Service Lloyds P.O. Box 26800 Austin, TX 78755-0800 800.299.6977

Insuring Texas workers since 1982 The Connection Spring 2016

Cut Claim Costs with a Modified Duty Return-to-Work Program

By Scott Sloan Vice President of Loss Control

A modified duty return to work program $140 per week. Over a six-week period, Bill would receive can improve injured worker outcomes $840 from workers comp while on modified duty instead of and lead to lower premiums for the the $2,520 he would receive if not on modified duty. This policyholder. is a savings of $1,680 in workers compensation benefits charged to the policyholder. He would also receive the Studies indicate that injured employees recover salary the company was paying him for the modified duty more quickly when brought back to the employment ($400/week), and the company would be getting productive environment, even in a reduced capacity. A study work out of him. If he is at home recuperating on workers conducted in 2008 by Shaw, Hong, Pransky, and Loisel comp only, the company gets no productive work and found that implementing a return-to-work (RTW) program incurs the higher expense benefits. Finding a modified duty reduced lost work days by at least 33% and as much job not only keeps the employee productive, it saves money as 64%. They also found that RTW programs reduced on the workers compensation claim. workers compensation costs by approximately the same Modified duty does not have to be a full-time job. It could amount: between 30% and 60%. A modified duty RTW be a few hours a day or a few days a week. It could be program can potentially save thousands of dollars on lost a newly-created temporary position, such as inventory time accidents, reducing expenses and ultimately leading clerk, telephone-answering clerk, driver, etc. As long as to lower premiums for the policyholder. the injured worker understands it is temporary, the new job Employees working in a different capacity do not have does not have to be kept open. It is a good idea up front to to be paid their pre-injury wage; they should be paid put a time limit on the newly-created job. Then, if necessary, commensurate with the job they are currently performing. the time can be extended. If the new job pays at a rate lower than what the employee One of the great things about a modified duty program is was originally being paid, workers compensation pays part that if a worker refuses to come back to work for a job they of the difference between the two wages. can perform and have been released to do, the insurance Let’s look at an example: Bill is a technician making $15/ carrier can discontinue their indemnity (lost time) benefits. hour, 8 hours/day, 40 hours/week. His weekly pay is $600. In order to take this action certain procedures have to be If he gets injured and is off work for six weeks, workers followed by the carrier. Be sure to work closely with the compensation would pay him 70% of the $15/hour, which claims adjuster to ensure these requirements are met. is $420 per week. Over a six-week period, this would be Also make sure to follow the doctor’s prescribed physical $2,520. limitations. If you are not sure what these are, call the claims Now suppose Bill is brought back to work for those six adjuster. weeks to perform clerical work at $10/hour. The employer The Texas Department of Insurance Division of Workers’ would pay him $400/week ($10/hour x 40 hours), and Compensation encourages employers to make modified workers compensation would pay the injured employee duty work available. They now know what insurance 70% of the difference between the pre-injury wage ($15/ companies have known for years: you don’t get workers hour) and the post-injury wage ($10/hour). He would receive healthy to get them back to work; you get them back to 70% x $5/hour x 8 hours/day x 5 days/week, which is work to get them healthy.

Service Lloyds, P.O. Box 26800, Austin, TX 78755-0800 – @ServiceLloyds Loss Control: Smoke Moment Service Lloyds’ resident loss control expert revisits a moment in time when an impromptu creation became an unlikely success.

