


1984, Sanibel bars clc&k«e 'sat I jsuw®,_ TVeKUy atattA "Hoiwof ui (Stem Daw for TWubr lida&l Matut Rtportur ^ «h«t at midnight, but weed UM 1 |MH doling *V« a Aiwe for TJwTlmfeww, BsbCitMna lorCW^iwd S «tep IB the right direction" -• a fur SkndfeU tnlwadj u> »ervtM.bcri»41 ua. MWS •"_!»« itUaden wbo like to done out the bars - Butlor aad compiled statistics that poiet t« c law wid ,tbe "b*ju it f ttits (MW a mjn J. W« agree tttat .itiwr 'I1 eotnelhenewyw UJwit or not, you are going to onkrprobUmfn late night bara. In 19e£ud 63 there lieraml 1 Mu.fi net witindjr in th» tost public teUruaf * X be shooed wit of your favorite locale an hour wen between midnight and T unjl arrewU for driving nriUr while Intoxicated *~ twice as ranny AS before mlUft&x^it ut S-I«r 4» Mid thai i mulnlKht (JcslAf Wd tra < Httrtaa; tost srresU for drunken driving In the wee Before the caondl mst to diacoiV hour UoUtaUw» *a U* wrijr fix- (oaaUeraUos « number for the Mine tbv S«VCK island tnrs wit* £ unM&eta£v UtthrSS B: olUUt ewoint tjgfct diners: wtorOins M'snamtrr ; o!f*n*e .before midnight. th« dty found) Ihi. week torn island drinking estaUUhmeata* tovr «I lin tounf* dfAinc aud «itMtsimncat-p»U«rB*, wben foopi* uat promised with the haadful of bar and luungeowncra operators had worked out t eoeapreaiiHF sUgaeatbM. ^ later bttauae thtr evening* «WM» UUn end wwitd who itay_epen to £ e_m. to nuke nm doting hours of AccordmEto<; Scott 6Uerr gtnwnl uaRiu|*r of 8a*

iTmuk ju» nido pUnj zo jptt tb* p*tiy swUleuc* zH Ctprlxnt eiuf 4t W bland rckldeftb to decide In a aptrUl duo "' it-* w%^ Totot*t CuKManff 26 pereul of iM slsnetur^i of tel*wl^ot«r», some *»hwuntfcon « poiiUon that calb by .ardtunce for: rw^Bcfrio n*p(Ml Ba raelalMicapragniB ^ "Lit the pMiiin- deddi-" C^Hani toftt the /#tomf rter *0a ysur propertryou «b*uMi» aW* to do the bill TOD want»«!*, **d set let Uw dty amp Cl»*tb«t--j-«i Uke it w sM.nClpnanl ate Suw» FMtSIyew «Uorw> TfcamaaCwHa-to hdp For Miguef/afgift-bOove : - in. the' retaxadmn prooedtinv KU flvrMiun mconiltu* the boy bid never known tha #«Jt*in«et if a mdl- contUU orSdwtrd Conrad (cjiaicnaitV,KlUjr Ro»e UoMlChrtotnaaiiKJth*tDrc25 IW&had Gweo Zlmmernun. ^SSuk JDxwnpotC tad lohn jar-old Mlfinl irtll soon know forth* ^ T sawiwd trf*ak «nd emptj of stftt for • »**y^ rrWlundL-i , ^ -, - ^ r youngat-r j^s *i" ; On Tueadir tbe «lty'5««Hdl »p»«J*» **!» » eertain Chrtrirau i»rapt«te -wl h b*uble-JuS«n tr«e u For Miguel Una ChrlaUnas wQl be different But part of tbs. nferendum - pmewlui* which' would' h*vt much fend *x fe« «tn -eat. and Riftu of hla ewn fo^ hdIfUltdoriamMd-^ * <. * forced

