
Pacific Science (2000), vol. 54, no. 1: 10-14 © 2000 by University of Hawai'i Press. All rights reserved

Description of a New Deep-Water (Porifera: Calcarea) from Northern California 1


ABSTRACT: A new species, escanabensis Duplessis & Reiswig, is de­ scribed from material retrieved by submersible from 3500 m depth in the Esca­ naba Trough, central Gorda Ridge, off northern California. The species differs from all other members of the by the combination of conspicuous tripar­ tite body organization and slender, lancet-head diactins that ornament the ex­ ternal surface and the oscular margin. This is the first deep-water (> 1000 m) described from the North Pacific Basin.

MEMBERS OF THE PORIFERAN Calcarea modifying the solution dynamics of calcium have often been considered to be restricted to carbonate. However, Vacelet (1989) has the upper 200 m of the ocean by physical found calcareous at eight deep loca­ factors (Bergquist 1978), namely the calcium tions in the Mediterranean Sea, the deepest carbonate compensation depth, below which at 2775 m, casting serious doubt upon the exposed calcareous skeletons pass fairly unique environment hypothesis. rapidly into solution (Gage and Tyler 1991). These calcareous sponges have all been, Indeed, the skeletal remains of calcareous with rare exception, members of the cosmo­ sponges are rarely encountered in sediments politan genus Sycon. The only deep-water at depths beyond 2500 m, suggesting their calcareous sponge reported from the North absence as members of deep-water faunal Pacific is an unidentified specimen discovered communities. In recent years, however, an in the Kurile Trench at 5045 m (Koltun increasing number of living calcareous speci­ 1970). Here we describe a new deep-water mens have been discovered at depths below Sycon species (four specimens) from the 1000 m. These reports have been primarily Northeast Pacific. This is only the second re­ from the Norwegian, Greenland, and Arctic port of occurrence of deep-water Calcarea Seas (Arnesen [1920]: 1 location; Borojevic from this region and the first report with a and Graat-Kleeton [1965]: 7 locations; Reid full species determination. [1968]: 3 locations; Tendal [1989]: 40 loca­ tions). The deepest specimen reported from the Atlantic region is Sycon abyssale from 4000 m (Borojevic and Graat-Kleeton 1965). MATERIALS AND METHODS This series of unexpected occurrences was The two complete specimens, after being thought to be attributable to the unusual photographed and measured, were grossly combination of low temperatures and high dissected to provide isolated body regions. overturn (dynamic instability) in this region, These were bulk-stained in 1% erythrosin-B in 95% ethanol and either whole-mounted in Canada balsam on slides or embedded 1 Financial support for specimen analysis was pro­ vided by an operating grant from the Natural Sciences in paraffin for thick-sectioning by hand, and Engineering Research Council ofCanada to H.M.R. deparaffinized in xylene, and mounted in Manuscript accepted 3 April 1999. balsam. Pieces used for spicule sampling were 2 Redpath Museum and Biology Department, McGill deparaffinized and digested in 5.25% sodium University, 859 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Que­ bec, Canada H3A 2K6. hypocWorite. Spicules were retained on 3 Corresponding author (E-mail: cxhr@musica. 0.2-llm pore-size nitrocellulose filters, which mcgill.ca). were water-rinsed, dried, cleared in xylene, 10 New Deep-Water Calcareous Sponge-DupLESsIS AND REISWIG 11

