'serJes cnuouoxel ,{ueu re,to puerdsexrl3:o.reqrunu a8rul e sleel:edtd luerrnc sL\I Dlnutor ?olpelelersercedseqlJouorsrle.repcs-e8:e1eluesard1y,,n.rededSur,rolloJV.(166I 'o)unpar .reddoH? Ja{ooJg) sercadspotelal puu oopuo g srydlytcng 1o uorsrlare sB^\serpnls eseqt 'exej Jo ISJIJetLL llrlEqsnv uJelse.&\01 crurepue ur radudsql ur qctq,r Jo o/dl lnq llB sntd{pJng ,\\eu snoue^ ,{JrssEIcpu€ equf,sepe,^ qf,rqA\ur srededrofeur euqt Jo selres€ ur puotes eql st rededs[11


'€llBJlsnv 'owsst171o qtnos Jo uor?aruasap erJt olur puelxe qcrq,r Jo qloq dsqns .papr,tord trlltwsquty g puuosotaruolSg to11decrc€rlpJtsnv uJelsed\ ol ctruepueelE EXet,reu eql 11y are sdeur uorlnqrrlsrq cnsou8rp ere ,{po srelcuruqcryBq qclq,{\ to1 oro\qtlousapo pue ptDpqc 'ddsqns suatfucap? puE srelceJEqcrnsouSurp eql eJesuorsueurp trn4 puE pnq Jeel pue sFlJ€JBqc 'lrqEq 'dsqrs 'g,sJslaBJtr.qx {JBq qcrq,r roJ DqtuDqJDp DdrDroeow A puEDllaluo?a\a'dsqnsotoulSrDw 'A cqsouSerpeql ere sso13;ee1pue rnoloa J€al qcrq,{.roJ D)lss?]i'qt'dsqns oeulStow psl- outtoqd 'dsqns 'petuJlsnllr stsuaouoqqa? .roJldacxe ere€xel ,{\eueqJ redvdeq1 lnoq8norql serceds1o sdno;3 luelelel eql .lo pueqoql l€ uelr8 eJesaues cruouoxvl rlcueuo selou crlsouStrc aDuDlsDJnTseues g v pet:oJes aouoatd?J sauasqns,,,reu y sercadsrqctr1 tuuthl Sururcureraqt sesuduoa aDqottq)O 'ar?sarJ 'a 'g 'aDxallul serJesa euq,/t\ serJes l^eu eql ur DlsaDJ sertesqns!r ,reu eql ur pale8elSassr 'apuala4Dg-s"rJssqns on1dtun3 serJesJo ralood-auq A pelceJgsr srsrr?uoppllDgse:ues Mev e pue ,rau aql epnlcur ol pepuudxes s s aDnqJuotJlry seuosaql 'sagardnaq pue aDwJlDd.sgrJesqns o,rl olur pepr^rppuc- pe]JeJ€ sr aDLo4pgseues ,reu eqJ ,{JEsseceulueruluer pelupdnue reptsuoca,Lr ueq,ti,{Iuo alrr,rep e^r qorq,r uro4 (8861)6l aurnlo^ €llEJlsnvJo rlJoH sqt Jo eJntElcuerxoupuu lepJo eql ur petee.qaj€ "xrl ,reN paqrJcsepo.re sn|df,loJn4 Jo seDedsqns,treu ,{1ue,t1 puE serJads ,,$au o,r\l -,{lue^\l'souasqns,reu xrs'seues,reueaJqJ (t66I) g9-I :(I) 6 €rst,(nN ertErsnvqlnos uroJ-+puu elP.qsnv ulelseld tuo4 (eEeJBu,{I) sfljd(/,rl'g 3o sercedsqnspue sercedsserJJsqns'sJrrJS ^\eN


(S0O9grt?Isnv uetse,'\A'quedtseld'uaprgC aruulog puc {led s8ur) :sserppxtuernJ) 'oorouueA'I9 S909?llsllsnv tuetsolA xog Od lluauo8rueNput.I prl?uo!€^lesuo3 Jo tueuruudeoi 'errequeJ'0091 ./fttsnpq t09ZtrJV xog OdC lueldJo uorsr^rcOdISJT

/eoooHd s puurre{oorg HII

ellBJlsnY qlnos ruo{ puB e[BJ]snv uJelseM ruo4 .sauasqns,sag.ras (auaeegdtrX)snld{p)ng Jo selJedsqnspuu seJ)ads ,re1q

(€66t)89-t :(I) 6 !rq{nN Nuyrsiavol. 9,No. I (1993)

We are not satisfied that any published formal classifications of the genus EucaLyplrs adequately deal with many groups of specieswhich we treat herein. Hence, we have erectednew series and subserieswhere needed.

Our initial data are derived largely from our extensivefield experience,the eucalyptcollections in the Westem Australian Herbarium () and the CSIRO Division of Industry (CANB) and frorndiscussions with colleagu€sand other collectors. In addition,we haverelied to a largeextent upon glasshousetrials to completethe comparativemorphological studies on seedlingmoryhology.

Many of the new speciesoccur over a relatively wide mnge and are in sufficient abundanceor in protected areas that they are in no danger of extinction. Some arc of restricted distribution in agriculturalareas but their occurrenceon land unsuitablefor farming, e.g. lateritic breakaways,may save them and their associatedvegetation from being cleared. One of the speciesof restdcted distribution,E angularis, prodtces apparentlyhealthy buds and flowers but is not known to have set seed. Testsmay indicatethat the two populationsare actuallyprcliferations of singleindividuals, but its distinctivenessis worthy of taxonomic recognition.

Most of the descriptiveterms used in the digestsfor speciesare explained and illustated in Brooker & Kleinig (1990). Itis ofpafticular valueto recognisethe tee/mallet distinction,the latterbeingahabit form peculiarto Westem Aushalia. For an accountof our taxonomicconcepts, materials and methods, and background information on studieson Westem Ausftalian eucalypts,see Brooker & Hopper (1991).

Taxonomic treatment

Eucalyptus ser. Ebbanoenses Chippendale,Fl. Ausbalia 19:497 (1988). Type: E. ebbanoensis Maiden.

The monotypic E ser.Ebbanoenses belongs in the informal E. stbgen.Eudesmia (R. Br') Pryor & Johnson(1971).The seriesis diagnosedbythefollowing: smooth-barkedmallee, reniform cotyledons, hairyjuvenile leaves,adult leaves with prominentside veins and no tertiaryYeining and with numerous island oil glands,axillary, 3-flowered inflorescences,stamens in 4 bundles,fruits with a broad level disc, 3 valves to rim level and smooth or lacunoseblack seeds.

Key to taxa ofE ser. Ebbqnoenses

1. Adult leavesdu1l...... E. ebbqnoensissubsp. ebbanoensis 1. Adult leavesglossy ...... 1. E. ebbanoensisstbsp. photina

1. Eucalyptus ebbanoensissubsp. photina Brooker & Hopper, subsp.nov.

A subspecietypica foliis nitentibusdiffert.

Zypas.' NansonRoad,28'34'5, 114'43'E,12Mar. 1986,M.I.H. Brooker 9195 &5.D. Hopper (holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, NSW, MEL). 'seueseql ro; sercedsed,{1 eql go uorsr^rp€ ere selcedsqns,l.t.eu o,$l Bur,ro1lo;eqa serceds;odno:8,{rullrqfi 'e8]EI€ ot,{e{ e epr,rordol.ndud srqlJoosodrnd eql Surpeorxg eq plno.{\ tr puu dno:8 lernteu s tou e.reelepueddrq3 {q pue ,{1e1e1g^q peu+ep sE talpluaplJJo 'eJoJaJoqt'a,\erleq 'suorlcss 9q] lEqt ed\ lueJeJJlpuee,rleq pephlp are,,,rseLlads Jseqt (2861 'p n seBrpel) sadQDrouory lllrluJtsnv welsei& Jo uooucrJrsselcluurJoJur lueceJ u \I uaDls g pur- 'lluoeppt 'stl{Jsnarq (uesoqcereqt ad,(topal) DtoutS.otug g gr;o dn epuursr 1 (8861) elppueddrqJ 'wnqsatdnq 'sllDrclndas u1 olout8totu E pua uaD$ g A g pasrrdruocsarres aql (f[6I) {1ary19 u1 'uosuqof T .ro,{JdsntdtlDrouow snue8qnsg lEuJJoJuraql ut sBuopq saloluap?rro serJas? eq.L

qllus xe uuoc DlDul8rDwg :(9961elupueddulS aptl) adK1o\cal

'Gt6i '6tr ILI ,,s1d,{1ecngoql ol .{e) y,,',{lerylg saptuaprrrg ressnld,{l?rng

'JsddoH d' le1ooJg DaDuqJDlD? qll'$ s'$ol' tI 'leeqcrt{ tI/{ pue ,{E,\\e{ley'do} qtnospue npe.rgpue e8urg ,{qseroyqeq1;o ,(1rurcr,reqt ur s,(e,tu1ue:q crtuet€l ol palf,rrlsersr oulpqd dsqr\se1q,{\ ueseq Euolcr1 lpel5 eqt ot sp:ll,{\tsc?uotpluJag JBeu ruo4 slueruuorrlueSuuseluoc ur uounqr4srpeprm ,{lqrryuruere seq sercedsqns1ecrdft eq1 saTolur

'uuo3 pcrd,{1 ',{urqs puerdsepr,reqt ot paruduoc se,\Eeleqt ro e^.ltducsapsE - sowato7dqea13- a'41rLrotg ,lSolotuKtg

'u,roulull pouad duua ol!

'((0661) ?l,Ja reddoH ur S ,tuoud) 'se^reser Surrolruoru1o paauur pu? uortE^lesuoteulos ur ernceslnq uoulurocull suD$ uoliD^Jasuo)

'( I arn?rC)ErlEllsnV 's,{E,r€{€erq 'uolppraD uratsal\ uo oAUEU,{qesrol eqt ur ,{FulncrtJ1?d Io tsoapup qlJoN uounqutsre

'(HJUAd) LL|I t$. D,tAJJ!,i4A'tL6l tao 9Z'uorplereDlo lpu Aselru 9t:GJUgd uDtU dE,qlax V taldoN y'686t^tnf 6t E.4eltnt t-uolptureDtuo4 pU '6861 ' €uuEnsEJu,rop S uDt Z I I :(HJUgd) 0l E Q1a, y 4 otdrlrl y ,(lnl 6l seu retEd\ EueJaqrri[ 'gNVl) 'g,gt.tI alrsoddopg e,trel1nwuo trd Ie^ErC:(HJUAd 809ri lrt VT DIdDN V'6961,(lnf 8 t I 'S,9t"82'pU '0861 suloN,{qdrnl t uo uosulzNJo S ru) Z t:GJdgd) ggTEtuat13ray T, 8nV,Z 'uolpluJaCJo 'BrJpqtB,roH'uu€.] '.(u.{u11eL1go gN s,ec.{ou:G]JUAd) tESL a8nag g y'9961 deg y g 'e8ueu '(ureJ selrrrrtZ :(HIUAd'ANVJ) LE6Zna{uDtJ 1 y't86t 8nV gZ ,{qesror{tsea s,qcuureH 'ppod uotplDreg-uosusNruor.' Jlo-urnt €)oouoo,{uoo}{ .}o gN ru)t tt:(HJdAd'SNVJ) €Z€ '8urpr5 alopuad&43 IAtg'896I re1rtr11 npEJgJo E selru t t:(SNVJ) 10Z6plou7 H I W'986t .ru11 'fume11v16 ',^[SN "]A1,rtr'ggy3) 11 ot pporuo pEoUBurJnB.]o g ur) / / I :GJdgd raddog 6'5 '(A,8S"7II 'S,9S.82) T 6616nryoq H I W'9861 IEI I ZI leeqcU lW Jo AS ur 00S c :(aNVJ) 'H't'W '9861 'teeqcrtr^tr '.pvoU 9616i tootB rutr{Zt lhtr:(gNVJ) 96t6ra?ootg HI'N'986t r?I,^tZl uosu€N:(HJUgd'SNVJ) LlBSra?oorBH I n'9t6l qeCt'JeuIoH tr{Jo gSS ,{tr,aAvltrerq:GtlUAd 'gNvJ) ,V6L D)tootg HI'W'tB6I uEf9Z'e^reseU ernteN p€ou €ulrng :(HI)dAI) O9lLptDag St 'tL6I ta} 9Z'Sslpls np?.rgJo A selrurtI :VI'I!TISnV NUSJSAI& pauluDra suawDadsnqto

'se^eel tlnp€,{sso13{rer eqt ur sarcedsqns1ucrd,{1 aq1 u-ro.4 sJerlrp lI

'reddoH swdqnn4 qs T, reloorg HII{ NuytsiaVol. 9, No. I (1q93)

FigureL Distributionof taxaNos I I 3

Key to subspecies of E. marginata l Adult leavesglossy, green to dark green 2. Adult leavesbroadly lanceolate, >10 x 2 cm ...... 8marginata subsp. marginata 2. Adult leaveslanceolate, <10 x 2 cm (often <1.5 cm wide).. 2. E. marginata s[bsp. elegantella 1. Adult leavesdull, grey to bluish...... 3.E. marginata stlbsp. thalassica

2. Donn ex Smith subsp.elegantella Brooker & Hopper, subsp.nov.

A subspecietypica lbliis adultis parvioribusangustioribus et habitu paryiore compactodiffert.

Typzs: Darling Scarp, ca. 3 km due west of Janahdale,Atkinson's property, 32'20'5, 116'01'8, 30 Mar. 1991,S.D. Hopper 7916 (holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, NSW).

It differs from the typical subspeciesby the smaller,narrower adult leaves(to 9 x 2 cm but often <1.5 cm wide) and srnallermore compacthabit. '.rauruns,{1rca - sercedsqnspcrd,{t eqt roJ sy pouad SulJa ol4

'p€eJosepr,t\puE uotuuroc snlD|suol|ollasuo)

'(I eln8rg) ErlEl]snv uJetseft\'e8uug SutFuq uJequoueqJ uoq qltste

'(SNVC) '826t 'eFpq€r]DI ll s arpltpA| a a qed 8 :(sNvJ) (zt98l Iuc) '0t61 '.{e.rq8rg plro\ g flnl 91 .(uuq1y3ed elru ZZ:(HJdgd'SNVJ) 9ZS0I tuaq7pY 7.9 '886I 'fefpooJJo '.aurllr€lC:(HJUAd) des6I iN rDI0Z ES86{-tat131aS1 g'1961 uelLZ,urCurojoN 'llert '8861 'a,/I"9I UDISZ s.lr?luufi:Gttuad'lAsN'gNV3) s33r./Bg E tlz6uosuI7t ? ^oN t I '9,99.19 's,{.,ng 'n,SN ,SNVJ) urelseAt€erD T uroqtnos IBaJCJo uorlcunf;o ,4&ru{ g Z :(HIUAd '886I 'A,8S.ElI '.S,tgozt'{oeIJ s331tg g T 9Z16uosuttol ? tco tZ eou)cl^l Jo eprsS e^oqv 'qued 'B,{urpru),I .SNVJ) :(HIUAd) 6p76 a8toag S y'696I qeC t Jo S selru 6 + :(HJUAd 98Zg D\oorg HIW'tg6l 8nV 8Z'uoopurgpuBlpld,(BHuee,rleq:(HJdgd'n .SN'SNVJ) 66ng,g6tg,L6ng 'H '6L61 ',ft1pcoy 'pawluDya ra4oorg I ll 8\ry LZ ed,Q:VI'MJS1V p1IAJSANT suautcadsnqtg

.llq€q snoa?erqrun,{puelsrsuor pu€ se,\Eel tlnpe qsrnyqro {ar3 eql ur sercedsqnspcrd,{1eqt uror; Surregtq

'otoq){Dua as .s r e6vsDroois .H.r.w ,616t .Bnv Lz,s.,Lz,.srr., it# ;1il::#'lt-}Tj

'ueJJrp olErqun nlrqprlJeluElsuoc ]e srcrsselcqlsllnpE srlloJEcrd^l arcedsqnsv

'(066I) '3rure1;4 00I :; ,,s1d.{lucngo1 aprno pleld,, ry:e1oo:g

',rou 'reddo11 dsqns 4 reloorg EJlsseleql dsqnsqlrurg xe uuoq e1eu18.rerusnld,{1erng .g

'lalood-auq .d:rcg ? qtlr seuneurospuu DlttqdotoJ ? q .{\ sJnocouargo 1y 3u1Fuq aq13o loo; pue edols eql qlr,r pet€I'ossBs,(u1c clluerS ot paurJuoJeq ol sreeddu1y pro;,{g ruog spJe^\qtnos,{umq8rg tsa16 qlnog eql 3uo1esnoncrdsuoJ sr tI se^eel,^d.orJEu ,{11uc4sr.ralcereqc 'llBl 'aeJl 'g q1r.4\ ur 8 u"ql ssel ,{ll€nsn ll€rus pBduror e s qp&D8ap dsqns olDurBtow sarcN

'q€uelJo ruloJ lurtd,(r aqt qlr.r paJrduoJ 'tSoloutJg trqpq fiEruspuB se^eel eur] erll ot ecueraJerur (lup8ele)sr"Sala uDE-Ieql Jo o^r]nurcvry egl

'-rtruuns,{1.reo Suuds o;e1 pouad Suuanolg

'u/rou{,{lJood snlDjs uolJo\lasuoJ

'(l ernSros(uEol crlrral?l JIeqS IIIH eSplu uo euqued:egpue qge4 uee.,n1eq fuecg 3url.r€q eq1.;o looJ eql ol peurJuocfllueJ€ddv .uolfiqutsle

'GJuad) LI6LDddoH C S't66I '.rEI ',{lltecol 'euquedreg I 0g edfi :(HIUgd) ttog ilaqSlax fD'Zg61 3ny g yonesS uq t :(HJUAd) 'u 'pterJtsouoJ 'paunaoxa s a&toa1 S y'9961 ^oN 0I :VI-MJSnV NUSJSA1& suawtcadsnt176

'raddoH ettd,{/rrrA O ST,ro)oorgHlll NuytsiaVol. 9, No. 1 (1993)

Erymology. The name refers to the colour of the leat (Greek thalassicos- sea-coloured).

Notes. E. marginqta subsp.tholassica is the common tbrm ofjarrah in most of its northem Darling Rangedistdbution (the new taxon doesnot occur in the Mt Lesueurarea) and is readily seenalong the roadsto New Norcia and Northam and along the Brookton Highway. In the BakeISHill areait has a notably penduloushabit ofthe branches. Despiteits abundance,it is poorly representedin herbalia.

Two monocalypts of uncertain affinity

In the most recentclassification of the westernmonocalypts' Chippendale (1988) used seven taxonomicseries, three ofwhich aremonotypic and the remainderwe believeto be hetelogeneous.The following two new monocalyptscannot be placed in this classification

The previous year (1987) Ladiges et al produced an informal systembased on a study of 40 charactersof the seed,cotyledons, seedlings, habit, adult leaves,flowers and liuit. Becauseof limited material,we cannot placeE. angularis inthis system.E. doloro;a, onthe otherhand, fits in the weakly "Bupresticqe" resolvedclade comprising the informal superseries atld"Todtianicae"and, with further material availableto us. we elaboratelater on its taxononic relationships.

4. Eucalyptus dolorosa Brooker and Hopper, sp nov. (Figure 2)

"Field Brooker& Kleinig, Guideto Eucalypts"2: 418 (1990).

Frutex("mallee") ad 2.5m altusco ice in caulibusmaturis fibroso Folia adultapetiolata,lanceolata vel raro falcata, ad 10 x 2 cm, concoloria,leviter nitentia,viridia; laterinervi costaeaoncatenati visi; reticulum moderatedensum venis tertiariis finitis quaterniadis appalenterincompletis; glandulae numerosaediscretae. Inflorescentiaeaxillares atquenon ramosaevel tasciculataein extremitatibus efoliosisramulorum; pedunculi plus minusve tercti, ad 1.5 crn longi ferentes7-flofes. Alabastra in pedicellislongis, rhomboidea, ad 0.9 x 0.6cm, operculoleviterrostlato singulo. Stamina numerosisslma (circain quoquealabasho 300), varie intlexa, omniafertilia; antheraedorsifixae, versatiles, oblongae, rimis longitudinalibusdehiscentes, glande prominenti, terminali. Stylus glandifer; appalentel loburn.Ovula verticaliter 2-seriata. Fructus in pedicellisad 0.7 cm longis,cupulati vel tluncati-globosi, leviter contractiad summum, latiores quarnlongiores, ad 1 x 1 4 cm.

Typusr Mt Misery, 30'41'S, I 15"37'E, 18 Alg 1987, M.l.H. Brooker 9114 & P M.GrayLing(holo: PERTH; iso: AD, CANB, MEL, NSW).

Mallee to 2.5 mtall with thin, outer grey and inner yellowish, rough bark on older stems. JuveniLe leavespetiolate, altemating, broadly falcate, to I I x 4.5 cm, dull, conspicuouslylight bluish grey Adalt leavespetiolate, altemating, lancaolate or rarely falcate,up to l0 x 2 cm, concolorous,slightly glossy' green;side veins seen to be linked with the midrib (cf. E.Iaterilicd); reticulationmodelately dense with finite tertiary and incornpletequaternary veining; oil glands numerous,sevelal pel areole, island. Inftorescencesaxillary and unbranchedusually clusteredat the leaflessends of branchlets;peduncles more or lessterete, up to 1.5 cm long with 7 llowers. Budson long pedicelsup to I cm long, rhomboid, up to 0.9x 0.6cm, with a singleslightly beaked operculum. S/amens very numerous (c.300perbud), variously flexed,all fertile; anthersdorsifixed, versatile,oblong, dehiscing by longitudinal slits, with a prominentterminal gland. S6'le glandular;stigma apparentlylobed Flowers white. Ovules itl2 '(ln],rollos - snsorolop'urlE-I) Frasrt{ 'sorceds U{ zl,1 srqtIo esuerln.co u,$oul ^luo eqt ot sepnlln,{1drur"- teqlda cr;rcadseq1 KSolotu{1g

'qc.n1\1 pouatl 8uu auolg

'(066 r 7z 1areddog) erolg eJ€Us€ psJEIc3O uorlB^JesuoJ eJntuu put IrosJoJ sleu,ro luarrnceql {q pareelcun ol puDlelu^ud uo uoqele8e^a,\DpuJo lu€urusJ elSurs € ol peuuuoJ'elq€leuln^ SnJolsuolJ' asuo)

'(l ern8rC)slenpr^rpur tuerEddE 'sdunla pre,resgo SurtsrsuocqsBe 9 ro E ur edolsuleqtnos eqt pue do1esaru tcg eqt SurpnlcureJBlceq € '€lleJlsnv 'ueBurrpwq ',4resryq urqllr sJnccotr ereq,r uretse,1\ pue,{qe1e3uee,uleq IN uollnqltlllq

'(grUaa 'a:q) '166I VZLSuowpaalts ? qeC tI :(HJUAd 'SNVJ) '(TAI,D '(SNVJ) t686ra1oorSHIW'886t rem € :OdSN)EL86 tt86 tL86 rqoolg HIW '886I 'SNVJ) ',186t qeC I :(HJUgd 6286 r toolq H I W cec € :(SNVJ) EnL6'ZtL6',rvL6 r tootgHIW'Lg61 8ny91 ,{11pco1ed,{1:y11y1191y 5UAJSA,46paunuDra suaulrads )arFO

'{unlrq purulel 'pe8ur,$'ppruer,4d 'u,roJq 't '8uol 'rurJ ql!^\ paas le^el turr ot se^lB^:ruc t l x I ot spqt Jepr,\\ eql 1epelce.quoc fylq8rys pue esoqolS-elucuu ot rulndnc'3uo1ruc I g ot slecrpeduo l?tlu s^\oJIEcureA

'(ta86 (,taL; uDwpaa^Sj) tlln{ pur Afll/t/) sa^retpuv spnq ',l or.r/,p E Z ern3rC

'riddoH s?rd.qrrr? CSTre)oorg HIW NDytsiaVol.9, No. 1 (1993)

Nores.InFeb. 1991E. dolorosawasfo|nd in ftuitfol thefilst time by Luke Sweedrnanand RogerFryer of Kings Park and Botanic Garden,having flowered without producingfruit in the previousfbul yeals following its discovery. The size and shapeof the fruit do not indicateany obviousaffinity with other speciesof westem monocalypts. The seed,however, are winged and this featute placesE. dolorosa with E. buprestium, E. erectfolia, E. lateritic&, E. todtia a, and E. johnsoniana (these making a clade in Ladiges, Humphries and Brooker 1987). Only four seedswere harvestedin the lecent collection. Gerrninationand seedlingstudy have not yet beenmade to seekfurther indicationsof affinity.

Adult leaf venationand oil gland characterswere not studiedin Ladigeser al., but they shedsome light on this previouslyunresolved clade. E. buprestiumand E. erectifolia areverysimilar in theseleaf characters(stfong tertiary venation and obscureor no oil glands), with E. totltiana closely similal to them. The remainingthree species, having distinct oil glandsin the leaves,arc divergert. E. l\teritica and,E. dolorosa have many oil glands and the most rcducedteftiary venation. E. johnsoniana, with a distinct reticulation of tefiiary veinlets and distinct oil glands,may lie in between.

E. dolorosa petists on a refugial site similar to speciessuch as E. subeteq andE. Iateritica ln Mt LesueurNational Park. It is probablethat E. dolorosats arelict speciesbarely surviving extinctiondue to drying climate in the late Pleistocene.

5. Eucalyptus angularis Brooker & Hopper, sp. nov. (Figure 3)

"Field Brooker& Kleinig, Guideto Eucalypts"2: 418 (1990).

Frutex "mallee" ad 3 m altuscortice aspera vel squam€acinerea ad basinvel ad I m. Ramulosae exiles angulares.Folia adultapetiolata alternantia, elliptica vel falcatavel lanceolata,attentuata saepe uncinata,6-10 x 1.5 cm, plus minusyeconcoloria sed aspectu leviter dorsiventralimarginibus minute fecuNatis. Inflorescentiae axillares non ramosae,ad l1-flome. Pedunculi exiles, angulati v€l complanati, ad 1.2 cm longi. Alabastrapedicellata, fusiformia, matura non visa. ovula verticaliter 2 sericLa.Fruclus seminaque non visa.

Typas: Mt Benia,SW slope,30'14'S,115'16'E,3Mar' 1983,M I.H. Brooker8013 &5.D. Hoppet (holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, NSW).

Mallee to 3 m tall with rough or flaky grey bark at the baseonly or up to I m. Branchletsslender, angtiar. JuvenileLedye,t not seen. Adult leavespetiolate, altemating, elliptical to falcateor lanceolate, taperingto a fine point, sometimesuncinate, 6-10 x 1.5 cm, more or l€ssconcolorous, but appearing slightly domiventral by the minutely recurved edges,glossy, green; reticulation dense with finite tertiary and incomplete quatemary veining, oil glands numerous,small, island and intersectional. InJlorescencesaxillary, unbranched,to 1l-flowered. Two principal br.rclr prominent €arly in inflorescencedevelopment by the stronglybeaked tips. Pedanclesslender, angular or flattened, I -2 cm long. Buds pedicellate,fusiform, not seenmature. some outer rt rmenJerect, others variously flexed. Anthers ptob?:blyopening by non-confluentslits. Floners notseen. ovules irz vertical rows. Fr,rit and seednot seen.

Other specimenexamlned. : W side of canyon,NE of Mt Lesueur' 1 Mar' '7984 1983,M.I.H. Brooker & S.D. Hopper (CANB, NSW, PERTH).