at Mm tnanlfd a ha from he Huyor slowly relvased > c*i tfnl ah Coundl Sart'es Clam Uohtt aeeaed to »i«h wi tlnlxm Aftw ous th&n five WahN at (Ac Ch T yuw, huxlrwls ^ 'tobi.tn DOU- publidy >nd! tne hoktwg ettrtttoxy itacraus taedic stozici, Suib«I City Saturday acw'ttftxm -, Ctpyrftdtb!f!ti i Tb the CffutiMxty Ctnttr 8-0 vote pives thV vuy or Below Uvke' Hottsuir to Other eoastnictinvoreslEty on Sanibel.1' <" 'J . r-Th* uiunlmciu d^fatkm *une.sp tfter thr nn had {One down. A Mrtd eowirfi •xplalusi ^(ewd deflnlil "e auawen. «ed tkSAoi nuoy ^twatkme from an tud'enc* , thtibcitgr 1/or tbe final MtrWkrefi came In Uteidfhl- i *•• Of <>.e *mn [stvuf rctUcnts «% npoke Ul "n- ueatast tbe niuagv of theEMRH fa«t,"Ut a put tH» thins cp for a vote aea Irt^ts vaters cf Ssnlfnl d-cWc 1 r tbe i*wir,' Bid llimry Shertani of toe jbttrr CWM- f c continued op 22A Holiday hours t Tbn UUn.va.m Moa- y a4v*r ttomff vniIT b* at IUPH en awneKtt George* Whsst are «nd found thai P For iiuUnce — and ifcej witrr qulu special. Phone for baby picture? FINE Sf.llCWOH Of SIFfS Campbeirs" .rHcvanl lo tint holiday' Florida's they would oal> mllr great'dates • CtOTHPtACSMAre ..*'!» G1ASSWAM ^uon- Campbell U*ta •tut "a boating film" — The alorL hu be a vi^Jiff lfi« hic • COOK BOOKS • GAVtS newest: the pniiuiettU plant is: chances «H)F heavily dcpcrHiecJ, 1 ir.fr 19S3. delivering a fcurrioer crof of buuttag baWti* eGnEFUNGC poUttouuB ud dencrlbc* on mangrove itt>md> DECEMBER If the *WrV came Iw your hane, jom baby b uiir&fe for S TO3 • STK3SRS > It's toxtdty *> auchi in films? JEWEUft * e PWEB WEISHIS bright caution red cover-; Milky up nay be nucb M the Gent y at Ciaromo rucritti .Dmtnbcr 2S CMII Ann Tl|»on at 47S-I58T to irruipi time to Uv» •a lbs vlsiu! mrwigt, cauatic; if isftrated. may, - « HUMMELWgK FKSUMNES J Futurv UUnd *UrkU HKckmtJt movti. Af^Af 22 av«nhrr29.192*1. Italian operatic your baby photon^^ bund baUea wQI tppeu- in » behind the •wdsin be irritating to the CJ " — don't lose heart. juM Afotva, filmed fcer*I n prr.'pethip*'fcmt kuown Sot M&dtinr- Jaotuu-j iuue ol the AJtud Rtporttr n Gcorgn.C*npbeU'a . tran and I* thought lo Sod yourMlf m better UM nlft-TOo. Ruttrrfl*. •* 1 ^_ ft ^) :nc*c»t taiiMv An D- b« purgative™" Under.1 «use»«t, / The toeu that Port symptoms, tie Uitu. ll'« rare that the Mycra (• « «onelden>bW Olrtwday of Joiwph Smltt WE WISH A iOYFUL HOUOAY "D*rtnaiitU has Imn ,!Wl5Jun«27,'lH44t,'Auv Some PoitorMUa Plant* felandi count a Win drlvtawsjatufthat 23 : SEASON TO ALL OUR FRIENDS "asd Animata Of FjorWa; recorded dm to ex .durrtor of Intcnutwo*!'. leadrr. foii'ddv f of tbe ADD PATRONS, FOLLOWED BY Th» 516,95 gM* hr.ij pasture- to Uw» t*p.lt the: • rmni^ition arooug their further dr» wbttka, (w sep ipaLter* Into the , A HATPY AND PSOSPEKOUS juat been m«a et! bevy of visitor* — but ya ut ex • (]hrltim%r Eve Da a fuil m partial hortdcy r thici.ft-hoet the aUto hy *y« it may c«u»e pain juat auch an rvent %aS KEWYEAR. ,. , : fut irrilatfon and breath. Atraaklii talk* 24 in twenty m if countries and in Irirty of the Pineapple P*w* Inc. of j t h nr alwwt tlw hardahipt of fifty *Utti of tW tinjtcrdbuifv ,-L weather Enjttewobd. Florida fn x ' fceraloconjuodiviUs ac- companied by i welling: «d this wech J nil l + W? " c* •< v WE HOPE TO SEE AU. OF YOU .4^00-booh first ran. Kf n