and mounted in balsam on slides for light DESCRIPTION: Specimen: A complete spec­ microscopy. Spicules were measured by com­ imen of Sycon escanabensis shows clear tri­ puter with a microscope-coupled digitizer. partite macrostructure (Figure la), consisting Spicule drawings were prepared from video­ of an oscular tube, a trunk, and a stalk; total captured light-microscope images imported length: 3.4-5.6 mm; width: 2.4-2.6 mm. into a computer drawing program and traced Oscular tube length: 0.9-1.2 mm; diameter: on-screen. 0.9-1.1 mm. Oscular tube (Figure la,c) lacks Samples for scanning electron microscopy choanocytes and serves only to convey exha­ (SEM) were digested in 5% sodium hypo­ lent water from the trunk to the superior chlorite and were either captured on 0.2-llm osculum. It is composed of two bounding pore-size polycarbonate membrane filters or epithelia enclosing a well-ordered spicular deposited directly onto cover glasses after skeleton of sagittal triactins, sagittal ray di­ rinsing in distilled water. After gold-palladium rected basally, and a small proportion (ca. coating, specimens were viewed and photo­ 5%) of tetractins, curved atrial ray directed graphed with an SEM (JEOL JSM-840). into the tube lumen and toward the osculum. Data are reported as mean ± SD (range, Thin lancet-head diactine spicules form a number of measurements). Specimens have marginal fringe at osculum and ornament been deposited at the California Academy of the external surface of the tube in an oblique, Sciences, Invertebrate Division, osculum-directed orientation. (CASIZ), Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, The trunk contains the entire choanocyte California. population of the sponge in the flagellated chambers (radial canals). Externally the trunk is conulose and hispid, and the cones SYSTEMATIC TREATMENT distally ornamented with small lancet-head Class CALCAREA Bowerbank, 1864 diactins. Trunk length: 1.8-3.6 mm. The Subclass Bidder, 1898 flagellated chambers are coalescent for most Order LEUCOSOLENIIDA Hartman, 1958 of their length (Figure lb), a distinctive Family Dendy, 1892 characteristic of Sycon. The chambers them­ Genus Sycon Risso, 1826 selves measure 324-363 Ilm wide and 592­ 667 Ilm long. Small oocytes at low density Sycon escanabensis Duplessis & Reiswig, n. (1-4 per flagellated chamber) occur in the sp. holotype. Tetractins, common at the inter­ Figures 1-3 section of the flagellated chambers and atrial cavity, have their atrial ray oriented as in TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype: CASIZ 113575, the oscular tube, but the primary rays are length 5.6 mm (complete specimen), Esca~ arranged to coincide with margins of the naba Trough, Gorda Ridge, off Northern radial canal junctions, not the longitudinal California; 40.99° N, 127.494° W; 6 Septem­ axis of the sponge. ber 1988; 3500 m; col. R. Zierenberg; DSS The tapered basal stalk apparently serves Laney Chouest and DSSV Sea Cliff, dive no. only for attachment and support; it lacks 766. choanocytes, an axial atrial cavity, and ex­ Paratypes: CASIZ 113576, length 3.4 mm ternal diactin ornamentation. Stalk length: (complete specimen); CASIZ 113577, 1.3 mm 0.90-0.95 mm. Its skeleton of triactins and (oscular tube only); CASIZ 113578, 1.3 mm tetractins is less ordered than those of the (oscular tube only); collection data as for other body regions. Small sand grains are holotype. attached to the stalk base of the complete DIAGNOSIS: Sycon with a distinctly tripar­ paratype, CASIZ 113576. tite body (oscular tube, trunk, and stalk), Spicules: Triactins occur in two forms: and short, thin, lancet-head diactins pro­ sagittal (Figure 2a-c) and irregular (Figure jecting from oscular margin and surrounding 2d); they are semitetrahedral (nonplanar) external surface. (Figure ld). Ray length: 231 ± 91 Ilm (28- 12 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 54, January 2000

FIGURE 1. Sycon escanabensis, n. sp.: a, holotype, showing tripartite structure (Os, osculum; Tr, trunk; St, stalk). b, cross section of the body wall of the holotype, showing radial canals, 1% erythrosin-B stained. c, the two incomplete paratypes (oscular tubes) showing diactins of the oscular fringe. d, triactine spicule, clearly nonplanar in form (SEM). e, tetractine spicule, with atrial ray projecting vertically (SEM)./, diactine spicule (whole). g, diactine spicule (lancet head).

