Jamiat Newsletter

Quarterly Magazine

April 2019

SIMI links: 5 Muslim youth acquitted after 6 years

New Delhi-Mar 01, 2019- Mumbai: 5 Muslim youth who were arrested from Solapur, Maharashtra on the charges of having links with SIMI have been acquitted. They were ac- quitted for lack of evidence. ATS Inside this issue: failed to produce evidence against them. Legal aid to NIA 2 After the decision of Judge Girish crackdown affected Dikshit of the special court, the ac- cused Sadiq, Umair, Irfan, Sajid, — 2 Abu Faisal and their family members ——- 2 heaved a sigh of relief and thanked God. Expressing happiness over the decision, Maulana Nadeem Siddiqui president WC meeting report 3 Jamiat Ulama Maharashtra said it is the victory of truth and hoped that by the grace of Allah other arrested youth will also be acquitted. Seminar on Maulana 4 It must be recalled that in December 2013, 5 Muslim youth were arrested for Habiburrahm Aazmi alleged links with banned outfit SIMI from Solapur, Maharashtra and Madhya ———- 5 Pradesh. On the direction of Maulana Syed Mahmood Asad Madani, Ja- miat Ulama Maharashtra looked after the case of the above-mentioned Relief among Chando- 6 youth in Bhopal Court. la Talab fire victim

Special points of inter- est: JUH hands over more than 25 lakh rupees scholarship among  Maulana Mahmood Madani students of professional courses appreciated the tolerance of

the Muslim Community which they exhibited during the past five years. He advised them to - January 24, 2019:Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind’s General Secretary continue it. (quote from his Maulana Mahmood Madani said that his organization distributed more than speech) 25 lakhs rupees scholarship among 329 eligible students for the year of  There are two reasons for 2018. This scholarship is awarded to meritorious students who are perusing success (1) sincerity (2) professional course like MBBS, BDS, BUMS, B-Pharma, B.E, B. Tech, M. clear goal . If one has these two things, nothing can Tech and B.ed. Only students having scored 60 percent marks are eligible deter him from achieving to qualify. success. (Madani sb) Page 2 Jamiat Newsletter

JUH providing legal help to those arrested in NIA crackdown

when fear gripped the inno- He is defending Sayeed, (Desk Report by Azeemullah Siddqi) cent families of Amroha, Ja- Raees, Irshad, Saqib, Mufti In closing days of December miat Ulama-i-Hind General Suhail, Aabshar, Naeem. At 2018, when the cold wave Secretary Maulana Mahmood present all of them are under shrouded the West UP, there ap- Madani came forward to help. judicial custody in Central peared a lot of heats and fears On his instruction, a delega- Jail Tihar and Rohini Jail, when the National Investigation tion of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind Agency (NIA) arrested ten per- met with the affected families New Delhi. Their cases are sons and claimed to have foiled in Amorha and received their being heard at regular inter- attempts to carry out a series of request seeking legal help. vals. Jamiat legal team is ap- blasts in and around the national On the instruction of Maulana pearing on behalf of the ac- capital. In the crackdowns, the Mahmood Madani, legal cused. agency apprehended many per- counsel, Advocate Moham- sons and arrested few among mad Noorullah had been en- them. At this critical juncture, gaged to defend the accused.

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Partisan attitude of intelligence agencies encouraging terrorism Jamiat WC terms terrorism against spirit of Islam

New Delhi, February 7, 2019:- A daylong meeting of Jamiat Ula- ma-i-Hind’s National Working Committee presided over by its President, Maulana Qari Moham- mad Usman Mansurpoori re- fused to accept resignation of Maulana Mahmood Madani from the post of General Secretary. He will continue to serve the post as earlier. It is to be noted that in January 2019, Maulana Madani had offered to resign from the post citing personal reasons. In this context, this meeting of (JUH, WC) was convened to de- liberate upon the situation arising out of his resignation.

Besides that, JUH Working Committee also expressed deep concern over recent arrest of innocent persons over flimsy ground in terror related cases. A resolution to this effect says, “While reiterating its old stand, JUH holds partisan attitude of intelligence services liable for encouraging terrorism in the country. “Several courts have given clean-cheat to many innocent persons indiscriminately ar- rested over suspicion of terror related cases. This development puts a question mark over the cred- ibility of intelligence agencies. Now it has become a public discourse that intelligence agencies are involved in implicating innocent youths. Jamiat while terming terrorism against spirit of Islam and Jihad and condemning its all forms, appeals to Muslims especially young generation to exercise restraint and do not fall in anyone’s trap. In this connection, JUH WC lauds the organization’s legal activities and instructs to continue doing so. In the meeting, JUH WC also constituted committee to oversee its centenary celebrations and an- other committee for Jamiat Youth Club.