Distribution. Known only from the two localitiescited, both latedtic brcakaways,whel€ it consrstsat both sites as a single clump of malleesemergent in low heath(Figure l) 'elBlnolteJ ^ltqBlls ol qloorus pue pe8ueg ,{pq34s 'qsnug ol pro^o-pesse.rdruoc'u,no:q-,{e.I3 o1 ,(a? '€lueJ€ld ,8uo1qo.pexrJrs]op ,elrt€sJe^ pees uo s^\o.rIBcrueA t ur seln^o'st11s1eurpnlr8uo1,{q Suruado 'pele/!\ou 'peqcuelqun'.{JEIlrxB ,el"lorlgd sJaqluE'paxegursueruels aJou Jo / secuecsstogur se^Eel ':uppue18 'pelcesrq .uosuqol elue,rnf stelqcuerq;o qlrd suopal,fioc:8ur^\olloJ eqt ,4qpesou8up sr { ?p Jo,{Jd(Jenuqrs) snltKutotqdw{g snua8qns? IptrJJoJureqt ur s8uoleqsa|uapaozv.Jes ? eql

'34rg 1,1rsuapacto A :adq (gg6D E6t:6I €llpJlsnv lC,appueddrq3 saluapamy.ras snld,{ptng

'uorlu8qse,rur pelelep sarrnbarsseqlod,{q srqt,re^a/$oH .suapuad.g to silira g sduqredpuv olout8tnu,rg yo pr:q,{qarer ,{leruerlxeue sr 1rleqg ,ftryrqrssod e sr e:aq; .serceds ..res eseqtot ,&rugguou stseSSnsse^eel eqt Jo Surure,lesuap e\$ nq (aplorudtqond g) qreq,{8ur4s 'uear8 ',{ssoy3 uJelwe eql Jo esoql l?q^\euros elquleser se^eel llnpB elucl€J ualo 'pJtua^rsJop ,{pqSlls'llBurs eq1 ld,tpcouotu urelse,r Jer0oou qlt,r\,{lrurJJ€e,rzq o1 sreeddeslrDUSuD .g .sarcN

'stelqcuerq eqt ol SuueJeJ 'myr?ue 'srto1n8uo ute.1 eql ruo.tg ',Go1ourt1g

'u^\oulun pouadSuuauolg

'(6661 1o p rcddo1l fcqod 1uerue3uuz1,1 puE-IT uorlB^JesuoJtus.unc Jepun BJold eJuU peJEIreC Jo elnpeqcseqt uo SuqsqpapnlJeJd sBq ur8rjo ,elq€Jeuln^ .snpls puq,(q elqrssodsll {JBd IBuorlENJnense.I lW ur dunlr euo qlr,r uolnMasuo)

OS6L gHIIq) G Ox)sJelsnl. pnq 3uno,{pue se^?olllnpe - sirrln3r, ? € ern8rC

er.ft/rrrg tlddoH CStrrtoorg Hl.hl NuytsiaVol. 9, No. I (1993)

K€y to speciesofE ser'Accedentes l Tree 2. Bark pink to white; leaveslanceolate to broadly lanceolate' blue-greyto blue-green...... E accedens 2. Bark yellow to white; leaveslanceolate to falcate,green ...... E laeli^e l. Mallee 3. Leavesdull, greyto blue-grey... E. trivalvis 3. Leaves glossy green, 4. Bark rough,tightly heldover mostof stems...... 6 8. zopherophloia 4. Bark rough at butt or loosely rough or wholly smooth 5. Branchlets,buds, fruit glaucous...... E. pruiniramis 5. Branchlets,buds, fruit not glaucous 6. Erect-stemmedmallee with loose flaky rough bark; fruit cupularto barrel-shaped(to 0.7x 0.6 cm) ...... 1. E leprophloia 6. Spreadingmallee with mostly smooth stems 7. Valvesof fruit exse ed, fruit obconical,to 1.2x 1.3cm ...... E. prominen; ?. Valvesof fruitenclosed; fruitcylinddcal,to1.5x09cm...... E.pilbarensis

6. Eucatyptus zopherophloia Brooker & Hopper, sp. nov. (Figure 4)

"Field Brooker & Kleinig, Guide to Eucalypts" 2: l2'7 (1990).

"mallee" Frutex ad Euc.tlyptum seliemAccedentes Chippendale pertinens, habitatione calcareo, habitu "mallee"effuso, cortice basi non-decorticato firmo, foliis adultisviridibus nitentibusdistinguitur.

Iypus: 31.7km N of Coolimbaon Cliff HeadRoad, 29'33'5, 114'58'8, 2 Nov. 1986,M.l.H. Brooker 9560 (holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, NSW).

Spreadingmallee to 4 m tall with rough, grey-black,firm, fibrous b4rk on lower halfor over whole ofstems. Forming lignotubers. cotyledonsb\sected.seedling leaves petiolate, decussate, remaining opposite for 4-6 pairs, lanceolateto broadly lanceolate,to 6 x 3 cm, blue-green,dull. Adult leqves petiolate, altemating, narrowly lanceolate,to 10 x 1.3 cm, concolorous,dull to slightly glossy, light green;reticulation sparseto moderate,with numerous,largeisland oil glands. Inflorescencesaxillary, unbranched,to I I -flowered; pedunclesslightly angularto flattened,0.3- 1.3 cm long. Budspedicellate, ovoid to clavate,to 0.8 x 0.4 cm; bi-operculate;inner operculumhemispherical to shallowly conical, slightly shorterthan . Flowers creamy-whrte.Oyules in4 yerticalrows. Frrilspedicellate, obconical or less often cupular, to 1 x I cm; rim thin; disc descending;valves (3)4, to just below rim level.

Other specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 7.6 km S of Dongara-MingenewRoad on Brand Highway, 20 Aug. 1982, M.I.H. Brooker 7575 (CANB, PERTH); Cliff Head Road at rail crossing, 24 Jan. 1983, M.l.H. Brooker 7931 (CANB, PERTH); Cliff Head Road, west of Brand Highway (20'28'5, 115'01'E), 23 Jan. 1986,M.I.H. Btooker 8403 & S.D. llopper (CANB' NSW' PERTH): Cliff Head Road turn-off on Brand Highway, 28 AW. 1984,M.l H Brool

'DulqJuDx v 'pJolfisnlqo 'DpunJaol 's,Aqotqt,lta puu ota!111a1sotolJp)V A g A qll/\\ petBrJossBpuB (I emBrC) eIlsjlsnv urelsel\'lurod strqld pw qlrus,roJJv uee,rtaqpuEs sno3rEclEc uo 'leTseoJ uollnqulslQ

'(HJuad) tBoLrradsH N 'ZS6I rrs^rd qtrrrrs,rolrv e^oIC ueerCJoN se[tu 9 :(HJdg d) p) W 9 S puElgTLnoaqwtucg 7ug '996I ',{e,rq8rH ,6961 rew I uolplDreCuto4 ppou €qq€euASuolE selrlu / :(HJUgd 906 sraqod, d 'qeg 'pEor -y .y 0z srxupv 1143uolu uoqcunf ,{e,,nq8rgpue:g;o g rul Z :(HIUAd) €gt qlat q ndalg '686t '9,,0t,89.tl 'S 'p€eHJJrlJ fpht I I I ,,09,tt"62 ol ppoluo €qurlooJJo N url €I:(HIdAdZ6€€ '.{ur'rq8rg DddoH OS'tB6I deg 67 puBrgJo A UDL I :(HJdAd) 9g€€raddoH OS't86| des6l 'eqquougJo 'p"ou A\ !u{ 9Z tEoc,{pogueuee'I-peequserC Jo gur{ 9 Z t(HJdgd 16117y1aBtoag gy '916I '€re3uoo.1o ',{u.,!\q8rg 'JJo ^oN 9 g puErg uJu puaHJJIIJ :(HIdAd) EIBII llDrl7! AV 't961 'p.rallnl{ ,ir?JI 8 spJE,$otuolpl€reD }o g rul 69 c) p,rellnl,,\tr-uotplureo8ad olrur tt :(HIUAd) '8161 'pEod US\L ztoluae H rco 8Z pEeH JJrIJ uo ru{ 9 :(HJXAd vtLZ sulDulrA4,iqap) t '286I 'pd 1cO 0Z ^\€ue8urrl-uqqeeuA qlr^\ pEoUtse/(\ sAuudSeerqJJo uoqcunfJoS ru{ g :(HJUgd) 'g96l 'pBod 6gE',gg' r.tD) l1l c s .rEli\lgl €qqeeuauo JJo-urnleqqpsug uro4 selrur6 € I :(HJugd) '8961 's8urrdg '.pqqpsug '.^NSN Sg€rrDJ l,tt D S rehl gI ee:q1go16 olJlo urnl ruoU selrur9:(HIUAd '1NVJ) '(A, '5,97.67) DddoH O Spue E}tgt toots HIhl'tB6I uul €Z t0"9t I ,{u,rq8rgpuurg Jotse,\\'psouppaHJllJ:(HJdAd'SNVJ) 6996r tootg HIW'9861 ^oN IZ.ppodp€eHJJrIJuo ' '9361 uqurtooJJo N ru{ g 8z:(gNvc) 86€6 L6t6'96E6'96t6'V6t6r tootB H I W ,{1n117,peorSo 'JJo-uJltl ',{E.{\qBrH 'BNVJ) tse,$ pBeH#rrJ Jo S UDIt 0 puprg :(HJdAd 6fZ6 r tootg H't'h!.9g6l ',{e,nq8rg 'SNVJ) .H.t {eyq g puErg uo JJo-uIntp€eHJJIIJJo S uI002 r :(HJUAd 19z6 D\ootg W '986 '^E.a\q8tg '6288'8288 'l.Zgg t ,{el^t9 puerg uo go-ujnt p€eHJJIIJ Jo S ru 00t c:(gNVJ) 0E88 '9ZBB 'fe,rq8rg ra4oorq H I W'9861 q?d E To-uIn] pEoXpueH JJIIC puerg:(SNVJ) 9288,t288 'lz8gD)to(,tg '9861 H l /.f qeCt',{€,{\q8rg puerg uo;;o-urnl p€ou ppoHJJrlJJoN uDlI.Z:(HJUgd

srld{7urrg'reddog 6 5Tra{oorg H I t^l NuylsirVol a,No. 1(1993)

Coftsen)ationst',tus. Uncommon but adequatelysurveyed and in need of monitoring (Priority 5 in Hopperer al. ( 1990)).

Flowering period. November-January.

Etymology. The name refers to the dark, rough bark (Greekzopheros - dusky and2hloia - bark).

Notes. E. zopherophloiq ocox s in reasonableabundance south of Cliff Head but is more accessible on the Brand Highway about200-300 m southof the tum off to cliff H€ad. In the imrnediatevicinity of this corner, it rnay be confused with E. loxophleba Benth. with which it probably hybridises E. Ioxophleba alw ayshas very glossyIeaves with the intramarginalvein rernotefrom the margin. The oil glands in the leavesofE. Loxophlebaare smaller and more numerous.

7. Eucalyptus leprophloia Brooker & Hopper, sp. nov. (Figure 5)

"Field Brooker& Kleinig, Guideto Eucalypts"2: 128(1990).

"mallee" Frutex Er,tcalypto zopherophloiaeBrooker & Hopperaffinis aquahabitationenon calareo, habitu erecto, co ice ad basin laxe squamosonon fibroso, foliis adultis angustis,glandulis oleosis apparenterintersectionibus, et fructibus parvioribus(ad 0.7 x 0.6 cm) saepissimecupulatis diffe .

T;ypus: Hi-Vallee farm, N of Badgingarra,30"07'5, I l5'24'8, 16 July 1986' M.l.H Brooker 9392 (holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, MEL, NSW).

Erect mqllee to 5 m tall with scaly, curly partly decorticatedrough but not fibrous bark to I m, smooth grey over pale coppery above. Forrning /lgnotubers. Cor)IedonJbisected Seedlingleaves petiolate,decussate, remaining opposite for4 or 5 pain, ovateto deltoid,to 8 x 6 cm,lightgreen tobluish green,dull. Adult leaveJaltemating, petiolate, lanceolate, to l4 x 2.5 cm, concolorous,dull;reticulation dense,incomplete, with numerous,mostly intersectional oil glands.Inflorescences axillary' unbranched, to I l-flowered; pedunclesflattened, to I cm long. Brds pediaellate,ovoid, to 0.7 x 0.4 cm, bi- operculate: inner operculum hemisphericalto obtusely conical, slightly shorter than hypanthium. Flowers creamy-whrte. Ovules in4 verticalrows on placenta -Fr,rlb shortly pedicellate,cupular' to 0.7 x 0.6 cm; rim thin to moderatelythick; disc descending;valves 3 or 4, to im level

Fig\rc 5. E. leprophloia - buds (M1HA 9392) and fruit (Mffl8 8823) 'srerpo '€]JEqte{eet{ 'BrurFJvI ,{q peqursep aq ol Jo ts€e-quou I J€susetceds pe:e,locsrp Xlluecer y*

'qtoorus ru S 0 ot q8nor ro {Jpg I " sl^aDf)tdns dsqt\sDqalqdo:tol ? Xluo lunlgo uud le,{\ol uo {J€q q8nou t Dqalqdot:ol dsgnsoqa14doro1 g soqcuuJqIlulus ol tuelsrsrad1:uq q8nog g etulncrue1ou e1,{15 7 *tr^\trds A elrlncq:e a1f15 7 suels .ro{urul uo elou ro ru I ro; q8nor yeg 1

aoqaqdoxoT'J6s ggo sagcadso1 ,{ay

urnlnJtlJllJull\lp,\\ollPqs qlr r\ prO^O-pJ\seJduoJ'u^\olq 'seJod -,{sr8pees'esuq tE pstorJlsuocal.{ts'ElueJeld uo s,\\oJlurqre^ t ur seln.\o ,{qSuruedo'proqno 'pex+rs€q'olrtBsJs,\ ',,pe,$oqle,, 'peJa,{\olJ sJeqtu€ flSuorts puEpaxaljur sueru€ts I I ot Z s€cuecsorol]ur 'looqs lrun e,\Bete8e,\pururJel Jo luaudole^ep pofelep qtrrrrstelqcu?.rq Jo spuo ssogceluo Suluro; 'eleIorted 'pet.osrq secuecseJogur sa^rel epue,tnf'relnpuu13slelqcuerq Jo qtrd suopel{1oc:8ur,no11o1 'Jes'E eq1{q pesou8erpsr 1I snuf,wotqdluts ue8qns!r I€uJoJurotlt ul sBuopganqalqdoxul "rlJ-

gtueg'qalqdorct g :adq

(8S61)009:61 ertpJtsnv Id'elupseddrqJ aeqalqdoxol ressnlddpJng

'orcTqdotaqdoz 'se^eel ? ur pu€lsrpue Dlolqdotdal A ur l€uortcesJelur eqt ut su:attudpuu13 lro eqt pu€ Jelc€JEqJ)Jeq ,{q peqsrn8uDsrpeq ,{uurfeqa {1a,,rqcedseJIros snoartJlrc puu cqrrelrl 8ur,{dncco 'Jaqte8ol 'Dlolqdooqdoz rnjco 1ou op sercadso/$ eqt A ot pew'€t sr uolqdotda| ? elrqlA saloN

'(),tgq 'ISoloruttg - aolqd puu Klucs- sotda| {eoJC) r'l.rEqlus?q,{lE.s oql ot sJeJeJaureu eW

.Jeqolco lsn8ny pouad Suuaaol!

'e^reseg eJnlBN€ se pesodo:dpu€'I u,rorJ tuuJ€duo Jeqlo eql 'sellesel erntuu 'snwls atB,rrrduo e.tesuoqelndod o,t\J (0661 1n ,la:addog) Elold eJ€Use perulrac uouDMasuo)

suaparrD z Jo puelpoo^\,^{ol v ur seoolsAell€^ penpqns '(I uo sdulnlc ,|..eJB Jo reqlo eqt pu€ ern8rd) s,{u,uulEorqrrlrJel€l uee,rteq ,{elge,ru ur slBnpr^rpur 'spuEts 'uo!lnq!4s!(J 69 ,{yeluurrxo.rddv1o ({1rlecol ad,t, euo tcunlsrp aelqt luol-} ,{1uou,trou;q

'(HJXAd SNVJ) 'u '166I ,6961.des .,neue8urltr .pror s uD(X ) d ,(rW /Z pun (HIUAd) 67 un(y 3 4 go S pqtpN Joeprs a "{usdords,uosurqclnH:(HJdad uaotg v + rzs )pL40

'r.ddoH ludttDxnE eS d' leloolg H I W t4 NuylsiaVol.9, No. 1 (1993)

4. Intramarginal vein close to )eaf edge;tertiary veining absentor obscure;fruit to 0.4 x 0.3 cm...... ,...... E.blaxellii 4. Intramarginal vein well removedftom leaf edget tertiary veining distinct; fruit >0.4 x 0.3 cm 5. Bud5lo 1.5x 0.5cm...... E. Ioxophlebasnbsp. gratiqe 5. Buds to 0.9 x 0.4 cm 6. Srylearticulrle...... 8. E. articuhta 6. Style not articulate E. Ioxophlebas]ubsp. Iissophloia

8. Eucalyptus articulata Brooker & Hopper, sp. nov. (Figure 6)

Brooker& Kleinig, "FieldGuide to Eucalypts"2: 418 (1990).

Frutex "mallee" effu susad Eucalyptumserrem Loxophlebas Chippendale pertinens, ad 2.5 m altus cortice laevi etcaulibusdeficienti glaucedinem.Folia plantularumpetiolata, opposita per 4 vel 5 nodos, ad 8 x 4 cm, hebetia,thalassica, post demum altemantia, leviter nitentia,viridia. Folia adultapetiolata, altemantia, lanceolata,ad 11 x 1.5 cn, concoloria, nitentia, viridia. Inflorescentiaeaxillares non ramosae,saepe fasciculatae in extemitatibus ramulorumnon foliosis. Pedunculimoderate validi, ad 1.5 longi, alabastrabasi in pedicellumvalidum decrescentia,clavata, ad 0.8 x 0.4 cm. Staminavalde inflexa. Stylus basi decrescenset in fovea insertus,plus minusve articulatus. Fructus pedicellati, obconici.ad 0.9 x 0.7 cm. 3.4 vel 5 valvis.

Typus: 22knEofMulga Rock, GreatVictoriaDesert, 30'09'S ,123" l7'E,25 Jurc 198"1,M.l.H. Brooker 9686 & S.D. Hopper (holo: PERTH; iso; AD, CANB, MEL, NSW).

Low staggly malleeto 2.5 m tall with smoothcoppery (in June)stems and non-glaucous branchlets. Seedlingleaves petiolate, decussate, remaining opposite for 4-5 pairs, ovate,to 8 x 4 cm, dull, blue- green,later leavesalternating, broadly lanceolate,to 10 x 3 cm, slightly glossy, green. Adult leaves petiolate,alternating, lanceolate, to I I x 1.5cm, concolorous,glossy, green (drying yellowish green); intramarginalvein well in from leaf edge;reticulation sparse, with numerouslarge island oil glands Inflorescencesaxillary and unbranched,or clustered at leafless ends of branchlets. PeduncLes moderatefystout, somewhatflattened, to 1.5 cm long, 7-flow€red. Buds clavate,tapering at the base to stoutpedicals, to 0.8 x 0.4 cm; operculumobtusely conical, red, hypanthium green. Stl,lecontracting at the baseand insertedin a cavity of the ovary top, and thereby,morc or lessarticulate. Flowers rot seen.Frrlls pedicellate,obconical, to 0.9 x 0.7 cm with 3,4 or 5 valves

Other specimenexamined WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Type locality, ll Attg.1984,S.D. Hopper 3887 (PERTH), 25 June 1987, S.D. Hopper 5888 (PERTH).

Distribution. Known only from the type locality whereit occurson red sanddunes with arkoserubble (Figure I ).

Conserrationstatus. Vulnerable,occuning on vacantCrown Land. Declaredas RareFlora. (Species no. 152in Hopperel .Il (1990).

Flowering period. Unknown.

Etymology. From the Latin dr.ricuLatus- articrlate,referring to the looseattachment of thc style base. 'urtuelsrsradedeus erlrxe rl,{ts rlSrlsa^ 'o,lrud ele:edurocorcqrro seror8uoyruenb saroqul snlcnrg apr8u le^ exul le e!^JnJep la^ evloeJg 'epsouraluou'seJBIlrxD eDrlueJserouul seuoqcesJelur pe srsoelosnqruuro srlnpuelS 1e olrur; olnrqa.r 'sr1e1p.red 'Erluelru'E1e1or1ed 'e1e1o4ed epu 1esrunssrsoreurnu srrJupunces srue^ elynpe ulyrue,rnferlog 'e.ra;rppur18uourunJolnur€Jpllnpet{eptresrqsauopel^toJ,,seelleru,,sacrtn4le^,,stelluur,,seroqJv

',rou 'reddo11 :es 19re{oorg auluJlud Jessnld,{luJng

'relcBrrqcal,{ts etBlncqre eqt soJ€qstnq ??//axDlgg uEqtIn{ pue spnqre8rel qcmu seqU rung {ro1 Jo urro; ealpru snocnelS urelsEeaqt uor; trudu sJeqtoeqt uuqt ,{rlunoc reup qcnur uI €lqqru esory qtl \ seunppuus peJ uo 'serceds 'le1rquq s^\oJZDlolnJuJD A eseqlollsvrluoc uI el{ts e]ulncrlrvpuu ,{uo1sorlr:o1e1puuldn aq1 'strnq 'Surure^ 'eBpe;eel 'IJEq puP spnq IIBrus ,{lErlJelJo 1ce1 o1esolc ure,r leurBrurueI}ur qtoous eqt 'trq?q eellEru,\\oleql ur lunc lro^ utorJs-r;31rp puu aSuex AqJsroJA[Jql olclluapues]t! a^'Dlqa

'pet€Jlsuouep 'uosuqol eq IIrt"t Dtory(losstlpuu aotptS petulet KlosolJaql Jo 'uoqEp€J8Jelur T lllH fq ot pereJer eql qcrq,r ut'aoqa14dorol Jes g eqt Jo pelcedxeero;e.reqt sr uorsr^erJeql.rnJ V sntEtscltuouoxvl llrnbeJo sr p\E DlolLldosslldsgrls Dqalqdoxol gq]ll'/'sr'aDpDJS 'uoxut eqt Jo ,{trurIIBlsesolc eql teql se^erleqoq,r (ErlBJlsnVurels?ld Jo ,{lrsre,rruq)3ur1der9 4 'luesard 'se|.eds 1o serpnlseql Surpued eql ro; sn1u1ssercedsqns aql urclureu o1:e3:e:d er11 arylpJ8 g '8xsl ot aprlp.rSdsqns pasrur (2661) uosuqol T llIH UPIl€JlsnvuJstsad\ uo uoDectlqndluecer u u1

'sercedsqns lucrd,{1eql uEqltrnq pu€ 'dsqns spnq'se^DelJ€3ftJ puE{J€q qloorus spq qcrq,{\reloorg ar?lDr8 Dqalqdoxol? sr seueseql ur uoxe,1poqsrlqnd reqto aqJ nuqcsxe uur.J V Dlopo1pw g puv 11enp1g ro1,{rornal g zi,.'satxads Jaqtour ueesueoq sBq pup spoo,trpoolqroJ(9861) u€J T J.rcJ,tqecueuruord ue,rtB w,{\.re}ceJpqc owq 'as€q 'rxet 're^e,$oH al,{ls eql FI^€c e ur petJasurtou sr eqt tE p3tcrrsuoJ qSnoqtlu eseq}ur el,{lsaqt 'se1rspa83opelu,n u?lJo',{,^aeq uo,{\oJB exel qlog slrn.rJpuB spnq'stelqJuf,Jq snocnulS seq qlrq,tr aellerrtpe{Eq qloouJsEsr'ololqdossrldsqnsoqapltloxo1 g peqsryqnd ,{puacer eqt'uoxet petulerpuelur 'uJetspe u,rou) lle,r sll dnre8uOlo lseeol uo1dueqgoN1;olse,\\ lUo4 patnqlJtslpsI qJlq,l\ (lunC IloI) 'oqa1t1doro1 dsqnsoqalqdoxolg roxutpuerdsepr,reql roJalqutou st aDqalUdoxo'Jselres ?eqJ "raloN

(9896ggll.t) rln:Jpur spnq aqn+D ! 9 xrn8tl

9l rr/./^/nrrs rrddoH C S ry rqoorg H I t1l NuytsiaVol. 9, No. I (1993)

Typus: E. falcata Tvez.

Mallets or mallees.Cotyledons bisected. Pith of branchletsnot glandular.Juvenile leaves petiolate andfinally held vertically. Adult leavespetiolate, glossy, with very numerousparallel secondary veins, finite reticulation and numerous oil glands each of which appear at the veinlet intersections. Inflorescencesaxillary, unbranched,erect in one species,in remainderdown-curved either loosely or rigidly. Ovary roof conical,lacking protuberances.Fruits wider thanlong with relatively small orifice. Style remnantsslender, often persistent.

Key to subseriesof E. ser. Falcutqe

1 Buds pedicellate,inflorescences loosely or rigidly down-curved,rarely erect, hypanthium often wider than operculum;seedling leaves linear; juvenile leavesdistinctly petiolate,early leavesopposite, later leaves alternating,held vertically; leaf basestruncate; trees, mallets or mallees,,....E. s'Jbser.Falcatae l. Buds sessileor nearly so, inflorescenceserect, buds often fusiform in stellateclusters; seedling leaves ovate; juvenile leavesshortly petiolats, opposite,held horizontally; leafbasestapedng to ; mallees...... E subser.Decipie tes

Key to species ofE subse\ Falcatae

1. Inflorescencesrigidly down-curved ...... ,...E. kessellii 1. Inflorescencespendulous, or erect in one species 2. Mallet 3. Buds andfruits stronglyribbed...... E. ornatq 3. Buds and fruits smooth to slightly ribbed 4. Fruitto 0.8x 0.7cm ...... ,...... E. argyphea 4. Fruitto 0.9x 1.2cm ...... E. rectq 2. Mallee 5. Buds and fruits always erect; mallee on coastallimestone ..9. E.petrensis 5. Buds and ftuits down-curyed;mallee not on limestone 6. Operculum conical 7. Pedicelsstout, buds and fruits slightly ribbed 8. Pedicels>2 mm long ...... E. gonianthqsubsp. gonianthq 8. Pedicels<2 mm long ...... E. goniqnthastbsp. notactites 7. Pedicelsslender, buds and fruits smooth or ribbed- ...... E. falcata 6. Operculumrounded ...... E. semiglobosa

9. Eucalyptus petrensis Brooker & Hopper, sp. nov. (Figure 7)

Brooker & Kleinig, "Field Guide to Eucalypts" 2: 418 (1990). (f8S6AHlrl).t! t puEspnq - rrrrrrrd ? / )jnBU

'lDllue^tunlrq 'urnlnJrloJ,&ollBqs ,{Jar\ B q}r,r pro^o peuelt€U'IiBlq-,{ar8 paas petJesxe,{llqSrls '€ sa^lB^:spJE,rur 'pe1u8er33e'lEcueqds-elucunJt'e;ellecrped Surdols.romlnuue csrp:{crqt uru:urr 6 0 x / 0 01 sittr;' 's,ror 'proqnc'pexrJrs.top ,elrlEsra^ pcrue,\ t ur,sa ln^O u"es tou sDt\o/J slrtspurpntr8uol ,{q Suruedo 'pelusq 'peqqu sreqlue:elrual u'p"x"IJ\\ suawDts ujc E 0 x z l o1 runlnsJedo ^l€crEcspuv:ulndnc 'etullarlped ro pcrreqds-elecunJlurnlqtuud,{q .rp,?g Suoyruc E 1 ot'rElnBuB puu peuepeg f,y8uo.rls 'pa,rrnc '.peJe,rou-t 'peqcuelqun',{lullrxE 'spue1a ,{lecrecsro lxere sapunpad I ot r.arraxatolfu1 yo 'esusp ',{sso13 ,snoJolocuoc l€uorlcesJalursnor€u]nu qlr,{\ uor]"lncrleJ:surei. €pts Fuuut luaar8 fUqBrTs 'trlc 'ele.lBJ 'Surtrurellu'at€loqed Z x ZI ol f1tq31sol eluloecuel saMal llnpv ueer8lq8rl ot u3er3-enlq ' 'ete^o 'fll€clue^ '3ullpuJollB'8uol 'strsoddo'etplorled np'ruc a x 6 ol pleq ruc Z ol selo]taduo ueqt 'JEeurl'sJred 'elr.Sses ,{proqs1s:glesa,roaI aliua^ t uJaE Ox l0 o} t tnoquro; elrsoddo sa/'DalSuilpaas 'papesrq suopal{,1o1 staqwouSll Surturog 1.ruqqtoouts qlr,r IIu1ur t ol aa1pu KlBBeqg .(n ,.Iat^,t .sN ,SNVJ,cv :osr:HJdad 'H'I'w'886t '1S,LToItiprrqeos :oloq)6tI0I DTootg ^oNz's,,97,.911 Jogss ru{ 91 1 :sndIJ

'ue;;rp sr1u3er33usnqucn{ t€ srtulsocxr^ ?nbsnqrtcn4 sulssq"lB 'oleJlsoJeror,la:q olncredo 'snqlror^e.rqsqlecrped 'srlnpued uou.redruassrDuecseJogur 'osnJJe 'osJpJluc nlrq€q osolad euoqelrqequnb e srutgrzcrnl aaoJp[oJdlp)nA ,,eelll7ru,,xotnJC

r'?idqrrr?'IeddoH C S T, roloorg H t tll NuytsiaVol.9, No. 1(1993)

FigDre'7.E. petrcnsis -buds and fruits (M/HB 9583)

Other specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Fremantle,Aug. 1902, C. Andrews s.n. (PERTH);WescoRd,NEof Quinn'sRocks,9Apr. 198'7,M.1.H.Brooker 9583 (CANB, PERTH);c. 16 km E of Yerramulla Road, 14 Aug. 198'7, M.l.H. Brooker9738 andS.D. Hopper (AD, CANB, MEL, "Ambulance" NSw, PERTH);Seabird, along Road,31'16'5, 1 15"26'8, 13 Apr. 1988,M.l.H. Brooker 9930,9931(AD, CANB, MEL, NSw, PERTH); Type locality,24lan. 1989,M.l.H. Brooker10159 (AD, CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH): c. 1.5 km SSE of Seabird,24 Jan. 1989,M.l.H. Brooker 10160 (CANB, PERTH);Mindarie Keys, 31'41'10"S, I 15"42'15"E,2 July 1989,A. Brown s.n.(PERTH) ; c. 50 km S of Mandurah,near Preston Lodge, eastside of lake, 10 Dec. 1989,O.M. Green Sl and SII (PERTH); OceanFarm, Lancelin, 10June 1981,R."/.CranfLeLd 1689 (PERTH); Private Property,4 4 km at 48" liom Seabirdand 4 km at 51" from Seabird,5 Sep.1980, E.A. Grffin 5701 , 57024 (PERTH); c. 20 m S ofQuinn'sRock Road,500 m upslopefrom ocean, 15Mat.1987 , S.D.Hopper 5853 (PERTH); NE of Quinn's Rock, 3l'38'20"5, 115"45'30"E', 6 July 1988,A. KeIIy264 andA. Napler(PERTH); YanchepNat. Pk, 1.7km N alongW boundaryfrom YanchepBeach Road, 31'32'S, 115"'10'E, 6 July 1988,A. Kelly 266,267 and A. Napier (CANB, PERTH); c. 600 m S of Seabird,31'17'10"5, I l5'26'45'E, 11 Nov. 1988,A. Kelly 356 andA. Napler(PERTH); 600 m E of BurnsBeach kiosk, 31"43'45"S,115'43'35"8, l8 Aug. 1988,A Napier& A. Kelly 291 (PER111);15 km SW of Wedge Island,30'52'30"S, 115'20'30'8, 10 May 1989,A. Napier & A. Kelly426 (PERTH): corner of Cowper andRaleigh Streets, Sorrento, 31"50'S, I l5'45'E, 28 June1989, A. Napier& A. felly 464 (PERTH); "30'40"5, 8.3km ESEof Two Rocks,off BaileyRoad, W of YanchepNat. Pk, 31 115"40'10"E,26 May 1988,R. McKay s.n (PERTH); Yalgorup Nat. Pk, 20 Oct. 1972,S. Paust 1348 (PERTH); Yanchep NationalPark, l2 July 1987,M McQuoidYNl6 no.6 (PERTH);Lake Preston, 6 Dec 1960,Mr Ross 3698 (PERTH).

