 .3 7 ficers were called up for active ly for atraflng treope and making counter-attacks, onruahing NaM that maana lower apkeep, Oae car »a , hava done much to build up the Body Fooad FkMtlag DES l duty the same day. low flying bomb attacks. kmger car life and real econ- I R A I 8 « __ n . 9 0 8 j 44 lieneuij New Haven. May 16—(A^ —The tanks bad succeeded' In battering Gnas Of Fleet Boom The Defiant also la a step In the their way across the Meuae \t 84 Peat Blasters body of Henry Rubin, 28, missing omy on gaa and oiL iii/ue-t8____ 12.90* • f .3 7 G b A i T T f - The booming gune of the Brit- same direction. It Is purely a three ponta, , "W e have bad twenty-four past from his home for the past ten leh-French fleet In fhelr practice fighter, but It la a twro-aeater, Pushed back by strafing planet days, was found floating in West Me* IscMw Tmt Otd TIrs •/5 S!**** ** ’"t***» the following are o ff' Alexandria foraied an obbli­ more heavily armed, with a pow­ and powerful tanka, the French In­ , atm OB out rolls: Kesney B. river yesterday. Dr. Victor A. On«r Stas rrww«l»Ml«)| Uw gato for the fluctuating fears of ered gun turret fantry bad given way. < BMWffMNfl COjatba/kmimaBnu . Charles B. Warran. Arthur K&walewaki. West Haven niedlcai •outhaeatera Europe, the Near It is a Btep up towhrd the mid­ Then the defending lines re­ ■la, Frederick R. Manning, eximlner, aold that prior to his East aad EgypL CAST OF 5 0 Meijmgliltii, WUUam E. HIU, dleweight claaa from lightweight formed to hold off the NaM iitfan- 1 dtaappearance. Rubin had been re­ The croaf-currenta of Allied aad planet, as the Beaufort la a step lh J. Behrend. Irving M. Wick- y ruahlng Into three gape In the MORIARTT BROTHERS ceiving treatment for a mental ail- Gcrman-ItMiaa promisee aad aear- dowm from the heavyweight cuae line. SCHALLER MOTOR SALES ■abart Martin, Walter & ' meat la a local hoepltaL S tbreata havej^fspt the Balkina arxi bomber. A t the same Uibo French tanks 634 CflRter Stnat Mandmsler street — O m er Broiul Street O P E N 24 H O U R S T E L E P H O N E 8500

..F r,y;n ■ ‘•^’^TPr'. y' ’n ■/ .,/■ ■'. i

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANOHESTES. CONN. THITKSD^T, M AT le, 1940 A~. \ Democrats MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONl^. TOURSDAY.X^IAY 16. 194G Saturday and Sunday la the ori­ a rounind trip to gay. naughty Par Big Stage Show ginal French Revue, "Folles Des Sun.-Ijimp And. Nature ^ ing, husband Sam came Helge Pearson ee. headlining>adUnlng gorceotl.agorgeoua liiternnInterna Atlanta, .On. - Mrs. Sam o rs Fcmmea,” one of the moat anec- rescue.' He focussed hto 1 ews F ro m tjonol bcaidlea and featuring the Pick Their |ites Daily Radio Programs McDaniel planned to show a pofti- Is French Revue tacdlar French ah'owa ever pre­ world’a greOteat cimtlnental art- on the tardy plant, aat up aented on any atage, fektiirlng a uular peony hlopm in Atlanta’s all night, blowing gently The ElUngton Boy^^wutalVoop ■V ' ' ^ Coatera DoyUght Time Doleea Otherwiee Noted: > To Visit Here ' ------\ . lata Amid aetHnga of acenic aplen- flower ahow ljut ■ peralaten( cold will entertain tha RbekvUto Dto- Dtotitet officers In oddlUoa to starting at the State 'Theater In atageful Of European arfiata with dor and glittering Jewels, lively bud. Came dawn and an ' ' No GiuciiB on Monc Hartford and continuing through a company of 50 entertatnera. It’a w'eather -kept the 'llpwor from bloom. Came the show school trict Boy Scouta next -Tuesday ' ibers of neighboring units music and unusual comedy. opening. On the eve/^f'the Judg­ to Dr. James O. Blythe of New abseiit from school evening. May i l . in Edtngton it at this meeting. ./ '------^ f ■ ■ prize for Mrs. McDaniel. York, which will Uke place at the due to an Becaitsi! Onlf F o r m e r X o c a i ist SUilTfofd Springs HaiT^ Ml Marlborough Town Han at 7:45 o’clock, d. a t. abera of the RockvlUe uniK den (^ub: 2:15 Ck>ncert in Ck>a- Allen home Saturday afternoon m Mark Car- Moviea and an entertainment will ptonnfiig. to attend are asked to And Clioir e r pen ter and MarshaU Slate PrtB enled^ the traat... Short waves; HATS Bud­ to May ISth. Johfi.C. Netto feature. Rcfreahmenta ' will be i notify iuSK^Anna May Pfunder, apest 6:35 MiliUry March; GSD Mr. and Mra. Raymond Baldwin vtolted I Mrs. WUtord Mra. Haward Lord WTIC. Bring His Singers. 472. BUfford 8$«-8, aerved. Town Comjmittee. > president, orF fn . Christine Mead, G8C London 8:15 At the Black \ Bennett have lasued Invltationa to Hawley ______it in Man- Mra. Robart H. Day and oon. of ^ Hartford the marriage of their daughter c h e a ^ Wednesday . secretary. Dog: 2RO Rome 9:25 musical pro­ Albert Lee. MUm., are vtolting RockvlUe. May 16—>«j>ecUl)— Ittek e . 2884 aa. gram; GSC London 11:30 World Helge E. Pearson, who Y«irm^ r t f P.TJi. held lU re»ul»r Misa Emily Virginia Bennett to The 12th annual Older Boys’ end Mr. and M n. H any Fanton Affairs. Robert Lee Richards wi Saturday Mra. Day*a atotar and brother-in­ many musical organizations dqr Monday evening at the Girls’ Conference under -the ads- apont Sunday In East Hartford tow Rev. and Mra. Theodore 8. A . there waa ' 2 ------______June 1st in the First Congrega­ with thalr daughter, Mrs. HenTje P.M. ing hto tieh years as organist ond- , 1^1 with T. J. Birmingham. plcea. of the Tolland County. Coun­ h at the Parsonage in Ma­ delegates presented to the Tpwn i o rfeh of 7 South ttreet, 4:00—BacksUge Wife tional church of South Coventry. N orlb Coven l i ^ Bweaney and family. ple ' ’ cbolrmaster of the Emanuel Luth The election of olli- A reception will follow at the cil off) Religious Education will be (Chairman of the Democratic Town luddenly Wednesday mom- 4:15—Stella Dallas Gueata of Mr. and Mra. Chris- The 'Woimn'a Oiuncil will have f i eron church here and was also Nathan Hale Hotel. Wllllmanllc. held' Friday and Saturday-’ at the cbmmlttee on Wednesday eve-' >n,e funeral was held on Wed- 4:30—Lorenzo Jonea S E R V I C E ^ ^ ^ 2*eers resulted as follows: Tbomjl^ Cbristansen on Sunday were a ’l^ vered ^ D M luncheon next nlng, there wiU be no caucus on' nsoday afternoon. Rev. H. B. Olnt- 4:45—Young Wldder B rown WDRC prominent tn youth activities, will p|o9wrf9iyhMTn, pr6itdent; B^Aj&nvln Mr. and Mra. Robert White were Hall Memorial churclyiSmith WUI- The 4-H County Dress Revus r son Henry Oirtotenaen of Sunday vtsltora at the home of Mr. was held at tha Oommunlty Hall, Tuesday in tBw^^urch social Monday avenlng as waq scheduled. atead, rector at St. John’s Eptoco- ' 5.-00—Girl Alone t " Hartford return to Manchester on Saturday, ^ B a y, vice president; Mrs. Walter Ington with deleggfes from the port, their daughter Mra. rooms. Mra. Nurtonl^^weet and '"iii'ii'ii'tiiimii.,. ::.i!iii:;.i:ii;;i!!iiiiiiiii,iiiiuiii]i miiiiiniii!iiiiiiiiwi!’iiiiiiiiniiiiii.,'.|ii!nii!ii «^^dfoid. secretary and Mias Joe- and Mrs. Rockwell Bridge In Hss- .Saturday May 11. ‘There were " Bchretor, Mr. Schretor and Town Chairman Leo B. Flaher­ paf church officiated. Burial was 5:16—Life Clan Be Bea utlful 1880 ke. 225 m. various protesfap^hurches of the Mra. Theodore S. Darnbr^sUI be ty annotmeed that as there waa in Grove Hill cemetery. Her June 1, to present the choir of the ^sphlne Utwln. treasurer. Reports ardvUle. . < 48 girls, representing nine towns, their i&ughtar O rolyn of Oom- 6:30—Jack Armstrong First Presbyterian church of Lan­ thirteen townp--^^in the county at­ exhib it^ all type of dreoses. The the hoiteaoea. Mra. Agnea Kibte no contest the foUowlng were de­ HoMtog Bonad-iip 5:45—The O’Nellla **!sran given by chairmen of the tending. Deto^tea from the Staf­ well, M r.^nd Mrs. Rcdcilff John­ win be the speaker at tha a f t ^ Hmraday, May 1$ caster, Pa., In a concert at high National Bottled Carbonated Beva-age Week *'• Hospitality and Membership com. Coventry girls who rectoved son of Sui^qpoka, N. H.. Mr. and ed delegatea to the Democratic The annual combined weU child 6:00—News and Weather school auditorium. ford chupenea who will attend are: awards were: /Helen (Jetoecke, a noon meeting. StitaaonventloR. Dr. John E Fla­ 6:15—Strictly Sporta with Bob P. M. ^ alttsas ■"O of the two day P.T.A. Mrs. H o w a ro F ^ y uxl daughter conference and summar roundup 4:00- Mr., Peotaon to now organist and MIUBROOiC (MNGER AlC ■ Pale Dry or Golden, LIME RICKEY, CLUB SODA and all RADIO fiAVORS Convention held since the First Hs^iidiat church, Stafford Blue Ribbon and Katherine Mc- At the meeting of the ElUngton herty. M ra Emma LIMt, Mra of the pre-school children of El­ Steele Music off the Record—Ray Wa|ipiiig Spring, Fnuicea Stoet^er, Shir- of Hartford anosLeroy Johnson of Women’s Club hald at tha home of Barrett. supervisor of music at the Lon- **laat lt«esl meeting tn New Haven, Brierty a RM Ribbon for cotton Wait 0>rnwalL Nicholas Aiha, A. M. Burke, Ed­ Ungton to beUig.held thla after­ .6:30—Superman tk gntt voted to donate $5.00 to Mrs. W. W. Orant Slye, Harold Bruce, ^ Erwin school dreosei, ahown by gtrto 15 Mtoa Sarah L. Morrto, tha follow­ ward Oonnora,"Jota Doherty and noon at the ElUngton Town Hall. 6:45— Lowell Thomas 4:45—Ad Liner—Dance program. toetxner; Second Congregational Marlborough Orahga will hold ing offlcera ware elected for the 5:30—Strictly* Swing—Gil Bayek. km WUUmantic . YM .CA. drive, 78M, Maacbeater to 20 years of age and Edna Gei- Ita regular meeting this evening Max Schmidt This was conducted by physiclanz 7:00^Fred Waring’a Orcheatra isi »p}|a usual supper and exhibit for Church, West SUfford, Vlyglnls oecke, Glenns Miller and LUa Mil­ ensuing year: Prealdent, Mra. E. ’The group wiU be unpledg^ and ••77:15—History in the Headlines— 5:40—BasebaU Scores. Hoyle, Avis Rounds snd Frederick at tha library. W. Koehler; vtce-prealdent, Mrs. from the SUte Depiutmant ^ the school children will be omitted ler received Red Ribbons for cot­ wUl vote by the unit rule. ' Health and the EUln^on Andre SchenkJv 5:45—Scgltergood Baines. SODAS de- Schuster; Unlversallst church, .Gordon Dimock; treasurer, Mra. N this yssr. Dr. WUliam Tuthitl. Senior easaylata ton school dresaai'shown by girls Workmea Bnsy irse. Mrs. Oeo Forsyth. :80—Big Town „- 6:00—News, scores, weather. ^ program chairman, introduced Hver their eaaays at immence- Stafford Hollow. Eunice KIbbe and \)nder 15 years of age. Nazis Attack Harold G. Davto; aacretary, Mra Workmen from the Southern :00—Mr. District Attorney 6;05/‘Hedda H oppes Hollywood Dorothy Dlmmlck; Suffordvllle Kanneth Loveland. New Engbmd Telephone (tompany Btago Toalght 8:30—1 Love A Mystery 6:W-Edw1n C. HIU. ^ Nw ian aatcBell who had been in* ment at the El Hlgb school The Town 4H (TbramIttSs, with il. Degree of Bs- 0 strumenUl in securing the speaker Federated church, Elizabeth KodSy E. Henry Sefton and Dorothy Mor­ Mr. and Mra. Charlea Hansen were bu^ throughout the day on 9:00—Good News of 1940. ^80—Paul Sullivan. BROOKSIDE have been cb< addition to and Leona Wochomurka. 'The con­ M ercy Unit |ind little daughter of Bast EUm- cohontas wllbtjpld a grocery bingo ^ of the. evening. Mr. Gatchell pre- ton. club agents, met at the home W-ednesday repairing the damage 9:80—Rudy VaUee Program 8:45—The World Today. STRICn-Y FRESH dOE Mated Miss Jeanne Low. of the the vsledtctofian, Edward Rlalay, ference will open Friday with of their secretary and treasurer, rat, L. I. were recent visitors at done by the electrical storm ’Tues­ this evening In Tied Men's HaU to 10:00—Bing \Crosby and Bob ,' 7:00—Amos ‘n’ Andy. and the aalutatoiian Julia Yonika, registration at 3:30 p. m. The clos­ thKFome of Mr. and Mrs. Albin which the pubUe Burns \ / 7:15—Lanny Rosa EGGS Larg^Size Grade A sUr High School faculty, I EsUicr Koehler to arrange for the (Continued from Page Ooe) day night istated incidents on her trip the fqlk^n g three have obtained ing session will start Saturday gt annual 4-H Town Fair, to be hbld Petchron of Pinnacle Ave. Thera were 19 telephone Unea Flaa Ae 11:00—News and Weather / 7:30—Vox Pop. the,..wUnctlon of preaenting their 2 p. m. The following local mlnla- Mlsa\Ruth Lovett of Beverly, The Young People’# 1 Ib of B et summer to Prance and Aug. 23. Lawrence Robertson erlcan' resident of Parts, also were and 44 atattons put out of com- 11:15—When Day la Done—Larry 8:00—Ask-lt-fosket — Jim Mc- BROOKSIDE lb I* SH BoH v Three reels of moving .ya, Jack Kearney will deliver ten win take part In the confer! was named general chairman, Mra. a' recedt visitor at the mOHon. All but nine of the Unea of the Union Congregation Huard, baritone. Bud Ra'Jiey, WUUaras. tub or R ib R o a s t iui eaaay on “The Value of the ence. Rev. Clifford D. Newton of hit by shells. home of Mr. and Mra. Don W. church to planning many activities CREAMERY tf ■toEBSsthlfw on this trip by Mis^ Glcnna Miller chairman for the Colonel Sparks said the ambu­ were restored to service on Wed­ narrator 8:30—Strange as It Seems. BUHER rolls FROM CORN-FED STEERS weresbown. Miss Low l|^d^ Study., of United States History.” the Stafford Unlvcrsallat church supper, with Mrs. Elsa Koehler co- Wallace of Mmn 'street. nesday and the remainder will be for the coming year. 11:45—Charles Barnett’s Orches­ 8:55—News—Elmer Davis. m Mr. Kearney la the son of Mr. and and the Rcv.,i(torIlng fi. W^ftc of lances were plainly marked with The Board i^Belectmen of this The offlcera of thla group are spanker easy V lis te n to a i^ re­ chairman and Esther Koehler, red crosses. repaired today. A large transform­ tra 9:00—:MaJor Bowes’ Amateur HENPIELD X lating much in the. short space of Mrs. Thomas Kearney of Enat the Second Congregational church, chairman for the play and enter­ touTi have been interviewing prop­ President, Alfred Judge Jr; vice ^00—Dance Orchestra / Hour. West Stafford. . er In the western section of the FANCY SELECTED doz time alloted her. 1^1/mcmbers Windsor Hill. Virginia.Norton has tainment. This year will be the erty owners who hkve land bolrder- city was damaged and plaster president, Rena Nuttond; secre­ 10:00—Glenn Miller’s orchestra. agxssd the time wnndiao short to written on, “Tbs Itogllsh Course at Delegates from th^/ Stafford 10th anniversary of the Coventry ing the Crystal Ttoke-Stafford tary. Shirley Metcalf; treasurer, 12:3(p:^](:!bnny McGee’s Orchestra 10:15—Miiatc Patterned for Danc­ EGGS Medium Size Graiie A lb Cpuhcll, Knights of C^oltimbus who Spon$or$ Claim Naai waa knocked from the woU and PO R K !o»« ■ ‘ ■‘velouSv travel Ellsworth Memorial High School.” 4-H Fair. ’ Springs abort cut roa^ aU of celling at the home of Mr. and Roy Ferguson Jr; program com­ 12:45—Ne ing. Refreatliaents Mlaa Norton/la the daughter of .will attend'the state convention In Coventry Grange No. 75, will Air Raid *Deliberate* whom have agreed to gitto- the re­ mittee, liUian Butler and (Farles 1:00—Silent 10:46—Nan Wynn, songs. WHOLE or EITHER END-ONE PRICE Hartford, next Sunday are Grand Mra. Thomas Liak of Falrview SALAD ''Mrs. T. J. Bl: Mr. and Mm Jamea Norton of hold Its regular meeting this eve­ New York, May 16—(JPi -An quired land to further the project. avenue. Hirth 11:00—News, scores, weathenr. laris Hudson. M Broad BrMk. The other essaylat Knight, Joi}n Hanley, and Arthur ning at 8:30 p.m, (d.s.t.|. The American volunteer ambulance It to npected that the umF on Gompletea Coarse — Tomorrow’s Pregioni 11:06—Sports Roundup. Gilman. •' Flan for Heodstonea BELM ONT DRESSING firritt and Mrs. Lillian VrUl be / Barbara Vanderwarker, program for the eveping is on corps In France was claimed by Its the new road will atari as a o ^ a a Miss Helen Hoffman, daughter AJJ, • 11:15—Eddie Duebin’s orchestra. 'Two plays, "Maid to Order ” nnd Stanley Doboox Post No. 14. The next meeting In wnbae ^b ject la "On Toward the “ Safety and First Aid’’ and pic­ sponsors today to have been par­ the surveying to completed. American Legion to completing of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffman of 6:0 0-Doye O’Dell 11:30—Xavier (^gat orchestra. lb win he the Installation of "Varnish” will be presented In the 6:.5—News L a m b F o r e s Ooalv*^Mlse Vanderwarker is the tures on "First Aid” will be shown tially destroyed In a "deliberate” Hie Woman’s (Council to packing' i2 Oak street has completed a a^ "TSiOO—Mitchell Ayres’ orchestra. First Methodist church, this -plans for the erection of four with a banquet and after- daughU^'^ Mra. Oladya Vander- by the lecturer Mtoa June Loomis. German air attack. a missionary box. AU who have hMdatones tn a memorial plot tn weeks course in cooking and 6:S0i—Francis Cronin, Organist 12:SI>--^ance orchestra. BONED AND ROLLED IF DESIRED ' spsMers. Dr. TutMU will evening nt « o’clock. Mrs, Harold Word has been recelVeA In town James Wood Johnson, head of housework at the Household Nurs­ 7:00—Morning Watch SEED POTATOES ker of^^^rehouse Point. any contributions are asked tp Tbnaprrow”a Program. ssfiirr the toastmaster and other Andrews will direct the following StN^rnard’a cemetery, to have Helge IL Peorsoa appUig (Range -No. SO, held Ita that Mrs. George Jacquemin, the the corps, said he waa so Inform- please bring them to the meeting p erp H ^ care in honor of four ing Training school for attendant 8:00—News, Weather A. M. '. program features- for this final cost in "Maid to Order’’ : Hefty 8:15—News Here and Abroad igular meeting the Community former Miss.Josephine Heckler has emd- with the following taking part; mers Run, Maryland, where Mr. but all drivers ware' uninjur^. East Ontral Pomona Grange 9:00—Dramatized News rrisditeh and Nathan aafeheU. Nancy Whitaker, Barbara klartin, John Roabnakl, Cq. I 326 In t 82nd - The Ladies Aid Society of the 7:65—News, weather. tem ^r of 1934 to engage In fur­ ing. Mist Ctorolyne Stewart, "U ji Wittmann ia employed. They were attach^ to the general No. 3 wUl observe Grange Sunday Vernon Metbodlit church wUl hold ,9:15— Food News Tka losing team of Ediths^ Birm­ Mildred Maronek, Barbara Ruby division are tn Fnnce and John 9:80—Music WhUe You Work 8:00—News of Europe—Elmer ther murical study, and hto place Mother;" and violin Perching / unit,/ operating near at Storra next Sunday, May 19. T. Kennedy. Co. F.\l48 Inf. 27th a Sample fair this evening at 7:30 Dairia. "15c ingham and Howard Stanley, will “ "'^•lapd Phyllis Whitaker. The plays at Eknanbelwaa taken by his MINCED HAM M m Truman C. Hitto and Mm Luxemb^airg. ' Mra, George B. RathMray has o’clock at the church. In addition 10:00—The Man I Married FRESHLY bass dmrgs of the mrtallaOoa am.^pen ^ the public. Division to In Ftonde^Field, Bel 10:15—Ml^tream 8:15—Shoppers Specif — Music, btotber, O. Albert Pearson. MADE i r sapper as the forfait. / Homer D. Lane; reading by Ellxa- K ing’s Heralds returnad from Cleveland, Ohio, glum. \ to many aomplea thora will be Repajiag'tlie Visit 1 lb 4 oz Rlchlt; aoto by Walden V. Ool- where she was called by tha death over fifty Valuable door prices giv­ 10:30—Ellen Randolph A. W. Savage of Bumap Brook Missing Driver ’The Graves Rcglstratli 10:45—Woman In White 8:30—News, weather. Recently, the G. (nef .aub, local loaf or BOLOGNA Fiarm. to a patient at the Hart­ lina. Waldan V. Collins gave a •T" of her sister. mtttse with Past ComfiiMder en away. The moat at tbooe bav« 8:35—Shoppers Special. women’s chorus which Helge or­ FINAST BREAD abort btotory of each atlver atar Have May Party East Central Pomona Orange 11:00—l^ vld Hanim ford hospital. Mr; Savage was Bothin (Notch Spht^f Minister Paul Menge is in charge of\the been furnished by the piVKhantz 11:15—Road Of Life 9:00—Woman of Courage. ganized In 1925, *iald a weekend FRESHLY taken suddenly lu Sunday after­ member after which they were e*’ will hold ita annual Field Day and work asototed by the folio' of RockvlUe with a few from Man­ 9:15—Richard Maxwell. visit to Laneaater and aang twice JUICE ilVERW URST MADE oorted to the Maater'a dMk where • 'N^tucket, Mass., May 16.—(-P) outing this summer on August 3. 11:30—Against The Storm !l8oz noon, and bis cbnditlon grsw. ao Mrs. a.vde^MarakaB / — Lawrence A. Jump, an Ameri­ William C. Pfunder, Raphael Fa^, chester and other intetosted indi- 11:45—Guiding Light 9:30—Tune Time. theie. The Lancaster choir is now SWEETENED er they were preaented with a "Silver Place and detailed plana will be bey and Joseph Perxanowskl. 'viduals. UNSWEETENED cans Mslous he wss^removed tolbe boa- Phoaa 8 ^ ,/ The King’s Heralds held their can ambulance driver attached to 12:00 Noon—Studio Program 9:45—Morning Melodtea coming to Manchester as guest of g r a p e f r u i t SKINLESS LB Star pin". Thare were seven -to re­ announced at a later date. There plttf on Monday nMmlng. annual May party yesterday after­ the French Army, who was re­ Anyone interested In perpetuat­ 'nn .4 k 2 W. . O. WlUlama. of Highland hospital where she recently under­ rrad two of her poem# to the chili roonto. evening. May 20th. There wiU be WUsoa \ 3:15—Ms Perkins' 1:05—Ua on a Bus. Scouts in various capacities, waa Park, N. J. went a serious operation. Her John Christenam la confined (Iren, "Every Day T s\ Mother’s A Bister, Mrs. H. CurUs WUIett, to the Manchester Memorial hna- of Lincoln, said she received a let­ V - .■■■______^______8:80—Pepper Young’s Family 1:16—Life Cton Be Beautiful. leader of the Kiwania Kiddles JELL or St^han Birmingham, of the many friends hope for her speedy Day," and "The Old M lll^ rln g .” 8:45—Vic and Sade Camp for several summers and State Labor Department, to en- recovery. ^ pltnl, where ahe waa taken last ter from him a week ago, invest­ / 1:30—The Right to Happiness. pkg* APPLES 4 - Saturday. ing he hod been on the Saa^ront 1:46—Main Street—Hartford. to6k a prominent part In many DAINTY toping a week’s vacation at hto The South Windsor Garden club other actlylties. PUDDING hoina at Maple Farm. The Epworth League of the Lana Turner la Hospital since February. He atop' has a 2:00—Young Dr. Malone. met ‘Tuesday evening at the Wood 2:15—Joyce Jordan—Girl Interne Memorial library. It was Giiest Quarryvllle Mathodiat church en­ brother. Dr. Ellto Jump./k prof se­ GREEN PEAS C A U ra w lA 2 * * joyed a roller skating party held RanU Monica. Calif., May 16-:- at the University e f (3dca^, 2:80—Fletcher Wiley. Night. Clement Mortensen wss 2:45—My Son and I. PINAST the speaker. Ifrs. Hugh Greer at South (Coventry on - Friday. (Ab—Lana Turner, film red-head ‘Research Day’ MAYONNAISE •SI?" 3:00—Society Girl. and Mrs. Ralph M. Grant were The Quarterly (inference that and OiTbeatra Leader Artie oUtleal PrtootoBrs Move^ LEHUCE ^iokSc* 2 the hostesses. waa to have been/held at the .Shaw’s bride of three months. Is 3:15—It Happened in Hollywood. 3:80—News, wreather. Plan of Council Porter A. (Collins wss the week­ Methodist church in East Hart­ in a hospital here for a rest fol­ Paris. May 1®F>P)—If o d De- aAPR'S cans Plans for Msmoriai Day have end guest of tbs Csrdinsi Key ford hna been postponed till a lowing what she described as a grelle, Belgian, Rexto.t U^aaclst) 8:85—Strictly 'Swing—Gil Bayek. STRAINED II later date in this month. nervous collapae. She married B AB Y FO O D S DANDELIONS «»« bean complete*^ by Earle W. Green (Club of Wesleyan Untoersitv in leader who waaamsted yrhen Ger­ York, May 16—(d>)—With Fdat, American Legion of Coven­ Middletown. T. W’llllani Skinner of Wliisjted Shaw at Yuma Feb., 15 after many invaded tna^W/ cotmtries, HKEIHISltST and eyes of Usteners concen- Boston, May 16—(JP)—A cooper­ try and Mansf^ld. The commit- was a week-end guest at the abruptly breaking Her engage­ waa brought into Fim ee today BEFORE YOU BUY ANY REFRIGERATOR IN 1940 on war, a special "Prayer To Give Program ative move whereby all six north- REG. or 1 Ib |M in charge oomprises Com- home of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Skin­ ment to Gregson Bautzer, Holly­ with 77 other polltiMl prisoners see" broadcast to scheduled eaaUrn states will Join In obsepr- vacuum P d l n i o l i v o ^ A a 2 bars ner.''. wood attorney. from the Bruges, Belgium, prison. DRIP ntonder Earle Taylor, Arthur Mar- for the WABC-CB8 network at Ing "research da'y" on Mky 17 to COPLEY COFFEE can Flutond, Hkrold Jamea and Ed­ WUlin^toii Mrs\ Edwin Lawton has In­ o’clock S d ^ y night. It wiH be O f Sacred Music win Lewis. Memorial Sunday, May stalled an electric and oil jhcating T" conducted fhqm Kansas City, Mo. show that Industrial research can Formtriy 18, wlli^be observed at the North Miae Jennie H. Chorch plant in her home at the Center by the Knignta of dolumbua. expand New England’o volume of . can Covsptry CongregatlonsI church. and plans to stay Inter in the sea­ The programxwaa inspired by Organist Fred E. Werner, and ■ was announced yesterday STRONGHEART IVIOIC / ’Superb son than was possible other years. D O G FO O D Legionnaires attending in a ‘The 12th annual Bdya’ and Girls’ the eneyeUcal letter of Pope Pius the senior choir of the Concoi by the New Ekiglahd Council. Memorial Day speakers will John Rich of Bolton Center urging unity in oppoelng world conference of Tolland county will spent the week-end with hta sister, The MANCHESTER Lutheran church will present Sponsored by the . council, a aa fOllowa; At the Nathan Hale be held In Memorial church at evils. The principal OMreas to to / csmatery. South Coventry, Dr. Mias Elisabeth Rich of New York program of sacred music Monday burineoa development organiza­ Supor Sudf South WlUlngton Friday and Sat­ be delivered by fVanm P. Mat tion, the observance will center on B. C. Pl«I* Andre Schenker df Connecticut cltyjOnd attended/the opening of theyrs qf Omaha, Mipre^^knlgbt- evening,' May 20, in the church U n e e d a B is c u it s - urday. 711# general topic will be the World’s Falr^dn Saturday. '5uaitBnam;'-Thireoiieert will be­ ■neetiags and exhibits in nine cities tndvsrsity; at the Earle W. Green “My-Rendezvous With Life." A t PUBUC MARKET of the international K. of oad colleges. The council was osmatery. North Coventry, the Thirty-five we/e present at tha The program will be hintod by gin at 8:15 with a prelude played « p. m. Friday, a dinner wiu be Girl Scout progmm held Tlieaday by Organist Werner, the sluing boekM la Its plan by statements bars Octagon soas ‘ Rev. Lera H. Austin’, st Spring held with Rev. Henry Robinson of 2,600 local K. of C. Coundto lilX TOIUT SOAP HIU, the Rev. Henry E. Robi|UH>n; evening &t ^ Center school. of a hymn, a brief vesper and from lE'aattonoUy-known indus­ 1 7 c South (Coventry as toastmaster. ered at special meetings tl trial leaders that research to the at Mansfield Center, Professor Mc- Eleanor H e ^ C received her Ten­ Friday Sea^Fottd Specials out the country. scripture servlcs by the pastor, 0 --tf-^_BteeluM e teieet CrtOin Rev. Valentine Alison of Tolland der J«x>t plpf; Chnrlqtte Mack re­ 'l^v. KOii Richter, ■ followed by key to Industrial and economic D U s T O r s a Scar* • O prkit* *• Raynolds. \ leading tha tinging and the grace B.ui' Your Seg Food With Confldjpncel pr^reoL 2 69c« Wyandotte 2 *- 17c A t ths home of Mrs. E. ceived a Steond Class Badge and pwfaapa 20 different anthems and Octagon s^ ms! will be aaid by the pastor. Dr. NBC to increasing the number The "research day" metUngs P asmxirt Monday aftempon tbS- a Food’s Badge; perfect attend­ old^dioraiea by the vested choir of PoOf Horace B. Uoat ance gold stars were awarded to of war- commentaries. The sched­ 26 ri^ces under the direction of will be held at the University of 14c STYLE atanding committee'for the Hobby \Oreetings from the young peo­ Fresh Canght Conn. River Shad! ule now calls for 11 a week by H. Maine, Orooo, Me.; University of Potato Brood -lOe M' ahow Blade final for Olive /Swanson nhd Charlotte .Cbolnnqster Werner. There will ple will be given by Leonard Todd Mack:'90 per cent attendance sil­ Buck Shad, 10c lb. Roe Shad, 15c Ib. V. KaHenborn 'O f the 'iVEAP list be'jio sdlp numbers oxcept two New Hampahice, Durham, N. H.; Chili Sauce *£.“ 19c the afternoon and evening affair of South WlUlngton and X ury and seven a week by John.Gun Norwich University, Nortbfleld, Raisin Twists •»« 15c w h l^ the Ladles Association of ver stars were awarded to June Ffeah Butterfish...... lb. 15c groups of organ selections by Mr. Wralgbt of WlUlngton Hill and re- Mlldner, Shirley Anderson. Helen tber for the WJZ chain...Dr. Werner. VL; Brown University, Provi­ Cut Boots RICHMOND tbs Oongrsgstlonal church - will sponaes Luclua Roblnaon of F r ^ Bullheads ...... r.,Ib. 25c O PICK th« best tcfrigtiasor your moosy 2 *ctr 19c Maneggtk, and Barbara Cartoon. Max Jordan, NBC European Midway in t|^ program Pastor dence’, R, L; Maasaphasette State Graham Crockers 7^^ 15c bold In ths church vestry on Wed- Columbia «nd Dorothy Gunther Fillei^r Haddock, etrictly fresh ...... Ib. 23c caa bur-dtock 3 diiagt. representative otatloned in-Berlin (College. Amherst; Moasachusetl - - naaday. May 21. Members of the The rug made by the iQIrl Scouts T Richter will brihg a message snd of Tolland. \ Saturday Biorning was won by Laura Tooroey. After 5«\Troot ...... i,..lb. 15c SIZE? Ham it a fall 6V4 cobiclbot Kthriooier who to In this country for a brief Institute of Technology, Catfi- Sliced Apples 2 '^ '19c committee Include, Mrs. Beerwort, tbera will be an IniTstlturc of the choir will slnFat the dose Lut- brldge, and In New Haven, Soltinos NiLc 21c the ceremonial part of the pro­ Boston BlucBsh...... 2 lbs. 25c -bolds aa avetaga wmk's MVpIy of food. visit, reports that b^dcast cen- Mrs. Ellim J. Brainard, Mias Grace officers ceremony by the WilUpg- kln’s- “ The Lord Bl«as You and Worcester and Boston. caufornia gram the scout!! sang songs and sorahip abroad while rigid to not Kera You." \ Sordines /• c Bradbury, Mrs. Harriet Robinson (pn young people. . 'There will be Freah Cod Fresh Halibut______^reah Mackerel NAME? h’z a Kchriaotor . . . mads by lha overly so. 510 Pride Assortmont m< 23c “ nnd Mils “Hsttl# coombs -In addi­ lUyaented a play: "The Brownies.” oldato aHhtr of atoctrk tsfrigazamca Mtos Eleanor F. W w ^ , slater a number of guest speakers. Rev. I^reshmenta. made by the gtrls . He said, however, that censon tion to the bobby show a white Douglas Maclean of Wapplng and PRKE? It’s the gteaoK valaa ia aU a f Ksi. watch clofely all eommeiit broad of the organist, will bs tM Occom. Chorrios 2^*^2Sc elephant tale will be conducted by thepjselvea, were served. Chowder Clams - - Steaming Clama..... t. .. .2 qta. 25e psntst, although some at tOA num­ Poor Plumbing Ro j^ol Lunch tea 35c Rev. Sterling White of West Staf­ Dri D. C. Y. Moore, health offi­ 36i costa to America. In London a Mrs. Arthur Cowles. Mrs. Floyd ford wlU have charge of the boj-s radio man site .with the commen­ bers will be sung a cappeUo, tinse Bokor’s Vanilla tlMy'ro amart. WJley will have charge of the sale cer-/rf the town Bolton, waa ac­ Bm Om itak alL TUs it imt sae o f M vto . ootnpsnled by either ptohb or i8‘2Sc 3 and Mrs. White and Misa Eileen companied by the school nurse. AT OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT J 1940 valasa Tbsm is a « tator os he prepares hto ficript Installations Hit Boon Sprouts 2Sc So, o f of perennials and house plants, at- Kennedy of the United States em­ Beriln demands throe copies of organ. The latter instrument 1s s atotad' by Mra. Albert Hannon. In Miss Danahy, on a tour of Inapec- Aasorted Cold Cuts, a fine aaaortnient to choose from.. Uae of big 6 oad • cabic feoi 1___ KUgen, 2-manusl; InstoUsd in the you w S ployment service of Hartford will tlon of the kajiltarj’ conditions In the acrlpt mn hour in advance, and Chop Suoy- 12c the afternoon a. silver tea will be ! e e » e 0 • B 1 prims have baza rsdoced from $30 to Idb 4 diurch last September, prior, to its have charge of the .girls. Dele­ the town s schools, on Wednesday. • • • *. Ib. 20c pamdarUb ia « year’s pekas Mr Porto atoo insista on an advance N ^ Haven, May 16 — up) — n to your served with Mrs. Arthur Wood as gates wlU be entertained In homes look at the acrlpt. 4Sth anniversary. hoatesa. Doors will open at three ‘There 'WlU be a general ph)*slcai In the first group by the choir Plumbing fixtures improperly In­ SAUSAGE Fuji NoocHos 2 <*** 25c 'RE^E** im ilfi here. , check-up of pupils before the close Topics tonight: Europe—WEAF- o’clock p. m., and wUl continue Captain Elsie Atnldon knd the FRESH NATIVE VEGET.\BLfiS AT THEIR PRIME! Mb warn yoa to ba lam to tas * 1 they wUl render Kremser’s ."Pnor stalled "ore more dongerotM than during the evening. of the school year. NBC 4:15: WJZ-NBC 7:45; CBS H O S M U C M 1 9 e Girl Scouts gave a birthday party Fancy Native Asparagus...... 15c bunch, 2 for 29c b% 1940 aaedalt bafem yqa bay. 1 7:55 (subject to addition). er of Thanksgiving.” on old Dutch dynamite.” M. J. Hyland of Wo- Fuji Soy Sauce , ^ 9c 'There will be so Innumerable The regular meeting . of the mriody snd several xM favorite •I W e Monday night at the Willington Grange Troiibadour.s will bo held WBIAF-NBC^—7 District' Attor­ terbury. president of The Master coUccUoD of bbbbiea, among them HIU church for aoslatant. Misa 5 “ i®" • ...... head lOe hymns and psalms. a display of Indian articles; dolls at the usual meeting place, the Native Spinach or Dandelions ...... , . p ^ lOe ney; 8 Good News Variety; 8:80 Plumbers' Asaociatlcn of Connec­ Swoothoort SOAP 3 m.. 17c Thelma (Fishman and Addle Lash- liome of Mr. and Mrs. Keeney Td liriv VOS fiick Aft Rudy VoUee Program; 9 Bing Everything points to a capacity in costume of various nations va. - Mm Raymond Amidon made Native Paranipa...... 5e audience. Already nearly two- ticut, said yesterday in an address BEEF STEW coins, bottles, jugs, pitchers, brass Hutcblnoon Friday evening. Mem­ leaeds«e6wtograpb equip­ sen’s store at West WilUngton and the concert will be used for choir Because of Improper fixtures, he FLAKES ment, buttons. There will also be ing on. Fancy Ripe Bananas...... 4 ib«. 23c -7 Jim MeWmiama <)uix; 7:S0 said, "not only to one life or one Kirkmcin' 2 well known in boxing circlea. The Heme Ek;onomics (Tommit- i AT AU T U Strange ms It Soeina: g Major sxpsnaes. a display of needlecraft, including strained his hack while Ufting family's life menaced, but con­ _ hoph^ rugs, crochetad bed ___,, , . - tee of (he Bolton Grange are plan-1 Bowoo Amateurs; 9:80 Senator ceivably whole areas of a city or rarsada, tahlecovers, qullta, af- grain - Saturday-^ F4« to-4 It to hoMd oU PutMO wn was ametod. iite, In c . ■ of ae^iral Manebeoter h l^ Bsdda Hopper. WJZ-NBC—1140 a a o ^ port of the town. ROCXVILLB T B U a W M K ^ M *’”* * wiD reosrvi tho date. 0 - a. IL V b m and Hooh Hoar; It w n ho nooHoary t o . .iy,p.p jBar. SERVICE llANCH^TER EVEIiflNG HERAI^D, M^CRESXiSK. CONN. THUR8DAT, MAT 1«, 1940