The WC meeting was attended by Maulana Qari Mohammad Usman Mansurpoori, President, Ja- miat Ulama-i-Hind, Maulana Mahmood Madani, General Secretary, Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, Maulana Amanullah Qasmi, Maulana Rahmatullak Kashmiri, Qari Shaukat Ali, Maulana Badruddin Ajmal, Maulana Nadeem Sidiqui, Hafiz Peer Shabbir, Mufti Salman Mansurpoori, Mufti Javed Iqbal Kishanganj, Maulana Sirajuddin Moeeni, Ajmer, Advocate Shakil Ahmad Sayyed, Mufti Iftikhar Ah- mad, Maulana Siddiqullah Chaudhry, Maulana Moahammd Rafique Mazahiri, Maulana Mati- nulhaque Osama, Mulana Moizuddin Ahmad, Mufti Rashid Azmi, Maulana Niaz Ahmad Farooqui, Qari Mohamad Ameen, Maulana Mohammad Aqil, Mufti Ahmad Deola, Dr. Saeeduddin Qasmi, Maulana Abdul Qadir, Haji Mohammad Haroon, Dr. Masood Ahmad Aazmi, Maulana Abdul Qud- dus Palanpuri, Dr. Mohammad Islam, Maulana Mohammad Jabir, Maulana Ghulam Qadir Kash- mir, Qari Mohammad Ayyub and Maulana Kalimullah Khan etc. Page 4 Jamiat Newsletter

A seminar on Life and Contribution of Maulana Habibur Rahman Azmi

Varanasi, February 25, 2019:- As a part of centenary celebration, a seminar was organized for com- memorating the life and contributions of celebrated Islamic scholar and writer Maulana Habibur Rahman Aazmi at Nanupur, Sarnath K.R.B Place Banaras, U.P. Mufti Abdul Baatin, preacher and imam of Gyanvapi Mosque Banaras delivered his opening ad- dress. While delivering his speech, he expressed gratitude for holding seminar at this historic city of Banaras and also recounted deep association of Maulana Habibur Rahman Aazmi with the city. Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Aazmi, son of Maulana Habibur Rahman Aazmi presided over the first session and Qari Mohammad Usman Mansurpoori, President of Jamiat presided over the second session of seminar.

While delivering his presidential address, Maulana Qari Mohammad Usman Mansurpoori, recounted the contribution made by Jamiat for the freedom movement and its valuable services rendered for the nation and community. While shedding light upon the life and contribution of Maulana Habibur Rahman Azmi, he said that he was a prominent Islamic scholar and a versatile personality. He also served the nation and community with full dedication and commitment and was a top scholar of Hadith and fiqah. He was revered and respected for his scholarship not only in but abroad too. Besides Maulana Mansurpoori, Maulana Matinulhaque Osama and Maulana Zafar Ahmad Siddiqui of Aligarh Muslim University too recounted scholarship and other contribution made by Maulana Azmi.

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On this occasion, the General Secretary of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind Maulana Mahmood Madani while speaking on the current situation of the country said that 70 years have passed since India got in- dependence; still, proof of our nationalism is sought. During the past 70 years, we have spent most of the time giving clarifications. We are ready to sacrifice our life for the welfare and development of the country but for how long we will be giving proof of nationalism? He questioned. Maulana Madani said Muslims have not come from any foreign country; we have played a signifi- cant role in the freedom of the country. Some people formed a nation in the name of Islam but we chose to remain in India. Maulana Madani condemned the arrest of 2 people from Deoband and said Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind is striving to release innocent persons. He claimed that 80 % of the Mus- lim youth who were imprisoned have been proved innocent and acquitted. Page 6 Jamiat Newsletter

Pulwama Terror Attack– An Act of Terror

New Delhi- February 17, 2019. Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind’s General Secretary Maulana Mahmood Madani strongly condemned attack on Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) convoy in Kash- mir's Pulwama district. He said that this was horribly terror attack that contradicts the very spirit of Islam and jihad. “We all Indian citizens stand shoulder to shoulder with the bereaved families of the killed soldiers and we are united in condemnation of terrorists who carried out this horrendous act. Maulana Madani said that this terror attack may cause further damage to the peace process in the valley but we should be optimistic towards our aim to eradicate terrorism and bring back peace and normalcy in the region.