Distribution. From to Seabirdon near-coastallimestone, Western Australia (Figure 1).

Conservationstatus. Uncommon and in needof furth€r suney. Pdority 3 in Hopper et al (1990) - reserveflora list.

Flowering period. Not known.

Etymology. The namerefers to the site wherethe type wascollected (Latinpetrensis - on a stony site).

Notes.E. petrensishasonly beenfound on siteswith outcroppinglimeston€. Itis similar to E.falcata, differing in its more effusehabit and rnuchshorter pedicels and peduncles. It differs ftom E. decipiens in its smooth bark, smaller stature,and larger buds and fiuits on longer pedicels. Rare hybrids with E. decipienshave been colleated(.Brooker 10161, 10162).

Eucalyptus subser.Decipientes Brooker & Hopper, subser.nov.

A subserietypica foliis juvenilibus horizontaliterdispositis, inflorescentiis saepe erectis, alabastds aggregatisplus minusvesessilibus, fusiformibus vel ovoideis,et fructibusaggregatis saepe compressis differt.

Typus: E. decipiens Er'dl. 'SNVJ) 'H't '1861 '4,05"61 'S,09o€€'IrEd UDI9 :(HJUgd "\,\SN 89 t t r27oor8 h! ^oN € I I l€uorl€N ',/y\SN'SNVJ) rS,rZoee'.e^resau ppre8zrrC:(HIdAd 6€It ploug H I W'186t ^oNZI'A,l€"02I 'SNVJ) '9L6l 'e^reseu dnu€p€aqJ :(HJdgd LtlV nlootq H I /,t 8nV 8Z plera8zlrg sp:e,to1 '0l.6 'ue!€g Surssor3ple:a8zlrg Jo S selrur9 St :(HJUgd) eSEtZ rrlooiB H I W t BnV 9 lunol { 'e3uec tse^\JoNsalrrlrz c JoordtlqqPu l€eu :(Hluad) IzEz'oztz .! loor8'H'I'w'6961 ^oNL 'SurssorJ Je,\rd ,{alsreuEHJo i[ sellur tI :VI-lVdJSnV NdAJSA,^d paulluDxasuawnads nqlo

'qloours'pIo^o-pesserduoc ',{aJB 't s,r,ro:rn;leurpnlr8uol etrlos qtl d paas peuesxe,4nqBIIs ro € se^IE^ 'p€oJq 'pctreqdstureq'pep,^\oJc 'elEllecrped :lEg csrp :{crqt tllu :urc 6 0 x t 0 o}'3uol uEqtrepeolq 'eltq,tr ,{l oqs ,{Je^Jo elrsses stlr4' s,\\oJIecrtt"^ V V Saln^O ,{uIEe.IcsJa44oig sltls enbrlqoro se:od 'pexIJIS€q'eluesre,t p"oJq ,{q Suruedo'uJoJrueJ o} proqnc'dlt lue(upllJpe,\\o.IJpu ,{pdnJqE uo ,(pq8tls 'sJeqtu€ 'pexelJur elrual ll€ suawoJs pJ{Eaqo1 lurtuorunlnrrado:LuJt0Y t ol'plo^o ol uuoJISnl 'etpfierrped 'peqcuEJqun',{JBllIxP ,{pJoqs,{Je^ o] elrssossprlg 3uo1tuc7 1-g g sepunped: pela,{\ou-/ < 'spwl3 sacuacsato\[u1 [roleuoqcesJe]uI snore(unu qlr1\'esuep uoqelncqeJ'e8psuo.IJpe^otualsalIIqetuos 'uaer8 '.{sso13'snoJolocuoc 'urc 'el€loecu€l ure,\ purSr€urE.rlur g I-I x 6-9 01 eleloeJuel fl,{\ollEu 'SurtBuJetlE'elulolqed rllnp '.uc 'eleut8reure'318^oqo 'fllDluozuoq sa^Daltflpy ueerS-anlq g x E o1 '3uol 'ellsoddo pleq'SurlEuJelp seqt atlsoddo ulc A 0 ol selorgedyoqs uo sa,rDalalruatnf Jelnclq]o '(Suol '[vi'dtlotaa uro Z 0>) elElorledfp:oqs,4re,l ot elrssessa^Dal Sullpaas qtootus1.ll28r DW

'(HJUgd 'S,€t"6I 'S,09"gE'({]Ed :otoq)Vg 1y7nddo11 C S I leuoupN 'e8pug Je^rd pl"Js8zlrg ur) a,ru6 felsreruell u,top S txl 6 tl Je^Id ,{elsJeurvHJogS tu1 0Z . e?d,{J

.ueJllp 'I^eEl oleJtsoJolnJrodo sljts€q"lu te ealtroa'olol^lEdEmlEls Enbe slulgu'1pug llz atdpap od{loJtlg

'(066I) 'Srurel) 8tt :7 ,,s1d,{lecngol eprn0 plalC,, ? reloo.rg

'reddo11 '0I (8 ern8rC) ,rou ds ry reloorg sllEunuuoJ snld,{prng

"""""" stcofqd'g ettllaclped,{pcutlstp'paduqs-puourElpspng E 'epl\\ salluploq E e]ITu.roc" ruc t 0< sPng 9 'pep^\oJc DsaqoA ll peuell€l+uello sepls ]In4 :ePL\\trlc t'0> spng 9 plo^o spng g sllouaaluor.s.0r..... :l:::::::::l:::::f.t"':':'l;;ilT:"::ffi;"r' '^)F[+ otoloqt dsqnssuatdpap g q71 eelptu rraJe IrEg t orolqdowsapo dsqnssuatdtcap A EZI aallEur^l88Ejts :,{uoqqu {J€g t t sualdlrap'dsqrssualdlcap's :* :::l:j:l::1i::::^:: ::::JJ:"J ee!:suets JolunJt eloq^\re^o pleq ^ltq8u'pll]q {Jeg € q8nor rpug tr eluut8ruruese,reel eltue,rnf 'urogtsng :pe{Baq,{llq8rTs ro l€truor ,{l,{\ojrEuulnlncredo spng 1

saluatdrtag 'tesqr:Lsg;o selcadso1 f,ay

'reddoH r4d{7rrr? C S T reloorg HIN 20 NuytsiaVol. 9, No. I (1993)

SW along SavagesRd from E.L.D. road,33"39'5, 1.22"2O'E, 12 Aug. 1982,M.l.H. Brooker7556 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); 4.5 km SW of LanesRd on BackmansRd, NE of Esperance,33'39'5, 122'l4'E,12 Aue. 1982,M.I.H. Brooker7557 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); 15 km alongHamersley Drive, 33"47'5. I l9'51'8, 25 Nov. 198'1,M.I.H. Brooker 981'7(CANB, NSW, PERTH); Middle Rd, McDougaf's easternpaddock to S ofroad, 10Mar. 1988,M.I.H. Brooker 9925 (CANB, PERTH);48 kmNNWof MtMelville,34'33'30"S,I 18"42'40"8,31Jan. 1988,A. NLpier &A. Taylor225(PERTH).

Distribution andhabltat. Very common on theeastern plains oftheFitzgerald National Park, extending north-easttowards CheadanupReserve and eastwardsto Esperance,Western Australia. Usually on lateritic white sands(Figure 1).

Consenation stqtus. Common though sporadic,and well representedin conservationreserves such as Fitzgerald River National Park.

Flowering period. Unknown.

Etymology. From the Latin commaaalls- communal,alluding to its characteristicoccurrence in clumps isolatedby heath from similar neighbouringclumps.

Notes.E. communaliJoccurs characteristically in communitiesofmany apparentindividuals, together up to 15 m acrossand generally emergentabove the surroundingvegetation. It is common along HamersleyDrive in FitzgeraldNational Park. It is similar to E. obesa,diffetrng in its fusilbrm buds and emarginatejuvenile leaves. It may be confusedwith E. decipiensbut differs in its smooth bark, more robust buds and fruits and its ercct-stemmedhabit with the canopy confined to the uppermost branches.

FiEDrca. E. connunalis buds (SDl/24l3A) and fr|Jit(MIHB 9817\ (x2\ (Zx) (6086srlr{) rln4 puE(0t86 gH.r/y)spnq - rrrqd g 6 arn8rC

se,toor8purpnlrSuol ^{ollEqsqtr,r puBetElnJrler ,{l,rolle Lls ,{ra^ 'pro,\o-pessaJduro t' Kafi paag pauesxe,{pq8rlsuauo.t (t) '[e^el 'lucrreqds-pesse:dep 'pessarduoc se^le^ csrp:{JItlt rurJ :urc I x 9 g o1 ,{1e1ucun4 ,{1|ura1u1uego 'elrsses .slrls puEpep,&olc rJrr?ljt s,rol lllJule^ V ur saln\O elrq,{ ,{urBe.rc,r.ta,11o1J anbrlqolo seJod 'urrogruar puo.rqXq Suruedo ol proqnc'dll lueuelrJ pe,lrorr€u{pdn:qu uo pexr;rseq.elrlesJe^ ^llqgrls 'poxauur ,q13ue1 sJeqtuE:elrue.] llu suatuolg elelnuiJu'lerrreqdsrurequrnlncrodo :ruJ S.0 x l0 o1 'pep,{orJ 'olrsses 'eleJsl lreql Jo tsoul .r9^olEcupurl,{c spng Suol urJ I ol selcunped:peJg^\ou I I 'peqcuErqun' ol [,JElI\xesaJunsaiola7 spuu13|o IEuol]JesJe]ursltoJetrrnu q]I,{\,osuep uoDl?lnJrtol ',{sso[8'snololocuoc 'urc .elEurJun ,elplo?cuEl :snoJeurnufra^ sure^eprs :ueeJ8 E l x 0l ol uego 'Surlsurolle 'a1e1o9ac! 'llnp'urc ,rvlnJrqlo sarca1qnpy uee.r3lq8rlo1 uee:8-anlq € x E € 01 ot elu,\o ',{lptuozuoq 'SurtrTuretlE '3uo1 .Jullcrqro pl€q ueqtotrsoddo urc A g ol seloqedyoqs uo saazalallua,rnl 'etlsoddo '(8uol .:1.Jeg urc 7 g>) etvloqed ,{;!oqs ,{.re,tot elrssessanral Sutlpaas peep lo suoqqrJ 'puno:3 esoolqtt,tr ro )ruq ferS'qloorus qtr,,n rueuo1,{douec qtl^\ tlqBqul osnJJa'llEtlurg Zo! aalloW

'L{SN '-lght 'SNVJ '(V :osr:HIUAd :oloq)Z€86 'a,80.81I 's,t6o€€.puou taloug H l'w'L86I cec 9 t {cou urllrJuo ppou s,lpHJo la rul6 / ..srd{J

'ueJJrp sreproloutnpJ?lur IeA srJupurl,{c srrseqeJe le snquorcnedsnqtrog 'snqr:or,rrud 'r^.€r?l 'ntrqBq srrloJ €crlror €nb " srurllu lpugyuatdnap orlQDJrA i,oellpru,,xetnlg

'(066I) '8rure1;q 8It :7 ,,s1d.(pcngol eprnCplalC,, ry raloo.rg

':eddog .II (6 ein8ld) ,tou ds 4' reloorg esaqo sn1d,{l"rng

rrud,tlrrrt'reddoHC S?roioorg H t.t l NuytsiaVol.9, No. I (1993)

Other specimensexarrlned WESTERN AUSTRALIA; 125km E of Hyden,3 Oct 1915'D F. Blaxell DFB/W'15140& M.l.lt1.Brooker (CANB, K, NSW, PERTH); 90 mile tank,W of Noneman-Esperance Road, 16 Feb. 1910,M.I.H. Brooker 2516,2517(PERTH); 125 km eastof Hyden on Norsemantmck, 32'20'5, 119'03'E, 3 Ocr. 19'75,M.l.H. Brooker 4986 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); PeakCharles, 2 May 1982. M.l.H. Brooker 7506 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); 80 km SE of Wickepin towards Lake Grace' 33'03'S,I l8'09'E, 17 Dec. 1984,M.l.H. Brooket8756 (AD, CANB, MEL, PERTH);Type localitv, 24 Nov. 1987,M.l.H. Brooker9809,9810 (AD, CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH); 22.75 km SE of MuckinwobertRock. 2.8 km NE of RawlinsonRoad, 33'29'27"5, 120"36'03'E'15 Aug 1983' M.A. Bureman 2105 (PERTH); 24.5 km due ESE of Muckinwobert Rock, I I I km SW of Rd, 1 Oct. 1984,M.A. Burgman 4045(PERTH); Peak Charles, 32'50'5' 121'25'E' 14 Ian. 1912' H. Demarz3645 (PERTH); 32 km W of Lake Gracaon Tadn Rock Road' 23 Oct. 1987' J.W. Green 5582(PERTH);Ninety Mile Tank,14 km SSWof Mt Classe,BremerRange, 32'41'S, 120"41'E' 6 Sep 1982, S.D. Hopper 2494 (PERTH), North Tadn Rock Reserve29857, 23 km NW of Lake Grace, 13 Sep. 1975,B.G. Muir 410 (PERTH):90 Mile Tank, Lake King-NorsemanRd, 2l July 1979, K.R. Newbey5388 (PERTH); Peak Charles, c. 45 km W of SalmonGums,9 Nov. 1919,K. Newbey6435 (PERTH), 2 km NW of 90 Mile Tank, Norseman-LakeKing Road, 12 Nov. 1979,K. Newbey 6491 (PERTH),

Distribution. From north,westof Lake Graceeastwards to 90-mile Tank and Peak charles, western Australia (Figure 1).

Consenation Jlalr.r. Sporadicbut common and representedin conservationleserves such as .

Flowering period. December-January.

Etymology. The specificname alludes to the budsin comparisonwith thel'usiformbuds ofE decipiens, Latin obesus - fat.

Notes. E. obesais clearly relatedto E decipienswhich is typically a rough-barkedmallee or tree on coastal and subcoastalsouth-westem plains and nearby hills. E. obesals not a coastalspecies lts furthestinland occurrenceis aroundthe 90-mile Tank north eastofLake King. The inland distribution, stubby ovoid buds and tightly aggregatedfruit distinguishit in the subseriesDeclpientes. It grows on white sand with E. falcata Turcz. at the type locality.

12a. Eucalyptus decipiens Endl. subsp.adesmophloia Brooker & Hopper, subsp nov.

"Field Brooker& Kleinig, Guideto Eucalypts"2: 418 (1990).

A subspecietypica cortice fibroso laxo pallidiore taeniaformiet habitu eft'usiorediffell

?1,pas;8.2 km S alongCarlawillup Road,34"07'5, 119'03'E',9 Mar. 1988,M 1 fi. Brooker9907 (holo: PERTH; iso: AD, CANB, MEL, NSW).

It differs ftom the typical subspeciesin the more sbagglyhabit andloose, paler, ribbony rough bark.

Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Pallinup River, Jan 1964, G.E. Brocktt'ctl s.n. (PERTH); c. 30 km N of Albany on roadto Borden,1,6 ADg.19'79, M].H. Brooker6364 (CANB, NSW, 'px 3ur1ro5:1H46941 eLgt n)potg H I w'zL6l rdy g1 loorq,{uuoooqt uo IodBJtuoq sellru0I 'c:(HJUgd) 'relr€g 00r, p"rDagSt'9L6t lco 9 t il,^\tr:(Hldg,a) rctL pnaS S t'9L6I daS9Z'pU 'paulluDxa loorquer3 eql 8uolu 1rud lvuortrN eSuug3ur1rn5 :VI'IVU.LSnV NdAnSg.N\ sualulrads

's?rcodsqns uJatsuaeql Jo surelssnonurs eqr go yuq q8nor 'stuels ,{uoqqu eql qlrn pe;eduoc suets Jo lsour re,lo Uuq qBnor ,{IEg eql qtr,1 reuurqt llq€q lceJa 'seryg erou 'rell€l eqt ur sJe!!lptr'Dlolqdousap, seDedsqnsruo{ :spuescrprce JoJ ecuere;erd pue ur 'Jelud'Jesool 'trq€q Surlrcrlrocepryeq q8noJ tJareeJoru eqt ur sercedsqnslecrd,{1 eqt ruoJ.tsJa.+Jrp rI

'(,t\SN 'SNVJ :osr :HIUgd :oloq) Z6ZZ,Qa48tay 7 9 '6161 'llou).+Jnlg '{rcd ^Er{l 9 rceu uu^cJuJ eSueg SurUrlS VI-IVUJSny tr1gg1g916 :snd(1

'uaggrpcrecurnbs srruoa le eroqlu rJnNts olollldowsapDercedsqns e le erorplllPdelorx€l ef,DloJecrd,{1 ermdsqns y

',rou 'qZI dsqns'JeddoHT IeIooIg Breluqc dsqns lpug suagdpapsnlddlerng

'^\oleq pelpo]l se '(DtDlDqJ'dsqns) uoxEl ?urue,uatur'puElur eqt puu '(DtolUdolusapDd,sqns) '(suardrcap uoxel l€ts€ocqnspue I€ts€orureqtnos aql dsqns)uoxul ltlsuoc uJelse,rpcrd,& eqt e.rcaraql '9961-Z96I ,\\oqssorpnts plerl puv q1rcesartuerrnJ (9161 eppueddrq3 reupr€D) tcutsrp eruuradsg eqt ot qued Jo quou ruo.Usuoqcutsrp lucrSoloqdrou snorJer\qlr'i\ seelptu peteleJgo a8uer epr,t 'tq8q r ol parldduueoq su\l sualdtcap ? errcu eql,{lsnor^erd {]tq q8noJprEq ^le^ slr fq sarcedsqns ,reu eqt ruog lcuDsrpsr uounqrJlsrplElsroc uJetssd\ E sBqqcuqn suatdtcap dsqnssuatdoap g saplll

'lJeg DrcIqd pue paJaDeJun sowsapo ]laer|- eqt wotg (8o1otu&g

'ud\ou>lun pouad Suttauo1g

se,\JeseJuorttAJasuoc ur palueserdar 11e16 uteydpuesSulyrqg qno5 eqt ;o sld,{yucneuouluoJ lsoru eqt Jo ouo sniDtsuouDLlasuo)

'(l erndrc)€llerlsnv urelsel6'{ug JaugJgot eSuug3urpqg aqt Jo u€d uretscapuv uJeqtnossql woq uouliclttlsle

'GIUAd 'erueC \Ltl uosll[ I d'996t lro Z loorduuuro^ Z oN Suop peo; ed;oqlsue.regdn8unurvrrel Jo gss uq 9t c :(Hluad) Ezw uosll^l 9 J'9961 lco I 'drqsu,,r,io1 ,(egreruelg Jo ld ur{ t:(HJUAA)LL6OZplitS V'2861 lco €Z'ueJrEgtunohilsel&Jo lANld 'peor '{Ied 'l&SN 'dNy)) ur{ 8 c s,11e11o3,{q leuortENre^lu ppre8zlrg:(HIXAd Kquo)tW f + 'A,SZ.6l 'S,SZ.t€',{Eg 'prou 6Z09ppov NV'986I ^oNl.l I reuargIo ldN taluluoproD pue puou 'l 'llrH drur,,r,ig;o uoncunf:(HJUgd) gL6 assayy 161 8nv dn.rrnurEJJ€lNJo S ur{ I I :(HIUAd) 'uarr 9L6'Z96nassaxy'1161 3ny .{BgJeruerg :(HJUAd) 1gg9 ntldol{ gg'886I rBII6'A,0I"6tI '9,97.y9'111H 'Z9Ll '096I 'dnpn[ dnrrnruErrri[Jo S UDIl t :(HJUAd)EgLl a']oat S V ,ro5197 '.{ug 'SNVJ) :(HJdgd u s ntqitnqJ W O'8961qIu11 J?ruarg:(HJUgd 6186nloorg H l W '186I 'S,/t.tt 'pEoU ^oN 9Z'A,lt"8II dn8umueleluo pEoUueprog-^t;g.reruerg Jo N ru{ 'gNV)) EZI :(HIUgd S166.ttootg HIW'8861 rutrtr6'!L6t.6tI'5,11"yg'dn1en|.rueuSurssorc 'iA.SN'SNVC) 'f?,rq8rq 'puou re^rurauprr€C :(Hlugd I8t/ raloorg H I W'1861^oN tI Io g 'Iooqc5 dnurrlrq3:(H1ggg'n.SN'SNVJ)081,)lootg HIW'1861 ,r.op11 8ullrusqts Jo AN ru)l E '186I 'reupJreC :GJUSd'SNVJ) IgILDloug HIIN ^oNtl sp.rE,uol,{E^\q8rq-}oS ru{ 8 :(HJUgd

'roddoH srld.'qrrrt C S d, reloo-rg H'tr\ NuylsiaVol.9, No. I (1993)

RangeCaravan Park, Chester Pass Road,5May 1982,M.l.H. Brooker7654 (CANB, PERTH); 9.6 km W of Yetermerup Road, N of Stirling Range, 19 July 1988,M.l.H. Brooker 9982 (CANB, PERTH); 3.6kmW of Bluff Knoll Lookout,2TMar.1968,G.M. Chippendale43l (CANB, PERTH); Cranbrook, 18 Feb. ?, CA. Gardner 329 (PERTH); Sukey's Peak,Stirling Rangenear Cranbrook, 7 Mar. 1922, C.A.C.lrdner808/1.308 (PERTH); To11's Pass, Stirling Range,23 Apr.1923, C.A. Gardner l431ll93l (PERTH); Toll's Pass,Stirling Range,23 Apr. 1923, C.A. Gardner 1434 (PERTH); Borden Chester Pass,30Oct. 1953,C A. Gardners.n. (PERTH); Tambellup,3 May 1964,C.A. Gardner 14'702,147O6 (PERTH);N of Condinup(sic) (Wellington Location 50l6,lde A.S.G.),NE of BoyupBrook, 19 Feb. 1969,A.S. George925l (PERTH);Mt Barker,Oct. 1900,Colonel GoadbyBl250 (PERTH);I nile SWof Tenterden,12Mar. 1951,J.W.Green ll49 (.PERTH);1 mile E of Cranbrook,12Mar. 1957, J.W.Green l151(PERTH); 13.2 miles SE ofKojonup (0.6 miles S ofTambellupturnoffl, 30 Sep. 1975, J.W. Green4538(PERTH); Granite Hill, road40km E of Mt Barkerwithin l km of KalganRiver, 15 Mar. 1983,"/.ltz. Green 4984 (PERTH); 500 m along Fisher Rd from intersectionwith Kojonup- FranklandRoad,21 Oct. 1985,N.Floyle 1013 (PERTH); Mt BarkerHill,3 kmdueSWof MountBarker township,22Nov. 1985,N.Hoyle 1032(PERTH); 2 milesS of Mount Barker-ManjimupRd, W of FranklandRiver, 11 Apr. 1962,E.A. Jenkinss.n. (PERTH): 4 miles S of Mount Barker on C. Milton's property, 8 June 1973, K.F. Kenneally 1224 (PERTH); SlopesRed Gum Hill, Red Gum Springs, Stirling Ranges,26 FeI:. 1983,G.J. Keighery591 I (PERTH); GeeKabee Hill, W ofCranbrook, 8 Dec. 1987, G.J. Keighery 98OO(PERTH); Greenbushes,Ocr. 1921,M. Koch s.n. (PERTH); Cranbrook, 18 Feb. 1918, C.E. Lane-poole 329 (PERTH); Stirling Range Headquarters,21 Feb. 19'75, O.W.LoneraganL239 (PERTH); Road N ofStirlings,2SFeb.1962, K.R. NewDel 149 (PERTH); W ofBroomehill, 14 Jan.1954,R.D. Royce 4806 (PERTH): 2.75 miles NNE of Boyanup,5Mar. 1954, G.M. Storr s.n. (PERTH).

Distribution. East of the Darling scarp,from about Boyup Brook to the Stirling Range (Figure 1).

Conseruationstqtus. Common and well reDresentedin conservationreserves.

Flowering period. August-September.

Etymology. From the Greek cftalaros - loose,slack, referring to the rough bark.

Noler. In the Stirling Rangethis subspeciesoccurs on the northernslopes and foothills, while subsp. aclesmophloiaoccurs on the southernside of the range and fu her eastwards.

Eucalyptusser. Micrantherae Benth., Fl. Austral.3: 1,92,211(1867).

Type: E. micrantheraF. Muell.