A iitrtfflfr I Th« author it Harmann Rau^- -poaaeaaed' auch intimate knowl- nlag, aad Hitler la tha aubject. The the country. Soon the dla- Parachute Troops Daring; Former Kaiser SERIAL STORY ifepftriwn 3kfslb book waa publlahad In Bnglan—The O er .hundreds of yards. T h ty cer- Loans on Crop Surplul l*r‘ ***"***' . clavea, from 1982 to 1989. DuHng showing to their former l^efae- Ex-MonarcU Planning to By O. C. iordsa ^ The Uttar did not retufo tha Pa>a4«a Oetsbar l. till man Army’s spectacular new serv- taMy would not land la the oenter 'salute. 'v that time he recorded uie cOnver- tora. Perhaps the distinguished of ^ fo rt or close under armored Remain at His Retreat Roms. May 18—0P>—This cor- Price Break Without Pa­ Ice branch, t8e parachute troop­ CBAFTBBI hiding out, and poaribly work ms aatlona of 4he Innbr circle of Nazi­ German author Heinrich Heine ' turreiA Washington. May 1«.—Of)—With 4 surplusM amonF.nssdy ers, are daring young men who At Doom, Holland. Larry Collina amUed down at the m y into the confldence of the J , ^ ; rallel in World War in the war closing many fore)gn mar- ; jUready in operation in dom.' When be began to r ^ l x a knew more about the^Jnstlnctlve I’Bntotallato Isuid Stowly snlltn method of haltisf *nd . ly on the narrow deck. ^ 0.1 » have been trained in aecret for "Baaides>x parachutists land baldish man acrou the desk. "All gang. Years of work on the police keU ^''American farm products, Wallses sold that offIgHb i that Hitler waa a veritable i antl- character traits of hla ^people aft special operations far beyond Berlin, May —Former right, Steve . . . So I’m nuts. But beat bad given Mm a pretty fair' Marching Mediterranean shipe in I officers mounted to the cap. Wake .-of Nazi Drive. to extend it to i29 or isol ■OMCMIPTTrtN RATWr slowly. AftefxUis opeaiiig of the ft. —Ti- outljoritaUvsitljorit; sources said, todqy Taar to II Chrlat, Rauachnlng fled ^the coun­ er all than do we of^ the-Weatem normal infantry practice. parachute th ^ drap at the aver­ Kaiser WUhelm n is safe and un­ that doesn’t chahge things. Fm idea of what a real gangstor^/ia contraband control, a p r a c U c e The 4- ^ the next ssveral months. _ Jail ...... II.M Informed sources say that In quitting your qewspaper tonight." like. He could decide that ' whinh .k T. 11 I'vd-headefl aatlor kept guard out- Chicago, May 18—(89—Ths roar thht ths administration plans to patlng needy persons wndM^ ttaath------to MallI ...... I .11 try and began an effort' to . have hemisphere. age rate of 18 feet^ second. ’The banned a t Doorii, hla Netherlands whicb Infuriates the Italiaiu aad: •((]«, x temporary ribbon around halo Oop; ...... I .M recent months .they were put customary height fo^.1iunplhg ia "Oksy, Lan^, I can’t stop yOu.” j He sped through as/lown, of Europe’s war has produced ^ 'ssk Congress soon for upwards of crasard from L800.000 t e ; ilrrarad Oaa 1 II.M the world aenae the terror that / refuge since his flight in the last has put s chronic strain on Rome’s | hU hat hid the name of hU ship, through special training for tha 8,00<> feet, so they nee^fbur min­ Steve Cflsrk’e voice aoftened. "But through a foreat of ' wsUa, earthquake ta "Cflilcsgo’s teepnlng 8400,000.000 for ..^price-bolstering The 1941 farm bill, waa waiting for it. important part they Were to play days of the World War, his family you’re s eweU reporter, snd 1 like caught s glimpse of s iiltoq,.fleld reUtions with the British-French' He asked if there.'were -any MCMBBR OP “Conik:” Horror utes, 10 seoonds to land. 'AMes- Americans aboard snd 1 told him I wheat pit, center of woi-ld trid e in loons on 1940 crop surpluses. tsins funds for tbs at. ran asaociATKD pkjcu One portion of the hook reveala ia the lowlands campplgn.. . "ParaohuUsts, therefore. Would here has been informed. you. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t wsste off to his left. OU, ~ Wheat, may be tied up In tbe 8« Tha Aaaoelatad Praaa la aaelnaiva. Bool^ pubtlishlog houses are.tak- They trained and practiced In flve minutes trying' to keep you A British sailor told me the in- was an American. He wanted ‘ a the most Important sinfifs food Such funds would supplemuht oatlUaA la tha aaa ar rapabitea a converaation which the author be a wonderful target for fast- Gen. Wilhelm Von Dommes, ad- cattle. No wonder state waa H the 8790,000,000 farm subsldlaa argument over how th e __ : ing up a ."challenge" recently of­ Isolated districts in eastern der- firing weapoas.t* from making s fool of yourself. g re a t rident I witnessed was a typical, cigarette, saying they had been at commodity. 1 000 farm parity fund win . j at an aava Alapatehaa cradliatf had with HlUcr In 1934 In which many and In the general govern­ mlnistrator of the HohensoUem OQS. ' HAHsea MA00 longItoVtto 9Km«S they toSAWAwere out of and benefits tentstlvsly approved 3>aa It ar aat athtrwiaa eradltal In fered b^ a writer in the Chicago . ’The ihodem German Army famUy’s properties, who was per­ "You need a vacation! So.dorl! A barricade apfbas the highway A price break wdibout parallel by both Houae and Senate in portioned. 3 a ila pa par and nian tba Inral nawa the latter aet forth hla plan, of ment” area of German-occupied loomed b ef o r e him. Larry I was ou the Italian liner Egeo American cl^rettes. in World war w * and seldom >4aamiaa#d ftarain Dally News scathingly denouncing Poland. learned a lesson from the Ameri­ mitted by the German high com­ So does everyone. But you don’t bound from Naples for Piraeus, Hit ship waa a light cruiser, one the Agriculture Department sup­ The House yesterday IQ All rlQbtn of rapaAllealloa at cmnpalgTi in the next war. At a can Indian to help provision Its mand to motor into conquered acesee oivveSteve Clark quivvuiKquitting the uir job slammed w on>lto sy r* M * brakea, slid to s equalled In grata trade history oc­ ply h u T . ■ most of 8800.000,000 ta I Idtpaalal dlaparrhaa harain am alao the colored "comic" magazinea-J Varied Tactics Developed Greece. We were at dinner when of those which had been hunting curred ta thp"wske of ths Qsrmsn paychologlcal moment he would j parachute soldiers. Holland, reported be found the 81- with the grand jury blowing the screeching/'stop A blue-coated the German pocket bsttlechlp ■ ■■■ Farm officials are viewing the cresses, and for ^ raaarrad. 'These sources said varied, tac­ a ___A W . . l A . . W ..te A ^ .s vamflewtlpatrol stepped from the we noted the ship had come to a ■mash on the western front. aeiza Holland, Denmark, Switzer-1 thosi-paper covered booklets in tics were developed for attacking Half a dooira pemmlcan saus­ year-old ex-monarch planning to top off the city hall. And con­ atendstlll. I heard someone say, formerly named tba DeuUcbland. h ::r foreign market outlook with anxie­ ersasod a 840.000 lOOBl.__ Pall aaralea ellant ar N. E. ylvld coloring that reprint some ages, like the Indians carried; are remain at hlS retreat. ventions, campaigns, snd elections side < je road, gun in hand. "It’s a warship. They’Ve stopped After ChrlatmaS the orulser had It upset the careful calculations ty. Secretary Wallace pradletsd rural slectriflcatl ^Barilea tne. land aad Scandinavia. fortified points, disrupting enemy , . out, with your bonds up,” of mliUnns of peraons and startled preJooM "newspaper “ funnies" and add a reinforcements, encircling military among the Undted food sUples Detour Avoids Deorn coming up." Steve’s temper was us." been transferred from the North' yesterday that exports during ths flOO.OOd.OOO \ - L ' — PuMlabara Rapraaanlallaaa.. Tba Here w u flrat hand warning. each parachutist carries, v - ' The Germany Army marching in getting sway from him. "All b e . immsnded. B«TlCulture and the many allied Inr coming fiscal year would be SO per lot more that never have appear­ objectives and occupying airports. A Sicilian Army ofheer. return- Sea to the Mediterranean. lefeats and businesses. . Senator RussslI tD., Qg,) Ol taliaa Mathaw^ Bpaelal Aaaney— Evidently the AUlea were caught Indirectly discoitnting sugges­ Highly Concentrated Feed tha direction at Utrecht made a right, Collins,, take-a vacation! , irry shut off his motor, "Ing to his post on the island of Only Orseka Objected cent amaller than thia year. Sharp has charge of tha bill, sold O, lO Paw Tnr^i CMmap. Oatroll aad detour so as not to involve Doom flmbed out of his cor, hands in «-a In the first three days of this , Iktnton half ^pplng becauae they did not ed in newspapers. , These fiinny tions that parachute soldiers-may. ___The high oommimd decided on But when you’n broke snd look­ Rhodes, rushtkl from the room. I ' I asked him If the, Itelians ever raductiona In foreign aalea of cot­ was "bsorUly in favor of thlv pemmican becauae Arctic explor­ In poaaible action. ing fon a job, don’t come back the sir. Another officer covered week the market value of the new takyHltler aeriouily enough. And books , are denounced aa sex-horror have played a decisive part In the foiiifollowed him. Gradually other pas- made trouble about having their ton. wheat, tobacco, frutta and 000.000 sddiuon." but th a t m3 bb* AUDIT .. BUREAU OP fall of the fort of Eben Emael ers found it a nutritious, highly Because of the dlSlculUes of Steve Gltoh. I made you, him from the far side of the pat ■hips searched snd be said no, that wheat crop which American far­ pork products are snUcipatad. Ex- ICt:tltCtn.ATIONm thia too deapite that he had de aerial atoriea that no respectable ---- igers did likewise. mers will begin harvesting within houae changes must ba near Uegs, where the Germans concentrated food. conununlcatkm, Von Dommes the eternri, I can make snpther car. The first patrolman camej SpotUghto on Flags only one crew had raised objections . porta of several of those products upon by a Senate Ap /T b a Haraldnaraia Pnntloarnniinp voinpaar.Companr. dared hla wllllngneaa to employ newspaper would print. claimed uae of a “new weapon," Other rations Include scy besns. could send onl yth ebriefest mes­ cub reporter into just as gdod a to Larry, sesrehsd him qv to being searched. They were I month was cut more than 8125.- already have bean offsetsd. sage regarding the aged monarch, Our ship was standing quite OQO.OOO. Subcommittee. ‘This msW Aa taa. aaaumaa ae Mnanelal raaponal-. any kind of weapon. Even bac The Chicago writer claims' that an . Air Force officer told of some cranberries, dried fruit, several man.” then iDsptotsd his car. ill. We bad no Idea where we Greeks. some time, ha oaplainsd. H bllllr for trpoEmphteal arrora ap- bars of chocolate, lemon drops and hence detaila wear unknown to the "Oksy." he called after a min­ Eyes Foensed on Msrtcst Jipaarlna In adaarilaamania la tha teiik, if need be, would be a part there are 108 such periodicals on of tba details, of the parachute “Juit a minute. S^e. Leti were except that we should have He said he bad cowed them with Inasmuch wtbsoaw^^olrasdy mode of attack. two to four cans of prepared con­ family. part friends.’’ (foiling sat down ute. And to Larry; "Let’s have a hla pistol. He said he bad to prac­ i The eyes of grata snd agricul­ -Js bumper suppUss of most of Odaf of thodo rsilrtn— S ilantoaatar Bvanina UaralA the news stands. He claims that Administration headquarters been near Grpece. The ship’s crew ' *- % parity fund. Tha Soaste of the weapona he would uae. "Ten or 19 men spring from the serves of meat and vegetables. on the comer of the desk, rolled look St your license.’’ > . had thrown spotlights on big tice shooting with a pistol for six tural Interests—and of tha experts these products, normal production ThuradAy, May iS a million dollars a month are tak­ Each man carries a box of Voiced the opinion that Dutch po- "It’a on the steering post," ta the government’s regulatory under ths Fsdsral crop control gtyo a major put of it te Furthermore the book, publLib plafie at Intervals," he said, "far a cigareL'llghted/it and Inhaled Italian flags painted on- the sides months before being s^t as a groworo. but Oia Houw en from the pockets of children enough apart ao their ’chutes do anti-fatigue tablets with Vitamin lies guards, bithsrto quartered' In deeply before h^onUnued. ’That Larry said. "May I aak, what is guard with the boardi^ officers. commodity exchange sdminlstrs- program would add to those sur- ed montha ago, aeta forth the pre an outer entxancs bulfdlngbuilding to1 the of the vessel. would taerw w aborw of N o C h an g e? for these booklets. not tangle. * C pills and a bag of powdered acid vacation talk Jb office 'gossip. I tbU all about?" At first It was hard to seo any­ If the cargo of an exEunlned Hilp tion—hence were focused today on pluNS snd could bs expeotad, offi­ ciae pattern which waa to be fol­ of wine which quenches thirst estate, probdbly had to give way the sensiUve wheat market, grared cials said, to bsvo a dsprsssing of­ corn formera. A great many of them periodi­ ’The machine must not fly too spread It axouni as an excuse. The patrolman returned to him. thing but finally we made out was suspicious, be . said, they took Tfala la .tha word of Waahlngton lowed In the treacheroua penetra fast or the men will be dashed when dissolved In water. to German aentlneU. ' I'm not quitting now because I "You’re all right. You can go on the vessel to Malts: That did not to the Uda Of war and seml-demor- fset os prices. cals are sold from news stands In lights blinking at sea; As our P“PP*t coming here. May 18th to help the poUes depart- leoacamlng: pur national relation to Uon of neighboring natipna which against the rudders. The trans­ . ’The parachute soldier thus is want to, Steve—snd you have to now. There’s been a holdup, and eyes became accustomed to dark­ happen often. This warship had olised by apparently fronUe sell- Under existing legtslatlon, ths provisioned to stutaln himself at In lU cruMde against tcrewdHvera'* and "acrcwjaya.** Ttit puppata will demonstrate Inan tog. Agrtoultura Dapiitmont Is author­ I tba. Buropean conflict. We do not were to be Invaded. In the midat Manchester. We «jon't know If all port generally hks a speed of 129 believe yfnat— I’ve got ■ job to we’re stopping all cars. Sorry to ness we made out a huge form halted and examined os many as e^c^onal and humorous manner, the evils of being a discourteous driver snd a thoughtless jsy- 108 of them arc represented In tfie miles an hour. That throws the least eight dairs. do, an>r It wOn't wait. I have to have bothered you. but we have moving ailenUy around our bow. 19 ships in oae day. The market’s behavior In ths ised to make loans te produows on [.battava Waahington apeaka oor* of peace hla aoldiera would, with­ He carries a special, short-bar­ European crisis was watched not ■urplusas at rotas tending to stock Of the local stores, but It parachutists far apart. They must Washington Iteve.” to do It.”, . It waa a British warship teUdng Just than wa saw the lights of (jnaetly. Let it be aald flrat of all out warning, auddenly appear in assemble on earth from areas of reled firearm. ’ou mean you’re leaving me "No trouble. Hope you catch with US In code with her twinkling another ahip passing a few miles only for Its Immediate affect Iwt bqlitab sod bold prloos obOTO Mvsla ht thia ia not a plea for the acnd- the capital of the nation attacked. would seem from casual observa­ them!"-Larry shouted aa ha drove sway and ths boatswain in the also for on tadlcaUon of sconomio that ths supply snd demand situa­ work for somaone else? Of all Ughts. tion othsrwiss would dtetats. ^iBg o4 aallora or aoldiera ovaraaaa. They bad before aeemed harmleaii tion that the numl>er must be Daybook te ungrateful pups!” Clar^ - ex­ away. He had been tempted to The huge shape moved srotmd us rowboat below mumbled about chances to bs wrought by Ger­ Bus Drivers’ many’s IsunchlDg of the fight to Howsvsr, funds avallabta fog pretty close to that. ty. Hughes, Panassie, the French ing. Last Fall I had an attack of 'R f Jack Slimmatt' ploded. "Get out I Oct your pay tell them be was Hugh’s brother, ■lowly. A searchlight was turned having t o go after that one next. Local ^lice to Aid I To that wa are, and alwaya abail touriata entering the country pleurisy. I do not - know of any ths finish. such loons war* sold to total low We thihk the book publishing authority, Imists he is the most and get out!" but when the officer had not on us. The warship ntsde a com­ "We will be at it until three Iba, mo(rt eerneatly oppoied....But quietly, aa enter the ordinary trav­ Important thing that ever happen­ chest Injury. What Is causing the Washington — Any Collins did not move. He bad recognized the uune, he had plete circle, examining us minute­ o’clock in the morning,’’ I heard a Strike Call<^d The wsr-lnsplred seUlng began than 8100,000,000. Through loons r Mr. Rooievelt. aaid aome elers. But they would have hidden houses are taking up the fight ed to Swing. pain?" any consequence can , thought It wiser not to mention It. voice In' the rowboat say. Jn Monday and up until the start of from ths Booonotriietlon Fteonoo faced Steve Clsyk’s fags fpr 10 ly with her searchlight. Safety Capfpaign Corporation and oangraoslensl Mtha ago, thane are waya abort arma and unIforma. At a wolrd. against these "funnies" through Answer; It is Impossible to terview any time with years and he waited pow, amok. Hugh wasn’t well known in this By the time ahe returned to our Soon the ojfteera returiisd from dealings In ths crowded udieat pit know what ia causing tha pain this morning prices had ofllopssd propriatlons, 81.000,000,000 ___ j *4 P*P hi which Anterica can halp. they would take over everything personal Interest. They are cam­ All I know Is that .be la '^ big dIdate for Mmost any Ing calmly, for the ■''Other man’s part of ths state. Perhaps the starboard side a large rowboat their inq>ection of our manifest Dispute Involving Union (240 lbs.), easy-going, .mild-man­ prior .to examining you. 'There la flee-—and you can- be chief wanted to keep It that way. reached us. A ladder was thrown and the passengers’ passports. The .Manchester police dspsrt-,^i,hutit aa a 23 cants a bushel. Other grata M«t mode avoUablo to the Oom- W hat ara aome of theae poaaible of military alialflcance and vlalt paigning to sell their own products anger to subside. After ■ time he good example for the htodlty Credit Oorporatloa for sueh nered product of the gulf states a possibility that the attack of you wsnt tbst any t^dldsts with continued: over our side snd three British They sslut^, climbed down the Jurisdiction Will Af­ meat'plans to declare war on youiiger generation, ' mall. u of* uaus Iricss dropped in unison, rya los­ through purely selfish reasons. We who found his medium, created.a pleurisy caused the formation of ing even mors ground. / loana. terror upon the helpicaa civlllane. common sense is gdlng to do his "You didn’t ask much about me A good lunch snd a couple of officers snd a red-haired sailor rope ladde/lnto the boat and were .sflults should cross streets only at About 1900,000,000 of this Lat It ba pointed out that wheth To-be a bit critical of the Alliea fall to see the danger that lies In style, and has become rich. He pleural adheslona. As as pain in best to give any/^ter only that when 3TOU gave me my first job cigarets, erased the memory of climbed up. rowed airily. fect Seven States. places designated by the police de- hu arrived at that point where the chest may arise from any of To StabUlsa Onilder amount lo now tied up la Iboas or OP there ia any change here, there for not taking thia pattern aerioua- the pages of the comic books. impfoarion _M d/ material which 10 years ago, Steve. I’ve never the holdup from L a n y a mind. The British solilted the Egeo’s The whole businesa bad taken psrtment snd then only *whea an in commodltlw token over uador moat people think of relaxing and several different causes. It is ad­ will reHect gr^teat credit to him told you, but If you know now, Two or three more hours would officers smartly. exactly 49 minutes. /■ Skn Francisco, May 16 — (A) officer or. traffic light has stopped Batavia, Netherlands East In- fa eartalnly change over there. ly and thua to have been better They are no better and no worse looking for a little fun. visable that you report to your A "screwdriver” Is a M otorist forooloouroo. Latoot roporte obow- the candldat perhaps you’ll understend why bring him to bis destlnsUon, first The Brotherhood of R ^ a y whq pulls "traffic bonpr*.’’ He re­ motor traffic going In the oppo­ filas. May 18— —Tha govara- od that tho goTonunoat tavootawnt Voaalbly wa were Juitifled In our prepared to have met the German than the "dime novels" of years ’,’Me," says Lunceford, "me. I’m doctor for examination. A ' thor­ 'That’s It’s fun, sometimes, I’m quitting. ■top In his search for Hugh’s kill­ site direction. ment announced today It was tak­ just getting started. I’rti just be­ ough examination at this Ume Trainmen called a strike of bus fuses to respect tbsM gbta of oth­ la cotton oKmo was abouf 8000.' LOANS 4onnar acquieacant ^oofneia, even monaUra. la not difficult. But ago. Their story content Is pret­ to do s Jlttle flgurstlve keyhole "I was a green kid, snd. like ers. If that gang caught him, ne’d Wsterbury; ’Mrs. ^cmenjidc San- "Saturday wa are going to drive ing msosuras to stahaiw tbo East ginning to find out what music should disclose the true cause, drivers against Pacific Greyhound er drivers and gms about la. a 000,000. though all the freadoma which 'it* that they did not take it aerioualy ty shallow, and most of them are peeping JUd see whst traits s can- you say, jrou made me a reporter. get no more mercy than they had toro, Wsterbury. X paradise of ..screeching brakes, around ths business------in district _ Indies guilder. Tsicgrapbte oom- Is." after which suitable treatment dldate/^ll disclose when he'e off- Pick Delegates Line# In seven states today in light cream colored cor and tell munlcsUon with Tbs NMbsrtands It was said tha odmlnlstrattoa hoM daar ware being threatened based on highly imaginative ideas My, life, as far as jrou were con ‘ shown Hugh. But If they didn’t— 17— Niels I. Poulson, Ansonls; bleating hprfls and Without band may rsoommsad that tho crodtt la aomethlng of a tribute to them. may be outlined for you. Until ceraed, dated from the time . he’d have the sstlsfactloa of Mrs. Bernard H. Mstthiews, Sey­ dispute Involving uhlon juriqd the ’screwjsys’ sad ’scrawdrivara’ was suspended "Umporarily." Wa ware'far a^y. That fameM The m-called "funnies" stories you are examined, any one who signals p r regard for other cars. In a courteous manner, over the eorpotatloa bs outhoriisd to bor­ Not having aunk below the level Xost’e why, caught in s comer walked Into your office. You knew knowing Hugh’s debt waa paid. To Convention mour. tion, and , cqnlpsny offiriala Th*''’‘screwdrlver’’ psrkr dou- row oddlttoeol funds from ths aaaai much Ipaa today than it did l>*B*ta thCmaelvea, they were do deal In murder and violence to tries to tell you the cause la mere­ W an timer ssnetum of Senator I’d been to school, that I could The bate of criminals, the baritega 18— Morris B. Payne, New Lon­promptly declared scb^ules would car’s loudspeaker systsm, about Shut Down Msteh Jndwtiy ly making a guess in the dark. ilSY'iqakeqJright band turns from the ‘traffic boners’ they are pull- RFC. .^aoa waak a^roi Then, too, wa without appreciation or compre- very large degree, but the .Bob Tsn^s prealdantlsl campaign write. But you didn’t Imow I was of his father, swelled w it^ him. don; Mra. E. A. Harrison, Mystla be msintelned without Interrup- left hand lane, tries to best Stookholm. May l*-(;f)—Ths Health^Diet (Uma Beato Alkallae) / h sad q u artM surrounded only by an lOrphan, and you didn’t know He topped a little rise, siw ths 19— Albert J. Bailey, Norwich;Uon. ^ tag. ouraelvea with the auggea* henalon of the treichery and mor­ youngsters of (cxlay do not have to Republicans Selected to traffic, lights, drives in the center B# Ooiiftooitti Isntlra Swedith mate*, i-.*.- * - Mssawhllo, the Agrtoultura Do, MW 1 9 ___ Question; Mrs. Dorothy Taft friends and workers, I kept I had a brother. car parked off the highway. A Mra. Marion S.Thompami,’ Nor* Bus drivers were ordered.-'to of a tWQ^Isne street or highway, shut down May 27 owtng te both atdaa were partly in al Infamy brewing in Rcrlln. buy "comics” to learn.of wholesale my mouth^utNfbenqrben the Senator wich. ' strike St 9 s.m., by F; W,,XJoyle, "Lst’s all try to bP os courteous psrtmsat announced plana te A dvice writes; "W hat about Uma b "You see, Steve, I waa bom in man bent over the motor, a Reprcflcnt State at crowds othn’ motorists at inter ImposslbllUy of exporiaiiu . .t trsblo oporattena under Its "food So, we would remain murder and violence. ’They need are they an arid-forming foOd or himself made hiss'aspearance. Texas, Mother died then. My dad young Woman, holding a baby, 20— W. Ellery Allyn, Waterford: special representotive of'the In­ while driving os wa era ta our By Or. Praak aiellay. 'Tbst’a how Fm . dependent union, wpB-'' sold the sections a n ^ pommlts otbsr diih homes or at our plscep of bustaMs r was snnounood today. ■tamp" program of distributing It Europe'a miaary but read current history. Certain­ an alkaline-forming food 7 / m Mde to pass raised Hligh and me. Dad waa a stood at his side. Larry stopped, \ Philadelphia June 24. Mrs. Anne A. Dodge, Stonlngton. HoopiUl Finit along a flvs-mtnutelute profile of a walkout resulted ../''from Grey courteous sctsxwhlch Inflict on sad always cross streets oo foot ' *^^’*’*’ 9M9- ^large war ordera ly no horrors the "kiddles comics" . Answer; Lima beans pra alka­ sheriff, one day ha triad to atop leaned over the door. 21—Earl A. Benson, Bridgeport; bis fellow-motonste aa undue The ’Treatment of Hay Fever line in reaction. 'They m i^ be used presidential candidate* irith hlS some bandits and they kUled him- "Anything I can do to help?’’ •Mra Mary A. Brennan, Bridge- hound’s refusal recognise a Na St tbs proper plsos and at the d m the « Alliea would A drive la now in progress depict can be worse, or can tend to Hartford, May 18.—(C)—Here Is tionsl Lsbor4lelstlona Board nil amount of atop-snd-^ driving snd proper Ume. Besides reducing In the dried form if /^©roughly hair (what there Is of it) sown. Dad’s sister took Hugh, who was The man’s head came up. "Why the list of delegates and. sltemstes port. traffic jams. "Screwdrlvlng’’ OC' ;a over throughout the nation to raise il warp a mind more Ujan realiza­ The patient with hay fever re­ cooked or baked. wUI find In those five unguarded 'baia- ■bout 16, snd they shipped me sure, thanks. You can take m« 22— *Peter L. Msdolonl, Bridge,ing deslgporing the trainmen as trslllc congestion ta our bustaeos Rata of interest ■sleeted at the RepubUcoa state bargolpiiig agent for the drtvera cording to Dr. Miller Mci^ntock. district, it Will msks driving safer ■Mathly M Ol eompala If 110,000,000 w ar relief fund by the tion of what Is happening In Eu­ ceives much foolish advice from them available in m canned form. utea be did three things: up here to live with Mother’s down the road and And a me* convention yesterday to represent port': *Mlss Katherine Frits, noted traffic authority. Is r not sssesdlgg 1. Asked advice, weighed the ither. chsnic. Just a minute—^T» Bridgeport Qptflpany spokeamen, declaring and more enjoyable. The streetn wr seat swatltiy an chaaga over bare la not la American Red Cross. It la the ropeo p e ^ today. ^ his friends, but he does not need You might Uke ^ try using the Connecticut at the party’s national the board’s order was up for court ■Ihle for 29 per cent' of all t belong to us alt, let’s ahsra them green llmaa which are quite source, snd didn’t taka it. 1 haven’t seen Hugh since that As the man flumed back to ths coaventloa la PhUsdelphla June 24. 23— ‘Cflisrlea E. Zink, Bridge- ■MnOer Leons also oi ua? For now amall. flrat time since the World War of to go on accepting it, and will 2. ' Kicked the props out from "review, said that In the meantime congsrtion. ;^th tba other fellow," ths Chief •t ijw Otal on^ find recovery Is usually quite easy small, and w^tch offer a pleasing tim Vl wsntsd to go down to his car, Larry noUeed a second m an­ Delegates at large: State Chair­ . )rt: *Mra. Joeephlne L. Throp, N EW Y O R K ■jssthiy bsisssss on 9 cratic. 1914-18 that the Red Cross has under the pardonable enthusiasm Bridgeport they would abide by their contract Iho “Scfowjoy" ^ ^ u d s d . peace-loving to bring' about, depending almost variety wb«r a change In vege­ wedding, was suppoMd to be best gel out of tba front seat, walk man Benjamin E. Harwood; Miss A ’’screwjsy" Is a thoughtless • sooopoooo o ^ l o V S . . . oar w ^t M of one of his lieutenants. 24— H. Sanford dsborn. Redding; with the AFL Amalgamated As- 'niq^courtwy^ crusader car, . with sbeve, SM at <| H gnetfcing paoplea, cruahed by tba ight a war relief fund. Man- altogether,' upon dietetic treat­ tables Is fleslred. 