Jamiat distributes relief material to fire victims of Chandola Taalab, Ahmadabad. Ahmadabad:- February, 27,2019- At the instruction of Maulana Mahmood Madani, General Secretary of Jamiat Ulama-i- Hind, Jamiat Ulama Ah- madabad visited fire ravaged areas of Chandola Talab and distributed 130 food kits to the victims. It is to be not- ed that locality around the Tomb Shah-e-Alam wherein homeless Bengali reside was ravaged by fire on February 10, 2019. Majority of homeless Bengali have been residing here for the last 15 days. Mufti Asjad Qasmi, President Jamiat Ulama-i-Ahmadabad recalled that Jamiat had constructed here houses for Bengali Muslims after devastating communal riots in 2002. But their houses gutted due to ravaging fire. Jamiat is engaged in providing relief to them. It has distributed relief kits containing rice, floor, edible oil, sugar, salt, teas leaves and spice etc. Page 7

Taking benefit of SSY unlawful in Islam: JUH New Delhi, March 30, 2019:- A three days long sessions of Idara Mabahis-e-fiqhiya of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind concluded here at Jamiat head-office New Delhi. Different sessions were presided over by great Islamic scholars including Maulana Qari Mohammad Usman Mansurpoori, President Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, Maulana Habiburrahman Khairabadi, the great Mufti of Darul Uloom Deoband, Maulana Nematullah Azmi, Darul Uloom Deoband and Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri Sheikhul Hadith of Darul Uloom Deoband. About two hundred Islamic jurists from Darul Uloom Deoband, Nadawatul Ulama Luck- now, Jamia Qasmia Shahi Muradabad and different Islamic institutions participated in the conference. The Islamic jurists presented their papers broadly on four different topics and after thorough discussion, they adopted unan- imous resolutions. The panel which has been mandated to finalize text of resolutions consisted on Maulana Usman Man- surpoori, President Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, Maulana Habiburrahman Khairabadi, Maulana Nematullah Azmi, Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri, Mufti Zainul Islam, Mufti Mahmood Hasan Buland Shahri, Maulana Abdullah Maarufi, Maulana Burhanuddin Sambhali, Maulana Ateeq Ahmad Bastawi, Darul Uloom Deoband, Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Qasmi, Mufti Salman Mansurpoori,, Mufti Ahmad Deola, Mufti Mahmood Bardoli, Gujarat and Mufti Nazeer Ahmad, etc. In one of the important resolutions, the conference confirmed that taking benefit from Sukanya Samirdhi Yojna” launched by the government of India is unlawful for Muslims as it is based on interest. The resolution reads, “Under “Sukanya Samirdhi Yojna” a bank account is opened in the name of girl child of less than ten years of age by her parents. The parents keep on depositing Money in the account for certain age of the child. The bank annually increases the amount by aiding annual interest up to nine percent etc. It is because that this scheme involves interest; it is clearly un -Islamic.” However, the resolution termed lawful some schemes in which governments deposit amount for new-born baby which is kept as fixed deposit in the name of the child. After some time, the government itself adds amount to the account. The par- ents and girls do not deposit amount any stage. That scheme is valid in the eye of sharia as it is a kind of help on the par t of the government. In one other resolution the jurists declared that using Google Adsense for advertising lawful goods etc is allowed. However Google Adsense for the promotion of movie and illegal programs is not allowed in Islamic Sharia. In the same resolution it has been said that financial transaction by different mobile Apps is also allowed. And cash back or reward points by Paytm or Easy Paisa etc. is lawful. Similarly booking taxi etc. by mobile Apps is also allowed in Sharia. The Conference was addressed by prominent personalities including Maulana Mahmodd Madani, General Secretary of Ja- miat Ulama-i-Hind, Mufti Saeed Palanpuri, Maulana Nematullah Azmi, Maulana Ateeq Ahmad Bastawi, Maulana Moham- mad Zaid Mazahiri, Maulana Rahmatullah Kashmiri, Maulana Matinul Haque osama Kanpur etc. Maulana Usman Mansur- poori, President Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind while delivering valedictory address recounted the services rendered by Jamiat Ulama -i-Hind and lauded collective efforts of Islamic scholars. Maulana Mahmodd Madani, General Secretary of Jamiat Ulama -i- Hind while addressing the gathering thanked the participants for their august presence and dwelled upon prevailing national and international issues. . Entire programme was conducted by Maulana Abdul Razzaque Amrohwi and Mufti Affan Man- surpoori. Maulana Moizuddin supervised the proceedings. Page 8 Jamiat Newsletter Muslims Should exhibit patience, says: Maulana Mahmood As’ad Madani Hyderabad: March 13, 2019: Addressing the annual meeting of Jamiat-ul-lama of TS and A.P, Maulana Mahmood Asa’d Madani told the Muslims to exhibit patience in the present circumstances. He said that the organization is completing 100 years of its formation. It was formed on the theory that Islam should flourish. He felt the need to carry this aim to the younger generation so that they could face the situation strongly for another one hundred years. The function was held at Officers’ Mess Malakpet, Hyderabad. Maulana Shabbeer Ah- med, President of Jamit-ul-Uama chaired the session. Delegates from districts also at- tended the meeting. Maulana Madani appreciated the tolerance of the Muslim Community which they exhibit- ed during the last past five years. He advised them to continue it. Avoiding political speech, he said that it might be tarnished. He lamented the unrest of the Muslim youths and said that it is a very sensitive issue. He felt the need to set up hostels for girls and boys. He told that only those girls are going astray who are not well versed with Is- lamic education. (With thanks from Siasat daily published 13 March 2019) Jamiat to fight case of Gurugram attack victims New Delhi: March 26, 2019: Expressing deep con- cern over the attack on Muslim family in Gurugram, Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind General Secretary Maulana Mahmood Madani demanded government action against the spate of such incidents occurring one after another. Maulana Mahmood Madani wrote a letter to Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar inviting latter’s attention towards the incident which has cre- ated unrest among the people of the country since the incident came to light after the video was uploaded on social media. He demanded stringent action against the culprits and justice to victims. Maulana Madani also informed that a delegation of Jamiat Ulama met the affected family at Dhamaspur Gururam and announced to fight the case for them.