Amukio, writer This rowrt is bosad on recces kspt *i tho of*ytlidi." Under first Chrittnia D* a Mwiaj in t4U nation* of , IN OUR SHOP OFTEW DURING CamjsWB Sutd once aid, Campbell luggMit, and director of tiucb 25 the world, and In all of ihp rttLy aUten of thr' Sanibet-Captlva Cl>ambor ot Corwvwrc* ' been under eoulract by ^Ifingcatcd, fnduBi vfitul treats u T%4 Unflt-d Suit* roam of Ihr Nativity of Our way RtMd and is for the woefe ancjlna at thefanfetMTtptlvii -, . vomiting-JrproU«mU- Magnificent Men and iJird. or ihe ?4BM cf Chri»L coinrnrmwoUn^ Apm oft Tuesday Dec. 20 tjosu*rvatio» Found* UipicaL wuh with Fel*- - Their Fitting Maehaut, tn*iYitw< Ib-; MKbarrhrint-In « tnanxirjn rtrthlfhrm. .. - Htgh Low Unn u> piodnee * poi-. Naptha bar soip. llwp' • Paper Tiger. Hatti* of to tee the i n day of rejolrinxv- proyer,'and prui«e a Wed, Dec 14 - 77 83 u E1KSU KIC ft MOLLY. o' > alonoiit jjfcitta wid it in 111* eye*, wmsh the Svlg* and moat Weal, ao be Knot a 1olrmr.il/ In (he Roman CatholirChurrh ^ Thu'B, Dca. 15 - 70 61 &3 animal* of SunibtJ 1 tl TkPi' -with water copiously «y, cowbor flitk In TucuPa. S dnej to ilohart Ym-ht race btnian on Bos Frl, Dec. 16 booklet, put cj the ; Movit, tpent several > Arix. for television. Mid ^c. 17. 78 64 SCCP publication xnd.»eek emergrncy 26 ing Day di UolWay H Australia a apwUinihr medial aid if frriulon dayi on CapUvo, boated cninlereit in Now, ,ratv ovvr «.*! mUr* of wafer: lanUnc nrvrral Sun, Doc 18 78r- OPENDAn.V10TO,5 SUNDAY itU aerie*, but en editorial -"-i by Islander* Deirdre Orlran* resulted fnr> M0-1 D(K tfl SECOND WEEK dlapute evolwdud ; 78 \< "ntrougli December 29 and Leonard MoiWr., «nothert%.ip«aal- '•" -.-.-. \ \ •Tues, Dear 20 7£ Campbell'* contract wu ibeMocUi >andAn- H'a more th*a Hirthday ori^uin-pjiatKirU>«etnber27, /•00&9-00 Httled hy SCCF. Both - mkin arc lone-time ^ truetthel thw English -• 27 tea SrP(r' : ^iion^MwettlyfixhthpriMidenlorihetlniiwI" much *c»in to ttfKfc' provco a coocert dAie But-ftai 'i Ken 1 -.1C .vertebrate .utoalcv to the Chlwgo Lyric tram Mualery the p«n«pct, ^ y^ SUilt*. !»11 J! rVrxb rrlar Awnnied thf Eich pedorwuE' Enfcmbie to perform is : opening lia* for.bis (reuldjlke.to work tnoat: Nohel P«rr )'riw in rtlff Rurt«l in **\ an* apeflni^n U Oluttraled the city tiMUcourtyani plaaned »uU)W«»raphy ^ •wKhictor 'Jaelf, Wu*hlnKl«H CottWrairElt-ct^ lo ihi-Hull of CUMIC'IHHKUT tt^n Hi from Swwfcu P llbhhVUtel ^ 1 * lot young ir.ta bulh. BI^JOI'MIIT aHincrand by Wsadw Ann Winler- W«dnwday. Jan. Z? g; Mfthotaon, *wi afur-hui isUlViLJ'* ~ j-" >^ - Fin® Books ^ botharo ami Campbell from 1— £J0p.m. It's a IICflltn« sMt th*» «^ ffe the good word*. tSV/ Litw ry Rcficct the Giver * ,, describe* thft'oubj«:is Said City Manager Jleuyc h«UatUI _^r cornrnoB nttDanEi. where Bernie Mu/phy: "We savoring th* ttectence. i to« a little pale? >- in We have additional staff found, d-»t3iption want to encourage the h Wow, back to ihow f DeedofaFtondaatlrtr on hand to