World Champion World

SINCE 1927 World Champion

Emilio Freyrie in 1919 Leonardo Freyrie Freyrie company is born in 1927

Villa Freyrie a Eupilio

Leo Freyrie wearing the “100 Folding ski 1927 First victories1929 Emilio Freyrie 1927 all’ora” sweater

Note sulla FREYRIE di Leonardo Freyrie

La ditta Freyrie nasce nel 1927 ad Eupilio in provincia di Como . Il nonno Vittorio Emanuele regala a papa’ Emilio tornato dal- la guerra una filanda nel 1920. Nel 27 c’e’ la crisi della seta e papa’ Emilio converte la ditta in fabbrica di sci essendo uno sportivo amante della montagna. Inventa gli sci pieghevoli conquistando subito il mercato. Nel 1929 le prime vittorie degli sci Freyrie. Emilio Freyrie va’ in Norvegia e acquista il brevetto degli sci compensati in 21 pezzi dalla ditta Osbie in Norvegia poi applica per primo in Italia una soletta in Hikory i para punta e i para coda. . Progetta sci innovativi come i Balestra che vincono con il K d’Oro l’odierna Coppa del Mondo. Emilio si reca in Inghilterra e prende la rappresentanza e la produzione per l’Italia delle racchette da tennis Slazengers con le corde Babolat . Amico di Vitale Bramani progetta con lui le suole Vibram che rivoluzionano la rampicata in montagna. Produce per primo aiutato da Bramani scarpe e palle da tennis che vincono i Campionati Italiani anche con le racchette Freyrie da lui progettate e prodotte. Poiche’ le racchette fatturano poco papa’ Emilio pensa di sostituirle con gli sci nautici negli anni 50. Le prime vittorie degli sci nau- tici risalgono agli anni ‘50. La Freyrie rifiuta il brevetto Head per gli sci metallici che Emilio Freyrie produce senza problemi che vincono parecchie gare. Io Leonardo entro nella Freyrie e la gestisco dopo la morte di papa’ Emilio appena a 24 anni . Sono figlio “d’arte” e progetto gli sci Trimetal con punta antivibrante e gli sci in fiberglas scatolati che conquistano il mercato con 9 titoli italiani assoluti 10 vittorie in Coppa Europa . E’ campione Canadese campione Svedese e record di velocita’ al Kl di Cervinia del Portillo, Kebine e di La Plagne. Producendo 60000 paia di sci da neve e 20000 paia di sci nautici l’anno invado l’Italia e parecchi mercati europei. Pietro Albertelli conquista con sci da discesa di serie 222 il Record dello sci piu’ veloce del mondo a 190.577 kml dando l’idea dell’inbattibilita’ nel KL. I miei sci d’acqua ottengono risultati straordinari vincendo il Campionato del Mondo piu’ volte, le Olimpiadi, 64 volte il Campio- nati d’Europa Africa e Mediterraneo e sono campioni nazionali in 21 paesi contemporaneamente. Ottengono il premio “Compasso d’Oro” come design e sono esposti al Metropolitan Museum di New York. Sono usati da tutti i personaggi piu’ in vista dell’epoca come Re Hussein l’Aga Kan Jaqueline Kennedy Margaret d’Inghilterra , Elvis Presley i Niarcos Gianni Agnelli e la famiglia Marcos. Danno alla Freyrie una notorieta’ senza pari e lo slogan che feci e’: Freyrie ha vinto tante volte da non ricordarle tutte. Leonardo Freyrie interrompe la costruzione degli sci da neve negli anni 80 e licenza il marchio per gli sci nautici alla ditta Battani e dopo alla ditta Osculati che li produce ai giorni nostri. Il marchio Freyrie compare sugli zaini quaderni e borse della Mattel sulle bici della Masciaghi e sui gadget che l’Oreal e la Rusconi Editore regalano con i loro prodotti. Progetto contemporaneamente le tavole da surf per l’AMF americana che vincono i Campionati Europei i campionati nazionali i 20 paesi contemporaneamente e la prova del mondiale in Florida. Sono adottate ufficialmente dalla FIV. Progetto anche la tavole a vela Fila e molte altre cose. Interpellato da Domenico Crescente ceo della Focus Distribuzione decido di licenziare il marchio per le scarpe e mi appresto a cu- rarne l’estetica e la funzionalita’ coadiuvato da un prof podologo. La storia continua… Leo Notes on FREYRIE by Leonardo Freyrie The Freyrie was founded in 1927 in Eupilio in the province of Como. Grandfather Vittorio Emanuele gave father Emilio a spinning mill in 1920. During year 1927, beacause of a crisis in the silk market, Emilio converted the company into a ski factory, being a sportsman who loved the mountains himself. He invented the folding skis and immediately conquered the market. The first victories of Freyrie skis took place in 1927. Emilio Freyrie went to Norway to buy the patent for the 21 layers skis by the company Osbie in Norway then applied for the first time in Italy a Hikory insole on the skis’ tip and tail. He designed innovative skis like the Balestra, winners of the K d’Oro (today’s World Cup) with Celina Seghi. Emilio went then to England and took the representation and production for Italy of Slazengers tennis rackets with Babolat strings. Friend of Vitale Bramani, he designed with him the Vibram soles that revolutionized mountain climbing. He was the first to produce tennis balls and shoes with Bramani’s help, winners of the Italian Championships with his Freyrie rack- ets designed and produced by him. Since Tennis raquets didn’t sell enough, Emilio thought of replacing them with water skis in the 50s. The first victories of water skis date back to those years. Freyrie refused the Head patent for the metallic skis that Emilio Freyrie produced without any problems and won several races. Leonardo took Freyrie’s lead and managed it after the death of father Emilio at the age of 24. He designed the Trimetal skis with anti-vibration tips and the boxed fiberglas skis that conquered the market with 9 Italian titles and 10 victories in the European Cup. Canadian champion, Swedish champion and speed record at the Kl of Cervinia del Portillo, Kebine and La Plagne. Producing 60000 pairs of snow skis and 20000 pairs of water skis a year, Freyrie conquered Italy and several European markets. Pietro Albertelli conquered with downhill skis series 222 the record of the fastest ski in the world at 190,577 km/h. Leonardo water skis got extraordinary results by winning the World Championship several times, the Olympics, 64 times the Euro- pean Championship Africa and Mediterranean and they were national champions in 21 countries at the same time. They won the “Compasso d’Oro” award for design and were exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum in New York. They were used by all the most prominent characters of the time such as King Hussein, Aga Kan Jaqueline Kennedy Margaret of England, Elvis Presley, Niarcos Gianni Agnelli and the Marcos family. Freyrie produced sportswear and swimwear with a success comparable to the waterski’s one. They gave Freyrie an unparalleled reputation and the slogan Leonardo made was: Freyrie has won so many times that she can’t re- member them all. Leonardo Freyrie stopped the construction of snow skis in the 80’s and licensed the brand for water skis to the Battani company and later to the Osculati that still produces them today. The Freyrie brand is featured on Mattel’s exercise books and backpacks, on Masciaghi bikes and on the gadgets that Oreal and Rus- coni Editore offers with their products. At the same time Leonardo designed the surfboards for the American AMF that won the European Championships, the national championships in 20 countries at the same time and the test of the world championship in Florida. They was be formally adopted by the IVT. He also designed Fila sailboards and many other things. After meeting Domenico Crescente, CEO of Focus Distribuzione, he decides to dismiss the brand for shoes and is now taking care of shoes’ aesthetics and functionality, assisted by a podiatrist professor. The story continues...