The delegation consoled the family and assured them legal and medical assistance. 12 members of the family including children, women and elderly were affected in the incident. The delegation shifted the injured to Lok Nayak hospital where they are undergoing treatment in the emergency ward. A Muslim family was attacked on March 23, in Gurugram’s Bhup Singh Nagar under the Bhondsi Police Station on the day of Holi. Aa many as 35-40 goons assaulted the family members following a row over the latter playing cricket on the day of Holi on March 21. A video of the assault went viral on social media. The gruesome incident occurred at the house of Mohamad Shamshad, the victim. Page 9 Jamiat provides medical relief to pilgrims of Ajmer Sharif

Ajmer Sharif, by staff reporter: March 18, 2019- On the occasion of 807 birth anni- versary of Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (R.A) Jamiat organized a medical relief camp at Kaidu Vishram Asthali, Ajmer Sharif. This medical relief camp provided medical ser- vices to the pilgrims who had been camping at this location at the distance of 10 K.M from the mausoleum. As per register maintained by Medical relief staff, this year 5000 pilgrims received medical aid and assistance. This year, Jamiat Ulama Banaskantha team man- aged the sophisticated medical crews and Ja- miat Youth Club Bagpat assisted them in maintaining order. Maulana Hakimuddin Qasmi, Secretary Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind and Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Qasmi, Vice presi- dent Jamiat Ulama- Gujarat supervised the operation. Published by Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind is one of the influential Muslim organizations Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind in India. It is known to represent 1-Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110 002 a moderate views of Muslim Um- Phone: 011-23317729, mah and has got fame for bal- Email: [email protected] anced and correct view on nation- [email protected] al and international Issues.

www.jamiatulama.in Established in 1919, It has rich https://www.facebook.com/ JAMIATULAMA.I.HIND.IN/ legacy of working for nation https://www.youtube.com/user/ building and relief and rehabilita- juhpress tion work for victims of natural and man made calamities.

http://aljamiat.in/ Currently its President is Maulana Qari Mohammad Usman Man- soorpuri and Maulana Mahmood A. Madani is its General Secretary

Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind

JUH distributes INR 9 lakhs cash among fire victims of Meerut’s Macheran slum

New Delhi/Meerut, March 8, But everything was lost in a there. It’s a matter of great sur- 2019:- fraction of time. These affected prise that the houses of lots of A joint anti-encroachment families were spending their local Muslims have been burnt drive by the Cantonment Board time under open sky during down, but the police have regis- and the local police, coupled cold season. Under such horri- tered FIR against them for with resistance from a mob, left ble situation Jamiat promptly squabbling with the police. In over 185 shanties gutted in the decided to hand over Rs 5000 view of the situation, Jamiat fire and damaged several vehi- to 185 affected families so that has decided to extend legal ser- cles in Meerut’s Macheran slum they could buy essential goods. vices to the fire victims. Jamiat on 7 March. Due to abrupt fire, 15 Non-Muslim families too delegation consisted of Maula- they lost everything forcing have received financial assis- na Hakimuddin Qasmi, Maula- them to live without food and tance. na Ibrahim Qasmi, Maulana shelter. Maulana Hakimuddin Qasmi, Jamal Qasmi, Maulana Mahmudur Rahman Bastawi, At the instruction of Maulana Secretary Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind who was a part of the delega- Qari Saleem, Haneef Quraishi Mahmood Madani, General and Qazi Zain Al Rashidin. Secretary of Jamiat Ulama-i- tion said that fire broke out Hind a delegation of Jamiat vis- when a team of police visited Meantime Maulana Mahmood ited the affected area and found the area to vacate the illegal en- Madani, General Secretary of that they have lost everything in croachment. There was scuffle Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind has ex- the raging fire. These poor and between police and local popu- pressed his deep sorrow over hapless families have arranged lation. The locals have claimed the incident and expressed his various commodities for the that police have played a crucial resolve to extend all possible marriage of their daughters. role in letting fire caught over help and assistance to them.