For Participants

Group EVS 23rd of June – 21st of August , the Dear participant,

We are very happy to welcome you to the “Smells Like Team Spirit” project. This project will take place in Ommen, the Netherlands, from 23rd of June until the st 21 of August.

During this two months period you will be staying in the same house with 29 other young people, from 9 different countries. This way you’ll build up an inter national community with great multicultural diversity, of which you will be an important member.

We hope that these days you will spend in Olde Foundation will bring joyful, useful and unique experiences, which you can take home and use as a moti vation to create new opportunities in your personal and professional life.

In the information letter we prepared for you, you will find all the necessary information you need in order to prepare yourself and answer all the questions that you might have.

We invite you to read it carefully, so you will get a clear idea of how it will be once you are here in The Netherlands.

Warm greetings, Afonso Bertolo Dina Hammouri Elif Kansız

Project coordinators

Activities within the project

The working week goes from Monday until Friday, If there is somewhere where you would like to get with a total of 36 hours, including travelling time additional work experience or that you are already betw een Olde Vechte and the work place. good on doing please let us know. For example: You will have the opportunity to work in several gardening, enjoy repairing or constructing, organizing different places: tasks and events. Take a few moments and think . Horse farm about it while filling in the application. . Pet shelter . Forest Company . Youth camping Countries participating . Bird shelter Hungary, Macedonia, Iceland, Czech Republic, . Horse farm for autistic children . Cooking place in tourist industry Croatia, Greece, Romania, France, Lithuania, . Supporting and maintaining Olde Vechte Bulgaria, Norway.

We are also looking for more possibilities, as the summertime in Ommen brings extra opportunities for the ones who are willing to go for them.

During the working time you will have the chance to cooperate with people from all over Europe. This will happen in different groups and in different environments.

This way you can find what you like doing and what you are good at. Maybe you even find what is it that you want to do in your life!!

Free time You can spend your free time in many different ways: visiting citi es,sitting around with new international friends, biking, joining Kara oke evenings,singing songs around a camp fire, movie nights, dancing, etc.

Internet connection

In our office, there are free computers that you can use whenever

you want. Also a wireless connection is available in the residency to use your own laptops and electronic devises.


Th ere are 3 meals per day during these 8 weeks: breakfast, lunch and dinner, like it is in the Dutch culture.

Pocket money

As a participant of this project, you receive €230,- for two months for your private expenses, which will be given on a weekly basis.


Du ring the project you are hosted by the Olde Vechte Foundation in Ommen. There are two building that belong to the fo undation; one is called Olde Vechte and the building of your stay which is called Zeesse. There you have the opportunity to sh are rooms with people from different countries. In order to create a pleasant environment for yourself to live in, you will also have some housekeeping duties, which are very basic and simple.

Mento r A mentor is a person, who can guide you in order to set and reach goals and find your own solutions. During the project there will be an international group of 5 mentors, who have experience on co aching and guiding young people. They also have personal experiences with volunteering and international projects and will be there to support you during these 8 weeks.

Y outhpass

B y the end of the project you fill in the YouthPass, which can be very useful tool for your resume or if you want to apply for a un iversity. For more information go to: (Press CTRL and click on th e link)

More information

About Group EVS in Ommen, you can find a video which is made in 2010. Just go to: zHo (Press CTRL and click on the link)

About Ommen

A quite, green, lovable, famers’ town with a tourist touch during the Dutch “summer”

(as Dutch people call it). It has many of the countries’ most beautiful bike routes. To find Ommen on the map, turn your eyes to the right: there is a big spot. What Wikipedia says about Ommen is: (Press CTRL and click on the link)

About the Netherlands

To give you a sense about the Netherlands, we are giving you some basic information: Currency: Euro Capital: Population: 16.500.000 National Language: Dutch

Average temperature during July/August: 18.4 °C (Dutch summer!!) Rain: Most of the days Sun: Sometimes

Stuff Dutch People Like: is a study of all things orange. It investigates and highlights the idiosyncrasies of the Dutch culture and their uncanny ability to talk on a mobile phone, while carrying 2 children, 6 bags of groceries, a television set, and a mattress balanced on a gear-less bicycle. This is a site you can check to find some stereotyping things about Dutch culture. (Press CTRL and click on the link)

What to bring with you

The weather in Netherlands in very unpredictable, so be prepare for everything. We advise you to have with you besides your summer clothes: . Clothes for indoor and outdoor activities, shoes suitable for sports . . Working clothes and shoes, comfortable for a work day and that you aren’t afraid to get dirty. . Rain coat.

. Warm clothes: jacket, long pants, sweater etc. . Towels and personal care products: shampoo, tooth paste etc. . Passport or other ID.

Dates of the project

Arival in Ommen 23rd Of June Until 17:00 o clock Departure 21st of August Until 21:00 o clock

*We do not accept early/late arrivals or departures. Not e: For any reasons, if somebody has to come earlier or stay longer, feel free to contact us so that we can suggest a solution

How to get here?

1. Take the train to (Direct trains from Schiphol, Amsterdam Central, and Nijmegen); 2. From Zwolle take the train into direction Emmen and get off at station Ommen (approximately 17 minutes); 3. From train station Ommen to the Olde Vechte it’s approximately 20 minutes walking. From the station you go right towards, and following, the Stationsweg; 4. Once you get out of the train station and you reach the crossing, you turn left and just follow the Stationsweg until the bridge; 5. Just before the bridge you turn right to the Zeesserweg; 6. Follow this road and in the turn of the road there is the entrance to the estate of the Olde Vechte on the left.

For more information and a train planner you can check the website of the Dutch national train system: (it also has an English version)

For those who are travelling in please check and for those Address: who are travelling in Belgium, please check . Both websites have an Olde Vechte Foundation English version. Zeesserweg 12 7731 BG Ommen The Netherlands Telephone: +31 (0) 529 451963 Facebook: Synergy Olde Vechte Foundation, Groepsaccommodaties Olde Vechte & Zeesse