Leo LE SCARPE DELLA FREYRIE Nel 1927 Emilio Freyrie progetta per Vitale Bramani le suole degli scarponi per la prima volta in gomma facendo in ditta i primi stampi del carro arma- to in legno. Questo avvenne dopo un incidente che costo’ la vita a un loro comune amico che usava gli scarponi chiodati in parete. Dopo il collaudo furono poi usati per la roccia e per le suole degli scarponi da sci. Nel 1935 Emilio Freyrie licenziatario della Slazengers e costruttore di rac- chette da tennis progetta e fa’ costruire scarpette da tennis bianche con suola in gomma prodotta dall’amico Vitale Bramani ed equipaggia i suoi atleti vincendo con Rando e Palmieri i campionati italiani assoluti. Queste scarpette sono usate anche da Maria Jose’a Napoli per le sue partite di tennis con le racchette Freyrie modello “Perla” a lei omaggiate da mia madre. Abbandonando il settore racchette anche le scarpette da tennis non vengo- no piu’ prodotte. Nel 1955 si progettano scarpette da sci nautico dapprima prodotte esternamente dalla Mares di Rapallo ed in seguito internamente dalla Freyrie che in breve conquistano tutto il mondo, Stati Uniti compresi che e’ il mercato piu’ difficile . Con questi “attacchi” si vincono parecchi campionati del Mondo Campio- nati d’Europa e sono campioni nazionali in 21 paesi contemporaneamente. Leo Freyrie in oltre progetta stivaletti in gomma da vela che vengono usati per le traversate transoceaniche. Negli anni 80 si progettano scarponi da sci aereo dinamici nella Galleria del Vento della Moto Guzzi e della Breda che vengono usati per i record al KL di Cervinia di La Plagne e del Portillo. Con questi si vince il Kl di Cervinia anche per sci di serie a 190 kilometri all’ora record ancora imbattuto perche’ fatto con sci di serie da discesa libera 222. Rando e Palmieri Italian champions with Freyrie rackets and shoes Negli anni ottanta Leo Freyrie progetta scarpette leggere da mare tipo “es- padrillas” che vengono vendute e distribuite subito dal Piper di Roma dove cantava Patty Pravo. Queste scarpette compaiono su tutte le riviste di moda del periodo e se ne vendono a migliaia. Leo Freyrie poi progetta per la AMF americana che in Italia possedeva la Mares una scarpa da surf in neoprene rivoluzionaria che vince una prova del Campionato mondiale cinque Campionati d’Europa ed e’ usata universal- mente da tutti i surfisti perche’ eccezionale sulla presa sulla tavola. Leo Freyrie a distanza di tempo data la passione per la progettazione di scarpe tecnologiche e particolarmente comode e gradevoli per il design che esprimono , ci riprova con la licenziataria Focus International con scarpe sportive tecnologiche comode leggere e anti stress che saranno nelle vetrine d’Italia a partire dal 2017. Freyrie Match racket Italian champion FREYRIE SHOES