559 11m, 576); ray thickness: 18.4 ± 8.5 11m continuous distribution, establishing that only (5.6-47.9 11m, 225). Medium-sized sagittal a single class of this spicule form is present; triactins (Figure 2b) occur in oscular tube L = 125 ± 11° (97-159°, 204). Irregular tri­ oriented with sagittal ray directed basally, actins (Figure 2d) occur throughout the and in lateral walls of the radial canals. specimen in small numbers and more com­ Larger sagittal triactins (Figure 2a) occur at monly in the stalk region; largest angle: proximal and distal ends (terminal cones) of L = 134 ± 12° (124-177°,105). the radial canals. Very small triactins (Figure Tetractins (Figures Ie, 2e) line the atrial 2c) occur throughout the specimens. Fre­ cavity, with atrial ray projecting inward and quency analysis of the unpaired angle of upward toward the osculum. They are also sagittal triactins (Figure 3) shows a broad, present in the oscular tube wall and in the New Deep-Water Calcareous Sponge-DupLEsSIS AND REISWIG 13 rr c f


FIGURE 2. Spicules of Sycon escanabensis, n. sp.: a, large sagittal triactins. b, medium sagittal triactins. c, small sagittal triactins. d, irregular triactin. e, tetractine spicule. f, diactine spicules.

30.0 0.14 Diactins (Figures If, 2f) always occur projecting lancet head out from the external 0.12 22.5 -0 surface on the terminal fringe of the oscular 010.g 0 tube, along its outer walls, and at tips of the "E 0.08 g: cones of the radial canals. This distinctive '"0 15.0 u 0.06 ~'" lancet-shaped head (Figure 19) also occurs in other Sycon species. Length: 228 ± 59 flm 7.5 0.04 If (73-341 flm, 100); thickness: 2.9 ± 0.7 flm 0.02 (1.4-5.1 flm, 100). 0.0 0.0 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 ETYMOLOGY: The species name is derived Angle in degrees from the geographic location of collection, the Escanaba Trough. FIGURE 3. Histogram of unpaired angle ofsagittal tri­ actine spicules of Sycon escanabensis, n. sp. REMARKS: This species is assigned to the genus Sycon by virtue of coalescence of its radial canals. Several other species of this ge­ trunk region at intersections of the radial nus also show tripartite body organization, canals. Dimensions of primary rays as for including S. ampulla, S. caminatum, S. hum­ triactins (above); atrial ray length: 165 ± boldtii, S. raphanus, and S. sycandra (Burton 40 flm (93-228 flm, 20). 1963). The new species differs from S. am- 14 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 54, January 2000 pulla by its solitary form (s. ampulla is colo­ cation of the calcareous sponges with a nial) and its solid stalk (that of S. ampulla is catalogue of the specimens in the British hollow). All of these tripartite forms differ Museum (Natural History). British Mu­ from S. escanabensis in their possession of seum (Natural History), London. much larger diactine spicules. GAGE, J. D., and P. A. TYLER. 1991. Deep sea biology: A natural history of organ­ isms at the deep sea floor. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS KOLTUN, V. M. 1970. Sponge fauna of the We thank M. Boudrias for providing the North-Western Pacific from the shallows specimens on which this work is based. We to the ultra-abyssal depths. Pages 117-233 acknowledge advice on systematics and liter­ in V. G. Bogorov, ed. Fauna of the ature from J. Vacelet and R. Borojevic. Kurile-Kamchatka Trench and its envi­ ronment. Trudy Instituta Okeanologii Akademii NAUK SSSR (Transl. from Russian, Israel Program on Scientific LITERATURE CITED Translations, Jerusalem, No. 600496: ARNESEN, E. 1920. Spongia. Report of the 177-233). "Michael Sars" North Atlantic Deep-Sea REID, R. E. H. 1968. Bathymetric distribu­ Expedition 1910, 3 (2): 1-28, pIs. I-V. tions of Calcarea and the Hexactinellida BERGQUIST, P. R. 1978. Sponges. University in the present and the past. Geol. Mag. of California Press, Berkeley. 6: 546-559. BOROJEVIC, R., and G. GRAAT-KLEETON. TENDAL, O. S. 1989. Calcareous sponges in 1965. Sur une nouvelle espece de Sycon the abyssal Norwegian and Greenland et quelque recoltees par Ie Seas. Deep-Sea Newsl. 15: 22-23. "Cirrus" dans l'Atlantique Nord. Beau­ VACELET, J. 1989. Unexpected deep-water fortia 154: 81-84. records of calcareous sponges (Calcarea). BURTON, M. 1963. A revision of the classifi- Deep-Sea Newsl. 15: 24-25.