■■■.. ' • / ••T.-• / WEDNESDAY, KAY IS, IMO V. / Average ;Dnily Cireubtion 4 Un^wtnr Ewntiqt 3Und& For the MeOth of April, 1040 / The Weather ^ 3 9 3 rereeaat of C. 8. WaaUwr I Our Eiitim Stock of Member of the AndR Bnreaa of Clrcolatlona Oecaaleaal eboweni tenigkt aad \ Spring, Coats . K $1.49 aarly FHdayi somewhat eestar. JBUBg,fJ$l»69, 9 ( ^ 1 0 6 ...................... DraBUcally Reduced Manchet^r^A CUy oj Village Charm ____$1.39 Regi |fl.59y 81x108 ........ V O L .L IX „N O . 194 (daesMed AdvertMag no Page 12) R^. $1.49, 81x99 ................ .... .$1.29 Reg. $10.98 ................ .. f . Now $8.00 M ANCH ^ER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 16. 1940 (FOURTEEN PA(;ES) PRICE THREE Cl ✓ R eg. $1.49, .72x108 ..... ^ .. ....$1.29^ Reg. $16.98 .................. Now $14.00 ^ Reg. $1.39, 72x99 ......... ....$ 1 ^ 1 9 Reg. $19.75 ............................Now $17.00 R e g . $1.29, 63x99 .................. ___ $1.09 Reg. $25.00 ............ Now $20.00 Lady Pcppcrell Regular $3.98 Rayon Silk Pillow Cases D r o s s e s 110-Mile 42x36,45x36 ............... 3 for 99c All new atyles In light and <(ark prints. Bemberg and Crepe ntoterlals. inneraprinc or Beaatjrretit $ 2 . 9 8 \ Maginot “ Break" Clainietl, Denied Mattress ^ Covers Mato Floor—Rear. \ AdvocatC/S Spadal! R cf. 11.19 \ les $1.00 V-- (niildren’s $1^98 Children’s IBRUSSELS Km m your new mettreea liew—mnkea your old mattraM naw. Sunsuita VDress^ ■ '• Made of good quality unMeached totton with rubber buttona and GEMBLOUX iff*? with aaama all bound Seersucker or Shantung,-- In printed ' b^adcloth, Colors: Red, yellow, aqua, rayon spun and silk crepe or 50,000 Planes Fleet; navy. Sizes 2 to 6. taffeta. Sizqa 3 to 6x. bNAMUR* In Antwerp Region; Regular 25e aeary Cannon Hand and Face Size ; $1*69 \ I 8 E i f l . Turkish Towels • . w r* ___ ^ You'wUl-' waht plenty of theae handy aire towela. Xxcep- ChiMren’a $1.19 Children’ s V ^ Asks $1,182,000,000 tional ralue. Extra heavy weight with colored bordera In blue, ■ ■* malae,xpeach. jgreiin and Thursday, Friday, Polo Shirts ^ Dresses , Tanks Clasl Assorted plain colors or Prints, imprints,' hhecka, O bjeeti^ Still P&ce at FiMherwoman Is Scarfd J ea. fo r stri|>ea in navy, yellow, g^reen strl{>e8. Colors: Rose, pink, I U niirecpileitred Buttle o f | 1 9 c and brown.. Sizes 4 to 7 blue, i>each. Slzea 3 to 6. HdiH(& \and Abroad, R^Appearance of Bear' Asserts Dru«r 8toop8 to Get Nickel; High Command Also! Limited Quantity! Regular 39c 16”x34” years. M o v e m e n t o n jVft>ul4t^ Shot By Own Revolver Rernlar 29c 22”a44” Heavy Presidenl^eills Tense, Bcckct,. Mass., May 16.—(>P) ports Foes Giving Millinery Specials 9 4 c Front J'otiuy Involves Pure Irish Linen Dish Towek \ 5 4 ® Solemn Joiht Session ; —Mrs. Peter P. Sheridan swore Fraud Center at. Louis. May 16.—(/P)— tie Along Dyle Cannon Bath Towels -\ f o r Day S off fishing at Colebrook In Mid- : diefleld today Situation So/j Serious John (,>natlem|)6;/. 28-year-old ea. / “ Easy-on” 25e Ankle O f Senate ann\Hoiise; j SEDAt« private watchman, eto^F^ to fense Line and Sc 29c A Woliderful Assortment Of Hearing noise, she looked In Bridgeport And ConfiiMed High 4 9 5 ® We can get no more of these Irish linen towela. Fine absorb­ Carriage Nets Socks War|»lane P r o g r ^ Put up from h^T line ex|>ecting to pick up a nikel last night and Through Central ent quality thnt^'wllt wear for years. Colored borderi Jn blue, was wounded fatally. His re­ Cannon quality bath towela, aoft and abaOrbent. In a]|/White AU made and ea$y«to slip Pastel and dark colors. sec her husband, who accom- Coiiiniand WithlioldHj volver fell from Its holster and with colored bordera In blue, malae, peach and greed. Buy gold, green and red. Spring Hats Forward by Executive panled/her, but found a black glum to Namnr; on. Sizes 4 to 8. Assistant Federal Attor­ All Rut Barest D^ ‘ discharged as he reached for plenty at thia low price. / Regularly $1.95 to $2.95 \As Long Range GoaL | bear/lhree times os big as a the coin—which another man mored Units o f Regular |9c 50^% Linen 2 p r - 2 5 c \ Newfoundland dog. ney Says Vastness o f F R tails o f General Me|^e.; accidentally drop|>ed on the RcffuUr 39e 22” s44” Solid ( ^ r 2 5 c Darting for a garage nearby, floor. ^ Forces Are Deft • $ 1.79 \ Washington, May 16.— ' le pulled the door from Its McKesson System Is J O 10 Dish Toweling Baby Shop. hinges and barricaded herself Paris, Mhy 16.