The E ser. Micrantherae belongs in the informal subgenusSymplzyom),"trs. The series is characterisedby the following: tree or mallee, bisectedcotyledons, pith of branchletswithout oil glands, glossy adult leaves with very numerous parallel secondaryveins and with dense, finite reticulation and numerousoil glandseach ofwhich appearsat veinlet intersections,stamens inflexed, anthersreniform, opening by oblique slits, flowers creamy white, ovary roof 3-lobed with style base inserted,ovules in 4 vertical rows, fruits contlactedat rim, rim thick; valves 3-partite by insertion of style basebetween halves of torn lobeseither side. o|o)npul A lceJesecueJseJouur :ruc 6 0 x 9.0 ot llruJ:pJBq.q8noJIrEg I """""""' . srapas dsqnsslsualuopDnDq g 8uol ruruZ-0 slecrped Z slsualuopo Dq dsqnsslsuaruopollDq g Suol urul 9 < sleJrped Z snolnpued ,q8noJ .l ueuo seJu€Jserollur:tuc 0 l x I ol trn{ :,{lul+ {.1"9

sasuatuopDllp&.Jas g'Jo saDadsol ,{ay

',$olla,{ eled s:amo1g pexeuur suetuuts pslBeq elnJredo .peqJuElqun.fJ€lltxe secuaaseJogul,puulsr,i rslelule^ ,,{ssol3 etuos Jo suoltcesJ3lult€ ,4llsoulSurr0eddu spue18 lro puE uoDrlncqa.relrurJ qlr,,!\ 'uee:8se,ree1 .q8nor .seel rulnpue131ouslelqcuerq;o qlrd pelJesrqsuopel,{1o3 ryeg luurJo seeJJ

JelOOJg SlSUalUopDllOqg :Snd^J

'rurJlr3 'ExalJur .oBSouJ€J seJolC pu]lII€lS Elullsoj BIncJedO uou ,sejEllrxp eenu€cseloU:uI 'ssuorlcesrelur ptl €turxuru elred ord 1e srn:rdsuoc sueurnu srsoelo srlnpuulS tg o]rurJ olnarteJ ,prluelru .uso:qr; erpur,\r?rlod eragllnpuelS uou ullnpor l aelcesrq seuopel,{1o3 xelJoJ secrlruJ le^ seloq.rv

'^ou 'reddoH Jes ? Je{oo:g sasuaruop?11eg:os sn1d,{ptng

'puelsueeno urelspe-qlnosol lueurluoc eqt 'tlaloq 'slsuauuow.g ssorcu^pg l'lJ€qsJeau ttto{ sJncJo A pua lluosfi[ A Bwsudwoc.aououayog 'resqnseqJ {e g eltleersyol spru,{tsuol:pd IEuottENppre8zlrg ur 11e,,nxu4tI trJots€,^r ru04 suruldpuus 'elrq,r lulseocqns uo sJnsooaoJaqlaDJJln rasqnscrd,{louoru aq1 snueSeq1 ur asleereq,Lrou sruadde ernlcn4s snlJ Joor ,{$^o peurpolu eq1;o uorlruSocereqt ,{q fl.Iulncruedput (a^oqp ees)slelc€rpqJ .resqns 3ur,{;runsnouu,t ;o esnaceqaotaL uDnrl{ serJesA aql ur pepnloursr aluolJapg ? eqJ

'uapwlNu4oq A :ad,Q (gg6l) 96t :61 rrluJtsnv.lC.elvpuedduq3 aowt lDg res g

'^ou Jasqns'roddoHT Je{oojg (el€pueddrqJ)aBuBua{Bg lesqns snlddpJng

...... puus aououalog JesqnsA peJuo ,uottnqulsrppuplut 'I :ot€llsclped^luoqs trnlJ :epr,r ruc / I ot se^€elllnpE :rlSnoJl.rDB ...... aDJaqluDtJlwJesqns a puEsetrq^\ uo.uoDnqulsrp 'I letsEorqns:elrssas + trn4:epr,$ ruc l.Z ot so^Balllnp€ :qtoours{lBg .Jas aDraqtapJ7tw A,Jo satJasqnsol ,{aX

'o|olnuuo g p"tuleruneqliurlqueseJ eJnlJetrq pJ€el suq pup uorlueluor ur 'g 'a\JaqluDtJ?l,V sercedsyp ruo:; pel?Iosrsr Dllqdopq elrq \ sauoseqlJo uoDuue,r,{rupuoces eleuurd ,(l.EInAeloqlpu€Joo:,{ru,topeqol,{lssotBetltqculDrlotuoaut.gpueowtsulsn?lr.A.seuasJoqlreol 'DltoluoauJ 'owtss4snSw ,lepur€1ua: 8uoleq 1ouop A pup,Dltqdolotl g ? eql ellq7y.aoJoJlD! saues ,teu eq ol (9961)elupueddlq3 rsuas qtu"gatuaq|uDrctW.res !';o sarcedseqt;o ,tueuru8rsse e/1

rrrJ,r/nJrjr'rrddoH C S T reloorg H I l^I 26 NuytsiaVol.9, No. I (1993)

13. Eucalyptus indurata Brooker & Hopper, sp. nov. (Figure 10)

Brooker& Kleinig, "FieldGuide to Eucalypts"2:214 (1990).

"mallee" Arbor vel frutex Eucallptum micranthercn F. Muell. ex Benth. simulansa qua statura superiore,cortice indurato non-decorticato operculo rostrato, et floribus flavidis differt. Potensin terra ent semgnelus.

Typus: 3.4 km N of Crigg's Roadon BelgianRoad, N of Dalyup,33"23'S, 121'28'E,6 June 1983, M.l.H. Brooker 8161, L.A.S. lohnson andD.F. Bklxell (holot PERTH; iso: CANB, NSW)

Smalltree or malleeto 10 m with hard,furrowed, grey-black rough bark over whole trunk or stems, smooth grey above. Forming lignotube\. Cotyledonsbisected. Seedlingleaves sessiie, decussate, remaining oppositefor more than 10 pairs,some slightly decunent,ovate to deltoid, to 3 x 2 cm, blue- green, dull. Adult leaves alternating,petiolate, narowly lanceolateto lanceolate,to 72 x 2 cm, concolorous, slightly glossy, green to greyish green; reticulation dense, with numerous mostly intersectionafoil glands. Inflorescencesaxillary, simple,7-flowered; pedunc)es slightly angular,to 1 cm long. B&dspedicellate, to 1.8 x 0.7 cm, bi-operculate;hypanthium cupular, inner operculum strongly beakedand longer than hypanthium. Staners int'lexedin bud, all fcrtile; anthersversatile, sub- basifixed, oblong, openingby longitudinal slits. Flo,ter"rpale yellow. Ovulesrn 4 vertical rows on placenta. F/ails pedicellate,hemispherical and slightly constdctedat rim, to 0.8 x 0 9 cm; rim thick; disc annular;4 slenderstyle remnantsoften persistingand exserted. Seed gley, shiny, compressed- ovoid, almost smooth, with a few shallow longitudinal grooves.

Other specimensexanined. WESTERN AUSTRA.LIA: Grasspatch,north side opposite Kent's Rd turnoff, 33"14'S,121"11'E, 30 Dec. 1979,M.l.H. Brooker6723 (CANB, PERTH): 28 km W of Balladonia,28Apr. 1982,M.LH. Brooker'7482(CANB, NSW, PERTH);118.4 km S of No$eman, 29 Apr. 1982,M.l.H. Brooker 7489 (CANB, PERTH); 26 km N of Ravensthorpe-EsperanceRoad vla Laurianaand Boydell's Roads, 2 May 1982,M.l.H.Brooker 7418 (CANB); 4 km alongMt Ney Road, NE of Kau Rock Road turnofl',33'24'5, 121"24'8,12 Aug. 1982,M.l.H. Brooker7551 (CANB, PERTH) and 5 Sep. 1983,M.l.H. Brooker8163 (CANB, PERTH): 2.7 km W of Grasspatchon GrasspatchRoad, 33'13'S, l2l "40'E,9 Apr. 1983,M.Ifl. Brooter 8073(CANB, PERTH); 4 km along Mt Ney road,NE ofKau RockRd t/o,NE ofEsperance,33"24'S, 122'24'E, 5 June1983, M.l.H. Brooker "28'E, 8163(CANB, PERTH);3.4km N ofGrigg's Roadon BelgianRoad, N of Dalyup, l2l 6 June 1983,M.1.H.Brooker8 166, (CANB, PERTH);24.5 km NW of Balladonia,12 Mar. 1984, M.l.H. Brooket 8486 (CANB, PERTH);9 km up trackN of EdwardsRoad, S of Pyranid Lake,33'13'S, 120"54'E, 17 Jan. 1985,M.l.H. Brooker 8801(CANB, NSW, PERTH); 13.9km E of Ravensthorpeon Esperance Road,33'36'5, 120'08'E,17 Jan. 1985, M.l.H. Brooker8803 (CANB, NSW, PERTH);8.6 km along roadI 1,west of RavensthorpeHopetoun Road, 33'42'S, 120"05'8, 20 Feb.1985, M.l.H. Brooker 8854 (AD, CANB, NSW, PERTH);29.3 km NE of Mt Ridleyt/o on DempsterRoad, 33'04'S, 122"16'8, 9 Apr. 1985, M.I.H. Brooker 8924 (AD, CANB, MEL, PERTH); corner of Griffith's and Dalyup Roads,33"28'5,121'36'E,7 Nov. 1986,M.l.H. Brooker9520 (.CANB, NSW, PERTH);34 km NNE of Mt Heywood,M. A. Burgmanl4l9 andS. McNee (PERTH);41.5 km NNE of Mt Ney, 33'03'36"5, 122"38'40"E,22 June1983, M.A. Burgman1430 and S.McNee (PERTH); 7 km NW of Clyde Hill, 33'17'49"5, 122'55'42"E,6 Atg. 1983,M.A. Burgman 1194 and,S. McNee(CANB, PERTH); 12 km NNW of Clyde Hill, 33'17'49'5, 122"55'42'8,6 Aug. 1983,M.A. Burgman1800 and S. McNee (PERTH);40krn NW of ClydeHi11,33"03'S, 122'45'E,7 Aug. 1983,M.A. Burgman 1835 and S. McNee (CANB, PERTH);32 km N of Mt Ney, 33"05'56"5,122"25'31'B8 Aug. 1983,MA. Burgman1844 and S. McNee(PERTH)i 34.5 km SSEof PeakEleanor, 0.1 km W of Ned's CornerRoad and Rollands ' (preq- snlunpur urlB.I){Jeq qSnorpruq aqt ol sJeJeJeureu eqJ,lSoloruQg

'requaldog-eun1'polla qwfi d $ol!

'i^o^JeseJ uorlBAJesuocur pelueserderll3,^\ puE uouluoJ snlls uouDMasuo)

'( 'eauuedsA I oln8rC)€rl€4sny ulelsed\ uro4 puplur uoruuroc,4pelncqred puu uruopelleg ol adroqlsueAEdJo lse.4\-qlnos:uroJg uolJnqluste

(L Ix) (nZ6BgHlt't)\ntJ puu(9818 sHlr{') spuq- Dtunpul g 0t r.Bt!

'(Hrdad) 00rd '9161 'qcledsserg '086I 'qcrudsserg puovl.lrr\ 7 :(HIdAd) 6tI8 Kaq&aN) ^oN EI 3o 16 ur1 7tr '0661 'e^raseu ',^![SN) :(HJdAd) 0l9ZI tuaL!8la\ f D cec tl e.rnrENsEpunc :(HJUgd /i r1.z,lg O '8861 'S,tl.€t 'pBoU pue uosuqof S VI'1OE tt!H y 1rO ZZ'A,e.IZl qledsserg uo qludssr--l5 '9,91"79'{u.^\q8rq Jo,lN ru) 9I :lpwlg e pueuosuqotsVT'LlZll!H)t't86I pO 6I'AgZ.tZt uo esnoHpeod uruoptltugIo ,,'!Aur) z 0z :(HJuEd) u s lauptDg v )'ov6l cac'Je^ru (auo-l) :(HIUAd) r/'.t.trrioJ C'886t tco SZ'srunCuourps l(HIUgd)uDu1{oI )pu.e 6lotuDw'rtlq V W 'S,,,Z99E"ZZI'S,,0E,Zo"E' 'p€ou 'poo,r,{eg IcoU ep.{lJ ro pBod ^eN tI,{ Io ,^ANru)t g0 9l 1111o 'S,,91,q 'speorssor3'p€oU ENN ru{ tg:(SNVJ) aaNJl.{SpurgI6I uDrutungV W'A,I9,90" I ZI t "€€

')addoH sntdtrlDn:i eS ? re)ioorg Hlt\l 28 NuyrsiaVol.9. No. I (1993)

Note.r.Habitat prel'erence has not beennoted over muchof the range,but in the centreof the distdbution (the Espemncehinterland), the speci€sinvariably occurson slight dses in otherwiseplain country or betweensalt lakes. The speciesis not rcadily confusedwith any other.

"A Eucalyptus ser. Subulatae Blakely, Key to the Eucalypts"64,26'7 (1934).

Type: E. oleosaF.Muell. ex Miq.

The E seriesSaDalarae belongs in the informal E subgenusSimphlomyrtus. It is diagnosedby: mallee, mallet or tree, bark smooth or rough, cotyledonsbisected, pith of branchletsnot glandular, antherscuboid or globoid, fruits with persistentfiagile style remnantssurmounting valves, seed grey, shiny, compressed-ovoid,smooth with shallow longitudinal furrows on dorsal side

The serjesconsists of about 50 taxa (L.A.S. Johnson,unpublished) morc than half of which are unpublished,so a key to the publishedremainder would merely be an academicexercise of little application as so many of the new taxa are tiequently encounteredin the field

14. Eucalyptus aspersaBrooker & Hopper, sp. nov. (Figure 12)

"Field Brooker & Kleinig, Guide to Eucalypts"2: 246 (1990).

"mallee" Frutex ad Eucalyptum seriemSab&lafas Blakely pertinensad 5 m altus,cortice testaceo vel pallido-cinereolaxo, foliis plantularumetjuvenilibus deoussatis, ellipticis, ad 3.5 x I cm, hebetibus, viridibus, foliis adultis viridis leviter nitidis, fructibus parvis (ad 0.7 x 0.6 cm), et opercularostata diftert.

Typus: 2 km N of SerpentineRiver along Albany Highway, 32"31'S,116"21'8, 9 Oct. 1985' M.l.H. Brooker 9047 (holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, NSW).

MaLleeto 4 m tall with light yellowish brown to light grey rough bark loosely held on lower half of stems, or of long smooth strips partly detached. Forming lignotube\. SeedlingLeaves sessile' decussate,remaining opposite for 5-7 pairs, elliptical, to 3.5 x 1 cm, dull, green. Adult leaves altemating,petiolate, nanowly lanceolateto lanceolate,to 9 x 1.5 cm, concolorous,slightly glossy' green; reticulation dense, with very numerousinte$ectional oil glands. Inflotescencesaxillaty, unbranched,to 13-flowered;peduncles slightly flattened,to 0.8 cm long. Budr pedicellate,to 1.2x 0.3 cm, bi operoulate:hypanthium cupular, inner operculumbeaked and much longer than hypanthium. Sramensmostly inflexed with anthersaround style; all fertile. Flowers not seen. Or'tles in 4 vertical rows on plac€nta. Fruits pedicellate,cupular to slightly urcaolate,to 0.7 x 0.6 cm; 4 pe$istent style remnants may emerge. Seed flattened ovoid, grey-brown, almost smooth, with a few shallow longitudinal grooves,hilum ventral.

other specimens examined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Summit of Mt Saddleback, 32'58'5, 116"2'7'8,26 July 1983, M.l.H. Brooker 8249,8250(CANB, NSW, PERTH), 20 Oct 1983, M.l.H. Brooker8291,8292 (CANB, NSW, PERTH);Metro Road,1.6 km S of Pike'sRoad,7.9 km N of WearneRoad. North Bannister,32'30'5, 116'31'E,9 Oct. 1985,M.l.H. Btooker9043 (CANB, PERTH);0.6 km S of Pike'sRoad, 32'29'5, 116"31'E,9 Oct. 1985,M.l.H. Brooket9044 (CANB, PERTH);9.6 km E of Metro Road,32'32'5,116'36'F,,2'7 Nov. 1985,M.l.H. Brooker9728 (CANB, NSW. PERTH);Rick's Road.E ofN Bannister,32"33'S,116'40'E,4 June 1986, M.l.H. Brooker934l '(HJdAd '81.61 u s (ols) tA J 8nV 0e 'yE1Ly1r1 '/Z6t 'ur8o.ueN gerduru llselod elEtsIBUIIInI t?lJ-aga) 66ZSarytU T, ^oN I :(HIUgd) 'S,/9oZ€'{ceqelppes VtgZI uo$ail V'0861 8nV 8Z'E,LZ.}|I lrt :(HfUAd us uosqoYI.t '066I 'lse^\ 'pa qod 8Z ru 0Sl pup pEor eul€e.d\Jo uoDcunl ruolJ 1ur1 dn N uq I Z :(Hldgd) 'u '066I'{colg 'uotpunr s uosqoa 7 t tseroc euJBellt pd euned\ tuo{ pu qlnos u,\\op s rul t.I 'u's '686I '??,686I :(HIU!Id) uosqoA'.It eunl6Z'e^raseuetood eue-I :(HJUgd) Sgtuosqo\ eunl '1co1g ,g,,Zl,nz"glt ,S,,0I,1.0.€Z.tculsrp lserogSuuepueA :(HJUgd) 6g uosqoY??'g86I 8nV 6 '{colg ') 'SNVJ) ',t,trg (ns) ,{Jo^IEH pJ?.{{cols:Gtldad 09t ?rlltDd S'O66t qeg gg uoqoorgso 11 'e^reseu '686I 'e.rresoa tuIep€qoo :(HJUgd lO0Z uoaLprn)rN S O qeg 97 dnuDlqsA :(HJUgd) 'u 'W '986I,{lnl ,EalB s ddDux A'9861 lco'arrqs loolg dn,{og Jo A : (Hldgd) us ddDux A {oolg dn,{og :(tllugd'/ASN) lial'lrig e T uosuqot S V7'e9E lH y'986I TrO tZ l.BqelppEs tI Jo 'elrsu.4\ol ,El.6l doJ :(ItIUgd) u s sautDH j puclluErd Jo N UI)I6 :(HJU81d')t9t uotsllupg V ^chl 'stllerllrtdJo '{cotg 'nd.SN'1AW'gNyC 'Cv) S tuJpoC:(HIdAd 2966't966t tootg H I'W'8861 'fE^\qAIH 'pEod '/ASN'-Mhl'ANVJ 'CV) eunl EI uoDloorgJo S orel,{ uo S ur{ I Z :GJUgd /286 'H 't 'A,Z0"rI 'S,tS.€t 'dnuofo) .rureJ ,qNVJ) raloorg I W 86I ^oN 9Z I Jo lds s,lqol :(I{tdAd ',{u,tq8rg 'u€urssorJ .ldSN .SNVJ) EgLg6ralootg H I n'LB6l ret.{ l g ,{ueqly Jo g lo N :(HJdgd

'17-61' '91 't LI J soNex?lJo uognqulsrc tl ernSrJ

,9ZI ,0zr cc ,(ueqTV

ale8ap^\eN .

ueruasroN o


'(tsqns D4toJo.aDut aIroo8leX EJooI^I.

.0e on{amtS 'dsons' son-o z p'ra*"i"lP


?au8Er1t 1N.

sn qnng'reddoH e S d' rcloorg Hln 30 NuytsiaVol. 9, No. I (1993)

Fignrc12. E. asperso buds and fruit (xl 2)(M/l/A 9128)

Distribution. From the vicinity of Boyup Brook and Kojonup northwardsthrough the Darling Range to about the Brookton Highway west of Westdale,Westem Australia (Figure I l).

Flowering period. Not known.

Consenation stqtus. Widespreadin theeasternjarah forestbut sporadicand locally rare. Inneedof monitoring (Priority 5 in Hopper et al. 1990).

Etymology. The namerefers to the scatteredocculrence of the populationsin the jarrah fbrest (Latin Qspel.Jrs- scattergd).

Notes.E. aspersaoccurs in small, more or lesspure stands in openforest. Thereare many occurrences betweenNorth Bannister and Westdaleon flat country betweenlow hills It occurs notably at one elevatedsite. This is a standon th€ summit of Mt Saddlebacksouth of Boddington. While forming fruits, this population has beenfound to be sterile unlike all other standsexamined.

"Crit. 'l:11'7 Eucalyptus ser. Curviptera Maiden, Revis. Gen. EucauPtus" (1925).

Type: E. burracopplnenslsMaiden & Blakely

^the E. ser. Curvipterabelongs in the informal E subgenusSymphyomyfius. The seriesisdiagnosed by the following: mallee rarely tree,decorticated bark often ribbony and held loosely over most of \

pale,{\ou-[< secu€cselouul I " 'ueer8-,{er8 ouollauDt g Suol ujc € ot selorled ot uearS-anlq(tlnpe) se^€e'l S " osuadut g 91 3uo1nIJ I ol selorledlnols 'uoqs uo uee$ ,uolle,{ol ueer8el€d ]uuld arnluru uo sa,teal 9 'snocne181ou eleloqad seAEe-I Z Drluoqcqa dsqr\sodtD)otJoltt A Ll epl/{ -:::]::]t t odtDrol)owdsqnsodiDrotrDat :::.::l:]l::li"i:l:T:::::::l ruc I ot lrn{ :urc 11 x yg o11ueld arnl€ur uo sa^Ba-I t uoqs,{:e,t selcunped:o selcunped1noqlr,r sef,uecseJogul € '3uol Dl uDpoqt E elcunpedSur,rrnc-u,rop qtr,r socueJserogul E snocne181ueldernluur uo seAEe'I Z pere,,nog-e13urssecuecseroUulI

ota1dl,un3 'nsqns g;o salcadso1 ,{ay

e.reldlt.rn3 resqnssnld,{pong

'ser.res aql ur 1rqsrnSuDslp csrp eql Jo ecEJlns lds ,{ll€rpurpu€ stu€urElrJ pururels pexellur eql el€cluJ ,{llucrtsu4curuqcpuu'otaldtun3 serJesur sJnlBeJerur u '{sso13 oJuso^€ol aqJ uos€esur e8uurolq8uq ,{lpnsn sr {JEqeqJ eeJtpeloorc E uelo sr tr lrqEquI uerJnl spre,trolSurpuatxe surBldtueJp[pB pur,r oAueU Surp€C eqlJo d:uJsurolso,lr oql uo spJr],^\quou'IruruusC Jeeupue uollessng Jo lwe-qlnos ruo4 serlrunuuoc pelglleosIIErus ur slntto talood auDl g satoN

uePret\Ilalood-a u'l g :sna[J

'srlurpu: 'oluJnuue sruruedeus olel ocsrprcrreqdsrureeq snlcn.rC BXeUur euruelS usoqo181e,t uepro,to EJtsEqBIV aBJog-/ ecnueJserouul ertuetrurelr^el 'Drpur^ 'Elecl€Jutlnp€ erlog oe:,{qdrodorle 'vsocqnJJ queuelexuledees erale,\ oeuunJq-ocurluprnu Io^ orBrluE.rnBr^epl ecr]Joc eJ€Jp,\lEd roqrV

',\ou 'reddog Jesqns 4r:eloorg aaxauul lesqns snld,{pJng

'lcele .I oJatdl^,tn) lesqns ? pe^Jnc,{lsnouE^Jo enbrlqo suetuEts aoraLlul nsqr\s g pexeuur suaulpts I

o.taldrttnS .tes g;o sallasqns o1 ,{ay

'sueuels 'seuesqns aql Jo lueue8uerre eq1,{q peqrluepl ,{lrsue o,rt sasrrduoc seuesaqJ

'lucqral 'a,\€cuoc'elrsseur ol Surpuecsu sercedseuros ur puu lueunuord 's,{\oJ '(ua^es 'ooJql 'spnq trngJo csrp lEcrue^0I -t ur seln^o qtr,r ,\\oJ qtt^\ IBJe^?s el8ursq1r,r sercads o,\{l)requnu ur,{\"J spnq'snue8eql ur tseBJBleql epnlcurpu€ e8rul.{Ie^qr1a lrmg puu spnq:)Jrql '.I3InpuelS 'pelcoslq 'selceds 'sruels ,{lelEJepouse^€el lou slelqcuu:q1o qlrd suopeltrtoc euo ur q8no.r

II rr'l/qrrr?'reddoH C STro:{oorg H I hl 32 Nuytsii Vol 9, No. I (1993)

6. Leaves on mature plant shortly petiolate,opposite to sub-opposite, oyate, to 13 x l0 cm, dull, grey-green;inflorescences 3- or 7-flowered;flowers cream or palepink .....E.carnabyi 6. Without the abovecombination of characters 7. Inflorescences3-flowered 8. Buds smooth ...... E. oldJiedii 8. Buds ribbed 9. Pedunclesto 8 cm long;fruits to 5.5 cm wide...... E. pyrfonnis 9. Pedunclesto 4 cm long 10.Adult leavesmaturing glossy green; i.nflorescences erect ...... E. burracoppin.ensis 10.Adult leavesdull; inflorescencespendulous 11. Buds to 5 x 5 cm ...... E. youngiana 11.Buds to 4.5x 3.5cm 12.Fruits to 3 x 4 cm, ribs sharp 13.Flowers yellow; branchlets,buds, fruit not g1aucous...... E. kingsmilliisubsp. kingsmiLlii 13.Flowers pink to red; branchlets,buds fruit glaucous...... 18.E. kingsmilliisubsp. alatissima 12.Fruitsto 2 x 3.3 cm; ribs rounded... E. pachyphylla 7. Inflorescences7-flowered 14.Bark rough .....15. E. glomerosa 14. Bark smooth 15.Buds ribbed, red ...... E.sessiLis 15.Buds smooth 16.Operculum beaked ...... E. orymita 16.Operculum conical l7.Disc offruit broad,ascending ...... E. drummondii 17.Disc of fruitannular...... 8.annuLiformis

15. Eucalyptus glomerosa Brooker & Hopper, sp. nov. (Figure 13)

"Field Brooker& Kleinig, Guideto Eucalypts"2: 262 (1990).

" "Flora Misapplied name: E. eh)artiana"auct div. non Maiden, e.g.Black in of SouthAustralia" 632 "Flora (1952),Chippendale in of CentralAushalia" 243 (1981).

"mallee" Frutex ad 5 (raro l0) m alta,cortice inferiore laxa, squamata,brunnea vel flavo-brunnea, superiorelaevi, grisea,vel vivide cuprina. Folia adultaalternantia, petiolata, elliptica vel lanceolata, ad 9 x 1.8cm, hebetiapallido-viridia. Inflorescentiaeaxillares; alabasta globosapedicellata, fructus pedicellati,globosi discum includens, ad I x 1.5cm, discoelevato, valvis exsertis.