'These small man,^sbbqt three yean ago, but around the car toward him—and Katherine Byrne, vice chairman; eoclaUon of Street, Electric Rail­ pedestrian who, without regard for .sound^smd mmllfyiii pU ^n^ equlpmMit', Is $.1$ llmas xoM^ be purchased at the 3. Gave his press department I w ai covsriM a flood—’’ for the second time In one day BomiMl' F. Ihryor, national com­ Mra. Harold W. Peffera Danbury, M msaldsaiO mootblrnrabtbl „ amat mardleea tyrant ainca tha quota In this campaign ment'. boys s .hesdsche by correcting way and Motor Coach Employes’ his own personal safety snd the port of the She] Sofsty Squddroo I The person with this disorder m arket ju a shelled at home, or If "You couM have gone, Larry." Larry C!oUins looked Into the bar­ mitteeman; Governor Baldwin, 28—Albert E. Lavery, Fatifleld; union. Inconvience be may cause auto­ which has j>tan p ______^___ m m n $ m CaeaY*. are turning their la 88,000. It has been announced. M anhattan their count on some unbstched Mi'S. Alice W. R usa Sbritoa put at the dloposol { Jteg eon .will get tha beat results by first you pmer, they may be purchas­ Clark’s sngarNhsd disappeared. rel of a revolver; Former State Senator \Austia B. Booked By Union Spokesman mobile drivers, crosses streets of the . lUco . by , ths local dsalsrs If /• p o p ayaa toward lua, aaylng. There w lu\to no regular cam­ chickens, and then tried to esse 26— Georgs N. MojKsndry, New . 'll it by George Tucker cleansing the blood stream with a ed cooked and In cans, "Why didn’t y o u ^ l me?" •*rhanka, buddy." sold tbs sec- Bomsy, snd A. T. Psysoh of Nor­ Their posiiton was backed up by whenever bb feels like it In sddl- of the bhell CU 'Gbmpsay, Incor­ raiaMDlilso . n s i BOthfaig to you? paign, or drivbs(to the Manchester rearing only that you open the their pain by dictating a conser­ "I-had a job to d ^ n the flood, ond n ^ ••We’U take your cor, wich. • Canaan: Mra. Grace R Andrews, Portlnii4 No. . gjg Mg ! t e * i short fast of aTpw days, during vatively optImisUc release on Norwalk. A. L. Rowan, spokesman for the tlon to cresting a deflnlts safety porated, as a part of/teetr nstioD- Wa can help flrat, by ceaalng fund. WbaUveiNs received here which time he ointts his usual can and heat the.contents. and I did it Anywajv I planned but we’ll have to leave jrou. Come ' Alternate delegates at .large: hazard, the **scrcwjay" la the wide Shsre-the-Rosd muoade. W sniH ter .... LM »M New York —News repprtlng la what he thinks of his prospectf at t L. Mchhrd Belden ta Wpat Hart­ 27— James F. Walsh, Greenwich:omslgsmsted union, who declsr^ a OL .. AW $ M will be entirely voluhtary. food. / to aes Hugh thia sumhier. But on. climb out." He waved the gun “we have the contract snd a ma­ cause of 10 per cent of the traffic ether units of the ■ Safety aome of our aenaaleaa cenaorioua- a highly technical field. It ia n not the Republican convention, as of, .that’s not whst I wanted to tell to emphmslM hla order. "Oom# on,. ford,.w..., O. Glenn Saxon oC^Nev Hav­ •Mrs. Doretts link, Stamford. m S a M. T . . gL4# ILgg The plain water fast 18 often ad/ the present date. jority of the drtvera, snd we in congestion In hustne^ districts. Squadron ora a speclslip eon- aaaa. Of thia wa have bad alto- That la a wise declribq. Jiuit at be arrived at without aaaldioua la­ visable and the patient Is''told Yo you— \ Bill, gst that stuff into this car en, Mra asudlne Maitland iof Mid­ 28—'*WUUam J. McCoy, Putnam; . (Whether the PD boys are Mis . Edith W. Smith, Eostford tend to stay on the job." If "screwdrivlng" and ’’sersw- otructed brake reflex testing rak- DstieM |gJi rnNANCSi gaUiar too much. We have thrown present Manchester la'ln uisk^ldst bor. One docs not leam to dis­ drink an abundance of wate^^^s- HOW Remember that wire story BUI lost OH his dletown, Mrs. Alice W. Russ of He said ths dispute arose from jsylng” can be sUmlnstea.^qualifled. dally, following theae With a vig­ Nutritlentot, Clevviaad Health "That waa niy brother—Hugh us by the cops— Coyle asserted 79 per cent of the when we are driving and motor­ I mention this btoause radio, at tlsl primary (Taft wasn’t in it) OoIUns!” ^ Second district dslsgates: E. Mra. W. G. Mbck, New MUfon). Xiscola called one of tha moat, un funds usually spent in vartous orous rub d o ^ with a course tow­ OooBril Iprry cursed softly am he 83— •A rw ur/'C srlaon, Middle-TOO to 750 bus drivers” brionged ists when we ore on foot. this point. Is goIngXthrough Its el. This treatm ent Will Speed up but dope is tbst 10 of 14 delegates Lea March of Old Lyme, and Ray­ to the trainmen, who were desig- Guests at Picnic I Jnat w a n of all blatoiry. What of ways will have to be diverted to are Just waiting to switch- to w ^ed his car dlM ^^ down I mond 8. Oos of Cromwell. Alter- town; Mra Claudlne Maitland, AfroM to WnM first big, war. It Is stilt, an infant the actlvliy' of the mjlllons. of 'The vitamins have sort of AU of Steve Clark's anger snd tba highway. nsted as the represenUUves in a "We pork double sad hold up the Bpaniab-American war? Let provide for the very necessary Industry. Never before haVe Its re­ T aft". aatss, Carl M. Sharpe of Pomfret Middletown. \ pores of the skin and will, help to sneaked up on the country. A lot resentment ware gone as his (To Be OenttoMd) 84— •Nortbkm L. W right Can NLRB board order March 10. 1989, traffic for blocks in bock of us Cntafjo, OMlf., K ay 16 the book "The Martial Spirit, ’ hospital contribution. porters and Its commehtators rid th^ 'Body waste naaterial, Juit then the big. baldish. bs- and Francis Prichard of Vernon. which was reaffirmed lost April of people atm. don’t know about ■pectecled son of a President who arm went around Lanys shoul­ Third district delegates: Roy C terbrook; *Mra. Pauline 8. Ward, just to save ourssivaa the incon- t ^ a mord than___ two______written by an American, make an There la no question of the over­ been put to such a task as It^ w thus relieving the mucous fnem- der, "I’m sorry, son, 1 didn’t Old Ssybrook. . 20. veniencs of walking a few agtra faces. The experiences it gaItVs brape of part-of Its load. them—where to look for them, at wants to walk lit his fstbsr*a Wilcox of Meriden. Mra Mary E. Oojrle sold th at terminals of tha will bs used for ths sscond MomMl I oarer. Would we flgbt to retain whelming need of a Red Cross footsteps entered the. room. He know. When.did you And out?” Farnsworth of New Haven. Alter­ 85— Frank C. Porissk, West steps. all-states pleale June 1,i, w _ bl^ , _la I from these undertakings nbw will V. ^ Is surprising how quickly IsssL Vusmin therapy, for that . ’Tve known it all the Urns. Auto lllillioi lines, which operate -from Port­ "Seldom dp wa think of th a^^ aU that we got in both ware? An- fund for war vIcUma. Already $1,- go a long way In developing Its overheard, tha remark. nates; Chsrtea SchsU of West WUlington; *Mra Julia A. Keshey, expected to attract M.OOO guests I nhy fever will disappear during ipatter, U sUll la its Infancy. Hugh was in the highway patrol. SomersvUle. land, Ore., to San Diego, snd east tentlsl danger to oursslvcs. from svery sUto, the totAortal owar "Yea." If arg were attacked technique and In maturing its ilsNvglmen but the patient must '^ t enough Is known about vita­ “Now wait a minute. Tliat Isn’t Haven sad Mra Joseph Bradley of to Salt Lake Oty and El Paso la / 800.000 has been expended by the fair,’’ 'Taft said. "You esh’t say Shortly before hto death, he was Weds Show Girl v „ Branford. *—Denotes new msmbara jsnmilng-oa of brakes ^And ths posssarion. Canada and MeMea New Wide Neck Eight Cup We can help b^^movlng all Red Cross for the relief of the suf­ judgment. Its judgment, a t tlUs' persevan if the disorder Is chronic mins to ksep the average peraon teksn from his old district, ss- X ths states of Oregon, OsUfornlo, ■biftliig of gstfra fm- motoristsmocorlsts and writing, la not yet aa mature, to as the Nnembrane has learned' pretty healthy. And you don’t that for sure. Let’s stick to the X Fourth distriet delegates; John ;^lsons. Nevada. New Mexico, Tbs tebls wiU bA vsrootedl legal raatrictlooa f r ^ ..o u r codea, fering In Europe. Much of thU facts. 'That was Just somebcK^s ersUy , assigned . to bunt down a C. Stealsy of Trumbull snd Mra the traffic rongasUon wa causa by through ths. bsott of tbo dty la desirable. I say this with Re­ through tnb, years to act as an need to look very hard for them bunch/of nsrootie smugglers, oper­ Utah and Texas, would be pick­ tboughtlsssly crossing ths street aad then aanding to theae over- has been raised by spontaneous gard to the commentators tkem- eliminative oh»n. either. Vltagitos are always on guess. Fm doubting that I bi«*h BalUi^ofe, May 16—MV- HoroM ^ Harold Peffsra of Danbury. Alter- American Sailor eted. ” oloog Euclid aysnus, ths ffioaoua into that delegation until I see it ating In the wesL He.evldenUy ^ s s : Bicbard H. Oinesplt, pub- In the middle of the block Instead pepper throo-sbsdod parkway that whalmad peoplaa aa large loana aa cootributloBs. Sympathy with selves, .who, under p re s s i^ of As a generaKilule. fasting will stock at yoiir cloaest grocery. ^OTd them snd they dlsoovei^ Jr., 40-yeor-old autom^ He«sld that all men not work­ of St cos of the plsess designated worid-aSaklng events, are/ prone produce excellent results, even In A.glance ab.the dally quote of happen.** millionaire, was honsymooiU ,,Uabfr of Ths Stamford Advocate, ing on "strike deUUF’ had been stretches 15 miles from the motin- aaam raaaonable, providing they those vlctlma of the aggressor na- 'The lieutenant grinned sheep­ ' he was about the some time oadYfra. Richard M. Brett of Is Shot to Death by tbs police deportment.” the tatas to ths Santa Ana river. to seize microphones atia. ♦ offer patlelMs have had tm^lsorder for essential vltenubs will show yw 'But Hugh didn't commit suL- F o i m ^ ordered to keen away from com­ Chief continued. * COFFEE MAKER are aakad for. And let not tha 4lona la very definite. That alone ishly snd didn’t argue. Governors of sveiy stats have | pure rumor aa fact. years. ’This ir one dlsene In which that It^you want to be sure you 2 2 ^ . 87. former Vanities show pany property. "Ndt only for our oom oofety, loana be bald up by UtUe petty, Taft writes Us own speeches Cldc. Hugh was murdsrsd! ~ Fifth district dslsgates: Walter bssa tavitad. will account for-^ouaan'da of voi- / the average patient maF'cxpect a get them all. Include the foUow- "Cokmel Harris,------chief------qfof'the girt. Shanghai, May ig— a flrs- pta-baad debatea for three montba On recent evenings I have been noticeable Improvement If he will Ing foods in your regVUr diet; snfl realty sweate over them. He Howe of Utdifteld gad Mra Ethel untaiy donations; read a few paragraphs from oae highway pdtrol, askedHugh’s “rtsy were married hai« lost F. Mattblee of Seymour. Alter- mon from ths United States aa waa Ftnland'a loan. A^llttle amazed at Jthe rashness of carry out directlona aa they Ngre The equivalent of ode pint of widow sad myself to k ^ quiet, "J****, •ff*7 obtelimig a waiver of cruiser Auguste, Edworl Oeoi^ But despite the great need of certain well known, and highly given, being careful not t o __ milk dally (adult), one aha one- he had been wrestling with. hates; Arthur Hinsel of Ne# Mil­ Wo can help by aehding every the Red Croes at this Ume. no The aasemblagt enthused snd Hugh w ai reported IdUed In Maryland ■ 48-hour morriogd U- ford, and Lewis Dibble of ODepnall of Long Beach, Gslif.. paid, commentatonC who drama- any foods to the diet, even though half pints to two pints fo/ chll- eoM law. Friends said t l ^ pioa- was found shot to danth today fai a piaae. every rifle, and every bit of tlife events without, first bother­ "That’s fins! SweU! Grsat, CUef!” a akinnlob with smugglers on the Naugatuck. matter how our sympathies tell he may think such foods belong border: The officers flguiqd If ^ to go immedUtely to Detroit. Ruasisn rooming Mmss In thel SERVICE "ammunition that wa can aafely ing to aacertsln whether they are there. serving of green leafy Or The Benstor looked over thetiM us to do our part, there is.a limit crowd of "yeMqra’’ snd smiled they let .the accident go praetiOsUy French r on cession. . < SERVICE ^fiction or fSet. Where there la ’The change back to normal may vogeteblea daUy. Baltimore was undisposed. They L i $ t o f N ew State D on W illie ipara. And that without too to what individuals can y exercising a little caution, and may be necessary fo omit slich ily needs, will furnish, according' of the pcncU. might -have more luck flmUng out \ "Undsrstend." aUd TsR, about them than one of his own siamsa la London. They were dl- Miss Marie A. Torbox. Hartford. own hand." Tbey plsnaed on in-1 Maad the fact that in our darkaat J ...... I' temperance. \ ^ foods for several weeka White •o our proasnt knowledgo of vlta- ▼orced in 1988. ' 4—Eugene W. House, Olastoa- mlns. all tha A. BI, C, riboflavin ata^msking no outright men. I wired him that ~Fd rsport q u est I hour there came French money, dieting to overcome hay fever it Dodge is ths fsthar of two bury;. Mra Adelaide A. Johnson, O’Dotrasn was b o ra^ Osajasn,] B o a r fai BdBd t h a t y o n ^ Naxi Gratitude ' There afe a gteat manv — a la especially desirable to avoid and nicotinic acid necessary for Hsroixfor Instance, we have two within a week, and if he'd swear and Frapch aoldiera, which prob­ me in, Fd do my best to get the by bis first wlfa East Windsor. N. J„ sad was fig. Plus $1.00 Trade-In Allowance ' really surprising number — of any foods containing white Gour the normal person. Tha adult re­ instnieted delegates in North 8—Austin D. Barney, Farming- **We have the latest w Iwadll^U BiDfit ba i ably made! poeaible the victory Another new low for baseness successful negro orchestras In this quirement for Vitamin D Is un­ CsroUns.^^^ seatlment Isn’t un- men who kUled my brother , . . Ths gM was said to bs a toM- or white sugar. In qiost cares It ton; Mra Corine R Alw>p, Avon. dancer sad ths oUegsd Stayer on ia p^cct eondltiea to th at foUowa. “Gonaiatency, thou by .the Naxis comes, to light in country. If you asked me to name Is a good plan to omit milk known. Tha cMld must seeuiv his fsvorsbla UKfoBW other stetM. So you see, Steve. Fvs got to go." That’s all." \ *1 understend. Lorry. 1 con ar­ 6— Howard E. Hausmsn, Nawunemployed Russtan Immlgrsat paas tha state teat . a rt a Jewel." We who have made i^orvmy. it will, be lacalled that the outstanding ones I would have time, although a/noderate jffiBBuhr Vttemia D either from exposure to French on Guard Britain; Mra. Anna Mae Swltoskl type machine for^ For Your Old Coffee Maker to accem the judgment of other suaUght andjor VUamln v range it. You’ll be on oasIgnmsnL whose motive was JesJousy. our hlatorie boaat that we had after the other World War there of butter may be used foi*season- n D eoncen- New Britain. ^ BO w h y BOt s te p o r e r a n d people. Frankly, 1 don’t know. ing the cooked vegetables. trats, auch as fish Uvar oil., B s Paps 'E m Up ' And when you come bock, yOur quick and willlhg help ffom othera was a period of almost starvatton job will be waiting for you. Good Against ’Chutists 7— rtonk E. Hsoly, Windsor ' hava your btadU ^te az« CRcgardlesB of age or make) But I can tell you this. If you 'Those who desire further gen­ "Bur the pills ?" aome persons Bsfore long, the press dspart- Locks; Mra Annie S,. Oousa testing headlights** ara now galvanizing ' ouraelvea among the German people. Nof., journey down |o Fulton. Mias., eral suggestions are welcome to Mk. "It’s ao easy to get my vlte- meiri gang waa glooming and said luck, boy!" Power and Third_ Groaby. ■tad As Used In -Stoto Tset. amined befora ftriag to againat giving help to othera way, with the kindly spirit which and ask the people there, they will write for tbs two-paged article on mina in pills and thenl don’t have so. T aft la u d e d . "AH right.’’ ba .give jnu one name — Jimmy to worry any more." 'The answer said. "Hare’s an suthDrlaad stete- Spring in tbe southwest Noth­ May 18—(F)—Etabonta D^Mlcbasl D. McGovern, 'New tha test tana!. equally needy. Men need not and usually actuates that nation, had HAY FEVER Address your re­ Haven; Mrs. Ita ry E. Faraxwerth, Lunceford. quests In care of 'The McCoy to that la that you have to worry msnt: ing Uks i t thought Larry Col­ «>s against porachuta Term Are Issues ■'.i ahould not be aent. But help of compassion on the hungry chU- more beeause>. foods contain, in Nsw Haven. He Is a Fulton boy who came to Health Service and send them to "1. Senator Taft will have more lins as he drove- along the brood posribto "flftteeoluma- •—Angus M. Fraser, Hsw Kar­ every other aort ahould ba aent. dren. In addition to pouring into Broadway by devious ways. One this newapapel*. Please enclose a addition to vitamins, minerala, votes on the first bsHot than any highway. Cattle grsxtag ta green­ 1 i Available for a limited time protein, and energy, all of which other candidate. lots" wei 1 today through- en, Mra NeUe L.. Farley, New Salem, Ora., May IS—(P) Ben- y* J l t O p u d aad that without delay. Have we Germany large amounts of food­ of these waa a stop-over at Flske large, self-addressed envelope and ing postures. (^ves bawling. out France. Haven. For An Rtade of ITnlveralty, where he acquired a the body must have. "2. Senator Taft wHI have delc- Hera and there the brood green nevUe power and tbe third tarin Oarage aai Bingli stuffs, she brought out of Ger­ 8 cents,in stanfos with your let­ The Parts pahea rouadsd up 10— Joseph F. Morrissey. Newissue wUl provide the major punch (Town ao calloua that even the degree and 4 letters. emblemaUc ter. Moreover, It la more economi­ gata strength in prsetiesHy every waves of wheat It wak good to I W erkt taartag worda of a WUhalmlna do many into Norwegian homes and I of hla skill aa an athlete. He bc- cal to have them In your food. ■tats. be home. targe numbers ok foreignsrs for Horen; Miss Annette Wolmaa, at Oregon’s primary slectlon Frt- at the following dealers Ehwn though you have perhaps invostigatloB last night In n city- New Haven. day. • f not flra ua? If ao. down the insUtutlpna many children Who ; came a professor aad at one time been told that your hay fever Is If you can afford concentratw you "8. Senator Tsft is the second Four days of steady drirWM hod I was a head-waiter. can afford a good diet and if you wide sweep tfarou^Ncafta sad 11— Nicbota Ferrodino. New Portland snd flve westara Ore­ jwma wa ahall pay tha price that were fed, clothed and educated. the result of alleimr. try the diet. choice of more delegates than any changed his city paUor to a other meeting ptacee. > Haven; Mrs. William O. Nswtea. Sanece GREASING . But his heart was engraved cab afford a good diet you don’t other candidate." healthy red. In a few mors days gon eonntles, about a third of the Baratow’g Radio Shop F, E. Bray With what result? When they It may bring about very satisfac­ need concentrates. A mobile guard is posM at tho Nsw Haven. state’s pofrulatioa, will ddddsl Seta. *******'**'*** Inexorably ' aa> with a four-letter word that you tory results In your case, aa It The Senator turned, went into even Steve Clark would never BATTERIES grew up most of them fllterod If you buy right you can lug f t y O ts a to atop awary oor and il . 12—•Frederick A. Kirk, Hom- wfasthsr to exeats peopls's uttUty g^oimce Jtos hadn’t yet baa in so many thousands' of his private offtoe. closed tha door. recognise him. dsa: Mrs. Lulu AverlU, Branford. O aa, o n WRECKER SERVICE F. T. Blish Bardware Co. back to Ooniaany. in the cout^ Invented), and he started out b ^ aooufh vttamias to keep the One of his press Tsprseanta- tavwtlgata Its occupants. Oen^^ districts to market energy from I J. W. Halo Corp. others. whole f o i ^ healthy. Lonyo thoughts drifted on, to darsMS sad customs offleara b av e^ 13— Roy C. WUcox, Meriden:tbs Federal gsaatore on tbs Ool- of the praaaat Invaalon of Norway Duke Eaiingtc^ says be has "a tivw shook Ms head, a Uttls rad- ths task ohsad. Just whara ho i DwtruetloB** mood and a color that nobody That's prstty Important theos ly. "He thinks that’s braggiag." boon gleeu rifles. Prorinclsl aisv- Mrs. U a L Pootey, Martdsn. uinhtorfeaf. Manchester Plbg. S t S ap . Co Kemp’s, hic. the Norwegian folk .were sag Answers first hot tuys. would begin trachtag tU bro tasrs ors lave flosa ordsrod to ergamas 14— John F. I^ch . West Raven: can Imitate." I can tell you that (Pain In Cheat) 1 aroulda’t khow. murdsrars. or how, ho did not Proldsat Roosevelt, entered by “ IM th e j^ of a book, wilt* that ao aaany of the Nasi soldiers hla records records for Colum­ Into a d v u guard aQ -*‘ii*rta m a Mlaa Bdsn M. Aaith. Milford. ^ Oregon OaiiiweiwesItMFedera- Question; Mr. Donald J. states; know. Possibiy Ookmol H arris not nwblltaed. 18—J. WoiTfn Upoon, Watar- Manchester Electric Div. M wlow’t > amiat another. could spfok their language and bia) are hi|f> sellcra. And that ia Hloedhounds, Inatsad of bring There jpe more than S.0l»i)M tlon, a left-wtBg Democistlc of-l "■I have a pain In the cheat some- ftotolous. bloodthirsty beastsTiira ofv rr-" .... would have some suggeotloas. If hury; Mrs. Rowley W. PbllUps, s mnd IndIratJoa at his oooulart- U»s«^ which affects say broath- . roods and highways In nyessary Lorry was confident ba pnisatlon. oppooM Vice Prerident the Ualtsg Statsa ' Oamwctleut first rstaW tobocon W stsrbigy. Oo****' in tte Democratic pcim- DON WILLIS GARAGE Montgomery W ai^ Co. R . S, amid pose os on castsn ganpdsr. betwesa lg8g oMI IflM X 18 —•Floyd H- Rasmussen. orioo. . 18 MAIN 8TRE PHONEI 5; V'Sr; . i . MANCHESl'ER EVENING RERATJ), MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, MAT 16,1940 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY, MAT 16, 1940 and alxth-poel'tion trills. Mr. Lu­ ke's artistry In' (ranstlona waa with tha FedoiBl Emergency Re­ ders la In part oSast by the unem­ tack is-so unlikely or Impossible that with the many more btUloas Ge^an Club lief Administration wsb highly R elatives, F riends Details “Are Coimplete counterbalanced by equally Intri­ ^Grants-iii-Aid’ ployment which reeulte from the R oosevelt U rges tbAt lt''m y. be Ignored. we wrould have to spend on nstlon- satisfactory In many place#,’’ he' curtaUment of our export trade In A Thougli! Asserts Drug 'I / cate interludes executed by (he Mas^ExaaMna Oaagsra al defiento tf Hitler won the w ar?’’ said. "But more Important than (>to*K dlrectloea, due to war coo- itstanding Display "Let us examine, wlihout self- Alwtla, who has urged aid for Arrange Surprise Gives Concert accompanist. Miaa Strickland. The that, even, la the fact that a re­ 50,000 W arplanes; latter also contributed MacDow- Seen as Dole dhjona. deception, the xt^ngm which con­ the AtUps in the pest, declared that turn to this ayatem means. In. made a pit, i— front us. Let ok measure our "we should do everything within Fraud Center For Memorial Parade ell'a "Rigaudon". •^Secondly, the termination of and Is fallea hite tha Johnson-ObrcBwki effect/ the aubetitutlon of the dole the #ar abroad, may well lead to Seeks H uge Sum strength and our oetaisa without our power. Including furnishing Miss Stephanie Lorraine Ob- Mrs. Rudolph Heck of 43 Hollis­ Program Appreciated by for the work-Idea.” ' ke madfc-^WIma Itli. Opens In Cheney HaU self-delusion.. ' Harrington Says Plan econoihto .dislocations which 'wUI munitions, supplies, credit and In Bridgeport remski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ter St. entertained with a aurpriae Marshal Donald Hem- War Seen aa Threat. render our domestic problem ev6n ’"rhe daar fact la 'thgt ths other asslstaace khort of war to Large Audienee at the fOsatlaaad m « .Paga Oa«>. Frank Obtomski of 134 Hilliard mlacellaneoua shower at her home Boy Scout News A uditor Points ^ ill Lead to Direct Re-, Colonel Harrington said th^war more ao}£s,"'' JtetrlbuUoB to oaa a t ‘ ' 1978,650.000 for grants-ln-ald to AiiMrieaa people must recast- their aid the democracies.” street, became tb r bride of Leo last evening, in honor of Miaa Alice in^ay Names Aides [ ' —^—ir------■ principles in the dMna i thinking about national, protac- (OonMsned frsai Psjge Ons) Soitth Methodist. waa "a considerable threat" to the tal Textilefl communities, with the Federal made planes to foreign nations, The United BtaUs,. be asserted, Walter Johnson, son of M r., and Wieaener, daughter of Mr. and T o Irregularities lief for .\ble-Bodied. dolnestlc employment, situation. tloa of human aSalrsv—J. government putting up 75 per cent Uon." p a tr "Is in a state ’of quasl-neu- And Designates Route; Troop 126 During 193^ England consumed as Finn Takes which have ordered them, or seek' Mrs. Saren Johnsoo of 163 Maple Mrs. William Wleaener of 2 Mag­ "In the first place, the Increased of relief expenditures and the lo­ Of the western hemisphere, Mr. trallty." He added that dne of Bridgeport. It required no agree­ nolia street, Hartford. Mlsa -Wleae- ^ a • . J : Troop 126 had Its -usual Wednes- The first OeclUan Oub € ^ ra l 500,1)00,000 British-caught herring, to purchase more planes. ment signed In blood. street, at a ceremony performed l.,O m m it t e e s A p p o i n t e d day night meeting last night. The Clilcago. May 16—O>l-^(3ol. F. employment provided by war or­ , in OoVenior s calities giving the remainder. . "Any obstruction," he said, Roosevelt said that protecting the "non-belUgcrency,” permlttli^ real thla morning at 9 o’clock at . St. ner Is to become the bride of Concert was successfully preient- C. Harrington, natlonal tflrector of at a cost of. $20;000,000. Read Herald Adi "These men, . Merwln and Phil­ Scouts Walked to (Tenter Springs Hartford, May 16—(.P)—Warren Taber was one of four Republi­ "from the point of view of our own Americas against "Invasion or help to the Allies, would bq prefer­ Bridget’s cbuzch. The ceremony Charles R. Heck, the elder of the ed last evening before a large and the work projecu adminlstraUon. nlM dustrial Exhibit^ can members of the House Appro­ control or dondnatlon" by non- able. lips, are mCn who live on the On the eve of the 72nd anmul Park where they played games M. Brown, certified public account­ national defenses would be ex­ other aide of the ' railroad tracks. was performed by Relr.. James three sons of Mr. and Mrs. Heck, and studied nature, llie boys bad appreciative audience in the South aaaerted today tha •‘granU-ln-ald’’ priations Committee who declared tremely short-elghted." Amirlcan nations has the united Ttanmliis, the rector. on Saturday, June 1.' observance of Memorial Day, Man­ ant. reported to State's, Attorney principle of unemployment relief, • sv------In a minority report yesterday support of the twenty-one Am cri-; You don’t have to look for agree­ such a good time that games were Methodist church under the direc­ t ' A b outatandtagly beautiful and this town bad 'pre­ Scouts, bringing the number of Brown's report. Submitted fol­ one familiar with the aituation eeplng a1th the mendations for next 'year, held Points were emphasised by s tack to 300 mllea an'hour. Ready Circle, awch has for years was of stephanotis. The maid of ceded her. The living and dining The local observancea attendant Opealng Numbers cotild see that toe plan for granta- WPA guilty of ‘(may past mls- "Furthermore," he '-said, "It iwrveaHsrved sa pubUc] May dinner, main- meaning of the wordy^nsplracy boys in the troop to thirteen. The three opening numbers were lowing an InvestigaUon last De­ jn of Governor characteristic forward nod of his honor wore dusty pink marquis­ rooms were artistically decorated upon the day here, at the South cember, yesterday waa made a in-ald of federal funda to the irtn. The exhibit, dee Secretary Marion ITnker and Corcoran m n ep tei that much of (Bortlnsnsky), "The Spirit of down into $89*.000,000 In Immedi­ The ceremony was followed by for the table decorations. are expected to bring out a re­ R eady to jFxtend ^ e accountant told Alcorn he ployed through the medium of a I an opportunity $975,650,000 would provide WPA ate appropriations,, of which the Mx Hours to New Ei^laad members of the Women’s.Division. the testimi of “the much vived spirit of patriotlam dornuuit Love” (Pflueger), and "Panla An- maligned _e Dletrich-Mualca a reception and wedding break­ As Miss Wleaener was seated to was handicapped in bis Investiga­ dole or to ao-called local work employment for an ■ average of Army would get $546,000,000, the From the fiords of IQreentand Tha banquot hall of the T waa lorfor twoI decades, in the face of a gellcus" (Franck). T h e next progranu which In their futility 1,9.50,000 persona If spent during stood ntradlcted. Dietrich- fast for 50 guuts, at the home of unwrap her gifts, confetti waas re­re- Its W ater M ains tion by the absence of records Navy and Marine Corps-$25<),000,- i t Is tour hours by air to New- fliiod artth tobies, the. centerpiece the bride’s parents, ptolch a-as 081ilble 'threat from dictator na- group waa secular and engaglngr 1^ 1 aurpraaa any neaf ranking* ^MARKETS leased from (he balloons af whtoh made it "utterly Impoaslble eight months. The average for the 000, and $100,000,000 would be a f foundland, ' - - - -five hours --to Nova Sco­ on eaph being a Maybaaket filled Musics, ther of Ooater-Musica, .8 now overrunning the neutral "A Brown Bird Singing” (Wood). that waa aver done. current year Is 2.042,000. testified against defendants In the decorated with seaaohal garden her. She was showered with If to hscertain the factA." He rec­ hla disposal "to provide for emer­ tia, New Brunswick and Quebec; with choice ^naies. After they flowers knd femsy ’lrhe . bride and adiids of Europe In a war frenzy.... "Passing By” (Purcell), and an "The handling of Federal funda Wondnini Oppoaes Bill had served their . decorative pur­ case /u ter being indicted with ly gifts In glassware, sUverW^ amusing folk song rendered by .a ommended that ’immediate ataps” gencies affecting the national se­ and only six hours to New Eng­ bridegrbom left today for an un- china, pottery,- lamps and otht Manchester's Memorial Day The Manchester Water Cbm- should bo taken In tha department under local control In connection It was learned that Representa- pose the baskets were sold to the; 0 Ml sextet composed of Helen Hyde, curity and defense." land. g / annouifced wed'dlng trip. the speaker, Senator William, J. Shea pany la preparing to meet the re­ Go foA&P Markets dve Woodrum (D„ Va.lV. floor swell the funds,' which are to be ireoran referred to Coster- useful articles. Later In the eve­ Jessie Dowling. *luth LIppIncott, to place all funda under "positive In addition, he asked the legis­ ’The Asores are^only 2,000 miles bride wearing's suit of huntsman and Rev. Dr. Earl E. Story, who quest of Mra. Philip Lewia (or the caetrol" and to “have. them sub­ artlea of vlaltora manager of previous relief ^ pro- used fifty-fifty'tor Y work maa and theuie usica beginning hla drug career ning the hostess served .# deilcioua Ada Robtnaon, Edith Taggart, and Lafl te Ita own davleqa, your money would prekeMy eenw la lators to authorise the government from parts o f pur eastern sea­ green arlth/yisUow accessories. salad .supper. will preach the Memorial sermon jected to audit at frequent Inter­ which waa ac­ priations, had stepped down from circle’s charltobik . projects.a. FoiFoc' "with his Adelphi company, a on May 26 are expected to outline extension of water mains through Hazel Driggs. Mlaa Hyde and MarfceU by Kaelfi Per It would likely kaew, Mirougli talklna t^ that assignment because of his to enter into contracts totaling board and If The bride’s gift to her maid c f The bridegroom-elect is a gradu­ vals.” tion with two $286,000,000, to be paid for by ap­ hostile' himdf It la a matter of several jraara this Cooperationtlon lum small-time Brooklyn bootlegging the course of action for local, a tract of land that she is to havie Miss Dowling also carried lyric other 000010*0 money, that R tan buy fiKNMt fine feedo at JMWI opposition to the bill. wlorkad to the advanlgge o f ^ t h concern.” honor wAs a white aligator clgar- ate of Manchester High school and : the mllla, the propriations later on. lesB than hours for modem et case, and the bridegroom’s gift state and nation at these servlcee, developed Into about 30 building solo parts, The final group” waa Prioee are aa tow baoauaa ura abare wNh you the aavlnfe wa rough the' bulld- Woodrum failed to get the com­ •organisations. ’Then, the prosecutor aald, he Is employed as a mkchinlat by the markedly one of the most aerioua "Green Cathedral’’ (Hahn), "Syl'; mittee to hold iitf the hill while Of the latter, the Army Navy bombers u/ reach our ahores.” to ^is best man waa a military lots. This land laya to tha east of by buying direat, detog away with many aUddto (velHa, ban ' a§a with guides Who explained the He n o ^ alto the nearness ' of The. dinner consisted eh $100,000,000./ the west coast of Africa to Brazil, and "received its principal finan­ At the final meeting of the Per­ atreet and extends to Princeton (Brahms).' These, numbers were Jelly, carrots and p e ^ celery. Hot cial backing from ’The Bridgepo^ ates of Maiichester High school. street. There is to be about 900 Approve School ■Daring the rest of the week the The president said ha woqld M d he gave flying times between They will be at home' to their manent Memorial Day group last delightfully soft and rertful and aOllESLRC .1$. 