— ( A P ) _ , Featuring Straws and Felts in all the new shades. Large (AP)—An air armada of 50,- MILES Turkish Bath Towels and medium brims — also a fine selection of matrons' mod^. J unUl\n»scued by her husband. Not Germane to Case. Balktinl 5 75 \ 000 warplanes was advocat^ ThodRanda of warplanes and I Berlin, May 16,—(i yds- ® \ by President Roosevelt tod^ New York, May 16—()p)— A Geman "ources asserted the Maginot line, eastern defense eyetem tanks clashed ifl a n / unprece­ The Geratan preaa rt; Beautiful quality toweling, 50% linen, that will leave no lint Another Lot Of . Basement Specials 'in a personally delivered mes- in France, had been "pleiccd" by attacking Nazi troope In the Sedan dented battle of / movement | Britisnmers and will diy plenty of dishes. Colored borders. government prosecutor told s Fed­ ■mart paatal eolorn with allKwar check daaign. Colon: w ge to Congressasking a $1,- sector near the arrow (4). French denied the claim, and aosertednalf along the Meuse/front today, tonight tha CScraua .Malaa, graan, orchid, peach and blue. Samson Cardd Tables eral Jury that fraud in F. Donald the heavy German forces which hed crossed the Meuse river hs< waved from the citadaT Straw Hats Stslnproof, washable tops and double braced tegs.I Choice 182,000,000 em erg^cy na­ Must Almndon .Reg. 89c, $1.00 and $1.09, 42” x l2” , 50"x50’* and 52"x52” Coster-Musipa’a McKesson and .UMH .ic., „ . v , rJ l Unleash Hard Longwy, Franea, and tlw ^ In all the new Spring shades. of pat- tional defense pro^^m. "Our to Gembloux (2), south to Dinant ----- the 16 Only! Reirnlar |SJ;9 72” x90" Iland Made Robbins drug empire “was cen sector. (3) and thence into thq Sedan had l^a«i occnplad-"■bat tarns ... $1.98 “ *$2.98 ideaU our objective is still Plan to Slash tered In the Bridge|>ort office of \ high command withheld all Novelty Lunch Cloths ^ To Close-Out A t ..... isoeesessess the com{>any,. Bomb Attack waa no conBrmathm Lace Table Cloths 94c peace— peace home and but the barest details. A gen­ $1.98 Table Lamps peaceNabroad'^Mr. Roosevelt "The vastneas of the McKesson eral meiee ensued from Na­ eSarman hefadqaartara. Decorated pottery with shades Relief Funds system has nothing to do with wy la in tha aorthc 79® told a t)(ense^And solemn joint this case,” aaaertM». Asaistant mur south to Sedan in north­ t o m a t c h ee,eaaeeeeaeeaeo*«es.eeeeeeeeeeeei $ 1 .5 9 Royal Air Force Throws nar of Fraaeo noar tha «»*“' $1.99 X Close-outs .of regular higher priced claths In all types and pat­ Slip-on and Cardigan Sweaters session \pf the Senate and United States ■ Attorney Howard Greet^e Pours Troojps ern France—scene of the Buy thaaa for glfta and for your own table. Hand made lace terns. Rayon damaaka, hand embroidered cloths, linen crashes, Corcoran. ■ “The government Power Into Fighting in wharp tha Praach, ' etc. Not all colors In each pattern. House. '^Nevertheless,” we Cannon Asserts Worici flercest German attacks— with the popular dairy pattern. Will launder beautifully. Short sleeve models. Sizes 34 to 40. Bridge Lamps stand ready not only to spend grants the defense contention that and Ltuamboorg Ifo Ironlhg. While thay laat at this price. • * Wrought iron flnlah, colonial m e O f i ^ C O C Q And Doi&estic Condi McKesson was a far-flung nation­ with armored units from Belgium; Communica­ coma tagathar, a b ^ 4f i Limited Quantity! Regular 89c Plaid Regularly $1.98^^ Sale Price— style, easy adjustment ........ S I • t f O e O e f millions fd!: defense but to wide system, but that U merely Into Frontier Region either side cutting loose from tions Lines Tcrget. $ 1.69 give our sei^ices and even tions So Unsettled wlndbw-dressing.” their infantry and plunging alrlina soathaaat of ouh lives for the maintenance CoTO)ran made his-assertion ai boldly forward to strike the Tha citadd is at tha i Summer Wash Fabrics Seersucker Lunch Cloths $1;00 O^Cedar Oil Mops Aid Must Continue. he bikxil' summing up the gov lAndon, May 16.—(O—Great end of the amin Magiaat 1 6 Reg. $1.19 (Zotton Dresses Triangular shape. The mop that , cleans of our Ameriwn liberties.” Reinforcements Sent to enemy, from the rear. Britain's Royal Air Fore* haa un' A t Greatly Radncad Pricaa for Eniployeea* Daysl Require No Ironing! The huge warplane program was emment's case in the mall fraud which in thia xejpm i aa it poliahea......... ................................... ai a a * a « 7 9 c United States A War Ministry spokesman said put forward by thAChlef Executive Washington, May 16.—OP) — and conspiracy trial of three men Border Facing Italian- leashed Itt greateet bombing at hi ^ who were aasociated with the late the Germans were meeting pow­ way to the *4lttlo $ as a long range gokl.
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