Typas:180kmNEofCosmoNewbery,9May1984,M.I.H.Brooker8538&S.D.Hopper(holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, NSW). '(Av) ,2961 .3nV .^€spur-I ZLIZ uos4/! g d 9 lJ^I ot pEor uo dr4sjlu sar,rrq '(V) '8t61 ,sllrH tt{ Jo qlnossa[ur 9t :(SNVJ IBtg tatEan O 8nV 9Z euureduv ro lseaq]nos '11111 ,.(Cfv) .H ' JsEeuq 9 t c euurdelooll Jo lste-quou rull g OI a DurnJ 196l KIrryOZ,puod sellC -nug Jo qtrouur{ 0I I c:((V) t6lzl uoa{S ?O'0g61 8nV tZ'llrH selo^.lo tse,$u,Dl gZ +:(CV) ,0g6t .3nV 6\VZI uoa[S AO'OB6t 8nV ZZ'l[H selo^.+o]se,\\ rul 9:(CV) Zgtzl uotu,ts?.O IZ ' '.(eV) ,Z961 ,puoA 1ed\ uuupl€ld Jo qlnos urrl 8 IO7ZuoltlIs g O 8ny g 1ee4 s.ueureseeqJ .+o tsee -qtnos '9997 '2961 ',{rspurl salul /t :(CV; ggEg norz{5 g O 3ny 9 11,1110 quou seltu ,rol :(CV) u.s ' 'nurg .N.A ,ntug saprs e L96l {u14 yg go tsa^\-qtJousellur Z I :(eV) Ol6EuDlq{)1 J' L96I ^EI^l I € .nruaJo Jo tse,\\rul 0Z'a'.(AV) u s uDltliol WyJ'1.96I ,{lnl I qUous?l[u EI :(CV) Z9 a$r]^r7 1,1 '6161 'selu.I 'OV) .fA,6L6l .uBI .I flnl ZZ eurluedrag:(SNVI gt 141^a7 IZ druuJ uro4 se{EI '1t '1.961 'e,{SururlJenl .r .St dn quou ur1 9t 9 :(CV) s uosuqof T {lnf g e{e.] Jo quou rul L uorlDts 't ' 'e{E.I :((IV) u's uosuqot 1961eunl LZ auquedres.+oIuEq uretsa,r,tZuouEts:((V) 9pla8.S T 'EIo,{lN uosuqot t'OL6I sunl I e{r.I Io r{uou:(CV) 6gt I uos\rDt J,0g61 8nV ZZ,sa{o^ uro4 tso,r 'mug-]o .g Suruunrpeorgo eprs quou :(CV) ,09 apro.4 N'996I des g rsa,trselrw Lt'.(.(Iv) u s saqlol '6961 'Uesec 'ey) '6961.8ny .]euroJ JeW8 [ BUolcrA:(SNVJ r9l Lnuuoe N 13 selo^ Jolse,{ uI 'ev) 'reuroJ .N 08 :(SNVJ lttL rauuo1 W'0961 8nV ZZ selo^ Jo tsueur)t Z :(CV) 9l6t tauuoI 'ZL6I ']euroJ , [$I LI sa{o^Jo lso^\uq Z0 r :(CV) 88ggnuuog tr1,7761llnl g l S.H)eerJ leqehtrro '0961 'selr-I tse,\^ur{ ZtZ c :(OV) 802s/?uaQ J ,{lnl 6l euuuedresJo tsua :(CV) IOZsluuae J,6L6I 'selel ,a8ue ,{1n166 eunuedresJo tsa,r :(CV) gLl sluuae J'6161 3ny E1 g uur1a,1JoqtnosLu{StI c 'uf 'cv) .J,6L6I.8nv ,anue^v leed uEruasaeqJtI l Jolsre-qtnos :(SNVJ gl.t sluuao t l elolur) uo ')ooJ ,8161.qsC qtnosln) 0t :(CV) ZOIsluuae J' LL6I flr\t 9I Joquou ru) Zgz'.(ey) 86stuua] I 8 luoqrunf .se1e1 selo^.lo tse,4ur)t 0t :(CV) 0Z sluual J,6L6l,{1n197 euquadJesJo tse,r :(CV) a.s ',{pspur.I 'idSN '.Ighl ,gNvJ ,Cv) puDlaD g t'1961,{lnl g U,,{.+oqlnos :(HJUgd ,rulalx OEnEn6 '986t 'A,It.ltt 'S,e 'uoncunl ,,^NSN Dtootg H I n 8nv 6Z t.BZ s,eIoA Jo A ru)I9.901 :GJXgd '1l 'SNVJ 'CV) ,9861 ,9,92 .Si9So8Z.)tooJ I Stutaly g 4 trTy6trtootg H I I,\t 8nV 8Z "Ot t lo N 'lle^\ .696 ,JeuroJ rul t lZ EuunqJ Jo gN UDI9Z :((V) t}f owsluoog e3 t eunl t selo^ Jo tsa,\\url '086 .3ny 'uor1cun1 ZL'.kjv) ZE|Z)trori y yJ t 77 11rHselo^.Io lse,r Lu)Z :VI-MISnV HJnOS '(HJUAd) .t.O ' .uel ,SLiZo8Z.uoqrunf 9VI uosroad LB6I 6,A,Ll"g?l 't86t .g,ozotzI .S,SZ"/Z,pcou alE?NJoS ul)t9l :(HIUgd) 0Z6Tnddog C S eunl 9t uoua^et uo luotrnqrEt[Jo ,SNV) .O seloqletE^\[nSeegJo ANN ur] 9 9€ t&S rDI /62 :(HIUAd S16ZDddoH S '€861 'S,80orZ'pEod ,uounqlpld eunl 9I A,W.IZL uoUe^t-Iuo aloq{cod ueqreJJo / s ur{ tl Jo ,A,8'"EZ .S8Z.8Z,uortcunf ,4A.SUDL'Z :GJUAd) 99611aStoaCS y'tr6 t flnl 9l I elEeNJo S mI tZ 'SNVJ) '886I .S,8t.l.Z ,uts :(HJUIId 9899ppluDl) T y eunl L'g,9Z"ZZl e,{pueg uo uotslnq Jo '-MI 'SNVJ 'CV) .H.t.W .t961 .uorlcun1 A rrI)I0I :(HJdgd I raddoH q g 4 ggggr tootg .{eytrg1 elEeNot )lrullt uo on uounqlud\Jo g ru{ 6 0 :VI.IVUJSnV NUAISS,^II pautwoxasuawtnds nqtg

'puo3uo ,u,{oJq-,rol]r.i .ulc 1euorsuelxa o1q-8ur,{\ E rltr,r ll?cuteuu,{sero peduqs-]uoqlEq,reulos paas t.0 ol 'peolq ,(cslp p?u?sxe'(9)t(0)sa^lB^ :Surpuecse csrp:IJqt run :ruc9 I x I ot eql Surpnlcur)osoqolS 'elelyecrped .elqlej sr?ruJ s,\\ol ItJqJeA t ur sair?,lo uoeslou sta$c,l! ueeslou sleqluu alnt€tr/{ 'enbqqo ,luo .ru1nqo1?,3uo1 I1u sraurls. lBcrJeqdsrureqrunlnoredo reuur lalulncredolq t.0 x 1g or ,fJellrxu ruc 1 o1slecrped Suol uo spr?8,3uo1 ruc 1 1 ot'eleret selJunped:pela,roll,(6), :peqcuErqun snuaJsaJoL[ulspuEIS lto Iuuoqces]elurpele ?csqttd\,esuep uoqvlnrrteJ:snoJeunu surs^ epts:ueel8 '3ut1eure11u,etalo\ed tq3t1l1np'ruc a 1 x 6 ot'et?loacurl ol lecrldrlle sa^DalJppy snocnulS,url y x y 'et€^o 'sred ,etussncep,e1e1or1ed ol ol JelnJrqro /-g JoJeltsoddo Surureruer sa,rzalSutlpaag .pelcastg 'uaqnlou8t1Suruuog suopafto1 snocnelSseru4eruos slelqJuerq :a^oqu ,4reddoc lq8rlq o1lurd uourles ,asoo1.,{1ug JeAo,{er8qtoorus'ur g- 1ro.14rq qBnoru,trorq-,no11a,{ o1u,torq qtrm llr.itrng otaa DW

sn4qDrnt )eddol C S trrloor8 HtW NuytsirVol 9,No. L (lqa3)

Fignrc 13. E. glonerosd buds (M/HB 8550) and frnit(MIHB9434)

Distribution. The Great Victoda Desert in both Western and South Australia, from south-westof Warburton east to south of Mt Davies and south-eastto Emu, always nolth of the Nullarbor Plain, apparentlyrestricted to red sand. This areais largely unexploledbotanically and nothing is known of the continuity of occurrenceof this new species(Figure l4)

Conservqtion stcttus.Widespread and representedin desertconservation reserves.

Flowering period. Not known.

Etymology. The namereters to the globular buds (Lattn glomerosus- globular)

Notes.E. glomerosahasbeen mistaken fo r E. ewartianafot manyyears (e.g. Chippendale 1 973' 1988). This hasprobably beendue to the similarity ofthe budsand fruit asseen on herbariumspecimens. The lruits of E. glomerosaaresinil ar in shapethough larger but the bark of thetwo speciesis quitedifferent. E. ewqrtianahas the distinctive minniritchi bark while thatof E. glomeros.tis more fonnless,being thick,loose and flaky. The pedicelof thefruit of E elrarlidnais stout,q uadrangul lr in crosssection and widens towardsthe attachmentwith the hypanthium.Ir E. glomerosq,thepedicel is more slender, terete,and attachesto the t flat undersideof the hypanthium. -1

'urnlrq 'luculeuru^sE 'u,^doJq l€Jlue^eqt ot Surpuecsusqu qtr,^\ q8noql lEpIurE.I^d paas 'peuasxe'E 'snoncrdsuoc '(cslp se^lp^:Surpuecse cslp:ruc a x g Z ot eqtSulpnlcut 1ou) lect:aqdstruaq '3uo1 'opsses urc 7 ot sloJrped lclql uo iyin,rg lurd .trad{o1J s}rls lu.ralel Pllorq ,{q Sutuedo 'Suolqo'paxrJrsJop 'alqusre,{ 'peqqu,{ltqBI sJeqlu€:elI)J"!IlB suaaDg lectpedSu tpnlcut tur S Z x g ol Is 'pe)Eaq 'lecueqdsluteq 'leclped ,tl8uo4s runlncredo unlqled,{q lnols uo prg Buol ruc T ot elcunpod 'uaeJ3-,\\olle,{ 'sno;oloouoc {crql E uo ra,'t\ouelSurs e qtr,nfrellxu saJu saroL[q JJDS ol ueer8epd 'ruc 'elelo 'elrsoddo-qns 'seloqed 8 x tI ol ol eltsoddo lnolslroqs uo 1ue1d ernlrur uo.tr^ra1 snocnD[3 'uaer8 'tuc 'ol€^o 'srl?d tou qltror8 ^\euJo stooqs snocnelSo1 uee:3-enlq 9 x I I ol ,(uptu.IoJ etlsoddo 'e1e1or1ed saoay altuadrll suretsqtoorus {raddoc eled:e,rofe:8 qlr,tr11ul tu g 1 ol aaiJztaf13Be:15

'(,AA.SN'-IA'^I 'TINVJ 'CV :OSI :HJdad:oloq)gEL6nloorg H I n'LB6I 8nV€I'g,9I.SII'g,gg"9g'e8ruperrrl6JotAti.srd,(J

'srlBlsoJJelrlullue,\ 'E€uunlq'Elelelnbeeur 'erlupruer,{d eunues eelJesxe(g) srAI€Ale uuepuecs€onctdsuoc ocstp 'oBuol 'ruJ 'osnllx€ ulc Z pEossEJc olncunpad 9 x q'Z pE ocsrptcueeqdsrureq seltssas snlcnrC BlE.rlsoJ eplE^E.rtsBqElV orr€lrlos ejoU'seJBIIrxE eBrtuacseJogul upr8rr'Brpur^-opr^cg le^ urpul^-oplllDd 'Erleqeq'urc 'ptp^o 'elrsoddo 'elulorted 8 x t I p€ qns1e,l eltsoddo relt,lerqeernteru eeluvld urlog rcny13 'snsnJ+a'snllD uou sepur,\rlnJrns oajdnc-opqledIa,r oereurJ rAeBI oJruoJ ur g l pD,,aellEuI,, xelnJC

'(066D '3rura1; 6IV :Z,,s1dflecngo1 eprng plerg,, I raloorg

'IeddoH '9I (91 em8rC) ^ou ds ry raloorg ssuedu! snld,{leJnfl

DltlstuojD dsqns ltiltuls'uD! 7 pu9 Dt-orawolSZ Jo uol]rqll]src tl arn8rd

. -. -.-'-.ruoDunf q*N -LV3U9.'

r4d,tjrrra'raddoH ( STra)oorg H I r\ NuytsirVol q. No. l(1q93)

Other specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Type locality, 7 Aug. 1988,M.l.H. Brooker s.n. (fruit and seedcollection only, in CANB); and 13 Nov. 1991,M.l.H. Brooker 10865 (coppice, regrowth after fire) (CANB): 17 km NW of Moora, 3.4 km N along Agaton Rd from Moora- BadgingarraRd, 30'03'30'S,1 15'05'60"8, 30 July 1980,S.D. Hopper 1645 (PERTH); type locality, 29 May 1991,A. Popplewell s.n. (CANB) and 2 July 1991,A. Popplewell s.n. (CANB).

Figure 15. '., impensa- bDd (PoppleweLls.n.) ^nd t it (MIHB 9736) (x 1 l)

Dtstribution. Known only from the type locality (Figure 11) and anothernear Moora.

ConserNationstatus. Endangered. Declared as Rare Flora (species no. l5I inHopperetal. (1990)).

Flowering period. June-July. The type population was not seenbetween Aug. 1988and Sep. 1990 during which time the plantsflowered andproduced fruit and seed.It wasfirst seenin flower on 2 July l99l (Popplewell s.n. in CANB). '(I I ernSrC)€rlpJlsny ure1se16'eJJe8ur8pBg ot tsoullp quou,4qe1e3;o qlnos ruoJA uo\nqLrlsle

'(HJdgd) ',(qule3 0u.tZ pi.rrsy'286t ceq g go g5 ru{t c'urC urD pupBJJB8urgpDg uea,{teq,{u,|^qBIH puE.I{ SuolD :(HJUAd) 199nldDN VTqpx V '686I 'pEoU ^oN €Z E.rBI€punSuor; pcoa ano.rSoro.1uo ld ur1 E f LtrHulooulrpuul lo,41SStu{ 'V861 ',{e,rq8rg 8 0 :(HJUEd) tll.t raddoH e S eunl 9 puerg pue puo11erreSeurhtr Jo uouresletul 'yg6 ',{c.&q8rg :(HIdAd) ggLEraddoH g 5 y ounl 9 pue:g puepeou Ellu8aturtrl.}o uortcunfJoS tul t ',{qe1e3 'ue8erepueq :(HJdgd'SNVJ) IZIEnddoH OS'€86I 8ny 11 gog5 ru1 9 Jo ,AdSruI 9l '0861 'uqqueug :(HJUAd) 6791taddoll C S deg g1 1o aNA urt tE :(Hldqd) tLgI raddoH e S '086t ',reue8uryq;o '086t '.\\euo8url,{ des 91 ,^NSSru)I 0t :(HJUgd) 9791nddo11 OS dos 6 '6t6I 'sruepv Jo i[N ur{ €t :(HJdAd) 6€91 taddoH e S ^oN 9l lunorN Jo iNS ru) S S :(HJUAd) '.eqqueugJo 66y1nddo1qg g'6t6t ^oNII tdSSur{ZZ:(HJdAd) Z6tt racldoLlO S'6161 ^oNEl ',{€^\qBrH 'uJJuSur8puggog puErguo esnoqpeoX,{qe]e3;o SuDl9:(gNVl) r'swyop g'yg61[u14g1 uDI9 9:(HJXAd) 0gtguosll! y'996I deg7'puorssorc ^ug ueunf-ooreqlud\eqt to N se[ru,'p€ou 'eurl .?1s uorpFrec ,r€N:(Hluad) 96tts uoric' g'616t eunl 8I trpuBs EqqBeug perllv:(HJuEd) 'uqqDeua uospl^De tN'Z861 8nV Jo A uq 0t :(HIdAd) 8€06rauprDg yJ'8t6t 8nyy7're,rrX 'CSJ) 11111Joseqceer reddn:(HIUEd 0tV9 dslrJ O W'6L6I ur7ltZ'pr?od qlnos l]qqueug SuolD peou 'SNVJ) 'rrra8uripe peeH uearDIo N url Zl :(HJdAd 97 alopuaddql ht D'996l rcA g 1 g;o gg11 'uD8urEpuucao'puog selruL c:(HJUgd'SNVJ) tt00l "raZoorBH I t4,t'gi6t BnV8 t g u11e1rdu3uo peod Err€8urtlrDJoS ru{ 9 Z :(HJdAd'SNVJ) 96201ra)iooig H I W'8861 8ny I'{e.trq8rg puurg 'IcpJ] 'gNyJ) '9861eunl0l Io l( ur{ € t gt.Juo a3:vpr:.re16;oA\N :(HJdgd Btt6r tooru I1l /,t 'vr€Sur8pEg 'pEod 'SNVJ) 'SB6t Jo AS lseld q}roN :(HJUAd OZBBDlootg H I W qal t 'sruBpv 'puod rli{ Jo i[ uortcesS/N lseiN E{oou€puE^:(HIUAI) LZ6I D)toug H I W'6961 flry tZ 'rnense'I '8/61 ',{qulEJ lunot{Jo i&S salnu t:(SNVJ) 00€ s33ug f tco 8l te esnoqpeoXlodruy 'SNVJ) Jo S UDIZ Z'y,(e,rq8rquo gTl pEodBup8eurl,{ :(HJUgd 0Zl t Kua^o) A8ultdv H gJ '0L61 des Z'urC uro Io idNN sellul 8t :VITYUISnV NdSJSA,^N paulwDra suaancadsnqL6

'(rucgxgol)s1rn:g puE(urc t x g g ot) spnq'(rucL x 0l ot) sa^ualrallEus eq1 ur sercedsqnslecrdfl eql uroq srellrp1I

'Lry\SN'SNVJ :osr :HJUgd :oloq) nddoH e S E 't861 'A,t€"911'g ',{errrq8rH Z0r8l lootg H I W uel gZ 9tr.99 pusrgpuu pEoU uEpuEI ruJ .r'r.I(J

'uellrp snqrJorlerqonbsnqrlcnr; sr4seqep srqogecrd,{1 ercadsqns y

'(066i '3rura11 992:g ,,s1d,{lecngo1 eprnC plelC,, 4, reloorg

',rou 'reddog 'tr1 dsqns 4r raloorg BqluuqJ€la dsqns 1oo11ed.reoo.rceru sn1d,{pcng

'so.real 'uaer8 alrloqed tqSrlJo asrddo.Surrnpo:d puu s:eqnl0u3r1 €ql tuo4 Surt€Jeue8eJe.te seelleur oqt'suerurcads punor8 eroqu eql pe,(orsep l€qt erg e 8ur,ro1log 'atnlulsurosuadwt ' g alErednudapeqlpeacxe qcrq,r to qloq r2dJD)oJ)ow dsqts looHDdloJotJotu g pu€ Ilent{ C ( rg U) ouoSotlat!r qtr.4\uorlErcossB ur sJnccotI a^rtcurtsrpeJB'llnpB puB elrue^ni 'eleloqed qtoq'se^Eel snoJnElS-uou ,{lt rcqs eqt tngDdto)ou rr.a ?Jo lu€csrurureJeJe trn.U e8.lel eql 'nqqBaug Jo tsa,^\-qtnosuruldpuEse uo slupld0l tnoqEJosls rsuoa ,{1rlpf,ol ad,{l aqttu osuadwl g satoN

'Irn.+pucsJ^rJIeql ot Surpn[BSuorts'aBrEI- snsuadLul ur]DT eql urorC K8olo1a,gg

'reddoH srtLl{1rrrt O S T'.r.loor8 Hlll NuytsiaVol. 9, No. I (1993)

Consenation statuS Uncommon but representedin conservationreserves and in needofmonitoring. Priority 3 in Hopper et aI. (1990) - reserveflora list.

Flowering periotl. August-September.

Etymology. The namerefers to the smaller leaves,buds and fruit (Greek elachys- small and anthos - flower) comparedwith the typical subspecies.

Nores. This subspeciesbecame evident after a study of E. macrocarpa sens.lat. by Hopper et aL. (unpublished).It occurstowards the north-westofthe distdbutionfor E macrocctlpa andoccurs within the overall distribution while not being actually sympatric.

18. Eucalyptus kingsmillii subsp.alatissima Brooker & Hopper, subsp.nov.(Figure l6).

A subspecietypica ramulis alabastrisfructibusque plus valde alatisdiffe .

Typus; Halfway betweenNeale Jctn and SerpentineLakes, Great Victoria Desed (28 20'S, 12700'E), WesternAustralia, l8 Apr. 1991,D. NicoIIeT(holo: CANB; iso:PERTH).

Mqllee to9 ntallwith dark grey roughbark on stemsto c. 10cmdiam Sters andbranches smooth grey overcream. Brqnchlets gla\cors. Crown with predominancaofshoft, ovateintermediate leaves. Adult leavespetiolate, alternating, ovate to lanceolate,6 10 x L5-2 crn, concolorous,dull, blue-green to grey-green. Inflorescencesaxillary, unbranched,3-flowered;pedutxcles down-tumed, 1.5-5 cm long. Badson angularpedicels to 2 cm long, glaucous,hypanthium obpyramidal, operculum pyrarnidal taperingto long sfaight or curvedpoint, both with wide longitudinal wings (to 0.5 cm)' to 3.5 x 2 cm; stqnens obliqlle, all fertile; anthersvefsatile, sub-basifixed, with prominentterminal gland, opening by broad lateralslits;fo)rel"r pink to red. Fruitu winged,to 1.5x 2.5 cm; disc broad,ascending; valves 4, exserted.

Other specimensexamined WESTERN AUSTRALIA: EasternDivision. Victoria Desert,July 1972, C. Brooks s.n. (AD, CANB); Eastern Division. c. 92 km W of SerpentineLakes, 18 July 1972' N.N. Donner 3950 (AD, CANB): N of Nullarbor, 1969,J. Forde (PERTH); Great Victoda Desert, ConnieSue Highway,2T Au9.1980,D.E. Symon12153 (ADW, CANB). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Region1: North-western (28'31'lz'S ,129"57'E),25luly 1979, J. Douglas66 (AD, CANB); 75 km west of Vokes Comer, track to SerpentineLakes (28"32'5, 129"58'E)' 24 Aug. 1980,J.S. Weber 6443 (AD, CANL/.

Disfftbution. Known only alongthe hack in the GreatVictoria DeserteastofNealeJunction in Western Australia towards Vokes Junction north of Cook in South Australia. The northerly and southerly distributions are not known (Figure 14).

Conservationstatus. Common and well representedin dese conservationreserves.

F lowe ring p eriod. April-May.

Etymology. The namerefers to the very prominentwings on the buds and fruit comparedwith those of the typical subspecies(Latin alalrs - winged, in the superlative).

t 'luatu l€lnllnsluoq elqeJaprsuocsEq Drtlt.r?/D1, osqns lnllws8uDl 'g \:0irr!pu€ spnq peJnldlnJs ,{lssorS eqt pu€ sJe,$ogpernoloc f,puurllrq str qllll\ o^\1Jaqto 'u^\oul eseqlJo uorl€losrur puElsl?e pu€ qlnos aql ot stnJJo]l lBqlJLqtssod sl 1t lsEeleql sl DlrlsslJrl, 'dsqns ',{3o1oqd:out /il1lu s3u?1?.roJ uortnqI.DSIpeqt eyrq.tpue put uoqnqt.4slpuI dBlre^oot rueddc 'dsqns 'g o tqdKqczd g pue!1111ws?ugt1 rrlltwstutl sBeJ€etoulor ,{lo^rtu1e: ut ,,no:8exel ee;q111y

'JelJoqsqrnul salturrPeseql puBoullsspplo 'cJsqns tr\ltuts?uly ?Io asoqtuEqt rellprus ,{llEnsn eJu stln4 puEspnq eqt tnq qfUd[LtJD(l gewosul (,{[ajer)Jncco sJa^\ou par ro {uld sre,uoglutd :o per eql ur sle.}Jlp]I il11t1./.ts3url dsqnsttl\tusqut| g 'elnc.Iedo 'slelqcue:q urorc trnlJ Puespnq eqt Jo s8ur,^ddaep eql pue elBnu3DESuol eql snocnelSeql 'g w q1fu1d{qtod wor; pue satcedsqnslucld^l oqt tuo{ sJeJJrpotulsstlo1o dsqts lllltuis8uD! g saloN

urlin'rvr.pnqpucrrrut nut\rttnln d.qn.,//rL./rJr,t ? qt rrnJU

s,r./,tlnrr?JrrddoH CS ?.r:)toor8 Hlr\l NuytsiaVol. 9. No. I (1993)

Eucalyptus ser. Orbifoliae Brooker & Hopper, ser. nov.

"mallees" Arboresparvae vel fructices corticecharacteristica Minni Ritchi inflorescentiis7-floribus, operculo exteriori vero, et disco fructus ascendenti.

Typus: E. orbifuliaF. Muell.

Small beesormallees with minniritchi bark,7-floweredinflorescences, a trueouter operculum, and ascendingdisc to the fruit.

Key to speciesand subspeciesof the E ser, Orbifoliae l. Operculum shotter than or equal to hypanthium,rounded or pileate with buds constricted,pedicels stout and often angular;leaves of the seedling petiolate,dull green .....E. seartiana 1. Operculum longer than hypanthium,pointed, buds not constricted,pedicels not stongly angular;leaves of the seedlingpetiolate or sessile,glaucous 2. Leaves of mature plant lanceolateor narrowly lanceolate,petiolate, entire 3. Leaves to 15 x 2.5 cm, buds to 1.5 x 1 cm, fruits to 1.3 x 2 cm: basal bark thick amorphous,minnidtchii above ...... 19.E craclssubsp. praecipua 3. Leavesto 8 x 1.5cm, budsto 0.7 x 0.5 cm, fruitsto 0.8 x 1.4cm; minniritchibark from baseup ...... d craclssubsp. lanceoLltcl 2. Leaves of mature plant orbicular or elliptical or ovate,sessile or petiolate,entire or emarginate 4. Leaves of mature plant glaucous,sessile and orbicular or broader than long, or sho ly petiolateand ovate,entire; seedlingleaves sessile;tree or mallee...... E. crucissubsp. crucis 4. Leaves of mature plant gre€n or glaucous,petioles to 2 cm long, elliptical or ovate to orbicular, emarginate;seedling leaves petiolate; usually a mallee 5. Leaves ovate or orbicular, glaucous 6. Operculumrounded ...... E. orbifulia subsp.orbifotia 6. Operculum conical 7. Operculum more than 3 times longer than hypanthium...... E. educta 7. Operculumless than 2.5 x longerthan hypanthium ...... E.lqta 5. Leaveslonger than broad, green oryellow-green...... E. orbfolia subsp.websteriane

19. Eucalyptus crucis Maiden subsp.praecipua Brooker & Hopper, subsp.noy. (Figure 17)

"Field Brooker& Kleinig, Guideto Eucalypts"2: 419 (1990).

A Eucalypto crucis sttbspecrelanceoktta foliis adultis,alabastds fructibusque majodbus etcortice "minniritchi" ad basin asperocrasso amorpho non differt ('u'srnqtnos)I Jpuuspnq -,rd?rrrrd dsqnsspnJt A Ll eJn.?tl

'srrur 'dsqnsJullurssrp flplSoloqdroru eql tlro4 piglo?Jupl 'dsqns go ocuulsrp eqt uuqt ra3re1qcmu suw ondtcaotd ,dsqns puB olopacupl .dsqns J€lrurrs,{lpcfoloqdJou eql uea^rlaqaJuElsrp cDeue8 runulxeu aql teql,pe,roqsseufzosr uo (gg6I) 'Jo 'sercedsqns .,sarop 7a uosdrueg,{g ,(pus E aeu er4 Jo uo4curtsrppcrSoloqd;our ?ql ruo4 uBdV

'sluouusuoc eur,{zos1pue fSoloqd.rou lcu4srp $l ol uorsnfi?ur 'prcods - ondrcaotd w:p1aLIJ :J0.orl tSolowgg

'u,troul loN pouad 3u1tauo1g

'((066D 'p 'olq€reuIr.7' p nddoH ur tel ou selceds)EJoIC ered s€ peJ€lrep snpts uotJDMasuo)

'(II ern8r{),(11pcoyed,fi eq1 uo4 umoul ,(1ug uolrnE4sr1

'(gt\IvJ) 'urqnd\Jo .uts u s,lor?:fnosV'Zg6l raque^oNZ gNIselur 0g ueqEurpuo 1141e33zpmrq 'u's 'V'6161 'purg ,1Ig :G{fU!Id) lJorqtnos uBt 91 seufed;o id,Suq SZ u33zpru16:(IltUAd) '186I '3ny 'pu1g .t) ZyBI eddoH OS g1 seu.(e4;oqrnos :(HJdgd) (1600put SBOOuosdluDs 'u 'fllle.ol 'pau!wD:{a s llt pad u'9861 3nv z ed.{J :Vllvulsnv NlIglSgN\ suautcadsoq16

'strnq 'se^Bel pu? spnq llnpE JeBJ€leqt ur D,4oaouDlsarcedsqns tuo{ stefJlplI

'Od,SN'SNVC 'CV .4.y .q.g :osr :HJUgd :oloq) uaiolg 4 7g1g nddog '166I '5,SZ"6Z'pulC ,uopulg ,11yH Bnv L?,'A,Ot rI I seu,{€dJo 71\Suq ZZ uuqSulp uSSepmr11;srdtrl

srrdiqrurAroddoH CS4'raloorg HItll NuytsieVol.9, No. 1(1993)

Eucalyptus ser. CaesiaeBrooker & Hopper, ser. nov.

"minniritchee" Dum corticem conjunctimE ser.Orbifoliis habens,E. ser.Cqesiae inflorescentiis 3-tloribus, shuctura dissimili operculi et disco fructus verticaliter descendentidiffcrt

Typus: E. caesiaBenth.

While having minnidtcheebark in common with A ser.Orbifuliae, E ser. Caesiaediffers by the 3-flowered inflorescanoes,the vertically descendingdisc of the fruit and the different stucture of the operculum which is formed by the upgrowth ftom the hypanthiumof a ring of tissuewhich is itself surmountedby th€ true corolline operculum, the minute sepalinestructures having aborted early "flange" (Drinnan & Ladiges 1989). This resultsin a (Brooker & Kleinig 1990)part way up the whole opercularstructure which can be seenas well in E. starglssiazaJohnson & Blaxell of southernNew South Wales. In fact, specimensol E. caesialacking bark would not be recognisedas having any resemblancesa E. ser. Orbfoliae.

Eucalyptus ser. HeterostemonesBenth., Fl. Austral. 3: 190, 209 (1867).

Type: E.gracilis F. Muell.

The seriesHeterostemones Benth. belongs in the informal E subgenusSlmphyomyrtus a\d rs diagnosedby the following: mallee rarely tree, bark smooth or when rough typically tessellated, cotyledonsbiseated, pith ofbranchletsnot glandular,adult leaves glossy with very acut€basal venation, flowers with outer staminodes,ovules in 4 vertical rows, seeds with smooth coat and shallow lonsitudinal furrows.