In 1927 Emilio Freyrie designed the soles of his boots for Vitale Bramani, for the first time in rubber, making the first wooden tank moulds for the company. This happened after an accident that costed the life of a common friend of theirs, who used his studded boots for climbing. After testing, they were used for rock climbing and for the ski boots’ soles. In 1935 Emilio Freyrie, licensee of Slazengers and manufacturer of tennis rackets, designed and manufactured white tennis shoes with rubber soles, produced by his friend Vitale Bramani and equipped his athletes who won the Italian championships with Rando and Palmieri. These shoes were also used by Maria Jose’ in Naples in her tennis matches with the Freyrie rackets model “Perla”, a gift to her from Freyrie’s mother. When the racquet sector was abandoned, tennis shoes were no longer pro- duced. In 1955 Freyrie designed water ski shoes, first produced externally by Mares di Rapallo and then internally. They soon conquered the whole world, including the United States, which was the most difficult market. With these “attacks” Freyrie won several World and European Champion- ships as they were used by national champions in 21 countries at the same time. In addition, Leo Freyrie designed rubber sail boots that were used for trans- oceanic crossings. In the 80s dynamic airborne ski boots were designed in Moto Guzzi’s and Breda Wind Tunnel, and were used for records in KL races in Cervinia, La Plagne and Portillo. With these we won the Cervinia’s KL for common skis at 190 kilometers per hour, record unbeaten to date. In the eighties Leo Freyrie designed light sea shoes such as “espadrilles” that were sold and distributed immediately by Rome’s Piper where Patty Pravo used to sing. These shoes appeared in all fashion magazines of the period and were sold in the thousands. Leo Freyrie then designed for American AMF that in Italy owned Mares, a revolutionary neoprene surf shoe that won a round in the World Champion- ship, five European Championships and was universally used by all surfers because of the exceptional grip on the board.

Leo Freyrie, after so many years, because of his passion for designing tech- nologically advanced, comfortable and pleasant shoes, tries again with the Freyrie manufactures and distributes racquets for Italy under license from Slazengers. licensee Focus International with a production that will be in italian shops starting from 2017. Queen Helena uses Freyrie Perla racquet built for her by Ada Freyrie PRODUCTION BEFORE 1985



Celina Seghi Italian Champion and K d’Oro Winner Davide David Italian Champion Cesco De Florian Italian Champion Advertisment for USA 1950

Freyrie wins Swedish slalom Felice De Nicolo winner of the Italian Herbert Plank Junior Italian Champion Giustina Demez Italian Champion championship with Hasse Biorg championship with the Trimetal Freyrie

Freyrie has been a protagonist in the history of Italian , famous all over the world for its original technological innovations. Villa Freyrie 2018 Stefano Anzi Italian Champion Italian Champion Freyrie skis Gildo SiorpaesItalian Champion