help you < nature at tcjcidty, use of the new — v '• jLirleU. While relaxing; There may be hope tor'. select that hard to find gift i j symptom* first till tug f in what suftthine Souths. tbe bland* "after »U,tt,: c wcit Florida offered Punier or stocking stuffer. : ; thl*wMk, Auiiakin bamDe' S gh!Inas Open evenings and -< m \ viied uu the iatanda XA SpcttK&Ooiitoortt Sunday afteirno& s Tide Chart- ^ for your convenience. •£ We will close ~ 1 FOCUS OR1: at 4 on Christmas Eve. »• Ship UPS •, .story of a woman por- dent tor Het Flmnietlf - HOURS' Monday-Friday 10-9 WiBIiam Dsgbtad. and al the re ,trayed "inspirational — pie ten] to o've up too qeust of a Dutch - all of (hem sooner or e«aih/.tb9llev»lnthe Saturday 10-5:30 < publisher, he wrote A tnter found principle that II you i ^ > Sunday 1-5^0 •• Don't Miss Reading Constandse themselves, and tha- work at It; sooner or "V island book en Anrerlcatt , IO2I Pcfiumklc IVa « * - "'lam Coiv business practices. ones tnat stuch to It lator Lady Luck Is go- -"THE VIEW FROM UNDER] Soon hit added travel achieved their goslal" Ing to •mile at you. REPORTER ! w 472 1447 THE TABLE" %^f sUn^es - ^Two women he was : The bi«ak wWtxxwe * ? T V w p«rortt»Bym- «nic'«s to his port most impressed with *• from connections who. pattittOti with tholr to'lo.-Some of which were the wife ol an will glvw you an oppor- **' 1 Edltbriar o»lc«?—B13»«7a-1E8a ' , ^ * by Pax Kirby ^ son »ij*«lra to be a appoared li T7w New alcoholic husband who tunity." * r wrtlar — bul lhey _ Ytw* Times and Vie - -. ProdJClton o'Heo— Bi3/«e«1f1 stuck by him during There havo been > * Ih^eautobiography of Bonnie, swaysa the boy Washington Post A % against! lt claiming collection of Ms best , his addiction^ even somn pointed Jn- Eallor and OWKIMI Uawgsf Allan Smilh "> 1 ^a charm'ng French pocxile who r A though her Catholic cldonts in William Con- VIP SAYS IT ALL IN most wmsra In the travel stories was pub- J 'Cfrt*f f owns Pax and Durward Kirby.l wix'd lived in poverty lished In the 1975 priest had on his own stancse's life when cencentratfon camps [ - Whst's led to ex- - REAL ESTATE" *\ Now «• age 81. and book. Travel Bought.out permission Lady Luck's jmlla was in Holland p'ora for thl* mBn who a Too L - fan ntuj I .from the Pope for a greatly appreciated. * 1 While bofng moved ^ hno opened nls~eyfl&to with 9 carear at ISM \ ViKtentBChm \ , A behind htm Con- His return to Asia 'possible divorce — His entire family , to a camp In Ge many, 'the WoHa? Weil a ; and In the end the hus- movsd'tom Constand- he escaped c(f the book of momoTS Is" MtiCraulird slandse has al least „ and exploration of In se » birthplace, the 1 Ix becks faarilnd him donosfa proirpted In band wan resiorcdrano train Latw lie gavw up elated, i>u* that will •- 1 «.n-1 WVT D( IS.V VIIM an,»rtlst who struggled, Netherlands East In- hla youthful .soslaHs'lc^' !ccmae!te/,hls'c»rrer,i _ S«nlc» Kanaoar K«n Goqderliitm — and Is now B» side Indonesia the 1 t and 30 