Key to the species of the E ser. Heterostemones

1. Buds and fruit squarein cross-section 2. Hypanthiumobconical in outline...... 20. E. quadrans 2. Hypanthium oblong or urceolatein outline 3. Buds 4-sided,i.e. squarein cross-section...... E. caLycogona vat. calycogona 3. Buds strongly 4- or 5-sided with anglesvery prominent (almost winged) ...... E. calycogonavat. spaffordii l. Buds and fruits round in cross-s€ction 4. Pedicelsvery slender,equal to or longerthan pyriform bud ...... ,...E yi|garnensis 4. Pedicelsshorter than bud 5. Adult leavesgreyish or bluish green;branchlets glaucous; buds and fruits often glaucous...... E. celastroidessttbsp. ceLastroitles 5. Adult leavesgreen; buds, fruits and branchletsnot glaucous 6. Fruits urceolateor conffactedat the rim .. E. celastroidessubsp. vlrella 6. Fruits cupular or barrel-shapedor slightly campanulate ?. Peduncles0.3-0.5 cm long;opercula conical to slightly beaked...... E. brevipes 7. Peduncles>0.5 cm long; operculapatelliform or conical ... E. gracilis (0t98 a r{) (l ly) tlruJpue (z lx) spnq- surrpDrb? 8t arnirJ

'qtoorus'yeprosdqlepeueltEU'u,{orq qsrppar aledpaas p€pnlcur'(S)t se^lE^:JoorfrE,ro ueluns {ldaep eql ol spre,trurSutpee:ds ueuo 'Surpue.sep 'p€oJq 'uorlces-ssoJc Jsrp :urql rulr :ruc L0 x L0 ol ur peprst'eurDno ur Suolqolo pcruocqo 'et€lleclp€dslir.lJ 'Je,roLJ S,^doJIEcrlJ€^ t ur salrdo esEqlEpe,!\olluu aifl5 a1rq,r,{urzeJc s.tadlolC ur 'esoqo13 'pexgtsuq p?tsr,{\lq3nu.taPrr?iriro75 serod luutrural ,{q Suruedo o1ptoqnc sraqluBpuv ltuuIns 'uereq 1e,{ldreqs Sur,tro:.ruu sruawDl{ alufil s:eqtuuqtr,r slueLuElrJuoqs Jeuur slueurelg3uo1 telno 'ruro;t11eled'e1qeuu,r 'uorlJos-ssoJJ qU/lApexs[uI sl.rrlurJS] p3{Beq^Pq8lts Jo lvptruur,{d runlnclado uI 'eurpno 'tuc '.s1ellacrpad 'p€ueDpu peprs-t ur laoruocqoumrqtuud^q g 0 x / 0 ot spng SuoJruc A 1 ol lsq,roruosJo uonaas-ssoJ3ur Jpln8us'Jepualsssel ro erour selcunped:peje,rol+-r'peqcuBJqun 'AteIVxe 'esuep s unsalolf,l/ spwlS lro l€uorlcesJelurefrul {1e,lr1elarsnoraunu qtr^\ uor]€lncrlel ',{ssol8'snololoJuoJ 'urJ 'elEloecuel '8uqeuje1lc :elncEsura^ epls :uael8 € l x 0I ol fl,rorruu '"t'-lo:qed 'llnp 'ruc 'gl"logcuEl 'pepl\or. 'elplorlad sa^Dal ,ipy snocn€I3 9 0 x g ol ,{I,$olJEuol lEeur I ',{urEerJ',{er8 ,(ltroqs sa,raalalluaMt l.JBgqtoours ,{.reddoc ro qsrueer8 qtr,^\IIB! \u g o! aa oW

."sBqeql spJe,rotuorlf,es-ssoJc ur peprs y srqcrq,r urnrqluud,{qpu€ 'lrn{ pu?spnq loBJEl 'se^pal elrue,rn felecrlep 'urql 'srlrets qloous eqt ur sroJJrplr qrrq,\\uro4 Ilontr{ C s4rrrr 3 swd[Itnng ot Atl,ur.J]l]q ,r eellDI I

'(,^\SN 'SNVJ :osr :HJUAd :oloq) OL}Br loorB H I t1,l 'y961 '8,0t" 'S,0Z.tt '(peoX ',{u,\\qBrqJo requreldegI I Z I ,(e1,treg)e.,ro1snr11o 169 td rul t t r.fl?dft

'ueJJrPrlesJe^suErt euorlresur snqr:cln8uurpunbursuq pu srrqlued{qte'snquoleru enbsnqqJn4 sulsuqulE 'onbsnqrlqqns 'r^o€l snqrnuotsnqrlruo^nf srrloJ ecruocenb e sruqju l|Ler:l,NC llDDrS oJd(lrJr!' ,,oallpur,,xatrul

'(.0661) 'Srural) Z6Z:7,,sd,{pcng o1 eprnC ptelJ,, T,reloorg

'.reddoH (81 eInBrC)^ou ds ? reloorg suu.rpenbsn1d,{1urng .97

!r/.Lt1rJrg raddoH C S?rcloorg H l tr\ Nuy(siaVol. q, No. L ( Lcgl)

Other specimensexanined WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 6 miles W of Norseman-Esp€ranceRoad on road to Lake King, 18 September197I, K. Allan 169 (PERTH)i 2y, miles E of Circle Valley, 25 April 1952, P.H. Barrett 8 (PERTII): 6 miles S of Salmon Gums, 16 Scptember1952, P.H. Baftett 42 (PERTH); 4 km along Mt Ney Road, NE of Kau Rock Road, 12 August 1982,M.l.H. Brooker 7553 (CANB, PERTH); NE ofEsperance,5 May 1984,M.l.H. Brooker 8663(CANB, PERTH); c. 7 km along Kau Rock Road towardsNW, 16 January1983, M.l.H. Brooker 8'791(CANB, PERTH); 2 km NE of Mt Ridley Vo on DempsterRoad, 9 Apnl 1985,M.l.H. Brooker 8925 (CANB, PERTH); 7.2 km tiom Mt Ridley Vo going N,5 November 1986,M.l.H. Brooker 9507 (CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH): c. 10 km N of Grasspatch,7 Noyember 1986,M.l.H. Brooker 9523 (CANB, PERTT{);3.6 km frorn end of made road up Field's Road to N, 8 November 1986, M.l.H. Brooker 9526 (CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH); NE of Esperance,5 September1984, M.l.H. Brooker9663 (AD, CANB, NSW, PERTH); 3 kmE of GeordieRo ck,27 March 1983,M.A. Burgman 7066& S.McNee (PERTH); 17kmNW of Clyde Hill, 4 May 1983, M.A. Burgmann 1237 & S. McNee (PERTH): 3.5 km WNW of Mt Burdett on NorwoodsRoad, 1 October 1983,M.A. Burgmnn2563&5. McNee(PERTH;21 km NW ofClydeRock, 13.4 km SE of Mt Ney Road on Clyde Rock Road, M.A. Burgman 3146 & C. layman (PERT}i); betweenNorseman and Salmon Gums at 520.6 m.p., 29 March 1968, S.G.M. Carr 624a (PERTH); Grasspatch,31 March 1968, S.G.M. Carr 626 (PERTII); 0.9 miles S of Kumarl, 24 March 1968, G.M. Chippendale390(PERTH);516 mile postonNo$eman-Esperance Road, July 1972,R.J. Edmiston E30 (PERTH): Salmon Gums, 12 September1964, R.H. Kuchel 1738 (AD); Scaddan,June 1973, O. Loneragan 5O(PERTH); 12 km E of Scaddan,14 October 1982,P. van der Moe2el 197 (PERTH); 16 km NE of Scaddanon Truslove Road, 13 September1984, P. van der Moezel483 (PERTH); 50 km E ofRavensthorpe,22 February1983, K Newbey9719 (PERTT{); Young River c.40 km from the coast, 16 December1974, R. Pullen 10061(CANB, PERTH); Hills Rock-hole,between Mt Raggedand Balladonia,l8 December1974, R. Pallen 10090 (PERTH);4 miles S ofSalmonGums, 18 April 1953, R.D. Royce 4053 (PERTH); S of Circle Valley, Norseman-EsperanceRoad, 15 September1962, F.G. Smith 1571 (PERTH).

Distribution. The hinterlandofEsperance, at leastas far asMt Heywoodto the north east,and Salmon Gums in the north, WesternAustralia (Figure I l).

Conseryationstatus. Common and widespread. Not consideredto be endangered.

Flowering period, August-November.

Etymology. The name refers to the 4-sided lower part of the hyparthitm (Latin quadrans).

Noles. As implied, the distribution limits of A quadrans are not known as it occurs in rclatively, unexploredcountry. To the west,i.e. towardsRavenstho{pe, it appearsto gradeinto a related,delicate small-buddedand small-fruitedform, againwith the crowd€dfeathery finejuvenile leaves.This taxon is b€ing reated by othefi.

Eucalyptus ser. Porantherae Benth., Fl. Austral. 3:191, 213 (1867). Type: E. uncinata Turcz. "Fl. lectotype,rtde G.M. Chippendale, Australia" 19: 503 (1988). E. ser.Normales Benth.,op. cit. 193,223. p.p. Type: not designated. "Cdt. E. sect.Terminqles Maiden, Rev. cen. Eucalyptus"6: 530 (1924). p.p. Type: not designated. "Key E. ser.Fruticosae Blakely, to the Eucalypts" 53 221 (1934). Zlpe. not designated. "Class. lE. ser. Foecundae Pryor & Johnson, of the Eucalypts" 4'7: (19'll), nom. inval. Type: E. foecunda Schauer). \

'ueaquursN spre,roluepfHJo ld lt{rulZgl:(HJUSdgggSpr?ag.S.t'OL6l.reI{6Z.selrEqJ{Bed 'H Jo IAS salru 0t:(HJ-)dE{) BLnundv g J'6961,{DI,^{t.ecerg olE-IJoN selru 9Z:(HJUiId) ZI8 'l 'g4A .X uo v X L6l requreldeg77 uo r{ce.4u€uasJoN-uep,{H Jo N selru.r€.2:(HIdAd) O6Luottv '1161 .des :equreldeg0Z'Icell upuresloNuap,{H uo dlu €82:(HJdgd ggLut4tv.h!.X,lL6l OZ 'lcejl .W.X,I16l ,1cur1 uuues.roN-uep.{guo 3ade1[u l6Z :(Hldgd) lLLuonv des 61 uep.{g uo .pawruora puol ueruesroN-arpre8yoo3;o16 sa1nut 9I :VI.MJS1V NUSJSa,{ suawnadsn4t6

smounI lrurpntrduol,rollcqs qlt,r.q)oorus 'pro^o-pesserduoc 'tet8 '€ ,Surpuecsep ,strlds paag palresxelsnf se^lE^ :qsDnl,r ro Ielpur qlr^\ '.Ielndn3,atBllecrped .s,\\oJ Jelnuu?csrp:)crql tuu:ruc t 0 x t 0 ol ,{luoqs,rJlrl{ pJrue^ ur srlrldo 'uees t tou sJaAol! seJodlBuruJel,{q Suruedo'pexrlrsEq,olEupesJeqluu :elrt.reJ IIE,poxeuur sua&.rts 'pe*eq .urJoJrsnJ fllq8rls ot I€ctuoc urnlncrado:utc € 0 x /.0 ot sprg Buol ruc ,0 ol selcunpad 'paqrueJqun'd.IeIIrx€ :paro^\ou I I-, sacuacsatoT[u1spue13 [o puorlcesJe]ursnojeurnu qlr,\\.esuop ',{ssol3 uortElncrleJ:el€lnuerc ssel:o e:oru surBreul qlr,r'uoaJB a^rlo ol uaoJBtqBrl ,{llqBr1s'snorolocuoc 'nrJ 'et€JlEJ 'SurlEuJetl€,atBlorled 8 0 x 8 o1 sauqauroslo el€loecue1,{1,ro.uuu ,ra^Dal lfryV .slloanvlS 'lrJc 'pedeqsleoq 'Suolqo-J€eurl'snEd 8 0 x 9 6 o1 ,{uBruroJ el€ssncepSuruteure: ,elrsses ,"radr2a1 altua^nfpueSuqpaas.esolncnre,\,fl:uSutypaag.4teqf,afiqtoolusqlr,{\lFltutotaaouJoaau 'CrsN '-IAI^I'SNVC'CIV :osr:HJdgd :oloq)pr oluoa fC+IIOOIr loorg.H.I.W'gg6t ^ltrt Zz'gs,"6tt '9,97.79 'uep,{g;o 'puulloH A thtr pu€ speod ssorJ uee,rl?q uruo.rJ e)e-I ot JJo-uIu ty ;sndq

'oprqF 'snqDuepuarsap 'sDerpE.l .r1e1ndnc,seln8ue:punb Ie^ slsourrJolElnuue oJsrp,luc t.0 x g.g pu ,e€soruBJ 'serullrxB qellacrped snlJuC EluloJrsnJ urtsEqBIV sr8uol ruc 1g pu srlncunped uou 'e e€quecsaroUul"ace^tlo le^ BrprJr^-oprlled qualru relrna;.sr;cuarc a,rsnu[u snld urnp.relur snqrur8reu 'ruc '€lEolBJ ,€DuEuJetlE.e1u1or1ed 8 0 x 8 po Ie^ "l€loacuBfolsn8uE e11npeDrloC oeteurc r^eBI ecr oJ sntl8uJ t p€ sueur ad qlueg rrlaqjuDtod urerJestuntdlloJnq pE ,,aafieut,,xetn{ Io^ JoqJV

'(066D ,3rura1y 6Il :Z,,srd{1ucngo1 eprng p1erg,, ry reloo:g

.,rou .ds .reddo11 .IZ (6I aInSrC) ry ro{ooJg Bur^qo snld,{luJng

.cle 0I snocnulSo1 uae:3 ,rDInJrqJool Jeourl ,ueelf se^eelalrua^n[:eJDue seSpe Jeel se^Eel]Jnpe Jo u,roJJ ,,0[,, '12 """"" " oultllo g snocnElS.Suolqo-Jpeurl se^pel elrue,\nf :elBlnueJc ,uae:8-e,rqo lFqBIIs so8peJEal leq,treruosse^eal tlnpE Jo u,roJC ,,0L, qlootxs lIEg 6

:s^\olloJsB ,{e{ eqt ur peJetu€eq,{uru sercads,trau elSurssrqt puB (,,ar2punJaog Jes ?,, sE)(gg6I ) Je{oo.rg,{q pelee:l ,{llueceJ ere/{ aDDqJuotod eqJ-

's,norrn1 luurpnlt8uol,{\olleqs pue teoc qloorus 'cslp ,s,^doJ ,sreqtw qll{\ speas qsnrq,r qll^\ {crqt lrnrJJo uru l€crlJe^t ur seln,\o et€upeFlatoldl'uoc qlr,ndol spre,tol elz elc'pexeUursueur€ts ,uortElncrlet esuop qlr.,,r ueerB,(sso19 sa,reel11npe 'relnpuulB 'potcasrq 'q8nol leellEur tou slelqcuBJqJo qlrd suopelFloJ ,{lelBJqtoours {JEq lo eall :Aur^\olloJeql .g .J"s ,{q pasouS€rpsr puu sryJ{.wot(qdutssnue8qns leuroyur oq1ur.sluopq arua1laDrod g eq1-

'reddoH .H s4dtrlr:rrA O S ? re:loorg t.Ir'{ NuytsiaVol. 9. No.I (1993)

4 October 1915,M.l.H. Brooker 4995 (CANB, PERTH); 2 km S of Hyden-NorsemanRoad, 6 km W of CrossRoads, 1I August 1979,Ml H. Brooker 6319 (CANB, PERTH); 34 km liom Narambeenon Hyden Road, 12 August 1979,M.LH. Brooker 632'7, 6328 (CANB, PERTH); road from The Humps to Mt Walker, 31 December 1979,M.I.H. Brooker 6742 (CANB, PERTH); 17.7km E of grid in RPF eastof Hyden, 9 Au gust1984,M.l.H. Brooker8624 (PER-lH)l 1.6km N ofHyden track, 9 Aug. 1984, M.LH. Brooker 8630 (CANB, PERTH); N of Hyden, 32'15'S, 118"55'E,19 December1984, M.LH. Brooker 8767 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); between road and Dragon Rock, 2l Oct. 1986, M.I.H. Brooker9477 (PERTH);21.1 km SE from E Hyden Bin Road on Lake King Road,W of Hurlstone,2l July 1988,M.LH. Brooker10010 (CANB, PERTH);26.6km S of CrossRoads, E of Hyden (32'40'5, 119'41'E), 22Jtly 1988,M.l.H. Brooker 10015& C.J.Ranford (AD, CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH); 1.2km W of gateon Lake Varley Road,22ldy 1988,M.1.H. Brooker 10020(CANB, PERTH): W of N Ironcap,E of Hyden, 24 August 1988,M.l H. Brooker 10057(CANB, PERTH); l6 km N of Moolyall Rocks, on HayesRoad, 25 Mar. 1983,M.A. Burgman 7033& S.McNee (PERTH); R. Smith's NE site, Lake Cronin, 8 December 1966,S. Chambers177 (PERTH): site 68 along State VerminFence No7, 100kmSE ofSouthern Cross,8 October 1986,J. Dodd314 (PERTH);Harismith, 5 Mar. 1924, C.A. Gardner 2106 (PERTH): Lake Cronin, 85.7 km E of Hyden, ENE side of Lake Cronin,23September 1989,N. Gibson3 (PERTH);20 km N ofHyden,19 Oct. 198'7,1.W.Green5528 (PERTH); E of North Ironcapon Forrestania-SouthernCross Road, 20 October1987, "/.1/. G reen5555 (PERTH);69 km E of Hyden,20 Oct. 1987,J.W. Green5562 (PERTH);19 km N of Holt Rock, 17 Septemb€r 1916,R. Hnatiuk 760846 (PERTH); 16 km SE of Kulin, 5 luly 1977, R.J. Hnatiuk 770079(PERTH): 6.3 krn SW of McDermidRock, 13February 1981, G./. Ketehery3814 (PERTH)I Frank Hann Nat. Park, 7 Aug. 1978,D. Monk300 (PERTH); Frank Hann Nat. Park, 12 October I978, D.Monk392(PER'IH);305 rnilepegon Norseman-Hyden Road,7 Sep.l913,E.C. NelsonANU 17336 (PERTH); 65 krn E ofLake King on roadto Daniell, 12Sep. 1913,E.C. NelsonANU 17259(PERTH): 5 milesNE of LakeKing,4 Decernber1970, K. Newbey3335(.PERTH);35 km SWof McDermidRock, 15 July 1979,K.R. Newbey 5300 (PERTH); 2 km W of SundaySoak, ca. 65 km NNW of Norseman, 1,7Jlly 1919,K.R. Newbey5335 (PERTH); 0.5 miles E of Newdegateon road to Lake King, 28 Aug. 1973,M.T. Tindnle3765 (NSW, PERTH); Lake King Road,15 miles E of Newdegate,27 Nov. 1974, E.W. Wiuwer 1479(PERTH).

fqwe la. I otlt a budsrnd iruir 'VIHB 4oo5) I

'elEnurs 'esuep,{re,r 'FssolS'urJ IeuottcesreturlulnSal]r ,{Js^snoJerunu qlrA\ slelure^ uoqelncrlel :ueel8 'elBclEJ 'SurleuJell€'(,{ '8uo1 g Z x gI ol Jo eluloecuel e,{\,{lotnurur ruc A g o1selortad) etuloqed saapal 'llnp 'r'rrc 'ele^o 'SurlEureuu'"tulo]|led J/rpy snoJnBIS a x ZI ot sawal alrua,vp uaquouBtl Sutwtol 'uosees ur Suruoqqrrqcnu qtr^\ ryeq freddoc elud qtootus ,(laleydruocqtr.r IIEI lrt OZ ot aatJ

strnJJJ?uoqs 'Jelletrts eql pu€ se^uel ueer8 furqs'snoJnulS-uou eql {q sercedsqnslucrd,(1 eql ruoq sleJJlptI

'(,^NSN'.lAW 'SNVJ 'CV :osr:HJUgd :oloq)Z8i6 'H't '996T 'A,09.61 'S,tZ"Zt 'uop,{H 'spuou ra\ootg W raqolco lZ t Jo A ssorJJo g rul{Z 8 ;sndI

'tJsJJrpsnquor^eJq snqlJoulu snqltonJ.tle snquuatrusnqrprrr^ 1o srcnelSuou sDlnpusrrloJ ecrdfl ercedsqnsy

'op.t31nJ 'Srural) g se (0661) 6lt :Z ,,s|d|lorng o1?prn} plerC,, d, re{ooJg

'reddog .TT (0Z ern8rd) ^ou dsqns 4r re>1oorgept81n; dsqnsllex€lg T ra{oorg lafroafl snlddprng

',{1uoserceds peqsrlqnd 'enlu^ eqt o1,{o1 u epr,ro.rdot'J"rIJee ao1Dlnqns eqt Jo.}st; eplrl Jo eq plno,r tt paqr.rcsepeq o11ef eru ,{tuoleru€ql sV ExEl0g u€qterour q1r,r snue8 eqt ur lseBJ€leql flquqold sr arzi.iadsl&y seueseq1

'IBJtue^urnlrq 'LunlncDer,|^ollEqs qtr,r 'p3uelleu 'per 's,'!\oJ 'sltls 'proqnc'pexr}rsDq fqnJ snortsnlpaas lpJrFa^t ur seln^o purpnlr8uol,{q Suruedo -qns 'elqpsJe,\ 'elrUeJ 'pexegur '(oJoru sJeqtu€ llu suotuEls ,{leJur)pale,rou-/ Jo -t secuef,seJoHur 'puEder tsq,reruosstelura^ pup sure^qlr,{,{sso13 ro llnp se^€olllnpe'eleyorled se,rual allue,rnf 're1npue13 'ur.ro;rua; 'soll€ru 'eelt slelqcur:q;o qlrd suopel,(toc'qloolusJo q8nol lrrq to lellEtu :s,\\olloJ se pesou8urpsr pu8 snu[wo&ldtu{S snue8qns3' luuro;ur eqt ur sBuoleqaauradJ?*rry Jes !.eql

ueptB \llPJDArpootr|g . aA^J

'GZ,6I) 'uepru6 Z9l:L ,,sn1dK1ncngue|- sr^eu trrJ,, aeruradsgnll ressnld,{luJng

'qlnos3q] o1 'q 'g n4ootgolsn8uotad A pul?tse,\\ aqt ot roloorgDaplwolLpodKq !' ou eqt ur uepwy7o|np13u f,q 'seues paceldersr 1r eqt ur sarcadsJeqlo JO se^Eeleltue,\nf uaar8 suq qcrq,r pue lsEeeq] ol Je)ooJg 'urnrqtued,{q stsuapotuny g oldtqsuoqvlerelqeqord u 3ut,troqs erpJoeseq eqt ol tsnISurpuelxese18ue eql ql^\ JBInBUEuello ere lrruJ sqlJo slacrpedeq1 se^D€letelnuaJJ puu u,ro;c uea:8-e,tr1ofltq8rls 'srrtets qlootus'trqrq aalpruaql (q pesruSocereq,{eru 11 spuesqsrppe.t deap s Jno ^BJ Dultl.uo g sa:oN

'se,rue1eql ol 8uu.re1el'parnoloo-e^rlo - snuhllo tlqe-l eq! ruorC 't,ololuftg

'u,rou{ toN pouad Suuauolg

'peJa8uepue eq ol peJeprsuocloN pee.tdsepr,npuu uowuroJ 'swDjsuouDuasuoJ

orndrcJuep^HJo lsra ll0,r ol lleqlpeq,r ujetsl?o-qlnos uou qlJlslQ

sr//d.qDrrE'reddoHC S T reloor8 H t t\l NuytsiaVol.9,No. I (1993) oil glands. Inflorescencesaxlllary, unbranched,glaucous, 7-flowered; pedunclesstout, angular,to I cm long. Bzdson short,stout angular pedicels, shortly clavate, to 1 x 0.7 cm; operculumhemispherical. Flowers creamywhite. Fr&i/s subsessileto shortly pedicellate,obconical, to 1 x 1.2cm; rim thick with broad ascending,inner operculum scar;valves 5, not exserted.

Figure20. E. geor'gei subsp.fulSida bvds (MIHB 10069) and fruit (M/{B 10071)

Other specimensexanlned. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1.5 and4.7 km N of Hyden-Norsemantrack from 8.6 km E of Cross Roads,24 August 1988,M.l.H. Brooker 10069, 10071 (AD, CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH); E of Mount Holland, July t930, C.A. Gqrdner s.n. (PERTTI); 6 Feb. 1981, G.t. Keighery 3'711(PERTH); Mt Holland area, 16Aug. 1966,A. KesseLl408(PERTH); nearLake Cronin, 4 July 1979,K.R. Newbey 5205 (PERTH);6.5 km E ofLake Cronin, 21 July 1981,K.R. Newbey 8332 (PERTH); 62 km ENE ofLake King, 23 Aug. 1982,K.R. Newbey9711 (PERTH).

Distribution. East ofHyden in unclearedvegetation (Figure 2l ).

Conservqtionstatus. Poorly known and in need of further survey (Priority 2 (as E. aff. georgei) i\ Hopper et aI. (1990)) on reserveflora list.

Flowering period. Not known.

Etymology. From the Latin/tlgldrs - shining.

Notes. E. georgei stbsp.fulglda is easily recognisedin the field by the slendersmooth erect trunks, and the crown oflarge thick glossy greenleaves. Thebuds and fruits may or may not be glaucous. It occursin more or lesspure standsand is notablein season,because of its staturecompared with most other taxa in the senesRuJispermae, and for the long ribbons of partly shedbark.

23. Brooker & Hopperi sp. nov. (Figure 22)

"Field Brooker & Kleinig, Guide to EucaLypts"2: 330 (1990).

I 'Z '92 . €-82 ZZsoN yxlt Jo rroqnqulsr( I Z alnSrC

.[e^al ruu ol ,(g)t se^p^ :Surpuecsep,{lonbr1qo o1 'lEcruoJqo.elEllectpod .uees Ie^el csrp:)arqt uJrJ:urcI x I ol ijlrll tou slat oli .lecruo, unlnctodo :ulc 'ele^trl3'peqqu 'slecrpad .snolnpued .Buol 8 0 x I I ol Suol usuo lcuqsrp uo.rp?t8, uego ruc S,g.0 'peue1eg,{pq311s ,peqcuerqun,,{Jl?l[xB ro e1ere1selcunpad :pere^\ou-l lo € srr?r,csato[u1 .spuel?go I€uorlcaslelur'Juln8arrr'e8rulsnorerunuqlr,rasuepuoD€lncrleJ,guqBuJelle,etelonedsaoalTlnpy.wc 'etu^o 'ueer8 ',{ssol8'snoJolocuor ,uc .elEloacuBl 9 t x , ol lqSrrq S.l x Zl ol ot elBloocuelf,1,,norwu 'Suq"uretl' 'eteloqed. .suoqqu santal aluatnp ur Sufueq pur peqs,{prud ue11o ,{Juq qtoou,speJnoloa -uourps epd:a,,ro qtl,{\ ,{sr8 IIB1ut g ot aa Dw perutugls-lceJe,{1errr eroru ro lelpur lcqsdrqrll

.slrnr; elulnuudrwc ot 'secuecseJoUur lBcluocqo pue'slecrpedreSuol peJe,roU-l Jo -t,suels Jepuels.urJoJ(tellEtu) €e.rl tuBtsuoc eql ur sJeJJIplI qrrq,lr uJo4 |IalEgofialtd snfiqa;ng' o1,{lrurye q1r,,nIpt ru g ot eellgu ,{leJ€JJo lellg4

'(,^dSN'SNVJ .H :osr :HJUAd :olog) 9LO6DZoolg I-W '€g6I ^oN 'g,gO.lZI'S,gI.lt ,pEoU Zl {cod BIJnguo eur6 urode5tr;oqtnos uDl Z.gt rsrd{/

IeJJtp srlElnuDdruvcIeA stcluocqo ,snquog-/ .snqttrcurfl snqltJuJ te snquot8uol slllectped Ie^ t srquacselogut snqrtnuc ,oeJoqtB nllqEq Jetuutsuocenb e srugqe f,p4eyg aoloaltd ojd&orrlg l]lll? ru g pu (,,lellEur,,)u,ued :oq:y

'reddoH sr?rd,{/rirg C-S d'reloorg H.J I/! NuytsiaVol. I, No. I (1993)

Other specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 5 km NE ofNorsemanPO, a I km N of Eyre Highway,29 August 1974,A.C Beauglehole49392 (PERTH); 9 km N of Hyden-Norsemantrack on Mt Day Road, 7 November L983, M.I.H. Brooker 8356 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); NE of Mt Day' 32'0?'5, 120'31'8, 6 April 1985, M.l.H. Brooker 8901 (PERTIi); NW of North lroncap, 24 August 1988,M.1.H.Brooker 10053(AD, CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH);betweenBoorabbin and Bullabulling, 21 Nov. 1991,M.I.H. Brooker10891 (AD, CANB' MEL, NSW, PERTH); 104 km N of BP petrol stationon KambaldaEast and west road, on road to Kalgoorlie,23 Nov. 1991,M.l.H. Brooker 10898 (AD, CANB, MEL, NSw, PERTH); 12 km ENE of Mt Thirsty in the Norsemandistrict' July 1985, N. Caporn s.n.(PERTH); 8.8 km N of Hyden-Norsemantrack alongMt Day track,7 Nov 1983,K llill 624,L. Johnson,D. BIaxeIt,I. Brooker & S llopper (CANB, NSW' PERTH); 315-332 mile pegson Hyden-Norsemantrack, 16Aug. 1966,A. Kesselt425 (PERTH);3 milesE ofHattersHill,9 Dec 1964, F. Lultf,tz 3981 (PERTH): I mile w of Lake Cronin, 4 Decembet 19'70,K. Nen'Dey3326 (CANB' PERTH):1kmNof MtDay,c. 121km W ofNorsernan,14July 1979'K Newbey5269 (PERTH);32 km SW of McDermid Rock, c. 116 kmW of Norseman,15 July 19'19,K.R Newbey5301 (PERTH); 20kmSWofMcDermidRock,26Mar.1980,K.R.Newbey6776(PERTH);6kmSSEofBoorabbin, c.96kmEofSouthernCross,25July1981,KRNewbev8351'(PERTH);4SkmSofBoorabbin'c' 90 km E of SouthemCross, 26 Sep. 1982, KR. Newbey9619 (PERTH)

Disftibution. Sporadicallybut widely disftibut€din the scrubbetween Hyden andNorseman and north towards Coolgardie,Westem Australia (Figure 2l).