Renzo Zandegiacomo Campione d’Italia Karl Troyer bronze at World Cup in Renzo Zandegiacomo Italian Champion Piero Gross skied with Freyrie Crans-Montana Claudio De Tassis best Italian athlete 1968

Teresio Vachet - First KL Cervinia Agostino De Zordo - KL Cervinia Achivio storico Museo dello Sci Leonardo Freyrie

P. Albertelli recordman KL e R. Thoeni Freyrie KL team Achivio storico Museo dello Sci Leonardo Freyrie Achivio storico Museo dello Sci Leonardo Freyrie

Pietro Albertelli - First KL Cervinia Team Freyrie - KL Cervinia

Freyrie KL racer P. Albertelli world recordman KL Pietro Albertelli - His record still unbeaten after 23 years

Leo Freyrie with Ralph Lauren, both winners at Villa d’Este Luca Cordero di Montezemolo autographs Freyrie

Freyrie awarded at Terrazza Martini Milan

Arturo Merzario, world champion with Alfa Romeo on Freyrie Malboro Leo Freyrie with F1 world champion James Hunt, he Merzario skis Freyrie used Freyrie skis Gianni Agnelli FIAT’s owner, skies Freyrie

Roby Zucchi - Champion of Italy, Europe and the World Mino Cazzaniga - Italian and european Champion

Silvia Terracciano - European, African and Mediterranean Champion Jean Jacques Poitier - Championships of Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean

Leo Frerye with the Italian team at the Bagnolas championships - Spain

Alberto Pederzani Italian Champion, Franco Carraro European Champion, Doris Pignatelli Italian Champion, Roby Rusca, Igino Sogaro, Piero Cantelassa e Piera Castelvetri World Champion

Piera Castelvetri, Italian, European and World Champion

Eddy De Telder European Champion and slalom world recorman on Marina Doria several times World Champion here portrayed in Florida at Steno, World Cup winner Freyrie skis Cipress Garden. He used Freyries

Roby Zucchi - 25 times Italian champion, 12 times European, World and Olympic Bruno Zaccardi Italian, European and World Champion champion in Kiev

Enrico Guggiari - Italian, European and World speed champion Piera Castelvetri - Italian, European and World Champion

ROBY ZUCCHI, 25 times Italian Champion, Olimpic and World Champion, 12 times European Champion JACQUES TILLEMENT, France and European champion Tricks Competiton

STENO, World Cup Winner Ada Freyrie with two champions: Jean Jaques Potier and Jaques Tillement Silvia Terracciano Champion of Italy, Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean

Italian team at the Miami World Cup Freyrie athletes at the world championships in Milan

Bernocchi Italian and European champion, Zaccardi Italian, European and World champion, Todisco Italian champion, Taparelli Italian champion, Pozzini Italian and European champion and Pedersani Italian champion Franco Carraro - Italian and European champion ALBERTO PEDERSANI, ITALIAN CHAMPION AND SLALOM WORLD RECORD Leonardo Freyrie receives “Personaggio dell’anno” award Three champions: Roby Zucchi world champion, Silva Terraciano European champion and Max Hoffer European champion with Freyrie skis

The skis built and designed by Freyrie have won 64 European Championships, 6 World Championships, 1 Olympic Games, 10 European Cups, and have been Italian champions in all categories and specialties for 27 consecutive years. At the same time, they were national champions in 21 countries around the world. It is to his credit that water skiing has become a fashionable sport in Italy, with an image of unparalleled dynamism. Freyrie Skies “Compasso d’Oro” Prize winner for Design and exposed at Guggenheim Museum in New York

Freyrie Skies represent Italian Design at Shanghai Expo Carolina of Monaco Re Hussein of Giordania

Jacqueline Kennedy Elvis Presley was a Freyrie skier

Prince Karim Aga Kahn in Porto Cervo Princess Margaretd’Inghilterra Scià di Persia Reza Pahlavi

Freyrie water skis were born in ‘50 and are used by all the most prominent characters of the last century such as JAQUELINE KENNEDY, PRINCIPE KARIM, ONASSIS, NIARCOS, CAROLINA DI MONACO, PRINCIPESSA MARGARET D’INGHILTERRA, RE HUSSEIN, SCIA’ DI PERSIA and many other characters that have created the image of the best product. 2018 LATEST PRODUCTION

FREYRIE’S PROJECTS FOR AMF AND FILA Leo Freyrie AMF Mares Designer and Technical consultant for Windsurfs. AMF Windsurfs has been Italian championships and national champions in 20 countries at the same time. AMF won the 7th in world championships i Florida