21c rolls, lemon meringue pie and Trust Company." Firetiieii C alled feet of water mains needed In the jitetey Hall e^bltlotK.wUI he ex - "like to-see thla nation geared 'up seyenl other strategic points in friends after June 1 at 109 Holl night In the Municipal building all received an epcore. HSR MOPS .....Ea 9c coffee, Mra. Artluir Seymour waa Corcoran said Merwln arid Phil­ details and reports were given by extension in addition to the later­ The'PartIcIpaato 'alned In detaffl to thoaW ho view to the ability to turn out 'at/leaat a hemisphere: la charge of decorations, Mra. street. i The haU la open from ^ to 6 ex Obitiiarv 50,000 planes a year." On the Pacific side be skid that lips bought stock in the -jGIrard / Out at M eeting aub-«ommittee chairmen and als and service pipe coimectlona. The participanto were Anne Southbbry, May 16-:(g'}—Mem M0PRHIS...,Ea.1fc Saturday when \t cloaea Alaska is within "four or five Lsola Walton/Ilcketa; Mrs. E. E. firm "below market price" and plana approved called for an Iden­ The owner of the property la hav­ Bushnell, Mae' Dickinson, Ruth beta of The Cbnnectciut Society "Furthermore," he added, "I b e ­ / au Segar, boapitallty. Mrs. George ing the necessary legal matters Root MOPS . Ea 2k I smoaea ^— ■# p7 m. lieve that this nation Should hours of flying distance to Van­ then switched their holdings to the tical program of other yearn with Dowd, Helen Hyde, Marjorie for Mental Hygiene inspected the Borst, Mr%^Jessie Sweet and Mra. name of T. L. Watson and (Com­ (Tompany No. 2 of the Manches­ taken care of by AttorMy Charles Palmer,-Pearl Prentice, Ada Rob­ Intareatlng style hinta and pic- at this time a program that'wouldFO^( couver. Seattle, Tacoma, and /Vo y. Stocks the decoration of graves on Wed­ tMw Southbury Training School iPBtioais' of the uaea to which Septt Simon were In charge of the pany. ter fire department was holding nesday night, the parade on '8. House. Already a proposed lay­ inson, Althea Shorts, Barbara TENDER provide us with 50,000 military d Portland." dining aoom. out of the land has beien present^ for Mental Defectives and expn I vartooa materlala ntay be most DfMilhs Naval planes.’’ / And to complete the picture of "The reason they did this Is ne- a meeting last night when a still 'Iliurstey morning and program Smythe, Lillian Webley—(Jist ao- cause Girard and Company didn’t Adams fSxp .. . / 5H to the selectmen and arrange­ pranos; Florence Boyce, (Tatherlne ed approval of the Institution. COOKED iDtageoualy placed are aboWn "These are ominous (la y ^ he what be had called the nation’s alarm for a fire in a dump on in Center Park. ^.The visit to the school was nuula ,each setting of tea til ea \ Mlea Corm M. Crane bear too savory a reputation, with Air Reduc .... . 42 >i Woodhrldge atreet came Irv They ments are being made to have the (Tordner, Florence. Cordner, Jeaale HAMS declared at the outset of ^ mes­ "widespread Intereata” he aald Names His Aides N yMtazday la connection with the _I one enters there la a table Miss Cora M. Oane of 210 Fair- G erm ans Attack the rumors that it was engaged In Alaska Jun . . . . 5H lost no time In getting out for the . Marsha] Donald Hemingway of roada opened and properly grad­ Dowling, Edith Taggart, Dorothy A DanaMM C ooW sage, "days whose swift spa shock­ that "the Islands of the southern Alleghany .... >4 ed before the land la offered for annual meeting at which Prof. Ira which are grouped the various field avenue, Hartford, who died ing developments force yvery neu­ Pacific are pot too far removed, bootlegging," (Torcoran said. ’’Mer- fire and the truck never before the Memorial Day parade named Wood#—second ropranoe; Hasef V. Hlscock^ of Yale waa reelected Raady To Sarva Ham of sUk from cocoon to the Wfn didn't tell you the complete Allied (Them .. .158 carried such a large number of sale. Driggs, Msry Gifford. Ruth Up- at St. Francis hospital yesterday, tral nation to look to n e defenses from the west coast of South On Long Front .101 >4 James Hynes. ex-Flrst Sergeant president and plans were made fair l S 5 k S__ j ; 1 5 ' yams. Just Inside the door was the elder daughter of the late story about these bootlegging Am CM ...... firemen away from the house o f (Toinpany (3 and a-8panlsh Am­ While there has been no request plneott, Alice Mason, . Shirley Whola In the light of new factors 'The America to prevent them from be­ Am JHome Prod . 52 as yet made to the Manchester a two day Institute next fall, prob BABBITTS . elaborate showing of velvets, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Crane, for brutal force of roquiern offensive coming baaea ut enormous atiate- rumors. The fact remains that a fire aa waa the ca.ae last night. erican War veteran as his chief of Richmond, and Shirley Robtiuon— ably at Hartford. and brocaded In a variety of (Ooatlniied From Page One) these nimors Were prevalenfi and Am Rad St S . . 6*i The fire did not reault In any Water Company for tha axtonalon altos. CLEANSER) 1 1 ^ many years residents of North war has been loosed In all Ita hor­ glc advantage to attacking . 40'i staff (or the parade on May SO. HAMS sarTaWa «»• 19,*i I and hues. The neckwear ex­ came to the attention of Merwln Am Smelt .... damage. Marsh.i Hemingway also named of water mains through a proposed At the piano Miss Anin Strick­ Vmt Lwr W Cent I Ito / School street this town. Hiss Crane ror." forces." .157';: it-is In the latest colors, ma-was formerly s member of the Sec­ divislon.s expanded their suc- and Phillips./ _ / Am T * T .... , \ hla aides tor the holiday ceremony, development between Woodbridge land aupportad ,the chbrua, tiuU- Relatea M tack S p ^ ’The solemnity of the occasion Am Tob B ----- . 78 street and Manchester Green toad, ' la and atylea with adaptations ond Congregational church and Before detailing hla program, he was heightened b> the rainy day, ceaseH,” by crosHing the "Despite the unsavory " reputh- aa foUowsf Captain Joel Nlehpla; vidually and colleptivaly. Her Strong R esistance . nature as advertised by the tlon of the. firm they undemnime a Am Wat Wks . . 7i«A such a request is expected and the team-work with the dlrectof, Ml*a CeacMtrsled FOWL 'tiKS’-SL."* '*l4 « transferred her. membership to the spoke of the /speed with which and the grave expresalona of a United Spanish War Veteraiu; Water Company ie looking ahead ny in national magaslnea. Center Omgregktlonal church of Meuse and “again defeating $300,000 Girard issue In 19M and Anaconda .... . 24»4 Local Stocks Arthur W. Bartley, VFW; Elmer Worth, aa# evldehced aa they an­ have been gained from the mechanised arnUes move, of para­ fringe of people brho ringed the Armour III .... . 6% and win prepare for this develop­ U rged by Leopold New Haven, while she was employ­ blocked off capRol grounda as the French armored unjts.” made profits.” Weden, American Legion; Edward ticipated the true value of each $IIPER $UDS' colorings of birds, un- chute-troop InvbSlone and of bomb. French counter-attacks south of Atchison ...... 17 ment If the rsqueat is made. phrase, z' ed as a teacher o f tlrawlng In the Ing attacka. chief executive entered. . Cqrcoran referred to testimony Cobb, TD Club; Frank Cervlnl. ’ well developed. public schools-of Wist Haven. 8hs. Sedan, It said, were repelled wl.ile Aviation Corp . -5^5 Furnlahed by Putnam and Co. \ The featuyii guest artlat—Anton 2 ) £ 3 9 « STEAKS BecauM of these things, be said, of-Merwln and P b ^ p s that they . le^i Ariny and Navy (Tlub'; Edward Style HaggeatkMis waa also a member of 4he United Oowgr'eaemew Surprised the Germans pressed tne attack to- bid become aasoptated with Cos- Baldisin Ct .... 5 Central Row, Hartford \ Copeland, DAV; Arthur Mc(Tann,. Luko of to* Hutford Symphony London, May 16—(P)—King .'HMre la a large section devoted the pimecUon of the westam The word that the chief execu­ U’srd the Maginot Une Itaelf farther BAD ...... 3 'i Order of the Golden Crosa. hemisphere "more than ever" ter-MusIca partly because of a re­ TDVA; Albert Undsay. B7W; France AgreesX Orchestto—1* "k*U known In Man- Leopold in of Belgium was heard t « prlnU, and suggesUona Miss Cnne leaves five sisters tive Intended to appear before a to tne southwest to take Into their Bendlx ...... 30T4 Iiianrance Stocks Arthur Loomis, Bona of Veterans. chaater and augmented the pro­ calls/for ’’ready at hand weapons port made ot^fils company by ^he . 82 li today calUag by radio on the men Pemeflv Ssper tqe. lA m PORK LOOK ' S S Ing the vsJiotis designs In anc one Brother. ’They are Mrs. L. Joint Seaston took congressmen hands more of the strip between late Julian P. Thompaon, who later Beth Stl . Bid Asked GAR; Allan Rice, Sons of the l e ­ gram with the following claarica: capable of great’ mobility." coippletely by aurprlse, and touch­ .115 O h Indies Status of "The torts of Uege" to "resist Sadt la Ike P4,, lO w h dresses also are made. TheH. Moore of Danvers, Mass., Mrs. the rival fortified Unea became tr^surer of McKesson and Beth Stl 7 Aetna Casualty .... 116 121 gion; Mrs. AUce Virginia, VFW "Slavoalo Dance" (Dvorak-Kreta- to ths utmost for tha Fsthariand. er of assigns In this SectioniSva L» Ludington of West Haven, Explaining the purposes of (he ed off speculation that Mr. ’Thus, the high commanil aald, Borden , 1884 Aetna Fire ...... l«r>, "(Mprtce VIennota'* (Krela- kad tea____ * Ipige new defense fund, Mr, Roose- Robblita and expoeeu (Toster- 4744 4944 Auxiliary; Mrs, Marjorie Bradley, "1 am calling on jrou. torts of RIB R O A S T Hjysiyi- ^ 2 j | t^Jarge and It comprehensivelyMrs.'Arthur Wilson of Hartford, Ronkevelt might use hla defetua "between the Moselle- and the tS ua^H swindling activities ' in Gan Pac , v - 3 'i Aetna Life ...... 27 29 A L A m ^ r y ; Mrs. Etlxabeth Stan tor>. "C^torra” (Moricowrid), U sga" said th« m'onareh’a ad­ Ml)ws the Une manufactured by .i^ t said It would be used for four message aa an occasion for a for­ Rhine we advanced our ponitlona Case (J. I.) . 5244 Tokyo. May 16—(f>—Frsm^ "Prom My Homeland" (Swetona), Mrs. Emma E. Brown of West things: 1 ^ . Automobile ...... 34 36 f . nags. BWV AuxlUary; Mrs. Chris­ dress, read over tha Brussels radio Rakar** |5a edmpany. Haven and Mrs. L. B. CamphHI of^ mal pronouncement on the whole weat of SaarlaUtern (nearly 100 Cerro De P . 32'h Conn. General ...... 26 Ambassador Charles AtseiM Hanry “L«gende" (Tachalkowsky). and "First, to procure the eesentlal / More Wlitflow-Dresslng 28 tina Olenney, A A N Club Auxil­ In Fiiuiito and Flemlah. e B I C K S X o , ^ O t InUreat to all because of lU Hartford; and Irvlnx H. Crane of field of foreign affairs. miles Bouthraat of Sedan) and near ^ Ches A Oh . 34 Hartford Fire ...... 78 80 iary; Mrs. Sophie Grabowskl. iMtifled Japaness Foreign Minister “Zigeunerweisen — Gypay Airs" I is the display of sev- equipment of all kinds for a Ibrger "I consider this another attempt . 68>i "I address you, (Colonel Modard, KTRACT Killlngworth. Cbnn. She also leaves Last-minute advices from abroad Lauterburg.” Lauterburg, near to defense window-dressing, and Oirysler Hartford Stm Boil...' 56 60 USWV Auxliiary; Mrs. Herbert Hachiro Arito today that Ffance (Sarasata). Mr. Luke’a final num­ commander, officers, non-commls- E M M i l N l f f l I of parachutes manufac- several nieces kiul nephews. \ and thoroughly rounded-oqt army; created an atmosphere of teruw- Rhine, la about 150 mllea airline Ool Carbon . 81'i National Fire ...... 5444 56<4 agrees with Japan that the etatue ber diaployed tha art of the vir­ -the Ploaeec Parachute "Second, to replace or modern­ .attempt to go along on the Robb, Orford Parish (Thapter, aloned offtcens and men—to rsslst ’ .S ’ - l S c ' ’The funeral ofNMiss Crane will neae and uncertainty In the capi­ southeast of Sedan. (Tol Gas . 5H Phoenb^ ...... 77'4 79'a DAR; Mra NalUe Hagedorn, DU- quo of the Netherlands -East la­ tuoso. The movements embraced to the utmost for the Fatherland. ny, an afflHate of Cheney ise all okl Army and Navy equip- t-toila of another man," Cor- . 41 \ j m m c p k _ be held tomorrow 'afternoon at 2' tal. Members of both Houses Hand-ln-hand with the furious n said- "I submit they were Coml Travelers ...... 405 425 v e W ; Miss Elaine Krob. Daugh­ dles must be maintained. an appealing theme in tremulo "I am proud of you.. m C l d » K L « ^ _srs which has government \ment w ith' the latekt type of sought to plumb the significance COml . 10'1 o’clock at the FuneT^ Home. of fighting on the' ground, German rea'qhing for ahy peg where they Public UtUIUea ters o f the Legion; John Jensen,* Meanwhile Arita conferred embeUished by complicated rutu ■ «■ LeopoM." AF a tr a ^ to f the. making of this equipment; of authoritative reports that Mr. 27'4 again with J. C. Pahit, The Neth­ OVALTINE Morrison. W. Johiison.^O’ Albany air torcea saw heavy action. ’The could hm g their hats. They climb­ (Tons Conn. Lt. and Pow... 50 63 Ernest Bantly- Cttlsens. ttstkCid ^1i" Shown next. are Army a variety and Navy of cos- types avenue, are Hartford. Burial will be '"Third, to increase production Roosevelt had not ceased bis com- high command reported It broke up (Tona/Oll 6H erlands minister. ftlka, andwith working both the seat beside cushion facilitlea for everything needed for ed onxtbe Coster-Musica band wa­ Conn. Pow...... 49 51 Setectlon Appi 3 3 f J In the family plot In the Burkland munlcatloDs to the Italian and enemy troop concentratloiui and gon. Even then Merwln had begun Coiit (Tan . . . . 37>4 The selection of Winiam J. Shea A spokeaman fbr the Japanese m f u m c Is the|)ack Cheney designs. Brothers Large cemetery. quantl- the Army and Navy for national other foreign governments, despite destroyed tanks while losing only Coro Prod .... . 53'(, Hartford Elec. Lt. .. 65'i 67*4 admiralty. exprAsslng what ie be­ ___ her whoof silk asslats cldth In ofsa choice special sort defei^. We require the ability to cash In, with a 25 per cent Illuminating Shs. . . . 65 62 aa Memorial Day speaker in O u ­ iliTTRR CiMsiwy W*» c the burden of the defense address 18 planes com par^ to "definitely dividend on hfs secret holdings In M l L A Wn ... . 3'4 ter Perk was conflnned by the lieved to be Ute general Japanese 30 Taaterlals, used patterns, la the and . making colors, of the to turn , out quickly infinitely which kept him Working Into the establlahed tbttyioteea' of the op­ /Douglas Aire .. . 83 Hartford Gas...... 33 37 viewpoint on the etatue of the l^jgld oven cuts out and helps In the greatei^..Suppllea; Girard." S. New Eng. Tel. Co . 153 158 commltton end all other details In early morning hours. ponents" yesterday of 98 planes. De M nt ...... 166'4 eonneetlbn with the observance. NetherlsiulB East Indies, said to­ ISlieklng of dresses. Funenild "Fourth, to speed up to « 24- ’These communications, begun The prosecutor called the Olr/ .142>4 Western Mass . 31 33 day: E G ^ S X- It declared two destroyer's and ard financing "a stepping tteme Eastman Kod . Rev. J. Stuart NcUl wlU give the BMJMMJVE Brtdal INspUy hour baaW all existing Army and more than a year ago. have looked three merchanttnen were sunk by Elec Auto-L .. . . 3244 Industrial Y' "Japan’s only concern now re­ UpUOR VALUES la front of the large stage cur- Arfhnr D. Rale N*vy contt^ts, and all new con­ to bigger things, the merger ryltb Acme W ire ...... Invocation and Rev. Dr. Watson 50 ITEMS 17 10 garding the E u t Indlea la whether toward peace. Well-Informed ait bombs yesterday p tf the coqsta McKesson and ^ b b in s of New Gen Elec ...... 3244 Woodruff the bsnedletlon. The 2 Calm l U DINTY MCk^E 55*i2^ * , made by the company several ’The funeral of Arthur T>wlght tracts to he awarded." sources said that no new moves of The Netherlands and Belgium Gen Foods ... . 42 >4 Am. Hardware ..... 20 .22 the aaeurancea of other powers 7waara ago, is a bridal display of Hale of 372 Main street, well Folata to Leaeoae Leariied. York. / Arrow H and M., com 39 rnrorrltts will be held ae In other were In progress at thla time, al­ and two destroyers and four mer­ Gen Mot ...... 43H 37 years from the town bandstand will be kept Ineofsr aa diplo­ QUALITY/MERCHANDISE MOM Jusf Rtdueiicl 1‘Seoeaded materials. There Is white known paper manufacturer who In stark, rtoltktic words, which' chantmen were "hit ‘ aeverely,’’ "It Is obvious these m ^ w'ere Bristol Brass ...... 43 46 matic negotiations are concerned, A - . . • I for the bride and fascinating though the continued foreign in­ thinking of building lip Girard for Gillette ...... 4»4 located in Center Perk near the These Jire New Lew Iverw died suddenly Monday evening, were broadcaat to the nation and terchange caused a telephone con­ while a submarine torpedoed a Heckei Prod ., . 8% Billings and Spencer. 244 344 the matter is closed." RHIABLE SOURCES AT P&O SOAP gUNNYPIBLD PASTRY^. •••• lA . ^ Inga and designs for other was held this afternoon at 2 relayed over thp world by short the merger,’’ he said. ”^ e r e was Colt’a Pat Firearms 78 81 GAR monument. Vsy Pricef . . . Net S f d M t ference between.the president and tanker and an armed merchant­ no - hope of flnanClns; without Hudson Mot . . . . 344 Raoto of .'Parade abers of the bridal party. This o’clock at the Watkins Funeral wave, Mr. Roosevelt pointed to man. Eagle Lock ...... 9'4 exhibit has a^n the ad- Secretary Hull late ’Tuesday njght. transfer of the red h\oM of Girard Int H a rv ...... 50H 7'4 The Memorial Day parade will y r MONEY-SAVINQ PRK 3 ton10c PILL8BUBY*8 b e s t nXWIR . .24% lA. Bu Home. Rev. Wataon Woodruff of lessons learned w nations which Fears that Italy might be/toady RaM Damage "lmaia(ertar’ Int Nick ...... 24>y Fafnir Bearings . . . 125 135 ' Cm Kb 2 2U h|MilratSoi]on of all who have seen It. the Center Congregational church Into the old and dylig McKesson start from Main and Forest Skillefl W orkm en were not ready foT wAr am} were to enter the war found emphasis, Enemy flighta over western Ger­ Int T A T ...... 244 Hsrt anddooley ... 125 135 streets May 30 at 9:30 a. m. An­ GOLD MEDAL FLOUR-. . .y*4W on the tables there la an cohducted the servk^, and Mra. overrun by enemies. many last night, the high com­ Company.’’ . 56 Hendey Mach. (tom. 0 11 h'gWSOftment of piece goods, some thought, in • the yovernlght *To Create BeMer Picture” Johiu-Man .... drew Dean. 05 year-Md Civil War NY VITR CONHNNCf AT AlP UQ90I SHOPS R. K. Anderson iMdered appropri­ "Surely,’’ he said, "the develop­ State Department warning for all mand aald caused' "Immaterial Keimecott .... . 32 Landers Frary A (TIk. 25'4 ■2744 Seen D efense A id fC h e n e y Brothers long has b^n ate organ sele^ons. (Torcoran SsaeitM the ’’good­ veteran of Middle Turnpike, e resi­ tenyliM Met Pill ments of the past few weeks have Americans to quit western^ and datiwge” but killed and Injured a Leh Val RR ... . 1T4 New Brit. Mcb. com. 34H 36<4 dent and attendant at Derby and ^^l0 ted for Its upholstery brocades ’The bearers were Joseph, Fred, nuide It clear to all of our cttlsens will” item In tM McKesson bal­ -i«ad there are many here to delight southern Europe ’In view of re­ number of cIvlUana. Llgg A My B .. . 9844 North and Judd .... 81 33 Sheldon OAR aetivltlM on Memor­ No. 2 Herman a^d Albert Bebrend; Her­ that the poesiblllty of attack - on TTie war continued (n-Npfway. ance sheet waa/ralsed from $100,- . 33>4 Peck. Stow A Wll. . 6'4 the ey e. Chief piece In this sec- cent developments." 000 to $600,000 at the time o f the Lockheed AIre 6‘4 ial Day, la not eapectod to attend New Havan, May 15—(8 V - Gov­ Sem teh Vmimmm 4 Cam man Montle and Arthur Bendall. vital Ainerican -lonea ought to Ambassador Bullitt In Paris In . far northern Narvik the Ger- Loew’s . 2644 Russel Mfg. (to. new. 11 13 2V ‘x S M 7 e Gingtr A lt t o m a t o is ttoa is the Jacquard panel made Burial was In the East ceme­ Girard-McKelHon merger ”to cre­ the k>cal ceremoniaa thiq^ year due ernor Baldwtil told Ooimacticut 'ger a Hollywood movie queen make It essential that we have added a footnote to the warning mana "again repulsed attacka, with Lortllard ...... 20V4 ScovllI Mfg. (to. . . . 28>4 30'4 to advanced age although ag usual master plumbers that in modem Aid Slii .a La. earn tery. the physical, the ready ability to heavy loaaes foiv the enemy.” ate a better picture. . 391,4 Sllex Go...... 11 13 j u i e i K Which cost In excess of $100 per with the announcement that the "A little chat over the. after- Mont Ward. . . . hs waa named honorary Marshal war "toe nation that comes out Ysbm 4 29c piW A P ru ' yard. The -design Is one taken meet those attacks and to prevent State Department waa conaldering Brussels was-'threaten^ with Naqh-Xelv . . . . 4*4 Stanley Worka ...... 42 44 on t<5>'' is that which la the them from reaching their objec­ devaaiatkm from the-air. dliiner coffee was the basis of the — of the parade. from the palace of Marie Antoln- dispatching ahlpe to French ports Nat Bisc ...... 1944 do., ' pfd...... 28 m strongast in skilled workmen to tives.” She faced the fate that over; $6()0,000 appraisal,” he said. H parade will form on Main Artbfii iooth’t ' atte tn- Versailles and the redesign Public Records to remove American nationals. Nat Cash Reg . . Jl'4 Torrington ...... 27 29 street at FOreat street at 9:15 and produce needed materlala. W i *.^140flHdiHiidi i n "Thla means military Imple­ took Warsaw during. the Nazi "Shortly after the public waa 58 61 oad manufacture of It here requir- TWO of tha presldent’B defense milked of ita roonev ths good-wUl Nat Dairy . 1444 Veeder-Root win start north on Main street a$ "For that raaaoB,” said the I Ysan Qtd - M Ploof Corn Flakts •d exquisite craftsmanship ahd ments—not on paper-r-wbich are coUaboratora le ft/n o room for Biltakrteg In Poland, and that Nat DlstlU .... . 20>4 New York Banks chief executive, “we must be pre­ Isznyt ild to 6 Oa f ready and available to meet any which 'would have l>efallen Rotter­ figure waa reduced to $1. It waa fi:S0. Six musical units and local Warraatee doubt on the ftavlty which the NY Central . . . . 1174 Bank of New York.. 375 605 exaervlce ergaaisatlena and AuxU- pared with akined workman to CMio frsdi 9 flgt. atom lightning offensive agaiiut our dam and Utrecht if the Dutch nut up to-deceive the public by . 5-16 Fifth OicaW tSinf 3o|lNM to|M «2p.. MateriaU for afternoon and eve- By Warrantee deed property at adrolnlatratlon’ attached to imme­ false valuation t o that the public NY NH A H .. Bankers T ru st...... 49 61 larles. Boy and Otrl Scouts and produoa thlaga tor our naUoi 1006 Middle turnpike west has American Interest," he said. "It commander-ln-chtef had not eur- Nor Am Co ... . 18H 87 90 •1.29 alag wear, sllks for linings, party diate Army-Navy needs. would come In. It waa eltmlsatod Central Hanover .... school children wUl take pert in defense.” oLS‘ 22e In m im nSS Jtt 21#jSp«lli **«»3 pus# U drass materials and sports wear been conveyed by Jerry E. John­ means also that facilities for pro­ "W e are In no ten-ceht ante rendered to Nasi Invasion. Packard ...... 244 (toase ...... 2944 31 If Baldwin spoke last night at the duction must he ready to turn out Tlie threat to release the Ger­ after serving Its purpose.” the parade. fabrics come next on the tour of son and Anna M. Johnson to Clif­ game,” W d Navy Secretory Edi­ Corcoran said It was “in the Pararo Ptet . . . • 5H Chemical 42 44 The parade will - turn cast on closing session of the 50th annual Rmht^iCsm 2SJf2Se IdliiRit ^ « the baU. ford Lewis and Nora 1. Lewis. munitions ami equipment at top son. “We must play thla game man Stukaa (dive-bombers) ph the Penn RR ...... 1744 a t y ...... 25 27 convention o f the Plumbers’ Asso­ speed." Belgian 'capital whs contained In sale of the Umltod (McKesson’s East O ntor street on reaching the ahnCorrie There are, besides silks and The following warrantee deeds with blue chips.” (Tanadlan compsuiy) stock that the Phelpa Dodge . . 34 U (tontinental as 27 Center and will countermarch from ciation at which Stephen MUler of •nRW Rrn 12* .aatlas, fabrics of rayon. In new also have been recordeil:* Clarence Prayl^ for IVsmw. W’ar Secretory Woodring rood- the .Nazi hljgh command’s warning Phil Pet ...... 8344 Corn Ebcchange ..... 47 49 South Norwalk was elected p r u ­ '• Yaan OM U Proof ’The presideht, wiio has been In to HalglajL authoritlea that "mlll- fraud was committed.” Spruce street to Center Park for UnkTM|M.:£-.2*caSr2f« raaer * popular colon and. t>-pes of ma- B.-Clark to Hpward K. Little, Au­ emlaed the / ‘mlUlons-for-defense’’ "George Dietrich gave the rea­ Pul^Svc NJ ... . 3544 First National...... 1775 1850 the exercises. dent. The auxiliary renamed Mrs. i^tartals. In the center of the room tumn street property E. J. Holl'to Communication with Premier Mus­ quotation of early- American his­ tory objects (objMtlves) In Brus­ RaxUo ...... 'Guaranty Trust .... 281 266 A. H. Blanebard o f Waterbury aa Rene Chagnot et ux property on solini In aa effort to prevent sels will be attacked by the Ger­ son for the limited cotnpany,” Cor­ To Reoetato Oravea rm k liKb Tm p n 21< Apples oOk dreaa threads are displayed. tory, saying: coran aaaerted. "The McKesson Reading ...... Irving Truat ...... 10 12 Graves o f vstorans in Mancbee- president. Lee. ; 'CSieney Brothers use the hall Wfstland.atreet; Joseph Hahn to sp^read of the war,, said he etill "The time la nearing when we man air force” unless troop move- Rem Rand .... Manhattan ...... 14H I614 2.39 Fancy (Tonnectldut company was still In tor and adjoining towns will be PhMippIt Mth angularly as an'outlet locally for Sidney B. Cushman,’ property -on was praying for peace and for must spend MUtons of, dollars to mento and work cm fortlflcaUona Republic Stl .. 1744 Bch. m IR urgent need of money. <3o4ter waa Mah'iffact. Trust .. 34 »4 .3644 decorated ^ the committee Wed- SMpCUn^a-ams. * ^ 2 7 $ their products. Parker street; Louis Peck to Jona­ banishment from the earth .nf ag­ defend thla great democracy.” In the city were siispended imme­ Rey Toh B .... 38'4 N Y T r u s t...... 95 104 [Asparagus Others Take Part than McCann, Aim street property gression and force. diately. pif practically handcuffed unless ha neaday evening. Russian D octor ’The prealdent'a declaton to de­ could get more money immediate­ Safeway Strs .. 3844 Public National...... 2844 30'4' Rev. Dr. Bert E. Story win de­ ? Also taking part In the Open and Louis Peck to Martha Shee­ Yet, he added, America plainly liver his message In person was No Loo(ter Open City. 69 >4 GHbey’s Smawt Pram V t 17« ly. Sears Roeb .. . Title Guarantee .... 2^ 3'4 liver the Memorla] Sunday atnaoa House were the Werner Murphy han. Ann street property. hap' a task before It of building up not announced until 10 o’clock ’The high command announced SheU U n ...... 844 U S Trust ...... 1680 1750 Uses Parachute iGreen Beans i- company, photo-engravers, and the Qultrlalm her armed might. / In a communique last night that . "There had already been three to aaaembled veterans and mem­ IraflCbMM ’ emUr* m.T?’ 14# last night, giving capItol officials Soconv-Vac ... bers of the auxiliary units At the Ir Carlyle Johnson Ma(:hlne com- By quitclaim deed property on "Our defense# must be Invulner- 'an unusual hurry-up job of mak' reconnaissance filghta over Brus­ stoCjc lasuea within a yemr tor 9 Spiy-Rsyal la 1 * ^ (Toater, and McKesaon of Omnec- Sou'Pac ...... aimnel church aervlce, Sunday. tnnClm t'T«!!le*'pii^ 14$ -'paay, msnufseturen of friction Spencer street has Ijeen conveyed ble.’’ he said, "our security abso­ Ing the neceaaary arrangemento sels the last few days had estab- South Ry ...... 1144 10 Yoart OU - MJ Proof e dutches. Manufacturing proceases by Olive R. Harts to Hllma E, lute. But our defense aa It waa liahed beyond doubt that it no ticut hadn’t shown results to jus­ May 26. The delegation wlU aa- UOBCOW, Hay 16—<«)—Rusata [Lettuce Hopae Majority Leader Rayburn Std Brands . . . 574 samble at 10:30 a. m. at the Army InftCktttasSL .-tn these Anns s’ere open to the Hill. yesterday, or even aa It la today, (D., Texas) applauded Mr. Roose­ longer'is an open city, aa the Hel- tify another iaarie. So some new haa a "parachiita doctor" whoaa 1«m F e B C f-fw Std Gas A El .. 144 Man$field & Co. and Navy club and win march to mlsalona of msrey contract with '' visiting public. I*ennlt does not provide security agaliut velt’s decision to address Omgresa gian govenunent declared. It to"be dertce was needed.” 20 riftfc Rlrnii ' .The flnkl defense counsel argu­ Std Oil (Tal .... 49 Pearl St. TM. 1-AISS the church In a body with National the exploits of parachutists In the iPeOS Gterai ] TJpen House” will be observed A building permit has been Is­ potential de\-elopmenta and dan­ in person. when hoetUiUee in the 1 ^ coun­ Std Oil NJ .... 87H %A9 ment. on behalf of defendant Row- HARTFORD, CONN. colors and auxiliary flags msmed war In western Europe. ¥m lm icJSrSLt2*j^2U {a t the local State Trade School sued to John Fisher who will build gers of the future. "I think t rlod ^rom 7 to 9 o’clock when all street a new single dwelling on peace—peace at. home and abroad. the American people into his full Tranaamerica 5H ^departments of the school sill be Portland street to cost $4,300. Nevertheless, we stand ready not confidence." 3resterday by Attorney Harold H. Conn. Stpck» In charge. to reach urgent cases In outlying Royal Rciert New The following building permits A bout Tow n Oorbtn, who declared, "-PhiUtpa Un (Tarbide- . . . 7244 (totrictc. ; ia operation. 'The publli^ Is cor- only to spend mllllona for defenak R«M y to Take Short Cot Unl4 114 Chestnut Street his plane to land. 2.29 CnrRnM Siii 2 7 t ’The money and contract au­ men who enlisted In the United ter’a"rising atar,” the* attorney 17'4 Must Abandon Ashworth street for Stuart Lynne IflUtary Appropriations Subcom aald. "0>ste~' must~Have had a Weat Union . . . Tel. .Manchester !t6l 9 So-called "medical avtatlon” la thorisations the preatdent sought States Navy at the recruiting sta­ 9544 wlwNmiiw W M s to coat $3,500 and for a single 8ve mittee waa holding open the magnetic personality, and ‘R a / West El A Mfg Hartford. May 16—(iP)— Gov. an Important fhetor in many out­ today would bring to $3,276,000,- tion In New Haven this week. He Woolwbrtb . . . 