Conservationstatus. Common and under no major threat.

Flowering period. Not known

Etymology. The namerefers to the notablyslender stems ofthe speciesat the type locality (Latin ten&i.t - slender).

F\grre22. E. tenuis- bndsand fruit (Mff18 10053)(x1.2)

I (z tx) (t9t8 sglr'!') ttruJpur (090t aHlr{) spnq Dttod ! tzaln8tc

'p4rasxe rJepuels't ,Surpuecsep ,{pq8rlsueuo Jot se^lp^:qsqrq,r uauo flanbrlqocsrp :ruJ i.0,t.0 x 'mlndnc 'etu g g-y g o1pcruocqo IlaJrpsd,{luoqs ot elrssesqnsJJ?rl_rJ uoeslou,rlafiolJ .paqqu,{ltq8rls 'pe{"eq ,pro^o,elrsses f0q8rls o} I€cruoctunlncJedo :ruc t 0-€ 0 x g.0 9.0 ssel.Ioaroru ro alellecrpad '.{luoqs.rprg ,paqcua.rqun,frelrxr .{l)J[lt Buolruo 6 g - 9'g':u1n3uu,{pq8rlssalcunped :pe:e,nog-4 .esuap saJua)saroU[al spuel3 1o puoqcesJeturpeJa uas q]r,4d uo4elncDer lueer8 ,{ssol8 ,{11q8r1s 'llnp 'snoJolocuoc'ulc ,etDloecuEl ,SuileuJallE,atploqad SuuntBru tsrrJt€ t l a EI ol {1.,rror.reu sa,lral 'snocnBlS 'llnp 'ulc 'elp^o '3url€u.Ie1lu,a1u1o4ed liflpy ol ueeJ8-enlq a x 0l ol sa,raa1a1ruatn7 sno:nu1? 'per ,{pq8tls sjaiqrun"rg daelssaruqeuros lrqoq Sut4tuttg ,{reddoco11urd uorulusSururoceq 1rcq ',{?r3 ',{erg .oelleul qloours,{er8 qsqurd Jo ueetB-,$ollaf qsqtq,r qtr^\ ,{leruJro lpl w 6 ot aau outs

.(,^dSN,.Igr^{ .gNvJ .(v .H.t.W ,8861 :osr :HJUAd :oloq) I}EZ r toor& 'S,tZ"ZE'{cE! reqrxe^oN/'a,t9.6TT ueuesroN-uap,{guo puoX.{aq tl\lJo tsemuq 179 ;snd,l1

,rlvlndnc .enbolelsoc ulc t 0 x 9 0 pE Ie^ rJruocqosnlcruC otEjlsol 'uc ,€rlrssas ,srssuJ? Jelr^elIe^ oaruocolncJedo t 0 x g 0 p€ e,lsnu[usnld Ie^ snqt,terqsrllecrped 'eEsourBJ 'se.r€lllxe .prprrri .urluetru (ruc eJls€qElV oP]og / uou eBrtuocseJoUul JelrAelIe^ € rtoqeq x 'Etulo€cupl € t € I pE slsn8ueellnpu urlog rcnu13:e1r,re1rlnrue1.t^aulecnJocElluru6pee,rrud.roq:y

'(066I) 'Srurel) 8€€ :7 ,,sd,{pcngol aprnc plelc,, ??reroorg

'roddoH (€Z arn8rC) ^ou ds T reloorg ulrrod sn1d,{1erng .y7

sarraseq1 ur lse8uol eql eq uEc qcrq,\\slecrped eqt ur elqut.ru,r,4re,t sr tI snolnpued ueuo eJB sglcunp€d eql secueoserouurpeJe,rol+-€ Jo ecueJlncco et11rc7 aowtads{ny seuas eql ur lBnsnunoslE sl lI serJeseqt ur e.rBJlutoJ trq€qB lellEur e,rqce41eue flPnsn sr slnuaj .A .sarcN

rfl//r/rrrr,' raddoH C S T'roloorg H I W Nuyrsirvol 9, No.I { 19931

Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Eyre Highway, 2.8 miles N of Daniell Siding, 16 Nov. 1970,"/. Baker 81 (CANB, PERTH);1.5 miles S ofDaniellSiding,23 Apr.7952, P.H. Barrett 1 (PERTH); 90 mile tanVKumarl Road, E of Bremer Range,Mar. 1983,K Brady 18(PERTH);1.5 miles S of Daniell Siding, 17 July 1952,P.H. Barrett 12 (PERTH); l1 miles NW of 90mile tank, NW of Salmon Gums. 1'7Dec. 19'70,M.l.H. Brooker 2518 (PERTH); c. 6 miles by road from Norseman- Coolgardie Road, 6.6 km from Norseman,6 April 1974,M I H Brooker 4539 (CANB, PERTH); 5.5 km W of highway on track 15krn S of Hyden Vo,9 Nov. 1981',M.lH Brooker7060 (CANB' PERTH); 5.6km W of Coolgardie-NorsemanRoad ,32"09'5,121'37'E,6 Nov. 1983,Mlfl. Brooker8349(AD ' CANB. MEL, NSW, PERTH); 34 krn WNW of SalmonGums, 11 May 1983,M A . Burgman 1316& S. McNee (PERTH): 16.4 km W of Peak Charles turn-off on Lake King Road, 8 Nov 1986, M.I.H. Brooker9536 (CANB, PERTH); c.55 km SSW of Norseman,5km from highway towardsPeak Charles,20 Sep. 1979,M.D. Crlsp 5954 (PERTH): 8 miles north westwardfrom Norseman,6 Nov. 1953,C.A. Gardner I 1153 (PERTH);5.6 km W of highway on trackturning off 1I km N of Norseman, 6Nov. 1983,K Htll 589,L.A.5.lohnson,D.F. Blcxell (NSW, PERTH); 17km WNW of 90MileTank' 21 km SWof MtGlasse,BremerRange,6 Sep. 1982,S.D Hopper2491 (PERTE);Kumarl, Apr. 1938, L. Horbury s.n. (PERTH);Woodline, c. 85 km ENE ofNorseman, T Aug. 1980' G."i Keighery 2979 (PERTH): 31 miles E of 90 mile tank, 24 May 1955,A.R. MainO4746 (PERTH): WoolyeenerHill, 6 kmsof Norseman,14Mar. 1980,K.R. Newbey 6742 (PERTH); 2kmNEof PeakCharles, c 46km WNW of SalmonGums, 21 Mar. 1980,K.R. Newbey6762 (PERTH); PeakCharles Nat Park,23 Mar' 1980,K. Newbey 6769(PERTH);30 km ESE ofSinclair Soak,c 75 km NEofNorseman,6 Aug 1980, K. Newbey 6959(PERTH); 19 km ENE ofNorseman,2l Sep. 1980,K. Newbey 7534 (PERTH);75 km NE of Norseman, 2l Aug. 1982, K. Newbey 9710 (PERTH); Brockway Timber Reservenear Norseman,Jan. 1989L.M. Sandfords.n. (PERTH);betweenLake K'ingand Norsemar, A Stewarts'n' (PERTH).

Distribution. North-west of Norseman,the JohnstonLakes area and south towards Peak Charles, WesternAustalia (Figure 21).

Conservetion status. Common and widespread.

Flowering period. Not known.

Etymology. From the Latin polltrs - polished,smooth, in referencato the bark comparedwith the relatedrough-barked species, E. kondininensisMaiden & Blakely and E clelandii Maiden.

Notes. E. polita has been confused with E. clelandii (Maiden) Maiden but is distinguishedby the completely smooth stemsor bunk, glossy leavesand sholtly pedicellateor sessilesmaller buds and fiuit.

Eucalyptus ser. Torquatae Chippendale,Fl Australia 19: 506 (1988).

Type: E. torquata Luehm.

TheE ser. Torquatae belongsin the informal E srtbgen.Symphyomyrtrs. It is diagnosedby the following: tree or mallee, bark rough or smooth, cotyledonsreniform, pith of branchletsglandular, juvenile leaves petiolate, adult leaves glossy except for one species, inflorescences3-, 7-, or l1-flowered, stamensinflexed, all fertileexceptin onespecies, anthers versatile, sub-basifixed, oblong, opening by longitudinal slits, ovules in 4 vertical rows, seedgrey to grey-brown,compressed-ovoid, deeply pitted on the dorsal side and toothed aroundthe edges,hilum ventral. '\uqxs uo ,{le1€lg xQocklcotq ? puE Jeloolg otalJslp A osoUBuD A qll.^\ s,rol3 uoqelndod ed,{1eq1 urz14roqrellnlq eqt;o e8pelelseo, eqt uo .{trl€coled,(1 eql ruorg,{1uo u t\ouy. uolnqplslq

'pellld 'pro,ro-pesserduroc'u,r\oJq 't )]3p paas la^el urJ ,,!\oleq se^p^ :Surpuecsepcsrp :JecsunlnJJedo 'elrsses I€crUeAtueururord qlr,{ uru :ruJ 6 0 x Z I ot'lBcupullfc ol.l€lndnc sselJo eJou ,rltrlC s,ror lBxt4Je^Vll]saln^O,,ao1ya,{,{ruuercs.raalorf:slrTsI€urpnlrAuol,{qSuruedo'8uo1qo'pexrJrslop'alrlEsJe^ 'paxel}ur '.luc sJer{tu€:sJer{tue lnoqlr,\\ slueu€lrJralno sraurJs :fFee peqsurnlncrado lqno g 0 x g I 'tUnrqlu?d,{quBqt re oqs rpa{EaqpuE padeqs-dvc runlnc:edo 'el€lnuBduBcurnrqtu€d,{q 'etEllecrpad 'e1ere1'rep8ue '{crql ' 'peqcwJqun ,4tpoqssprg Suolruc a'9 - g g ,{pq8qs oqssslf,unpod :pere^rog-/ ',{-Ielux" ',{ssol3'snoJolocuoc 'Iuc 'at"loecuEl secuecseJouuluee$ tq8rl Z x 0I ot flppoJq ol el€loecuel '8uq€urelp 'elulortad 'llnp 'urc 'elu,ro sa^Dalqnpv ueerS-enlq S €-g Z x 9-g g ol ele1oecuu1,(1peo:q 'Su4euJetlp 'sJr€d 'eleloqad 'vrtolruat uaql 1ec4dr11o ueqt t-Z.roJelrsoddo satoal Swypaag suopafto) 'slaqntouSll Sulurog slunl Jo osuq Jpeu 1mq q8nor qlr/( llui ru S'Z ot aa ow Surpee:d5

'(l!\SN 'SNVJ :osr :HJUgd 'OS'686I :o1orl gygT nddo11 lsn8ny gg'sJJrTcluls?oc Jo qtrou ru>II pc'e^oJ euurtooJ ..!rd.(J

'ruecrdepe queuluord aculucrc 'srJuputl,(J 'srlrsses 'srlpouruels'otEJlsol Ie^ srl€lndnt snqqcnUte olnaJodote olulnuedruucorqtrued,(q suts€qEp'(sr8uol ruurg pE) srss?rc sr^elq srlnounpedrnlrnSuDsrpwntDpnbtol :€uesserceds re1u1

'reddog .97 (tZ arn8rC) ,rou ds ry raloorg sua8rns sn1d,{pcng

18861)Srureu ? reloorg ur pesn)eql sr apocrollol oqJ sJeqlo.{q peqursop eq ot sr uox€tsrqJ *

suaSns g 97 3uo1urr g 0 o] elrunped :pe{Baq'ped€qs-d€rurnlncred6 g ouulJuoJ'A Buo1urca g< elcunped:peualpg o1pcueqdsrureq runlncredg g peleeq pue pedeqs-decro pauepugo1 lecueqdsrureq runlnc:edg 9 ,!,,1A.ds g le^el uu ol sa^[el qtr^\ pcrrpu11,{cto pedeqsla-uuqlrnJd L 'peUasxa uol[xouDpu !. SoAIB^peuJnflno qtr,r [B3ruocqolrnJC , ulnrqlued,4qsE epr,r sE'lucrsoc unlnr]ado g -:::l* DSo'n,.s ::::::::: :: lj"i:",il1,*,,",' xtlor(Llxorq A ru, g 0x g0otlrnJC 9 unrqluedf,q ueql re,trouuurunyncredg g

tlslulad '8 """ "" D|DS4]JOJA AerJ g pgre,rou-€ secuecseJogul z fsso18se,reel 1 " "" opnbroi Z llnp se^Be.I I

aoJDnbroJ'.ras'g;o sarcadso1 day

''3ddoH sntd{lDxnA qS ? Jaloorg Hlhl NuytsiaVol. 9, No. I (1993) gradually rising ground adjacentto a flat on the edgeof coastalsand-ridges in powdery brown loam andscattered limestone (Figure 2l ).

Conservqtionst.ttus. Poorly known and in needoffurther survey.

Flowering period. August-?November.

Etymology. From the Latin s,rrgens(rising) alluding to the conspicuousvertical scaron the rim of the fruit.

Noles. The buds and fruits of A .szrgensresemble those of E. platycorys but the two speciesbelong to different taxonomic seriesbased on seedmorphology. The seriesfor the latter specieshas not been formally published. The most striking distinction of the new speciesin relation to all other speciesin the informal section Dumaria is the presenceof staminodes. Staminodesthroughout the genus Eucalyptusarc a stong diagnosticfeature for taxonomic series,for example,E. ser.Heterostemones (E. grac ilis andrelatedspecies). The existenceof a speciesin Dumariawith uniquequalitive character, although seenelsewhere in the eucalypts,can be seenalso with E. pimpinianawhich hasunique leaf architecturefor the section. Theseinstances emphasise the independgntaccession of chamctersofno recognisedadaptive value in seriesthroughout the genus.

Figure24. E s,r,"ge,l.r- buds and fruit (SDE 7430)

"A Eucalyptus ser. Tetrapterae Blakely, Key to the Eucalypts" 15: 73 (1934).

Type: E. tetruptera T\rc7..

The E. ser. Tetrapteraebelongs to the informal A subgen.Symphyomyrtus and is diagnosedas follows: tree,mallet, mallee or shrub,bark smooth,pith of branchletswith or without oil glands, cotyledonsreniform, juvenile leavespetiolate, adult leavesglossy greenor olive-green,firm to very snoJounu qlra 'ueloJq puE eJnrsqo seurrlouJosJo esuep uorl€lncueJ:u€JB 'IssolS 'snorolocuoc rurJ 'etuloecuel '3ur1uure11e'eleyoqed 'llnp 'trlc I -8 0 x /-g ,{1,roueu sa^Dalqnpv ueeJS-enlq a z x / ol 'eleloecuulot et€,^o'SurtsurellD 'elelolpd satoa1altuauT sepou(Z)I JoJetlsoddo 'alu1or1ad sa,raai 'Je4aEJEqasrqt 'sepou 3ullpaaS ur alqBuBAa r etrtos1eJelnpuelS {rld suels eql uo,(uoqqu flpuotsecco '{.Inq ',{eJB qtoorus ,{raddoJ eled ro elrq,rr ,{rueeJc qtr,^ FIlEnsnIIB] ur t ot lelleul Jo aa DW

'(A\SN '-IgIt 'SNVC 'CV :osr :Hldgd :otoq) p.rolry 13 T 0000I nloo.tg H'I't\t'886I 'S,OSoEE'ppox ,ilnl I Z'A,qS"8I I ecuadJoordlrqqeduo pEoXquo5l dn8unuuuel;o 16 uq g 1 :snd("1

'rlElsocJelr,\el 'ee:og-1 'eelnpued 'safflllxB ureluenbrpenbsnlcnq €rls€qulv srlellactpedstrlseqep 1e,r.g lel eulcaJo eBrlueoserollulalcere epueJeJ'elsn8up 'B,rrud r41npe etlog ruuoJlueultunprelulli.eel endtcaerd acqroc 'suouqred Etl€ru t pE A:€).glgsofitdoual weuaswwdQocng pu ,,lell€tu,,JoqrE le^ ,,eell€(u,,xelnJC

'(066I) 'Srurel) 6It :g ,,qd,{pcngol aptng plald,, ? re{oorg

'92 (92 ern8rC) ,rou ds'reddog ry reloorg esolldsJ snld,{FJng

osoln8uo g lElsuor:alppru punoJEp€tceJluoc lou slInJC 8 " st-toJototal g pu€speJ uo puelur:elppru punoJEpolJpJluo3 strnJC 8 peqqu^lesnoc'ruc Z x Z ol slrnJC L 'paqqu,{ltqSrls 'ruc D|DSSDJJUIE ro qtoorus € I x € I ol slrnJC I apr,r ruc I< se^"al llnpv 9 Dsotldoc g 97 epr,r ruc I ol sa^Delllnpv 9 t o.,puD'qtuaa...... :::]:::-:::l:::::::]::::il'"T ot lrn{:nrc € I x 8 Z ot spnq:uoqcas-ssoJo urennbs slln{ puEspng g ' 1arco1s.s...... ::::.:::.1:::::HH::r eldqlnru 3uo4s ruor; llDdPuorlres-ssolc uI punoJsltnJl PUEspng g 'peleeq'3uo1 Dqrutqrcqrtpp'g LZ epr,r ueql:e8uo1 urc g 1<'runlnrredg tr out'rlsattol g 3uo1uuqt ropr,nr,{1lunsn 'peueDDU ro Iecueqdsrueqro lepurer,{d'8uolruc I ol unlnJradg t uorlces-ssorcur erDnbsslrn{ puEspng t snolnpuadlrnr; puespnq:8uol ruJ 0l ol se^EeltlnpE :lellEur lcerg Z 'uoqces-ssorc '8rq.fte^ ontdo4at ? paurnl-u,,l,rop,{lpr8u ur oJenbs lln:; pup spnq :tuc / x SZ ol se^lrelllnpE lcrqt.{re^ qlr,r qnrqs {133u49 7 peJe,rou-l secueJseJogul I

'Jas aoJaldoJtal !,Jo salJadsol day

'poqqrr eprslErlue^ qlr,{\'lepruu.r,{d,{l,\\olleqs puc pe8ueg'1ce1q 's,ror 'pexaUur 'peJe,rol+-L I-g I- 'Icrql ,{lpnsn spees |rcqra^ 8-t ur seln^o sueuJ€ts Jo I secuacsaJoUur

99 rr//,qDrrt roddoH C ST,re)oorg H I t l Nuyrsiavol. 9, No. 1 (1993)

ilTegular,apparently intersectional oil glands. Inflorescencesaxillary, unbranched,3- or 7-flowered; pedunclesslightly flattened, widening towards the top, to 1.5 cm long. Buds pedicellate,usually slightly ribbed, hypanthiumtruncate-pyriform or cylindrical, operculumstongly beakedwith narrow often curved extension, to l.4 x 0.5 cm. S/amets inflexed, all fedile; anthersversatile, dorsifixed, oblong, opening by longitudinal slits. Flowers paleyellow. .Frrits pedicellate,cupular, to 1 x 0.9 cm, often slightly confacted at rim; disc descending;valves 3(4), to rim level. Seed greyish black, irregularly flattened with a prominent flange all around, slightly ribbed on the ventral side, hilum ventral.

FigtJrc25. E. captiosa buds. fruit and leaves(MfiB 10001)

Other specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 10 miles E of Jerramungup,Oct. 1969, A.M. Baird s.tr. (PERTH); 39 kn SW of Fitzgerald, Ravensthorpe-Ongeruproad, 27 Alg. 1974, A.C. BeauglehoLe49227 (PERTH):9.2 km W of Ravensthorpe-LakeKing Road on AerodromeRoad, 16Iuly 1981,M.l.H. Brooker9'721(AD, CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH);Mallee Road, 1.8 km NE of Lake North Road, 16ltly 1981, M.l.H. Brooker 9723,9724(AD, CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH); type Iocality,2l July 1988,M.l.H. Brooker 10001(AD, CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH); 100 km W of Ravensthorpe,4 Nov. 1978, R.J. CranfieLd992 (PERTH); 7 miles E of Ongerup, 22 Alg. 1969, H. Demarz1565 (.PERTH); l2milesW of Ongerup,l3 Mar. 1957,J.W. Greenll-18 (PERTH); 14 miles E of Ongerup,3 Aug. 1957,J.W. Green (PERTH); 10.2 miles E of Jerramungupon road to Ravensthorpe,2l Mar.1970, M.D. Tindale & B.R. Maslin't252 (PER"IH).

I 'e1e1ncr1er,{y,trolpqs ,u,roJq spees.tuu ,JelnpuelS uql lueururordqtr,n uauo trn4's,roJ lecru€^ t ur salnr\o'pexeuursueuBls flasuep serceds 'qsrnlq 'elploned lsourur fleJBrueer8 ,(sso13 se,,ruel llnpu se^ee1alue,tnf.urro;ruar suopal,{loc .e:nosqo 'qloorus ,eollErl] uego spue18q8noqtl? l€lnpuelS sletqJuerqgo qtrd ,{leJE.rq8nol {JEq ]o eell :s,rolloJ ,tes .g se pesouierp sr puu snlttwo,lqdw(5 snue8qns g IEruJoJureql ur 3uo1aqsan\^O eqJ-

,{le{PIB T ueprcWsuolnao A ;ad(J

'(I86t) 're{oorg I :t €ruounrg sarBlnao Jsssnld,{pJnfl

'eJeqperno,\lrJ sr 'ouousattol 'g cr;rcadsqnsueqt :eq1u:luur crgrcedg 1o esoqtuo.rJ tcuqsrp pu€ tuJoJrunfle^qBIar eJ€ .ouopsauol.g lawoJs E lo suo\elndod tEql s/roqs(tg6l ) uosurqouur urerSoueqdoq1 1o sercadsqns e se DIDoJSg Jo tueurt€eJlrreqt ur (986I) ueer0 puu (fg6l) uosurqou qlr.t eer8e lou op el!\

'sunc uolrJl€s01 e^olsnrl tuo4 quou eql ol uoqnqr4srppalculssJ eJouJ € s€q rtqcuKtlto4cnopg ,{etr111,1;oflturcr,T eqt ot lseaeeJe sepecsE3 er0 uo.rJ uorlnqrJ}srp tse,r-lsee epr,r e suq plJts suasouotlsaLtol g lcutlsrpAylecqrcadssroqcuttltoq)lppltql rcprsuoclnq,{SoloqdJou uo s8urpugs.uosurqo6qlr,reer8Ea,r'serJadsqnso,rteqlJosuorlBu[lExeplegluaasJutoJC.(deepuc p g-g g sSur,tr'epr,rlucA Z-Zse^Bel) seroedsqns pcrd,{l eql q1r,rparudruoc s8ut,,n.rnoJ eql uee^\leqsqrJ '(ruc pe{cEl puE(urc a 0-t 0) pnq eql ol s8ur,r rspr,r Z-r'I) sa^pelllnpp Ie,ror.ruusvrl7tlcu|qtoqcuop 'dsqrsoualsattol'gl€qlpetellsuouap(tg6I)uosurqou.sercadsqnspcrd,{laqtq}r,rpereduroclrnr; 'slarrpad 'un1nc:edo puEspnq JallEurs pu" Jeuoqs paqueqeql ,{qpaqsrnSurlsrp se,,irr uoxt?l srqJ .saJoN

'(HJUAd 'qcludsse:g Z9ZI uaatg tvt t'L96I qcru1191 :arL{-1 '(Er6I)tl:9E l€rtsnv la cos ,{ou I're)roorgDllrutqrcwllop dsqnsslercrlrrruatto{'g:ut,luotsog

'(066I) '8rure1;4 6St :7 ,,s1d,{pcngol eprnD plelC,, ry raloo:g

'^ou l€ls'reddoH d) re{oorg (loloorg) "qtu,tqroqcqop sn1d,{prng .rZ

'e8uuA SurFqg eql go q1rospu" lsee-quou fqunoc .g .sapN ,{puesur seprspeoruo uees,{lrpEor sr puB seueseql Jo uox€l lsoruuralso.$eql sr r2,ro4r,aDJ

'lltqal plossDtJut? pJlElerJqtJo teqtt1rlun arrnbsr qtrqm ecu€Juaddeu,r\oJc paluel-aurJ erp ol ecue:eJeJur 'eNldeJep- snsolJdz,urtul eql uoJC {?olow&A

'lp1 pouad Suuauolg

'puerdsepr,,npuv uotnuroJ .snyolsuolJoAJasuo)

'( lZ aInArC)?rlsJlsnV 'luarxqJleJ uJelsed! re,rrX.reup:rug :oddn aq1,(1:ulncrpud .ed:oqlsue.tzX o1 dnlleq'lrlL .uo1fiEtjs1e

'leddoH snfiqDrng 6S d, rotoorg H.I.tr/{ Nuyrsiavol.9, No. I (1993)

Key to taxa of E. ser. Ovulares

1. Bark smooth or rough at butt only 2. Adult leavesdull to slightly glossy, light greento blue-green; fruitto 1 x I cm...... E. clclostoma 2. Adult leavesglossy green 3. Bud constrictedat join of operculum ....29. E. exiSua 3. Bud not constrictedatjoin 4. Adult leavesdensely reticulat€, oil glandsobscure ...... E- oraria 4. Adult leaveswith obscurereticulation, oil glandsdistinct, very numerous ...... E. cllindrocarpq l. Bark rough over part or whole of stemsor tunk 5. Bud hypanthium widest towardsbase E. ovularis 5. Bud hypanthium not widest towards bas€ 6. Bud constrictedat join of operculum E- brachycorys 6. Bud not constricted 7. Adult leaveswith prominentsecondary venation...... ,..E. baudiniana 7. Adult leaveswith obscuresecondary venation and very numerousoil glands 8. Buds pyriform 9. Budsto 0.5 x 0.3 cm; liuits to 0.5 x 0.3 cm ...... E. mytiadena subsp myriatlena 9. Buds to 0.3 x 0.15cm; fiuits to 0.2 x 0.2 cm ...... 30. E. myriadenasrtbsp. parviflora 8. Buds double-conic,rarely ovoid...... 28. E. aequiopertL

28. Eucalyptus aequioperta Brooker & Hopper, sp. noY. (Figure 26)

"Field Brooker & Kleinig, Guide to Eucalypts"2:369 (1990).

Frutex "mallee" affinis Eucalypto ovulari Maiden & Blakely a qua lbliis juvenilibus adultisque majoribus, hypanthio alabastritiuctusque obconicovel hemisphaericodiffert

Typus: 3.5 km E of Mt Walker, 20 March 1985,32'04'5, I 18'47'E,M.l.H. Brooker8891 (holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, MEL, NSW).

