Prof. (Dr.) I. D. Tiwari SELF–ASSESSMENT

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Prof. (Dr.) I. D. Tiwari SELF–ASSESSMENT Prof. (Dr.) I. D. Tiwari SELF–ASSESSMENT OFFICE: Professor, Department of English Guru Ghasidas University Bilaspur C. G. MOB: 9755635555 SYNOPSIS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Engaged in teaching for the past 27 years, and serving as Head of the Department since March 23, 1992. At present working as Professor and Head Department of English, Coordinator Functional English, Dean Student Welfare Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh, C.G. Was awarded Ph. D from the Institute of Advance Studies, Meerut University (Now Ch. Charan Singh University), Meerut for the thesis, “John Ernest Steinbeck’s Heroes.” Research experience – 06 Ph. D. awarded, 01 Submitted & o4 registered. Areas of special interest are Indian writing in English; Gandhi Literature; Culture Studies. Published 06 books, about 20 articles, 05 book reviews. Editor Literary Discourses (ISSN No-0976 2035) Organized 02 National and one International Conference 1 Delivered several lectures at the other departments of the university itself and at other colleges and Universities. 23 conference presentations of which 02 are International and the rest National. Talk on All India Radio, Raipur on Freedom Movement of India in Indian Fiction. Served as Member of: Academic Council, Standing Committee of the Academic Council, Executive Council, University Court, Research Committee, Equivalence- Committee, NAAC Committee, Draft Committee, Library Committee, Advisory Committee of Adult Education of Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh. Worked as a member of the Ordinance Committee (Research Ordinance 60 of I.K.S.V., Khairagarh) that reframed the Research Ordinance of the University. Visited affiliated colleges of the University as In- Charge of the Flying Squad and Inspection Committee for more than five times. Worked as In-charge Dean of Student Welfare from July 1995 to Sept. 2, 1995 and as Dean of Student Welfare in Academic Year 2002, 2003. Worked as N. S. S. officer from July 1987 to July 1994 and organized two Ten Days camps at Kodegaon and Jalbandha, MP in 1990 and 1991. Worked as Examination In-charge of Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh for two years from 19th June 2007 to 8 July 2009. My work was to facilitate annual examinations at 45 Affiliated Colleges and 31 recognized centers all over the country. Worked as an expert member of the valuations committee for the promotion of teachers of IBB University Republic of Yemen. Worked as Coordinator NAAC Committee of IKSKV Khairagarh. (VC/Sect/2010/908 Dated 24.12.2010.) Teaching Experience: About 27 Years Subject Taught/Teaching: 2 English Language; English Literature; American Literature; Indian Writing in English, Shakespeare Research Guidance 1. “Costume in Indian English Literature”(Awarded) 2. “Cultural Contours in the Writings of Jhumpa Lahiri” (Awarded) 3. “William Blake as an Artist” (Awarded) 4. “Influence of Cultural Values of Jainism on M. K. Gandhi’s English Writings”(Awarded) 5. “Critical Study of Mulk Raj Anand’s Short Stories: With Special Reference to His Portrayal of Indian Culture” (Awarded) 6. “Culture, Religion and Society as Reflected in Taslima Nasrin’s Novels” (Awarded) 7. Stylistics and Semiotic Discourse of Advertisement” (Submitted) Conference Attended, Seminars Coordinated and Chairing of Sessions: Coordinated Two National Seminars (1) Oral Traditions of Chhaattisgarh and the First Citizens of Canada, 2007 in collaboration with Dr. Hari Singh Gour University Sagar. The seminar was organized at I. KS.V.V. Khairagarh C.G. (2) Marginalized Characters in the plays of Shakespeare, Kalidas and Jaishankar Prasad. 2007. The seminar was organized at I. KS.V.V. Khairagarh C.G International Conference 1. International Seminar on Indian Diasporic Experience: History Culture and Identity organized by North Gujarat University, Patan, Gujarat, India on 22- 24 Dec. 2002. Paper Presented: Reconstruction of History in A Suitable Boy. 3 2. International Conference on V. S. Naipaul – His Life & Works organized by The Institute of Commonwealth and American Studies and English Language (ICASEL), Mysore on 6-8, January, 2004. Paper Presented: Hero in A Bend in the River. National Conference/Seminar/Symposia 1. Attended Workshop and Seminar on Legal Literacy organized by Department of Adult Continuing Education Extension and Field Outreach, Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh on 21-23 February, 2006. 2. Attended Training and Orientation Programme on Knowledge of Various Money Saving Schemes, Income Tax Rebates and General Accountancy organized Department of Adult Continuing Education Extension and Field Outreach, Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh on 1-3 December 2005. 3. Attended and Deliver a Lecture in Introductory English & Adult Learning organized Department of Adult Continuing Education Extension and Field Outreach, Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh on 17-31 March 1999. 