3644 Plan to Slash room house on Princeton street 000 the outlay for defenae In the House-approved $785,000,000 Army waa Immediately transferred to fooled just as plenty others Kajrmaad'E. Boldwta haa appoiat- lying regions of .the Soviet uafcm. ReithwooA Mm2 ■ M m w S*’ masimo' for Mra. Marian Rowe to cost year starting July 1. supply bill so thst the president’s the Ni'val ’lYalnlng Station at ed n Qieclal state eommtsilon to ^ -- Ry wOl call ohm yaa Mtvs say af As $6,000, - Explaining the $100,000,000 additional recommeiidationa could Newport, R. I. Among others who were foaled titady the advlsabUlto M Mild in Taslo ■ MCSIl 98 tompttoa ikrifiy Asa tos* QusBw bs incorporated IkWng s state Jail farm, a project * hJ_a- ^___ Relief Funds he asked pe placSd at hla disposal by the one-time McKesson presi­ Local B oy Nam ed r f n u Veodil Yeo Sri uaumsa r fuw.jgkm bo- In cash, and a almUar amount in ’These, he aald, probaidy Whuld Rev. O. T. Redstrand, editor of dent—who killed himself when he lapeatedly urged at legtaUUva eas- «aam AaP s t A s s j^ s i l b Aas Hogpitol Notes contract autbprisatlona, the chief be written Into the bill without au the Oovenant Weekly of the Evan­ wmm exposed as an cx-coovictr- Blona In recent jrenn. Pink Mbnrs CliMser (Okattaaod froa* Pago Oaa) executive aald It-would go chiefly ditloiuil committee- hearings In gelical Covenant diurch of Amer­ were Wall atreet financial houses, , Bappocten o f the plan mada a “Nutm eg” Editor 1.99 to speed up airplane production, order to get It before the Senate at ica. wU] preach at the service to- laaryera, buslneas men and drug FAITH E. SPILLANE strons drlva for Its adoption by Stiftt Stth * |*wum^im~ »w • •gir oar products ekeept a ffw , very Admitted sreaterday: Joseph anti-aircraft gtma, and the train­ the earliest possible moment. merrow evening at 7:30 a t . the men. (Torbtn asserted. Member of Intemationsl Dsnee Conffrem the )939 General AsaemWy. hut v u n e k . 279 North Main street ing, of more personnel to use these* Bripr to the president’s meaaage Swedlali Omgregatlonal church on Corbin described as al’ "dcUbai;- met defeat through the reluctance -SemuM Pratt a , graduata of Hmve , a result of this situation. It Admitted today: John Muldoon, weapons. two senators—Pepper (D., Fla.), o f the administration, bent on bal- ;. has baea necessary to revise our Spruce street. ate blow below the belt” govsth-i Presents Hanebastor High la the class of M a d m i 93 South Main street DetsUs of the whole defense pro­ and Austin' (R.. Vt.).,—[fla r e d ment evidence Indicating that be­ anclag toe budget, to approve ex- 1838A. has besB namsd adRor of Thew Prices .Efeetive at the PoBowing AAP Liooer irk rallef program.” Discharged today: Harold gram, he s^d, will be given to themselves in favor of scrapping penditurea for new projeeta. As debate began, one group of Bulldtng totals town tween 1931 and 1933 former Tate tha 1961 “Nutoiag," ysarbotfi af Shop I q N H i Clough. 16 Knighton street. appropriate cow|{raaakmal coramlt- the country’s neutraUty policy for Jumped by $20,500 since last night football coach T. A. D. Jones Pupils o f Her Dancing Classes Govamor Baldwin, aanoinaciag tha Junior clasr o f tha Untvartfty sp R C T cfn S mae atembera wanted to raise Census; 76 patients. teee. One of non-belligerency In order tha qipoiatmant of tha eoaunla- Nddeat Roosevelt’s rsoommea- aa pennlU for four withdrew funds from his Mew Ha­ of (JoBBectlent at Storm. Six eth- AAANCHESTER AIPUm 2 S r t * 2 H WlUgiut naming any combataiit to give active aid to the AlUea. hoaMS have be«B. Issued. ven, Omn., fuel company without In Novelties of 1940 skm last night, said ha took ths or aopbomoraa wtU fin poaIttBBa Ideas to $1,500,000,000, approxl- Joseph Vanick of 279 North action so that ths IM l Legiats- “■-^■atsjy the amouat voted for the nations, the president said In'hU ShooM "iMM” Blest directors' approval, later repaytag 'OB the ysartMok board. 723 'A\ain St Telephone 3822 M b N r S M J S . **« DNiBE BEYEEHMIE|W Main street. suffered an Injury to dlacnaston of the war that "tha Pepper told reporters that ths It was IsatiMd today that a set­ IL „ ture could have "an up-to-date re­ Pratt was aa hoaor atudsat at fM T eadiag acat July 1. The his nose last night at the Red Followed by Public Dancing port" on the sitnatkML UNSk s MA PMtdiBt aeeka authority to spend brutal force o f modem offcnalve neutraUty law tn d the Johnson tlement of $3,500 damages has Jones aras a character aritneas H. R 8., atrved on tha Somanhis Men’s Sports Center, Wells street war has been loosed in all Its hor­ act forbidding loans to war debt The rowimlsaton InciudM Eep. staff for two yoars and was a ■ajBMller fund la eight aiaatha. and was admitted to the hospital bean made In tbs fatal accident for Phllllpa Yi|M liSM 9£-3^2le ror. defaultcra should be revised. As a cant of Joto Shlmanakt, klUerf sev­ Hollister Street School Stanlegr P. Hand a t Naw rv— ,, aMBhar o f tha High achool World for treatment The hospital today "New powers of destruction. In­ "last resort." ho added, the United obalrman; Allaa Broamllh o f Wi raported his coodltlon Improved. eral awnUw ago when he waa hit staff tor thraa yoala Ha was alao r credibly swift and deadly, have Statos Scat should bo ’Toaasd” to hy a hrefd trod} opecstod by. Dorl- Hartford, A. Ward Spanldlag of a manWar a t tha varsity tsaiar in baea developed; and those . wBo Oreat Brltala. * Friday Evening, May ITtb, R O 'clock auSMd, Alphaus YUnter of ■ -W f/ f. A iowvia thaater in Betbal, lat 0* Soutbbridge, and track and fMd and A & - P Sto ■ ik«v wield them gre nthlesa and dar- At thla ttsBs of erWa.** bs Bridgeport and Dr. Jeroase Davie res Eskimo patrons Attoewey William J. waa prominent in Sock and fhg.* ba eoajauod. "Ila old dMtoae Sf Ifair|U' Oub. tm to stn n r^ that it reqalfqa aa Sm'wSsM^lon? touhssl tor ths Admisaion 40e. . -HV iThwIia aad aa 'at- Vi v'.'KPi - ^ . 'f, -.-J.' -'/As \ ■ ■ 1 . . ■■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHERFER. CONN. THURSDAY. MAY 16.1949 ukl^CHESTER EVENING HERA! D. MANCHESTER: CONN. THURSDAY. MAY^16, 1949 PAGE El Weak in Field and at Bat^ Hinh Loses to M eri ^ ------«------:______\ ^ ______' ■■

t n , NO. 84 THURSDAY. MAY 16 (^npiled by Stodcnte of Manchester Hifii School Miss Helen Estes. Faculty Adviser P itc h e rs Upper,Hand in National L e a g u e Bristol Faces 01b (^ itnd King >1 Art Exhibit Opens High at Nebo Tomorrow Defeat Suffered Legion of Honor Students Senior Girls Victorious Drama Critic Girl Reserves Thompson Top Golf Aces * r The fifth annual Art Exhib­ Cowhand Swam 288 Miles U jw t by Meriden in a aisallng^another loss woullL.be diaastrous. Superb^ Fotn’-Hit Bi it Will be held in the Studio, By Track Squad tussle here yesterday. Manchester Bristol hai w’on five of its six Monday and Tuesday, May 20 In Ten- Team Tourney Talks to Club Hear Readings Visit Avery and 21, from 7;()0 to 0:30 p. m. [ Of Reds ^tops To Annex Marathon Title Tee Off Today Hirh .eek. to bcnmd batk Into the O u c i a l Mo^ The public is Invited and no ; Manchester ,Hlgb's^ Track and ^ OCTL title same ^core. Mertdro by-^9.3. ment* and Failure to Roy Score odipission will be charged. “I ’eildy” / Jonies, Noted Mrsi Carroll Present* New York: May 16.—(F)—Broad­ rpea at Mt. Nebo tomorrow after-! Weaver by 7-5 and New Britain by ^^onred Hartford Art Every student taking art will field squad suffered a severe Idas, Dodjsjers. 5-2 In a cowhand drawl the 200- Nelson, Demaret and last Friday, at the hands of Wea­ way, used to all sorts of cham­ pounder says he "always was a noon agUnat the League’i unbeet-; 4-3. bowing to St. ThomM by 3-9. Hit in Pinches Brings - / Maridan. ^ School After Seeing be represented in the exhibit. Drpilb^tist, Speaks to ^ u r Selections; Plan* pion:, got a look at a new kind en pace-Mtter.. Bristol Hlgb^ Thej in the part oix years, however, the / ab r ver High of Hartford. and Hall pretty fair hand at swlmmln' ” but Hogan .4re Favorite* h po m "II Five-Hit Feat Pul* Gnev today. , his title stock got its first boost Men of kionahan come here with a ' Monahanmen have been able to Upset; Severe Blow to Maloney./rt ....4 1 1 .1 0 m Mnseum Exhibit6. High of West Hartford. In the tri­ Sock add Buskin Club. FoivPicnic Underlay* In the Goodall Open. m Thia one’ll bet you hts shirt—or toe day he bet a fellow cow punch­ i*'’’** •«cc»“ *ve vlctoriea win only three out of twelve games Hopes for 3rd Title. Ctellaban/ 3b ...4 0 0 1 * country it means not having en- angular scoring. Weaver High : Backon Top; Hubbell hi." moS can beat and will be out to tighten toelY^from the Kelleyites and Manches- Milner, jk a ...... 4 0 2 1 "I feel that t ^ . hope for the Mrs. Ceciha. Carroll gave sev­ er $1CH> he could swim 86 miles. s iq H m afttrnoon Art I and II elaiM- tan^tng alllsnces," copped top honors with 60 points, you swimming a t . any distance With that tune-up—and toe $100 New York, May 16—uF)—Three ^ Id on.toe lesd by whipping the ter goee intolhe fray with s detor. Hatete|h, If .....4 0 0 3 0 m imMntaa Intereatlnt and Inatruc- Betty Boyd: future Ilea in the schools and col­ eral interestin^xraadlngs Tuesday Repel* Buc*, French from 10 miles to 300. torhd Texans, any one of them Tlic old, old story of field­ SbuIgA, lb .....3 1 I 11 0 £ while Hall finished second with evening at the G ill Reserve meet­ —oa background he kept adding 1 .... - . " ’ •hstlon to improve on that fine aftamoon laat WedneMlay at "Peace and freedom means hav­ leges of America," said-^Teddy" Shut* Out3ee*. The water-logged cowhand la miles to hU bets until he cracked capable of hanJtng par a solid The game is slated for 3:15 record- ing lapses at crucial moments BottaOn, 2b ....3 a 0 0 6 ^ ing a democracy in our cpdntry 42 H points. Manchester, plainly ing. To begin be^''prograih she o’clock but It should be at least Yesterday’s loss- toppled Msn- Kon^ulis, ef ....3 Avery Memorial In Hartford, outclassed, finished last with Jonea, noted dramatist play Clarence Giles, who jumped in the all existing'records last summer. socking, tee off today ss favorites and failure ,to hit iq the 0 0 3 0 C and not having any klnd>f a dic­ critic, and he was not s^a^ing gave the Prelude from'.."The VIsV Yellowstone river, near Billings, In compeUllve golf's toughest test snother half hour before hostilities cheater frqm second to fourth place Sktopowlcz, c ..3 0 0 6 0 i ; trip waa ,a required part of 3714 points. ion of' Sir Launfal” by Jatnes Rus­ , By Judson Bailey He says he came to New^.Tptk eourae an'd“ waie enjoyed by tator. Tq a person, incji^dually It of the theater, alone. - Mr. Mont., laat summer and didn’t get —the $5,000 Goodall round irobln get im d^-ay Big c y Blanchard, (n the CCIL standings and left pinehe.s brought Manchester K t^ , p ...... 3 0 0 0 3 £ loiaxiM being able to do as he wish- Of sll the;events ran off In the sell Lowell. This poenh'. al­ AsaaeUted Prew Sports Writer. . to see 'toe Fair, and might do a tournament. ^ Helen Wlppert (Art'' meet, the half mile was perhaps honored the Sock, and Buskin out until he'd paddled soma 288 little swimming "since I ain’t ex­ T^om Kelleys No. 1 fitnger, Meriden and West Hartford tied High an unexpected 2-1 de­ . eir Inside the law."/ ma club by talking to them though rather lengthy, was ii^ r - gometimes It's a little hard to milos to Qlendive, Mont. Open champion Byron Nelson, ^11 toe toe alab gainst Vito .for runner-up^honors to Bristol. / SI 2 4 10 H the most exciting and spectacular. esting to the listeners because actly adverse to making a. little feat from Meriden High’ at tlinkUo at the Avery, the etudenls . "Pesce means friendship with Friday night In the high school {liieve, but the National League That little dip took him 77 1-2 Jimmy Demaret, master'! winner, Coloplnto, who recently twirled a The sunding is'bpw as foUows Manebaster. all nations and harmony In our' The ninners all got off to a fast Its familiarity and because it money." and blazin' Ben Hogan will give brilliant one-hitter In blahklng Mt. Nebo yesterday afterboon fulded through the varloue start at the igiin, with a Weaver The Paint and Powder club and' V is a pitchers’ league. The hours and made him the world W, L. Pet read very Well. m displaying many tj-pea of own country without strikes and other friends were also tqvlicd. V las yesterday would have Mtis- champion at long distance, free­ As a liioney making proposition, the real of toe field plenty to West Hartford. 7-0. Bristol ...... K 0 1.000 and dealt a stunning blow to Mohr. 3b ...... 4 0 0 unusual uprisings." High runndr gaining the post and "Midsummer" expressed t marathon swimming apparently worry atout although many think Manchester must cope the duke Gain, c f ...... 3 1 1 „ Among theae were' a room taking the lead. However, Paul Mr. Jones ssild that he would any doubtors. ^ style. fre:h-water swimming—a West Hartford .. .1 \ 2 .600 the Red and White’s hopes of staining medieval paintings. Oo- IJIIla'a Tanner: like to be hiore of an actor than mood of summer, telling of the "The Cincinnati Reds beat toe field in which there la unlimited had some defects. Asked how i that Henry Picard, . the P.O Jt; in this one to remain in toe League Meriden .. .1 5/ Raffs, as ...... 4 0 1 "Freedom and peace meana FInkbeIn, running for M. H. S. for beauty of toe green leaves and much laat year’s gedtinking net­ 600 a third straight Central j on. the atudenta aaw examples an orator in hla speech, .and he Brooklyn DodgeraYi-2 on the five- room at the top. ' Champ, has enough slioU to win, running oa yesterday's 2-1 reversal tiancheater ... . . 2 2 .500 Katkaveck, Ih 4 0 3 America to me because It is only the first time at a home meet, trees. - /' ted biro he laughed tnd replied, or that this is the tournament that Connecticut Interscholastic Tart through the ages up to the le his bid early In the race, proved very amusing by his im­ hit burling of Gene Thompson and Trust the Chinese to make a waa its second in four starts and Middletown ... .. 0 8\ \ .000 Skinner, If ...... 5 ,0 0 at An interesting display of In America that we have the true personations of Henry AidHch, The third selection was the merry-go-round in the flrat inn- good story a better one. In his ■"Minus $150.” will start Sammy Snead on .the League baseball title. Vineek, r f ...... '.8 *0 0 meaning of these two words.” X sing the leading Weaver nin- etory of a darning needle who road to the national open tils. Cbapman, 6b . 0 0 . set design aeemed to make ner at the turn. John Cervinl and and other famous play characters. Larry French held the Boston hotel room he produced a clipping Seems by this time the river Both Hurlera Superb atudenta appreciate the work ' Eleanor Struff: The subject of the talk was divid­ Clarence O.^ikaro^ thought ehe waa very important ■-to two bits as-'.'Cbe Cfiickgd Ipom a Chinese paper that (liber­ got through kicking him atound, 'This tournament la just aa tough It was a tense, dramatic battle Pratt, c 0 0 "By the wprds freedom and Johnny Olson, two other Man­ and told the fingers to hold her on the scorekdbpers as it is on the do in the High School Art chester runners, also pulled up, ed into three grroups: our inherit­ Cubs triumpbM 2-0; lean old Carl ally translated) c r ^ ts him with he had to go to a hospital for re­ all the way aa southpaw Zigmund Olbert, p . . . . i, 5 0 0 Closing their visit to the pea^e, I think of a woman and Who is the best-looking'boy of carefully, lest she should break. Hubbell of toe New York Giants pairs. 16 aces—14 of this couniry's best Olbert and right-hander Malcolm *Tbomaa ...... 9 & . 0 child walking along with a sprig making a pretty close foresome to ance, our need, and, most.import- swimming from Helena, MonL, to ^ocal Sport Meriden Wins , the indents were shown ant, our hope. We havaHnherit- '40B they’re asking. A number of When she was broken, the owner kept eigbt'hUa well scattered In Den\’er, Colo., which is oome stunt, plus Martin PoM, the able Argen­ King matched each other with **Blanchard ...O 'Y ) 0 of olive on their head. Doves fly­ ■lead the remaining runners. Then votes at least,' will be in favor of mended her with a piece of ceiling He’s slated to do an exhibition _____ the auditorium, which la ed three thinga according to Mr. penning up the^ttaburgh Pirates since he'd have to negotiate the soon In a local pool wito some tine. Everybody playa everybody superb four-bit pitching perform­ •••Calvert O'.a MUie’lateat deslgu with soft leath- ing over the statue of liberty is Johnny "Hsrdeye” Orvinl pushed the lad pictured above—C. G. wax and she then considered her­ else during the 128 holes spread another conception." out ahead to take the lead. How­ Jonea—Christianity, Democracy 8-2, and Kirby Hjgbe. the Phila­ non-llquid Rocky Mountains most bathing beautiea to cheer him on Tennis Match ances and it rtaebad a rousing ' covarM chairs on a slanting This year a group of girls,'all and Science. • - Maron. self a breast pin. Her adven­ delphia speedballer/qully whipped of the way. over three days and at the end the ^ Chatter climax in tbe lost half of toe 32 1 4 13 Flora Taylor: ever, when Johnny fell back again, creasingly popular. Each year From Barnard he came to M. H. tures led her to many places, final­ Which, be saya, would be an im most "plua":-or winning-hotM , The walls in tho hpH and in it became evident that the real flenlors, should be recognized* for He Illustrated democracy by the St. Louis Cardmain 6-3 on " I ain’t that good," Clarence provement iti the scenery, eveh ninth when Mancheater put tbe Meriden ...... 000 011 entry were adOfiv "By freedom and peace I think when the activities start, girls turn S. four yekra ago skilled in mathe­ ly leaving her alone in the gutter. ■eleven hits. . , entitles somebody to pick up toe What does A pitCber hAva to do Manchester ...... 000 100 of America and freedom of race would probably be between their achievements in basketball. giving an episode in his own life mutters ihoaeatly. over hla native .Montana. Sweeps All Singles Tests tying run on third and the whining The murals out enthusiastically for the flrat matics, and with a liking '’ for As ah cticore she read toe story Y lv e Ru m In FlratN. biggest chlpA to win a ball game? . . . that's tolly on secoifd only to Icava tha •Thomas for Skinner ia 6th. thought and peace of mind." FInkbeIn and the Weaver runner. Members of this team are (left tq few practices, tire of the aport, There was a new play being pro­ woodworking and singing. This right on the w ^ l) ,- duced on Broadway and Mr. Jones' or’ little Albert and the lion a t , The game at Brooklyn, kqilch They go out in groups df toress probably the queatlon that Zlg- For 3-2 Vicloiy Over runners strandod. ••Blanchard for Vineek in resemblances of prtmltlvV Walt Joyner: Weaver took the lead with a sud­ right) Anita Lewis, Pat South- and ^en drop out. Some sport, ap- year he graduates with honors. the zoo, Albert tempted the lion in -seven 18-hoM rounds. For in- den spurt at- the turn hetora the brother was anxious to get a part put toe Rada back on top in the mund (Tough Luck) 0)bert is ask­ Leo Katkaveck opened the "do •••Calvert for Pratt in fth. _ j^ttema. "Peace and freedom represent a wtek, Lome Peterson, Evelyn Ipealing.,to one individual do not He's followed a (;iollege Scientific by thrusting his cane at him and stones, if a player is ' two up on ing himself today after his 2^,^! de­ High Team. Ruga batted In, Rain; two country with no conscription and home stretch, and broke the tape Senkbell, Mary Jlllson, Lillian in it. Although the two brothers see-aaw race for the league lean, or die" Inning with a stinging yrrom here, the group was cqn* I interest another. Baaketball,. the course all along with Algebra and was immediate!^'^ swallowed by atarted out like a whirlwind with each, of his two r i ^ s at the end feat by Meriden yesterday at Mt. double along tha third basa Una hits, Mtkaveok; three haaa a dehmcratlc form of govern­ for first place. MeanwKHe, Cervinl. Klelnacbmidt and Lola Callls. Lor- i favorite, is followed by bowling, were already working In one play, Trigonometry his beat subjects. of a round he hap a a c ^ of 4-plus, on an informative trip running their farm, making prep­ the Hon. His pafbiita being per­ Cincinnati tending 11 men to the Nebo in spite of toe fact that he Loss of all three singles matches and was sacrificed to third by OaIU,t. Maloney: saertfln the claosrooms of the'' ment.” , who had fallen way backTO abou't raine Smith who is also a member hockey, soccer; softball, and voi- What’s be been doing with the plexed. went,to a magUtrate who and each of his opponehu Is two sent Manchester High's nstmen Thomaa; stolen baaei Mlsa Pittpam: fifth place, made another strong of the group is not pictured here. arations for a summer theater and plate and scoring all its five runs. allowed only four hits and faced Roger Thoroaa'e pineb-talt bunt. ford Art School. The rooms leytwll, accordlnif to the votes of extr,a-curricula program? \ offered to M y the damagea. Yet the. McKeebnie men got onl^ minus. Last year HarryNCooper but 31 batters over toe nine-inning down to tosir third defeat In four Katkaveck; double playa. “ Peape Is not merely a negative bid, and ripped Kinkbeir at the Playing the game fairly . and in the glrla . , keeping a stenography job In the .’^e l l , I waa In the French club Then Cy Blanchard, sent up for on two floors above the Art A nominating committee, con- , four hits in toe big blast. won with the amazing score M Si- route . . . starto at the high school courts Vineek, drew a walk and want to Shulga. CSiapmsn to Kal The school offers classes coh In today's opening trios. De­ gave nine hits And his matea com­ Olherf gage in any activity . which doea principal's office had/ modern Tbompaon bad bis sinker work­ t e a t in th lg n t 9 ta r ts . Oalento, who was too biwen up mitted ten errors . . . Middletown beaten with the exception of Ur- bta flngai* 6Rrir a hard nin.1 ened his margin as the event pro­ itball and Freshman-Sophbmore Ih^tby Snow maret meets Craig Wood and Jim­ banettl, who had a dog fight with Olbert really deaerved to win. Freedom, Peace not Infringe upon the right of gressed. Bob pdermann, M. H. R. equipment—on one waH was a b^eball. I like hockey a lot! When ing perfectly and would have had _ _ ' over Joe Jaooba' death' to fight my Thompson as Nelson battles blanked , him, 3-0, althou|^ be slagled to rigbL righL scortaig <3 a abut-out except for a. letup in Max Baer May 28, la ^ e r e ^ n g in Felix, whom he whlpp^ twice last He got only four strikeouta but is- Katkavock popped to t u M ' anyone else to do likewise. Free­ .leading mller, followed Kehoe and group of switches which enabled ou’ve got more time I’ll .-tell you /' In a free-hitting, loosely-played Hogan and Jimmy Hines. Picard twirled a two-bitter aa two errora aued not a single pass and faced dom is not license to do as one Editorial Staff him to talk through a radio to the' third when Herman, i^'ranks the south... .football tip: Tboae produced winnings runa . . . vaar. Felix finally won out this Raffa was doublM off first Valued by M.H.S. likewise ran away from the rest of bout our 'own, ball team. We’re game at the Vfeat Side Oval yes­ has Gene Sarasen and Pose aa his too Uma by 6-S, 7-6. only 81 batten in all, four over pleases; It U liberty to think, every room in the building. An­ Pins Are Awarded doubled and a walk and two sin­ wbo've seen ’em . aay the Iowa and yesterday he bad Meriden eat­ B a r fouled out bahtod fiia t the field. Beaman of Weaver took going to beat the Bulldogs to­ terday afUrhoon, WUUmantic foes. Paul Runyan. LaWson Little Manchester's naxt opponent will par for tha route. He retired Meri­ rqa, two hlto. apeak, unite, worship, assemble, a hard earned third., H. S. World Eklitor-ln-C:hlef—Faith 8te- other wall could , in a moment’; night.” gles scored both Brooklyn’s runs Hawkeyee will be hotter than aver and 8nead form tba fourth group, ing out'of hla hand moat of toe Excluding the hits,. only three Trade turned back Manchester this year... .Vince DiMaggio' boa be Bristol at the local courts to­ den in order in stx of tha nine labor and live as one chooses so Oho of the beat times of the day venaon. notice swing back and make With so many interosta C. G. and Horton 8mltb, Dick Mats and way but lost . . . there simply framee and the blow be allowed ruth laatag 'While the thoughts of ‘^hlgb long as he recognizes his nisponsl- Managing Editors — Ruth stage in the auditorium twice as To Four Reporters baUs were hit to the outfield all Trade, 10-7; to gain revenge for set a new Polo Grounds record by morrow afternoon at 3 o’clock. l i ^ students abroad are men- was turned In by a Weaver man In A t Large must have some plaqs for after- Clayton Heafner round out toe ain’t no justice where this slim The summary: came whan Milner sent a aoorchsr Maridaa — Shulga riagl*#-/Y bllltles towards the .same rights Wheaton, Alfred Werbner. targe; the auditorium itself was graduation. afternoon off toe young Cincinnati whiffing thb oaona eight times in field. southpaw is concerned . . . right OB first pitch. BotUM Md by the present war,'Mancbes- the four-forty, fifty-four seconds the 4-S setback suffered at the a row. BInglaa past third In th* first and anotbar of others." flat. Again the bovs got off to a Feature Editor— Marguerite like a theater, with all the pest I’d like to take /an apprentice comer. /.oddly enough the record to flraL Koadulto raaeiiaS l ^ h School Btudenta and By Robert Johnston Freneh’a southpaw slants had Thread City, earlier in . season. covers. jMurta three seasms.... Faltx (Msriden) daftatod Ur- to left In P m sixt^ Rhulga stoglad fMt start, with Weaver taking Barry. acoustics equipment. course aa a machinist." / "Lead writing" was'the subject Meriden's flrat tally was a gift to...... right In /he...... fifth ■ a n d irMaloney Mohr’S boot at second oa S3 flsschera are able to think about Once* again graduation la draw­ Sports Editor—Milton Turk- “ Need'* was the second /topic for discussion and practice at the Boston helpless, hut Nick Strince- It was Manchester’s third straight Vince fanned four times straight banettl (Manchsotsr) 6-5, 7-5. the hi^pinesa and security which and keeping the lead. Art Benson, And so there you have one nomlv Red Raiders Top as Sbulga ocored all the way from drove a llnar to right ia the aixtb aeorad. Sktopoartea reach* ing near. There are twenty-two Ington. „ taken up by I the speaker Mr. nee for the best/looking of the' last High School World meeting. vich nearly matched him. For six loss and lu fifth In sight games. in toe last aeries 'of 1938; spent Wojtunlk (Meriden) dbfeated Chapman’a error at third. ] '• damocracy afforda. Several of Manchester's outstanding four- Innings sach gavs up" Only one 1939 in the American Association, second In the fifth oa Mohr's bob- CorrentI (Manchester) 6-1, 6-3. thet wept for e triple when Via- forty man, was neatly boxed In at school daya left until the final Photographer — James Ste­ Jones again gave in incidetu in his current graduation class. ' / Ruth Wheaton led the discussion Fred Mod?an went toe distance popM to third aad KeedtohrM ■ tba atudenta and teachers, when commencemeivt exercises take single. The Chicago then came back- with the Plratea Bulldogs, 12-10 ble of a hot grounder by KqnduHa Caroll (Meriden) defeated A m - cek elprttd to gamble oa n dive Club Notes two different times at the first venson. Hfe to prove what people/can do by giving ah interesting account for the losers and waa reached fqr for toe beU that mlosed. doubtbd off flrtt. On* rufK^omS •sksd by World reporters “What place. The seniors have already of her trip to Vermont to visit Mld- in toe eighth when an Tuesday to go down four more . . the second and winning tolly to (Manchester) 6-4, 6-1. ;;doas fn ^ o m and prace mean to turn, and thiis was running In Exchange Eldltor— Barbara Wbah they ure in need. / It was from Manchester, Five Lynbrook 14 Jilts but wrltb better support was juat one of those things -. two errors. -- By Aloxa ToumatHi, Ed. been measured for caps and Mack. dt)ring the depiession when joba in dlebury College. She was much French on first, a triple UmM on strikea... .Jimmy Double' Extra alnglaa, no oeorlng. Alleai King waa also In splendid form High—Vineek out to ^youT”, gave the following an- third place until the first straight­ students attended i broadcast of frotn bia mates, who were ehaCged In a free scoring 12-10 win, tbs Maloney would have gotten only a aa he fa The annual Library club pirnir gowns: plana for the class picnic. Recording Editor —Jane Ir­ toe theater were scarce/ So the "taken up" with the beautiful ley Hack brought him home, and with six mtaplays, the outcome X says 60 per cent of all homera (Manchaoter) defeated Biasejow- fanned eight and teaued two Cbapman and,:Fntt PWWe away. 'iTien Art pulled ahead and America's Town Meetthg of the a singla by Herman scored In the majors are bit off curve celler-dwriUng Red Raiders, beat single If Vineek had i^ysd it safe, ski (Msriden) 6-1. paaaes. Ha reUred Maneheatar In will be held June 8 at Columbia ran serond behind the Weaver May 28, are nearly completed, and win. Jones family packed 'up and in buildings, modern dormitories, and. may have been a-dUferext story. ruas, ao hl^ : Xltaa Klbbe: n arching practice Is well under Air. It is inierestii^ to note that especially the charming Dean o f' Hack. Altogether Strincevlch balls. the Bulldogs at their own game- tnotoad he eoUectod a triple and Dottbten order In four Innings and oppooad |xi. Tmaca U the fetata of mankind Lake. Members In charge of trans­ man. The race finished with the Columnist-Robert Johqaton. their small car startea for Pitts­ a graduate .of L^iibrook High is Ha got nine strikeouta And issued namely extra baas hitting in tha came home oa Raffa’a bobble at Stath fafitog portation are: Jane Converse, way. Last Tuesday copies of the burgh. Mr. Jones’ deacriptlon of the college. In the afternoon Ruth allowed six uts and struck out thrOc walks. Panciera iind Jervaty Turkington and Urhanatti 15 battors to aU. Ho didn’t give a tSlMn man respects man not be- Weaver man winning and Art In Reporters: George Benacbe^ now a Senior at/ Wesleyan U in . seven before /giving way to a Junior Twi League. Eddie Lojeski short . . he’d undoubtedly have Chester) defeated Mills and •afaty until the fourth when Oal- —Maloaay drev* a chairman: Anna Della Forra, and second place, but Art gave the class song were passed out to be Betty Barstow, Margaret Flgy- the trip was v e ^ funny, especially and one of her friends from Ver­ split toe slab assignment for toe Today’s Ooest Star ht, the ball got swa7 ' sause of a pointed gun, but be- Priscilla Ferris. learned and the date of the recep­ Middletown, CTohn. This senior Is mont climbed up the Long Trail. pinebhitter Ui the eighth. Tba Powell Ctoapman, Roanoke (Va,j and Perely Butler were the bats­ scored anyway aa tha next batter (Meriden) g-0. 6-7. U led off with a threa-ply oinaab to rSMue of neutral understanding, Hartford boy a good scare In pull­ ell, Louise Flux, Maureen Lint- going over the mouiuains. The sis­ Wally Petersen, star baseball and visitors and allowed, nine hits in men who did the moet damage to singled . '. . i t was sure a heart- k as be made a diva tion has been announced. In other ter was driving when they came to “Such a beautiful sight is bard to loss was BMton’s fifth straigbL sU. Times: "Larry MacPball is not CorrenU and Aeeto (Manehes- deep center aad rode home . aUns, and ideals." ing up on him stendllv in the last ner, Clarence Maron, Dorothy football player at Weslejran.. Tba only/nins Hubbell permit­ Red Donahue's hurling by oaeb breaker for Olbert to lose . \ tar) defeated BtaaaJowsU (Meri­ Raffa’e etogl* for Manchj aad It want for a triple, The fifth Annual Art fibthibit one hundred yards. The oiitcomr words—"It won’t be long now.” McKee, John Mrosek, WUliam a steep down-grad^ The-sign sale' imagine—snow c a p j^ motmtoins, WiUlmantic.Opened the contest above borrowing an idea from reached on Raffa’a bohb|* at '' **Fnedom Is the state of man- / ' lakes covered with ice, and steep ted toe Pii;atas were home runs by somebody else whenever it promla- crashing out trlplaa with the bases den) 6-0, 6-4. / only tolly, than Katkav^'stogtad lirktod when men can bespeak their displaying work of the art classes might have been different if Ben­ About this time every year col­ Mosely, Norman Pratt, .Richard "use second gearj but she. didn'' The April 11 issue of 'The.Com­ with a four-run outburst in the loaded. aa Maktoay aeorad, UMh was^ and clubs vMJI be held May 20 and rugged-traila winding up and down Lae Handley on toe first pitch of first on a single, a double, a wild ca to pay dividends in the form of Norwich Free Academy’s track to abort to the sixth a m doubted freely, can worship' as they son was not slowed up on the first lege professors, educators and lec­ Ranney, Emma Reich, Dorothy know what second gear waa so she mercial "News” was dedicated; to ^ I the igame and by Bob Elliott in The Bulldogs could not bunch in th* ninth. , '' atoaUag. Mltoar ainglad to 21, Monday and Tuesday evenings, turn, but It still remains that the turers come out with advice to Snow, Gloria Sapienza, Virgin­ decided to coast flown! Dangerous tod bill-Bides," explain^ Ruth. pitch and an error. 