years to perfect her- dies, a Dutch colony, leanings Therast - vxamlnatlc-n of ~~ SUII Shirley Flrttcn Marcia &baon r- (ulltlmft author, who 1982 book lhal covered 1 acMDllMluim^iicluni : cralt, ond who survived to Holland when he uaylngln Europe,'" religion, in a work arv Jlm Pilta Cal RHga Paul Toluaiien rigo usly sits down at two topics — How lo iwas seven years old. Conatsndse relates, £lf titled"BollgIoiil&a byTV. GAKRVMOORE his desk every morning do business in the Far a series of menial jobs ' Bi.'lln«it Mpnagar Jean He Orvireika *• J to do her ort >,t night;, Shortly oefora the out- you are'not a-scciallst. - soa*ch for meaning -. "" 'Available at; lor hours at M st etch Cast and why foreign braatiofWortdWarli;, when you are 20 you ^ ' The only dlfforenco Even white Con aid Is a waste of A After so many yflars,'- Circulation MamigeManager Shlr'ene GraGrasor-ws n ' He Crocodile her art in appreciated he enrolled In the ^ have no heart — If you In the religions of the ^ i Cfrcuiallon Stall Marry Sherman stundss was burnliQ money " says Con- TechnfcaS Unlvorslty of. wurid aro the delalls," ^. Constandse tried to .'meBtltlasocialist; ( * v Quimby's- thn International stands* He add* tha* OeUt to pursues ",j ^ when you re 40 you*"1 " So U you have an tn ContrlbulorsRsrMtTwomblv Gewga Weymou h Frlif trtialfesa trail (he the book ha* been talk (0 A-croao-sactlon, carear In engineering, J ^ and Norma StoipfllMlir Betrt niarninfl t The Mole Hol| of women ln.-Sarria.Fe. hove no brainsi , "n tortslin Indonesia, fn' wor>od In a variety of banned in irviotre&fa but when thewsi Alter :ho war. Con- ~t cofTiputers 'yet nnother Sea Horse countries for IBM and and Singapore J- ^ (his Bummer home), e*up*ed t*o became 9 1 ( baciiuea of Uie Imrigu' |.:standse decldod to." Constandse pfodoclj, when he retired, ha / His latest book. A f student activist work- inrellflloh; travel or; "£. Madnto lng dlfl«rencN be < «ml{ratp to America ? then wofkod for She Tribute to tha Women* K % Ing for_trw •- y.« becius« ha believed ~.u .women.'check'out thej_ Books SG'/Group il» targpft of Santi Ft Is a labof r tween tne.croupj —, -5 underground *— ard ^ book stands If none al managtfir^nt consul .of love #nd He work ; black," Anglos Spanish, -was nabbsd by th« In- ''•Europe would fall, tnose topics Quite ap-; SutncHpilomvn lUnlbel and C Island • tartt firm In Asia he ^ that most per'ectly ^|ndi*n,,rlcri and poor, vading Gurmans is a , under tits Influence of ,, peal — Wfelt around.' young and old "if 1 f , Apothecarj continued to research ropreaonls rtl phil- politicaldMWant He-' .the Soviet Union within Dedicated Kfrltar .- COWl*» p (tow women can do _ and write on loolctol osophy of life A col- r ,w«9 fOfcetf-trv wear 11, the next generation", ?-, William Constandse: "fweffln anuCanada.MSpe/r**r Chrlsta ot Caotlvi It, then the message Is "Wtf rad circle ("a X He,w:n a scholershlp' *w t k ID* !*9» ot KUI interest to Mm lection of vignettes n J will soon hav» several " From 19*0 until about wotner of all •* ~ carried thai anyone ^ (target" he uya) on h s t ,to Harvard Business''*, rnofp tomes of Interest „