By Scott Sloan Vice President of Loss Control

Looking through the 2016 list of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominees recently, I saw ’s nomination and thought of the song “.” As you may know, the song was conceived in , Switzerland, where the band was recording Machine Head, their most commercially successful album. They were across the lake from the Montreux Casino, where and were performing, when someone in the crowd fired a flare gun, catching the casino on fire. It burned to the ground, and the event was immortalized in the song. If you’re like me, snippets of the song play in your head every time you hear the story. And in case you didn’t know, the lyric “Funky Claude was running in and out / Pulling kids out the ground” refers to , the founder of the Montreux Festival, who was at the concert and helped save several people from the fire. Claude also helped the band find a new place to record the album, since the recording studio in the For me, this is the great part of the story: on a whim the band casino was destroyed. Without the Rolling Stones Mobile cooked up something they didn’t think had a lot of life, but it Studio (“the Rolling truck Stones thing”), the album might became their signature song. They stayed with it long enough never have been recorded. for it to be successful even though they didn’t think it was “Don’t lose faith or get particularly good. There is a real lesson here. discouraged just because I wonder how many times a similar situation has gone the other way. How many times did someone give up on you don’t see immediate something they created only to find out later it would have changes or significant culture been a big hit? I think many of us have experienced this at shifts. You never know what some point. will be a hit.” What is your “Smoke on the Water” moment? We create (write, speak, draw, etc.) so many things in our lives, But for me the real story comes later. All the songs on Machine and we often don’t know how they affect others who Head were recorded in Switzerland except “Smoke on the encounter those creations. For safety and risk management Water,” which was only partially recorded there and finished professionals I wonder what little thing we have said, later in the U.K. It wasn’t even originally slated to be part of the trained on, or written about that made a lasting impression album. It finally made the cut but didn’t gain much notoriety on someone. We may never know, but we can use Deep until it was released as a single in the U.S.—more than a year Purple’s example as inspiration to continue. Don’t lose faith after the album was first released. Americans went crazy or get discouraged just because you don’t see immediate for it, and it eventually became their most well-known song. changes or significant culture shifts. You never know what will Apparently the band was not overly enamored with the song, be a hit. To quote Deep Purple’s lead singer Ian Gillan, “No however, and guitarist Ritchie Blackmore sometimes refused matter what we get out of this / I know, I know we’ll never to play the song live. forget / Smoke on the water.”

Service Lloyds, P.O. Box 26800, Austin, TX 78755-0800 – @ServiceLloyds Agency resource Jan Kearbey tackles your toughest agency management questions

Question: • I don’t like failure—if I am in control will be amazed at how people will I know I will succeed. meet a challenge when given the Dear Jan, • I need the spotlight and the opportunity to do so. I am, admittedly, a very driven recognition for a job well done. person. I have been the commercial Build confidence through • I have an ego and need to show lines manager for a growing agency delegation off how much I know. for several years. We have been Normally, control freaks think they are successful in meeting growth goals • Being in control makes me feel delegating a task or project, but in and objectives since my joining important. reality they are controlling each aspect the firm. Recently we hired an HR Obviously, this is not the most of the function with too much direction. specialist to assist in recognizing and flattering image. In fact, recognizing True delegation entails providing the developing talent, and in the process, yourself in any of these comments individual with the purpose of the task, she incorporated peer reviews. I might cause discomfort. One of the why it needs to be done, the end result was more than shocked to see how key elements in creating a healthy desired, and the deadline—leaving many of my staff consider me a working environment is trust. If you are the employee to create all the work in “control freak.” Where does a desire indeed continually inserting yourself between. Delegation only works if you for professional work transcend into in processes, the message is clear: allow the employee to perform. Part controlling behavior? When does you do not trust the individual or of your responsibility in management being the subject matter expert and individuals to do the job correctly. is to train your employees so they sharing that information transcend This will eventually lead to employees can perform the function just as into controlling behavior? Any who won’t bother to provide you well as you. Only after the function clarification would be helpful. with new ideas or innovation; energy is completed, can you provide level drops, engagement wanes, “constructive criticism.” Answer: and you now have employees who Let go This is a very interesting topic in are simply showing up. This doesn’t We all have some portion of our that so many individuals simply even address the stress that you personality that wants control. The don’t recognize themselves as create for yourself in needing to be in more experience we bring to the job, “control freaks.” Most of the time control all the time. Below are just a the more likely we are to convince they consider their comments as few ideas for you to consider to pull ourselves that “our” way is the best, constructive criticism or their intrusion back on the “control” and increase the fastest, most efficient way to perform in an assigned task as being helpful “collaboration” part of leadership. any particular project. What we must or even taking over a project because Be humble remember is that our way may not no one has their experience. There Yes, you have talent. Yes, you have necessarily be the best for our co- is an endless list of justifications to moved the company forward. BUT, workers. In fact there are many “best support this behavior. Assuming you you are not the only person in your ways” to get to an end result. It is want to change, a good starting point agency who has talent. Seek to give perfectly appropriate to present ideas is to understand what is driving the employees the opportunity to use on how to perform a function, but it need to be in control. Do any of the their skills to further the organization is not appropriate to force them to following comments sound familiar? alongside you. Take a step back and comply at each stage of a project. • I have very high standards, and allow your employees to shine and You’re looking for the intended result. most employees can’t meet them. share the spotlight with you. Better yet, By the way, being in control isn’t all • Being the leader makes me feel let them have the spotlight. It is a nice bad, as long as you remember to more comfortable; not being in legacy to be known for all the people focus the control on yourself, not control causes me anxiety. you develop along your journey. You others.

Service Lloyds, P.O. Box 26800, Austin, TX 78755-0800 – @ServiceLloyds