Marco Mastrolorenzi italian Champion and Sandro Mamusa ital- ian Champion and winner of 7 at world championships in Florida

Mark Pirinoli, European and Olympic Champion AMF team

Bogossian. Leo Freyrie and Robbie Nash Robbie Nash FREYRIE’S PROJECTS FOR MATTEL


World Champion - Campione del mondo

Mod. Miss Portofino taglia M

World Champion

since 1927 World Champion


Piera Castelvetri 1 Campionessa del mondo Bruno Zaccardi 2 Campione del mondo Roby Zucchi (3 – 5b) Campione del mondo Silvie Hulsemann Campionessa del mondo Marina Doria 4 Campionessa del mondo Mike Amsbry Campione del mondo Chuck Stearns Campione del mondo Vittor Palomo Campione del mondo Renate Hansluvka Campionessa del mondo J.Steward Wood Campionessa del mondo Willy Stahle Campionessa del mondo


Roby Zucchi 7 volte (5 – 5a) Franco Carraro 2 volte (6) Bruno Zaccardi 4 volte Piera Castelvetri 10 volte Silvia Terraciano (7 - 16) Marco Merlo (14) Tommy Bernocchi 3 volte.volte Silvio Gregorio Luciano Mosti Karl Benzingher (8) Liselotte Feuchtinger Alice Bauman Silvie Hulseman Jean Jaques Poitier (9 - 13) Jaques Tillement (9) Eddy De Telder (10) Conny Dane Vittor Palomo Alberto Pederzani (11) Draidy Barnard Mario Pozzini (11) Enrico Guggiari Bruno Cassa J Steward Wood (17) Marina Doria Mino Cazzaniga (12) Freghista Eleni Van Dic Antonia Willy Sthale Guiomme Dalle Renate Hansluvka Max Hofer (15)

E altri che non ricordiamo.


Traversata Pola Cervia Traversata della Manica Malta Libia Australia Nuova Zelanda Il Campionato Europeo di Velocita’ per tre volte ITALIAN SKIERS WHO HAVE RACED ON FREYRIE SKIS

Bruno Da Col il primo col salto a raggiungere i 100 metri Ottavio Compagnoni Severino Compagnoni Gino Seghi Celina Seghi vince il K Oro Bruno Chierroni Davide David campione italiano Dino Pompanin Cesco De Floria campione italiano Carlo Senoner Felice De Nicolo campione italiano Claudio De Tassis Gildo Siorpaes campione italiano Gino Burrini Stefano Anzi campione d’italia Rolando Thoeni Bruno Piazzalunga Rosa Alberto Casse Pietro Albertelli recordman del Kl di serie Luigi De Zordo record man del Kl Teresio Vachet recordman del Kl Hertmut Smaltz Bruno Valentini campione italiano Patrizia Medail Lidia Barbieri Pia Riva campionessa italiana campionessa italiana Piero Gros Luciano Coppi Laura Magoni Erbert Plank Renzo Zandegiacomo campione italiano Carl Troier Cesare Maesti Achille Compagnoni Lino Lacedelli Gigi Panei Marcello Paltrinieri Gianni Agnelli Zeno Soave Luciano Benetton Piero Marzotto Luigi Dona’ delle Rose Marcello De Stermich Le intere scuole di sci di Cortina La scuola di Salice D’Ulzio La scuola di Sestriere La scuola di Bormio La scuola di Courtmaieur La cuola del Terminillo La scuola di Madonna di Campiglio La scuola di Sportinia La scuola della Aprica La scuola del Pirovano La scuola del Livrio La scuola del Monte Bianco La scuola di Madesimo E molte altre che non ricordiamo CURRICULUM VITAE

Leonardo Freyrie managed SKI FREYRIE Co. for 20 years after the death of his father Emilio founder, bringing it to a level of notoriety and prestige both nationally and internationally. Freyrie brand was the protagonist in the history of Italian skiing, being it famous worldwide for the many victories in alpine skiing and for the very high prestige in the field of water ski- ing.

Ski built and designed by Leo Freyrie won 64 European championships, six world champi- onships, one Olympiad, 10 European cups, and have been for two decades unbeaten Italian champions in all categories and specialties. They were at the same time national champions in 21 countries around the world. And it is Leo’s merit if water skiing becomes a fashionable sport in Italy with a image of un- paralleled dynamism. In 1980 he closes production licensing the brand to the company Nauti- ca Osculati.