'Two .more tal­ publicity:... .consequently, it can and field team, alatad to opposa was foroad at aacond by . vlah, can assemble In their own the sophomores. The New HavOh After Ruth’a discriptlon of her tha fourth inning.' The 36-year- be token for granted that it their hits while the Raiden got Manchester in a dual meet here on E rrar*^Ui Vteltota tetereste, can establish trade relai- in the Art Studio. Weaver winner mn a swril race. liigh school seniors about handling ia Whitham, Alexa 'Tournaud, curves and ledges got the car go­ paper makes it a policy to dedi­ X' lies we.rS added In toe second on theirs In two big Innings, Law­ High Team Handed wbo waa out otaaltag. Oo* Bracelets, belts, woven projects, trip, the other members of the old lefthander used his screwball two singles and a trlplO by Hart, only a matter of time until the en May 31, won the Eastern Cbnnec-. Meriden M M the ebuat to t tkxia in all parts of the world, can All orManchester’a otfior run­ their future. Usually they all say Helen Uxupes, Elmer Weden, ing at a fast momentum. "Stop cate one issue of the paper to each sparingly, but kept the game al rence kept the Bulldog* In band two hits, (to* arror. and handwork will comprise live ning places were confined to the Frank Zimmerman, Frances the car!” cried the mother. "Put chib practiced writing leads for qfte^ which the invadera went teiprlflng Mr. MacPhall will be ttcut Conference title yesterday fifth wJmu Sbulga a^ted , took High — Olbart balp to decide the course of their the same things: Good health and class'. her'story and outlining the talk. ways Under control. Joe Moore landing bta Dodgera at the Polo all the way although six errors by First L o bs, 14 to 2 ■ovarning bodies." CrafU club display. The Fine Arts lower brackets, except third by Struff. / It in reverse!”/shouted little "Ted­ Lucas LuchettI, captain of,the Boorelsas untU toe seventh. bis matea ‘ made the game eloee. with a total o f 31 points . . . New on a flalder’a imotoa aad squlga’a arror at first than club win exhibit portraits, land­ a further education are neceasarr At toe end of the meeting Faith gave him a margin in toe third grounds In parachutes or having London BuIkcU^ was Moond with . Mr. Hartwell: Atkinson In the one-hundred yard for a person to be a success in life Typista: Cm line Corns, Dor­ dy." Skiddine down the road the track team at New Haven Com­ In the meantime, Manchester Lojeski and Ray CSalhoun turned th* plate *a Mohra, bob- aacond as Mohr fannad. scapes, sketches, and various other Stevenson awarded pina to toe with,a two-run homer and after garnered three rune in toe third on Yhem cross toe river in rubber 40| Btonlngton third with 3St$, "Peace meana that one can dash, and a second In the relay. today. othy Dowd, Irene Buysse, Stef- car landed at the bottom on Its mercial, broke the Indoor shot put In the field gems of the game. Box Aftor Winning la at socend. Tba wlnntog 'tatty walked. Raffa filad to le ft paintings. four reporters who had done the Pittsinirgh tied up toe score th two singles, a ttoltn baas, an er­ boats to get at the enemy." score: (Aapman Tech fourth with 31, itorilrst roaultad on Ualonay's fluk* t r i ^ kavack drova'a grouadtr t* darall among all mankind, without In the field events, the high We'll meet them half way and fle Kryew^li Statia Godleaki, side. Aften climbing out unhurt record at Wesleyan March 30, beat work for the last five weeks. the /fourth, toe Giants pushed Starts, Mancheater High;* oovetlng his neighbor's goods. jump produced the highest scor­ Bertha SbSw. the "dare-devils" noticed the sign when be toa.sed the shot forty- ror and a two-bagger by Wierz- Red Raiders Windham fifth with six and Robert In d an orrar by Raffs. Otbarwtob, too hot to haadls, flUtog tha Tickets for the Fifth Annual agree that these two factors are a They were: Dorothy McKee, Betty aerhos one run in toe fifth and two bick|. A fielder's choice, ■ a stolen It may be Ck)nn and Pastor out­ Fitch sixth with IH . . . mcn-eophomore team Olbert bad th* Invadora handcuffed Whether material or spiritual. ing with a first by Cutler and a "Death’s curve." After arriving In eight feet and eight inches. „ AB R H PO A 14-3 trtmnrimming from tog^yvees of Bkinaar out to monad. No TrfMdom means that one hae Music Festival of Manchester Pub^ help in attaining succeaa but they Barstow, Louiae Flux, and Gloria in the seventh. baas and an error brought another doors in August---- one of the rea­ and permitted aot the aetobleae* oqa blL OM error. second by Eggleston. Cutler’s wln- aren’t necessary. And aa for their Pittsburgn, the mother, being an Sapienza. Mace Brown, who was charged Simpson, If ...,2 2 1 0 0 Woodrow WilsonJHlgh of Middle- the right to pursue what in him lie schools are now on sale and ran ,n!ng height of 6' 8 3-4” was his actreaa helrself, sold the reihalna of The "World" acknowledgeda re­ tally in the fourth. Bumislaski’t sons Bill Dickey is down Is wofty Butler, U ...... 3 1 2 I 0 West Hartford trounced East of a UnreaL Savaotoi laatas; be obtained from the A Oppella arpiment that the top-ranking libqlM ^ux. with the Ices, and Pick Lanaban double and Modean’a second single over Lou Gehrig’s break-up., ,. town at tbs lyast Side Oval a* Me^ oa toflg aa he tramples on no­ best meet tpr this year. ■X xIIlC V i l l l O v<91 1s \ the car tor one hundred dollars. ceipt of the “Pratter" from I*ratt Lojeaki, as .....4 3 3 1 S Hartford yestsrday, 11-4, on the Scbulto of hm vlaltorB held Man­ Manebester*a only other thraat, Maridan-Sbulgaltoad t» choir members. The festival, which students always turn out most held the Glanta to de^en hits, but added the fifth runYn the fifth. Henry Armstrong, who doesn’t aside from th* fourtit'aiid atoth, body else." Dick Blow also turned in his iaT -OK 1 ' Important than Inheritance Institute of New York. ' It came ware always in hot water because Fisher, S b ...... 3 0 1 1 1 six-bit pitching of Wally Prokol- cheater toYour hits, fanning twelve oad. Pottaoa- popped to Smt i Joan Todd, '43: will consist of one thousand voices best performance in the shot put successful~we take no stock in Manchester forged ahead by 7-6 like GarclB, has ^ ered to help Mldford, 3b ...'.3 .0 1 0 0 earn* to th* otath whaB th* Kelloy- and one hundred ten musiclaiks, Is It,' to the "World” from Irene John­ each ot toe Pirate inflelders con-. kin, the lad who twice faced Man- anw walking three. Lacaak, Jaoon, Koadulto to thud. - No ruad, "Freedom reigns undisputed with a heave of 41’. Mallon copped or JNew Mem berg for what good Is Inheritance, {“"*• ***‘*f; If son by way of Miss Elstes. in the aixtb by scoring twice on train Ken Overiln for his shot at Horvath, cf ... . 4 1 0 1 0 eliestor and earned an even break -(tea loaded th* baaaa on aa error, hits. to be held in the Educational ’ trlved to rnak^ an error during two tingles, two atolen bases and the Filipino’s middleweight title iski And Wysockl paced the throughout our lUnlted States. It second In the discuss with a toss Looking around we’ve fotuid you have no hope for the future. It la amazing that a school tnat Biggerstaff. lb .4 1 l 6 1 . he also paced Hall's attoel^ i-blow attack of the nlnncra on a walk and a siD |1e but aH three High—Vineek aad Chapman Is like a aolld stone wall upon Square May 22 at seven p. m. <* that O. O. McIntyre has the beat/ Sporis-Lighl the game. 8averick's double to left. everything waa wonderful at nianers were .left otraaded off. He said that It is human to make is afi Scattered os Pratt Institute . Hlihh’a aaaignment against toe Maguire, rf ..;.3 1 0 L 0 with a triple and two ainglea 4 Phelan And Tuttle. The boa score: to aborL l ^ t t oat to tUrd. which we may always depend. We interpretation ,hf our attitude to­ ' The Manchester High School should be able to have a paper. In to* aeventh, however, the Kansas atato-Kanaas U. track Maron, c ...... 2 2 0 9 1 Sklanar rolled out weakly to the The CTiesS'ClUb hss sent Ihvlta- Secohds were qlso gained In the mistakes and everyone must try, Manchester Hlgh’i baseball Cux^ala waa a snap after the Ing in torse runs and scoringYm e Woodrow Wilson J. V. ruas, ao hlto. have the freedom ot speech, the broad jumps and pole vaults, by ward high ideals, high marks and Rifle Club and team, organised try again tor.success. The drama club at Pratt re­ WUlimontlc again took over toe meet. DairreU Mathee of Kansas U. Lawrence, p ....4 3 2, 1 3 himself . slab to retire tbs olda. BIgMh laaUg tfons to the University of Connectl-- aquhd defeated East Hartford, 10- PblUtM/slapped out alx singles for lead aa'twro singles, a stolen base •••*1, Juft won the century in 9>5. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. groedom of press, and the right to Chitler and Eggleston respectively. higher education. This la what he and coached by Herbert MIdbury, Gave Short Play cently produced "Petticoat Fever." Wltkoskl. 8b ...4 '1 0 1 0 0 , The outcome marked Manehao- Maridan — SkMpowtea follow the religion'In which wVbe- eut and Bulkeley High school fo^ wrote:' la now calling for new membersi 4. Wednesday at ML Nebo. This sis ru h a ^ toe second. As a re­ and a double by Antagony account­ Thet.>ome meaiile sneaked out. tor’s aeeoad League loss to four, matches. The club hopes to com­ Milt Turk, 40B. After Mra Jones’ speech, sever­ sult ha nevtr hod to hear down 6 6 Fans who w ish-^ attend the Weber, 2b ...... 5 3 I 0 0 0 mound. King ffted to left, Ueve. Added up,, these things both bojrs and girls, to the club. Boston University will have game wan toe third win in five ed for two runs. Two more were mejsured the couree and found it ■torts and its Uurd setback In* sin looey faaaad. No ruas, a * pete with sll Connect'lrut schools "Coiumbja is always presenting al members of the SMk and Bus­ starts for the KeUeyitef. M. H. very 'hard and'eyien three runs for made'in the eighth on two ainglee 'Xae five yards shorL (kiraesl. High-Briftol name at ML Nebo LaCsak, If J.....4 1 3 1 0 0 bring to us prosperity, peace, and a new •prhdlgy—a lad in hla early The club is planning to join the kin put on a short one-act play. George Hall and his orchestra, H PO A E Schultz, p ...... 3 8 1 1 1 0 gamaa, ending a Uirae-gam* wla- High—Olbart loftad t* lu^lness.’ possible. 5. made four runs in the flrsL SL Louis in toeX.. fifth on Joe and a balk. Panciera and Antagony toatalUUon of floodllghto at the Caihoun, cf ... tomorroWj^^WiouIdn't he scared teens who speaks half a dozen lan- National Rifleroen’a Association. A The play waa written and directs with vocalist Dolly Dawn to play Orengo'a home run, two singles 2 3 1, 0 Jason, e ...... 8 3 2 11 1 0 ntog straak. Briatol cam** hare to* Mohr raachad oa wide peg vonnaa Pratt: . Fish Expert Talks charge of 25 cents apiece is neces­ for the annual Prom, Friday, May three in the seventh, and three in were toe leading atlckera for the Polo Grounds and gt Sportsmans Cervinl, I f ____ awayJbjMthe 6:18 starting time morrow too a CCIL aaoountor and abort that pulled Sbulga w "Freedom is when someone, or A group of French students en­ guagea and has mastered science ed 'by "Skee” Bu.ckland. The char­ the eighth. Zig Olbert pitched and a double by Johntiy Mice Winners, while Grlffen and ModcAn Park, St. Ls>uis, bos been complet­ I probably be a let closer Dyblck, cf .....3 3 0 0 0 0 and mathematics. The only prodi­ sary to Join the N. R. A. If the acters were: Joyce Kehler,. the 10. . • — Hyde. Ih Moraoakl, lb ...8 t 2 5 I 0 Maneheatar must win to retain Mohr atola aacond. Ctetti the people in this country, can Ijve tertained the members of Miss hla first full game with the Kelley- didn’t create much of a snr. got two hits apiece for toe losers. ed. Fords, c ...... p. m. before jestivitlea get un­ Todd's. French club with reports of At Biology Meeting gy I ever knew jumped six grades club joins it win receive 10,000 daughter; Betty Dewey, th^ The music students at B.U. The victory strengthened Phila­ Wysockl, rf ....4 0 2 0 0 1 any ehanc* at all e f gaining tba Raffa fliad to cantor. No ruat • aatural life and not have the rounds of ammunition, 1,0mi- 1/; - 32 14 10 16 5 1 Play By Play Of Qaaia Maridaa—Cbllahan fliad ■truggic, absent of war." pany. AUbough they work-with­ Manchester had its revenge League were postponed because of |k Crowley’s> charges seeking Pennsylvania Hill country club folk cququnan, as .. before 5:15 . . , aacond. Mllaar fliad to ed from London. school and accompatiled him home. The club will ' also becoipe lick and John Daley, two friends rain and cold weather. ~. "icate toe M. H .’ S. Froah-Sapli Fttat ammimg . Edna Bamuelson: of Fisheries and Game spoke to member of the C. C. I. L. . Adelle out pay, they get a chance to as- over West Hartford last Friday at 4-S win aebieved la urging tbs Ptrataa onward—or Oonahus, p . Hatetato out to aaocad. Mo "OotBg to school or anywhere I He was valedictorian of .his class and Craig Belcher, John Derby, ML Nebo by. defeaUng toe WUliam In the A M tilt in order to even the AaR.H.PO.A.E. Maridea—Mateoey Faiiaad. Ctel- the Biology Club members at their Olsqn, Evelyn Olson, Ruth Frazier, opciate with the big names of the would you say backw ard..any­ Moore, Sb-3b no hits. . please without feSr off bombs The Junlor-ilenlor Commercial and at graduation exercises he Philip Keith and James Griswold Hall men, 8-3. Leo Katkaveck aeries at eight victories each. The way, thia pep comes from the lahan out to mound, Mllaar seat club was the guest of the meeting held on May 6. wdre shprt pants. He married an Richard Maxwell, Robert Btsaell, other minor characters. opera world. Alfred. Werbner talk 54 10 10 31 11 Hanna, as ... ..3 Higta-^KaUavaek doubiad orraping down.” \ was toe star, of toe game with four Cervini-Giorgetti Ix « score: - Ebensburg (Pa.) Mountaineer- Soore By laalnga Standings a Boorobar past third to r a alngle. third base Ua* totd laft. Edith Morrissey: Freshman-Sophomore (Tnmraerclal Mr. ntS-pe spoke on the life his­ Indian a^iaw and the last I heard Milton Levitt, Ralph Starkweath­ The play went over very well bits, a triple, a double and two Geer, rf ...... 2 Hatetato' lofted t o ...... er, Herbert Tenney, Alden C^wlea, iVilfiiiiMlte Trade Herald: "Fiery Frankie Frisch. Red Raidera-...... Iso 1014—13 batting for Sktoaar, "Doing anything I w a ^ within club at a musical program which tory of common (Ish In Connecti­ of him he\waa timekeeper in an and JMr. Jones complimented singles, batting in three runa, and AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Butler, cf ...... 2 oa* hit. was headed hy Wljllam Perrett, Alan Holmes, Alan.Rice, Angelo Language Board Doubles Leaders Fordham Flash, fervtnUy, fearli ...... 302 1115—10 Yaatorday** Raatota Taggart, If .....2 him to third on aaat hunt .isoson, without government re- cut In order to make It clear to the oil field. It'aeema to me the fairly "Skee" in his work. making three himself. The M. Wadsirortb. lb . .6 5 3 5 6 0 ly> faithfully, furiously fighting, High—Mohr fllad to esater and ■’40B Tuesday morning at the Bar­ pupils who will be the fishermen of medium student is more aucceas- Pavan, Robert Maaaey, Harleth 'Tm baas hits: Hyda. Butter. Lo- Dietz, If* ...... 1 first Blaacbard, batttog for strietlon." Time was allowed for anyone to H. S. boys came from behind twice Hart, cf ...... 5 1 3 5 0 furnishing fun. finishing first for WMOfataff. ‘fh en haaa hlto; Gain to righL Hateteta maktog eak, walked, took aeeoad. _!__MarJorle Tucker:. nard Assembly Half. tomorrow why laws have to be ful in grappling «ith life. Four in Manning. Marcus Krest and Al ask Mr. Jonea questlona about the Im proves Exams but they were out in front to stay Howard, cf-5b..l 0 0 0 0 Phelan, p ...... 1 nioo catch oa latter play. Raffs Selections were played by Rus­ bert .Lindaay are the members of Frank Cervlnt and Guido Geor- fTOnzied fans".. . . shake it up, Midford, Lojeaki, For^, Lawrence, Hartford 12. WUkea-Barra 5. Tuttle, p ...... 1 man faanad. (telvart battto '"Fieeduui meana to me the made regarding the catching of .my class who -just managed to stage and how^ to "break into" the when they tallied twice in the ssrv- Veronlck, 5 b ___ 1 0 0 0 3 Buca. Butter. Stolen bases: Lejsski, out to aacond. No rpna, no hlta. tight to do and say what I like sell Wilson, violinist. William Per­ fish. pass the examtohtlons have be­ the club. Officers will be elected theater bualnesa gettl need only one more point to Blaghamtoo 5, WllUamaport $. Ratchenbach, lb 1 Saeand laalng Pratt, worked count to 8-1 During, the past few months a ehto and once in toe eighth to clinch top honors in toe doubles Pompowlcz, as ..0 3 2 ,0 4 Maron, McGuire, Donahue 5, Cal­ Elnrira 7, Albany 5 (night). than fanned on a high ana when I like without unfair rule rett, cometlst, and Lillian Kittle, come men of affairs." in the fall. "Teddy” Jones has worked with Panciera. Sb-p ..4 2 5 1 2 (tenlon, lb ...... 2 Meriden—Shulga fannad. Bot' pianist. According to Mr. Thorpe, many temporary Modern Language Com­ make the score 8-5. Cy Blan­ bowling tourney at the Charter If you can afford to risk a bob or houn 2. Fords. Base o

,4 points. ion ot Sir Launfat” by James Rus­ ly Judson Bailey He says ifc ca'me to New York —tjie $5,000 Goodstl round robin get underway. Big Cy Blanchard, in the CCIL atandinga and left pinches brought' Manchester | King, p ...... 3 eourae and ••waa^rajoyed by tator. To a person, Individually It of the theater alone. Mr. Jones Mont., last summer and didn't get to see the^Fair. and might do a means being able to do as he wish­ Of all the events ran off In the sell Lowell. T h is poem, al­ Preaa Sports Writer. out until he'd paddled soima 288 touraament. Coach Tom Kelley e No, 1 flinger, Meriden and. West Hartford tied High an unexpected 2-1 de-1 ei-ime Helen Wlppbri (Art meet, the half mile was perhaps honored the Sock and Buskin dra­ little vAlmmlng "since 1 ain’t ex­ es Inside the law." ma club by talking to them last though rather lengthy, waa inter­ Sometlm^ It's a little bard to miles.to Glendive. Mont.. Open champion Byron Nelson, will toe the alah against Vito .for runner-up honors to Bristol. feat from Meriden High at 31 3 4 37 19 the most exciting ai\d spectacular. esting to the listenera because q|^ / x actly adverse to making a Ifttle Jimmy Demaret, master’s winner, Oolopinto. who recently twirled a The standing le now as foUowi’ Manebestar. 'W bne at the Avery, the atud^nU “Peace means friendship with Friday night in the high school (IlMe, butXtoe National League That tittle dip took him 77 1-2 nymey.” Mt-.Nebo yesterday afternoon all nations and harmony In our The runners all got off to a fast Its familiarity and because It isv a pitchers' league. The hours and made him the world and blazin’ Ben Hogan wUl give brilliant ona-hltter In blanking W. U Pet. ab r h PO.A guided through the vaiiOiM start at the gun, With a Weaver The Paint and Powder club and As a money making proposition, West Hartford, 7-0. and dealt a stunning blow to Mohr, 3b ...... 4 dtq[>Iaylng many types ol Own country without- Strikes and other friends were also inviicd. read very well. |m yesterd^ a'ould have satls- champion at long distance, free-/ the rest of the field plenty to Bristol ...... 1 0 i.ooo 0 4 *8 inusual uprisings." High runner gaining the post and "Midsummer” expressed any dOubtei apparently worry about although many think Manchester must cope the duke West Hartford . s 2 .600 the Red and White’s hopes of (Salll, cf ...... 8 1 8 0 ng these were' a room taking the. lead. /However, Paul Mr. Jones said that he would style, fresh-water swimmlng-A Raffs, a s ...... 4 j medieval paintings. Oo- 'Ulan Tanner: mood of summer,' telling of th^ 'The Cincinnati Reds best'the field in which there to unlimited had some defrotA Asked how that Henry Picard, the P.O.A in this pot to remain In ths League Meriden...... 1 ' m .600 1. Finkbein, running for M. H. S. for like to be more of an actor than much last year's gedimking net­ a third strsijrht Ceiltral Katkaveck, lb 4 on. the students saw examples -edom and peace means bea.ity ot the green leaves and Brooklyn Dodgera^2 on the five- room S t the top. champ, haa enough allots to win, running as ycaterday'a 3-1 reversal Manchester .., . 3 2- .600 10 0 the first time at a home meet, an orator In his speech, and he ted him be JAughed And replied, Connecticut Interscholaatic Skinner, I f ...... 3 Hart thrawb the ages up to the America to me because It Is only proved very amusing by hto im­ trees. hit hurling of Gene^^ompson and Trust the CHiinera to make s or that this is the tournament that waa its Second In four etarts and Middletown . . . . 0 B .000 8 0 Ih.Ameni^ that we have the . true n|ade his bid early In the race, The third selection w4s the “Minus I ' will start Sammy Snead on the Loague baseball title. Vlncek. rf ...... 8 1 0 I t An'^hitereatlng display of passing tbe leading Weaver run­ personations of Henry Aldrich a merry-go-round InXthe first inn­ good story a better one. In his ^ seemed to make meaning ofsthese two words." story of a darning needle who ing; Larry French held the Boston hotel room he produced a clipping Seems by thto time the river road to the nationat open tile. Both Hurlers Superb C!hapm|in, 8b ...4 4 a ner at the turn. John Cervinl and end other famous play characters,. This tournament Is just as tough Pratt, c ... J..8 students appreciate the work Eleanor Struff: The subject of the talk was divid­ Clarenoo O. Maron. thought she was very Important Bees to two hits as the Chicago from a Chinese paper that (liber­ gotXfarough kicking him sround, It was a tense, dramaUe battle 8 8 Johnny Olson, two other Man­ Olbert, p . . e e aO do In the High School Art "By the wbi;ds freedom and and told the fingers to hold her Cubs triumphed 2-0; lean old Carl ally translated) c r ^ t s him with he* had to go to a hospital for re- on the scorekeepera as it is on the aU the way a t aouthpaw'Zlgmund 0 8 chester runners, also pulled up, ed into three groups: our Inhcrit- 15 aces-14 of this country’s best *Tbomaa ...0 Cloring thrir visit to the peace, I think otvS woman and ance, our need, and, m q^ Import-' Who to the beat-looking boy of carefully, lest she should break. Hubbell of the New York 0lanta swimming from Helena, MonL, to pairs. Local Sport Meriden Wins Olbert and right-hander Malcolm 0 9 the students were shown child walking alonk with a sprig making a pretty close foresome to '40B they're asking. A number of When she was broken, the owner plus Martin Poae, the able Argen- King matched each other with ■*Blanchard ...0 0 9 lend the remaining runners. Then ant, our hope. We hgve inherit­ kept eight, hits well scattertfU in Denver, Cbjo., which to aome stuAt, He’s slated to do an exhibition ___ _ the auditorium, which la of olive on their heaoi.^ Doves fly­ votes at least, will be in favor of mended her with a piece of celling penning up the Pittsburgh Pirates since he’d hsve to negotiate^ the Uno. Everybody plays everybody superb four-hit pitching perform­ •••Calvert . ...1 .9 9 Johnny "Hardeye" Cervinl pushed ed three things according to Mr. soon In a local pool with some else during the 136 holeb spread Tui^latest design with soft leath- ing over the statue' ofs^lberty Is the- lad pictured above—C. G. wax and she .then considered her- 5-2, and Kirby Higbe, tbe Phils non-liquid Rocky Mountaihs most Tennis Match ances and It. reached a rousing another conception." out ahead to take the lead. How­ Jones—Christianity, Democracy bathing beauties to cheer him on. over three days and at the end the Chatter S3 ■^aoversd’ chairs on a slanting ’This year a group of girls, all and Science. • - Maron. \ Mir a breast pin. Her adven­ dslpbia speedballer, sitsily whipped of the v^ay. // Which, he says, would be an im­ climax In the last half Of toe 1 4 87 t t , The walla in the hall anqin Flora Taylor: ever, when Johnny fell back again. creaalngly popular. Each year From Bernard he came to M. H. tures led her to many places, final­ the St. Louis Ctordinals 6-3 on most "plus”—or winning—holes ninth Whan Manchester put toe Meriden .000 oil "By frscdom and peace I fl link It became evident that the real Seniors, should be recognised'for He Illustrated democracy fay "I ain’t that gopdT” Clarence provement In the ocenery, even entitles somebody to pick up the Manchester entry were adorned with when the activities start, girls turn S. four years ago skilled in mathe­ ly leaving her alone In the gutter. e|svsn bits. mutters modestly*^' over hto native Montana. What dbea a pitcher haveimYV /to ’do av Sweeps All Singles Tests tying run on third sad the winning .000 100/ of America and freedom race Would probably be between their achievements in basketball. out enthusiastically for the flrat giving an episode in hto own life matics, and'With a liking for biggest chips •Thomas tor Skinner in 9th. The murals (pictures There was a new play being pro­ As an encore she read the story Five Rune in FiraL to win a ball gameT . . ttmt’a tally on lecond only to leave toe right on the wall) wm b o u g h t and peace of mind. Finkbein and the Weaver runner, Members of this team are (left to few practices, tire of the spOrt, woodworking ^and singing. This of little Albert and tbe lion at Tbe game et Brooklyn, wbici They gb out In ifroups of threee probably the question thatthat 2Hg- F o r 3>2 VIciofy Over runners stranded. ••Blanchard for Vlacek ta Walt Joyner: eaver took the lead with a sud- right) Anita Lewis, Pat South- and then drop out. Some sport ap­ duced on Broadway and Mr. Jones' year he graduatOii with honors. laV In seven 18-hoIe bounds. For In­ •••Calvert for P ratt la-1 resemblances of primitive brother was anxious to get a part the zoo. Albert t^ p te d the lion put the Reds beck on top in the mund'(Tough Luck) Olbertwrt U aak- H igh Team* Leo Katkaveek opened the "do Bjwttems. ."Peace and freedom repreSlent a spurt sL the turn before the wick, Lorna Peterson, Evelyn pealing. to one individual do not He's followed a t^ leg e Scientific by thrusting hto cone at him and eee-saw race for tbe lesj^ e lead, stance, if a player is two up on ing himself today after hie 3-1 de­ or die'' Inning with a stinging Runs batted in. Raffa: tWO'1 counby with no conscription and homb\stretch, and broke the tape Senkbeil, Mary Jlllson, Ulllan Interest another. Basketball, the In it. Although the two brothers course all along with Algebra and each of hla two rivals at the end hits, Mtkaveek; three Frohi here, the group was con- were already working in one play, ras Immediately awallowed by started out like a wblrlwindv^th feat by Meriden yesterday at Mt. double along tha toirdi, base 'Una on an Informative trip a dem^ratlo form of govern­ for flrstsOlace. Meanwhile, Cervinl, Klelnschmidt and Lois Callls. Lor­ favorite, is followed by bowling, Trigonometry hto best subjects. he lion. Hto parents being per­ Willy Trade Trounces of a round he has a score of 4-plus, Nebo in spite of tbe fact that he Loss of all three singles matches aad was sacrificed to third by GaiU, Maloney; eaerttiM running their farm, making prep­ Cincinnati sending 11 men to/the and each of his opponents is t#b- the classrooms of the ment.” who had TBl|en way back to about raine Smith who la also a' member hockey, soccer, softball, and vol- What's he been dolhg with the ?plexed, went to a magistrate who plate and scoring all its five mns. allowed only four hits and faced sent Manchester Hlgh’e netmen Roger Thomes’s pineh-bit bunt. Thomas; stolan bai .UtA Miss Puuigm: ' fifth pl.itce/'made another strong of the group is not plctursd here. jeyball, according to the votes of arations for a summer theater and extra-curricula program 7 minus. Last year Harry Ciooper dou'n to their third detest in four Katkaveck: double plays, < Art School. The rooms keeping a stenography Job in the offered to pay the damagea. Yet the McKeebnie men got only but 31 batters over the nln^-lanlng Then' Cy Blanchard, sent up for On ttvo floors above the Art “Pegee is not merely a negative bid, and ripped KInkbetp at the Playing the game fairly and in the glrU. “Well, I was in the French club A nominating committee, coti- won with the amaslng score of 81- route . . . ■tarts at tha high school courts Vlncek, drew a walk and went to Shulga, Chapman to Kat condition In which there Is no war; city, they undertook this second four hits in tbe big blasL ' The school offers classes finish for second. KInkbeIn took goqd spirit, these ' eight glrlg at­ Have M. H. S- girls become more In my Freshman year. 'Ilien I’ve siatlng of Rika Carlson, Irens Bill Werber led,off with a home ^ocal Tossers by 10-7 here yesterday afternoon as Meri­ down to second. Ken Chapman veck; left on basso. MsrtdOR.: derign, sculpture. Illustration, peace Is a positlye condition In third after Cervinl. Johnny Ol­ tained the top rung In the school Interested In sports? Is there any play and, wltH the help of their been in the A-Cappella C b ^ , too. Freeh Meedow, where thie year’s den annexed a 3-3 triumph. Man­ Manchester 7; base on mother and sister, kept all five Opalach and Patricia Southwick, run against WyatL two Olbert now has a three-year took his regular turn and struck 1 Agure drawing. On the whole, which there |s security of all na­ son, running on a lame leg, put up basketball tournament reason for the enthusiasm which Is That's a lot of tun. I sing wita the was appointed to select the slats tourney la played, la one of Amer­ chester eanie back from a poor out. Earl Calvert was toe third King 8; struck out by King 9, tions throughout the^world. There jobs going. This proved hto point walks ud-A single fllleff the' bases ica’s best known; and most tan record .of six wins and three losees I art classes there seemed much a game battle for fourth but- was ’This year, ten teams were or­ being shown in volleyball and Swedish choir too. You might men­ of officera for next year. The and-''Bin Hershberger quickly Reached for 1 4 ■tart to win both doufales but It local pinch-hitter and after work­ bort 4; umpire, Brennan. those In Manchester can be no true peace fbr any na­ beaten out In the stretch. ganized in contrast to the previous bowling? Have the girls Anally that everyone has a chance In this tion that. And this year I’m on the talizing, courses. Because It la l . . and sveryono./jM the latter waa too late to make any change country to make good for himself. voting will take place at the next 'tlW sd tbem with a triple. Then Sports Roundup waa dus to the wobbly support he ing the count to‘8-3 he fanned on tion when other great nations are The mile run finished as expect­ four, flveiand six teania. Thua,,com- accepted the numerous opportuni­ Class History Committee.” \ meeting. Matc^ Make trifle heavy anij definitely long. It In the final outoome. a cloud -sweeper to bring a dis­ engaged in securing their X^ielgh- He Illustrated the marvels of sci­ Van Mungo took over and John will put a premium on well hit tee received from his mates . . . He Dick Ranney, '41B. ed, with Kehoe taking ftrat with petition was greater, and mure ties offered to them for good Hlu- ' We heard he was a great one fori The annual picnic to be held at Rlaso hit bis first pitch for 'an­ By Eddie Brietz None of the local slnglas play­ mal and to toe threat. ter aa Kondulia a u t e , hors territories, by force. Fri a time of Jj4 8 . kehoe-' took the skill was necessary. catlonal recreation? ence by describing a high school outdoor sports. 5 th De> ehots and well-placed seconds. waa beaten by Bristol, 9-4, when he amp A yapo.