MaIIee or rcrely tree to I m tall with rough bark on lower half of stems. Forning lignotubers. Seedlingleaves petiolate, remaining decussate for about3 pai6, elliptical to ovate,to 4.5 x 2 cm, blue- green, dull. Adult leavesaltemating, petiolate, lanceolate, to I I x I cm, concolorous,glossy, green; reticulation moderateto dense,more or less obscuredby numerouslarge oil glands. Inflotescences "egg- axillary, unbranched,T- to I l-flowered; pedunclesslender, to 1.6 crn long. Btds pedicellate, in-eggcup shaped"or broadlyfusiform, to 0.6 x 0.7 cm, bi operculate;inner operculum slightly beaked. Stazens inflexed in bud, all fertile; anthersversatile, dorsifixed, oblong, opening by longitudinal slits. Floners not seen. Ornles in4 vertical rows. Frrils shortly pedicallate,cupular to slightly obconical, to 0.5 x 0.4 cm; rim thini disc descending;valves 3(4), to rim level or slightly exserted. Seed comoressed-ovoid.brown. with shallow distinct reticulum.

l (gZ tx) (1688eglr{) llnrJ pux spnq- Dua(lolnbazg 97 un8rg

'elpr€8looJ spJp,rotts€e-r{uou eql ot peJe1€cs,{lepr,tr 3uurncco ,{lqrqord puu ^tllucolodft eql t€ uaes,{ppeeruox4 u,\\ou{-al11rlV saroN

'runrqlued,(qeqt ot uorluler uI 'ed?qsunlnrrado aql ol SuuJeJeJ'J?^oa - snLedo pue pnbe - mbao ulqv-le\ll wotg ',6o1out,{lg

'u,.lrou{ loN PotLatlSurLauolg

',{e^rnsJeq nJJopeau ur pu€u,troul ,{1.roo4 sn$)JS uoqoMasuoo

'(IZ eJnBrC)€rl€llsnv urelselA 'erpl€8loo3 sprur'ro] ur8uro3Jo tsEe-quou utou 'uoynqu$Ie

'(HJdgd 'CSC) 'eurqlr€uD 'arpreSlooJJo 0I9 9 dslt) O W'6L6l uEI I g Jo.,1gq ru1 g ldSSuD{ 0e r "IAhl'SNVJ) 'ueeqru€IEN 'p€ou :(HJUAd',\\SN Zt90I r tootg HIW'0661 dostI JoA qrrnqJ 'SNVJ) 'BB6t 'r3{tpt& 'SNVJ) :(HJUSd SiOOI ra4oorg H I W BnVeZ }r{ Jog UDIg c l(HJUAd '9961 ll\Olrapoq HI71i 3ny g7'puo.rur]leqlel uo peol lcog ecn:g-urSuroJJo A uq t:(HJdAd '1691q'g1qy3);addog ' 'A,8togzI'9,99" '3u11pqe11ng O SE 6696n)tootS H I W L861ounlz 19 'A\sN 'gNvJ) '6918 't86I 'A,/n.8I Jo ,\4.srlr{ z zI :(HJ,uqd 0LL8 n100r8 H I',W re(I 6I I 's,toozE'lrelleid '1861 rnt Jo auq sg Pue9i:(HJdgd "^NSN'SNVJ)06n8 n)tootg HIh! ':etr^{ '€rtroo8le)Jo tl tAur{ 8ZI:(HJdqd'SNVJ) 19t9raloorg H I W'6L6t Bnyg6'erp.re31oo3go r{cod '.gNyJ)Zlvg lds UDIZ' r eurql.rBuCJoIANI eulupues:(HJdgd nryorg H I W'6L6I ?t\V lZ 'eqtloorue€pt.,11;o 'gNy)) '3ur11nqu11ng S UDI99:GJUAd L6t9ntpotg H'I W'6L61 3ny 96 go 'puor ,{,\UDI € €I :(HJUAd'SNVJ) 9ZE9r lootg H I n'6L6l 3ny 71 uep(11uo ueequemNtuo4 'S,80.1.t rIDttg:(HJUgd'idSN'SNVJ) iiaulS'e puu666Vra4oorg'H I'W'916t too t'E 9E.8II 'uaeqrue.ruN splu,roluep,{g 1o 161quq 6t :VI.1VUIS1V NUAJSA,46paulwoxa suaanads DlfiO

'reddog s4d,tJr:ag 6 5 t5'r.)toorg HItri{ 60 NuytsiaVol.9. No. I (1993)

29. Eucalyptus exigua Brooker & Hopper! sp. nov. (Figure 27)

"Field Brooker& Kleinig, Guideto Eucalypts"2:3'73 (1990).

"mallee" Frutex EacaUpto bracb-corythoBlakely affinis sedstaturainferiore, cortice 1aevi, etfoliis plantularun alabastrisfructibusque parvioribus differt.

Typus: 22 km W of Mt Day Road on Hyden-Norsemantrack, 32'15'S, 120"19'8,7 Nov 1983, M.I.H. Brooker 8359 (holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, NSW).

Mallee with afltnity to Eucalyptusbrachycorys Blakely but differing in the lower stature,smooth bark and smaller seedlingleaves, buds and tiuit.

Mallee to 3 m tall with grey or whitish grey smooth bark. Seedlingleaves petiolate, decussate, remainingopposite for 3-4 pairs,ovate, to 4 x L5 cm, light gr een.JuveniLe leaves petiolate, alternating, narrowfy lanceolate,to 6 x 0.8 cm,light green.Adult Leavespetiolate, altemating, narrowly lancaolate, to 9 x 1 cm, concolorous,glossy, green; side veins thin, obscure;reticulation absentand with very numerousisland oil glands. Inflorescencesaxillary, unbranched,7-flowered; pedunclesmore or less terete,to 1.8 cm long. Buds on distinct pedicels,more or lesscylindrical, to 0.5 x 0.4 cm; operculum flattened - hemisphericalor pileate,with the bud markedly constrictedat the join of hypanthium and operculum. Stamens inflexed, all t'ertile; anthers versatile, sub-basifixed, oblong, opening by longitudinal slits. Floner"snot seen. Ovulesin 4 vefticalrows. Fruits pedicellate,cupular and slightly constrictedat the.im,to 0.6x 0.6cm; rim thin;disc obliquely on verticallysloping downwards; valves 4. to rim level. Seedbrown, flattened ovoid, with a distinct shallow reticulum, hilum venbal.

Figrte 2'7. E. exigua buds (actual size) (MrlB 10013) and fruit (x1.5) (MIHB8900) 'u,\\oul loN polrad 8ulra^ol!

'{a,n:nsreqlrng.1o paeu ur puv ua-rou1,{ltood sn|DtsuoliDMasuoJ

'(IZ em8rC)EII€IlsnV 'uepfH uJelsed\ Jo ls€e speou ssorCaql Jo qlnos pue quou €elEllerxs E ol pelcl]tseu uoqnEt$lo

'GJdAd 'qco-I 6LI slaqwm.lJ S'8961 rec 8 Ie^rBI?{ot spEou ssorJ reeu 'd 'aAW 'A.SN'HIdAd 'gNvJ) 'H 'speog ru Ztg :(CV gg}0l ploorg I W'8861 3ny trg ssor3;o tr1 "IAht'SNVJ'OV) ' 'uEI8Z'(A,rn.6tt 'S,ZZ"Z|) UDIZ E:(HJUAd'ASN rL96n100tg H I'W L86r 'spEod uepfg 3o g ssorJ Jo N ur) 9 t :VI'MJSnV NUILLSSn. paulaDxa suawlrads DqiO

'(ruc Z 0 x Z 0 o, lrnJJpu€ (urc AI 0x € 0of spnqlell€us eql.{q sercedsqnsl€crd^l eqt tuo{ sroJJlpti

'(^A.SN'.IgI,{ 'SNVC 'CV :osr :HJdAd :oloq) proluD\ f J E ZTOOI) lootg H I W '886I 'A,97"6II '3,6Z"Z9 'peoX 'uep,{g 'spuod flnl ZZ falnn uo go g sso.rJJo S uq 9 6 .sfldQ

'l.raJJrp slturulru(ucZ0 x Z 0 pe)enbsnqlcn4 (ruc AI 0x€0p€)sulseq"l€ecrd,fiercadsqnsy

'(066i '8rurep1 6IV :2,,s1d,{pcngo1 eprng p1erg,, 4' :eloorg

'JeddoH '09 (82 aJnArC) ^ou dsqns d) re{ooJg BJoglarud dsqnsreloorg uuapgF,tur sqd,{luJng

'a.lrsuruoJJ Jle.1 Jql te puptsJrnd ',{luo llBruss ur sJnrJolI ,{llecruetoqpe,{a,uns IIe,r tou €em u€ ur seqrT€coleerql tno4 u,\\ou) saJoN

'elqeeJ'll€urs .rrrSlra - u$'l'st1oJ(q)otq g'serceds pe11plseJ€eu eqt uro4 uorlcupsrpeqt ot sepnll€al.]deu eql (Soloutllg

'ul\oul .loN pouad 3uuauo17

',{e,rrns :eqgn; ;o peeuur puu u,$oul ^pood snlDtsuoliDuasuo1

'(I Z eInArC) r?rluJlsnvuJelselA'.{eq 1ry sprc,trolsprE,rtsee uep,{HJo tsEeuar? spEou ssoJJ eqtutori uoqnq!$!O

'(HJdAd) '186t 'uap,{g 'uruorJ lZfB KaqaeN y) .{1n161 yo g ru)I 98 c e{e.l Jo 'uuuresroNJo '{cou lIN UDII :(HJUAd) 66Z9 taq,xaN A X'61.6I flnl 9l id uDl ,I I c prrulaccl Jo 'Ee.rp ,^d.Sru{ 9g :(HIUAd) 199nassax V' Lg qeigI uruorC e)p'I l(HldFid) ZLLt tuaq8lax t D 'I86I 'Irpll qeC9'uruorJ e{€'Ireeu:(HJugd)gztgladdoH O S' sruolJ a{e'IJoA ur)t8 8 pto uo pEoI urBurJoN uDt8 I :(HJdad "A[sN'gNVJ)OtgnlH X'8861 ^o51'uep,{g o11ce4so pEoUusuesroN ',/t "IAht 'SNVC '(y) 'H't 'BB -arpre8yoo3;o16 r[Dl/ ZtI :(I{JdAd SN EI00t ntootg W KVIZZ 'speou 'i '986I ssorJJo S ur{ 8 l I :(HIUAd .SN'.Mhl'SNYJ'CV) tBV6r lootg H I W Jeqotco IZ 'uE^erBJJo ruruol] ',AdSN'SNYJ) g rrl00I o{B'IJogN:(HIUgd 0062n)tootg H I W'9861I\rdV 9 '{rBJl 'SNVC) uEuesroN-uep,{11uo speor-ssorcJo a uD{Z9 :(HIUAd lg6l nloorg H I W'9L61 'tc6 €'{c€4 ueuaslog uo uep.{g;o g tu{ €6 :VI'IVUJS1y NUAJS1L A. pautwoxasuawcads nqt6

'reddoH srl..Lqrtn? e S T, rqoorg H-I t l Nuytsiavol.9, No. 1 (1993)

Etyrnology.From the Latin - paniflorus, small-flowered.This subspecies has the smallest buds and fruitsof all eucalyptsin the southemhalf of WestemAustralia.

Notzs.The new subspecies occurs within the distribution ofbutnot sympatically with the typical form. Little explorationfor Eucalyptushas been made away from thepdncipal roads in its vicinity.

Figure 28. E. myiadena subsp.paryflola - buds(MflB 10066)and fruit (MIHB 10012\

Eucalyptusser. Exsertae Blakely, "A Key to theEucalypts" 29: 128(1934).

Type: E. exsertaF.Muell

Tlr,eseries Exsertae belongs in the informal E subgen.S)ruplryom1tus and is diagnosedby: tree ormallee,cotyledons reniform, pith ofbranchlets notglandular,juvenileleaves petiolate, inflorescences axillary,outer stamens erect in all but onespecies, ovules in 6 verticalrows, disc of fruit prominent, level or ascending,seed elongately cuboid with hilum on smallface (from apparentlyanatopous ovules).

TheE. ser.Exsertae (the eastem red gums (Boland e/ al 1984))has only two speciesin Western Australiaand it is sufficientin thispaper to conhastonly thes etaxa. E. cama.ldulenJisis predominantly smooth-barkedand has seed with a smoothyellow seedcoat while E rrdls is predominantlyrough- barkedand has dark brown to blackseed with a finelv oittedseedcoat.

Key to the subspecies of E. rudis

1. Buds to 1.2cm long,fruits to 0.9 cm wide...... E. rudis subsp.rudk 1. Buds to 1.5cm long,fruits to 1.4cm wide...... 31. E rrdis subsp.cratyantha (1086 gHl{) lrn4 pu8 (OZB,He spnq- ultuD(totTdsqns slpnJ g 6zejnEIJ

'(8uol luc , 0 o, slecpedre8uol ,{tFnsn aql pw (9 lo g) llnq eqtol se^le^go raqurnu raluer8 eq1 '(epr,!r ruct I ol) slrnqpuz (3uo1ruc A 1 ol) spnqre8rsl eql ur sercedsqnspcrd,{1 eq} uro4 sreJJrptI

'(HJUgd '986I 'A,6S"fl 'S,ttot€ 'peou :otoq)928' raddoH C S ,iuht0t I {rod sesot{uO :sfld(J

'uoJJrp 'snquorso]eunu (sr8uolrua / g pe)snquor8uol srlecrped enburrueld le untcn+ 'snquofeur '(sr8uol si,rp,r (spBIru. t I pE)enbsnqqcuJ ruc g l pe) suts€qElsuJrd,{t erredsqns v

'(9661) 'Srurapq 6i7 :7 ,,s1d,(pcngol eplng plerg,, ry reloo:g

'raddoH 'I€ (62 ern8rC) ,rou dsqns ry re{oorg erlluB,{lBrldsqns pug sJpnrsnld,{IBJng

'lnddo6 sniqoxn7 eS d' reloorg HII/{ Nuyrsiavol. 9, No. I (1993)

Other specinens examined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Muray River flats betweenPinjara and Mandurah,32"35'S, I 15'50'E, 13August1979, M.l.H. Brooler 6333(CANB, NSW, PERTH); 6.4 krn along Wonnerup Road from Wonnerup SouthRoad, E ofBusselton, 33"39'S, I l5'27'E, 6 November 1987, M.LH. Brooker 9801 & S.D. Hopper (AD, CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH); Meelup Beach, c. 500 m from sea at foot of coastalslopes, 33"52'S, 114'59'E, 8 May 1986,S.D. Hopper 4820, 4821 (PERTH): Eagle Bay (Fern Road, 3 km N of Meelup Road, 26 Oct. 1988,LA.S. Johnson 9134 & B. Brlggs (NSW, PERTH); Fern Road, Eagle Bay, CapeNaturaliste, l2 August 1986,G.J. Keighery 8290 (PERTII); bank of Collie River, 7 August 1980,-/. (ocn 442 (PERTH).

Distribution. Coastaland subcoastalfrom Mandurahand Pinjarra south and south-westtowards Cape Naturaliste,Western Australia (Figure 21).

Consenation st(ltus. Poorly known and in needof further survey. Priority 3 in Hopper et aL.(1990) - reseryeflora list.

Flowering period. Not known.

Etymology. From the Greek crat! - sldo|J'garLd antho.s - flower in referenceto the flower buds being largerlhan rhoseof the typicalsubspecies.

Notes. This subspeciesis the south-westernform of C. rudls. It may be reducedto a mallee or small tree on stony sltes.

Eucalyptus ser. Lucasianae Chippendale,Fl. Australia 19:500(1988).

Type: E. lucasii Blakely

The E. seriesLacasianae belongs in the informal E. subgenusSym2hyomyrlls and is diagnosedas fbllows: mallee, cotyledons reniform, pith of branchletsnot glandular, juvenile leaves petiolate, inflorescencesarranged on leaflessends ofbranchlets with a terminalusually abortingvegetative bud, few axillarv inflorescences.outer stamenswithout anthers.

Key to the subseriesof E. ser. Lucasiuae

1. Bark smooth; adult leavesdull .... E. slbser. Lucasianqe 1. Bark rough; adult leavesglossy. ... E. subser.Cupreanae

Eucalyptus subser.Cupreanae Brooker & Hopper, subser.nov.

A subserietypica cortice fibroso et foliis adultis nitentibusdiffert.

T))pus: E. capreizBrooker & Hopper

32. Eucalyptus cuprea Brooker & Hopper, sp. nov. (Figure 30)

"Field Brooker & Kleinig, Guide to Eucalypts" 2: 400 (1990).

\ uosrqcrnrlJo N uq 9 6 :(HJugd'id.sN'gNvJ) 986Iraqorco rz puE(Hlxgd "^[sN'gNvt) I zI8 D\oug HI tr/!'t861,{u1q97'uoldruequoN.}o Nuq 8 62:(HIUAd'SNVJ) Z6EzraryolgHI W'OL6I '296I 'peod ,{rsnuut6'F€,|Aq8rq ulequou uo uJpqlEt ol O JJo N sellult l :(HJUgd t s {r,qlrorg O uopu,(1puu uolduruquoN eql SuolE ru{ 9l :VI-1y- IS1V NUSJS!I.4&paulwoxa suawlrads raqlo

(90t6 gdl,t') rrruJpur (9t98qHJW)spr.q-Datdn: g 69 crn3rg

'tunlncrte.r,rollEqs 'u^\orq-,{er3'pro^o-pesserdruoc 'lulndnc tcuqsrp qlr,4\ paa5 ls^el tuIJ,\\oleqsa^lp^:uc t 0 x g 0 ot 'elellecrped,{Fcurlsrp,rJlfl-U s,4oJ l€arue^. iuI seln^o:JElncol-g(V) fup^O e}Iq,$sranrrlf:salod lEratBI fq Suruado'eduqs ur:eln8e r o1proqnc'elBup€ ol alrlEsr3^-qnssraqluD aItlJeJ sreqtu€tnoqtl^i. seuo 'pexegur :e1no ,{18uottssuaMDlS lt?Jueqdslul€qot I€ctuocurnlncredo reuul:luf, t 0 x 9 0 ot'3}B^El3 'alEllecrped ,{ltcullsrpspnq eJnt€u :lunlncredorelno 3.ossol ,{Fva,{ra,r ,{q pesnuc.Iecslueurutord qlr,,\\ 'lEcupull,4c'olrssas ,{IlueJEddE spnq atnlatwl Buoywc 1ot'Jepue:'ssapunpaT purur.rat,{pueruddu 'eleldruo3ur'esuep s unsatoLful spue181ro puElsr ro leuoncesre]uresreds fJeA ol pere ecs qlr,^d 'snorolocuoc'ruJ 'alploecupl'stBlortad '3u uon€lnJrter:ueer8',{ssol3 Z x t I ol rt€uJalle sa^oal npv wx 'el"^o 'elEloDed'8u4€urell€ 'uaa:8-en1q'u.tc 'e1e,r.o'e1eloqed 9 x 0I ol sa\oal allua^nf 1lnp g x 9 o1 'slrcd 'el"ssncep t-€ :o1 elrsoddo SurureureJ santal Sutpaag staqryouBtl Sururog a,loqe ,{o:3 'surots ro,{reddoc qloorus Jo Jluq Je,{\oluo ryeq,(erBsnorqg ro,{1eg q8nor qlt,,i,rlIelwtlJ4aa oW

'(i&SN 'SNVJ :osr :HJUgd :oloq) 9E9gDyoc)tg H t'W 't86I 'A,0t.tI '9,9y.17 ',{e,,nq8rq 8nV 8Z I lplsBocldN Jo ra^rd uosrqorntrt Jo N ur{ 9 6 .trd,g

'urr 'sereyndnc'qellecrped t 0 x g 0 pe snlcnrg ElerJes-tJalrlBcrue^ pln^o :elBlncol-g(t) 'Exeuur unrrB,\o aEtEupEla^ selrlEsrs,\le^ €eJaqluv srJeqluEeurs €.rouelxJ JplE^ Eu|luEls 'uncueeqdsrureq 'rcocaBrd [eA luncruoc snrrelur o4suqslu ur un]nxa snuelxe urnlnc:edo :urc t'0 x 'ete^Elc'EtelleJrped 'ellrsses 'ucupup1,{c g 0 pe eJnluur raSuaruddu urnlurururrrlsuquly r8uol ruc 1 pu '€rlualru'€uolocuoc 'lxc Ilncunpad saluurruralrelualsdd? eErluecseJouul €rpurn. Z x tI pBtleloecu€l 'etslorted 'srtueurallp 'uneqeq 'ur' '?lp^o '€t€loqad 'El€ssncep Etlnp€ €rloC sarsscl€qt € x 9 ps 'trlruelnlu?ld ?rloC e"qolrq Ie^ seullo;ruerseuopey,{loJ su€rrrJoJuJnJaqnlou8rl srardncsnqr,reul 'tunllnBc suednssnqrlne3 eJorreJurorp[urp ur oeleult o]edsuaaluoc snlp ur t pc ,,eellEtu,,xalnJg

'raddoH ratddlrrrt CS?re)oorg HII Nuytsir Vol. q. No. I (1991)

River crossing on highway, 25 May 1983, M.l.H. Brooker 8124 (CANB, NSW, PERTH) and 27 October 1983,M.LH. BrookerS3O5(.CANB, NSW, PERTH);29.6NofNortharnpton,2T Oct. 1983, M.l.H. Brooker 8304 (CANB, PERTH); NansonRoad, E side of hill, ll lune 1985,M.I.H. Brooker 9037 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); Morseby Range,4 November 1985, M.I.H. Brooker 9062 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); NansonRoad, l2March 1986,M.l.H. Brooker 9198 (.CANB,NSW, PERTH); 2 km on Ogilvy West Road, E of Chillinup Road, 8 May 1986,M.I.H. Brooker9215 (C,\NB, PERTH); 3.8 km W of Highway 1 on Ogilvie West Road, 22 July 1986, M.l.H. Brooker 9406 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); Hutt River between No hampton and Lyndon, September 1959, C.A. Gqrdner s.n. (PERTH);9.6 km N of MurchisonRiver bridge, 27"45'5, I 14'40'E,25 May 1983,S.D. Hopper 2750 (PERTH).

Distribution. From the MoresbyRange to north of theMurchison River, Westem Aushalia (Figure21).

Conseryationstatus. Vulnerable,and declaredas Rare Flora (speciesno. 157in Hopper et al. ( 1990)).

Flowering period. October .

Etymology. The name refers to the seasonalcolour ofthe smooth bark,Latin cupreur - coppery.

Notes. E. cuprea belongs in the informal sectronAdnataria Pryor & Johnson. This section is overwhelmingly easternin distribution and thereforeprobably in origin. Few speciesin the group penetrateinto the southernhalf of Westem Aushalia. TheseareE coolabah Blakely &Jacobs var. rhodoclada Blakely along the Murchison River, E. intertextaR.T, Baker to south and south west of Warburton and four endemics,vi7. E. petraeaCarr & Carr which is widespreadin the wheatbeltand goldfields near granite rocks, E. Iucasii Blakely in the northern goldfields, E. absitu Graylir,E & Brooker, a rare speciesin the Badgingana arca andE. cuprea.


We aregrateful to the directorsofvarious herbariaforallowing accessto specimens,to DeanNicolle for drawing our attentionto E. kingsmillii s|bsp. aLatissima,to Elaine Cooperfor the illustrations of the buds and ftuits, to Gary Brown for the maps,and to many colleaguesfor assistancewith field studies.


"A Blat(ely, W.F. (1934). Key to the EDcalypts".(The Worker Trustees:Sydney.) Boland,D.J., Brooker, M.l.H., Chippendale,G.M., Hall, N., Hyland,B.P.M., Johnston, R.D., Kleinig, D.A. & Tumer,J.D. 'Forest (1984). Trees of Australia". (Thomas Nelson and CSIRO: Melbourne.) " Boomsma, C.D. (1981). Native Trees ofSouth Australia". ( and ForestsDepartmcnt: Adelaide.) Brooker, M.l.H. (1988). Euc.tL|'ptusJoeLundu tcvisited and six related new species. NDytsia6: 325 334. Brooker, M.LH. & Hopper, S.D. (1982). New subspecicsin E cdllptu.r cdcrrd and in t. .,'r.i.r (Myrtaceac) of Westem Australia.Nuytsia 4: 113,128. Brooker, M.I.H. & Hopper, S.D. ( 1991). A taxonomicrevision of Eucalyptus\randoo Bl^kely, t r?dxr.? Schauer,and allied species(r. ser. a€virjr€nnd€ Maiden - )in Westem Australia. Nuytsia 8: 1-189. "Field Brooker, M.l.H. & Kleinig, D.A. (t990). cuide to Eucalypts" Vol.2. (lnkara Press:Melbourne.)

I '09t /tt :9€ log I Tqsnv 'ueptplN 'sour?f 'raddoH'd 'uosdules Vcnr?snylqoxra Jo uotp^resuo.eqt pue,(llsJe^lp caouoo (886I) H S T C S l '00Z-S6I:9erst,(nNDttpltsarro{shldq4xngloseltedsqnsEs!,atrotjsrldClrrtry'(t86t) IJ'uosulqod '.Ed,{ptng CEreqrIsC:^Iun DeN lprrsnv) eqlJo uoleclJlssvlJ V' (1/6t) S V'I'uosuqof d' O'I'rorrd 'I8Z-ISZ 'uosuqof 'tu?H,'I :t€ log-I ? ro,fid sntdllhouolI snueSgr.sFu,-rolul sfltd(/t r?aJo Fl]snv "l se!.adsuelleJlsnv urelse/dJo sls.{FuE tlqderSoaSolq pue cusrPetJ (t861) H I }11're)oorg4, I J'seuqdtunH d'sa8rpe'I ( qued :luaulageuewpus.l ? uoDe^$suoJ 'u^rorg 'C Jo tde() .,BJoUpeD8uBpug s(ellBrlsnv urglsgl\A,, (066I) I S l.Fred ?8 d V S ue^ln5t-lus^ S ).ddoH '€9-199 ;? eodoloJ erl?.rtsnvuretsoiA ul (aBeceu.{r{) 'I 'uosuqof 'C 'llIH snitpcnT uI suol4vutqlJJ'ocpue exBl ^\eN I std,{prne eqt ul sopnN .qeuJels{S (266I) S Y ? ) -,,ertp'qsnv Cqued:erntlnrrl8v Jo tueu-ruedoo) urotss/Alo slo€ldJ?ln.ss^ Jo snsuaC' (986I) id I'u06tD 'rouplBC ( quod :runueqreHuell?Jtsnv uIerseA) ,,eIF.DsnVujelse r\Jo Ed,{Ftng,, (996I-Z56I) V J .lsIS LtZ-LZZ .99t lo^3? ld (rErre!trr\l 'seBIp€'I 'ueuuuc p$aD, shldtlmkg pue Ed[p.na g a'alusaphgoql ur luerldole^epunFcrado 1686I) l d ry.N V ( €reque3 :SdOV) 6I IoA ,,prtB'qsnvJo rrotC!, (886t) t{ O'appuaddlqJ CerequeJ:SdCV),,llaqleaq,tAluecllpe6qlpuBspleuploDuellersnvuralsa,lAellrJosld,{l€.ng,,(t!6t) I,\15'appuoddqC C?JrequP3 ',,t 'rrpJ :ssardqd,{l8o qd) aDsoquttuoJeqt Jo sepedsu^\ou)l-all}ll ro ^leN sntd,{lernA' (9861) } 19 S T' I C irvC

'reddoH sniqnn7 CS r5,roloorg HIW 68 NuytsiaVol.9, No. 1 (1993)


Eucalyptus Eucalyptusindurata 26 ser.Accedentes 9 Eucalyptuskingsmillii ser.Balladonienses 25 subsp.alatissima 38 ser.Caesiae 42 Eucalyptusleprophloia12 ser.Curviptera 31 Eucalyptusmacrocarpa ser.Exsertae 62 subsp.elachantha 37 ser.Falcatae 15 Eucalyptusmarginata ser.Heterostemones 42 subsp.elegantella 4 ser.Loxophlebae 13 subsp.thalassica 5 ser.Lucasianae 64 Eucalyptusrnyriadena ser.Micrantherae 24 subsp.parviflora 61 ser.Occidentales 3 Eucalyptusobesa 21 ser.Orbifoliae 40 Eucalyptusolivina 45 ser.Ovulares 57 Eucalyptuspetrensis17 ser.Porantherae 45 Eucalyptuspolita 51 ser.Rufispermae 47 Eucalyptusquadrans 43 ser.Subulatae 28 Eucalyptusrudis ser. Tetrapterae 55 subsp.cratyantha 63 ser. Torquatae 53 Eucalyptussurgens 53 subser.Bakerianae 25 Eucalyptustenuis 49 subser.Cupreanae 65 Eucalyptuszopherophloial0 subser.Curviptera 31 subser.Decipientes 18 subser.Inflexae 31 Eucalyptusaequioperta58 Eucalyptusangularis 8 Eucalyptusarticulata 14 Eucalyptusaspersa 29 Eucalyptuscaptiosa 56 Eucalyptuscommunalis19 Eucalyptuscrucis subsp.praecipua 41 Eucalyptuscuprea 65 Eucalyptusdecipiens subsp.adesmophloia 22 subsp.chalara 23 Eucalyptusdolichorhyncha57 Eucalyptusdolorosa 6 Eucalyptusebbanoensis subsp.photina 2 Eucalyptusexigua 60 Eucalyptusgeorgei subsp.fulgida 47 Eucalyptusglomerosa 32 Eucalyptusimpensa 35