Excavation and Rehabilitation Management Plan Lots 1001 and 1002 Preston Beach Road North Preston Beach APPENDICES DOYLES LIME SERVICE May 2016 Excavation and Rehabilitation Management Plan, Doyles Lime Service, Proposed Preston Beach Pit Quarry Manager Doyles Lime Service P 0 Box 133, Capel WA 6271 Phone 042 708 4102 Prepared by Landform Research Appendix 1 FLORA AND VEGETATION SURVEY IN EASTERN PART OF LOT 1001 PRESTON BEACH ROAD PRESTON BEACH (WEST OF LAKE POLLARD) SHIRE OF WAROONA Proposed Site for Limestone Pit, Looking south over Mhs vegetation (Chenille Honeymyrtle – Mixed Closed Heath), dominants of which include Melaleuca huegelii (Chenille Honeymyrtle), Melaleuca systena (Coastal Honeymyrtle), Xanthorrhoea preissii (Balga, Grass Tree), Templetonia retusa (Cockies Tongues) and Hibbertia cuneiformis (Cut-leaf Hibbertia), over *Trachyandra divaricata (Dune Onion-weed) Herbland. Also Eucalyptus foecunda and E. petrensis Mallees. Note parallel cleared, graded strips through vegetation (also see Plate 2A). Photograph: ASW Nikon DSC_9095(50), 01/11/2013. Prepared for Lindsay Stephens, Landform Research 28 Heather Road, Roleystone WA 6111 Tel. (08) 9397 5145; 0417 931 638 Fax. (08) 9397 5350 Email:
[email protected] Prepared by Arthur S Weston, PhD (Botany), Consulting Botanist 8 Pitt Street, ST JAMES WA 6102 Tel (08) 9458 9738; 0424 361 502 Email:
[email protected] 21 February 2014 SUMMARY and ABSTRACT This report describes vegetation in a survey area in the eastern part of Lot 1001 Preston Beach Road, and it presents results of searches for rare and other significant flora there. It is based upon reviews of literature and metadata and upon field work. The field work was undertaken by botanist A.