^1 probably be held other run—Cincinnati's tost. » « I New York, May 16.— Oalanto, who was too broken up mitted ten errors . . . Middletown rufcl gage in any activity which ened his margin as4.he event pro- football and Freshman-Sophomore msret meets Chnig Wood and Jim ­ bansttl, who hSd a dog fight with Olbert really deserved to wla. stagled to rigbL ipm, Peace not Infringe upon the right of' equipment—on one wall was a S Dorothy Snow ing perfectly end would have had ' over Joe Jsooba’ deAth to fight my Thompson as Nelson battles blanked him, 3-0, although fae He got only tour strikeouts but is­ ressed. Bob Odermann, M. H. .B. baseball. I like'hockey a lot. When a shut-out except for a letup in Felix, whom ha whippte twice last KaUuveek popped to anyone else to do Hk'ewlse. Free­ ding mller, followed Kehoe and group of switches which enabled you've got more time I'll tell you Hogan and Jimmy Hines. Picard twirled a two-hitter as two errors veer. Felix finally %von out this sued not a single pass and faced Raffa was doubUd off first, dom Is. not license to do as one Editorial Staff him to talk through a radio to tha third when Herman Franka has Gene Sarazen and Pose as hts produced the winnings runs . . . Valued by M.H.S. Ise ran away from the rest of about our own ball team. We're game at the West Side Oval yes­ wbo've Umt by 9-8, t-5. only 81 batten tn aU, tour over nor toulsd out boblad flsot. pleases; It Is liberty to think, every room In the building. An­ doubled and a walk and two sin- seen 'em say the Iowa foes. Paul Runyan, Lawson Little and yesterday he bad Meriden eat­ par for toe route. Ha retired Meri­ the field. Seaman of Weaver took H. S. World going to beat tbe Bulldogr to­ Pinlsi Are Awarded glea acorad both Brooklyn’s runs. terday afternoon, Willlmantic Hawkeyea will be hotter than ever Manebastor's next.opponent urUl run, two bits. speak, unite, worship, assemble, a hardxeamed third. Editor-In-Chief—Faith Ste­ other wall could in a momeht’s night.” and Snead form tha fourth group, ing out of hla hand most of tha be Bristol at tbe local courts to­ den in order la six of toe nine \ labor and live as one chooses so venson. notice swing back and make the Excluding the .hits, only three Trade turned back Mmehester this year.. . .Vince DiMagglo has and Horton Smith, Dick Mats and way but lost . . . tberz simply frames and toe blow bo aUowod fifth iMitag 'Whila the thoughts of high One or-the best times of the day With so many interests C. O. To Four Reporters bene were hit to tbe outfield all aet a new Polo Grounds record by morrow afternoon at 8 o’clock; long as he recognises his responsi­ wan tiimed.jn'by a Weaver man In A t Large Managing Editors ‘— Ruth stage In the auditorium twice as must have some plans for after- Trade, 10-7, to gain rsvrtige for Chayton Hoafner round otat the ain’t no justice where this slim Tbe summary: came when Milner sent a soorcber Msriden — Shulgo siagtad students abroad hte men- afternoon off the young Cincinnati whiffing the OBone sight times in field. right on flrat pliek/ Bonsw < bilities towards the same rights the four-forty, fifty-four seconds Wheaton, Alfred Werbner. large; the auditorium itself was graduation. tb e .4-8 setback Buffered at the southpaw Is concerned . . . . Slnglas past third la tba first aad another the present war,. Mlanebea- of others.” eemer. | a row. oddly enough the record to firsL flat. Again the bovs got off to a By RobSrt Johnston Feature Editor— Marguerite like a theater, with all the best “ I'd like to take an apprentice Thread O ty aarUcr. In the. season. FaUx (Martdsn) dafsated Ur- to left In the^alxto. Shulga eli^led h School students and Bairy. acoustics rt|ulpment "Lead writing" was the subject Franeh'a aouthpaw slants . -.fasd covers parts of three seaaona.: .-. Mohr’a boot about fast start. wlth\ Weaver taking course as a machinist.” Vlnoe fanned four Umea straight Moriden’a flrat tally was a gift banettl (Manchester) 9-8, 7-8. to n i^ t In Jw fifth and Maloney ‘ tlMiiliiirSa are abto to think Once again graduation is draw­ Sports Editor—Milton Turk- . "Need” was the second topic for discussion and practice at tha Boston bslpless, but Nick' Strince- It waa Manchester’s third straight aoored. 81 happiness andnd security which and keeplngithe lead. Art Benson, And so there you have onc'nomi- vich nssiiy mstehsd him. For. six in the lest seriea of 1988; spent Red Raiders/Top as Shulga scored sU the wsy from Wojtunlk (Meriden) defeated drove a liner to right In the slxtb Manchester’s outstanding' four- ing near. There are twenty-two ington. tideen up by th e . speaker. Mr. nee for the best-looking of the last High School World meeting. loss^and Its fifth in a i^ t games. second In the fifth on Mohr'a bob­ that went for a tripio when Vin- Chapraaa’a •'democracy affords. Several of school days left until the final Ruth Vi^eaton led the discussion innings sach gavs up only one 1989 in the American AasociaUon, Correnti (Manchester) 6-1, 9-3. poppte to -the Students and teachers, when forty man, was neatlj^^boxed In at Photographer —' James Ste­ Jones again gave an Incident In hto current graduation class. Fred- Modean went the distance toen came back with tbe Pirates ble of a hot grounder by Kondulia Caroll (Meriden) defeated Aee- cek’ elected to gamble on a dive Club Notes commencement exercises take venson. ' life to prove what people can do by giving an Interesting account single. The ^ ic a g o runa. came for the losers and was reached for Bulldogs, 12-10 for toe ball that missed. doublM off One run, i ’•Shed by World reporters "W hat two different times at the first in the eighth when an error put ’rtiesday to go down four more . the second end winning tally to (Manchester) 6-4, 4-1. two errors. turn, and thus was running In place. The seniors have already . Exchange Editor— Barbara when they are In need. It was ot her trip to Vermont to visit Mld- 14 hits but with better support .waa just one ot those things . does freedom and peace mean to; been measured for caps and from Manchester. /Five Lynbrook French on first, a triple by Stan­ times on strik es.. .-i Jimmy Double- Extra slnglea. no acortng, AHcsl King was also in splsndid form High—Vtaeok out to By Alexa Tnumaud, Ed. third place until the first straight- Mack. during the depression when jofaa in dlebury C!oIIege.. She waa much fredn hto mates, who were charged In a free scoring 13-10 win, tha Maloney would have gotten only a as he fanned eight and Issued two gmiT”, gave the following an- gowns; plans for the class picnic. students attended a broadcast of "taken up” with the beautiful ley Hack brought him home, and X aaya 60 per cent of all homera (Manchester) defeated. BiMjow- Chapman wd Pratt fkaaad. The annual Library club picnic away. TTien Art pulled ahead and Recording Editor —Jane Ir­ the theater were scarce. So the America's Town Meeting of the with six mtoplaya, the outcome ceUer-dwalllng Red Raldere, beat Slagle if VUieek had played it safe. ■kl (Meriden) 9-1. passes. He retlrbd Manebestar Ui flirera; will be held June 8 at Columbia May. 28, are nearly completed, and win. buildlnga, modem dormitories, and A singla by BUI Herman scored in the majors are hit off curve runs, no hita Hiss Klbbe: ran second behind the Weaver Jones family packed up and In Air. It to' interesting to note that Hack. Altogether Strlneevlch •"•y been a-different story. balls. the Bulldogs a t their own gnuM Instead he eollected a tiipla aad order la four ianlilgs aad opposed Lake. Members in charge of trans­ man. 'The race finished with the n arching practice la well under Columnist-Robert Johnston. their small car started for PittS' especisjly the charming Dean of He-got>nlne striksouto ''and issued namely extra base hitting In the came home on Raffa’a bonbla at "peace la the state of mankind way. Last Tuesdaj^ copies of the a graduate of Lynbrook High to the college. In tbe afternoon Ruth allowed aix bits and struck out Turklngton and Urbanettl (Man­ 8ft b atten in aU. H * didn’t glvp a 1—Makmey drove k l portation are: Jane Converse, Weaver man winning and Art In Reporters: George Bensetae, burgh. Mr. Jonea’ description of three waH^s. PancierS and .Jervaty Junior Twi League. Eddie Lojeakl short . . . he'd undoubtedly, have chester) defeated Mills and Oyar safety until toe fourth when CM- •hail *"»" respects man not be- class song were passed out to be now a Senior at Wesleyan U in and one of her friends from Ver­ seven before giving wsy to a Today’s Guest Star ths ban got away“ .inuae of a pointed gtm, but be- chairman; Anna Della Fcrra, and second place, but AH gave the etW Baratow, Margaret Flav- the trip WBs very funny, especially Middletown, CXmn. This senior to split the slab assignment for the and Perely Butler were the bats­ scored anyway as tha next batter (Msrldsn) 9-0, 9-7. U led off with a throo-ply smash to Priscilla Feh-ls. learneeirlty, peace, and a new prodigy—a lad In his early The club Is planning to join the kin put on a Short one-set play. George Hall and hto orchestra, AB R H PO A tomorrow shouldn’t be scared Scbults, p ...... 3 3 1^ I 1 happiness." possible. 5. made four runs in tha flrsL SL Louis in the fifth on Joe and a balk. Pahclera and Antagony installaUon of floodUgbU a t the Calhoun, cf . . 3 3 3 1 ning streak. Bristol comes bsra to* Mohr reachod on wMA/jag; teens who speaks half a dozen lan­ National Riflemen’a Astsociatlon. A The play Was written and direct­ .with vocalist Dolly Dawn to play three in the eeventh, and three in Orengo’s hoipe run, two singles 9 away by the 8:16 starting time Jason, c ...... 8 3 ' 3 11 1 Morman Pratt: Fi^JExperl Talks charge of 25 cents apiece to neces­ for the annual Prom, Friday, May were tbe leading sUckers for tha Polo Grounds and t Sportamana (Cervinl, rf . . , Djrbick, cf ...... S A 0 0 0 morrow for s CCIL enooustsr sad abort that puUsd l|taifiga«r A group of French studehts en­ guages and has mastered aclencO ed fay "Skie” Buckland. The char­ the eighth. Zlg Olbert pitched and a double by Johnny Miza winners, while Grlffcn and Modean Park, SL Louis, haa been complet- Hyde, lb itH probably be a lot closer Mohr stole iOeQod. GsUt "Freedom Is when someone, or sary to join the N. R. A. If the acters were; Joyce Kehier, the 10. » Morsoskl, lb ...9 ’^ 1 3 8 X Manchester must win to retain the people in the country, can live tertained the members of and -mathcmatlca. The only prodi­ hto flrat full game with the Kelley- didn't ersats much of a stir. got two hits apises for the losers. Fords, c .T ... to 4 p. m. before fratlvitfes get un> any chance st nil of gstoing tbe Raffa filed to esator. No At Biology/^Ieeting gy I ever knew jumped six grades club joins it will receive 10,000 daughter; Betty Dewey, the The music students at B.U. Wjrsockl, rf 6 3 0 0 h ' aatu A l' life and not have the^ Todd's French club with, reports'of ites, giving flfUeh hits, striking The trlctory atrengthsnad Phila­ IVade's next encounter win be Buttery, 8b .. derway as tbe teams spend p ler^ coveted diadem. hlto SOS srror. In a half term at aXprivate school. rounds of ammunition, 1,000 free mother; “Skee,” the brother; Jim­ have had the opportunity to take delphia’s grip on fifth place. of Uhm in hitting and fleldlny prac­ Fowler, as ,8 1 0 1 0 fear of being attacked overnight.' current French lnterest .at Uie laBt4' extra parts In tne opera produced out five, and aralking one. with Manchester High at Mt. Nebo » Flag Wavtag Dept. Wilson, If . . . . Ninth lisring meeting. Mira Todd also read an \ He didn't plsy with the other boys targets, and the use of two my McKnight, the father; Dot Al Igames in tbe American next Monday afternoon with Ctoach tice and seldom arrive at tbe field "Peace is tranquility—absent of Springfield rifles. by the Metropolitan Opera Ck>m- .^The unquenehabls fire ot tbe Turklngton, 3b S3 14 10 18 8 1 Ptajr By Ptojr Of Game - Meriden—Cailshsn fllod fltniggle, absent of 'war." English newspaper she had receiv­ 'Lyle Thorpe of the State Board and hla mother brought him to- Bm nett, a faclghbor; 'Louis Shad- Manchester had its revenge League were postponed becauite of Frank Crowley's charges seeking Pennsylvania HUl country club folk Chapman, as . before 3:15 . . ~ second. .Atilner filed, to ed from LondonN. school and accompa'nled him home. The club will aiso, become a lick and John Daley, two friends pany. Although they work with­ ■. fi. Frssh-Ssph first lantog Edna Samuelson: of Fla^efles and Game spoke to out pay, they get a chance to as­ over West Hartford last Friday at rain and cold weather. to duplicate the 4-8 win achieved is urging tha Plrataa onward—or Donahue, p .. KalsteiB out to eecoud. No He was valedictorian of his class member o f the O. C. I: L Adelle and'Craig Belcher, 'John Derby, Mt. Nebo by defeating the William In the first tilt In order to even the A a a H. PO. A. a Meriden Msiooey fanned. Cal­ "Oolng to .school or anywhere I the Bloto^ Club members at their O'toon, Evelyn Olson, Ruth Frasier, sociate with the big names of the would you any backward___ any­ Moors, Sb-3b ...3 0 0 8 0 8< no hlta. ploaae Without fear of bombs ’The Junlor-Senlof\ Commercial and at graduation exercises he Philip Keith and Jam es Griswold Hall men, 8-8. Leo Katkaveck seriea et eight vlctorlea each. The lahan out to mound. Milner sent meeting hHd on May 9. Richard Maxwell, Robert Btosell, opera world. Alfred Werbner way, this pep talk comes from the 34 10 10 31 11 Hanna, s i ...... 8 0 High-rKatkaveck doubled dropping down.” - ' club was the g u e ^ of the wore.short pants. He married an other minor characters. was tbe star of the game with four Cervini-G|orgetti box score: Ebenebtffg iPa.) Mountaineer- Seere By Imriage > a scorcher past third fob 9 single. third beat Una intd left, Edith Morrissey: Freshman-Sophomore Clbtnmerclal Mr. Thorpe spoke on the life his­ Indian aquaw and the last I heard Milton' Levitt, Ralph Starkweath­ T h e play went .over very well hits, a triple, a double and two WUilmentle Trade <3eer, rf ...... Halatein lofted to rigbL No runs, betting for Skinaer, er. Herbert Tenney, Alden Oowlea, Herald: "Fiery Frankie Frisch, Red R a id e r*...... 150 1014—13 Butler, c f ...... one hit. "Dotpg anything I want, within club at a musical program^'hlch tory of common. Dah In Connecti­ of him he was timekeeper In an and Mr. Jones complimented singles, batting in three runs, and AB.R.H.PO. A. E. Fordham Flash, fervenUy, fesrtass- Bulldogs ...... 303 1118—10 Vsstaftey's Rsstota him to third OB nest bunt wa.s headed by William Pelyett, cut In order to m^ke It clear to the oil field. |t seems to me the fairly Alan Holmda, Alan Rice, Angelo VSkec" on his work. Language Board Doubles Leaders 0 Taggart, If High—Mohr flisd to cantor and reason, without government re- making three himself. The M. Wadsworth, lb . .6 8 3 8 0 ly, faithfully, furiously flgbtlkir, T m base iUta: H y ^ Butler. Lo- ,.Diets, IT 1 ...... flrsL Biaacbard, battfag for ■trlction.” '40B Tuesday, morning at the ptiplls who will bele the flsh'ermen of medium student Is more success­ Pavan, Robert Maeeey, Harleth Time was allowed for anyone to H. S. boys came from behind twice HarL cf ...'...,8 1 3 8 0 0 GalU to rigbL HalstelB making furnishing fun. finishing flrst^ or Biggwataff. 'Thera bane bits: Pbslan, p ..... >00 eak, walkod, took aeeend. ' Marjorie Tucker: nard Assembly Hall. tomorrow why laws ha.ve to be ful In grappling, with life. Four In Manning. Marcus Krest and Al­ ask Mr. Jones questions about the Improves Exams hut they were out in front to stay Howard, c f-3 b ..l 0 0 0 0 0 frenzied fa n s”___ shake it up, nice catch lat^f' .play. Raffa bert Lindsay an the members of Frank O rvlni and Guido Geor- Midford, Ixijeoki, Fords, Lawranee, Hartford 13, Wilkes-Barro 6. Tuttia, p ...... out to second. No runs, no hits, nan faaaod. ChiverL bat "Freedom means to me the Selections were played by Rus­ u d e . regarding the catching of my Clara , who Just managed to atage and how to “break into” the when they tallied twice in the sav- VeroBlck, 8b ....1 0 0 0 3 O' Buca. Butler. Stolen bases: LejsskI, PratL worked count to 9-! sell Wilson, violinist, William Per- the club. Officera will be elected gstU nssd only one more point to Binghsmtoo 5, WlUtamaport 4. Rslchsnbacb, lb 1 fiseond Inatog right to do and say what I like para the examinations have be­ theater buslneaa - . enth and once in the eighth to clinch top honors in the doubles Pompowicz, as . .5 Maron. McGuire. Donahue 8, Qil- Elmirs 7. Albany 8 might). then fanned on a high when 1 like without unfair rule rett. cornetlst, and Lillian Kittle, come men of affairs.” in Uie'fail. ‘Teddy” Jones has worked with During the past few months a Paneiera, 3b-p ..4 Ooalon, lb ...... 3 Msridsn—fihulga fanned. Bot- According to Mr. 'Thorpe, many temporary Modem Language Com­ make the score 8-5. ‘ Cy Blan­ -bowling tourney at the Charter If you cart afford to risk a bob or houn 3, Fords. Base on balls off Scranton 5, Springfield 4 (lO) Scudisrl, c .....3. runs, one kjt. from the Government. pianist. people 'lake out Ashing licenses Take a look around and you’ll (Urto as well as boys who,are at such personalities as Ethel Barry­ chard pitched the Kelleyites Antagony. 3b . . . 8 Lawrence 3; Donahue 6. Struck toon lofted to third. Kondulia out all interested In shooting are urged mittee, set up by the State Board allays and they'U hsve a two put them on n hose named “In (night). Jsskl, e ...... 1 to aocondt , No runs, no hits.. "' "Peace means to me the right each yea^ Ignorant of any knowl­ find/that the "fairly medium” stu­ more, Spencer Tfaacy, Helen their third consecutive aw. BC# to get it tomorrow night Serwanskl, If ;.8 Charge” to upset Bimeleeb, et al out by Lawrence 7; Donahue 8. Nsttosal to live without fear of being kill­ to join. A glrto team will be pH Hayes, Tom Brown and many otb- of Education, bra been working on Zigmond. rf . . . '. 5 Zspatks, 3b ...,1 High—Katkavsek reached' on edge of flsh or the laws for catch­ dents who have graduated from Improved exams for language gave eleven blows, retired sixteen,' msatlng Klsln and Diana at 7 in the Belmont ktakee___ "P . M.” Tlmo 8 hours. Umpina: Porter­ New Tork if, Pittsburgh/3. ed by Manchester High In past years are ganlseti. if a sufficient number of era. walked three and hit one. ' Rajowaki, c . . . . 3 field and Forte. Klelnschmidt, 8b 1 error at third. Skinner fouled Biilkelev Golfers. ing them. These people are partly girls join. teachers wishing to be certified In o’clock. Cervinl and Oeorgettt tbe new afternoon paper, will start Cindanati 8, Brooklyn «S- ouL Katkaveck stole second as Yesterday*s Starsi Louisa Flux: the reason for the slow extinction ju st Aa su cce^ u l in life as the —Louise Flux. Jervaty, p.cf ...4 with a sports staff of four^Tom Philadelphia 9. fit. Louis 3. ace means a couhfiy withbut Matches will begin in November. Ocnnecticut to take. The tempo^ are ths leaders with 18. wins and 31 3 4 IS 9 9 Vlncek laiiiied. Chapman out to of various flsh. valedictorians of their classed. In Manchester High’s squad meets five losses, followsd by Petke and Meaito and Tom RslUy from the Chicago 8, Boetoa 0. war and on friendly terms with Bow to High Array * -r-M. Mntner, rary committee examined the ex­ r 43 10 14 37 11 3 W. W. J . V...... 038 630—14 BhorL No runs, no hits, ens sr- Mr. ’Thorpe stated/thst the most fact we know men today who left aminations of' other states and Middletown High's team tomor­ Kahart with 18 wins and eight World-TelMram; Cdl. Bob Brumby Amerisss M. H. S. F -9. 000 800— 8 ror. other nations.” M. H. S. before they bad com­ row at Middletown. Coach “Pete” KtaneiMster .Trade By Tha Aaaodfitad Prigg "Freedom means to one person common flsh In Connecticut the cities, such as New York and lOMM* from tbe News and George Ryill tAll gamee poetponed). Runs batted In, Wysocki 4, Mor- Third lanisg Larry French, Cube—ghat brook, bfown. rainbow, and lake' pleted four years and are much Sketches Characten Exchange Notes Boston . Wlgren’s charges, just recently Klsin and Diana wUl also ntsst AB. R. H. PO. A. E? from .the New Torker In addiUon tbs right to do what ho wants TTie Manchester high golf team Wlersbicki, e ..8 1 1 10 1 1 aoskl 8, Lacaak, fichults, DyMck, Merldsn — Sklepowics out to Beee on two hita in ohtakdag engaged the Bulkeley high team trouts. ’The brook trout Is the, only more successful than their class­ In addiUmi to the evtaHny re-, abeorbing a beating by Weaver Andanon and Abraltto tomorrow to •tprte editor Jo4 Cummlakey.,. By The Akflodated P r t e fitoadtags Jason: two bass hits, Wysocld, third. Kind filed to left. Ma­ Within the laws.” mates who graduated with honor. ' Robert Blevins, a member in the Oeatfleore,. as . .4 0 0 1 4 1 own fifth victory of Siaaon. William Moaely: at the local course iSiesday, May one which is native and la known The majority of papers received quirements for certification of all High and HaU High in a triangu­ night and ths latter have a Nile KinnlCk can tuune Ma Nattenal Lesgoo fichults; torso base hit, Lscssk; loney out to second. No run* ao Carl Hubbell, Giants—1 senior ElngUsh class studying by this department are college lar meeL have h l^ hopes of top­ Peaetk, if ...... 4 1 1 3 0 0 fee for a 9ve-mlnute Fourth of Bits. — . “No war, freedom of speech, 14 in a close match. The record In other sKtlons as the speckled teachers, nrodera language teach­ to ttod for second place by sweep­ Grifitai. Sb . . . , . 4 1 3 3 1 0 .i^U Bg - Walker. Brooklyn, w L Pet hits, off fichults 4, Phelan 5, Tut­ hits scattered safely or the square-tailed trout. The “Giants In the Earth,'' has sketch­ pubUcationa. It aeenu that ooi- ers will be. required to pass an pling Middletown. So far. West ing aU thraa points as tbsyra now July oration at Davenport, Iowa free. government, church, and for the season thus far shows wins Claea Soeg ed two of the characters from the Kudfowskl. c f '...4 1 0 \ 0 1 .895; OuiUao, Pittsburgh, A80. Hartford ...... 18 6 .684 tle ft; stolen bases. Moors 3, Han­ High.-Pratt fanned. Olbert out Pirates 5-3. over Newington, Bulkeley, Farm­ brown trout wtuT'originally from legee are only too eager to send exam both oral and written. Thto Hartford i s . the only C. C. L L. third with ten wins, and sight .. Al Ds t Ib, who took a run-out Riais—Mize, 9L Louis, 31; J . Scranton ...... 16 7 .589 na, deer, Butler, Morsoskl 3. Wit- to eeeond.: Mohr, filed to right. Gene Thompson, book which are on display in papers to high schools In hopes of team to have defeated M. H. 8., SsTerlek, l b ___ 4 0 1 i 0 1 powder on Tony Marteliano to­ Jssnas Robb; ington. Hartford Public and a loss central Europe and the rainbow will be put Into effect in S^ tem - Smith, rf ...... 4 0 Moore, New York. 18. Albany ...... 10 9 ASS koaki; double plays, Jason to Mor- No runs, fio hlta. flve-hlt victory over Dodgsra 1 The Class Song of 1040B has Room 28. attracting high school students to ber 1940. and thus establishes Manchester 1 1 0 0 night, haa beefa banned from the "Freedom and peace means the to West Hartford. trout of the Pacific Ocean. The been accepted with music by Rus­ In the latsst two matches roUsd Sumislaskl, 8h ..8 1 1 1 4 1 Rons batted la—Mise, fit. Louis, Binghamton ...... 10 9 .536 ■ooU to Wltkoski; lift on besss.p Fourth laaliig ClnclnnsU batted around in Robert made both of thebe go to the colleges. Thto past week tbe permanent as a leading contender' for league Petke and Kahart defeated Cer- Garden for life by Jacobs... right to carry on without inter- Although the entire Bulkeley lake trout is of the same species sell Wilson and words by Dorothy •McVeigh ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 81; Lombardi, Cfiacianatl. 30. Wllkee-Barre ...... 8 9 .471 Wilson 9, Frosh-9wb., 9;^base on Merideu—Callahan filed to cea-' Innltij^e which la commercialized around sketches as an individual project: committee for the certification and honors. individual meeto be­ vsBl aad OeorgstU. 3-1, but tbe Al aald he is too much in love to Hits — Lelber, Chicago, sad Elmira ...... ter, OaDi auUdag a ntfty catch. niptiooB tha . rights which are so team consisted of'underclassmen, Doa’d: . ______he studied many pictures to seIsM Moitaan, p 8 1 3 0 3 1 i ^ t . — ; 7 10 .413 balls, off Phelan 8, Tuttle 1, off K ir^ Highs, Phm ■ M m d to Americans,'~such as, the they proved their ability as golfers the Orest Lakes. ' The only prep-ecbool paper that examination' of Modem' Language tween C C. I. L. members’ do pot losers came back to whitewash filBuffater, fiL Louis, 8 1 . ----- ' fiprtagfieid ',.. .'TT.. . 7 l i .899 SchidU 8:'hU by pitcher, Butler'By Milner fouled to third. Halatein, hits effectively and fanned fbur ] the qualities he wanted in the to sent to the "World” to the "Mon- teacbera in Connecticut was ap­ decide the champion. C. C, I. Howard and Pontillo, 8-0. Osr- ftaedom of speech, religion and by just barely losing to the Red In Connecticut there are no real­ We have spent four, jwars togeth­ eyes, mouth, and lines of the face. 84 7 9 37 13 9 OiwblM-PadgetL fit Louis, 9; Williamsport...... 6 13 iS 8 fichults, Moraoskl by Phelan; farmed. No runs, no hits. leading Phlledelpliia to 9-8 ' and White array. ly good trout streams because their, son SplriL" the paper pobltohed by pointed. Thto committee will put L. meeL in which all the league turned in a nifty alngle of Beat E ar DepL five tied with 7. High—OslU tripled to deep oen- er. The Clara baa approved both 'pfc- W. Trade ...... 430 000 330—10 NattssM struck out, by fichults 13, Phelan over Cards, Bob Bdiallar: ' The ouUtanding feat of the day habitat baa been spoiled by tjie In these dear familiar halls; . the students of Monson Academy Into- final form and will adminis­ teams take psrL esUbItobea tbs L. ^ 1 9 4 and put together a brtlUant These gems flowed from tbs air­ .■Wplj^-Ross, Bteton. 9; Ca- W 4, Tuttle 1. turea especially the sketch of In Monson, Massachusetts. Schol­ M. Trade ...... 008 118 000— 7 L Pot "Fraadom and pesos era a atate was performed by Jim Clviello building of dams and the pollution We have shared ((ur joys’ and. ter twice annually the foreign lan­ championahifl ^ ▼ tknthree string o t 438. The seorae: •Batted to r Sumiaiaakl, in 9th. ways tba otbar nlgbt: aitUl. Brooktjra, 4. 19 5 .793 eg mind in which tha thoughts of who made a beauWuI drive on the of the water from the cities. Per Hanaa in which they found astics play a very Important role guage exam for candidates wish­ r P aMi e t k e ...... ;..11S 184 lOS—854 "Hubbell Is a grand eld veteran." Home runs—Mise, fit Loula, 6; pleasures the sympathy, humor, endurance Runs batted in, Fompowics 3, Brooklyn ...... i s 9 ' .760 Today's Gamee the Bdad and actiona of the body fifth hole, dropping the ball about Some of the most cominon pond at Monson.. . Every issue of the ing to be certified in Connecticut. In last week's meet with Weav­ Kebart ...... ISO 97 138—851 "Ail dsfeatad teanw loeL’’ Werber. Cincinnati, aad fi. Martin, NSW York ...... 18 9 Here within these hollowed walls. and IcliMUlneas shown by i t paper, and it appears monthly, Hart 3. Antagony 3. Paneiera, .571 asa act aoppraaied by. military or a foot from the cup. fish are the baas or sunflsh Includ­ It is time to part from friendships The committee consists of tbe fol­ er and Wast Hartford, Manchester WianbicU, Modeui 3. Orlffin. Sav- at. Lotos, 4. eweago ...... 18 11 .533 PO R PU N t P O R B B A L m t palBtal Ifltatfaraiice." Klapprodt started' off on the ing the smallmouj^ largemouth contains s list of students with lowing:. Dr. Arsene O otesu. Con­ displayed average power in the 338 386 Mataridly Ckaa fi^ e n tMsas—Frey, ClnctnnsU, Phllstelpkla,...... t We have formed In days gone by; averages of 85 or shove. erlck; two kase kits, WlersUckl. . 8 11 .431 Wilkes-Barre at Hartford- Bjrth Pedrova: first with a nice birdie and for and the calico baa^Tbe bass Sea. We will lift our hearts and voices necticut Universi^; Dr. Msnn, weight events. Dick Blow, made F. Cental ...106 109^353 kiimiataaki. gsTerlelL Pompowics,. Georgie Ctaae. Washington’s flest- 9; Daaniag. New Terk, sad Wtr- •t. L o u ia ...... S 15 AU Wesleyan University; (fiaience ber, Clacfflaatl, 8. Scranton at Springfield. Viaadom and peace are those a time the locals seemed In the son opens July 1 and the legal To our dear Mfanchester High. hto best throw In the shot put so Georgetti ....113 1 3 3-891 Aatagany; tkroe bass hits. Hart: tootsd outfielder, aspects to be- Boston ...... 9 18 A16 Elmira at Albany. 9wa flMtoti whieh are riTimtlal to Girl in science Windham High in WUlimanUc to Lappan, Croaley High, Waterbury; ma a daddy around ’ World’s Pitching — Waltsra, rv o t— M midst of their second loss. How­ length for their capture is 20 fs r this season with a second stalsB basss, Wisrabteki 3, P e a ^ Pittsburgh . 9 14 AOO Winiantaport at Btagbamtoa. Roller Skating "My bouse to wired with short Individual on this earth, in ever Jim CivieHo came right hack inches. Another fresh water flsh going to be enlarged accOTdtng to and Miss Doris R Klbbe, .Man­ place heave of 41 $eeL 10 3-4 " » 8 Sorias tlmo. ft-0; l ^ p o o i i . o S m a ^ s T Now to us the task to.given. circuits." ths Wtndhsm “Crosklngs.” The Orlffte, Kudrotnki, /bnltk. Modaan NattsMl " we may have tha fuU- with, a birdie on the second to la the pickerel or chain pickerel. And are surely must iiot fall; chester High^ School. inches. 1 0 7-888 AaHvleaa Leagoe W- L It happened! ! plans call for a new gym and sev­ Thto exam'appUes to all teaNi- 3. Wadsworth, Panblera 3; double Pet Pttteburgh. at New Tork. even up the scoring. Mr. Thorpe recently preaented We must bring success and honor MaUon. M an cb^ eria leading W 189-841 play. Oentfleore to Griffin. Pom- Uadiaagsd from yeotertey. Boston ...... 17 9 .789 CtechmaM a t Brooktyn. ’The match was even most Of the eral clfssrooms. The gym will e n who srish to teach any mod­ dtocuss thrower, also took second ^ Won Orgnolaed the school with mounted specimens To our Alma Mater, hall! A miUtary plnne. powered with ot powles to Antagony Wsds- Cleveland’ ...... 14 9 .689 Chicago at Boston, Manchestor ^ r t G iving war, way but a par on number eight of all the different- fresh water fish have a saatlng capacity fifteen ern iangiiagea such as Frtach. In hto evenL tbrasring the disc to S rm k Wm9i fitraak Dsteett ...... For no matter arhere we travel M t on bkseo. WiUaiSBtle 13 11 .533 f t Louis et Phjledslphle. OB mandly “Chubb)r’ Tedford again put an «Bgins in the 1000 hoiaspowsr hundred. ' ' Italian. Spanish. (3ermsn, etc. One 109 feet, 5 inches. F . O try y i 189—488 Pbiladelphta- The PhUadelpbU in ConnecUcuL Theae have been We arlll surely ever try; class, to eepohls ot enrryiag sight 9. Maackeatar 3: bsM do bans, off Astftet cMms 9ke largeet wom- PbUadelpbta ...... 11 13 .478 WsOsStTMt H. 8. ahead. The final scor­ on display in Mias Dorothy Carr's great point is to show the tesch- . Manchester lost valuabls points Oeeagsttl •orhetay, Cklit—Iko victory W ashington...... 19 With thy precepts s'er to guide us Browning A08’n with 000 -loaodn The Lorn-Naws from tambrook eris sbtllty to speak the language MMk 8. Fmeiarn 3; struck out ea’o golf ergaMsatloa to tbe eoun- U 488 New Tock at CMeage tha right to dwe ing was: 18^ to 4H. homeroom. . Haul oh haU! Manchester High. in ths jsysUn. not bsftig aMs to b y J tm ty 9. Paneiera 5. Modean •eored by CaRtonfia’s fretemeo f t L e tn s ...... t 18 .439 l^sdinfidy • Thoffiiiv. • PH iar • “ ' a of amimmiticn for andi gun. or n High School In Lombrook. New fluently. try with 41 ehibO eenmeting in H- Boetee at i t Xmula. F. ZlmmsraaB, Jr., ’48. ■-qiorta Ba|4sni^'gap. r-Deroth)r Dowit, ‘409, garner a aingls ptaee. 898 sn 8U 9. Tbne. 3:00. Umpire. Zwlek. eiow ovor the WasbUigton yoail- CUcago ...... 9 18 .409 ^V BR Y FR ID i^.- HIGBUSC total of MO ' .Trick) is ths farthast tschaags Betty Baratow, '48 i weekly matekeo. lags wss too tint to 11 yssra. Waahiagtoa at OevSIaad. MUt jru rk N sw Tork ...... 7 14 A88 Philadelphia at Detr^t.