Council approves

$5,000 for study uHtrjunF-vt ni.M b* Amabcd witlui M &j» — *»HB wdNa li* e* pti'rtpdiH-inoath.. &j*mat la ItlnnA Rtavritt £Ju', ibe cvuanl <]*>ckl j if thr vwgaurr « ktr«4 ewH rb&»«<- Ihr vUtt^ cf tkr (TTt»B(( j«t wk«t thrjr ai art. \ M aAcwU go » wrtk »tw Wm f Srf ft »iB fct «i Uirjwrx J b» Ibr *dvwv «J tvw ^itjf hrada otto s»ti tkr Imrri] lily anjr e»jfiae«r w« k»r» would USM la tXvAj 5a»ibc) city r.mr*il I'll •»<*+ approved altKwt •t JIJJ would no* br worth doco^ wttk * dlltniri t 55 (MO to w fw cc CTprcl 1»A IOU .he fcrtHH the Cap t'uWrf Vuwln ihrrt^Ar Gtfj IV** Hid lhat viva troamn I'mrnlnn JJjitri-l waMi «v extend at would tM>t buj a vr.T thotvuitii rwwc "-It • c tfctj skmtd «o?liiii«r td Ihr CI:7I> "that liLnd I'eu tbcD br our rftgwcrr'a Mcvd J^iint ihnr < IWy an- Dot MI 9 "t(«* hBUi"*^ *WoM try U ahare,» i rinn< tlist Cb/'O • p'ana lu add on 2W) feet to thr word - what w *«»plt»W br Chrvwuc *4000 »t'» aO tW dutrict'a caffwerrias itiftin»*uoa. eKutiijt nnJi gma at Vtirnerii Desck wtKild rcabll In tobjert «h«n IB *B hLmihcml tic Carp* W Ea«iB««rJ CmtmUmAM Tnxeb- Dt$*y Hrwk with Kocrn AM] ti wttl M»ur vn the nor^Wns end af bxoibat. the cotinnl and evMjcoe cbr will approv Prirt-'Wc t««bt CMI axy t»«ro conpcmif fwnyfa iluut OUDK Q »iUd City lUbafpY Bcrtue Murphy to •» U* CCPD rn^r"*- WM »Jt»wJ wUnnlMtwBy sn thnr anunc th* tool «; hiring rocsullanl to ci*ck out bHfMp.'W -uiTAwl Utefc w*wlB OmluirtJdatt CEPD BW mad we triB Iw poannff mary down A rat Me £: Atlhejotctco duil tkmX wm will br J7ii*i*« * Mraahf fikfmF hv! perU had acid thai SaniStJ wotild. rrntvc a ffrrU lit; of land from Csptit a «ilh the rauwnslwd beacb in ptaer, lield pome what by ih« not s*y rxartlv w!nt the rroiu'a r'fccU would br OQ ihr un tablr Blind Ca» area Coiumeatrd Dr Ituorrt nean, s Ucpartaneni of the L'nivcmt) of Fiotuf*. "Kind Pan-will brhave "It sounds odd l^»j tlul we »IWU / verj^ue*! in the future ui m Lhc put — it i* unprrdie H*s a hr«k of 9 Iftoai iw to CM) OAnaim lu. twl ywi Wishing. " table" should ga tu witV^our rjca o^nr a»d Mm c Mayo- Fra! V«HIn had told CEI'D npmcotat.vr- dramatic- brraHhr£tiii> CEPP* «p««» : who lioped fur «r< rndortemcnU tuat Ihe couwjl "aa p»cU-lv atraicntiorwM aae! kwarst - dfaj ii>d l T up t* the ml/ ataiLt't . •• ~ '- A Merry Christmas , Many Cftristrnas ' And.A VeryJoyous'New Year! Scnibe! & Cootrva IHANKYOU-- "' T FOB A WWSSiFW. YEAH DR. ALBERT C. EVANS | •- OPTOMETRIST -• I

through December 31st



lp W«y &anibcl Mrnd FlorfdA 33957 - Open ifiGn 9 00 p ni , Baivk.of The IsLaNcfs. ^ -rv. Serving LLOLII Dinner or h SftAch s - * v-l* 472-2525 Cli.t.di>uwJay ->

/ ;.1 - ?., /.-_ ," , r . , ,. -

- ssnibei "

ted Klein. Thu*r«.~ Added II«|crriip.Trv« wen & e»u- I den t en City plannnt; >u(f lud tir»l.*it iwia! Htniirtt lor uf rvli>ca>