With snow skis the brand won seven Italian titles absolute, it was Swedish champion and won the world record for SKI series production hit 194 km per hour in Cervinia, record still un- beaten.

Laying off “Freyrie” brand, in 1980 he became consultant of the AMF MARES in Rapallo. On the same year he created the “surf” project line . Sailboards MFA MARES and FILA were along designed and promoted to sale by Mr. Freyrie. He becomes a undisputed leader both as sales manager and achieving victories on the Italian market. Sailboards he designed won many championships: World, European, Italian, French League, German, Dutch, Spanish, English, Swedish, Yugoslav, Greek, American, Canadian, in the second division recognized by IRU.

He was named 1983 personage of the year

After the sale of the AMF that closes off the nautical sector, Mr. Freyrie enters the world of promotion advertising and promotes big names campaigns between 1986 and 1990 in the magazines RUSCONI and RIZZOLI EDITORS, including those signed by Valentino, created by him and approved by Valentino. It is his a line of school bags and backpacks by MATTEL 1989/1990 that is a licensee of the logo “Freyrie World Champion” for school products. Luisa la stilista della Freyrie For “OREAL” he promotes a range of gadgets made in Italy (millions) that are given away with the products. For “SCALA” he promotes the line of jewelery presented by Loretta Goggi, coming out in drums of detergent for a full year. For “HENKEL” he promotes a line signed Coveri entering the drums of Dixan for an entire year. As a consultant of the purchasing and research - development of Miralanza, Mr. Freyrie LEONARDO FREYRIE DESIGN manages all outsource production of detergents on those times. In addition in the period created: 1996 - 1998 he arranged the entire outsource production of Benkiser liquid detergents , during the critical period of shifting production from Bologna to Mira, acquiring an almost global All Freyrie ski production for snow and water from 1963 to 2018 knowledge of detergents‘ market.. By contacting companies who would like to expand by joining a common project he creates The entire Freyrie collection of sports accessories: swimsuits T-shirts etc.. the project “Detergents Italy” in collaboration with General Electric Capital. All AMF sailboards He makes possible on 1999 the acquisition of Fresh & Clean and becomes CEO of Fresh & Clean, developing important commercial projects and innovating marketing strategies. All Fila sailboards

In 2001 Mr. Freyrie is UBS advisor in the field of real estate for eight years, making important All Amf wetsuits mediator of real estate sales with leading international groups. Later he becomes consultant of Deutsche Bank with which he promotes the sale of the important detergent company Emmegi All the gadget collections by Valentino Coveri Krizia Trussardi Biagiotti Balestra Loretta spa. Goggi, created by him and approved by them.

Entering in the world of commodities’ trading he has promoted important sale strategies All the lines of hair accessories from Oreal Paris. among foreign buying companies of fuel deposits & distributors sales, having the knowledge of the Italian market in this sector. All bottles of Benkiser for Finish 250 /500 Care 250 Time 500 Lip 750 Sun Dishes 1500 Lip He currently works as a consultant with Union Trust of Italian Popular Banks and SGR Acade- caress 1000 Bims 1000 Lip 2000 Ava 4000 Kop 5000 Kop 10000 Ava tabs Ava envelope etc.. my. The entire Freyrie World Champion collection of bicycles from Masciaghi. He’s agent and adviser to the Energy Group of the Group CCPL regarding the sale of 10 ppm carburants. Presently he’s co - exclusive for Italy Malta and Bulgaria of MicroLNG, LLC, an The entire collection of backpacks, diary bags and Freyrie notebooks for Mattel. American company specialized in designing and construction of technologies for cleaning and liquefying Natural Gas and Bio-Methane (Liquefaction plants) to produce fuel grade The entire collection of shoes for Focus International Freyrie LNG and green LNG in the transportation sector. The entire collection of sweatshirts for Focus International Freyrie He is agent of Sofisolar connected with Gewiss and Paver Group for nano technologies. As a painter his paintings are in the most beautiful residences in Italy and were exhibited at He is syndicate delegated representative of Confererazione Confimprese North West of Turin, Expo 2015 as an example of contemporary Italian painting. to bring in China best Italian companies that want to join the Park of Italian Excellencies – a huge permanent Expo in Hanghzou- in order to facilitate the enter in the Chinese market ....

The passions of Leonardo Freyrie are vintage skis models – he is proud to owe an unparalleled collection in Italy- and then come the vintage classic cars collection .. his collection of vintage Ferraris boasts nine victories in major competitions of Italian elegance

Milan 11/13/2013 ..