Unlasa you’ve tried to. borrow Young Man—Npw. we'll be dif­ "Hurrah, I’m a father!" he shout­ money when you had to have it, ferent. dear. We ll sUll be keep­ ed aith joy, you don't know bow difficult It Is. ing company after we’re married. As he stuck out his chest with Sweet Young Thing—Yee,- my elan.. When you sign up, look out for mother, father/fcnd brotheri. * The grouch,In the corner looked HousehoM Goods Houses For Sals catches: up with a sneer, Fire Destroys A very lazy frilow was Snallv Frank^/Ijid you ever pee a com­ A father? Heck, so’s your old WANTED q iR L AS &IQTHER’S For FOR SA LE—FIV E room tingle Public^Invited [aste Sought prevailed upon to apply for a Job. pany of’w'oraen who were perfect­ mahl” * ^____, ■ ® helper. 82 West Center street, up­ USED FURNITURE J a ROAINS hdusc. A food opportunity tor He seemed to flu all the requisites ly silent' stairs. Where you do buatoea with a Arm anyhoe'-wbo ia paying $30 to $35 C ok^ al House the application called for, but. the /Jerry—Yep once when someone back^ by 30 yCara of honest month rent. For details inquire on To Toy Center On E^ipmeut salary offered waa very modeat. ^ fhad asked which one of. those Mrs. BUnk—Its cold tonight. dedlinga premiscjt. 7 Lincoln street. Manager—If you take the Job. present was the oldist. Sara; you had better put-8h Iron Help )Vanlt!d— Male AXMINISTEK RUGS ...... $ 12.50 " '^ston, May 16—(^—Fire of you will receive a raise ipr six in your bed to warm it up. BEDR60M SUITES .,.,.$28.50 To Bold Open Houpo-AH unknown origin destroyed a 200- DeLacour Waiits^ Anti* months. A girt doesn’t miipl a man who Sara—A ir right,-,mum. X^’ANTED^IkIRST class carpen­ le at l|3 West street. HIGHLAND PARK, 8U U Road, Sara? ’ ' 600x16 U. a. RoyM t8 70. a l^ Elec, refrigerators . . $ 68.00 -"Residential A" tWo adjoining He^dqdiiters. lost night. Manager—Yes. if your work is BENGAL RANGES ...... $ 69.00 The house was located at the in- Before Camp Date. satisfactory, ot jmune. A woman may be the real mo­ Sara—Pretty good, ma’am; I O tn OVR WAY 650x16 U. S. Royal S10 95. Mahy 60'x200’ building lots—will divide had the iron almost warm by: BY J- R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE other sizes at bitrKnlh prices.'] DtiRit— Rirdi^—Pets 3 r o o m s f u r n i t u r e . . $120.00 to suit, reasonable. Apply .T60 .tersection OOCA,Kl'T sons of Silk EASY TERMS ARRANGED FOB SA L E -Jp V crL A R G K build- WPA Toy Lending Center in the skirmish with Yankee troops dur­ equipment in July if plaim an­ the chances are she wouldn’t ac- Kitty—Do you believe that rr B6EM WHILE 1 City Bob. W. Little, 195 Spencer A small down payment will deliver Ing lots.j>n’’Alton street. Reason- ing the Revolution. To/flght may decide who is the R E SIST KICKIMC* old Union school building on North nounced this afternoon by Brig- pompllsh much either. Women years teach us more than books? CAMS AMD I’M WAS AWAV MONK Florists— N OPMTle«i Street. and you can pay the balance in ^a^erXSui 6872, R. Douglas. The building W’as owned by b . A. ./’stronger, the younger and the reach .their real achlevementa School street. Gen, Reginald B. DeLacour, adjut­ Ratty—Well, you ought to MOTGOlMOTb OF THE WALLS PAOOEO >R SALE —MASTER BUICK convenient weekly or monthly lti»^ Pfeiffer, who lives'neai'rb'y,'and was ant of tne state,.materialize. most skilled in the use of arms. through me. know, dear. Kiwdan, in icood nmnini; nnirr. FOR .SALE TK ^N s I’LANTKU stallments. ^ -''' In order that those who are in­ occupied as a summer home by But it does not determine who is HAVE DOCTOC. VET, I SEE-.'— WHERE'S and }K)tted to i.i^ i plants. Also Live SI m'k— Vehicles 42 General DeLacour said lie was BILLS FOC, --MhMp. . 1085 Midulr. TnrnpfHc FR EE transportation FOR terested may have art opportunity Edwin N. Clark, New York lawyer. making every effoil t,o have rlghL We«MT ? ’ nil khuls of riinniial flowcrlii}; to see what is being done here PMEUMOMtA! FOR SALK •I’WO freshened oows. OUT - OF - TOjyN^ CUSTOMERS Mure Gas Mains searcbiigbUi, sound cquipmenj^ That pqlnt is always decided by HOLD EVERYTHING BY CLYDE LEWIS plants. K ra u ^ Ureenhonse, 6111 Here are .S-'^ays to shop at our Invitations have been sent to the heaven that can be found lb <5ET/ . Hartford ^ a d . Tel. 3700. Apply 156 T^nlon street, Shlman- trucks and guns, at the state Tuid’ ski. atoraat no transportation axpense Being Laid Here many of the Clubs in town. To cavalry armories, before Connets 9] vour heart.v- W'you, If you drive your own car, those who have not received in- Model Home cut troops move .out on the gr;, I ^ v inir—'I'ruckiiiE— we will refund, the cost of your vlUtlons direct there U extended eat peacetime maneuvers in Ant t! stus—Hello, Mope, wbat’s the Articles For Sile gasoline or If you come by bus or a welcome. Civic and ‘service icon history next August. : * Stter with you? RENTALS ^ Sloraxe 20 train wc will remit ^our fare pro­ The Manchester Division of the clubs haVe been ittUled invitations SEE AKfHlIK A. Now oil 'rhe equipment was scneduled. tu Moie— Indigestion. \ j X m E.S a . w o o d s IocsTI ruckltiK FOR's a l e m o d e r n gray fold­ vided your . purchase amounts to HarUord Gas Company started from the N"ew Haven headquar­ reach Hartford sometime in Aug­ Raatua—How's that? \ ing. caH'logr. very k.ihkI condition over $10. If yon wish, we will send ters by Vincent J . SuHivan, admin­ smJ deliveries Ashes removed. openit^a trench to lay 635 feet of ust. It will include live scarcu- Mose—I ain’t had nothing ' fp / KNOJPLA 381 ( ’enter street Telephone 6566. }6. Telephone 4824. one of our owh "Courtesy Autos" istrator and Mary M. Hughart, di­ digest lately. alx-Inch ^xmaina from Princeton Foundation Completed lights, complete with sound equip­ Batatc Insaram-e / to your home to bring you to the rector of personal and^rvice di­ ment, hve or six trucks tor mobue Main SL Pbom 644« AUSTIN OHAMBEKB—Local end FOR SALE.-M EN 'S rebiiUt and store and take'' you back home street along: Harvard street to visions. ' Eklitors are getting pretty good. Lopa Distiuire Movers Tel. 626U. rrinsted shoes. Better than new And Framework Start* purposes, six three-inch guns and again. Write or Phbne Wtby. 4-3144 Bowers stre^. Becaiuie of the InspoctloB Hour*. '\ six .50 caliber guns. 'they will One has lived in his community so 60 Hullislut sUect /fhciip shoes. ,Sec them. Sam lo arrange for this service. large amount oTwork that Is being Qn Monday the O n ter will be long that he can tell the family ------1—:------^------Yulyes, 701 Main. ed on C. of C. Project. be alloted to batteries A, B and C, ALBERT’S FURNITURE CO. done by the comjtany In the Hart­ open from 8:30 to noon and again heretofore respectively, Recuii- names of the younger generation I’KUrKS VVITH common carrier Hartford Store—43 AHyn St. Mauebmter pistes fo local and out of town SALE—BIRD BATHS—^autlfy ford area the woi6< Is being done from IgtSO to 4:80., Construction of the framework nalsance Troop B, Troup B, liutb merely by observing the shape.s moving. L. T. Wood Co. Phone your lawn, $2:00 value, $1.49. by William L. Fitzgerald, who re­ On Tdagday th4 Center will be of the second Demonstration Cavalry and Troop A, n oth Cav- of their ears. Eveninir Herdlrl FOR SALE— d a v e n p o r t , like cently purchased a power ahovhl. 441*8 MonlKpmery Ward A Company, new, will aell reasonable. Just opened from 1 o’clock until 5:30 Hqme of the Chamber of Com­ alry. Chmified AdvertiMemenls 822 Main, afreet. In addition to thia, the company in the afterhpbn and in. the eve­ merce was begun today by Build­ War' Department orders con­ The African explorer had seen right for home, summer cottage, also is planning to extend 1157 feet many gnus during the day. In .Cuuttt Rta R«vrs«|ii; Muitla lo a |ioc or camp. Phone 6167. ning froiri 6 to 9 o’clock. The er Jam es J . Rohan, the 2nd, as verting the n oth Cavalry HiMtKiRiR. Auftibera and AhbrrMRtlonft Panning—Papering 21 of alx-lnch- gas malm from 215 Rotary and KiWanIs Clubs have forms were removed from the con­ unit into , the first battal­ the evening bis native cook served GRCti #ou^ a MPrrl and comtR>und Guriten— Furni— Dairy FOR SALE Autumn street soutl], ‘This will ex*, been Invited to hold a Joint meet­ crete foundation of the Home, lo­ him a delicious steak. M worda Mlnimrim coat INTEKES-irEir lNrriAVjI«J\voiir OAK DINING loom ion of the 208th Coast Artillery, thraa lines. IT u d iM s 50 set, cheap. 22 Deming street. tend to w'Uhln a few feet of the ing at the dveningx session and cated on High street, near McKee, anti-aircraft, became effective yes­ Explorer—This Is one of the house papered ah^d painted the -e- PhotM 4828. line that how runs from Highland Adminiatrator SuUivaAv Asolstant finest steaks I’ve ever eaten. Is rsfat per ila> for tunaieni .Ight way, moderate iniccs. Call in E. J. HtHTs Blueflelds tract, terday, and Lieut. Col. ' Louis B. ___ ♦ FOR H ALE^CEKTIFIED Green street. _ ^iMary M. Hughart and \Dlrector where many houses have already Tracy of Hartford was assigned to .it gnu? WrartlTe Var«»fe 17. IPIT 6032. \ Mountain seed potatoes.'. C. B. FOR SALE—TWO BURNER 'o]l In addition to these two projects Eleanor B. Finch, all of l^w Ha- Guide—No, but its Just as good CsahCharRO been erected and many others are temporary command. I'CunaacMlive l»a>r...i 7 ctsi t cia Buckland, Wapping, Conn. stove, 50 gallon 611 barrclj)''rhck. the gas' company is also laying veM, will be present on this ^occa­ in the. process of construction. ' Pending arrival of the new ■/ as gnu. • 'Cor)socusTii...j > ria n eta . ■ M. ■ ■ I- I..I ------i - Y t- Army col. 73 PhRl|Vi Road.' Tel. ahorter lines In different parta of sion. , . ' Itepkiring 2.1 T o m a t o p l a n t s traiispianteii To Cost Less equipment, cavalry mounts and -2 Dsr ...... '.in eislll els 7043. the town to meet the demands for On Wednesday the Center wU 'This year’s Demonstration Home riding equipment, dosUned to be Most of us would have a repu­ prdafa for irregular tnaartiona In boxes, 2Uc doz. 2 Uuz. 3Uc. $1.00 the gaa service In houses now be­ be opeiKfrom 1 o’clock until 8:80 tation for #are wit if only- we /rts.waiiaMs eRargad at tha on# tima rata. LAWN MOWERB repaired, sharp- per too. $8.00 per iOOO. Six varin. FOB SALE— ORAY'^KNAMKL will cost considerably less than shipped to cavalry units in Massa­ ID O BOOM Ipaalel ralta for long term avary sued. Called foi and delivered, ing bnllt. *■ o’clock ln\^e afternoon and again th.e six-room Cape - Cod house chusetts, remained in the armories could think o f the clever -things U sayjfM fe.,* eoiaMIHlRTV •Ay •dvarttalnp: glvan upon raquaat. ties. Early cabbage plants 2 doz. combination gaa range, and oil from $ to ^ itt the evening. The to say on the^spot, that we do - Ad* ordered before the third or hedge shears ground. Bdgdrton, 25c., 75c, per 100 ,^$6.00 per 1000. burner, barrel .and punip, oil er^ed laat year on 8L Johns at Weat Hartford and New H%ven. IftR day wilt ba charged onlv for. 876 Parker street. Phone 329U: special houi^tn the evening are atrseXln the Stonehaven tract for Maachester Officer Retires. . when the occasion fop^ them is Anderson Greenhouses, 1.53 Eb stand and Jug. May be seen after 'or the Mothe’rt! club and commit­ past. // BUO'rS AND HER BUDDIES Ada aotual number oi timea the ad dridge. Phone 8486. 4 p; m. 71 Charter Oak atreet. $6,500. -'The Home ia being built Only one officer requested to Aint It Awful? ! ! t dppagrad. charging at the rale earn* SPO in TOPS AND curtains, idg- Annual Banquet tees. \ in the popular priced class around retired. He was (Japi. Arthur A •d Rat no allowance nr-refunda can gage and harncwi repairing. 9(f Farmer JabIibber—I’v got a , ^ fliRda on six ttma ads slopped TRANfiPLANTED TOMATO arid Thursday the h ^ rs will be from $4500 apd will consist of fpur Boeder of Manchester, who was 5U«T VOOVf ACT VOtSi Cambridge strtrcl. Tel. 474U. Cbasjx 8:30 a. m. to IS n0(>n and from freak on my /farm. a two- yoo' 6 0 A»«o hmn^r tha fifth day. pepper plants at Oderman's, 604 \lVlEchincry snd rook* 52 Of Italian Group rooms on thb first floor snd will placed on the inactive lisL EAtaS *•/. aremT v o u X# ••till forbids**; display Unas not Laking. . Parker street. 12:30 p. m., to 4:30 p.^m. be so conatructqd that the owner MaJ. Walton Smith of Wood- legged calf. / \ ABHA»4EO? •old. - ...... - - - - Farmer -Goggle—^Yes, J know. OLIVER IMPLEMENTS, used, ''Friday the Center be open may add two rooms on the second bridge, commander of the 1st Tha Rarald will not ba rtsponaibla LAWN MOWEP.S SHARPENED, FQK SALE LOAM $5.00 a load. In the afternoon from D to 5:30 Me camp-bver to call on my daugh­ far mora than bna incorrect inter* repaired; sheara, knives, etc. tractors, userl potato planters, The sixth annual banquet of the floor when and if >desired. Squadron of the 110th, and mem­ r mz Mwica me. T, M. *«. M. 1 ttr. m. t-m then af any advartlaement ordered Turf, 1 foot squares, already c u t.. and In the evening from 8, to 9. Best of 61atertal -■ \ ber of the staff of the 21st Cav­ ter last night. \ far MMra than.one tlrne. ground; keys tltted dr diqillcauHi; lid Broa^street, Town. Fordson parts. Dublin Tractor Mngllnneaa Society will 'be held In Ifompany, Wlllimantic. This Is for the associa'tjons, As In the flrqt DemonatrationN alry division, will be attached to ‘Look! I want that steak r i^ t there!” Tba Inadveriant omiaeion dr in* vacuum cleaiiera, .clock's, pliuno- the-Siib-Alpinc clubhouse on El- churches, schools. Boy Scotits and •trraet publication of Advariiaitig graphs, etc., repaired, overhauled. . ^ ______, Home, only the finest of materials headquarters'of the new battalion. •rtU ba raetlfltd only by cancellation diidgif street Sunday afternoon. In Girl Scouts. will be used and latest features '' ler .assignments and transfers STAMP NEWS mt Braltbwalte, 52 Pearl street. HtiuiMthold GmidB 51 ths chars*" maS* * (or■ tX« ■•eryte* Wanljrf—To Buy connection with the dinner an On Saturday the Center will h r -Mid advances ..will be Incorporated ire: ssadwwd.■ red. open from 8:30 to noon. FLAPPER FANNY J aIi adv*rti**m*n(i adv ___ din conform LAWN MOWERS sharpened and NEED Hi TCHKN CHAIRS?, — Italian flag will be presented to m the Home to make it an out- p t Guy B. Welles, Troop A, BY SYLVIA H sty I*, copy and typ sraphy with reconditioned. DelUery nervlce. HIGHER PRIVIES FOR PAPER, the society, the gift of MrA Rosq An InterCBtlng.Pt^oe. statiding example of the poesibhi- to 'command of Battery C; Capt. MUSlaUeti* -earorcod / y the puhllah- Special adlld nia'plc chairs, a regu­ Tet. 4531-4506. Snow Brothers, lar $3,96 \yaliio. In sets of four, stock. Sell now. All saleable Junk B<-ncdittl, sister of Louis Genovesl. Those who have not visited the Ues Hh the price class most at­ Richard Henderson, T to o f B, to o n dad th*y r»., 40 Capeii ntreet, Hart------5^ , •* oivouiTKM pawu $1 MHAIUeiA. mrmcMAUoiiMl sro tbo ssventh day foltowins Iho there will be a benediction service the machines are located and a British ExtencK Americans series will be inter­ X WAS A M SHOT TU. VOU tWRN- a tfisertlon of each ed otherwue fonl. Oprn cveniMga« \ and Rev. Vincent J . Hines will be large display roona/where the re­ \ m l sAsrroM iD I CHARGE R A T E will be c o lle ct. Prioe Alone I>4>4*h IN«I Suburban For Rent 66 rupted until fall alter the rjelcase so M. HAW,HAM! 1 WOULD Ott In charge of this part of the exer­ paired toys are on tables and ro icR sm tM U Ho rMponalblllty for error* in- Barkley ^^y Be of the Ethelbert Nevin lO-cent SR3LEM THtt WHOLg ■LOOMIM' r M fin o M M nod nds will be aeenmed and Make a Bargain! ' FOR REN T—FOUR rooms. 8 cises. shelves where the children call for Intenimeut Pi stamp above, at Pittsbiu'gh, Pa„ Sir aeenfacy cannot be soarnn- miles from Manchester. Telephone them. / m snTWfftkwnf I Id. A meeting of the committee in June 3. This is the Mst of the anDiigrmwflW .Consider Your Dealer and the 4065 from 0 to 8 p. m. charge will |>c held this evening. Henry MeCanik local director, \ Sta|^ ^ eyitoter composers group. Tbd series will M e s 4>f ClEEBiflrEtions SERVICE Bark of Your Pur- wishes it/' understood that the London, May 16—(A5—The Brit­ he resumed Sept. $ with the re­ ■•rtk* ...... A rhabe! We Are Now Ottering INSURiS^ opening^ext week for the public ish home secretary today extend; lease ol the Gilbert Charles Stuart Xngndomsnu ...... r Our With \ StorrltBea ...... c Summer Homes For Rent 67 means the public.' While invita­ ed internment to all male Germans Hartford, May 16 VF)—Oonnece and Jam es A. McNeill WhisUer M cKlIVN KY G leu ners' G roii p tio n have been sent to many of and Austrians from 16 to 60 years ticut Democratic lei liROTHLRsX COLUMBIA LAKE, new develop­ iers are con* stamps, of the artists group. »f T hank* ...... E Coiii|tlete Slock 4>f ' , Keul Estate, nud Insurance tM clubs, there |s also an Invlta- of age throughout the nation > si(iering genator All W. B ark* Schedule^- for release during M HoinSriain ...... r ttu.5 Main HL Chfinr ttotio ment. Woodland Terrace, cottages p£n- to any individual or smaller whose movements had been re­ ^ y of Kentucky, Demd ratio Sen asst and Pound ...... i for rent and lots for sale. Wm. A. Selects Officers stricted but who had not been de­ the summer are the 50th anniver­ Aabsnncemnetr ...... t 19‘tO Radios at Great* groups. ate leader, as the keyfii ipeakgr sary c^meinoratives for Idaho . rsraonals ...... s Knofla. Tel. Manchester 4279 or tained. for the state oopvoitlon lere June AnfomoMlen ly RtNliireii Prices! \3737. ( Hundreds of police cars begah a oh Ju jy 3 and Wyoming on July 3 and 4. \ 10, A Coronado stamp, commem­ Autsiaoblcs for S ale ...... At 'a recent meeting of the vast roundup in the Londo^-area. Democratic'State Chal Atttondbtlea for Ezebens* , Now is the lime to gel n giHMl Gleaners’ Group of' the Wesleyan orating the 400th anniversary qf Auto Aceessorles—Tires ,., Warns of Dangers RMtrtctlons previously applied Francis Smith sa ld ^ t ni llndio. nl Big Snvings; Wr ara Guild the following offlccra were to enemy aliens in category "B ," tjre coming of the Spartiards to the Ante Jlepalrlns-^Palntlns . listing a few . of the many sets Barkley "probsbly" woqld .A u to Bchoo'le ...... \ LAKE LOTSI elected for tl»e ensuing yekr: those affected by todair's order, ed as the keynoter, but /iouthweat is under consideration A u to*—Ship by Truck ...... Including Table, Console and Of Dictatorship TODAY’S Pye-development sale water- President, Mrs. CapHe Wood­ were that they muqt not own mo­ that the convention At ' for August release. Autos—For Hire ...... Phono-Combinations. ward: vice pretiide^.'^Mni. Laura Ethelbert Nevin is remem bet ed ALLEY OOP The Bird H u Flown Oarases—Servlco—Stores* front lots, Covenl.y lAike— tor cars O f cameras, nor travel Committee has not yet 1 l\< BY V. T. Hi MotOreycle*— Bicyclee SPECIAL 63* X 160'. 'Eteellent location. Davis: secretary, JHra. Angelina more than fot^ miles from their Ing to make a selection. for his. world famous composition, Wsnted Autoe—Mf»torcyclee Biiy'INtiw on tasy Rear l,otB $175. Cash or terms. Rlrhmortd: trea^rer, Mrs. Wlnl- Hartford, May 16—(JPi—A state­ home: or ebanga their addresses Thus far, he aaid. “The' Rosary," which became a ALL RIGHT. MfTHMe-MBVEaOT' selneai Kervlre* OPered ___ T t T i i i s ! ROHii'.KT 61. KRID A SO.NN a keynoter among members of One I9.i7 m il^ . Mlss/Rthel Harrk|on: hos­ paying In the blood of German The British Press Association committee, which consists of ■\al a New York concert In .1898. QgA» fX 'H 6 ttCULE5' 301 Malp St. Manehesler yojiths for surrendering principles f tess committee, Mrs. -Evelyn Mtlmsted the,order affected 8,000 state party leaders and natlc Nevin had a natural gift for corn- ba l b c f d r e h e G C T * I ACian’>9THi|l (ly 8-Tuhe Phik'o Cumblnatlon l*uekarlercyi calling committee, \Mra. |n exchange for the promises of a mh, of wtiom 3,0(XI were refu- commttteqirinembera, has been tn^ portion, studied in America and QUSChold Service*.oPered ... dictator waa made ^ Lieut; Col. IMACRJMKrWq addins—Contractins ...... Auloiiiallr Keeord Changer. Florence Qlbson; flower comtnit- formal. Bttritpe. His music is marked by n '*Wh$ddjr$ sty, baby T-r-WQuIdyR like, td do this with me the TTALLAKOarJ lorlste^HurBerira ...... K Seiluii • tee, Afrs. Mary Wilson. Anson T. McCook before the In- delicate, melodious originality. HsnersI Directors ToHikof Bolton " tematlonal' Shnahine Society, - f rest-bf your life!" Hentlos— Plumbt-ns—Roofins 119.95 Insurance ...... (I) Phlleo$ lO-Tulie Cun- RHJred CtergymaiK IHsa. tvhich closes ita 44th annual c c ^ FalntlBM>—rtkp«rln%miltnery—Dreesmtkins .... LItchfleld, ’May 16 (4*)— The vmtion here today. FrafestTonalIfoyins—True S#rricrt kins—Stores* ...... ; t 1937 Packard 130 Cou|Mi Notico of llie Rev. Dr. Harlan George Menden­ McCook, speaking a ^ the lOONEkyiLLE FOLKS BY FDN^^AINhrrO^ .Jl«patiinaPublic pneeenser ...... Service .... r i"1'- $79.95 1939 Plymouth Medun hall. 80, retired Preabyterian banquet last night, cited the Qer- Daily Pattern Vallartnc*—pYcint—Clfaninf :?4 (I) I90X.\ Plilleu g-Tube Con- T olJxt Ooodii and ?.» 1938 Packard 4 Sedan Tax Collector church olTicial, died laat night man caaE in auppotl of ■ warning . vile. Reg. $89.95. S C O O C 1937 1‘aekard « gedan ' Waattd^Buxlnexs Servlet .... SI Now ...... 9 D s P * « 7 9 after an illness of several monUia. that the American naiple ohould THB^SKIPftpR HAS POZENS OP W8H POLgS HIBDIN ALONG THE RWNTOF WAY Rd«raflM«al 1937 l*lyman ...... 3S. Taxes may be paid at my home pleats in sister’s frock, a tail­ /• A Photo FYob^ Fmttjr BY MKBBIt L RLUB8KI Mti|i aitttstioM rubes. Reg. tO O OC in Bolton. ,, Waotcd^Ktmalt ...... Ik ored collar on both—that's all $49.96. New .. ^ e Js T e s P O Briinner’s Interest will be charged on all Mala Waatad*—MaU .a ...... S« M OAKLAND STREET WHY PAY RENT? ’’the detailing there ia to,-' MUanto Wanted ...... 14-\ (I) 168F Phlleo t-Tube Console. unpaid taxes,after June IS, 1940, When for a email dowB psymeRt Special IM A T w a v TMmr wmcee: Btip Wanted—Malt or Femnie S7 Reg. $39.95. e O Q Q C Tel. 6191 terln fashions, ap you .oan • J at the rate of .06 of 1 per cent per aad rest as reat, jo b eaa ewa NiifTY o u e n > ' Astata Wanted ...... IT-a .Now ...... 9 m * 7 * u/ 0 Open T il 10 P. M. they're aa easy to make aa they Sltaationa Wanted—Femalt ... St month until paid. your oTva hsnse? 1937 Chevrolet - are fetching! The beat of R oafit wHt. (3) 7-Tub^Knirrs4>n Table Sets. - Anthony Maneggla, ‘ N 'Wr. _ s s 4 r m : Sltnattona Wanted—Malt .... Sit la that the lad's smooth-shouf EXCiAMicnaM SmploFment Aaenclet ...... 40 .All - Wave Reception. Reg. Tax Collector. IAM>K TH IS OVER! S-RiMm 2 Door Sedan Met atteh—Peto—FfH ry*—> $39.9,5; < t O G Q IC dered suit is aa maacullne aa hf^n, % ta irltt Cape Cod Single, attached gar­ Dad’s, and the laaaie's puff-*^ Pete 4T Now . 9As/*apQ age; steam heat; Ouod locatlea. With Trunk. Heater aiHi Xwivt Steek^Vehtclea ...... 4t ( I ) Emerson Radio Combination sleeved frock la as feminine as Large lot. Radio. DeLuxe Equip- her halr-hbivs. UNOSJonsj Fenitry and Suppllei ...... «t Full P H o a ...... $48# tt Wanttd —Pete—poultry—Stork 44 Now AUCTION! AUCTION! jnent. Guaranteed! This sweet -young duet for a Far •alt-wMUictllaatant $39.95 Dowa Paymeat ...... *$$00 ▲ruclta For Sale ...... 4k ACCREDITEIT DAIRY HERD. PAIR OF FARM About $$8. per naenth pays summer's day is .very smart in Boats and Aeceeiortea ..,**••• boJaace. checked gingham,’ plain-clothed . Bulldlaa Matertale ...... 4. n».1l.-> for V„ur Old Radio HORSES. FARM MACHINERY. HAV, TOBACCO chambray . or white pique. Once BlaAooiie —Watebee-^ewelry 4t Xleetneal Appllaneea^fladlo.. 4> in Trade On a New Modern EQUIPMENT SMALL A.ND LARGE FARMS you aee how well the style looks' Faer and Feed ...... 4I* a Wilcox Gay Recordio — FOR JOHN P. SHEA, AVERY ST., M APPING. CONN. FOR SALE on your own-son ..and ' daughter, Garden^Farm*—Dairy Products k! (Look for Auriloa Arrows on t'ona. Route IS la the Oakland you’ll repeat It many times. > Beaaebold Goods ...... IMays Records, Makes Your Riley Chevrolet M aabinery and Tools ...... 4f Own Rectirds — Together District of Slanchcster) Pattam No.. 8700-is designed Musical Ibitrumentt 41 SAT.,. MAY 18 .VT vlO A. .M.. D. S. T. (Rain or Shine) STGART J, WASI.EY Co., Ine. 6706 for sites 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 years. Ottlu* and Store Equipment ... *< With a Ileautiful 9-Tul)c All Real Estate aad lasaraace tty clale at th* Stores ...... - S< . ACCREDITED DAIRY HERD. 14 Cows, principally Guernseys, 191 CENTER STREET Bite 3 requires 1 8-4 yards of 86- w e a rte E Apparel— F u r s ...... s t Wave Radio. List Price good producers. In various stages of milk, young Guernsey Bull, State-Theater Building inch material without nap for 8CUUCHY SMITH IWMitaa—To Buy ...... II Only ...... $1.19.95 2 head young stock. Pair of good working FARM HORSES, TeL $$tt . 114$ TeL €874 BUit; 1 8-4 yarda for frock; 1-4' Aati-Social Chmaiber N atela—Ruuuytu BT JOHN C Utmtmmrmmtm weight about 1400 each. Harnesses. yard each for collan.----- Without Board ...... 4* FARM MACHINERY: 2 Fordson tractors. 2 tractor plowa Bearden wanted ...... I t-A We Have a Number of (;«H*d {tractor harrow. Blizzard blower and pipe, 2 sulky piqwa Acme For a patten of this attractive Oeuptry Beard—Resorts ...... *0 L’«e^ RadiuK—$1.9.1. Gel harrows, corn harv'eater, 5 tobacco rack wogona, double platform model seU 15o In coin, your name, i W «t*l* 1 Reetanrant* ...... *l wagon with hay rack, double farm wagon, mowing machine, hay address, stylei number and siM toE W aatoa—Rooms—Board ...... *> One .Now for Cottage, or The Manchester Evening Herald."' “ ■ ^ it* r * r Bm * Home. tedder, 4 ixrw sprayer with Hardie pump, marker, eultivatora, to. Plata. Tensneata IS tobacco setter. John Deere manure spreader, weeders, row and Today’s Pattern Service, 106-7th Leuatlons f*r Rent .. *t broadcast fertdizer sowers, water barrelo, hay rake. Ice toola, Ave., New York, N. Y. e * r R *a t ...... *4 CALL 333.1 Pu r R e n t ...... ' 44 tobacco twine and paper, baling boxca hay fork with rope, gaa To Be Sold AU the things you wear—you ■se.ee F*r Rant ..... 47 engine with pump, platform scales, poultry equipment, wire, 'oBtua tu Rent ...... 44 For Radio Repair Service . can easily make yourself! You small tools, etc. About 100 bushels of com on ear, some ensllsge, VERNON—1-R003I H06IE.' Rnaalag walnr, Ittfaeejw at; avar doubt it? Ah, but aei^ for our - il ■ **• !* P u r Sola On Any Radio. 200 strawberry crates snd baskets. 15 bags grass fertilizer. •alldtuE (ur Sato .. »* Tubes Tested Free ha acre at huta. Faveg roag. Kxeelleat vtaw. TMa asela New Summer Fashions Book, lupur t y te r Sola . m T« 50 TOBACCO SASH. 30.00# TOBACCO LATfl, 4-CAN MO.K brimming over with charming de­ taad tor Bate ..... tt At Store. CXIOI.ER w m i FRIOIDAIKE UNIT ahla prapertjr will sell CasL rig l rrtee $$$•$. Caaaatt: FROM A NEIGHBOR: Hoover potato' digger, sulky plow, signs for every hour of ■ sumipet/' •••••••• mowing mschirte, tiding cultivator, wheel harrow, Prcwit hoe, day! Try oiie patten—Just one- ' Robert J. Smith, Inc. ottd youll ba convUieed. s • -■ • • • • harnesses single Wagon, etc. far Rxskaap* Farm has been sold, hence this dispersaL Lunch served. - - $•$ Mala ttia a t «» youn right now! ‘ BsUCi . . . REAL ESTATE ; OtaCRANCB $