4. National Seminar on The Impact of Out-Sourcing on Indian Economy organized by Makhanlal Chaturvedi Govt. P.G. College, Khandwa, M.P. on 30-31 October, 2006. Attended the Seminar as Subject Expert and Chaired the Session 5. Parliamentary Process and Procedures organized by the Bureau of Parliamentary Studies and Training, Lok Sabha Sectt. New Delhi, 23 July, 1993.20 Attended the Appreciation Course and Stood Second. 6. National Seminar on English Language Teaching organized by M. S. College, Ujjain, M. P. on 17 –19 December, 1999.21 Paper Presented: Teaching English to the students of Music and Fine Arts -A Case Study 7. National Seminar on Sanskrit’s Contribution in National Consciousness organized by Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh, C. G. on 26.9.2000.22 Paper Presented: Humane Nationalism in Sanskrit 4 8. National Symposium on Indian and Western Traditions of Teaching Language and Literature organized by Nagpur University, Maharashtra, India on July 30-31, 2000.23 Participated as a resource Person and Spoke on Certain Important Principles of Teaching. 9. National Conference on Crisis in Human Values in Indian Writing in English organized by The Chhattisgarh English Teachers’ Association, Raipur, C. G. on 11-12 October 2000.24 Paper Presented: Value Crisis in A Suitable Boy. 10. Inter-University Workshop Unity in Diversity organized by Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh, C. G. on 23-24 February, 2001.25 Participated as a Convener 11. XXI Statutory National Conference on Education and Women Empowerment organized by AIFUCTO at Lucknow, U. P. on 9-11 November 2001.26 12. National Seminar on Studies in Sin Suffering and Salvation in English Literary and Religious Classics organized by M. S. College, Ujjain, M. P. on 19-21-October 2002.27 Paper Presented: Sin Suffering and Salvation in John Ernest Steinbeck 13. National Conference (XXXXVIITH All India English Teachers Conference) at the Department of English, Lucknow University, Lucknow, U. P. on 27-29 December 2002.28 Paper Presented: Costume and Character Delineation 14. 48th All India English Teachers’ Conference organized by Department of English, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut on 19-21 December, 2003.29 Paper Presented: John Steinbeck’s In Dubious Battle – A Study in Leadership. 15. Attended National Seminar on P. B. Shelly organized by Dept. of English, Meerut Univeisty, Meerut in 1992. 16. Attended Parliamentary Proceedings held at B. P. S. T., New Delhi, in 1990. 17. Attended National Seminar on Influence of Gita on English Literature organized by Dept. of English, Meerut Univeisty, Meerut in 1989. 5 18. Attended National Seminar on Kabir and Tagore organized by Dept. of English, Meerut Univeisty, Meerut in 1988. 19. Attended Workshop ‘How to Teach Adults’ organized by Ravishankar University, Raipur in 1988. 20. Attended Workshop ‘Technique of Adult Education’ organized by Ravishankar University, Raipur in 1989. 21. Attended Workshop ‘Improved Method of Teaching Adults’ organized by Ravishankar University, Raipur in 1991. 22. Attended National Seminar on ‘Dalit literature past trends and present concerns.’ The national Seminar was organized by the Department of English, P G College Lansdowne Himanchal Predesh on October 4rth an 5th. Paper presented “Treatment of Dalits in the short stories of Mulk Raj Anand.” I also chaired two sessions in the seminar and participated in the Valediction Ceremony as the chief guest. Editorship and Advisor: 1. Editor of Literary Discourses International Journal of Literature and Art: 2. Edited University Research Journal Kala Saurabh. 3. Advisor of the University’s Annual Research Journal Kala Saurabh Vol. IX-XVII 4. Member of the Editorial Board of Souvenir- Indira Mela, 1998. 5. Member of the Editorial Board of Souvenir- 9th Convocation, 2002. 6. Editor of the Half Yearly News Letter of I. K. S. V. V., Khairagarh. Important Research Articles: 1. “Music as a Medium in A Suitable Boy”, Published by The Quest. 2. “Examination System in Indian Universities: With Special Reference to I. K. S. V. V., Khairagarh” Published by Kala Vaibhav, Research Journal published from the Department of History of Indian Art and Culture. I. K. S. V. V. Khairagarh C. G. Vol. XVII, 2007-08. 6 3. “Novelist as a Playwright: Flawless Women in Ngugi’s Plays” Published by Kala Vaibhav, Research Journal published from the Department of History of Indian Art and Culture. I. K. S. V. V. Khairagarh C. G. Vol. XVI, 2006-07. 4. “Ancient India: A Light House of Knowledge” Published by Kala Vaibhav, Research Journal published from the Department of History of Indian Art and Culture. I. K. S. V. V. Khairagarh C. G. Vol. XV, 2005-06. 5. “Hero: Past and Present” Published by Kala Vaibhav, Research Journal published from the Department of History of Indian Art and Culture. I. K. S. V. V. Khairagarh C. G. Vol. XIII-XIV, 2003-04. 6. “Cultural Identity and Costume: With special reference to Indian English Novel”, Published by Kala Vaibhav, Research Journal published from the Department of History of Indian Art and Culture. I. K. S. V. V. Khairagarh C. G. 7. “Principles of Effective Teaching: With Special Reference to A Foreign Language.” Published by Kala Saurabh: Research Journal of I. K. S. V. V. Khaiaragrh. 8.
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